Injustice. Jeffrey MacDonald Is Requesting Release

UPDATED: Saturday, May 15, 2021 15:40
VIEWED: 2467
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Thursday, March 11, 2021 8:07 PM


Perhaps an Innocent Man may be freed from prison, after having his life destroyed.
An Emergency Room Doctor, and Green Beret.

If somebody can post a linky to the current request, that would be nice.


Friday, March 12, 2021 2:11 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The Injustice is that Jeffrey MacDonald wasn't executed for lying constantly in the decades after the murders.

MacDonald asserted that he had sustained life-threatening injuries—including ten ice pick wounds—during the alleged physical assault at the hands of his assailants; Kassab had met MacDonald in hospital less than 18 hours after the attack and had observed him sitting up in bed, eating a meal, with very little bandaging or other medical dressing on his body. An examination of hospital records confirmed MacDonald had received no such wounds.

On August 12, 1974, a grand jury convened. MacDonald's testimony lasted five days, during which he conceded that although he had publicly resolved to pursue all legal avenues following the 1970 dismissal of the murder charges against him, and to hire investigators, he had failed to do so. He claimed the numerous fabrications he had provided to the Kassabs and to sections of the media in the intervening years were to placate his in-laws, and that he had received more stab and puncture wounds to his body than recorded in contemporary medical records (which he blamed on malpractice). When asked by Victor Woerheide if he would submit to either a polygraph or sodium amytal test to verify his version of events, MacDonald read a statement prepared by his attorneys denying their request.

The chief of the FBI's crime laboratory chemistry section, Paul Stombaugh, then testified the pajama top placed over Colette's body had been heavily bloodstained before the garment was torn, and that—contrary to MacDonald's claims—a lack of tearing at the edges of these holes proved that all 48 holes within this item of clothing had been inflicted while the garment was stationary, rather than in motion. Stombaugh also testified all the cuts within all garments other than the pajama top had been inflicted with the Old Hickory kitchen knife found outside the family home and not the paring knife MacDonald claimed to have removed from Colette's body, that the majority of this blood had belonged to Colette, and her blood had transferred onto the garment on at least four locations prior the garment being torn. Furthermore, the club used to bludgeon Collette and Kimberley, which MacDonald had denied any knowledge of, had also been sawed from one of the mattress slats in Kimberley's bedroom, and a single hair found in Colette's right palm had sourced from her own body and not a blonde-haired intruder.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, March 12, 2021 3:25 PM


With such a monumental miscarriage and corruption of Justice, it is no secret that there are multitudes of lies surrounding the horrors of the case.

We should not be surprised that, with sloppysecond's predeliction for lies, he was able to ferret out some of them.

To be clear, almost nobody disputes the fact that his wife and 2 daughters died. Or that they were murdered. Or that there were woounds.

Although all of the eyewitnesses and murderers agree with the testimony of MacDonald, Judge Dupree refused to allow any of them to testify in court. And the eyewitnesses admit that they were threatened by Prosecutor James Blackburn if they made any attempt to testify in court.

Judge Dupree had open hostility towards the defense, even before the trial began. Judge Fox was a close personal friend of Dupree.

From the same link that sloppyseconds copied from:

MacDonald claims that unidentified fingerprint and fiber evidence uncovered inside his home has never been matched to any individual known to have been in the premises prior to or after the murders, and that these prints are evidence of his claim of home intruders.[

Greg Mitchell, whom Helena Stoeckley accused of murdering Colette MacDonald, died of cirrhosis of the liver on June 2, 1982, at the age of 31. Like Stoeckley, Mitchell is known to have been a heavy narcotics user. Prior to his death, he is alleged to have confessed to his involvement in the murders to acquaintances.[202]

Helena Stoeckley died at the age of 30 on January 14, 1983. Her body was discovered by a maintenance worker inside her rented apartment in Seneca, South Carolina. Her body had apparently lain undiscovered for several days before she was found. An autopsy revealed that she died of pneumonia and cirrhosis. In the years prior to her death, Stoeckley had undergone several years of psychiatric care.[203][204]

On December 17, 1995, Judge Franklin Dupree died at the age of 82 following a short illness.

Shortly after MacDonald's initial release from prison in August 1980, his supporters hired a retired FBI Special Agent and private investigator named Ted Gunderson to assist in overturning his conviction. Gunderson contacted Helena Stoeckley, who on this occasion allegedly confessed that she and five members of what she described as a "drug cult" had developed a deep grudge against MacDonald as he had "refused to treat heroin- and opium-addicted" patients. As such, she and other members of this group had plotted revenge against MacDonald, specifically intending to murder his family but leave him alive.[n 26]

According to Stoeckley, she had telephoned the MacDonald residence late in the evening of February 16 to determine all members of the family were present in the house. Colette had answered and stated a babysitter would be there in the early evening but that after she had left, all the family would be present and alone. The group had then "dropped mescaline" before driving to the MacDonald residence. She and four others had entered the house and confronted MacDonald, intent on him signing a Dexedrine prescription, although the situation quickly deteriorated, with MacDonald attempting to fight his attackers before quickly lapsing into unconsciousness. Stoeckley alleged she then ran into the master bedroom to "find 'Death to All Pigs' or something like that" scrawled on the headboard and two of her friends bludgeoning Collette on the bed as her child lay asleep next to her. Stoeckley was adamant she had worn a beige, floppy hat on the evening in question.[24]

On April 16, 2007, MacDonald's attorneys filed an affidavit on behalf of Stoeckley's mother, Helena Teresa Stoeckley, who stated that her daughter had twice confessed to her that she was present in the MacDonald house on the evening of the murders and that her daughter was afraid of the prosecutors.[n 27] MacDonald requested to expand his then-outstanding appeal to include this affidavit alongside all the evidence amassed at trial, the developments which he claimed had been subsequently discovered (including the 2006 results of DNA testing), and the statements of individuals to whom Stoeckley had made these confessions. This appeal also alleged that the trial statements of prosecutor James Blackburn should be considered unreliable as he had been convicted of fraud, forgery, and embezzlement, and subsequently disbarred in 1993.

MacDonald's motions regarding the DNA results and the affidavit of Stoeckley's mother were denied. The denial of these two motions was based on jurisdictional issues, specifically that MacDonald had not obtained the required pre-filing authorization from the Circuit Court for these motions to the district court.[175] Nonetheless, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals granted MacDonald's motion for a successive habeas petition and remanded the matter back to the District Court Eastern Division.[176]

Britt affidavit
On January 12, 2006, MacDonald was granted leave to file a further appeal based upon a November 2005 affidavit of retired Deputy United States Marshal Jim Britt, who had served in this role during the trial. Britt stated that he had overheard Helena Stoeckley admit to prosecutor James Blackburn she had actually been present at the MacDonald house at the time of the murders and that Blackburn had threatened her with prosecution if she testified as a defense witness admitting this claim.

On March 10, 2006, the Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory announced that the results of this DNA testing revealed that the DNA of neither Stoeckley nor Mitchell matched that upon any of the exhibits tested. Furthermore, although a single hair found within Colette's left palm was also cited by MacDonald as belonging to one of the alleged intruders, this testing also revealed the hair to source from his own body.[167] This hair was also a precise match with others recovered from the bedspread within the master bedroom and upon the top sheet of Kristen's bed. A hair found in Colette's right palm was also sourced as her own. Three hairs, one from the bed sheet, one found in Colette's body outline in the area of her legs, and a single hair measuring one-fifth of an inch found beneath Kristen's fingernail did not match the DNA profile of any MacDonald family member or known suspect.

On July 29, 1980, a panel of the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed MacDonald's conviction, ruling via a 2–1 margin that the nine-year delay in bringing him to trial violated his Sixth Amendment rights to a speedy trial.[155][n 24] He was released on August 22, having posted $100,000 bail, and subsequently returned to work as the Director of Emergency Medicine at St. Mary's Medical Center in Long Beach, California, and would announce his engagement to his fiancée, Randi Dee Markwith, in March 1982.


Friday, March 12, 2021 8:40 PM


For those interested in inaccuracies or bias at wiki, the page does omit some interesting bits.

Wonder how this Travesty of Justice occurred? What was the origin?

How did the enormous animosity of Franklin Dupree germinate? WHAT? WHY?

Could it be because he was the former father-in-law of the Army's Prosecutor in the original military hearing, 9 years earlier. Many pointed out that Dupree should recuse himself as Judge, a supposed unbiased arbiter. Dupree denied all suggestions that he had discussed the most famous case in the family during any of the Dupree family gatherings in the intervening years.

Somehow, this fact is absent from any wiki page.


Friday, March 12, 2021 8:47 PM


Also, despite the claims of sloppyseconds, a collapsed lung from a stab wound is not actually a minor injury.
It is also a reasonable cause of the collapse of MacDonald while trying to defend his family from murderers.

All because he followed the Army Regulations and reported Drug overdoses to the MPs, which is likely what really irks degenerate losers like sloppyseconds.


Saturday, March 13, 2021 8:02 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Also, despite the claims of sloppyseconds, a collapsed lung from a stab wound is not actually a minor injury.
It is also a reasonable cause of the collapse of MacDonald while trying to defend his family from murderers.

All because he followed the Army Regulations and reported Drug overdoses to the MPs, which is likely what really irks degenerate losers like sloppyseconds.

MacDonald is a chest surgeon, same as Simon Tam. MacDonald used the tiniest chest wound that he gave to himself as his alibi for not being able to stop the four imaginary "attackers" who left absolutely no trace of themselves either entering or leaving military base housing. JewelStaiteFan is crazy, same as Jeffrey MacDonald, who infamously murdered his pregnant wife and two girls, and who says he needs to get out of prison because he’s vulnerable to COVID. So why did he refuse a vaccine?

MacDonald’s petition hinges on the killer’s supposed vulnerability to COVID-19.

“The Defendant was offered a COVID-19 vaccination on March 2, 2021 and refused it,” the document reports. “In asserting that ‘extraordinary and compelling’ reasons justified his release… MacDonald relied exclusively on his ‘vulnerability to COVID-19’ given certain risk factors that he identified, including chronic kidney disease, a history of skin cancer, and hypertension.”

The document notes that during the run-up to the prison vaccination program, McDonald had been given a rapid antigen test that was positive for COVID-19 on Jan. 11, 2021. But he had never experienced symptoms and that should not have prevented him from accepting the shot.

“The government is not aware of any evidence that MacDonald falls within the categories of individuals for whom the Moderna vaccine is medically contraindicated or even for whom precautions are indicated by the CDC Clinical Considerations,” the document says. “Available medical records indicate that MacDonald has never had a symptomatic case of COVID-19, has never received monoclonal antibody therapy, was not administered another vaccine within 14 days before being offered the Moderna vaccine, did not have an acute non-COVID illness when offered the Moderna vaccine, and does not have a history of allergic reactions to other vaccines, anaphylaxis, or other significant allergies—the latter of which simply requires a monitoring period after administration of the vaccine in accordance with the Guidance.”

The document added, “In fact, medical associations support vaccination via mRNA vaccines such as the Moderna vaccine for individuals like MacDonald who suffer from chronic kidney disease (“CKD”), given that the perceived benefits of vaccination are significant in light of the known risks of COVID-19 infection to people with CKD. 9.”

In other words, there seems to have been nothing to stop MacDonald from accepting the vaccine that would protect him from the virus, if he even needed it if the asymptomatic case accorded him some measure of immunity.

The most logical reason for MacDonald not having just rolled up his sleeve and gotten a shot was that it would have voided his argument for release due to the threat of the virus.

“He’s a fraud,” Stevenson told The Daily Beast. “A fraud as well as a murderer.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, March 13, 2021 12:17 PM


Dude's a murderer. End of discussion.

It figures that a Russian troll piece of shit would defend him.


Tuesday, March 16, 2021 3:35 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Also, despite the claims of sloppyseconds, a collapsed lung from a stab wound is not actually a minor injury.
It is also a reasonable cause of the collapse of MacDonald while trying to defend his family from murderers.

All because he followed the Army Regulations and reported Drug overdoses to the MPs, which is likely what really irks degenerate losers like sloppyseconds.

MacDonald is a chest surgeon, same as Simon Tam. MacDonald used the tiniest chest wound that he gave to himself as his alibi for not being able to stop the four imaginary "attackers" who left absolutely no trace of themselves either entering or leaving military base housing. Blah bloah blah...

MacDonald’s petition hinges on the killer’s supposed vulnerability to COVID-19. Blah blah blah...

The document notes that during the run-up to the prison vaccination program, McDonald had been given a rapid antigen test that was positive for COVID-19 on Jan. 11, 2021. But he had never experienced symptoms and that should not have prevented him from accepting the shot.

Covid's name is -19, referring to 2019, the year.
The murders occurred in 1970.
Is this too complicated for you to comprehend?

His new wife has been encouraging him to seek release from incarceration. Like many innocent people, he has refused to seek release under the conditions that he claim to have performed an illegal act which he did not ever perform.


Tuesday, April 20, 2021 5:44 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
For those interested in inaccuracies or bias at wiki, the page does omit some interesting bits.

Wonder how this Travesty of Justice occurred? What was the origin?

How did the enormous animosity of Franklin Dupree germinate? WHAT? WHY?

Could it be because he was the former father-in-law of the Army's Prosecutor in the original military hearing, 9 years earlier. Many pointed out that Dupree should recuse himself as Judge, a supposed unbiased arbiter. Dupree denied all suggestions that he had discussed the most famous case in the family during any of the Dupree family gatherings in the intervening years.

Somehow, this fact is absent from any wiki page.

James Proctor was the Assistant U.S. Attorney who grabbed the case after the Army dropped all charges in 1970.
His father-in-law was Judge Frank Dupree, appointed to the Federal Bench in 1970. Dupree then presided over the Grand Jury, then the Trial, and then all of the appeals as the District Court Judge (ruling on his own rulings and malfeasance). Instead of the case being assigned to the normal, senior Judge, junior Judge Dupree had demanded in July 1974 that he would preside over the case where his son-in-law was the Prosecutor.

In Feb 1975, Dupree sent a secret message to Prosecutor Jay Stroud that he would remain presiding Judge. This was secret in order to keep the defense from finding out Dupree and Proctor were related (and Proctor was a former associate at Dupree's private Law Firm). FOI request exposed this fact years after (1983-4) the conviction (1979). The secret message also instructed the prosecutor how to handle the defense counsellor, so the Judge could rule against the defense.

Dupree also wrote another illegal memo to prosecutor Blackburn alone (marked CONFIDENTIAL) in response to defense lawyer Segal's motion to strike a report. This memo detailed to the prosecutor instructions for how to have Judge Dupree rule in favor of the prosecution. This secret illegal communication was not discovered until years later, via FOIA.

In Pre-trial, on May 14, 1979, Dupree wrote to the prosecution about Segal replying to the prosecution's letter of 11 May, and Dupree will rule on it without hearing arguments.

On Feb 26, 1975, Dupree lettered to AUSA Stroud what Stroud "should do" for Dupree to rule the case to proceed to trial.

All of these illegal communications were not discovered until years later, via FOIA.
Dupree never recused himself, at any level or time, from ruling on his horrific prior rulings.

Jeffrey MacDonald was railroaded by the Injustice System.


Tuesday, April 20, 2021 5:47 PM


Why do you constantly post these bullshit threads? You start way too many threads as it is, and they're all garbage.

Just like you.


Thursday, April 22, 2021 5:37 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Perhaps an Innocent Man may be freed from prison, after having his life destroyed.
An Emergency Room Doctor, and Green Beret.

If somebody can post a linky to the current request, that would be nice.

I did not find the actual request, or transcript.


Attorneys for MacDonald point to their client’s health problems, including chronic kidney disease, skin cancer and high blood pressure. They say those factors, along with his age, make him vulnerable to severe illness or death if he were to contract COVID-19. They also said he has been exposed to inmates who had the virus, and that the prison is poorly equipped to deal with it.

In April 2021, the judge decided he does not have the authority to grant compassionate release.

In 2012, another book called “A Wilderness of Error” by documentary filmmaker Errol Morris questioned MacDonald’s conviction. The book was made into a documentary series that was released in 2020.


Friday, April 23, 2021 7:43 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Perhaps an Innocent Man may be freed from prison, after having his life destroyed.
An Emergency Room Doctor, and Green Beret.

If somebody can post a linky to the current request, that would be nice.

I did not find the actual request, or transcript.


Attorneys for MacDonald point to their client’s health problems, including chronic kidney disease, skin cancer and high blood pressure. They say those factors, along with his age, make him vulnerable to severe illness or death if he were to contract COVID-19. They also said he has been exposed to inmates who had the virus, and that the prison is poorly equipped to deal with it.

In April 2021, the judge decided he does not have the authority to grant compassionate release.

In 2012, another book called “A Wilderness of Error” by documentary filmmaker Errol Morris questioned MacDonald’s conviction. The book was made into a documentary series that was released in 2020.

He has appealed this decision.


Saturday, May 15, 2021 3:40 PM


For those who are interested in partaking of Truth and Fact, try reading non-fiction Fatal Justice, instead of Libtard Fiction Fatal Vision.






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