Voter Fraud Proven

UPDATED: Thursday, January 18, 2024 13:54
VIEWED: 6465
PAGE 2 of 3

Tuesday, February 5, 2019 5:34 AM


Ok, now you're just being plain silly!

You're rolling out that old nugget - uh, but Hillary! Why not throw in Obama
for good measure.

Come on!!!! You've got to be shitting me!



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I'm starting to think that Hillary Clinton is just extremely bored these days and that Marcos is actually her.

Hey Hillary! I know you don't get all those top secret e-mails anymore, but I hope you're using Nord VPN.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, February 5, 2019 5:47 AM


Dude, you're chewing on raw red meat and you haven't got a clue. You're being led by the nose. The state essentially investigated itself (they registered the legal voters and issued the driver's licenses) and found that
everything is good.


As far as the law suit: it's like being falsely arrested and you sue for damages. It's to put a stop to the bullshit move. You call them out and put them on blast, make a public spectacle and embarrass them.
Besides, the AG and SoS are wasting taxpayer money for an idiot move.
These were legal naturalized residents. Case closed.



Tuesday, February 5, 2019 12:24 PM


Texas Republicans Are Lying About Voter Fraud to Justify a Massive, Racist Voter Purge

Because that's what Republicans do.


Thursday, February 7, 2019 6:47 AM


Since you mentioned the Pennsylvania voter fraud fraud, I thought I would look up THAT little gem.

Now, as I read the article, I kept asking myself how is it that two completely different states have the same exact problem? Non-citizens registered to vote?
What was the final outcome of the investigation? The "newspaper" fails to mention if the State arrested anyone or brought anyone to justice.

What gives them the right? Oh yeah, the State. Apparently, as I read further, the DMV (a branch of state government) has a section on their paperwork for voter registration. But so far, not a word as too criminal charges being brought by the state AGs from either state. I wonder why that is.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said of the results of the 11-month investigation:


Every single instance of illegal voting threatens democracy in our state and deprives individual Texans of their voice. Nothing is more vital to preserving our Constitution than the integrity of our voting process, and my office will do everything within its abilities to solidify trust in every election in the state of Texas.

I read an article online where a woman was arrested and is now serving time for illegally voting. Crystal Mason:


Mason grabbed her keys and set out for her local precinct. When she got there, she found out that her name was not on the voter roll so she was given a provisional ballot. An election worker stuck around to walk her through the form. She used her current license and her current address

It was that easy...the state provided a provisional ballot.


"She didn't understand!" St. John said. "She was never told she couldn't vote. Not by a district judge. Not by anyone at the half-way house where she lived after she got out. Not by the probation officer."

Although, she did sign an affidavit (as I had suggested in another post, but signed as well by her probation officer)


According to a CNN report, "She signed and affirmed a document which clearly stated that (1) she was prohibited from voting due to her status as a convicted felon still serving her term of supervision, and (2) she would be committing a second degree felony if she lied about her status," Wilson said. "The judge found her guilty of illegal voting beyond a reasonable doubt."

I went online to see what exactly the PA-DMV had on their website, here's what I found:


Deadline Alert: 04/22/2019 is the last day to register before the 05/21/2019 election.

If you are not a U.S. citizen and a resident of Pennsylvania at least 30 days before the next election, you CANNOT register to vote.

If you have any questions, please call 1.877.VOTESPA (1.877.868.3772).

Your registration is not complete until processed and accepted by your county voter registration office.

To vote in the next election, you must complete your application by 04/22/2019. You can submit your application:

On this web site
Delivered to your county voter registration office.
By mail to your county voter registration office, postmarked by 04/22/2019.
Click here to download a blank voter registration form
If you are on active duty in the military, or you are a hospitalized or bedridden veteran, you can register at any time. See for more information.

The Texas voter registration has you answer a series of questions that determines your eligibility. You fill in name and address, then mail it in.
So, there is a process managed by the state. Somewhere along the line somebody
royally fucked up. I'm going to dig a little more to see how many states have run into this little problem.

I will post my results in a few days.



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
OMG!!! They're reviewing voter registrations!!! Isn't that, like, the PURPOSE of the State Secretary? I would be concerned if the review led to actual unfair roll purges, but not a review itself. The ACLU has gone off the deep end.

Of, as libtards like to say ... If you're not doing anything wrong, you shouldn't mind a little review.

BTW, I noticed that you're avoiding the Pennsylvania case like the plague. Is that because the review was done by a Democrat, and found 11,000 non-citizen registrants?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Thursday, February 7, 2019 7:36 AM



Thursday, February 7, 2019 9:07 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Voter problems

save a place...

I don't think that's necessarily showing "problems" other than a great deal of people don't care to vote. Even California is on that list with only 4% of people registering to vote when they get their license.

Their claim that "many people left the DMV unaware they could register" is given without any proof. They're probably right that people turned it down because filling out an entire form for it is "too cumbersome", but I really don't think people should be voting that don't have time to fill out a piece of paper to get registered.

I've lived in 3 states since I've been old enough to vote and every time I've gone to the DMV they've asked me. One was solid D, one was solid R, and one is a flippyflop state.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, February 7, 2019 10:03 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Same shit, different state. - REAVERBOT
No links = no evidence.


Now, as I read the article, I kept asking myself how is it that two completely different states have the same exact problem? Non-citizens registered to vote?

Maybe because none of the states currently require proof of citizenship?

You say you're a citizen?
Step right up and and vote here!

The article that you linked from Demos was remarkably non-specific about the "problems" that it found, and also careless about the conclusions that it drew from their statistics. For example


As of 2014, publicly available data indicated that only about 4 percent of individuals engaging in driver’s license or identification card transactions with the California DMV indicated a desire to register to vote as part of the transaction placing the California DMV among the lowest-performing motor vehicle agencies covered by the NVRA.
Maybe these people were registered to vote already by another means? Hey, in 11 CA counties about 110% of eligible voters are registered! I'd consider that a great success in voter registration, wouldn't you???

There may be perfectly valid reasons why motor-voter registration may get poor participation, even in states with robust registration rates. One of them may be that many youngsters register through school programs, for example.

Because of the crappy record-keeping it's impossible to say exactly what percent of eligible voters are registered in California, but even if you say that 20% of registrations are duplicates (which reflects very badly on the CA system) that still leaves 90% valid registrations for 11 of the most populous counties in CA.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Friday, February 8, 2019 1:36 AM



I found this online, the California application for voter registration:



I am one of the following *
A U.S. citizen and resident of California.

A U.S. citizen and a member of the Uniformed Services or Merchant Marine on active duty outside my county.
A U.S. citizen and an eligible spouse or dependent of a member of the Uniformed Services or Merchant Marine on active duty outside my county.
A U.S. citizen and an activated National Guard member on State orders outside my county.
A U.S. citizen residing outside the U.S. temporarily.
A U.S. citizen residing outside the U.S. indefinitely.
A U.S. citizen and have never resided in the U.S.

Maybe because none of the states currently require proof of citizenship?

So, how do you solve a problem like proof of citizenship?


New voters may have to show a form of identification or proof of residency the first time they vote, if a driver license or SSN was not provided when registering.

And then there's this:


About half of the states with voter ID laws accept only photo IDs. These include driver’s licenses, state-issued ID cards, military ID cards, and passports. Many of these states now offer a free voter photo ID card if you don’t have another form of valid photo ID.

Other states accept some types of non-photo ID. These may include birth certificates, Social Security cards, bank statements, and utility bills. Each state is specific about the documents it will accept as proof of identification. Be sure you know your state’s voter ID requirements before Election Day.

Perhaps the country should adapt a citizenship ID card to differentiate non-citizens from citizens.


Naturalization is the process by which U.S. citizenship is granted to a foreign citizen or national after he or she fulfills the requirements established by Congress in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).

Your U.S. passport is your best proof of U.S. citizenship.

Now, to obtain a passport you need a birth certificate, which I'm sure you know, and proof of address (a utility bill, etc.).

What documents are needed for Proof of Citizenship?


What documents are usually accepted as proof of U.S.

The most common documents that establish U.S. citizenship are:
• Birth Certificate, issued by a U.S. State (if the person was
born in the United States), or by the U.S. Department of State
(if the person was born abroad to U.S. citizen parents who
registered the child’s birth and U.S. citizenship with the U.S.
Embassy or consulate);
• U.S. Passport, issued by the U.S. Department of State;
• Certificate of Citizenship, issued to a person born outside the
United States who derived or acquired U.S. citizenship through a
U.S. citizen parent; or
• Naturalization Certificate, issued to a person who became
a U.S. citizen after 18 years of age through the naturalization

These are documents that you typically present for just about any official
capacity - job, voting, etc. So if someone is on the voter rolls, they generally have already met the requirements and have submitted the documentation as proof of citizenship. I've found that there's no mention,
on any of the applications, of the eligibility of convicted felons. You and I know, but not many people do; it wasn't until I registered to vote that I found this out.

But what I'm talking about is the politicization of the vote. What was once
described as your civic duty is now part of the civil war between Dems and Republicans for the country's soul. It has been reduced to civil warfare.
What I'm talking about is the unrelenting propaganda and ideological scrum
taking place across the country to further the political cause for a party
who sold their soul to the devil, all to gain seats in the house and senate, by hook or by crook (mainly by crook), to have control over money, power and
influence in this country. Most of the time it has nothing to do with serving the people, as it should be.

The purging of voter rolls is a sham, brought on by greed and avarice. Yes, the SoS's job is to investigate or "review" voter rolls. How many times have those self-same SoS "reviewed" their voter rolls to find corruption and cheating? How many are controlled by Dems and how many by Republicans?


The secretary of state is a state-level position in 47 of the 50 states. The position does not exist in Alaska, Hawaii and Utah. In Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Virginia, the office is called the secretary of the commonwealth and differs only in name. The voters directly elect the secretary of state in 35 states. In the other 12, the secretary is appointed by either the governor or the state legislature.


Dems control 20 states
Republicans control 25 states

Texas, Pennsylvania and Georgia (in 2018) were under Republican control. These are the states with voter rolls problems (feel free to add any others). The states control voter registration and the DMV; both of which have numerous challenges. It is in this regard that MY review points to error, mismanagement
and improper, ill-used mechanisms by which the above mentioned control can have a positive affect on voter rolls. The states that have conducted these
"reviews" are full of holes. I challenge you, or anyone, to provide one scintilla of evidence of charges or arrests brought on by the investigative bodies.


First, Democrats just want legitimately registered citizens to be able to vote. Second, Republicans use false claims to justify their photo ID law. Governor-elect Brian Kemp has defended the law as necessary to protect election integrity, but the Heritage Foundation’s voter fraud database shows zero cases of in-person voter fraud in Georgia over the past two decades. In addition, the North Carolina State Board of Elections prosecuted just 2 cases of voter impersonation in the last 5 years. That’s two cases out of tens of millions of votes cast. As a percentage, the number is infinitesimal.



Friday, February 8, 2019 1:51 AM


I see that about 700,000 Immigrants become new Citizens each year. With Texas having less than 10% of the US Population, we might assume 70,000 per year are there. In the past 6 years that would be 420,000.

So the assumption is that almost 100,000 of these new Citizens of the past 6 years are the only ones found in the Texas study.
Meaning the study found about 23% of these. How believable is that?


Friday, February 8, 2019 1:53 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

I found this online, the California application for voter registration:

I am one of the following *
A U.S. citizen and resident of California.

A U.S. citizen and a member of the Uniformed Services or Merchant Marine on active duty outside my county.
A U.S. citizen and an eligible spouse or dependent of a member of the Uniformed Services or Merchant Marine on active duty outside my county.
A U.S. citizen and an activated National Guard member on State orders outside my county.
A U.S. citizen residing outside the U.S. temporarily.
A U.S. citizen residing outside the U.S. indefinitely.
A U.S. citizen and have never resided in the U.S.

Maybe because none of the states currently require proof of citizenship?

So, how do you solve a problem like proof of citizenship?

New voters may have to show a form of identification or proof of residency the first time they vote, if a driver license or SSN was not provided when registering.

And then there's this:

About half of the states with voter ID laws accept only photo IDs. These include driver’s licenses, state-issued ID cards, military ID cards, and passports. Many of these states now offer a free voter photo ID card if you don’t have another form of valid photo ID.

Other states accept some types of non-photo ID. These may include birth certificates, Social Security cards, bank statements, and utility bills. Each state is specific about the documents it will accept as proof of identification. Be sure you know your state’s voter ID requirements before Election Day.

Perhaps the country should adapt a citizenship ID card to differentiate non-citizens from citizens.

That's Racist.

Did you get infected by reason, sense?


Friday, February 8, 2019 2:31 AM


I don't think there's a need to attack SGG here. That's likely to just end up getting him to side with Marcos and the others. He has been talking common sense pretty much throughout this thread.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, February 8, 2019 3:40 AM


Since you offer no proof of the numbers you present, then it's safe to assume
that this is your educated guesstimate.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I see that about 700,000 Immigrants become new Citizens each year. With Texas having less than 10% of the US Population, we might assume 70,000 per year are there. In the past 6 years that would be 420,000.

So the assumption is that almost 100,000 of these new Citizens of the past 6 years are the only ones found in the Texas study.
Meaning the study found about 23% of these. How believable is that?


Friday, February 8, 2019 3:47 AM



Perhaps the country should adapt a citizenship ID card to differentiate non-citizens from citizens.

That's Racist.

Did you get infected by reason, sense?

Racist!? How so? Besides, I am offering up a suggestion based on Sigs accusation that all a body has to do is say they're a citizen in order to vote (which we all know is not true).

Perhaps I have been infected by reason/sense. Careful I may get bitten by
the Fuck You Bug!

P.S. Besides there is such a document



Friday, February 8, 2019 3:50 AM


Appreciate the support, but...I got this. Besides, I'm presenting a factual overview. Seems to me the way to go, since innuendo and rumor left the building.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I don't think there's a need to attack SGG here. That's likely to just end up getting him to side with Marcos and the others. He has been talking common sense pretty much throughout this thread.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, February 8, 2019 4:19 AM


The article that you linked from Demos was remarkably non-specific about the "problems" that it found, and also careless about the conclusions that it drew from their statistics. For example


As of 2014, publicly available data indicated that only about 4 percent of individuals engaging in driver’s license or identification card transactions with the California DMV indicated a desire to register to vote as part of the transaction placing the California DMV among the lowest-performing motor vehicle agencies covered by the NVRA.


Maybe these people were registered to vote already by another means? Hey, in 11 CA counties about 110% of eligible voters are registered! I'd consider that a great success in voter registration, wouldn't you???

There may be perfectly valid reasons why motor-voter registration may get poor participation, even in states with robust registration rates. One of them may be that many youngsters register through school programs, for example.

Because of the crappy record-keeping it's impossible to say exactly what percent of eligible voters are registered in California, but even if you say that 20% of registrations are duplicates (which reflects very badly on the CA system) that still leaves 90% valid registrations for 11 of the most populous counties in CA.

So, basically what you're saying is that California is actively engaging in illegal practices in order to register voters? That's what I get from your statement. Well, in that case, then Texas is equally as guilty because the
state "discovered" 95,000 "fraudulent" cases...all under the state's DMV, a state-run entity.

That would be my case in defending the paroled woman who voted "illegally" and was summarily arrested, convicted and is now serving 5 years (a bit harsh, but that's Texas). If the Texas AG were to pursue charges, my guess is that move would prove embarrassing (and that's what did happen, no charges) because these were perfectly legal registrations.

I would sue for wrongful imprisonment since the election board employee assisted her in filling out a provisional ballot. A state-run facility and a state-trained employee failed the system and the woman. I would also involve the state-run correctional facility.



Friday, February 8, 2019 4:35 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Perhaps the country should adapt a citizenship ID card to differentiate non-citizens from citizens.

That's Racist.

Did you get infected by reason, sense?

Racist!? How so? Besides, I am offering up a suggestion based on Sigs accusation that all a body has to do is say they're a citizen in order to vote (which we all know is not true).

Perhaps I have been infected by reason/sense.

P.S. Besides there is such a document


You have suddenly started spouting reasonable, sensible solutions which reasonable folk have been clamoring for years if not decades.
Maybe you haven't been awake for the past few score, but standard Liberals have been working for the opposite of Valid Voter IDs such as your suggestion.

The standard Libtard response to Facts, Reason, Truth, Sense has been to chant That's Racist!


Friday, February 8, 2019 7:29 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


So, basically what you're saying is that California is actively engaging in illegal practices in order to register voters?
No, what I'm saying is that no state requires PROOF of citizenship for voter registration. I think you even posted examples from the state of PA and NJ: All you need to do to register is attest and sign that you're eligible. It's on the honor system: No birth certificate or passport or naturalization papers are required in any state.

Now, AFA CA is concerned, the reason why there are more registered voters than eligible adults is because (they say) that many of these registrations are duplicates ... when the state sends vote-related material and the paperwork comes back as "undeliverable" the registrations are kept on the books instead of purged from the rolls. That means that registrants who may have died ... or moved out of state ... or moved to another county and re-registered there ... are still registered with their original county. They should purge these voters off the rolls because they can always offer them a provisional ballot at the polling station. According to these CA counties (which BTW refused to provide registration info to Trump's panel) only a tiny portion of people ... 12 people in LA County I think they said ... actually showed up to vote after being deemed non-responsive. The way CA handles registrations is incredibly sloppy.

In any case, my point was that a state shouldn't be judged as a "success" or "failure" based on its MOTOR-VOTER program, but on the overall percent of eligible voters who're registered to vote. There may be other programs ... high school programs, voter registration drives etc... which eligible adults prefer to use because ... Hey, I don't know about YOUR DMV, but here it involves standing in line for hours for the simplest stupid thing. And if you ask me to stand in yet another line for one more thing, I probably won't. With CA's problem with duplicate registrations it's impossible to tell exactly what percent of eligible voters are registered (110%! in some cases) but it appears to be pretty high.


That's what I get from your statement. Well, in that case, then Texas is equally as guilty because the state "discovered" 95,000 "fraudulent" cases...all under the state's DMV, a state-run entity.
What that means is that every state might have fraudulent voters. The only way to determined whether there is vote fraud - and how much - is to grab a decent-sized, geographically-distributed sampling of voter registrations and look for actual PROOF that these registrants are (1) alive (2) not registered someplace else and (3) actual citizens. They might do this by checking against death records, visa records, cross-checking against other counties, and especially against Social Security records. Ambiguous registrations should be followed up with in person, in detail, to get a good measurement of illegally-registered voters.

The big problem seems to be that these giant databases don't even talk to each other.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Friday, February 8, 2019 7:57 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


What documents are needed for Proof of Citizenship?
A notarized copy of your birth certificate, or your naturalization papers. Or your passport, which requires one of the two.

Now that visiting Canada requires a passport, I went to get passports for all of us including hubby, who is a naturalized citizen. I was born out of state, but all I had to do was request a notarized copy of my birth certificate from my home county, and pay a fee. It took a while, but it eventually came through the mail. Because I married, by birth certificate and my Social Security card don't match, but Social Security has a record of me requesting a name-change, so no problem there.

With hubby, it was a little different because the name on his Social Security card and naturalization papers weren't an exact match; I forget which way we resolved that ... I think we requested a name change on his Social Security card. With dear daughter, since she was born in CA it was faster getting a notarized copy of her birth certificate.

But we weren't in a hurry, and if the requirements are implemented far in advance of any election the only problem (for poor people) might be paying the fee for the birth certificate, which is where the political parties would come in: Since THEY have an interest in registering voters, let them use their war chests to help indigents pay for the necessary papers and straighten out any conflicts between their birth certificate names, their adult names (may be married), and their Social Security cards.

It seems that there should be a national database to weed out duplicate registrations. (Yanno, like Venezuela has.) A lot of illegals get fake IDs on the basis of stolen Social Security numbers; those Social Security cards are nothing but cheap cardboard and easy to fake. Social Security should go thru its own database looking for duplicate numbers with different names and different concurrent addresses which include dead people and people who have moved. or people using stolen SSNs.

Now, voter registrations also need to know what state, county, and city you live in for state, county, and city elections, and your status with regards to whether or not you're a felon (different states have different thresholds). THAT can be done with a utility bill, rental agreement etc. but is a real problem for people with no fixed address. I find that a much knottier problem to solve.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Friday, February 8, 2019 11:21 AM


There are databases that can be used to purge duplicates and deaths. For some reason they don't seem to be used that often in a lot of states though.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, February 8, 2019 11:25 AM


Still zero proof of illegals voting.

Keep trying, Russian troll. Maybe someday you'll get away with your lies because I won't be here to utterly destroy them, as I did here.


Friday, February 8, 2019 12:35 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

So, basically what you're saying is that California is actively engaging in illegal practices in order to register voters?
No, what I'm saying is that no state requires PROOF of citizenship for voter registration. I think you even posted examples from the state of PA and NJ: All you need to do to register is attest and sign that you're eligible. It's on the honor system: No birth certificate or passport or naturalization papers are required in any state.

Are you suggesting that the honorable word of an Illegal Alien Criminal, a known lawbreaker, might not be an adequate standard of proof they are not committing another Crime by Fraudulently Voting?


Saturday, February 9, 2019 3:16 PM


Give up, troll. You lose.


Saturday, February 9, 2019 3:23 PM



Originally posted by THG:
Voter Fraud Proven
UPDATED: Monday, February 4, 2019 13:15
PAGE 1 of 1

Yep, and it was the republicans



Saturday, February 16, 2019 1:55 PM


Texas elections chief sorry for fake news about 95,000 "illegal" voters, still wants purge
Texas secretary of state admits there weren't 95,000 "illegal" voters, but still wants to purge state's voter rolls

The Texas effort is akin to similar failed Republican hunts for illegal voters. Florida used a similar methodology to flag 180,000 voters whom state officials claimed were not citizens. After a contentious legal battle, the state admitted only 85 of the people on the list were non-citizens. By that time that state had already purged thousands of legal voters.


Sunday, February 17, 2019 3:05 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


The Texas Mueller's effort is akin to similar failed Republican DNC hunts for illegal voters Russian collusion.


Still zero proof of illegals voting Russian collusion.

Here's another equivalence:

If the Trump campaign Hillary Clinton had nothing to hide, why did they lie about their contacts with Russia delete 33,000 subpoenaed emails?

Politics is dirty. I don't see either party as being especially clean, not do I see either partisan as being less deluded. They're just deluded about different things.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Monday, February 18, 2019 3:08 PM


I see you as not deluded, but intentionally lying because you're a Russian troll.


Monday, February 18, 2019 3:21 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I see that you just can't believe that Democrats are as big lying pieces of shit as Republicans.

Bigger, in a way, because Democrats pretend to be "for the people" while Republicans make so such claim.

But I guarantee you that once you get into the halls of power, you've either been thoroughly corrupted, or you were already so corrupt that it was easy to slide your way in.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Monday, February 18, 2019 8:04 PM


GOP Campaign Worker in NC Admits to Filling in Republican Votes on Absentee Ballots, Claims She Was Told to Lie

Hey, here's that election fraud the right is always so concerned about. Oh, and it's committed by and for the right.

They obsess over voter fraud, which is virtually nonexistent. And by voter fraud, they mean anything that might impede their election fraud, which is standard procedure for the GOP.

They hate free elections because they can't win them.


Tuesday, February 19, 2019 5:40 AM


Apparently, you're right. Upheld by the SCOTUS...


The Supreme Court has declined to hear a case allowing states to require proof of citizenship for those applying to vote in federal elections, effectively upholding a lower court ruling against Kansas and Arizona.

Voting rights advocates hailed the court's decision to not take up the case, Kobach v. United States Election Assistance Commission. Currently, the federal agency's form only requires applicants swear eligibility under penalty of perjury.

...and the states have their own forms.

I've known people to have moved and failed to inform the old state. And there was the case in Texas of a judge that was removed from the voter rolls because
her last name on the driver's license had her maiden name and not her married name. A judge. But, that's Texas for ya!



Tuesday, February 19, 2019 9:34 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Bigger, in a way, because Democrats pretend to be "for the people" while Republicans make so such claim.

Here here, at least Republicans make no bones about not giving 2 sh*ts for "the people!"


Friday, February 22, 2019 9:19 AM


Oh, dear. Several instances of election fraud, and they were all done by Republicans.

New Election Ordered in North Carolina Race at Center of Fraud Inquiry

Feeling stupid yet, trolls?


Friday, February 22, 2019 9:21 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I see that you just can't believe that Democrats are as big lying pieces of shit as Republicans.

So, "both sides are the same," right?

There is ample evidence of Republicans being huge pieces of shit, all the time, everywhere.

There is no comparison, period, and you can't troll up enough shit to support that lie.


Saturday, February 23, 2019 1:09 PM


Republican Cries Against Voter Fraud Go Mostly Quiet After Scheme Tied to Party

Witnesses detailed how people working for a Harris campaign operative, L. McCrae Dowless Jr., had filled out parts of some absentee ballots and improperly collected others. On Friday, Lorrin Freeman, the district attorney in Wake County, said she could seek charges within weeks against Mr. Dowless and some of the people he hired.

“Obviously, it’s within the province of the grand jury as to whether they will return indictments,” Ms. Freeman said. “But do I anticipate there will be a criminal prosecution going forward? I do.”

State Republicans, who over the past few years have tightened voting laws and had fought to preserve Mr. Harris’s victory, were far less vociferous in denouncing voter fraud than they have been in the past.

That stands in marked contrast to 2016, when the state’s Republicans filed many complaints and claimed for a month that Roy Cooper, the Democrat who was elected governor that year, should not be seated because rampant fraud had enabled his victory. The charge proved baseless.

I am laughing at the trolls so hard right now!


Saturday, February 23, 2019 2:21 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

not going to dig into this due to time but it has individuals' names and links that anyone with time on their hands, a yen for truth, and access to search engines might find fruitful


Saturday, February 23, 2019 2:36 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

not going to dig into this due to time but it has individuals' names and links that anyone with time on their hands, a yen for truth, and access to search engines might find fruitful


Saturday, February 23, 2019 11:37 PM


Biggest election fraud case in 50 years.

It was done by a Republican Pastor.

No, I'm not surprised at all.


Sunday, February 24, 2019 12:31 AM


Things were so bad in North Carolina that the son of the republican that hired the ex-con (boy, that seems to fit the description of most of Trump's cabinet)
testified that he warned his father repeatedly. Talk about "scumbag" - the man
called his son, who was guilty of telling the truth of what he said to his dad, "arrogant."

By the way, the son is a US Attorney. Folks, this shit writes itself.

And now we're having a re-election. That's the only way to resolve this, period. With the whole country watching, maybe now we'll have a fair election.



Originally posted by reaverfan:
Republican Cries Against Voter Fraud Go Mostly Quiet After Scheme Tied to Party

Witnesses detailed how people working for a Harris campaign operative, L. McCrae Dowless Jr., had filled out parts of some absentee ballots and improperly collected others. On Friday, Lorrin Freeman, the district attorney in Wake County, said she could seek charges within weeks against Mr. Dowless and some of the people he hired.

“Obviously, it’s within the province of the grand jury as to whether they will return indictments,” Ms. Freeman said. “But do I anticipate there will be a criminal prosecution going forward? I do.”

State Republicans, who over the past few years have tightened voting laws and had fought to preserve Mr. Harris’s victory, were far less vociferous in denouncing voter fraud than they have been in the past.

That stands in marked contrast to 2016, when the state’s Republicans filed many complaints and claimed for a month that Roy Cooper, the Democrat who was elected governor that year, should not be seated because rampant fraud had enabled his victory. The charge proved baseless.

I am laughing at the trolls so hard right now!


Sunday, February 24, 2019 12:33 AM


Oh, of course Kiki. Truth, justice and the American way!



Originally posted by 1kiki:

not going to dig into this due to time but it has individuals' names and links that anyone with time on their hands, a yen for truth, and access to search engines might find fruitful


Sunday, March 3, 2019 2:51 PM


McConnell thinks North Carolina’s election fraud scandal is a case for voter ID. It isn’t.
The Senate Majority Leader’s remarkably dishonest spin.


Sunday, March 3, 2019 3:15 PM



Originally posted:

GOP Campaign Worker in NC Admits to Filling in Republican Votes on Absentee Ballots, Claims She Was Told to Lie

Hey, here's that election fraud the right is always so concerned about. Oh, and it's committed by and for the right.

They obsess over voter fraud, which is virtually nonexistent. And by voter fraud, they mean anything that might impede their election fraud, which is standard procedure for the GOP.

They hate free elections because they can't win them.

Here we see a Troll claiming that Voter Fraud was committed by GOP, and also that Voter Fraud is nonexistent.

What a complete Fraud, proven yet again.


Sunday, March 3, 2019 3:21 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

not going to dig into this due to time but it has individuals' names and links that anyone with time on their hands, a yen for truth, and access to search engines might find fruitful

Does this mean that Voter Fraud which Democraps claim is nonexistent is existing?


Sunday, March 3, 2019 3:37 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 1kiki:

not going to dig into this due to time but it has individuals' names and links that anyone with time on their hands, a yen for truth, and access to search engines might find fruitful

Does this mean that Voter Fraud which Democraps claim is nonexistent is existing?


Even in the extremely rare cases of voter fraud that have happened, more were Republicans.

In-person voting fraud is rare, doesn’t affect elections

Wow. I just keep kicking your troll asses all over the place.


Sunday, March 3, 2019 3:49 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Things were so bad in North Carolina that the son of the republican that hired the ex-con (boy, that seems to fit the description of most of Trump's cabinet)
testified that he warned his father repeatedly. Talk about "scumbag" - the man
called his son, who was guilty of telling the truth of what he said to his dad, "arrogant."

By the way, the son is a US Attorney. Folks, this shit writes itself.

And now we're having a re-election. That's the only way to resolve this, period. With the whole country watching, maybe now we'll have a fair election.



Originally posted by reaverfan:
Republican Cries Against Voter Fraud Go Mostly Quiet After Scheme Tied to Party

Witnesses detailed how people working for a Harris campaign operative, L. McCrae Dowless Jr., had filled out parts of some absentee ballots and improperly collected others.

Is it curious that SGG lauds the advice from AUSA John Harris, that Ballot Harvesting is not legal in NC, but has no problem with it being the Law in CA?

Yes, the Democraps of CA have made Voting Fraud the Law in CA. Shockers.


Sunday, March 3, 2019 6:09 PM


It's amusing watching you double down when you've lost so badly and so embarrassingly to me, Russian troll.

I own you, every time.


Monday, March 4, 2019 11:17 AM



Is it curious that SGG lauds the advice from AUSA John Harris, that Ballot Harvesting is not legal in NC, but has no problem with it being the Law in CA?

Yes, the Democraps of CA have made Voting Fraud the Law in CA. Shockers.

Deluded much?



Monday, March 4, 2019 12:33 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Is it curious that SGG lauds the advice from AUSA John Harris, that Ballot Harvesting is not legal in NC, but has no problem with it being the Law in CA?

Yes, the Democraps of CA have made Voting Fraud the Law in CA. Shockers.

Deluded much?


Translation to American English, please? Are you disputing some of the facts?


Wednesday, March 6, 2019 4:17 AM


Plain English: You make claims without verifiable proof. You say that California has a law that allows for a private citizen to collect and gather
absentee ballots. Is this your claim? Then prove it.

You know, it's unbelievable that you don't understand my comment/response is to your claim/accusation regarding California's voter laws. My response, in plain English, was directed at your claim. Pretty simple really! If such a law exists.

In other words: Is this a fact or your opinion?

P.S. Was anyone that ran for office in California ever suspected of hiring
ex-cons to "collect" absentee ballots for the poor unfortunate souls voting
in that state? Was there an investigation? Pray tell! Post it here!



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Is it curious that SGG lauds the advice from AUSA John Harris, that Ballot Harvesting is not legal in NC, but has no problem with it being the Law in CA?

Yes, the Democraps of CA have made Voting Fraud the Law in CA. Shockers.

Deluded much?


Translation to American English, please? Are you disputing some of the facts?


Wednesday, March 6, 2019 4:47 AM


I went ahead and looked it up myself: These dumb motherfuckers at Red State filed the following article...

Of course, grossly overstated idiocy. But below I found a site, Ballotpedia;
which gives a breakdown of that particular states laws, they are as follows:


Voting policies are enacted and enforced primarily at the state level. These policies, which include voter identification requirements, early voting provisions, online voter registration systems, and more, dictate the conditions under which American citizens cast their ballots in their individual states.

California permits online voter registration, early voting, and no-excuse absentee voting.
In California, polls are open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
In California, voters are not generally required to present identification at the polls.

That's how you show proof. Plain English enough for you? Or do I need to spell it out for you too? By the way, American english refers to American slang. There's no such thing as American English.

Any questions!?



Wednesday, March 6, 2019 4:55 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Is it curious that SGG lauds the advice from AUSA John Harris, that Ballot Harvesting is not legal in NC, but has no problem with it being the Law in CA?

Yes, the Democraps of CA have made Voting Fraud the Law in CA. Shockers.

Deluded much?


Translation to American English, please? Are you disputing some of the facts?

Plain English: You make claims without verifiable proof. You say that California has a law that allows for a private citizen to collect and gather
absentee ballots. Is this your claim? Then prove it.

You know, it's unbelievable that you don't understand my comment/response is to your claim/accusation regarding California's voter laws. My response, in plain English, was directed at your claim. Pretty simple really! If such a law exists.

In other words: Is this a fact or your opinion?

P.S. Was anyone that ran for office in California ever suspected of hiring
ex-cons to "collect" absentee ballots for the poor unfortunate souls voting
in that state? Was there an investigation? Pray tell! Post it here!


Thank you for your clarification. I did not know if you were disputing Truth and Fact (which you often do), and which one, or just ignoring the Facts I posted, or something else. I did not know you were unaware of CA Law regarding Ballot Harvesting. It has been discussed at length here in RWED, like when discussing the many cases and examples, practices, policies of Voter Fraud. I believe SIGs and/or kiki have been quite steamed about the topic.

One of the links I followed brought further mention of the CA Law, the link which detailed who John Harris was, what he specifically said, and which States his Opinion was true in.
A search for Ballot Harvesting California gave me many results.

In case you find algore's interwebs invention too befuddling, I will try to provide a linky when I get a chance. Unless somebody else beats me to it.


Wednesday, March 6, 2019 5:12 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
I went ahead and looked it up myself: These dumb motherfuckers at Red State filed the following article...

Of course, grossly overstated idiocy. But below I found a site, Ballotpedia;
which gives a breakdown of that particular states laws, they are as follows:

Voting policies are enacted and enforced primarily at the state level. These policies, which include voter identification requirements, early voting provisions, online voter registration systems, and more, dictate the conditions under which American citizens cast their ballots in their individual states.

California permits online voter registration, early voting, and no-excuse absentee voting.
In California, polls are open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
In California, voters are not generally required to present identification at the polls.

That's how you show proof. Plain English enough for you? Or do I need to spell it out for you too? By the way, American english refers to American slang. There's no such thing as American English.

Any questions!?


Well, looks like you made attempt, but didn't find it.

American English is a subset of English Language which includes words not present or used in British English, or Colonial English, Canadian English, or Australian English.
If you find some people chatting and without internet access, at least one of them British and one American, try getting the American to explain to the Brit what velour means. Many of us understand the translations of boot, bonnet, petrol, al-u-mini-um, between Canada, British, and American. Translation is how you convert one language to another. For instance, Ebonics is not considered English because none of the words have common usage or meaning with English.