Any Conservative Media Around?

UPDATED: Monday, October 7, 2024 22:57
VIEWED: 8428
PAGE 3 of 4

Friday, April 23, 2021 4:56 PM


Apparently, a list of censored is at

Or maybe just a linky to;


Sunday, April 25, 2021 9:46 PM


Not really a media site, but it rates the political spectrum of businesses.


Saturday, May 1, 2021 6:42 AM


Newsmax or Oann?

In a statement, Newsmax admitted that while they did report — and in doing so — supported arguments and evidence brought forth by President Trump, among others, they themselves found no evidence of fraud.


Wednesday, May 26, 2021 7:00 PM



Friday, June 11, 2021 4:31 PM


Sun night on levintv the show is supposed to be about the Jan 6 investigations, and what has happened to those arrested - tey all seem to have vanished or something.


Tuesday, June 15, 2021 5:44 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Sun night on levintv the show is supposed to be about the Jan 6 investigations, and what has happened to those arrested - tey all seem to have vanished or something.

Tweets in the 20 hours following this Sunday broadcast reported that the "guards" had tightened down the screws to these imprisoned and solitary isolated yet uncharged victims of Democraps (Deep State).


Sunday, December 5, 2021 8:35 AM


The site still going strong the 'Voice of Europe' website is now a dead url 404 censored site, Drudge Report went more left, maybe its Anti-Trump now? There was a social emdia site group called moonbattery, is funny but I guess it is very political and calls out the 'Lunatic' left

Parler appears dead now, was never on it

Seems to be lots of rumble, Gab or bitchute these days


Tuesday, December 7, 2021 8:25 PM

JEWELSTAITEFAN seems like it is reality-based, fact-based, and center, well away from the left - aka "conservative"
Not completely sure, though. Need to check it out more.


Thursday, December 9, 2021 7:20 PM


Recently saw a News show called The National Desk on The CW.

The anchors openly used the terms Democrat Socialists and "far Left" - so I got the inkling that they were not Libtard Lemmings. Their reporting actually seemed balanced. I have seen their show previously, and don't recall seeing anything offensive to rational folk, so maybe they really are centrist, reasonable, and "conservative"

I'll need to watch more closely.

This is significant because this is a broadcast network, and it is the first unbiased, free-broadcast News Show that I have seen in....forever?


Thursday, December 9, 2021 7:24 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Recently saw a News show called The National Desk on The CW.

The anchors openly used the terms Democrat Socialists and "far Left" - so I got the inkling that they were not Libtard Lemmings. Their reporting actually seemed balanced. I have seen their show previously, and don't recall seeing anything offensive to rational folk, so maybe they really are centrist, reasonable, and "conservative"

I'll need to watch more closely.

This is significant because this is a broadcast network, and it is the first unbiased, free-broadcast News Show that I have seen in....forever?

You sure they're not trying to early-Steven Colbert you?

CW is pretty fuckin' woke.

*cough* Batwhaman *cough*


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Tuesday, December 14, 2021 1:04 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Recently saw a News show called The National Desk on The CW.

The anchors openly used the terms Democrat Socialists and "far Left" - so I got the inkling that they were not Libtard Lemmings. Their reporting actually seemed balanced. I have seen their show previously, and don't recall seeing anything offensive to rational folk, so maybe they really are centrist, reasonable, and "conservative"

I'll need to watch more closely.

This is significant because this is a broadcast network, and it is the first unbiased, free-broadcast News Show that I have seen in....forever?

I saw another segment tonight while channel surfing. Noticed what it was, and paused a while.
They started with the hilarious clip of the FEMA Bimbtard explaining that there is nothing that can be done about tornadoes because....Climate Change.
Then they had their Fact Check Team on it.
I swear they kept straight faces the whole segment. If there were grins or comedic music being played, I think it was in my head. They didn't sound like they've fallen for the narrative


Wednesday, December 15, 2021 8:03 PM


I'm not sure about this one, but I keep hearing about it. Certainly seems to give honest, factual reporting of Libtard media.


Wednesday, December 15, 2021 10:41 PM


Dont know if joking....but Babylon Bee as I understand is not conservative but absurd surreal like an online 'Weekly World News' or 'SatireWire' it is an absurd humor site a spoof news like 'The Onion' , The Daily WorseThanFailure, Walking Eagle News, Cracked dot com, MAD magazine or Charlie Hebdo but in our current insane world its hard to tell what is real or just insanity, there is also which covers real crazy news like the Tranny shit going on in US politics


Wednesday, December 15, 2021 11:14 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I'm not sure about this one, but I keep hearing about it. Certainly seems to give honest, factual reporting of Libtard media.

They're great. They have a youtube channel with a lot of cartoons they've done too. I was watching that a few years and didn't even know they had a website until recently.

"Fake News You Can Trust"

The sad part about it is that as absurdist as they are, their articles really aren't any more insane than what the Legacy Media passes off as news today.

A lot of their older stories from a few years back that were jokes are actually stuff that is making real headlines today.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Thursday, December 23, 2021 12:11 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Recently saw a News show called The National Desk on The CW.

The anchors openly used the terms Democrat Socialists and "far Left" - so I got the inkling that they were not Libtard Lemmings. Their reporting actually seemed balanced. I have seen their show previously, and don't recall seeing anything offensive to rational folk, so maybe they really are centrist, reasonable, and "conservative"

I'll need to watch more closely.

This is significant because this is a broadcast network, and it is the first unbiased, free-broadcast News Show that I have seen in....forever?

I saw another episode tonight. Seems it is a Sinclair Production.


Saturday, January 8, 2022 1:05 PM


What kind fo clownworld have we entered when the degenerate anarchy tranny weridness of 4chan became more conservative than Mainstream media?


Thursday, January 13, 2022 3:09 PM


The Dan Bongino Show is a radio talk show, in the time slot held by Rush Limbaugh until his death.

He seems to be having a tiff with his company, Cummulus Media, and sounds like he is challenging them to fire him. He is calling the CEO stupid. Sounds like his contract does not expire for at least 2 years, but he clearly stated he will not renew it, and is trying to get them to void it, saying so openly on air during his show broadcast.

Not often do folks get advance notice of a contract meltdown, so this is a heads up from me, in case you're interested.


Friday, January 14, 2022 2:26 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
The Dan Bongino Show is a radio talk show, in the time slot held by Rush Limbaugh until his death.

He seems to be having a tiff with his company, Cummulus Media, and sounds like he is challenging them to fire him. He is calling the CEO stupid. Sounds like his contract does not expire for at least 2 years, but he clearly stated he will not renew it, and is trying to get them to void it, saying so openly on air during his show broadcast.

Not often do folks get advance notice of a contract meltdown, so this is a heads up from me, in case you're interested.

Today the show is still called The Dan Bongino Show, but there is a different voice. Don't know if it was scheduled. Kira Davis of L.A. is filling in for Dan. I've never heard her before. Largely the same content, except she has much experience and info about covid screwing up female reproductive system, and female teenage suicide attempts jumping 51%.


Monday, January 17, 2022 7:27 PM


DirectTV/CNN has announced it will not continue the contract with One America News Network.
OANN was started in 2017 after the ATT board stated a desire to have a conservative news outlet.

Libtard lobby Midas Touch is taking credit for pressuring DirectTV to censor this outlet.


Friday, February 18, 2022 6:10 PM


Rumor has it that is the only source in Canada which is not Communist Government controlled.
Possibly The Sun is another.


Thursday, March 10, 2022 4:01 PM


Slippery slope between Conservative and Neocon is back?


Thursday, March 17, 2022 7:12 PM


Mark Levin Show on Sunday Night is scheduled to apply their long form interview format to guest Benyamin Netanyahu.

Could be the best of the year.


Thursday, March 17, 2022 7:33 PM


Another Dual-Citizen?

Any Judean-Zionist Media Around?


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Levin is from some bizzaro anti-America religious loon world, Michelle Malkin Leaves it all, she quit Mark Levin's CRTV After Merge with Glenn Beck's The Blaze, maybe it was a Good move by Michelle? Beck is a nutty one, religious loon and globalist shill. Does Levin tell you that some of these plantation owners were Jews, some who sold slaves were Jewish? Nathan Bedford Forres for example, you have other names like Daniel Burros and Grand Masonic Occult Wizard Jordan Gollub, or does he say no all those slave civil war crimes were done by Fellow White People? Even when modernized Democrats and Liberals were more moderate and centrist Mark Levin called to Disband the Democratic Party which 'birthed the KKK' ...which would have given him dictator power? I notice that Levin pushesd parasite politics he is always screeching and shouting for Americans to go and die in wars for Israel, since when did laundering money for 'Greatest Ally' and Bleeding and Dying and getting Maimed in their become a conservative position? Bashes ‘Putin Wing’ of Republican Party ...but
Why do these chicken hawks never ask for Israel to go fight their own Israeli wars, example fighting against Iran and instead want Americans to do all the bleeding, dying and fighting?

Controlled-Opposition perhaps?


Thursday, March 17, 2022 9:36 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Another Dual-Citizen?

Any Judean-Zionist Media Around?

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Levin is from some bizzaro anti-America religious loon world, Michelle Malkin Leaves it all, she quit Mark Levin's CRTV After Merge with Glenn Beck's The Blaze, maybe it was a Good move by Michelle? Beck is a nutty one, religious loon and globalist shill. Does Levin tell you that some of these plantation owners were Jews, some who sold slaves were Jewish? Nathan Bedford Forres for example, you have other names like Daniel Burros and Grand Masonic Occult Wizard Jordan Gollub, or does he say no all those slave civil war crimes were done by Fellow White People? Even when modernized Democrats and Liberals were more moderate and centrist Mark Levin called to Disband the Democratic Party which 'birthed the KKK' ...which would have given him dictator power? I notice that Levin pushesd parasite politics he is always screeching and shouting for Americans to go and die in wars for Israel, since when did laundering money for 'Greatest Ally' and Bleeding and Dying and getting Maimed in their become a conservative position? Bashes ‘Putin Wing’ of Republican Party ...but
Why do these chicken hawks never ask for Israel to go fight their own Israeli wars, example fighting against Iran and instead want Americans to do all the bleeding, dying and fighting?

Controlled-Opposition perhaps?

Are you Dual Citizen? Just visiting Earth?
Have you ever stepped foot in The United States? Or you only subscribe to freedom-avoiding Queen's Lands?

Mark Levin is a Constitutionalist, which concept seems to befuddle you. He regularly rails against Slavery advocates and other KKK stalwarts.

Modernized Democrats and Liberals have never been moderate or centrist, only Left Wing Extremist Fanatics and Loons. Moderates and Centrists in America are Republicans, Libertarians, Tea Party. Yes, The Democrat Party birthed the KKK, the enforcement arm of the racist Democrat Party - see, Levin even taught the likes of you about history.

What are you high on this time?

Are you claiming Levin has Dual Citizenship? Before or after serving the greatest President of our lifetimes?


Friday, March 18, 2022 6:29 AM


Levin for me is just a shit entertainer, loaded with Kissinger style politics but his stage show works for the old Boomer types who want to take it up the ass from a small section of weirdo globalist Israeli radicals or the type who take it up the tailpipe from weirdo who dressed in robes and hung out at some drunken blackmail party.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN

Have you ever stepped foot in The United States?

Yes I have and I have no problem with America defending itself against an attacker if someone attacks America it is America's right to destory that attacking person / terrorist / army, I have no problem with USA first, or getting better trade deals for itself.

but Levin? weird Media

He's a radio personality, sometimes shills for the military complex and hates the Democrat party wants it destoryed and hates both Rand Paul and Ron Paul. There are old school Conservative Democrats, Reagan Democrat, Classic Libertarian Democrats like Jim Webb, Tusli Gabbard, how is turning the USA into a DPRK style One-Party system going to help America, maybe it muight help Israel?

He does call out other Jewish when the time suits him, he called Jon Stewart "a knee-jerk idiot", and suggested that Stewart was a self-hating Jew.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Mark Levin is a Constitutionalist

A Constitutionalist for who? the Knesset, the Hu key HaYesod? Israel? this Jew Constitution has more in common with the British Monarchy and Saudi Arabia.
While trying to destroy the US political system, claiming to be a US Constitutionalist and hanging out Israeli radicals and hanging with loons like Beck, Glenn Beck who declared the 'greatest President' of your lifetimes is an “immoral man who is absent decency or dignity.” I wonder what did happen at those brotherhood sisterhood drunken college uni parties with lots of drugs going around, the 'Phi Beta Kappa Society' and riitual I think its called, hollyweirde Jew Paul Adelstein, George Stephanopoulos, Sonia Sotomayor, Kateryna Yushchenko, Jimmy Carter, Ashley Judd, Jeff Bezos, Woodrow Wilson, Susan Rice...a lot of interesting names have gone through these clubs and wore those robes at parties?
He is called 'The Great One,' coined by his Masonic Neocon Bomb-Iraq friend Sean Hannity. I have no idea why he's always on that Hannity show, perhaps there are some blackmail pictures out there of Hanity and himself at a party with some young girls or the C.I Gays young boys, as creepy and weird as Levin is at least he's not a Henry Kissinger. However Levin isn't big on free speech, he likes screech and shout into a microphone and call anyone he disagrees with "morons" and "pukes" usually while screaming full voice into the microphone. He works with Glenn Beck yet calls him 'The Backbencher with Tourettes' even used to call the 45th President 'Donald Chump'.
Levin called Donald Trump a "radical kook" for saying that WMDs were not found in Iraq, he thinks Iraq caused 911 and Saddam was going to Nuke America into dust.

He did publically support Orrin Hatch a guy on a Mission to Show Mormons Are Christians ... but then Orrin Hatch protected all religions' right to build weirdo temple jihadi mosque facilities on US private property? Orrin Hatch and Big Pharma well you see he links to this BillGates style foundation which Hatch helped start and has continued to support since, names like Walker, Global EU Jew British money, Martin & Hatch LLC and he was paid $120,000 by PhRMA to lobby Congress on pending U.S. Food and Drug Administration legislation, you see people can buy Hatch, rent him out and he likes Open-Borders and the LDS have now got into the business of smuggling illegals and refujihadis?

Which 'Greatest President' are you refering to? I doubt its Nixon or Ford so Is it Trump or the senile Ronnie Reagan??

I'm guessing its Trump


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Levin even taught the likes of you about history.

Levin taught me nothing, I barely listened to him

I'm not sure Levin could teach me much about history since I've read much from many parts of this Earth but then again I haven't read that much into the ritual Jewish weirdo historical stuff, maybe he could tell me about those weird parts of the Babylon Talmud that read almost as extreme as the Quran or Koran?

I agree with his citicism of illegal immigration, the banning of jihadi islamo gimmie-grants, rapefugees, refujihadists.

However soemtimes Levin seems to be one of those types that wants Walls-For-Israel to be built first, he will give his time and money to Mormon and Jewish scammers in Utah and the Wall for America to be finished last.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Or you only subscribe to freedom-avoiding Queen's Lands?

I hate Monarchy, be they the pedo Prince Andrew or the North Korea communist deity types

Perhaps a few times, maybe twice I have quoted Curtis Yarvin but I usually put a warning next to his posst saying 'fuck monarchy' or warning this guy I quote is a weird monarchist

I do however agree with a lot of what Levin said about the Obama-Biden admin that came after little Bush and before Trump but then again I haven't listened to him much to make a full judgement I just know he's up to something else. Back in 2014 Levin defended the islamics and jihadi mosque types and went off on an atheist caller about separation of church and state, he seems to give big support to kids dying in New York after some Diseased Rabbi passes on disease to kids as they bite the foreskins of babies.

Mohammedans have very similar rituals as they mutilate the genitals of little girls.

Both like open borders, both enjoy their animal torture kosher-halal rituals.

Sometimes the Judean type and Jihadi type can be one and the same?


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Are you claiming Levin has Dual Citizenship?

You are claiming he's using his show to give a platform to
'Benyamin Netanyahu'

Perhaps a guy who puts 'Greatest Ally' before America?

Levin seems to be immune to reality and facts and still promotes the whacked-out conspiracy theory that the United States found Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) in Iraq and the war was totally justified and legit...for defending Israel of course...

Would you finally change your tunes, change your mind if there were clips of him saying nice stuff about Ehud Barak and Jew-ffrey Epstein and that whole pedophile island blackmail thing?

Controlled-Opposition perhaps?


Friday, March 18, 2022 1:43 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Levin for me is just a shit entertainer

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN
Have you ever stepped foot in The United States?

Yes I have, but Levin? weird Media

He's a radio personality, sometimes shills for the military complex and hates the Democrat party wants it destoryed and hates both Rand Paul and Ron Paul. There are old school Conservative Democrats

OK, can't tell whether you are retarded or delusional - which do you admit to?


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Mark Levin is a Constitutionalist

A Constitutionalist for who?

I already pointed out this concept beffuddles you.

He is called 'The Great One,' coined by his Masonic Neocon Bomb-Iraq friend Sean Hannity. I have no idea why he's always on that Hannity show

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Levin even taught the likes of you about history.

Levin taught me nothing, I barely listened to him

I'm not sure Levin could teach me much about history

yet you already admitted that you learned from him that The Democrat Party birthed the Ku Klux Klan. Since you seem to have no clue what Levin talks about, nobody is surprised that you don't listen to him, while you pretend to describe falsely what he supposedly discusses.

I agree with his citicism of illegal immigration, the banning of jihadi islamo gimmie-grants, rapefugees, refujihadists.

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Or you only subscribe to freedom-avoiding Queen's Lands?

I hate Monarchy, be they the pedo Prince Andrew or the North Korea communist deity types

I do however agree with a lot of what Levin said about the Obama-Biden admin that came after little Bush and before Trump but then again I haven't listened to him much to make a full judgement I just know he's up to something else. Back in 2014 Levin defended the islamics and jihadi mosque types

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Are you claiming Levin has Dual Citizenship?

You are claiming he's using his show to give a platform to
'Benyamin Netanyahu'

Perhaps a guy who puts 'Greatest Ally' before America?

Levin seems to be immune to reality and facts and still promotes the whacked-out conspiracy theory that the United States found Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) in Iraq and the war was totally justified and legit...for defending Israel of course... ?


Friday, March 18, 2022 3:07 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

yet you already admitted that you learned from him that The Democrat Party birthed the Ku Klux Klan.

Nope, I knew about Democrats links to the Klan, Freemason and Wasp involvement, its links to Southern governors, the Kuklos Adelphon masonic fraternity in North Carolina, its links to Albert Pike and Confederate US Civil War veterans and I knew all this before Levin broadcasts got anywhere near my ears. A Klan guy called 'Duke' has run for office as a Democrat, as a Republican and Reformist Party? The newer Neo-Klan seems to have an almost infinate number of targets who are not Wasp White Christian, targets are African Americans, Jews, Latinos, Asian Americans, Catholics, Native Americans as well as immigrants, leftists, homosexuals, moslims, and atheists. The original Klan hated the Carpetbagger, a term given to a person who moving one distinct geographic area to another for the purposes of predatory and personal opportunism in the midst of chaos and disaster.
The second Klan evolves and Third KKK in the 1920s and 1950s, 60s was claimed to at times to be perhaps less violent with a membership that reached hundreds of thousands—possibly millions—of men in every state, both parties Republican and Democrat could go and join a Klan. A weird history indeed but one thing Mark Levin never talks about are the Jewish and Masons who link to the KKK or the Jew types who were involved in the Slave Trade and the KKK

JEWELSTAITEFAN is it forbidden for you and Mark Levin to discuss the Jew angle or 'Greateast Ally' the Jewish WMD Nuclear Program or is it forbidden for you to criticize Israel?
Are you banned from mentioning the Arab slave trade or that Jews also sold slaves to the Americas?

You do know he grew up in an Israel-First Jewish family, and lived in Erdenheim Bethlehem Pike, where old Jew groups, Hussite movement, Protestant denominations, Bohemia churches and temples and Israeli types first set up?

I don't get why youre so defensive of Levin, and got your panties in a twist. Do you believe in all of the same stuff he does, or is it some gay mancrush you ahve on him?

or maybe
Do you see Levin as some kind of founding father?


Friday, March 18, 2022 3:13 PM


Mark Levin is the Anita Sarkeesian of Right Wing politics.

That award used to go to Rush, but with Rush gone somebody had to fill that grifting void.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Wednesday, July 13, 2022 5:39 PM


the clown show goes on


Tuesday, July 19, 2022 6:45 PM


Holy cow! Lots of information in this article. I had not really paid attention to the Sri Lanka, thing - didn't know it was because Green Energy Policy crashed their economy.


Sunday, July 31, 2022 1:33 PM


Country Music? Newsmax
John Rich releases #1 hit anti-Woke song 'Progress' on Truth Social | 'Wake Up America'


Thursday, August 11, 2022 3:31 PM


Trump posts campaign ad-style video to Truth Social following FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago


Saturday, August 20, 2022 4:43 PM


Story about CTV firing female for having gray hair.

I noticed the social media replies, one with some folk wearing gray hair wigs identical to the anchor's style.

I realized that this would be a key opportunity for an idiot Libtard to finally make something funny. The moron Co-bear could don one of these gray wigs, to put on top of his horrendously bad die job - his gray roots hair with ends dyed black toppped with gray.

Now THAT would make me laugh.


Saturday, August 20, 2022 5:31 PM


Brian Stelter needs one of those.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Saturday, August 27, 2022 4:44 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Story about CTV firing female for having gray hair.

I noticed the social media replies, one with some folk wearing gray hair wigs identical to the anchor's style.

I realized that this would be a key opportunity for an idiot Libtard to finally make something funny. The moron Co-bear could don one of these gray wigs, to put on top of his horrendously bad die job - his gray roots hair with ends dyed black toppped with gray.

Now THAT would make me laugh.


CTV exec goes on leave after Lisa LaFlamme controversy
Fri, August 26, 2022 at 6:23 p.m.·2 min read
CTV exec goes on leave after Lisa LaFlamme controversy

The head of CTV News has gone on leave following the ouster of news anchor Lisa LaFlamme.

Michael Melling, the vice-president of the news division at CTV's parent company Bell Media, "decided to take leave from his current role effective immediately to spend time with his family," according to an internal memo sent Friday and obtained by CBC News.

"His decision reflects our shared desire to support the newsroom and do what's best to help the team move past the current circumstances to focus on delivering the stories that matter to Canadians."

The memo was signed by Bell Media senior vice-president Karine Moses.

However, in a separate Friday statement, Bell President and CEO Mirko Bibic said Melling is on leave "pending the outcome of [a] workplace review."

Bell Media said last week LaFlamme's firing would be put to an independent review.

The review will address concerns about the "working environment in the newsroom," Bibic said, and will involve confidential interviews with employees that choose to participate.

Melling faced criticism over LaFlamme's abrupt departure from CTV, which raised allegations of sexism and ageism. He took over as head of news in January.

LaFlamme 'blindsided'

LaFlamme revealed last week that she'd been "blindsided" by Bell Media's decision to end her contract.

"At 58, I still thought I had a lot more time to tell more of the stories that impact our daily lives," she said in an online video.

LaFlamme had worked for the network for 35 years. As chief news anchor of the flagship newscast, CTV National News with Lisa LaFlamme, she won "best national news anchor" at the Canadian Screen Awards five times, including this year.

WATCH | LaFlamme signs off for the last time:

Media reports have suggested a connection between LaFlamme's ouster and her grey hair, which she stopped dyeing during the COVID-19 pandemic, drawing some praise.

After LaFlamme's original announcement, Bell Media said her removal was a business decision made to recognize "changing viewer habits."

The company later said that it regretted "the way in which the news of her departure has been communicated."


Thursday, October 13, 2022 3:25 PM


The vision for a new United States of American colonies by Founding Fathers, how much is left, is there anything left to conserve?


Tuesday, December 20, 2022 7:34 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Story about CTV firing female for having gray hair.

I noticed the social media replies, one with some folk wearing gray hair wigs identical to the anchor's style.

I realized that this would be a key opportunity for an idiot Libtard to finally make something funny. The moron Co-bear could don one of these gray wigs, to put on top of his horrendously bad die job - his gray roots hair with ends dyed black toppped with gray.

Now THAT would make me laugh.


CTV exec goes on leave after Lisa LaFlamme controversy
Fri, August 26, 2022 at 6:23 p.m.·2 min read
CTV exec goes on leave after Lisa LaFlamme controversy

The head of CTV News has gone on leave following the ouster of news anchor Lisa LaFlamme.

Michael Melling, the vice-president of the news division at CTV's parent company Bell Media, "decided to take leave from his current role effective immediately to spend time with his family," according to an internal memo sent Friday and obtained by CBC News.

"His decision reflects our shared desire to support the newsroom and do what's best to help the team move past the current circumstances to focus on delivering the stories that matter to Canadians."

The memo was signed by Bell Media senior vice-president Karine Moses.

However, in a separate Friday statement, Bell President and CEO Mirko Bibic said Melling is on leave "pending the outcome of [a] workplace review."

Bell Media said last week LaFlamme's firing would be put to an independent review.

The review will address concerns about the "working environment in the newsroom," Bibic said, and will involve confidential interviews with employees that choose to participate.

Melling faced criticism over LaFlamme's abrupt departure from CTV, which raised allegations of sexism and ageism. He took over as head of news in January.

LaFlamme 'blindsided'

LaFlamme revealed last week that she'd been "blindsided" by Bell Media's decision to end her contract.

"At 58, I still thought I had a lot more time to tell more of the stories that impact our daily lives," she said in an online video.

LaFlamme had worked for the network for 35 years. As chief news anchor of the flagship newscast, CTV National News with Lisa LaFlamme, she won "best national news anchor" at the Canadian Screen Awards five times, including this year.

WATCH | LaFlamme signs off for the last time:

Media reports have suggested a connection between LaFlamme's ouster and her grey hair, which she stopped dyeing during the COVID-19 pandemic, drawing some praise.

After LaFlamme's original announcement, Bell Media said her removal was a business decision made to recognize "changing viewer habits."

The company later said that it regretted "the way in which the news of her departure has been communicated."

Michael Melling out as head of CTV News following Lisa LaFlamme furor
Mon, December 19, 2022 at 2:40 p.m. CST·3 min read
Michael Melling out as head of CTV News following Lisa LaFlamme furor

Michael Melling, the head of CTV News who went on leave following the ouster of chief anchor Lisa LaFlamme, has now been permanently replaced, CBC News has learned.

"We are pleased to announce that Richard Gray, Interim VP, News is assigned to the role on a permanent basis. Michael Melling has been reassigned to VP Shared Services, and will not be returning to CTV's news operations," read an internal memo sent to staff on Monday.

The memo was signed by Rob Malcolmson, executive vice-president and chief legal and regulatory officer, and Nikki Moffat, CHRO and executive vice-president, corporate services.

Melling faced criticism over LaFlamme's abrupt departure from CTV, which raised questions among media observers about whether sexism and ageism played a role in the shakeup. He took over as vice-president of the news division at CTV's parent company, Bell Media, in January.

Melling went on leave in August amid the furor over LaFlamme's exit, with an internal memo saying he had "decided to take leave from his current role effective immediately to spend time with his family."

Third-party workplace review

The move to reassign Melling follows an independent third-party review of the CTV National newsroom that began in late August and was conducted by employment lawyer Sarah Crossley, according to the latest memo.

"The goal of this review was to gather information about the culture, environment and practices in the CTV National newsroom, with a view to identifying any issues, concerns or areas for improvement so that we could then work to address them," the memo said.

It said several key themes emerged from the review, including: "A culture where people are sometimes afraid to raise concerns for fear of reprisal or inaction"; "A need for greater civility and respect in the newsroom"; and "A desire to improve working conditions."

According to the memo, an action plan has been developed to address the issues, with the goals of increasing trust, valuing the work and improving transparency and engagement.

WATCH | Concerns over editorial interference at CTV National News: 

Bell called LaFlamme's ouster a 'business decision'

In a video statement on Aug. 15, LaFlamme said she was "blindsided" by the news that Bell Media was ending her contract at CTV National News after more than 30 years.

Bell described the departure as a "business decision," citing "changing viewer habits." Her replacement, national affairs correspondent Omar Sachedina, who joined the network in 2009, was announced the same day.

Following days of criticism, the company released a statement saying it regretted the way the departure was handled as it "may have left viewers with the wrong impression" that LaFlamme's storied career wasn't valued.

Bell said it took allegations of discrimination "very seriously" and would launch a third-party internal workplace review in the newsroom.

A town hall meeting with staff was also held in which Melling and another Bell Media executive offered their perspectives on the events.

Karine Moses, senior vice-president of content development and news for Bell Media, said at the time that LaFlamme rejected the opportunity to bid farewell on air. Moses also told employees that the anchor hadn't been simply ousted from the company.

She "was offered many options to come back and to do many things, which she declined, and I respect that," Moses said in a recording of the meeting obtained by The Canadian Press. She did not offer details on the other job opportunities Bell Media presented to LaFlamme.


Wednesday, December 28, 2022 12:58 AM


Maybe gettr as social media, thelibertydaily, OANN or NEWSMAX


Wednesday, December 28, 2022 12:59 AM


Alternative to the Drudge


Wednesday, March 22, 2023 4:11 PM


CA mayor plans to shut down homeless hotel voucher program; two sex offenders arrested for having sex with minors

Newsmax to Return to DirecTV After Being Dropped in January


Wednesday, March 22, 2023 9:32 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Newsmax to Return to DirecTV After Being Dropped in January

Newsmax SUCKS, but without even reading the article one could guess that they lost quite a few subscribers and had quite a few more threaten to cancel, didn't they?


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, March 31, 2023 6:18 AM


So many media making excuses for the transexual shooter


Friday, March 31, 2023 8:37 PM


Odysee Rumble Bitchute the new Alt media have become the old Libertarian media?


Tuesday, April 4, 2023 9:48 AM


Probably not Conservative but Covers a lot of Washington DC news gossip?


Saturday, July 22, 2023 6:35 AM


Investigating The Pro-Censorship UK Group Expanding Across The US


Wednesday, August 2, 2023 7:42 PM


The EpochTimes and TheHill have been ok with some news, some yahoo feeds can seem fair since they take from any numbers of sources

I've always thought true Conservative, that is conserving the Founding Father ideas and First Amendment would promote crazy Free Speech and maybe even be a little crazy like 4chan or PirateNews post

as for the Republican Conservative Rightwing-ish you have Breitbart, the Federalist, OANN, NewsMax, Blademedia, maybe the former Moonie paper WashingtonTimes...the 'Conservative' brand seems to have a lot of religion, the British newsmedia 'Dailymail' might be among these ranks but it also has gossip and the Aussie Skynews might be better than Fox or British Sky when it comes to that old traditional Conservative brand

you can find some channels on Bitchute or Rumble which also mix both Left Opinion and Right Opinion
'Rebel Media' was another source that gave good alternative info on the whole Corona virus and Covid passports in Canada

However if you go to sites in Aus or Britain, the USA also once being part of a former Empire for news are you truly being 'Conservative' or perhaps some how, being less than Conservative, there are conspiracy about Sadui influence in media, Jew influences, Russians, so why not talk of British and regressing to cable and telegram and fax from your news of the former Anglo-Monarchist


Thursday, August 10, 2023 1:43 PM


How many US media new groups are calling out all crooked families in Washington DC


Thursday, August 24, 2023 5:22 AM



Tuesday, August 29, 2023 12:26 PM


as the Alt-Media dies and bcomes the machine

maybe the final places that Conserve speech are the ironic cartoons?






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