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The Battle for Iraq - Ethnic Cleansing
Saturday, December 11, 2004 4:58 AM
Keep the Shiny side up
Quote:Originally posted by rue: Specifically re Falluja, given the instructions they received, it's not surprising US troops shot women and children in the back, or shot a wounded, unarmed Iraqi on-camera. Technically speaking, anyone in Falluja, and any male, fighting and equipped or not, was to be considered an insurgent, and shot. Could these orders be responsible for blurring the line between combattant and civilian? Between enemy and prisoner? Between an illegal act and a legal one? For Geezer & Co: Do ya maybe think?
Saturday, December 11, 2004 7:02 AM
Quote:Originally posted by rue: ...for example, U.S. troops refused to allow males of "military-age" (16 to 55)-- defining them all as potential enemy combatants--to flee Falluja.
Saturday, December 11, 2004 8:11 AM
Saturday, December 11, 2004 10:14 AM
I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!
Quote:First, do you have any evidence of "Specifically re Falluja, given the instructions they received, it's not surprising US troops shot women and children in the back..." aside from an unsupported statement in a Commondreams article? Commondreams might not be the most unbiased source for that type of information.
Saturday, December 11, 2004 12:17 PM
Quote:Originally posted by rue: Quote:First, do you have any evidence of "Specifically re Falluja, given the instructions they received, it's not surprising US troops shot women and children in the back..." aside from an unsupported statement in a Commondreams article? Commondreams might not be the most unbiased source for that type of information.I first heard about the interdiction of Falluja on ITN and BBC, weeks before it was attacked. I next heard the instructions given to troops as it was being given to them by their CO on network news (perhaps ABC). I next heard about civilians being shot, in the back, as they tried to cross the river, on ITN. That's what alerted me to these facts. I spent not much time looking for a link to reference just to have something to post, so you'd realize I wasn't just dreaming it up. But hey, Geezer, perhaps you only watch FOX. Perhaps you can't do an internet search. In that case, I can understand why you'd be so ignorant.
Quote:The first thing I'd like for you to explain is why, after a quick and relatively easy takeover, were US troops shooting at women and children at checkpoints?
Quote:After that we can discuss about IHL and who broke the rules first.
Saturday, December 11, 2004 1:50 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Geezer: After repeated warnings for non-combatants to leave, any military age man still in town could justifiably be considered a combatant, or an idiot.
Saturday, December 11, 2004 6:10 PM
Quote:Originally posted by HKCavalier: Quote:Originally posted by Geezer: After repeated warnings for non-combatants to leave, any military age man still in town could justifiably be considered a combatant, or an idiot. American military culture is essentially nomadic. This is no accident. For a an entire culture to be conditioned to the routine extermination of other human beings, it is important to undermine any connectivity outside of the "band of brothers." Connection to the land is virtually unknown to the "military brats" I've known. The majority of American's, as a whole, have little concept of such connections. How many generations can any of us go back on this land? 4? 10? 20? Americans move, what on an average, every 4 years? People in Iraq can trace their connection to the land back literally 1000's of years and hundreds of generations. Tyrants come and go, but the land is theirs forever. So, America comes in and says get out of town or die. And a lot of people stay, out of the only kind of patriotism that means anything and you call them "idiots." Shame on you. Furthermore, since when does being an "idiot" justify your murder?
Saturday, December 11, 2004 8:00 PM
Quote:Want to answer these, or just, to quote Signym, "dodge and weave"?
Sunday, December 12, 2004 3:41 AM
I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.
Sunday, December 12, 2004 9:52 AM
Sunday, December 12, 2004 10:46 AM
America loves a winner!
Sunday, December 12, 2004 5:41 PM
Monday, December 13, 2004 12:49 AM
Monday, December 13, 2004 2:55 AM
Quote:Originally posted by SignyM: ON THE ISSUE OF WMD You continue to assert that Bush' administration made a mistake, w/o ever directly discrediting the numerous direct and contradictory quotes (dodge) from Bush and his administration. When the issue comes up again, without EVER addressing the topic directly (did Saddam have WMD) you quote a Vanguard article, conflating WMD with WMD programs with WMD program components. When called on it, you basically made fun of the distinction, then you say "well I was just wondering why it was linked" (weave). In that same thread, you pointed to the "20 tons of Sarin and blister agents" in Jordan, which was shown pointed out to be an egregious mis-statement, at which point you dropped the topic (dodge). You attributed the war to "bad intelligence" without ever addressing why the Bush administration punished the one clear instance of reliable intelligence (yellowcake uranium) by "outing" the CIA wife of the ambassador who provided it. (Which, as I keep pointing out, is TREASON). (dodge, w/ extra points for sheer brass)
Quote:ON THE IRAQ WAR, AND THE MILITARY'S HIDING OF CIVILIAN DEATHS You repeateldy imply or assert that "they started it" (insurgent war crimes) without ever acknowledging the fact that EVERYTHING about this war: the rationale, timing, strategy and tactics- was COMPLETELY at OUR discretion. In other words- WE started it.
Quote:Despite the fact that you repeatedly point to evidence of "their" (Iraqi) wrongdoing, you are COMPLETELY silent on the torture of prisoners in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Gitmo (major dodge) and the fact that military intelligence threatened FBI agents on the topic.
Quote:You point over and over again to the IBC's "estimate" as reliable, when even the IBC states that they are neither an estimate (they are a validated count) nor are they reliable (they are biased low- please read their home page).
Quote:You link to an article that has a pic of Naomi Klein w/ a mustache for "fun"(weave) but despite repeatedly dimissing the concept of a right-wing conspiracy, you apparently have NO response to her detailed article about the complete interdiction of news from Fallujah. (dodge)
Quote:Instead, as "proof" of the military's transparency in the area, you link to an article about how the Iraqi Red Crescent was allowed in, (weave) but remain completely silent when they were kicked out five days later. (dodge) You have also remained silent on the IRC's estimate of over 6000 dead. (dodge, with points for style)
Quote: Overall, in your choice of topics and approach, I find that you deliberately mislead and misdirect discussion w/o ever addressing the MAJOR points of concern, all (apparently) in the interests of defending Bush by any means possible. It's hard for me to imagine that someone can do this all subconsciously, but if this is all really not deliberate, I think you'd better give your subconscious a good talking-to! (In fact, you prolly should enlist some help, since your subconscious mind would appear to be totally in control at this point) Now, based on your hsitory, I'm sure you will do some or all of the following (1) fail to address the main point (2) misdirect the discussion (3) make a "joke" about me (4)link to some other article and then disavow any connection to it. The main point of this post, in case you missed it, is that you appear to be more invested in defending Bush by any an all means possible than in carrying on an honest discussion.
Quote:Have a happy and conscious holiday
Monday, December 13, 2004 6:23 AM
Quote:Sorry, I happen to believe in old-fashioned things like innocent until proven guilty, and due process.
Monday, December 13, 2004 7:44 AM
Quote:Originally posted by SignyM: You believe in "innocent until proven guilty" in SOME situations (Bush admin wrongdoing) but not in others (ie. the rest of the world). When Rue posted in detail the admin statements showing they lied about WMD, you plugged your ears and ran away going la-la-la-la. I will post your quotes later. You were ready to "convict" of WMD Saddam on the basis of NO evidence. Ready enough to justify invading Iraq and all those civilian deaths. But when the admin has clearly committed TREASON, you want to wait until the gavel hits the bench before reacting.
Quote:You are ready to peg all sorts of atrocities on "the insurgents" but unwilling to notice that the USA military makes a GREAT effort to hide their own policy-based atrocities (dead-checking, torture, w/holding humanitarian aide) and the casualties that result therefrom. (Casualties, I might add, that far outstrip either Saddam's or the insurgents'. See the IBC website.) So, on the basis of selected information (selected for you by the Military) you are willing to believe that we're good guys just doing the best we can.
Quote:I could go on but I don't have the time right now. Suffice it to say that you have a CLEAR double standard. You bring a magnifying glass and a resistant approach to some things, but not to the nice comfortable stories about the Bush admin. I will demonstrate this in detail later, because that double standard undercuts your claim to being "just a skeptic". If you can't see that double standard, then I can't help you. So go and reflect on your approach to issues of the day, weigh and measure your response to see if they balance. And don't forget to have a nice day!
Monday, December 13, 2004 8:48 AM
Quote:I'm not pegging any atrocities on the insurgents. They proudly and loudly claim them. I'm not sure how you managed to miss this. I also note that American soldiers involved in often much less atrocious atrocities are being tried and convicted, as they should be. It's all over the news. Again, you don't want to wait for a trial. You've decided they're all guilty, and are ready to pass judgment.
Quote:Oh, and are Iraqi insurgents who, as declared policy, violate all the conventions of war, guilty of war crimes
Monday, December 13, 2004 9:27 AM
Quote:Originally posted by SignyM: You peg atrocties on ALL the insurgents. In your mind "they" are all equally guilty of all the same crimes. "They" have a policy of beheadings, direct military-style attacks, suicide bombings, mingling with the population, IEDs aimed at security forces... And "their" war crimes justify "our" war crimes. Am I mischaracterizing your response?
Quote:But some of the insurgents don't participate in beheadings and suicide bombings- al Sadr, for example.
Quote:In fact, it's widely acknowledged that the largest and most coordinated suicide bombings are committed by foreigners.
Quote:If you look at the "locals", they tend to focus on combat troops and security forces using IEDs, RPGs, small-arms fire.
Quote:Of course, they DO tend to mingle with the civilian population- possibly because they actually happen to live there and don't have the luxury of separate barracks, arms depots and command posts. Of course, you would say that it is impractical to separate our response to foreign elements from local combatants from plain civilians. I should realize and so should everyone that war is rough justice, and obviously they "deserve" this war and this justice.
Quote:Now when it comes to OUR misdeeds, you are only to ready to parse things in detail. "We" don't have a policy of torturing and killing prisoners. "We" don't kill civilians indiscriminately. "We" respect the Geneva Convention and human rights wherever possible. Where we don't, it's circumstances beyond our control, the cruel necessities of war, response to their war cimes etc. It's unfair to characterize "us" as being war criminals because of a few rogue soldiers who will be tried and found guilty.
Quote:Of course, the memo from Alberto Gonzales to Bush detailing how "we" can get away with torture, allegations and physical evidence from released detainees, complaints from (and MI threats against) the FBI, complaints from JAG, refusal to allow IRC inpsection, torture planes, pictures, and death certificates point to nothing more than just a few poorly trained underlings who will be duly punished. "We" care deeply for civilian life, which is why we interdicted Falluhjah and prevented the delivery of humanitarian aide by outside agencies (and also the outflow of information) after the city was secured. "We" respect the rules of war, which is why we don't have instructions of "dead checking" with a bullet.
Quote:For you, none of this is proof of anything. In fact, there is no evidence good enough to even raise a question in your mind as to whether the administration is fully committed to the Geneva Convention and human rights. Or, if there is a question is should be tried in a court of law with all due process. A court and process you are not willing to allow Iraqis (combatants OR civilains) and detainees. This is what I mean by a double standard.
Monday, December 13, 2004 9:39 AM
Monday, December 13, 2004 9:44 AM
Quote:Anyone charged with war crimes should be tried... So, Should Iraqi insurgents who commit acts contrary to the Geneva Protocols be accused of and tried for war crimes? Or are your accusations only for coalition forces?.
Friday, December 31, 2004 12:05 PM
Tuesday, December 10, 2024 11:54 AM