Why Nazis Are Just Copies of Democrats

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Saturday, October 27, 2018 8:24 PM


Most people are Nationalists. It's not most people's fault if white supremacists happen to agree with that.

I find it funny that you constantly accuse American citizens of being Russian when they don't agree with you, but you hate America more than anybody in the RWED.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, October 27, 2018 8:26 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

This whole thread is just one big *facepalm.

Morons fighting over who wants to kill who, which party does or said what 150 years ago. Or thirty years ago. Like it fucking matters right here and now. Like ANYTHING would justify ANYONE driving a car into a group of ANY people.
Nazi's are bad, M'kay. If you don't get THAT at least, the hell with you.
As usual, this planet would be a whole lot better without most humans on it. - WISHY

Ok, so can we generalize that to: It's bad if ANYONE drives a car into a group pf people, whether they are Nazis, radical jihadists, militant Hindus, or anyone else? If fact, can we make that an even MORE general statement, that killing or injuring anyone for a political cause is bad???

Yup, I think we can.

Then why is there not more universal outrage?

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by Wishimay:
This whole thread is just one big *facepalm.

Morons fighting over who wants to kill who, which party does or said what 150 years ago. Or thirty years ago. Like it fucking matters right here and now. Like ANYTHING would justify ANYONE driving a car into a group of ANY people.

Nazi's are bad, M'kay. If you don't get THAT at least, the hell with you.

As usual, this planet would be a whole lot better without most humans on it.

I am not sure I have seen your outrage over the doctors prescribing these psychotropic drugs to this guy or others. When these doctors are held responsible and thrown in prison for these deaths then we'll have started to make progress.

Another gem of a post hidden in this thread, at the bottom of the 1st page.


Saturday, October 27, 2018 10:59 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:
An educational deconstruction of the notion that fascism is somehow "left."

Solid facts and logic, no BS.



Saturday, October 27, 2018 11:03 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Most people are Nationalists. It's not most people's fault if white supremacists happen to agree with that.

I find it funny that you constantly accuse American citizens of being Russian when they don't agree with you, but you hate America more than anybody in the RWED.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I'm the only American patriot who's posted for a while in this thread.


Saturday, October 27, 2018 11:04 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

This whole thread is just one big *facepalm.

Morons fighting over who wants to kill who, which party does or said what 150 years ago. Or thirty years ago. Like it fucking matters right here and now. Like ANYTHING would justify ANYONE driving a car into a group of ANY people.
Nazi's are bad, M'kay. If you don't get THAT at least, the hell with you.
As usual, this planet would be a whole lot better without most humans on it. - WISHY

Ok, so can we generalize that to: It's bad if ANYONE drives a car into a group pf people, whether they are Nazis, radical jihadists, militant Hindus, or anyone else? If fact, can we make that an even MORE general statement, that killing or injuring anyone for a political cause is bad???

Yup, I think we can.

Then why is there not more universal outrage?

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by Wishimay:
This whole thread is just one big *facepalm.

Morons fighting over who wants to kill who, which party does or said what 150 years ago. Or thirty years ago. Like it fucking matters right here and now. Like ANYTHING would justify ANYONE driving a car into a group of ANY people.

Nazi's are bad, M'kay. If you don't get THAT at least, the hell with you.

As usual, this planet would be a whole lot better without most humans on it.

I am not sure I have seen your outrage over the doctors prescribing these psychotropic drugs to this guy or others. When these doctors are held responsible and thrown in prison for these deaths then we'll have started to make progress.

Another gem of a post hidden in this thread, at the bottom of the 1st page.

Eat shit, Russian troll.


Sunday, October 28, 2018 2:40 AM


This OP should probably be reposted for top of the page reference:


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
A new book The Big Lie points out how Nazis were able to justify their practices and policies, merely by copying Democrats in America.

To expel citizens of lands that they wanted, and then enslave the remaining populace, they copied American practices towards Natives Americans, derived from Thomas Jefferson.

To justify targeting of Jews, they just copied the Democrat Laws supporting slavery, merely replacing the word Slave with Jew, derived from Andrew Jackson.

To justify extermination and eugenics, they merely copied the writings, policies and practices of left-wing radical extremist Margaret Sanger.

I guess the book comes out this fall. But it still won't cease the neverending denial of truth from the radical extremist left - probably because they cannot read, let alone think.


Wednesday, February 13, 2019 3:25 PM


How can anybody be surprised that Virginia Gov Notham, Democrat, is embroiled in a Blackface / KKK Hood kerfuffle?
Or that Lt Governor, apparently Black Democrat, is embroiled in Sexual Assault charges?
Or that the next in succession, Democrat Attorney General, is embroiled in another legal jeopardy?

The next in succession is House Speaker, a Republican, in no apparent jeopardy of removal.


Wednesday, February 13, 2019 5:25 PM


How can anybody be surprised that every single KKK/white nationalist/Nazi in the US is a conservative Republican?

Look, troll, you already got your ass handed to you. Accept that your lies were debunked and STFU.


Wednesday, February 13, 2019 8:22 PM


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, February 16, 2019 12:15 PM


I've already proven the OP a liar. There's no use discussing this further.

The Nazis were genocidal far-right nut jobs. Their American worshipers are, too, and they vote Republican and see Trump as their leader.

End of story.


Saturday, February 16, 2019 8:50 PM


Why do you say such ridiculous things?

There aren't 60+ Million Nazis in this country.

People aren't Nazis just because they disagree with you.

I've admonished JSF before for saying Libtard all the time.

There was a time where I'd say that using "Nazi" was worse than Libtard, but you and everyone else who throws that around a dozen times a day have taken any and all true meaning out of the word at this point. Now people just laugh at you when you say it.

When you guys throw those stupid words around and make blanket statements about anybody who disagrees with you, all you do is get people to dig in their heels and close their minds and ears to any ideas you have.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, February 16, 2019 11:05 PM


Not all trumptards are Nazis. Few, in fact.

All Nazis are trumptards. They see him as their fuhrer.

Voting with them is endorsing them, like it or not.

If Bernie Sanders had a recently radicalized, violent, terrorist militant wing among his supporters, he wouldn't get my vote.

And no, don't pull the Antifa card. They don't worship Bernie, and they're all over the board, politically.

They are anti-fascists, and they've existed as long as fascism has been a word.


Sunday, February 17, 2019 7:59 AM



Originally posted by reaverfan:
Not all trumptards are Nazis. Few, in fact.

Good. At least we agree on that. That's a start.


All Nazis are trumptards. They see him as their fuhrer.

I don't think there are any actual Nazis anymore, but I'll play along and consider this to be you talking about white racists... probably white male racists in particular.

I probably can't argue that, but I don't know anybody like that either. I've lived in the burbs all my life man. I don't know what they do in rural areas to kill time outside of lots of Meth (allegedly).

I'd bet that quite a few of them are not so fond of Trump because he's not doing all the racist shit that they were expecting him to do.


Voting with them is endorsing them, like it or not.

If Bernie Sanders had a recently radicalized, violent, terrorist militant wing among his supporters, he wouldn't get my vote.

And no, don't pull the Antifa card. They don't worship Bernie, and they're all over the board, politically.

They are anti-fascists, and they've existed as long as fascism has been a word.

But that's bullshit though. There's 300,000 Million Plus people in the country and only two people to vote for at the end of the day.

I don't give two flying fucks who a bunch of neckbeard racists want to vote for. Voting the same way that they did doesn't mean that I'm endorsing them.

That's a very slippery slope you're making for yourself, Marcos. If you'd like I could do a bit of digging and find some equally terrible people who voted for Clinton.

I don't happen to agree that you're a monster because you did, and they did, but it will show you the error in your thinking here.

My suggestion would be that the whole idea of "One President" to run the entire show when we've got over 300 Million people is outdated and should be replaced with a better system.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, February 17, 2019 8:43 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Sean Illing: When you use the term “fascism,” what exactly do you mean?

Madeleine Albright: Well, first of all, I’m troubled by how thoughtlessly people throw around that term. At this point, anybody who disagrees with us is a fascist.

In the book, I try to argue that fascism is not an ideology; it’s a process for taking and holding power. A fascist is somebody who identifies with one group — usually an aggrieved majority — in opposition to a smaller group. It’s about majority rule without any minority rights. Which is why fascists tend to single out the smaller group as being responsible for or the cause of their grievances.

The important thing is that fascists aren’t actually trying to solve problems; they’re invested in exacerbating problems and deepening the divisions that result from them. They reject the free press and denounce the institutional structures within a society — like Congress or the judiciary.

I’d also add that violence is a crucial element of fascism. Whatever else it is, fascism involves the endorsement and use of violence to achieve political goals and stay in power. It’s a bully with an army, really.

Sean Illing: How do you distinguish between populism and reactionary conservatism on the one hand and actual fascism on the other? The lines, as far as I can tell, are awfully thin.

Madeleine Albright: Well, I don’t take populism as a bad thing. I really make a point of that because, actually, you need people for a democracy, you need popular support to get things done.

I think what differentiates fascism from other ideological movements is the use of violence and anger to achieve political ends. What you almost always see in fascist regimes is propaganda being used to set people against each other without any potential solutions to any of the problems.

Fascism is always, in the end, about stirring people up and giving them someone to hate.

Sean Illing: We’re dancing around a giant elephant right now, so I’ll just address it: In the book, you call Donald Trump “the most undemocratic president” in modern American history. But you very explicitly do not call him a fascist. Why not?

Madeleine Albright: You’re right, I don’t call him a fascist. He’s certainly anti-democratic, and I say so in the book, but I don’t call him a fascist because he isn’t violent. If he ends up declaring an emergency at the border over immigration, then I might change my position. There’s a long history of fascists using “emergencies” to create fear and conflict, so that’s a potential red line. If Trump does that, then he really is a bully with an army.

But I do think his approach to the free press, to democratic institutions, to the independent judiciary, is extremely dangerous and anti-democratic. And his general disdain for the rule of law is genuinely alarming.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, February 17, 2019 1:19 PM


... stay crunchy...

Thanks for continuing to prove the trouble with using political ideology labels. Perhaps it was useful back in the days when there were only print newspapers, when there just wasn't a lot of information and what there was had to be delivered economically. There is nothing good that I can think of in using them, other than finding a quick way to neatly package and trigger hate for the idiot masses who can't be bothered to read much and settle for being told what to think as quickly as possible. Any short viewing of Fux Nooz proves how much they love negative slanting and over simplifying anything that isn't pro-Trump. "Democrats/Liberals want to limit the size of the soda you can drink! Communism!"


Sunday, February 17, 2019 3:00 PM



Originally posted by Riverlove:

Socialists both.


Sunday, February 17, 2019 3:08 PM


You already got your ass handed to you, and here you are, lying some more.

You really are a shameless Russian troll.

Explain to us again why the KKK/white supremacist/neoNazi alt-right all love and worship Trump and always vote straight Republican.

Also explain why these same types in your country all love and worship Putin.


Sunday, February 17, 2019 8:36 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:
Thanks for continuing to prove the trouble with using political ideology labels.

You're welcome.


Perhaps it was useful back in the days when there were only print newspapers, when there just wasn't a lot of information and what there was had to be delivered economically.

It's just as "useful" today as it was back then. It's a form of propoganda that is easily spread by the simple minded.

It doesn't help those of us without any real power... But it was never supposed to.


There is nothing good that I can think of in using them, other than finding a quick way to neatly package and trigger hate for the idiot masses who can't be bothered to read much and settle for being told what to think as quickly as possible.



Any short viewing of Fux Nooz proves how much they love negative slanting and over simplifying anything that isn't pro-Trump. "Democrats/Liberals want to limit the size of the soda you can drink! Communism!"

True. But I would advise that you step outside of your own bubble/echo chamber and take a look at the news that you chose to ingest and see the parallels.


Life of Brian. Great flick.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, August 12, 2023 9:00 AM


Protesters call Germany's far-right AfD party 'Nazis'






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