Texas father blocked from stopping gender transition by nutty jury’s ruling, Evil Judge and crazy stupid child abusing mother?

UPDATED: Saturday, August 15, 2020 12:31
VIEWED: 1115
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Friday, August 14, 2020 6:40 PM


Lots of political spin on this one.
The mother seems stupid and crazy, but the ass of a Law supports the child abusing mum?

Going through a costly split a nasty divorce with kids is bad enough, but to be ordered to pay to have your child's reproductive organs mutilated because of a bitter and crazy woman's whim?
Who needs Commiefornia, the crazies of NewYork and other Blue states when you have people like this judge?

or ...The Judge might have some common sense and not be 'Evil' after all

Sounds like something that adds fuel to the whole Mens Rights, MGTOW movement

is there a moral to the story, a lesson of men?
NEVER put your dick into crazy, don’t marry and impregnate crazie or an unworthy woman.

Judge denies father custody of 8-yr-old son, orders he pay $5000/month for gender transition therapy

Medical Abuse?
More demonic tranny crap

Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, announced before the judge’s ruling last month that the state attorney general’s office and Department of Family and Protective Services were looking into the case. It was unclear how closely the page Save James is affiliated with Jeff Younger. The page aligns with the views of some conservative lawmakers who have pledged to outlaw medical gender transition in Texas before the age of 18, according to Dallas Morning News.


Friday, August 14, 2020 11:41 PM


Under 2 hours ago, you posted some other trans-phobic Nazi hate at people who don't want to hurt you.

Why do you want to murder them?


Saturday, August 15, 2020 4:07 AM



Originally posted by reaverfan:
Under 2 hours ago, you posted some other trans-phobic Nazi hate at people who don't want to hurt you.

Why do you want to murder them?

Don't bother, it can't learn or converse. The two brains cells he, 6ix, Rappy, and JSF had apiece stopped communicating the second they left kindergarten. They are all shit-their-pants terrified of anyone that isn't just like them. There's a sickness on this planet and they have no idea it is them...


Saturday, August 15, 2020 4:23 AM


Why is everyone a 'Nazi' certain groups of ...let's call them...left radicals are programmed with a political agenda, when some other person asks about an agenda, or crimes, they auto-react in knee jerk fashion, dont agree or debate! call them NAZIS !!

Zero fucks seem to be given about actual real crimes and abuse

The programming and mind control is very strong?


Originally posted by reaverfan:
Under 2 hours ago, you posted some other trans-phobic

It's not phobic, the English origin of word 'Phobos' is Greek I'm not sure of the Latin term maybe 'Fobos', the phobia is a marked as irrational and persistent fear...I dont fear trannies, they are not to be feared as a physical threat to a man, as a group they have shorter life span and many suicide themselves.

However within their community there can be great damage done to America herself. The Trans community have massevily high levels of abusive realtionships, very high levels of sexually transmitted infections, prevalence rates of STDs and most terrible of all links to sexual minor child offense direct exposure through child sexual abuse


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
There's a sickness on this planet and they have no idea it is them...

and You Wishmay, lets look at you! You're the one who went into a sulking hissy fit for about a week, whines and screeching like a confused old hag when one of the shooters in the San Bernardino bombings and shootings turned about to be a woman, turned out to be an islamic a foreigner and not a White American male?
Do you remember your evil anti-Amercian mental sickness Wishmay defending this mass murdering jihadist woman and trying to blame some random White males?

and why do you sometimes twist and defend these weird acts of child abuse?
Do you remember your delusion and insanity that time Wishmay?


Saturday, August 15, 2020 7:57 AM


my other thread was about the media and hollywood in general

Not sure why people would start screeching 'HILTER' whenever they see something they disagree with, maybe the tv MK-Ultra programming is deep and runs this way with these type of Leftist....a Regressive Lefty?

but since the other thread and topic of hollyweird was brought up

Charlize Theron reveals that her eldest child a boy named Jackson is actually a WTF girl

"Her eldest child, Jackson has been transitioning into a female, which Charlize acknowledged in an article for Elle Magazine." - Wikipedia

how a black boy from africa was transformed into a girl?

So crazy members of the public now following the examples of crazy abusive hollyweirdo celebrity parent...but the Law will be on their side... can't drink, can not drive, cant smoke, fuck or work until 16-18 depending on where you live in the West or in the USA but suddenly they are chopping off their dicks, or taking hormones to make little women into butch dyke men, destorying the childs teenage years, so you're a child but the insanity says the kid is competent/cognitive enough to decide to be another gender .... plus a medical industry of mutilation supporting the madness?


Saturday, August 15, 2020 8:51 AM


It's very unfortunate for these poor kids, but the world has gone a little nutty right now...

I wouldn't look at this as a practice that's going to go on for very long at all. These kids will one day become adults who actually have the ability to understand the "choice" they were allowed to make by people who shouldn't have been allowed to care for them in their developmental years and a "state" that is proving that it is no better at caring for these children than the shitty parents they have.

History will not look back fondly on any of this behavior.

One could argue that allowing major gender change surgery to happen to a 5 year old is 10 times worse than letting Epstein's clientele have their way with them.

I mean... one can't say that in 2020 without being called a Nazi for it, but that doesn't make it any less true.

The crazy will be purged.

Unfortunately, this wave of kids being experimented on by people with zero morals are going to be paying for it their entire lives, but their stories will be very important.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, August 15, 2020 12:31 PM


Yep. All 7-year-olds know exactly what they want for the rest of their lives.

And Theron's kid looks like an infant, which she is transforming into a female.






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