For WISHY: Interventionist liberalism and narcissistic antifascism

UPDATED: Sunday, June 28, 2020 04:26
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Monday, June 22, 2020 11:39 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The Problem With How the Regime-Change American Left Sees the World and Themselves

Joaquin Flores

June 22, 2020

Imagine believing that you know what is in the best interests of others, and worse, ones you have never even met, and worse still, believing you have a right to improve their situation in the manner and timeline you see fit. The belief that one has the right to save the world is termed ‘communal narcissism’. Therein lies the first problem with progressive imperialism.

The American left in the realm of foreign policy suffers from a type of prosocial communal narcissism, based in their own self-appraisal that their best intentions will be realized in the best outcomes for others, as the narcissist has themself defined it.

But the American left is significantly more dangerous and grotesque compared to standard justifications of imperialism, because it frames the discourse in such a way that it is blind to its own chauvinism, and believes itself to speak for the world.

What in other countries is viewed as quite ugly – believing oneself so enlightened and righteous that they can force others into their own image – has become a quintessential aspect of American culture post 1960’s.

We arrive then at our problem; the leftist approach has relied on soft-power tactics which require a lot more imagination, and yet also hubris, to justify. It is based overtly in telling other countries how to manage themselves as being both philosophically and categorically its proclaimed mandate.

It is the most overt form of imperialism, couched in the language of the left’s understanding of human rights and universalism. It rests gently on the ears and upon the conscience if left unexamined, but in actual fact it is far more malignant. Perhaps because they are so over-used, and perhaps here because they appear to be benign, because American society accepts these as just. But the specter of Dunning-Kruger
. will always rear its ugly head, and the expected outcomes will almost never materialize.

And in typical gas-lighting fashion, the failure of the subject nation to live up to the vision of the narcissist will be blamed upon the subject.

Most dangerously, soft-power tactics situate themselves outside of the founding principles of national self-determination and sovereignty that the UN was established upon in the post-war years, and yet exploits the various corrupt alphabet soup of organizations and agencies that operate under the UN’s umbrella.

Soft-power tactics were born out of a cultural shift within the U.S.., the development of media and later new media, as a form of propaganda and manufactured consent. The role of television media reporting on Vietnam left an American public taken aback by raw images of the terrorism and horror that is war.

Gone forever was the myth of purity of arms. And so a new myth, the myth of soft-power towards regime change, had to be built.

While soft-power tactics may at first appear to be less harmful to the target, because ‘military’ is not used, the socio-economic outcome of such an approach is the very definition of collective punishment and civilian targets, targets which if zeroed in on by the military would qualify as war crimes and crimes against humanity by any reasonable measure.

Enter the Save the World Generation of 1968

The ‘save the world’ generation in America that emerged from the utopian leanings of 1968, in part also out of opposition to the Vietnam War, came to define the left-wing version of American foreign policy.

The popular opposition to the war in Vietnam signaled the need for a new era in American foreign policy development. Richard Falk – the preeminent American professor emeritus of international law at Princeton University – wrote for Foreign Policy Magazine in an article titled ‘What We Should Learn from Vietnam’ published in 1970 or ‘71:

“Where there is no formidable radical challenge on the domestic scene, as in India or Japan, the American preference is clearly for moderate democracy, indeed the kind of political orientation that the United States imposed upon Japan during the military occupation after World War II. However, where an Asian society is beset by struggle between a rightist incumbent regime and a leftist insurgent challenger, then American policy throws its support, sometimes strongly, to the counterrevolutionary side.

As a result, there has been virtually no disposition to question the American decision to support the repressive and reactionary Saigon regime provided that support could have led to victory in Vietnam at a reasonable cost.”

In establishing this as a problem, Falk proposes what he terms a ‘Fourth Position’, one which would end America’s pre-occupation with supporting counter-revolutionary forces in Asia.

We can extrapolate from Falk’s thesis an historical parallel: It was forward looking Gauls inspired by their Roman neighbors who established the infrastructure of roads which Roman legionaries would later march in on under Cesar.

Likewise, allow modernizing and technology oriented communist regimes to flourish in Asia as these would ultimately create the interface with which the U.S.. could pursue its interests in the region.

In Falk’s work we find the kernel of contemporary U.S.. foreign policy and the leftoid soft-power approach, and indeed almost predicts the Nixon-Mao meeting a year or two later.

By now, everyone is familiar with Nye and Ferguson’s ideas on soft-power. By the 1990’s, left-overs from the Cold War’s Radio Free Europe were transformed into more covert projects towards soft-power, outside of the more obvious Radio Liberty and the Atlantic Council’s array of projects. USAID and the NED combined with private philanthropy of the likes of George Soros to establish a ‘legal, peaceful’ mechanism by exploiting international law and the UN’s bodies, known now as the NGO industrial complex.

But what will confound and confuse future historians of the American empire is the mindset of the mainstream left which supports foreign interventionism.

So this is how we have to understand it. If the 70’s was the ‘We’ generation, the 80’s was the ‘Me’ generation – and in came a toxic combination of noble intentions for others taken from the 60’s and 70’s, alongside a particular mission-individualism that gives a person a sense that they are exceptional.

The result was the self-improvement craze of the 80’s and 90’s. And just as self-improvement for individuals becomes a collective norm that others must also be pressured to accept or face ridicule and shunning for being ‘backwards’, the contemporary psychology of human rights (soft power) imperialism is understood.

In short, it opposed American exceptionalism but promoted an exceptionalism of the enlightened community, almost always a liberal of the left, a model that everyone else must also follow.

Something appropriated from Marxism and Christianity, the left has substituted the idea that the nation should rule or that the nation has legitimacy, with the idea that the party with the right values and ideas should rule.

And here is where our final point rests. Alongside the communal narcissism of human rights imperialism which we see in the left’s preference for soft power, we also find this: a belief that just as they as individuals are evolving towards an ever greater enlightenment, so too is America.

This is probably the most complex and dynamic aspect of the problem of the American left’s psychology in foreign policy.

If nations shouldn’t rule others, perhaps they shouldn’t rule themselves, for in each nation are ‘others’ – minorities, historically oppressed identity groups, and so on. America shouldn’t rule them either, the belief goes, but the enlightened ideas which conveniently are determined by a enlightened yoga-practicing vegan community who happen to be American, should indeed rule.

They think this: Assad may not be a threat to his neighbors, but the fact that Syria is a nation and is ruled by a man who exemplifies numerous hetero cis-gendered patriarchal norms, probably means that the U.S.. (not acting as a nation but rather a ‘vehicle of values’) should use soft-power to support any method to remove him.

Other countries are viewed as static, unmoving, non-dynamic ‘regimes’. From the outside looking in, and being a poor cultural anthropologist, all societies appear monolithic and in contemporary parlance, that means ‘totalitarian’. Commonly held beliefs and customs among a foreign people are transformed into top-down mandated values that are imposed upon an unwilling population.

America has deep problems, the liberal soft power imperialist reckons, but the fact that America can overcome and indeed is overcoming them, means that other countries can overcome them too, if they emulate America.

This is perhaps the only way to get on board with something that otherwise would be a flagrant contradiction: America, land of deep problems, ought to be emulated.

It also means imposing American narratives on the rest of the world. If America had a particular problem of racism, land theft, and never ending foreign wars, then suddenly America is nevertheless ‘alright’ since it is in some dynamic process of changing this. Other countries, being governed by static and monolithic caricatures, must have their whole societies uprooted and their governments overthrown in order to overcome the same problems.

America therefore is the ‘expert’ at solving these problems for other countries, not because it has solved them, but because it has developed a model for resistance.

Never mind these are often not problems other countries have. To the hammer of American soft power, all the world is a human rights nail.

Now we see that the U.S.. can intervene everywhere in the world so long as it can paint that foreign land as having American problems. Yugoslavia, Syria, Libya – ethnic conflict, patriarchy, rape culture and a popular uprising (which CNN will color left) means a justified soft power intervention.

There is a saying, ‘All’s well that ends well’. By establishing a conflict thesis of American history, America – in the view of the left – can rectify its past wrongs by righting the same wrongs around the world.

Never mind that these past wrongs aren’t, by their own measure, solved in America. These left Americans see themselves not as Americans acting in America’s interests, but as enlightened people with a right to fix other country’s problems, whether or not those problems really exist and regardless of whether those lowly and unevolved people actually want it. After they are uplifted and re-educated, they will look back and thank us.

This in a nutshell is the mindset of the imperial progressive. This is the sort of thinking that has no place in an international community based on mutual respect and sovereignty.


Monday, June 22, 2020 11:44 PM



Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, June 23, 2020 12:06 AM



Tuesday, June 23, 2020 12:40 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Nice vid, SIX.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Tuesday, June 23, 2020 2:58 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

THIS machine kills fascists

You DO know that was painted on a guitar during WWII, right?
Are you a guitar, stuck in 1944?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Tuesday, June 23, 2020 6:30 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Nice vid, SIX.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Yeah. He's got a lot of good videos.

Outside of a few token blacks that Fox News likes to parade around all the time, you never see any blacks that speak out against the narrative in the Legacy Media.

He's hardly an anomaly on YouTube though.

I'm interested in hearing what he's going to have to say about a museum cucking to the Lefty outrage mob and tearing down a statute of Teddy Roosevelt.

I seem to remember Trump asking if statutes of George Washington were next and the Legacy Media claiming that was an outrageous suggestion not too long ago. "No, no... we're only tearing down symbols of the Confederacy. Trump = RACIST. REEEEEE!!!", they said.

Now we have statues of Jefferson, Washington and Roosevelt being torn down, and the Legacy Media cheering it all on.

Fucking Communists.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, June 23, 2020 2:14 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

This statue-tearing down is STUPID.

Germany committed unspeakable atrocities during WWII, most notably the death camps.

Should Germany rewrite history by tearing down the remains of these camps, which serve as reminders of the past?

We keep these monuments, buildings, and names, not to venerate them but to learn from them. For every statue of Jefferson Davis, put up a statue of the horrors of slavery. For every statue of a nothern slave trader, put up a statue of an abolitionist, or a "Yankee" soldier who fought on the union side.

History is complicated, as were the people. Some good intentions led to terrible outcomes. Some terrible forces created postive results. People themselves had both good and bad points. Attempting to make people feel guilty for, and rewrite what happened 200 years ago does a terrible disservice to the people of today.

And if you want to read a REAL alternate history, read Howard Zinn's A People's History.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Tuesday, June 23, 2020 3:34 PM



And also when you let them tear one down, where do you draw the line?

They said only a few years ago it was Confederates.

Today it's any white man immortalized in statue form.

Do a search and see how many people who were actively working toward abolition and shepherding slaves to safety have had their monuments defaced or knocked down during all of this.

These people don't even know history before the statues were ripped apart. No hope to learn at all from the past when we wipe away the slate.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, June 23, 2020 5:52 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

And also when you let them tear one down, where do you draw the line?

They said only a few years ago it was Confederates.

Today it's any white man immortalized in statue form.

GREAT, let's tear them ALL DOWN and put up a zillion statues of Oprah and Whoopie!

Let you live with it for 100 years and see how you feel.

I'm glad insecure little twits like you get to see all the white guys torn down

Like statues matter a damn anyhow.



Tuesday, June 23, 2020 6:48 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The answer to privilege isn't reverse privilege, WISHY, it's equality.

Maybe you don't believe in equality.

Maybe all you're looking for is revenge for injustices that didn't even happen to you.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Tuesday, June 23, 2020 9:04 PM


Wishy just hates herself.

Ain't much you can do to fix that. She's the only one who can.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, June 24, 2020 3:26 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
The answer to privilege isn't reverse privilege, WISHY, it's equality.

You STILL don't have a single fucking clue how people actually work!



Wednesday, June 24, 2020 11:32 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
The answer to privilege isn't reverse privilege, WISHY, it's equality.

You STILL don't have a single fucking clue how people actually work!


Thankfully, "people" have the capacity to "work" on grounds other than thoughtless emotionalism. And I sure wouldn't encourage people "working" like you, because you're a shining example of narcissistic authoritarianism. Seems like you haven't developed past your junior high bully-gang days.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Wednesday, June 24, 2020 3:47 PM


... stay crunchy...

The mountain of stupid sh*t SIGNYM FRAUD posts is amazing:


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
This statue-tearing down is STUPID.

This statue-putting up is STUPID. Even Robert E. Lee was against building them, “As regards the erection of such a monument as is contemplated, my conviction is, that however grateful it would be to the feelings of the South, the attempt in the present condition of the country would have the effect of retarding, instead of accelerating its accomplishment, and of continuing, if not adding to, the difficulties under which the Southern people labour,” he wrote.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Germany committed unspeakable atrocities during WWII, most notably the death camps.
Should Germany rewrite history by tearing down the remains of these camps, which serve as reminders of the past?

People can't idiolize death camps. They idolize people (Idolize definition is - to worship as a god; broadly : to love or admire to excess). Should Germany leave up Hitler and Goebels, etc statues?? Are you kidding us with that weak analogy?


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
We keep these monuments, buildings, and names, not to venerate them but to learn from them. For every statue of Jefferson Davis, put up a statue of the horrors of slavery. For every statue of a nothern slave trader, put up a statue of an abolitionist, or a "Yankee" soldier who fought on the union side.

Sure, because putting up statues is free! Who is going to pay for those statues? And statues don't tell you anything other than the community that has them DOES venerate the person depicted. OR ELSE IT WOULDN'T BE THERE. You've never traveled through the south have you? Would you expect to see plaques under these statues, "Here depicted a horrible person, barely human, bought and sold other people, treated people like cattle."

The only question is are you this stupid or just here to agitate? Also, does the answer to that question really matter?


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
History is complicated, as were the people. Some good intentions led to terrible outcomes. Some terrible forces created postive results. People themselves had both good and bad points. Attempting to make people feel guilty for, and rewrite what happened 200 years ago does a terrible disservice to the people of today.

Naw - just the opposite in fact. Thanks for your usual sh*t for brains thinking, though.

Here's an idea: how about you complain limply about "Those Damn Banks!" again for the fiftieth time?


Wednesday, June 24, 2020 5:35 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:
Should Germany leave up Hitler and Goebels, etc statues??

Pretty sure she and 6ix would be okay with that

"But it's HISTORY...We can't learn about it any other way."


Wednesday, June 24, 2020 8:11 PM


Let's remove anything that is historically accurate.

Then all we'll be left with for memories of past mistakes is this:

I'm sure people would cower in fear at the mention of this version of Hitler and would do the right thing to make sure that doesn't happen again.

Yanno, by burning books, erasing history, and generally acting exactly like Hitler themselves to do it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, June 25, 2020 3:25 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by captaincrunch:
Should Germany leave up Hitler and Goebels, etc statues??

Pretty sure she and 6ix would be okay with that

"But it's HISTORY...We can't learn about it any other way."

That's up to the Germans, wouldn't you say?

But, yes, IMHO they should keep them if they want. They also banned Mein Kampf for many years, but have recently made it available. Statues aren't dangerous and neither are books. Ideas should be freely discussed. That's what allowed the discussion of gay marriage, which was (if you recall) originally illegal.

The limits of free speech have been tested over and over in the USA; I think they're good and practical limits.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Thursday, June 25, 2020 3:38 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
History is complicated, as were the people. Some good intentions led to terrible outcomes. Some terrible forces created postive results. People themselves had both good and bad points. Attempting to make people feel guilty for, and rewrite what happened 200 years ago does a terrible disservice to the people of today.

CC: Naw - just the opposite in fact.

Jefferson was a slave owner, but a passionate proponent of democracy.
Franklin was a wise man who created an efficient stove (and didn't patent it) because he was worried about deforestation even then. He developed a postal and library system. He didn't own slaves, and published practical advice which he never followed because he was a notorious libertine.
George Washington led the colonies to military victory, but was a land-speculator.
Andrew Jackson did away with the central bank (a great idea!) but he was also an "indian killer".
General Sherman brought victory to the Union side and made it ossible to free slaves, but he thought former slaves were deficient and had no use for them, and brought "total war" to Americans.
FDR is thought of as some kind of reforming saint, but in reality he was just saving capitalism from itself.

There are few historical figures who are all good or all bad, and only someone truly ignorant of history would think that they divide up neatly into "good guys" and "bad guys".

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Thursday, June 25, 2020 9:03 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
History is complicated, as were the people. Some good intentions led to terrible outcomes. Some terrible forces created postive results. People themselves had both good and bad points. Attempting to make people feel guilty for, and rewrite what happened 200 years ago does a terrible disservice to the people of today.

CC: Naw - just the opposite in fact.

Jefferson was a slave owner, but a passionate proponent of democracy.
Franklin was a wise man who created an efficient stove (and didn't patent it) because he was worried about deforestation even then. He developed a postal and library system. He didn't own slaves, and published practical advice which he never followed because he was a notorious libertine.
George Washington led the colonies to military victory, but was a land-speculator.
Andrew Jackson did away with the central bank (a great idea!) but he was also an "indian killer".
General Sherman brought victory to the Union side and made it ossible to free slaves, but he thought former slaves were deficient and had no use for them, and brought "total war" to Americans.
FDR is thought of as some kind of reforming saint, but in reality he was just saving capitalism from itself.

There are few historical figures who are all good or all bad, and only someone truly ignorant of history would think that they divide up neatly into "good guys" and "bad guys".

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


What nobody seems to bear in mind is that all of these men lived in much different times.

They didn't have the privilege to live in a huge air conditioned home with a million technological gadgets while spending 12 years in a government mandated day care center before going to college to learn about Women's Studies.

And the FDR one is just stupid. It's just the second red flag that these people just want to tear down all white history. The first was a week earlier when they were defacing and tearing down monuments to white men who fought against slavery.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, June 25, 2020 1:11 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Jefferson was a slave owner, but a passionate proponent of democracy.
Franklin was a wise man who created an efficient stove (and didn't patent it) because he was worried about deforestation even then. He developed a postal and library system. He didn't own slaves, and published practical advice which he never followed because he was a notorious libertine.
George Washington led the colonies to military victory, but was a land-speculator.
Andrew Jackson did away with the central bank (a great idea!) but he was also an "indian killer".
General Sherman brought victory to the Union side and made it ossible to free slaves, but he thought former slaves were deficient and had no use for them, and brought "total war" to Americans.
FDR is thought of as some kind of reforming saint, but in reality he was just saving capitalism from itself.

There are few historical figures who are all good or all bad, and only someone truly ignorant of history would think that they divide up neatly into "good guys" and "bad guys".

So many SIGGY deflections and denials! It's hard to keep track of everything you didn't answer! That just leaves it to us to try and deduce for her:

- she's never been to the south. 24 hours in Vicksburg would make her brain bleed.
- she thinks Lee is wrong and should have statues of himself made whether he likes it or not.
- she doesn't realize that statues are put up to honor, adore, and worship the subject. Hence the phrase, "putting someone on a pedestal." Have you ever heard of that one?
- she thinks people pay a lot of money to put up statues because the subject is just an ok person.
- she thinks people can look at a statue and learn about the person's history of behavior. Did you know about Columbus' brutality? Could you deduce it from looking at his statue?
- she is ok with idolatry, celebrity and hero worship (explains her Trump fetish).
- she really doesn't understand (or is acting stupid again) the entirety free speech, how removing statues of offensive people is a form of free speech.
- she is ok with Germans deciding what statues to keep up, but doesn't think it's ok for Americans to do the same.

How'd I do?


Thursday, June 25, 2020 1:44 PM



Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, June 26, 2020 3:19 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh, I have a point-by-point rebuttal to CC, but I'm too busy right now to argue with him. Besides, he's a paid internet "influencer", and given how much he slings lies for the DNC I wouldn't be surprised if the DNC was cutting him a paycheck.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Friday, June 26, 2020 10:53 AM


... stay crunchy...

Here's a weak ass lie:


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oh, I have a point-by-point rebuttal to CC, but I'm too busy right now to argue with him.

Don't bother.

Followed by another often repeated, even weaker lie:


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Besides, he's a paid internet "influencer", and given how much he slings lies for the DNC I wouldn't be surprised if the DNC was cutting him a paycheck.

You embarrass the sh*t out yourself every time you post.


Friday, June 26, 2020 12:09 PM


No. You do.

At this point, wittingly or otherwise, you're an enemy to the future of America.

I'm through playing games with little soy swilling, Marxist turds that are trying to undermine our country and guilt trip people into thinking that Nationalism is a bad thing by always putting "White" in front of it.

Fuck your religion. Fuck your Marxisim. And fuck you, Captain.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, June 26, 2020 12:58 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by captaincrunch:
Here's a weak ass lie:


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oh, I have a point-by-point rebuttal to CC, but I'm too busy right now to argue with him.

Don't bother.

Followed by another often repeated, even weaker lie:


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Besides, he's a paid internet "influencer", and given how much he slings lies for the DNC I wouldn't be surprised if the DNC was cutting him a paycheck.

You embarrass the sh*t out yourself every time you post.

Says the liar.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Friday, June 26, 2020 2:28 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Besides, he's a paid internet "influencer", and given how much he slings lies for the DNC I wouldn't be surprised if the DNC was cutting him a paycheck.

Not a very good one if he can't make absolutely mind-numbingly moronic narcissists like yourselves see how absolutely mind-numbingly moronic you really really really are.

Really. I mean, it would take a god.

Completely delusional dumb asses


Friday, June 26, 2020 10:32 PM


Baaaaaaaa, says the sheep.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, June 28, 2020 4:26 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Still very busy, so I'm going to make this short:

To give you ONE example of what can be done, BLM has over a hundred million in its coffers right now. Instead of spending that money on tearing down statues (including statues of abolitionists ... what are these people, stupid or something?) why don't they put some up? Then people will LEARN history instead of censoring it.

I've seen pictures of various "problematic" statues and they are indeed "up on a pedastal". But I have an image in mind that I can't get rid of and I imagine it would stick in the minds of others as well: For every statue of some southern general, put up a statue of a family being torn apart at auction. Or better yet, a slave bowed down under the whip. Put these statues at ground level, make them detailed and realistic and life-sized so people can see them and touch them and identify with them. It will make the point that the southern elites got tbeir glory lierally on the backs of slaves. And who could possibly object?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake







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