The Pax is in the Vax

UPDATED: Monday, August 16, 2021 20:32
VIEWED: 4240
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Wednesday, August 11, 2021 6:24 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

You don't get to leave for four years and ask questions like this.

Hmm, fair enough


Wednesday, August 11, 2021 10:15 PM



Originally posted by second:
Odds of Dying From COVID-19
Unvaccinated vs. Vaccinated

In Georgia, the unvaccinated are 87 times more likely to die than the vaccinated.
In Texas, 85 times.
For the nation as a whole, it's probably around 40 times.

Then, as I said...

If the vaccine works you're protected.

If it doesn't work, I don't need it.

It's really time you stopped giving a shit about this.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Wednesday, August 11, 2021 10:40 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by 1KIKI:


What I'd really appreciate is any links regarding syncytin-1 and aging, syncytin-1 and 2-nonenal (or its further metabolites), or syncytin-1 and aging and 2-nonenal; because I can find no links between then at first pass through.


Originally posted by dreamtrove:


Sorry, I'll get to it. I'm very sick atm. There's not any doubt of these links in the scientific community, so there will be thousands of articles on this I'm sure I can dig up some good ones.

The short is that omega 7 breaks down into 2-nonenal and other stuff, but the 2-nonenal is consumed in syncytin synthesis, if that's not happening, it's exuded in sweat giving off a powerful odor.

Zeke Walker is the young vaccinated and so gives off far more than an actual old person, because he has far more omega 7 metabolism to begin with.

I'll find links later and post here

I can wait. I hope you feel better very soon.


Thursday, August 12, 2021 9:20 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by dreamtrove:
A vaccinated customer came in a few weeks ago, to a party we were having, and everyone got sick with symptoms that exactly matched his moderna vaccine and nothing else. . . .

From that page: “I call the [COVID] vaccine ‘Zyklon-V.’ That is the gas the Nazis used to kill my relatives. So to express my sentiments, I call it Zyklon-V. It’s an absolute weapon of mass destruction. People are being lied to, and they’re running into the gas chambers themselves because of the pathogenic fear.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


first my apologies for jumping threads, I'm reposting this from my delta thread because I don't want to have a discussion on that thread, I want just health suggestions for my own selfish desire to survive this virus.

Not sure if you were reposting that because it sounds extreme or because you're actually also concerned. I know a lot of people don't want this story because they already got the vax, but if I'd gotten this vax, I'd be a bit worried myself.

I think he's a bit extreme but not wrong. Everything he says matches my own backwards analysis starting with the old smell. For years I've been calling Fentanyl Zyklon C. Carfentanil, the original name, was developed by Janssen (maker of the J&J vax) as an intentional successor to Zyklon B. The guy is jewish and very well informed, so I'm sure he knows all that. Janssen basically took over the Mengele position at NATO when the unit was transfered from Nazi to Allied command. This whole story is part of the horror story of how europe just kept running with all the pieces of the nazi war machine and did not really de-nazify.

I think what's most interesting about that vaccine skeptic piece was who the three people are. The Scripps Salk institute put it out, the russian jewish doctor is the author of Trump's response program for COVID, the french doctor is the guy who isolate HIV, the person who Tony Fauci plagiarized for Robert Gallo back in 1980 (we know this because Fauci apologized for it around '99-2000) and the third person here is Michael Yeadon, former head fo respiratory diseases at Pfizer. The thing is, with this level of experts in the field saying this, either it's an extremely elaborate scam, or we should seriously consider their version of reality as possible.

Important to remember that, in 1938, the New York Times, NM Rothschild (who was the leader of the zionist movement) and all western govts, told UK publisher Victor Gollancz that his suspicion that German was going to attempt to genocide millions of jews in eastern europe was a baseless conspiracy theory, and as a result of that dismissal, did nothing.

It's also important to realize that if someone had simple put observers to ensure that the Germans did not genocide the jews, and the theory had been wrong, and if the Nazis had not had a plan to exterminate jews, still it would have cost everyone very little, and there would have been no toxic fallout from that action.


Thursday, August 12, 2021 9:22 AM



Thursday, August 12, 2021 10:16 AM



Doing this search now because I have nothing better to do, laying in bed.

This is creepy. I did not come in with this theory, I came to this with a lot of people complaining to me that their vaccinated friends had an "old person smell" like a nursing home. And very strong.

I'll try to find the pages I was on before, maybe they're at my work computer. How I did the search was straightforward. Every result I got made the 2-nonenal old person smell link. So I took that as solid info.

Then I searched on the source of 2-nonenal, and it all came from Omega 7 fatty acid which is part of Omega 3 complex apparently, and used by the heart, and breaks down into products including 2-nonenal.

So the 2-nonenal omega 7 link is still everywhere, and includes the aging link

What I was also able to find earlier was why the old people were perspiring 2-nonenal, and it was because of a deficiency of syncytin that normally consumes the molecule (which is just one long hydrocarbon chain) to add to its own series of long hydrocarbon chains.

I'll keep looking for this missing link that's looks like it's been scrubbed, that the reason for the increase in 2-nonenal in sweat is the decrease of syncytin-1, but I conclusively found that before in regular scientific articles

I was not searching on COVID or vaccines, I was just trying to figure out why old people smelled of old person smell before I could try to explain to my friends why their vaccinated friends might have this problem.

I got this point where I was relatively certain it was syncytin-1 decline, I searched on that, and everything I got was fact check denial pages from the mainstream media saying the covid vax did not cause this problem. That was my sign I'd hit paydirt.

Here's some very sciency article about extracellular vesicle formation that I haven't wages through, but on a quick scan seems to be following the pattern I've seen

The pattern being this: cell membranes are made of phospholipid bylayers made of single units of long sticky hydrocarbon chains that have to be synthesised atom by atom through methylization if you don't have a ready supply of preformed ones, in which case you can do it unit by unit through a form of hypermethylization. Looking like maybe 100x the rate. So any rapid proliferation is really only possible with this process. The process in humans is dependent on syncytin 1 and 2 which come from HERV W an endogenous retrovirus, and syncytin A and B in mice that comes from some endogenous mouse virus or other I forget its name. Anyway, syncytin supplies ready made chains of hydrocarbons that it gets by concatenating nonenals. And in the above article they add nonenals to the mix and the rate of EV formation radically increases as you would expect. All the studies I looked at worked the same way. You add freely available hydrocarbon chains and hypermethylzation and rapid polymerization and proliferation radically increase (I mean, it's an obvious logical simple connection but you can also observe that it happens)

The reason why this is an efficient system is that viral DNA is about 100x more efficient than human DNA, because viruses evolve to be hyperefficient so they can be tiny and reproduce quickly. HERV W is a virus, and syncytin is a viral protein, it's just a virus and viral protein that were integrated into simiam-hominid genomes 25 million years ago, so we were all born with it and all humans and apes evolved under its influence.

This has huge implications beyond fertility of course. The ability to build cell membranes and hence divide cells at one surface unit at a time with a macromolecular preformed chain vs. one atom at a time through traditional protein folding would be essential to all rapid cell proliferation processes in the human body, including replacing blood supply when injured, something humans and mice do very well and birds do not. Rapid effective immune response, other forms of cell replacement (anti-aging, healing) organ recovery.

This is what leads to a casual statement in the Zelenko article of "decades off your lifespan" is that this syncytin void basically reduces its victims to an animal metabolism of new world monkeys of 25 million years ago, so that's looking at a 15-20 year life expectancy, and there's not a lot of reason here to think that this isn't exactly what happens. So to put in an emotional impact way, but not untrue, if a child is vaccinated for covid 19 entering kindergarten today, he could die of old age before graduating from high school. When you start to think of it that way you begin to realize, malicious depopulation conspiracy aside, even if this is just corporate greed and carelessness, we're doing something incredibly dangerous, and possibly completely unnecessary. The under-60 casualties of covid 19 are nominal

Here's another link on syncytin reproduction. The child with a syncytin void is stillborn always, in humans around 20 weeks or less, probably much less, in mice 11-13 days

we're starting with the information that a decent portion of the vaccinated have an autoimmune syncytin void, that's the given. The way this happens is that every single white blood cell that attacks every single virus can make a new antibody every single time. If it ever happens to make that identity on the overlap section this will trigger the condition, and this is a process that is happening trillions of times. You're rolling a trillion dice, and they're not trillion sided dice. The overlap is only 1% or so genetically, according to vaccine makers who are denying the risk, but that's a lot of chances of error.

Edit: I think I missed a step in metabolism. All of these are related to omega 7, I must have gone through searches on age related changes to omega 7 metabolism after finding the direct link of 2 nonenal to omega 7 rather than jumping to syncytin immediately. I definitely remember getting to syncytin metabolism on all pre-covid pages intentionally avoiding the topic of covid before it flooded my search results anyway

here's a couple more on the 2 nonenal omega 7 connection


Friday, August 13, 2021 12:53 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

The website doesn't auto-load from https. You have to get rid of the 's'. Here's you link, reposted:


Friday, August 13, 2021 1:48 PM


Thanks. It creeps me out that the video keeps getting yanked. A doctor, as a concerned parent, is talking to his schoolboard, not about opinion, but just telling people in detail how vaccines and viral infections work and how vaccines help protect you from viral infections.

The point of this is that COVID itself is not a major threat, the immune response to covid is a major threat. I realize that I'm a conspiracy theorist, now, thanks to this forum, but the no conspiracy version leads us to the same place: strengthening the immune response to a relatively harmless virus whose main danger is autoimmune conditions caused by an overactive immune response is just inherently bad medicine. Forcing people to take this risk, or pressuring them to, is not medicine at all.

Anyway, building the link between nonenal and syncytin and how I got there, without ever reading about covid vax syncytin theory before getting there.

I had friends telling me their friends smelled old post vax. That can be found at wikipedia and everywhere as 2-nonenal discharge. The step I was missing was estradiol.

these two are part of what I dug through, that seems relevant to making that connection. I know what estradiol is, and the added information that one function of estradiol is to regulate the expression of syncytin, and that 2-nonenal discharge increased as estradiol decreased with age, in a direct correlation.

the vaccinated do not as far as I know have an estradiol deficiency. that was a theory i'd run into somewhere, and hadn't found anything to back up, and now i see how they got there. But the vaccine causes an immune response to a spike protein with enough similarity to syncytin that with trillions of combats between immune cells and spike protein, an erroneous identification of syncytin as the enemy becomes likely. With direct removal of syncytin from the system through autoimmune attack, no estradiol deficiency is required to have the effects that one might observe in someone with an estradiol deficiency, because they have a syncytin-1 deficiency directly.

I'm sure we can prove all of this with knockout mice at this point, and maybe someone already has.


Friday, August 13, 2021 8:41 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

So DT, I'm sure you're aware that you're making some extreme claims, among them that young people will enter early senescence in 2-5(?) years due to the vax.

I'm more than happy to put this discussion on-hold till you feel well. But I do wonder - given that your claims are so extreme, and your proposed timetable for real-world feedback so short - have you thought about how you might address a failure of your predictions should that be the RW result?


Friday, August 13, 2021 10:21 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

The website doesn't auto-load from https. You have to get rid of the 's'. Here's you link, reposted:

Yeah... I posted this 2 days ago from Gab.

I'm surprised that it's up on YT right now. Wont' be for long.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Friday, August 13, 2021 11:59 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I looked very thoroughly into the supposed link between syncytin-1 and SARS-CoV-2 Spike1 - and it just isn't there.

I can post the links, but unless you read them, you won't see what I saw.

But if you're interested, here's one example.

I sum however, looking at pregnancy outcomes on down through the individual amino acid sequences of both syncytin-1 and SARS-CoV-2 Spike1, there is no evidence of any effect on pregnancy which is the exact critical function of syncytin-1, and virtually no homology of it with SARS-CoV-2 Spike1 at the amino acid level (the longest stretch of amino acid similarities is =2-amino acids the same, one amino acid different, followed by 2 amino acids the same=).

(The only way people 'make it work' is by saying different amino acids are the same thing - oh, this is a hydrocarbon-chain amino acid so having this different other hydrocarbon-chain amino acid instead is just as good.

Here's the list of supposed amino acid homologies. Each amino acid is designated by a single letter. And you'll see that in many of the areas of supposed identity, the letters are NOT the same. Basically, someone decided a different amino acid was good enough to count.

In addition, I can't find a critical role for syncytin-1 besides pregnancy. And that means syncytin-1 has no central role in males, and no central role in the elderly. And therefore its relative lack has no central role in health for non-pregnant females.

I do get that some old people smell funky because I've smelled that same smell myself on some of the many thousands of patients I've dealt with in my various jobs. And maybe some seriously ill people also smelled funky in the same way (and I do means seriously ill, as in dying of heart failure).

But as much as I looked, I found no link between 2-nonenal (or its further metabolites) and syncytin-1.


Saturday, August 14, 2021 1:39 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

So DT, I'm sure you're aware that you're making some extreme claim

It's a speculation. Worst case scenario. I suspect that everyone's condition will likely vary.

Consider how this immune response is actually triggered. trillions of direct interactions between immune cells and viruses that will result in a possible error and self-attack. Each individual interaction is a chance. Every time someone is getting a shot, they're also upping this chance, and other chances. I've so far seen half a dozen locals who have this specific problem, but half have also developed a secondary autoimmmune disorder. That's probably not directly due to the contents of the spike protein, but due to the strength of the immune response.

Next, what if any chance is there that corrective mechanisms will undo this error and the condition will heal? Is this low syncytin condition permanent? or does it recover?

Next, what % of people who get the vax have this problem? We have a gestapo-like approach to pro vax from authority like the world has never seen, and it's likely not going to be fair on any data. I doubt it's 100%, but it's greater than 0%

Next, what's the effect of no syncytin on the system long term. We know human and mouse babies born with no syncytin are 100% stillborn, so that doesn't bode well, it also gives us no data on how an adult with the condition would fair. My guess would be "not well" but that's definitely a guess.

Things I've found so far that require syncytin:
sperm and egg formation
embryo creating, implantation and placenta formation
fetal development
blood supply replacement
immune response
muscle and skin repair, and healing in general

So what happens in the absence of syncytin? IDK, but I'm going to suspect all of these things will happen at a much slower rate. 10%? 1%?

So, for the record I said 5-10 years, not 1-2.. I think there will be some casualties in 1-2 years, but not from rapid aging, but from autoimmune conditions.

Syncytin doesn't have a role in the elderly, the elderly have no syncytin. The rate at which the ederly age, however, is clearly many times as fast as the rate at which young and middle aged. This is why this vax makes you elderly. If you're already elderly, it probably doesn't have many adverse effects.

I'm aware it's not a complete overlap, between the spike protein and syncytin but it's enough that with trillions of encounters, it will likely happen, and has clearly happened.

The thing that should make people incredibly suspicious is the completely naziesque way this is being pushed. No policy pushed this hard is in your best interests, and most of them in the history of the world have been genocide in some form. This one I got to "this is genocide" from science. I was not at all there until I started researching the old person smell. Now I see many other people have gotten there, and their data and conclusions all seem basically identical to my own, which is not something I typically see in conspiracy theories. It's something I typically see in science. So, I got here through science, and so did everyone else who ended up at the same place. Everyone on the opposing side got there through watching television and obeying an authoritarian globalist corporate superstate that all of them on some level know is trying to kill them. So that's where my feeling on it lie, it's kind of obvious which side is closer to the truth.

Now for specifics, my specifics are guesses. And what happens if I'm proven wrong? I'll be delighted. And me and anyone else who joined me in this skepticism will have missed out on a banana. Which is to say, we'll have ended up getting one more common cold than the rest of the world.

On the other hand, if my suspicions and those of the other skeptics* are true, then those people who take the skeptic approach will be called "the population of the earth" and the covid believers will be called "daisy food"

* who I have to point out are far more credible scientists than those promoting the vax

So it's a situation where regardless of the odds of each scenario, if one scenario is true, it has almost no impact on the lives of anyone, and if the other scenario is true, then it's the most important thing in the world. And it's hard to see why the global elite would push so hard as to risk everything they have for something that they thought was insignificant. There's clearly no data backing up the idea that COVID is a significant threat to the world, so that only leaves the vax

On the connection, it's there's a direct connection with estradiol, which is the activation protein for syncytin-1. Estradiol levels decline with age in direct connection with 2-nonenal as I posted earlier. The way in which they relate is that no estrogen or no testosterone can lead to no estradiol, which in turn leads to the activation of no syncytin, which leads to no consumption of omega 7 breakdown products which leads to the formation of 2-nonenal in perspiration. I think that was pretty direct and I was just missing the estradiol part of the metabolism when I was first trying to recall, but I posted it here in this thread already.

Anyway, all of that said, if the only effect is that women of child bearing age become sterile, then it still genocides the entire species.


Saturday, August 14, 2021 1:41 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by 1KIKI:

The website doesn't auto-load from https. You have to get rid of the 's'. Here's you link, reposted:

Yeah... I posted this 2 days ago from Gab.

I'm surprised that it's up on YT right now. Wont' be for long.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."

that's a repost, it's been banned before. No doctors are allowed to explain how vaccines actually work, we must believe the media's video game style fantasy.


Saturday, August 14, 2021 4:33 PM


That last post you made was really well written.

On this topic, have you seen Utopia yet?

I've asked the regulars here several times, but I get ignored by every one of them when I ask that question for some reason. I honestly still don't know if anybody has watched it.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Saturday, August 14, 2021 5:03 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by 1KIKI:

So DT, I'm sure you're aware that you're making some extreme claim

It's a speculation. Worst case scenario. I suspect that everyone's condition will likely vary.

Consider how this immune response is actually triggered. trillions of direct interactions between immune cells and viruses that will result in a possible error and self-attack. Each individual interaction is a chance. Every time someone is getting a shot, they're also upping this chance, and other chances. I've so far seen half a dozen locals who have this specific problem, but half have also developed a secondary autoimmmune disorder. That's probably not directly due to the contents of the spike protein, but due to the strength of the immune response.

Next, what if any chance is there that corrective mechanisms will undo this error and the condition will heal? Is this low syncytin condition permanent? or does it recover?

Next, what % of people who get the vax have this problem? We have a gestapo-like approach to pro vax from authority like the world has never seen, and it's likely not going to be fair on any data. I doubt it's 100%, but it's greater than 0%

Next, what's the effect of no syncytin on the system long term. We know human and mouse babies born with no syncytin are 100% stillborn, so that doesn't bode well, it also gives us no data on how an adult with the condition would fair. My guess would be "not well" but that's definitely a guess.

Things I've found so far that require syncytin:
sperm and egg formation
embryo creating, implantation and placenta formation
fetal development
blood supply replacement
immune response
muscle and skin repair, and healing in general

So what happens in the absence of syncytin? IDK, but I'm going to suspect all of these things will happen at a much slower rate. 10%? 1%?

So, for the record I said 5-10 years, not 1-2.. I think there will be some casualties in 1-2 years, but not from rapid aging, but from autoimmune conditions.

Syncytin doesn't have a role in the elderly, the elderly have no syncytin. The rate at which the ederly age, however, is clearly many times as fast as the rate at which young and middle aged. This is why this vax makes you elderly. If you're already elderly, it probably doesn't have many adverse effects.

I'm aware it's not a complete overlap, between the spike protein and syncytin but it's enough that with trillions of encounters, it will likely happen, and has clearly happened.

The thing that should make people incredibly suspicious is the completely naziesque way this is being pushed. No policy pushed this hard is in your best interests, and most of them in the history of the world have been genocide in some form. This one I got to "this is genocide" from science. I was not at all there until I started researching the old person smell. Now I see many other people have gotten there, and their data and conclusions all seem basically identical to my own, which is not something I typically see in conspiracy theories. It's something I typically see in science. So, I got here through science, and so did everyone else who ended up at the same place. Everyone on the opposing side got there through watching television and obeying an authoritarian globalist corporate superstate that all of them on some level know is trying to kill them. So that's where my feeling on it lie, it's kind of obvious which side is closer to the truth.

Now for specifics, my specifics are guesses. And what happens if I'm proven wrong? I'll be delighted. And me and anyone else who joined me in this skepticism will have missed out on a banana. Which is to say, we'll have ended up getting one more common cold than the rest of the world.

On the other hand, if my suspicions and those of the other skeptics* are true, then those people who take the skeptic approach will be called "the population of the earth" and the covid believers will be called "daisy food"

* who I have to point out are far more credible scientists than those promoting the vax

So it's a situation where regardless of the odds of each scenario, if one scenario is true, it has almost no impact on the lives of anyone, and if the other scenario is true, then it's the most important thing in the world. And it's hard to see why the global elite would push so hard as to risk everything they have for something that they thought was insignificant. There's clearly no data backing up the idea that COVID is a significant threat to the world, so that only leaves the vax

On the connection, it's there's a direct connection with estradiol, which is the activation protein for syncytin-1. Estradiol levels decline with age in direct connection with 2-nonenal as I posted earlier. The way in which they relate is that no estrogen or no testosterone can lead to no estradiol, which in turn leads to the activation of no syncytin, which leads to no consumption of omega 7 breakdown products which leads to the formation of 2-nonenal in perspiration. I think that was pretty direct and I was just missing the estradiol part of the metabolism when I was first trying to recall, but I posted it here in this thread already.

Anyway, all of that said, if the only effect is that women of child bearing age become sterile, then it still genocides the entire species.

links please


Saturday, August 14, 2021 5:14 PM


You don't need any links about the gestapo-like approach to getting vaccinated across the world.

They're pretty in your face about it. It's hard to miss unless you're intentionally trying not to see it.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Saturday, August 14, 2021 5:16 PM



Seriously. Fuck these people.

You do you.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Saturday, August 14, 2021 5:19 PM


Not being vaccinated can lead to a fate worse than death?


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Saturday, August 14, 2021 8:43 PM


1kiki, didn't I already post in this thread?

I was just explaining all the chemical connections in the links. I mean, anyone can do this. It's pretty straightforward, and the information I just ran off was information I got from the links I posted. Anway the key missing link there I was missing before was estradiol.

The case was pretty open and shut. Also, the link there make the nonenal aging and syncytin aging connections


Saturday, August 14, 2021 8:44 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
You don't need any links about the gestapo-like approach to getting vaccinated across the world.

They're pretty in your face about it. It's hard to miss unless you're intentionally trying not to see it.

that is gestapo like, the gestapo weren't subtle.


Saturday, August 14, 2021 8:45 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
You don't need any links about the gestapo-like approach to getting vaccinated across the world.

They're pretty in your face about it. It's hard to miss unless you're intentionally trying not to see it.

that is gestapo like, the gestapo weren't subtle.

Oh... I know.

I was writing in reply to Kiki.

We had to hear 4 years of hyperbole about Nazis coming from leftists and the Legacy Media under Trump, and now that TPTB are acting like literal Nazis they're fucking begging for more.

The human race will get what it deserves.

You still didn't answer my question about Utopia.

Why doesn't anybody ever answer that question?


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Saturday, August 14, 2021 8:54 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

The human race will get what it deserves.

No, it doesn't. This is about kids. Children are being sterilized by their lunatic parents. They will also have possible rapid aging and auto immune dysfunctions. This is someone attacking your population with bioweapons, and if you shrug, you're part of the problem.

There's basically two groups of people in this world right now. Those trying to fight the beast, and those that are not. Everyone who is not trying to fight the beast might as well be the beast, for all their creator cares.


Saturday, August 14, 2021 8:59 PM


To cents, and this is not a cop out, but just FWIW.

I'm not going to stop and argue with any single person who is going to suicide into this, because 7 billion people are about to get hit by this bioweapon and they all have an equal chance.

I'm one guy, and a very sick guy, so I'm working one step at a time. First step, funding. Second, where to station. Third, testing. No point in developing cures for people who aren't sick. We need a test to see if people have been sterilized, if they have a rapid aging condition, if their system is degenerating. I'm so sure at this point that it will happen, or is happening, that people are experiencing these side effects right now, that I'm putting my money and time into finding a cure, right now. I'm not putting it into arguing with people on the internet.

1kiki, the info is in the links, this is how I got there, and I got there without reading a single covid syncytin theory. When I ran into those, that's how I became sure I was on the right track.

That said, I will have better information later, when we can do lab tests, etc. But I'm just moving on the hunch that I have right now. If you have a background in biochem, I suggest helping.

that goes for everyone here and everywhere else, if you are a biochemist, start researching this. this is a unique situation, we've never really had global biological warfare. If you're not a biochemist, use whatever you do have. Most of this manipulation is psychological, and a solid understanding of the psyche is probably just as useful here as a solid understanding of biochem. My psychology understanding is meh, greater than zero, less than wizard.


Saturday, August 14, 2021 11:53 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

The human race will get what it deserves.

No, it doesn't. This is about kids. Children are being sterilized by their lunatic parents. They will also have possible rapid aging and auto immune dysfunctions. This is someone attacking your population with bioweapons, and if you shrug, you're part of the problem.

There's basically two groups of people in this world right now. Those trying to fight the beast, and those that are not. Everyone who is not trying to fight the beast might as well be the beast, for all their creator cares.

I'm not going to be talked down to by a sockpuppet.

Maybe I should post the PM that I recieved from this account 4 years ago from you or whomever was manning this troll account back then, hmmmmm?

In the meantime, I'm getting that vax over my dead body. I know other people IRL who feel the same, some of which I have absolute faith that they will not back down either.

If anything you have to say about this ends up being true, we'll be among those cleaning up the dead bodies.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Sunday, August 15, 2021 3:04 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

There are real things to worry about besides vaccines that (1) don't sterilize people (2) don't cause rapid aging and (3) don't contain microchips or do the dozen other things that people worry about.

It's a VACCINE, like a lot of other vaccines, and I just can't be bothered to worry about irrelevancies when TPTB have taken control of all means of communication*, de-industrialized society, managed to make more than half of the USA dependent on Big Daddy Government, and shifted most of the world's money to (maybe) a dozen extremely wealthy people.

*And whatever isn't controlled by government/Big Tech is the playground for people with conspiracy theories for which there is NO EVIDENCE.

All of the lies in the M$M were just mind-fucks, and people have definitely had their minds fucked with.

Unless I see something other than speculation, don't expect me to rebutt. I feel like I'm back in the same situation where I kept asking people to show me evidence that Trump was Putin's puppet. Sorry, but I think there are better/more interesting things to post about.

I HAVE learned a lot in researching the topic, tho.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Sunday, August 15, 2021 5:07 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Furthermore, analysis of skin surface lipids revealed that omega7 unsaturated fatty acids and lipid peroxides also increased with aging and that there were positive correlations between the amount of 2-nonenal in body odor and the amount of omega7 unsaturated fatty acids or lipid peroxides in skin surface lipids.


Syncytin: the major regulator of trophoblast fusion
The gene appears to be almost exclusively expressed in placenta

So there's a paper that explains there's more 2-nonenal ON THE SKIN of old people, and another that explains syncytin-1 is ALL ABOUT PREGNANCY.

The links don't make your case.


Sunday, August 15, 2021 9:08 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
All of the lies in the M$M were just mind-fucks, and people have definitely had their minds fucked with.

Not just the Legacy Media.

The mental abuse dealt to the people from their "leadership" the last year and a half is astounding. Not just here in the US, but EVERYWHERE.

The grand social experiment continues...


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Sunday, August 15, 2021 9:32 AM


It's amazing that nobody has died of the flu in 18 months too.



Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Sunday, August 15, 2021 11:38 AM



I posted the one of the correlation to the estradiol, that's not chemical conenction, there was another one that had that, and I can't find it. But I got there through chemistry, I didn't have a reason to end up there otherwise. Then I posted the estradiol is the activator protein for synthesis. Anyone can look all of this up. Arguing it is just draining my time like all the politics stuff.

It's a scientific connection, I laid it out with links. I said I'd post better links when I had them. What more do you want. It's scientific reality. It's not subjective information and is not going to change. A rabbit is a rabbit and no amount of debating whether it's a cat or a dog is going to change that. omega 7 breaks down into hydrocarbon chains that a grabbed up in retroviral HERV W synthesis of syncytins that are activated by estradiol, and declines in estradiol with age lead to the excess leftover chains that get exuded as 2-nonenal. That's all there in the links in various pieces, it's how I pieced it together without reading the conspiriacy theories. I read those theories later, and some of those people maybe got there the same way, others had an actual gene map of the spike protein in front of them. Anyway, it's not a speculation at this point, the fact of that relationship is biochemistry, and it's science.

what's more concerning or should be, is that syncytin-simian symbiosis dates back 25 million years, and if you want to go back and see what life was like for those species, it was animalistic and short. All our evolution since then has been dependent on this lipid enzyme. It supplies the hydrocarbon chains to multiple human rapid cell proliferation processes. deleting it from your genome to make a corporate oligarch happy is actually the worst idea I've ever heard.

Six, I forgot about that, you already posted it. And Sig got upset that I said she was off her rocker but she knows. She once spent weeks or months hunting down River6213 who was a serious schitzo, but Sig posting Death Loving Cunt after every single River post was psycho enough that people started taking the ShadowFly thing seriously. I'm not pretending this place isn't what it. It's a looney bin.

Anyway, thanks for reminding me of that. That's why I never PM people anything anymore. And I was calling you out because it's a cop out. "Let them die" is just a lazy position. And no, still not a sock puppet. I'm not River6213 and don't have long threads talking to myself.

Signy, Yes, all those things are important, but the actual genocide in the genocide is important. It's not a vaccine, it's a bioweapon. There's not an agent that it vaccinates you against. One of the criticisms of the vax that I haven't posted here is that people who get the vax have a higher rate of Covid infection than those who don't. I've seen that posted everywhere in varying analysis and heard from many people who did get the vax and then got the Covid, vs. very few people (>0 okay) but very few who got the Covid without getting the vax first. That's a fucking useless vaccine. It doesn't even lessen the severity of your sickness if you do get covid, it increases the inflammatory response and covid doesn't really pose a health risk outside of the inflammatory response, hence why people have a worse reaction.

So yes, all the things you say about their control of the media and education and all information sources, increasingly the internet, is true, and a serious problem, but that probably needs it own thread. If we all lose 30 years off our lives and develop debilitating neurological disorders and are sterilized then that does also not make our lives better in any way. It's all under the same umbrella. Control.

My biggest mistake in this forum was spending my time on RWED instead of Talk Story. i don't think there's anyone over there anymore, but i might post there or in the Cinema section.

Arguments just take too much out of me, I'm not up for it and I have a stupid amount to get done. Among the list of things that need doing is finding a cure for this anti-syncytin immune response which I call the "zeke" after WWZ. I realize that the vaxed are going to have a lot of other random auto-immune conditions, but I can't cure them all. So I'm working on this one, before the species gets exterminated.

BTW, Sig, thanks for the piece on contagious vaccines. That's a scary concept. But at the moment clearly still a concept. I'm less worried about my own health now, just going to focus on the poor zekes who got this gorram pax.


Sunday, August 15, 2021 1:34 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

DT - I have gone to - and read - every one of your links. And I have assiduously looked up all the topics you've brought up on my own.

In any case, what I posted before I still mean. I'll wait till you're feeling better. If this is important to understand, then there's no hurry that a few days or weeks or months won't endure.

To be clear, I'm looking for actual biochemistry or research-level information.


Sunday, August 15, 2021 1:58 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


DREAMTROVE: One of the criticisms of the vax that I haven't posted here is that people who get the vax have a higher rate of Covid infection than those who don't. I've seen that posted everywhere in varying analysis and heard from many people who did get the vax and then got the Covid, vs. very few people (>0 okay) but very few who got the Covid without getting the vax first. That's a fucking useless vaccine. It doesn't even lessen the severity of your sickness if you do get covid, it increases the inflammatory response and covid doesn't really pose a health risk outside of the inflammatory response, hence why people have a worse reaction.
every study that I ever found showed the opposite.

The Israeli study showed a 40% effectiveness in PREVENTING infection comparing vax to unvax, and the Mayo study (30,000+ people in each cohort of Moderna, Pfizer/BNT, and unvaxed, each individual matched for sex, age, race etc) regularly tested for SARS-Cov2 ALSO showed an approx 40% effectiveness against infection for Pfizer/BNT and a higher effeciveness (I forget, maybe 65%) for Moderna.

And both vaccines have a 70-75% effectiveness against disease.

I have seen no such study that says otherwise.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Sunday, August 15, 2021 2:50 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

DT - I have gone to - and read - every one of your links. And I have assiduously looked up all the topics you've brought up on my own.

In any case, what I posted before I still mean. I'll wait till you're feeling better. If this is important to understand, then there's no hurry that a few days or weeks or months won't endure.

To be clear, I'm looking for actual biochemistry or research-level information.

Okay, which specific part of the chemical analysis are you not finding confirmation of?


Sunday, August 15, 2021 2:56 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

DREAMTROVE: One of the criticisms of the vax that I haven't posted here is that people who get the vax have a higher rate of Covid infection than those who don't. I've seen that posted everywhere in varying analysis and heard from many people who did get the vax and then got the Covid, vs. very few people (>0 okay) but very few who got the Covid without getting the vax first. That's a fucking useless vaccine. It doesn't even lessen the severity of your sickness if you do get covid, it increases the inflammatory response and covid doesn't really pose a health risk outside of the inflammatory response, hence why people have a worse reaction.
every study that I ever found showed the opposite.

The Israeli study showed a 40% effectiveness in PREVENTING infection comparing vax to unvax, and the Mayo study (30,000+ people in each cohort of Moderna, Pfizer/BNT, and unvaxed, each individual matched for sex, age, race etc) regularly tested for SARS-Cov2 ALSO showed an approx 40% effectiveness against infection for Pfizer/BNT and a higher effeciveness (I forget, maybe 65%) for Moderna.

I have seen no such study that says otherwise.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.

and who paid for those studies?

but sorry, I see nothing that supports what you're saying, and i've seen nothing to date that supports it.

Also, vaccines do not "prevent infection" that's a misnomer of how vaccines work. it's not a body armor shield, it's a beefing up of the immune response.

nothing can prevent infection

what happens is that the immune response gets stronger from the vaccine, and the sar-2-cov does not pose a large systematic threat on its own, the immune system's response to it causes that threat, because of the similarity with synctins. Now to be fair, syncytins are originally a viral spike protein and it's entirely possible that this is all a coincidental error problem with no evil intent, in spite of the endless history of anti-population statements and "let's have a fake plague" statements by bill gates, wef and who. It might still just be coincidence. But that said, the result is the same. It's the immune response that causes the threat. The immune response in vaccinated patients is strong. So people who have been vaccinated are at more of a risk. Which is exactly what everything seems to indicate, and everyone i've met who has had the problem post vax has had a much worse go of it. as anyone would expect. because logic, science ?

i mean fuck what the media says either way.


Sunday, August 15, 2021 3:20 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The Mayo study was funded by nfernece, which is Mayo's AI for clinical data.

The Israeli study was reported by - and presumably funded by - their Health Ministry. You can find a link to the original study here
/ The link is in the forbes article, but the report is mostly in Hebrew.


similarity with synctins
KIKI has posted an amino-acid-amino-acid comparison of synctins with the spike protein. I could find no similarity.

The statement that "the immune responseis the threat" ... if that were the case, then our immune response would be killing us off with the first infection that we ever got. our immune system is incredibaly powerful. It protects us from bacteria, viruses, cancers, and even allergens. It is a vast killing machine. But it is TARGETED, and only presents a problem when it is either (1)ineffective, (2) derails and targets the wrong thing or (3) goes completely bonkers with a cytokine storm.

This results of the Israeli study have been widely MISreported as "Pfizer kills off a whopping 40% of the vaccinated"

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Sunday, August 15, 2021 3:25 PM


there's direct genetic overlap. If there were no similarities, then there wouldn't be vaccine related syncytin deficient people who I know in reality.
But it was easy to get there. Denying the threat won't save your life. It's like not seeing a dragon in you living room because you don't believe in dragons.


Sunday, August 15, 2021 3:32 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


originally posted by dreamtrove:
there's direct genetic overlap.

Show me where. DNA produces RNA, and RNA produces proteins. If the proteins don't compare, where is the genetic overlap?


If there were no similarities, then there wouldn't be vaccine related syncytin deficient people who I know in reality.
How do you know this? Were they tested for synctin before and after vaccination? Is this self-reported? Inferred by you? What do you base this on?

I know people IRL too, women who were pregnant and got vaccinated and delivered healthy babies.

But, we can all point to individuals that we know who present conflicting data. In the end, you have to look at a LOT of people to see what is happening IRL.


BTW, it's possible to OPPOSE mandatory vaccination without believing stories about the vaccine being part of the depopulation agenda, which is where I am today.

Yes, I understand that TPTB have spoken often about depopulation, and a bioweapon and/or universal vaccine would be the IDEAL mechanism to achieve that goal. But right now, not seeing any compelling evidence that shows that this is the case. I will keep an open mind about it. One possible avenue is that the vaccine (somehow) has a delayed effect.

Peace out.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Sunday, August 15, 2021 4:38 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Show me where.

Okay, not for the sake of argument, but for the sake of "I can't make a test for this if I don't do the homework first" so when I get there, I'll post it all. I'll probably make a new thread for it.

I gather people who argue against me on this one have already gotten the vax, and don't want it to be true, which I can understand, but that said, if I have a sickness and it can be cured I want to know. Curing it will be much harder than identifying it.

Now, lets say I make this test and it becomes available and we test people and find that no one has acquired this condition from the covid vax (if they had it before, they'd be dead already) If so, I've just wasted time and effort.


How do you know this? Were they tested for synctin before and after vaccination?

Okay, it's a speculation. If the condition is as dangerous as it looks to me, and bearing in mind that all humans and mice born with the condition are stillborn as some indication of its lethality, I would think not. That's another reason a test would be necessary. I mean, if you want to throw out hypotheticals, there are an endless number "what other vaccinations medications or other medical treatments did these people have that might cause this condition" or "what wild type disease can cause it and how many people have had them" I'm not saying these are pointless lines of inquiry. I happen to live in an area where towards 50% of the population has lyme disease. Secondary medical conditions are are an issue.


I know people IRL too, women who were pregnant and got vaccinated and delivered healthy babies.

I have no doubt that anti-syncytin autoimmune is not a condition acquired by 100% of vaccinated people. What I am saying is I suspect it's an unhealthy level of risk, for that portion of the population for which COVID 19 does not represent a high risk, being the population under 70 who does not have a prior immunocompromised condition or a pre-existing lung condition.


But, we can all point to individuals that we know who present conflicting data. In the end, you have to look at a LOT of people to see what is happening IRL.

fair enough, anecdotal is anecdotal


BTW, it's possible to OPPOSE mandatory vaccination without believing stories about the vaccine being part of the depopulation agenda, which is where I am today.

Completely.I I'd go further than that and say it's possible to be against this specific vaccine without being against vaccines. This vaccine was created with a trillion dollar bounty trump put on the table, filled by giant multinational corporations with a very sketchy past, did not reach any approval from the FDA and was a little quick for my scienfitic credulity.


Yes, I understand that TPTB have spoken often about depopulation, and a bioweapon and/or universal vaccine would be the IDEAL mechanism to achieve that goal. But right now, not seeing any compelling evidence that shows that this is the case. I will keep an open mind about it. One possible avenue is that the vaccine (somehow) has a delayed effect.

Peace out.

Yeah, and I definitely appreciate both you and also 1kiki have approached my skepticism with a very open mind as people not predisposed to be on my side on this one. I'm coming here with a suspicion, and I arrived at that suspicion through chemistry with no conspiracy theory, and then I met the conspiracy theory and everyone was thinking very close to exactly the same thing. Second, it would seem very much in line with things that Bill Gates in particular has done in the past, and his direct involvement in this push, Tony Fauci, his past with HIV, and his direct involvement, these make me suspicious.

I have a friend in Pakistan who was sterilized a couple years back by a vaccine he was required to get for a marriage license. After digging himself out of poverty and making a name for himself, saving up enough money for a dowry, a home and a life for his family, that's an impressive fuck you.

I can answer the delayed effect angle. That the destruction of syncytin itself takes time, and it may be that the reprogrammed immune cells just continue to attack free floating syncytin as the body produces it, and do not attack healthy syncytin producing cells. It's also possible that the condition is non-permanent, but that's also pure speculation. The immune system does have some corrective mechanisms, but all of this will take some time to see.

The contagious vaccine is definitely a worrisome concept. Reading the article you posted and some others, I see that we're not quite there yet, so it's unlikely I've contracted the Vax and that I'm merely sick from a heart virus that the vaccinated individual picked at the vaccination site.


Sunday, August 15, 2021 4:39 PM


Pax is fun.


Sunday, August 15, 2021 4:43 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Six, I forgot about that, you already posted it. And Sig got upset that I said she was off her rocker but she knows. She once spent weeks or months hunting down River6213 who was a serious schitzo, but Sig posting Death Loving Cunt after every single River post was psycho enough that people started taking the ShadowFly thing seriously. I'm not pretending this place isn't what it. It's a looney bin.

Anyway, thanks for reminding me of that. That's why I never PM people anything anymore.

First, I have no idea what PM you're referring to, regarding Sigs or you saying that she's off her rocker. I have no memory of any of the events you're outlining above. It must have been back in my drinking days when I was clearly off my own rocker.

Second "you already posted it"... Did I? Where and when. I still don't know what post you're referring to.

That being said now, it appears that I do owe you an apology for calling you a sockpuppet... At least in the capacity that I thought you were, anyhow.

I've decided not to reveal why right now, but let's just say your PM led me down a different rabbit hole than I thought it would.

I still can't figure out why you don't remember us posting 4 years ago after I'd sobered up though.


And I was calling you out because it's a cop out. "Let them die" is just a lazy position. And no, still not a sock puppet. I'm not River6213 and don't have long threads talking to myself.

Let them die isn't a lazy position.

It's an "I don't give a fuck" position.

If I had kids, they would be homeschooled now like my friend is doing this year. But I don't. All I can do is offer my support to the people in my life that I care about that still haven't caved.

I have no large circle of influence, I have no power.

I have no guilt.

I never told anybody not to get vaccinated, but they all know full well what my thoughts were and still are about it before they did. That's on them.

If anything bad happens to them now, that's on them.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Sunday, August 15, 2021 4:43 PM



Originally posted by SOCKPUPPET:
Pax is fun.

I did not post this


Sunday, August 15, 2021 4:54 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I still can't figure out why you don't remember us posting 4 years ago after I'd sobered up though.

literal brain damage. I had encephalitis in 2017 from bad chicken, and suffered some serious brain damage. The most notable part was bing blind in my dreams, and not being able to read and write and having to learn all over again. That would lead to me not posting anything. I remember on email I wrote that looked like this

wreff nud setti wan dous tal. hepp so dimut radden hop?

At that point I decided to stop trying to communicate. So, it wasn't so much a rage quit as when I left in 2013, but I don't really remember posting here at all. I remember posting on bitcoin forums.


Let them die isn't a lazy position.

It's an "I don't give a fuck" position.

fair enough

If I had kids, they would be homeschooled now like my friend is doing this year.

oh absofuckinglutely.

what rabbithole?

ps. as i said that reposting of a PM and me abandoning the concept did strike a chord in my brain but to be fair, i have no idea if it was that message to you or something else. I was having my brain eaten by a bacteria


Sunday, August 15, 2021 8:10 PM


interesting investigations into the safety hazards and silencing and non-reporting of them by corporations developing the vaccines


Monday, August 16, 2021 10:41 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I still can't figure out why you don't remember us posting 4 years ago after I'd sobered up though.

literal brain damage. I had encephalitis in 2017 from bad chicken, and suffered some serious brain damage. The most notable part was bing blind in my dreams, and not being able to read and write and having to learn all over again. That would lead to me not posting anything. I remember on email I wrote that looked like this

wreff nud setti wan dous tal. hepp so dimut radden hop?

At that point I decided to stop trying to communicate. So, it wasn't so much a rage quit as when I left in 2013, but I don't really remember posting here at all. I remember posting on bitcoin forums.


Let them die isn't a lazy position.

It's an "I don't give a fuck" position.

fair enough

If I had kids, they would be homeschooled now like my friend is doing this year.

oh absofuckinglutely.

what rabbithole?

ps. as i said that reposting of a PM and me abandoning the concept did strike a chord in my brain but to be fair, i have no idea if it was that message to you or something else. I was having my brain eaten by a bacteria

At this point, you're just going to have to deal with the fact that I don't trust you. My trust doesn't come cheap, and your history here since my sobriety is spotty (assuming that I'm even talking to the same person I enjoyed talking with in 2017).

You should know now what rabbit hole I'm referring to if you look at this thread closely. I have no idea what PM you think you sent to me about Sigs, but you didn't sent that to me. You did send me a PM right before you disappeared 4 years ago though. I'll leave you to try to figure out what was in it on your own. The clues are right here.

Hey, if what you say about a bacteria eating your brain is true, sorry man... that sucks. But I have no reason to believe that anything you say is true right now, and I'm not one to be manipulated through pity.

As for the virus, I really hope everything you're saying is absolute bullshit. I have a lot of people I care about that already got it. I'm pulling for them not having made a catastrophic decision, and I will take no pleasure in handing out that bag of I Told You Sos.

I prefer to keep my opinions about the last year and a half somewhat more grounded, and not the type of stuff you'd hear an Alex Jones type ranting about. I'm also not a particularly religious person, so when people start throwing around terms like "The Beast", I tend to tune out. I'm also well aware that most people I'd ever talk to in the REAL world would do the same if I were going around talking about demons and lizard people too.

I don't know what's in it. And that's all I need to know.

If the vaccine works, the vaccinated have nothing to worry about.

If it doesn't, I don't need it.



Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Monday, August 16, 2021 8:32 PM


Not sure what your views are on a lot of things.

I have not fully kept up on this thread:






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