Hydroxychloriquine, The Cure For Wuhan Coronavirus (Fauci Flu)

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Wednesday, August 5, 2020 4:43 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

They constantly print misinformation.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Stupid people don't know they're stupid, and they certainly don't realize how obvious it is to others.

If not the media. What other reputable sources of news are there?

10 Journalism Brands Where You Find Real Facts Rather Than Alternative Facts

1. The New York Times
2. The Wall Street Journal
3. The Washington Post
4. BBC
5. The Economist
6. The New Yorker
7. The Associated Press, Reuters, Bloomberg News
8. Foreign Affairs
9. The Atlantic
10. Politico

Runners Up:

- National Public Radio

- TIME magazine

-The Christian Science Monitor

- The Los Angeles Times (and many other regional, metropolitan daily newspapers)

- USA Today


- NBC News

- CBS News

- ABC News

Business News Sources:

- FORBES magazine

- Bloomberg BusinessWeek magazine

- Fortune magazine

- The Financial Times newspaper

Sources of reporting and opinion from the right of the political spectrum:

- National Review

- The Weekly Standard

Sources of reporting and opinion from the left of the political spectrum:

- The New Republic

- The Nation

Paul Glader is an associate professor of journalism at The King's College in New York City, a media scholar at The Berlin School of Creative Leadership

This is only a partial list of Liberal shill Legacy Media. I know you can do better than this.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I've made my point so there’s no need. My point, you’re a cynic Jack. A person whose outlook is scornfully and habitually negative. As I’ve recently posted It’s about your essence Jack . It is as that post states. Your essence Jack, your soul, is rotten. To sum it up in a word Jack; drunk.


Stupid people don't know they're stupid, and they certainly don't realize how obvious it is to others.


Wednesday, August 5, 2020 9:30 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 1KIKI:
Signy -

I realize Hatfill's article wasn't a research paper. And maybe he was the victim of editorial space-saving and they got rid of his references as too long and too pedantic.

But I found many of his statements troubling because they lacked evidence.


When the COVID-19 pandemic began, a search was made
By whom?

for suitable antiviral therapies to use as treatment until a vaccine could be produced. One drug, hydroxychloroquine, was found to be the most effective and safe for use against the virus.
Isn't that the point in dispute? So how does an unsupported claim resolve it?

Fauci seemed to be unaware that there actually was a national pandemic plan for respiratory viruses.
Did it involve HCQ as implied?

... some knowledgeable practicing U.S. physicians began prescribing hydroxychloroquine to patients still in the early phase of COVID infection. Its effects seemed dramatic.
names? dates? numbers?

They reaffirmed that hydroxychloroquine was a safe drug with no serious side effects.
That's simply not true as HCQ definitely carries risks, even listed in the prescribing information in the US.

In mid-April a high-level memo was sent to the FDA alerting them to the fact that the best use for hydroxychloroquine was for its early use in still ambulatory COVID patients.
From whom? To whom? What date? Are quotes available?

... some countries had already implemented early, aggressive, outpatient community treatment with hydroxychloroquine ...
Which ones? When did this happen?

And so on.

You know, I'd be happy if HCQ was a good answer to saving a lot of people. And as you may have noticed, I've spent considerable time and effort trying to track down the reality of the current situation instead of just relying on m$m claims.

But, just like with WMDs, and Russia hacked the DNC, I'd need to see evidence. Hatfill was certainly in a position to provide some, but he provided zip, not even durable, verifiable names and dates in his historical recounting.

I guess I'm a little less skeptical because I've heard of some of these positive studies thru Chris Martenson, who always cites the author, but I would have to go back and listen to many of his videos to catch all of those citations.

One thing that he brings up over and over is that the studies show that HCQ only works as either a prophylatic or VERY EARLY in the course of the disease.

SIX would be very happy to hear Chris Martenson's latest video. Martenson appears to have thrown in the towel, from declaring over and over "It doesn't have to be this way" to saying "Maybe there were always going to be a certain number of people who die" (or words to that effect. In other words: you can delay the vulnerable people dying by taking extraordinary measures, but because the "native" Rnaught is so high you can't prevent it spreading thru lockdown and you'll just kill the economy. He still does recommend masking, but lockdowns - not so much!

There's a benefit to delaying the spread of Covid-19 to the vulnerable population, and that in a few months to a year there will be better treatments and possibly a vaccine or two. And since it only takes masking up, what's the big deal? I've been masking up for months now.

The only thing is that they REALLY need to make N95s available to the vulnerable population; maybe be having a doctor Rx three or four per person per month. That way, the most vulnerable can protect themselves while everyone goes on about their business, in surgical masks.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Wednesday, August 5, 2020 9:48 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Perhaps (some to all) of Hatfill's mentioned studies/ clinical observations/ missives have sources. But I'll have to take your word for it, since as I've been scouring the literature I've been looking, and haven't seen a single one.

I just like to read it for myself. It gives me a much better sense of the focus and limitations of the (whatevers).

I agree with you. IMO it's FAR better to only grudgingly give ground by using cheap and easy measures, than throw in the towel by doing nothing at all. One way has a better chance of getting you to a better end - ESPECIALLY since long-term effects for even mild infections in even young people are still a huge unknown. The only reason to throw in the towel is if you're pretty certain no vaccines at will ever work even a little ...
... then just let it rip no matter what the short- or long-term consequences to the country, and let global genetics sort it out in the long LONG run.

But I have to say, both China and India with their 1B+ populations will probably take over the world in that scenario. They simply have so many more people to burn, and so many more genetic variations to exploit.


Wednesday, August 5, 2020 10:16 PM


Eh. Meanwhile, we'll just destroy the economy. Cool.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, August 5, 2020 10:21 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Of COURSE we will! By wearing masks, washing hands, and not crowding together with non-household members !!

Only in you deluded shriveled brain, JACK.


Wednesday, August 5, 2020 10:40 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So, let me clarify: Martenson still advocates masking and handwashing, but what he's saying is that if you implement strict lockdown measures, all you're doing is delaying the "first wave". I've been wondering about that myself: all nations, whether they lockdown or "let 'er rip" -or something in-between- seem to have some inherent number of people who're going to die, it's only a question of "when".

Well, I thought the point of all of this WAS to "flatten the curve" to not overwhelm the medical system. NOT to eradicate the virus. If that was the point then California has done an excellent job of flattening the curve, because it seems to be progressing thru its "first peak" rather slowly.

But he has some interesting data from Sweden, starting at 24:17 which shows Sweden having a "first peak" of deaths and a "second peak" of cases without attendant deaths.

I wonder how much of these shape of the "cases" curve is constricted by early limitations in testing. Since Sweden has had a "let 'er rip" philosophy from the beginning, why wouldn't the "cases" curve just steadily progress upwards instead of itself showing a dip? I think I would like to see an attendant "positivity" line along with the "cases" line to help me understand how much of the cases they were actually detecting along various points of the curve. Also, when facing skyrocketing death rates, the Swedish people may have taken it upon themselves to take precautions. Also, I wonder if the "first wave" (of deaths) was from the first strain of the virus, and the "second wave" (of cases) was from the more infectious mutation. I don't know the answer to that one, but I'd sure like to know!

So his video seems to be more of a caution against further lockdowns, but relying on masking and handwashing.

I think I started recommending masking up instead of lockdowns about three weeks into the USA epidemic. It seems to intrude less on people's liberties than other measures like lockdowns or "immunity passports" or mandated vaccination or microchipping people and have a lot lower impact on the economy.

Also, he makes a point of talking (again) about the long-term heart, lung, and kidney damage that even "recovered" people experience. But this really belongs in the other thread so I'll post it there too.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Thursday, August 6, 2020 7:54 AM


Prediction- JSF, sig, jack and kiki will continue this stupid discussion about hydroxychloroquine, and none unfortunately, will ever take it. Anybody what to take that bet?


Stupid people don't know they're stupid, and they certainly don't realize how obvious it is to others.


Thursday, August 6, 2020 8:26 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
So, let me clarify: Martenson still advocates masking and handwashing, but what he's saying is that if you implement strict lockdown measures, all you're doing is delaying the "first wave". I've been wondering about that myself: all nations, whether they lockdown or "let 'er rip" -or something in-between- seem to have some inherent number of people who're going to die, it's only a question of "when".

When the first coronavirus cases were reported in mainland China, Taiwan’s well-oiled systems quickly kicked into gear. Despite its proximity to the outbreak, Taiwan has had only seven deaths from COVID-19 so far.

Meanwhile, America's well-oiled systems quickly kicked into gear. Deaths? 159,000 +1,328

Signym, there is not "some inherent number of people who're going to die" of Covid-19. There are deaths from incompetently handling Covid-19. Here is Trump exuding incompetence:

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, August 6, 2020 12:37 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I've noticed a lack of clarity among internet sources about dosage. Many of the Fake Trials are intentionally failing the Trial by forcing HIGH DOSES which has already been known, for many decades, to cause problems, like with the heart.

I see that the approved dosage is only for a max or 6.5mg per kg of body weight per day. For 100lbs person, this is about 290mg, or less than 150mg if taking twice per day. For 150lbs, this is about 440mg per day, or max dosage of 220mg twice per day. For 200lbs, this is about 580mg per day maximum, or 290mg twice per day.

There are in fact a number of very different maximum dosages DEPENDING ON USE.
There's the maximum dosage

Usual Adult Dose for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
-Doses above 400 mg/day are not recommended.
Usual Adult Dose for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Maximum dose: 600 mg salt (465 mg base)/day or 6.5 mg/kg salt (5 mg/kg base)/day, whichever is lower

Successful treatment practices have indicated starting with 400mg twice on the first day, 12 hours apart, and then 200mg twice per day for 4 days. This all exceeds the approved maximum dosages as specified in the approval for use guidelines. This would certainly seem to fit the description of HIGH DOSES.

However, WHO has been trying to force Doctors to use 800mg x2 6 hours apart on the first day, followed by 400mg x2 per day for 10 days.
That certainly seems to be exceeding the maximum allowed dosage by a factor up to 11.

That is a completely false statement.
The WHO trial recommends "The Chloroquine or Hydroxychloroquine schedule selected for the trial includes two oral loading doses (250 mg per tablet CQ or 200mg per tablet HCQ), then oral twice-daily maintenance doses for ten days." For HCQ that's 400mg/day.

I am certain that all of these India Press clubs are all just fabricating stories to support Trump.


ICMR writes to WHO disagreeing with HCQ assessment, officials say international trial dosage four times higher than India

Buoyed by the preliminary success observed in the treatment of COVID-19 patients through these HCQ tablets, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has written to the WHO.

Published: 29th May 2020 07:50 PM | Last Updated: 29th May 2020 07:51 PM | A+A A-
hydroxychloroquine, HCQ

Currently, as per protocols set by the Indian government to treat severe coronavirus patients requiring ICU management, HCQ dosages administered amounts to 2400 mg. (File photo | AFP)

NEW DELHI: After the Union Health Ministry expressed reservations about the World Health Organisation's (WHO) advisory to suspend hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) usage in treating COVID-19 patients, now, India's nodal government agency ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) overseeing the country's response to the coronavirus pandemic has also written to the WHO citing differences in dosage standards between Indian and international trials that could explain the efficacy issues of HCQ in treating COVID-19 patients.

Currently, as per protocols set by the Indian government to treat severe coronavirus patients requiring ICU management, HCQ dosages are administered in the following way- 1st day a heavy dose of 400mg HCQ dose once in the morning and one at night, followed by 200 mg HCQ one in the morning and one at night to be followed for the next four days. The total dosage administered to a patient in 5 days, therefore, amounts to 2400 mg.

Speaking to ANI on the condition of anonymity, a Health Ministry official explained the context behind the ICMR and Health Ministry disagreeing with WHO's assessment, the primary point being the wide gap in dosage levels given in India and internationally."Internationally in Solidarity trial COVID-19 patients are being administered with--800 mg x 2 loading doses 6 hours apart followed by 400 mg x 2 doses per day for 10 days. The total dosage given to a patient over 11 days is about 9600 mg which is four times higher than the dose we are giving to our patients," informed the official.

"This indicates that in our treatment protocol, the efficacy of HCQ is good and patients are recovering quickly with less amount of dosage being administered," said the official.

Buoyed by the preliminary success observed in the treatment of COVID-19 patients through these HCQ tablets, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has written to the WHO.

In a letter via an email, Dr Sheela Godbole, National Coordinator of the WHO-India Solidarity Trial and Head of the Division of Epidemiology, ICMR-National AIDS Research Institute has written to Dr Soumya Swaminathan, Chief Scientist at World Health Organization.

In a letter, Dr Godbole stated: "There was no reason to suspend the trial for safety concern."

When contacted Dr Godbole, she said: "Only one arm of the Solidarity trial by WHO has temporary been paused for a time being i.e. HCQ arm, other arms of the clinical trial are still active."

On Thursday, Dr VK Paul, Member Niti Aayog and Chairman of empowered group 1 said: "When we see the present evidence of HCQ, there are fewer side-effects...We have studied HCQ drug very closely with our scientists and hence as per the latest government guidelines--HCQ drug can be given to frontline workers and severe coronavirus patients. However, these guidelines would be reviewed from time to time," said Paul.

A UK study into HCQ as a COVID-19 treatment is to continue despite the WHO suspending its trial, underway in several countries, due to safety concerns. HCQ is one of the drugs in Oxford's RECOVERY (Randomised Evaluation of Covid-19 therapy trial) study, Professor Peter Horby, Professor of Emerging Infectious Diseases and Global Health in the Nuffield Department of Medicine, University of Oxford, said in a statement.

"In response to that paper, we looked very carefully at our data over the weekend, to make sure we are not putting patients at risk. Since RECOVERY patients are randomised, our data are much less vulnerable to the biases that plague studies that use routine health care data," the statement read.

An independent committee has looked at our data and did not see any safety concerns. We discussed our findings with Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Authority, who have agreed with our interpretation that the data provide reassurance that continued enrolment into the HCQ arm is safe and that we should press ahead with getting a reliable answer on hydroxychloroquine through the RECOVERY trial," the statement further read.

Yes, the Press in India are printing purely completely false statements, just to irritate and refute you.


Thursday, August 6, 2020 12:51 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Just a comment: If HCQ is an antiviral, it makes no sense to delay the first does until the patient is semi-comatose in the ICU on a ventilator, because by then the virus has already multiplied. At that point, HCQ's side effects on the heart may be interacting with a heart that's being damaged by micro emboli.

I will try to find some of those references if I have the time. I do recall thinking that - just like remdisivir, India (one of the reporting entities) also has a financial interest in positive results because they mfr the stuff, and if it's used as a prophylactic it would be used in mass quantities. France OTOH, another reporting entity (IIRC) doesn't have that finanicial motivation.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Thursday, August 6, 2020 12:59 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


YOU cited the HCQ drugfacts webpage that listed the various dosages of HCQ for various conditions. The FACT that you only read the very first recommendation for HCQ was YOUR problem. (Or did you read them all and lie by presenting only the very first low dose as the only one?)

And then to top it off, you completely made up bogus shit about the WHO recommended dosages for its trial, which I had to correct WITH FACTS showing the WHO was NOT recommitting anything like what you claimed, and that, in addition, its dosage schedule was well within the recommended HCQ dosing limits on the HCQ page YOU cited.

Now you're trying to say that ... what? India is proving you right? and me wrong?

You're wrong. You were wrong with your bogus facts when you posted them - and nothing about India is going to change that.

Sheesh. You're as bad as JACK when it comes to not being able to admit when you're wrong, especially to a woman.

As for India, good luck to them! I hope they find a good dosing schedule and time for intervention that works!


Thursday, August 6, 2020 4:27 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
So, let me clarify: Martenson still advocates masking and handwashing, but what he's saying is that if you implement strict lockdown measures, all you're doing is delaying the "first wave". I've been wondering about that myself: all nations, whether they lockdown or "let 'er rip" -or something in-between- seem to have some inherent number of people who're going to die, it's only a question of "when".

Well, I thought the point of all of this WAS to "flatten the curve" to not overwhelm the medical system. NOT to eradicate the virus. If that was the point then California has done an excellent job of flattening the curve, because it seems to be progressing thru its "first peak" rather slowly.

But he has some interesting data from Sweden, starting at 24:17 which shows Sweden having a "first peak" of deaths and a "second peak" of cases without attendant deaths.

I wonder how much of these shape of the "cases" curve is constricted by early limitations in testing. Since Sweden has had a "let 'er rip" philosophy from the beginning, why wouldn't the "cases" curve just steadily progress upwards instead of itself showing a dip? I think I would like to see an attendant "positivity" line along with the "cases" line to help me understand how much of the cases they were actually detecting along various points of the curve. Also, when facing skyrocketing death rates, the Swedish people may have taken it upon themselves to take precautions. Also, I wonder if the "first wave" (of deaths) was from the first strain of the virus, and the "second wave" (of cases) was from the more infectious mutation. I don't know the answer to that one, but I'd sure like to know!

So his video seems to be more of a caution against further lockdowns, but relying on masking and handwashing.

I think I started recommending masking up instead of lockdowns about three weeks into the USA epidemic. It seems to intrude less on people's liberties than other measures like lockdowns or "immunity passports" or mandated vaccination or microchipping people and have a lot lower impact on the economy.

I've been hearing for quite some time that mask wearing has been effective at reducing spread, but social distancing has not really helped to any discernable degree. In RWED I continued to see emphasis on SocDist.
I have been amazed at the number of obese old women who are the Mask Nazis, screaming at everybody to wear a mask!! Although the primary effect of wearing a mask is to not get infected yourself, and not so much about not spreading if you are infected.

Washing hands.
Not sure where you all are, but I'm stuck in a Libtard State, Libtard City, with spendaholic County Exec. So when places have been allowed to open, they are all required to not allow and flowing water, or sinks with water, or any handwashing stations. Yes. Locked Down and restricted because of contagious illness, and public interaction is allowed as long as nobody is allowed to wash their hands. Is this only Libtards who think up these brilliant plans? Or is it elsewhere as well?


Monday, August 10, 2020 4:18 PM


Democrats thanking Trump for recommending HCQ, which saved lives.


Monday, August 10, 2020 4:27 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Sheesh. You're as bad as JACK when it comes to not being able to admit when you're wrong, especially to a woman.


I missed this gem.

Go fuck yourself FemKaren.

Ask Ted or Second/Marcos if they feel I'm any more lenient on them because they don't have a vagina.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, August 24, 2020 5:41 PM


The following post is copied from the main thread, where I fear it might get buried. But it sounds promising (100%, that is), so it fits within my reasoning for this thread.

I hope SignyM doesn't mind.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Skip the first part, Chris Martenson is still pursuing his "native immunity/lower threshold for herd immunity" theory.

However, at 19:20 he discusses a triple therapy that has been found by Australian doctor and researcher to be 100% successful in curing mild cases of Covid-19: Ivermectin, zinc, and doxycyline. This therapy is more successful than HCQ+azithromycin, which was used as the base case in comparative studies.


Also, with the development of a rapid saliva PCR test for Covid-19, it will be possible to test early and TREAT early, when it is likely to be more successful.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Saturday, September 26, 2020 12:28 PM


I hope SignyM doesn't mind if I copy this pertinent post into this thread as well.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
From ZH, fwiw


Breakthrough Research On Severe COVID-19 Infections Opens Door To New Treatment

So far, scientists have figured out that being male, elderly, and having underlying medical conditions can all raise risk factors for patients. But even patients who check all these boxes don't always experience serious symptoms. Scientists suspect that several factors influence severity, including pre-existing levels of inflammation, natural immunity levels, and the amount and strain of virus that starts the infection - along with variations in patients' genetic makeup.

As has been previously reported, many patients suffer the worst of the symptoms for COVID-19 due to an immune system overreaction called a "cytokine storm". As Dr. Fauci once explained, while "too little immunity is no good"..."too much immunity is really, really bad".

Now, researchers have discovered the role of a critical protein which could open the door to a new potential COVID-19 treatment.

Studies comparing reactions to COVID-19 in siblings have unearthed an interesting detail: the availability of a substance called interferon. Interferons are signaling proteins that help orchestrate the body’s defense against viral pathogens; they're used to treat diseases like Hepatitis C.

A growing body of evidence, including twin landmark studies published Thursday in the journal "Science" showed that "insufficient" interferon levels may be a dangerous precursor to a serious infection. As one researcher explained, the data suggest the virus uses this "one big trick" to slip past the body's initial defense systems.

"It looks like this virus has one big trick," said Shane Crotty, a professor in the Center for Infectious Disease and Vaccine Research at the La Jolla Institute for Immunology in California. "That big trick is to avoid the initial innate immune response for a significant period of time and, in particular, avoid an early type-1 interferon response."

The research highlights the potential for interferon-based therapies to expand a range of non-vaccine-related treatments, like Gilead's remdesivir and convalescent plasma.

Research shows the timing of medical intervention is also critical.

"We think timing may be essential because it’s only in the very early phase one can really battle the virus particles and defend against infection," said Alexander Hoischen, head of the genomic technologies and immuno-genomics group at Radboud University Medical Center in Nijmegen that analyzed the DNA of the two sets of brothers.

Then again, some people are believed to have trouble fighting infections because they make antibodies that deactivate their own interferon. On Thursday, a global consortium of researchers said such immune reactions to the protein could account for life-threatening pneumonia in at least 2.6% of women and 12.5% of men that causes inflammation in the patient's lungs.

Findings from the research offer the first explanation for the significantly higher mortality rate seen in male and elderly COVID-19 patients.

Interferon-blocking antibodies appeared in 101 of 987 patients with severe disease, but none of the 663 people with an asymptomatic or mild case, according to the research being published in "Science". Patients over 65 were also more likely than younger ones to have the autoimmune abnormality, which was "clinically silent until the patients were infected with SARS-CoV-2," said a group of more than 100 scientists said.

Researchers estimated that Inteferon issues might underlie as many as 14% of fatalities and the most severe cases.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Saturday, September 26, 2020 12:33 PM


I was listening to an interveiw with Dr. Rand Paul the other day. He said that never before have there been unqualified politicians banning Doctors from practicing the best form of medicine they know, until NY and MI regarding HCQ. He said Doctors should continue to exercise their "Right To Try" the medical procedures and practices which are best.

Louie Gohmert stated that he took the HCQ, Zinc, Z-Pack, and nebulizer prescribed him, and he is completely clear now.


Monday, October 5, 2020 3:51 PM


Sounds like Trump is being treated with HCQ, remedesivir, Zinc, and also Dexamethezone.


Monday, October 12, 2020 3:55 PM


I heard a reporter say that regeneron was used in the drug cocktail that Trump was given. First I heard of that one.


Monday, October 12, 2020 5:59 PM


After Trump went to the Hospital, a Doctor referenced the medicines he was given, including HCQ.

Tweeter promptly banned him for 1 week for posting the banned term HCQ, derived solely from Orange Man Bad origins.


Wednesday, October 28, 2020 3:25 PM


Copied from the other thread, these sound promising and valid.


Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Study identifies 3 existing drugs that may help treat COVID-19

Instead, in their study, the scientists used a ligand-based virtual screening (LBVS) (like the 'in silico' method described in a post above -1kiki)

... to study approximately 4,000 drugs[,] then verifying their findings, the scientists identified three that may be effective against COVID-19 and, in their opinion, should be made the subject of clinical trials.

These are the antimalarial drug amodiaquine, the anti-psychotic zuclopenthixol, and the blood pressure medication nebivolol.


Wednesday, October 28, 2020 4:21 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
That graph shows that with HCQ the CFR settles to 1-3%, but without HCQ the CFR hangs around 10-16%.

So the realistic CFR expected is about 1/5 to 1/10 the Death Rate as the Fauci-Hahn Strategy.

New York and MI had banned use of HCQ, and they drove the Death Count for the whole nation, so our Deaths could be around 12,000 instead of around 120,000 (or whatever it is now).

Major studies with over a thousand patients each and randomized treatment show no improvement with HCQ or HCQ+azithromycin for mild/ moderate COVID-19. Previous studies showed significant increased mortality with severe COVID-19.

However, 3 other drugs show good potential.


Monday, November 16, 2020 7:17 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Why not try arsenic? How about plutonium?


Wednesday, November 18, 2020 4:14 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
Why not try arsenic? How about plutonium?

Are those known cures or effective treatments for Malaria, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis? Known for decades of treatments?


Wednesday, December 16, 2020 5:09 PM



Wednesday, December 16, 2020 6:22 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

AMA doesn't endorse HCQ/ CQ
I want to point out that the AMA doesn't ENDORSE HCQ or CQ. What it does is state that they are prescribable drugs, and physicians should be professional enough, and knowledgeable enough, and in touch with their patient's medical histories enough, that its (the AMA's) previous stance that those drugs should not be prescribed is contrary to the AMA's code of endorsing physician professional judgement.

Unverified and unverifiable information
And unfortunately, your link contains many links to either already-debunked claims or back to its own website (that go back to April), and those links mostly contain no links to original sources. So many of its claims are not only not verified, but unverifiable by tracking down its literature.

Outdated information, misattribution of cause
On top of that, many of its claims are sadly misstated, for example, attributing the low case fatality rates in Qatar, Bahrain, and the UAE to HCQ/ CQ rather than the fact that ~75% of their populations (website's figures) are guest workers who are young and healthy. And that is very similar to Singapore's demographic where virtually all infections were non-fatal because they occurred in guest-worker housing consisting of young healthy people. Another example is its attribution of SK's low case fatality rate to HCQ/ CQ when clearly those numbers are now outdated in SK's recent explosion of COVID-19.

Applicability to the US
And, when it comes to population demographics and low case fatality rate, here in the US (for example) we have many multigenerational households where older people with more comorbidities are getting infected (who are also at increased cardiac risk due to the side effects of HCQ/ CQ), who then go on to die from the disease.

Website advocacy
And very clearly the website is a single-person advocacy for HCQ/ CQ.

Hopefully, doctors and other prescribing personnel are using their own judgement about individual patients when prescribing HCQ/ CQ after reviewing the risks and benefits, and not succumbing either way to blanket advocacy.


Wednesday, May 12, 2021 11:31 AM


In India some Hindu Leaders are telling them to drink Cow Piss ... a Joker-ish cure?

Cartoonish Cures?
Joker taped a taunting "commercial" in a Batman movie, products with some kind of infection inside that would interrupt an ActionNews Gotham City news report, taunt Batman and broadcast breaking the first news of its victims, models Candy Walker and Amanda Keeler. Photos of the models with super-imposed lips saying "Love that Joker!" Smilex, also referred to as "Happy Gas" or Giggles Gas?
The Joker's army of goons had amassed at the 200th Anniversary Parade with a promise to give away $20 million in cash. When the citizens arrived, however, Joker attacked them with Smilex that spewing from the inside of his giant balloons.
They were Joker poisoned health products that, when paired in specific combination, would cause their victims to begin laughing uncontrollably, and then fall down, with their facial muscles pulled taut in a mortises rictus grin. It could be in aersol form and also be processed in a gaseous state.

‘Hydroxychloroquine tea’ is being peddled as a coronavirus cure in Brazil. It's fake.

List of unproven methods against COVID-19 - Wikipedia

Rand Paul Conspiracy?


Wednesday, May 12, 2021 9:12 PM


Or, yanno... don't eat fast food every day and sit on your fat ass binge watching netflix.

Or don't be 90 years old.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Saturday, May 15, 2021 3:44 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
AMA doesn't endorse HCQ/ CQ
I want to point out that the AMA doesn't ENDORSE HCQ or CQ. What it does is state that they are prescribable drugs, and physicians should be professional enough, and knowledgeable enough, and in touch with their patient's medical histories enough, that its (the AMA's) previous stance that those drugs should not be prescribed is contrary to the AMA's code of endorsing physician professional judgement.

Unverified and unverifiable information
And unfortunately, your link contains many links to either already-debunked claims or back to its own website (that go back to April), and those links mostly contain no links to original sources. So many of its claims are not only not verified, but unverifiable by tracking down its literature.

Outdated information, misattribution of cause
On top of that, many of its claims are sadly misstated, for example, attributing the low case fatality rates in Qatar, Bahrain, and the UAE to HCQ/ CQ rather than the fact that ~75% of their populations (website's figures) are guest workers who are young and healthy. And that is very similar to Singapore's demographic where virtually all infections were non-fatal because they occurred in guest-worker housing consisting of young healthy people. Another example is its attribution of SK's low case fatality rate to HCQ/ CQ when clearly those numbers are now outdated in SK's recent explosion of COVID-19.

Applicability to the US
And, when it comes to population demographics and low case fatality rate, here in the US (for example) we have many multigenerational households where older people with more comorbidities are getting infected (who are also at increased cardiac risk due to the side effects of HCQ/ CQ), who then go on to die from the disease.

Website advocacy
And very clearly the website is a single-person advocacy for HCQ/ CQ.

Hopefully, doctors and other prescribing personnel are using their own judgement about individual patients when prescribing HCQ/ CQ after reviewing the risks and benefits, and not succumbing either way to blanket advocacy.

AMA? In the past 25 years, have they suddenly stopped being a partisan hack cowtowing to political landscape instead of, like, medicine, or like, science?

Are they next spouting that Flat Earth narrative again?


Friday, May 28, 2021 6:11 PM


Rand Paul pushes Conspiracy Theories

Fauci and NIH confirm that $600,000 of public money went to Wuhan - two weeks after Rand Paul row

Rand Paul: Dr. Fauci lied to Congress about Wuhan lab research funding. Sen. Rand Paul says: "Fauci Should Be Made To Testify Under Oath"


Friday, May 28, 2021 7:04 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Rand Paul pushes Conspiracy Theories

Fauci and NIH confirm that $600,000 of public money went to Wuhan - two weeks after Rand Paul row

Rand Paul: Dr. Fauci lied to Congress about Wuhan lab research funding. Sen. Rand Paul says: "Fauci Should Be Made To Testify Under Oath"

Next up:
Conspiracy Theories about the Earth maybe not being flat.
Conspiracy Theories about Sol maybe not circling around Terra.
Conspiracy Theories about objects falling down from something called gravity.


Thursday, June 24, 2021 7:30 PM


Copied from another thread, seems to fit here.


Originally posted by 1KIKI:
Thanks for the post!

I read somewhere that there's some indication that HCQ might also work. My only objection to HCQ is that because it could cause serious/ deadly side effects due to G6PD deficiency (found in 10% of Mediterranean and African populations), that it should be prescribed thoughtfully, and not en masse.

Oh, I was just following up on quinine/ cardiac arrhythmias, quinidine/ cardiac arrhythmias, and HCQ/ cardiac arrhythmias; I looked at the 3 of them because they're all in the same broad category.

Quinine has been used to treat malaria, but also rarely cardiac arrhythmias, as it has a noticeable effect on heart conductivity, but can also induce cardiac arrhythmias at times.

The same is true of quinidine, a stereoisomer of quinine whose primary use has been to treat arrhythmias but which has also been far less used to prevent and treat malaria.

HCQ is also used as a prophylactic and treatment against malaria, but has never been used to treat cardiac arrhythmias to my knowledge, though it's been used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, some types of lupus, and some other autoimmune conditions.

So the question is does HCQ affect heart conductivity like its related drugs?

There are several websites that report rare documented cases of HCQ cardiotoxicity.

but others that didn't

and some reported overall benefit


Friday, June 25, 2021 12:20 AM


Not wearing masks, not getting vaccinated, not doing anything has a 99.8% success rate against the beer bug.


And he who is not sufficiently courageous to defend his soul — don’t let him be proud of his ‘progressive’ views, and don’t let him boast that he is an academician or a people’s artist, a distinguished figure or a general. Let him say to himself: I am a part of the herd and a coward. It’s all the same to me as long as I’m fed and kept warm.


Saturday, July 3, 2021 7:12 AM


Crazy Conspiracy?
Gain of Function Gaslighting

Rand Paul: Unsubstantiated push to vaccinate kids from covid ‘direct result of Dr Fauci’s big lie’


Tuesday, August 10, 2021 9:40 AM


Dr. Fauci Just Issued This "Serious" Warning

Hydroxychloroquine doctor sues CNN, Anderson Cooper for $100 million

Trump tweeted all kinds of stuff, there was hype about Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine they are anti-malarial medications also used against some auto-immune diseases. Chloroquine, along with hydroxychloroquine, was an early failed experimental treatment for COVID-19. It is thought they are not effective for preventing infection but...

...the story continues i guess, it might be combined with other drugs,
In 2021, hydroxychloroquine was part of the recommended treatment for mild cases in India


Monday, August 16, 2021 8:22 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Dr. Fauci Just Issued This "Serious" Warning

Hydroxychloroquine doctor sues CNN, Anderson Cooper for $100 million

Trump tweeted all kinds of stuff, there was hype about Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine they are anti-malarial medications also used against some auto-immune diseases. Chloroquine, along with hydroxychloroquine, was an early failed experimental treatment for COVID-19. It is thought they are not effective for preventing infection but...

...the story continues i guess, it might be combined with other drugs,
In 2021, hydroxychloroquine was part of the recommended treatment for mild cases in India

Just how insipid are you?

This is the disinformation spewed last March, of 2020 - which is at least 16 months ago, and was quickly disproven by real doctors and science folk and stuff.
Why are you regurgitating known lies for you masters? Why not look up the latest lie Fauci is telling, he has a neverending supply?

Why don't you stay out of real threads where folk are discussing actual real topics, and keep your Libtard BS to yourself.

Stop interrupting while the adults are talking, m'kay?
And quit throwing your own poop all over the board, we are getting tired of it. Just because you can't speak English is no excuse.


Tuesday, August 17, 2021 12:55 AM


Why do you think that he's a Libtard?

I know his posts are hard to read, but I don't think you even tried before writing that reply.

Besides, he's the only one on these boards with a stick up his ass to match yours when it comes to smoking weed. You two should be besties.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Tuesday, August 17, 2021 9:21 AM


The bioweapon and its sister vials are all part of the plandemic, and the target of these is to create sterility though autoimmune response. In that light, antivirals are a better line of defense because they decrease the virulence of infection without boosting overactive immune response that could lead to errant autoimmune conditions developing.

Of course the Event201 plan involved holding the world hostage to a real sounding but fictional Extronivir supply, rather than an omnipresent Hydroxychloriquine, but HIV own infamous Tony Fraudci was superceded in his proposed treatment plan by a random Satmar who had Trump's ear.

Anyway, you're right, about this

Jewelstaitefan, you misread Jayneztown's posts. he's mocking the Fraudci and his claims, not supporting them.


Tuesday, August 17, 2021 9:37 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Gain of Function Gaslighting


Tuesday, August 17, 2021 9:47 AM


Upper lefthand corner


Tuesday, August 17, 2021 10:23 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
The bioweapon and its sister vials are all part of the plandemic, and the target of these is to create sterility though autoimmune response. In that light, antivirals are a better line of defense because they decrease the virulence of infection without boosting overactive immune response that could lead to errant autoimmune conditions developing.

Of course the Event201 plan involved holding the world hostage to a real sounding but fictional Extronivir supply, rather than an omnipresent Hydroxychloriquine, but HIV own infamous Tony Fraudci was superceded in his proposed treatment plan by a random Satmar who had Trump's ear.

Maybe it's not extremes like HIV you have to worry about.

Maybe you just end up with an eternal case of the hives or loss of skin pigmentation around your genitals and asshole and it just makes you want to kill yourself.

I mean... just try telling the girl that you hooked up with on Tinder that the white splotches everywhere weren't caused by STDs and they popped up after you got vaccinated. I'm sure she's not going to run right out of your bedroom.


Anyway, you're right, about this

Jewelstaitefan, you misread Jayneztown's posts. he's mocking the Fraudci and his claims, not supporting them.



Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Tuesday, August 17, 2021 10:44 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Maybe it's not extremes like HIV you have to worry about.

was not saying you'd get HIV from the vax. Though you could get a similar condition. I was actually referencing Tony Fauci's work plagiarizing Luc Montagnier. For years everyone thought Robert Gallo had done it, and created the fake HIV isolation, to steal the credit, but then around 1999-2000 Tony Fauci admitted he did it himself, and Gallo was exonerated. What amazes me is that 20 years later we're trusting Tony Fauci and saying none of his work is bogus esp on the viral isolation that the kiwi hottie was just talking about.

New Zealand accent is kind of like a Scottish accent.

If you want confirmation on that, you don't have to trust my memory of Fauci's confession, Judy Mikovits references it in the plandemic video also.


Tuesday, August 17, 2021 10:49 AM



Tuesday, August 17, 2021 10:50 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Maybe it's not extremes like HIV you have to worry about.

was not saying you'd get HIV from the vax.

I wasn't saying that you did. I was just mentioning that there are a lot of non-life-threatening yet chronic and/or irreversable immune responses that people could get. Yanno... things that are so annoying and/or cosmetically life-altering that the millions of Americans already clinging to the last remaining shreds of sanity might just end up jumping out a window if it were to happen to them.


Though you could get a similar condition. I was actually referencing Tony Fauci's work plagiarizing Luc Montagnier. For years everyone thought Robert Gallo had done it, and created the fake HIV isolation, to steal the credit, but then around 1999-2000 Tony Fauci admitted he did it himself, and Gallo was exonerated. What amazes me is that 20 years later we're trusting Tony Fauci and saying none of his work is bogus esp on the viral isolation that the kiwi hottie was just talking about.

Well... WE aren't.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Tuesday, August 17, 2021 11:18 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I was just mentioning that there are a lot of non-life-threatening yet chronic and/or irreversable immune responses that people could get.

Off to watch more Dr. <3 Samantha <3 Bailey <3<3


Wednesday, August 18, 2021 8:54 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Maybe it's not extremes like HIV you have to worry about.

was not saying you'd get HIV from the vax. Though you could get a similar condition. I was actually referencing Tony Fauci's work plagiarizing Luc Montagnier. For years everyone thought Robert Gallo had done it, and created the fake HIV isolation, to steal the credit, but then around 1999-2000 Tony Fauci admitted he did it himself, and Gallo was exonerated. What amazes me is that 20 years later we're trusting Tony Fauci and saying none of his work is bogus esp on the viral isolation that the kiwi hottie was just talking about.

New Zealand accent is kind of like a Scottish accent.

If you want confirmation on that, you don't have to trust my memory of Fauci's confession, Judy Mikovits references it in the plandemic video also.

This is new to me. I knew that twice-convicted of Scientific Fraud Gallo had stolen it, but not that Fauci had taken credit/blame.


Wednesday, August 18, 2021 9:23 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

This is new to me. I knew that twice-convicted of Scientific Fraud Gallo had stolen it, but not that Fauci had taken credit/blame.

The fraud happened in 1983, and when exposed, ruined Gallo's career. He had made some discoveries of his own that might have been noteworthy, but no one wanted to be associated with him. Fauci waited close to years before confessing, and when he did so, he did it in a weaselly way. He said basically, and I'm paraphrasing because I don't remember exactly, Oh, that was my work, and I had asked for the French sample and data and oopsey I mixed it up with my own and thought I'd discovered it.

And then, once he had "discovered" it, he did a couple more curious things, he stepped out of the way and let Gallo "discover" it, thus allowing Gallo to sacrifice himself while getting his hands on the isolated virus. The next thing he did was delay sending it back to France for a year.

I recall this all when it happened, which by itself wouldn't pass the 1kiki test, but Judy Mikovits rants about it in Plandemic. She was Luc Mantagnier's colleague in the same capacity as Fauci was Gallo's, and both of them were of course onto Fauci immediately on this one, and this was also used to discredit both Mikovitz and Montagnier by the american press to basically just say "it's sour grapes because fauci stole their work in the '80s" put in a more delicate way so that they could say it without accusing Fauci of fraud.

Anyway, I read Montagniers work on covid and also Mikowitz and they're both pretty solid on it I thought. Fauci's more on the worship my expertise you silly people, and I haven't gotten a lot of solid verifiable science from him yet. But you know, I'm sure when he was admitting to being Gallo's thief he was already retirement age and not thinking that his future career was going to be relevant. Now of course we have "Fact Checkers" that can tell you all of that is false.

I just saw one today that told me that Event 201 didn't predict a coronavirus, and yesterday I saw one that said in I am legend the vaccine didn't make zombies. they always phrase it in a way that it's technically true but misleading


Wednesday, August 18, 2021 11:33 PM


You really need to watch Utopia.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."






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