Journalist goes missing in Turkey, wrote for the WashingtonPost and Guardian, reports say Saudis responsible...Bolton says: ‘We Need to Find Out What the Facts Are’

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Saturday, October 13, 2018 9:43 AM


Journalist gone, nobody knows where? Another incident becoming a major event?

Background and run up these past years?

First it looked like Turkey would be an ally to the US during the Cold War against the Soviets and the 'War on Terror' during the Bush yrs

Turkey then changes, no longer is secular and western leaning but goes more islamist under Erdogan, more muslim brotherhood under Bush and Obama years. Relations seem to strain during this time, regime change in Libya, the War in Syria a lot of players in the region, Saudi, Iran, Turkey, Qatar, Russia, Israel, the French, British, USA into the meat grinder called Syria, most agree ISIS or ISIL or Daesh should be taken out but its complicated, for example Turkey and the Kurds which are US allies

islamist Terrorism explodes in the Middle East at levels never seen before, the refugee crisis makes European nations become more isolationist, nationalist and separate, may have contributed to events like 'Brexit'

Now a journalist gone missing

Could turn into a major international event

Turkey may be turning back to the USA for help after leaning to Russian in recent years? or is there something else going on behind the scenes?

... here's where it goes PirateNews conspiracy like

There are reports spy footage is out there, someone collecting film and sounds, spying on an embassy?
Would the FBI, KGB, Russians, CIA and Mi6 know something?
Turks tell U.S. officials they have audio and video recordings that support conclusion Khashoggi was killed

Turkish probably do not have money for a trade war with Saudi? the Turkish currency fell, they have investments in unstable places for example crypto moves in Turkey and Bitcoin is going to go down as one of the biggest scams in history. European banks are in Turkey, those lent the money and are therefore exposed? There have been other events in Turkey for example an 'Al Lahu Akbar' before shooting dead 39 people in an Instanbul nightclub packed with New Year's Eve partygoers, the cost of security, wars and other geo political events.

Now a journalist who wrote for the Washington Post and Guardian Newspaper has gone missing

Some blogs commentators even say the guy could have been killed

His wife-to-be, fiancee asks Trump for help ... who was waiting outside as the journalist went inside the embassy to get documents for a marraige, then disappears. This woman she wrote an article/letter to President Trump

Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s mysterious disappearance, explained

The incident could impact Saudi Arabia’s close relationship with the US.

National Security Adviser John Bolton said Friday that Saudi Arabia still has not established with the U.S. what the facts are in the case of journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s disappearance.

Many fear Khashoggi was killed in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, and the Turkish government insists the Saudis did just that. The Saudis have denied it. On "The Hugh Hewitt Show," Bolton said he and other leaders in U.S. foreign policy have demanded more information from the Saudis, including Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
"Honestly we just don't know what the facts are and that was one of the points that I made to the crown prince: We need to find out what the facts are and we need to get this resolved quickly, because if it is another operation, people need to understand that," Bolton said. "I think the Saudis themselves themselves are being damaged because we don't have the facts out there's obviously been a historical animosity between Turkey and Saudi Arabia."

With the international unrest over the incident, Bolton said the Saudis need to resolve the matter "as soon as possible."

Bolton also hit back at critics who said President Donald Trump is turning a blind eye to the issue.

"I think this is ridiculous," Bolton said. "He has spoken out about it, he's directed Secretary of State Pompeo to speak with Khashoggi’s fiancee, and that'll happen as soon as they can get that scheduled."

He also alluded to measures the U.S. is taking that are still secret.

"We're taking a number of other steps that I really can't get into at the moment," he said.

wikipedia reads


Jamal Khashoggi is the nephew of late, high-profile Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, known for his part in the Iran-Contra scandal, estimated to have had a net worth of $4 bn in the 1980s. Jamal Khashoggi’s cousin, Dodi Fayed, was dating Britain’s Princess Diana when the two were killed in a car crash in Paris

Khashoggi befriended Osama bin Laden in the 1980s and 1990s in Afghanistan and Sudan while championing his jihad against the Soviets in dispatches. At that same time, he was employed by the Saudi intelligence services to try to persuade bin Laden to make peace with the Saudi royal family. Khashoggi interviewed bin Laden several times. He also met bin Laden in Tora Bora, and once more in Sudan in 1995.[28]

It is reported that Khashoggi once tried to persuade bin Laden to quit violence. Khashoggi was the only non-royal Saudi who knew of the royals’ intimate dealing with al Qaeda in the lead-up to the 9/11 terror attacks. He dissociated himself from bin Laden after 9/11 terror attacks

On 2 October 2018, Khashoggi entered Saudi Arabia's consulate in Istanbul to obtain a document he needed to get married, while his fiancée waited outside.
As he did not leave, his fiancée reported him missing when the consulate closed. The Saudi government said he had left the consulate via a back entrance, the Turkish government said he was still inside, and his fiancée and friends said he was still missing

On 11 October Reuters reported that Turkish officials were investigating whether Khashoggi's Apple Watch would reveal clues as to what happened to him inside the Saudi consulate, examining whether data from the smartwatch could have been transmitted to a cloud, or his personal phone, which was with his fiancée, Hatice Cengiz.

On 12 October former US ambassador to Saudi Arabia Robert Jordan said that he is 95 percent certain that Saudi Arabia killed Jamal Khashoggi


Saturday, October 13, 2018 12:54 PM


The chat and blogs and news articles hint
Missing Saudi journalist was killed?

Some other things to consider? A brawl outside the Capital Washington DC between Kurdish / Armenia US citizen human rights protestors and Turk body guard goons? arrogant Saudi recently tweeting a threat at Canada? the failed Coup in Turkey, who was connected to it? Growing Trade War between United States and Turkey? the Qatari blockade, Iranian influence, other players in the region, Qatar dustup. Now, Saudi Game of Thrones "red wedding" mainstream press seems unwilling to pursue these types of story further, despite all of their interesting and fairly obvious implications

an ongoing war in Syria timeline 2011 – present which is an enormously complex war with many players trying for power in the region

plus the cool and tempermental relationships with Turkey, Saudi gives an over all picture of the 'mood' with relations

Missing Saudi journalist was killed inside Turkey consulate: sources

Saudi prince MBS ordered operation to lure and detain Jamal Khashoggi, U.S. intelligence intercepts reveal

Did the Saudis Murder Jamal Khashoggi?

By Robin Wright

Bitter rivalry between Saudi and Turk is probably very real

Ed Markey
So far in 2018, 43 journalists have been murdered. #Khashoggi’s disappearance highlights a disturbing trend of authoritarians increasingly silencing critics with violence.

Freed U.S. pastor set to fly home from Turkey
Reuters News

Dissident Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi has disappeared after going into the Saudi embassy in Istanbul to complete some paperwork regarding his impending marriage. The Turkish authorities are accusing the Saudis of murdering him and disposing of his body.

Turkey says it has video and audio that proves journalist was tortured, killed inside Saudi consulate

This is supposedly how it went down: Kasshogi was lured to the Saudi embassy in Turkey in order to obtain documents for his marriage. He arrived at the Saudi Embassy and went inside. He was tied up, tortured and eventually killed. 2 Diplomatic jets arrived carrying 15 Saudi Diplomats (agents) who brought with them a bone saw and 15 Diplomatic bags. Kasshogi was chopped into 15 pieces each of roughly 15lbs and was then smuggled out of the country in pieces.

Turkish paper claims, Saudi journalist recorded his own torture and murder on Apple Watch

Raw Politics: Saudi Arabia facing increasing questions over Khashoggi disappearance

Trump vows 'severe punishment' when U.S. determines what happened to Washington Post's Jamal Khashoggi in remarks to '60 Minutes'

He made the comments when asked whether the Saudis were behind the disappearance of Khashoggi who was last seen entering the Saudi Consulate in Turkey on Oct. 2.

Rand Paul introduces bill to cut off Military Aid to Saudi Arabia

Jamal Khashoggi: Saudi journalist may have recorded his own murder on Apple Watch

Rand Paul wants to cut military aid to Saudis until missing journalist is found alive
Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul said he plans to introduce a bill this week to cut off all military aid to Saudi Arabia until missing Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi is returned alive.

'Better Later Than Never, I Guess': Corporate Media Crawl Away From Saudis Over Suspected Murder of Journalist

"An attack on one journalist should be considered an attack on all."
Julia Conley, staff writer

Alex jones the banned infowars
Missing Saudi Journalist Reportedly Cut Into Pieces In Turkey

general interwebs opinion


Saudi stock plunge as Trump promises punishment

Saudi Arabia Murders Citizen?
It looks like the Saudi's murdered a reporter that was critical of their crown prince in their own embassy.

The Guardian was reporting that heaps of delegates are pulling out of that conference, and it might be cancelled. MBS seems to have massively miscalculated here, and overstepped his bounds. Some of his half-brothers may move against him if the Turks have evidence of his personal involvement.

Donald Trump vows 'severe punishment' if Saudi Arabia murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi

Why can’t the Saudis kill someone somewhere other than their own consulate?

Saudi threatens to retaliate against any sanctions over Khashoggi disappearance

Richard Branson
'My statement on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia'


Sunday, October 14, 2018 10:35 AM


I'm sure Trump will want an investigation just as thorough as the FBI investigation into Kavanaugh.


Sunday, October 14, 2018 2:56 PM


Here's that guy from Zolna Report, Trump,
"There Will Be Severe Punishments", Yeah Right

Ron Paul forums has a lot of talk

including US political reaction, European Union and possible business 'sanctions' ron paul forum chat saying he was a CIA asset, he liked ISIS posts on twitter and he was chopped up and flushed down the toilet body parts clogged up the sewer system? a yahoo news link states Mr Erdogan's government finds itself in a tricky position. On the one hand, though it finds itself on the opposite side of several major regional confrontations with Saudi Arabia, it has no interest in a fight with the Crown Prince, whose nation is a potential source of investment revenue at a time when the Turkish economy is on the ropes.
On the other hand, while Turkey itself has a poor recent record on press freedom issues, it has allied itself with Arab world dissidents opposed to autocracies throughout the region.
“It seems that a period of headaches is about to begin for Saudi Arabia,” said a commentary in the pro-Erdogan Aksam newspaper. “A big crisis could break out between Ankara and Riyadh. The horrible ‘extermination’ of a journalist could also bring about the end of Crown Prince Salman.”

Scott Adams the cartoonist media guy who predicted the US election made some interesting comments on this Turkey Saudi event


Sunday, October 14, 2018 8:31 PM


some speculation, one thing you could ask is who benefits from the chaos certain powers could benefit from the geo politics, traders of course banks and people who hedge bets on barrels of oil going up and down. Turkey probably has some powerplay, i'm sure Iran and Russia don't mind watching this mess Plus wasn't there some infighting in Saudi, the family turns on itself, like 'Game of Thrones' there was a purge a billionaire Chairman of Middle East Broadcasting Company, a Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, billionaire businessman, someone else rumored to be shot another guy tortured or interrogated in a hotel, were hundreds arrested and could the Saudi infighting be still ongoing? You get the feeling even when everything is reported there might be another final switch another double cross going on? The stock market started to 'lose as much as $33 billion of its value on Sunday in one of the first signs of the economic pain that Riyadh could suffer over the affair.' news reports say. Or House of Saud, getting away with murder as usual? but usually atrocities by Saudi or Israel are off limits for UK/US discussions? The guy who may have been killed, it seems sloppy like it was done on purpose if done, a resident of the United States, it sounds like they want to send a message to other journalists. Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN), the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said Tuesday that “everything today points to” the idea that Saudi journalist and legal U.S. resident Jamal Khashoggi was murdered last week inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. Both the Neo-liberal regressive Left establishment and the Rightwing Conservative establishment really does deserve shit for this, shit like this is a long time coming, both parties deserve criticism in the US because both of them go soft on the Saudis?

Now Ford cars, Ford Motor chairman cancels visit to Saudi investor conference


Monday, October 15, 2018 12:38 PM


Some allege or say this missing journalist has family ties to events like the Iran Contra Affair, the reporter may have wrote for US media but he isn't an American.

Did the Turks and others suspect this coming? For example is it just standard monitoring or more? Turkey paying so close attention on one person entering one building?

Trump suggested 'rouge killers' as the Saudi explained. A complex mess? No body, no crime although most now suspect the journalist was killed


Monday, October 15, 2018 2:57 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I predict all this kerfuffle will quietly go away like other things no longer in the news ...

global warming 'dead'line
Florence (the hurricane, how quickly one forgets)
Turkish lira
Turkish coup attempt

Things are 'items' in the news for as long as TPTB need them to be items.


Thursday, October 18, 2018 11:27 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Some allege or say this missing journalist has family ties to events like the Iran Contra Affair, the reporter may have wrote for US media but he isn't an American.

Did the Turks and others suspect this coming? For example is it just standard monitoring or more? Turkey paying so close attention on one person entering one building?

Trump suggested 'rouge killers' as the Saudi explained. A complex mess? No body, no crime although most now suspect the journalist was killed

What's the BFD anyway?
The Prince paid his protection money to be part of the Clinton Crime Family. He paid gazillions of dollars in fees to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation, he should expect some consideration.
Are Democrats saying they should turn their backs on their biggest donor of the past decade?


Sunday, March 14, 2021 9:27 PM


Current events have origins in this murder.

Prince and others have been getting wrist slaps.


Thursday, March 18, 2021 3:45 PM



Friday, March 19, 2021 5:20 AM


Biden administration released an intelligence report

The report provides little new information about what actually happened to Khashoggi and leaves out damning but classified details about the Saudi operation that was briefed to Congress in 2018. But it reaches the conclusion that the crown prince, Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler and the son of 85-year-old King Salman, was directly involved based on the CIA’s assessment that he had “absolute control of the Kingdom’s security

Khashoggi's wife recently sought asylum in the US after

Wife of Jamal Khashoggi speaks to DW

El Atr told DW's Oliver Sallet that she was "devastated" about the revelations in the report, saying her husband was not dangerous enough that he needed to be trapped and murdered. "I'm sure if they know the truth about Jamal, and I'm allowed to say his message and his truth, they will really regret what they did to my husband," she added.
El Atr also thanked US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris for holding the Saudi crown prince accountable for Khashoggi's death. "They kept their word for human rights, they emphasize, and they've been transparent and help the truth to come out, which has encouraged me now, because I'm free to talk now, because I didn't have this freedom for two years," she said.
Khashoggi's wife recently sought asylum in the US after having been released from house arrest in the United Arab Emirates. She said she had come forward now to "deliver" her husband's message. "It's not been delivered till now. It's been missed out in the middle of all of this polarization and the misuse of his tragedy," she said.

She also said she hoped Khashoggi's death would serve to spotlight human rights abuses against journalists in Saudi Arabia.

Marriage questioned
El Atr married Khashoggi in a religious ceremony in Washington D.C. in June 2018, a few months before he was killed. The marriage was not officially registered and Khashoggi appears to have kept the relationship secret from his Turkish fiancée Hatice Cengiz.
El Atr says she is now trying to get the marriage certificate recognized in the US, though Cengiz has questioned her credibility.
The Washington Post, for whom Khashoggi worked, reported that El Atr had shown its reporters text messages between Khashoggi and El Atr as well as photos of the Islamic wedding ceremony.
Khashoggi was murdered in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, allegedly by a special commando unit sent from Riyadh. The Saudi government has denied its involvement in the killing, while five people have been sentenced to prison in a Saudi court for the murder.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Prince and others have been getting wrist slaps.

Biden Promises Announcement Soon on Saudi Arabia

So he tells them they were very naughty or

more weapon sales to bomb Yemen?


Saturday, November 13, 2021 6:26 AM


After Cheerleading Censorship for Years, WaPo Now On Receiving End of It, And They’re Pissed

Why jeff bezos bought the washington post for $250m?

Joe Biden Promised To Take On Saudi Arabia Over Jamal Khashoggi. The Saudis Won.


Saturday, November 13, 2021 10:11 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
After Cheerleading Censorship for Years, WaPo Now On Receiving End of It, And They’re Pissed

It's a good thing this bag of I Told You So's never runs out.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Saturday, November 13, 2021 2:53 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I'm glad this got bumped. Because often the questions are reported with great fanfare, but the answers aren't.

Friday, March 19, 2021 5:20 AM Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Biden Promises Announcement Soon on Saudi Arabia

The end result, which was quietly reported before it was swept off the news, was that the US continued to sell arms to Saudi Arabia.


Thursday, August 15, 2024 7:16 AM


The Saudi Crown Prince is Talking About An Assassination. His Own.






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