Act of War Against Iran

UPDATED: Monday, January 20, 2025 06:55
VIEWED: 6610
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Friday, January 3, 2020 6:28 AM


Top Iranian General Qassim Suleimani Is Killed on Trump’s Orders, Officials Say

The commander of Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guards Corps was killed early Friday in a drone strike at Baghdad International Airport that was authorized by President Trump, American officials said.

The commander, Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani, and several officials from Iraqi militias backed by Tehran were killed when an American MQ-9 Reaper drone fired missiles into a convoy that was leaving the airport.

What's Iran response going to be?


Friday, January 3, 2020 6:35 AM



Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Friday, January 3, 2020 7:53 AM




Friday, January 3, 2020 7:55 AM


'Depart Iraq Immediately.' U.S. Embassy Advises Americans to Leave After Qasem Soleimani Assassination


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Friday, January 3, 2020 7:58 AM


Democrats call US killing of Iranian general 'reckless'

WASHINGTON (AP) — Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Thursday that President Donald Trump has “tossed a stick of dynamite into a tinderbox" with the targeted killing of Iran's top general in an airstrike at Baghdad’s international airport.

Opps. Hey sig, perhaps we should revisit your Hillary war mongering thread? You remember, the thread you started promoting Trump in the run up to the election.


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Friday, January 3, 2020 7:59 AM


... stay crunchy...

Trump looking at the calendar and feeling the need to check another box before it’s too late:
“Things to see and do while most powerful man on planet: Start a War”

Not to mention the major distraction quality. When Pompeo shows up on cnn first thing in the morning for an interview you know this has been in the works and ready to go on Trump’s signal. Interesting to see how the markets react - hold onto your butts if you’re invested.


Friday, January 3, 2020 8:03 AM



Originally posted by CAPTAINCRUNCH:

Trump looking at the calendar and feeling the need to check another box before it’s too late:

“Things to see and do while most powerful man on planet: Start a War”

Not to mention the major distraction quality. When Pompeo shows up on cnn first thing in the morning for an interview you know this has been in the works and ready to go on Trump’s signal. Interesting to see how the markets react - hold onto your butts if you’re invested.

There are many different times Trump appears on video warning of Obama starting a war with Iran as a political move to win an election. Wait for it. Those clips are coming to this thread soon.


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Friday, January 3, 2020 8:09 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by THG:

There are many different times Trump appears on video warning of Obama starting a war with Iran as a political move to win an election. Wait for it. Those clips are coming to this thread soon.

Years before his all-caps Twitter threat, Trump used to accuse Obama of looking to start a war with Iran
Published Mon, Jul 23 2018

Trump predicted in a tweet that then-President Obama would start a war with Iran “in order to get elected” to a second term. It wasn’t just an off-hand remark; Trump repeated the sentiment that Obama would attack Iran as a political calculation in subsequent tweets over the next four years.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, January 3, 2020 3:07 PM


US to send 3,000 more troops to Middle East following Soleimani death: officials

tick tock


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Friday, January 3, 2020 3:11 PM


Iran vows revenge after U.S. drone strike kills elite force commander


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Friday, January 3, 2020 3:16 PM




Friday, January 3, 2020 4:42 PM


Soleimani was plotting coup in Iraq - U.S. Senator Rubio


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Saturday, January 4, 2020 9:24 AM



Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Saturday, January 4, 2020 11:04 AM


Question? Am I the only one here that believes Iran will now have an overwhelming sense of urgency when it comes to developing a Nuclear weapon?

Way to go Donnie...


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Saturday, January 4, 2020 11:24 AM


lol. I'm sure they were just procrastinating before.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, January 5, 2020 9:21 AM


Iran's response to US will be military -- Khamenei's advisor

The military adviser to Iran's Supreme Leader said Sunday that his country's response to the killing by the United States of one its most influential commanders will certainly be a military response "against military sites."

We are now in the position of waiting. Where, when and how many attacks are coming? How will we respond? How bad will this get? What will our allies do?


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Sunday, January 5, 2020 9:41 AM



Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Sunday, January 5, 2020 11:13 AM


You sound like you're really scared, buddy.

You should probably take a Xanax and take a nap.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, January 5, 2020 11:23 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

You sound like you're really scared, buddy.

You should probably take a Xanax and take a nap.

Iraq's Parliament calls for expulsion of U.S. troops

Scared no, but concerned for the Americans who are going to loose their lives over this; aren't you?

It's also becoming self-evident, Trump is assisting Putin gain traction in the Middle East by removing the United States from the area. Syria and now Iraq. What a fuck up.


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Sunday, January 5, 2020 11:33 AM



Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

You sound like you're really scared, buddy.

You should probably take a Xanax and take a nap.

Iraq's Parliament calls for expulsion of U.S. troops

Scared no, but concerned for the Americans who are going to loose their lives over this; aren't you?

It's also becoming self-evident, Trump is assisting Putin gain traction in the Middle East by removing the United States from the area. Syria and now Iraq. What a fuck up.


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.

It sucks anytime people are going to LOSE their lives over anything that powerful people do.

There is zero different going on here than what we've been doing in the middle east since the 50's.

There's not going to be any war. Or at least, any major conflict. It will just be more of the same bullshit pseudo-wars we've been living with since GWB was president. Iran isn't stupid... unless you believe that all of the people in power there are true believers in the diseased Muslim ideology and that they're all suicidal.

Seriously man... For your own good, I suggest you find a hobby or two to take your mind off of things like this that are completely out of your control. If the worst case happens and this is the end of the world than at least you weren't wigged out in your last days and you can go doing something that you enjoy.

In the mean time, wag the dog or not, this certainly seems to have swept the sham impeachment under the rug, hasn't it?

Pelosi is breathing a sigh of relief right now.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, January 5, 2020 12:41 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

It sucks anytime people are going to LOSE their lives over anything that powerful people do.

There is zero different going on here than what we've been doing in the middle east since the 50's.

There's not going to be any war. Or at least, any major conflict. It will just be more of the same bullshit pseudo-wars we've been living with since GWB was president. Iran isn't stupid... unless you believe that all of the people in power there are true believers in the diseased Muslim ideology and that they're all suicidal.

Seriously man... For your own good, I suggest you find a hobby or two to take your mind off of things like this that are completely out of your control. If the worst case happens and this is the end of the world than at least you weren't wigged out in your last days and you can go doing something that you enjoy.

In the mean time, wag the dog or not, this certainly seems to have swept the sham impeachment under the rug, hasn't it?

Pelosi is breathing a sigh of relief right now.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

All you are really telling us is that an Iranian cannot kill Trump on his way to Air Force One, while Trump can kill at his own pleasure an Iranian on his way to the airport in Iraq. Even Trump wouldn't be able to kill at will if the Pentagon's budget was reduced to be inline with the rest of the world's spending.
"List of countries by military expenditures"

The Pentagon was shocked at what Trump does with the military budget:
"Pentagon Officials Reportedly “Stunned” by Trump’s Decision to Kill Soleimani"

Nobody at the Pentagon said Trump is stupid/unwise, but they know he is.

Even Trump vaguely understands that America spends far too much on the military, although he's a dummy:
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump tweeted
The United States just spent Two Trillion Dollars on Military Equipment. We are the biggest and by far the BEST in the World! If Iran attacks an American Base, or any American, we will be sending some of that brand new beautiful equipment their way...and without hesitation!
9:11 PM - 4 Jan 2020

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, January 5, 2020 2:28 PM


America loves a winner!

Umm, this was no Benghazi.

Instead of ignoring our people in harm's way for 13 hours and packing for a fundraising dinner in Vegas, as Obama did, Trump sent 100 Marines to support and guard the embassy, driving the " protestors ", aka TERRORISTS away. No U.S. causalities. Zero.

And our response?


Monday, January 6, 2020 5:17 PM


Poll: 43 percent approve of Trump strike on Soleimani

About 4 in 10 Americans approve of President Trump's decision to order the airstrike that killed a top Iranian military commander.


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Monday, January 6, 2020 5:51 PM


I'm not one of the 4 in 10. I don't approve of it.

I just don't care. It's exactly the same thing we've been doing for 20 years now, and nobody has given two shits about it for two decades.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, January 10, 2020 6:38 AM


Here's a conspiracy theory for all you conspiracists. Trump assassinates an Iranian General. Iran responds by firing rockets at American military bases in Iraq.

While awaiting Trumps response to that a Ukrainian airliner takes off within Iran. A nervous Iranian military fires at the plane shooting it down killing 179 people thinking it's a missile their radar is tracking.

If this is the case, I blame Trump and his wag the dog bullshit.


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Friday, January 10, 2020 7:20 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I'm not one of the 4 in 10. I don't approve of it.

I just don't care. It's exactly the same thing we've been doing for 20 years now, and nobody has given two shits about it for two decades.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

It is NOT the same. On Thursday, Trump himself claimed that the Iranians were “looking to blow up our embassy” in Baghdad, but cited no facts to back up the assertion.

Following classified briefings for members of Congress on Wednesday, numerous lawmakers from both parties said that the administration did NOT present direct evidence of an imminent threat, even when they repeatedly asked officials to do so.

“If the members of our armed services have the courage to go and fight and die in these wars, as Congress we ought to have the courage to vote for them or against them,” said Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., “I support the president, killing Suleimani was the right decision. But engaging in another forever war with the Middle East would be the wrong decision, and that’s why I’m voting for this resolution.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, January 10, 2020 7:48 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

What’s the strategy?

If Trump can’t articulate his Iran policy, then Congress needs to assert its authority.

In a week that began with a deadly U.S. drone strike on an Iranian military leader and ended with President Donald Trump assuring the nation that a retaliatory Iranian missile launch against U.S. troops was actually a sign of peaceful resolution, Americans can be forgiven for feeling whiplashed.

How did we so quickly go from the standard “tensions in the Middle East” status quo to the brink of war and back to “all is well”? Is it? And what happens now?

The good news is that Iran chose to hurl 22 missiles at two Iraqi bases housing U.S. troops where no people were killed and no real property damage was done and that Trump chose to accept that as a fitting end to the current hostilities.

“Iran appears to be standing down, which is a good thing for all parties concerned and a very good thing for the world,” Trump said in a White House address to the nation Wednesday.

Peace in our time.

By Thursday, however, a leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps was threatening “harsher revenge soon” against the United States as even some of the president’s Republican allies in the Senate were upset by the lack of information and what Sen. Mike Lee described as instructions to members of Congress not to question military decisions.

“What I found so distressing about that briefing was that one of the messages we received from the briefers was, ‘Do not debate. Do not discuss the issue of the appropriateness of further military intervention against Iran. And then if you do, you’ll be emboldening Iran.’ ”

Lee called an hourlong closed-door meeting Wednesday with administration officials, “the worst briefing I’ve seen, at least on a military issue.”

The briefing was held as the House prepared to vote Thursday on a resolution that would force Trump to end hostilities against Iran unless he gets specific authorization from Congress.

Lee said he is now open to supporting such a resolution based on the lack of information from White House and military officials.

“They were asked repeatedly, what, if anything, would trigger the need for the administration to come back to Congress for a declaration of war or an authorization for the use of military force,” Lee said. “At one point, I believe one of the briefers said something like, ‘I’m sure we can think of something.’ But they struggled to identify anything.”

The Constitution gives Congress the power to declare war, but presidents, invoking their role as commander in chief, have historically launched and escalated wars, including in Korea and Vietnam, without the approval of Congress. Presidents from both parties have skirted the wishes of Congress, which has at times willingly ceded its authority to the executive branch to avoid tough votes and decisions. A resolution would be largely symbolic, but debate could bring some much-needed transparency and clarity to the issue.

Lee’s complaints track broader concerns about Trump’s order last week to kill Tehran’s top military commander, Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, in an overnight U.S. drone strike near Baghdad’s international airport.

While everyone agrees that Soleimani was responsible for hundreds of American and Iraqi deaths and destabilizing attacks against the United States and its interests in the Middle East, the administration has offered confusing and contradicting reasons for the urgency of the strike.

The administration also has been fuzzy on how it planned to deal with the aftermath and the possibility that U.S. forces would again be pulled into a war in the region.

In his statement Wednesday, the president said he would ask that “NATO become much more involved in the Middle East process” even though he has belittled the organization as ineffective and alienated many of the leaders in those nations who continue to support the 2015 agreement to lift sanctions on Iran in exchange for Iran accepting restrictions on its nuclear program.

Trump has instead pushed a “maximum pressure” campaign of economic and financial sanctions, a move that in part prompted the attack on the U.S. Embassy compound in Baghdad that started the escalation to the Soleimani assassination and the president’s threats to attack cultural sites in Iran, which was widely criticized as a violation of international law and a war crime.

All of this adds up to an incoherent foreign policy fueled by personal pique and random impulse that not surprisingly took us to the brink of war.

No wonder we have whiplash.

If the administration can’t articulate a comprehensible policy for dealing with Iran that doesn’t include needless provocations and Twitter threats, it is time for Congress to step in and put up guardrails.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, January 10, 2020 8:22 AM



Originally posted by second:

No wonder we have whiplash.

Hyperbole of the day!

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, January 10, 2020 5:23 PM


Evidence That Plane Was Shot Down in Iran May Upset U.S.-Canada Relations

If it is determined that it was an Iranian missile, Mr. Trudeau will have to grapple with the question of whether the United States, Canada’s most important ally, played a role in provoking the events that ultimately resulted in the loss of Canadians’ lives.

They say it may have been a Russian made missile. If it was, was it a Russian that fired it?

tick tock


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Friday, January 10, 2020 5:37 PM



Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Friday, January 10, 2020 6:37 PM



Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Friday, January 10, 2020 7:17 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:

No wonder we have whiplash.

Hyperbole of the day!

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Here are the explanations so far for why we had to kill Qassim Soleimani:

Story #1: Iran planned an “imminent strike.”

Story #2: But we don’t know when or where.

Story #3: Wait, they were planning to bomb our embassy in Baghdad. We had to stop them.

Story #4: Well, really, it was revenge for the demonstration against our embassy in Baghdad.

Story #5: Hold on. They were planning to bomb four American embassies. **

By no means do I think this covers all the explanations we’ve gotten. These are just the ones I remember off the top of my head. The last two are from Trump himself.

It’s insane. And so far, the Trumpies have refused to provide even the slightest bit of evidence to back this up, even to the Gang of Eight in Congress.

** A senior administration official and a senior defense official said they were only aware of vague intelligence about a plot against the embassy in Baghdad. Neither said there were threats against multiple embassies. Trump lied.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, January 10, 2020 9:43 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:

No wonder we have whiplash.

Hyperbole of the day!

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Here are the explanations so far for why we had to kill Qassim Soleimani:

Story #1: Iran planned an “imminent strike.”

Story #2: But we don’t know when or where.

Story #3: Wait, they were planning to bomb our embassy in Baghdad. We had to stop them.

Story #4: Well, really, it was revenge for the demonstration against our embassy in Baghdad.

Story #5: Hold on. They were planning to bomb four American embassies. **

By no means do I think this covers all the explanations we’ve gotten. These are just the ones I remember off the top of my head. The last two are from Trump himself.

It’s insane. And so far, the Trumpies have refused to provide even the slightest bit of evidence to back this up, even to the Gang of Eight in Congress.

** A senior administration official and a senior defense official said they were only aware of vague intelligence about a plot against the embassy in Baghdad. Neither said there were threats against multiple embassies. Trump lied.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

I just file it under Don't Give a Shit. Problem solved.

Have fun with your whiplash though.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, January 10, 2020 9:55 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I just file it under Don't Give a Shit. Problem solved.

Have fun with your whiplash though.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

You are not even among the first thousand Trump voters I know and they have, just like you, filed this and everything else about their entire lives under "Don't Give a Shit." That doesn't work nearly as well as they think it should, partly because Trump "Doesn't Give a Shit", either. He doesn't have to because they are gonna vote for him and the GOP no matter what happens between now and forever.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, January 10, 2020 10:38 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I just file it under Don't Give a Shit. Problem solved.

Have fun with your whiplash though.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

You are not even among the first thousand Trump voters I know and they have, just like you, filed this and everything else about their entire lives under "Don't Give a Shit." That doesn't work nearly as well as they think it should, partly because Trump "Doesn't Give a Shit", either. He doesn't have to because they are gonna vote for him and the GOP no matter what happens between now and forever.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

And yet, you're the one stroking out everyday.

Your life sounds awesome buddy.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, January 11, 2020 2:24 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Assassination by drone strike? Obama did that for YEARS. It started as a secret CIA program and expanded to involve JSOC Obama had a kill list and everything. Don't you remember when he said he was rather good at it, and his "joke"

Jonas Brothers are here, they’re out there somewhere ... Sasha and Malia are huge fans, but boys, don’t get any ideas. Two words for you: predator drones. You’ll never see it coming."


How can anyone who supported Obama now pretend to be anti-war?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Saturday, January 11, 2020 2:29 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


The War Pigs Are Finally Revealing Themselves - And This Is Just The Beginning...
Wednesday, 08 January 2020 17:00 Brandon Smith

In 2016 during the election campaign of Donald Trump one of the primary factors of his popularity among conservatives was that he was one of the first candidates since Ron Paul to argue for bringing US troops home and ending American involvement in the various elitist fabricated wars in the Middle East. From Iraq, to Afghanistan, to Syria and Yemen and beyond, the Neo-Cons and Neo-Libs at the behest of their globalist masters had been waging war oversees unabated for over 15 years. The time was ripe for a change and people felt certain that if Hillary Clinton entered the White House, another 4-8 years of war were guaranteed.

There was nothing to be gained from these wars. They were only dragging the US down socially and economically, and even the idea of “getting the oil” had turned into a farce as the majority of Iraqi oil has been going to China, not the US. General estimates on the costs of the wars stand at $5 trillion US tax dollars and over 4500 American dead along with around 40,000 wounded. The only people that were benefiting from the situation were globalists and banking elites, who had been clamoring to destabilize the Middle East since the day they launched their “Project For A New American Century” (PNAC). Truly, all wars are banker wars.

The Obama Administration's attempts to lure Americans into supporting open war with the Assad regime in Syria had failed. Consistent attempts by George W. Bush and Obama to increase tensions with Iran had fizzled. Americans were showing signs of fatigue, FINALLY fed up with the lies being constructed to trick them into being complicit in the banker wars. Trump was a breath of fresh air...but of course, like all other puppets of the globalists, his promises were empty.

In my article 'Clinton vs. Trump And The Co-Option Of The Liberty Movement', published before the 2016 election, I warned that Trump's rhetoric might be a grand show, and that it could be scripted by the establishment to bring conservatives back into the Republican/Neo-Con fold. At the time, leftist media outlet Bloomberg openly reveled in the idea that Trump might absorb and destroy the “Tea Party” and liberty movement and turn them into something far more manageable. The question was whether or not the liberty movement would buy into Trump completely, or remain skeptical.

Initially, I do not think the movement held onto its objectivity at all. Far too many people bought into Trump blindly and immediately based on misguided hopes and a desire to “win” against the leftists. The insane cultism of the political left didn't help matters much, either.

When Trump started saturating his cabinet with banking elites and globalists from the CFR the moment he entered office, I knew without any doubt that he was a fraud. Close associations with establishment swamp creatures was something he had consistently criticized Clinton and other politicians for during the campaign, but Trump was no better or different than Clinton; he was just an errand boy for the elites. The singular difference was that his rhetoric was designed to appeal directly to liberty minded conservatives.

This meant that it was only a matter of time before Trump broke most of his campaign promises, including his assertions that he would bring US troops home. Eventually, the mask had to come off if Trump was going to continue carrying out the agenda of his masters.

Today, the mask has indeed come off. For the past three years Trump has made announcements of an imminent pull back of troops in the Middle East, including the recent claim that troops would be leaving Syria. All of the announcements were followed by an INCREASE in US troop presence in the region. Consistent attempts have been made to foment renewed strife with Iran. The build-up to war has been obvious, but some people on the Trump train still didn't get it.

The most common argument I heard when pointing out all the inconsistencies in Trump's claims as well as his direct links to globalists was that “He hadn't started any wars, so how could he be a globalist puppet...?” My response has always been “Give it a little time, and he will.”

One of my readers noted recently that “Trump Derangement Syndrome” (TDS) actually goes both ways. Leftists double down on their hatred of Trump at every opportunity, but Trump cultists double down on their support for Trump regardless of how many promises he breaks. This has always been my biggest concern – That conservatives in the liberty movement would ultimately abandon their principles of limited government, the end to banking elites in the White House and ending illegal wars because they had invested themselves so completely in the Trump farce that they would be too embarrassed to admit they had been conned.

Another concern is that the liberty movement would be infected by an influx of people who are neo-conservative statists at their core. These people pretend to be liberty minded conservatives, but when the veil is lifted they show their true colors as the War Pigs they really are. A distinction has to be made between Bush era Neo-Con control freaks and constitutional conservatives; there are few if any similarities between the two groups, but the establishment hopes that the former will devour the latter.

I've noticed that the War Pigs are out in force this past week, beating their chests and calling for more blood. The US government has assassinated Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani, retaliations against US targets have begun, and now the Iraqi government has demanded that US troops be removed from the region, to which Trump has said “no” and demanded payment instead. A new troop surge has been initiated and this WILL end in all out war. The tit-for-tat has just begun.

How do Trump cultists respond? “Kill those terrorists!”

Yes, many of the same people that applauded Trump's supposed opposition to the wars three years ago are now fanatically cheering for the beginning of perhaps the most destructive war of all. The rationalizations for this abound. Soleimani was planning attacks on US targets in Iraq, they say. And, this might be true, though no hard proof has yet been presented.

I'm reminded of the Bush era claims of Iraqi “Weapons of Mass Destruction”, the weapons that were never found and no proof was found that they ever existed. The only weapons Iraq had were the weapons the US sold to them decades ago. Any government can fabricate an excuse for assassination or war for public consumption; the Trump Administration is no different.

That said, I think the most important factor in this debate has fallen by the wayside. The bottom line is, US troops and US bases should NOT be in Iraq in the first place. Trump himself stated this time and time again. Even if Soleimani was behind the attacks and riots in Iraq, US assets cannot be attacked in the region if they are REMOVED from the region as Trump said he would do.

There is only one reason to keep US assets in Iraq, Afghanistan or Syria at this time, and that is to create ongoing tensions in the area which can be used by the establishment to trigger a new war, specifically with Iran.

The War Pigs always have reasons and rationales, though. They say the Muslim world is a threat to our way of life, and I agree that their ideology is completely incompatible with Western values. That said, the solution is not sending young Americans to die overseas in wars based on lies. Again, these wars only benefit the bankers and globalists; they do not make us safer as a people. The only moral solution is to make sure the fascist elements of Muslim extremism are not imported to our shores.

The War Pigs say that we deserve payment for our “services rendered” in the region before we leave, echoing the sentiments of Donald Trump. I ask, what services? Payment for what? The invasion the Iraqi's didn't want, based on fallacies that have been publicly exposed? The US bases that should not be there in the first place? The hundreds of thousands dead from a war that had no purpose except to deliberately destabilize the region?

We will never get “payment” from the Iraqis as compensation for these mad endeavors, and the War Pigs know this. They want war. They want it to go on forever. They want to attach their egos to the event. They want to claim glory for themselves vicariously when we win, and they want to claim victimhood for themselves vicariously when our soldiers or citizens get killed. They are losers that can only be winners through the sacrifices of others.

The War Pigs defend the notion that the president should be allowed to make war unilaterally without support from congress. They say that this type of action is legal, and technically they are right. It is “legal” because the checks and balances of war were removed under the Bush and Obama Administrations. The passage of the AUMF (Authorization For Use Of Military Force) in 2001 gave the Executive Branch dictatorial powers to initiate war on a whim without oversight. Just because it is “legal” does not mean it is constitutional, or right.

In the end, the Trump bandwagon is meant to accomplish many things for the globalists; the main goal though is that it is designed to change liberty conservatives into rabid statists. It is designed to make anti-war pro-constitution activists into war mongers and supporters of big government, as long as it is big government under “our control”. But it's not under our control. Trump is NOT our guy. He is an agent of the establishment and always has been.

For now, the saber rattling is aggressive but the actions have been limited. This will not be the case for long. Some may ask why the establishment has not simply launched all out war now? Why start out small? Firstly, they need conservatives psychologically invested in the idea. This may require a false flag event or attack on American civilians. Secondly, they need to execute an extensive troop build-up, which could take a few months. Declarations of a "need for peace" are always used to stall for time while the elites position for war.

War with Iran is pointless, and frankly, unwinnable, and the elites know this. It's not just a war with Iran, it is a war with Iran, their allies, and every other nation that reacts negatively to our actions. And, these nations do not have to react militarily, they can react economically by dumping US treasuries and the dollar as world reserve.

The establishment wants the US embroiled in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, etc. until we are so hollowed out from conflict that we collapse.

They also need a considerable distraction to hide their responsibility for the implosion of the Everything Bubble and the economic pain that will come with it. The end game for the establishment is for America to self destruct, so that it can be rebuilt into something unrecognizable and eternally monstrous. They want every vestige of our original principles to be erased, and to do that, they need us to be complicit in our own destruction. They need us to participate. Don't participate, and refuse to support new banker wars. Don't be a War Pig.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Saturday, January 11, 2020 7:00 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Assassination by drone strike? Obama did that for YEARS. It started as a secret CIA program and expanded to involve JSOC Obama had a kill list and everything. Don't you remember when he said he was rather good at it, and his "joke"

Jonas Brothers are here, they’re out there somewhere ... Sasha and Malia are huge fans, but boys, don’t get any ideas. Two words for you: predator drones. You’ll never see it coming."


How can anyone who supported Obama now pretend to be anti-war?

Because their memory only goes back 2 weeks.

Wikipedia says he won the Nobel Peace Prize, don'tcha know?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, January 11, 2020 9:22 AM


Trump now claims four embassies were under threat from Iran, raising fresh questions about intelligence reports

President Trump said on Friday that a senior Iranian general killed by a U.S. drone strike had been planning attacks on four U.S. embassies, a claim made to justify the decision but that was at odds with intelligence assessments from senior officials in Trump’s administration.

Trump and his top advisers have been under intensifying pressure from lawmakers in both parties to share more details about the intelligence they say showed Qasem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s elite Quds Force, was planning imminent attacks against U.S. personnel in the Middle East. On Trump’s orders, Soleimani was killed last week in a drone strike, prompting Iran to fire a volley of ballistic missiles this week at bases in Iraq housing U.S. soldiers.

Not good...


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Saturday, January 11, 2020 9:32 AM


Sig is trying to equate Obama targeting al-Qaeda and ISIS who live in the back woods or mountain caves with drones, as comparable to killing someone who has been described as the number two person in the Iranian government.

What a disingenuous whack job.


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Saturday, January 11, 2020 9:35 AM



Originally posted by THG:
Sig is trying to equate Obama targeting al-Qaeda and ISIS who live in the back woods or mountain caves with drones, as comparable to killing someone who has been described as the number two person in the Iranian government.

What a disingenuous whack.


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.

It wasn't just the back woods or mountains. There were plenty of cities that saw drone strikes too, and plenty of civilians who were killed in Obama's drone strikes.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, January 11, 2020 9:39 AM


Ukraine demands punishment, compensation for airliner downed by Iran

I'm waiting for more from Canada. Trust me, it won't be good for Trump. Brenda, anything to say?


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Saturday, January 11, 2020 9:44 AM


Trump administration refuses to heed Iraq’s call for troop withdrawal

Jack and sig don't understand the consequences of what Trump did. Or they won't own up to it.


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Saturday, January 11, 2020 9:56 AM



Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Saturday, January 11, 2020 10:05 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by THG:

Sig is trying to equate Obama targeting al-Qaeda and ISIS who live in the back woods or mountain caves with drones, as comparable to killing someone who has been described as the number two person in the Iranian government.

What a disingenuous whack.

It wasn't just the back woods or mountains. There were plenty of cities that saw drone strikes too, and plenty of civilians who were killed in Obama's drone strikes.


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.

Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT): "It is not acceptable for officials within the executive branch of government…to come in and tell us that we can't debate and discuss the appropriateness of military intervention against Iran. It's un-American. It's unconstitutional and it's wrong."


Saturday, January 11, 2020 10:26 AM



Originally posted by THG:

Trump administration refuses to heed Iraq’s call for troop withdrawal

Jack and sig don't understand the consequences of what Trump did. Or they won't own up to it.


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.

Soleimani’s Assassination Brings Vows of Vengeance—in Africa

ABUJA, Nigeria—Members of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN), a group led by converts to Shia Islam originally inspired by the Iranian Revolution 40 years ago, have vowed to fight to punish Americans, “the tyrants of this century,” for the assassination of Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani last week.

Hey jack sig. This shits just begun morons.


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Saturday, January 11, 2020 11:47 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


THUGR: Hey jack sig. This shits just begun morons.
Jeezus, you ARE a moron! What have I been posting ever since this happened? That the blowback is going to go on for over a year, and that the final result (altho not immediate) is that American troops will be forced out of Iraq.

What THAT short enough for you to comprehend?

There's enough blame to go around for this, including the deep state and Senators who pushed Trump into this. But Trump was too ignorant to resist their fake intelligence, so for that I blame him.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Saturday, January 11, 2020 11:59 AM


I don't care. Period.

I don't think I can be any more clear than that.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, January 12, 2020 10:13 AM


I see sig is still blaming her notion of the deep state for bad shit that happens. Trump did this plain and simple.

Hey, has anybody noticed Trump is more and more slurring his words?


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Sunday, January 12, 2020 11:16 AM


Defense chief "didn't see" specific evidence of Iranian threat to embassies

Washington — Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said he "didn't see" specific evidence that top Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani was planning attacks on four U.S. embassies.


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.






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