Vaxcapable to Deathcapable

UPDATED: Tuesday, September 14, 2021 20:50
VIEWED: 1733
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Wednesday, September 1, 2021 1:16 PM


I'm just lying here in bed thinking about this. And what the best use of time is for someone who had not yet killed themselves to get out of the way of WEF bill gates and co and their plan to replace them with black slaves.

Trying to save vaxtards is not useful. Arguing with libtards is not useful. Libtards will either wake up and stop letting someone else do their thinking for them, or they'll vax and become vaxtards. Vaxtards if they don't wake up will keep vaxing until they become deathtards.

I intentionally put this as political incorrect as I could so people can see what they're doing to themselves. And why they're doing it.

BMGF and Microsoft are part of planned parenthood is part of the nazi party is part of the sabbatean satanic cult that owns the media, the bank and intends for a future for 144,000 of them, 400 million dumbassnigga™ slaves and a big empty planet.

This corona seems to have left me with a consistent inflammation problem. IDK if this goes away, but I guess I'll manage a sucky life now because I let some vaxtard come to my party instead of shooting him. Next time, I'll know better.

Here's what doesn't exist after this

there's no vaxtard society. they all die

there's no tranny fag society, they all die

there's no libtard society, they all die

there's no feminist society, they all die

not because the right kills them, because the left kills them, as it has always intended to do. Like Lenin said, once the useful idiot has been useful, we kill them.

It's not that I disagree with the libtards and the society they will create, it's that I'm absolutely certain they create no society at all. All of the other side, and all they will impact our lives is the time that we will have to spend digging their graves.

So, if this offends you, think that I'm seriously trying to appeal to these morons to wake the fuck up, and then I'm giving up trying. Saving your life is probably not worth my time. That's the coldest thing I feel I've ever had to say, but we're at that point. This is going to be bad. It's going to be nazi Germany times a thousand. No one is going to be able to beat the nazis this time if they're wasting their time on people with personal pronouns gender identity or any piece of the liberal agenda nonsense downloaded into their brains.

Now, once we accept that these people are already dead, there will still be politics. There's a huge space between America, Fuck Yeah! and the Taliban, both of whom will probably still be alive at the end of this. Who won't be alive is art fag colonies and transgender rights movements, and anyone who goes and repeatedly injects themselves with bioweapons.

I get that some of you already did it once, but if you don't wake up, you'll do it again, and be a complete fucking liability to everyone else on the planet, as Siggie pointed out, and I now see that the corporations are lobbying the govt for this right, to inject you with a contagious bioweapon, and I'm already sick because someone already did that, to a trailer park, and some guy there came to my shop. But it will be everywhere. Once they have the tacit okay to do it, they'll crop dust it from the air, they'll put it in our food, in the water supply, they'll have rogue antifa with tranqs with vax and they'll pretend to complain about the extremist rebels that they'll really be bankrolling, and then they'll make a stupid countervax countermeasure that does the same thing as Qanon, and it'll be a vax against the vax pax.

they won't wait until january, either. they'll test this plan. they're probably testing it right now in pakistan or bangladesh. then they'll roll it out in some US city in october. And they'll be running to remove all the zombies from the street to show that there's no ill effect because you can't see the 20% who just died.

if you're still injecting yourself with bioweapons, then sorry, there probably won't be time for an individual grave, we'll have to resort to mass graves or bodypile bonfires at some point. This is what the world looks like if you're wrong.


Wednesday, September 1, 2021 1:32 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Calling people 'tards' of any sort is unnecessarily divisive.

Should I call you DREAMTARD?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Wednesday, September 1, 2021 2:06 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Calling people 'tards' of any sort is unnecessarily divisive.

Should I call you DREAMTARD?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

I'm sick of arguing with people to get them to survive.
It doesn't benefit me at all in any way. I thought it was time to bring the tard in.

I did not specifically tard you tho, but if you prefer, I can, would you like tobe Sigtard? I can work that, if its what you want

A smarter version of me would have shot the vaxtards before they infected me, so maybe I am dreamtard

Anyway, it no longer lets me edit the title


Wednesday, September 1, 2021 2:13 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

You just agreed in another thread that we have collectively lost our shit.

You are turning a non-crisis into another 'existential' crisis, just like TPTB. If it doesn't benefit you in any way to argue, then stop arguing. Discussion would be better.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Wednesday, September 1, 2021 2:46 PM


A friend of mine just lost his dad to the vax. I'm giving up on debating the vaxers. It's just a genocide. An attempt to spend any time debating the merits of the vax is like debating the merits of the Jewish Relocation Program with the SS, instead of just fucking doing something about it.

It's not fair, BTW, to the Nazis, since their genocide was highly selective against people that they didn't like. With this group, it's everyone.

The following groups are goners IMHO at this point

personal pronoun gender identity crowd
white black lives matter crowd
russia is evil crowd
crackheads <-- jury still out, i mean they might have crackbabies who might be able to have grandchildren that aren't crackheads, idk
obey the authority crowd

this leaves
the taliban, and other extremist groups
actual third worlders who have managed to escape the gates grasp
gods guns and guts rednecks who are hardcore terry davis preppers

feel free to add to the list of goners and people who might survive

I think based on everything i've seen in reality, 20% of people turn to a downward spiral physically with each shot, and will be unrecoverable, but that means 80% of those who got one shot are still recoverable, but mentally they're in a "vax is good" box, and 0% of anyone in that mental space will survive, because upcoming vaxes will be so much worse

Anyway, as this guy was dying, i know the son, i don't know the dad, but the dad was my age, and I got the blow by blow of his lungs exploding and that would be literally, as it was happening. and i was like, guy in better health than me, goes to dies from lungs exploding in three days, i've run out of time to fuck around. debating the merits of the final solution is fucking around.

Is it just me or does Bill Gates look really old for his age. I thought NWO billionaires with global health empires would be in better shape


Wednesday, September 1, 2021 2:47 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


SIGNYM:Calling people 'tards' of any sort is unnecessarily divisive.
Should I call you DREAMTARD?

DREAMTROVE: I'm sick of arguing with people to get them to survive.
It doesn't benefit me at all in any way. I thought it was time to bring the tard in.
I did not specifically tard you tho, but if you prefer, I can, would you like tobe Sigtard? I can work that, if its what you want

A smarter version of me would have shot the vaxtards before they infected me, so maybe I am dreamtard

Anyway, it no longer lets me edit the title

It didn't take you very long before you started posting about killing people did it?

A smarter version of you would have realized that

1) even vaccinated people can be infectious, and
2) an N95 offers protection against anyone who is infectious, vaccinated or not

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Wednesday, September 1, 2021 3:34 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

1) even vaccinated people can be infectious, and
2) an N95 offers protection against anyone who is infectious, vaccinated or not

Vaxers are already killing people, so?

A future me will have to be smarter. I vote we go create madmaxland somewhere.

I was just angry over trying to save this guy dying because of the vax, and trying to talk pro-vaxers out of killing themselves.

In the 1930s there were a lot of pro holocaust jews because they didn't yet realize it was a genocide against them. Benini covers this in life is beautiful. what an annoying argument to have to have, and now i'm having it


Wednesday, September 1, 2021 3:58 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.



1) even vaccinated people can be infectious, and
2) an N95 offers protection against anyone who is infectious, vaccinated or not

DREAMTROVE: Vaxers are already killing people, so?

So you say. What if you're wrong? You've been wrong before, right?


DREAMTROVE: A future me will have to be smarter. I vote we go create madmaxland somewhere.
Great idea!

But I have a better one: how about finding a solution that accommodates both sides?


DREAMTROVE: I was just angry over trying to save this guy dying because of the vax,
Is he dead yet, just OOC?


DREAMTROVE: and trying to talk pro-vaxers out of killing themselves.
And what if you're wrong?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Wednesday, September 1, 2021 4:14 PM


Is he dead yet, just OOC?
And what if you're wrong?

yeah, he died yesterday
if i'm wrong they get the sniffles
well, 10% of them do
but if the corona is 100% fatal rather than 0.01% fatal, it still has no effect on the world population, but if the vax is 100% fatal and mandated, humanity ceases to exist.

So you can pick the sniffles world you've lived in all your life, or the Microsoft™ brand new recombinant world where critics say the product kills everyone, but proponents say the product just doesn't work

Serious "everyone needs to get vaccinated or the unvaccinated who don't show any signs of the disease they don't carry will give that disease to the vaxed who already have it but then the vaxed will get really sick because the vax doesn't work" is the vaxed people's actual argument

They're wrong of course, they are the carriers, and that's why they're getting sick, because they injected themselves with a fucking bioweapon without doing the research first which is what makes them tards

so yeah, i'm sick because of some vaxed carrier, and that makes me a moron for letting the guy into my shop. happier now. sorry about this thread. i was angry


Wednesday, September 1, 2021 5:52 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

We all get that way.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Wednesday, September 1, 2021 9:19 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

With Beautiful World, Where Are You, the novelist Sally Rooney shows she’s her own best critic

“Maybe we’re just born to love and worry about the people we know and to go on loving and worrying even when there are more important things we should be doing,” Eileen writes in riposte to Alice’s indictment of her own profession, a defense upon which I cannot improve. “And if that means the human species is going to die out, isn’t it in a way a nice reason to die out, the nicest reason you can imagine? … Because we loved each other too much and found each other too interesting.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, September 1, 2021 11:45 PM


The only way the vax becomes deadly for me is if Biden greenlights the jackboot thugs to drag me out of my house and shoot me in the middle of the night for refusing.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Thursday, September 2, 2021 12:21 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
there's no vaxtard society. they all die

there's no tranny fag society, they all die

there's no libtard society, they all die

there's no feminist society, they all die


Once they have the tacit okay to do it, they'll crop dust it from the air, they'll put it in our food, in the water supply, they'll have rogue antifa with tranqs with vax and they'll pretend to complain about the extremist rebels that they'll really be bankrolling, and then they'll make a stupid countervax countermeasure that does the same thing as Qanon, and it'll be a vax against the vax pax.

they won't wait until january, either. they'll test this plan. they're probably testing it right now in pakistan or bangladesh. then they'll roll it out in some US city in october. And they'll be running to remove all the zombies from the street to show that there's no ill effect because you can't see the 20% who just died.

Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
The following groups are goners IMHO at this point

personal pronoun gender identity crowd
white black lives matter crowd
russia is evil crowd
crackheads <-- jury still out, i mean they might have crackbabies who might be able to have grandchildren that aren't crackheads, idk
obey the authority crowd


I think based on everything i've seen in reality, 20% of people turn to a downward spiral physically with each shot, and will be unrecoverable, but that means 80% of those who got one shot are still recoverable, but mentally they're in a "vax is good" box, and 0% of anyone in that mental space will survive, because upcoming vaxes will be so much worse

I'm sorry your friend's dad died. Given your POV, no wonder you're angry.

But to get back to your predictions: All predictions need to be tested - checked to see whether or not they come true. Your timeline seems to be before January (of this year). So I'm looking forward to seeing if your predictions come true.


Thursday, September 2, 2021 12:37 AM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

But to get back to your predictions: All predictions need to be tested - checked to see whether or not they come true. Your timeline seems to be before January (of this year). So I'm looking forward to seeing if your predictions come true.

please don't add words and numbers to my posts

I made no predictions and the idea that anything particularly noticeable will happen before January is absurd. The new delta vax won't happen until jan, and this will be the 2nd of 7. It will take five years for them to release all the vaxes they intend, and then it will take another 5-10 for most people to suffer serious consequences.

What is happening this year has already happened. We have a sterility problem that looks like about 20% and then about 20% of those are having severe health problems, and about 1% seem to have died of the vax.

This is, yes, 10x higher than the virus, but that's immaterial and arguing the point would be pointless, since the same people also made the virus.

It would be like arguing which was more effective, the German machine guns or the German bombs, rather than discuss the stopping the Germans from killing us as a valid point of view.

So far, I've seen local people already starting to develop neurodegenerative conditions, skin discolorations, weird lesions and strange odors. It's not a normal "let's get a shot for measles" it's the flu shot fiasco on steroids


Thursday, September 2, 2021 12:41 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
The only way the vax becomes deadly for me is if Biden greenlights the jackboot thugs to drag me out of my house and shoot me in the middle of the night for refusing.

Sorry, Sig is right, the companies have been pushing Biden to allow a special executive order to allow the self spreading vaccine, ie. the contagious bioweapon.

there would have to be a special dispensation for it, because otherwise it's in violation of US laws on bioweapons, and the US is a legal minefield for corporations, because anyone can bring suit. So if some town in Iowa decides that it lost people due to a contagious bioweapon, they can press the case regardless of what the rest of the country thinks, so the only way to stop that from getting to the supreme court when that happens is to rubber stamp it from the top. So Biden or Congress or the court would have to okay it. Otherwise, they might do it anyway, but they'd have to create or set up some disposable corporation to take the blame


Thursday, September 2, 2021 3:55 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

please don't add words and numbers to my posts

I added nothing.

I made no predictions and the idea that anything particularly noticeable will happen before January is absurd.
You didn't post these?

Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
there's no vaxtard society. they all die ...


Once they have the tacit okay to do it, they'll crop dust it from the air, they'll put it in our food, in the water supply ...

they won't wait until january, either ...
Because they look pretty definitely like predictions.


We have a sterility problem that looks like about 20% and then about 20% of those are having severe health problems, and about 1% seem to have died of the vax.
Is this a claim of fact? Or a prediction?

So far, I've seen local people already starting to develop neurodegenerative conditions, skin discolorations, weird lesions and strange odors. It's not a normal "let's get a shot for measles" it's the flu shot fiasco on steroids
Literally everyone I know has been vaxed and I see none of that in anybody. Just saying ...


Thursday, September 2, 2021 7:09 AM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
The only way the vax becomes deadly for me is if Biden greenlights the jackboot thugs to drag me out of my house and shoot me in the middle of the night for refusing.

Sorry, Sig is right, the companies have been pushing Biden to allow a special executive order to allow the self spreading vaccine, ie. the contagious bioweapon.

there would have to be a special dispensation for it, because otherwise it's in violation of US laws on bioweapons, and the US is a legal minefield for corporations, because anyone can bring suit. So if some town in Iowa decides that it lost people due to a contagious bioweapon, they can press the case regardless of what the rest of the country thinks, so the only way to stop that from getting to the supreme court when that happens is to rubber stamp it from the top. So Biden or Congress or the court would have to okay it. Otherwise, they might do it anyway, but they'd have to create or set up some disposable corporation to take the blame

I don't think you caught my drift.

The only way that ANY of this becomes deadly to me is if our government comes into my house, grabs me by surprise while I'm sleeping, drags me out into the street and murders me.

I hope that cleared things up.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Thursday, September 2, 2021 11:03 AM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Because they look pretty definitely like predictions.

That's what we call hyperbole
Those were not serious predictions
I think that requires a base knowledge of human communication to get

when i'm saying anecdotal stuff i say its anecdotal, when i post a list of 800,000 reports, that is the clarification that it does happen.

Phil's dad's lungs just exploded. two of my friends smell like old people and one has an overlaying odor of rotting corpse now, though he's still a young guy, and then I know a guy who has a sudden onset of parkinsons after the vax. And there aren't a lot of people here.

If I felt it necessary to carry this any further, I'd say why are all the vaccinated now so afraid that the unvaccinated will give them covid

It's all Orwellian doublespeak idiocy


Thursday, September 2, 2021 1:02 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
That's what we call hyperbole

Aside from the fact you you apparently like to troll by accusing me of posting things I NEVER POSTED ...

This is the nth time you've denied what you've posted, DT.

In light of your own characterization of your own posts along those lines as hyperbole(bullshit), I won't respond to them in detail and simply label them as hyperbole(bullshit) in the future, to save myself time.


Thursday, September 2, 2021 7:50 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Calling people 'tards' of any sort is unnecessarily divisive.

Should I call you DREAMTARD?

I'm sick of arguing with people to get them to survive.
It doesn't benefit me at all in any way. I thought it was time to bring the tard in.

I did not specifically tard you tho, but if you prefer, I can, would you like tobe Sigtard? I can work that, if its what you want

A smarter version of me would have shot the vaxtards before they infected me, so maybe I am dreamtard

Anyway, it no longer lets me edit the title

I suspect your definition of Libtard and mine are different, but I have not chosen to quibble.

You have described in various threads your experience with vax in your area, which is someplace in outstate NY, more than an hour from the nearest Sam's Club - and population 200.
Your descriptions sound different from other folks.
I am wondering how geographically isdolated your exp[erience is.

What is the brand of vax that you are talking about? Are all folks in your community subject to the same vax, or others? All essentially the same batch of vax?
Have any of these folk you mention gotten their vax from another source, community, outlet, clinic? Merely visiting your town to infect folk, then leave?

Thanks for info.

You mention inability to edit title.
Currently, if you blog in as yourself, and you open this thread, then you, as the OP, should have available in the top right pane "Edit Thread" - and after selecting that, you should be able to edit the title.
If this does not work, let me know what you want the title to say, and I can try to change it. Some months ago I learned how to do so, and I can make attempt to remember again how to, and then see if it still works.


Thursday, September 2, 2021 8:10 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I suspect your definition of Libtard and mine are different, but I have not chosen to quibble.

I don't have a definition for it. I thought it was your troll word. I only used it because I think if they want to be taken seriously they have to post some idea of their own and not a regurgitated CNN

You have described in various threads your experience with vax in your area, which is someplace in outstate NY, more than an hour from the nearest Sam's Club - and population 200.


Your descriptions sound different from other folks.
I am wondering how geographically isolated your experience is.

It's pretty isolated. we have an amish community here, about 50, and art fags from the city about 50, and then we have about 100 remaining people from the farming community that used to be here

the art fags bring all the libtard in from NYC where they come here because the buildings are grandiose and stone and look like the sort of thing that costs 12 million in the city, and they can buy here cheap, so they come. and the fags and their tranny husbands inherit millions from their dads and then move up here to be petty kings


What is the brand of vax that you are talking about? Are all folks in your community subject to the same vax, or others? All essentially the same batch of vax?

there's literally nothing available here, so people have to go somewhere else to get it, so they get all different kinds

none of the amish got it, and maybe half the locals got it, and all the art fags got it. they still go regularly to manhattan, so they probably got it there. the locals who got it would go the hour to sams club or something

Have any of these folk you mention gotten their vax from another source, community, outlet, clinic? Merely visiting your town to infect folk, then leave?

I think there are a decent number of people who live here who got it, but they didn't get it here, they went somewhere to get it, and then came back

Thanks for info.

np i have talked to a lot of people about it, and this is the pattern. no one has come to vax people here, and even the people who did get this vax, most of them are anti-vaxers, other than the fags, and people just caved to pressure.


You mention inability to edit title.
Currently, if you blog in as yourself, and you open this thread, then you, as the OP, should have available in the top right pane "Edit Thread" - and after selecting that, you should be able to edit the title.
If this does not work, let me know what you want the title to say, and I can try to change it. Some months ago I learned how to do so, and I can make attempt to remember again how to, and then see if it still works.

Oh I have to edit the OP, thanks

yeah it won't let me edit it. I was going to change to darwin awards


Thursday, September 2, 2021 8:48 PM


OK, Libtards:

Liberals csan be dumb, but they often can make valid points, can comprehend the opposing argument, they can try to think in critical terms.

But when they resort to explaining "We cut so much from the $9 Trillion budget6 that we cut it all the way down to $11 Trillion" then their blind allegiance to nonsense is showing. Maybe such a person really can balance their own checkbook - or used to be able to.
But when they start spouting that Sol orbits around Terra, just because their Liberal Democrap leaders say so, then their Libtard idiocy is showing.

Can make logical arguments, based in reality, maybe not a libtard.

Hope that helps. No, not all liberals are libtards.


Thursday, September 2, 2021 11:03 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
OK, Libtards:

Liberals csan be dumb, but they often can make valid points, can comprehend the opposing argument, they can try to think in critical terms.

But when they resort to explaining "We cut so much from the $9 Trillion budget6 that we cut it all the way down to $11 Trillion" then their blind allegiance to nonsense is showing. Maybe such a person really can balance their own checkbook - or used to be able to.
But when they start spouting that Sol orbits around Terra, just because their Liberal Democrap leaders say so, then their Libtard idiocy is showing.

Can make logical arguments, based in reality, maybe not a libtard.

Hope that helps. No, not all liberals are libtards.

Yeah, okay, that's what I was thinking. They're really blind allegiance to insanity, or sometimes outright evil. It wouldn't be possible to side with more than 805 of a political platform naturally because they tend to be morally self contradictory because they're largely a collection of special interests rather than a single coherent perspective


Friday, September 3, 2021 12:38 AM


JSF's problem is that he doesn't recognize there are equal and opposite people on the right side of the spectrum.

Probably because he's one of those people himself.

He really is just the polar opposite of Second.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Tuesday, September 14, 2021 8:50 PM


DT, the trick I used to change another person's thread title seem to not work right now.

But i did confirm that the EDIT THREAD function does still alllow you to change the title of this thread.

When you log in as y6ourself, and then open any part of this thread, the upper right pane of options should still have EDIT THREAD. Slect that, and then you can alter the thread title.






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