Election Fraud Debunking Megathread

UPDATED: Saturday, April 22, 2023 09:24
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Thursday, November 19, 2020 12:59 PM


Trump campaign dismisses last remaining lawsuit in Michigan as voter fraud claims widely debunked
President’s personal lawyer continues promoting false claims while pulling out of key lawsuit

President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign has dismissed its final lawsuit against the electoral process in Michigan on Thursday, as multiple challenges the campaign filed have recently been tossed out of federal courts in key states.

The president’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, who is leading the campaign’s battle against the national vote, falsely claimed in a statement: “This morning we are withdrawing our lawsuit in Michigan as a direct result of achieving the relief we sought: to stop the election in Wayne County from being prematurely certified before residents can be assured that every legal vote has been counted.”

However, the board did in fact vote to certify the results of the election.


Thursday, November 19, 2020 1:14 PM



Thursday, November 19, 2020 2:56 PM


Stacey Abrams Says Reason Republicans Are 'So Mad' About Election Is That Their Voter Suppression Efforts Were Blocked

"It's important that we understand that voter suppression being stopped is why they are so mad," Abrams told The Cut's Rebecca Traister. "Republicans had a plan for stopping voters from getting to the polls. We beat them in multiple states and flipped the outcome. The margins are small because the outcome can be undone very quickly."

Abrams said Republicans "have fought tirelessly to silence the voices of voters who do not support them" long before this election, but she is not deterred by President Donald Trump's numerous legal battles and efforts to delegitimize the presidential race.

"So while I am disappointed by the reckless actions of Donald Trump, Lindsey Graham, and others, I am not surprised," she said. "None of the GOP's voter-suppression tactics will change the results of the election."


Thursday, November 19, 2020 3:04 PM


Michigan Judge Rejects Challenge to Detroit Election Results

Finding that two voters’ claims about election fraud lack credibility, a Michigan judge on Friday shut down a lawsuit demanding an audit of results in the Detroit area.



Thursday, November 19, 2020 3:11 PM


Giuliani in Public: ‘It’s a Fraud.’ Giuliani in Court: ‘This Is Not a Fraud Case.’
Keep an eye on what President Trump’s lawyers say about supposed voter fraud while they’re in an actual courtroom.


Thursday, November 19, 2020 3:45 PM


Donald Trump’s Effort To Steal The Election Is Comically Stupid — And Extremely Dangerous
Trump’s last scandal may be his greatest, and his stupidest.

Donald Trump is no stranger to comically stupid scandals.

He was impeached for an open attempt to illegally leverage congressionally approved military aid so a newly elected Ukrainian president would investigate rival Joe Biden and announce it on television. “Stupid Watergate,” HBO’s John Oliver called it.

It’s no surprise, then, that Trump’s blatant and racist effort to steal an election he lost by at least 58 electoral votes (pending the outcome of the recount in Georgia, where Biden leads by over 12,000 votes) and 5.8 million popular votes — and counting — is also really, really stupid.

First, Trump telegraphed the entire scheme to steal the election ahead of time, like a Bond villain explaining his entire plot, thus exposing the true purpose of his ensuing frivolous lawsuits. If it looked like he would lose, he planned to claim that late-counted absentee ballots were fraudulent and illegal and to file lawsuits to stop the certification of results in states where he trailed. The hope then was that Republican-controlled legislatures or governors would just hand him their state’s electoral votes. Whether or not this was legal didn’t seem to matter.

Those lawsuits claiming election and voter fraud have almost all been laughed out of court in embarrassing fashion after Trump’s own lawyers admitted they had no evidence of said fraud. Republican state lawmakers all said they wouldn’t be switching electoral votes to Trump. Law firms then dropped Trump as pressure mounted for them not to help him undermine democracy, which left former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani to step in as counsel.

Giuliani delivered a performance worthy of the bumbling Simpsons lawyer Lionel Hutz in which he lied about his standing with the District of Columbia Bar, rambled about the long-dead Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, demonstrated an incapacity to understand basic legal practices and could not properly define the word “opacity.”

“I’m not sure what ‘opacity’ means,” Giuliani said. “It probably means you can see.”

“It means you can’t,” Judge Matthew Brann corrected the former prosecutor.

It’s easy to laugh at a former mayor who was recently caught with his hand down his pants in a “Borat” movie be-clowning himself in court.

But just because this is all incredibly dumb and has no chance of successfully overturning Biden’s win doesn’t mean it’s not incredibly dangerous. The entire scheme involves the delegitimization and disenfranchisement of voters in predominantly Black municipalities.

It undermines his supporters’ faith in democracy. And it could be used in years to come to justify unnecessary and damaging voting restrictions that would disproportionately affect Black voters.

Political partisans often feel like elections were stolen from them. Shock and disbelief are, after all, the first stage of grief. But never before has a president of the United States led the charge in creating that false impression. Nor has any prior president refused to abide by the peaceful transfer of power inaugurated first by President George Washington’s decision not to run for a third term and President John Adams’ peaceful transfer to Thomas Jefferson after the two ran against each other in 1800.

Trump has turned this 200-year-plus tradition, the bedrock of American democracy, on its head through a disinformation campaign designed to maintain his power within the Republican Party and its aligned media system.

Like everything else Trump has done as president, his entire scheme to steal the election is not meant to succeed in reality — reality, in this case, being judged by actual courts and judges. It is, rather, intended to succeed on television or social media by making his supporters believe that Trump lost due to fraud and not think of him as a loser.

So far, it is working. The majority of Republicans state a belief that the election was rigged against Trump. (It wasn’t.) And nearly every Republican Party politician has either backed Trump’s false allegations of mass voter fraud or refused to accept that Biden won and is now president-elect.

The reason why is because of the nature of the Republican Party, which is actually just a hollowed-out shell filled by the ever-mutating conservative movement.

The conservative movement, born out of the 1964 Barry Goldwater presidential campaign and brought to power by Ronald Reagan in 1980, is openly antagonistic to Republican Party regulars and opposes any evidence of cooperation or appeasement with the enemy: Democrats.

To appease the movement, Republican politicians must pay strict attention to the far-right fringe of their party in order to stave off the looming threat of primary challenges. Once Trump conquered the party in 2016, Republicans seeking to avoid right-wing primary challenges had to adapt to his neo-personalist style of rule. This meant supplementing support for extremist right-wing policies and rhetoric with obsequious fealty to Trump and his family members. (With the only exception being when Trump suggests using the government to distribute wealth in an equitable manner.)

In 2020, this means echoing Trump’s false claims of fraud as he tries to steal the election ? or at the very least not rejecting them as the dangerous absurdity they are. Republicans now face a litmus test of endorsing a belief that the 2020 election was unfair, a position that undermines the necessary peaceful transfer of power that American democracy would not exist without.

Trump supporters echo Trump’s false allegations of voter fraud outside the Supreme Court during the Million Maga March protest on Nov. 14, 2020.
This has trickled down to even the most local level of politics. On Tuesday, two Republican Party members of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers in Michigan initially voted against certifying the county’s election results. They were just following the president’s openly stated scheme to prevent the certification of election results in states he lost and to somehow get Republican state legislators to ignore the state’s popular vote and hand him its electoral college votes.

Initially, Republican board member Monica Palmer said she would have been happy to certify the vote from Wayne County’s predominantly white suburbs, but not from nearly 80% Black Detroit. But after nearly three hours of angry calls from the public lambasting the racist effort to disenfranchise Detroit citizens, she and the other Republican board member reversed themselves and voted to certify the results.

But not before Trump could tweet that they were heroes for trying to throw out votes cast by Black voters.

In Pennsylvania, Trump sued (and lost) to stop the certification of votes in Philadelphia, which is over 40% Black. In Wisconsin, he has filed for a partial recount in Milwaukee and Dane counties, where he alleges fraud without evidence. These two Wisconsin counties contain 74% of the state’s Black population. In Georgia, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) reportedly asked Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger if he could find a way to throw out all absentee ballots in counties with high rates of signature mismatch. (Graham denies this.) Studies show that Black voters are disproportionately punished for signature mismatches.

These efforts will all fail. But they augur a terrible turn to the past in the long-standing effort to limit Black voter participation in elections. It harkens back to the long history of racist disenfranchisement perpetrated by the white majority on Black Americans.

Republicans, taking Trump’s lead, today call to “count every legal vote.” In the past, the phrase “legal votes” came up most frequently in relation to two particular episodes, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer: the initial disenfranchisement of Black men outside of the South beginning in 1810, and the Compromise of 1877 that ended post-Civil War Reconstruction and set the South on the path to Jim Crow.

This could all be laughed off as the absurd theater that it no doubt is, but this narrative is taking root within the Republican Party and will likely structure American politics in the years to come. And that’s not funny.


Thursday, November 19, 2020 3:59 PM


Trump Campaign Is 1-29 in Post-Election Lawsuits After Latest Defeat

So far, the only case in which the Trump campaign has scored a victory is one filed in Pennsylvania. In that case, the time frame in which election officials allowed voters to resolve problems with mail-in ballots that were initially rejected because they lacked voter identification was reduced from nine to six days.


Thursday, November 19, 2020 4:09 PM


Rudy Giuliani straight-up asked a federal judge to ignore Pennsylvania voters and declare Trump won the state

It didn't work.


Thursday, November 19, 2020 8:26 PM


Trump Sued a Homeless Vet Because She's a Nevada Biden Elector and She Just Shut Him Down

I am an elector for the state of Nevada. I am a United States Navy veteran and I am homeless. You're suing me, an individual, for faithfully serving the people of Nevada. Whatever you think you've got, bring it. You will not win. You're a coward.

Damn. Trump is low. Lower than dogshit.


Thursday, November 19, 2020 8:48 PM


Lindsey Graham’s Alleged Attempt to Toss Georgia Ballots Is Felony Election Fraud

Graham’s alleged request is unseemly and corrupt. But is it criminal? In short, yes, according to multiple Georgia election law experts. If Raffensperger’s account is true, there is virtually no doubt that Graham committed a crime under Georgia law. The more difficult question is whether Graham will suffer any consequences for his alleged offense. Because he is a Republican and a sitting U.S. senator, Graham likely won’t face an investigation, let alone prosecution, for conduct that would get almost anyone else arrested. It might be tempting to dismiss Graham’s alleged interference as unscrupulous strategizing blown out of proportion. But Georgia has a sordid history of prosecuting putative voter fraud involving far more innocent conduct. Graham does not deserve a pass simply because he is a wealthy white senator.

If he were a Democrat, his own party would take him down. They'd be fine with his gayness, too.

Since he's a Republican, he just fails upward.


Friday, November 20, 2020 7:34 AM


Amy Siskind: "Biden up to 79,231,896 popular votes. And his overall lead up to 3.8% and nearing 6 million votes! Biden 51.0% Trump 47.2% Stop calling this a close race. It's not!"

The more they count, the wider his lead gets.


Friday, November 20, 2020 7:55 AM


Deadhead joke.


Friday, November 20, 2020 8:11 AM



Friday, November 20, 2020 8:24 AM


Rudy just humiliated himself better than Borat ever could, and Republicans are still gonna pretend that this clown should be taken seriously.


Friday, November 20, 2020 8:50 AM


Trump is the true perpetrator of election fraud

Yes, there is election fraud. It's coming from inside the White House.

President Donald Trump's attempts to steal the election and win another term are exceedingly unlikely to work. But he is already succeeding in undermining key democratic norms on which our society functions by questioning the results without evidence, falsely alleging voter fraud, and, according to the Washington Post, even reaching out to a local election official charged with certifying results.

Trump, who clearly lost the presidential election by large electoral and popular vote margins, has filed lawsuits in numerous battleground states that have largely gone nowhere. He has lied about massive voter fraud, which doesn't exist. His lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, even suggested that his goal is to delay certification of the results, enabling Republican legislators to thwart the will of the people and simply award Trump the Electoral College votes he needs to win -- an anti-democratic idea that is bound to fail given statements from Republican legislators in key states and Democratic governors who won't go along with attempts to undermine the electoral process.

And perhaps in the most egregious action to date, Trump personally called Republican Monica Palmer, a local election official in Wayne County, Michigan, after which she sought to change her vote on whether to certify the results.

Post-election certification is typically a routine, ministerial process. The election officials check the vote totals and declare the winner. But nothing is routine when the President of the United States actively seeks to undermine our democracy.


Friday, November 20, 2020 9:06 AM



Friday, November 20, 2020 9:49 AM



Friday, November 20, 2020 10:31 AM


On the official donald trump youtube stream they accidentally left their audio on and you can hear the team there say "you see fucking rudy's hair dye dripping down his face?"

Rudy is so batshit in this press conference that I’m convinced he’s becoming a viable candidate for the Republican nomination in 2024.


Friday, November 20, 2020 11:29 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by reaverfan:
On the official donald trump youtube stream they accidentally left their audio on and you can hear the team there say "you see fucking rudy's hair dye dripping down his face?"

Rudy is so batshit in this press conference that I’m convinced he’s becoming a viable candidate for the Republican nomination in 2024.

He looks sick as sh*t - maybe the coomph has him. He's a good candidate for a baggie.

Another nutter - wish I could say he was unusual. Could be Sidney Powell's brother.

"They're trying to tear down America..." with their free health care, religious freedom, and respect for all people!


Friday, November 20, 2020 12:27 PM


If you take a step back and realize that Trump’s head attorney leading this overthrow of the election worked with Russian intelligence this year and two of the other attorneys were on the payroll of a senior Russian mafia associate, all of this becomes much simpler to understand.


Friday, November 20, 2020 12:32 PM


Trump’s Lawyer Sidney Powell Is Hardcore QAnon
Her performance at Thursday's press conference was virtually a recitation of QAnon’s greatest hits.

“What we are really dealing with here, and uncovering more by the day, is the massive influence of communist money through Venezuela, Cuba, and likely China in the interference with our elections here in the United States.”

What followed was virtually a recitation of QAnon’s greatest hits, and Powell ended her tirade almost in tears, essentially telling those listening to “stick to the plan,” a phrase that has become a QAnon rallying cry since Trump lost the election.

“We are not going to back down,” she said. “We are going to clean this mess up now. President Trump won by a landslide. We are going to prove it, and we are going to reclaim the United States of America for the people who vote for freedom.”

The comments were essentially a dog whistle to the QAnon community, which has been waging a disinformation war on social media since the election earlier this month, helping to boost conspiracy theories that have made their way to the Oval Office.


Friday, November 20, 2020 12:40 PM


Georgia confirms Biden victory and finds no widespread fraud after statewide audit


Friday, November 20, 2020 1:20 PM



Friday, November 20, 2020 1:52 PM



Friday, November 20, 2020 2:15 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by captaincrunch:

He looks sick as sh*t - maybe the coomph has him. He's a good candidate for a baggie.

Another nutter - wish I could say he was unusual. Could be Sidney Powell's brother.

"They're trying to tear down America..." with their free health care, religious freedom, and respect for all people!

Actor Jon Voight said that Biden is evil and this is the greatest fight since the Civil War. The Confederates said the same about Lincoln, that he is evil and this is the greatest fight since the Revolution against King George III.

In a July 28, 2008 op-ed in The Washington Times, Jon Voight wrote that he regretted his youthful anti-war activism, and claimed that the peace movement of that time was driven by "Marxist propaganda". He also claimed that the radicals in the peace movement were responsible for the communists coming to power in Vietnam and Cambodia and for failing to stop the subsequent slaughter of 1.5 million people in the Killing Fields.[23]

In the same op-ed he also criticized the Democratic Party and Barack Obama's bid to become president, claiming that the Democrats had created "a propaganda campaign with subliminal messages, creating a God-like figure (Obama)" who would "demoralize this country and help create a socialist America".[23] He claimed that Obama had grown up with the teachings of very angry, militant white and black people around him.[23]

In November 2020, after the United States presidential election in which the Democratic candidate Joe Biden was announced as the winner, Voight released a statement through his Twitter account, in which he stated he was "disgusted with [the] lie that Biden has been chosen, as if we all don't know the truth." He further implied without evidence that Biden had committed electoral fraud and proclaimed that America was engaged in "our greatest fight since the Civil War - the battle of righteousness versus Satan, because these leftists are evil, corrupt, and they want to tear down this nation." He finished the statement by imploring his followers to fight for Trump's reinstatement as President.[29]

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, November 20, 2020 4:23 PM


More GOP Senators Have COVID Than Have Acknowledged That Joe Biden Won
The deadly virus has taken hold more than reality.

Rick Scott of Florida announced Friday that he has tested positive for COVID-19, making him the seventh GOP senator infected by the deadly disease. The others are Chuck Grassley (Iowa), Mike Lee (Utah), Bill Cassidy (La.), Rand Paul (Ky.), Thom Tillis (N.C.) and Ron Johnson (Wis.). Paul was the first to test positive, back in March; Grassley and Scott revealed their infections this week.
Couldn't happen to a slimier bunch of traitors.


Friday, November 20, 2020 4:29 PM


Trump's legal team seemingly didn't notice its allegation of election fraud in Michigan is based on data from Minnesota

Trump's people keep filing stupid lawsuits, and keep losing. As I type this, their record is 1-32. So why do they keep doing this? Because they want to lose even MORE of them.

In the fevered minds of the trumptards, it is all about conspiracies. And what greater conspiracy can there be, than that the Deep State stole the election from Trump? It will be spun to his acolytes and supplicants that each and every one of these many lawsuits were backed up by thousands of pages of meticulously chronicled crimes, yet the Deep State dismissed them with a wave of their collective hand.

Trump knows he lost the election. But he also knows that he will maintain control of the power as the head of what-used-to-be-called the GOP, by feeding his base this unending stream of bullshit.


Friday, November 20, 2020 9:34 PM


Tucker Carlson EXCOMMUNICATED From Trump Cult for Asking Too Many Questions

Trump cultists don't need evidence. They just go with their feels.


Saturday, November 21, 2020 6:48 AM


Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell: I Didn’t Provide Evidence to Tucker Carlson Because He Was ‘Rude’
On Thursday, Carlson told his viewers that Powell refused to provide any evidence to him to back her outlandish claims that millions of votes were stolen by corrupt software.


Saturday, November 21, 2020 7:11 AM


Biden's margin of victory over Trump surpasses 6 million votes


Saturday, November 21, 2020 8:10 AM


Michigan and Georgia Republicans Just Crushed Trump’s Coup Dreams
But they were sad about it.

We may have just seen the end of the world’s lamest coup attempt.

Key Republican officials in Michigan and Georgia made clear Friday evening that they wouldn’t try to step in to overturn their states’ election results, dealing a blow to President Trump’s hopes and demands that they undo President-elect Joe Biden’s wins in their states.

The biggest moment came from Michigan’s GOP legislative leaders, who after being summoned to Washington, D.C. to meet with Trump issued a joint statement declaring that they’d seen no evidence that electoral fraud had given Biden his nearly 150,000-vote win in their state and promised to follow the law in not trying to appoint electors for Trump.

“We have not yet been made aware of any information that would change the outcome of the election in Michigan and as legislative leaders, we will follow the law and follow the normal process regarding Michigan’s electors, just as we have said throughout this election,” Michigan Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey and House Speaker Lee Chatfield said in a joint statement after meeting with Trump at the White House.


Saturday, November 21, 2020 8:20 AM


Arizona’s largest county certifies Biden win over Trump

Protesters marched outside the board chambers urging members not to approve the canvass, but Republican Chairman Clint Hickman said there’s no question about the accuracy of the count and no legal reason not to certify it.

“In a free democracy elections result in some people’s candidates losing,” Hickman said, “I was disappointed in the outcome of a couple races and I was extremely happy with the outcome in others. But I’m not going to violate the law or deviate from my own moral compass as some have pushed me to do.”

The Arizona Republican Party had asked a court to order an audit of a larger sample of ballots, saying there were questions about the counts, but a judge in Phoenix threw out that effort Thursday.
Here in the real world, Biden won.


Saturday, November 21, 2020 10:02 AM


Why Republican voters say there’s ‘no way in hell’ Trump lost

In Reuters interviews with 50 Trump voters, all said they believed the election was rigged or in some way illegitimate. Of those, 20 said they would consider accepting Biden as their president, but only in light of proof that the election was conducted fairly. Most repeated debunked conspiracy theories espoused by Trump, Republican officials and conservative media claiming that millions of votes were dishonestly switched to Biden in key states by biased poll workers and hacked voting machines.

Many voters interviewed by Reuters said they formed their opinions by watching emergent right-wing media outlets such as Newsmax and One American News Network that have amplified Trump’s fraud claims. Some have boycotted Fox News out of anger that the network called Biden the election winner and that some of its news anchors - in contrast to its opinion show stars - have been skeptical of Trump’s fraud allegations.

“I just sent Fox News an email,” Fryar said, telling the network: “You’re the only news I’ve watched for the last six years, but I will not watch you anymore.”

The widespread rejection of the election result among Republicans reflects a new and dangerous dynamic in American politics: the normalization of false and increasingly extreme conspiracy theories among tens of millions of mainstream voters, according to government scholars, analysts and some lawmakers on both sides of the political divide. The trend has deeply troubling long-term implications for American political and civic institutions, said Paul Light, a veteran political scientist at New York University (NYU).

“This is dystopian,” Light said. “America could fracture.”

Adam Kinzinger, a Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives, is among the few party members to publicly recognize Biden’s victory. He called his Republican colleagues’ reluctance to reject Trump’s conspiracies a failure of political courage that threatens to undermine American democracy for years. If citizens lose faith in election integrity, that could lead to “really bad things,” including violence and social unrest, he said in an interview.

David Gergen - an adviser to four previous U.S. presidents, two Democrats and two Republicans - said Trump is trying to “kneecap” the Biden administration before it takes power, noting this is the first time a sitting American president has tried to overthrow an election result.

It may not be the last time. Many Republicans see attacks on election integrity as a winning issue for future campaigns - including the next presidential race, according to one Republican operative close to the Trump campaign. The party, the person said, is setting up a push for “far more stringent oversight on voting procedures in 2024,” when the party’s nominee will likely be Trump or his anointed successor.


Saturday, November 21, 2020 10:05 AM


Who cares what Trumps followers think reaver? Really, who cares? Think about it. Nothing they believe has a base in reality. Why go down that rabbit hole? Knowing, that is where they come from is enough. No need to dissect it. What's important is how to counter that with facts so Biden can get things done. That's where our focus needs to be.

We post facts on the internet. Letting Trumps followers direct our focus towards falsehoods is what Trump does. Let's post what need be posted. Lets not worry about their concerns unless they are legit. This election was the death nil of those who would cry voter fraud. They had their best chance ever this election and it was a complete failure, democracy held. The minority vote is growing exponentially. That will lead to huge changes going forward as well.

In order for the republican party to go forward they will need to address the issues of the minority. Trust me when I say many things learned due to Trump will be addressed so it won't happen again. Laws will be passed in time shoring up our democracy. Things that were taken for granted, i.e. like the republicans putting country first, will no longer be. We need to focus on these and other important issues. Not disgruntled Trump supporters.



Saturday, November 21, 2020 12:38 PM


Trump Takes Another L: Michigan GOPers Say No To Election Steal

President Donald Trump sought to leverage the power of the Oval Office on Friday in an extraordinary attempt to block President-elect Joe Biden’s victory, but his pleas to Michigan lawmakers to overturn the will of their constituents appeared to have left them unswayed.

Trump summoned a delegation of the battleground state’s Republican leadership, including the Senate majority leader and House speaker, in an apparent extension of his efforts to persuade judges and election officials to set aside Biden’s 154,000-vote margin of victory and grant Trump the state’s electors. It came amid mounting criticism that Trump’s futile efforts to subvert the results of the 2020 election could do long-lasting damage to democratic traditions.

Trump’s efforts extended to other states that Biden carried as well, amounting to an unprecedented attempt by a sitting president to maintain his grasp on power, or in failure, to delegitimize his opponent’s victory in the eyes of his army of supporters.


Saturday, November 21, 2020 12:42 PM


Trump supporters in Georgia vow to destroy the Republican Party if Trump doesn't win

Boycott the run-off vote! Or better yet, VOTE TRUMP! MAGA!


Saturday, November 21, 2020 1:01 PM



Saturday, November 21, 2020 2:17 PM


If Trumps supporters write in Trump instead of voting for the republican senate candidate then the Dems
will surly control the senate. Yippee, I'm glad so many of his followers are morons.



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Trump supporters in Georgia vow to destroy the Republican Party if Trump doesn't win

Boycott the run-off vote! Or better yet, VOTE TRUMP! MAGA!


Saturday, November 21, 2020 4:55 PM


Crying Wolf on Election Fraud Is OK at NYT—if Targets Are Official Enemies

Higgins asserted that, like Trump, Maduro “fraudulently manufactured a victory in a May 2018 election,” a claim that has as little basis in reality as Trump’s claim to have actually won the 2020 presidential race. Unlike the US, the Venezuelan election featured a timely vote, with state-of-the-art voting machines that were watched over by hundreds of distinguished international observers, whose reports attest to the process’ cleanliness (, 5/23/18). Maduro won more than 4 million more votes than his closest competitor—an unsurprising result (PAP, 5/20/18), due to widespread boycotting of the balloting and a split in the remaining opposition vote between two candidates.


Saturday, November 21, 2020 5:13 PM



Saturday, November 21, 2020 5:18 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Of those, 20 said they would consider accepting Biden as their president, but only in light of proof that the election was conducted fairly.
That would be exceptionally helpful. You don't have to be a republican or to have voted for Trump to notice all the statistical anomalies with the Biden vote.

Most repeated debunked conspiracy theories espoused by Trump, Republican officials and conservative media claiming that millions of votes were dishonestly switched to Biden in key states by biased poll workers and hacked voting machines.
Best bet is not that they were switched, but manufactured.

Many voters interviewed by Reuters said they formed their opinions by watching emergent right-wing media outlets such as Newsmax and One American News Network that have amplified Trump’s fraud claims.
MY opinions were formed by looking at the numbers, available at many websites. I used this one:

The widespread rejection of the election result among Republicans reflects a new and dangerous dynamic in American politics: the normalization of false and increasingly extreme conspiracy theories among tens of millions of mainstream voters, according to government scholars, analysts and some lawmakers on both sides of the political divide. “This is dystopian,” Light said. “America could fracture.”

The people of ALL parties should insist on an independent, non-partisan, academic, statistical autopsy of the election, AND FOLLOW UP ON AND CORRECT THE CAUSES OF ANY ABNORMALITIES, UNLIKE WHAT HAPPENED WITH THE MITOFSKY REPORT.
Because apparently NOBODY - neither 'winners' not 'losers' - cared to address its findings.

David Gergen - an adviser to four previous U.S. presidents, two Democrats and two Republicans - said Trump is trying to “kneecap” the Biden administration before it takes power, noting this is the first time a sitting American president has tried to overthrow an election result.
But this is not the first time there was a partisan effort to kneecap a president and remove him by any means necessary.

It may not be the last time. Many Republicans see attacks on election integrity as a winning issue for future campaigns - including the next presidential race, according to one Republican operative close to the Trump campaign.
Then defang that 'push' to question 'election integrity' AND REPAIR THE VOTE.

And if democrats don't do any different, how are they any better?


Saturday, November 21, 2020 5:27 PM


No, Venezuelan communists did not interfere in the election. Yes, Trump’s legal team claimed that.

President Donald Trump’s flailing attempt to cling to office after voters decisively chose to oust him has taken the country into a dark and fictional place.

According to falsehoods being told on his behalf and embraced by him, the U.S. election was manipulated by scheming from a dead Venezuelan strongman, by a computer system capable of flipping Trump votes to Joe Biden ones across the country, and by something weird happening in Germany. If that’s not enough, the communists are coming.

None of this happened. None of it is true.

But Trump and his legal team are making poisonous allegations in hopes that state Republican legislators will shatter the foundational procedures and traditions of U.S. democracy and nullify the voters’ will.

While this plays out, President-elect Biden continues to be denied the briefings and facilities given during presidential transitions. An increasing number of Republican lawmakers say he should be getting that cooperation but they haven’t done anything to make that happen.


Saturday, November 21, 2020 5:28 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Of those, 20 said they would consider accepting Biden as their president, but only in light of proof that the election was conducted fairly.
That would be exceptionally helpful. You don't have to be a republican or to have voted for Trump to notice all the statistical anomalies with the Biden vote.

Most repeated debunked conspiracy theories espoused by Trump, Republican officials and conservative media claiming that millions of votes were dishonestly switched to Biden in key states by biased poll workers and hacked voting machines.
Best bet is not that they were switched, but manufactured.

Many voters interviewed by Reuters said they formed their opinions by watching emergent right-wing media outlets such as Newsmax and One American News Network that have amplified Trump’s fraud claims.
MY opinions were formed by looking at the numbers, available at many websites. I used this one:

The widespread rejection of the election result among Republicans reflects a new and dangerous dynamic in American politics: the normalization of false and increasingly extreme conspiracy theories among tens of millions of mainstream voters, according to government scholars, analysts and some lawmakers on both sides of the political divide. “This is dystopian,” Light said. “America could fracture.”

The people of ALL parties should insist on an independent, non-partisan, academic, statistical autopsy of the election, AND FOLLOW UP ON AND CORRECT THE CAUSES OF ANY ABNORMALITIES, UNLIKE WHAT HAPPENED WITH THE MITOFSKY REPORT. Apparently NOBODY cared to address it

David Gergen - an adviser to four previous U.S. presidents, two Democrats and two Republicans - said Trump is trying to “kneecap” the Biden administration before it takes power, noting this is the first time a sitting American president has tried to overthrow an election result.
But this is not the first time there was a partisan effort to kneecap a president and remove him by any means necessary.

It may not be the last time. Many Republicans see attacks on election integrity as a winning issue for future campaigns - including the next presidential race, according to one Republican operative close to the Trump campaign.
The defang that push AND REPAIR THE VOTE.

And if democrats don't do any different, how are they any better?

Cope harder!

Trumptards have demonstrated repeatedly that they'll ignore facts and believe lies. It's just what they do. You can show them evidence all day long, and they'll ignore it.

They rely entirely on their feelings, nothing else. No amount of facts and evidence can change that reality.


Saturday, November 21, 2020 5:33 PM


Trump has longstanding history of calling elections 'rigged' if he doesn’t like the results


Saturday, November 21, 2020 6:00 PM


No modern presidential candidate has refused to concede. Here’s why that matters.


Saturday, November 21, 2020 6:05 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Of those, 20 said they would consider accepting Biden as their president, but only in light of proof that the election was conducted fairly.
That would be exceptionally helpful. You don't have to be a republican or to have voted for Trump to notice all the statistical anomalies with the Biden vote.

Most repeated debunked conspiracy theories espoused by Trump, Republican officials and conservative media claiming that millions of votes were dishonestly switched to Biden in key states by biased poll workers and hacked voting machines.
Best bet is not that they were switched, but manufactured.

Many voters interviewed by Reuters said they formed their opinions by watching emergent right-wing media outlets such as Newsmax and One American News Network that have amplified Trump’s fraud claims.
MY opinions were formed by looking at the numbers, available at many websites. I used this one:

The widespread rejection of the election result among Republicans reflects a new and dangerous dynamic in American politics: the normalization of false and increasingly extreme conspiracy theories among tens of millions of mainstream voters, according to government scholars, analysts and some lawmakers on both sides of the political divide. “This is dystopian,” Light said. “America could fracture.”

The people of ALL parties should insist on an independent, non-partisan, academic, statistical autopsy of the election, AND FOLLOW UP ON AND CORRECT THE CAUSES OF ANY ABNORMALITIES, UNLIKE WHAT HAPPENED WITH THE MITOFSKY REPORT.
Because apparently NOBODY - neither 'winners' not 'losers' - cared to address its findings.

David Gergen - an adviser to four previous U.S. presidents, two Democrats and two Republicans - said Trump is trying to “kneecap” the Biden administration before it takes power, noting this is the first time a sitting American president has tried to overthrow an election result.
But this is not the first time there was a partisan effort to kneecap a president and remove him by any means necessary.

It may not be the last time. Many Republicans see attacks on election integrity as a winning issue for future campaigns - including the next presidential race, according to one Republican operative close to the Trump campaign.
Then defang that 'push' to question 'election integrity' AND REPAIR THE VOTE.

And if democrats don't do any different, how are they any better?


Saturday, November 21, 2020 6:36 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Then defang that 'push' to question 'election integrity' AND REPAIR THE VOTE.

And if democrats don't do any different, how are they any better?

Why do you continue with your Russian troll bullshit?

You're not making a case, you have no evidence of anything. Just nonsense.


Saturday, November 21, 2020 6:38 PM


Steven Crowder ATTACKS Tucker Carlson For Questioning Trump Campaign's Voter Fraud Claims!


Saturday, November 21, 2020 6:53 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Of those, 20 said they would consider accepting Biden as their president, but only in light of proof that the election was conducted fairly.
That would be exceptionally helpful. You don't have to be a republican or to have voted for Trump to notice all the statistical anomalies with the Biden vote.

Most repeated debunked conspiracy theories espoused by Trump, Republican officials and conservative media claiming that millions of votes were dishonestly switched to Biden in key states by biased poll workers and hacked voting machines.
Best bet is not that they were switched, but manufactured.

Many voters interviewed by Reuters said they formed their opinions by watching emergent right-wing media outlets such as Newsmax and One American News Network that have amplified Trump’s fraud claims.
MY opinions were formed by looking at the numbers, available at many websites. I used this one:

The widespread rejection of the election result among Republicans reflects a new and dangerous dynamic in American politics: the normalization of false and increasingly extreme conspiracy theories among tens of millions of mainstream voters, according to government scholars, analysts and some lawmakers on both sides of the political divide. “This is dystopian,” Light said. “America could fracture.”

The people of ALL parties should insist on an independent, non-partisan, academic, statistical autopsy of the election, AND FOLLOW UP ON AND CORRECT THE CAUSES OF ANY ABNORMALITIES, UNLIKE WHAT HAPPENED WITH THE MITOFSKY REPORT.
Because apparently NOBODY - neither 'winners' not 'losers' - cared to address its findings.

David Gergen - an adviser to four previous U.S. presidents, two Democrats and two Republicans - said Trump is trying to “kneecap” the Biden administration before it takes power, noting this is the first time a sitting American president has tried to overthrow an election result.
But this is not the first time there was a partisan effort to kneecap a president and remove him by any means necessary.

It may not be the last time. Many Republicans see attacks on election integrity as a winning issue for future campaigns - including the next presidential race, according to one Republican operative close to the Trump campaign.
Then defang that 'push' to question 'election integrity' AND REPAIR THE VOTE.


Why not? Who WOULD be against the facts? And who WOULD be against acting on them?

And if democrats don't do any different, how are they any better?


Saturday, November 21, 2020 7:00 PM


^ The sheer fucking nerve of these people on the Left to whine that people think 2020 was rigged when they cried like babies about the exact same goddamned thing for four years themselves AND they got a long, drawn out investigation on taxpayer dime that came up with nothing.

Hypocrisy, personified.

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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