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Stem-Cells, degenerate Gay Lesbo rights, Abortion, Janet Jackson's boob..what's the problem ??
Saturday, January 8, 2005 6:28 PM
Quote:Originally posted by ReeQueen: Actually, you're quite wrong about this. AIDS is actually down among gay people … Buying into a stereotype like the one you, Finn, just presented, ignores the people who were poisoned by a tainted blood supply before all blood was tested for HIV (hepatitis was also a big problem), as well as drug users, and heterosexual people who passed the virus amongst themselves and others. And this is without mentioning the current epidemic of AIDS in the African subcontinent, where it is spread mainly by heterosexual sex. Promiscuity has little to do with the spread of disease. A good little sexual connoisseur (and I am one, so I know whereof I rant) is aware of risk factors, and always practices safe sex. Naturally, there are exceptions, as there always will be, but blaming a disease on the presumed promiscuity of a certain group of people, or using it as proof of the promiscuity of a certain group of people, is as stupid as it is ignorant. It's a lack of knowledge that prevents someone from practicing safe sex, not the number of partners with whom one boinks.
Quote:Originally posted by ReeQueen: People can marry each other, without the marriage being recognized by the state.
Quote:Originally posted by ReeQueen: Why does this even bother you? Why do you care? It's not like it's any of your business who marries whom, even in multiples. How is the marriage of two men to each other, or two women, or even two men and two women, going to affect you in any way, shape, or form? Just because you "disapprove," for whatever reason (and I think the guesses as to your reason are perfectly reasonable), doesn't mean you're affected in any meaningful way.
Saturday, January 8, 2005 10:10 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: "Around half of all people diagnosed with AIDS were probably infected with HIV through male-to-male sexual contact, while people exposed through heterosexual contact comprise around 16% of the total."
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: The CDC agrees with these statistics, although their information is about a year behind. Not sure why. I probably just couldn't find their 2003 or 2004 information.
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: While this is not proof of sexual promiscuity (and I never said it was), it is certainly suggestive.
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: Then the whole argument of gay marriage and polygamy would seem to be moot.
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: First of all, why do you care?
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: Second, how it affects me depends a great deal on how the laws are structured.
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: Third, I never said I disapproved. In fact I said right the opposite. This is something you invented, much like (it would appear) your understanding of AIDS epidemiology.
Sunday, January 9, 2005 1:53 AM
Sunday, January 9, 2005 6:17 AM
Sunday, January 9, 2005 6:34 AM
Sunday, January 9, 2005 6:42 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Weasy: I'm a bit confused actually as to whether people think I'm being intolerent towards christians or towards homosexuals. I'm really not trying to be either - I was actually trying to point out that the two can play nicely together.
Quote:Originally posted by Weasy: I'm sorry Finn but you're still only concentrating on the US - on a world wide scale AIDS those stats simply aren't relevent.
Sunday, January 9, 2005 6:48 AM
Quote:First of all, why do you care?
Sunday, January 9, 2005 6:57 AM
Quote: The issue is not about gay marriage in Africa. It is about gay marriage in the US. I understand that AIDS in Africa is a different thing, but we’re talking about the US, so it is relevant. The African statistics are not relevant to the current discussion. If you would like to talk about Africa, then just say so.
Sunday, January 9, 2005 7:05 AM
Quote:Originally posted by ReeQueen: Finn: Quote:First of all, why do you care? Ah, but you've been asked, first, and have yet to answer it. I think it should be obvious, why I care. I care because people are people, and all should be treated as such, not one group here or there denied rights, privileges, and benefits that everybody else has simply because they're not a part of a particular group.
Quote:Originally posted by Weasy: I'm sorry, but if you're going to argue that AIDS is a reason why we shouldn't have gay marriage in America shouldn't that be true of all countries? And the fact is that two-thirds of all people infected with AIDS live in Africa, so if it actually applied there I could see your logic in saying it should apply in the US - but it doesn't. so your logic is not logical!
Sunday, January 9, 2005 7:14 AM
Quote:That's not what I'm arguing.
Sunday, January 9, 2005 7:21 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Weasy: Quote:That's not what I'm arguing. then what ARE you arguing? 'cos we're all clearly not hearing it.
Sunday, January 9, 2005 2:12 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: To balance SigmaNunki deceptions I’ll simply reiterate the conclusion drawn from the site. "Around half of all people diagnosed with AIDS were probably infected with HIV through male-to-male sexual contact, while people exposed through heterosexual contact comprise around 16% of the total." The statistics support this conclusion. It is indeed factual.
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: I did a little bit of math and determined that weighted by percent of population the number of diagnosed cases of AIDS as a result of male homosexual activity (not including the use of illicit drugs) was over 24 times that of cases diagnosed among heterosexuals in 2003. This means that homosexual males are over 24 times more likely to be diagnosed with AIDS then heterosexuals in 2003. (If you use 4%, gay males are 60 times more likely to be diagnosed with AIDS then heterosexuals.)
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: The number of gay people in the US is probably closer to 4% of the population.
Sunday, January 9, 2005 2:30 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: But to answer your question I care because the Declaration of Independence sets forth the “pursuit of happiness” as an inalienable right. [ snip ] should be allotted in a democratic manner in furtherance of this doctrine.
Sunday, January 9, 2005 2:33 PM
Sunday, January 9, 2005 2:54 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: OK, fine let's go through your numbers. . . . Basically my conjecture is that you are using these "numbers" to reflect you own opinions instead of trying to find out what is actually said in them. Prove me wrong.
Sunday, January 9, 2005 9:22 PM
Sunday, January 9, 2005 10:17 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: What about children? They don't claim to be gay nor straight yet your use of these numbers assumes them to be straight. Given that children comprise a large percentage of the US's total population this would skew the numbers significantly.
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: What about those numbers that aren't counted? Those numbers being from areas that don't have an amonymous testing program
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: I've also heard of numbers of the gay population that range from 4-15%, never as low as 1.1%. So, how do you claim to have anything regarding reliable stats given these admissions?
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: How is it even possible to gain reliable stats regarding the gay population in the US, when gays will probably lie to pollers given the homophobic nature of the society in the US in general (note: I'm not saying you are, I'm only stating what I get from the media, talking to people from the US, etc).
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: Also, you might note that given that the gay population started with an increased percentage of HIV+ people, even if they practiced as safe sex as heteros at this point, even if they had sex in the same proportion as heteros as well, they would still have increased infection given that more of them would be infected. Basically, different initial conditions.
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: Also, you said before: " (If you use 4%, gay males are 60 times more likely to be diagnosed with AIDS then heterosexuals.) " but now: " Roughly, this means that a male homosexual is 31.7 times more likely to be diagnosed with AIDS then a heterosexual. " Which is it? I asked for where you got your numbers and it's obvious that you've changed them. Your being rather inconsistent.
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: Given the nature of sexual contact in male-to-male relations, it is far more likely that an infection will occur. Source Sue Johanson. So, given any same number of sexual contacts the gays will recieve more infections than heteros.
Monday, January 10, 2005 11:35 AM
Tuesday, January 11, 2005 6:23 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: Furthermore, the diagnosed cases of AIDS include children, so removing them from the total population would introduce error.
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: What about those numbers that aren't counted? Those numbers being from areas that don't have an amonymous testing program A source of error, only if you assume that the number of diagnosed cases are reported with some bias. An assumption for which I know of no bases. In the absence of such a bias, the ratios are accurate. The CDC numbers are statistical estimates based on 33 samples.
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: Which is why I originally used 10% as an upper bound.
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: Also, you might note that given that the gay population started with an increased percentage of HIV+ people, even if they practiced as safe sex as heteros at this point, even if they had sex in the same proportion as heteros as well, they would still have increased infection given that more of them would be infected. Basically, different initial conditions. Since I used cases diagnosed in 2003, this has no effect.
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: The discrepancy lies in how I interpreted the percent of gay population. In the first case, I assumed a total homosexual population of 4% of the US population and an even split between male and female, which gives 2% male homosexual population. I also used an estimate for the 2003 US population, based on the 2005 estimate. In the second case, I used 4% (as cited) as male homosexual population and I looked up the 2003 US census. Halfling the gay population will double the outcome. If you don't believe me, just do the math. You'll see readily that the numbers fall out as I¿ve said.
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: Given the nature of sexual contact in male-to-male relations, it is far more likely that an infection will occur. Source Sue Johanson. So, given any same number of sexual contacts the gays will recieve more infections than heteros. I find this unlikely, but if you cite a source, I'll consider it.
Tuesday, January 11, 2005 6:45 PM
Quote:Originally posted by ReeQueen: Very nicely posted, thanks, SigmaNunki.
Quote:Originally posted by ReeQueen: Anyway. I discussed this whole thing with my husband yesterday, because I let the statistical thing disturb me.
Quote:Originally posted by ReeQueen: [snip] Dunno for sure, because Finn, to be quite frank, isn't very good at saying what he might mean, or being clear even when he says he is saying what he means (which he will then say he didn't mean, don't take his words out of context! or assume something he didn't say!).....
Tuesday, January 11, 2005 7:52 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: Secondly this number does not include childern.
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: You have incurred enormous error by just these things as you are diluting your numbers ie 4/60 is more than 4/100, seriously.
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: So, are these 33% of men you don't count somehow immune to HIV through homosexual contact?
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: No, it's a source of error because people aren't being counted. It has nothing to do with bias. A greater source of error is incurred simply because the sample size is limited.
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: You are clearly involved in such poor statistical practices, that you'r numbers say nothing. You are just taking the numbers that support your conjecture instead of doing good statistics. You really need to learn something about math/stats.
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: If there is a greater number of people (%) in a population that is infected then an uninfected person will have a greater chance of getting it. Thus, since the gay population is smaller and suffered the first losses while the docs where still trying to figure this all out in the 80's, there infection numbers will be higher (%) and as such a greater chance of getting HIV for those not infected.
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: Actually I did cite my source, you clearly decided to not read that. If you wanted a link, ask for it, but don't tell me that I didn't cite my source when it was clearly visible. Quoting myself, "Source Sue Johanson" (also retained from your quote of me above). What did you think this meant?
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: ReeQueen, you're bang on! Here's the revalent part of what Sue has to say about it for our discussion here.
Wednesday, January 12, 2005 7:51 AM
Quote: I think that this is a natural reaction to something that we really don't know much about. I after all, only know these things because I have a gay cousin and as such have had motivation to think things out and do the research.
Quote:I'm also am finishing off a math degree this year, so I can see the large mistakes that are being made here (I would guess) more readily.
Quote:I also watch an "abnormal" amount of educational programming.
Quote:The important thing is that we think about these things, talk about them and don't let our prejudice get in the way, but to do these things with a "clean slate" if you will. It seems as though you and your husband are some of the rare few that still do this these days.
Wednesday, January 12, 2005 11:37 AM
Wednesday, January 12, 2005 12:01 PM
Wednesday, January 12, 2005 3:27 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: Finn, I find it interesting that you tell us that we're immature, name call, etc and now you call me "dumb." That's called being a hypocrite.
Quote:Originally posted by ReeQueen: I think, besides loving to argue, that's one of the reasons I engage people like Finn ("I didn't say that!") - I can't understand why they don't want to learn anything new, why they let themselves fossilize into one type of thinking pattern, and why they don't want to see where they're so obviously wrong. It's fascinating.
Wednesday, January 12, 2005 7:56 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: Finn, I find it interesting that you tell us that we're immature, name call, etc and now you call me "dumb." That's called being a hypocrite. Pot. Kettle. Black.
Wednesday, January 12, 2005 8:01 PM
Wednesday, January 12, 2005 8:13 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: You again state something without proof. I stated an example of you being a hypocrite. Perhaps you should do the same.
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: [B]@ReeQueen: How many times do you think I'll have to ask before I get an answer?... Or will I?
Thursday, January 13, 2005 3:40 AM
Quote:How many times do you think I'll have to ask before I get an answer?... Or will I?
Thursday, January 13, 2005 7:18 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: You again state something without proof. I stated an example of you being a hypocrite. Perhaps you should do the same. I refer you to your previous posts.
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: @ReeQueen: How many times do you think I'll have to ask before I get an answer?... Or will I? You mean, other then the half-dozen or so times I’ve already answered this question? Once again I refer you to previous discussion. Half this thread has been in response to that issue. If you have something original to add, that hasn’t already been run into the ground, then by all means present it.
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: @ReeQueen: How many times do you think I'll have to ask before I get an answer?... Or will I?
Thursday, January 13, 2005 7:28 AM
Quote:Originally posted by ReeQueen: Sigma - do you mind if I call you Sigma?
Quote:Originally posted by ReeQueen: Quote:How many times do you think I'll have to ask before I get an answer?... Or will I? Good question. Fair. I think the answer depends on what kind of answer we should expect. [snip] Hard to know. heh.....
Thursday, January 13, 2005 9:27 AM
Quote:Well, the first response was... unresponsive. So, to me, the probability of getting an answer is getting lower.
Quote:I don't understand why answering a straight question with a straight answer is so difficult.
Quote:It makes me want to do what Riley suggested and put him in a cage and do experiments on him
Friday, January 14, 2005 4:00 AM
Quote:Originally posted by ReeQueen: Quote:It makes me want to do what Riley suggested and put him in a cage and do experiments on him This way is probably more humane if somewhat more irritating.
Friday, January 14, 2005 8:20 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: "You two are the two who are the two. I'm the other one."
Friday, January 14, 2005 8:26 PM
Friday, January 14, 2005 8:36 PM
Quote:Originally posted by ReeQueen: Clearly. I was being over-optimistic. Giving the benefit of the doubt to my fellow Finn ("Pink thong! Pink thong!"). I was weak.
Quote:Originally posted by ReeQueen: Ooh! Ooh! I can answer this: because that would mean Finn ("If you're gay you're promiscuous!") would have to actually think about what he's saying. He'd have to ask himself a hard question or two, examine his assumptions, and justify his conclusions. Mental gymnastics can be exhausting, especially when you're unused to self-examination in the first place.
Quote:Originally posted by ReeQueen: Good morning, Sigma, Finn.
Friday, January 14, 2005 8:51 PM
Friday, January 14, 2005 9:03 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: Also, this isn't obsession. What I am doing is forcing you to actually answer the question. One which was posed to you on a number of occassions, but never answered. You may think you've addressed this issue but you haven't.
Saturday, January 15, 2005 7:20 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: I have answered it. Half the posts in this thread deal with that exact issue. If you can’t grasp that simple thing, then citing specific posts isn’t going to help you. If you had spent more time actually reading my posts instead of inventing strawman reasons to call me a bigot, you would already have your answer. I’m not to blame for your inability to objectively examine an issue.
Saturday, January 15, 2005 8:18 AM
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: All you've said in this thread is that gays shouldn't marry because they are promiscusous. But you have not given any reason why.
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: Especially since he says such silly things like, "since there are as many (or possibly more) heterosexuals who practice anal sex as there are homosexual males doing so." If my conjecture is true, I pitty him.
Saturday, January 15, 2005 10:15 AM
Quote:Originally posted by JaynezTown: Big, long epistle
Saturday, January 15, 2005 3:47 PM
Quote:Originally posted by tethys: ...sadomizitation, which is having sex with young boys.
Saturday, January 15, 2005 4:19 PM
Quote:Originally posted by NeutrinoLad: Quote:Originally posted by tethys: ...sadomizitation, which is having sex with young boys. I think you mean "sodomize". And no I don't. I think you mean "pedophilia". Oh, and the Bible also says nothing of marrying a yak. You ought not pretend you don't understand the actual definition of marriage just to press an argument.
Saturday, January 15, 2005 6:17 PM
Quote:Originally posted by tethys: sodomize = to perform sodomy sodomization = the action(s) of sodomy, to perform sodomy i.e. realization = the act of realizing something Sodomy also refers to any, or all, twisted sex acts, such as sex with boys (pedophilia is sex with children, idiot, boy sex is specifically reffered to as sodomy, sex with animals, including your yaks, shoving a turkey baster up your wazoo, etc etc) and btw, in trying to disprove my eloquent point about marriage, you just so happened to back it up with your reference to "marrying a yak", though the Bible DOES refer to "sexual congress with animals". SO BITE ME. I define marriage as any other does, *ahem* "THE JOINING OF TWO PEOPLE OF ANY RACE, CREED, RELIGION, OR BACKGROUND (insert sex), COMING TOGETHER TO PLEDGE THEIR LIVES AND LOVE TO EACH OTHER , AND TO REMAIN FAITHFUL TO THEIR MATE FOR THE REST OF SAID LIVES." If you don't define marriage that way, then I truly feel sorry for your spouse, nor should you marry if you are not.
Saturday, January 15, 2005 6:26 PM
Sunday, January 16, 2005 8:14 AM
Quote:Giving the benifit of the doubt and second chances is what makes up accepting and it gives our selves a chance to learn.
Quote:He told us that everybody has some swing with regards to what they believe. For some, what they are willing to accept, that isn't what they believe, given proof to the contrary, is greater than others. The part of someones belief that they won't change even given a mountain of proof is what the prof. called everyones "black box." I will conjecture that we've stepped into Finn's black box. I really think, that no matter how many holes I/we put into his stats. How many times I/we logically, etc counter his arguments that there'll even be a chance at changing his mind.
Quote:Especially since he says such silly things like, "since there are as many (or possibly more) heterosexuals who practice anal sex as there are homosexual males doing so."
Quote:It's night time right now here, so, good night
Sunday, January 16, 2005 6:40 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: All you've said in this thread is that gays shouldn't marry because they are promiscusous. But you have not given any reason why. Because I’ve never said this. I’ve never said anything like this. This is apparently a figment of your imagination. Until you are willing to set aside these ridiculous strawman arguments, it’s a waste of my time to continue giving you information that you won’t listen to.
Quote:Originally posted by FINN MAC CUMHAL: Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: So, you never said that gays are promiscuous? Wait a minute, you did. Some gays are.
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: So, you never said that gays are promiscuous? Wait a minute, you did.
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: There’s nothing stupid about it.
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: But I supposed it you can’t do arithmetic you might find it hard to figure out.
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: I stand completely behind everything I’ve said in this thread. I think I've made my case well.
Sunday, January 16, 2005 7:02 PM
Quote:Originally posted by ReeQueen: Learning is something I need. I need to learn, I need to observe things and make my own hyptheses, and I also need to be proven wrong, or merely mistaken, on occasion.
Quote:Originally posted by ReeQueen: The black box must be comfy, because a lot of people reside in their own. It makes me sad and tired to think about, really.
Quote:Originally posted by ReeQueen: Wow. See, I'm to the point where I'm totally skipping Finn's posts. Repetitive, and yet uninteresting. So I didn't see
Quote:Originally posted by ReeQueen: I'm a bit of a time-zone chauvinist. Right now it's Sunday morning, and I'm entering the Long, Dark, Teatime of the Soul. Just about to go see how many baths I can usefully take.... /Hitchhiker's Guide reference.
Sunday, January 16, 2005 7:06 PM
Quote:Originally posted by tethys: If you don't define marriage that way, then I truly feel sorry for your spouse, nor should you marry if you are not.
Sunday, January 16, 2005 7:11 PM
Quote:Originally posted by tethys: oh, and btw my wife of four years seems to see nothing wrong with how I view marriage, which might explain why I have been married for twice the norm for the first (and only) marriage, by statistics (18 months). "Your mouth is talking. Might wanna see to that"