REAL complaints agenst Biden

UPDATED: Wednesday, August 28, 2024 05:20
VIEWED: 4092
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Friday, June 11, 2021 8:33 PM


rezident owtsidr

He seemed to get off to a good start with executiv orderz to clean out sum uv the Trump rot, but there are a growing pile uv thingz that I expected to happen that hav not, yet.

Getting DeJoy out uv the post offis.

Pardoning Reality Winner & giving her a medal. And maybe 1,000,000$ tax free!

Dropping all the stoopid tarrifs.

Clearing all the Trump operativz out uv the Justis Department and beginning the work uv charjing them for their crimez. (yes, I know it's Garland'z job, but being Prez, Biden will still get the blame for inaction, especially if they do further damaj) And wuts with Bill Barr still not charjd?

Still beating the 'bipartisan' ded horse.

And most uv all, realeasing EVERYTHING the gummit haz about The TrumPutin Conspirasy! UNREDACTED!


Saturday, June 12, 2021 3:26 AM


rezident owtsidr

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early

The real pandemic solution:


Saturday, June 12, 2021 4:34 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Saturday, June 12, 2021 4:35 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Saturday, June 12, 2021 4:37 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Saturday, June 12, 2021 4:40 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Saturday, June 12, 2021 8:05 AM


Somebody needs to raise those interest rates, like yesterday.

Fucking $10 for a 2"x4".


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Sunday, June 13, 2021 1:01 AM


rezident owtsidr

Hard to blame Biden for any uv thoze.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early

The real pandemic solution:


Sunday, June 13, 2021 3:32 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JO753:
Hard to blame Biden for any uv thoze.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early

The real pandemic solution:

Why not blame Biden*?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Sunday, June 13, 2021 9:22 AM



Originally posted by JO753:
Hard to blame Biden for any uv thoze wen I'm a cheer leadr phor Democratz.



Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Sunday, June 13, 2021 10:46 AM



Originally posted by JO753:

Hard to blame Biden for any uv thoze.

Unfortunately we had to wait while the pandemic raged until Biden took over. Even then he was handicapped by Trump sabotaging his pre and even current presidency. Biden was left with a mess. And we’ve always known the haters will criticize everything he does.

It’s meaningless JO because of how they defended Trumps corruption. His cyclone of destruction and incompetence both here and abroad the last four years.

What Signym kiki and Jack=ass post negatively about Biden is hypocritical at best. Their posts are based on false beliefs and judgments about external realities despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary. Shit JO, all they are, are delusional trolls.



Sunday, June 13, 2021 6:58 PM


Get ready for four more years of Trump, idiot.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Sunday, June 13, 2021 9:06 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Gosh, you seem to find graphs reflecting reality, which second seems incapable of.

Looks like from Jan 2009 (46.5 - Obamination occupies WH) to Jan 2017 (40.5 - Obamination removed), the graph dropped fairly steadily by and drastically 6.0 in 8 years (0.75 per year).

And then from Jan 2017 (40.5 - Trump entered office) to early 2020 (38.5 - before Libtards Locked Down America), the graph shows that Trump slowed the regression to 2.0 in 3 years (0.66 per year)

And then Libtards were able to get it to drop 1.5 in less than a year with their Lockdowns.

The beginning of the graph shows that, after it peaked around Jan 2007 (48 - before the Rock-The-Vote Democrap winners of 2006 took office), the Dem controlled House was able to degrade it to 45.5 (2.5 in less than a year).


Sunday, June 13, 2021 9:25 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Well, Libtards promised us record inflation if Biden was "elected" - so we can't be surprised, can we?

I suppose most voters cannot remember the Jiminy Cotta Economy, which is the model we're returning to in record time - only in office 4 months.


Sunday, June 13, 2021 9:30 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I am shocked, just shocked I say, that Clinton cranked up the inflated prices, then Bush 43 knocked them down, then Obamination cranked them back up again, then Trump held them down, and then Obamination 3.0 (Biden) is skyrocketing inflation again.

Shocked, I say - as if we didn't know what would happen as a result of each of those elections.


Sunday, June 13, 2021 9:35 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Fairly amazing that the entirety of Obamanomics was able to keep prices depressed below the levels that were achieved under Bush43 and before Rock-The-Vote Democraps took over.


Monday, June 14, 2021 1:34 AM


Anybody catch Full Measure with Sharryl Atkinsson tonight?

Biden's goon squad admitted that they intentionally sent $1.4 B of covid relief funds to 1.1 million known dead people.

Their excuse was that they didn't have the authority to NOT waste that money (just like they don't have the authority to stop dead people from voting, in alphabetical order, for only Democrats.)


Monday, June 14, 2021 2:49 AM


rezident owtsidr

Keep in mind that the GoPs obstructed everything Obama wanted to do and are doing the same to Biden now.

They are not on 'Team America' they are on 'Team Republican' wich iz now owned by Trump, hoo iz still owned by Putin.

You dont get to blame Obama or Biden for any failure bekuz the GoPs cauzed the failurez.

It duznt take much imajination to see where we woud be now in Biden'z America if we had 67 or so Dem Senatorz.

THEN if thingz went bad, you woud be entitled to blame him.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early

The real pandemic solution:


Monday, June 14, 2021 3:43 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JO753:
Keep in mind that the GoPs obstructed everything Obama wanted to do and are doing the same to Biden now.

1) Oh baloney. The Dems had control of Congress and the WH for the first two years of Obama's reign, and a historic financial crsis that called for Big Action, an upwelling of popular support ... and what did Obama do with it? Hire Geithner, the banker's friend, and throw money at banks. Took Medicare for All and public option off the table and pass a crippled ACA that threw us all into the maw of corporate health and big pharma. Start endless "wars of choice" in the Mideast. Shred the Constitution even more. Have you forgotten about Occupy??? The millions of people who lost their homes?The ginormous transfer of wealth to the wealthy?

2) You STILL don't "get it", do you, JO? You still think that Dems are somehow throwbacks to FDR and are in it for "the people". The only thing stopping Dems from fronting viable candidates that people can vote are the Dems themselves. the DNC has been throwing us under the bus since Clinton.

Not that the GOP is any better. It's a shit-show in DC, run by money.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Monday, June 14, 2021 3:50 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Hard to blame Biden for any uv thoze.

SIGNYM: Why not blame Biden*?

You haven't answered my question, JO. Why NOT blame Biden*?

I mean, it's not as if inflation WASN'T the predicted outcome of massive money-printing in absence of increased production. The classic definition of inflation - "Too much money chasing too few goods" - still holds.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Monday, June 14, 2021 4:05 AM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Anybody catch Full Measure with Sharryl Atkinsson tonight?

I'm alwayz interested in where you Gullibullz get your 'info' frum. I never looked at anything frum her befor.

On the surfase, aside frum being a Sinclair employee, she mite seem reazonably unbiased. The Wiki paje duznt say 'rite wing' like they do for all the other rite wingrz I'v looked up.

But looking over her older posts during Trumps administration, its obvious she'z another propaganda peddler.

Then I woct this, just to be sure:

I had to tie my ass kicking foot to the chair to keep frum spasticly breaking sumthing.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early

The real pandemic solution:


Monday, June 14, 2021 4:29 AM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
You haven't answered my question, JO. Why NOT blame Biden*?

I mean, it's not as if inflation WASN'T the predicted outcome of massive money-printing in absence of increased production. The classic definition of inflation - "Too much money chasing too few goods" - still holds.

I did explain wy not in jeneral.

But spesificly conserning inflation, obviously the pandemic relievez Biden uv any blame. We needed peepl to not interact and that took a hyooj pile uv $$$. Lots uv working stiffs, especially the lowest income, ended up with spare $ for a chanje.

And dont forget it all started during Trumps term.

Unfortunately (now herez a real complaint) we still arent taking the virus seriously enuf. Biden seemz to be making the mistake uv trying to get everybody bak to work too soon like Trump did.

Not that he coud do a real lockdown if he wanted. I think we are going to get a big resurjens. The only advantaj iz that we hav vakseenz now, unlike a yir ago.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early

The real pandemic solution:


Monday, June 14, 2021 8:51 AM



Originally posted by JO753:
I'm alwayz interested in where you Gullibullz get your 'info' frum. I never looked at anything frum her befor.

You couldn't pay me to watch Fox News.


I had to tie my ass kicking foot to the chair to keep frum spasticly breaking sumthing.

That's funny. That's almost exactly what I do when I try to sit through a Maddow or Olbermann segment.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Monday, June 14, 2021 9:06 AM



Originally posted by JO753:

Keep in mind that the GoPs obstructed everything Obama wanted to do and are doing the same to Biden now.

They are not on 'Team America' they are on 'Team Republican' wich iz now owned by Trump, hoo iz still owned by Putin.

You dont get to blame Obama or Biden for any failure bekuz the GoPs cauzed the failurez.

It duznt take much imajination to see where we woud be now in Biden'z America if we had 67 or so Dem Senatorz.

THEN if thingz went bad, you woud be entitled to blame him.

Dead on JO, dead on.



Monday, June 14, 2021 9:08 AM



Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by JO753:

Keep in mind that the GoPs obstructed everything Obama wanted to do and are doing the same to Biden now.

They are not on 'Team America' they are on 'Team Republican' wich iz now owned by Trump, hoo iz still owned by Putin.

You dont get to blame Obama or Biden for any failure bekuz the GoPs cauzed the failurez.

It duznt take much imajination to see where we woud be now in Biden'z America if we had 67 or so Dem Senatorz.

THEN if thingz went bad, you woud be entitled to blame him.

Dead on JO, dead on.



That's what you guys say all the time when you win. Every time.

Why don't you talk about Trump some more, huh?


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Monday, June 14, 2021 9:16 AM


Oh, and meanwhile...

I haven't heard one fucking peep out of you people here or in the Legacy Media about the Electoral College since the middle of November.

Forgot about that one until 2024 again, didja?


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Monday, June 14, 2021 9:59 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Oh, his antagonism to Russia would be one REAL complaint against Biden*.

FWIW I 100% do not care about Russia's internal workings, or Putin. Or let me put it this way: I care about the internal workings of Russia about as much as I do about the internal workings Eswatini, or Sint Maarten. Russia isn't a significant trading partner. And after they de-dollarized their holdings, they have as much chance of affecting the US economy and dollar as Tierra del Fuego does. CHINA otoh has such significant holdings it could sink the US. CHINA is the one the US needs to watch out for.

Anyway, there's only 1 thing left to be concerned about when it comes to Russia. And that's stabilizing nuclear arms policies AND the US/ Russia relationship so that we don't accidentally (soto voce on purpose) blow the planet up. Because there's a faction in the US Deep State - the people running Blinke* ... I mean, Biden* - that believes a nuclear war is winnable. Well, WE - you and I - won't be winners because we'll die like poisoned rats. But those people have their shelters in place. They think they can live there comfortably, indefinitely, without the rest of the planet. And then there's another faction that wants to hasten the rapture. And another Zionist faction that thinks if it can erase Iran FIRST before itself being erased in the retaliatory nuclear conflagration, it'll makes Israel the winner. So there's a lot of powers running Blinke* ... I mean, Biden* ... jonesing for nuclear war.

You up for a good planet-wide nuking, JO?


Monday, June 14, 2021 11:18 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by JO753:
Keep in mind that the GoPs obstructed everything Obama wanted to do and are doing the same to Biden now.

1) Oh baloney. The Dems had control of Congress and the WH for the first two years of Obama's reign, and a historic financial crsis that called for Big Action, an upwelling of popular support ... and what did Obama do with it? Hire Geithner, the banker's friend, and throw money at banks. Took Medicare for All and public option off the table and pass a crippled ACA that threw us all into the maw of corporate health and big pharma. Start endless "wars of choice" in the Mideast. Shred the Constitution even more. Have you forgotten about Occupy??? The millions of people who lost their homes?The ginormous transfer of wealth to the wealthy?

2) You STILL don't "get it", do you, JO? You still think that Dems are somehow throwbacks to FDR and are in it for "the people". The only thing stopping Dems from fronting viable candidates that people can vote are the Dems themselves. the DNC has been throwing us under the bus since Clinton.

Not that the GOP is any better. It's a shit-show in DC, run by money.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.

So, JO, any reason to think that Obama would have done SO MUCH good, if only he hadn't been thwarted by those nasty Republicans?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Monday, June 14, 2021 11:30 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


But spesificly conserning inflation, obviously the pandemic relievez Biden uv any blame. We needed peepl to not interact and that took a hyooj pile uv $$$. Lots uv working stiffs, especially the lowest income, ended up with spare $ for a chanje.

And dont forget it all started during Trumps term.

Actually, it really started on Obama's watch. He had the financial crisis to respond to, didn't he? Too bad he opted to make banks whole, instead of homeowners. It would have been far cheaper if Obama has simply paid the homeowners the portion of home value that they were underwater on. That way, he wouldn'thave had to pay on the whole chain of investments that banks and mortgage companies made with each other.


Unfortunately (now herez a real complaint) we still arent taking the virus seriously enuf. Biden seemz to be making the mistake uv trying to get everybody bak to work too soon like Trump did.

JO, people who wanted to get vaccinated have been vaccinated. I presumethat these would be "at risk" people like me and you. People like SIX, who don't believe there was ever a virus, won't get vaccinated. But then, at their age they prolly won't die, either. And make sure, for god's sake, that there are enough N95s around for everyone who needs them.

The time for handouts is over. If Biden* - or anyone- wants to spend money, they should spend it on MANUFACTURING, infrastructure, environmental remediation, and Medicare for all... all of the places in which monopolistic corporations won't invest. If they want to save, they should start with the military budget and Medicare Rx.

We need to get back on our feet, JO, creating jobs that MEAN SOMETHING ... not making pretty pictures in cappucino foam.


Biden Budget Will Push Federal Debt As Share Of Economy To Record Level, Report Says

President Biden is set to propose a federal budget that calls for $6 trillion in spending in the 2022 fiscal year, with deficits running above $1.3 trillion a year over the next ten years, the New York Times first reported Thursday, raising federal spending to its highest levels since World War II amid the fallout of the coronavirus pandemic.

Biden has proposed two ambitious federal spending plans—the American Jobs Plan and the American Families Plan—that are designed to revitalize the American economy through investments in infrastructure and the “care economy.”

Much of the increase in spending in his 2022 budget is driven by those two proposals along with other increases in discretionary spending, the Times reported.

Biden has proposed paying for those two proposals over 15 years with tax hikes on corporations and wealthy Americans.

The power to approve the spending Biden requests ultimately lies with Congress.
Big Number

$1.8 trillion. That’s how much the federal deficit would be in the 2022 fiscal year under Biden’s proposed budget, according to the Times. During the 2020 fiscal year, the final year of President Trump’s term, the federal deficit totaled an eye-watering $3.1 trillion thanks to massive spending on coronavirus response and relief measures. Biden’s proposed budget would also push total debt held by the public up to 117% of the size of the economy over a decade, the Times reported, with debt as a share of the economy reaching record levels exceeding those seen during World War II.

The Washington Post reported last week that Biden’s budget will exclude several of his flagship campaign promises, including a plan to cut prescription drug costs. Student loan forgiveness is also expected to be excluded, as is a plan to raise the estate tax, according to the Post. The Times reported that Biden’s plan to overhaul the American unemployment insurance program is also excluded.

But it's not just government spending.

How is money created? Money is created when BANKS MAKE LOANS. That's because banks do NOT lend money from their coffers. 90% of what they lend is made from thin air, because that's what having a 10% "reserve" means. When a bank adds money to someone's account that didn't exist before, that is MONEY CREATION. Banks have an equivalent of a money-printing press onsite, except they do it with electrons, not paper and metal. It's hrd to understand bc it makes no sense, but when bankslend, they create money, and then those loans are counted as "assets".

And EVERYONE is in debt up to their eyeballs, thanks to low-low interest rates: student loans. Corporate loans (used for premiums and stock buybacks, not for anything useful like building a factory or anything). Mortgages. The FIRE sector (finance, insurance, and real estate) is on fire. The real economy ... the one where things are produced ... not so much.

I have a few real complaints against most Presidents of both parties

1) The de-industrialization of America. It started with Nixon's visit to China and every President, Democratand and Rebulican, was happy to push that agenda forward. But it REALLY saw it's blossoming under Clinton, who pushed for NAFTA and created a "special trade relationship" with China that paved the way for WTO membership

2) The financialization of America. Again, a multi-decade project which saw its blossoming in Clinton's last year when he killed Glass Stegall, signed the Commodities Futures Trading Act, and signed the DMCA. That entire financial crisis on 2007 came about because Clinton kicked out regulatory restraint from underneath the banks.

3) MOAR WAR. A pointless waste of blood and money that puts a giant drag on our finances, economy, and environment. The purpose of our "Defense Department" is to, yanno, defend America. But since America is not in Yemen or Iraq or Saudi Arabia or Israel ... or Japan, Germany, or South Korea... I fail to see what we're doing there. Again, this is a multi-decade, multi-President project of both parties. The MOAR WAR Party seems to have captured both political parties, the permanent state, and the M$M. We can dump those neocons who imagine a survivable nuclear war into the same bucket of insanity.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Monday, June 14, 2021 1:34 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh yeah, one more REAL complaint against Biden* - he has dementia. Links later.

I can't imagine how Biden* is going to "negotiate" with Putin.

I think that Trump has rampant adult ADHD with some ODD attached, but Biden* is more compromised.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Monday, June 14, 2021 4:44 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

According to THUGGER, all the G7 leaders were just giddy with admiration before Biden* showed up for the summit. I said the important piece of information would be what they thought of him* afterwards.

At NATO Summit, Leaders Focus on China’s Military Ambitions
not about Biden* and his* performance at the G7 summit

Biden and Putin agree relations are abysmal. Will their meeting change anything?
not about Biden* and his* performance at the G7 summit

NATO leaders declare China a global security challenge
not about Biden* and his* performance at the G7 summit

The Latest: Biden pays tribute at NATO’s 9/11 memorial
not about Biden* and his* performance at the G7 summit

After G-7, Biden says he’s reestablishing US credibility
Biden* praises himself* for his* role at the G7 summit!!

NEWQUAY, England (AP) — President Joe Biden on Sunday said the United States had restored its presence on the world stage ...

Biden Warns ‘Worthy Adversary’ Putin Over Navalny’s Health
not about Biden* and his* performance at the G7 summit

Joe Biden declares 'rock solid' commitment to defend NATO allies
not about Biden* and his* performance at the G7 summit

Well !!!
not about Biden* and his* performance at the G7 summit
It looks like the m$m is moving briskly along past Biden and the G7 summit!!


Monday, June 14, 2021 7:37 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by JO753:
Hard to blame Biden for any uv thoze.

Why not blame Biden*?

Because the golden rule remains that every disastrous thing that is caused by Obamination, including the current Obamination 3.0, must be blamed on Bush43.
Of course, the corellary is that everything positive that Bush43, or Reagan, or Bush41, or now even Trump accomplished, must be given credit to Obamination.

Did you misplace your copy of the memo?


Tuesday, June 15, 2021 12:15 AM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
1) Oh baloney. The Dems had control of Congress and the WH for the first two years of Obama's reign...

Youv forgotten how bad the economy wuz and how difficult it wuz to pass Obamacare. It's not like the Dem party wuz unified, so every Demublican squoze everything they coud out uv the sosij making wile the GoPs did their absolute best to shoot everything that did get thru full uv holez.

Read A Promised Land. Youl get sum notion uv wy its a miracle they got that much dun.

Its eazy to think giving the money to or directly payng off peeplz morgajez woud hav been more effectiv and fair. Its wut I woud hav dun if I were elected King uv America, but we unfortunately liv in a mangled up democratic capitalist system that rezemblez a cattle ranch inside an inner sity slum inside a bigger cattle ranch. Us lowly cowz do not get the same consideration az the cowboyz and the rancherz abuv them.


2) You STILL don't "get it", do you, JO? You still think that Dems are somehow throwbacks to FDR and are in it for "the people".

Not that the GOP is any better. It's a shit-show in DC, run by money.

I wuz never very interested in history or politics till Obama started running for Prez. I am still only superficially aware uv wut FDR did.

An important revelation I'v had in the last 4 yirz iz that the Republican party iz a criminal organization. So any comparison to the Democratic party iz
misleading to say the least.


So, JO, any reason to think that Obama would have done SO MUCH good, if only he hadn't been thwarted by those nasty Republicans?

Yes, clearly. Just consider the economic boost hiz infrastructure plan woud hav provided. Where woud we be now?

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early

The real pandemic solution:


Tuesday, June 15, 2021 12:26 AM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oh yeah, one more REAL complaint against Biden* - he has dementia. Links later.

I can't imagine how Biden* is going to "negotiate" with Putin.

I think that Trump has rampant adult ADHD with some ODD attached, but Biden* is more compromised.

I'll take a doddering old man over a blackmailed idiot megalomaniac any day uv the week!

Prezident Biden iz no fool. Even if Putin iz smarter, he iz at an extreem disadvantaj. The main thing I'm worried about iz AF1 getting shot down or sabatojd. Putin will do it if he thinks he can get away with it.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early

The real pandemic solution:


Tuesday, June 15, 2021 5:26 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Oh yeah, one more REAL complaint against Biden* - he has dementia. Links later.
I can't imagine how Biden* is going to "negotiate" with Putin.
I think that Trump has rampant adult ADHD with some ODD attached, but Biden* is more compromised.

JO: I'll take a doddering old man over a blackmailed idiot megalomaniac any day uv the week!
Prezident Biden iz no fool.

dementia = doddering fool. I see lots of evidence that Biden is indeed a fool. Where ithe evidence that he is not?

Even if Putin iz smarter, he iz at an extreem disadvantaj.

The main thing I'm worried about iz AF1 getting shot down or sabatojd. Putin will do it if he thinks he can get away with it.
Oh dear, that delusion again?

Yanno, you should stop calling yourself an owtsider because you burrowed right into the middle of a big steaming pile of mainstream lies and refuse to come out. You think you're smart? What you really are is easily brainwashed. That whole TRUMP!RUSSIA! idea that you think is yours? IT ISN'T. It's been implanted.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Tuesday, June 15, 2021 2:36 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Biden confuses Syria with Libya several times during G7 speech..

Biden gets lost and wanders into a court at G7 before being led away by his wife

Of course, you won't find this on the M$M, because just as avidly as they demonized Trump 24/7/365, they are diligently protecting Biden*.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Tuesday, June 15, 2021 5:09 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Biden confuses Syria with Libya several times during G7 speech..

Biden gets lost and wanders into a court at G7 before being led away by his wife

Of course, you won't find this on the M$M, because just as avidly as they demonized Trump 24/7/365, they are diligently protecting Biden*.

I missed where you originally posted this, before quoting yourself.

At least, with Syria and Libya, he got them on the right continent.


One of them must be right next to America. Did he get the memo from Obamination that at least one of them is one of the 58 States? Or maybe it is 60 states now, with Puerto Rico and D.C. It is so confusing trying to keep track of Libtard Facts and delusions.

I heard a clip of him the last few days, he lost track of the teleprompter for what seemed like a minute - or maybe he dozed off. Some interviewer had to give a on-air- pep talk to jump start him again. Where is that Ron Klien Clown when our "allies" need somebody to chat with?


Wednesday, June 30, 2021 11:15 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Am I thie only one who thinks that the media has "gone dark" when it comes to the Biden*/Harris administration? No news about ... anything?


Conrad Black: A Tsunami Of Crises About To Swamp Biden Administration
Wednesday, Jun 30, 2021 - 10:20 PM

The Biden-Harris administration is now in an extended levitation of credibility. Except for Donald Trump, who entered office in the midst of a public relations terror campaign against him and had no trace of a political honeymoon, all incoming presidents arrive with a favoring wind of bipartisan goodwill behind them.
A group of Venezuelans wait to be picked up by Border Patrol after illegally crossing the Rio Grande from Mexico into Del Rio, Texas, on June 3, 2021. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)

Especially as President Biden came into office promising a quieter and more genteel atmosphere and has largely done that, it is not surprising that his general popularity has been sustained at somewhat above 50 percent these first five months. But for a long time the Democrats have not had any war-cry except “We’re not Trump” and “That is racism.”

In service to that credo, from Inauguration Day they have taken the position that they would do the reverse of anything Trump did: outright reaction unsupported by any analysis. Nothing else is conceivable as an explanation for their southern border policy.

As Vice President Harris checked the box by going to El Paso, 800 miles away from the more agitated areas of illegal southern entry last week, she repeated the mantra that this administration inherited a mess. The polls are unanimous in indicating that the public realizes they did not inherit a mess; they inherited the almost complete end of illegal immigration and they squandered it instantly and jubilantly by effectively inviting the world to enter while having the hapless Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas repeat like a Disney World self-propelled puppet “The border is closed.”

Television viewers can switch channels from that almost daily pronunciamento to see illegal immigrants swarming across by land and through water. Illegal immigration is now running at the rate of two million a year, which is an unsustainable level of entry of almost entirely unskilled people who will severely strain the social and educational and public security services of the southern border states.

It is a crisis closing in upon a disaster, and the public can already see it approaching. All that can be said for the vice president’s visit to El Paso, where she was welcomed by the gushy local Democratic congresswoman to the “21st Century Ellis Island,” (where people arrived legally and some were rejected), is that it was nothing like as great a fiasco as her visit to Mexico and Guatemala three weeks ago.

There she conspicuously failed to excite the enthusiasm of the American public to deluge more billions of dollars into those improvident areas in order to tackle “the sources of the problem”—the ancient liberal death wish of turning America’s pockets inside out to fight poverty in poor foreign countries by enriching their avaricious politicians.

The tsunami of crises that are about to break over this administration do not stop at the southern border. It is no longer possible to disguise that inflation is stoking up. Awareness of this has been clouded and deferred because the composition of the index does not necessarily reflect the needs of average families.

If the figures are broken out and averaged in traditional ways, the current rate of inflation appears to be something like eight or 9 percent and it will continue to remain high while the Sanders wing of the Democratic Party, which was solely responsible for the so-called Biden-Sanders Unity Program, is sticking to its guns.

It demands and may force trillions more dollars to be thrown out of the windows of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve in an instant and artificial expansion of the money supply. The president’s latest wheeze for trying to satisfy Sanders while making a gesture to advocates of sane fiscal policy was his professed agreement on a bipartisan infrastructure bill, which almost everyone agrees is needed and is a good thing, followed a couple of hours later by the assertion that it would not be approved if not accompanied by a much larger “virtual infrastructure” measure.

The Republicans who had agreed the bipartisan measure rose in revolt and the president, as is his custom, (and as is made plausible by his frequently turgid inarticulation), announced that he had been misunderstood. For the first time he is under some pressure to work himself out of one of the jams that he has blundered into, instead of just shrugging it off and relying on the docile media to ignore it.

If he retains any of his old Senate bargaining skill, he may be able to come through it with his credibility intact. But he is trying to govern from a high wire, a very hazardous procedure for so unsteady a leader.

Even more urgent than the surging immigration and imminent inflation crises is the entirely predictable and much predicted crime wave. Violent crime is up everywhere and especially in Democratic-governed cities that cravenly bowed to the outrageous demands in the “peaceful protests” of last summer that injured 2000 police personnel, killed approximately 50 people, and caused over $2 billion of property damage.

The rioters, almost none of whom would have been Republican voters, demanded that the police be defunded and “reimagined” and this was done in many cities, generating violent crime increases of from 25 to 150 percent.

All Biden’s nonsense about shooting to hit people in the leg and enlisting social workers and psychologists to go out on 911 calls is vanishing in the vast cauldron of skyrocketing violent crime. Many formerly feasible neighborhoods are terrorized by gangs and conditions are undoubtedly aggravated by sluggish work from police forces that are tired of being the scapegoats for racist urban terrorists. The ranks of American urban police are thinning rapidly as the people in blue can easily find less hazardous and more highly appreciated work.

The president’s address on crime on June 23 took refuge in the usual Democratic arguments about gun control. No doubt the gun laws can be better enforced, but the counter-argument that in such lawless conditions, the existence of firearms in most American homes is a factor of deterrence of crime and not an incitement to it.

Chicago has tough gun laws but its worst areas are shooting galleries where the arrest rates are so low that it is obvious that the police are either compromised by their association with violent gangs or confining themselves to the perimeters of the most crime-ridden areas and have abandoned the core of those areas to the Darwinian masters of them, (and these desperate conditions are certainly not confined to Chicago).

The president was correct in his plan to give greater assistance to criminals returning to civilian life and to prison reform in general, but that will work better with nonviolent people who are generally chronically over-sentenced, and who are much less likely to be repeat offenders than their violence-prone fellow inmates.
Possible Fixes

This is a problem that disconcerts and frightens scores of millions of Americans. When the administration comes to its collective senses, it can go back to the Trump methods of protecting the southern border while giving their policy a name that connotes reform.

Biden can also stop being intimidated by Sanders and (Congresswoman) Ocasio Cortez and be assured of a large number of the reasonable majority with any serious gesture of fiscal restraint, at least up until the midterm elections. It might not be too late to damp down the psychology of inflation.

But there is no quick fix to violent crime. It will soon be impossible to hide from the necessity to intervene directly to finance the recruitment and proper training of at least 100,000 more police personnel.

The methods for reducing violent urban crime in the United States are now well known and were demonstrated by the mayoral regime of Rudolph Giuliani in New York (1993–2001), and there is no alternative but to return to them and the federal government can incentivize that.

The embarrassment to the Democrats in such a course will be as nothing to the embarrassment they will receive at the polls next year if they do not take serious anti-crime measures

Several of the questions in the poll that SIX posted demonstrate how effective choking the news can be on opinions.

For example, EVERYONE significantly underestimated how many illegal aliens are crossing the border every month.

The TOP guess was 20,000. The ACTUAL figure is 200,000!

But, how couldthey know? They get their news from M$M or the (censored) corporate social networks, and not one of them will report accurately and often enough what the real number is.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Wednesday, June 30, 2021 11:58 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Am I thie only one who thinks that the media has "gone dark" when it comes to the Biden*/Harris administration? No news about ... anything?

Are you surprised? This is exactly what happened with 8 years of Obama too.

Obama was competent and charismatic though, so they were able to let him speak the lies himself and then they just took turns blowing him all the time.

Biden* is a fucking liability every time he opens his mouth.


And he who is not sufficiently courageous to defend his soul — don’t let him be proud of his ‘progressive’ views, and don’t let him boast that he is an academician or a people’s artist, a distinguished figure or a general. Let him say to himself: I am a part of the herd and a coward. It’s all the same to me as long as I’m fed and kept warm.


Thursday, July 1, 2021 12:00 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


southern border policy ... they inherited the almost complete end of illegal immigration and they squandered it instantly and jubilantly by effectively inviting the world to enter

(Harris) conspicuously failed to excite the enthusiasm of the American public to deluge more billions of dollars into those improvident areas

inflation is stoking up ... the current rate of inflation appears to be something like eight or 9 percent

bipartisan infrastructure bill ... followed a couple of hours later by the assertion that it would not be approved if not accompanied by a much larger “virtual infrastructure” measure

skyrocketing violent crime ... the police () defunded and “reimagined” and this was done in many cities, generating violent crime increases of from 25 to 150 percent

The ranks of American urban police are thinning rapidly

(lack of) fiscal restraint

I know that there are important stories going unreported in the m$m, and they're pretty hard to scrape up from any source.


Thursday, July 1, 2021 12:11 AM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:I know that there are important stories going unreported in the m$m, and they're pretty hard to scrape up from any source.

Like the fact that a nationwide fight against ending unemployment benefits early might be over before it started because corrupt Governor Holcomb is pushing to fast track an appeal after changing judges because he wants one that will give him the verdict that he wants.

And the fact that Biden* is just going to let that happen for political reasons.


And he who is not sufficiently courageous to defend his soul — don’t let him be proud of his ‘progressive’ views, and don’t let him boast that he is an academician or a people’s artist, a distinguished figure or a general. Let him say to himself: I am a part of the herd and a coward. It’s all the same to me as long as I’m fed and kept warm.


Thursday, July 1, 2021 7:12 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Just out of curiosity, are you still on unemployment? Is this about you? I don't care either way, I'm just nosy.


Thursday, July 1, 2021 10:16 AM


Trump is 5th from the bottom or should I say worst. People complaining about Biden is too funny...


C-SPAN's 2021 Historians Survey of Presidential Leadership Results Announcement


Thursday, July 1, 2021 12:41 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by THG:
Trump is 5th from the bottom or should I say worst. People complaining about Biden is too funny...

People complaining about TRUMP is funny! Especially complaining about stuff that never happened and things he never did!

That's one thing I never saw from you, SECONDRATE, TWITCHY, JO, and REAVERBOT: REAL complaints about Trump.

You posted all about RUSSIA!RUSSIA! and Racism! and End of Democracy! and Quid Pro Quo! and all kinds of fictitious crap (which you will look back on some day and cringe, realizing that you were totally duped).

But not a peep about soaring government debt, or his Iran/Israel foreign policy. (Oh BTW, his tax policy? Resulted in THE RICH paying more taxes than before.)

Trump will be remembered more for what he didn't accomplish:
He didn't sign a deal with N Korea (thanks, John Bolton)
He didn't manage to withdraw troops from anywhere (thanks, CIA and Foggy Bottom)
He didn't manage Covid-19 (left it to the CDC, Fauci, and individual governors)

But he DID manage the border, and he DID make a point of China taking our industrial manufacturing, and those are important points AFA American jobs are concerned.


So, yeah, there are REAL complaints against Biden* too. The difference between Trump and Biden* is that the media was hounding Trump for any reason or NO reason, while the media has wrapped Biden* in cotton and is being extremely careful with him.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Thursday, July 1, 2021 1:01 PM


Says SIGNYM, the demented racist Polish Russian Collaborator QAnon conspiracy theorist.



Thursday, July 1, 2021 8:50 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by THG: Says SIGNYM, the demented racist Polish Russian Collaborator QAnon conspiracy theorist.
Wow, you can't seem to decide exactly WHAT I am, so you bend over and splatter the wall?

I hope you realize that even your "friends" here think you're stupid.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Friday, July 2, 2021 6:35 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


ICE Agents, Sheriffs Sue Biden Admin Over ‘Unlawful’ Deportation Policy
By Charlotte Cuthbertson
July 1, 2021 Updated: July 1, 2021

GALVESTON, Texas—A group of sheriffs and active Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers have filed suit against the Biden administration for its “unlawful and unconstitutional” requirements regarding the arrest and deportation of illegal aliens.

The plaintiffs are seeking an injunction to a Feb. 18 memorandum that they say “commands ICE officers to violate the specific terms of federal immigration law.”

“The relief we are seeking is that the court order ICE and the Department of Homeland Security to simply follow the law,” lead attorney Kris Kobach said after filing the suit at the Galveston federal courthouse on July 1. “To follow the specific laws … that require them to detain and deport certain illegal aliens.”

The lawsuit (pdf) alleges that “many extremely dangerous illegal aliens who would have been detained prior to the February 18 Memorandum are now not being detained—against the wishes of the ICE officers seeking to detain them, and in violation of federal statutes requiring their detention and/or removal.”


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Friday, July 2, 2021 10:14 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by THG: Says SIGNYM, the demented racist Polish Russian Collaborator QAnon conspiracy theorist.
Wow, you can't seem to decide exactly WHAT I am, so you bend over and splatter the wall?

I hope you realize that even your "friends" here think you're stupid.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.

He doesn't have any friends here.

Second has made it quite clear that nobody who has ever posted here has been his friend.

That leaves JO.

I haven't seen Ted and JO converse once on matters outside of politics. And even then it's rare.


And he who is not sufficiently courageous to defend his soul — don’t let him be proud of his ‘progressive’ views, and don’t let him boast that he is an academician or a people’s artist, a distinguished figure or a general. Let him say to himself: I am a part of the herd and a coward. It’s all the same to me as long as I’m fed and kept warm.


Sunday, July 25, 2021 11:12 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Texas Begins Arresting Illegal Immigrants for Trespassing as Part of Gov. Greg Abbott’s Border Security Plan
By Tom Ozimek
July 23, 2021 Updated: July 23, 2021

Authorities in Texas have begun arresting illegal immigrants along the U.S.-Mexico border on trespassing charges, according to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who has blamed the Biden administration for the surge in illegal immigration and has put in motion his own border security plan to crack down on illegal crossings.

“Texas has begun arresting illegal immigrants who are trespassing in Texas or vandalizing property & fences. They are now being sent to this jail rather than being released like the Biden Admin. has been doing. We are adding more officers, National Guard & jails,” Abbott said in a tweet Thursday.

So far, at least 10 people have been jailed, with more on the way, authorities said Thursday. The detainees are being held at what had been an empty state prison in Dilley, Texas, about 100 miles north of the border city of Laredo, according to Robert Hurst, a spokesman for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. The converted facility will be able to hold more than 950 people, he said.

Val Verde County Attorney David Martinez said that all of those arrested so far have been single adult men. He said he had been advised last week that the number of arrests of illegal immigrants could rise to as many as 100 to 200 per day.

The arrests put in motion plans that Abbott first announced in June, when he hosted a Border Security Summit in Del Rio, during which he said individuals who enter Texas illegally would be subject to arrest for trespassing.

“President Biden’s open-border policies have led to a humanitarian crisis at our southern border as record levels of illegal immigrants, drugs, and contraband pour into Texas,” Abbott said in a June 10 statement. “While securing the border is the federal government’s responsibility, Texas will not sit idly by as this crisis grows. The state is working collaboratively with communities impacted by the crisis to arrest and detain individuals coming into Texas illegally.”


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Tuesday, July 27, 2021 5:39 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Over 40,000 Mostly-Unvaccinated Migrants Released By Biden Skip Out On ICE Appointments

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.






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