Russia & Nazis

UPDATED: Monday, December 11, 2023 11:20
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Tuesday, March 22, 2022 1:00 PM


... stay crunchy...

Kamil Galeev
Galina Starovoitova Fellow
. MLitt in History, St Andrews. MA in China Studies, Peking University

"Let's discuss Putin speech. He declared Ukrainians to be "Neonazis" and promised to "denazify" them. Indeed the "Nazi" character of Ukrainian statehood and identity has long been a central thesis of Russian propaganda. Let's discuss why and how it reflects ideology of Putinism"

"Why Russia uses it ("nazi")? First, because it's compatible with Russian foundation myth that rulers in Kremlin are saint because once they defeated the Nazi Germany. Ofc they won't tell that it was Kremlin that built up Nazi military might and allied with them on the early stages of WWII"

WWII - Russian Front

Stalin expected that Hitler might attack. But he believed that Soviet army was strong enough to repel them quickly. On paper he had much more tanks, guns, planes. So when Hitler did attack on June 22, 1941, Stalin was calm. He ordered his troops to beat them off and counterattack

For a few days he believed the plan is working. And you know why? Nobody dared to tell him it's not. So he was calm and content, everything working perfectly.

< Gee, that sounds familiar! That's probably why Putin's butt cheeks are still clenched. He recalled how Stalin had beem lied to just as he has been in Ukraine >

Only on June 29, a week after the war started he learnt that Minsk has fallen. That meant the road on Moscow is open

How was it possible? Minsk was covered by the strongest army USSR had, the Western Front, administered by the Belarus Military District. Stalin called the People's Commissariat (=Ministry) of Defence and asked what is the situation on the Western Front. They couldn't say anything

Stalin was alarmed. He ordered Molotov, Malenkov, Beriya and Mikoyan to get into car and they all drove to the Comissariat. Stalin told to connect him with the Belarus Military District. Zhukov told there's no connection. And Stalin realised the Western Army doesn't exist anymore

He yelled at Zhukov so hard, that Zhukov ran out to another room and wept. When Politburo members left the Comissariat, Stalin told:

- Lenin left us the great state and we wasted it

Stalin left to his dacha alone

Politburo members divided. Voznesensky said that if Stalin doesn't care , then Molotov should lead the state. Molotov refused. They all went to Stalin's dacha. Stalin looked very badly and asked why did they come. Mikoyan thought - Stalin feared that they came to arrest him

Molotov said they must form a Defence Committee to run the country. And Stalin should lead it:

- Ok - said Stalin. He looked surprised

On July 6 chief of Soviet military intelligence general-lieutenant Golikov departed to London to discuss coordination of efforts in this war

Thus the USSR allied with the US and the UK. USA organised lend lease: enormous military help in food, in fuel, in vehicles, in armament. They supplied Soviet Army for the entire war. Otherwise USSR would lose, its supply chains being disrupted by the German advance

In the course of the war the narrative changed again. Now nobody would admit that the USSR wanted the war, that it built up the German military machine as an ice-breaker against the West. No, the USSR was peaceful, consistently anti-Nazi, the force of light against the darkness

It was a lie but a convenient lie. The alliance would be diffucult if Western powers admitted the truth: that the Soviets were purposefully building up the German military machine and de facto allied with Hitler in 1939-1931 dividing Eastern Europe together. So the West bought it

That's how a myth of the anti-Nazi USSR was borne. It was recognised by the West which didn't want to question the role of its allies in building up the Nazi military machine. After belief in Communism died, it became a legitimising myth of the Soviet state, inherited by Russia

It didn't only legitimise every single regime in Kremlin which was saint and holy because Soviets defeated the Nazis (whose military they built up). It also became a universal tool of Russian imperialism, a weapon against any Eastern Europeans resisting the encroachment of Moscow

In the most extreme case it takes the form of the narrative about "traitorous ethnicities" ??????-?????????. Many ethnicities were accused of collaborating with Nazis and deported en masse from their homeland to wastelands of Siberia and Kazakhstan. Mortality was enormous

Let's examine this narrative by checking the timeline. The ethnic-based deportations and massacres started long before the war. In 1936 Ukrainian Poles were deported to Kazakstan en masse. In 1937 - Far Eastern Koreans. In 1938 - Chinese

Consider the Great Purge of 1937-1938. 111 071 "spies" were executed within the Polish operation, 41 898 during the Germans one , 5439 during Romanian. Huge number of Finns, Latvians, Ingermanlands and others were included into shooting lists simply for being minorities

The USSR was already conducting huge ethnic cleansings before the war, before any collaboration with the Nazis could even start. The war didn't really change anything - it allowed Soviets to carry on but now with a perfect excuse. We're cleansing minorities because they're Nazi

Does it mean there was no collaboration? There was, and it was massive. Stalin's regime was widely hated, and many saw the war as a chance to overthrow it. Btw ethnic Russians joined Nazis the most massively. Pro-German Russian Liberation Army had more than a million soldiers

Russian Liberation army used tradition symbolics of Russian Empire, like the red-blue-white tricolour which Russia uses now. In 1945 these flags were thrown to the Red Square together with swastikas. That's why old Soviet veterans viewed new Russian flag as "Nazi", Vlasov's flag

The "anti-Nazi" narrative of Russian authorities is simply a weapon against those Eastern Europeans who wouldn't submit to their will. Russia points to "pro-Nazi" symbolics in Eastern Europe. Meanwhile, according to the same logic Russia uses the Nazi flag and symbols

Grim truth is that Nazis found *some* support pretty much everywhere they came. In all Europe there were people who would join Naxis. Reasons varied: survival, career, revenge. Many minority nationalists, e.g. Slovak ones, felt discriminated and hoped to achieve independence

Consistent "anti-Nazi" struggle as understood by Moscow, when entire ethnicities are forever tainted and accursed because some of their members joined Nazis many decades ago, would require ethnic cleansing, well, of entire Europe. Including Russia itself

< sounds too familar >

Of course Russia wouldn't do it consistently. It would rather use it as a weapon to silence any foreign opposition to its domination. If you don't submit and surrender to Putin, that proves you are Nazi. That's some real reductio ad Hitlerum scaled up

Why Russia uses it? First, because it's compatible with Russian foundation myth that rulers in Kremlin are saint because once they defeated the Nazi Germany. Ofc they won't tell that it was Kremlin that built up Nazi military might and allied with them on the early stages of WWII

Some Russians know what BS it is. There's a joke:

- Every true patriot knows that Russian history started in 1941. And only traitors lie that it started in 1939

It reflects that WWII is a foundation myth of Russian regime and that Kremlin lies about its true role in the war

Second reason is that the West first bought this convenient lie, in order not to question the origins of Nazi military might, and continues buying it. Persisting in feel-good-lies is emotionally easy. But it will cost a heavy price that the West is only starting to pay. End


Tuesday, March 22, 2022 4:30 PM


Great post G. Now brace yourself. Signym is preparing a twenty page brief for her response to your post, your thread. Not to worry. If she posts a large diatribe I'll cut and past it in her gardens thread. She hates when I do that, and I do do that.



Tuesday, March 22, 2022 4:46 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

There is a strong and violent Nazi element in Ukraine (local militia, "national guard", internal security, Azov Battalion) that has an effective stranglehold on government officials.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Tuesday, March 22, 2022 6:16 PM


Only Ted gets to decide who is and isn't a Nazi.

Get fucked, Ted.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Wednesday, March 23, 2022 2:52 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SignyM:
There is a strong and violent Nazi element in Ukraine (local militia, "national guard", internal security, Azov Battalion) that has an effective stranglehold on government officials.

And so therefore, logically, let’s bomb the sht out of Ukrainian women and children and fck the world economy and leave a 100 year stain on the people of Russia? Brilliant. How many people in Russia- if they knew the truth- do you think want this?


Wednesday, March 23, 2022 7:17 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Tell Ukie Nazis to stop using women an children as human shields and tell them to stop shooting civilians who are fleeing.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Wednesday, March 23, 2022 9:21 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Tell Ukie Nazis to stop using women an children as human shields…

Is every Ukraine male a Nazi? Because Russia is bombing civilians everywhere.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
….and tell them to stop shooting civilians who are fleeing.

Why would they shoot their own “human shields?”

Or Putin could just uninvade.

You embarrass the fck out of yourself with every post.


Wednesday, March 23, 2022 9:40 AM


where's Revarfan when you need him?

it was amazing how everything broke down so fast into Godwin law or Godwin's rule

Reaver bot used make death threats each and every day against anything that might be something ....then throw around Nazi term at least 25 times a day


Wednesday, March 23, 2022 10:53 AM



Here's a hint though. If you get deep enough under Second's skin, he starts posting like his alter-ego Reaverfan.

Reaverfan was Second's sockpuppet.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Wednesday, March 23, 2022 11:34 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Reaverfan was Second's sockpuppet.

As Western intelligence showed that Russia was preparing to invade Ukraine, Mr. Putin declared Ukraine an American colony with a “puppet regime” and denied that he planned an invasion.

In the United States, Mr. Tucker Carlson (FOX News) also called Ukraine “an obedient puppet of the Biden State Department.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, March 23, 2022 11:38 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Reaverfan was Second's sockpuppet.

As Western intelligence showed that Russia was preparing to invade Ukraine, Mr. Putin declared Ukraine an American colony with a “puppet regime” and denied that he planned an invasion.

That's been true since 2014 when we staged a coup on Ukraine's democratically elected President and put the track suit wearing puppet Z in there, Marcos.

Just because Putin says it, doesn't mean it isn't true.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Wednesday, March 23, 2022 12:36 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Why would they shoot their own “human shields?”
Because they were trying to flee i.e not be human shields anymore.

What good is a human shield if it doesn't stay put?
Shooting some and leaving their bodies on the street keeps others from trying the same.

Were you born stupid?
Or do you have to work at it?
You embarass yourself with every post!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Wednesday, March 23, 2022 12:52 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Ukraine Blocks Trans Women Refugees: "They Are Men, Must Go Back & Fight"

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Wednesday, March 23, 2022 1:05 PM



"You mean I cut my dick off for nothing????"



Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Wednesday, March 23, 2022 1:34 PM



Originally posted by CAPTAINCRUNCH:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Tell Ukie Nazis to stop using women an children as human shields…

Is every Ukraine male a Nazi? Because Russia is bombing civilians everywhere.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
….and tell them to stop shooting civilians who are fleeing.

Why would they shoot their own “human shields?”

Or Putin could just uninvade.

You embarrass the fck out of yourself with every post.

G, I’ve always known Signym is a lying Russian troll but two days ago I was reading one of her posts and had an epiphany, an eye opening moment. Signym is unquestionably a moron. Really G, her arguments would be laughed out of a fifth grade level debate.

What she is posting is just as absurd as the madness Jack posts, like, no one died of COVID. Or, there is no evidence there is a war between Russia and Ukraine. No one is dying there.

Holy shit G, Signym really is stupid.



Wednesday, March 23, 2022 1:45 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by THG:

G, I’ve always known Signym is a lying Russian troll but two days ago I was reading one of her posts and had an epiphany, an eye opening moment. Signym is unquestionably a moron. Really G, her arguments would be laughed out of a fifth grade level debate.

What she is posting is just as absurd as the madness Jack posts, like, no one died of COVID. Or, there is no evidence there is a war between Russia and Ukraine. No one is dying there.

Holy shit G, Signym really is stupid.

Yup. There is no defense or justification for her Russian fandom other than pretending to be stupid or shameless lying. And she doesn't really care.

It's dumb af. So much for having, "genuine conversation like we used to" that she always whines about. Yet another lie.


Wednesday, March 23, 2022 1:48 PM


... stay crunchy...

SIG: "What good is a human shield if it doesn't stay put?
Shooting some and leaving their bodies on the street keeps others from trying the same."

You would know better than me.


Wednesday, March 23, 2022 3:32 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

SIG: "What good is a human shield if it doesn't stay put?
Shooting some and leaving their bodies on the street keeps others from trying the same."

You would know better than me.



Wednesday, March 23, 2022 3:52 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by captaincrunch:
SIG: "What good is a human shield if it doesn't stay put?
Shooting some and leaving their bodies on the street keeps others from trying the same."

You would know better than me.

That's a pretty low bar, considering you know next to nothing and can't think your way out of a paper bag.

You've never watched hostage dramas on TV? Maybe if we called them "hostages" instead of "human shields" you might figure it out?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Wednesday, March 23, 2022 4:02 PM


Putin says 'unfriendly countries' must buy Russian oil and gas in rubles.

From the 'batshit crazy' topic


Originally posted by SIGNYM:


Moscow the Kremlin only had four supporters
'Belarus, Eritrea, North Korea and Syria

If you look at a map of the world and who is sanctioning Russia v who is not, the sanctioners are a tiny portion in a sea of nations that still trade with Russia.

Biden/Democrat Policies Sent Gas Prices Soaring Well-Before Ukraine War


Wednesday, March 23, 2022 4:09 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

In Kharkiv’s Rubble, Hatred for Russia Is Strong

Once great admirers and friends, residents have now nothing but contempt and worse for the invaders

“Russian terrorists did this. … And my father is Russian, from Belgorod!” Galina, a 63-year-old cashier, says as she pulls her belongings from the wreckage of what used to be her apartment. As she gestures at the rubble behind her, she tells us, “They dumped an enormous bomb from a plane over there, at what used to be our flat.” Galina and her husband, Sergey, also 63, have not left the city because they have nowhere to go. “Anyway, [President Vladimir] Putin’s tentacles are reaching everywhere, even to Lviv,” she says, referring to an airstrike on a volunteer base that killed dozens of soldiers several days ago across the country in western Ukraine. “He has to be stopped. He has to be killed — that is the only way.”

The foundations of half-a-dozen apartments remain, but the front walls have been blown off and most people’s possessions lie on the ground among the smashed stones. It is here that Galina and Sergey rummage through the wreckage trying to salvage what they can. The husks of two cars, now just piles of twisted black metal, lie on the street outside.

Despite the carnage that has been inflicted on the people of Kharkiv, they say that their relatives in Russia refuse to believe that anything untoward has happened to them. The irony, Galina says, is that “Kharkiv is — or at least was — a pro-Russian city! Everyone here speaks Russian and has family over the border.” But now sympathies for Russia have evaporated, replaced with burning hatred. Perhaps unexpectedly, it is here in the Russian-speaking east that you hear the most passionate denunciations of Putin and the Russian attack on Ukraine.

Previously, western Ukraine, with its closer links to central European countries like Poland and Slovakia, where Ukrainian is the dominant language, was the most fiercely anti-Russian part of the country. Yet you could still find people here who would say that they do not blame ordinary Russians for the actions of their government and lay the blame for the war on Putin. You do not hear this anywhere now in the east.

Animosity toward Russia has sharpened among people in the east for two main reasons. First, eastern Ukraine has borne the brunt of the indiscriminate destruction that Putin has unleashed. Kharkiv and Mariupol have suffered brutal and cruel bombardments. The second factor is proximity to Russia — and not just in geographical and cultural terms. For many, this feels like a deep family betrayal, as if it is their siblings and cousins firing the shots. In some cases, it is.

“If you call to Moscow — our friends have relatives there — they don’t believe any of it. A sister was looking at her brother in the hospital over video. Her brother had been wounded, and she would not believe him. She said, ‘You did this to yourself; you are fighting a war among yourselves.’ ”

The other excuse they use is: “ ‘It was the neo-Nazis who did this. Russians are here to liberate you from them,’ ” Galina fumes. “Well, all they’ve done so far is liberate us from our apartments!”

As we walked past a university building in central Kharkiv that had been blown to pieces by a GRAD rocket barrage, a local woman stopped me and pointed to the mess saying, “This was all built by imperial Russia! It’s Russian bombing Russian.”

The Russians have claimed to be striking only military targets. But in our time in Kharkiv, we saw every type of building imaginable in ruins: primary schools, apartment blocks, university residences, hospitals. It seemed that every street we drove down had more damage than the last. The destruction in the center is orders of magnitude higher than that in Kyiv.

Alexei, a 45-year-old retired police commander, was in bed when a rocket struck his apartment block three days ago. The strike came at daybreak, blowing off his unit’s windows and doors. His wife was severely injured and is currently recovering in the hospital, while his infant son suffered light injuries. Alexei showed me a phone video he took shortly after the raid in which he holds his crying son, covered in blood. The air raid siren is ringing in the background.

The locals say that the Russians will often wait until shortly after the morning curfew ends at 6, when everyone goes to line up at supermarkets for supplies. Then, they will unleash their artillery in an attempt to scare the civilian population into submission.

For all the destruction, the mood among Kharkiv residents is surprisingly upbeat. “The first week was awful,” Deva, our driver, says. “Now we are just used to it; this is our lives. If we go more than two days without a big explosion, we think, ‘That is strange, what is going wrong?!’”

When we visited an underground bar that has been transformed into a volunteer center that prepares meals and medicines for soldiers, everyone was smiling and laughing, offering us food and coffee while watching a Premier League football match — Arsenal vs. Aston Villa — on a flatscreen TV. The major adaptation to their lives, they say, comes from sleeping in their tattoo parlor, located underground.

The atmosphere at other volunteer centers, such as those in Odesa and Dnipro, are much more tense, with people constantly asking for our documents and expressing their concern that they could be targeted by rockets. Karkhivites assume that they have seen the worst already. If Putin has not been able to make inroads into the city after a month, there is little reason to expect he will do better soon, they say.

Still the anxiety is palpable. While walking midafternoon with our Ukrainian colleagues, my team and I were accosted by a police officer whose breath stunk of alcohol. He confiscated my phone and camera, and as he pointed his gun at my head, he screamed: “Why do you need to do interviews?! Why do you need to take photos?!” When we explained we were journalists, he did not understand the concept. Thankfully, his colleagues quickly calmed him down and gave me back my possessions.

Many Ukrainians now think that the carnage is not just the result of one group or Russian citizens but that it stems from a deep-rooted way of thinking based on a rosy interpretation of Russian history.

Roksolana Olyarchuk, a 31-year-old from Ternopil who works for the Ukraine Institute promoting national culture abroad, said, “After this, Russia needs to go through a reeducation process. The idea of the Russian imperium, that every child in school is brought up with, needs to be torn out. The idea of Russian superiority — they think that because Russia has some great cultural history, it can impose its will on those around it. Even younger people, Russians of our generation, believe in these ideas. What happened to Germany after the Second World War, when they de-Nazified and rejected the idea of a German empire — this needs to happen to Russia.”

Galina’s aims, for now, are simpler: “All we want is at least to see our granddaughter grow. So that she can grow up in peace and not have to see this horror,” she says, wiping away a tear.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, March 23, 2022 4:11 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Not crazy, smart.

So far, all of the disruptions in oil and other commodity prices have been due to WESTERN sanctions. All of the disruptions in finances have been due to WESTERN sanctions. Russia had NOT counter sanctioned anything.

Can I help it if we're stupid enough to use all of our ammo shooting ourselves in the door?

But since THE WEST initiated a full-on assault on the ruble by blocking Russian Central Bank foreign assets and making it almost impossible to exchange rubles for dollars, Russia is smart to demand payment in rubles.

This does two things:

It raises the value of the ruble by increasing foreign demand, and

It effectively reduces gas flow to the EU without breaking a single contract by making purchase more difficult.

Sorry if you don't like Russia's response to western sanctions, maybe bc you perceive it to be an effective one.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Wednesday, March 23, 2022 5:00 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Most of you are a waste of time.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Wednesday, March 23, 2022 8:05 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SignyM:
SIG: "What good is a human shield if it doesn't stay put?
Shooting some and leaving their bodies on the street keeps others from trying the same."

You have any cites for this "human shield" behavior? Any?


Wednesday, March 23, 2022 8:14 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SignyM:
Not crazy, smart.

So far, all of the disruptions in oil and other commodity prices have been due to WESTERN sanctions. All of the disruptions in finances have been due to WESTERN sanctions. Russia had NOT counter sanctioned anything.

Can I help it if we're stupid enough to use all of our ammo shooting ourselves in the door?

But since THE WEST initiated a full-on assault on the ruble by blocking Russian Central Bank foreign assets and making it almost impossible to exchange rubles for dollars, Russia is smart to demand payment in rubles.

This does two things:

It raises the value of the ruble by increasing foreign demand, and

It effectively reduces gas flow to the EU without breaking a single contract by making purchase more difficult.

Sorry if you don't like Russia's response to western sanctions, maybe bc you perceive it to be an effective one.

Uh-huh. " Russia is smart to demand payment in rubles." Sure, shoot yourself in the other foot. They didn't "demand," they requested rubbles because they can't take USD because of sanctions.

"Moscow’s stock exchange is tiny, with a market capitalization of about $773 billion at the end of last year, according to the World Federation of Exchanges. That is dwarfed by the New York Stock Exchange, where the total of all equities is roughly $28 trillion.

The average exposure by a U.S. investor through a mutual fund or retirement account to Russia is exceedingly small, according to Ben Johnson, director of global ETF research at Morningstar.

“If someone is holding a traditional 60% stock, 40% bond portfolio matched to a global index, their exposure to Russia would be roughly 0.02% of their portfolio,” Johnson said. “Russia barely registers.”

The reopening of Russia’s stock market has only minimal economic significance compared with the heavy weight of U.S.-led sanctions. A myriad of U.S., European and Japanese companies have pulled out of the country; there have been bank runs and panic buying of staples like sugar; and Russia’s currency, the ruble, has been beaten down."


Wednesday, March 23, 2022 9:45 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

CAPON. Yes, I do.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Thursday, March 24, 2022 9:18 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SignyM:
CAPON. Yes, I do.



Thursday, March 24, 2022 9:27 AM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by SignyM:
SIG: "What good is a human shield if it doesn't stay put?
Shooting some and leaving their bodies on the street keeps others from trying the same."

You have any cites for this "human shield" behavior? Any?

Ukrainians accuse Russians of holding hostages in Mariupol hospital

Russian troops were holding civilians captive at a hospital in Mariupol on Tuesday, a Ukrainian official said.

The head of Donetsk’s regional administration, Pavlo Kyrylenko, said on his official Telegram that doctors and patients were being held against their will in the city’s regional intensive care facility, also known as Hospital Number 2, CNN reported.

“It is impossible to get out of the hospital. They shoot hard, we sit in the basement,” an unnamed hospital employee said, according to Kyrylenko.

“Cars have not been able to drive to the hospital for two days. High-rise buildings around us are burning … the Russians have rushed 400 people from neighboring buildings to our hospital. We can’t leave.”

When I searched Russians' holding hostage's G links were everywhere. And not from sources like zerohedge.



Thursday, March 24, 2022 9:32 AM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by SignyM:

CAPON. Yes, I do.


['ka?pän, 'ka?p?n]
a castrated male chicken fattened for eating.

So comrade, when do we eat?



Thursday, March 24, 2022 8:41 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SignyM:
CAPON. Yes, I do.

Ok... let's ... see... them...


Thursday, March 24, 2022 8:42 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SignyM:
CAPON. Yes, I do.

Maybe this will help:


Friday, March 25, 2022 8:33 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SignyM:
Yes, I do.



Friday, March 25, 2022 11:43 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by SignyM:
CAPON. Yes, I do.

Maybe this will help:

What does that say? I guess you know Russian better than I do!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Friday, March 25, 2022 2:44 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

What does that say? I guess you know Russian better than I do!

I'm fluent in Google.

It says "where are the cites you said you had?"


Friday, March 25, 2022 3:36 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
What does that say? I guess you know Russian better than I do!

I'm fluent in Google.

It says "where are the cites you said you had?"

More importantly now G, are going to be all the stories in the press telling how the Russians are declaring victory. How they are moving their troops and focus to the Donbas area. They are claiming they denazified Ukraine and dismantled the Ukrainian army.

Wait for it G. It'll be in the news any moment now. I think they watched NATO and Biden having a grand old time today and vowing their continued support for the sanctions going forward.

How funny is this shit Hey Signym, I told you so.



Friday, March 25, 2022 3:48 PM


Russian focus on ‘liberating’ Donbas hints at shift in strategy

Ukrainian resistance may mean that Russia is changing its strategy to more limited goals and focusing on Donbas.

Russia has claimed that the first phase of its “military operation” in Ukraine was mostly complete, and that it would focus on completely “liberating” eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region.

The announcement on Friday appeared to indicate that Russia may be switching to more limited goals after running into fierce Ukrainian resistance in the first month of the war in Ukraine.

“The main objectives of the first stage of the operation have generally been accomplished,” Sergei Rudskoi, head of the Russian General Staff’s Main Operational Directorate, said.

Signym, it's too bad for me you can't see me yelling "hey Signym, I told you so" G, you gotta love it.



Friday, March 25, 2022 4:48 PM


A Russian Commander Was Killed By His Own Troops, Western Officials Have Revealed

Russian troops killed one of their own commanders due to the losses being suffered during the invasion of Ukraine, Western officials have said.

It is also believed Vladimir Putin has decided to “pause” his attempt to take Kyiv in order to concentrate his forces on the Donbas region in the east of the country.

Russian troops have unexpectedly “found themselves in a hornets’ nest and are suffering really badly”, a Western official said, leading to widespread morale problems.

As the advance falters, Russian soldiers are said to have killed one of their own senior officers.

“We believe he was killed by his own troops deliberately. Indeed we believe he was run over by his own troops,” an official said.

In addition, another Russian general is believed to have been killed by Ukrainian forces, taking the total since the start of the war to seven.



Friday, March 25, 2022 6:53 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Don't mistake your ignorance for knowledge.

Various non- mainstream analysts have been saying for WEEKS while western press has a laser focus on Kiev, the real fighting is in the southeast- the Donbas. They have been saying for WEEKS that the intention was never to take Kiev, that the only reason to put troops there is to pin down Ukie troops so they can't reinforce the troops in the SE. Every action has been to cut reinforcements and supplies ro the SE, bc that's where Kiev had stationed most of its troops to blitzkrieg the DPR-LPR.

Just bc western press has turned it's attention doesn't mean Russia has, too.

If you don't believe me, just pick any Duran video that discusses the military situation in Ukraine, and you will hear them saying the same thing over and iver- Western press has focused in Kiev, Russia has always focused on the Donbas.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Friday, March 25, 2022 7:26 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SignyM:
Don't mistake your ignorance for knowledge.

Various non- mainstream analysts have been saying for WEEKS while western press has a laser focus on Kiev, the real fighting is in the southeast- the Donbas. They have been saying for WEEKS that the intention was never to take Kiev, that the only reason to put troops there is to pin down Ukie troops so they can't reinforce the troops in the SE. Every action has been to cut reinforcements and supplies ro the SE, bc that's where Kiev had stationed most of its troops to blitzkrieg the DPR-LPR.

Just bc western press has turned it's attention doesn't mean Russia has, too.

If you don't believe me, just pick any Duran video that discusses the military situation in Ukraine, and you will hear them saying the same thing over and iver- Western press has focused in Kiev, Russia has always focused on the Donbas.

If that was always Putin's plan, Putin is crazy. If they'd done only Donbas from the start this whole thing would have been another Crimea: a quick, easy sprint that would have left the world with a fait accompli it could do little about. And it would have solidified Putin's reputation for military genius instead of turning into a long, grinding war that's done nothing but expose the Russian military as far less capable than anyone imagined, including Putin.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, March 25, 2022 8:26 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Once again you expose your ignorance. Sorry that you can't be bothered to understand reality.


Bloomberg writes further of the Russian commander's surprising words, "Rudskoi claimed Russian troops have surrounded several major cities but deliberately didn’t seek to take them, instead aiming to pin Ukrainian troops down. His comments were the most detailed official accounting of Russian military performance since the Feb. 24 invasion."

Non- mainstream analysts have been saying this for WEEKS. I have posted similar musings and even IIRC a link to a video titled something like "the destruction of armies, not the taking of cities". If you can't find the link in my posts, go to The Duran on YouTube, you will see a video with that kind of title.

Mercouris has been saying that the west doesn't understand Russian military strategy bc it is based on von Clausewitz, which nobody seems to know about.
Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Friday, March 25, 2022 8:34 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SignyM:
Don't mistake your ignorance for knowledge.

Various non- mainstream analysts have been saying for WEEKS while western press has a laser focus on Kiev, the real fighting is in the southeast- the Donbas. They have been saying for WEEKS that the intention was never to take Kiev, that the only reason to put troops there is to pin down Ukie troops so they can't reinforce the troops in the SE. Every action has been to cut reinforcements and supplies ro the SE, bc that's where Kiev had stationed most of its troops to blitzkrieg the DPR-LPR.

Just bc western press has turned it's attention doesn't mean Russia has, too.

If you don't believe me, just pick any Duran video that discusses the military situation in Ukraine, and you will hear them saying the same thing over and iver- Western press has focused in Kiev, Russia has always focused on the Donbas.

“We meant to fck up!”

Good one Sigs! All that destruction of war material and soldiers, crash their economy, risk losing the value of their main revenue utility, unite NATO and the West, drive out educated Russians by the tens of thousands… as a feint so they can finally try to take Donbas?!?! Which they already largely control. Damn! That’s really stupid!


Friday, March 25, 2022 8:36 PM




Friday, March 25, 2022 9:07 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Reading comprehension grade: F.

Have Russians ever committed to occupying Ukraine?

Then, what is their "end" goal? It's been repeated often enough. Surely you remember by now!

You're confusing goals (neutralize, de-Nazify) with strategy (destruction of armies).

Jeez, you're both stupid.

And you refuse to learn.


Look at Syria. Russia parses its interests very finely.

They allow Israeli strikes in Iranian and Syrian forces, but not on theirs, even tho they're all "on the same side".

They made extensive use of humanitarian corridors, which functioned as well as the occupying terrorists would let them.

They even allowed surrendering terrorists to leave Aleppo, Ghouta, and other contested cities to decamp with their families to Idlib.

They tolerate Erdogan s behavior until it becomes too egregious, then they whack him over the nose with a rolled up newspaper.

It's not "total war"/total destruction that we've come to expect, but has narrower goals and leaves the standing government intact. Seems as if they don't want to do what the USA does and destroy a nation AND create a power vacuum. I imagine they don't want to create failed states on/near their border, which we (USA) have no problems doing.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Friday, March 25, 2022 9:20 PM


I just saw 1970's Mark Hammill in scenes from The Mandalorian.

Nothing in Ukraine you're watching on TV is real.

Nothing is real anymore.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Saturday, March 26, 2022 10:44 AM


Regarding OP:

Was Trudeau indoctrinated in Russia?

Is that why he kept calling Freedom loving patriotic truckers "Swastikas" all the time, despite no swastikas being present?


Sunday, March 27, 2022 11:18 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Reading comprehension grade: F.

Have Russians ever committed to occupying Ukraine?

Then, what is their "end" goal? It's been repeated often enough. Surely you remember by now!

You're confusing goals (neutralize, de-Nazify) with strategy (destruction of armies).

Jeez, you're both stupid.

And you refuse to learn.


Look at Syria. Russia parses its interests very finely.

They allow Israeli strikes in Iranian and Syrian forces, but not on theirs, even tho they're all "on the same side".

They made extensive use of humanitarian corridors, which functioned as well as the occupying terrorists would let them.

They even allowed surrendering terrorists to leave Aleppo, Ghouta, and other contested cities to decamp with their families to Idlib.

They tolerate Erdogan s behavior until it becomes too egregious, then they whack him over the nose with a rolled up newspaper.

It's not "total war"/total destruction that we've come to expect, but has narrower goals and leaves the standing government intact. Seems as if they don't want to do what the USA does and destroy a nation AND create a power vacuum. I imagine they don't want to create failed states on/near their border, which we (USA) have no problems doing.

I hear reports that today Putin's missile salvos are turning Kiev to rubble.

Are these reports incorrect?
Or why this if Putin's goal is Donbas?


Monday, March 28, 2022 12:37 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I hear reports that today Putin's missile salvos are turning Kiev to rubble.

Are these reports incorrect?
Or why this if Putin's goal is Donbas?

Just playing Devil's Advocate here, but if your goal was a city named Donbas would you tell CNN and FOX News that your goal was a city named Donbas?


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Monday, March 28, 2022 4:48 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Russia Alleges Ukraine Torturing Russian POWs, Launches Probe After Videos Go Viral

Videos released last week of Ukrainian soldiers allegedly torturing Russian prisoners of war has invited widespread criticism of Ukraine’s leadership. The footage and its contents could not be independently verified by News18.

A Russian investigative committee will now launch a probe to see if excesses were committed to Russian POWs, news agency RT said in a report. The video was originally shared by Maria Dubovikova, an independent journalist.

The video shows Russian soldiers lying on the ground, some bleeding profusely and amid all the commotion a Ukrainian soldier allegedly shoots a Russian soldier on his leg and proceeds to beat all of the wounded Russian soldiers.

But there are no Nazis in Ukraine.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Monday, March 28, 2022 5:47 PM


Hey Signym, I told you so.



Monday, March 28, 2022 6:15 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Hey Signym, I told you so.

You told me that Ukrainians are committing war crimes?


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake






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