Mueller's testimony

UPDATED: Thursday, August 15, 2019 09:09
VIEWED: 5277
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Friday, July 26, 2019 12:53 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I suggest that you choose your words more carefully in the future.

Particularly when it comes to things like this.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

The question for Mueller has always been whether Russia interfered in an election (it did), whether Trump benefited (he did), and whether he tried to stymie the investigation into this concern (he did). All of that was laid bare on Wednesday for anyone who was listening. Trump campaign members were exchanging polling data with Russian intelligence operatives and hosting meetings at Trump Tower in order to obtain “dirt” on Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Trump was lying about all the Russia contacts before he was even caught lying about it.

Mueller was originally charged with investigating Russian efforts to influence the outcome of the 2016 election. Only later was he tasked with figuring out whether the president had obstructed justice by impeding that investigation. The whole point of this sad affair — lost entirely on a Law & Order nation intent on seeing either Trump in handcuffs or exonerated — was that Russia hacked an election, that it is right now hacking the next election, and that this is a threat to national security and representative democracy. On this one point, Mueller was emphatic: “They’re doing it as we sit here, and they expect to do it in the next campaign.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

That's not relevant to what you quoted Second. I'm talking about you.

If you don't feel that assassination is the happy medium between impeachment and doing nothing, then you shouldn't say it. Multiple times. Sometimes even saying how much you would enjoy being the one to do it and that you know how you could get away with it too.

Even if you really do feel that way, I suggest you stop saying it. Even if nobody is watching you, you just come off as unhinged every time you bring it up and discredit any other opinions you hold about anything.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, July 26, 2019 1:21 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SECONDRATE, the Senate is full of shit. My very own Senators are full of shit. A billion flies eat shit too.

Dianne Feinstein, former head of the Senate Intelligence (ahem!) Committee, wrote to me "I know things" and assured me that Saddam had WMD. Nearly the entire Senate voted for the war in Iraq. They voted for the so-called Patriot Act. Do you think that I'd let THEM decide for me what's real and what isn't? They couldn't find their ass with both hands hands and a flashlight.

Oh and btw- you're full of shit too.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Friday, July 26, 2019 1:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


The question for Mueller has always been whether Russia interfered in an election- SECOND
No evidence. -SIGNY
Tons of evidence, so much evidence the evidence has evidence.- CC

LIKE??? BE SPECIFIC. Quotes and links please.


whether Trump benefited - SECOND
He so totally benefitted. He won after all. My gawd he owes Russia biggly!- CC

If there was no "help" then there was no "benefit". Show me where the Russian "helped" Trump. BE SPECIFIC. quotes and links please


and whether he tried to stymie the investigation into this concern - SECOND
Nope. But, yanno, keep convincing yourself.- SIGNY
Yep, but - CC

BE SPECIFIC. what did Trump do? When did he do it? Quotes and links please

You're so used to handwaving and thinking in generalties that you've forgotten there is a REAL real world out there. I want to see actual helpful quotes from this troll farm that occurred BEFORE the election (not afterwards), evidence of their impact (yanno, like in hundreds of thousands of votes), evidence that this so-called troll farm was getting its orders from the Kremlin (and wasn't just a marketing click-bait operation), real evidence that "Russia" gave Assange the DNC emails, not the say-so of some DNC-hired contractor, etc. Something solid, not the vapor that you usually spew. Draw those dots, makes those links. Make the best case that you can. Do some real internet resarch for a change, and not just passing the same gas that Rachel Madcow passed every day for years. Go! Fetch!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Friday, July 26, 2019 2:03 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
Anyone in this thread ( or the USA, for that matter ) who offers a micron of credibility to Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler truly is a witless fool and a useful idiot.

Mueller showed the world this is undeniably a scam investigation and that the REAL criminals are now being sought after via the I.G.

Clinton committed perjury as a sitting President. He was stripped of his law license.

Trump literally did nothing wrong or criminal, at all.

Only 5 1/2 more years y'all.

Why did he lie about wanting to build a tower in Moscow? Just curious.



Friday, July 26, 2019 2:17 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Mueller made it clear that his largest concern is with Russia’s extraordinary effort to disrupt U.S. democratic processes. As he put it, “The Russian government interfered in our election in sweeping and systematic fashion.”

On one of the rare occasions when he went beyond his role as a lawyer, he said this:

"Over the course of my career, I have seen a number of challenges to our democracy. The Russian government’s effort to interfere in our election is among the most serious. And as I said on May 29, this deserves the attention of every American."

In his report and testimony, Mueller depicts the Trump campaign not as conspiring or coordinating with Russia, but as enthusiastically welcoming its efforts.

Republicans in the Senate have twice in 24 hours blocked the advancement of bills aimed at strengthening election security just hours after former special counsel Robert Mueller warned of the continued threat that foreign powers interfering in US elections.

Russian state TV experts and pundits were pleased. Olga Skabeeva happily stated: “Zero people blamed Russia for election interference — zero times!” And she added later: “We’re officially laughing at their allegations of election interference.”

In keeping with the tradition of Russian state television, Skabeeva lied: “We didn’t interfere in anything and even Mueller said so.” Mueller did not say so.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, July 26, 2019 3:04 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by second:
Mueller made it clear that his largest concern is with Russia’s extraordinary effort to disrupt U.S. democratic processes. As he put it, “The Russian government interfered in our election in sweeping and systematic fashion.”

On one of the rare occasions when he went beyond his role as a lawyer, he said this:

"Over the course of my career, I have seen a number of challenges to our democracy. The Russian government’s effort to interfere in our election is among the most serious. And as I said on May 29, this deserves the attention of every American."

In his report and testimony, Mueller depicts the Trump campaign not as conspiring or coordinating with Russia, but as enthusiastically welcoming its efforts.

Republicans in the Senate have twice in 24 hours blocked the advancement of bills aimed at strengthening election security just hours after former special counsel Robert Mueller warned of the continued threat that foreign powers interfering in US election


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Friday, July 26, 2019 4:16 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by second:
Mueller made it clear that his largest concern is with Russia’s extraordinary effort to disrupt U.S. democratic processes. As he put it, “The Russian government interfered in our election in sweeping and systematic fashion.”

On one of the rare occasions when he went beyond his role as a lawyer, he said this:

"Over the course of my career, I have seen a number of challenges to our democracy. The Russian government’s effort to interfere in our election is among the most serious. And as I said on May 29, this deserves the attention of every American."

In his report and testimony, Mueller depicts the Trump campaign not as conspiring or coordinating with Russia, but as enthusiastically welcoming its efforts.

Republicans in the Senate have twice in 24 hours blocked the advancement of bills aimed at strengthening election security just hours after former special counsel Robert Mueller warned of the continued threat that foreign powers interfering in US election


Cites, Links, Fetch!


Friday, July 26, 2019 4:20 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:


The question for Mueller has always been whether Russia interfered in an election- SECOND
No evidence. -SIGNY
Tons of evidence, so much evidence the evidence has evidence.- CC

LIKE??? BE SPECIFIC. Quotes and links please.


whether Trump benefited - SECOND
He so totally benefitted. He won after all. My gawd he owes Russia biggly!- CC

If there was no "help" then there was no "benefit". Show me where the Russian "helped" Trump. BE SPECIFIC. quotes and links please


and whether he tried to stymie the investigation into this concern - SECOND
Nope. But, yanno, keep convincing yourself.- SIGNY
Yep, but - CC

BE SPECIFIC. what did Trump do? When did he do it? Quotes and links please

You're so used to handwaving and thinking in generalties that you've forgotten there is a REAL real world out there. I want to see actual helpful quotes from this troll farm that occurred BEFORE the election (not afterwards), evidence of their impact (yanno, like in hundreds of thousands of votes), evidence that this so-called troll farm was getting its orders from the Kremlin (and wasn't just a marketing click-bait operation), real evidence that "Russia" gave Assange the DNC emails, not the say-so of some DNC-hired contractor, etc. Something solid, not the vapor that you usually spew. Draw those dots, makes those links. Make the best case that you can. Do some real internet resarch for a change, and not just passing the same gas that Rachel Madcow passed every day for years. Go! Fetch!

You don't even know when you're being mocked. Here's your response to second's well reasoned, linked post was:

"No, No, Nope" and now we can add "bullshit." Prove you're right - quotes, links, cites, fetch!

Instead, no links, no cites, not even a weakly argued point of view or broken logic as we've come to expect.
Remember, for you to be believed, you are asking us to believe that you think, "Russia would never try to hack our country" is true.

Maybe you're not a Russian Troll? Maybe you're just a Russian Clown?


Friday, July 26, 2019 8:42 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:
Brutal. In so many ways.

Russia 1, US 0

Better get Kurt Russel on the phone.

He knows how to beat the Russians.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, July 26, 2019 8:48 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:


The question for Mueller has always been whether Russia interfered in an election- SECOND
No evidence. -SIGNY
Tons of evidence, so much evidence the evidence has evidence.- CC

LIKE??? BE SPECIFIC. Quotes and links please.


whether Trump benefited - SECOND
He so totally benefitted. He won after all. My gawd he owes Russia biggly!- CC

If there was no "help" then there was no "benefit". Show me where the Russian "helped" Trump. BE SPECIFIC. quotes and links please


and whether he tried to stymie the investigation into this concern - SECOND
Nope. But, yanno, keep convincing yourself.- SIGNY
Yep, but - CC

BE SPECIFIC. what did Trump do? When did he do it? Quotes and links please

You're so used to handwaving and thinking in generalties that you've forgotten there is a REAL real world out there. I want to see actual helpful quotes from this troll farm that occurred BEFORE the election (not afterwards), evidence of their impact (yanno, like in hundreds of thousands of votes), evidence that this so-called troll farm was getting its orders from the Kremlin (and wasn't just a marketing click-bait operation), real evidence that "Russia" gave Assange the DNC emails, not the say-so of some DNC-hired contractor, etc. Something solid, not the vapor that you usually spew. Draw those dots, makes those links. Make the best case that you can. Do some real internet resarch for a change, and not just passing the same gas that Rachel Madcow passed every day for years. Go! Fetch!

You don't even know when you're being mocked. Here's your response to second's well reasoned, linked post was:

"No, No, Nope" and now we can add "bullshit." Prove you're right - quotes, links, cites, fetch!

Instead, no links, no cites, not even a weakly argued point of view or broken logic as we've come to expect.
Remember, for you to be believed, you are asking us to believe that you think, "Russia would never try to hack our country" is true.

Maybe you're not a Russian Troll? Maybe you're just a Russian Clown?

I want to know if you are honestly stupid enough to believe that Sigs and Kiki are Russian, or if you're just a dick.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, July 26, 2019 9:17 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Why did he lie about wanting to build a tower in Moscow? Just curious.

Don't know, don't care.

Trump made a living in building big buildings, so …

Why did The Clinton Foundation take 145 million from Russia and others connected to the UraniumOne deal, which Hillary as SecState had approved ?

Trump DIDN'T build a building, btw. Just like he DIDNT fire Mueller and DIDNT collude with any Russians nor obstruct justice ( Mueller's own conclusion )

SO fucking tired of this obvious shell game and assault of our legal system by crooked politicians and deep state thugs.


Saturday, July 27, 2019 5:46 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:


I'm sure Trump and his people are bullshitting, and they know it, when they write:

Sarah Huckabee Sanders @Sarah Huckabee tweeted:
"Didn’t take long for Mueller to once again vindicate President @realDonaldTrump. No collusion. No obstruction. And now Mueller all but admits it was all along a total witch hunt"

That was not what happened when Mueller testified to Congress. Then Trump had to completely and totally outdo Sarah Huckabee Sanders:

Breaking News Exclusive Interview With President Trump
President doubles down on lies, falsely calling Mueller Investigation 'Treason'

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, July 27, 2019 10:34 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I want to know if you are honestly stupid enough to believe that Sigs and Kiki are Russian, or if you're just a dick.

You are definitely mostly just a dick lately, no question on that. I chalk it up to your current situation - such is life.

Stupid? Are you stupid enough to think anyone here REALLY thinks those 2 are actual Russian agents? I've also spoken on that same question before, but you don't read or don't remember or are just being a dick again.
No question they are definitely trolls with a POV that aligns very closely to what an actual RT (ha!) would have. You make the call.

Here's a question for you that you will probably not answer: are you stupid enough to think Russia wouldn't try and hack our election again? Or our infrastructure, power plants etc.? I think most Trump fan wanks would answer like AU did, "Don't care," which is truly amazing. Head meet sand.


Saturday, July 27, 2019 11:06 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I want to know if you are honestly stupid enough to believe that Sigs and Kiki are Russian, or if you're just a dick.

You are definitely mostly just a dick lately, no question on that. I chalk it up to your current situation - such is life.

Stupid? Are you stupid enough to think anyone here REALLY thinks those 2 are actual Russian agents? I've also spoken on that same question before, but you don't read or don't remember or are just being a dick again.
No question they are definitely trolls with a POV that aligns very closely to what an actual RT (ha!) would have. You make the call.

Here's a question for you that you will probably not answer: are you stupid enough to think Russia wouldn't try and hack our election again? Or our infrastructure, power plants etc.? I think most Trump fan wanks would answer like AU did, "Don't care," which is truly amazing. Head meet sand.


Saturday, July 27, 2019 4:07 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

The OP
Mueller's testimony

Except for the hyper-partisan, my sense is this has already faded from the public mind.

Poll: No impeachment bump after Mueller's testimony - POLITICO

1 day ago - A new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll, conducted immediately after former special counsel Robert Mueller's congressional testimony, shows ...

Poll shows no rise in voter support for Trump impeachment after ... (references the poll above)
22 hours ago - Former special counsel Robert Mueller's marathon testimony on the Russia investigation did little to move the needle on support for

And if democrats don't do anything different, how are they any better?
tic tac


Saturday, July 27, 2019 5:42 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

However, in the interests of making information available, here are multiple links to the transcripts and videos (in case select links are broken/ disabled)
(House Intelligence)
(House Judiciary)

WATCH: Mueller’s full testimony before the House Intelligence Committee

WATCH: Mueller’s full testimony before the House Judiciary Committee

Full Video: Robert Mueller Testimony To House Judiciary Committee, House Intel Committee


And if democrats don't do anything different, how are they any better?
tic tac


Sunday, July 28, 2019 3:19 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:


The question for Mueller has always been whether Russia interfered in an election- SECOND
No evidence. -SIGNY
Tons of evidence, so much evidence the evidence has evidence.- CC

LIKE??? BE SPECIFIC. Quotes and links please.


whether Trump benefited - SECOND
He so totally benefitted. He won after all. My gawd he owes Russia biggly!- CC

If there was no "help" then there was no "benefit". Show me where the Russian "helped" Trump. BE SPECIFIC. quotes and links please


and whether he tried to stymie the investigation into this concern - SECOND
Nope. But, yanno, keep convincing yourself.- SIGNY
Yep, but - CC

BE SPECIFIC. what did Trump do? When did he do it? Quotes and links please

You're so used to handwaving and thinking in generalties that you've forgotten there is a REAL real world out there. I want to see actual helpful quotes from this troll farm that occurred BEFORE the election (not afterwards), evidence of their impact (yanno, like in hundreds of thousands of votes), evidence that this so-called troll farm was getting its orders from the Kremlin (and wasn't just a marketing click-bait operation), real evidence that "Russia" gave Assange the DNC emails, not the say-so of some DNC-hired contractor, etc. Something solid, not the vapor that you usually spew. Draw those dots, makes those links. Make the best case that you can. Do some real internet resarch for a change, and not just passing the same gas that Rachel Madcow passed every day for years. Go! Fetch!

You don't even know when you're being mocked. Here's your response to second's well reasoned, linked post was:

"No, No, Nope" and now we can add "bullshit." Prove you're right - quotes, links, cites, fetch!

Instead, no links, no cites, not even a weakly argued point of view or broken logic as we've come to expect.
Remember, for you to be believed, you are asking us to believe that you think, "Russia would never try to hack our country" is true.

Maybe you're not a Russian Troll? Maybe you're just a Russian Clown?

Yanno, you fucking nitwit, I've already explained, in this very thread even! why I don't think that Russia "hacked" anything. But just so you can't say that I didn't explain it, I'm going to explain it AGAIN and point out the deficiencies in the Mueller report and maybe you'll get it this time. If not, it's not for lack of information:

Mueller made a series of allegations which are kind of stitched together into a loose narrative even tho no real connections were made

1) The DNC/Podesta emails were "hacked" by "Russia". This was reported by Crowdstrike, a DNC-paid anti-Russian organization with NO independent examination of the servers by the FBI. There were numerous files, terrabytes of data, and yet the NSA didn't manage to capture a single packet of that data moving online overseas.

2) A person named Guccifer2.0 claimed to have the files, and some Russian_based formatting marks were found in his files.

3) The insinution is that Guccifer 2.0 (a "Russian") gave the files to Julian Assange. However, Assange announced publically that he was going to publish files BEFORE Guccifer ever contacted him, and the meta-data of Assange's files indicates that they were transferred to a thumb drive, not transmitted online. Assange directly said that the files did not come from Russia or anyone related to Russia. And yet, Mueller never DID question Assange, just like the DNC servers were never examined. It looks a lot like a man who is trying hard NOT to dig up evidence that might weaken his "case", such as it was.

4) There is an organization called the "Internet Research Agency" which was credited with "helping" Trump through social media. However, most of their content is ambiguous, equivocal, not related to either Trump OR Hillary, and much of it was posted AFTER the election.

5) This IRA troll-farm was claimed by Mueller to be directly linked to the Kremlin. However, there is NO evidence to back that up; the evidence is SO paltry that the presiding judge in the case forbade Mueller by court order from even insinuating that there was ANY connection to Putin. Eventually this will be decided in court. Are you going to claim that the presiding judge is a Russian troll too?

6) Russia supposedly had access to various election databases and in some instances could have altered the data, BUT DIDN'T.

I'm not going to argue this with idiots anymore.

When this whole case falls apart and is found to be another complete hoax, just like the RUSSIA COLLUSION hoax, I'm just going to point and laugh.



Oh btw ... you belatedly admitting that you don't believe that I'm a Russian puts you even MORE firmly on the hook for defamation. Because if you KNEW I wasn't a paid Russian troll, which you have certainly called me often enough, then not only does that mean you called me something which was untrue, you called me something which YOU KNEW to be untrue, which is malicious. So stick it up your ass.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Sunday, July 28, 2019 12:35 PM


... stay crunchy...

What a bore. Skipping 1-3 because it's pure deflection.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

4) There is an organization called the "Internet Research Agency" which was credited with "helping" Trump through social media. However, most of their content is ambiguous, equivocal, not related to either Trump OR Hillary, and much of it was posted AFTER the election.

5) This IRA troll-farm was claimed by Mueller to be directly linked to the Kremlin. However, there is NO evidence to back that up; the evidence is SO paltry that the presiding judge in the case forbade Mueller by court order from even insinuating that there was ANY connection to Putin. Eventually this will be decided in court. Are you going to claim that the presiding judge is a Russian troll too?

cites, links, quotes, fetch!

Aww, did you not read the indictment? The one that says, "starting as early as 2014..." Go! Find it!


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
6) Russia supposedly had access to various election databases and in some instances could have altered the data, BUT DIDN'T.

And you know this how? cites, links, quotes, fetch!


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I'm not going to argue this with idiots anymore.

Jack and JSF will miss you.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Oh btw ... you belatedly admitting that you don't believe that I'm a Russian puts you even MORE firmly on the hook for defamation. Because if you KNEW I wasn't a paid Russian troll, which you have certainly called me often enough, then not only does that mean you called me something which was untrue, you called me something which YOU KNEW to be untrue, which is malicious. Okay, I do know you're a troll - fer shur.

I am so impressed with how stupid you are. I said I don't know what you are - said that all the way back to the Russia Invades Ukraine thread. How could anyone? You could be Reaverfans's sock puppet for all anyone knows. Okay, I do know you're a troll.

Wait a sec! All that typing and you didn't address this:
"Remember, for you to be believed, you are asking us to believe that you think, "Russia would never try to hack our country" is true."



Sunday, July 28, 2019 1:20 PM



Gotta love how nobody talked about Russia since the 80's until Hillary makes some comments about it in the debates and now all we've heard for 2 1/2 years is Russia after Hillary lost.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, July 28, 2019 1:20 PM





Sunday, July 28, 2019 1:23 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
1) The DNC/Podesta emails were "hacked" by "Russia". This was reported by Crowdstrike, a DNC-paid anti-Russian organization with NO independent examination of the servers by the FBI. There were numerous files, terrabytes of data, and yet the NSA didn't manage to capture a single packet of that data moving online overseas.

FBI Says the Democratic Party Wouldn't Let Agents See the Hacked Email Servers

The FBI Never Asked For Access To Hacked Computer Servers

The D.N.C. immediately hired CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm, to scan its computers, identify the intruders and build a new computer and telephone system from scratch. Within a day, CrowdStrike confirmed that the intrusion had originated in Russia, Mr. Sussmann said.
The D.N.C. executives and their lawyer had their first formal meeting with senior F.B.I. officials in mid-June ... Among the early requests at that meeting, according to participants: that the federal government make a quick “attribution” formally blaming actors with ties to Russian government for the attack ... (NOTE: THE DNC REQUESTED THAT THE FBI MAKE A QUICK ATTRIBUTION TO RUSSIA, despite the fact that the FBI never examined the servers directly, but instead relied on the Crowdstrike report for all their information.)


Originally posted by CEREALMUSH:
What a bore. Skipping 1-3 because it's pure deflection.


And if democrats don't do anything different, how are they any better?
tic tac


Sunday, July 28, 2019 1:24 PM


To Captain and T:

I don't agree with much you guys have to say about anything regarding politics, and I think you're severely being mislead with the Russiagate stuff, but I did want to comment that I appreciate that you've more or less maintained your sanity through all of this.

Marcos, Second and Wishy have gone off the deep end and have become hard supporters of censorship, violence, murder and hate. While Wishy and Marco's focus with this seems rather nebulous, Second has twice this week advocated for the assassination of Trump (later backpedaling that he was just calling for an attempted yet failed assassination), and just today he's suggested that I murder my old boss and take all of his money (the second time he's told me to do this).

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, July 28, 2019 4:02 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
2) A person named Guccifer2.0 claimed to have the files, and some Russian_based formatting marks were found in his files.



Originally posted by CEREALMUSH:
What a bore. Skipping 1-3 because it's pure deflection.


And if democrats don't do anything different, how are they any better?
tic tac


Sunday, July 28, 2019 5:55 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Marcos, Second and Wishy have gone off the deep end and have become hard supporters of censorship, violence, murder and hate.

No they haven't - you just don't get it. Trump is a raging lying sack of shit x 1000 - a complete embarrassment to this country. And he keeps chipping off the few good parts that remain. I hope that fugger has heart attack and dies on the golf course after shooting his worst round of golf. If I believed in god I'd pray for that every day.

You keep not answering my simple questions. I'll narrow it to one to make it easy:

Do you really think Putin didn't and isn't going to f*ck with our elections? You try and present yourself as someone who knows a thing or 2 about computers but you seem incredibly, ridiculously, unbelievably naive about this stuff.

For some reason you and SHIT4BRAINS can't or refuse to answer that basic question.


Sunday, July 28, 2019 7:16 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Marcos, Second and Wishy have gone off the deep end and have become hard supporters of censorship, violence, murder and hate.

No they haven't - you just don't get it.


Second in particular has called for an assassination of Trump. Then this morning he told me that I should murder my old boss and steal everything he owns. This is at least the 6th time he's called for Trump's assassination, and even T is on the record here denouncing Seconds words. This is also the second time that he has told me that I should murder my old boss.

Every post that Wishy makes is dripping with hate and has recently delved into the territory of calling for violence.

Marcos is an antifa pig. Loud and proud.

Don't defend these people or their actions.


Trump is a raging lying sack of shit x 1000

So was every politician ever. So what?


- a complete embarrassment to this country.

A complete embarassment to the less than half of this country that didn't vote for him, maybe.


And he keeps chipping off the few good parts that remain. I hope that fugger has heart attack and dies on the golf course after shooting his worst round of golf. If I believed in god I'd pray for that every day.

Be careful you don't take that a bit further. Prayer isn't violence. Wishing accidental or health related death on somebody is a shitty thing to do, but we already know that you're an asshole and that's not a crime.


You keep not answering my simple questions. I'll narrow it to one to make it easy:

Do you really think Putin didn't and isn't going to f*ck with our elections? You try and present yourself as someone who knows a thing or 2 about computers but you seem incredibly, ridiculously, unbelievably naive about this stuff.

I already answered the question. I don't even believe in the legitimacy of the entire institution of elections after they went to machine voting. Why worry about Russia when I don't trust anybody in our own government on either side and the entire thing is just as hackable as our credit card and medical databases, if not even easier?

Fuck Putin. He can lick my balls.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, July 28, 2019 7:23 PM


Washington Post and many top Democraps now grudgingly agree that having Mueller testify was a disaster for them. Well duh!

"Mueller "stunt" backfired - big time"

"Immeasurable harm to the left"



Monday, July 29, 2019 8:47 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Second in particular has called for an assassination of Trump. Then this morning he told me that I should murder my old boss and steal everything he owns. This is at least the 6th time he's called for Trump's assassination, and even T is on the record here denouncing Seconds words. This is also the second time that he has told me that I should murder my old boss.

Trump's intelligence chief resigned after the White House repeatedly suppressed his warnings about Russian interference.

I'm thinking that Dan Coats had enough of Trump's lazy, do-nothing attitude toward the most difficult duties involved with the job of being President.

If Trump won't do his job, he can drop dead because V.P. Mike Pence will be available and can do what Trump won't. By the way, 6ix, if you can't deal with the tiny stresses of your little life, from raccoons to rotting wood steps, drop dead. I know there is no Vice President of 6ixStringJack affairs (or a spouse or children) to immediately step forward and take over your responsibilities, but what are those responsibilities, anyway? Oh, now that I think of it, you don't have any. Feel free in the future if you ever work again to beat some sense into your awful bosses in exchange for better pay. If the bosses fight back, what is the worst that could happen to you? Be unemployed? You are already there. Lose your wife and kids or even you dearly loved pets? Don't have any. Get arrested by the police? Free room and board for you, you have said. There is really no downside for you to go violent and break the laws, except for losing the right to vote for Trump in 2020. Make America Great Again, 6ix!

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, July 29, 2019 10:32 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by second:
By the way, 6ix...

Ok, that is a tad harsh. Thankfully I know you're just busting his chops in the typical man-to-man RWED way. Least you could do is add a wink emoji!

I think I know where you're going from, though. Jack's a bit of a pisser, ain't he? I hope his prideful stubbornness doesn't last. He seems immune to people that want to help him, goes in the opposite direction. Crazy, he actually reminds me of me at one point in my life. The way I got out of my social blackhole was by giving up in a way. I said, "f*ck it, I'm going to loose my ego and just LISTEN to what others have to say." And I was more forgiving of myself, took a vacation from being self critical. I lowered expectations across the board, as well, for everyone. Everyone got a blank check from me, "be whoever you want, no judgement."
The moment I did that it was like an enormous weight was lifted, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh....

Whoops! Did I type that on the board?!?

Best of luck with your house BS, Jack. It can drive a person nuts, right?


Monday, July 29, 2019 11:31 AM


It's actually not that bad most days. I'm making headway. Once I get the place cleared out and cleaned up I'm going to get a realtor in here to at least get some figures of just selling it as-is vs. what's the most I could hope to get for it in the current market if I put money into it.

It will be nice when I don't have to deal with any of it anymore, for sure.

But the lawn has never looked better than it does now. The raccoon problem has been remedied. I'm having a bit of a tougher time getting rid of the ants, but they're not in the house... at least we finally have our first dry summer in 5 years so their activity has been minimal. No flooding issues either for a while.

I'm in the process of pricing out some things that I have that might make it okay to just walk away from the situation and take a hit in the amount of money I could make by fixing up the house and just being done with it, assuming I can find a buyer. I've got two beautiful oil paintings of Notre Dame, one of which still has a very old pricetag from Marshall Fields that said $1,450 on it. I've got 5 Civil War prints, two of them are copyrighted in the late 1800's.

Do you know anybody who would be interested in a 1980 Gibson ES-335TD that's damn near mint? Even if I got back into playing guitar I'll never be good enough to play that thing.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, July 29, 2019 11:45 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by second:
By the way, 6ix...

Ok, that is a tad harsh. Thankfully I know you're just busting his chops in the typical man-to-man RWED way. Least you could do is add a wink emoji!

Prior to last week, most Americans had never heard of John Ratcliffe. But in the testimony of former special counsel Robert Mueller before the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees, the second-term Republican Texas congressman put on quite a show.

He berated Mueller for stating that President Donald Trump was not fully exonerated in his eponymous report on his findings of the nearly two-year-long investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and the possibility of obstruction of justice by the President.

What did Trump award Ratcliffe for his services? The US top intelligence job. That ain't gonna end well for running those agencies effectively.

Guys like Ratcliffe, 6ix, and Trump need their asses beaten for what they are and how they live their lives. I've been sympathizing with Trump voters I've known for 50 years in Texas, but these guys never learn that it's not the government that ruined their lives; it is their own fault, whether it is drinking, smoking, over-eating, crashing their pickups into light-poles, getting divorced or fired or going bankrupt. It's their own damn fault and they need to be told that constantly until they stop imagining their problems are caused out there somewhere in Washington, D.C. Their problem is inside their head. It is that brain of theirs not running right.

(Now I don't have to be so sympathetic to those old voters for Trump. They are dead. Their livers gave out or their lungs or suicide or their Ex-wife shot them dead and good riddance. I don't think any Federal programs out of D.C. could possibly have saved them from their brains and their self-delusions.)

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, July 29, 2019 12:12 PM



Originally posted by second:
Guys like Ratcliffe, 6ix, and Trump need their asses beaten for what they are and how they live their lives.


Remember talking about not putting people into boxes, Captain?

Second just put me in the same box as Radcliffe and Trump.

What a silly man he is.

I've taken full responsibility for my actions Second. I'm a recovered alcoholic who's dealing with a lot of the problems he's created for himself. It's not easy, but I don't imagine that genuine recovery ever is.

Monday's almost halfway over. Don't you have a business to run instead of trying to kick people when they're down?

And no. I reject your suggestion to murder my old boss and take everything he has. You should consider yourself lucky that none of the people you fired for their political beliefs are as unhinged as you are.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, July 30, 2019 12:28 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


What a bore. Skipping 1-3 because it's pure deflection. I already think tha the whole Russia-Assange accusation was bogus



4) There is an organization called the "Internet Research Agency" which was credited with "helping" Trump through social media. However, most of their content is ambiguous, equivocal, not related to either Trump OR Hillary, and much of it was posted AFTER the election.

5) This IRA troll-farm was claimed by Mueller to be directly linked to the Kremlin. However, there is NO evidence to back that up; the evidence is SO paltry that the presiding judge in the case forbade Mueller by court order from even insinuating that there was ANY connection to Putin. Eventually this will be decided in court. Are you going to claim that the presiding judge is a Russian troll too?- SIGNY

cites, links, quotes, fetch!

Aww, did you not read the indictment? The one that says, "starting as early as 2014..." Go! Find it!

I don't have to read the indictment, a judge read it for me and she said it was a lottacrap, and forbade Mueller from continuing to (falsely) claim that this social media marketing agency had links to the Kremlin.

In fact, the Mueller team has bobbled the indictment from the get-go, because (1) they made it all up because (2) they never expected anyone to defend one of their targets in court.

The whole sad mis-handled mess started on Feb 2018 when Mueller indicted the IRA and its parent/affiliate companies Concorde Mgt and Concorde Catering

In April 2018, Concorde lawyers showed up in court requesting copies of the "evidence" against it ("discovery process"), which caused Meuller to ask for a delay on the idea that the indicted entities had not been properly served. The judge refused the delay.

In November 2018 the same judge asked the Mueller team to "clarify" it's allegations against Concorde et al, because there is no statute covering the indictment

In July of this year (2019) the same judge found that Mueller's constant reference to concorde's (unproven) Kremlin links to be "prejudicial" and ordered Mueller to stop talking about them


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
6) Russia supposedly had access to various election databases and in some instances could have altered the data, BUT DIDN'T.- SIGNY

And you know this how? - CC


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Oh btw ... you belatedly admitting that you don't believe that I'm a Russian puts you even MORE firmly on the hook for defamation. Because if you KNEW I wasn't a paid Russian troll, which you have certainly called me often enough, then not only does that mean you called me something which was untrue, you called me something which YOU KNEW to be untrue, which is malicious. - SIGNY

Okay, I do know you're a troll - fer shur. - CC

That doesn't let you off the hook.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Tuesday, July 30, 2019 2:18 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

For your reading pleasure


Just how dead is the RussiaGate story — and how brain-dead are the House Democratic Committee chairmen, Nadler (Judiciary Committee) and Schiff (Intelligence Committee) to haul RussiaGate’s front-man, Robert Mueller back into the spotlight where the next thing to roll over and die will be Mr. Mueller’s evanescent reputation? The entrapment operation that was the Special Counsel’s covert mission has turned out to be Mr. Mueller own personal booby-trap, prompting the question: is it possible that he’s just not very bright?

Though Mr. Mueller’s final report asserted that the Russian government interfered in “a sweeping and systemic fashion” to influence the 2016 election, the 450-page great tome contains zero evidence to support that claim, and the discrepancy was actually noticed by federal judge Dabney Friedrich who is presiding over the case against the alleged Russian Facebook trolls that was one of the two tent-poles in the RussiaGate fantasy. The case is now blowing up in Robert Mueller’s face.

In early 2018, Mr. Mueller sold a DC grand jury on producing indictments against a Russian outfit called the Internet Research Agency and its parent company Concord Management, owned by Russian oligarch Yevgeny Prigozhin for the so-called election meddling. The indictment was celebrated as a huge coup at the time by the likes of CNN and The New York Times, styled as a silver bullet in the heart of the Trump presidency. But the indicted parties were all in Russia, and could not be extradited, and there was zero expectation that any actual trial would ever take place — leaving Mueller & Co. off-the-hook for proving their allegations.

To the great surprise of Mr. Mueller and his “team,” Mr. Prigozhin hired some American lawyers to defend his company in court. Smooth move. It automatically triggered the discovery process, by which the accused is entitled to see the evidence that prosecutors hold. It turned out that Mr. Mueller’s team had no evidence that the Russian government was involved with the Facebook pranks. This annoyed Judge Friedrich, who ordered Mr. Mueller and his lawyers to desist making public statements about Concord and IRA’s alleged “sweeping and systemic” collusion with Russia, and threatened legal sanctions if they did.

Judge Friedrich’s rulings were unsealed in early July, after Messers Nadler and Schiff had already scheduled Mr. Mueller’s testimony before their committees. And now they’re stuck with him. The only purpose of his appearance was to repeat and reinforce the narrative that the Russian government interfered in the election, which he is now forbidden to do, at least in connection to the Concord and IRA’s activities. But the other tentpole of the two-year-plus inquisition has also collapsed: the allegation that Russian intel hacked the DNC servers. It’s now a matter of public record that the DNC servers were never examined by federal officials. They were purportedly scrutinized by a DNC contractor called CrowdStrike, co-founded by Russian Dimitri Alperovitch, an adversary of Vladimir Putin, active in US-based anti-Putin lobbying and PR. CrowdStrike’s “draft” report on their review of the server was laughably incomplete, and the Mueller team’s lawyers took no steps to validate it.

It would be interesting to hear Robert Mueller’s explanation for how come US computer forensic experts were never dispatched to take possession of the DNC servers. Surely a ranking member on either House committee would have to ask him that, along with many other embarrassing questions about the stupendously sloppy and disingenuous work of the Special Counsel’s team. It was only one glaring omission among many.

The whole affair now takes on tragic contours of Shakespearean dimensions. The Attorney General, Mr. Barr, is said to be an “old friend” of Mr. Mueller. They clashed pretty publicly after the release of Mr. Mueller’s long-awaited final report. Mr. Barr must at least be dismayed by the bad faith and deliberate deceit in his old friend’s final report, and he really has to do something about it. The entire Mueller episode smacks of prosecutorial misconduct. In retrospect, it can only be explained as a desperate act undertaken by foolishly overconfident political activists. If Mr. Mueller thought he was being enlisted to play an historically heroic role to help get rid of an elected president detested by the Establishment, then he made the blunder of a lifetime. It was not the first blunder of his long career, but it was the final and fatal one. It is not out of the question that Mr. Mueller himself may eventually be the one indicted and convicted of real crimes against the people of the United States.

Like I said, this story ("Russia hacked the election) is a piece of crap that will be overtaken by future investigations and future events.

It was just a distraction for never-Trumpers who were willing to believe anything ... and I mean anything, no matter how unsupported ... that bolstered their rage. The only lasting effect that it will have is that it was used to justify censorship of the internet by the giant tech corporations (which btw have big contracts with the DOD). I guess the only ones entitled to spread "fake news" is the M$M.

But as a story it will soon swirl down the toilet bowl of history. I can only hope that y'all recognize when it has jumped the shark, and that you learn something from your willing gullibility.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Tuesday, July 30, 2019 10:49 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

What a bore. Skipping 1-3 because it's pure deflection. I already think tha the whole Russia-Assange accusation was bogus



4) There is an organization called the "Internet Research Agency" which was credited with "helping" Trump through social media. However, most of their content is ambiguous, equivocal, not related to either Trump OR Hillary, and much of it was posted AFTER the election.

5) This IRA troll-farm was claimed by Mueller to be directly linked to the Kremlin. However, there is NO evidence to back that up; the evidence is SO paltry that the presiding judge in the case forbade Mueller by court order from even insinuating that there was ANY connection to Putin. Eventually this will be decided in court. Are you going to claim that the presiding judge is a Russian troll too?- SIGNY

cites, links, quotes, fetch!

Aww, did you not read the indictment? The one that says, "starting as early as 2014..." Go! Find it!

I don't have to read the indictment, a judge read it for me and she said it was a lottacrap, and forbade Mueller from continuing to (falsely) claim that this social media marketing agency had links to the Kremlin.

In fact, the Mueller team has bobbled the indictment from the get-go, because (1) they made it all up because (2) they never expected anyone to defend one of their targets in court.

The whole sad mis-handled mess started on Feb 2018 when Mueller indicted the IRA and its parent/affiliate companies Concorde Mgt and Concorde Catering

In April 2018, Concorde lawyers showed up in court requesting copies of the "evidence" against it ("discovery process"), which caused Meuller to ask for a delay on the idea that the indicted entities had not been properly served. The judge refused the delay.

In November 2018 the same judge asked the Mueller team to "clarify" it's allegations against Concorde et al, because there is no statute covering the indictment

In July of this year (2019) the same judge found that Mueller's constant reference to concorde's (unproven) Kremlin links to be "prejudicial" and ordered Mueller to stop talking about them

Which has nothing to do with whether Russia hacked our 2016 election. You might as well be describing ferret husbandry. The lengths you will go to to absolve the Russian government of any involvement... amazing.

Do you think Putin had no idea what the IRA was up to?


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
6) Russia supposedly had access to various election databases and in some instances could have altered the data, BUT DIDN'T.- SIGNY


And you know this how? - CC

You're suggesting NPR knows better than all of the US national intel agencies?

Breaking News - you still didn't answer whether you thought Russia tried to hack the 2016 presidential campaign - it's a yes or not question:

Yes or No?

Do you think Russia will try and hack/influence/obstruct the 2020 election?

Yes or No?


Tuesday, July 30, 2019 11:46 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


What a bore. Skipping 1-3 because it's pure deflection. I already think tha the whole Russia-Assange accusation was bogus



4) There is an organization called the "Internet Research Agency" which was credited with "helping" Trump through social media. However, most of their content is ambiguous, equivocal, not related to either Trump OR Hillary, and much of it was posted AFTER the election.

5) This IRA troll-farm was claimed by Mueller to be directly linked to the Kremlin. However, there is NO evidence to back that up; the evidence is SO paltry that the presiding judge in the case forbade Mueller by court order from even insinuating that there was ANY connection to Putin. Eventually this will be decided in court. Are you going to claim that the presiding judge is a Russian troll too?- SIGNY

cites, links, quotes, fetch! Aww, did you not read the indictment? The one that says, "starting as early as 2014..." Go! Find it! - CC

I don't have to read the indictment, a judge read it for me and she said it was a lottacrap, and forbade Mueller from continuing to (falsely) claim that this social media marketing agency had links to the Kremlin.

In fact, the Mueller team has bobbled the indictment from the get-go, because (1) they made it all up because (2) they never expected anyone to defend one of their targets in court.

The whole sad mis-handled mess started on Feb 2018 when Mueller indicted the IRA and its parent/affiliate companies Concorde Mgt and Concorde Catering

In April 2018, Concorde lawyers showed up in court requesting copies of the "evidence" against it ("discovery process"), which caused Meuller to ask for a delay on the idea that the indicted entities had not been properly served. The judge refused the delay.

In November 2018 the same judge asked the Mueller team to "clarify" it's allegations against Concorde et al, because there is no statute covering the indictment

In July of this year (2019) the same judge found that Mueller's constant reference to concorde's (unproven) Kremlin links to be "prejudicial" and ordered Mueller to stop talking about them

Which has nothing to do with whether Russia hacked our 2016 election. You might as well be describing ferret husbandry. The lengths you will go to to absolve the Russian government of any involvement... amazing

Do you think Putin had no idea what the IRA was up to?- CC

It's not up to ME to decide whether the IRA was getting its orders from the Kremlin, the "evidence" (what little there was of it) was redacted BUT THERE IS A COURT CASE GOING ON OVER THAT VERY ISSUE, and the people deciding guilty or not will be able to see ALL of the evidence and make a decision based on that. This is like MH17: I'm willing to let the full investigation play out because what choice do I have, really? Make up my mind on the basis of nothing?


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
6) Russia supposedly had access to various election databases and in some instances could have altered the data, BUT DIDN'T.- SIGNY

And you know this how? - CC


You're suggesting NPR knows better than all of the US national intel agencies? - CC

No, NPR was quoting the intelligence agency that was inspecting the databases. Probably the FBI. They didn't just make it up on their own. Trust me, anything exculpatory about Russia is going to fully vetted before it goes on air, unlike the wild accusations and anynomous leaks of fake news that manage to get broadcast month after month.


Breaking News - you still didn't answer whether you thought Russia tried to hack the 2016 presidential campaign - it's a yes or not question:- CC

I agree with THUGR, it might be a good idea if you guys started to "reply with quote" my posts so you don't keep forgetting and misrepresenting what I've opined.

"Hacking" is a general term that covers a lot of potential activity. I broke down my answer to the various parts of what Russia was accused of.

I think the biggest effect on the election was Comey's on-again, off-again investigation of Hillary's State Department emails. So NO, Russia had nothing to do with that.

The NEXT biggest effect was the Podesta/DNC emails. I think Assange got them from an insider via thumb drive and the Guccifer2.0 persona was created by the intelligence agencies simply to smear the provenance of the data. So, NO, no Russian involvement there.

It's difficult to say whether any of the IRA content that landed on social media had any net effect whatsoever. The content seems irrelevant, equivocal, and much of it was posted AFTER the election. Everything it did looks like a social media click-bait generator. I have to let the court case play out because they have access to evidence that I don't. DON'T KNOW.

But the best way to protect from ANY sort of disinformation campaign isn't to censor the internet (or the news) from so-called "fake news" (ie. news that TPTB disapproves of) but to make people more robust consumers of information. If you're exposed to enough lies, and you learn from the experience, eventually you get innoculated against them.

Changing electoral databases: NOPE. I'm not sure that Russia even accessed any of them, considering the blizzard of lies that has been spewed by the M$M this might just be another one. But the media has ALSO repeated, since this first emerged as an item over a year ago, that no changes were detected. It wouldn't surprise me if Russia wanted to do a little vote projection and went on an information-gathering campaign, but I see no evidence so far that it affected anything.


Yes or No?- CC
It's not a "yes" or "no" answer, as I've explained several times already. It's a "no,no, maybe, no, maybe but no effect" answer.


If you want to look at foreign powers who really DID try and affect our election, look at the UK (MI6), Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the (former) Ukraine government.


Do you think Russia will try and hack/influence/obstruct the 2020 election?- CC
No. Too much has been made of "Russia meddling" already. However, since everyone is busy looking in the Russia direction, expect the usual suspects (other foreign governments) and some unusual ones (big tech companies) to meddle.

Now, just so you know that I don't think Russia is above meddling in foreign events, I'll give you two examples of where I suspect Russia WAS involved ...

1) That whole "fuck the EU" conversation that neocon Victoria Nuland was having with neocon Geoffrey Pyat, where they were picking and choosing the members of the post-Maidan government ... altho the recording was verified, nobody has said where it came from

2) Right before elections in Turkey, several years ago, two recordings were made public. One was a private conversation between Erdogan and his son, he was instructin his son where to hide money. Another was among Turkish generals who were planning a false flag wich would allow them a cross-border incursion into Syria. Again, nobody hsa said where these recordings came from.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Tuesday, July 30, 2019 3:09 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Cartoon Meanwhile-on-Parallel-Earth:

It's time once again to check in on parallel Earth -- a world very much like our own, yet strangely divergent!

On parallel Earth, President Donald Trump robs a bank in broad daylight:
"I have an Article Two! I can do anything I want! Many people don't know this!"

Parallel Fox News leaps to the President's Defense:
"The robber was wearing a mask! How do we know it wasn't Hillary Clinton?"

Two years later, parallel Robert Mueller issues a report:
"If we were confident the president didn't rob a bank in broad daylight, we would've said so."

Trump rages endlessly on parallel Twitter:
"Witch hunt! Fake news! Why didn't 32 angry Democrats investigate the real robber, crooked Hillary?"
"No obstruction! No bank robbery! Full exoneration!"
"Make parallel America great again!"

Eventually, Mueller testifies:
"To clarify, does your report exonerate the president of robbing a bank in broad daylight?"
"I would say that generally it does not."

The apologists switch gears:
"Mueller doesn't have the authority to exonerate! It's a meaningless concept!"
"Why are we even talking about it?"
"What are words, even?"

Meanwhile, very serious pundits discussed the theatrics of it all:
"The optics were terrible! Mueller did not pound his fist on the desk and provide shows such as ours with a viral video clip!"
"At long last, has Mueller no sense of priorities?"

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, July 30, 2019 3:15 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

1. My 600 lb life. (TV show)
2. Donald Trump.
3. Texas Republicans.
4. Ruining people's lives because of their political beliefs.
5. Talking about how much money he has.
6. Republicans
7. Conservatives

a handy summary of SECOND's post:


Originally posted by SECOND:
Cartoon Meanwhile-on-Parallel-Earth:


tic tac


Wednesday, July 31, 2019 7:04 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

What Mueller said in 30 seconds

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, July 31, 2019 8:06 AM


Yep, tick tock



Wednesday, July 31, 2019 8:31 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by THG:
Yep, tick tock

No tick tock because it requires 67 Senators to remove a President, but not even one GOP Senator would vote to remove Trump, no matter what he does, other than Trump killing and eating a baby on live TV. The baby would also have to be an American citizen, white, and cute. The only other strategy that will work is to convince the voters in 2020 to remove Trump.

Trump is killing babies:

The AP count gives a glimpse, even if incomplete, into how often civilians are mistakenly hit by drone strikes, at a time when the Trump administration has dramatically ramped up the use of armed drones. It has carried out 176 strikes during its nearly two years in office, compared to the 154 strikes during the entire eight years of the Obama administration, according to a count by the AP and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, July 31, 2019 9:14 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I don't have to read the indictment, a judge read it for me and she said it was a lottacrap, and forbade Mueller from continuing to (falsely) claim that this social media marketing agency had links to the Kremlin.

Easily debunked - you'd have to be a very slow child to think Putin didn't have a hand in what the IRA was up to. NO ONE would take it on themselves in Putin's Russia to act as they did without express approval from Stinker.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
In fact, the Mueller team has bobbled the indictment from the get-go, because (1) they made it all up because (2) they never expected anyone to defend one of their targets in court.

The whole sad mis-handled mess started on Feb 2018 when Mueller indicted the IRA and its parent/affiliate companies Concorde Mgt and Concorde Catering

In April 2018, Concorde lawyers showed up in court requesting copies of the "evidence" against it ("discovery process"), which caused Meuller to ask for a delay on the idea that the indicted entities had not been properly served. The judge refused the delay.

In November 2018 the same judge asked the Mueller team to "clarify" it's allegations against Concorde et al, because there is no statute covering the indictment

In July of this year (2019) the same judge found that Mueller's constant reference to concorde's (unproven) Kremlin links to be "prejudicial" and ordered Mueller to stop talking about them

All of that text sure looks impressive! I'll give you that... I'll also give you:

Easily debunked. You should have read the articles you posted:

"Mueller's team asked for a delay on Friday because it was unclear whether the firm had formally accepted the court summons for the case, but U.S. District Court Judge Dabney Friedrich, an appointee of President Trump, denied that request in a brief order Saturday. No explanation was given for the decision"

So, not what you typed.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
It's not up to ME to decide whether the IRA was getting its orders from the Kremlin, the "evidence" (what little there was of it) was redacted BUT THERE IS A COURT CASE GOING ON OVER THAT VERY ISSUE, and the people deciding guilty or not will be able to see ALL of the evidence and make a decision based on that. This is like MH17: I'm willing to let the full investigation play out because what choice do I have, really? Make up my mind on the basis of nothing?

Come on, you love to guess about these things, but now you want to wait???


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Breaking News - you still didn't answer whether you thought Russia tried to hack the 2016 presidential campaign - it's a yes or not question:- CC

I think the biggest effect on the election was Comey's on-again, off-again investigation of Hillary's State Department emails. So NO, Russia had nothing to do with that.

So, YES, they tried, just not a huge influence in your opinion. And to be fair, it really didn't need to be much - what did they say? MI, PA, and WI? Just 3 states made the difference...?


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Changing electoral databases: NOPE. I'm not sure that Russia even accessed any of them, considering the blizzard of lies that has been spewed by the M$M this might just be another one. But the media has ALSO repeated, since this first emerged as an item over a year ago, that no changes were detected. It wouldn't surprise me if Russia wanted to do a little vote projection and went on an information-gathering campaign, but I see no evidence so far that it affected anything.

How would you , sitting in your posh ranch home in Simi Vally, have any clue whether Russian intrusions made a difference? I have no idea other than what the 17 different US Intel agencies keep saying.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
If you want to look at foreign powers who really DID try and affect our election, look at the UK (MI6), Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the (former) Ukraine government.

However, since everyone is busy looking in the Russia direction, expect the usual suspects (other foreign governments) and some unusual ones (big tech companies) to meddle.

Interesting how you point the finger TWICE at essentially everyone else but Russia.


Wednesday, July 31, 2019 11:32 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I don't have to read the indictment, a judge read it for me and she said it was a lottacrap, and forbade Mueller from continuing to (falsely) claim that this social media marketing agency had links to the Kremlin.- SIGNY

Easily debunked - you'd have to be a very slow child to think Putin didn't have a hand in what the IRA was up to. NO ONE would take it on themselves in Putin's Russia to act as they did without express approval from Stinker.- CC

Lots of things go on without Putin's approval, or even his knowledge. Heck, just look at the recent demonstrations in Moscow. Do you think he controls the minutae of every single moment of every Russian's life? I read (in the English-language versions of Russian press) often enough about MAJOR problems that have gone on for years that were finally found and corrected ... the Admiral of the Northern Fleet, for example, who was canned because he had been faking readiness reports for years. The person in charge of the space program being arrested for embezzlement. And all of that is supposedly within the Kremlin's purview, and I'm sure there's lots of stuff that isn't even caught. It's a big country, and not as controlled as you think, apparently!


In fact, the Mueller team has bobbled the indictment from the get-go, because (1) they made it all up because (2) they never expected anyone to defend one of their targets in court.
The whole sad mis-handled mess started on Feb 2018 when Mueller indicted the IRA and its parent/affiliate companies Concorde Mgt and Concorde Catering

In April 2018, Concorde lawyers showed up in court requesting copies of the "evidence" against it ("discovery process"), which caused Meuller to ask for a delay on the idea that the indicted entities had not been properly served. The judge refused the delay.

In November 2018 the same judge asked the Mueller team to "clarify" it's allegations against Concorde et al, because there is no statute covering the indictment

In July of this year (2019) the same judge found that Mueller's constant reference to concorde's (unproven) Kremlin links to be "prejudicial" and ordered Mueller to stop talking about them

All of that text sure looks impressive! I'll give you that... I'll also give you:
Easily debunked. You should have read the articles you posted:
"Mueller's team asked for a delay on Friday because it was unclear whether the firm had formally accepted the court summons for the case, but U.S. District Court Judge Dabney Friedrich, an appointee of President Trump, denied that request in a brief order Saturday. No explanation was given for the decision"

There were many articles about that on the internet, some of them addressed the problems with the discovery process, some didn't. If you want, I'll retrieve a few of the ones that discuss the whole discovery process for you. But, of course, you'll just find some other quibble.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
It's not up to ME to decide whether the IRA was getting its orders from the Kremlin, the "evidence" (what little there was of it) was redacted BUT THERE IS A COURT CASE GOING ON OVER THAT VERY ISSUE, and the people deciding guilty or not will be able to see ALL of the evidence and make a decision based on that. This is like MH17: I'm willing to let the full investigation play out because what choice do I have, really? Make up my mind on the basis of nothing?- SIGNY

Come on, you love to guess about these things, but now you want to wait???- CC

yes, because I have nothing to guess on. I saw a smattering of the social media posts and they seemed pretty random, and also occurred months AFTER the election. Homelss vets. Jesus. Women's stockings. Police brutality. There were appeals to black identity which, one might think, would favor Hillary because she was running on the idea that trump was a white racist.


After the 2016 election, the Russian trolls did not stop their work — and on Instagram they actually stepped it up.
Because why?

As far as I know, this kind of advert campaign is pretty typical of social-media brand-bulding. Generally you pick a topic that grabs eyeballs that people will like and share so that you can "monetize" your brand. What the IRA was doing could be easily explained as gathering eyeballs for commericial purposes. It could also be explained as a "disinformation" campaign, altho it seems to be pointing in many directions at once. I usually ask cui bono? but I can't answer that question at the moment because I don't think that TRUMP benefitted, but I don't see who did.


Breaking News - you still didn't answer whether you thought Russia tried to hack the 2016 presidential campaign - it's a yes or not question:- CC


I think the biggest effect on the election was Comey's on-again, off-again investigation of Hillary's State Department emails. So NO, Russia had nothing to do with that.- SIGNY

So, YES, they tried,

Not as far as I can tell

just not a huge influence in your opinion. And to be fair, it really didn't need to be much - what did they say? MI, PA, and WI? Just 3 states made the difference...?
You would have to provide some sort of evidence that it really DID make a difference.


Changing electoral databases: NOPE. I'm not sure that Russia even accessed any of them, considering the blizzard of lies that has been spewed by the M$M this might just be another one. But the media has ALSO repeated, since this first emerged as an item over a year ago, that no changes were detected. It wouldn't surprise me if Russia wanted to do a little vote projection and went on an information-gathering campaign, but I see no evidence so far that it affected anything.- SIGNY

How would you , sitting in your posh ranch home in Simi Vally, have any clue whether Russian intrusions made a difference? I have no idea other than what the 17 different US Intel agencies keep saying. - CC

And neither do I. The ONLY information that I have is from the various Secretaries of State and whichever intelligence agencies investigate these matters.

If Russia DID manage to change the databases, why would the intelligence agencies want to cover that up?


If you want to look at foreign powers who really DID try and affect our election, look at the UK (MI6), Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the (former) Ukraine government.
However, since everyone is busy looking in the Russia direction, expect the usual suspects (other foreign governments) and some unusual ones (big tech companies) to meddle.- SIGNY

Interesting how you point the finger TWICE at essentially everyone else but Russia. -

That's because there's real evidence that they DID meddle in our election. When people point to Russia all I hear is Charlie Brown's wha-wha-wha ... a lot of mush. What about major donations from foreign nations? What about intelligence interference from other nations? This is real direct stuff, not some woo-woo conspiracy theory.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Wednesday, July 31, 2019 11:50 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


On Friday, Mueller’s prosecutors disclosed that Concord’s attorneys, Eric Dubelier and Kate Seikaly, had made a slew of discovery requests demanding nonpublic details about the case and the investigation. Prosecutors also asked a judge to postpone the formal arraignment of Concord Management set for next week.

The purported reason for the requested delay was that Mueller's team was concerned that the defendants hadn't been properly served.

As it turns out, once THAT reason was rejected, the Mueller team asked for ANOTHER delay, this time for the reason that they needed more time to gather the evidence. THAT delay, which was also requested by the defendent's lawyers, was granted.

Seems to me that the evidence should have already been prepared. How does it look when a proseccutor gets to trial and has to ask for a halt because they don't have their ducks in a row?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Wednesday, July 31, 2019 2:06 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

On Friday, Mueller’s prosecutors disclosed that Concord’s attorneys, Eric Dubelier and Kate Seikaly, had made a slew of discovery requests demanding nonpublic details about the case and the investigation. Prosecutors also asked a judge to postpone the formal arraignment of Concord Management set for next week.

The purported reason for the requested delay was that Mueller's team was concerned that the defendants hadn't been properly served.

As it turns out, once THAT reason was rejected, the Mueller team asked for ANOTHER delay, this time for the reason that they needed more time to gather the evidence. THAT delay, which was also requested by the defendent's lawyers, was granted.

Seems to me that the evidence should have already been prepared. How does it look when a proseccutor gets to trial and has to ask for a halt because they don't have their ducks in a row?

You are going all out to muddy the water, aren't you, Signym?

Question from Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.) to Mueller: “Your report famously links Russian Internet troll farms with the Russian government. Yet, at a hearing on May 28th in the Concord Management IRA prosecution that you initiated, the judge excoriated both you and Mr. Barr for producing no evidence to support this claim. Why did you suggest Russia was responsible for the troll farms, when, in court, you’ve been unable to produce any evidence to support it?”

McClintock attacked Mueller with an interesting argument that mirrors one of the defenses offered by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In his line of questioning, McClintock pushed back on a widely accepted finding from the U.S. intelligence community and the Justice Department: that Russia's government ordered up a social-media influence campaign to help Trump and hurt Clinton.

Before Mueller’s grand jury indicted 12 Russian intelligence officers working directly for Putin’s government, it indicted several Russian individuals working for a “troll farm” called the Internet Research Agency. Two Russian companies — called Concord Catering and Concord Management and Consulting — provided the Internet Research Agency with millions of dollars to buy digital ads and to pump pro-Trump and anti-Clinton messaging into the U.S. ecosystem in 2016, Mueller’s indictment alleges.

Among those indicted was Yevgeniy Viktorovich Prigozhin, one of the richest men in Russia. Prigozhin “controlled” the two Concord companies that funded the troll farm and directed its work, Mueller alleged. “He is a caterer who has been nicknamed ‘Putin’s chef’ because of his close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin,” The Washington Post reported. The New York Times reported that Prigozhin has received contracts from the Russian government worth $3.1 billion over the past five years, citing research by the Anti-Corruption Foundation, a group set up by Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

The U.S. Treasury Department in 2016 imposed sanctions on Prigozhin and Concord over Russia’s occupation of Crimea and military actions in Ukraine, and then imposed more sanctions in 2018 based on “malicious cyber-enabled activities.” “Prigozhin has extensive business dealings with the Russian Federation Ministry of Defense, and a company with significant ties to him holds a contract to build a military base near the Russian Federation border with Ukraine,” the Treasury Department said in 2016 when it announced Prigozhin’s Ukraine-related sanctions. “Russia has been building additional military bases near the Ukrainian border and has used these bases as staging points for deploying soldiers into Ukraine.”

In a 2018 news conference with Trump in Helsinki, Putin said Concord did not “represent” or “constitute” the Russian state. But the indictment leaves open the possibility that Russian government officials contributed to the Internet Research Agency’s efforts; it says the named defendants worked “together with others known and unknown to the Grand Jury.”

“Moscow’s influence campaign followed a Russian messaging strategy that blends covert intelligence operations — such as cyber activity — with overt efforts by Russian government agencies, state-funded media, third-party intermediaries, and paid social media users or ‘trolls,’” according to the January 2017 assessment by the U.S. intelligence community.

The IRA indictment, however, does not state that the Russian government was behind the troll farm. U.S. District Judge Dabney L. Friedrich, who is handling the Concord case, ruled July 1 that out-of-court comments from Mueller and Barr linking the Russian government to the IRA’s efforts would prejudice the jury at an eventual trial.

But the judge did not say that the allegation was false or that Russia’s government had no hand in the troll farm’s campaign to influence the 2016 presidential election.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, July 31, 2019 2:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I'm not the one making claims about the IRA ...CC, JO et al are. I've seen a few examples of IRA's activities that the breathless press provided ... maybe a couple dozen examples in all over the past two years. I'm sure the M$M provided the most controversial ones, and even THOSE were pretty unfocused. What did the totality of their USA content look like? do they post content in any other nation? What does THAT look like? Can they credibly demonstrate that this is a commercial, money-making operation, and not a political one? Is there a demonstrable connection between Putin and this Russian? (It seems that everyone in Russia who makes our news is described as having "close ties to Putin". Damn, that guy has a lot of close friends!)

I don't know, and neither do you, and the M$M is (finally) admitting that they don't know either. But it sure served as a good excuse to censor the internet! So, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, Bob Mueller!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Wednesday, July 31, 2019 2:34 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
But it sure served as a good excuse to censor the internet! So, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, Bob Mueller!

This is what it's all about.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, August 15, 2019 9:09 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump tweeted this morning:

Go out and get Andrew McCarthy’s new book, “Ball of Collusion.” “Supervision became the investigator, and when they pushed the envelope, there was nobody there to tell them NO. It goes right to the President (Obama). Plenty of information that Obama was informed & knew exactly what they were doing. There’s plenty of indication, we don’t have to speculate.” @SteveDoocy “Holy cow, got to read this book.” @ainsleyearhardt “WOW!” @foxandfriends A very serious situation. Can never be allowed to happen again! DRAIN THE SWAMP
5:26 AM - 15 Aug 2019

The full title of the book Trump promotes is:

Ball of Collusion: The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency

"The public was led to believe that Trump conspired with Russia to steal the election. Not one to sit passively through an onslaught, President Trump fought back in his tumultuous way. Matters came to a head when he fired his FBI director, who had given explosive House testimony suggesting the president was a criminal suspect, despite privately assuring Trump otherwise. The resulting firestorm of partisan protest cowed the Justice Department to appoint a special counsel, whose seemingly limitless investigation bedeviled the administration for two years.

A doughty group of lawmakers forced a shift in the spotlight from Trump to his investigators and accusers. This has exposed the depth of politicization within American law-enforcement and intelligence agencies. It is now clear that the institutions on which our nation depends for objective policing and clear-eyed analysis injected themselves scandalously into the divisive politics of the 2016 election."

But what Trump says happened is not what happened. It is as if Trump didn't believe his own Dept of Justice, but always huffing and puffing with pride at himself for winning the election without any interference :
"To ensure a full and thorough investigation of the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election, I hereby order as follows:(a) Robert S. Mueller III is appointed to serve as Special Counsel for the United States Department of Justice."
More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at






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