Game Over

UPDATED: Thursday, September 16, 2021 19:58
VIEWED: 1893
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Friday, August 20, 2021 5:06 PM


Sig's post about the "self disseminating vaccine" which is just a euphemism for "intentionally contagious bioweapon" was not wrong. It turns out that Tony Fauci patented SARS on waco's 9th death day, April 19th 2002. And made Sars to be have a gene sequence freely manipulated by computer sequencer, and remain contagious. The genes in 2019 are all previously patented weaponized viral sequences patented by Fauci's NIAID and Pfizer.


Friday, August 20, 2021 5:21 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Linky not worky.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Friday, August 20, 2021 9:40 PM


I honestly have no idea how that extra "app/desktop" stuff got in your link.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Friday, August 20, 2021 10:39 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I honestly have no idea how that extra "app/desktop" stuff got in your link.

IDK either.

Btw, I'd rather be crazy than dead, but do reread what I wrote in the other thread. You were not reading me correctly


Friday, August 20, 2021 11:03 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Sig's post about the "self disseminating vaccine" which is just a euphemism for "intentionally contagious bioweapon" was not wrong. It turns out that Tony Fauci patented SARS on waco's 9th death day, April 19th 2002. And made Sars to be have a gene sequence freely manipulated by computer sequencer, and remain contagious. The genes in 2019 are all previously patented weaponized viral sequences patented by Fauci's NIAID and Pfizer.

Wasn't this kinda known beforehand? or did you just find it?


Friday, August 20, 2021 11:21 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Wasn't this kinda known beforehand? or did you just find it?

I just found it. Usually if it was already known someone just posts "already a thread on this

I mean it's seriously fucking damning that they patented the vax as a bioweapon before the outbreak. And that it's a matter of public record. How can even a serious moron continue to argue that it's not a bioweapon?

If I were a libtard, I'd want to distance myself from anchoring my belief system to a genocide that intends to be 1000x the size of the holocaust. The post apoc world will automatically use anyone who flies a rainbow flag from their MLK BLM soy mobile as target practice. and since africa isn't getting vaxed it'll probably be black folk shooting at them, but their beliefs will not help them, as they will have just exterminated the planet. I mean, I've heard of toxic political positions, but to be completely fair, these guys make the actual nazis seem quaint


Saturday, August 21, 2021 12:18 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Wasn't this kinda known beforehand? or did you just find it?

I just found it.

DreamTrove, this is old, Old, OLD news.

USA Today looked at this one year ago:

Fact Check's version, also from last year:

Reuters version, from this year:

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, August 21, 2021 12:36 AM



Originally posted by second:

DreamTrove, this is old, Old, OLD news.

What, do you eat rocks? I mean, how do you survive a day?

If you actually knew that the vax was a proven and admitted bioweapon, and was actively being used in genocide for agenda and profit, why on earth would you go on a public forum and advocate openly for it.

Or did you just think pretending that you already knew your side was genociding the planet, would be a position that made you look better? Or is your need to gainsay and trash absolutely everything everyone else posted so completely pathological that you had to claim ownership of genocide rather than ever admit to having been wrong?


Saturday, August 21, 2021 12:55 AM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
Or did you just think...

Second doesn't think. He just repeats what his Legacy Media Masters tell him.

Same with Ted and JO.

It's just sad with JO though. He's the smartest guy on this board and still they found a way to worm their way in that noggin and wash it clean.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Saturday, August 21, 2021 6:12 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by second:

DreamTrove, this is old, Old, OLD news.

What, do you eat rocks? I mean, how do you survive a day?

If you actually knew that the vax was a proven and admitted bioweapon, and was actively being used in genocide for agenda and profit, why on earth would you go on a public forum and advocate openly for it.

Or did you just think pretending that you already knew your side was genociding the planet, would be a position that made you look better? Or is your need to gainsay and trash absolutely everything everyone else posted so completely pathological that you had to claim ownership of genocide rather than ever admit to having been wrong?

Do you remember your post, DreamTrove?

DreamTrove, in your post you made all the varieties of Covid-19 and all the vaccines as working parts of Armageddon. Your ideas are from the Bible's book of Revelation, specifically Rev. 15.7:

I spent many hours in Bible study of Revelation. Because of all that study I am not a believer in the Bible. Maybe you should switch over to using a science fiction novel, rather than the Bible, to make more emotionally convincing your point that vaccines are genocide. I just want to help you make the very best case you can convincing a large number of voting Americans to never again get vaccinated for any disease, but especially Covid-19.

Understanding the Book of Revelation

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, August 21, 2021 9:36 AM



You have completely outsourced your thinking to the fact check machine. Now we know your thoughts on everything. Whatever the fact check just said. This will save you a lot of trouble.

The rest of us have realized that the fact check is the propaganda machine.


Saturday, August 21, 2021 9:42 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Second doesn't think. He just repeats what his Legacy Media Masters tell him.
Same with Ted and JO.
It's just sad with JO though. He's the smartest guy on this board and still they found a way to worm their way in that noggin and wash it clean. infect it

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Saturday, August 21, 2021 10:03 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Second doesn't think. He just repeats what his Legacy Media Masters tell him.
Same with Ted and JO.
It's just sad with JO though. He's the smartest guy on this board and still they found a way to worm their way in that noggin and wash it clean. infect it

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Ah, thanks, I missed that.


Saturday, August 21, 2021 10:07 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Second doesn't think. He just repeats what his Legacy Media Masters tell him.

Same with Ted and JO.

It's just sad with JO though. He's the smartest guy on this board and still they found a way to worm their way in that noggin and wash it clean.

Lack of free time is the mother of laziness. I know many brilliant people who have scheduled their lives to save time and have become effectively total morons because they outsource their thinking, and predictably, to people who lie to them constantly, and want to kill them.

I can just avoid talking to these people now. They're already dead if they're at "bioweapon is good food." They'd be better off if they actually just literally ate rocks.


Saturday, August 21, 2021 10:09 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So, I'm working my way thru this video, and there is a lot in it.

First of all, who is Dr David E Martin?

According to Dr Martin' website



His first invention was a laser integrated system to target and treat inoperable tumors.
There is no link to this achievement, and an online search does not turn up his name as the inventor of laser to treat inoperable tumors


His mathematics helped unravel the way the human body processes hormones and led to the detection and treatment of many diseases.
SUCH AS??? I could find no independent online results attesting to this.


His observation of human behavior led to his development of technology which deciphers the intention and motivation of communication – a technology that has impacted and saved the lives of billions.
So. Are there
"billions" more alive today than would be otherwise? You would think that we would notice it in our population growth curve. Again, aside from his own statements, I could find no online search results attesting to this.


His global business activities served to develop the world’s top-performing global equity index (including the CNBC IQ100 powered by M·CAM).

There is ... or was .. an IQ100 index fund reported on CNBC. But when I limit my search to "past year" only, no results turn up except spam. ("You are the 5th billionth search! Click here to claim your prize!" *beep beep*)


He’s brought the world’s largest white-collar criminals to justice and brught [sic] the world’s most oppressed and disenfranchised transformative ways to engage.
Wow, there should be no white collar criminals left! (Or typos, either.) Maybe HE should be investigating Trump, Ukraine, the IMF, and the lately-departed Afghan government!


He also invented ways to walk on water, and turn water into wine.

Well, er, no. I made up that last part myself. But you get my drift.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Saturday, August 21, 2021 10:14 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

He then goes to talk about how there were SARS patents before Covid-19, way back when in 2003.

But he neglects to put that directly in context with the SARS (not v.2.0 which we are experiencing now, but the ORIGINAL version) outbreak in Asia in Nov 2002, which was much more deadly than the version we're dealing with currently.

The patent that he describes as "creating SARS" is not as he describes

He avers that the only difference between one SARS-Cov2 variant and another is "when" you start "reading" the sequence, but (having seen the exact difference between the two) there are real differences between them. For example ABBA is not that same as ABBBA. No matter which way you read it or where you start ... unless you manage to only "read" the "AB" part and miss the "BB" and "BBB" part entirely ... there is no way to mistake one for the other.

In addition, he makes a bit of a fuss about how viral genes were patented back then, but neglects to tell you that the Supreme Court didn't get around to disallowing patents on human genomes ("natural products") until 2003, at which point there were literally hundreds of patents on the human genome, and other naturally-occurring gene sequences, which were voided.

The SARS patent which he claims the CDC filed in 2003 (#7220852) was actually filed in 2004 and not granted until 2007.

but aside from what he says, I don't know the fate of the "natural products" part of the patent. It IS definitely within patent law to patent test procedures and modified genes.

OK, so at this point, having done a deep dive into his video from the very beginning, my head started to hurt. So I'm going to skip around a bit. a lot.

Most of the beginning of the video simply demonstrates that there was a lot of monkeying around with viral genes even before 2000 and a lot of patent activity around that, back then.

For context, when he refers to "non tangible assets" he refers to patents and copyrights.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Saturday, August 21, 2021 11:36 AM


Sig, still have that pharma stock huh? Went full propaganda fact check on us.
There's a war for the survival of the human race
Hint: you're on the wrong side.

Have you looked into the past rewards for loyal commies? they all get shot.

This dude is clearly very thorough, he's talking to a bunch of people who are also very thorough, and all the data is in the public domain. They're trying to stop bioterrorism, which does not make them profit. The other side is trying to kill everyone, which makes them trillions, and the earth.


He avers that the only difference between one SARS-Cov2 variant and another is "when" you start "reading" the sequence

BTW, I thought that was an odd comment also, but viruses do have some, not much, non-coding DNA which he alludes to. But the more damning claim is that there is no part of the code that is not also in one of these patents. And that there were patents filed to use as a bioweapon. That's just open and shut case. Hence the heading of this thread.

I understand a lot of this stuff, as do you. But we're also dealing with people who will always understand more because they've devoted their lives to it. If I'm looking and Martin and Fauci as two proponents of the truth, Fauci has been a total fraud and a scammer my entire life.

It's not bothering me that Tony Fauci and his NIAID have the patent on the CMV flu shot that killed my sister. Anyway, it's clear to me, Sig, that you never actually budge on your opposition to everything, you're just anchored in the psychological investment of mistakes you've made out of loyalty to your side.


Saturday, August 21, 2021 11:45 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I AM checking the public domain.

He says a lot "about" himself that I could not validate.
You're welcome to try.

He says there was "a lot" of patent filings around viruses (also, the human genome) in 2001-2002 by all kinds of agencies. That was before the Supreme Court ruling in 2003 which disallowed patents on natural products. After that, I assume a lot of those filings died down.

He makes the case that Fauci was investigating the use of a corona virus (which btw could NOT replicate, according TO HIM, AND according to the patent, which I looked up) as a "viral vector" for a vaccine. "Viral vector" vaccines are new, but not unheard-of. There are two Ebola viral vector vaccines and four SARS-Cov2 viral vector vaccines, based (as I understand it) on an adenovirus, not a coronavirus.

But if that's what concerns you, the the mRNA vaccines, which are NOT viral vectored, should be much safer.

The main question ... and I'm going to skip the video and address it directly, is ... can the mRNA vaccine insert itself into your DNA???

First, let's start with what it takes to do that.

There must be an enzyme ... a "reverse transcriptase" ... which converts RNA to DNA to make it suitable for insertion.

The reverse transcriptase usually comes AS PART OF the virus.

I already mentioned that, way back when. I posted (SIX should remember this) "There are some viruses that can insert themselves into our DNA, the cheeky bastards"

Here is a quick list and brief explanation of those viruses ...


Although retroviruses have different subfamilies, they have three basic groups: the oncoretroviruses (oncogenic retroviruses), the lentiviruses (slow retroviruses) and the spumaviruses (foamy viruses).[4] The oncoretroviruses are able to cause cancer in some species, the lentiviruses are able to cause severe immunodeficiency and death in humans and other animals, and the spumaviruses are benign and not linked to any disease in humans or animals.[4]

Many retroviruses cause serious diseases in humans, other mammals, and birds.[5] Human retroviruses include HIV-1 and HIV-2, the cause of the disease AIDS. Also, human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV) causes disease in humans. The murine leukemia viruses (MLVs) cause cancer in mouse hosts.[6] Retroviruses are valuable research tools in molecular biology, and they have been used successfully in gene delivery systems.[7]

You will note that coronavirus is NOT part of that list. In fact, MOST viruses aren't retroviruses.

SOME viruses are directly DNA-based. Again, a quick list and explanation of DNA-based viruses

Prominent disease-causing DNA viruses include herpesviruses, papillomaviruses, and poxviruses.

You will again notice that coronavirus is not in that list.

The coronaviruses are single-stranded, non-retroviral RNA-based viruses that work outside of the nucleus and directly in the ribosomes to make proteins and to make more of itself. It is in the nature of coronaviruses to generally NOT muck about in the nucleus or in our DNA.

Now, some investigators have shown that SARS-Cov2 can insert PARTS of itself (significantly, NOT the spike protein, but the nucleocapsid or "N" portion of the virus) into DNA, "in vitro", that is ... in a petri dish.

However, others have tried to replicate this work and can't

So, we go back to the "virus v vaccine" debate. Which is more dangerous? An mRNA spike vaccine which apparently (so far) doesn't insert itself into our DNA, or the full-on virus, which might?

Also, I did scan some of the referenced patents (#7279327 and #7220852) and I doubt that you will find an open claim to "bioweapons" in any patents.

I sure didn't.

In terms of the first patent (#...327) they describe a novel way in which the self-replication ability of coronavirus can be REMOVED. I thought it was quite innovative, personally. It also reveals that they knew a tremendous amount about viruses and "what parts od what" even back then.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Saturday, August 21, 2021 12:09 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Second doesn't think. He just repeats what his Legacy Media Masters tell him.

Same with Ted and JO.

It's just sad with JO though. He's the smartest guy on this board and still they found a way to worm their way in that noggin and wash it clean.

Lack of free time is the mother of laziness. I know many brilliant people who have scheduled their lives to save time and have become effectively total morons because they outsource their thinking, and predictably, to people who lie to them constantly, and want to kill them.

I can just avoid talking to these people now. They're already dead if they're at "bioweapon is good food." They'd be better off if they actually just literally ate rocks.

Not a lack of free time in JO's case. He was laid off right around the beginning of the Plandemic and at my STRONG urging he got on unemployment after he said he wasn't going to. Never heard a status update since then, but if he hadn't gotten another job he's still collecting that for another few weeks in his state.

He did spend quite a lot of time building a super helmet to keep the germs at bay in his very impressive shop.

Great to have a hobby, although I question the choice of hobby here since it doesn't take your mind off current events at all while you're working on it.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Saturday, August 21, 2021 12:13 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
So, we go back to the "virus v vaccine" debate. Which is more dangerous? An mRNA spike vaccine which apparently (so far) doesn't insert itself into our DNA, or the full-on virus, which might?

"apparently [according to Fauci and TPTB] (so far)" doesn't seem like much of an endorsement.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Saturday, August 21, 2021 12:23 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
So, we go back to the "virus v vaccine" debate. Which is more dangerous? An mRNA spike vaccine which apparently (so far) doesn't insert itself into our DNA, or the full-on virus, which might?

"apparently [according to Fauci and TPTB] (so far)" doesn't seem like much of an endorsement.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."

NOT according to Fauci. There is a tremendous amount of research going on at universities around the world.

Much is already known and established knowledge about how RNA viruses work, what they do and don't do. Corona viruses do NOT contain the necessary "reverse transcriptase" to convert RNA into DNA, and spike protein mRNA viruses are an even more limited subset of that.

The only area of relevant active research that I can find is whether human DNA contains reverse transcriptase that can act on coronaviruses. (IT does contain some.)

Since, as even the good doctor avers, coronaviruses have been around for millenia, IF coronaviruses were able to insert themselves into our DNA, we should be seeing viral fragments of the nucleacapsid (the most common part) in our DNA by now.

Do we?
I dunno.
I haven't found earlier evidence of it, and I've looked.

Anyway, I'm going to listen to the end, but so far it's a lot of "maybes" and conjecture. YES, there was a lot of research going into coronaviruses, and maybe they were being researched as a bioweapon. The insertion that makes THIS coronavirus more infectious is already well-known and published, and the mutation that makes the delta variant even more infectious is also known and published. It's in the spike protein, btw.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Saturday, August 21, 2021 12:36 PM


Time bombs are a thing.

We might not see anything dubious until it's far too late for everyone who was injected.

And anybody trying to argue that things "just don't work that way" just don't have a very good imagination. Unfortunately for everybody, the same can't be said for the ones responsible for creating this virus and whatever other genetic tinkering they're being paid to do.

80% of the once fantastical things I saw on Sci-Fi movies and TV shows growing up are already real today.

I know you're trying harder than most to remain unbiased on this, but you have to acknowledge the fact that it is impossible for you to remain unbiased in your position.

Like I've always said, I don't want there to be any bad news here. A lot of people I care about already have taken it.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Saturday, August 21, 2021 1:00 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

The big question is HOW is all the supposed to happen?

The entire RNA viral genome was published by the Chinese ASAP. Since then researchers around the globe have looked at it, confirmed it, studied its new mutations and genealogy, and so on. There is nothing unknown in that code.

As part of that code, the mRNA viral genome is also known down to each individual RNA base.

There's nothing hidden, and nothing extra, in terms of the actual viral genome or the vax. There's no 'there' there.


Saturday, August 21, 2021 1:01 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Time bombs are a thing.

We might not see anything dubious until it's far too late for everyone who was injected.

And anybody trying to argue that things "just don't work that way" just don't have a very good imagination. Unfortunately for everybody, the same can't be said for the ones responsible for creating this virus and whatever other genetic tinkering they're being paid to do.

80% of the once fantastical things I saw on Sci-Fi movies and TV shows growing up are already real today.

I know you're trying harder than most to remain unbiased on this, but you have to acknowledge the fact that it is impossible for you to remain unbiased in your position.

Like I've always said, I don't want there to be any bad news here. A lot of people I care about already have taken it.

Are there any time limits on 6ix and DreamTrove predictions of Doom? 6ix talks of time bombs. DreamTrove talks of Armageddon, the Book of Revelation, and genocide. I have also heard this talk about the End Times when I went to church -- the countdown to the End started in 1914 when WWI began. One hundred years of waiting has meant to the Faithful (which excludes me) that the End is very near, just give it another 100 years. How long will 6ix and DreamTrove wait until they lose Faith in their predictions of Doom?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, August 21, 2021 1:23 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

There's no 'there' there.

What an odd choice of words

Siggie, I know how retroviruses work. I agree on the reverse transcriptase, but why are we having this sideline argument? It was a scientific video, it was a political follow the money story.

There is no vax, there is only bioweapon. patented bioweapon




Saturday, August 21, 2021 1:47 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"There is no there there"

It's a quote, of Gertrude Stein, about Oakland, CA. In popular parlance it's come to mean "The indicated thing, person, or other matter has no distinctive identity, or no significant characteristics, or no functional center point; nothing significant exists in that place; nothing significant is occurring in that situation".


Saturday, August 21, 2021 2:09 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

It was a scientific video, it was a political follow the money story.
There is no vax, there is only bioweapon. patented bioweapon



Since you give no date when this bio-weapon kills most of the vaccinated, you can never be wrong. You can always say that the deaths will happen, but doomsday is in the future, sometime, don't know when, unpredictable, because if predictable, the bio-weapon would earn less money for its designers. Buddhist religious leaders do the same sneaky trick when they preach reincarnation and then remind non-believers that it is impossible to disprove reincarnation.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, August 21, 2021 3:22 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by second:
DreamTrove, this is old, Old, OLD news.

What, do you eat rocks? I mean, how do you survive a day?

If you actually knew that the vax was a proven and admitted bioweapon, and was actively being used in genocide for agenda and profit, why on earth would you go on a public forum and advocate openly for it.

Or did you just think pretending that you already knew your side was genociding the planet, would be a position that made you look better? Or is your need to gainsay and trash absolutely everything everyone else posted so completely pathological that you had to claim ownership of genocide rather than ever admit to having been wrong?

Man, first you spank kiki, and now you lay down the hammer on second (used to be "two" before 7 or 9 years ago).
Just so entertaining.


Saturday, August 21, 2021 3:46 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

It was a scientific video, it was a political follow the money story.
There is no vax, there is only bioweapon. patented bioweapon



Since you give no date when this bio-weapon kills most of the vaccinated, you can never be wrong. You can always say that the deaths will happen, but doomsday is in the future, sometime, don't know when, unpredictable, because if predictable, the bio-weapon would earn less money for its designers. Buddhist religious leaders do the same sneaky trick when they preach reincarnation and then remind non-believers that it is impossible to disprove reincarnation.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, August 21, 2021 3:48 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

"There is no there there"

It's a quote, of Gertrude Stein, about Oakland, CA. In popular parlance it's come to mean "The indicated thing, person, or other matter has no distinctive identity, or no significant characteristics, or no functional center point; nothing significant exists in that place; nothing significant is occurring in that situation".

I didn't know it was her, but I knew that it was a feminazi phrase. Thanks for the origin, now I know why only they use it. It's nonsense from one of their sacred cows. Thanks for clearing that up.


Saturday, August 21, 2021 3:50 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Man, first you spank kiki, and now you lay down the hammer on second (used to be "two" before 7 or 9 years ago).
Just so entertaining.

ah, second is two. i should have figured. completely outsourced brain there. though I don't know whether there was any there.


Saturday, August 21, 2021 4:32 PM



Saturday, August 21, 2021 4:33 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


On the one hand, one half of your brain is screaming "nobody has ever died of SARS-CoV2!".

OTOH, you've managed to split your brain and the other half (that's apparently not talking to the first half) is screaming that a vaccine, itself just a FRACTION of the virus, is a Big Problem!

I give DT quite a bit of leeway bc I understand he has all kinds of memory problems. But right now the two of you- DT & SIX- sound just like JO753 with his RUSSIA!RUSSIA! paranoia.

Apply some of rigorous demand for EVIDENCE that should be applied.

So far, when I bird-dog all the crap that's been thrown against the wall, it's just like TRUMP HAS A SERVER IN HIS BASEMENT COMMUNICATING WITH SBERBANK!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Saturday, August 21, 2021 7:24 PM



My position on this is in line with the one on HIV I said to JSF.
Just because AZT is a chemical weapon does not make HIV not a bioweapon
Just because the vax is a bioweapon does not mean COVID is not also a bioweapon

Everything I've seen to date leads me to believe that COVID is a bioweapon
I've known one person in rl who has. died of corona. I live in a small town. We've lost 1 to covid and 2 to vax complications. I'm very sick at the moment. I think it's related, There are bioweapons, but I don't think there's a biowar. I think both bioweapons come from the same side.

So yeah, COVID is dangerous. The vax is also dangerous. The safe move is far from Gates and Fauci.


Saturday, August 21, 2021 8:23 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I know two people who died of Covid and NOBODY who even had a serious reaction to the vax.
So there.

But clearly, despite both the virus AND the vax being fully-sequenced and NOTHING in the sequence indicating any sort of crossover with fertility, you're going to "believe" what you believe, and there is no evidence, or lack thereof, that will convince you otherwise. It's all based on your deep-rooted suspicion of "them", just like JO753's deep-rooted suspicion of Trump and and Putin.

But, the real world doesn't operate on your fears or "their" evil intentions. There has t be some MECHANISM, some REAL WORLD action that leaves behind EVIDENCE.

I have DILIGENTLY bird-dogged every single piece of information that you've posted, and I learned A LOT. Mostly, what I learned is that people can whip up hysteria (BASED ON NOTHING) about this topic just as easily as they can about TRUMP!RUSSIA!

With that knowledge I will continue to look for credible information that there is a problem. But SO FAR, there doesn't appear to be one.

Peace out.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Saturday, August 21, 2021 9:37 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

The big question is HOW is all the supposed to happen?

The entire RNA viral genome was published by the Chinese ASAP. Since then researchers around the globe have looked at it, confirmed it, studied its new mutations and genealogy, and so on. There is nothing unknown in that code.

As part of that code, the mRNA viral genome is also known down to each individual RNA base.

There's nothing hidden, and nothing extra, in terms of the actual viral genome or the vax. There's no 'there' there.

And the 7.5 Billion people who aren't qualified to make that assessment are just supposed to trust those who are.

No thank you.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Sunday, August 22, 2021 5:01 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I know two people who died of Covid and NOBODY who even had a serious reaction to the vax.
So there.

My anecdotal data is different from yours? That's not not an argument. That's your mileage may very.

You just completely failed to take in the information, and decided to remain uninformed.

A lot of things in life a political choices which are matters of opinion. This one is the wrong one to view that way, as this is the one that kills everyone.


Sunday, August 22, 2021 5:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I listened to the whole sodding video.

I looked up

... the person (claims all kinds of inventions not verifiable)

... his company (apparently defunct)

... and the patents he was referring to (misrepresented)

I looked up related research from independent sources, one which says RNA MIGHT make its way into DNA via the transposon portions of our own DNA, but that this mostly relates to the nucleocapsid portion of a virus- not the spike portion- and other paper also in preprint that says they couldn't find any such evidence.

I am not disregarding the possibility that some viral RNA might make its way into our DNA, but I come back to my original statement: if the vax is dangerous, then the virus is even more so bc it contains the entire genomic, enzymatic, and protein panoply.

Like I said: You're going to believe what you believe, and no evidence or lack thereof will change your mind.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Sunday, August 22, 2021 10:57 PM



I will not go back from "informed" into "stupid" but I have changed my opinion a lot since I started talking here even this month even on this topic. because now i have a lot more information

i've read a lot of the mainstream nonsense on covid, it's the same 3rd grade garbage over and over again without any real science in it. It's weird TV drama science-sounding talking points and sound bytes that do not even remotely approximate real medical science. Not only am I convinced the morons spouting it are frauds, I think any actual medical staff or scientists supporting are is probably also a fraud. It's meant for morons. It doesn't take a lot of training to see that it's nonsense. a BA in biochem will do it.

Now, I will grant that the patent clerk was not a biochemist, that was clear. he had something of an understanding of the field but I thought it wasn't solid. What he had was the ability to cross reference insane amounts of data in his head like Rainman. which of course is what Einstein could do that made him famous as a patent clerk. Einstein was in many ways not as brilliant as he is claimed to be. But that said, I did not see anything in the refuting of any of his points that he said were on the public record, which would, in any serious way, affect the major conclusions of the research. That coronavirus and its "vaccine" were engineered bioweapons for power and profit.

All of this makes perfect sense, as did the Event 201. As I try to piece together what happened with this story. It's clear that govts which did fuckall to protect their population from any threats prior to this, do not care about the lives of the little people, and like corporations, care a lot about the money they make and the power they can gain. I think it's logical to try to discern their motivations in part based on decades or in some cases centuries of past behavior.

I'm not stoking for mr. Martin, though I didn't find any confirmation that his company is defunct.

It's just data in a mess of more data all leading to a common logical theory and away from an official corporate globalist narrative

I think the "mrna writes itself into your dna" is a common anti-vax talking point, i'm not convinced that it's true. i think the capsid is completely artificial and not created by the bioweapon mrna.

I think this is a side argument about whether there's any retroviral activity in the vax.

The main point is this: without the help of the vax community spreading the spike protein and creating carriers around the world, covid would have had far less impact, it's been mostly panic and a really bad flu.

But I'm not saying covid isn't a threat, it might kill me right now, but all the people I could have gotten it from were vaccinated, so that means
A) the vax doesn't work as a vaccine, which we already know, it's a weapon not a vaccine
B) the vax creates a capacity to carry higher loads of the virus making toxic contagious carriers, which is also possible.

or both

we had 3,718 cases of covid in my county, which resulted in 47 deaths. There was one massive outbreak at a college, which was 700 of those cases and 0 deaths, and then my county also has a lot of nursing homes that care for elderly people from the city.

10x that many people, around 37,000 have gotten the vax. I don't have death numbers, but we've had six people now who have severe reactions other than the two who died, a mother and daughter, shortly after getting vaxed. I suspect that all this data is probably more or less representative, and the people dying from the vax are there for fewer per population infected (2%) in my town, than the virus (10 cases, 1 death is 10%) but many more people are getting the vax, leading to more overall death.

There's another disturbing detail that the vax seems to be useless as a vax because it's not a vax. The people who have had serious reactions are all new autoimmune conditions and are all young people. These are life threatening conditions, and six is a lot for 100 or so vaxed, 6% and I would not be surprised if that's representative, but we'll never get honest data on that

At the moment i have this stupid disease and it might kill me and I don't give a fuck about stock profits. I care about less death as always


Sunday, August 22, 2021 11:03 PM


Hey man. I think I found your movie.

You haven't been back to the Cinema thread to tell me if I was right.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Monday, August 23, 2021 12:38 AM


thanks for the reminder, i got stuck here in the mud


Monday, August 23, 2021 8:54 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

My position on this is in line with the one on HIV I said to JSF.
Just because AZT is a chemical weapon does not make HIV not a bioweapon
Just because the vax is a bioweapon does not mean COVID is not also a bioweapon

Everything I've seen to date leads me to believe that COVID is a bioweapon
I've known one person in rl who has. died of corona. I live in a small town. We've lost 1 to covid and 2 to vax complications. I'm very sick at the moment. I think it's related, There are bioweapons, but I don't think there's a biowar. I think both bioweapons come from the same side.

So yeah, COVID is dangerous. The vax is also dangerous. The safe move is far from Gates and Fauci.

I conjure you are not really listening anymore. That's OK.

HIV is an ineffective bioweapon.

Whole groups of folks whp were found HIV positive lived for decades without any adverse effects, ailments


Monday, August 23, 2021 10:50 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I conjure you are not really listening anymore. That's OK.

HIV is an ineffective bioweapon.

Whole groups of folks whp were found HIV positive lived for decades without any adverse effects, ailments

Not "not listening" just I base my scientific opinions on scientific research I have done myself, generally, rather than from political arguments. It's not that you can't change my mind, it's that I'm not coming to a conclusion by being talked to the position. You've put the seed of doubt, but I'd have to do the research.

I think everyone is well aware there are people who are found to be HIV+ and do not ever develop AIDS. Also I agree it's not an effective bioweapon. However, that doesn't mean it's not one. If you saw feline leukemia rip through a feral cat population, as I have, it's a pretty devastating force.

A researcher in feline leukemia might think deriving a similar disease from monkeys and pushing it to jump to humans would be angling for the same effect. Or to convince people that they needed treatments that would create that effect

A person doing that, might years later, develop a bioweapon around cytomegalovirus and claim it to be a cure for the flu and inject people with it annually.

A person like that might engineer and patent a bioweapon, and then engineer and patent a more potent form, and then release the contagion and try to convince people they needed a vaccine for it.

We're dealing with a monster, and it's not just Fauci, but a doomsday cult that feeds on the vision of the massacre his mengelian experiments can create. More than that, they masturbate to it.

I have some idea what we're dealing with. But science is science and scientific questions can only be solved scientifically.


Tuesday, August 24, 2021 3:40 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Just a quick thought that occurred to me, DT.

The video that you posted made it very clear that this was all about MONEY. But if you release a bioweapon and the vaccine is also a bioweapon, aren't you reducing your captive market?

Seems a contradiction.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Tuesday, August 24, 2021 8:35 AM


Your money is worth more if you can wipe out 3/4 of the population and have most of the survivors need what you're providing them to live.

At some point, maybe the people with all the money are more interested in the things that money can't by. Like not creating our own extinction by destroying the eco system.

Climate change IS an overpopulation problem that isn't going to go away otherwise.

What money CAN buy is a controlled event or series of events. Or at least I'm sure that's what they would be theorizing in this hypothetical event. Mother Nature usually finds a way to fuck up those plans.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Tuesday, August 24, 2021 4:03 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Just a quick thought that occurred to me, DT.

The video that you posted made it very clear that this was all about MONEY. But if you release a bioweapon and the vaccine is also a bioweapon, aren't you reducing your captive market?

Seems a contradiction.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

I guess that's for the people who think it's all about money to debate.
I think it's about genocide. I think they print money.
But i also think everyone uses the "it's all about money" argument because everyone will accept it, and most people won't accept genocide. This was a huge problem in the actual holocaust. No one would accept that it was genocide, so many western countries and western media companies, some of them jewish, went to the camps and concluded there was nothing untoward going on.


Tuesday, August 24, 2021 4:06 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Your money is worth more if you can wipe out 3/4 of the population and have most of the survivors need what you're providing them to live.

At some point, maybe the people with all the money are more interested in the things that money can't by. Like not creating our own extinction by destroying the eco system.

Climate change IS an overpopulation problem that isn't going to go away otherwise.

What money CAN buy is a controlled event or series of events. Or at least I'm sure that's what they would be theorizing in this hypothetical event. Mother Nature usually finds a way to fuck up those plans.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."

I mean, if you want the money angle, maybe they have drugs already developed to treat the syncytin thing and other problems that arise. But I think they want sterile minions to work for them for life and then not have kids.

In reality, they probbaly kill themselves and a few billion others


Tuesday, August 24, 2021 7:43 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

My position on this is in line with the one on HIV I said to JSF.
Just because AZT is a chemical weapon does not make HIV not a bioweapon
Just because the vax is a bioweapon does not mean COVID is not also a bioweapon

Everything I've seen to date leads me to believe that COVID is a bioweapon
I've known one person in rl who has. died of corona. I live in a small town. We've lost 1 to covid and 2 to vax complications. I'm very sick at the moment. I think it's related, There are bioweapons, but I don't think there's a biowar. I think both bioweapons come from the same side.

So yeah, COVID is dangerous. The vax is also dangerous. The safe move is far from Gates and Fauci.

I'm sorry, I was unable to complete my post.

I conjure you are not really listening anymore. That's OK.

HIV is an ineffective bioweapon.

Whole groups of folks who were found HIV positive lived for decades without any adverse effects, ailments, maladies, illnesses - whole groups, not merely individuals.

In my book, any bioweapon which cannot produce some ailment, malady, illness, or negative physical effects for a period of 30-40 years is extremely lame ass as a bioweapon.

I am concerned that you are inferring that I am pushing you. This is not the case. I have limited amounts and periods of time when I can post here - the mobile signing function between my phone and this site broke several years ago. I can visit and read, but posting is restricted for me.
You have stated you plan to think about it at some point in the future, and that is fine by me. You sound to me like an intelligent and critical thinker. I am not trying to convince you of anything, but since you have expressed interest in learning things, I am trying to provide you with as many of the underlying foundational concepts as I can, to help you find vectors to look into.
The alternative is to let you wander down the rabbit hole(s) that the Fauci Funnels will send you to, after 40 years of his lies being built up and reinforced with more lies. I prefer to assist with helpful info until you indicate you are no longer interested in thinking.

For decades, in the 50s and 60s and 70s, humans encountered HIV on a regular basis (in population context). Unless they were HIV-Negative and therefore died, nobody really cared.
Luc Montagnier discovered HIV, it sounds like. He did not create it, he did not start any wide distribution of it. But detection of the FULLY WORKING IMMUNE SYSTEM via detection of the ANTIBODY to HIV allowed Fauci and Frauds to target folk who had encountered HIV in the past decades. It was not suddenly spreading in the 1980s, is was just being tested for and used for hysteria.
HIV was not widely spreading in the 1980s, it was only being detected, found in the 1980s.

And if you had encountered in, say in the 1950s, then in the 1980s you were given a death warrant, aka AZT.


Wednesday, August 25, 2021 1:01 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I find it much more convenient to review transcripts than videos.

FWIW I also looked up "M-CAM International" and specifically to an SEC filing. There IS a an LLC owned and operated by Dr Martin, but it lists only one person and describes itself as an "investment advisory" company, not a patent protection insurer, with less than a billion in assets.



Reiner Fuellmich, Dr David Martin, Prof Martin Schwab, Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, Viviane Fischer

Reiner Fuellmich 00:00

Sorry, I have kept you waiting. It’s my fault. Are you still there?

Dr David Martin 00:04

Yes, I am.

Reiner Fuellmich 00:05

Oh, great. Nice to see you again.

Dr David Martin 00:07

Good to see you as well.

Reiner Fuellmich 00:09

SoI think it’s best if you introduce yourself. I know you’re the chairman of M-CAM International Innovation Risk Management, but that doesn’t tell a whole lot of people what you’re really doing?

Dr David Martin 00:25

Yeah, well, from a corporate standpoint, we have since 1998, been the world’s largest underwriter of intangible assets used in finance in 168 countries. So in the majority of the countries around the world, our underwriting systems, which include the entire corpus of all patents, patent applications, federal grants, procurement records, E-Government records, etc. We have the ability to not only track what is happening and who is involved in what’s happening, but we monitor a series of thematic interests for a variety of organisations and individuals, as well as for our own commercial use, because as you probably know, we maintain three global equity indices, which are the top performing large cap and mid cap equity indexes worldwide. So our business is to monitor the innovation that’s happening around the world and specifically to monitor the economics of that innovation, the degree to which, you know, financial interests are being served, you know, corporate interests are being dislocated, etc. So, our business is the business of innovation and its finance.

Reiner Fuellmich 02:03

Reiner translates. Okay, I got that. Yeah.

Dr David Martin 02:53

So, obviously from the standpoint of this presentation, as you know, we have reviewed the over 4000 patents that have been issued around SARS Coronavirus. And we have done a very comprehensive review of the financing of all of the manipulations of Coronavirus which gave rise to SARS as a sub clade of the beta Coronavirus family. And so what I wanted to do was give you a quick overview timeline wise because we’re not going to go through 4000 patents on this conversation but I have sent to you and your team, a document that is exceptionally important. This was made public in the spring of 2020. This document which which you do have and can be posted in the public record is quite critical in that we took the reported gene sequence, which was reportedly isolated as a novel Coronavirus, indicated as such by the ICTV, the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses of the World Health Organisation, we took the actual genetic sequences that were reportedly novel and reviewed those against the patent records that were available as of the spring of 2020. And what we found, as you’ll see in this report, are over 120 patented pieces of evidence to suggest that the declaration of a novel Coronavirus was actually entirely a fallacy. There was no novel Coronavirus. There are countless very subtle modifications of Coronavirus sequences that have been uploaded, but there was no single identified novel Coronavirus at all. As a matter of fact, we found records in the patent records of sequences attributed to novelty going to patents that were sought as early as 1999. So, not only was this not a novel anything, it’s actually not only not been novel, it’s not been novel for over two decades. But let’s take a very short, and what I’ll do is I’ll take you on a very short journey through the patent landscape to make sure people understand what happened. But as you know, up until 1999, the topic of Coronavirus vs V [VSV?] the patenting activity around Coronavirus was uniquely applied to veterinary sciences. The first vaccine ever patented for Coronavirus was actually sought by Pfizer. The application for the first vaccine for Coronavirus, which was specifically this s spike protein. So the exact same thing that allegedly we have rushed into invention. The first application was filed January 28 2000, 21 years ago. So the idea that we we mysteriously stumbled on the the way to intervene on vaccines is not only ludicrous, it is incredulous because Timothy Millor, Sharon Klepfer, Albert Paul Reed, and Elaine Jones on January 28 2000, filed what ultimately was issued as US Patent 6372224 which was the spike protein virus, a vaccine for the canine Coronavirus, which is actually one of the multiple forms of Coronavirus. But as I said, the early work up until 1999 was largely focused in the area of vaccines for animals, the two animals receiving the most attention were probably Ralph Barics work on rabbits and the rabbit cardiomyopathy that was associated with significant problems among rabbit breeders, and then canine Coronavirus in Pfizer’s work to identify how to develop s and spike protein vaccine target candidates giving rise to the obvious evidence that says that neither the Coronavirus concept of a vaccine, nor the principle of the Coronavirus itself as a pathogen of interest with respect to the spike proteins behaviour is anything novel at all. As a matter of fact, it’s 22 years old, based on patent filings. What’s more problematic, and what is actually the most egregious problem is that Anthony Fauci and NIAID found the malleability of Coronavirus to be a potential candidate for HIV vaccines. And so SARS is actually not a natural progression of a zoonetic modification of Coronavirus. As a matter of fact, very specifically in 1999 Anthony Fauci funded research at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, specifically to create, and you cannot help but, you know, lament what I’m about to read because this comes directly from a patent application filed on April 19 2002. And you heard the date correctly 2002 where the NIAID built an infectious replication defective Coronavirus that was specifically targeted for human lung epithelium. In other words, we made SARS and we patented it on April 19 2002, before there was ever any alleged outbreak in Asia, which as you know, followed that by several months. That patent issued is US Patent 7279327. That patent clearly lays out in very specific gene sequencing, the fact that we knew that the ACE receptor, the ACE2 binding domain, the s1 spike protein, and other elements of what we have come to know as this scourge pathogen was not only engineered, but could be synthetically modified in the laboratory, using nothing more than gene sequencing technologies, taking computer code and turning it into a pathogen or an intermediate of the pathogen. And that technology was funded exclusively in the early days as a means by which we could actually harness Coronavirus as a vector to distribute HIV vaccine. I’ll let you translate that because that’s a lot of material.

Reiner Fuellmich 11:30

Okay. Reiner translates. Okay.

Reiner Fuellmich 15:32

(inaudible) Sequoia Pharmaceuticals.

Dr David Martin 15:32

Okay. So it gets worse. We were, my organisation was asked to monitor biological and chemical weapons treaty violations in the very early days of 2000. You’ll remember the anthrax events in September of 2001. And we were part of an investigation that gave rise to the congressional inquiry into not only the anthrax origins but also into what was unusual behaviour around Bayers ciprofloxacin drug, which was a drug used as a potential treatment for anthrax poisoning. And throughout the fall of 2001, we began monitoring an enormous number of bacterial and viral pathogens that were being patented through NIH, NIAID, US AMRIID, the US Armed Services Infectious Disease Programme, and a number of other agencies internationally that collaborated with them. And our concern was that Coronavirus was being seen as not only a potential manipulatable agent for potential use as a vaccine vector, but it was also very clearly being considered as a biological weapon candidate. And so our first public reporting on this took place prior to the SARS outbreak in the latter part of 2001. So you can imagine how disappointed I am to be sitting here 20 years later having 20 years earlier pointed that there was a problem looming on the horizon with respect to Coronavirus. But after the alleged outbreak and I will always say alleged outbreak because I think it’s important for us to understand that Coronavirus as a circulating pathogen inside of the viral model that we have is actually not new to the human condition and is not new to the last two decades. It’s actually been part of the sequence of proteins that circulates for quite a long time. But the alleged outbreak that took place in China in 2002, going into 2003 gave rise to a very problematic April 2003 filing by the United States Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. And this topic is of critical importance to get the nuance very precise, because in addition to filing the entire gene sequence on what became SARS Coronavirus, which is actually a violation of 35 US Code Section 101. You cannot patent a naturally occurring substance. The 35 US Code Section 101 violation was patent number 7220852. Now, that patent also had a series of derivative patents associated with it, these are our patent applications that were broken apart because they were of multiple patentable subject matter. But these include US Patent 46592703p, which is actually a very interesting designation, US Patent 7776521. These patents not only covered the gene sequence of SARS Coronavirus, but also covered the means of detecting it using RT-PCR. Now, the reason why that’s a problem is if you actually both own the patent on the gene itself, and you own the patent on its detection, you have a cutting advantage to being able to control 100 percent of the provenance of not only the virus itself, but also its detection, meaning you have entire scientific and message control. And this patent sought by the CDC was allegedly justified by their public relations team as being sought so that everyone would be free to be able to research Coronavirus. The only problem with that statement is it’s a lie and the reason why it’s a lie is because the patent office not once but twice rejected the patent on the gene sequence as unpatentable because the gene sequence was already in the public domain. In other words, prior to CDCs filing for a patent, the patent office found 99.9 percent identity with the already existing Coronavirus recorded in the public domain, and over the rejection of the patent examiner. And after having to pay an appeal fine in 2006 and 2007, the CDC overrode the patent offices rejection of their patent and ultimately in 2007 got the patent on SARS Coronavirus. Now, every public statement that CDC has made that said that this was in the public interest is falsifiable by their own paid bribe to the patent office. This is not something that’s subtle, and to make matters worse they paid an additional fee to keep their application private. Last time I checked, if you’re trying to make information available for the public research, you would not pay a fee to keep the information private. I wish I could have made up anything I just said, but all of that is available in the public patent archive record which any member of the public can review. And the Public PAIR, as it’s called at the United States Patent Office, has not only the evidence but the actual documents which I have in my possession. Now, this is critically important. It’s critically important because fact checkers have repeatedly stated that the novel Coronavirus, designated as SARS CoV 2 is in fact distinct from the CDC patent. And here’s both the genetic and the patent problem. If you look at the gene sequence that is filed by CDC in 2003, again in 2005 and then again in 2006, what you find is identity in somewhere between 89 to 99 percent of the sequence overlaps that have been identified in what’s called the novel subclade of SARS CoV 2. What we know is that the core designation of SARS Coronavirus, which is actually the clade of the betacoronavirus family and the subclade that has been called SARS CoV 2 have to overlap from a taxonomic point of view. You cannot have SARS designation on a thing without it first being SARS. So the disingenuous fact checking that has been done saying that somehow or another CDC has nothing to do with this particular patent, or this particular pathogen, is beyond both the literal credibility of the published sequences. And it’s also beyond credulity when it comes to the ICTV taxonomy because it very clearly states that this is in fact a sub clade of the clade called SARS Coronavirus. Now, what’s important is on the 28th of April, and listen to the date very carefully because this date is problematic. Three days after CDC filed the patent on the SARS Coronavirus in 2003. Three days later, Sequoia Pharmaceuticals, a company that was set up in Maryland, Sequoia pharmaceuticals on the 28th of April 2003, filed a patent on Antiviral Agents of Treatment and Control of Infections by Coronavirus. CDC filed three days earlier, and then the treatment was available three days later. Now, just hold that thought for a second.

Dr David Martin 25:26

Well, there you go. That’s a good question because Sequoia Pharmaceuticals and ultimately Ablynx Pharmaceuticals became rolled into the proprietary holdings of Pfizer, Crucell, and Johnson and Johnson.

Reiner Fuellmich 25:43


Dr David Martin 25:45

So ask yourself a simple question. How would one have a patent on a treatment for a thing that had been invented three days earlier?

Reiner Fuellmich 25:55


Dr David Martin 25:57

The patent in question, the April 28th 2003 patent 7151163, issued to Sequoia Pharmaceuticals has another problem. The problem is it was issued and published before the CDC patent on Coronavirus was actually allowed. So the degree to which the information could have been known by any means other than insider information between those parties is zero. It is not physically possible for you to patent a thing that treats a thing that had not been published, because CDC had paid to keep it secret. This, my friends is the definition of criminal conspiracy racketeering and collusion. This is not a theory. This is evidence. You cannot have information in the future in form [for] a treatment for a thing that did not exist.

Reiner Fuellmich 27:16

This could well blow up into a Rico case, ultimately.

Dr David Martin 27:20

This is, it is a Rico case. It’s not could blow up into it, it is a Rico case. And the Rico pattern, which was established in April of 2003 for the first Coronavirus, was played out to exactly the same schedule when we see SARS CoV 2 show up when we have Moderna getting the spike protein sequence by phone from the vaccine research centre at NIAID prior to the definition of the novel subclade. How do you treat a thing before you actually have the thing?

Reiner Fuellmich 28:04

I have to translate this, you can’t make this up? Definitely not. Reiner translates.

Reiner Fuellmich 33:22

Yeah, well, it’s gonna get worse here.

Reiner Fuellmich 33:22

Oh no, it can’t get worse.

Dr David Martin 33:24

Oh it does. The 5th of June 2008, which is an important date because it is actually around the time when DARPA the Defence Advanced Research Programme in the United States actively took an interest in Coronavirus as a biological weapon. June 5 2008 Ablynx, which as you know is now part of Sanofi, filed a series of patents that specifically targeted what we’ve been told is the novel feature of the SARS CoV 2 virus. And you heard what I just said, this is the 5th of June 2008.

Reiner Fuellmich 34:09

They found what?

Dr David Martin 34:10

Specifically they targeted what was called the poly basic cleavage site for SARS Cov, the novel spike protein and the ACE2 receptor binding domain which is allegedly novel to SARS CoV 2, and all of that was patented on the 5th of June 2008. And those patents in sequence were issued between November 24th of 2015, which was US Patent 9193780. So that one came out after the gain of function moratorium. That one came after the MERS outbreak in the Middle East, but what you find is that then in 2016, 2017, 2019, a series of patents all covering not only the RNA strands, but also the sub components of the gene strands were all issued to Ablynx and Sanofi. And then we have Crucell. We have Rubius Therapeutics. We have Children’s Medical Corporation. We have countless others that include Ludwig Maximillans University in Munchen, Protein Sciences Corporation, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, University of Iowa, University of Hong Kong, Chinese National Human Genome Centre in Shanghai, all identifying in patent filings that ranged from 2008 until 2017. Every attribute that was allegedly uniquely published by the single reference publication, the novel bat Coronavirus, reveals quote natural insertions of the s1 s2 to cleavage site of the spike protein and possible recombinant three origin of the SARS CoV 2 virus, the paper that has been routinely used to identify the novel virus. Unfortunately, if you actually take what they report to be novel, you find 73 patents issued between 2008 and 2019, which have the elements that were allegedly novel in the SARS CoV 2, specifically as it relates to the poly basic cleavage site based your receptor binding domain and the spike protein. So the clinically novel components of the clinically unique, clinically contagious, do you know where I’m going with this? Okay. There was no outbreak of SARS, because we had engineered all of the elements of that. And by 2016, the paper that was funded during the gain of function moratorium, that said that the SARS Coronavirus was poised for human emergence written by none other than Ralph Baric was not only poised for human emergence, but it was patented for commercial exploitation 73 times.

Reiner Fuellmich 38:07

Didn’t Ralph Baric, I think I saw a video clip with him giving a speech in which he explicitly told the audience that you can make a lot of money with this.

Dr David Martin 38:17

Yes you can. And he has made a lot of money doing this.

Reiner Fuellmich 38:22


Dr David Martin 38:25

So for those who want to live in the illusion that somehow or another that’s the end of the story, be prepared for a greater disappointment because somebody knew something in 2015 and 2016, which gave rise to my favourite quote of this entire pandemic. And by that I’m not being cute. My favourite quote of this pandemic was a statement made in 2015 by Peter Daszak. The statement that was made by Peter Daszak in 2015 reported in the National Academies Press Publication, February 12th 2016. And I’m quoting,” we need to increase public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures, such as a pan-Coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process”. end quote.

Viviane Fischer 39:47

That’s quite shocking, because I thought that –

Reiner Fuellmich 39:49

That’s really I mean, Peter Doshi, wasn’t he the one –

Dr David Martin 39:49

– let me just read that again, just because I don’t know if I might get lost in translation. So let me just go ahead and read it slowly. Yeah, and as Americans love to do When speaking to a multilingual audience, maybe I should say it louder. I won’t. “We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures, such as a pan- Coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.” End quote.

Reiner Fuellmich 40:45

– no no no Peter Daszak.

Viviane Fischer 40:46

Oh Daszak?

Dr David Martin 40:47

Peter Daszak the head of Eco Health Alliance?

Reiner Fuellmich 40:49

Peter Doshi is the good guy.

Viviane Fischer 40:51

Yeah, I was just –

Dr David Martin 40:52

– Peter Daszak the person who was independently corroborating the Chinese non lab leak non theory because there wasn’t a lab leak. This was an intentional bio weaponization of spike proteins to inject into people to get them addicted to a pan-Coronavirus vaccine. This has nothing to do with a pathogen that was released and every study that’s ever been launched to try to verify a lab leak is a red herring.

Viviane Fischer 41:26

And there’s really nothing that is new in this?

Dr David Martin 41:29

Nothing. Zero. 73 patents on everything clinically novel. 73, all issued before 2019. And I’m going to give you the biggest bombshell of all to prove that this was actually not a release of anything because Patent 7279327, the patent on the recombinant nature of that lung targeting Coronavirus, was transferred mysteriously from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill to the National Institutes of Health in 2018. Now, here’s the problem with that. Under the Bayh-Dole Act, the US government already has what’s called a margin right provision. That means if the US government is paid for research, they are entitled to benefit from that research at their demand or at their whim. So explain why, in 2017 and 2018, suddenly the National Institutes of Health have to take ownership of the patent that they already had rights to held by the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. And how did they need to file a Certificate of Correction to make sure that it was legally enforceable? Because there was a typographical error in the grant reference in the first filing. So they needed to make sure that not only did they get it right, but they needed to make sure every type of graphical error that was contained in the patent was correct. On the single patent required to develop the Vaccine Research Institute’s mandate, which was shared between the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill in November of 2019 and Moderna in November of 2019 when UNC Chapel Hill, NIAID and Moderna began the sequencing of a spike protein vaccine a month before an outbreak ever happened.

Reiner Fuellmich 43:51

You have all the evidence, right?

Dr David Martin 43:53


Reiner Fuellmich 43:55

I’ll have to translate this. So it’s all about money.

Dr David Martin 49:25

It has always been about money, and just to answer a question that was asked slightly earlier. The script for this was written first January 6th 2004.

Reiner Fuellmich 49:39

January 6 2004? Who wrote the script?

Dr David Martin 49:42

Merck, at a conference called SARS and bioterrorism, bioterrorism emerging infectious diseases, anti microbials, therapeutics and immune modulators. Merck introduced the notion of what they called the new normal. Proper noun the new normal, which is the language that became the branded campaign that was adopted by the World Health Organisation, the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, which was the board upon which the Chinese Director of Centre for Disease Control, Bill Gates’ Dr. Elias, of the Gates Foundation, and Anthony Fauci sat together on that board of directors. But the the first introduction of the new normal campaign, which was about getting people to accept a universal pan-influenza pan-coronavirus vaccine was actually adopted January 6th 2004. So it’s been around quite a long time. I’m not going to belabour many more points, other than to say that it was very clear that Merck knew that, sorry that Moderna knew that it was going to be placed in the front of the line with respect to the development of a vaccine in March of 2019. And this is a very important date, because in March of 2019, for reasons that are not transparent, they suddenly amended a series of rejected patent filings, which is a very bizarre behaviour, but they amended a number of patent filings to specifically make reference to an intentional or accidental release, I’m sorry, their term deliberate release of Coronavirus. So in March, they amended four failed patent applications to begin the process of a Coronavirus vaccine development. And they began dealing with a very significant problem that they had, which was they relied on technology that they did not own. Two Canadian companies Arbutus Pharmaceuticals and Acuitas Pharmaceuticals actually own the patent on the lipid nanoparticle envelope that’s required to deliver the injection of the mRNA fragment. And those patents have been issued both in Canada and in the US and then around the world in their World Intellectual Property equivalence. Moderna knew that they did not own the rights and began trying to negotiate with Arbutus and Acuitas to get the resolution of the lipid nanoparticle patented technology available to be put into a vaccine. And we know, as I made reference to before, that in November, they entered into a research and cooperative research and development agreement with UNC Chapel Hill with respect to getting the spike protein to put inside of the lipid nanoparticle so that they actually had a candidate vaccine before we had a pathogen, allegedly that was running around. What makes that story most problematic beyond the self evident nature of it is that we know that from 2016 until 2019, at every one of the NIAID Advisory Council board meetings, Anthony Fauci lamented the fact that he could not find a way to get people to accept the universal influenza vaccine, which is what was his favourite target, he was trying to get the population to engage in this process. And what becomes very evident with Peter Daszak Eco Health Alliance, UNC Chapel Hill and others, and then most specifically, by March of 2019, in the amended patent filings of Moderna, we see that there is a epiphany that says, What if there was an accidental or an intentional release of a respiratory pathogen? And what makes that particular phrase problematic is it is exactly recited in the book A World At Risk, which is the scenario that was put together by the World Health Organisation in September of 2019. So months before there’s an alleged pathogen, which says that we need to have a coordinated global experience of a respiratory pathogen release, which by September 2020, must put in place a universal capacity for public relations management, crowd control, and the acceptance of a universal vaccine mandate. That was September of 2019. And the language of an intentional release of a respiratory pathogen was written into the scenario that quote “must be completed by September 2020”.

Dr Wolfgang Wodarg 55:44

This was a text for Mrs. Brundtland was heading this commission, isn’t it?

Dr David Martin 55:50

Well, this is the global preparedness monitoring boards unified statement. There are a number of people who have taken credit and then backed away from credit for it, but yes, you’re right.

Dr Wolfgang Wodarg 56:00

Am I right too when I say that also the ACE2 receptor that was already described in the patents before 2019?

Dr David Martin 56:11

Yes, we have 117 patents with specifically the ACE2 receptor targeting mechanism for SARS Coronavirus.

Dr Wolfgang Wodarg 56:20

So because they always say this is the new thing with the virus.

Dr David Martin 56:24

Now, it’s not new, and it has not been even remotely new. It’s in publications going back to 2008. In the weaponization conferences that took place in Slovenia, in Europe, all across Europe, and all across the DARPA infrastructure. We’ve known about that since 2013. It’s isolation and amplification.

Viviane Fischer 56:49

And this, the amendment that Merck did to this, [where] they rejected patent applications, so was it only about the fact that it’s like deliberately, you know, like, put into the environment or something, or did they add anything else?

Dr David Martin 57:05

Well, these were four failed patent applications that were essentially revitalised in March of 2019. And it was Moderna, I misspoke. I spoke about Merck, it was Moderna, and I tried to correct that I’m sorry that that didn’t come through. But it’s Moderna’s patent applications that were amended in March of 2019 to include the deliberate release of a respiratory pathogen language.

Viviane Fischer 57:35

Was that not been rejected for some reason, they would just not they were just sitting there basically.

Dr David Martin 57:41

No, they do processes similar to other pharmaceutical companies, where they evergreen applications and continually modify applications to enjoy the earliest priority dates available. But that’s why you have to go back and look at the amendment of the application records to find out when the actual amendment language was put in place. But yeah, I mean, the fact of the matter is, and like I said, I’m not going to belabour all of the patent data, but any assertion that this pathogen is somehow unique or novel falls apart on the actual gene sequences, which are published in the patent record, and then more egregiously falls apart in the fact that we have Peter Daszak himself stating that we have to create public hype to get the public to accept the medical countermeasure of a pan-Coronavirus vaccine. And what makes that most ludicrous is the fact that as we know World Health Organisation had declared Coronavirus, you know, kind of a dead interest. I mean, they said that we had eradicated Coronavirus as a concern. So why having eradicated it in 2007 and 2008? Why did we start spending billions of dollars globally on a vaccine for a thing that had been eradicated by declaration in 2008? You know, kind of falls into the zone of incredulity, to say the least.

Reiner Fuellmich 59:23

Doesn’t that also mean if you if take the entirety of the evidence, then this is a tool the Coronavirus and the vaccines, this is a tool, and the interest of DARPA in creating a biological weapon out of this, this is a tool for everything else that latches on to this including population control, for example.

Dr David Martin 59:50

Well listen, we have to stop falling for even the mainstream narrative in our own line of questioning because the fact of the matter is this was seen as a highly malleable bioweapon. There is no question that by 2005, it was unquestionably a weapon of choice. And the illusion that we continue to unfortunately see very well meaning people get trapped in is conversations about whether we’re having a vaccine for a virus. The fact of the matter is we’re not, we’re injecting a spike protein mRNA sequence, which is a computer simulation, it’s not derived from nature. It’s a computer simulation of a sequence which has been known and patented for years. And what we know is that that sequence, as reported is reported across things like you know, the very reliable phone conversations that took place between Moderna and the vaccine research centre by self report, where I don’t know if you were on a phone call and you heard ATTCCGGTTCCGABBB, you know, is there any chance you might get a letter of valour a consonant dropped here or there. The ludicrous nature of the story that this is somehow prophylactive or preventative flies in the face of 100 percent of the evidence, because the evidence makes it abundantly clear that there has been no effort by any pharmaceutical company to combat the virus. This is about getting people injected with the known to be harmful s1 spike protein. So the cover story is that if you get an expression of a spike protein, you’re going to have some sort of general symptomatic relief. But the fact of the matter is, there has never been an intent to vaccinate a population as defined by the vaccination universe. And it’s important, I mean, let’s review just for the record, when Anthony Fauci tried desperately to get some of his quote, “synthetic RNA vaccines” published, he had his own patents rejected by the patent office. And I want to read what the patent office told him. When NIAID’s own Anthony Fauci thought that he could get an mRNA-like vaccine patented as a vaccine. And here’s the quote, “these arguments are persuasive to the extent that an antigenic peptide stimulates an immune response that may produce antibodies that bind to a specific peptide or protein, but it is not persuasive in regards to a vaccine.” Okay, this is the patent office. This is not some sort of public health agency. This is the patent office. “The immune response produced by a vaccine must be more than merely some immune response, but must also be protective. As noted in the previous Office Action, the art recognises the term vaccine to be a compound which prevents infection. Applicant has not demonstrated that the instantly claimed vaccine meets even the lower standard set forth in the specification, let alone the standard definition for being operative. In regards, therefore, claims five, seven and nine are not operative, as the anti HIV vaccine, which is what he was working on, is not patentable utility.” So Anthony Fauci himself was told by the patent office themselves, that what he was proposing as a vaccine does not meet the patentable standard, the legal standard, or the clinical standard.

Prof Martin Schwab 1:04:10

Oh, can we translate this for our audience? This might be very important.

Reiner Fuellmich 1:04:20

That is by the way, David, that is our friend, Martin Schwab, Professor Martin Schwab of, he’s our most important legal adviser from the University of Bielefeld.

Dr David Martin 1:04:34

Oh right.

Reiner Fuellmich 1:04:36

He is very smart. I know that, David I know a lot of our viewers are really shocked. I can see that from the responses. One of our viewers is our PCR test specialist, Professor Kemera. She can’t believe what’s going on here.

Dr David Martin 1:09:51

Well, the sad and sober irony is that I raised these issues beginning in 2002, after the anthrax scare, and the tragedy is we’re now sitting in a world where we have hundreds of millions of people who are being injected with a pathogen stimulating computer sequence, which is being sold under what the patent office, what the medical profession, and what the FDA and its own Clinical Standards would not suggest is a vaccine, but by using the term we actually are now subjecting hundreds of millions of people to what was known to be by 2005 a biological weapon.

Reiner Fuellmich 1:10:54

Reiner translates.

Dr David Martin 1:11:44

So I obviously have hundreds of hours of this stuff committed to memory because I’ve been doing it for two decades. But if you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer them.

Reiner Fuellmich 1:11:55

I’m sure there are going to be hundreds of questions, David. We’re going to be in touch. I think you’re going to be flooded by people, by people’s emails, etc. I’m just gonna forward what comes in or we’re gonna forward what comes in, but I do think, oh, yeah, we have a Martin Schwab, he probably has a really serious question.

Prof Martin Schwab 1:12:16

And after me Wolfgang too. Okay. I’m a legal Professor with the Faculty of Law here in Bieldfeld, I have to tell you that the constitutional Protection Units of the Ministry of Interior Affairs now observes the so called Corona denier scene. Corona denial is everyone who dares to disagree to the –

Reiner Fuellmich 1:12:54

– with the official line –

Prof Martin Schwab 1:12:55

– with the official line. Yes. Now. If this constitutional Protection Unit takes notice of me taking part in a discussion that this pandemic was put on stage intentionally, they will probably try to fire me from my job. So I have to at least ask some questions. While I heard you talking I took a look at patent number, oh which one was it, 7220852 and 7151163. And 7220852 was filed in April 12 and 715 and so on was filed in April 28 of 2004. I see a difference between 16, not 3 days, what did I misunderstand?

Dr David Martin 1:14:03

No. April 23rd 2003 was the CDC master filing date?

Prof Martin Schwab 1:14:09

Okay. Okay. I asked this question because if they try to make me go under for my job, I have to provide strong evidence.

Dr David Martin 1:14:22

Now we have all of this sent to, I know Dr. Fuellmich has the entire record in the Fauci dossier. 100 percent of this record is in there. The additional addendum that I sent across all has the records in there including all the priority filing dates as well as the issue date. So 100 percent of this is in written published records and you have the written records.

Prof Martin Schwab 1:14:26


Reiner Fuellmich 1:14:28

I have created my own file, and it’s labelled David Martin.

Prof Martin Schwab 1:15:00

Okay, there is, I did [an] analysis of media reportings here, and I can confirm that they give a very one sided account on the pandemic. Everyone who dares to declare the threat less dangerous than the government does will be denounced as conspiracy theorists, as sinful, and so on. So the media exactly did what you pointed out in the sentence you repeated twice before now. Actually, they tell us the story of the Delta variant, which is told to be much more contagious than everything else. Experts I have spoken to told me that the databases contain as many as more or 40,000 virus strains.

Dr David Martin 1:16:01


Prof Martin Schwab 1:16:02

So, could this delta variant be some kind of media hype you told us about before?

Dr David Martin 1:16:12

There is no such thing as an alpha or a beta or a gamma or a delta variant. This is a means by which what is desperately sought is a degree to which individuals can be coerced into accepting something that they would not otherwise accept. There has not been in any of the published studies on what has been reportedly the Delta variant, there has not been a population R not calculated, which is the actual replication rate. What has been estimated are computer simulations. But unfortunately, if you look at GISAID, which is the public source of uploading any one of a number of variations, what you’ll find is that there has been no ability to identify any clinically altered gene sequence, which has then a clinically expressed variation. And this is the problem all along. This is the problem going back to the very beginning of what’s alleged to be a pandemic, is we do not have any evidence that the gene sequence alteration had any clinical significance whatsoever. There has not been a single paper published by anyone that has actually established that anything novel since November of 2019, has clinical distinction from anything that predates November of 2019. The problem with the 73 patents that I described is that those 73 patents all contain what was reported to be novel in December in January of 2019, and 2020, respectively. So the problem is that even if we were to accept that there are idiopathic pneumonias, even if we were to accept that there are some set of pathogen induced symptoms, we do not have a single piece of published evidence that tells us that anything about the subclade SARS CoV 2 has clinical distinction from anything that was known and published prior to November 2019 in 73 patents dating to 2008.

Viviane Fischer 1:18:56

Could it be that the Delta variant sort of is that just the differences, you know that the clinical symptoms are the same, but that it has the, you know, the capability of like, infecting someone who’s already gone through variant B?

Dr David Martin 1:19:14

Well, so this is where we see an enormous amount of response and reflexive behaviour to media hype. There is no, and I’m going to repeat this, there is no evidence that the Delta variant is somehow distinct from anything else on GISAID. The fact that we are now looking for a thing doesn’t mean that it is a thing because we are looking at fragments of things. And the fact is that if we choose any fragment I could come up with, you know, I could come up with variant Omega tomorrow. And I could come up with variant Omega and I could say I’m looking for this sub strand of either DNA or RNA, or even a protein. And I could run around the world going, “oh, my gosh, fear the Omega variant”.

Prof Martin Schwab 1:20:15


Dr David Martin 1:20:16

And the problem is that because of the nature of the way in which we currently sequence genomes, which is actually a compositing process, it’s what we call in mathematics and interleaving. We don’t have any point of reference to actually know whether or not the thing we’re looking at is, in fact, distinct from either clinical or even genomic sense. And so we’re trapped in a world where unfortunately, if you go and look as I have at the papers that isolated the Delta variant, and actually ask the question, is the Delta variant anything other than the selection of a sequence in a systematic shift of an already disclosed other sequence? The answer is, it’s just an alteration, and when you start and stop what you call the reading frame. There is no novel anything. Yes, well,

Dr Wolfgang Wodarg 1:21:20

Dr Wolfgang Wodarg translates.

Reiner Fuellmich 1:28:41

David, I’ll make a long story very short. He’s in full agreement with your analysis. He understands your anguish with respect to you having told the world about this 20 years ago, almost. And he admires your tenacity. And he’s extremely grateful for you having taken this very close look at the problem through patent law. Dr Wodarg believes that patents are really problematic, because it turns out that it is probably five times more expensive to patent drugs, as opposed to having public I mean, not public, private, but public universities, getting the stipends getting the money that they need in order to develop these vaccines.

Dr David Martin 1:29:38

Yeah, I’m gonna do something that’s very unfair, but I’m gonna hold the document very close to the screen. And it’s only for representational purposes. But I want you to see that this the barrack patent that NIH needed to have returned to them for mysterious reasons in 2018, this is 7279327. And people can look this up on their own. But if you actually look at the sequences that are patented, which is one of the things that we’ve done, we actually look at the published sequences, and realise that depending on where you clip the actual sequence string, you will have the same thing or you’ll have a different thing based nothing more than on where you decide to parse the clip. And I want to read you, I mean, this is something that comes directly from their patent application. When they actually talk about the DNA strands, which they call sequence ID numbers. They actually specifically say the organism is an artificial sequence, an artificial sequence, meaning that it is not a sequence that has a rule base in nature, it is not something that was manifest for a particular natural derivative protein or natural derivative mRNA sequence that was isolated, every one of these is in fact a synthetic, artificial sequence. And if you go back and you look at each one of them, which we have done, what you’ll find is that the sequences, in fact, are contiguous, in many instances, but are overlapping in others, where it is merely a Caprice determination that says something is or is not part of an open reading frame, or it is or is not part of a particular oligonucleotide sequence. Now, the reason why that’s important is because if we are going to examine what ultimately is being injected into individuals, we need the exact sequence, not a kind of similar to, we need the exact sequence. And if you look at the FDA’s requirement, and if you look at the European regulatory environment, and if you look at the rest of the world’s regulatory environment, for reasons that cannot be explained, the exact sequence that has gone into what is amplified inside of the injection seems to be elusive, it seems to be something that someone cannot, in fact state with 100 percent certainty, the sequence is x. The problem that that presents is that at this point in time, as much as we can be told that there are, you know, clinical trials going on, and there are all sorts of other things going on, we have no way of verifying that a complete sequence has been, is, or potentially even could be manufactured into what ultimately becomes the lipid nanoparticle that is the carrier frequency into which the injection is delivered. And it’s important for people to understand that as far back as 2002, and all the way through the patent filings of 2003, and then the weaponization patents that began in 2008, in every one of these instances, fragments are identified, but they are identified without specificity. So we don’t have direct terminal ends of the fragments, we have fragments which have, you know, essentially hypothecated gaps into which anything can be placed. And that’s the reason why I find the fact checking around the patent situation to be most disappointing. Because the reason why fact checkers among their general lazy attributes, the reason why fact checkers are not actually checking facts when it comes to the patent matters is because the actual sequences are not represented in an digital form that makes it easy to do this comparison. We literally had to take images of submitted typed paper, and then code those in to do our own assessment. You cannot do this on the EPO’s patent site. You cannot do this with WIPO data from Geneva. You cannot do this with the US Patent Office data. You actually have to go in and reconstruct the actual gene sequences by hand and then you compare them to what has been uploaded on the public servers and that’s where you find that the question of novelty is something that was not addressed. This was a manufactured illusion.

Dr Wolfgang Wodarg 1:35:03

I have one more question. Is it possible that we see that the influenza has vanished is gone. We don’t have influenza anymore. The influenza for sure the viruses are also sequenced. And is it possible that those parts sequences we now speak about that they may exist in both of the virus types, so that it’s just a matter of testing and [a] matter of instruments to observe what we find, whether we find influenza, or whether we find Corona. If we have a certain, if you have a book, you have a word with five letters, and you will find this five letters in many books,

Dr David Martin 1:35:49

Right? Exactly. Yeah. Wolfgang, your question is a beautiful metaphor of exactly the problem. The problem is, if what we’re looking for is something we’ve decided we’ve decided is worth looking for, then we’ll find it. And the good news is we’ll find it [in] a bunch of places. And if we’ve decided that we’re no longer looking for a thing, it’s not entirely surprising that we don’t find it because we’re not looking for it. The fact of the matter is whether it’s the RT PCR tests that we decided that there are fragments, which by the way, I have looked at every one of the regulatory submissions, that has been submitted to the FDA, to try to figure out what was the gold standard to get the emergency use authorization. And what fragment of SARS CoV 2 was officially the official fragment that was the comparative standard. And the problem is that you can’t get a single standard. So the question becomes, in a world where there is no single standard, what is it that you actually find? Because if I’m looking for and why don’t I just read this? If I’m looking for a CCACGCTTTG? Do I add the next strand G or do I go no, no, the next bit is GTTTATTCG. And you get the point. The point is that where I choose to start and stop, I can actually say I found it. No, I didn’t find it.

Dr Wolfgang Wodarg 1:37:33


Dr David Martin 1:37:35

And I didn’t find the match that I projected on to the data because I chose to look at the data in a way that I could not find the match. Influenza did not leave the human population. Influenza was a failed decade long pan-influenza vaccine mandate that was desperately, desperately desperately promoted by governments around the world, they failed and they decided if influenza doesn’t deliver on the public promise of getting everybody to get an injection, let’s change the pathogen.

Dr Wolfgang Wodarg 1:38:19

There are many more they can change.

Dr David Martin 1:38:21

Oh, goodness, we’ve got tonnes more to come.

Reiner Fuellmich 1:38:24

Yeah, but now we’re on to them.

Viviane Fischer 1:38:27

I would like to tell you something about this development of the drosten PCR test, you know, because we looked at it just briefly, not to that extent that you now looked at the patents that you just described, but we looked at this kind of miracle, or like I mean, strange aspect of like the Drosten test development, because he, despite the fact that he would have needed to basically, through his employer, The Charite would be entitled to holding the patents on this, you know, his invention, he just published the instruction to the (inaudible) house so everyone could see it. So basically, the whole invention lost its possibility to be patented, and that’s kind of strange, you know, when you look at it, so we asked the Charite in a Freedom of Informatio act request, and so they said, Well, you know, because there was so much rush to get the, you know, this test out because there was this –

Reiner Fuellmich 1:39:34

– pandemic going on –

Viviane Fischer 1:39:34

– pandemic going on, so it was like, we didn’t look at the finances, you know, we just didn’t care. So that’s kind of strange as a procedure, because I mean, basically this test is worth like billions, you know, how could you just, I mean, this is a publicly financed hospital, how can they just give, you know, give away all this this whole thing, and then because he was also in close cooperation with a private company TIB Molbiol. It’s the same with which he had developed all the PCR tests from 2002 from the first SARS, and then MERS, (inaudible) and so on and so on. So it’s very strange, you know, because he was basically like, functioning as a door opener for this company, you know, because they also said to us, so basically, it was Drosten who decided to which possible country or like laboratory or whatever the test, this TIB Molbiol company would send out the test kits in order to then of course, make more money, because he was basically like, he had a first mover advantage, you know, Drosten and or this company. So it’s clear now, I mean, maybe there was nothing at that point, because there was so many patents already going on. So basically, from this not novel virus or a PCR test, he couldn’t patent anything that would have been new. So basically, it was really like a very logical thing to do then to use the whole thing as a just to, you know, make profit from this first mover advantage. And maybe Drosten is somehow involved in this whole legal scam, financial –

Reiner Fuellmich 1:41:16

– oh he’s one of the most important people in this game, because he’s the one who’s strings they pulled first.

Dr David Martin 1:41:22

Yeah, you need you need to create the illusion of demand, and there’s nothing right now that does a better job of creating the illusion of demand than the urgency of an event that you’ve manufactured.

Reiner Fuellmich 1:41:43

This sounds almost like comedy, but it is not.

Dr David Martin 1:41:47

Well, it is in that we have to realise that part of the reason why it was so easy for us to monitor and track this particular, you know, campaign of coercion and terror is because we’ve done it before. You know, I started my comments by making sure people remember that when it came to solving for the anthrax outbreak. Now remember, that while we had hundreds of 1000s of military people in the Middle East, allegedly getting even for the events of September of 2001, we had two Postal Inspectors investigating anthrax. Two! The largest alleged bioweapons attack on US soil and we had two Postal Inspectors. You can’t genuinely believe that two Postal Inspectors are the, you know, the crime stopping, you know, mind bendingly powerful individuals in the universe. Now I have nothing against Postal Inspectors, but I can guarantee you that if I was investigating a bioterror attack, I would not have the post office, having two Postal Inspectors as their crack team, doing the investigation. You know, it was disingenuous, and Congress knew it. And that’s the reason why, you know, we publish a thing that is not necessarily a bestseller, but we publish an intelligence briefing on every violation of the biological and chemical weapons treaties that people have signed around the world. And it’s a phone book that tells you where and who and who’s funding, and so for us it wasn’t hard to figure out that this was not a public health crisis. This was an opportunistic marketing campaign to address a stated objective, and that’s why this is occams razor. It’s the easiest thing to describe, because they’re the ones that set it. And the occams razor reality is they said they needed to get the public to accept a pan-Coronavirus vaccine countermeasure, and they needed the media to create the hype, and investors would follow where they see profit. You do not have anything else you need to rely on to explain the events of the last 20 months, than the actual statement of the actual perpetrator. And I don’t do the navel gazing exercise of going in to try to understand whether there were mommy issues behind a bank robber if they’re holding a bag of money outside of a bank. I actually make the crazy assumption that maybe they’re a bank robber. Similarly, if I have somebody who says we need to use the media to hype a medical countermeasure, which is in fact the injection of a synthetic, recombinant chimeric protein developed off of a computer simulation. If I’m actually going to listen to the motivation for why that might be being done, I will listen to the person doing the manipulation who says investors will follow where they see profit? I don’t need more explanation.

Reiner Fuellmich 1:45:28

Me either. Okay, this is mind boggling. I’m really glad, David, [I mean] we spoke a couple of months ago, maybe 3 or 4 months ago, and we were introduced to each other by a David, I’m sorry, James Henry.

Dr David Martin 1:45:52


Reiner Fuellmich 1:45:52

And I was trying to find patent lawyers in this country who might be interested in this case. Now, there are a few patent lawyers who understand about it, but there’s no one apparently up till now, but maybe this is going to change. But there was no one willing to tackle this in the context of Corona. That’s the problem.

Dr Wolfgang Wodarg 1:46:17

This is not new. I’ve tried to find such a lawyer to specialise on patents for the (inaudible) Commission for the German Bundestag 10 years ago, or more than 15 years ago. And we did not find because they were afraid to be critical on the system. They would destroy their own job. This was very difficult.

Reiner Fuellmich 1:46:38

Yeah, bear in mind that this is an old problem, because that, here’s where the problem comes in. Ever since the establishment of the European Patent Office, the Germans and the French, not surprisingly, have maintained animosity that has, you know, been just this newest version of animosity that goes back centuries. But when the EPO was set up, the role of the patent office in Munich became a very nationalistic issue for Germany. And the notion that German patent examiners and German patent professionals still enjoyed supremacy over the rest of Europe became dogmatic. In 2003 in 2004, when the European Patent Office was first audited by my organisation, and where we showed that somewhere between 20 and 30 percent of the patents in Europe, were functional forgeries, meaning that they were copied from previous patents, that the German representation of the European Patent Office lost their mind at the notion that they were doing anything remotely wrong. When the European Union commissioned us to do an examination into software patents a few years later, at the request of the Swedish delegation to the European Union, and we showed hundreds and hundreds of software patents which were illegally granted by the European Union through the EPO. And then we found out that it was German patent examiners and German patent practitioners who were the ones who were responsible for their filing. We once again saw that there was an enormous outcry. And so what happens is that we have a dogmatically held position, which says that even though the European Patent Office is supposed to be pan European, there is still in the minds of the German patent establishment, a supremacy over the rest of Europe. And if you call into question anything, including patents granted on a bio weapon, you are treading on ground that there is no forgiveness for.

Dr Wolfgang Wodarg 1:49:09

Yes. We had some questions from Transparency International, and we were wiped out; the topic was not followed.

Dr David Martin 1:49:17

Yep. You just can’t. It’s not accessible, and that’s just the tragedy of what has unfortunately become a a regulatory capture organisation. It’s actually not doing the public service.

Reiner Fuellmich 1:50:24

Reiner translates.

Dr David Martin 1:50:53

Well, thank you for the time that you’ve spent and I hope that it was helpful.

Reiner Fuellmich 1:50:57

It was very helpful.

Dr Wolfgang Wodarg 1:50:59

Very helpful, thank you very much.

Reiner Fuellmich 1:51:00

We’re gonna hear a lot of echoes. Thank you David, and have a great weekend.

Dr David Martin 1:51:07

Okay, Take care everybody.

Dr David Martin 1:51:08

Yeah, you too. Bye bye.

Viviane Fischer 1:51:10


Dr Wolfgang Wodarg 1:51:11

Bye bye.

Dr Reiner Fuellmich 1:51:11

Not sure where this part fits in


All conversing in German.
Canine coronavirus S gene and uses therefor

Inventor: Timothy J. Miller, Sharon Klepfer, Albert Paul Reed, Elaine V. Jones

Current Assignee: Pfizer Inc

US Patent 6372224
Methods for producing recombinant coronavirus

Inventor: Kristopher M. Curtis, Boyd Yount, Ralph S. Baric

Current Assignee: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

US Patent 7279327
Coronavirus isolated from humans

Inventor: Paul A. Rota, Larry J. Anderson, William J. Bellini, Cara Carthel Burns, Raymond Campagnoli, Qi Chen, James A. Comer, Shannon L. Emery, Dean D. Erdman, Cynthia S. Goldsmith, Charles D. Humphrey, Joseph P. Icenogle, Thomas G. Ksiazek, Stephan S. Monroe, William Allan Nix, M. Steven Oberste, Teresa C. T. Peret, Pierre E. Rollin, Mark A. Pallansch, Anthony Sanchez, Suxiang Tong, Sherif R. Zaki

Current Assignee: Centers of Disease Control and Prevention CDC

US Patent 7220852
Coronavirus isolated from humans

Inventor: Paul A. Rota, Larry J. Anderson, William J. Bellini, Michael D. Bowen, Cara Carthel Burns, Raymond Campagnoli, Qi Chen, James A. Comer, Byron T. Cook, Shannon L. Emery, Dean D. Erdman, Cynthia S. Goldsmith, Jeanette Guarner, Charles D. Humphrey, Joseph P. Icenogle, Thomas G. Ksiazek, Richard F. Meyer, Stephan S. Monroe, William Allan Nix, M. Steven Oberste, Christopher D. Paddock, Teresa C. T. Peret, Pierre E. Rollin, Mark A. Pallansch, Anthony Sanchez, Wun-Ju Shieh, Suxiang Tong, Sherif R. Zaki

Current Assignee: Centers of Disease Control and Prevention CDC

US Patent 7776521
Antiviral agents for the treatment, control and prevention of infections by coronaviruses

Inventor: John W. Erickson, Abelardo Silva

Current Assignee: Sequoia Pharmaceuticals Inc

US Patent 7151163
Amino acid sequences directed against envelope proteins of a virus and polypeptides comprising the same for the treatment of viral diseases

Inventor: Anna Hultberg, Bram Maassen, Peter Vanlandschoot, Erik Depla, Catelijne Stortelers, Cornelis Theodorus Verrips, Steven Van Gucht, Jose Melero, Michael John Scott Saunders, Johannes Joseph Wilhelmus de Haard, Robert Anthony Weiss, Nigel J. Temperton, Xavier Saelens, Bert Schepens, Alexander Szyroki, Michael Marie Harmsen

Current Assignee: Ablynx NV

US Patent: 9193780
Tagged [prof martin schwab, ablynx pharmaceuticals, bayh-dole act, called, CDC patent fraud, Dr David Martin, dr wolfgang wodarg, drosten pcr, fact, fragments, influenza, issued, M-CAM international, NIAID patent fraud, pandemic, patent, patents, pathogen, PCR test, people, peter daszak, problem, protein, question, reiner fuellmich, sars, sequence, tib molbiol, US Patent 6372224, US patent 7151163, US Patent 7220852, US Patent 7279327, US patent 7776521, US patent 9193780, vaccine, variant, virus, world
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Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Wednesday, August 25, 2021 1:14 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I'm sorry, I was unable to complete my post.

I conjure you are not really listening anymore. That's OK.

HIV is an ineffective bioweapon.

Whole groups of folks who were found HIV positive lived for decades without any adverse effects, ailments, maladies, illnesses - whole groups, not merely individuals.

In my book, any bioweapon which cannot produce some ailment, malady, illness, or negative physical effects for a period of 30-40 years is extremely lame ass as a bioweapon.

I am concerned that you are inferring that I am pushing you. This is not the case. I have limited amounts and periods of time when I can post here - the mobile signing function between my phone and this site broke several years ago. I can visit and read, but posting is restricted for me.
You have stated you plan to think about it at some point in the future, and that is fine by me. You sound to me like an intelligent and critical thinker. I am not trying to convince you of anything, but since you have expressed interest in learning things, I am trying to provide you with as many of the underlying foundational concepts as I can, to help you find vectors to look into.
The alternative is to let you wander down the rabbit hole(s) that the Fauci Funnels will send you to, after 40 years of his lies being built up and reinforced with more lies. I prefer to assist with helpful info until you indicate you are no longer interested in thinking.

For decades, in the 50s and 60s and 70s, humans encountered HIV on a regular basis (in population context). Unless they were HIV-Negative and therefore died, nobody really cared.
Luc Montagnier discovered HIV, it sounds like. He did not create it, he did not start any wide distribution of it. But detection of the FULLY WORKING IMMUNE SYSTEM via detection of the ANTIBODY to HIV allowed Fauci and Frauds to target folk who had encountered HIV in the past decades. It was not suddenly spreading in the 1980s, is was just being tested for and used for hysteria.
HIV was not widely spreading in the 1980s, it was only being detected, found in the 1980s.

And if you had encountered in, say in the 1950s, then in the 1980s you were given a death warrant, aka AZT.

Ah ok. Anyway, yes, I already knew that AZT was a death sentence. One friend of mine died gruesomely from it, back in 2000. I've also noticed though, the frequent attempts of Fauci and other bioterrorists over the years to use HIV as a vector for things like the flu shot, so I think at the very least, they think it's a bioweapon. Now maybe they modified the virus from its natural form, but IDK, this would take a lot of looking into.

At the moment I'm worried about the SARS, the CAPS, I think that it's a mix of essential human enzymes and any strong immune response could give you one or another autoimmune disease, so I'm trying to combat it with antivirals.

The one thing that is for sure is that we need a life without these fuckers in it, and that means the entirety of the beast that backs them. I'm working on that, and when we get there, we'll worry about what to do with them






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