I think I have delta

UPDATED: Monday, August 12, 2024 06:32
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Friday, August 20, 2021 1:17 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Look how hard "they" pushed the "invade Afghanistan" story, to the point of lying about Afghanistan being the source of 9-11 attack. What was the compelling reason to lie 24-7 and invade?

Saddam's phantom WMD?

Kaddafi "massacred his own people"?

Assad "gassed his own people"?

Trump is Putin's puppet?


Critical race theory?

"Mostly peaceful" riots?

The most dangerous people in the USA are white nationalists?

Pretty much every poll?

Hillary's "like with a cloth" and her landing at airport "under fire", and hiding her health problems?

Joe Biden* is of sound mind?


You see, DT and SIX, it doesn't take a planned genocide to cause these people to lie repeatedly and vigorously, for YEARS.

They will lie for little reasons, like wanting to "win" an election.
They will lie for money (like protecting the petrodollar and wanting the MIC to make money).
They will lie to sell you a car, or a lifestyle.


But, when I see every nation in the world engaging in the same "lie", bitter rivals who have no interest in reducing their population or appearing weak before their enemies - "there is a new virus out there, and it's dangerous to old people and vulnerable youth and we have a vaccine that can help protect you" - well, then, it start sounding like people all seeing the same thing and saying "the earth revolves around the sun".

I know that there are all kinds of conspiracies. Not imagined ones, but real ones. I know that our government wants centralized control and lies morning, noon, and night for every possible imagineable reason. So I don't have to conclude that there is a world-straddling conspiracy in order to prompt the lies being told now, especially when I can think of entirely legitimate reasons to continue lies that have nothing to dowith world depopulation.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Friday, August 20, 2021 1:33 PM


Opium production
The whole global crazy plan doesn't work without it


Friday, August 20, 2021 4:08 PM


Well, whatever you have, I hope you get better.

Get well soon, and I wish you well.


Friday, August 20, 2021 4:11 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
You see, I'm of the mind that there is enough centralized control where they're able to lie about numbers and fudge statistics to make the beer bug come off as much more dangerous than it actually was... money being the motivating factor for most of the people in the equation.

This I'm convinced of.

You and siggie both. I'll join you in that


This is a possibility. But I'm not convinced. And I really hope it's not the case. But man... are they pushing hard.

How hard they push on the everyone must get vaccinated against all logic makes it seriously look like an agenda. The pharmaceutical companies have started supplying vaxes to the third world at cost, and that cancels out the profit motive, because it must cost them money to make these secret deals and pressure everyone, and also logistics of giving out the vaccines.


(And if I'm willing to even entertain that 2nd paragraph, I also have to be willing to entertain the equal and opposite. It could also be possible that once THEY have decided enough time has passed, they'll just unleash Beerbug 2.0 that will kill off 100% of everyone who refused the vaccination.

sure, some smallpox variant

Most importantly though, no matter what happens, it would be downright impossible to ever get the truth for any of it to come out. Even if it did, most people wouldn't believe it anyhow, and the Legacy Media would just tell the remaining people that it was all a conspiracy theory.



Claiming that anybody who goes to the hospital or the doctor now ends up getting murdered is where I draw the line.

What you're talking about is en-mass evil, down to the individual level, and it would require every medical professional to have knowingly and willingly given up their oath and become mass murderers to happen.

What is the motivation for that? To what benefit would that even be for them?

Money? I'm sure some would do it for money, but a very, very, very small amount of them. There would be new whistleblowers every day.

Several things
1) Here's the way i think the NWO works.
There are masses of sheeple doing the right thing. and a small elite 2% of SJWs being evil.
2) that leaves millions of SJWs, but inside that community, it's millions of people trying to do the right thing and maybe 50,000 academics manipulating them to do evil
3) inside that community is tens of thousands of academics trying to do the right thing and a few hundred to a few thousand manipulating them into doing evil

For this hierarchy to work, the manipulators think they're fighting a fight for the right thing. One a small handful of guys need to know what the agenda is, and is capable of manipulating people into manipulating people

Now, take how healthcare was restructured with Obamacare

First, the hippocratic oath went out the window. no legal binding. you can hard patients

Second, the doctor shuffle. In the old days of the 20th century, you went to a physician, he worked for a hospital, and he was the guy they had who knew that stuff.

Now you go to a hospital and you see a hospitalist who works for a hospitalist association that is a small LLC owned by an insurance company. These guys are shuffled around every three days. If you're in a hospital, you might see a doctor every day. You could see 100 doctors in one visit if you're there for three months.

Now, the bad apples. The move to merge pharmacies and hospitals, with hospitalist associations. This means a random doc that no one will ever see again comes in and has full access to unlimited drugs.

I've read two stories recently about doctors intentionally mutilating or paralyzing patients to feed a god complex. Genuinely evil people. Also cocaine addicts.

So, I propose this model whereby in the last two years everyone I know who checked into a hospital with three exceptions, died. That's a 90% fatality rate for people who checked in with mostly minor health problem. The one major one was one of the survivors. Anyway, here's what I've worked out about how the evil works:

People go in, they see random doctors whose job it is in part to keep them there so the hospital makes more money so the hospitalist association makes more money so the insurance company makes more money (make no mistake, they make more money the longer you stay, your money, govt money, kickbacks) This extended stay means more chances of meeting Dr. Death.

If you ever get him, it's over, and by the time anyone realizes it, he's gone, and never coming back.

I've met Dr Death on several occasions and this has led me to this theory

Dr. Death has a few characteristics that differentiate him from doctors.

He's completely unreachable on a personal level, by anyone, including his co-workers. I've really asked.
He has some kind of substance abuse, or at least weird habits similar to those that do
He has a very depressing outlook on life, not just the patient's future.
He will actually actively stonewall you against any solution that can save the patient if you or another healthcare worker comes up with it.
He sometimes, though not always, will make careless mistakes that kill people, unplugging machines, ordering the wrong medication or surgery, and then will deny having ever ordered or prescribed anything
He will railroad unusual radical excessive treatment over the protests of everyone else
He will claim absolute authority to the point of outright lying. We ran into this several times, where our suspected Dr. Death would say, when someone tried to go over his head "No, I'm in charge of this dept, i'm the dept head. i'm in charge here" etc when it turned out he didn't even work there, he was a hospitalist.

So all the NWO has to do to create Auschwitz out of this situation is cover for Dr. Death, make sure he gets his drugs, and shuffle him around randomly so that by the time one hospital hates him, they never see him again.

I've spent way too much time in hospitals watching this sort of thing happen. Now of course, not all hospitalists are bad, they're like any other group, most of them are good people trying to do the right thing. And the pay is much higher, like 3x the pay, multiple hospitalists told me this, in the "why are you a hospitalist" and the hospitals generally hated the entire situation, the nurses, and techs complained constantly to us about it

I've been trying to solve this one for years, so I'm pretty sure this model is close to how it works

Everything about the NWO does not stop until it kills or enslaves everyone.

I understand that African nations are the only places not getting the Vax. Is this true? Are there any other places?


Friday, August 20, 2021 4:13 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Well, whatever you have, I hope you get better.

Get well soon, and I wish you well.


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Friday, August 20, 2021 8:07 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I understand that African nations are the only places not getting the Vax. Is this true? Are there any other places?

Many former soviet republics said no to the vax, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Georgia.

I have to give up on the coxsackievirus idea. That virus comes with characteristic red welts we don't have. No one at the party had them either.

Also, someone just sent me an article saying covid is an endothelial heart virus that can cause a lung attack, not a respiratory virus. Everyone seems to have heart side effects from it. I think it's the bioweapon. I'm going to try to get my hands on the antivirals.

I'll take a look at my arsenal and see what might affect it.

Obviously I have to give up on delta because of its nonexistence. The logical argument Einstein Martin gave is pretty lock solid. It's the bioweapon. I don't want the zeke. Immediate turn to antiviral treatment is the best bet. Not available here in NY. No point in going to a hotpital in NY. At one point we had an 88% death rate for covid in hospitals. IDK what it is today but undoubtedly worse than no treatment, since antivirals are banned for use in covid here.


Friday, August 20, 2021 9:46 PM


I've bought into a lot of conspiracy theories in my life.

I refuse to believe that they've figured out a way to make all the doctors or nurses evil and/or duped them into killing patients en-masse without knowing about it.

You sound like a crazy person, DT. And coming from me that is saying a lot.

Get yourself fixed. No point in dying at home.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Friday, August 20, 2021 10:37 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I've bought into a lot of conspiracy theories in my life.

I refuse to believe that they've figured out a way to make all the doctors or nurses evil and/or duped them into killing patients en-masse without knowing about it.

You sound like a crazy person, DT. And coming from me that is saying a lot.

You did not read what I wrote. You're just reiterating your last post, which already misread what I had written

I never said all doctors were evil or killing people. I said the NWO has designed a system where 1% bad apples will do the job for them, and the system moves them around so quickly no one notices, or if they do, they only know to hate that person, but then they never see them again.

you can be quick here or you can be dead. decide soon, because time's up


Saturday, August 21, 2021 3:07 PM


Have you taken HCQ?
There is a disconnect in my brain where I don';t know the answer to this, and I don't recall asking.
If you do, remember to take Zinc, or "a Z-Pack"

Paraphrasing Trump, if you are about to die, what do you have to loose?

I guess NY has outlawed HCQ, so maybe you need to get it by mail.
Dr. Oz was a huge proponent of HCQ (and curing covid), and he is a doctor in NYC. Maybe he has mentioned somewhere how to work around such an obstacle.

If you need to made a midnight run to smuggle in the cure, perhaps you could make a video of it.
I still wish you luck. But seriously, HCQ?


Saturday, August 21, 2021 4:30 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Have you taken HCQ?

still trying to get some

If you do, remember to take Zinc, or "a Z-Pack"

I have zinc and EGCG enhanced tea. It's not a subtle "magic tea" it's like "could kill a horse"


I guess NY has outlawed HCQ, so maybe you need to get it by mail.

yeah basically, I'm just running into credit card blocks, so now i'm on bitcoin only markets, waiting for someone to send me an invoice i can actually post to wallet


Dr. Oz was a huge proponent of HCQ (and curing covid), and he is a doctor in NYC. Maybe he has mentioned somewhere how to work around such an obstacle.

If you need to made a midnight run to smuggle in the cure, perhaps you could make a video of it.
I still wish you luck. But seriously, HCQ?

yeah trying. Maybe if i'm alive on monday i'll see if i can contact the satmar, dr. zelenko. he's the guy who came up with that solution and pushed it on trump. which shows the jewey world is more complicated than the antisemiteland conspiracy would have one believe, since kushner is hardcore zionist and the satmars blame the zionists for the holocaust (i'm sure they're right about that)

btw, for the sake of the greater info on the topic, if I have the covid, that means that people who are not exposed to people with covid, but have gotten the vaccine, are shedding at least one time contagious covid


Saturday, August 21, 2021 9:40 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I've bought into a lot of conspiracy theories in my life.

I refuse to believe that they've figured out a way to make all the doctors or nurses evil and/or duped them into killing patients en-masse without knowing about it.

You sound like a crazy person, DT. And coming from me that is saying a lot.

You did not read what I wrote. You're just reiterating your last post, which already misread what I had written

I never said all doctors were evil or killing people. I said the NWO has designed a system where 1% bad apples will do the job for them, and the system moves them around so quickly no one notices, or if they do, they only know to hate that person, but then they never see them again.

you can be quick here or you can be dead. decide soon, because time's up

I read it. And I'll reiterate my post a third time.

In order for these Grim Reapers to work, they'd have to be killing people under the watch of a lot of decent folk that just go home at night knowing somebody is killing people somehow even though they came in with a stubbed toe and there's no way they should have died.

You're on a train to Crazyville brother.

I don't like arguing with you about this because we should be on the same side.

But I can't follow you to where you're going, and when you say stuff like this you make anybody else who won't get vaccinated sound less credible.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Saturday, August 21, 2021 10:47 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The only "side to be on is the side of reality.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Saturday, August 21, 2021 10:55 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
The only "side to be on is the side of reality.

If you haven't noticed, there are two "realities" running in parallel in the Legacy Media.

I don't subscribe to either of them.

I don't know what's in the vaccine, but you and Kiki don't either.

I don't need it. I'm not going to get it.

But I'm also not going to run around telling everyone that anybody who goes to the doctor is going to be murdered either. Even though I'd like to have an ally here on the unvaccinated front, I'm calling out crazy talk.

Yanno... something that Second and Ted and JO never did when the Roomba was telling people to kill themselves three times a day.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Sunday, August 22, 2021 11:04 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

You're on a train to Crazyville brother.

No, I'm not. I'm living the nightmare, watched this all happen close up for years. The manipulators do an expert shuffle of the reapers. The people in the hospital almost never realize there's a reaper conspiracy, and if they do, they're fired. I've watched people get fired for this. Most of the time, when the workers catch on to the reapers, they think they've found the one reaper, report him and he disappears to some other hospital. But they keep all the healthcare workers so incredibly busy that they're always worried about what they have to do in the next fifteen seconds, for 15 hours a day, and so they never have time to deal with the shuffling around of staff. Most people are not conspiracy theorists so it never occurs to them that the staff shuffle is enabling serial killers

I have spent a decent portion of the last decade I was (largely) no here for, dealing with this. So no, it's not a whacked out theory I'm about to cave because I don't get it. I spent years in hospitals seeing this in action. I very much am very sure that I do get it, even if 99% of the world doesn't get it. And some people in the machine get it, and then they get kicked out the door as soon at their report of it reaches the top level. Oh know, Dr. Johnson is cRaZy, just like you're saying now about me. It sounds crazy. And it is crazy. But it's not a crazy delusion. It's a crazy reality.


While I generally agree, I've noticed it's not necessarily so. I've seen a lot of survival cults doing very well at the moment because they live in delusional fantasy land and consume no mainstream media, and so are not injecting themselves with a bioweapon, or sacrificing their children to hitler, or engaging in suisociety in any way. Delusional fantasy cult survives this apocalypse, as do its children. It's more important to be a survivor than based in reality, because evolution will favor the survivors, no matter what they believe.


Sunday, August 22, 2021 12:02 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


The only "side to be on is the side of reality.

SIX: If you haven't noticed, there are two "realities" running in parallel in the Legacy Media.

I'm talking about the REAL reality, SIX, not the media's lies. There IS a real reality out there, yanno. The one that runs you over like a truck that you didn't see coming, even if you deny its existance.


SIX: I don't subscribe to either of them.
Neither do I, you might have noticed. But you subscribe to fear-mongering alt media.


SIX: I don't know what's in the vaccine,

Well, maybe you should LEARN SOMETHING. I don't know why you're so resistant to learning about biology and biochemistry. Yes, it's complicated, but it's not THAT complicated. You've learned a lot more complicated stuff about fixing cars and drainage problems, haven't you?

Probably you think all knowledge on the topic is tainted by now. But there is knowledge that predates Covid-19 that you can acccess. And you can tell that it's true knowledge, not ideology, because -unlike ideology - it works in the real world.


SIX: but you and Kiki don't either.
Well, I have a much better idea than you do because I've made a point to learn about it. So I know it contains the "instruction set" (mRNA) for the mitochndria to make spike protein, but that there are LOTS of other parts of viruses besides that, and that the mRNA is only a small fraction of the entire viral nucleic acid sequence. Along the way I've learned about "open frame reading" and retroviruses and polymerase chain reaction and a whole bunch of stuff I didn't know before.

My best early source - and one I would refer you to- was Chris Martenson. Yes, he was agitated about the virus, but he also explained in great detail about its sequence, what made THIS virus (down to the couple dozen or so inserted nucleic acids) so very different from its closest family members. The particular insertion makes docking onto human cells much more efficient. BTW they have sequenced a lot of viruses from animal sources trying to find the origin, and they can't. (That's what put the idea in my head that this was engineered.) Neither its sequence, nor the sequence of related viruses, is a secret. That's how people can tell whether there's an overlap with syncytin or not (NOT).


SIX: I don't need it.
Knowledge is ALWAYS useful.


SIX: I'm not going to get it.
You probably don't need it. That's your prerogative.


SIX: But I'm also not going to run around telling everyone that anybody who goes to the doctor is going to be murdered either.
But you DO run around, shouting on the one hand that the virus is "nothing" and at the same time that the vaccine - a fraction of the virus- is a killer.

Yours is the same logic that says that bitter geopolitical enemies and competing commercial interests are ALL going to suddenly dive headlong into a world-straddling conspiracy to depopulate the globe ... including their own people. It's the same bad logic, just on a bigger scale.


SIX: Even though I'd like to have an ally here on the unvaccinated front, I'm calling out crazy talk.


SIX: Yanno... something that Second and Ted and JO never did when the Roomba was telling people to kill themselves three times a day.
Your moral compass isn't bent.
Theirs is.

You sometimes like to reduce things to their logical opposites: Either the vaccine works or it doesn't, and in either case I don't need it.

That's not always true. Sometimes, in THIS case, the vaccine works- sort of. Now, in THIS case the vaccine does enough to protect the vaccinated, and not enough to prevent its spread, that it's useful for the target population but not the source population. So, if you catch Covid - especially the delta variant - you will almost certainly not die or even get very sick, but you will develop a robust immune response that will make you immune to this particular variant and prolly a bunch of others.

OTOH, there could be an extremely deadly virus out there, AND a vaccine that prevents its spread, but not necessarily blunts the disease once it develops. In THAT case the only way to protect the vulnerable without shutting the economy down is to mandate vaccination. Change the circumstances and you change the logical outcome.

So I can agree with you about the SARS-CoV2 vaccines - not because the vaccine is a "killer" or soem sort of slow genocide - but because it's not necessary for a lot of people - but I can imagine other situations.

BTW - there are tens of thousands of gene sequencers "out there" across the world. Any happy camper with a gene sequencer can sequence any or all of the vaccines "out there" and reverse-engineer it. So even if the makers wanted to keep it a secret, they couldn't.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Sunday, August 22, 2021 2:38 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

The only "side to be on is the side of reality.

SIX: If you haven't noticed, there are two "realities" running in parallel in the Legacy Media.

I'm talking about the REAL reality, SIX, not the media's lies. There IS a real reality out there, yanno. The one that runs you over like a truck that you didn't see coming, even if you deny its existance.

Well... What is the "real" reality? Your reality is different than mine. Mine is different than Seconds. Second's is different than JO's. JO's is different than Kiki's. Kiki's is different than Ted's. Ted's is different than DT's. DT's is different than yours.

I don't need you to tell me what you think reality is.

The only certainty in our shared reality is death and taxes. Everything else is sus.



SIX: I don't subscribe to either of them.
Neither do I, you might have noticed. But you subscribe to fear-mongering alt media.

I post troll videos by Memology 101. That's not evidence of the sentence that you just said. You're the one who posts dubious sources like zerohedge all the time. Careful with those stones you're throwing from your glass house.



SIX: I don't know what's in the vaccine,

Well, maybe you should LEARN SOMETHING. I don't know why you're so resistant to learning about biology and biochemistry. Yes, it's complicated, but it's not THAT complicated. You've learned a lot more complicated stuff about fixing cars and drainage problems, haven't you?

Yup. But that's actually useful knowledge that is applicable everywhere and makes my life better.


Probably you think all knowledge on the topic is tainted by now. But there is knowledge that predates Covid-19 that you can acccess. And you can tell that it's true knowledge, not ideology, because -unlike ideology - it works in the real world.

It was all tainted before Covid. The highly-educated gate keepers write all the books. That shit might as well be magic to the other 99.9% of us. I don't need to read any of their lies and barely-truths.



SIX: but you and Kiki don't either.
Well, I have a much better idea than you do because I've made a point to learn about it. So I know it contains the "instruction set" (mRNA) for the mitochndria to make spike protein, but that there are LOTS of other parts of viruses besides that, and that the mRNA is only a small fraction of the entire viral nucleic acid sequence. Along the way I've learned about "open frame reading" and retroviruses and polymerase chain reaction and a whole bunch of stuff I didn't know before.

You've read more bullshit than I have. That much is certain.


My best early source - and one I would refer you to- was Chris Martenson. Yes, he was agitated about the virus, but he also explained in great detail about its sequence, what made THIS virus (down to the couple dozen or so inserted nucleic acids) so very different from its closest family members. The particular insertion makes docking onto human cells much more efficient. BTW they have sequenced a lot of viruses from animal sources trying to find the origin, and they can't. (That's what put the idea in my head that this was engineered.) Neither its sequence, nor the sequence of related viruses, is a secret. That's how people can tell whether there's an overlap with syncytin or not (NOT).

I can name at least 3 people on this board who would tell you that Chris Martenson is alt-media and not to be trusted. Not saying that I think that, but just reiterating my point about malleable reality above.



SIX: I don't need it.
Knowledge is ALWAYS useful.

I'm referring to the vaccine.

There is zero benefit from me wasting any time reading about what a bunch of white labcoats have to say about things that can't be seen with the naked eye. Zero.



SIX: I'm not going to get it.
You probably don't need it. That's your prerogative.

I absolutely, 100%, without a shadow of a doubt don't need it.

At least we can agree that it's my choice. Thanks for never wavering on that unlike other people here.



SIX: But I'm also not going to run around telling everyone that anybody who goes to the doctor is going to be murdered either.
But you DO run around, shouting on the one hand that the virus is "nothing" and at the same time that the vaccine - a fraction of the virus- is a killer.

The virus IS nothing.

The vaccine COULD be a killer. Or it COULD do something down the road that will make you wish you were dead. Or it COULD be a placebo. Or it COULD be exactly what they tell you it is. Or it COULD be the only thing that will save your life when they release Covid 20 and it kills 100% of the people who didn't get vaccinated.

We're all playing roulette here, and the house always wins.


Yours is the same logic that says that bitter geopolitical enemies and competing commercial interests are ALL going to suddenly dive headlong into a world-straddling conspiracy to depopulate the globe ... including their own people. It's the same bad logic, just on a bigger scale.

No it's not. Because I'm not saying the vaccine will kill you like you just claimed that I was. Don't mix up my posts with DT's, thank you very much.



SIX: Even though I'd like to have an ally here on the unvaccinated front, I'm calling out crazy talk.


SIX: Yanno... something that Second and Ted and JO never did when the Roomba was telling people to kill themselves three times a day.
Your moral compass isn't bent.
Theirs is.

Yup, and yup.


You sometimes like to reduce things to their logical opposites: Either the vaccine works or it doesn't, and in either case I don't need it.

That's not always true. Sometimes, in THIS case, the vaccine works- sort of. Now, in THIS case the vaccine does enough to protect the vaccinated, and not enough to prevent its spread, that it's useful for the target population but not the source population. So, if you catch Covid - especially the delta variant - you will almost certainly not die or even get very sick, but you will develop a robust immune response that will make you immune to this particular variant and prolly a bunch of others.

OTOH, there could be an extremely deadly virus out there, AND a vaccine that prevents its spread, but not necessarily blunts the disease once it develops. In THAT case the only way to protect the vulnerable without shutting the economy down is to mandate vaccination. Change the circumstances and you change the logical outcome.

I'll be waiting for them if they ever try to come to my house and forcibly vaccinate me.

Ruby Ridge will be a blip on the radar compared to the hell they're going to unleash if they ever attempt to do this.


So I can agree with you about the SARS-CoV2 vaccines - not because the vaccine is a "killer" or soem sort of slow genocide - but because it's not necessary for a lot of people - but I can imagine other situations.

BTW - there are tens of thousands of gene sequencers "out there" across the world. Any happy camper with a gene sequencer can sequence any or all of the vaccines "out there" and reverse-engineer it. So even if the makers wanted to keep it a secret, they couldn't.

Sounds exactly like when people who owned Apple products used to claim that it was impossible to get a virus on an Apple product.

The shit they've got is 20 years more advanced than any DIY-think-they've-got-it-all-figured-out-wanna-be-white-lab-coat dork has in their basement.

They can't verify or disprove shit.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Sunday, August 22, 2021 3:51 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


The only "side to be on is the side of reality.

SIX: If you haven't noticed, there are two "realities" running in parallel in the Legacy Media.

SIGNY: I'm talking about the REAL reality, SIX, not the media's lies. There IS a real reality out there, yanno. The one that runs you over like a truck that you didn't see coming, even if you deny its existance.

SIX: Well... What is the "real" reality? Your reality is different than mine. Mine is different than Seconds. Second's is different than JO's. JO's is different than Kiki's. Kiki's is different than Ted's. Ted's is different than DT's. DT's is different than yours.
I don't need you to tell me what you think reality is.
The only certainty in our shared reality is death and taxes. Everything else is sus.

But we all live in the same world, the same causes have the same effects. Our situations are certainly different, we are different sexes and ages and health situations and live in different places with different access to resources but, as a matter of survival, we should all appreciate that nature doesn't bend to our opinions.


SIX: I don't subscribe to either of them.

SIGNY: Neither do I, you might have noticed. But you subscribe to fear-mongering alt media.

SIX: I post troll videos by Memology 101. That's not evidence of the sentence that you just said. You're the one who posts dubious sources like zerohedge all the time. Careful with those stones you're throwing from your glass house.

Have you ever BOTHERED to validate anything that I posted? Of course not! So people who don't bother to validate anything shouldn't be throwing stones about "dubious sources".


SIX: I don't know what's in the vaccine,

SIGNY: Well, maybe you should LEARN SOMETHING. I don't know why you're so resistant to learning about biology and biochemistry. Yes, it's complicated, but it's not THAT complicated. You've learned a lot more complicated stuff about fixing cars and drainage problems, haven't you?

SIX: Yup. But that's actually useful knowledge that is applicable everywhere and makes my life better.

Well, maybe knowing something about biology would help you manage your health better, hmmm....???


SIGNY: Probably you think all knowledge on the topic is tainted by now. But there is knowledge that predates Covid-19 that you can acccess. And you can tell that it's true knowledge, not ideology, because -unlike ideology - it works in the real world.

SIX: It was all tainted before Covid. The highly-educated gate keepers write all the books. That shit might as well be magic to the other 99.9% of us. I don't need to read any of their lies and barely-truths.

It's only like magic if you refuse to figure it out.

Physics is like magic but light switches work, right? Chemistry is like magic, but you use paints and paint strippers, right? Biology is like magic but you use weed sprays and antibiotics (when necessary), right?

That is how you separate real knowledge from bullshit: it works in the real world.


SIX: but you and Kiki don't either.

SIGNY: Well, I have a much better idea than you do because I've made a point to learn about it. So I know it contains the "instruction set" (mRNA) for the mitochndria to make spike protein, but that there are LOTS of other parts of viruses besides that, and that the mRNA is only a small fraction of the entire viral nucleic acid sequence. Along the way I've learned about "open frame reading" and retroviruses and polymerase chain reaction and a whole bunch of stuff I didn't know before.

SIX: You've read more bullshit than I have. That much is certain.

You seem to think that bc you didn't have the sitzfleisch (literally, "sitting flesh"- the focus and willingness to do something difficult) to learn in college, that anything that you don't know isn't worth knowing.
That's kind of self-defeating.


SIGNY: My best early source - and one I would refer you to- was Chris Martenson. Yes, he was agitated about the virus, but he also explained in great detail about its sequence, what made THIS virus (down to the couple dozen or so inserted nucleic acids) so very different from its closest family members. The particular insertion makes docking onto human cells much more efficient. BTW they have sequenced a lot of viruses from animal sources trying to find the origin, and they can't. (That's what put the idea in my head that this was engineered.) Neither its sequence, nor the sequence of related viruses, is a secret. That's how people can tell whether there's an overlap with syncytin or not (NOT).

SIX: I can name at least 3 people on this board who would tell you that Chris Martenson is alt-media and not to be trusted. Not saying that I think that, but just reiterating my point about malleable reality above.

Chris Martenson's big bug is "peak oil". He was wrong about that ... well, seriously mis-timed, anyway ... and he's not-quite a survivalist but definitely advocates leading the kind of life YOU lead, SIX.

So, I take what he posts with a grain of salt. NOBODY is 100% accurate, but he does have an advanced degree in pathology and is good at explaining various studies.


SIX: I don't need it.

SIGNY: Knowledge is ALWAYS useful.

SIX: I'm referring to the vaccine.

Oh, OK.


SIX: There is zero benefit from me wasting any time reading about what a bunch of white labcoats have to say about things that can't be seen with the naked eye. Zero.
Again, electrons can't be seen with the naked eye, but you've prolly learned something about wiring, no? The study of electricity was a white-coated effort at one time.

Molecules can't be seen with the naked eye, but you use artificial chemicals all of the time, chemicals BTW that were developed by people in white coats.

Bacteria can't be seen ith the naked eye, but you use antibiotics and THEY were developed by people in white coats.

I think this is just another one of your stumbling blocks: disrespect for advanced knowledge.


SIX: I'm not going to get it.

SIGNY: You probably don't need it. That's your prerogative.

SIX: I absolutely, 100%, without a shadow of a doubt don't need it.

Well, you would only know that you did if you got Covid-19 and died. Not possible to prove either way until then.


SIX: At least we can agree that it's my choice. Thanks for never wavering on that unlike other people here.



SIX: But I'm also not going to run around telling everyone that anybody who goes to the doctor is going to be murdered either.

SIGNY: But you DO run around, shouting on the one hand that the virus is "nothing" and at the same time that the vaccine - a fraction of the virus- is a killer.

SIX: The virus IS nothing.The vaccine COULD be a killer. Or it COULD do something down the road that will make you wish you were dead. Or it COULD be a placebo. Or it COULD be exactly what they tell you it is. Or it COULD be the only thing that will save your life when they release Covid 20 and it kills 100% of the people who didn't get vaccinated. We're all playing roulette here, and the house always wins.

SIGNY: Yours is the same logic that says that bitter geopolitical enemies and competing commercial interests are ALL going to suddenly dive headlong into a world-straddling conspiracy to depopulate the globe ... including their own people. It's the same bad logic, just on a bigger scale.

SIX: No it's not. Because I'm not saying the vaccine will kill you like you just claimed that I was. Don't mix up my posts with DT's, thank you very much.

OK. But you can't unpost your bitterness about me choosing to have our daughter vaccinated because it "might" make her sterile. (In any case, since she can't take care of herself much less a child, I would be a lot more worried about her getting pregnant than not.)


SIX: Even though I'd like to have an ally here on the unvaccinated front, I'm calling out crazy talk.


SIX: Yanno... something that Second and Ted and JO never did when the Roomba was telling people to kill themselves three times a day.

SIGNY: True.
Your moral compass isn't bent.
Theirs is.

SIX: Yup, and yup.



SIGNY: You sometimes like to reduce things to their logical opposites: Either the vaccine works or it doesn't, and in either case I don't need it.
That's not always true. Sometimes, in THIS case, the vaccine works- sort of. Now, in THIS case the vaccine does enough to protect the vaccinated, and not enough to prevent its spread, that it's useful for the target population but not the source population. So, if you catch Covid - especially the delta variant - you will almost certainly not die or even get very sick, but you will develop a robust immune response that will make you immune to this particular variant and prolly a bunch of others.
OTOH, there could be an extremely deadly virus out there, AND a vaccine that prevents its spread, but not necessarily blunts the disease once it develops. In THAT case the only way to protect the vulnerable without shutting the economy down is to mandate vaccination. Change the circumstances and you change the logical outcome.

SIX: I'll be waiting for them if they ever try to come to my house and forcibly vaccinate me. Ruby Ridge will be a blip on the radar compared to the hell they're going to unleash if they ever attempt to do this.



SIGNY: So I can agree with you about the SARS-CoV2 vaccines - not because the vaccine is a "killer" or some sort of slow genocide - but because it's not necessary for a lot of people - but I can imagine other situations.
BTW - there are tens of thousands of gene sequencers "out there" across the world. Any happy camper with a gene sequencer can sequence any or all of the vaccines "out there" and reverse-engineer it. So even if the makers wanted to keep it a secret, they couldn't.

SIX: Sounds exactly like when people who owned Apple products used to claim that it was impossible to get a virus on an Apple product.

Even Linux can be hacked. In fact, the more and more they make it look like Windows, the less functional it becomes.


SIX: The shit they've got is 20 years more advanced than any DIY-think-they've-got-it-all-figured-out-wanna-be-white-lab-coat dork has in their basement.
They can't verify or disprove shit.

Institutions ... national governments, research labs, and competing pharmas ... institutions with a VESTED INTEREST in knowing the results... aren't the white-coated basement dorks that you imagine. They might be doing some butt-covering of their own, but not about to give a competitor a "pass".

There are three dissimilar types of vaccines "out there".

The Chinese vaccine uses a deactivated "whole virus".

There are two viral-vectored vaccines; Sputnik V and AstraZenica. I think the problem with the AstraZenica vaccine is not the SARS-Cov2 portion but the fact that they used a non-human adenovirus, and ppl are reacting to the vector, not the actual vaccine portion.

And then there are three mRNA vaccines which, AFAIK, are much more limited in action than the previous three. As far as I can tell, the mRNA vaccines are EXTREMELY narrow-focused. Just FYI.

Well, we understand each other but have reached a stalemate.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Sunday, August 22, 2021 4:51 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

BTW- DT: It is COMMON KNOWLEDGE that vaccinated people CAN become infected and develop high viral loads ... high enough to shed viruses and infect others.

So you may have gotten infected by someone who was vaccinated.

Just take it easy, and please, please, please call in the troops if you become critically ill. Also, realize that sick people don't think well, so maybe have someone check in on you every day, by phone if nothing else, to assess how you're doing.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Sunday, August 22, 2021 4:51 PM


I have the virus right now, it's definitely not nothing. But every part of the DNA in this virus was patented. It's a bioweapon. It was offshored to China because US regulators came down on the bioweapon violation. Sure Treaties are difficult to enforce but US law is not. So they moved to China. Tony Fauci himself went to Wuhan to head coronavirus research. All coronaviruses are bioweapons. All of these are details in those videos which none of the fact checkers deny because they're all matters of public record.

Fact checks own their own sources. The same company hires the article that the fact check they own references? Isn't that conflict of interest? So the Vaccine is not a vaccine, it's a bioweapon, a patented bioweapon, patented as a bioweapon because the US patent office would not allow a patent as a vaccine because it is not a vaccine. And this vaccine was invented before the corona "outbreak" was "discovered." All of these details are also those videos which the fact checkers also don't deny because they're all matters of public record.

You see where this is going? There are two narratives here. One, the narrative of "conspiracy theorists" who were identified as "conspiracy theorists" by the perpetrators before the crime was even perpetrated, and the narrative of the bioterrorists who were stopped from developing their bioterrorism in the united states because the US govt called it "bioterrorism." So they moved it to china, and it's still bioterrorism. They invented the coronavirus and the "vaccine" to unleash unto the public with the stated goal of forcing everyone to take a vaccine that was not a vaccine but in fact a patented, now chinese, bioweapon, that had "no provable health benefit" according to the US govt. and their intended state end is to cement world power and profit. Profit, of course, necessary to fund the agenda. Non-profitable global domination schemes like the USSR and Nazi Germany always go bankrupt, because there's no money in it.

So, there you have it, once again, all those details are in the videos and not disputed by fact checkers of the fact checking companies who admit admit they own both the fact check sites and the citations they use, meaning, they're utterly useless single source self referencing lying machines. And yet, they still don't even bother to deny any of this. If you haven't watched the video I posted in Game Over and Plandemic I + II, then do so. there's information in those videos, even if you don't like their opinions.

But in the end, it's not subjective. There are two sides. Corporate Bioterrorists, and Conspiracy Theorists. The law calls them bioterrorists, they, the corpoartions call their detractors conspiracy theorists.

Basically no one is a "vaccine hesitant" that's a mainstream media term. People are at "NFW"

So, if you are anti-vax, you are a conspiracy theorist and you listen to misinformation and disinformation.
If you are pro vax, you're a bioterrorist, you listen to fact checkers, corporations and communist regimes.

Personally, I don't like labelling a movement as anti- because they always lose, people hate negativity. But I want to be anti-nazi, so I just have to rephrase it like Frank Luntz. But for now, this is what we have


Sunday, August 22, 2021 4:57 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
BTW- DT: It is COMMON KNOWLEDGE that vaccinated people CAN become infected and develop high viral loads ... high enough to shed viruses and infect others.

So you may have gotten infected by someone who was vaccinated.

Just take it easy, and please, please, please call in the troops if you become critically ill. Also, realize that sick people don't think well, so maybe have someone check in on you every day, by phone if nothing else, to assess how you're doing.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

back to topic, yes, I'm sure that's what happened. The virus turns out not to be a respiratory virus, but rather an infectious endothelial disease. It causes a cough from the inside. This sheds some doubt on the idea that it's an airborne pathogen. This increases the chance that the guy I think as the patient zero is not in fact patient zero here but rather some food was to blame, because we could injest it, then it gets into the blood causes the cough later. I don't have the cough but one of the others does, and it's a very covid cough.

Btw, the fact that the vaccine seems to make you an automatic carrier bears out on everything I've seen from both sides, that makes it a terrible vaccine, except it's not a vaccine, it's a bioweapon, because it was only patentable as a bioweapon, not as a vaccine, so they have to accept its legal definition.

The fact that the narrative calls it a vaccine will put a permanent end to the vaccine industry. I mean, every once in a while, people suggest gas chamber based treatments, as an alternative to infusion labs, and it always auto fails because it has gas chamber in it. This vaccine could be 1000x the holocaust. No vaccine will ever have a chance again. The person who says the word probably just gets shot on sight after this. We're headed to a post-vax society that is going to resemble mad max much more than it resembles what came before.


Sunday, August 22, 2021 5:24 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
BTW- DT: It is COMMON KNOWLEDGE that vaccinated people CAN become infected and develop high viral loads ... high enough to shed viruses and infect others.

So you may have gotten infected by someone who was vaccinated.

Just take it easy, and please, please, please call in the troops if you become critically ill. Also, realize that sick people don't think well, so maybe have someone check in on you every day, by phone if nothing else, to assess how you're doing.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

back to topic, yes, I'm sure that's what happened. The virus turns out not to be a respiratory virus, but rather an infectious endothelial disease. It causes a cough from the inside. This sheds some doubt on the idea that it's an airborne pathogen. This increases the chance that the guy I think as the patient zero is not in fact patient zero here but rather some food was to blame, because we could injest it, then it gets into the blood causes the cough later. I don't have the cough but one of the others does, and it's a very covid cough.

Btw, the fact that the vaccine seems to make you an automatic carrier bears out on everything I've seen from both sides, that makes it a terrible vaccine, except it's not a vaccine, it's a bioweapon, because it was only patentable as a bioweapon, not as a vaccine, so they have to accept its legal definition.

The fact that the narrative calls it a vaccine will put a permanent end to the vaccine industry. I mean, every once in a while, people suggest gas chamber based treatments, as an alternative to infusion labs, and it always auto fails because it has gas chamber in it. This vaccine could be 1000x the holocaust. No vaccine will ever have a chance again. The person who says the word probably just gets shot on sight after this. We're headed to a post-vax society that is going to resemble mad max much more than it resembles what came before.

Did I say AUTOMATIC carrier??


It makes people about 40% less susceptible to developing high viral load, but obviously far less than 100% effective.

Maybe this is your illness talking.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Sunday, August 22, 2021 11:05 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
BTW- DT: It is COMMON KNOWLEDGE that vaccinated people CAN become infected and develop high viral loads ... high enough to shed viruses and infect others.

So you may have gotten infected by someone who was vaccinated.

Just take it easy, and please, please, please call in the troops if you become critically ill. Also, realize that sick people don't think well, so maybe have someone check in on you every day, by phone if nothing else, to assess how you're doing.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

back to topic, yes, I'm sure that's what happened. The virus turns out not to be a respiratory virus, but rather an infectious endothelial disease. It causes a cough from the inside. This sheds some doubt on the idea that it's an airborne pathogen. This increases the chance that the guy I think as the patient zero is not in fact patient zero here but rather some food was to blame, because we could injest it, then it gets into the blood causes the cough later. I don't have the cough but one of the others does, and it's a very covid cough.

Btw, the fact that the vaccine seems to make you an automatic carrier bears out on everything I've seen from both sides, that makes it a terrible vaccine, except it's not a vaccine, it's a bioweapon, because it was only patentable as a bioweapon, not as a vaccine, so they have to accept its legal definition.

The fact that the narrative calls it a vaccine will put a permanent end to the vaccine industry. I mean, every once in a while, people suggest gas chamber based treatments, as an alternative to infusion labs, and it always auto fails because it has gas chamber in it. This vaccine could be 1000x the holocaust. No vaccine will ever have a chance again. The person who says the word probably just gets shot on sight after this. We're headed to a post-vax society that is going to resemble mad max much more than it resembles what came before.

Did I say AUTOMATIC carrier??


It makes people about 40% less susceptible to developing high viral load, but obviously far less than 100% effective.

Maybe this is your illness talking.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

No one said you said it, knucklehead. I said it.

I don't want to argue political positions on a thread about my own health.

They're carriers. I think they're all carriers. I think the point of this vax is to make them all carriers. It's a plague plan. There's no vaccine. Theres an Alpha and a Delta bioweapon, and the Delta bioweapon is the vaccine.

That's just me doing the math. I think that the important thing here is, other than obviously avoid the vaccinated, you don't have to be a zombie to be contagious, but more that it's not an airborne respiratory disease.

So yes, that post was full of my opinions that I didn't expect anyone to share. I was ranting. But I'm sick. Anyway, it's not a respiratory infection, so I got it from something I ate. I've considered this a few times because everyone got a stomach sickness first, and a racing heart rate second, and breathing problems third. That's not the path of a respiratory infection, and in fact the pathology appears to bear this out. So everyone can ignore all the social control mechanisms, they aren't protecting you, but do watch what you eat. That cute little cafe with all the hand made foods might be plague land.

I should have just fled this libtard land as soon as i realized they were all crazy


Sunday, August 22, 2021 11:32 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

The only "side to be on is the side of reality.

SIX: If you haven't noticed, there are two "realities" running in parallel in the Legacy Media.

SIGNY: I'm talking about the REAL reality, SIX, not the media's lies. There IS a real reality out there, yanno. The one that runs you over like a truck that you didn't see coming, even if you deny its existance.

SIX: Well... What is the "real" reality? Your reality is different than mine. Mine is different than Seconds. Second's is different than JO's. JO's is different than Kiki's. Kiki's is different than Ted's. Ted's is different than DT's. DT's is different than yours.
I don't need you to tell me what you think reality is.
The only certainty in our shared reality is death and taxes. Everything else is sus.

But we all live in the same world, the same causes have the same effects. Our situations are certainly different, we are different sexes and ages and health situations and live in different places with different access to resources but, as a matter of survival, we should all appreciate that nature doesn't bend to our opinions.

Yeah. Sure. "Facts don't care about your feels" and all. I get it.

But my point still stands. We all live in the same reality, yet we all perceive it differently. Some of us far more so than others.



SIX: I don't subscribe to either of them.

SIGNY: Neither do I, you might have noticed. But you subscribe to fear-mongering alt media.

SIX: I post troll videos by Memology 101. That's not evidence of the sentence that you just said. You're the one who posts dubious sources like zerohedge all the time. Careful with those stones you're throwing from your glass house.

Have you ever BOTHERED to validate anything that I posted? Of course not! So people who don't bother to validate anything shouldn't be throwing stones about "dubious sources".

I'll dial that back. I'm not calling Zerohedge "dubious". But there are at least three people here who would.

And I really don't know what your hardon about Memeology101 is anyhow. They're great at showing the hypocrisy of the Legacy Media on a daily basis. They show you articles written 6 months ago compared to what they're saying today all the time. They have a much better memory than the average 2 weeks that most people can remember when it comes to news.



SIX: I don't know what's in the vaccine,

SIGNY: Well, maybe you should LEARN SOMETHING. I don't know why you're so resistant to learning about biology and biochemistry. Yes, it's complicated, but it's not THAT complicated. You've learned a lot more complicated stuff about fixing cars and drainage problems, haven't you?

SIX: Yup. But that's actually useful knowledge that is applicable everywhere and makes my life better.

Well, maybe knowing something about biology would help you manage your health better, hmmm....???

Not really...

I gave up drinking and that saved my life. I know that smoking is likely to kill me if I don't quit. My diet is pretty great these days, but maybe we'll find out some of the healthy stuff I'm eating will kill me too. They still can't make up their mind whether or not milk is good or bad for you.

Long story short, it's great that I was able to learn how to tear enough of my car engine apart to fix it a few years back, but I'm not about to read the engineer's manual to know every single part of the car just in case.



SIGNY: Probably you think all knowledge on the topic is tainted by now. But there is knowledge that predates Covid-19 that you can acccess. And you can tell that it's true knowledge, not ideology, because -unlike ideology - it works in the real world.

SIX: It was all tainted before Covid. The highly-educated gate keepers write all the books. That shit might as well be magic to the other 99.9% of us. I don't need to read any of their lies and barely-truths.

It's only like magic if you refuse to figure it out.

Physics is like magic but light switches work, right? Chemistry is like magic, but you use paints and paint strippers, right? Biology is like magic but you use weed sprays and antibiotics (when necessary), right?

That is how you separate real knowledge from bullshit: it works in the real world.

Psychics and Chemistry have tangible and immediate benefits for your everyday person that didn't major in them. Biology for the most part doesn't.

Also, Biology and Chemistry in tandem have been coopted by Big Pharma and the Medical GOD to figure out how best to treat us but never cure us of anything. It's all about the money to them.



SIX: but you and Kiki don't either.

SIGNY: Well, I have a much better idea than you do because I've made a point to learn about it. So I know it contains the "instruction set" (mRNA) for the mitochndria to make spike protein, but that there are LOTS of other parts of viruses besides that, and that the mRNA is only a small fraction of the entire viral nucleic acid sequence. Along the way I've learned about "open frame reading" and retroviruses and polymerase chain reaction and a whole bunch of stuff I didn't know before.

SIX: You've read more bullshit than I have. That much is certain.

You seem to think that bc you didn't have the sitzfleisch (literally, "sitting flesh"- the focus and willingness to do something difficult) to learn in college, that anything that you don't know isn't worth knowing.
That's kind of self-defeating.

I aced Biology both in high school and in college. I also had the teacher who wrote the book we used in college. The one that everybody hoped they didn't get because she was supposedly a hardass.

It wasn't science that made me drop out of college. It was math.



SIGNY: My best early source - and one I would refer you to- was Chris Martenson. Yes, he was agitated about the virus, but he also explained in great detail about its sequence, what made THIS virus (down to the couple dozen or so inserted nucleic acids) so very different from its closest family members. The particular insertion makes docking onto human cells much more efficient. BTW they have sequenced a lot of viruses from animal sources trying to find the origin, and they can't. (That's what put the idea in my head that this was engineered.) Neither its sequence, nor the sequence of related viruses, is a secret. That's how people can tell whether there's an overlap with syncytin or not (NOT).

SIX: I can name at least 3 people on this board who would tell you that Chris Martenson is alt-media and not to be trusted. Not saying that I think that, but just reiterating my point about malleable reality above.

Chris Martenson's big bug is "peak oil". He was wrong about that ... well, seriously mis-timed, anyway ... and he's not-quite a survivalist but definitely advocates leading the kind of life YOU lead, SIX.

So, I take what he posts with a grain of salt. NOBODY is 100% accurate, but he does have an advanced degree in pathology and is good at explaining various studies.

Sounds like a cool guy. I wasn't slighting him. Just pointing out that while you're claiming I get my facts from alt-right wack jobs, a lot of your sources are called that all the time. I still don't even know which sources of mine I've ever posted here that you have a problem with, TBH.



SIX: I don't need it.

SIGNY: Knowledge is ALWAYS useful.

SIX: I'm referring to the vaccine.

Oh, OK.



SIX: There is zero benefit from me wasting any time reading about what a bunch of white labcoats have to say about things that can't be seen with the naked eye. Zero.
Again, electrons can't be seen with the naked eye, but you've prolly learned something about wiring, no? The study of electricity was a white-coated effort at one time.

Sure. But I don't need to know anything about electrons to wire things up either. People were wiring up houses and making motors work since the lightbulb was invented without knowing how any of that works.

As long as I practice safety first and know how not to electrocute myself or burn the house down, I'm good.


Molecules can't be seen with the naked eye, but you use artificial chemicals all of the time, chemicals BTW that were developed by people in white coats.

Okay. So what? A lot of those ended up killing a lot of people. Half the stuff that people used to use every day isn't even available to purchase anymore.


Bacteria can't be seen ith the naked eye, but you use antibiotics and THEY were developed by people in white coats.

I think this is just another one of your stumbling blocks: disrespect for advanced knowledge.

No. It's disrespect for the nerds who have it and lord it over other people. I especially disrespect those who just parrot Legacy Media bullshit and know as much about Science as a newborn baby.

I swear to god the next person who has the balls to tell me to "follow the Science" I'm going to punch in the face. Even if it's a woman.



SIX: I'm not going to get it.

SIGNY: You probably don't need it. That's your prerogative.

SIX: I absolutely, 100%, without a shadow of a doubt don't need it.

Well, you would only know that you did if you got Covid-19 and died. Not possible to prove either way until then.

Yup. See my thoughts on Reality above. Death is the only way we ultimately know anything.



SIX: At least we can agree that it's my choice. Thanks for never wavering on that unlike other people here.



SIX: But I'm also not going to run around telling everyone that anybody who goes to the doctor is going to be murdered either.

SIGNY: But you DO run around, shouting on the one hand that the virus is "nothing" and at the same time that the vaccine - a fraction of the virus- is a killer.

SIX: The virus IS nothing.The vaccine COULD be a killer. Or it COULD do something down the road that will make you wish you were dead. Or it COULD be a placebo. Or it COULD be exactly what they tell you it is. Or it COULD be the only thing that will save your life when they release Covid 20 and it kills 100% of the people who didn't get vaccinated. We're all playing roulette here, and the house always wins.

SIGNY: Yours is the same logic that says that bitter geopolitical enemies and competing commercial interests are ALL going to suddenly dive headlong into a world-straddling conspiracy to depopulate the globe ... including their own people. It's the same bad logic, just on a bigger scale.

No it's not. My mind is open to all possibilities. Even the possibility that the vaccine is completely safe and nobody is trying to fuck anybody over here.

I'm just not willing to bank the rest of my life on that and get a shot. Right now I still have the benefit of choice.

You do not.

I hope it works out for you.


SIX: No it's not. Because I'm not saying the vaccine will kill you like you just claimed that I was. Don't mix up my posts with DT's, thank you very much.
OK. But you can't unpost your bitterness about me choosing to have our daughter vaccinated because it "might" make her sterile. (In any case, since she can't take care of herself much less a child, I would be a lot more worried about her getting pregnant than not.)

I can't, and I won't.

I hope it works out for her too.

I'm not being snarky when I say this. I have a lot of people I care about who will die and/or be fucked for life if this vaccine ends up bad.



SIX: Even though I'd like to have an ally here on the unvaccinated front, I'm calling out crazy talk.


SIX: Yanno... something that Second and Ted and JO never did when the Roomba was telling people to kill themselves three times a day.

SIGNY: True.
Your moral compass isn't bent.
Theirs is.

SIX: Yup, and yup.


Okay. I'm not going to keep blowing myself on this one.



SIGNY: You sometimes like to reduce things to their logical opposites: Either the vaccine works or it doesn't, and in either case I don't need it.
That's not always true. Sometimes, in THIS case, the vaccine works- sort of. Now, in THIS case the vaccine does enough to protect the vaccinated, and not enough to prevent its spread, that it's useful for the target population but not the source population. So, if you catch Covid - especially the delta variant - you will almost certainly not die or even get very sick, but you will develop a robust immune response that will make you immune to this particular variant and prolly a bunch of others.
OTOH, there could be an extremely deadly virus out there, AND a vaccine that prevents its spread, but not necessarily blunts the disease once it develops. In THAT case the only way to protect the vulnerable without shutting the economy down is to mandate vaccination. Change the circumstances and you change the logical outcome.

SIX: I'll be waiting for them if they ever try to come to my house and forcibly vaccinate me. Ruby Ridge will be a blip on the radar compared to the hell they're going to unleash if they ever attempt to do this.


Are you saying that I'm wrong?

Let's put aside me and the mostly-white survivalist/militia types with a full on arsenal at their disposal...

What do you think is going to happen to anybody who marches into Inglewood and starts trying to forcibly give the brothers shots?

My guess would be a whole new round of "Peaceful Protests".

They'll be so peaceful that they'll make 2020 look like war.



SIGNY: So I can agree with you about the SARS-CoV2 vaccines - not because the vaccine is a "killer" or some sort of slow genocide - but because it's not necessary for a lot of people - but I can imagine other situations.
BTW - there are tens of thousands of gene sequencers "out there" across the world. Any happy camper with a gene sequencer can sequence any or all of the vaccines "out there" and reverse-engineer it. So even if the makers wanted to keep it a secret, they couldn't.

SIX: Sounds exactly like when people who owned Apple products used to claim that it was impossible to get a virus on an Apple product.

Even Linux can be hacked. In fact, the more and more they make it look like Windows, the less functional it becomes.

Everything can be hacked. I told my Apple fanboy brother that for years when he was always telling me about how great Apple told him his Apple products were, and how superior they were to the much less expensive PCs I built for myself.

My point was that everybody thinks that they know a lot more about tech than they do.



SIX: The shit they've got is 20 years more advanced than any DIY-think-they've-got-it-all-figured-out-wanna-be-white-lab-coat dork has in their basement.
They can't verify or disprove shit.

Institutions ... national governments, research labs, and competing pharmas ... institutions with a VESTED INTEREST in knowing the results... aren't the white-coated basement dorks that you imagine. They might be doing some butt-covering of their own, but not about to give a competitor a "pass".

There are three dissimilar types of vaccines "out there".

The Chinese vaccine uses a deactivated "whole virus".

There are two viral-vectored vaccines; Sputnik V and AstraZenica. I think the problem with the AstraZenica vaccine is not the SARS-Cov2 portion but the fact that they used a non-human adenovirus, and ppl are reacting to the vector, not the actual vaccine portion.

And then there are three mRNA vaccines which, AFAIK, are much more limited in action than the previous three. As far as I can tell, the mRNA vaccines are EXTREMELY narrow-focused. Just FYI.

Well, we understand each other but have reached a stalemate.

I'm not budging. I wasn't expecting you to either.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Monday, August 23, 2021 12:37 AM



OK. But you can't unpost your bitterness about me choosing to have our daughter vaccinated because it "might" make her sterile. (In any case, since she can't take care of herself much less a child, I would be a lot more worried about her getting pregnant than not.)

This is a different image than I had of SignyM. I'm assuming from the phrasing of this that your daughter is physically or mentally disabled. And probably older.

I think this vaccine will do a lot worse than sterilize the people it affects. A lot of people it won't affect. Which is why there are booster shots. It's like pokemon, gotta catch 'em all.


Monday, August 23, 2021 5:59 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Jack, your thinking keeps running in a circle and biting itself. You claim that COVID-19 'never killed anybody' ... but if old people die from it, oh well. You deny that anyone who died from COVID-19 was killed by it even when they clearly did not die from anything else. Reality doesn't go away just because you deny it.


Psychics and Chemistry have tangible and immediate benefits for your everyday person that didn't major in them. Biology for the most part doesn't.
If you eat food, you benefit from biology. If you drink bacteria-free water or milk you benefit from biology. If you go to a dentist to have your teeth removed, you benefit from biology. ... And so on. Everybody in a country with minimal technology benefits from biology every day.


All of those scenarios are possible with only a few key decision makers who are sociopaths actually knowing the evil that is taking place.
But NOBODY in the ENTIRE WORLD will see their product? That's an incredible claim.

And here's a recent example of how that doesn't work. There are ACE-2 docking sites on the virus spike-1 protein - and people around the globe found them within a few weeks. And that was very highly researched and documented all around the globe, and spread all over the internet. And I've read that no other coronavirus has those ACE-2 docking sites (I've also looked for them myself), not even the supposedly closely-related SARS-CoV-(1) virus. That was also found very quickly very publicly. Those facts very quickly led to the original supposition that SARS-CoV-2 was engineered. And no amount of The WHO's spin could erase those globally-disseminated facts, though the officialese tried hard enough.

BTW, my own theory of why the vax isn't an engineered bioweapon comes from the idea that people aren't that biologically smart, at least not yet. (And can you imagine Fauci being some kind of brilliant mastermind? HIM?)

Here's the story as I understand it, of how little we know.

After the sequencing of the human genome, scientists had a huge let-down. They thought DNA would be the key to understanding the human body. But it turns out that the DNA protein-instruction-set is really just a partial ingredient list in a very long and complicated recipe. It starts out with what turns DNA on and off. And then once DNA makes RNA, and RNA makes protein ...

... it turns out that the proteins need to be correctly folded, bits and pieces need to be taken off and others spliced on.

So, when they looked at all the complicated downstream picture, the glow of genomics wore off. And after that about 15-20 years ago the new buzzword was proteomics - the study of all the proteins in an organism. If they could figure out THAT, it was thought, they could figure out whatever they wanted to about life. But - basically - it's far, far too large a field to comprehend. The body does too many things with them before, during, and after production; and they have too many secondary, tertiary, and even feedback effects. And that those proteins are usually only one of many inputs to any particular biological outcome (hormones based on cholesterol which is a fat, for example play a role). So no one really talks about proteomics anymore. (I likened it to the 'reason' why we were all surveilled for 'national security'. 'They' said that if they could just get enough data, patterns would emerge of their own accord, without them needing to know what they were looking for, or even have a plan as to how they were going to parse that data. Years later, all that surveillance for 'national security' has yet to provide meaningful results. Lots of data isn't the same as knowledge.)

It's not to say that some previously unknown feedback mechanisms don't get invoked either by the virus or by the vax. But if there's some evil intent built in to the virus, it has to be pretty obvious, like ACE-2 docking sites. If there's some evil intent built into the vax, it has to be pretty obvious as well. People just don't know enough to do anything different and aim for obscure nth step downline effects.


Monday, August 23, 2021 7:30 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


SIGNYM: The only "side to be on is the side of reality.

SIX: If you haven't noticed, there are two "realities" running in parallel in the Legacy Media.

SIGNY: I'm talking about the REAL reality, SIX, not the media's lies. There IS a real reality out there, yanno. The one that runs you over like a truck that you didn't see coming, even if you deny its existance.

SIX: Well... What is the "real" reality? Your reality is different than mine. Mine is different than Seconds. Second's is different than JO's. JO's is different than Kiki's. Kiki's is different than Ted's. Ted's is different than DT's. DT's is different than yours.
I don't need you to tell me what you think reality is.
The only certainty in our shared reality is death and taxes. Everything else is sus.

SIGNY: But we all live in the same world, the same causes have the same effects. Our situations are certainly different, we are different sexes and ages and health situations and live in different places with different access to resources but, as a matter of survival, we should all appreciate that nature doesn't bend to our opinions.

SIX: Yeah. Sure. "Facts don't care about your feels" and all. I get it. But my point still stands. We all live in the same reality, yet we all perceive it differently. Some of us far more so than others.

Nature doesn't care about our perceptions, either. The ability to perceive is survival equipment. We can either use it to survive, or ... not. Fortunately for most people, we've evolved a complex society that cushions us from our own stupdity, which is why we're getting progressively stupider.


SIX: I don't subscribe to either of them.

SIGNY: Neither do I, you might have noticed. But you subscribe to fear-mongering alt media.

SIX: I post troll videos by Memology 101. That's not evidence of the sentence that you just said. You're the one who posts dubious sources like zerohedge all the time. Careful with those stones you're throwing from your glass house.

SIGNY: Have you ever BOTHERED to validate anything that I posted? Of course not! So people who don't bother to validate anything shouldn't be throwing stones about "dubious sources".

SIX: I'll dial that back. I'm not calling Zerohedge "dubious". But there are at least three people here who would.

And I should pay attention to them ... why?


SIX: And I really don't know what your hardon about Memeology101 is anyhow. They're great at showing the hypocrisy of the Legacy Media on a daily basis. They show you articles written 6 months ago compared to what they're saying today all the time. They have a much better memory than the average 2 weeks that most people can remember when it comes to news.
Two weeks?I think you give many people far too much credit. Try six minutes.


SIX: I don't know what's in the vaccine,

SIGNY: Well, maybe you should LEARN SOMETHING. I don't know why you're so resistant to learning about biology and biochemistry. Yes, it's complicated, but it's not THAT complicated. You've learned a lot more complicated stuff about fixing cars and drainage problems, haven't you?

SIX: Yup. But that's actually useful knowledge that is applicable everywhere and makes my life better.

SIGNY: Well, maybe knowing something about biology would help you manage your health better, hmmm....???

SIX: Not really...
I gave up drinking and that saved my life. I know that smoking is likely to kill me if I don't quit. My diet is pretty great these days, but maybe we'll find out some of the healthy stuff I'm eating will kill me too. They still can't make up their mind whether or not milk is good or bad for you.
Long story short, it's great that I was able to learn how to tear enough of my car engine apart to fix it a few years back, but I'm not about to read the engineer's manual to know every single part of the car just in case.

SIGNY: Probably you think all knowledge on the topic is tainted by now. But there is knowledge that predates Covid-19 that you can acccess. And you can tell that it's true knowledge, not ideology, because -unlike ideology - it works in the real world.

SIX: It was all tainted before Covid. The highly-educated gate keepers write all the books. That shit might as well be magic to the other 99.9% of us. I don't need to read any of their lies and barely-truths.

SIGNY: It's only like magic if you refuse to figure it out.
Physics is like magic but light switches work, right? Chemistry is like magic, but you use paints and paint strippers, right? Biology is like magic but you use weed sprays and antibiotics (when necessary), right?
That is how you separate real knowledge from bullshit: it works in the real world.

SIX: Psychics and Chemistry have tangible and immediate benefits for your everyday person that didn't major in them. Biology for the most part doesn't.

The earliest biologists were the ones who figured out which plants were safe and wich were poison. But I would say that the biologists that YOU would recognize as useful are the ones who figured out the germ theory of disease. There was a time when people thought that malaria was caused by bad air. (Malaria: mal = bad, as in the Latin, aria= air) You prolly survived your childhood thanks to that discovery, which meant (mostly) germ-free water, vaccination against deadly diseases, and antibiotics.


SIX: Also, Biology and Chemistry in tandem have been coopted by Big Pharma and the Medical GOD to figure out how best to treat us but never cure us of anything. It's all about the money to them.
Of course.


SIX: but you and Kiki don't either.

SIGNY: Well, I have a much better idea than you do because I've made a point to learn about it. So I know it contains the "instruction set" (mRNA) for the mitochndria to make spike protein, but that there are LOTS of other parts of viruses besides that, and that the mRNA is only a small fraction of the entire viral nucleic acid sequence. Along the way I've learned about "open frame reading" and retroviruses and polymerase chain reaction and a whole bunch of stuff I didn't know before.

SIX: You've read more bullshit than I have. That much is certain.

SIGNY: You seem to think that bc you didn't have the sitzfleisch (literally, "sitting flesh"- the focus and willingness to do something difficult) to learn in college, that anything that you don't know isn't worth knowing.
That's kind of self-defeating.

SIX: I aced Biology both in high school and in college. I also had the teacher who wrote the book we used in college. The one that everybody hoped they didn't get because she was supposedly a hardass.
It wasn't science that made me drop out of college. It was math.

Ah, math. I hated three of four semesters of it because I had terrible professors. But the fourth (differential equations) was fucking AWESOME. I think you would have liked it: it was taught as a tool for modeling the real world, better than algebra because it cuold handle variable rates (for example, filling a tub that was also draining, where the fill rate is constant but the drain rate depends on the height o waer in the tub. Simple example, but you get the point.)


SIGNY: My best early source - and one I would refer you to- was Chris Martenson. Yes, he was agitated about the virus, but he also explained in great detail about its sequence, what made THIS virus (down to the couple dozen or so inserted nucleic acids) so very different from its closest family members. The particular insertion makes docking onto human cells much more efficient. BTW they have sequenced a lot of viruses from animal sources trying to find the origin, and they can't. (That's what put the idea in my head that this was engineered.) Neither its sequence, nor the sequence of related viruses, is a secret. That's how people can tell whether there's an overlap with syncytin or not (NOT).

SIX: I can name at least 3 people on this board who would tell you that Chris Martenson is alt-media and not to be trusted. Not saying that I think that, but just reiterating my point about malleable reality above.

They have feelz that interfere with understanding the real world.


SIGNY: Chris Martenson's big bug is "peak oil". He was wrong about that ... well, seriously mis-timed, anyway ... and he's not-quite a survivalist but definitely advocates leading the kind of life YOU lead, SIX.
So, I take what he posts with a grain of salt. NOBODY is 100% accurate, but he does have an advanced degree in pathology and is good at explaining various studies.

SIX: Sounds like a cool guy. I wasn't slighting him. Just pointing out that while you're claiming I get my facts from alt-right wack jobs, a lot of your sources are called that all the time. I still don't even know which sources of mine I've ever posted here that you have a problem with, TBH.

OK, let me rephrase that: You get your information from sources that are seriously wrong on some things, and the problem is that you trust them even so.


SIX: I don't need it.

SIGNY: Knowledge is ALWAYS useful.

SIX: I'm referring to the vaccine.



There is zero benefit from me wasting any time reading about what a bunch of white labcoats have to say about things that can't be seen with the naked eye. Zero.

SIGNY: Again, electrons can't be seen with the naked eye, but you've prolly learned something about wiring, no? The study of electricity was a white-coated effort at one time.

SIX: Sure. But I don't need to know anything about electrons to wire things up either. People were wiring up houses and making motors work since the lightbulb was invented without knowing how any of that works.
[As long as I practice safety first and know how not to electrocute myself or burn the house down, I'm good.

But OTOH people need to know about electrons and magnetism and efficiency and chemistry (materials science) in order to produce electricity, bring it to your house, fabricate those MOSFETS and ultra-efficient magnets in your PC, and that's all pretty advanced stuff that you use every day.


SIGNY: Molecules can't be seen with the naked eye, but you use artificial chemicals all of the time, chemicals BTW that were developed by people in white coats.

SIX: Okay. So what? A lot of those ended up killing a lot of people. Half the stuff that people used to use every day isn't even available to purchase anymore.

There are literally tens of thousands of new chemicals introduced every year that enter your life in ways you don't know.


SIGNY: Bacteria can't be seen with the naked eye, but you use antibiotics and THEY were developed by people in white coats. I think this is just another one of your stumbling blocks: disrespect for advanced knowledge.

SIX: No. It's disrespect for the nerds who have it and lord it over other people. I especially disrespect those who just parrot Legacy Media bullshit and know as much about Science as a newborn baby.
I swear to god the next person who has the balls to tell me to "follow the Science" I'm going to punch in the face. Even if it's a woman.

Well, hubby is the smartest person I've ever met. He has spent a LIFETIME learning about a lot of things, dwn to extremely theoretical levels (including economics and philosophy) and has used that knowledge to solve research problems for professors. And he calls THEM "the priesthood". So I get where you're coming from: You can respect and seek knowledge and disrespect those who wield it to lord it over others.


SIX: I'm not going to get it.

SIGNY: You probably don't need it. That's your prerogative.

SIX: I absolutely, 100%, without a shadow of a doubt don't need it.

SIGNY: Well, you would only know that you did if you got Covid-19 and died. Not possible to prove either way until then.

SIX: Yup. See my thoughts on Reality above. Death is the only way we ultimately know anything.

SIX: At least we can agree that it's my choice. Thanks for never wavering on that unlike other people here.


SIX: But I'm also not going to run around telling everyone that anybody who goes to the doctor is going to be murdered either.

SIGNY: But you DO run around, shouting on the one hand that the virus is "nothing" and at the same time that the vaccine - a fraction of the virus- is a killer.

SIX: The virus IS nothing.The vaccine COULD be a killer. Or it COULD do something down the road that will make you wish you were dead. Or it COULD be a placebo. Or it COULD be exactly what they tell you it is. Or it COULD be the only thing that will save your life when they release Covid 20 and it kills 100% of the people who didn't get vaccinated. We're all playing roulette here, and the house always wins.

SIGNY: Yours is the same logic that says that bitter geopolitical enemies and competing commercial interests are ALL going to suddenly dive headlong into a world-straddling conspiracy to depopulate the globe ... including their own people. It's the same bad logic, just on a bigger scale.

SIX: No it's not. My mind is open to all possibilities. Even the possibility that the vaccine is completely safe and nobody is trying to fuck anybody over here.
I'm just not willing to bank the rest of my life on that and get a shot. Right now I still have the benefit of choice.
You do not.
I hope it works out for you.

SIX: No it's not. Because I'm not saying the vaccine will kill you like you just claimed that I was. Don't mix up my posts with DT's, thank you very much.

SIGNY: OK. But you can't unpost your bitterness about me choosing to have our daughter vaccinated because it "might" make her sterile. (In any case, since she can't take care of herself much less a child, I would be a lot more worried about her getting pregnant than not.)

SIX: I can't, and I won't.
I hope it works out for her too.
I'm not being snarky when I say this. I have a lot of people I care about who will die and/or be fucked for life if this vaccine ends up bad.

There are a LOT of "maybes" out there. Trump MIGHT BE Putin's puppet. At least, many people were told that. Saddam MIGHT HAVE HAD WMD. Part of being grounded in reality is figuring this tuff out.
And while Putin, and Saddam, and Big Pharma, and the Davos Crowd might have the most evil of intentions, they too must act in the real world, with real mechanisms that leave real evidence. Their evil intentions are not enough to change the world, just as our fears and desires aren't, either. If any of us want to change anything, we need to act. And the bigger the change we want to make, the more work/action is required.


SIX: Even though I'd like to have an ally here on the unvaccinated front, I'm calling out crazy talk.


SIX: Yanno... something that Second and Ted and JO never did when the Roomba was telling people to kill themselves three times a day.

SIGNY: True.
Your moral compass isn't bent.
Theirs is.

SIX: Yup, and yup.

SIGNY: Indeed

SIX: Okay. I'm not going to keep blowing myself on this one.

SIGNY: You sometimes like to reduce things to their logical opposites: Either the vaccine works or it doesn't, and in either case I don't need it.
That's not always true. Sometimes, in THIS case, the vaccine works- sort of. Now, in THIS case the vaccine does enough to protect the vaccinated, and not enough to prevent its spread, that it's useful for the target population but not the source population. So, if you catch Covid - especially the delta variant - you will almost certainly not die or even get very sick, but you will develop a robust immune response that will make you immune to this particular variant and prolly a bunch of others.
OTOH, there could be an extremely deadly virus out there, AND a vaccine that prevents its spread, but not necessarily blunts the disease once it develops. In THAT case the only way to protect the vulnerable without shutting the economy down is to mandate vaccination. Change the circumstances and you change the logical outcome.

SIX: I'll be waiting for them if they ever try to come to my house and forcibly vaccinate me. Ruby Ridge will be a blip on the radar compared to the hell they're going to unleash if they ever attempt to do this.

SIGNY: Whatever.

SIX: Are you saying that I'm wrong?
Let's put aside me and the mostly-white survivalist/militia types with a full on arsenal at their disposal...
What do you think is going to happen to anybody who marches into Inglewood and starts trying to forcibly give the brothers shots?
My guess would be a whole new round of "Peaceful Protests".
They'll be so peaceful that they'll make 2020 look like war.

I'm saying that your (and others') individual and collective violence is not relevant in figuring out whether the vaccine is good, bad, or indifferent. Vioclence is used to promote all kinds of baseless ideologies. Just look at at BLM.

Anyway, I wish people would get at least as exercised about more abstract issues, like censorship and the monopolization of communication, for example.


SIGNY: So I can agree with you about the SARS-CoV2 vaccines - not because the vaccine is a "killer" or some sort of slow genocide - but because it's not necessary for a lot of people - but I can imagine other situations.
BTW - there are tens of thousands of gene sequencers "out there" across the world. Any happy camper with a gene sequencer can sequence any or all of the vaccines "out there" and reverse-engineer it. So even if the makers wanted to keep it a secret, they couldn't.

SIX: Sounds exactly like when people who owned Apple products used to claim that it was impossible to get a virus on an Apple product.

SIGNY: Even Linux can be hacked. In fact, the more and more they make it look like Windows, the less functional it becomes.

SIX: Everything can be hacked. I told my Apple fanboy brother that for years when he was always telling me about how great Apple told him his Apple products were, and how superior they were to the much less expensive PCs I built for myself.
My point was that everybody thinks that they know a lot more about tech than they do.

SIX: The shit they've got is 20 years more advanced than any DIY-think-they've-got-it-all-figured-out-wanna-be-white-lab-coat dork has in their basement.
They can't verify or disprove shit.

SIGNY: Institutions ... national governments, research labs, and competing pharmas ... institutions with a VESTED INTEREST in knowing the results... aren't the white-coated basement dorks that you imagine. They might be doing some butt-covering of their own, but not about to give a competitor a "pass".
There are three dissimilar types of vaccines "out there".

The Chinese vaccine uses a deactivated "whole virus".

There are two viral-vectored vaccines; Sputnik V and AstraZenica. I think the problem with the AstraZenica vaccine is not the SARS-Cov2 portion but the fact that they used a non-human adenovirus, and ppl are reacting to the vector, not the actual vaccine portion.

And then there are three mRNA vaccines which, AFAIK, are much more limited in action than the previous three. As far as I can tell, the mRNA vaccines are EXTREMELY narrow-focused. Just FYI.

Well, we understand each other but have reached a stalemate.

SIX: I'm not budging. I wasn't expecting you to either.

But I had fun discussing this with you, and I hope you did, too!


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Monday, August 23, 2021 9:13 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

[infinite spam]

Please take your war on Six to a different thread. This one is about my personal health and I'm very sick. I'm looking for suggestions, not flame wars. Thanks


Monday, August 23, 2021 10:53 AM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Jack, your thinking keeps running in a circle and biting itself. You claim that COVID-19 'never killed anybody' ... but if old people die from it, oh well.

No it doesn't.

No old people died from it. They died because they were already dying.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Monday, August 23, 2021 10:54 AM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

[infinite spam]

Please take your war on Six to a different thread. This one is about my personal health and I'm very sick. I'm looking for suggestions, not flame wars. Thanks

Yeah. Sorry.

I have no interest in debating Kiki on anything, but your last reply had some interesting points Sigs. Maybe I'll copy it and reply to it in another thread later.

I do just have to reply to this first part here...


Nature doesn't care about our perceptions, either. The ability to perceive is survival equipment. We can either use it to survive, or ... not. Fortunately for most people, we've evolved a complex society that cushions us from our own stupdity, which is why we're getting progressively stupider.

Right after reading the first sentence, I was thinking to myself that "well yeah... but we live in such a coddled and entitled first world right now where hardly anybody ever needs to utilize these skills."

And then you said it.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Monday, August 23, 2021 11:19 AM


I mean I basically agree with both of you on that. Which is why finding the best logical cure for the bioweapon. If you failed the perception check that it was a bioweapon, at this point, you were either stupid, or intentionally ignoring evidence, which are basically the same thing. The question of the vax I think is getting to the same point, where the evidence that it's a bioweapon that was developed before the first bioweapon was released, by the same people, is also I think if not rock solid conclusive at least heavily tipping the balance in that direction at this point.

I kind of think 1kiki is SignyM unless she's SignyM's disabled daughter. Something has to answer the odd question of why they've never said anything to each other in a hundred thousand posts over decades of always being in the same thread. Or why they use the exact same peculiar turns of phrase, and the exact same idiosyncratic techniques to illustrate points. A psychologist would say they're a split personality.

As for being sick. Still sick. I'm sure other people would see me as an asymptomatic carrier, per that movie, but to me I'm sick. I passed out from attempting to carry a bag of groceries across the street yesterday. But my immune system has always worked slower than other people's. Not weaker, for whatever reason, just slower. I've frequently gotten the "how are you even still alive?" from doctors, when I don't even feel particularly bad, but a common cold has always been a two week affair for me instead of two days.

I'm going to attempt to go out to a grocery store or a dollar general at least. It'll wear me out, but I need coffee.


Monday, August 23, 2021 11:30 AM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
I'm going to attempt to go out to a grocery store or a dollar general at least. It'll wear me out, but I need coffee.

You should get yourself a Sam's membership if you drink coffee. With how much coffee I go through in a year, I end up paying for that membership twice just on the Folgers alone.

It sucks that it's $10 for the huge containers right by my Dad's where I had to pick it up last time, but when I pick up things there when I go with him to see my brother they've got them for $8. That's twice the coffee for the buck at $8.

I get my filters at the Dollar Tree though. They don't always have them though, so I pick up 3 or 4 of them when I see them. It's like 150 of them for a buck. Like most things I regularly consume, I have a stockpile on hand.

I eat a lot of Cheerios too, and that will pay for the membership 10 times over in a year easily. The local grocery store wants $5 for a box the size of a hardcover book, but I can get two mammoth sized boxes that dwarf the grocery chain box for $6.

Every once in a while, I'll get lucky and show up when these are on sale for $2 off (limit 4) and the savings then border on insane.

I've got a lot of room to hide things like that and the paper towel/toilet paper bulk purchases in my cabinets now that I've dehoarded and got rid of 90% of the stuff I never used.

Before I did that, I just had all of these bulk purchases sitting out in the wide open looking like crap.

It's made for an interesting conversation piece when I've had people over to see the work I've done... specifically restoring those cabinets. It usually ends up with me giving the tour of all my stockpiled stuff and a conversation about how every dollar that I don't spend is one that I don't have to earn.

Still got one more good dehoarding in me in the near future. I love the life of a minimalist.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Monday, August 23, 2021 11:38 AM


not driving an hour to find a sam's club. i also tend to avoid the beast and the cost is low.

correction, I see 1kiki and signym almost talk to each other in the endless signy garden thread. idk mom and daughter maybe, lesbians lovers, one schizo? no offense. I've always avoided the giga threads, because this board already takes up too much time, and always did. I'm seriously considering kicking myself to the story section

If anyone wants to join me in the fight against bioterrorism, I'll be down for that, here, otherwise, oof. Not arguing whether or not the threat exists. no time for that


Monday, August 23, 2021 11:47 AM


How does one join this fight?

Because the way I see it, if everything you say is true the fight isn't going to even happen until after the mega-catastrophic event goes down and there's really nothing you can do about it until then.

Extended to me, there's nothing I can do about it except for what I've been doing. Not getting vaccinated and living debt free without being beholden to anyone.

On a related note, Sam's isn't "the Beast". That would be Amazon in this instance. They're killing Sams along with most of the mom and pop shops right now.

But feel free to spend a lot of money on coffee if that's you're thing. I like not paying for things with credit.

If you catch $2 off on Folgers and buy the 4 limit, you've already made back half of your membership fee for the year.

P.S. If you know what products to buy at Sams/Costco vs. what products not to buy there, you're really fucking them over in the end. Their entire business model is basically "sell the stuff cheap, sometimes even at a loss and make all of our money from the yearly membership fees".

The products I mentioned above are what the industry calls "loss leaders". It's the stuff that they sell at a loss, usually at the far end of the store. Even non-membership places do this, with the only goal being to get you to walk through the whole store to get to what you're looking for in hopes that you fill your cart up with a bunch of shit you weren't planning on buying on your two-way trip.

I learned about them back when I worked at Toys R Us as a kid. TRU was the place you went if you were smart and wanted to save money on diapers. There wasn't a cheaper place anywhere for them. But they were set up at the very back of the store and if you think you were going into a TRU with a kid or two in tow to pick up cheap diapers without having the kids scream bloody murder if you didn't buy them their Thundercats or Barbies or Nintendo games you had another thing coming.

Long story short. Fuck the "Beast". Get the membership and rape them with it.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Monday, August 23, 2021 3:28 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Which is why finding the best logical cure for the bioweapon. If you failed the perception check that it was a bioweapon, at this point, you were either stupid, or intentionally ignoring evidence, which are basically the same thing.
The evidence for the virus being weaponized is the ACE-2 receptor.

I'm sorry you're still ill. I hope you've seen at least some improvement this last little while. My hope is that you won't push yourself. If your heart is struggling, making it work harder could be doing more permanent damage.


Monday, August 23, 2021 3:45 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

The evidence for the virus being weaponized is the ACE-2 receptor.

That's one part. There is also the fact that every part of this genome was previously patented, that each part might trigger an auto-immune condition, for instance the syncytin attack. And that the patent was rejected as a vaccine for not being a vaccine and so was re patented as a bioweapon.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

How does one join this fight?

Letting people know the truth, finding out what the truth is and sharing it. Down the road we're going to need to find a cure for these zombies who will be staggering to their deaths for the next 5-10 years.

Amazon is definitely the beast.

a one hour drive to sam's club to pay $2 instead of $5 for a monthly purchase of a cannister of coffee is a pretty seriously false economy. at $20/hour opportunity cost, that's $40 already, then there's gas, 4 gallons is another $10, so I'm down $30, I'd need 10 cannisters to make up the difference. I'm way too sick for that drive right now anyway

But I'm liking wall of prepper food before they start vaxing your food

For me it's probably moot point, I already have the virus. But yeah, don't get this stupid thing. Everyone will probably get it anyway. But it's the principle of the thing. Who knows how many updated bioweapons they have in store for us. 7 probably, because they're a doomsday cult of religious nutters.


Monday, August 23, 2021 8:39 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
How does one join this fight?

Because the way I see it, if everything you say is true the fight isn't going to even happen until after the mega-catastrophic event goes down and there's really nothing you can do about it until then.

There is a well known method to fight the vaccine.

Step 1: Write the Unabomber Manifesto, but for Covid vaccines. Don't go over 35,000 words, or else the Washington Post won't publish it.

Step 2: Bomb a vaccine factory so that the world will read your manifesto.

Congratulations! You have saved the world!

Unabomber Manifesto

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, August 23, 2021 8:48 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
You're on a train to Crazyville brother.

No, I'm not. I'm living the nightmare, watched this all happen close up for years. The manipulators do an expert shuffle of the reapers. The people in the hospital almost never realize there's a reaper conspiracy, and if they do, they're fired. I've watched people get fired for this. Most of the time, when the workers catch on to the reapers, they think they've found the one reaper, report him and he disappears to some other hospital. But they keep all the healthcare workers so incredibly busy that they're always worried about what they have to do in the next fifteen seconds, for 15 hours a day, and so they never have time to deal with the shuffling around of staff. Most people are not conspiracy theorists so it never occurs to them that the staff shuffle is enabling serial killers

I have spent a decent portion of the last decade I was (largely) no here for, dealing with this. So no, it's not a whacked out theory I'm about to cave because I don't get it. I spent years in hospitals seeing this in action. I very much am very sure that I do get it, even if 99% of the world doesn't get it. And some people in the machine get it, and then they get kicked out the door as soon at their report of it reaches the top level. Oh know, Dr. Johnson is cRaZy, just like you're saying now about me. It sounds crazy. And it is crazy. But it's not a crazy delusion. It's a crazy reality.


While I generally agree, I've noticed it's not necessarily so. I've seen a lot of survival cults doing very well at the moment because they live in delusional fantasy land and consume no mainstream media, and so are not injecting themselves with a bioweapon, or sacrificing their children to hitler, or engaging in suisociety in any way. Delusional fantasy cult survives this apocalypse, as do its children. It's more important to be a survivor than based in reality, because evolution will favor the survivors, no matter what they believe.

When the Libtards were ballyhooing all of te Affirmative Action hiring, and entry/admission of the less qualified to med school, because their mommy had too many kids and got divorced, instead of admitting the most qualified candidates, I knew it was not good.
But I don't recall those nightmares including this level of depravity, granting GOD Complex to the least qualified intellects.

But we might remember that this is, specifically NY, so this all might not apply to the real world. NY was one of the original CON States for "medicine"


Monday, August 23, 2021 9:03 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

When the Libtards were ballyhooing all of te Affirmative Action hiring, and entry/admission of the less qualified to med school, because their mommy had too many kids and got divorced, instead of admitting the most qualified candidates, I knew it was not good.
But I don't recall those nightmares including this level of depravity, granting GOD Complex to the least qualified intellects.

But we might remember that this is, specifically NY, so this all might not apply to the real world. NY was one of the original CON States for "medicine"

You should really start quoting from the Unabomber Manifesto. Two paragraphs:

229. The leftist is oriented toward large-scale collectivism. He emphasizes the duty of the individual to serve society and the duty of society to take care of the individual. He has a negative attitude toward individualism. He often takes a moralistic tone. He tends to be for gun control, for sex education and other psychologically "enlightened" educational methods, for social planning, for affirmative action, for multiculturalism. He tends to identify with victims. He tends to be against competition and against violence, but he often finds excuses for those leftists who do commit violence. He is fond of using the common catch-phrases of the left, like "racism," "sexism," "homophobia," "capitalism," "imperialism," "neocolonialism," "genocide," "social change," "social justice," "social responsibility." Maybe the best diagnostic trait of the leftist is his tendency to sympathize with the following movements: feminism, gay rights, ethnic rights, disability rights, animal rights, political correctness. Anyone who strongly sympathizes with ALL of these movements is almost certainly a leftist. [36]

230. The more dangerous leftists, that is, those who are most power-hungry, are often characterized by arrogance or by a dogmatic approach to ideology. However, the most dangerous leftists of all may be certain oversocialized types who avoid irritating displays of aggressiveness and refrain from advertising their leftism, but work quietly and unobtrusively to promote collectivist values, "enlightened" psychological techniques for socializing children, dependence of the individual on the system, and so forth. These crypto-leftists (as we may call them) approximate certain bourgeois types as far as practical action is concerned, but differ from them in psychology, ideology and motivation. The ordinary bourgeois tries to bring people under control of the system in order to protect his way of life, or he does so simply because his attitudes are conventional. The crypto-leftist tries to bring people under control of the system because he is a True Believer in a collectivistic ideology. The crypto-leftist is differentiated from the average leftist of the oversocialized type by the fact that his rebellious impulse is weaker and he is more securely socialized. He is differentiated from the ordinary well-socialized bourgeois by the fact that there is some deep lack within him that makes it necessary for him to devote himself to a cause and immerse himself in a collectivity. And maybe his (well-sublimated) drive for power is stronger than that of the average bourgeois.

More about "Industrial Society and Its Future" by Theodore Kaczynski (1995) at

If only Trump had read the Unabomber Manifesto, Ted Kaczynski would have been pardoned.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, August 23, 2021 9:59 PM


Second must have gotten the Unibomber bug from his Legacy Media Masters today, huh?


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Monday, August 23, 2021 10:08 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Second must have gotten the Unibomber bug from his Legacy Media Masters today, huh?

Unabomber has been in the news for 30 years. Good old Ted the Bomber could see the future when crazy people like himself, angry at "leftists" and "elites", would be voting for Trump. Yes, the crazy ones deny they are crazy, but they have troubles in life that sane people seldom have and they struggle, mostly because they are crazy, to not fall out of the middle class.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, August 23, 2021 10:10 PM


Don't care, psycho.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Monday, August 23, 2021 10:40 PM


Ted Kaczynski is a brilliant man, driven insane by being an MKULTRA sleeper agent.


Monday, August 23, 2021 10:54 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
Ted Kaczynski is a brilliant man, driven insane by being an MKULTRA sleeper agent.

Kaczynski's lawyers attributed his hostility towards mind control techniques to his participation in Murray's study. Some sources have suggested that Murray's experiments were part of Project MKUltra, the Central Intelligence Agency's research into mind control. Kaczynski stated he resented Murray and his co-workers, primarily because of the invasion of his privacy he perceived as a result of their experiments. Nevertheless, he said he was "quite confident that my experiences with Professor Murray had no significant effect on the course of my life".

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, August 23, 2021 11:25 PM



Originally posted by second:

Nevertheless, he said he was "quite confident that my experiences with Professor Murray had no significant effect on the course of my life".

Oh, he can be confident about that, but I'm not. He was a Manchurian candidate and then later he assassinates people? seems like the programming was very effective.

He may not have killed people they would have, eggs, omelets, they made an assassin out of him. And they probably got more mileage from it this way.


Monday, August 23, 2021 11:53 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


SECOND: You should really start quoting from the Unabomber Manifesto. Two paragraphs:


229. The leftist is oriented toward large-scale collectivism. He emphasizes the duty of the individual to serve society and the duty of society to take care of the individual. He has a negative attitude toward individualism. He often takes a moralistic tone. He tends to be for gun control, for sex education and other psychologically "enlightened" educational methods, for social planning, for affirmative action, for multiculturalism. He tends to identify with victims. He tends to be against competition and against violence, but he often finds excuses for those leftists who do commit violence. He is fond of using the common catch-phrases of the left, like "racism," "sexism," "homophobia," "capitalism," "imperialism," "neocolonialism," "genocide," "social change," "social justice," "social responsibility." Maybe the best diagnostic trait of the leftist is his tendency to sympathize with the following movements: feminism, gay rights, ethnic rights, disability rights, animal rights, political correctness. Anyone who strongly sympathizes with ALL of these movements is almost certainly a leftist. [36]

230. The more dangerous leftists, that is, those who are most power-hungry, are often characterized by arrogance or by a dogmatic approach to ideology. However, the most dangerous leftists of all may be certain oversocialized types who avoid irritating displays of aggressiveness and refrain from advertising their leftism, but work quietly and unobtrusively to promote collectivist values, "enlightened" psychological techniques for socializing children, dependence of the individual on the system, and so forth. These crypto-leftists (as we may call them) approximate certain bourgeois types as far as practical action is concerned, but differ from them in psychology, ideology and motivation. The ordinary bourgeois tries to bring people under control of the system in order to protect his way of life, or he does so simply because his attitudes are conventional. The crypto-leftist tries to bring people under control of the system because he is a True Believer in a collectivistic ideology. The crypto-leftist is differentiated from the average leftist of the oversocialized type by the fact that his rebellious impulse is weaker and he is more securely socialized. He is differentiated from the ordinary well-socialized bourgeois by the fact that there is some deep lack within him that makes it necessary for him to devote himself to a cause and immerse himself in a collectivity. And maybe his (well-sublimated) drive for power is stronger than that of the average bourgeois.

More about "Industrial Society and Its Future" by Theodore Kaczynski (1995) at

Wow, that's fucking prophetic. Brilliant, even!

I listen pretty carefully to crazy people. They can sometimes see what the rest of us have been conditioned not to.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Tuesday, August 24, 2021 12:17 AM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by 1KIKI:

The evidence for the virus being weaponized is the ACE-2 receptor.

That's one part. There is also the fact that every part of this genome was previously patented, that each part might trigger an auto-immune condition, for instance the syncytin attack. And that the patent was rejected as a vaccine for not being a vaccine and so was re patented as a bioweapon.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

How does one join this fight?

Letting people know the truth, finding out what the truth is and sharing it. Down the road we're going to need to find a cure for these zombies who will be staggering to their deaths for the next 5-10 years.

Amazon is definitely the beast.

a one hour drive to sam's club to pay $2 instead of $5 for a monthly purchase of a cannister of coffee is a pretty seriously false economy. at $20/hour opportunity cost, that's $40 already, then there's gas, 4 gallons is another $10, so I'm down $30, I'd need 10 cannisters to make up the difference. I'm way too sick for that drive right now anyway

But I'm liking wall of prepper food before they start vaxing your food

For me it's probably moot point, I already have the virus. But yeah, don't get this stupid thing. Everyone will probably get it anyway. But it's the principle of the thing. Who knows how many updated bioweapons they have in store for us. 7 probably, because they're a doomsday cult of religious nutters.

Well... I'm never getting the vaccine.

But if the world is really heading the way you're saying it is, I'll probably just end up seeing what all the hype about Crystal Meth is if it all comes to pass.

Your world vision is not a world I intend to inhabit for very long if it ever comes true.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Wednesday, August 25, 2021 3:52 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

How're you doing, DT?

Just checking in to make sure that if you're not getting better, at least you're not getting worse.


Wednesday, August 25, 2021 9:10 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Wow, that's fucking prophetic. Brilliant, even!

I listen pretty carefully to crazy people. They can sometimes see what the rest of us have been conditioned not to.

Signym, the Unabomber was a wonderfully articulate American who was also good with his hands. Yes, he was! He was speaking what Trump voters would believe long before Trump would say the same words as Prez, but unlike Trump, the Unabomber built bombs to prove his words were his true beliefs.

The Unabomber withdrew from working, from family, from society, to live alone in a one room cabin like a 21st Century Henry David Thoreau writing his own Walden Or Life in the Woods, except this new Thoreau is mailing bombs to Leftists who offended the Unabomber's sense of what is right and wrong. Trump never got to the bomb making stage because he was content with hurling word bombs at Leftists who were taking away America's Freedom. The Unabomber even signed his bombs "FC" for "Freedom Club".

The Unabomber showed that all Americans are free to be as big a failure as they can dream, even free to kill or merely injure Americans with bombs or with Covid-19.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, August 25, 2021 9:23 AM


Wow. You really are a special child, Second.

You learn all the wrong lessons from everything.

It's little wonder you have no friends.

Don't go making any bombs today now.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Wednesday, August 25, 2021 9:35 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Wow. You really are a special child, Second.

You learn all the wrong lessons from everything.

It's little wonder you have no friends.

Don't go making any bombs today now.

6ix, you are the one talking about never again working a regular job, but instead mowing lawns and snow plowing driveways to earn the very little money you need to eat. The Unabomber, Mr Freedom personified, lived on very little money. The Unabomber Manifesto does not have anything you would object to, but because it is TL;DR "too long; didn't read" for 6ix, you will never know. Vaccines are an affront to the Unabomber's freedom. Funny about how 6ix swore to never get vaccinated.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at






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