The Ongoing Perpetual Wuhan Coronavirus Scare, Lockdown, Unemployment and Corruption

UPDATED: Saturday, July 17, 2021 09:12
VIEWED: 7698
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Tuesday, May 18, 2021 5:21 PM


Libtards can claim yet another life.

She is not dying from covid, or anything related to covid, but from overreactionary Libtard Lockdown fanatics afraid of the virus which plagued so few.

In Indiana.


Tuesday, May 18, 2021 5:28 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
About 3 weeks ago, TX announced it was opening, and no more Mask requirements.

Since then, hospitalizations and cases have taken a nosedive.

But NY and NJ have massive spikes.

Too bad that data does not show "massive spikes" or "a nosedive" you say it shows:

More lies from Sloppybot.

The link for TX does not show hospitalizations. The Active Cases graph had 180,000 and nosedived before easing the downslope, under 100,000. Daily New Cases went from 7,365 to most recent of 4,100.

NY? Daily New Cases 5,800 to most recent 8,600.

NJ? Daily New Cases 2,300 to 5,600.

TX cut in half their numbers, while NJ doubled theirs and NY almost doubled theirs.

Sloppybot is just too stupid to read graphs.

Texas just reported having Zero covid deaths this past week, the first in over a year.
And just 2 months after ending Chin Diaper mandates.

And South Dakota still stands at Zero "covid" deaths during the entire artificial "pandemic" - having never Locked Down.


Tuesday, May 18, 2021 5:33 PM


It was revealed that NY Gov Fredo Gump was grafted $5.1 million for his Fake book about how he is so great, which sold 50,000 copies (giving Fredo $100 per copy - most of which went to Libtard colleges and schools), and after he caused only 15,000 extra deaths. He had managed to prohibit NY Citizens from being allowed admission to the Javits Center filed hospital or the USS Comfort, both of which had fully staffed and equipped covid-ready beds and 80% empty beds.

Why is nobody surprised by New York Greed?


Thursday, May 20, 2021 5:53 PM


CDC finally exposed for NOT following "The Science" but instead strictly following the Teacher's Unions.

Really, who is surprised by these obvious facts?

Libtards "following the science" really means AVOIDING THE SCIENCE.


Monday, May 24, 2021 3:51 PM


It seems the links have been scrubbed from Big Tech Media, but I was listening to reports about how Liar-In-Chief Fauci's Gain-Of-Function research at Wuhan Labs managed to leak out Fauci Flu, aka Covid-19.
Why Wuhan? Because that research is illegal in the United States, there is a moratorium against it (because it is far too dangerous). And U.S. funding cannot support such research, unless a waiver is signed. So, who signed the waiver that allowed Fauci to fund the research which is illegal in the U.S.? Fauci signed the waiver.


Monday, May 24, 2021 6:46 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
It seems the links have been scrubbed from Big Tech Media, but I was listening to reports about how Liar-In-Chief Fauci's Gain-Of-Function research at Wuhan Labs managed to leak out Fauci Flu, aka Covid-19.
Why Wuhan? Because that research is illegal in the United States, there is a moratorium against it (because it is far too dangerous). And U.S. funding cannot support such research, unless a waiver is signed. So, who signed the waiver that allowed Fauci to fund the research which is illegal in the U.S.? Fauci signed the waiver.

Well, I guess me posting this today is not news to those who consume real news.
This must have been all exposed last night on levintv, with an interview with Nicholas Wade.
That interview was taped last Wednesday, which makes that the first revelation of all these facts, which I heard late last week.


Monday, May 24, 2021 9:45 PM


This has been the biggest con I've witnessed in my lifetime.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Wednesday, May 26, 2021 4:38 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


COVID in India
May 25, 2021 | Author Jayant Bhandari

Scavengers Out in Full Force

I have just returned from a visit to my family in India. It was hard to escape. To get to the US from India, I needed a COVID test. The Indian government has seriously restricted who can provide COVID testing, treatment, and vaccination. Private doctors and hospitals that are not approved face brutal legal consequences if they provide COVID treatment.

India’s experience with the COVID pandemic was particularly unpleasant… [PT]

Emergency powers were centralized early last year in the hands of the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. He gave himself direct control over the bureaucrats of the states, making local governments largely impotent and dependent on him.

Getting vaccinated, the Indian way.

— Jayant Bhandari (@JayantBhandari5) May 12, 2021

In their supreme wisdom, government bureaucrats concluded that because the prefix “COVID-” exists in treatment, vaccination, and testing, they must all be performed at the same place. For my test, I sat in a petri dish of COVID, with those coming out positive sitting right next to me. Desperate, vulnerable old people, who merely wanted to get their jabs, sat among us. Those who were sick for reasons other than COVID were among us too, for the government has required everyone who is sick to be tested for COVID first .

A microcosm of how everything is done in India, the tests were given haphazardly, with samples getting mixed up, nurses spending most of their time fighting among themselves, and — lacking a lineup system — people crowded together, pushing and breathing into the mouths of one another.

A few days earlier, the government had given notice of the rate of tests and further restricted where they could be performed. A bribe-taking system would have been my preference to bypass government restrictions, but no such system has evolved yet. Nevertheless, corruption has exploded, and self-centeredness, apathy, a dog-eat-dog environment has come to the surface. You see this everywhere; the scavengers are out in full force.

I went to a private COVID hospital. The situation in government hospitals is far worse, beyond my capacity to cope with it.

The World’s Worst Lockdown

Yet the story of COVID in India is hardly about COVID as such, which is nothing more than a trigger. More than twice as many people died of fairly easily treatable tuberculosis in 2020 than of COVID. Instead, this is a story of foolish rulers, completely hollowed out institutions, and a pathetically irrational and tribal society.

India’s Hunger Games: There is no history of Indians fighting back, for they lack moral consciousness. They also know that if they do fight back, their nails will get pulled out and they will be beaten with the stick on the sole of the feet, the usual practice. Courts do nothing.

— Jayant Bhandari (@JayantBhandari5) May 13, 2021

The lockdown that India declared in March 2020 was the world’s most atrocious. It was a nationwide curfew, with no-one allowed to leave home, not even to shop for groceries. The police destroyed grocery shops that dared to open. It took the government a couple of days to realize that people needed to buy food — the original decision had been a shot from the hip, completely bereft of any effort to think things through. During the four-month curfew, the police ruthlessly beat up people, particularly those who looked poor. Trains, flights, and all transportation had come to a complete, grinding halt.

India’s Hunger Games: Given an India a stick, and you can be assured he will use it. Give him a position of power, and he will abuse it, exploit people and humiliate them. Indians have no moral consciousness. They feel no righteous anger. They are either exploiters or exploited.

— Jayant Bhandari (@JayantBhandari5) April 27, 2021

India’s Hunger Games: The old way to control covid has come back with a vengeance. Destroy food and livelihood so that people instead die of hunger. There is no plan, only shooting from the hip.

— Jayant Bhandari (@JayantBhandari5) April 16, 2021

Many people relished to no end that they were allowed to restrict and abuse others, doing so by masquerading as do-gooders with the support of the law, inflicting pain on those who did not resist and taking the appalling results in stride. They then experienced elevated, sadistic, perhaps even sexual pleasure. As always, the exploiters and the exploited were two sides of the same coin, though forever interchangeable — the reason why India never finds an escape from its drudgery.

India’s Hunger Games: Police humiliating people to make them self-responsible. Only the stupid Indian regime knows how this adds up.

— Jayant Bhandari (@JayantBhandari5) May 3, 2021

When people were allowed to go out grocery shopping, the government required shops to open for limited hours each day, as if the virus were more dangerous at other hours. This led to overcrowding — so the opening hours were restricted further! Soon shops were instructed to open only for a limited number of days each week. After a year of this policy, the government is still unsure why crowding has continued to worsen.

India’s Hunger Games: Restricting opening hours of shops, according to the rulers, results in more social distancing. If that does not work, they do more of the same. This has been going on for a year. Now, grocery shops, in places, are open for only 4 hours, thrice a week.

— Jayant Bhandari (@JayantBhandari5) April 22, 2021

The country has actually been barricaded, making it look like a war zone, with many roads and highways entirely closed off. The remaining streets have only one side open for two-way traffic, leading to numerous head-on collisions. The barricades are not fluorescent, a technology that Indian safety experts have yet to appreciate.

Train services are minimal, and only a very limited number of security lineups is open at airports. The government believes this promotes social distancing. Wherever one is permitted to go, one is facing neck-to-neck over-crowding.

After a year of lockdown, the government hasn’t a clue how to control covid. They make utopian policies that do not work in India. Every new lockdown measure creates massive chaos, which spreads covid more than it contains. Here is Delhi, just before lockdown is to take effect.

— Jayant Bhandari (@JayantBhandari5) April 20, 2021

With the city barricaded, it took me forever to get to the airport. To protect politicians (from COVID and increasingly from irate citizens), large areas where they live have been completely closed off. Sick people cannot find a way to get to the hospital, although only those keen on dying should actually go there.

Shortages Everywhere

No hospital that is allowed to dispense COVID treatment has the beds, oxygen, or medicine available. Not one. A single dose of critical medicine, otherwise sold for $10, is selling for as much as $1,000. I even heard a price of $7,000. Oxygen cylinders, usually priced at around $10, today go for as much as $1,000, if you can find them. It is worth remembering that more than 80% of Indians live on less than $2 a day.

While people are desperately looking for oxygen cylinders, those savvy enough have stockpiled them and medicines at home. What would have been a slight shortage has snowballed into a complete disappearance from the market. So bad is the situation that people in top political positions are pleading for them on social media. One person I know had to get the governor of his state to let his relative be given priority in cremation.

The girl killed herself. The Indian police, instead of moving her body in a car or an ambulance, forced it on her father to walk with her body for 35 km for autopsy. This is the kind of apathy Indian institutions have.

— Jayant Bhandari (@JayantBhandari5) May 12, 2021

Getting an ambulance (which is no more than a broken taxi with a metallic stretcher) for a short ride, can cost many hundreds of dollars, in some cases running into thousands. Those who haven’t lived in India may find it hard to imagine, but this is not unique to these COVID days. India has never had a functioning ambulance system. That is why hundreds of thousands lacking help to get to the hospital die in the streets every year.

India’s Hunger Games: Indian way to send bodies to crematorium.

— Jayant Bhandari (@JayantBhandari5) May 2, 2021

But this is not a compassionate country. I was brought up in India, but I learned the meaning of “compassion” only when I left the country. During the past year, the police have brutalized many people in India, but not one Indian court has taken a suo motu interest in charging the police. Justice is merely some words scribbled on parchment.

Early this year, when Indian COVID cases were falling rapidly, there were talks about how the use of turmeric in Indian food, cow urine and dung in “treatment,” the “goodness of Indian genes,” and India’s “ancient, spiritual civilization” were behind the success. India was advertising itself as the savior of the world.

Treatment for covid: Cow dung.

— Jayant Bhandari (@JayantBhandari5) May 12, 2021

In fact – if facts mean anything – the Indian diet is among the worst in the world, full of carbohydrates, sugar and oil, and poor in nutrients and proteins. It is the kind of diet that makes one susceptible to chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. And a year of lockdown has seriously reduced the health of everyone. Those who could afford to sit at home gained weight, lost general immunity, and did not exercise. Poor people became much poorer, victims of massive unemployment and relatively high inflation. The beggars on the street remind one of the impoverished 1980s.

Hospitals Are For Dying

India has 0.5 hospital beds per 1,000 people, a fraction of what is required — only 5% of hospital beds are in ICUs. Even before COVID hit, Indian hospitals were overflowing with patients. They occupied every single bed, often with more than one person in every bed, and the space in corridors and between the gate and the buildings. I have never seen this any other way.

Japan had no lockdown. Its 2020 death rate fell. Covid has been chiefly a test of how well the institutions work, people manage their health, and the health system is structured. After a year, India hasn’t organized even the basics.

— Jayant Bhandari (@JayantBhandari5) April 21, 2021

Doctors and nurses are very ill-trained, lack competence, and are arrogant and heavy-handed. It is natural selection; the better ones tend to leave for the West. I have never been to a hospital — not even a private one — where work flowed correctly. My earliest memory of visiting a hospital is of two nurses giggling when one had given a wrong injection to a patient.

India’s Hunger Games: Dealing with the dead, the Indian way.

— Jayant Bhandari (@JayantBhandari5) May 2, 2021

Many years ago, someone I was helping out ended up in a government hospital. The doctor wanted to amputate his hand, for it was the easiest thing to do. We had to smuggle him out by bribing the policeman to a private hospital where his bones, with some work, could be set in place. Also, many years back, my granddad died, struggling for oxygen. He had gone to a private hospital, in his scooter, for a minor checkup. They ended up doing a few operations on him. While he struggled, the two doctors argued about how the pressure difference provided oxygen and drained urine.

India’s Hunger Games: The problem is not covid but an extraordinarily corrupt and apathetic medical system with no accountability. And these scenes are nothing new—I have never seen it any other way in India. One should avoid hospitals as much as one can

— Jayant Bhandari (@JayantBhandari5) May 4, 2021

The Indian medical system is one big orgy of doctors exchanging commissions for cross-referring to each other and getting laboratory tests done, making it the most corrupt sector of Indian society, worse than the government itself. Organ harvesting is not unknown. You go to an Indian hospital to die — and absolutely every Indian has stories to tell about this.

Lacking a functioning legal system, killer hospitals and doctors face no consequences. Today, given the new rules, COVID patients are removed from the sight of their families, ensuring that apathetic medical workers can do whatever they want.

India’s Hunger Games: Sadists, who have very fragile egos, want citizens to beg and self-flagellate before they do their jobs. When people genuflect, the low-lives running feel they are gods. One must be reminded that the exploiters & the exploited are two sides of the same coin

— Jayant Bhandari (@JayantBhandari5) April 28, 2021

Oxygen is very easy and cheap to produce, but even that has been in shortage forever. The sight of patients sitting outside hospitals with their oxygen cylinders is common and always has been. One must have government approvals to run, operate, and supply oxygen. Indian hospitals — even the big ones — do not have oxygen-producing plants.

India’s Hunger Games: You must realize that this is the second season of the games. Sadism is ramping up, incompetence is surfacing, and institutions have devolved into tyranny, the stick & the uniform. Happy hunger games.

— Jayant Bhandari (@JayantBhandari5) April 29, 2021

Merchants of Death and Grotesquely Stupid Rulers

India, of course, doesn’t have a clue what crisis management is about, which is the primary reason behind today’s crisis. COVID is merely the straw that broke the camel’s back. Lacking a crisis management unit or reflective thought, “managers” miss the fact that a slight shortage of critically needed items can create massive deficits as people start hoarding these essentials. Indians who are sane are ensuring that they keep their sick relatives outside the hospital system and are setting up improvised ICUs at home.

A few years ago there was a lot of talk about India providing medical tourism. Then it disappeared from the map, for those who did go to India for treatment realized that they were taking huge risks with their lives. Indian government hospitals exist only in name; Indian private hospitals are cesspits of corruption, incompetence, and utter apathy. I know no Indian who does not have a close relative who died because of the mess Indian hospitals are in. But they still cost a fortune to use, bankrupting millions of Indians every year. The COVID crisis is minting money for the merchants of death, leaving millions in desperate financial situations.

Let us do some simple math. India has approximately 700,000 hospital beds, very few of which are in ICUs, and a large number of which are reserved for politically connected people. For beds that are available, oxygen supply and doctor availability have always been a problem. With 400,000 new COVID cases happening every day, the system had to fall apart, regardless of the fact that only a tiny proportion of the population required hospitalization.

At least in mourning, one expects relatives to join in shouldering the dead to the crematorium. The absence of medical institutions in India has left society is fear-based paralysis. So this man is carrying his dead teen-daughter.

— Jayant Bhandari (@JayantBhandari5) May 17, 2021

The problem isn’t the number of cases, which is negligible as a proportion of the population, but the shiver of fear that the nonexistent medical infrastructure has sent down the spine of society. The country is drowning in fear and mourning, and this crisis can hardly be blamed on COVID. It must be blamed on the grotesque — almost incomprehensible — stupidity of its rulers. The government has no plans. Worse, it is doing the exact opposite of what should be done.

Modi centralized everything in precisely the opposite way from what he should have done. After a year, he still has no clue that limiting opening hours of grocery stores does not decrease crowding but increases it. Similarly, he doesn’t know that it makes no sense to send those looking for vaccination and testing to places where COVID patients are. Yet, over a month ago, he declared a win over COVID. He organized massive gatherings for election canvassing — just the thing to celebrate vanquishing an epidemic, right?

India’s Hunger Games: With every passing day, India is regressing to its pre-British dark ages of raw tribalism, superstitions, and subsistence living. With crematoriums difficult to get access to, people are dumping their dead in the river.

— Jayant Bhandari (@JayantBhandari5) May 13, 2021

Merely a Symptom

About 28,000 Indians die every day. These days, 3,000 people extra people die of COVID, a slight increase in overall deaths. The blame doesn’t go as much to COVID for filling up India’s crematoria as it goes to a lack of excess capacity. People have always waited in line for cremation. While the international media shows how packed crematoria are, this is nothing unusual, except that a 10% increase in cremations has clogged the system.

India’s Hunger Games: Indian’s problem is not covid, but the absence of institutions, and no planning. A slight increase in hospitalization, oxygen, and medicine need has brought the system crashing down.

— Jayant Bhandari (@JayantBhandari5) May 2, 2021

But COVID is real, and there are cases everywhere. Entire families are affected. Many people my family knows have died. The death rate is guaranteed to increase as time goes by. India has stopped treating people for anything other than COVID. People are dying of kidney failures, heart attacks, lack of trauma care, etc. And COVID patients cannot get oxygen.

Those who get into the hospitals are getting overdosed for COVID by the clueless medical staff. Those who should get expensive medicine get something else instead, while what they paid for gets smuggled out by nurses — when the patients are removed from the sight of their relatives, there is no one to check on what is happening.

Those lucky enough to find a bed in a private hospital are spending at American rates. But this isn’t just the problem in COVID days. This has always been a problem.

India’s prime minister, Narendra “Teflon” Modi – despite his numerous blunders, he has yet to suffer a backlash from voters. In fact, his popularity appears to be perfectly intact so far, which is quite astonishing. [PT]

Over the last year, Modi spent a lot of time making noise, patting himself on his back, and destroying the economy, sending at least 75 million new people into desperate poverty. But he and his yes-men failed to organize such simple things as oxygen, new beds, and logistics for essential medicine. It would have made a lot more sense to quadruple beds in Indian hospitals rather than destroy at least 10% of the economy, as Modi did in 2020. He should have set up a system to make the medical profession accountable. Had he done these things, the recent COVID spike would not have been much of an event.

After years of a love affair with Modi, the international media have left him as rats leave a sinking ship. All fingers are now pointing at him, as if India, the biggest democracy in the world, would change course if only he were to be removed. Alas, all this pain and suffering is nothing unusual for India. The West is simply overreacting to the visible aspects of COVID.

There is no evidence that democracy leads to more liberty and peace. As the character of the masses increasingly reflects in the democratic institutions, what you get is more violence and decadence. Post-election scenes from in West Bengal (India):

— Jayant Bhandari (@JayantBhandari5) May 4, 2021

The Indian government is merely a symptom of India’s tribal culture. Indians vote along the lines of their caste, their religion, a politician’s offer of freebies, etc. They lack moral and social consciousness, thus it is hard to believe that they would elect a government in possession of same — Modi is just a symptom.

India does not have a COVID crisis. India has a government crisis. More fundamentally, it has a crisis of irrationality. There is never any planning and forward-thinking, neither at the individual nor at the institutional level. The nation is always at the precipice of disaster. Over the past 73 years of so-called independence, Indians have hollowed out the institutions the British left behind. These fragile institutions are now collapsing.

India’s population is ten times larger than it was before the British arrived. With all benefits bestowed on India by the British slowly getting neutralized, it does not take great mathematical skills to realize that eventually the Indian population will, without continual help from the West, revert to its former equilibrium, 10% of what it is today. COVID or whatever else will merely be the catalyst.

India’s Hunger Games: The hungry and sick must come out. And the sadists absolutely love it. The inertia of the British system is coming to an end. Can the hollowed-out institutions survive?

— Jayant Bhandari (@JayantBhandari5) April 12, 2021

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Wednesday, May 26, 2021 6:51 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
This has been the biggest con I've witnessed in my lifetime.

Be careful. Many folk have been taken in, hook, line, and sinker. Many of these gullible call themselves scientists. And Doctors. And academics. They are all smarter than everybody else - because they said so, and because they could not get into real science programs without Affirmative Action Admissions to lift them above the level of really smart people.

The real question might be: who are in on it? And who are just gullible?


Wednesday, May 26, 2021 7:48 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
It seems the links have been scrubbed from Big Tech Media, but I was listening to reports about how Liar-In-Chief Fauci's Gain-Of-Function research at Wuhan Labs managed to leak out Fauci Flu, aka Covid-19.
Why Wuhan? Because that research is illegal in the United States, there is a moratorium against it (because it is far too dangerous). And U.S. funding cannot support such research, unless a waiver is signed. So, who signed the waiver that allowed Fauci to fund the research which is illegal in the U.S.? Fauci signed the waiver.

Well, I guess me posting this today is not news to those who consume real news.
This must have been all exposed last night on levintv, with an interview with Nicholas Wade.
That interview was taped last Wednesday, which makes that the first revelation of all these facts, which I heard late last week.

I keep hearing these revelations on more and more news shows. Maybe in a few months such real news might be on CNN. Maybe in a few years, on 60 Minutes.


Wednesday, May 26, 2021 9:56 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
This has been the biggest con I've witnessed in my lifetime.

Be careful. Many folk have been taken in, hook, line, and sinker. Many of these gullible call themselves scientists. And Doctors. And academics. They are all smarter than everybody else - because they said so, and because they could not get into real science programs without Affirmative Action Admissions to lift them above the level of really smart people.

The real question might be: who are in on it? And who are just gullible?

As long as you know there are four lights, the answer to that question doesn't even matter.

The vast majority of college educated twits in this country have proven themselves to be nothing worth envying. It's a free country, so they can go right on telling anybody who doesn't have a degree that they're smarter, but I'm just as free to tell them to fuck right off and go bounce on that worthless diploma they'll be paying off for a majority of their adulthood.

It is nice in the meantime that some journalists have seemed to decide it's time to do their fucking jobs for once now that Trump is out of office though.

It's funny how many things they were telling us were conspiracy theories last year are now all of the sudden something to take serious this year, innit?


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Thursday, May 27, 2021 7:54 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
It seems the links have been scrubbed from Big Tech Media, but I was listening to reports about how Liar-In-Chief Fauci's Gain-Of-Function research at Wuhan Labs managed to leak out Fauci Flu, aka Covid-19.
Why Wuhan? Because that research is illegal in the United States, there is a moratorium against it (because it is far too dangerous). And U.S. funding cannot support such research, unless a waiver is signed. So, who signed the waiver that allowed Fauci to fund the research which is illegal in the U.S.? Fauci signed the waiver.

Well, I guess me posting this today is not news to those who consume real news.
This must have been all exposed last night on levintv, with an interview with Nicholas Wade.
That interview was taped last Wednesday, which makes that the first revelation of all these facts, which I heard late last week.

I keep hearing these revelations on more and more news shows. Maybe in a few months such real news might be on CNN. Maybe in a few years, on 60 Minutes.

This show repeating this weekend, either Sat or Sun. On Fox (FNC, I think).


Sunday, May 30, 2021 11:42 PM


I have not seen anybody here discuss CA releasing another 76,000 criminals.

Haven't conjured if this is a result of election theft, or Gavin recall, of Commie-la, or what.
Maybe Jim Crow vaccinations.

What's it about?


Monday, May 31, 2021 1:25 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Somewhere, perhaps in this thread or another, you provided a link that contained 2 links to different publications of Fauci's gain-of-function missive. I did click on those links and read it(them). But since they dealt with INFLUENZA gain-of-function research and not CORONAVIRUS gain-of-function research (those being entirely separate types of viruses) it didn't really apply to SARS-CoV-2. While one could tag Fauci as being generally supportive of gain-of-function research (he had positives to say about the idea that he indicated were greater than the negatives), the publication(s) didn't link him with coronavirus ... or Wuhan ... or specific projects, or anything directly related. At worst, Fauci was just hopefully but generally musing on the overall idea of gain-of-function work.

So I didn't post anything but just passed on by.

But because of that, today I almost didn't click on your links here. (And since I'm not here all the time I often miss entire threads. I don't recall seeing this particular convo and set of links before, so I must have missed it the first few cycles through.)

That said, these links you posted here do directly indicate a money trail from NIAID and NIH under Fauci's (and others') control, through Peter Daszak (British), to Wuhan, for gain-of-function CORONAVIRUS research. Perhaps someone may come by to dispute those stories: someone with more time and money whose job it is to find and report out facts might be able to point out problems with the equation research money = Wuhan = coronavirus = SARS-CoV-2. But as it stands, it sure does look like Fauci (and others) can be implicated at least generally in Wuhan's virology lab coronavirus gain-of-function research.

But I think the story may go deeper than that. There is plenty of evidence that COVID-19 was already on the loose in China BEFORE the Wuhan wet-market focus. That fact needs to be looked into as well.


Monday, May 31, 2021 8:47 AM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:


Somewhere, perhaps in this thread or another, you provided a link that contained 2 links to different publications of Fauci's gain-of-function missive. I did click on those links and read it(them). But since they dealt with INFLUENZA gain-of-function research and not CORONAVIRUS gain-of-function research (those being entirely separate types of viruses) it didn't really apply to SARS-CoV-2.

Are you sure you're not mixing that up with my post here?

If so, that's not two publications. It's just one, and then a link to a downloadable PDF of the same publication.

Also if so, I strongly disagree with your assessment that it doesn't apply to today.

Particularly this part:


Putting aside the specter of bioterrorism for the moment, consider this hypothetical scenario: an important gain-of-function experiment involving a virus with serious pandemic potential is performed in a well-regulated, world-class laboratory by experienced investigators, but the information from the experiment is then used by another scientist who does not have the same training and facilities and is not subject to the same regulations. In an unlikely but conceivable turn of events, what if that scientist becomes infected with the virus, which leads to an outbreak and ultimately triggers a pandemic? Many ask reasonable questions: given the possibility of such a scenario—however remote—should the initial experiments have been performed and/or published in the first place, and what were the processes involved in this decision?

Scientists working in this field might say—as indeed I have said—that the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks. It is more likely that a pandemic would occur in nature, and the need to stay ahead of such a threat is a primary reason for performing an experiment that might appear to be risky. However, we must respect that there are genuine and legitimate concerns about this type of research, both domestically and globally. We cannot expect those who have these concerns to simply take us, the scientific community, at our word that the benefits of this work outweigh the risks, nor can we ignore their calls for greater transparency, their concerns about conflicts of interest, and their efforts to engage in a dialog about whether these experiments should have been performed in the first place. Those of us in the scientific community who believe in the merits of this work have the responsibility to address these concerns thoughtfully and respectfully.

So we find ourselves in a situation where this is exactly what happened. What was allowed to happen.

And in the mean time, 9 years after this publication was written, there is and should be ZERO trust in these scientists and their work. These are the type of people who put a dollar sign on human life and give everyone a number instead of a name.

This particular leak in 2020, while not the flu, triggered a "pandemic" that didn't kill anybody. But what else have they got cooking in those kitchens? How dangerous are the other things they're cooking up? And just how many more of those kitchens are behind hostile foreign lines?


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Monday, May 31, 2021 2:58 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Somewhere, perhaps in this thread or another, you provided a link that contained 2 links to different publications of Fauci's gain-of-function missive. I did click on those links and read it(them). But since they dealt with INFLUENZA gain-of-function research and not CORONAVIRUS gain-of-function research (those being entirely separate types of viruses) it didn't really apply to SARS-CoV-2. While one could tag Fauci as being generally supportive of gain-of-function research (he had positives to say about the idea that he indicated were greater than the negatives), the publication(s) didn't link him with coronavirus ... or Wuhan ... or specific projects, or anything directly related. At worst, Fauci was just hopefully but generally musing on the overall idea of gain-of-function work.

So I didn't post anything but just passed on by.

But because of that, today I almost didn't click on your links here. (And since I'm not here all the time I often miss entire threads. I don't recall seeing this particular convo and set of links before, so I must have missed it the first few cycles through.)

Here is an excellent example of how drastic is the media blackout bubble for California. This real news revelation has been all over the Real News for more than 10 days, practically everywhere I turn - as if it wasn't known a year ago. And yet, somehow, Real News has not infiltrated the Libtard warrens of CA. It really is a different world out there. Maybe the news there is too crowded with how Presidente Obrador is treating the loyal Citizens there.

That said, these links you posted here do directly indicate a money trail from NIAID and NIH under Fauci's (and others') control, through Peter Daszak (British), to Wuhan, for gain-of-function CORONAVIRUS research. Perhaps someone may come by to dispute those stories: someone with more time and money whose job it is to find and report out facts might be able to point out problems with the equation research money = Wuhan = coronavirus = SARS-CoV-2. But as it stands, it sure does look like Fauci (and others) can be implicated at least generally in Wuhan's virology lab coronavirus gain-of-function research.

But I think the story may go deeper than that. There is plenty of evidence that COVID-19 was already on the loose in China BEFORE the Wuhan wet-market focus. That fact needs to be looked into as well.

So are you saying that there is not any Moratorium against Gain Of Function research in America, as long as it applies to The Flu, Influenza? Only against Fauci Flu, Coronavirus?


Monday, May 31, 2021 3:08 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
It seems the links have been scrubbed from Big Tech Media, but I was listening to reports about how Liar-In-Chief Fauci's Gain-Of-Function research at Wuhan Labs managed to leak out Fauci Flu, aka Covid-19.
Why Wuhan? Because that research is illegal in the United States, there is a moratorium against it (because it is far too dangerous). And U.S. funding cannot support such research, unless a waiver is signed. So, who signed the waiver that allowed Fauci to fund the research which is illegal in the U.S.? Fauci signed the waiver.

Well, I guess me posting this today is not news to those who consume real news.
This must have been all exposed last night on levintv, with an interview with Nicholas Wade.
That interview was taped last Wednesday, which makes that the first revelation of all these facts, which I heard late last week.

I keep hearing these revelations on more and more news shows. Maybe in a few months such real news might be on CNN. Maybe in a few years, on 60 Minutes.

This show repeating this weekend, either Sat or Sun. On Fox (FNC, I think).

I was slow to realize this was Memorial Day weekend.
So maybe this episode could still be repeated again tonight.
I believe it is only the one interview, for the entire show.


Monday, May 31, 2021 3:13 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I have not seen anybody here discuss CA releasing another 76,000 criminals.

Haven't conjured if this is a result of election theft, or Gavin recall, of Commie-la, or what.

What's it about?


Monday, May 31, 2021 3:35 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by 1KIKI:


Somewhere, perhaps in this thread or another, you provided a link that contained 2 links to different publications of Fauci's gain-of-function missive. I did click on those links and read it(them). But since they dealt with INFLUENZA gain-of-function research and not CORONAVIRUS gain-of-function research (those being entirely separate types of viruses) it didn't really apply to SARS-CoV-2.

Are you sure you're not mixing that up with my post here?

If so, that's not two publications. It's just one, and then a link to a downloadable PDF of the same publication.

Also if so, I strongly disagree with your assessment that it doesn't apply to today.

Particularly this part:


Putting aside the specter of bioterrorism for the moment, consider this hypothetical scenario: an important gain-of-function experiment involving a virus with serious pandemic potential is performed in a well-regulated, world-class laboratory by experienced investigators, but the information from the experiment is then used by another scientist who does not have the same training and facilities and is not subject to the same regulations. In an unlikely but conceivable turn of events, what if that scientist becomes infected with the virus, which leads to an outbreak and ultimately triggers a pandemic? Many ask reasonable questions: given the possibility of such a scenario—however remote—should the initial experiments have been performed and/or published in the first place, and what were the processes involved in this decision?

Scientists working in this field might say—as indeed I have said—that the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks. It is more likely that a pandemic would occur in nature, and the need to stay ahead of such a threat is a primary reason for performing an experiment that might appear to be risky. However, we must respect that there are genuine and legitimate concerns about this type of research, both domestically and globally. We cannot expect those who have these concerns to simply take us, the scientific community, at our word that the benefits of this work outweigh the risks, nor can we ignore their calls for greater transparency, their concerns about conflicts of interest, and their efforts to engage in a dialog about whether these experiments should have been performed in the first place. Those of us in the scientific community who believe in the merits of this work have the responsibility to address these concerns thoughtfully and respectfully.

So we find ourselves in a situation where this is exactly what happened. What was allowed to happen.

And in the mean time, 9 years after this publication was written, there is and should be ZERO trust in these scientists and their work. These are the type of people who put a dollar sign on human life and give everyone a number instead of a name.

This particular leak in 2020, while not the flu, triggered a "pandemic" that didn't kill anybody. But what else have they got cooking in those kitchens? How dangerous are the other things they're cooking up? And just how many more of those kitchens are behind hostile foreign lines?


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.

It really is a shame that everyone is going to bury their heads in the sand on this one until it's too late.

That's humanity for you. We'll get exactly what we deserve.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Monday, May 31, 2021 3:51 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Somewhere, perhaps in this thread or another, you provided a link that contained 2 links to different publications of Fauci's gain-of-function missive. I did click on those links and read it(them). But since they dealt with INFLUENZA gain-of-function research and not CORONAVIRUS gain-of-function research (those being entirely separate types of viruses) it didn't really apply to SARS-CoV-2.

Are you sure you're not mixing that up with my post here?

If so, that's not two publications. It's just one, and then a link to a downloadable PDF of the same publication.

Also if so, I strongly disagree with your assessment that it doesn't apply to today.

Particularly this part:

Putting aside the specter of bioterrorism for the moment, consider this hypothetical scenario: an important gain-of-function experiment involving a virus with serious pandemic potential is performed in a well-regulated, world-class laboratory by experienced investigators, but the information from the experiment is then used by another scientist who does not have the same training and facilities and is not subject to the same regulations. In an unlikely but conceivable turn of events, what if that scientist becomes infected with the virus, which leads to an outbreak and ultimately triggers a pandemic? Many ask reasonable questions: given the possibility of such a scenario—however remote—should the initial experiments have been performed and/or published in the first place, and what were the processes involved in this decision?

Scientists working in this field might say—as indeed I have said—that the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks. It is more likely that a pandemic would occur in nature, and the need to stay ahead of such a threat is a primary reason for performing an experiment that might appear to be risky. However, we must respect that there are genuine and legitimate concerns about this type of research, both domestically and globally. We cannot expect those who have these concerns to simply take us, the scientific community, at our word that the benefits of this work outweigh the risks, nor can we ignore their calls for greater transparency, their concerns about conflicts of interest, and their efforts to engage in a dialog about whether these experiments should have been performed in the first place. Those of us in the scientific community who believe in the merits of this work have the responsibility to address these concerns thoughtfully and respectfully.

So we find ourselves in a situation where this is exactly what happened. What was allowed to happen.

And in the mean time, 9 years after this publication was written, there is and should be ZERO trust in these scientists and their work. These are the type of people who put a dollar sign on human life and give everyone a number instead of a name.

This particular leak in 2020, while not the flu, triggered a "pandemic" that didn't kill anybody. But what else have they got cooking in those kitchens? How dangerous are the other things they're cooking up? And just how many more of those kitchens are behind hostile foreign lines?

It really is a shame that everyone is going to bury their heads in the sand on this one until it's too late.

That's humanity for you. We'll get exactly what we deserve.

Are you starting to channel Nostradamus? Cassandra?


Monday, May 31, 2021 3:59 PM


Everything's eventual.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Monday, May 31, 2021 5:16 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Here is an excellent example of how drastic is the media blackout bubble for California. This real news revelation has been all over the Real News for more than 10 days ...
You Real News is ... where ... ? FOX radio maybe? Oh, btw, there is no "California" media blackout. Because I keep a good eye on the m$m via the internet and TV, which are both NATIONAL.

So are you saying that there is not any Moratorium against Gain Of Function research in America, as long as it applies to The Flu, Influenza? Only against Fauci Flu, Coronavirus?
The Fauci missives were from 2012. Obama's moratorium started in 2014. I have no idea what you're trying to say except that Fauci deserves a Nobel for time-traveling his opinion to dispute the gain-of-function moratorium 2 years before the moratorium was established.


Monday, May 31, 2021 5:17 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

No Jack, I wasn't referring to your post at all.


Monday, May 31, 2021 6:57 PM


My mistake.

Have you any thoughts about my post?


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Monday, May 31, 2021 7:57 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Have you any thoughts about my post?
I should have gone to it instead of clicking on links to links to duck-duck-go to links to ... in order to find the Fauci quotes!

His opinion was just so much blather. It claimed benefits of gain-of-function research without showing proof - or even a single example. It exhorted scientists doing that research to greater transparency - which he himself then later completely obscured by going through chains of outside organizations and labs to hide NIH funded gain-of-function coronavirus research in Wuhan.

Imo he's a snake. And his pronouncements to the US public sometimes contain (but are not entirely) evasions, partial truths, and even self-serving lies. Maybe Daszak is too, along with others who did that kind of research on the DL with a nod and wink.

But there is nothing that links any of that research to SARS-CoV-2 directly. So calling him, and the Wuhan lab, guilty based on assumptions is premature. And given how the Deep State works, the massive effort to scapegoat China, and specifically the Wuhan laboratory, for all of this really, really makes me question why.

Just fyi there is a lot of evidence some serious medical stuff was going on in China, but not in Wuhan, before the problem broke out into the open. One example are satellite photos of parking lots around medical facilities that suddenly and unusually filled up with cars. That item would be like the UCLA track-back of unusual non-influenza respiratory illness spiking 50% in SoCal the very same month of the Wuhan outbreak - months BEFORE it was recognized in the US.

So indirect evidence points to a pre-Wuhan event.


Monday, May 31, 2021 9:32 PM


All true, but regardless of whether or not Covid was itself involved, we know that he was specifically writing the prequel to Steven King's The Stand about an allegedly deadly variant of the flu nine years ago.

What other deadly shit have they been working on while not even spending five minutes to make a half-assed attempt at a facade of transparency?

Don't be so quick to call Fauci a snake and make him the scapegoat yourself.

From where I'm sitting, that whole outfit is a den of snakes. He's just the one with the silver tongue.

And the fact that we are even allowed to know as much as we do and a person like Fauci even needs to be talking in public makes me believe that something worse is on its way. Why expose yourself from being able to work in secret if you no longer care at all about being able to work in secret?


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Monday, May 31, 2021 11:00 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Yeah, well maybe Daszak and others are snakes as well, who've decided the peons don't count, compared to their aims and goals. Whatever they are. My impression is that there was actual collusion going on to evade any paltry attempts at restrictions or transparency.

WAAaaayyyy back when many decades ago I read Expedition Venus as a pre-teen. I read The White Plague, The Screwfly Solution, The Andromeda Strain when it first came out, and other sci-fi books like that. (The only episode of the original Hawaii Five-O that I ever liked - but I liked it A LOT - was Three Dead Cows at Makapuu - that dealt with the creation of a bioweapon inimical to all life on earth.)

I later graduated to nonfiction like The Coming Plague, The Hot Zone, Deadly Outbreaks, Deadly Feasts, and others that introduced me to the real-life world of biowarfare, pandemics, 'research'nudge-wink!, and research. What I learned is that there are entire layers of governments, private industries, institutions, and academia, hip-deep in this stuff, skirting if not outright violating whatever limits they're supposed to act under.

I have no doubt that there's stuff out there that's god-awful.

The trick is to figure out what's likely or even possible v conspiracy theory.

Anyway, I require real world evidence. But I'm not holding hard and fast to any one notion, because new evidence is coming in all the time.

For example, I was at first somewhat sympathetic to Fauci because he seemed to be facing a strong anti-science headwind. Since then, starting at when he admitted to fudging the truth in his messages to the American people, he ruined his credibility with me. I truly believe that you need to stick with the facts, even if they're complicated and nuanced, or you have to draw lines around information and the yawning nothingness it sits in, and even if you have to say 'I don't know'. Lately, it looks like Fauci's really trying to cya, to hide his involvement in something worse we don't yet know about. And his cohorts are trying to do the same. And also, maybe tptb are trying to paint an indelible target around Wuhan by saying LOOK HERE !! because we're not supposed to look somewhere else. But then, I could be wrong about that.

For me, it's all subject to rethinking as new data comes in.


Monday, May 31, 2021 11:36 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Have you any thoughts about my post?
I should have gone to it instead of clicking on links to links to duck-duck-go to links to ... in order to find the Fauci quotes!

His opinion was just so much blather. It claimed benefits of gain-of-function research without showing proof - or even a single example. It exhorted scientists doing that research to greater transparency - which he himself then later completely obscured by going through chains of outside organizations and labs to hide NIH funded gain-of-function coronavirus research in Wuhan.

Imo he's a snake. And his pronouncements to the US public sometimes contain (but are not entirely) evasions, partial truths, and even self-serving lies. Maybe Daszak is too, along with others who did that kind of research on the DL with a nod and wink.

But there is nothing that links any of that research to SARS-CoV-2 directly. So calling him, and the Wuhan lab, guilty based on assumptions is premature. And given how the Deep State works, the massive effort to scapegoat China, and specifically the Wuhan laboratory, for all of this really, really makes me question why.

Just fyi there is a lot of evidence some serious medical stuff was going on in China, but not in Wuhan, before the problem broke out into the open. One example are satellite photos of parking lots around medical facilities that suddenly and unusually filled up with cars. That item would be like the UCLA track-back of unusual non-influenza respiratory illness spiking 50% in SoCal the very same month of the Wuhan outbreak - months BEFORE it was recognized in the US.

So indirect evidence points to a pre-Wuhan event.

I got it in November 2019.
The company owners and Project Managers, Lead Engineers had just returned from work trips. I think those trips were Germany, Italy, and someplace else in Yurp.


Monday, May 31, 2021 11:43 PM


Well... as actual intellectuals, and not the dime store versions we're churning out of "higher education" indoctrination camps, it kind of falls on us, or at least people like us, to do... well... something. Anything...

Sitting around and waiting for new data is doing nothing. The viruses themselves are completely objective and don't give two shits about any subjective notions of morality or who is on which side of the argument. Any argument. They have no concept of time or respect for anything who bides it.

I don't believe there's anything "conspiracy theory" about any of this. If your mind can conceive it, they're already working on it. And they're still doing it all in secret, with a bogus bug like Covid-19 being their Copperfield distraction of the day while making the Statue of Liberty disappear right in front of your eyes while your mind was otherwise occupied.

Fauci is a tool. Government officials, both here and abroad are tools. The WHO is a tool. The CDC is a tool. Anybody who's face you've ever seen or who's name you have ever heard come out of anybody's lips are tools.

People need to know the truth, and at the same time it's highly unlikely that people will ever know the truth. The truth is whatever worst case scenario you could possibly imagine is, and probably much worse than that depending entirely upon how imaginative the person doing the imagining is.

The truth is, it's almost certainly already too late to do anything about it. Most people wouldn't actually want to know what was really going on to the point where they would outright deny it if they saw it with their own eyes. Hell... Most days I wish I was 30 IQ points dumber than I was.

This is all end of the world stuff. At the very least it's end of the world as we know it stuff. Covid-19 is only the beginning. Whether intentional or not, and most likely a mix of both in the future, we're going to be inflicted with things that are going to make us long for the days of 2020 and our silly little toilet paper hoarding and our silly little arguments about whether or not we should be forced to wear masks.

I'm just hoping when that day of reckoning comes that those of us intelligent enough to have seen it coming from a mile away can take solace in the fact that there truly wasn't anything we could have ever done to stop it. Assuming any of us live long enough through it when it comes, it would be nice to think that we could still sleep at night by doing our best to always try to keep that in mind.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Tuesday, June 1, 2021 3:09 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"If your mind can conceive it, they're already working on it."

Well ... as a species, we have whole words, whole libraries even!, about things that don't exist. Like Zeus, or heaven. Or telekinesis. And I personally have even had extremely vivid dreams where I could fly through the air. But afaik, despite the vividness of my mind's conception, they haven't created humans who fly by telekinesis yet. So imo there's a line between fantastical mind-creation, and perception of reality, that one shouldn't cross too eagerly.

I too believe there will be a reckoning. It'll probably come as a quite natural consequence of our own human shortcoming of being tribal first, and not rational (even though we think we're so smart!). So the globe may fry in the heat. Or we'll go up in a puff of nuclear smoke. ... We are already there. All we have to do is let time unfurl and not change what we're doing.

Personally, I'd prefer that we don't do ourselves in and take the planet with us. That at least is theoretically under our control.

It would be nice if us humans could stop the train we've created that's running full tilt over a cliff. That would be a helpful use of our supposed intelligence.

But imo it's only possible if we can separate the real from our fantasies.


Tuesday, June 1, 2021 8:27 AM


I'd take your imagination and focus the scope down to only viruses and what's going on in the labs. No gods, no flat earth, no lizard people. Alex Jones shouldn't worry about the Satanists at CERN trying to open a portal up to Hell because we already did that when BP opened a hole in the ocean floor.

The 2020's have been chock full of Conspiracy Theory stuff coming true. Either through whistleblowers like Snowden or them flat out telling us that there's shit in the sky and we supposedly don't know what it is.

Just because we CAN do something doesn't mean we SHOULD do something. The two things that are going to be our ultimate downfall are going to be the tech we produce or the biological weapons we make.

The second biggest problem we have here is that the rich and powerful are okay with the tinkering because everyone who has the means wants to be the first to have it so they can control who dies by it.

The first is the "smart" people who should know better but are excited to be doing the research and testing. Ultimately, everything bad that ends up happening to us falls squarely on their shoulders. All of the money in the world wouldn't be able to produce the war machines they are making right now.

The know it all lab coats will be what bring around the next extinction event.

Follow the Science... right into the abyss.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Tuesday, June 1, 2021 1:48 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Well, fwiw we're already in the middle of an extinction event, aka a mass extinction. And it didn't take evil geniuses making a Satan Bug. All it took was an economic system that HAS to continuously expand to survive, and the technology to exploit fossil fuels on a mass scale - plus of course human tribalism that can't expand its thinking to others or the future.

Though I don't have much hope we'll stop the runaway train going to the cliff that we built, there's nothing inevitable, like gravity, about the path we're on. It's merely a human construct.


Wednesday, June 2, 2021 8:26 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
It seems the links have been scrubbed from Big Tech Media, but I was listening to reports about how Liar-In-Chief Fauci's Gain-Of-Function research at Wuhan Labs managed to leak out Fauci Flu, aka Covid-19.
Why Wuhan? Because that research is illegal in the United States, there is a moratorium against it (because it is far too dangerous). And U.S. funding cannot support such research, unless a waiver is signed. So, who signed the waiver that allowed Fauci to fund the research which is illegal in the U.S.? Fauci signed the waiver.

It sounds like Liar-in-Chief Fauci's emails have been uncovered, and non-Libtards are pouring over them.

They have gobs of emails from Jan 2020 explaining that covid came from a lab, and how they need to spin a narrative that it did not come from a lab - anything but their lab.


Wednesday, June 2, 2021 8:41 PM


Looks like I was right again.

Imagine that.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Wednesday, June 2, 2021 8:44 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Here is an excellent example of how drastic is the media blackout bubble for California. This real news revelation has been all over the Real News for more than 10 days ...
You Real News is ... where ... ? FOX radio maybe? Oh, btw, there is no "California" media blackout. Because I keep a good eye on the m$m via the internet and TV, which are both NATIONAL.

So are you saying that there is not any Moratorium against Gain Of Function research in America, as long as it applies to The Flu, Influenza? Only against Fauci Flu, Coronavirus?
The Fauci missives were from 2012. Obama's moratorium started in 2014. I have no idea what you're trying to say except that Fauci deserves a Nobel for time-traveling his opinion to dispute the gain-of-function moratorium 2 years before the moratorium was established.

The California media blackout bubble is so effective that some within the News blackout deny that the News void even exists where it exists.
Yes, I have little doubt that unbiased and fair, honest Entertainment networks like CNN have outlets across the Libtard plains. That you cannot recognize that CNN is a News Blackout is telling.

However, I'm wondering about....FOX radio. I wonder if there is a Fox Radio Network. What do they broadcast? If it is a copy of FNC, run into the ground by Libtard Lachlan Murdoch, then no wonder I have not run across it. But in a Media News Blackout bubble like CA, this might be a viable news source - at least for those thirsty for Real News.


Wednesday, June 2, 2021 8:45 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Looks like I was right again.

Imagine that.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.

I thought you were getting tired of that.


Wednesday, June 2, 2021 9:06 PM


Gosh, there are A LOT of commercial ads trying to convince, cajole, coerce, force folk to get a Jim Crow Vaxx.
More and more and more.

Pretty sure that is our tax money going to waste, trying to brainwash the critical thinking capable, the smartest folk in the nation.


Wednesday, June 2, 2021 10:32 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Looks like I was right again.

Imagine that.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.

I thought you were getting tired of that.

If it were harder to do, it might at least not be boring.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Wednesday, June 2, 2021 10:41 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Gosh, there are A LOT of commercial ads trying to convince, cajole, coerce, force folk to get a Jim Crow Vaxx.
More and more and more.

Pretty sure that is our tax money going to waste, trying to brainwash the critical thinking capable, the smartest folk in the nation.

I was walking into a store on Memorial Day and I heard a maskless dude around my age say to his maskless wife or girlfriend around my age, who came in right behind me say in a very hushed tone "yada yada yada get a haircut", followed by "yada yada yada get a vaccination".

Wrong move.

I turned right around, got right up in his face, put my finger right next to his eye and said "I'm not getting a fucking haircut. And I'm not getting a fucking vaccine. And I'll wear this fucking mask until the day that I die if I have to." And then I turned around, letting him stand in a puddle of his own piss, and walked in.

The little cuck bitch knew he made a mistake and was speechless.

As I walked in I thought to myself what I should have said after that...

Now here's what's going to happen. You're going to a barbecue tonight with your wife. You're both going to get drunk. Go home. And then you're wife is going to fantasize about me while she's fucking your lame ass.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Thursday, June 3, 2021 7:42 PM


After Trump created WARP SPEED and commissioned millions of vaccine doses, and also implemented a fantastic distribution system, Lord Darth Biden came in a so greatly bungled everything that they cannot get the doses to Americans efficiently, keeping them in storage until they expire, and now they need to export the doses which are on the verge of expiration. What a unmitigated Libtard failure of a Bozo.


Thursday, June 3, 2021 7:44 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
It seems the links have been scrubbed from Big Tech Media, but I was listening to reports about how Liar-In-Chief Fauci's Gain-Of-Function research at Wuhan Labs managed to leak out Fauci Flu, aka Covid-19.
Why Wuhan? Because that research is illegal in the United States, there is a moratorium against it (because it is far too dangerous). And U.S. funding cannot support such research, unless a waiver is signed. So, who signed the waiver that allowed Fauci to fund the research which is illegal in the U.S.? Fauci signed the waiver.

It sounds like Liar-in-Chief Fauci's emails have been uncovered, and non-Libtards are pouring over them.

They have gobs of emails from Jan 2020 explaining that covid came from a lab, and how they need to spin a narrative that it did not come from a lab - anything but their lab.

Sounds like Mark Levin will be discussing this at length on Sean Hannity's TV Show tonight

The breaking article was by Nicholas Wade, in the Bulletin of Atomic Science, on 5 May 2021. over 11,000 word, 34 pages single spaced.


Thursday, June 3, 2021 11:22 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
After Trump created WARP SPEED and commissioned millions of vaccine doses, and also implemented a fantastic distribution system, Lord Darth Biden came in a so greatly bungled everything that they cannot get the doses to Americans efficiently, keeping them in storage until they expire, and now they need to export the doses which are on the verge of expiration. What a unmitigated Libtard failure of a Bozo.

That's just the story the Fake News is printing.

It's the only story they can print, because they don't want to tell you the truth that nobody is lining up for the vaccine anymore and states are requesting far less than they were allotted because nobody wants them.

P.S. I hear West Virginia is offering its citizens guns, cash and pickup trucks to get the vaccine.

How much is your body worth to you?


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Tuesday, June 8, 2021 5:55 PM


Judicial Watch Obtains Records Showing NIAID under Dr. Fauci Gave Wuhan Lab $826k for Bat Coronavirus Research From 2014 to 2019

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch today announced that it obtained 280 pages of documents from the Department of Health and Human Services revealing that from 2014 to 2019, $826,277 was given to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for bat coronavirus research by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which is headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci.

The documents, some of which were redacted or withheld in their entirely, were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit seeking records of communications, contracts and agreements with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (No. 1:21-cv-00696)). The agency is only processing 300 pages records per month, which means it will take until the end of November for the records to be fully reviewed and released under FOIA.

The records include a chart of NIAID funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology sent on April 21, 2020, by NIAID’s Chase Crawford to Principal Deputy Director Hugh Auchincloss and other NIAID officials. The agency funds directed to the Wuhan Institute of Virology between the years 2014-2019 total $826,277. All of the projects listed in the chart are titled “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.”

In an April 15, 2020 email marked “high” importance, Principal Deputy Director of NIH Lawrence Tabak emailed Fauci, NIH Director Francis Collins, and other NIH officials with the subject line: “HEADS UP: Wuhan lab research:”

Tabak: WH has strongly embraced concerns raised by Congressman Gaetz who is publicly criticizing HHS/NIH for funding the Wuhan laboratory’s bat research. Here’s this quote from another article: “I’m disgusted to learn that for years the US government has been funding dangerous and cruel animal experiments at the Wuhan Institute, which may have contributed to the global spread of coronavirus, and research at other labs in China that have virtually no oversight from US authorities.” [Emphasis in original]

This is a large multi-country study with Wuhan being one site. The principal investigator, Peter Daszak, is based in NY at EcoHealth Alliance, Inc. [Emphasis in original]

Tabak provides details of the grant to Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance, for a project titled “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.” Tabak continues, saying, “The 3.7M dollar figure is over 6 years to all sites which include (several in) China, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and Myanmar. We estimate that approximately $826,300 has been spent at this site since the inception of the grant. Yearly costs appear to be about 80K/year. The grant is in year 6 of a total of 10 year.”

A January 9, 2020, email exchange labeled “high” importance between NIAID Senior Scientific Advisor Dr. David Morens and Daszak details the relationship between the Fauci agency and the Wuhan Institute of Virology:

Morens: Hi guys, do any of you have any inside info on this new coronavirus that isn’t yet in the public domain? Or any thoughts?

Daszak: Yes – lots of information and I spoke with Erik Stemmy and Alan Embry yesterday before the news was released. Erik is my program officer on our coronavirus grant specifically focused on China….

Morens: Thanks, the excitement never ends, right?

Daszak: NIAID has been funding coronavirus work in China for the past 5 years … (1R01Al110964: “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence” ). That’s now been renewed … Collaborators include Wuhan Institute of Virology (currently working on the nCoV), and Ralph Baric [of University of North Carolina].


Also-FYI, prior to the R01, we worked under an R01 with Eun-Chung Park as program officer on viral discovery in bats, where originally identified SARS-CoV as having a likely origin in bats (published in Science)….

Morens: Great info, thanks. Tony doesn’t maintain awareness of these things and doesn’t know unless program officers tell him, which they rarely do, since they are across town and may not see him more than once a year, or less…. Interested in your feeling about where this is going. The experts are buzzing around us are all over the map, between doomsday and not that big a deal, with everything in between.

On January 23, 2020, a senior NIH official Melinda Hoskins forwarded a Daily Mail article to colleagues discussing NIH/NIAID funding of the bat virus research, and noting that Fauci would be briefing senators the following morning. Hoskins says, “Would you please confirm the exact nature of our support to the Wuhan Institute of Virology/Biosafety Lab.”

Another official, Barbara Mulach, responds that, “We’ve identified one grant with a sub-grant to Wuhan Institute of Virology (thanks for the lead) and one primary grant to Wuhan University. We are trying to get clarification whether or not the two organizations are related so we know if the second application is relevant to the request or not.”

She provides data showing a “Sub-award to Wuhan Institute of Virology,” with Daszak as principal investigator for a project titled, “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence,” and she provides information on another award, grant number R01AI119064-06, with principal investigator Ke Lan, going to Wuhan University and titled, “Versatile functions of LANA in KSHV pathogenesis.”

In an April 13, 2020, email from NIH official Emily Erbelding to NIH colleagues, Erbelding notes that the “entire amount of the new Daszak grant (year 6 funded in FY19) is about 3.64 M. The total amount that will go to Wuhan Institute of Virology under this grant will be about $750K ($76,301 had already been sent to Wuhan in year 1 according to the NOA).” Additionally, the email notes that bat sampling work done during years 2011-2015, in addition to receiving funding from Daszak’s grant, “could also have been supported by USAID Predict program (which was also funding the Wuhan lab).”

Auchinloss forwards Erberlding’s note to Fauci, saying, “This is higher but not extraordinarily higher than I originally indicated which was for some earlier work.” Fauci replies, “Thanks.”

In an April 15, 2020, email exchange, Tabak asks his colleagues if Daszak’s team had “published anything seminal related to the current pandemic.” Erbelding responds, “Peter’s only publication on SARS CoV2 since the epidemic began is thought piece in NEJM [New England Journal of Medicine]” to which she provides a hyperlink. She adds, “Note that all of the prior work on zoonotic reservoirs of CoV’s was also supported by USAID funding through a program called PREDICT, which has since ended.”

On October 1, 2017, after receiving Daszak’s email related to his then-unpublished paper describing detailed research into a novel bat-born virus tied to Swine Acute Diarrheal Syndrome, Fauci forwards Daszak’s email and paper on to NIH official Greg Folkers, saying, “Confidential, but fyi for you.” Daszak says, “You should know that this work was supported by a NIAID ROl that [NIH’s] Erik Stemmy is the Program Officer for, and that I’m PI [principal investigator] on, with Zhengli Shi [the director of the Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases of the Wuhan Institute of Virology] as co-PI.”

A person whose name is redacted on April 19, 2018, CCs an email to “International Cables (HHS/OS)” with the subject line “China Virus Institute Welcomes More U.S. Cooperation on Global Health Security,” includes a U.S. cable:

China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, a global leader in virus research, is a key partner for the United States in protecting global health security. Its role as operator of the just-launched Biosafety Level 4 (or ‘P4’) lab- the first such lab in China – opens up even more opportunities for expert exchange, especially in light of the lab’s shortage of trained staff.


In the last year, the lab also hosted visits from the National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, and experts from the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. The institute reports to the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing.

P4 Lab is Open and Transparent, Officials Emphasize


Officials described the lab as a “regional node” in the global biosafety system and said it would play an emergency response role in an epidemic or pandemic. The lab’s English brochure highlighted a national security role, saying that it is “an effective measure to improve China’s availability in safeguarding national bio-safety if [a] possible biological warfare or terrorist attack happens.”

Institute officials said there would be “limited availability” for international and domestic scientists who had gone through the necessary approval process to do research at the lab. They stressed that the lab aimed to be a “worldwide, open platform” for virology. They said they welcomed U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) experts, noting that the Chinese Academy of Sciences was not strong on human disease expertise, having only focused on it in the last 15 years, after the SARS outbreak. A Wuhan-based French consulate official who works on science and technology cooperation with China also emphasized that the lab, which was initiated in 2004 as a France-China joint project, was meant to be “open and transparent” to the global scientific community. “The intent was to set up a lab to international standards, and open to international research,” he said. French experts have provided guidance and biosafety training to the lab, which will continue, the French official said. Institute officials said that France provided the lab’s design and much of its technology, but that it is entirely China-funded and has been completely China-run since a “handover” ceremony in 2016.

In addition to French assistance, experts from the NIH-supported P4 lab at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston have trained Wuhan lab technicians in lab management and maintenance, institute officials said.… One Wuhan Institute of Virology researcher trained for two years at the Galveston lab, and the institute also sent one scientist to U.S. CDC headquarters in Atlanta for six months’ work on influenza.

NIH-Supported Research Revises SARS Origin Story

NIH was a major funder, along with the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), of SARS research by the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s [redacted.]


Ready to Help with the Global Virome Project

Institute officials expressed strong interest in the Global Virorne Project (GVP), and said Chinese funding for the project would likely come from Chinese Academy of Sciences funding already earmarked for One Belt, One Road-related initiatives…. GVP aims to launch this year as an international collaborative effort to identify within ten years virtually all of the planet’s viruses that have pandemic or epidemic potential and the ability to jump to humans. “We hope China will be one of the leading countries to initiate the Global Virome Project,” one Wuhan Institute of Virology official said. China attended a GVP unveiling meeting in January in Thailand and is waiting for more details of the initiative. The officials said that the Chinese government funds projects similar to GVP to investigate the background of viruses and bacteria. This essentially constituted China’s own Virome Project …


U.S.-China Workshop Explores Research Partnerships


Some workshop participants also expressed skepticism about the Global Virome Project’s (GVP) approach, saying that gaining a predictive understanding of viruses with pandemic potential would require going beyond the GVPs strategy of sample collection, to take an “ecological” approach that considers the virome beyond vertebrate systems to identify mechanisms driving pathogen evolution. A follow-on workshop will be held in June at the University of Berkeley. NSF and NSFC hope to jointly announce a funding call for collaborative projects later this year.

On April 14, 2020, NIH official Marshall Bloom forwarded a Washington Post article by Josh Rogin titled “State Department Cables Warned of Safety Issues at Wuhan Lab Studying Bat Coronaviruses,” and asked a colleague to “Please send to the HCTF [High Containment Task Force]. Thanks!”

After receiving an article via an email on November 1, 2013, from NIH official Greg Folkers with a cartoon depicting a bat depositing coronavirus particles attacking human ACE2 receptor cells, his colleague, Fauci’s Special Assistant Patricia Conrad writes, “I think we need more slides like this…its too cute!”

A January 19, 2018, State Department cable from the US Embassy in Beijing about the Wuhan Institute of Virology with the subject “China Opens First Bio Safety Level 4 Laboratory” includes a section titled “Unclear Guidelines on Virus Access and a Lack of Trained Talent Impede Research,” which notes in its introduction that “its current productivity is limited by a shortage of highly trained technicians and investigators required to safely operate a BSL-4 laboratory and a lack of clarity in related Chinese government policies and guidelines.”

The memo continues: “To date, WIV [Wuhan Institute of Virology] has obtained permission for research on three viruses: Ebola virus, Nipah virus, and Xinjiang hemorrhagic fever virus (a strain of Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever found in China’s Xinjiang Province.)”

“These new documents show that funding for the Wuhan Institute was greater than the public has been told,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “That it has taken a year and a federal lawsuit to get this first disclosure on COVID and Wuhan is evidence of cover-up by Fauci’s agency.”


Wednesday, June 9, 2021 7:44 PM


Syria nd Belarus have joined the board of the China puppet WHO.


Tuesday, June 15, 2021 5:30 PM


Started by Sept 2019 in Italy:


A study reports antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domain were reported in 111 (11.6%) of 959 asymptomatic participants in a lung cancer screening trial in Italy from September 2019, which the authors claim may indicate an earlier start to the COVID-19 pandemic.

America by December (I got it in November 2019):


Saturday, June 19, 2021 5:20 AM


Canada-U.S. border closure extended again, until July 21

California rolls out digital vaccine verification — but don't call it a passport.

vaccine paper corona passports have arrived in the United States of America, passport covid papers or whatever you want to call them.

COVID-19: Italy imposes five-day quarantine for British visitors from Monday over Delta variant fears

Singapore's experience says it could be more prudent to impose 21 days?


Tuesday, June 22, 2021 8:57 AM


What the media has been reporting on for a straight week and calling "news" is that Governor Holcomb of Indiana is being sued by two parties over ending the federal unemployment benefits on June 19th instead of September 6th.

No. It's not news when a week after the story broke you're just copying and pasting what the first outlet ran a week prior.

Allow me to do your job for you. Unpaid.

The hearing is set for tomorrow at 11:00AM

It seems the Governor didn't like the judge on the case, so he requested a new judge be swapped in. They also filed for a continuance on the same day. It's unclear if either of those motions will be entertained or not.

You can skip the first 39 parts of the complaint and go right to 40.

It seems that the Governor is in violation of state law when he ended the benefits early. No wonder he wants a change of judges.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Wednesday, June 23, 2021 11:45 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
It seems the Governor didn't like the judge on the case, so he requested a new judge be swapped in. They also filed for a continuance on the same day. It's unclear if either of those motions will be entertained or not.


Before the hearing, the state's legal team asked to delay the injunction debate, but was denied. It also submitted a request to change judges.

What the story fails to mention is that it looks like they were also denied being able to change judges as well since John Hanley is still on the case.

Unfortunately, I didn't archive the links to the case. It appears that Indiana is doing their best to scrub it from existence as the link is gone and I can't find any evidence that it or any of the numerous PDF files attached even existed.

Tough titty for them that I did happen to have both the initial complaint for declaratory judgement and Governor Holcomb's request to replace a judge he didn't like with a friendly judge in my browser cache...

It would be a shame if somebody were to upload those somewhere else, huh?



Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Thursday, June 24, 2021 12:10 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Tough titty for them that I did happen to have both the initial complaint for declaratory judgement and Governor Holcomb's request to replace a judge he didn't like with a friendly judge in my browser cache...

It would be a shame if somebody were to upload those somewhere else, huh?



Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.

You are insanely paranoid, 6ix. I could find the document:

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at






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