A Warning.... Likely to Fall on Deaf Ears.

UPDATED: Friday, November 27, 2020 13:25
VIEWED: 1166
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Thursday, November 26, 2020 9:34 AM



Thursday, November 26, 2020 7:01 PM


Republicans don't need any warnings about their politics. They've already destroyed the brand. Demorats, meh, despite being the party representing the full spectrum of brain-damaged lunatics and anti-American hatemongers seems to always come out just fine.


Thursday, November 26, 2020 7:16 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Republicans don't need any warnings about their politics. They've already destroyed the brand. Demorats, meh, despite being the party representing the full spectrum of brain-damaged lunatics and anti-American hatemongers seems to always come out just fine.

IMO the Republicans have been trashing their brand for decades. If they've learned anything, they'll behave more like Trump even though trump is gone. If not, they'll go back to their NeoCon warmongering ways. Time will tell on that.

As for Democrats, they're just juggling a lot of plates, and eventually that's all going to fall down. They are the Umbrella for everybody else, and they know full well that they house factions that are not in any way compatible with each other.

It's really easy for them to pretend that they're unified and winning when they have somebody like Donald Trump to rail on all day long for 4 years straight. It's nothing but a mere David Copperfield act.

This is why Trump not being our President next year doesn't bother me, even if they cheated to make it happen. (It's also why if he doesn't actually have any voter fraud receipts to bring to the table I'd like it if he'd just sit down and shut the fuck up immediately after SCOTUS starts handling the barring of mail-in ballots for future elections so the Democrats can begin to turn on each other).

Half of the country already doesn't believe any of the Establishment bullshit. How long do you think it will take a good portion of the rest of them to finally clue into it when Evil White Voldmordt isn't around to be their collective punching bag and they realize that most of them don't agree on anything themselves?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, November 27, 2020 9:57 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

As for Democrats, they're just juggling a lot of plates, and eventually that's all going to fall down. They are the Umbrella for everybody else, and they know full well that they house factions that are not in any way compatible with each other.

That's what this country IS and always WILL BE - lot's of plates. This country will never "succeed" unless its diversity is celebrated instead of maligned or used as a political dividing tool. WE JUST FOUND THAT OUT - WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN FOR 4 YEARS? Never going to learn anything. Can't have much of a country with only half.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
It's really easy for them to pretend that they're unified and winning when they have somebody like Donald Trump to rail on all day long for 4 years straight.

That one you got right. It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the first year amongst Dem politicians. We know what McFuckall will do.


Friday, November 27, 2020 10:07 AM


I got the whole thing right.

You don't even know how much you hate each other.

Watch your buddy Marcos start ripping you and Teddy a new asshole on the regular when he doesn't get his way, and for his fat worthless girlfriend Nilbog to join in.

Party up now. Because once Trump is finally out you're going to realize what the state of things actually are.

And as for "celebrating diversity", I would suggest you people on the left stop calling blacks who don't vote the way you want them and expect them to vote "coons" and "Uncle Toms".

Democrats are racist as fuck.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, November 27, 2020 10:13 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I got the whole thing right.

You don't even know how much you hate each other.

Watch your buddy Marcos start ripping you and Teddy a new asshole on the regular when he doesn't get his way, and for his fat worthless girlfriend Nilbog to join in.

Party up now. Because once Trump is finally out you're going to realize what the state of things actually are.

And as for "celebrating diversity", I would suggest you people on the left stop calling blacks who don't vote the way you want them and expect them to vote "coons" and "Uncle Toms".

Democrats are racist as fuck.

Whatever you say, f*ckhead!
You are definitely the expert when it comes to hurt feelz and holding on to your Hate.

"I would suggest you people on the left stop calling blacks who don't vote the way you want them and expect them to vote "coons" and "Uncle Toms". "

Any cites for that? Maybe 3? Painting with a stupid brush again?


Friday, November 27, 2020 1:25 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I got the whole thing right.

You don't even know how much you hate each other.

Watch your buddy Marcos start ripping you and Teddy a new asshole on the regular when he doesn't get his way, and for his fat worthless girlfriend Nilbog to join in.

Party up now. Because once Trump is finally out you're going to realize what the state of things actually are.

And as for "celebrating diversity", I would suggest you people on the left stop calling blacks who don't vote the way you want them and expect them to vote "coons" and "Uncle Toms".

Democrats are racist as fuck.

Whatever you say, f*ckhead!
You are definitely the expert when it comes to hurt feelz and holding on to your Hate.

Oh yeah? How so?

I'm the dude that said I didn't care who won before the election and still say that right now.

I'm not the dude who's going to spend the next four years bitching and moaning about everything in my life because of who's president like you and the others here have done.


"I would suggest you people on the left stop calling blacks who don't vote the way you want them and expect them to vote "coons" and "Uncle Toms". "

Any cites for that? Maybe 3? Painting with a stupid brush again?

Racist Joe Biden ("... then you ain't black"):

Racist Joe Biden ("Poor kids are just as bright as white kids"):

Racist Snoop Dogg (The Coon Bunch):

Racist Barack Obama (lying) on Hispanics voting for Trump:

Racist Chelsea Handler reminding 50 Cent that he's black and subsequently selling her pussy for votes on national TV (a felony, BTW...), Racist Jimmy Fallon on board:

Racist Key and Peele on Black Republicans:

Sure buddy. Let's pretend now that this isn't a thing that happens every day.

The only problem with that plan is that the internet is forever.

Democrats are racist as fuck.

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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