Long hot summer ... of riots

UPDATED: Friday, March 14, 2025 09:07
VIEWED: 21709
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Wednesday, August 26, 2020 9:31 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
So, ummm, black guy with a knife tries to get away from cops, they keep telling him to stop, and resists arrest.
Why does anybody imagine black folks will be upset for this Blake dude not acting white and abiding laws, police?

For those who didn't know, Kenosha County is essentially a suburb of both Chicago and Milwaukee, the 2 biggest shitholes on Lake Michigan shores.

Rumor had it 6ix once lived there, or nearby.

Stop lying.

I debunked doctored video before here.

Also, Chicago and Milwaukee are wonderful cities. If you ever traveled in the US, you would have known that.

Being a Russian troll, you don't.


Wednesday, August 26, 2020 10:09 PM


You didn't debunk shit, halfwit.

Your time is up. Trump sending feds into Kenosha as we speak.

The entire country is done with your shit. Trump wins in a landslide, due in large part to you and your Che Guevara LARPing brainwashed college buddies.

Trump's reelection team and more than half the country thank you for your service.

Please continue to redpill the normies.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, August 30, 2020 10:58 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


NPR Claims That Calling a Riot a “Riot” is Racist

His only point appears to be that because crowd control measures were also used in the 60s during the civil rights era, this means that using them today is racist, despite the fact that the clear majority of BLM protesters in Portland are white.


Police Declare Portland Protests A Riot But This Definition Could Be Rooted In Racism

"A riot is when six or more persons engage in tumultuous and violent conduct," Portland Police Bureau Deputy Chief Chris Davis recently explained in a video posted online. "Thereby intentionally or recklessly create a grave risk of causing public alarm." Davis said, before dispersing the crowd, officers provide warnings and give protesters time to leave. But that definition of a riot is subjective and the dispersal inevitably affects hundreds of non-violent protesters. "Ideally, those engaged in the event would follow the lawful orders given and peacefully leave and no force would be necessary during a dispersal."

Alarmed by the frequency and amount of tear gas being used, state lawmakers passed legislation during an emergency session in June to address racial justice and policing. They hoped to raise the bar on tear gas use by making it only acceptable to use during a declared riot. "We were hearing that people were getting caught in these tear gas deployments," said State Rep. Janelle Bynum, one of the bill sponsors. "And they felt like they didn't have any warning. They felt they were trapped."

The bill was signed into law on June 30. That evening, police declared a riot for the first time in a month and blanketed a North Portland neighborhood in tear gas. Between June 30 and Aug. 27, police have declared 20 riots.

"What I didn't expect was for the bar to be so low," said Bynum, who said the history of these laws are also relevant to the moment. "A lot of the riot and crowd control philosophy and statute was developed around the '60s and '70s when protests around some of the very same things ... rights for Black people. ... were taking place in the state and particularly in Portland," Bynum said.

On some nights, police have declared unlawful assemblies within minutes of protesters arriving.

"But then the riot part? Who knows," said Folasade Ogunfiditimi, a protester who's been coming out since the end of May. "Like a half-empty water bottle maybe? Somebody could walk on their property and they declare it a riot. It could be anything or nothing." Ogunfiditimi said she's been protesting because Black lives matter and policing, with its history as "slave catchers," is a fundamentally corrupt institution. And she said the way the police are treating protesters proves the demonstrators' point. She said on most nights they use excessive force and, just as the police spotlights got even brighter, she pointed and said it's like psychological warfare. "They're very finicky, very emotional," she said. "They show in their actions they don't care what they do."

I find this article to be very poorly written, meandering around the lack of evidence that the police are acting out of racism. And not noted in the NPR article is that there are plenty of white people caught up in 'riot' declarations.

One significant question imo is whether or not this is a local issue or if there are outside agitators. I think there's a quick way to determine that, which is simply to gather everyone up, and let the locals* (*those who can prove local residence) go (unless they've been definitively shown to be violent or destructive). And hold everyone else for 72 hours. And see what happens.


Monday, August 31, 2020 4:12 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Monday, August 31, 2020 8:37 AM



Monday, August 31, 2020 9:28 AM


MSNBC prosecutor blows apart Kenosha gunman’s self-defense claims

“His lawyers are setting up for a self-defense claim,” Aronberg said. “Keep in mind he was the one that put the night of violence in motion. He was the one that travelled across state lines as a 17-year-old, to possess a weapon he was not allowed to possess, to stand guard outside a used car lot that no one asked him to stand guard at.”

“So he was the initial aggressor, and under the initial aggressor doctrine, he’s not allowed self-defense unless he makes it clear he’s abandoning the fight or others come at him using excessive force, and according to videos doesn’t look like either of those claims hold water,” he continued. “Because the first person that he shot didn’t have a weapon. The second person he shot and killed came at him with a skateboard. The lawyers will say a guy wielding a skateboard could be dangerous. You tell that to a jury that Rittenhouse, who had an AR-15, was in reasonable fear of his life from a guy with a skateboard.”

“I think the first-degree murder charges here may need to be dropped down to second-degree murder or manslaughter because I don’t know if the elements are there,” Aronberg added. “But he could face 60 years in prison instead of life, so it’s still essentially life. Another thing we need to be concerned about, what kind of message does this send to young people, when you hold this guy up to be a hero. There’s hundreds of thousands of dollars being raised for his defense fund. Well, that encourages other vigilantes to go into conflict zones and possibly take other lives knowing they too could be a hero on the far right. That puts everyone at risk.”

You see, kids, fascism is an ideology of violence. There are no peaceful Nazis.


Monday, August 31, 2020 10:00 AM


^ Lies, lies.

Hispanic non-white supremacist Kyle who works in Kenosha was out there all day and got the gun from a friend's house.

Kyle, with the help of the guy who defended CNN's highest paid contributor Nick Sandmann, beats all charges and in a fit of rage racist Second goes and lights another black owned business on fire.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, September 9, 2020 7:33 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
^ Lies, lies.

Hispanic non-white supremacist Kyle who works in Kenosha was out there all day and got the gun from a friend's house.

Kyle, with the help of the guy who defended CNN's highest paid contributor Nick Sandmann, beats all charges and in a fit of rage racist Second goes and lights another black owned business on fire.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

IIRC, Lynn Wood is the lawyer who was portrayed in the film Richard Jewel, played by Sam Rockwell.


Wednesday, September 9, 2020 11:27 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by reaverfan:

MSNBC prosecutor blows apart Kenosha gunman’s self-defense claims

“His lawyers are setting up for a self-defense claim,” Aronberg said. “Keep in mind he was the one that put the night of violence in motion. He was the one that travelled across state lines as a 17-year-old, to possess a weapon he was not allowed to possess, to stand guard outside a used car lot that no one asked him to stand guard at.”

“So he was the initial aggressor,

If you count "standing" as aggression, then maybe so.

But IMHO that idea would fall flat on a courtroom.

It all depends on what happened in that first altercation, which TBH I haven't researched.

As far as the other two shootings ... I think they were perfectly justified.
After all, we saw in Portland what happens if you don't resist: You get kicked into unconsciousness. We also saw what happens if you wear the wrong hat: you get shot and killed. With that in the back of my mind if I were being chased by an angry mob, I would reach for any weapon available ... a stick, a gun, a hand grenade ... to defend myself.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Thursday, September 10, 2020 12:03 AM


He's going to get off without a slap on the wrist.

What a hassle to have to deal with the court system though.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, September 15, 2020 2:27 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

From FB


The day of the worst destruction, fires, looting, assaults… all of us in Kenosha were able to watch live -via independent media. The entire start to finish. The worst of it happened on 22nd & 60th, and I live on [redacted], so to tell you I was terrified is an understatement. The majority of Kenosha was watching our two [redacted] live footage well until 3am… police scanners on… bracing for the worst. It was apparent from the beginning there was no help. No police, no fire trucks no ambulances. None. Structures burned to the ground, people hurt and attacked were loaded into cars and raced to any hospital they could get to, rioters just broke into businesses and took what they wanted.

And we all watched it happen. There was nothing we could do.

A sleepless night, we faced the next day with more fear. A massive clean up effort, we helped as many homes and buisnesses as we could, brace for the night, we started to get inundated with messages from individuals and groups … targeting violence to specific neighborhoods, schools, libraries.. with fires and destruction… lots of messages. Most specifically targeting LOCAL NEIGHBORHOODS… families!!!

Cars and buses were coming in to the city with no plates… caravans of groups. Again, no extra police or national guard.

But the rioters came to Kenosha that night again.

Our PD and any help it had was standing ground at the PD building and courthouse… and many rioters did not know… our PD was trying to keep them from burning these down, not only because it was our infrastructure but because right between those buildings were A LOT of local inmates that were currently there due to Covid closing our jail (HUBER).

Again live, we watched hundreds of rioters throwing Molotov cocktail?s at these buildings and burning our city garbage trucks and dump trucks to the ground that we were using to protect these buildings.

I was afraid for the small line of policemen there that night.

Everyone was urging me and Jim to take all of my animals and to leave the city… and let my house burn. To run far away from Kenosha. I love my home. Those who know me, know the pride we have taken in buying an (as-is) house and turning it into a home. And my business! Could I let it be destroyed?? Absolutely NOT!

We have dear friends with a popular business just 4 houses away… we spend at least once a week there… they packed up boarded up and closed.. terrified … it’s on the main road.

All of us were now under now a state of emergency curfew. Get home and off the streets! gas stations ordered to close and turn OFF all gas pumps..
the sirens and alerts on all of our phones coming in non- stop.

So we pulled out every firearm we owned. Loaded them up. And started to get ready… We were not leaving… Jim’s job told him to stay home and protect his family and home. ?Everyone in the city was getting ready for a war.

Are you starting to feel anxiety reading this?

Getting a grasp of how desperate we all were?

Knowing no law enforcement was helping? And I’m telling you… NO ONE was there.

I have a dear friend who lives in Gurnee. Has a home and a buisness there, and if she called me and Jim and told me her city was under attack, she was afraid for her LIFE and her store … I would help her. We would go to Gurnee and help her. Armed.

And that’s simply what happened. The residents started to realize this was on us. And we organized. Groups and individuals-On rooftop businesses -in the neighborhoods. I felt a little safer that night knowing we had some help.

So we watched again that night …live. Beginning to end.

At the lakefront… there was a small police presence again, where our courthouse and Pd is…. but the PD was nowhere else in the city. It was just us left to fend for ourselves, watching live feed again, Listening to the scanners … lights off, house alarm armed. Curtains drawn – guns ready as we listened to where the rioters were, which way they were headed. Despite the state of emergency curfew the city was flooded with cars driving around with no plates on, groups of people destroying our city. Not enough police to arrest or stop not ONE SINGLE PERSON.

Until the guard came to help… the entire city was left to its own defenses.

Hell… we ran out of plywood to board up!!!

I had the crates ready to throw the animals in and run… guns at every window and door. Constantly texting neighbors and friends around the city for updates.

When we say, if you don’t live here, you could not possibly know what was going on.. do you now understand? How afraid the whole city was?

The national guard FINALLY was called out – and did not mess around. The people who terrorized and destroyed Kenosha were not from Kenosha. Of all the arrests… most were from 44 other city’s. After our IDIOT governor finally asked, we got the help we should have had from DAY ONE. We had FBI and all the surrounding PD’s come to our aid.

If…you don’t live here… you could not possibly understand what we went thru. People should wait before they jump to conclusions. I just am disgusted beyond words at the judgement that’s happening. DISGUSTED

For those of you with children to protect, a business you put your heart and soul in… a home you struggled to own and pay for.. you have got to understand what we all went thru. The fear and the instinct to protect what you love, and what you worked so hard for is strong. I hope no one ever has to go thru anything like this.


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Tuesday, September 15, 2020 6:26 AM


^ That's the Utopia Second is trying to make.

I do hope you're all armed, because the media lies about who's winning right now are setting them up for more collective rage than this country has seen in our lifetimes when Biden gets spanked. And I doubt very much after what we've seen in 2020 that started with the first 3 months of Coomph lockdown that we're just going to come away with some hilarious compilation videos of these retards crying and screaming in the streets when he loses.

I don't know exactly why they're doing it, but they're doing it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, September 15, 2020 7:22 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
^ That's the Utopia Second is trying to make.

In a presidency of unprecedented disruption and turmoil, Donald Trump's support has remained remarkably stable. That stability, paradoxically, points to a future of rising turbulence in American politics and life.

The durability of both support and opposition to Trump shows how the motivation for voters' choices is shifting from transitory measures of performance, such as the traditional metrics of peace and prosperity, toward bedrock attitudes about demographic, cultural and economic change.

Mike Murphy, a veteran GOP strategist who now opposes Trump, says that 10 years ago he would have predicted that a public health and economic catastrophe of the coronavirus' magnitude would have produced a "1980 level wipeout" for Trump and his party. In that year, dissatisfaction with President Jimmy Carter's performance propelled not only a landslide win for Republican nominee Ronald Reagan, but also a sweep of 12 Democratic-held Senate seats that carried the GOP to control of the chamber. But such a decisive turn no longer appears possible, Murphy says. "Because politics mirrors [attitudes about] culture, we are kind of stuck," he says.

Given the magnitude of the pandemic's impact, "I probably would have expected that it would hurt him more than it has and Trump's [approval and vote share] numbers would have dropped into the mid-30s," he told me. "You would think Biden would be up 15 or 20, not 6 or 7 or 8 points. As long as it stays in that range, there's still that outside chance ... [Trump] can eke out narrow wins in Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania or Wisconsin and he could still win the electoral vote."

This continues a long-term trend of decreasing volatility in public ratings of the presidents; Barack Obama also didn't receive as big a lift from a rising economy as his predecessors. "If you look at the relationship between economic conditions and presidential approval over time, that correlation weakens considerably during the last two decades," says Schaffner.

The most powerful factor in the new stability may be the shift in the basis of voters' allegiance to the parties. Increasingly, campaign strategists and political scientists agree, voters are choosing between the parties more on their views about fundamental demographic and cultural change than on their immediate financial circumstances or even their views of economic policies, such as taxes, spending and regulation.

In important research, Schaffner and his colleagues found that the denial that racism or sexism exists in America was the best predictor in the 2016 election of support for Trump, far more than any measures of economic distress. On the other side, Schaffner found that the belief that racism and sexism are serious problems predicted support for Clinton more powerfully than economic attitudes, as well.

"Now the parties are very clearly sorted on issues of identity politics," Schaffner says. "If you have fairly racist or sexist views you are ... very likely to be a Republican. And if you have the opposite views you are very likely to be in the Democratic Party."

Like many experts, Schaffner says a political alignment that sorts the electorate along that fault line is simultaneously more stable and more confrontational. "Because identity politics has become so clearly overlapping with partisan politics, it makes those divisions all the more heated and uncompromising."

With Trump basing so much of his campaign on charging that a Biden victory would unleash mobs of protesters in suburbia -- and in the process appealing so openly to White racial resentments -- Schaffner says it's highly likely that attitudes about race relations and gender roles will predict support in the presidential contest even more powerfully in 2020 than in 2016.

Trump's relentless rhetorical salvos against immigrants, "mobs" and African American leaders from politics to sports and his insistence that religious traditions (like Christmas) are under siege all inflame a deep-rooted anxiety among conservative White Christian voters.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, September 15, 2020 9:48 AM


Trumps still trying to sell riots and worse to stoke fear. Pretty quite ain't it. Even though a few cops are still acting badly things are not as Trump would have hoped for; Oops.

Back to the economy I guess.


Stupid people don't know they're stupid, and they certainly don't realize how obvious it is to others.


Tuesday, September 15, 2020 10:01 AM



Originally posted by THG:
Trumps still trying to sell riots and worse to stoke fear. Pretty quite ain't it. Even though a few cops are still acting badly things are not as Trump would have hoped for; Oops.

Back to the economy I guess.


Stupid people don't know they're stupid, and they certainly don't realize how obvious it is to others.

Did you mean to say "quiet", idiot?

Yeah... sorry. Those red squiggles I said you needed to pay attention to if you were going to come off like you knew what the English language is don't work when you correctly spell the wrong word.

Yes, Ted... You are "quite" retarded.

So now that we've established "quiet", are we supposed to be celebrating that it's been like 2 days without a lefty thug murdering somebody? That's the bar we've set in 2020, huh?

Trump is at a 3 month high and rising. He's already above the 45% that I said he'd need to win in a blowout.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, September 15, 2020 2:52 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
From FB

The day of the worst destruction, fires, looting, assaults… all of us in Kenosha were able to watch live -via independent media. The entire start to finish. The worst of it happened on 22nd & 60th, and I live on [redacted], so to tell you I was terrified is an understatement. The majority of Kenosha was watching our two [redacted] live footage well until 3am… police scanners on… bracing for the worst. It was apparent from the beginning there was no help. No police, no fire trucks no ambulances. None. Structures burned to the ground, people hurt and attacked were loaded into cars and raced to any hospital they could get to, rioters just broke into businesses and took what they wanted.

And we all watched it happen. There was nothing we could do.

A sleepless night, we faced the next day with more fear. A massive clean up effort, we helped as many homes and buisnesses as we could, brace for the night, we started to get inundated with messages from individuals and groups … targeting violence to specific neighborhoods, schools, libraries.. with fires and destruction… lots of messages. Most specifically targeting LOCAL NEIGHBORHOODS… families!!!

Cars and buses were coming in to the city with no plates… caravans of groups. Again, no extra police or national guard.

But the rioters came to Kenosha that night again.

Our PD and any help it had was standing ground at the PD building and courthouse… and many rioters did not know… our PD was trying to keep them from burning these down, not only because it was our infrastructure but because right between those buildings were A LOT of local inmates that were currently there due to Covid closing our jail (HUBER).

Again live, we watched hundreds of rioters throwing Molotov cocktail?s at these buildings and burning our city garbage trucks and dump trucks to the ground that we were using to protect these buildings.

I was afraid for the small line of policemen there that night.

Everyone was urging me and Jim to take all of my animals and to leave the city… and let my house burn. To run far away from Kenosha. I love my home. Those who know me, know the pride we have taken in buying an (as-is) house and turning it into a home. And my business! Could I let it be destroyed?? Absolutely NOT!

We have dear friends with a popular business just 4 houses away… we spend at least once a week there… they packed up boarded up and closed.. terrified … it’s on the main road.

All of us were now under now a state of emergency curfew. Get home and off the streets! gas stations ordered to close and turn OFF all gas pumps..
the sirens and alerts on all of our phones coming in non- stop.

So we pulled out every firearm we owned. Loaded them up. And started to get ready… We were not leaving… Jim’s job told him to stay home and protect his family and home. ?Everyone in the city was getting ready for a war.

Are you starting to feel anxiety reading this?

Getting a grasp of how desperate we all were?

Knowing no law enforcement was helping? And I’m telling you… NO ONE was there.

I have a dear friend who lives in Gurnee. Has a home and a buisness there, and if she called me and Jim and told me her city was under attack, she was afraid for her LIFE and her store … I would help her. We would go to Gurnee and help her. Armed.

And that’s simply what happened. The residents started to realize this was on us. And we organized. Groups and individuals-On rooftop businesses -in the neighborhoods. I felt a little safer that night knowing we had some help.

So we watched again that night …live. Beginning to end.

At the lakefront… there was a small police presence again, where our courthouse and Pd is…. but the PD was nowhere else in the city. It was just us left to fend for ourselves, watching live feed again, Listening to the scanners … lights off, house alarm armed. Curtains drawn – guns ready as we listened to where the rioters were, which way they were headed. Despite the state of emergency curfew the city was flooded with cars driving around with no plates on, groups of people destroying our city. Not enough police to arrest or stop not ONE SINGLE PERSON.

Until the guard came to help… the entire city was left to its own defenses.

Hell… we ran out of plywood to board up!!!

I had the crates ready to throw the animals in and run… guns at every window and door. Constantly texting neighbors and friends around the city for updates.

When we say, if you don’t live here, you could not possibly know what was going on.. do you now understand? How afraid the whole city was?

The national guard FINALLY was called out – and did not mess around. The people who terrorized and destroyed Kenosha were not from Kenosha. Of all the arrests… most were from 44 other city’s. After our IDIOT governor finally asked, we got the help we should have had from DAY ONE. We had FBI and all the surrounding PD’s come to our aid.

If…you don’t live here… you could not possibly understand what we went thru. People should wait before they jump to conclusions. I just am disgusted beyond words at the judgement that’s happening. DISGUSTED

For those of you with children to protect, a business you put your heart and soul in… a home you struggled to own and pay for.. you have got to understand what we all went thru. The fear and the instinct to protect what you love, and what you worked so hard for is strong. I hope no one ever has to go thru anything like this.

Golly, zerohedge is doing some great photoshopping these days.

At some point, it is dificult to understand how deluded so many Libtartds have become over the decades. Jimminy Cotta must be so proud to have created the Department of Edjucamation so that Libtard teachers could de-educate America, dumb down generations of citizens.
And those who could recognize the hole that DoE was dragging America down, but stood by and did nothing, or not enough, should be just as proud at what they have created.

This all leads me to think that there must be many Democraps who know and understand that demented creepy Uncle Joe Obiden has no chance of winning in November, and perhaps this looting while the looting is good is their only path for now. One must think that at some level of the bigwigs of Democraps, they must be ready to blame the whole election loss on Obiden, they can say that it is not their insipid ideas or ideology that was the failure to garner votes. This is why we see such lackluster effort in their campaign. They know enough that their best hope is to keep Obiden locked in his basement, and to force everybody to vote before any of the debates start - so the Dem clerks can sort through the ballots and discard the real ones and stuff in the fraudulent ballots for Obiden.

So the question must be asked: How many of the minions know? Who is in on the plan, the secret? Below the Democrap bigwigs, are the talking heads in the circle? Do the Fake News anchors know at this point? One must be Asylum-grade delusional to conjure that Obiden might win.

I'm fair certain that there are "registered Democrats" on this board who are highly unlikely to vote for Obiden this fall. I'm also certain that the Libtard Trolls on this board have no clue that Obiden will lose, even if they are using his campaign as pretext for looting and burning all of the Democrap shitholes they visit.

But just how many are "in the know" - even if they had to figure it out for themselves? I also wonder how many "got the memo" by now.

I also understand Trump is far outdistancing Obiden in campaign fund collections from small donors. Obiden is still getting huge donations from delusional wealthy elites, but the deplorables are sending their hard-earned cash to Trump.


Tuesday, September 15, 2020 7:32 PM


Bloomberg just gave Biden 100 Million bucks.

And Bernie didn't have shit to say about it. Nor AOC or any of her Commie cohorts.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, September 23, 2020 3:17 PM


Spontaneous Assault rioters appear moments after Breonna Taylor announcement, criminals unloading their riot Assault gear from spontaneous U-Haul truck in Louisville.


Wednesday, September 23, 2020 3:20 PM


The violence and murder keeps coming from the violent, murderous reichwing. ^

When fascism is your ideology, murder is, too.

God bless the lifesaving patriot heroes of BLM and Antifa.


Wednesday, September 23, 2020 4:58 PM


Revealed: pro-Trump activists plotted violence ahead of Portland rallies
Patriots Coalition members suggested political assassinations and said ‘laws will be broken, people will get hurt’, leaked chats show

Leaked chat logs show Portland-area pro-Trump activists planning and training for violence, sourcing arms and ammunition and even suggesting political assassinations ahead of a series of contentious rallies in the Oregon city, including one scheduled for this weekend.

The chats on the GroupMe app, shared with the Guardian by the antifascist group Eugene Antifa, show conversations between Oregon members of the Patriots Coalition growing more extreme as they discuss armed confrontations with leftwing Portland activists, and consume a steady diet of online disinformation about protests and wildfires.

At times, rightwing activists discuss acts of violence at recent, contentious protests, which in some cases they were recorded carrying out. At one point, David Willis, a felon currently being sued for his alleged role in an earlier episode of political violence, joins a discussion about the use of paintballs.

Where other members had previously suggested freezing the paintballs for maximum damage, Willis wrote: “They make glass breaker balls that are rubber coated metal. They also have pepper balls but they are about 3 dollars a ball. Don’t freeze paintballs it makes them wildly inaccurate” [sic.]

I wonder how our resident Nazis will try to spin these facts?


Wednesday, September 23, 2020 4:59 PM


Facebook removes Patriot Prayer pages in bid to halt 'violent social militias'

It's about time. Murderous terrorist groups shouldn't be allowed to coordinate on social media.


Wednesday, September 23, 2020 5:02 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
You didn't debunk shit, halfwit.

Your time is up. Trump sending feds into Kenosha as we speak.

The entire country is done with your shit. Trump wins in a landslide, due in large part to you and your Che Guevara LARPing brainwashed college buddies.

Trump's reelection team and more than half the country thank you for your service.

Please continue to redpill the normies.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Spoken like a true little Nazi bitch. Do the world a favor.


Tuesday, October 6, 2020 2:08 PM


his photo provided by Louisville Police dept. shows Larynzo Johnson. Johnson was charged with two counts of assault on a police officer and multiple charges of wanton endangerment of police officers. (Louisville Police/AP)


Monday, October 12, 2020 7:11 PM


NYT ventures outside it's cocoon, accidentally discovers reality...

And not only that, but also discovers that BLM and Antifag are not "just an idea" but actual organizations. With, like, organization. And, like, schedules, and stuff.


Monday, October 12, 2020 8:09 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
NYT ventures outside it's cocoon, accidentally discovers reality...

And not only that, but also discovers that BLM and Antifag are not "just an idea" but actual organizations. With, like, organization. And, like, schedules, and stuff.

You're an idiot. Not a single legitimate source.

Come back when you've got something real, troll.


Saturday, October 17, 2020 6:05 PM


This summer’s Black Lives Matter protesters were overwhelmingly peaceful, our research finds
Police and counterprotesters sometimes started violence.

Only 3.7 percent of the protests involved property damage or vandalism. Some portion of these involved neither police nor protesters, but people engaging in vandalism or looting alongside the protests.

In short, our data suggest that 96.3 percent of events involved no property damage or police injuries, and in 97.7 percent of events, no injuries were reported among participants, bystanders or police.

These figures should correct the narrative that the protests were overtaken by rioting and vandalism or violence. Such claims are false. Incidents in which there was protester violence or property destruction should be regarded as exceptional — and not representative of the uprising as a whole.

In many instances, police reportedly began or escalated the violence, but some observers nevertheless blame the protesters. The claim that the protests are violent — even when the police started the violence — can help local, state and federal forces justify intentionally beating, gassing or kettling the people marching, or reinforces politicians’ calls for “law and order.”

Given that protesters were objecting to extrajudicial police killings of Black citizens, protesters displayed an extraordinary level of nonviolent discipline, particularly for a campaign involving hundreds of documented incidents of apparent police brutality. The protests were extraordinarily nonviolent, and extraordinarily nondestructive, given the unprecedented size of the movement’s participation and geographic scope.

Reichwing lies destroyed. Again.


Saturday, October 17, 2020 6:32 PM


^ Blatant lies.

It's still funny, despite how sad it is.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, October 19, 2020 11:27 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
^ Blatant lies.

It's still funny, despite how sad it is.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Poor trumptard can't tell truth from lies.

Typical. It's a mental illness.


Monday, October 19, 2020 12:06 PM


Second's lucky that thought crimes aren't punishable.

Otherwise the Marcos split personality would be very troublesome for him.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, October 19, 2020 12:21 PM



Monday, October 19, 2020 2:15 PM


It's not a myth.

There is real life footage of it all over the place.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, October 20, 2020 5:57 PM


AP finds most arrested in protests aren’t leftist radicals

Some of those facing charges undoubtedly share far-left and anti-government views. Far-right protesters also have been arrested and charged. Some defendants have driven to protests from out of state. Some have criminal records and were illegally carrying weapons. Others are accused of using the protests as an opportunity to steal or create havoc.

But many have had no previous run-ins with the law and no apparent ties to antifa, the umbrella term for leftist militant groups that Trump has said he wants to declare a terrorist organization.

I just keep getting proven right!


Tuesday, October 20, 2020 6:00 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
It's not a myth.

There is real life footage of it all over the place.

The same 3 videos played over and over by every reichwing nut job on Youtube is not proof of widespread rioting.

I remember Fox was running footage from a soccer riot in fucking Spain.

You're just really low-information and low IQ. You're gullible af. You don't know shit about anything, and it shows.

Jesus, you posted a video from fucking STYXENHAMMER.


Tuesday, October 20, 2020 6:03 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
It's not a myth.

There is real life footage of it all over the place.

The same 3 videos played over and over by every reichwing nut job on Youtube is not proof of widespread rioting.

I remember Fox was running riot footage from a soccer riot in fucking Spain.

You're just really low-information and low IQ. You're gullible af. You don't know shit about anything, and it shows.

Jesus, you post videos from fucking NAZIS.

Nazi's don't exist in 2020.

Your Legacy Media was showing videos from a Kentucky firing range from over 10 years ago saying it was the Kurds.

Fuck your hypocrisy. Fuck your riots. You're going to prison Marcos.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, October 20, 2020 6:07 PM


You just keep lying and denying. You know who uses that tired old "Nazis don't exist now" argument?


You're the stupidest person here, and I'm including Kiki an JSF in that.


Tuesday, October 20, 2020 6:08 PM


Nazis don't exist in 2020.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, October 20, 2020 6:09 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Nazis don't exist in 2020.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, October 20, 2020 6:10 PM


That's just a bunch of pictures of your buddies without their black masks on.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, October 20, 2020 6:12 PM


Wrong again, as always. Those are YOUR heroes. You share their views.

They're Nazis in 2020.

You're too stupid to know how stupid you really are.


Tuesday, October 27, 2020 5:55 PM


He is right, it would have made a great commercial.


Wednesday, October 28, 2020 12:30 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Skipping right past the "mostly peaceful" protest riot stage, BLMers in Philly have jumped directly to mass violent rioting.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Wednesday, October 28, 2020 12:42 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Skipping right past the "mostly peaceful" protest riot stage, BLMers in Philly have jumped directly to mass violent rioting.

I do hope that Cap'n Cuckklefuck and Ted Bundy remember to thank Marcos and Nilbog for Trump's reelection next week.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 28, 2020 12:51 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

DAY #1


Philadelphia Overrun By Rioting, Looting After Police Shoot Knife-Wielding Black Man

Yet another night of looting and rioting in America...

As Summit News' Paul Joseph Watson reports, the rioters hit the streets after the police shooting of Walter Wallace Jr. in an incident being described as yet another unprovoked murder of a black man.

In reality, footage of the incident shows Wallace Jr. ignoring numerous warnings from police officers to drop the weapon as he advances on them before being shot.

His name was Walter Wallace Jr. He was given repeated warnings to drop the knife. Rather than listen to those warnings, he charged at officers while brandishing the knife. This was 100 percent a justified shooting, as any rational person can see.
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) October 27, 2020

NOTE - the tweet of the actual incident has now been deleted from Twitter

Is that more of Jack Dorsey's work, protecting us from reality?


However, as we have seen multiple times over the past 5 months, Black Lives Matter agitators don’t let the facts get in the way of yet another chance to riot.

A female sergeant suffered a broken leg as she was struck by a speeding vehicle... A total of 30 police officers were injured during the clashes.


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Wednesday, October 28, 2020 1:11 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

DAY #2


National Guard Responds As 1000s Of Looters Ransack Philly In 2nd Night Of Chaos; Reporter Brutalized By "BLM Rioters"

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Wednesday, October 28, 2020 2:56 PM


CNN didn't report it, so Marcos will tell you that it never happened.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 28, 2020 3:48 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
CNN didn't report it, so Marcos will tell you that it never happened.

Do Right, Be Right. :)



Wednesday, October 28, 2020 3:49 PM


Comedian Trae Crowder makes a point on different portrayals of riots


Wednesday, October 28, 2020 5:00 PM



Originally posted:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
CNN didn't report it, so Marcos will tell you that it never happened.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Yet another epic fail from the Bot.


Thursday, October 29, 2020 10:10 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
CNN didn't report it, so Marcos will tell you that it never happened.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Yet another epic fail from the Bot.

This is how we know you're a Russian troll. They've reported on all protests and even highlighted the reichwing-caused vandalism and violence all along.

I've destroyed you so often and so thoroughly, your Russian ass is still sore. I love having free rent in your tiny, vodka-addled brain.

You always, only lose to me. Truth beats lies, every time.


Thursday, October 29, 2020 11:49 AM


LOL @ Marcos.

Your buddies just lost Pennsylvania for Biden, bruh.

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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