Critical Race Theory 'I'm out'

UPDATED: Thursday, August 22, 2024 09:49
VIEWED: 6055
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Saturday, December 18, 2021 10:37 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Signym and 6ix could continue this bitter argument on the telephone. A phone call would be quicker and wouldn't pollute this thread about Critical Race Theory.




Saturday, December 18, 2021 1:57 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Sorry for polluting your thread. If this is going to continue, it will be in the abortions thread.

Again, apologies.

Back to the OT!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Tuesday, December 21, 2021 5:18 AM


Kyle Rittenhouse wants to ‘sit down’ with Biden over ‘white supremacist’ claim


Thursday, December 23, 2021 1:41 PM


Douglas Murray slams left-wing teachers for indoctrination: 'They are failing'


Thursday, December 23, 2021 7:15 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

So I was looking into the whole "critical race theory" topic. And I have to say it's a bunch of bunk. That's because while the majority of blacks can trace a portion of their US heritage to US slave-times (along with doses of white, indigenous, Asian etc), the vast majority of whites can't. People who can trace their lineage back to the Revolutionary Was (eg DAR) are exceedingly rare. People who can trace their lineage back to slave owners are also exceedingly rare.

Most 'whites' in the US have a heritage that's far more recent than slave-times. There have been untold millions on millions of whites who came to the US after slavery was abolished. And the few 'whites' who came to the US before the Civil War didn't benefit from, or own, slaves. For the most part, in whatever era they immigrated to the US, 'white' immigrants were poor, they were discriminated against ("no Irish need apply"), and they were also taken advantage of. They weren't owners or beneficiaries of the slave system.

That's not to say there isn't discrimination in the US. How else can you explain the vast majority of income and wealth persistently going to the same small portion of people over time? Clearly, hard work and creating value aren't always determinants of one's place in the economy. Obviously there's systemic winnowing of opportunity and reward.

Even more, if you look at the number of unemployed, clearly there aren't even enough jobs to go around for everyone. So when there's a surplus of people qualified to economically participate at some level - how do you pick who gets the job? Rational choices can't be made between a surplus of people who are equally capable. So unless you're going to flip a coin, you have to start making irrational choices ... biased choices. And people in power will choose to benefit - their families, their allies, or people who are most like them.

The economy is based on discrimination. It's based on a maintaining a vast majority of people who are dependent on working for someone else for a living, and who will never become independent of wage-slavery.

Well, democratic* politicians know where their bread is buttered, and it ain't with the working stiff or the poor. (Republicans know this as well, along with defunct historical political parties, which is why the system has remained as it's remained for as long as it has.)

As an aside, I read a democratic strategy paper a LONG time ago - maybe 20 years ago - about the democratic* party's new plan. And it was about 'demographics'. (And with the internet, being the internet, I'll probably never find the original again.) The plan was to wait for the old conservatives to die, and the 'white' conservatives to become overwhelmed by the 'other'; and to take advantage of the 'natural' association between the young and the 'other' - and the democratic* party. But it appears the democrats* either jumped the gun before the demographics were ready, or they wanted to hurry the process along. And that's why you got Hillary's platform of pages and pages of singling out every discriminated-against subgroup you could possibly imagine.

Nowhere in the democratic* party was there an appeal to a common identity - like, hey 99.9% of everyone is getting royally screwed, so let's get together and do something about it. (To be complete, the republican party as a whole didn't do that either, they were busy exploiting 'wedge issues'.)

(BTW, I think their 'demographics' tactic is going to fall flat because it's built on a lot of assumptions. We're already seeing problems - conservative Catholic Hispanics from Central and South American don't want to supports gays; politically conservative Catholic Hispanics from Cuba don't want to support 'socialism' OR gays; Hispanics don't want to associate with Backs - and the other way around; while Chinese have no association with any group that doesn't go back to the Han dynasty; and so on.)

Anyway, as Signy pointed out a long time ago, all the divisive memes on both sides are just that - keeping us pitted against each other. I'd add, and fighting each other like cadged animals fighting for scraps.


Thursday, December 23, 2021 7:31 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Anyway, when it come to cathode-ray-tube (CRT), after digging through links to links, I found no evidence that it's actually in the schools' curricula, not even in Virginia where the issue first arose.

Even the 'proof' that it's being taught doesn't show it in any teaching materials; everything listed is, for example, seminars for administrators and teachers, voluntary recommended reading lists for administrators and teachers, and so forth. There is nothing in any teaching materials for students.
Here's a link to a series of tweets that have often been cited a the smoking gun, that don't contain what peoole think they contain.

What I found MORE troubling was the enactment of a bill in Virginia that teachers need to be evaluated for cultural sensitivity before being accredited ...
c. Sensitivity to and awareness of systemic and individual racism, cultural diversity, and the potential for racially biased policing and bias-based profiling as defined in § 52-30.1, which shall include recognizing implicit biases in interacting with persons who have a mental illness, substance use disorder, or developmental or cognitive disability;

... and a LOT more should have been made of it. If there was ever language that could be subject to misuse and abuse, that is it.


Thursday, December 30, 2021 10:01 AM


Don't be stupid.

“Our curriculum is deeply using critical race theory, especially in social studies, but you'll find it in English language arts and the other disciplines,” Detroit Public Schools Superintendent Nikolai Vitti said at a Nov. 9 board of education meeting. “We were very intentional about creating a curriculum, infusing materials, and embedding critical race theory within our curriculum.”

CRT became a lightning rod in local, state and national politics this year as conservatives and others exposed examples of schools separating students by race and workplaces pressuring employees to apologize for their white privilege and encouraging them to be “less white.” Progressives blamed the controversy over CRT for helping fuel Republican Glenn Youngkin’s upset win in Virginia’s gubernatorial race and observers say it could weigh down Democrat candidates in the 2022 midterms.

Still, it perplexes CRT advocates who believe progressives should be embracing an idea that they equate with the inerrant truth about the pervasiveness of racism in the United States.

“It seems foolish to engage in this subterfuge if CRT principles are part of the curriculum,” said critical race theorist andré douglas pond cummings, a business law professor and co-director of the Center for Racial Justice and Criminal Justice Reform at the University of Arkansas School of Law, who teaches courses on business law, corporate justice and “Hip Hop and the American Constitution.”

“CRT represents a true narrative from the perspective of black and brown citizens,” said cummings, who doesn’t capitalize his name. “It is the way these Americans have experienced this country.”

Jonathan Zimmerman, a professor of the history of education at the University of Pennsylvania, believes it is “educational malpractice” not to teach students about critical race theory at the height of its cultural moment. But Zimmerman thinks it’s perverse to teach it and claim not to.

“I think it’s a defensive posture,” he said of progressives. “They know the Republicans have succeeded in demonizing it and I don’t think they have the confidence and the courage to defend it.”


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Thursday, December 30, 2021 10:10 AM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

So I was looking into the whole "critical race theory" topic. And I have to say it's a bunch of bunk. That's because while the majority of blacks can trace a portion of their US heritage to US slave-times (along with doses of white, indigenous, Asian etc), the vast majority of whites can't. People who can trace their lineage back to the Revolutionary Was (eg DAR) are exceedingly rare. People who can trace their lineage back to slave owners are also exceedingly rare.

Most 'whites' in the US have a heritage that's far more recent than slave-times. There have been untold millions on millions of whites who came to the US after slavery was abolished. And the few 'whites' who came to the US before the Civil War didn't benefit from, or own, slaves. For the most part, in whatever era they immigrated to the US, 'white' immigrants were poor, they were discriminated against ("no Irish need apply"), and they were also taken advantage of. They weren't owners or beneficiaries of the slave system.

I've got one living grandma, and her memory seems pretty foggy on the whole thing. To this day, I don't know if her parents came off the boat or not. She'll talk about how she was always worried that her German last name may have been a relation to a prominent Nazi in WWII (and how she got shit in school for her last name), and she'll talk like they left for America during the war time, but that doesn't jibe with her also saying that her parents were here during the Great Depression.

Her first husband was out of the picture when my old man was a kid and he died of alcoholism 20 years before I was born. I never even met any of his family.

On my mom's side, she has no idea and both of my grandparents are gone. The furthest I ever remember hearing back about them was how they met and how her family disowned her for marrying a poor Polack.

I've got no history. I've got no lineage.

And if somehow there were people in my bloodline who owned slaves hundreds of years ago?

Who gives a shit?

I feel no more guilt for that than I would if my Grandmother's fears were correct and we are decedents of a German monster.

Why does everybody always want to feel so fucking guilty about everything? Don't you have enough things you've done in your life that you own personally that you regret to feel guilty about without shouldering somebody else's burden?

Or maybe that's just it. If you focus on this stuff you don't have to live with your own guilt for the terrible things YOU have done. It's much easier to virtue signal all day on social media about nonsense, rather than face the piece of human trash staring you back in the eyes when you look into a mirror.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Friday, December 31, 2021 11:27 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by 1KIKI:
So I was looking into the whole "critical race theory" topic. And I have to say it's a bunch of bunk. That's because while the majority of blacks can trace a portion of their US heritage to US slave-times (along with doses of white, indigenous, Asian etc), the vast majority of whites can't. People who can trace their lineage back to the Revolutionary Was (eg DAR) are exceedingly rare. People who can trace their lineage back to slave owners are also exceedingly rare.

Most 'whites' in the US have a heritage that's far more recent than slave-times. There have been untold millions on millions of whites who came to the US after slavery was abolished. And the few 'whites' who came to the US before the Civil War didn't benefit from, or own, slaves. For the most part, in whatever era they immigrated to the US, 'white' immigrants were poor, they were discriminated against ("no Irish need apply"), and they were also taken advantage of. They weren't owners or beneficiaries of the slave system.

I've got one living grandma, and her memory seems pretty foggy on the whole thing. To this day, I don't know if her parents came off the boat or not. She'll talk about how she was always worried that her German last name may have been a relation to a prominent Nazi in WWII (and how she got shit in school for her last name), and she'll talk like they left for America during the war time, but that doesn't jibe with her also saying that her parents were here during the Great Depression.

Her first husband was out of the picture when my old man was a kid and he died of alcoholism 20 years before I was born. I never even met any of his family.

On my mom's side, she has no idea and both of my grandparents are gone. The furthest I ever remember hearing back about them was how they met and how her family disowned her for marrying a poor Polack.

I've got no history. I've got no lineage.

And if somehow there were people in my bloodline who owned slaves hundreds of years ago?

Who gives a shit?

I feel no more guilt for that than I would if my Grandmother's fears were correct and we are decedents of a German monster.

Why does everybody always want to feel so fucking guilty about everything? Don't you have enough things you've done in your life that you own personally that you regret to feel guilty about without shouldering somebody else's burden?

Or maybe that's just it. If you focus on this stuff you don't have to live with your own guilt for the terrible things YOU have done. It's much easier to virtue signal all day on social media about nonsense, rather than face the piece of human trash staring you back in the eyes when you look into a mirror.

Maybe your grandma is referring to WWI.

After the network broadcast of the TV Miniseries "Roots" my Social Studies teacher assigned every student to try to find our family trees.
After the project, I continued with it, until I graduated and went to Boot Camp. I think it was, in outline form, 97 pages single spaced at that point. Only blood relatives, no step relatives, etc.

At that time, the farthest I had been able to go back was to 1604, arriving and founding Jamestown, MA. This line was fairly well known, partly because a President was in the branch. I found no mention of slave owbers in this line - they had seemed to stay in MA, NY, WI, etc. No locations in The South, such as VA (WV, MD, etc.) WI is well known as a Slave Sanctuary state, robustly involved in The Underground Railroad - funneling Slaves to or thru WI. From this line, my nieces are qualified for DAR.
Another nearby branch migrated to America in early 1900s, to escape Kaiser Wilhelm's Germany, which they thought would get Germany into another war. Ancestors had perished in the Russo-Prussian War IIRC. All children in this first generation born in USA (in WI) graduated college and none were involved with Slavery.
One branch I could only get back into the 1800's in Canada, mostly Nova Scotia. Moving into WI in the late 1800's - none involved in slavery.
The remaining branch migrated from England spanning the turn of the century of 1900. This included Indentured Servitude, for a period of something like 7 or 10 years. So they were effectively White Slaves.

My mom took up the Family Tree after me, for about 35 years - I think the most recent version has about 930 pages. Traveled to Canada and England, visiting distant relatives. One branch that had been a dead end in America for me was traced to England and purportedly descended from Kings and Queens, which I don't think is accurate. But in America they all remained in the North, not venturing into Slavery States.

6ix talked about German names. Something I learned about the morphing of names and spellings when filters through illiterate Immigration Officials.
Immigration writers would ask plain questions of the immigrants who did not know English.
The word nomenclature is German, and means description. Mostly German names are actually the job description or job title of a family ancestor.
Further, when the question "Name?" was asked, this foreign word sounded similar to nomenclature, and what was recorded was their occupation. Resulting in lots of Shepards, Cobblers/shoemakers, bakers, millers, etc.


Saturday, January 1, 2022 1:26 AM


Yeah... My grandma's German name was not made off a profession. Of course it's not Hitler, like Second guessed it was, but something adjacent to it.

My Grandpa on my mom's side was 100% Polish. I remember him telling me that when his parents or grandparents whoever got off the boat, they couldn't write and when they said their last name, which had a "ski" as well as a "z" in it, whoever was working the desk took the first syllable of their name and that just became their new name once they got here.

I wish I remembered who he said it was that got off the boat. I want to say it was his parents, but I can't remember.

I get the feeling that except for my grandma on my Mom's side, my family was otherwise pretty "new" to America.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Saturday, January 1, 2022 4:29 PM


i am not sure what the fuss is aboout CRT, only I agree the name aint great. Seems to me a much less controversial stance that history has shaped a society that keeps a lot of people poor and disempowered through systemic policies that, especially in recent times, can are somewhat hard to see unless you deliberately draw focus to them.
It is far more scandelous an idea, in my view, that there is a level playing field and everyone has equal opportunity, and African Americans are somehow more stupid and lazy inherentely.

The same would apply to Indigenous Americans (and Australians) for that matter. History doesn't just affect the past, it is not something that finishes. We live the results of decisions made centuries ago as much as those made yesterday.

Happy New Year all btw


Wednesday, January 12, 2022 11:52 AM


Trump says Biden is waging a 'war on the American way of life' in searing end-of-year statement


Wednesday, January 12, 2022 1:55 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
i am not sure what the fuss is aboout CRT, only I agree the name aint great. Seems to me a much less controversial stance that history has shaped a society that keeps a lot of people poor and disempowered through systemic policies that, especially in recent times, can are somewhat hard to see unless you deliberately draw focus to them.
It is far more scandelous an idea, in my view, that there is a level playing field and everyone has equal opportunity, and African Americans are somehow more stupid and lazy inherentely.

The same would apply to Indigenous Americans (and Australians) for that matter. History doesn't just affect the past, it is not something that finishes. We live the results of decisions made centuries ago as much as those made yesterday.

Happy New Year all btw

I actually looked up the name because the name, per se, never made sense to me. "Critical" as in "criticism"? Or "critical" as in "crucial"?

Even now, knowing the derivation, it STILL doesn't make sense. It was derived from "critical theory", which is a theory of society that criticizes how a society (mainly, its hierachy) is structured. Frankly, I don't see how that differs much from many other theories of society, since MANY theories of society criticize society in one way or another, including Marxism, socialism, and the various utopian constructs such as Hobbe's "Leviathan" and Rousseau's "Social Contract". So I personally think that whoever dreamed up "critical theory" and "critical race theory" were self-important little twits who puffed up their grotch as some sort of new-all-new line of thinking, but without the benefit of rigorous analysis.

Anyway ...

Yes, we are all products of history and decisions that were made a long time ago, not just our own personal decisions. Slavery has had a pernicious effect to this day. de Tocqueville made a prescient comment about slavery at the time. He said, by relegating work to slaves, it devalued work itself, leading to a culture of believing that work was something to be avoided bc it was only done by people who were forced into it. Kind of an anti-Protestant-work-ethic ethic.

Clearly, slavery created a whole colored class of people who were uneducated and impoverished. Even Sherman, who freed many slaves and had a rag-tag band of followers trailing his army and who PERSONALLY was never disrespectful to any, said he couldn't ue them bc their ignorance was so profound they would require too much training to be worth it.

They sounded different, looked different, acted different, had different ethics, and couldn't/ weren't allowed to blend in. During the great migration north to the industrialized cities, the predominantly white population had a hard time absorbing such a large number of "different" people who were still predominantly uneducated and rural. And racism was an active part of the culture that put up all kinds of barriers to equality: the north is, in practical terms, far more racist, with sharper dividing lines and greater economic differences between ethnic neighborhoods than the south.

As long as industry was booming blacks could find work at the lower rungs - doing the dirtiest, lowest-paid, work, but once industry cratered there were more people competing for fewer jobs and more unemployment among blacks. (Unemployment BTW is the USA's biggest challenge, and not just for blacks but for everyone.)

So you have a population that is somewhat isolated, embedded in what is now a consummerist, entitled culture (it's now what you do, but what you have, that counts) with the rewrds constantly dangled before them (in the form of ads) but without access to the jobs and education that would provide access to those rewards, and what has developed is a distinct subculture that, IMHO, has many negative features and very few, if any, positive ones. And rather than understanding that you can't get ahead, personally or as a group, by resenting such features as hard work, punctuality, speaking proper english, math, and education in general, they seek to fix the problem by making everyone feel guilty for something they didn't do and elevating their own resentment and ignorance.

So, how to FIX this???

I think the fix is primarily economic, because the problem is primarily economic.

There have to be MORE JOBS. Meaningful jobs, not McJobs, and at living wages. That way, you don't have to dole out jobs and promotions on the basis of race (affirmative action). People work for reward. If work is rewarded, people will work. If that means onshoring production and dialing back on automation ... well, hey, those changes were made by TPTB for THEIR benefit and profit, not for our benefit. Nobody should ever confuse why they came about, or assume that it's bc of some inevitable force of economics. What was once decided by people can be reversed.

Second, we need to develop true meritocracy. I have tested thousands of people in my day, and interviewed hundreds, and there are all kinds of ways to make the process color, sex, and age-blind. same with evaluating loan applications, rental applications, college applications. Instead of fucking with standards, make them meaningful and apply them equally.

Third, more money needs to be spent on education in poor neighborhoods, because schools are funded by property taxes and schools in poor neighborhoods are underfunded. And, once again, standards need to be meaningful and equally applied. Nobody should ever have to wonder if graduating from XYZ school is basically getting a degree for attendance. Effort needs to be made to portray the benefits of education, and if the benefits are there, motivation will follow.

But jobs come first because this "subculture" problem, like slavery, is primarily an economic problem.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Thursday, January 13, 2022 4:47 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh, and equal application of the law, regardless of color or wealth. If whites get a "pass" on smoking weed, so should blacks. OTOH, black neighborhoods need to be made safe

Once again, criminality is linked to lack of legitimate oppty. Also,idle hands are the devil's playground. Meaningful jobs would really help so people wouldn't have to resort to dealing drugs etc. Home ownership might help too, since people would benefit from improving their property, and could use some time painting, rehabbing etc.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Thursday, January 13, 2022 10:27 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oh, and equal application of the law, regardless of color or wealth. If whites get a "pass" on smoking weed, so should blacks. OTOH, black neighborhoods need to be made safe

Once again, criminality is linked to lack of legitimate oppty. Also,idle hands are the devil's playground. Meaningful jobs would really help so people wouldn't have to resort to dealing drugs etc. Home ownership might help too, since people would benefit from improving their property, and could use some time painting, rehabbing etc.

How equal.
If blacks get a pass on calling others niggers, do whites get treated the same?


Thursday, January 13, 2022 10:58 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Yep, they should. No special treatment for any category of people.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Monday, January 17, 2022 7:30 PM


CRT enthusiasts keep saying there is no CRT in our schools.

So now why are they whining about the new VA Gov banning CRT from the schools - if it really isn't in schools already?


Tuesday, January 18, 2022 7:24 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
CRT enthusiasts keep saying there is no CRT in our schools.

So now why are they whining about the new VA Gov banning CRT from the schools - if it really isn't in schools already?

Did you look up what is being banned? I did and I don't think the legal language of the ban does what you hope it does, but that is assuming the Superintendent of Public Instruction doesn't just disregard the words in the ban and go crazy by arbitrarily and capriciously burning books just to burn books:

For the purposes of this Executive order “inherently divisive concepts” means advancing any ideas in violation of Title IV and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, including, but not limited to of the following concepts

(i) one race, skin color, ethnicity, sex, or faith is inherently superior to another race, skin color, ethnicity, sex, or faith;

(ii) an individual, by virtue of his or her race, skin color, ethnicity, sex or faith, is racist, sexist, or oppressive, whether consciously or subconsciously,

(iii) an individual should be discriminated against or receive adverse treatment solely or partly because of his or her race, skin color, ethnicity, sex or faith,

(iv) members of one race, ethnicity, sex or faith cannot and should not attempt to treat others as individuals without respect to race, sex or faith,

(v) an individual's moral character is inherently determined by his or her race, skin color, ethnicity, sex, or faith,

(vi) an individual, by virtue of his or her race, skin color, ethnicity, sex, or faith, bears responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race, ethnicity, sex or faith,

(vii) meritocracy or traits, such as a hard work ethic, are racist or sexist or were created by a particular race to oppress another race.

to get the link to the executive order.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, February 12, 2022 9:15 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oh, and equal application of the law, regardless of color or wealth. If whites get a "pass" on smoking weed, so should blacks. OTOH, black neighborhoods need to be made safe

Once again, criminality is linked to lack of legitimate oppty. Also,idle hands are the devil's playground. Meaningful jobs would really help so people wouldn't have to resort to dealing drugs etc. Home ownership might help too, since people would benefit from improving their property, and could use some time painting, rehabbing etc.

How equal.
If blacks get a pass on calling others niggers, do whites get treated the same?

P.S. He was removed from commenting on tonight's UFC fights by Disney/ESPN.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Saturday, February 12, 2022 9:19 PM


Hey, Ted...

We've gone from "CRT doesn't exist", to "teaching CRT in schools isn't an attack on white people."

Yes, CNN. Yes it is.

Archived link to CNN, because fuck CNN and it needs to die:

They only mention "CRT" once in the article, the second to last fucking word of the last sentence.

Fuck CNN, and every pedophile rapist that works there.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Saturday, February 12, 2022 9:24 PM


New Years Resolution for Democrats: Stay the fuck off of Twitter.

You're going to be deleting a hell of a lot of tweets, and possibly your entire tweet history as a lot of you have already done.

Your shit doesn't fly anymore in 2022.

We don't want your backpedaling non-apologies either.

Just shut the fuck up and pray to every god under the sun that we just forget you exist.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Saturday, February 12, 2022 11:35 PM


Waukesha borders the western edge of Milwaukee County, and Waukesha County is the wealthiest and considered most Republican County in WI, if not the most conservative.
Mequon borders the northern edge of Milwaukee County, with a more older population.
Slinger is a tad further suburb, Northwest of Milwaukee County, up the Interstate. North of Waukesha and west of Mequon.

Eau Claire is the opposite side of the state, about an Interstate hour from Twin Cities. The center of the national Dairy industry.

For those who didn't know, Wisconsin was the early landmark case for School Choice, giving hope among the horrific Milwaukee Public Schools.


Saturday, February 19, 2022 8:26 AM


Father to School Board: My Family Is Bi-Racial In North Carolina, You Are Wrong If You Think My Children Are Oppressed


Brian Echevarria, a father in North Carolina seeking local political office, speaks at his school board meeting about parents taking back control.

"I’m biracial. I’m bilingual. I’m multicultural. The fact is in America, in North Carolina, I can do anything I want and I teach that to my children. And the person who tells my little pecan-colored kids that they are somehow oppressed based on the color of their skin would be absolutely wrong and absolutely at war with me. And I think that is the same for every parent.

What the masks showed us is that, the parents, the most powerful group of people in our country, that they are taking back the wheel. … We are taking the wheel back from Washington all the way to Raleigh and into our local school board.

Because CRT, all of that, the parents don’t want it. It’s a big fat lie. If you believe in CRT I want to tell you that you are a liar. Because that means that you look at your black neighbor and say that they’re oppressed and you look at your white neighbor and say that they are evil regardless of the experience that you’ve had with them. We’re not going to do that."


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Saturday, February 19, 2022 11:16 AM



Three Democratic members of San Francisco’s school board were recalled for what critics called misplaced priorities during the pandemic.


Saturday, February 19, 2022 11:20 AM


Yeah. I already posted about that one.

Not looking good for Democrats going into election season when 3 Leftist school board members in San Fransisco were voted out with at least 70% of voters in every district voting to kick their woke asses to the curb.

The only thing CRT is going to accomplish is making school board candidates have a (D) or (R) next to their names in the future. It's already happened in quite a few states, my own included.

We're taking out the trash.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Saturday, February 19, 2022 11:26 AM



'What Are The Democrats Doing?': Progressive Policies Overshadow Real Wins


Saturday, February 19, 2022 11:33 AM


Scarborrow Joe murdered his intern.

You shouldn't let Scarborrow Joe or his demon friend Mika tell you what to think anymore.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Saturday, February 19, 2022 12:00 PM



As Fox News Caught Lying About Biden, Dems Eye Obama's Insight


Saturday, February 19, 2022 4:10 PM


Nobody cares what Barry thinks either.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Tuesday, March 1, 2022 9:15 AM


With the push will come a push back

Trudeau has tried to demonize the Truckers, called them racists and Nazis and KKK Hitler Alt-Right types.

Curtis Yarvin although very smart is something of neoreactionary or 'Dark Enlightenment' cult and "neo- monarchist" crackpot.

'Saint-Just and the Canadian truckers'


Friday, March 18, 2022 12:30 PM


Teaching Hate: Progressive State Is Making Sure Racism Exists Forever


Friday, March 18, 2022 2:57 PM


Nothing more racist than a rich, white Leftist and their useful idiot hateful POC pets.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Tuesday, March 22, 2022 9:41 PM


American Bar Assoc now demands that nobody graduate Law School until they have completed CRT Courses.


Saturday, March 26, 2022 8:31 AM


school board president in Michigan freaks out and attacks "queer" treasurer, grabbing her hair, slamming her head into a table and giving her a concussion.

Judge Jackson dodges critical race theory, abortion questions during Senate hearing


Monday, April 18, 2022 7:02 AM


The Brooklyn Subway Shooting

Florida rejects 54 math textbooks over ‘prohibited topics’ including critical race theory

Florida nixes dozens of math textbooks over critical race theory, Common Core standards


Monday, April 18, 2022 9:36 AM


Good for Florida.

I made the prediction long ago, but DeSantis will be President in our lifetime.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Monday, April 18, 2022 10:56 AM


Anybody else heard of the new CRT - The Musical? Celebrating this Racism is, of course, NYC.


Saturday, November 19, 2022 6:20 AM


Judge puts Brakes on DeSantis 'WOKE Act'

'U.S. District Judge Mark Eaton Walker'----appointed by Barky Obama, issued a preliminary injunction prohibiting enforcement of the law.


Monday, December 26, 2022 6:26 AM


North Carolina professor claims he was FIRED by prestigious high school for criticizing critical race theory

Professor fired for critical race theory criticism: lawsuit


Monday, December 26, 2022 9:40 AM


Of course he was. He will win his lawsuit.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, January 19, 2023 8:20 AM


African American studies “is inexplicably contrary to Florida law and significantly lacks educational value"

DeSantis Blocks AP African-American Studies Course for Breaking Florida’s Anti-CRT Law

next Gay study, women's studies, area ethnic cultural study, and group studies, film study art, theater literature, other shemale He-female tomboy gender islamo communist studies, Political Science, Fashion design, Tranny study etc.


Sunday, January 29, 2023 5:41 PM



Sunday, January 29, 2023 6:55 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
When Protesters Cry 'Defund The Police,' What Does It Mean?

It means that their parents never gave them a good smack when they needed it and they went to college and got a Liberal Arts degree.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Monday, February 13, 2023 9:25 PM


Photo goes viral of Kari Lake refusing to stand during Black national anthem before Super Bowl


Monday, March 6, 2023 2:59 PM


‘Coming for our check’: State task force wants strong new agency to handle reparations

California residents await key decisions by reparations task force

Nearly two years into the California reparations task force’s work, the group still has yet to make key decisions


Wednesday, March 8, 2023 10:21 AM



Wednesday, March 29, 2023 12:58 PM



Thursday, March 30, 2023 4:45 AM


They lost a few Low IQ imbeciles and dumb idiots from Diverse Ethnic Races?

Selective colleges lose diversity with affirmative action ban, study finds


Wednesday, April 5, 2023 8:08 AM



Thursday, May 11, 2023 6:23 AM







Elections; 2024
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In the garden, and RAIN!!! (2)
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Kamala Harris for President
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Russia Invades Ukraine. Again
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Go Joe Biden Go
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Israeli War
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Trunp loses again in Court
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January 6th Commission investigating coup attempt. Hey Jack, I Was Right
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Why does THUGR shit up the board by bumping his pointless threads?
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Elon Musk
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Tucker Carlson
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