Where the hell is PirateNews when you need him #Pizza

UPDATED: Monday, October 7, 2024 04:46
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Sunday, December 11, 2016 4:09 AM


What about you Frem? Are you just waiting for the other shoe to hopefully drop before weighing in yourself?

We've actually got some legitimate proof of things like Spirit Cooking and other rituals among the DC Elite for once. Stuff you kept to yourself largely except to say a bit about Bohemian Grove back in the day when I compared you to Hunter Thompson and you didn't appreciate the compliment.

There's obviously "Fake News" in the Mainstream regarding it, and I know much better by now than to believe any internet underground news as fact after having been lied to or at least mislead in the past, but there is no denying that something is going on.

Marina Abramovic who was associated with the Podestas has said, “I had three abortions because children hold female artists back.”

I get having a "Theme" to your restaurant. I don't think I'd make it a Pizza Joint, but I could entertain some venue of projecting a Lovecraftian vibe to spook the shit out of people if I were made of money and I wanted to have fun giving people nightmares.

In Lovecraftian Terror, no doubt children weren't spared by the Old Gods, but they were never the main focus like some of what we're seeing behind closed doors today by artists like Marina Abramovic and Biljana Djurdevic..

And what the shit is this?

I remember seeing Eyes Wide Shut with my Girlfriend when it came out and she had nightmares for weeks after we saw it.

I can't imagine what was going on when this pictures was taken and the type of abuse these "Privileged White Children" had already endured when they posed for this picture.


Sunday, December 11, 2016 7:53 AM


America loves a winner!

2 things on this story.

1. Podesta isn't really talking about " pizza " in his e-mails. It's a code from something else. What ? I don't know.

2. The revenge of the MSM. This entire ' fake news ' front most certainly involves those in the 'old news' trying to discredit and reign in the upstart ' new news '. Aside from professional toes being stomped on, huge sums of $ are being lost by MSM , newspapers, network news thanks in large part to the instant gratification of the internet , the Matt Drudges and Breitbarts of the world. Subscriptions, ad sales and viewers are tanking , and the quickest way to put the breaks on this free fall of revenue is to discredit the 'unethical, reckless ' new news sources, and try to re-establish the legitimacy of the old guard. Which is all the more laughable when one considers just how phony and WRONG they were in reporting this last election alone !

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Sunday, December 11, 2016 8:48 AM


Honestly Rap, that's the most unbiased thing I've ever seen you weigh in on before.

I really do appreciate that from you here.

There are far too many references to expensive Pizza and Spaghetti ando ther cheap dishes spoken in a way that don't make any sense. My favorite was when Podesta was asked if a handkerchief with a Pizza Map of his was left behind ....

Followed by "if you don't reply, we'll just get rid of it".


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, December 11, 2016 8:59 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I know a lot of people dismissed PN and his fixation on the Bohemian Grove, but there may be more to the story than most people credit. In order to be a successful wielder of power in our entirely corrupt/ sociopathic political system, you have to be a sociopath yourself. Now, MOST people aren't born sociopaths - that may be 1 in 100, possibly less. But you can TRAIN people to act and think like sociopaths (most of the time) and that can be done by making people participate in criminal rituals. Not only does that break down any lingering sense of ethics or empathy, it also implicates the participant with real blackmail-worthy evidence. The idea that the elite engage in sadism or satanism isn't a stretch of imagination.

I watched a rather long video on pizzagate. The most credible evidence were two John Podesta emails which were IMHO coded, because on the face of it they didn't make any sense as written.

And then there is Tony Podesta's fixation with creepy art

re-creation of one of posed Jeffrey Dhamer's decapitated victims

and what look like child victims in BDSM poses

And there's plenty more of that!

Plus Tony Podesta's invitation to his brother to attend the "spirit cooking" event by Abramovich (there are too many references, if you don't like this link just go find another one)

Plus the symbol of man-love-boy appearing in the pizza parlor's logo. There is a lot of less-compelling evidence, but all of it is suggestive, not definitive. A real investigation would have to be done.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

"If I could write inflammatory commentary to scorch the eye brows and lashes off Trump, Signym or 1kiki, I would.- SECOND"


Sunday, December 11, 2016 9:10 AM


And as an aside to what you were saying about MSM news, Rap, even the far left doesn't trust them now. Trump winning after they lied for months about the poll numbers to Everyone on Every side effected trust everywhere.

The Stein recounts only solidify non left wing things. As I said in another thread, Michigan is now going to make it a law to present photo ID when voting, even using 3 million dollars to provide free State IDs to everyone living there so nobody can say it was racist. (Just like I said all states should do)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, December 11, 2016 9:14 AM


Thanks for taking the time to show those images Sigs....

It is honestly hard for me too look at most of them.

These are some of the VERY SICK people who run DC for All of us on Either Side....

Unfortunately, the "artwork" you showed here was from a survivor...

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, December 11, 2016 9:21 AM


Some people say an example of a "Pizza Map" is below the kid in the middle, but I don't automatically believe that.

I just wonder why pictures like this are used to promote any public establishment, let alone one with pizza and ping pong that is kid friendly.

The long established Chuck E. Cheese's "CreepyPasta" doesn't have shit on the reality of Comet Pizza.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, December 11, 2016 9:38 AM


THIS is Creepy Pasta.

THIS and Five Nights at Freddy's is as scary as Pizza places should ever get.

It's like the Saw Movies for little kids.

It's Ghost Stories for the modern age of kids that don't generally get out and do boy scouts or camp retreats and live in front of the internet.

I'm nearly 40 years old and some CreepyPasta stories give me nightmares. Watch the Super Mario Bros ones if you're up late at night in the dark.

But that's the fun of CreepyPasta. If it's told by a great story teller, it's terrifying, no matter who you are or what age you are.

If you don't want nightmares, don't listen to CreepyPastas.

But whatever "Pizza" is, it's not fun and it's not normal.

It's also not going away.

BTW.... has anyody heard anything from Mr. Podesta since November 7th?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, January 2, 2017 7:01 PM


I don't know its too much, I find it too 'conspiracy' but I'm unwilling to say its all 'false' or 'fake' I feel there could be some truth to all this, just as when rumors of Dennis Hastert, a Republican politician and Speaker of the House, the Roman Catholic Church, or the slave and human trafficking from Saudi, Iran, Qatar, Dubai and other places The Jimmy Savile pedophile scandal in the UK or BBC has been another example...these weirdos are always attracted by power, theft, money and poilitics


Originally posted by AURaptor:

Podesta isn't really talking about " pizza " in his e-mails. It's a code from something else. What ? I don't know.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I know a lot of people dismissed PN and his fixation on the Bohemian Grove, but there may be more to the story than most people credit.

this was on youtube

an interesting vid floating today

WORTH WATCHING!! but very difficult to view, I have not gone though it...too weird, vile, disturbing even if its just a discussion


Tuesday, January 10, 2017 10:27 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
2 things on this story.

1. Podesta isn't really talking about " pizza " in his e-mails. It's a code from something else. What ? I don't know.

2. The revenge of the MSM. This entire ' fake news ' front most certainly involves those in the 'old news' trying to discredit and reign in the upstart ' new news '. Aside from professional toes being stomped on, huge sums of $ are being lost by MSM , newspapers, network news thanks in large part to the instant gratification of the internet , the Matt Drudges and Breitbarts of the world. Subscriptions, ad sales and viewers are tanking , and the quickest way to put the breaks on this free fall of revenue is to discredit the 'unethical, reckless ' new news sources, and try to re-establish the legitimacy of the old guard. Which is all the more laughable when one considers just how phony and WRONG they were in reporting this last election alone !

This former Huffington post guy seems to be a big pusher of the specualtion or rumor or theory...

PizzaGate Suspect Being Investigated By F.B.I.
David Seaman


Sunday, October 8, 2017 8:08 AM


and now a big conspiracy involving Hollywood

...strange how so many old vids get deleted, so perhaps maybe we need a new platform maybe, liveleak, dailymotion, bitchute?

Abby Martin Exposes Podesta



Sunday, October 8, 2017 9:33 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I too believe in innocent until proven guilty. And I try to run down stories before I comment - there's just far too much here for me to even start.

But if even a fraction of these claims are true ... jeeze, no wonder the hair on the back of my neck stood up whenever I watched Hillary.

And, it goes a long way to explain why Obama muzzled the EPA over the BP blowout, and why no big bankstas were ever prosecuted for crashing the global economy. And also, why Russia is suddenly the bogey-man.

Trump is not the problem. He set himself against the Deep State's agenda. And the Deep State's been heading for WWIII for years.
As for you, you're just a Deep State useful idiot, furthering its agenda. So I hope you enjoy cesium in your coffee. You've earned it.


Sunday, October 8, 2017 10:17 PM


Man Boy Love
"The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is a pedophile
and pederasty advocacy organization in the United States. It works
to abolish age-of-consent laws criminalizing adult sexual involvement
with minors and campaigns for the release of men who have been jailed
for sexual contacts with minors that did not involve coercion. The
group no longer holds regular national meetings, and as of the late
1990s—to avoid local police infiltration—the organization discouraged
the formation of local chapters."

Years ago, I became aware of the existence of this Org. I wondered
how they could get away with it ... with stating flat out in public,
"We are men who want to have sex with boys."

Things were a bit more Puritanical in the 40's-50's (my youth) than
they are now. I still believe there must be a legal age of consent.

Heterosexual issues: I won't even go there. Too much conflict of
interest & complexity.

... oooOO}{OOooo ...


Monday, October 9, 2017 12:20 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I have no particular objection to anything consenting adults do in private, but we're not talking about adults in this thread.

Trump is not the problem. He set himself against the Deep State's agenda. And the Deep State's been heading for WWIII for years.
As for you, you're just a Deep State useful idiot, furthering its agenda. So I hope you enjoy cesium in your coffee. You've earned it.


Sunday, November 5, 2017 7:43 AM


I am still of the opinion 'PizzaGate' is possible False story or a Distraction, its about selling books and more endless conspiracy or the truth of it has been lost in exaggeration or there is something just not correct about it, lost in speculation, trolling, theory, hypothesis and disinformation

However mainstream news has now gone very ugly, weird, perverted, criminal...some secret level of abuse, assault, rape was happening in elite circles and that is the damn truth.

What we do know is there truly are abusers in power in the USA and across the world, Dennis Hastert, Jimmy Savile and back into Hollywood one name Polanski and in churches, banks other industry etc if those people are part of some weirdo pervert criminal Globalist international club, the public we do not know, its not said by the Mainstream media so...its just speculation, hypothesis, theory and 'Conspiracy'...if Bill Cosby, the Rock stars, the Rap music artists, the Hollywood people who avoided justice, if they did abuse and Rape how did they get away with it? what about R. Kelly’s alleged predatory behavior? How do Woody Allen people the Polanski avoid Justice?

I'm going to call this new event what is known as TheSsWeinsteinEffect ... all kinds of stories against Directors, Actors, Producers have now hit mainstream media

After Weinstein a whole flood of names have now been put out there, some on blogs, some at conspiracy radio other names are reach mainstream newspapers and news tv broadcasts. Ashley Judd, Asia Argento, Rose McGowan, Rachel McAdams, Corey Feldman are just some of the names coming forward with their stories, James Gunn, Seth MacFarlane, Elijah Wood, Julianne Moore, Selma Blair have also Spoken Out Again About Hollywood and the culture of abuse.

Some say online this is global could connect to every where the Saudi, the British, the Churches, the say the Arabs, Paki, Saudi, Turks are deep in all this, perhaps Huma and Weiner or the Podesta freaks? that just conspiracy? the Weinstein thing is real

Ashley Judd opens up about Harvey Weinstein sex assault

Now the mainstream news gets even darker and weirder, its like a mix some psycological cop thriller, a mix between Fifty Shades of Grey film and some Friday the 13th horror movie...this big shot George Soros man was recently arrested is this top Soros banker named 'Howie' was also recently accused of drugging models and attack and raping women in some perverted twisted torture dungeon. The high elite George Soros Fund Manager Ran some kind of shady business the allegations say, Human Trafficking ‘Sex Dungeon’ ...Howie or Howard Rubin has been married since the 1980s to his former Harvard Business School classmate Mary Henry. They have three children together.he is invloved with some strange, people smuggling, illegals, refugee, immigrant, prostitute, human trafficking business and is acused of how he Imprisoned these Women in NYC—Lawsuit. . Once they arrived in Manhattan, Rubin would drug them, gag and bound them, and then violently beat and rape them while in his abusive sex dungeon. The lawsuit states that he hit a woman so hard that she passed out, another he seems to have crushed her breast or made her breast implant damage and flip and he would fit them as he demanded she call him “daddy.” The news continues on this weird legal trail....“I’m going to rape you like I rape my daughter,”

'I'LL RAPE YOU!' George Soros-linked banker allegedly raped and beat Playboy Playmates so badly one’s boob implant flipped in his penthouse dungeon
Howard "Howie' Rubin who featured in the best-selling books 'Liar’s Poker' and 'The Big Short' is alleged to abused the women in a plush Manhattan apartment
AN investment manager who used to work for a fund founded by financier George Soros sexually abused women at a Manhattan penthouse dungeon, according to a law suit. They sought to “cover up Rubin’s sexual misconduct and criminal abuse of women and to serve as a cover for his wide-ranging human trafficking scheme,” wrote Balestriere.

Next is Kevin Spacey...connects with the Superman and another director in Xmen movies and this whole Epstein thing again, which connects to Brett Ratner and they say Chris Tucker was also on that pedophile island or Lolita Express. Jeffrey Edward Epstein 20. Januar 1953 New York City a high profile Investment Banker worth Billions. The Guardian said, "Despite this, the US government eventually agreed to allow Epstein to plead guilty to just one count of soliciting prostitution from an underage girl under Florida state law. ... Epstein agreed not to contest civil claims brought by the 40 women identified by the FBI, but escaped a prosecution that could have seen him jailed for the rest of his life. ... Prosecutors agreed not to bring far more serious federal charges against Epstein, and not to charge “potential co-conspirators”, including four named individuals."
In May 2006, Palm Beach police filed a probable cause affidavit saying that Epstein should be charged with four counts of unlawful sex with minors and one molestation count. His team of defense lawyers included Gerald Lefcourt, Alan Dershowitz and later Ken Starrthe lair piece of shit Starr? served as a federal Court of Appeals judge and as solicitor general for George H. W. Bush. The Lolita Express is a nickname for the private jet operated by billionaire Jeffrey Epstein. In September 2002, Epstein flew Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey and Chris Tucker to Africa in his private Boeing 727. Epstein is also a longtime friend of Prince pervert Prince Andrew, Duke of York, and has partied with celebrities such as Katie Couric, George Stephanopoulos, Charlie Rose CBS This Morning, and Woody the old creepy actor weirdo guy who had sex with his daughter Woody Allen.

and some months back on the interwebs... here's a vid

the emails, messages Lynn Rothschild Calls out Podesta, calls him a Loser on Twitter? ... she is a major elite global family player? Lynn Rothschild's tweet says: "@ johnpodesta this is pathetic; HRC lost because you ran an arrogant out of touch campaign;you have destroyed a great family and are a loser" ...??? Lynn de Rothschild, she publically backed John McCain and is a major fundraiser and longtime ally of the Clintons, tore into campaign chairman John Podesta on Twitter after he once again blamed FBI Director James Comey for Hillary’s defeat....Gossip from the emails is also damaging important relationships with donors and surrogates outside the bunker. Longtime Clinton fundraiser Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, multiple sources said, has been furious to find herself lampooned internally by loyal Clinton hands, and has been complaining to the campaign about her treatment after years of loyalty to the Clintons....Rothschild was a major Hillary donor and Podesta’s leaked emails revealed the campaign elites ridiculed her. ...So this 'conspiracy' of sorts gets more and more crazy....and the arrest of Saudi Princes? ....also Trump releasing the JFK files? globalists are called out and this Saudi Arabian Purge? some top elite Arabian Prince guy al Bin Lada Waleed Talal? or some name? gets arrested not some hours? or yesterday or minutes ago? same Saudi Prince bought twitter, Trumps twitter goes down and same Saudi owns the Four Seasons which is the top 5 floors of Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas? Podestas deal "art" through special means with Saudis, the criminal rapist extremist Saudis are buying 'something' from the Podestas? Corrupt globalist Swamp Rats about to get rounded up, is it linked with some Podesta art money deal smuggling Ring in Saudi? Saudi 10 or 11 princes and four ministers - Citigroup, 21st Century Fox, Twitter, the Mandaly in Vegas? ministers, arrests of princes, Billionaires and former officials...ormer Director General at Saudi Arabian Airlines, pan-Arab media, MBC, Owner of MBC Media Company...this Waleed al Bin Talal is everywhere Fox, twitter, Las Vegas...11 Princes, Including Billionaire Alwaleed bin Talal... Saudi interference in Qatar, and on Saudi funding of Islamist extremists...Did anyone see the tweets between Trump and bin Talal from last year?...too crazy? just a silly conspiracy?


More On The Island And A Child Rapist That Needs To Be Brought To Justice

Apparently when you start publicly writing about things, then more documents appear and more people start talking.

I will assume the above link may have some truth to it....

The Island - Yes, there is diplomatic immunity, BUT this foreign born former A+ list royal had to get special permission earlier this year to visit the US. The government couldn't say no when asked, but did make it clear they wanted the royal to cancel his travel plans.

Another one? They are A+ list at what they do. If you turn on this cable network, you will feel they are on almost all of the 24 hours in the day. Of course if you manage to watch him for longer than five minutes, you must have it on mute or have lost your remote control. According to a very close family member, this host/celebrity has raped multiple young boys. He is paying people off and many of the boys he has raped have been family members so it is a very closely held secret.

more crimes? The Island - Apparently this permanent A+ list celebrity had a don't ask don't tell policy. He wouldn't ask the women how old they were and he didn't want them to tell. He would also request that during flights to be blindfolded and according to one of the girls interviewed he said he could guess what nationality a girl was by the way they pleasured him orally. He insisted on playing the game every single time he flew to the island.

The Island - That A list director was getting bombarded by young men he molested threatening him and he has gone into hiding and shut down his social media accounts.

That A list mostly movie actor who is having so many issues right now has another big one staring him in the face. Apparently the owner of the island made special arrangements one time for a trip not to the island but to a different country where our actor raped a dozen boys in one of the poorest countries in the world. Oh, and get this. The actor bragged about the money he paid to the parents and said he claimed it as a tax deduction

...just a conspiracy?

Danny Masterson that 70s show Actor, Scientologist also accused of Rape
Anonymous sources, some of whom are in the L.A. District Attorney’s Office, reportedly told HuffPost that the evidence against Masterson is “overwhelming” and includes “audiotapes, emails sent to and from Scientology officers at the time the alleged rapes happened, forensic computer evidence, and a threatening handwritten letter Masterson sent to one of the alleged victims.” However, the case against Masterson has “inexplicably stalled,” as HuffPost phrased it. It’s unclear why charges haven’t been brought yet.

Netflix Suspends Kevin Spacey As More Sexual Misconduct Allegations Surface

Originally Star Trek: Discovery actor Anthony Rapp came out about how Kevin Spacey attempted sexual relations with him while he was only 14-years-old. This was followed by yet another allegation by another actor claiming that Kevin Spacey attempted to rape him while he was only 14-years-old, as reported by Decider.


Sunday, November 5, 2017 1:12 PM


I think the moral of the story here is the more money you have the less anybody should trust you.

I don't think any of these people are any more predisposed to "evil" than your average human being is. I think it's more of a question of crimes of opportunity. People with excessive wealth and power and influence simply have much more opportunity not only to commit these crimes, but a much greater likelihood of getting away with them.... at least for a time.

An argument could be made though about the probability that the people more likely to find themselves in these elite positions have gotten there because of their low moral character to begin with.

I dunno. Fuck the rich. Fuck money.

If you have more than you know what to do with, it's too much.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, April 12, 2020 1:58 PM


The conspiracy that wont go away Bill Gates Microsoft is now involved with this woman, artist, witch or whatever she is.

Computer adverts, his new commercial..

Out of Shadows - Website and Documentary


Thursday, July 16, 2020 5:21 PM


Is Piratenews really Q-Anon?

‘PizzaGate’ Conspiracy Theory Thrives Anew in the TikTok Era

What is the Pizzagate conspiracy theory and how is it linked to the ‘Wayfair child trafficking’ scandal?

Chrissy Teigen condemns baseless conspiracies linking her to Jeffrey Epstein: ‘They won’t stop until I die’

What Is PizzaGate And Why Does Robbie Williams Think It Might Be True?
Unfounded conspiracy theory accuses Wayfair of bonkers, Pizzagate-level trafficking ring


Monday, August 31, 2020 7:28 AM


The conspiracy continues on mainstream media

The Telegraph

28 August 2020

Cheese and pizza emojis are being used as a secret code by paedophiles to communicate on social media sites such as Instagram and Twitter, online safety groups have warned.
A group of more than 100 volunteer parents has banded together to hunt down and report accounts using the emoji to signal they are sharing sexualised images of children, in a bid to evade detection by the social media giants.
Members of the parents' group told The Telegraph they often found such accounts sharing images of children taken in family settings such on beaches or gardens, which appeared to have been stolen from the parents’ social media profiles.


Originally posted by AURaptor:

Podesta isn't really talking about " pizza " in his e-mails. It's a code from something else. What ? I don't know.

Cheese and pizza emojis

The development has prompted a former Government child safety advisor to warn parents to avoid sharing images of their children openly on social media in case they are stolen and traded online.
The group of parents was started by India, a 27-year-old executive assistant from London, who asked the paper not to use her surname, and who stumbled across the child image accounts on social media.
Since then she has set up Twitter and Instagram pages, called ProtectPD, dedicated to naming accounts she finds sharing child images so her followers can report them en masse to the social media giants.
She said: “I couldn’t just scroll past it as at the end of the day these are people’s children.


Monday, August 31, 2020 10:05 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Since then she has set up Twitter and Instagram pages, called ProtectPD, dedicated to naming accounts she finds sharing child images so her followers can report them en masse to the social media giants.


Report them now. Especially since you just put them on blast in the news and gave them a warning. WTF. Are you people retarded or something?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, April 6, 2021 7:48 AM


Former Rep. Katie Hill says Matt Gaetz should resign if there's 'even a fraction of truth' to sex-trafficking reports

QAnon believers are defending Matt Gaetz amid a reported sex trafficking probe after years of smearing Democrats as pedophiles


‘Pizzagate’ Emails, Conspiracy Theory Continue To Draw Attention

Pizzagate and Hunter Biden?

The earliest mentions of Hunter Biden's laptop surfaced in late September, weeks before the New York Post article was published, according to Zignal Labs, a media intelligence platform that analyzed the social media conversation around recent Hunter Biden rumors for NBC News.

First Draft, a nonprofit that tracks misinformation and provides research and training for journalists, said the child abuse rumors originated from a nexus of pro-Trump figures. The organization is also a training partner of NBC News.

Keenan Chen, a First Draft researcher who has been monitoring the spread of the Hunter Biden rumors, said that they appeared to have originated from Dinggang Wang, an anti-Chinese government YouTube personality known for spreading misinformation about Covid-19.

Wang is connected to Bannon, the 2016 Trump campaign CEO, and Giuliani through Guo Wengui, a billionaire who fled China amid accusations of bribery and other crimes. The three men are board members of the Rule of Law Society, a nonprofit with a mission to "expose corruption, obstruction, illegality, brutality, false imprisonment, excessive sentencing, harassment and inhumanity" in China.

Wang did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Guo, who is a member of Trump's country club Mar-A-Lago and was once the world's 67th-wealthiest individual, befriended Bannon, a former Trump campaign and White House aide, in 2017, according to The Washington Post. Bannon was arrested by federal agents on Guo's yacht in September and charged with fraud, tied to an alleged scheme to defraud donors to a social media campaign called We Build the Wall. He has pleaded not guilty and is scheduled to face trial next May.

The most prominent spread of the child abuse rumors involving Hunter Biden before the New York Post article came from Wang, whose Twitter thread of videos has been retweeted 20,000 times.

Twitter and Facebook have both instituted a series of new policies aimed at limiting election misinformation, though Wang's videos do not necessarily violate those rules.

Wang's videos picked up more momentum a month later, as conspiracy theorists speculated about what else could be on the hard drives after the New York Post article.

While Delaware authorities have said the hard drive is now in the hands of the FBI, its emergence triggered a wave of conspiratorial thinking that has reached mainstream conservative outlets. But vague rumors about Hunter Biden's hard drive had already been spreading for a full month.

"Shortly after the New York Post story went online, some members of the QAnon conspiracy theory noticed Wang and his YouTube show, and started amplifying the unfounded pizzagate narrative and making it more visible in English on social media," Chen said.

According to analysis by the nonpartisan nonprofit Advance Democracy, more than 1 in 10 shares of a tweet from Giuliani about the New York Post article came from accounts that identify with the QAnon conspiracy theory in their Twitter bio.

Just one day after the New York Post article, allegations of wrongdoing against the Bidens involving Ukraine were seemingly abandoned by many Trump allies and conservative media, which turned the focus to claims of China-related corruption, according to Zignal's analysis. These conversations were dominated by Donald Trump Jr., the president and the actor James Woods.

But the most significant boost for the child abuse conspiracy theories would come from a website founded in May that has been embraced by Trump surrogates: Revolver News.
The new Drudge

Since the site's inception in May, Trump and some of his supporters have pointed to Revolver News as an alternative to The Drudge Report, the conservative news aggregation giant whose tone toward the president has shifted to negative and antagonistic since 2019.

Revolver articles flattering to Trump have been shared directly by allies of the White House, and even the president, for months. In September, Trump tweeted an endorsement of Revolver.

"Our people have all left Drudge. He is a confused MESS, has no clue what happened," Trump tweeted on Sept. 14. "They like REVOLVER and others!"

Revolver News does not disclose on its website who is behind its operations or any corporate affiliations, but Darren Beattie, a former speechwriter for Trump who was fired in 2018 for speaking at an event alongside white nationalists, has claimed authorship of some of the posts on the website. Most articles do not have bylines, and the few names that are on articles appear to be aliases of people that do not appear elsewhere on the internet and could not be identified with public records searches.

In 2019, Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., a loyal Trump ally, hired Beattie as a speechwriter. Gaetz's chief of staff, Jillian Lane Wyant, told NBC News on Wednesday that Beattie was no longer with Gaetz's office. Campaign finance reports show Beattie was on the payroll of Gaetz's re-election campaign and was paid $10,000 in June.

Rep. Matt Gaetz says he is 'absolutely not resigning' in op-ed amid reports of sex crime investigation


Matthew Louis Gaetz is an American lawyer and Republican politician serving as the U.S. representative for Florida's 1st congressional district since 2017. He has been under federal investigation for potential child sex trafficking since 2020.
From 2010 to 2016, Gaetz represented Florida's 4th House district in the Florida House of Representatives, which includes most of Okaloosa County. He was elected to the U.S. House in 2016, representing Florida's 1st District. He was reelected by large margins in 2018 and 2020. His district covers a large portion of the western Florida Panhandle, including Pensacola, Destin, Navarre and his hometown, Fort Walton Beach. In the House, he became known as a strong ally and supporter of President Donald Trump

Gaetz has self-identified as a "libertarian populist". His views have also been described as nationalist. The foreign paper that influences and interferes in US elections a paper called 'Times of Israel' called him "a far-right figure who is close to Donald Trump."


Tuesday, April 6, 2021 9:23 AM


AOC came right out and said that they should destroy anyone who supported Trump. She can't get a piece of legislation passed or even seriously entertained by any of her peers to save her life, but she sure can manipulate the Lefty idiots on Twitter.

Sounds like a smear campaign to me.


Imagine the hypocrisy of a government who will allow businesses to card people to get a job or buy groceries, but won't card people to vote in elections and gives millions of non-citizens free money from taxpayers.


Tuesday, April 6, 2021 12:37 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Meanwhile, the Hunter Biden laptop content (about screwing the underage daughter of a woman he was seeing; apparently she pimped her daughter out to him) was buried; Epstein committed "suicide" and the Ghislaine Maxwell investigation is going nowhere.

Can you say "politicized prosecution", anyone?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Tuesday, April 6, 2021 2:53 PM


The Q-tarded Russian trolls just can't stop recycling their disproven conspiracies.
Must be a slow news day in St. Pete.


Tuesday, April 6, 2021 5:26 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


riginally posted by SIGNYM:
Meanwhile, the Hunter Biden laptop content (about screwing the underage daughter of a woman he was seeing; apparently she pimped her daughter out to him) was buried; Epstein committed "suicide" and the Ghislaine Maxwell investigation is going nowhere.

Can you say "politicized prosecution", anyone?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.

Sure you can!

If democrats* don't do any different, how are they any better?


Tuesday, April 6, 2021 10:17 PM


Nobody that posts here is Russian.

Anybody who continues to lie and say that they are when they know that there aren't any Russians here automatically discredits any opinion they express on any other topic.



Imagine the hypocrisy of a government who will allow businesses to card people to get a job or buy groceries, but won't card people to vote in elections and gives millions of non-citizens free money from taxpayers.


Thursday, April 22, 2021 2:05 PM



Thursday, April 22, 2021 2:58 PM


It would be amazing if the trumptards could figure out the difference between fact and fiction, but trumptardism rots the brain, so they can't.


Thursday, April 22, 2021 3:00 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

We've actually got some legitimate proof of things like Spirit Cooking and other rituals among the DC Elite for once.

No, you don't. It's all made up, and you're just stupid.


Friday, May 14, 2021 6:27 AM


Chrissy Teigen Responded to Pizzagate Accusations. Chrissy Teigen opened up about the impact ‘Pizzagate’ has had on her mental health.

Chrissy Teigen apologizes to Courtney Stodden for harassment

Chrissy Teigen apologises for trolling teen 10 years ago with shocking death tweets

QAnon casualties: Families torn apart by conspiracy theory

Hillary Clinton: ‘There has to be a global reckoning with disinformation’

Beware lizard people, Idaho: Here’s the most-searched conspiracy theory in each state


Friday, May 14, 2021 10:12 AM


If there were an award for the Strangest Swimsuit Issue Model, I don't think that anybody would argue against the case of giving it to Chrissy Teigen.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Sunday, November 21, 2021 8:36 AM


Inside QAnon's craziest conspiracy theories

'Dr Zelenko covid mass psychosis and the vaccine child sacrifice'


Monday, January 3, 2022 2:35 PM



Sunday, March 20, 2022 7:35 PM


Ian Milhiser compares Josh Hawley’s thread on Ketanji Brown Jackson to QAnon and ‘Pizzagate’


Thursday, April 14, 2022 5:50 AM


' A Batsh*t New QAnon Documentary Warns That COVID Vaccines Transfer ‘Satan’s DNA’ Into Your Body '

Greene revives QAnon smear in attack on GOP senators backing Jackson's SCOTUS nomination

'Disney star China McClain talks about Satanism in Hollywood'
China McClain talks about satanic worship in Hollywood

She is know for Hubie Halloween, , Descendants 2 and DC Warner Bros CW channel TV series Black Lightning.

Arizona, California, Florida have the most QAnon-aligned candidates running for federal and state office: report


Monday, September 5, 2022 4:26 AM



Monday, September 5, 2022 11:21 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Biden picks White House veteran John Podesta to run revived climate drive

Thank you for posting this. I forgot to when I heard it two days ago.

John Fucking Podesta.

That's a name I never thought we were going to hear again.

What the literal fuck.

These kid fuckers just can't help themselves, can they?


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Monday, September 5, 2022 2:33 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

John Fucking Podesta.

That's a name I never thought we were going to hear again.

What the literal fuck.

These kid fuckers just can't help themselves, can they?


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

There was a Podesta look-alike actor playing presidential advisor in the flick "Air Force One". The terrorists shot him first. Nuff said.


Friday, November 25, 2022 4:21 PM


So its it possible Hillary Clinton, the Bidens. 'Pizza' codewords, Podesta, Washington Politics the Art, Music, Celebrity and Fashion industry still link to all this stuff?

A clothing brand Balenciaga is now under fire over ‘creepy’ ads of kids with ‘bondage outfits’

Some gay homosexual guy Demna flees at age 12 the 1992-1993 Russo-Georgian war in Abkhazia, he later works in Europe and the USA and in recent times awarded with the Order of Honor for him contribution to the popularization of Georgia.

Beau Biden already defended a guy Richards on rape of a child, he was the great grandson of an elite DuPont heir.

Podesta and Hillary popped up a lot in those wikileaks mails and lots of code words.

'Ray Chandler' is a name that keeps popping up, or Rachael Chandler she recently married into the powerful Anglo Irish Beer Guinness family.

She ran a casting couch model agency where all the models looked like they where trafficking victims or Dirty, malnourished, overworked and bruised...or something else?

She links to 'Abramovic' and all the other Spirit Cooking or 'Pizzagate' names

There is a fashion photographer 'Uncle Terry' and Ray Chandler herself that connected to Epstein and celebrities from her teens. She is pictured on the Lolita express, perhaps even with Bill Clinton.

Somewhere are New Years victims or a boat that was in a hurry and hit a rock, there was an accident, boats near Air Force One there were three Customs Service agents helping provide security for President Clinton's arrival in the Virgin Islands were hurt, one of them later dies. The three agents were airlifted Friday by Coast Guard helicopter to the Centro Medico Hospital in San Juan, Puerto Rico, where one was in critical condition. Whitehouse officials said the president and his family are spending four days on the island of St. Thomas, rounding up a brief winter vacation, 1998 year.

Pizzagate people have described 'Ray Chandler' as Weinstein Alison Mack on steroids

Balenciaga slammed as ‘disturbing’ Michael Borremans book features in ad

Who is Michael Borremans? Eagle-eyed web sleuths spot something very sinister in SICK Balenciaga campaign


Ray Chandler did shoots for purple magazine and people there seem 'sick' in the head, the leaked code word 'Pizza' Email were tied to the Podestas ... John Podesta now has served as Senior Advisor to President Joe Biden for clean energy innovation and implementation since September 2022


Saturday, November 26, 2022 8:13 AM


Rich, white Democrat-voting women love buying expensive handbags from Uber-Rich kid fucking Democrat politicians, bureaucrats and their friends.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, March 15, 2023 11:05 PM


conspiracy fringe chat

Jimmy Kimmel is close friends with Jeffrey Epstein’s associate, former private chef

Kimmel recently called Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rogers a conspiracy theorist for wanting to know the names on Epstein’s client list.


Thursday, January 4, 2024 8:30 AM


Who is Marina Abramovic? Ukraine’s Ambassador Linked To ‘Spirit Cooking’

Podesta Molester?

Biden’s green energy plan ramps up use of heat pumps, imposes higher costs on Americans


About 60% of homes used natural gas for heating spaces and water last year, according to the government’s Energy Information Administration.

The Department of Energy determined natural gas heat was more than three times cheaper than electric heat last year and according to the EIA, natural gas will remain one-third the cost of electric heat until at least 2050.


Thursday, January 4, 2024 9:24 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Biden’s green energy plan ramps up use of heat pumps, imposes higher costs on Americans

Looks like the Washington Times just pulled a YouTube on you. Document no longer available.


It was already archived.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, March 7, 2024 2:37 PM


Doritos is slammed for hiring Samantha Hudson, transgender ambassador who previously tweeted about doing 'thuggish things' to a 12-year-old


Thursday, March 7, 2024 2:54 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Doritos is slammed for hiring Samantha Hudson, transgender ambassador who previously tweeted about doing 'thuggish things' to a 12-year-old

He's since been fired. I think that job only lasted 2 days.

But I'll never eat Doritos again.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Saturday, March 23, 2024 7:27 PM


Abramovic returns to Amsterdam city of prostitutes and drugs.

There are web rumors and talk Michele Lamy is Rick Owens wife, they are both incredibly weird people, corrupted freaks. Lamy moved to New York and then settled in Los Angeles city of Fallen Demonics, Richard Saturnino Owens was raised in Porterville, California.Marina Abramovic's teacher Michele Lamy, the male and female witch both associate with lottavolkova, who is one of the lead designers for Balenciaga there were news reports on symbols and the whole child pedophilia stuff with Balenciaga, she has worked with David Hoyle fierce and vocal supporter of LGBTQ rights, Hoyle has publicly stated that should he ever be in a position of political power, "I would remove anyone who's vaguely homophobic to a concentration camp outside the M25, where they could keep each other company until such time as it was deemed appropriate for them to be dispatched." he worked for the BBC and produced two shows for Channel 4 a subsidiary of the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA).


Tuesday, May 21, 2024 12:40 PM


Mexican Model Disappears After Exposing Dark Secret - Debunked

Gabriela Rico, in México

Mysterious Missing Model


Monday, October 7, 2024 4:46 AM


P. Diddy's Parties Were WAY Worse Than You Think

charges against rapper P. Diddy and how his Hollywood pals appear to have protected him






Elections; 2024
Thu, October 17, 2024 22:56 - 4228 posts
In the garden, and RAIN!!! (2)
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Kamala Harris for President
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Russia Invades Ukraine. Again
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Go Joe Biden Go
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Israeli War
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Trunp loses again in Court
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January 6th Commission investigating coup attempt. Hey Jack, I Was Right
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Why does THUGR shit up the board by bumping his pointless threads?
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Elon Musk
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Tucker Carlson
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Thu, October 17, 2024 13:30 - 884 posts