Mid-Term Elections 2022. Hey Jack, I Was Right

UPDATED: Tuesday, July 30, 2024 16:13
VIEWED: 13839
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Wednesday, October 26, 2022 8:23 AM


Man... you Dems are losing full states that have been blue since GWB's terrible presidency.

There's only 14 safe Dem Governors now, and 3 of those aren't even having a race this year.

He started off his Presidency* with millions of fraudulent unsolicited mail-in ballots, and ended up being hated more than Lil' Bush.

Good thing for Dems they're going to pick up 3 tiny little North Eastern Seaboard states. Have fun with those heating oil prices this winter.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Friday, October 28, 2022 9:41 AM


I don't feel like digging it up now, but it shouldn't be too hard to find.

There's a hot mic leak at an airport on the internet right now where Schumer is telling Biden and Harris that they're in big trouble.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Monday, October 31, 2022 3:17 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Almost 8 Out Of 10 Americans Say Things Are "Out Of Control"; New Poll Finds
Monday, Oct 31, 2022 - 08:05 AM

Steve Watson via Summit News,

A new CBS News Battleground Tracker/YouGov poll has found that a whopping 79 percent of Americans believe the country is “out of control” ahead of the mid term elections.

Just 21 percent responded to the say that they feel things are “under control,” and when that 79 percent were asked which party they will vote for a majority of 58 percent said Republican, with only 34 percent saying they will vote Democrat.

About the poll:

I can't imagine which 21% thinks things in America are under control. They must live in a bubble in their heads, or they're getting so rich offa speculation that inflation isn't bothering them.

Of the nearly 80% who think things are "out of control" why are 34% voting "Democrat"? Do they really think that "more of the same" will bring us back to a realistic path?

Anyway, assuming that everyone who thinks things are "in control" will "stay the course" and vote for Biden (the article didn't specify who those people would vote for), and those who think things are "out of control" but are planning to vote for "more of the same" anyway, that means 46% will definitely vote Republican, and there is an absolute 6% undecided.

Somehow, this translates to a red wave.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Monday, October 31, 2022 3:47 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Why can't we have sensible policies and a sensible government?

Dem propaganda is reaching a fever pitch, with many Dems actually worried that if the GOP takes over, we will no longer have a "functioning democracy". Have they not kept up with the times? Our functioning democracy took a hit with the Kennedy, MLK and Malcom X assassinations, and was killed off by media oligopoly censorship and money.

Neocons of BOTH parties are also raising hysteria to "boiling over" levels, with Russia and China cast as evil tyrannies with supernatural powers plotting to "somehow" enslave the world, instead of the "nations among nations" that they are. Nuclear, economic, and military powers, to be sure, but not with magic superpowers.

The DNC strategy of creating a "woke" crowd is splintering people into competing teams in the Victim Olympics. And then there's the Climate Extinction Brigade. Meanwhile, the "red pilled" crowd is running in the total opposite direction, denying anything in the news, no matter how fact-based and consequential it might be.


We desperately need to sort out our own house.

First, we need to ensure our energy future. I remember the "oil shock" days under Carter, when energy independence was high priority. Well, that was about 50 years ago, and in the time since then we've pumped up all of our cheap oil and it's not coming back. But we CAN be energy-assured if we stop sanctioning the biggest oil producers, and embark on a deliberate program of conservation and alternate energy (and maybe even nuclear energy) with the goal of sustainable energy independence. No, we won't "get there" tomorrow, but we CAN get there in 10-15 years. Are we afraid of big, ambitious, patriotic programs?

We need to assure ourselves of food. America is usually a powerhouse of food production, but not without fertilizer and water. Considering that the climate IS changing (even the red-pilled crowd's argument says that the climate is always changing) and weather is becoming less predictable, with widespread drought some years and pluvials other years, there are all kinds of water-conservation/transport measures to put into place: aquifer recharge basins, contour plowing, cover-cropping, aqueducts, etc plus we need to protect the aquifers that we rely on (like the Ogallala aquifer) from contamination by fracking or oil spills. In addition, we need to assure ourselves of fertilizer. And we need to maintain our "strategic grain reserve", and not fritter it away like we're doing with our strategic oil reserve.

Food Insecurity: Why the U.S. Needs a Strategic Food Reserve Crops destroyed by an extreme weather event. Photo credit: U.S. Air Force
Food Insecurity: Why the U.S. Needs a Strategic Food Reserve

We need to repair our standing in the world. That means our military should be rebuilt for defensive purposes, not as the offensive arm of transnational corporations or the petrodollar, or to take over the whole globe. We are a nation among nations.

We can do that if we rebuild our manufacturing base. The Big Brains in government surely have a detailed list of imports and figure out which ones are critical to our economy, and which ones we need to re-create at home.

We should aim for an even balance of trade, since being either a gross net importer or exporter distorts the economy.

By re-industrializing, we will create more jobs. This will have an overall beneficial effect on crime, drug addiction, homelessness, poverty, and the "diseases of despair".

We need to repair our social contract. "Greed is good" is not a basis for a society, and neither is victimhood-fighting-for-scraps-of-privilege. Reward the behavior you want to see. If you work, you should be rewarded with a decent living. If you commit crimes, you should be punished. If you're a greedy bastard who adds nothing to society or the economy, your money should be taken away and the means by which you acquired it should be made illegal. Monopolies should be broken up.


But first, we need to free our media including social media. None of this will ever come up for discussion as long as we have a torrent of hysteria and bullshit hosed into our brains every day.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Tuesday, November 1, 2022 3:59 PM


RCP has just upped the prediction for GOP Senate pickups from 3 to 4 today.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Thursday, November 3, 2022 9:56 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Radley Balko @radleybalko tweeted that Fearmongering works:

OK violent crime rate: 458 per 100K
NY violent crime rate: 364 per 100K

OK murder rate: 7.25
NY murder rate: 4.11

% of Oklahomans who say crime is most urgent issue: 5
% of New Yorkers: 28

5:49 PM · Nov 2, 2022 ·Twitter Web App

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, November 3, 2022 11:54 AM


NYC is a Democrat ran shithole.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Thursday, November 3, 2022 6:58 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


White Suburban Women Running Back Into GOP's Arms, Leftist Elites Enraged

Thursday, Nov 03, 2022 - 03:00 PM

Heading down the stretch of the 2022 midterm elections, white suburban women - who comprise 20% of the nation's electorate - are swinging back to Republicans in a big way.

A new Wall Street Journal poll finds that white women in the suburbs now favor Republican congressional candidates by a whopping 15% margin -- a jaw-dropping 27-percentage-point move just since August.

The shift has largely been fueled by the group's deepening concerns over inflation and the economy. About 54% say the country is already in a recession while 74% say the economy is heading in the wrong direction. Those numbers are up August readings of 43% and 59%, respectively.

Democrat hopes that the Supreme Court's June overturning of Roe v Wade would spark women to rally around Democratic candidates haven't been realized. The journal found that rising prices are the top concern, with 34% of suburban white women giving it top weight. Abortion comes in third, with just 16% calling it their top priority

In a way, this is where those push~polls might have bit pollsters in the ass. I know ive mentioned more than a few times about those lisrs that have 14 items in them, NONE of them mentioning my top priorities.

I noticed that so many CA dem candidates mention abortion and other virtur signalling issues.

Secretary of State? Hello? Abortion is not in your job description, running clean elections is.

City Council? Hello? You're not about to end homelessness, its not in the city's budget.

Attorney General, protecting our rights? Great! Now, what about crime?

The froth and bloviation, mostly from Dems but TBH existing on both sides, is deep enough to swim in.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Thursday, November 3, 2022 9:03 PM


Some black dude beat his wife within an inch of her life. She had him on two separate cameras because this has happened before. He was arrested and released without bail. He got a gun, went back home and shot her in the face in front of their children.

Kathy Hochel murdered her.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Friday, November 4, 2022 7:44 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

There isn’t an "official" G.O.P. position on Social Security and Medicare. But the Republican Study Committee, the RSC, a caucus of House members that sets the party’s agenda, has released a fairly detailed set of proposals titled “Reclaiming Our Fiscal Future”.

The committee’s proposals center on raising the age at which Americans become eligible for Social Security and Medicare. Its plan calls for increasing the age at which workers can collect full Social Security benefits — which has already risen from 65 to 67 — to 70.

At the same time, the plan would raise the age at which Medicare kicks in to match the Social Security age. Given the Social Security proposal, this means delaying Medicare eligibility by five years, to the age of 70.

The report tries to justify these large benefit cuts — because that’s what they are — by pointing to the rise in life expectancy at age 65 since these programs were created. That is, it argues in effect that our major social benefit programs have become too generous because Americans are living longer.

While average life expectancy for seniors was rising before Covid struck, that rise was very unequal. Gains were much larger for Americans in the upper part of the income distribution — that is, the people who need Social Security and Medicare least.

Gains in life expectancy have been much bigger among Americans with a college degree. In fact, life expectancy has actually declined among noncollege whites. And mortality has been diverging among regions, with life expectancy at 65 in some states, mostly red, significantly below the national average and in others, mostly blue, significantly above.

So Republican plans to cut Medicare and Social Security would impose widespread hardship, with some of the worst impacts falling on red-state, noncollege whites — that is, the party’s most loyal base.

Why imagine that proposals to deny benefits by raising the eligibility age won’t provoke a backlash?

At least part of the answer is surely the expectation that the right-wing disinformation machine can obscure what the G.O.P. is up to. The Republican Study Committee has released a 153-page report calling, among other things, for denying full Social Security benefits to Americans under 70; that didn’t stop Sean Hannity from declaring the other day that “not a single Republican has ever said they want to take away your Social Security.”

If Republicans win one or both houses of Congress, they’ll try to achieve their goals not though the normal legislative process but through blackmail. They’ll threaten to provoke a global financial crisis by refusing to raise the debt limit. If Democrats defang that threat, Republicans will try to get what they want by making America ungovernable in other ways. Will they succeed? Stay tuned.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, November 4, 2022 8:30 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Some black dude beat his wife within an inch of her life. She had him on two separate cameras because this has happened before. He was arrested and released without bail. He got a gun, went back home and shot her in the face in front of their children.

Kathy Hochel murdered her.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

Correction: He did it in broad daylight. He killed her in the street while she was walking the kids to school.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Friday, November 4, 2022 9:18 AM


Why on earth would Biden* be going to Illinois?


Democrats are fucking terrified right now.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Friday, November 4, 2022 1:01 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by second:
There isn’t an "official" G.O.P. position on Social Security and Medicare. But the Republican Study Committee, the RSC, a caucus of House members that sets the party’s agenda, has released a fairly detailed set of proposals titled “Reclaiming Our Fiscal Future”.

The committee’s proposals center on raising the age at which Americans become eligible for Social Security and Medicare. Its plan calls for increasing the age at which workers can collect full Social Security benefits — which has already risen from 65 to 67 — to 70.

At the same time, the plan would raise the age at which Medicare kicks in to match the Social Security age. Given the Social Security proposal, this means delaying Medicare eligibility by five years, to the age of 70.

The report tries to justify these large benefit cuts — because that’s what they are — by pointing to the rise in life expectancy at age 65 since these programs were created. That is, it argues in effect that our major social benefit programs have become too generous because Americans are living longer.

While average life expectancy for seniors was rising before Covid struck, that rise was very unequal. Gains were much larger for Americans in the upper part of the income distribution — that is, the people who need Social Security and Medicare least.

Gains in life expectancy have been much bigger among Americans with a college degree. In fact, life expectancy has actually declined among noncollege whites. And mortality has been diverging among regions, with life expectancy at 65 in some states, mostly red, significantly below the national average and in others, mostly blue, significantly above.

So Republican plans to cut Medicare and Social Security would impose widespread hardship, with some of the worst impacts falling on red-state, noncollege whites — that is, the party’s most loyal base.

Why imagine that proposals to deny benefits by raising the eligibility age won’t provoke a backlash?

At least part of the answer is surely the expectation that the right-wing disinformation machine can obscure what the G.O.P. is up to. The Republican Study Committee has released a 153-page report calling, among other things, for denying full Social Security benefits to Americans under 70; that didn’t stop Sean Hannity from declaring the other day that “not a single Republican has ever said they want to take away your Social Security.”

If Republicans win one or both houses of Congress, they’ll try to achieve their goals not though the normal legislative process but through blackmail. They’ll threaten to provoke a global financial crisis by refusing to raise the debt limit. If Democrats defang that threat, Republicans will try to get what they want by making America ungovernable in other ways. Will they succeed? Stay tuned.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The reason why you're having to criticize the GOP and recycle the RUSSIA!RUSSIA! hoax is because the DNC doesn't have anything to say about real life, so they make shit up while selling us downriver.

Too late for the DNC to course-correct. I doubt the DNC will anyway bc there's just too much darn MONEY in running the government for transnational elites, and too much to worry about if they step outta line ... well, too many closet skeletons, yanno?

If the DNC took a cue from Tulsi they might have a prayer. But they won't, so they don't.

Most of the GOP is not much better, judging by their campaign flyers, but right now the DNC had a big hand in making this mess and haven't shown capability or willingess to fix it.

This is what the DNC is reduced to - Coverups and dementia

Judge Hands Biden Admin Huge Setback In Big Tech-Government Censorship Case

FBI fighting court order, wants 66 years to reveal information from murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich's computer

How the government hid the truth behind Hunter Biden’s laptop

FBI: Clinton staff destroyed devices with hammers

Hillary was allowed to delete and acid wash 33,000 emails'

Biden's gaffe-filled speech: President refers to congresswoman as 'senator', claims son Beau died in Iraq and makes bizarre claim he met the 'inventor' of insulin - a naturally occurring hormone discovered in 1921

Eeeeewww is my first reaction, and SECOND's irrational propaganda and harrassment just solidifies my belief that he has nothing real to post either.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Friday, November 4, 2022 1:33 PM


It should be noted that I don't expect Republicans to fix the problems that Democrats created, particularly in the economic space.

I just want somebody to stop the bleeding, and Democrats have not only proven that they are incapable of doing so, but they are actively opening the wounds wider.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Friday, November 4, 2022 1:51 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
It should be noted that I don't expect Republicans to fix the problems that Democrats created, particularly in the economic space.

I just want somebody to stop the bleeding, and Democrats have not only proven that they are incapable of doing so, but they are actively opening the wounds wider.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Not too long ago, most of us were posting the same about GWB and the
GOP. Widespread defeat of establishment GOP led to the rise of a reformist wing and MAGA. A step in the right direction. If the DNC is hammered into the ground, there may be some space for a new wing in the party, one that comes closer to representing our interests. If we can leverage the two wings to compete against each other, maybe open up gaps in both parties, we might be able to get somewhere.

We just need to keep our heads screwed on straight and not get distracted by what will be vicious partisan warfare and lots of fake issues thrown in the air.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Friday, November 4, 2022 3:59 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Republican senators really are talking openly about Social Security cuts
Published: Nov. 4, 2022 at 11:39 a.m. ET

If a Republican-controlled Congress comes for your Social Security benefits in the next few years, don’t say they didn’t warn you.

They did.

Sen. Mike Lee of Utah brings to a round dozen the number of sitting GOP senators who have said, quite openly, that they want to put Social Security on the chopping block one way or another.

As Social Security benefits are looking at a 20% cut without new taxes, we may be talking about major changes to America’s retirement plan.

Meanwhile, according to the latest numbers at, the online betting market, the Republicans are cruising toward control of the House after next week’s midterms and have a growing chance of also winning the Senate. Which means they would have the means and opportunity as well as the motive to start taking the pruning shears, or an ax, to America’s retirement plan.

Make of that what you will.

Lee this week refused to disavow or deny his past remarks that he wanted “to phase out Social Security, to pull it up by the roots and get rid of it.”

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, November 4, 2022 5:07 PM



Originally posted by second:
Meanwhile, according to the latest numbers at, the online betting market, the Republicans are cruising toward control of the House after next week’s midterms and have a growing chance of also winning the Senate.

A growing chance.

Democrats already lost the senate. Bigly.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Saturday, November 5, 2022 8:55 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Opinion | Why isn’t Trumpism hurting the GOP? Some Democrats see vexing answers.

By Greg Sargent | November 4, 2022 at 11:39 a.m. EDT
6-8 minutes

Something extraordinary just happened: In the space of just this week, a president and an ex-president warned that the opposition poses an existential threat to our political way of life. Joe Biden declared that “MAGA Republicans” have placed democracy “under threat.” Barack Obama warned that if GOP election deniers win in Arizona, “democracy may not survive.”

Yet the ongoing MAGA threat to U.S. democracy, including from Donald Trump himself, isn’t harming Republican chances of winning the House and very plausibly the Senate. Some think Democratic warnings are backfiring: Former Obama strategist David Axelrod suggested vulnerable Democrats don’t want the unpopular Biden to elevate himself in the election’s home stretch.

Why hasn’t the threat to democracy extracted a heavier price from Republicans? Is it true that vulnerable Democrats don’t want Biden to prominently address the topic? If so, should he have stood down, since Democrats themselves think protecting democracy above all requires keeping MAGA Republicans out of power? Could a more forceful case have made this a bigger voting issue?

I raised these questions with a number of senior Democratic strategists and pollsters working on tough House and Senate races. The answers that emerged are complicated, nuanced — and ultimately vexing.

First, it’s critical to note that messages about the threat to democracy mean different things to different voter groups, which means they help Democrats in some ways but not in others.

Democratic pollster Celinda Lake has found this mixed picture in extensive work with focus groups. Elevating threats to democracy, political violence and the events of Jan. 6, 2021, Lake tells me, “helps mobilize the Democratic base,” and, importantly, this kicked in at a key moment, when anger over the demise of abortion rights was “receding” in late summer.

This is not a small matter. Threats-to-democracy talk also galvanizes volunteers, who are critical amid soaring polarization and races decided on the margins, says Ezra Levin, co-founder of the progressive group Indivisible.

That’s because a Biden speech about democracy is heard by countless volunteers as a call to action. “By firing them up, he increases the numbers of doors knocked, texts sent and calls made,” Levin told me, which may “amp up turnout in the final days.”

But Lake’s focus groups also find something troubling for Democrats. Swing voters aren’t moved by these topics, Lake says, because they see both parties in a similar light: They think both manipulate democracy to their advantage, and they see the 2020 urban unrest amid police protests as akin to Jan. 6.

“I think both parties do this — I think both sides do this,” Lake quotes many voters as saying. This is particularly pronounced among White swing voters, she says, though some college-educated White swing voters are more troubled by GOP conduct.

Because democracy talk galvanizes the Democratic base while washing out among swing voters, Lake sees it as a net positive. But her focus groups discern another reason swing voters aren’t that worked up: They don’t believe our institutions are under serious strain.

“One thing that diminishes the impact of some of the crises we’re facing is that Americans have historically had tremendous faith in our institutions,” Lake tells me, noting that Americans learn from fourth grade onward to be “institutional optimists.”

If so, perhaps voters don’t connect this moment to America’s long history of democratic backsliding into authoritarian rule and political violence in places like the Jim Crow South
, as Jamelle Bouie urges people to do in the New York Times.

Indeed, in focus groups, voters treat GOP talk about overturning elections dismissively, as “behaving like children,” says Lake. While they believe Trump poses a continuing threat, they don’t realize there are “a thousand Trumps on the ballot.”

Making this worse, several strategists told me, is the weight of the economy on people’s lives, which causes voters to be more influenced by immediate conditions, which they blame on the guy in charge.

In short — despite scores of Republicans running for positions of control over election machinery while implicitly vowing to treat election losses as illegitimate, amid new portents of political violence and instability — these voters often don’t see such conduct as an actionable threat.

Democrats, of course, could have made a much more robust effort to warn voters of the threat of “semi-fascism,” as Biden called it.

The argument for this is as follows: Republicans lay down a loud and steady drumbeat about how terrifying the opposition is. But Republicans seize opportunities wherever possible to make noise about the supposed danger Democrats pose, even when it’s imaginary. The noise itself is the point. It sends a message: Something is deeply wrong with the opposition and you should feel disturbed, disoriented and frightened about it.

As Brian Beutler argues, Democrats could theoretically do more to draw national media attention to specific acts of “semi-fascism”: efforts to seize control of voting processes, threats toward election workers, the latest outbreak of Trump lawlessness. The idea here is that even if swing voters aren’t motivated by threats to democracy now, a sustained effort could shift attitudes over time.

But several Democratic strategists noted deep structural factors that work against this happening.

For instance, the national press sometimes covers democracy talk as a sign that Democrats aren’t focused on what voters “really” care about: inflation and the economy. This is hard to dislodge, because news organizations want to tout their own polls saying voters don’t see threats to democracy as important. When the media repeats this, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

It’s worsened by the massive GOP media apparatus, which communicates with the base 24/7, even as Democrats have nothing comparable on their side, strategists noted. And it’s challenging to make abstractions about democracy urgent in voters’ daily lives.

Still, if Democrats do lose the House and the Senate, we’ll look back at the option Democrats didn’t fully try — a more concerted effort to highlight the dangers of MAGA — as the path not taken.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, November 5, 2022 9:19 AM



Originally posted by second:
Opinion | Why isn’t Trumpism hurting the GOP? Some Democrats see vexing answers.

By Greg Sargent | November 4, 2022 at 11:39 a.m. EDT
6-8 minutes

Something extraordinary just happened: In the space of just this week, a president and an ex-president warned that the opposition poses an existential threat to our political way of life. Joe Biden declared that “MAGA Republicans” have placed democracy “under threat.” Barack Obama warned that if GOP election deniers win in Arizona, “democracy may not survive.”

Yet the ongoing MAGA threat to U.S. democracy, including from Donald Trump himself, isn’t harming Republican chances of winning the House and very plausibly the Senate. Some think Democratic warnings are backfiring: Former Obama strategist David Axelrod suggested vulnerable Democrats don’t want the unpopular Biden to elevate himself in the election’s home stretch.

Why hasn’t the threat to democracy extracted a heavier price from Republicans? Is it true that vulnerable Democrats don’t want Biden to prominently address the topic? If so, should he have stood down, since Democrats themselves think protecting democracy above all requires keeping MAGA Republicans out of power? Could a more forceful case have made this a bigger voting issue?

I raised these questions with a number of senior Democratic strategists and pollsters working on tough House and Senate races. The answers that emerged are complicated, nuanced — and ultimately vexing.

First, it’s critical to note that messages about the threat to democracy mean different things to different voter groups, which means they help Democrats in some ways but not in others.

Democratic pollster Celinda Lake has found this mixed picture in extensive work with focus groups. Elevating threats to democracy, political violence and the events of Jan. 6, 2021, Lake tells me, “helps mobilize the Democratic base,” and, importantly, this kicked in at a key moment, when anger over the demise of abortion rights was “receding” in late summer.

This is not a small matter. Threats-to-democracy talk also galvanizes volunteers, who are critical amid soaring polarization and races decided on the margins, says Ezra Levin, co-founder of the progressive group Indivisible.

That’s because a Biden speech about democracy is heard by countless volunteers as a call to action. “By firing them up, he increases the numbers of doors knocked, texts sent and calls made,” Levin told me, which may “amp up turnout in the final days.”

But Lake’s focus groups also find something troubling for Democrats. Swing voters aren’t moved by these topics, Lake says, because they see both parties in a similar light: They think both manipulate democracy to their advantage, and they see the 2020 urban unrest amid police protests as akin to Jan. 6.

“I think both parties do this — I think both sides do this,” Lake quotes many voters as saying. This is particularly pronounced among White swing voters, she says, though some college-educated White swing voters are more troubled by GOP conduct.

Because democracy talk galvanizes the Democratic base while washing out among swing voters, Lake sees it as a net positive. But her focus groups discern another reason swing voters aren’t that worked up: They don’t believe our institutions are under serious strain.

“One thing that diminishes the impact of some of the crises we’re facing is that Americans have historically had tremendous faith in our institutions,” Lake tells me, noting that Americans learn from fourth grade onward to be “institutional optimists.”

If so, perhaps voters don’t connect this moment to America’s long history of democratic backsliding into authoritarian rule and political violence in places like the Jim Crow South
, as Jamelle Bouie urges people to do in the New York Times.

Indeed, in focus groups, voters treat GOP talk about overturning elections dismissively, as “behaving like children,” says Lake. While they believe Trump poses a continuing threat, they don’t realize there are “a thousand Trumps on the ballot.”

Making this worse, several strategists told me, is the weight of the economy on people’s lives, which causes voters to be more influenced by immediate conditions, which they blame on the guy in charge.

In short — despite scores of Republicans running for positions of control over election machinery while implicitly vowing to treat election losses as illegitimate, amid new portents of political violence and instability — these voters often don’t see such conduct as an actionable threat.

Democrats, of course, could have made a much more robust effort to warn voters of the threat of “semi-fascism,” as Biden called it.

The argument for this is as follows: Republicans lay down a loud and steady drumbeat about how terrifying the opposition is. But Republicans seize opportunities wherever possible to make noise about the supposed danger Democrats pose, even when it’s imaginary. The noise itself is the point. It sends a message: Something is deeply wrong with the opposition and you should feel disturbed, disoriented and frightened about it.

As Brian Beutler argues, Democrats could theoretically do more to draw national media attention to specific acts of “semi-fascism”: efforts to seize control of voting processes, threats toward election workers, the latest outbreak of Trump lawlessness. The idea here is that even if swing voters aren’t motivated by threats to democracy now, a sustained effort could shift attitudes over time.

But several Democratic strategists noted deep structural factors that work against this happening.

For instance, the national press sometimes covers democracy talk as a sign that Democrats aren’t focused on what voters “really” care about: inflation and the economy. This is hard to dislodge, because news organizations want to tout their own polls saying voters don’t see threats to democracy as important. When the media repeats this, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

It’s worsened by the massive GOP media apparatus, which communicates with the base 24/7, even as Democrats have nothing comparable on their side, strategists noted. And it’s challenging to make abstractions about democracy urgent in voters’ daily lives.

Still, if Democrats do lose the House and the Senate, we’ll look back at the option Democrats didn’t fully try — a more concerted effort to highlight the dangers of MAGA — as the path not taken.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

This article is so full of hypocrisy.

Everything they're claiming Republicans will do are things that Democrats have and are already doing.

Get fucked. You're done. Fix your party.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Saturday, November 5, 2022 4:30 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

CNN, throwing Biden under the bus


Fact check: Biden’s midterms message includes false and misleading claims
By Daniel Dale, CNN
Biden’s pitch has included claims that are false, misleading or lacking important context. (As always, we take no position on the accuracy of his subjective arguments.) Here is a fact-check look at nine of his recent statements.

Nine? Wow!
And... isn't it too late to try and scrape Biden* out of voters' minds? I mean, I know that many people have goldfish-sized memories but they're not THAT bad.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Saturday, November 5, 2022 4:43 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The New York Times, also throwing Biden* under the bus


As Elections Approach, Biden Spins His Economic Record

The president’s recent comments on Social Security, the deficit and economic growth claim credit where it is not always due.

How are the publications going to memory -hole these observations after the midterms, and try to restore Biden's* credibility? Or are they going to ditch him after the midterms?


Yanno, once upon a time some were hyperventilating about Trump's "finger on the button".
And yet, we have a clearly mentally incompetent Biden* with his finger on the button. Where's the hyperventilation now?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, November 6, 2022 3:37 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Republicans Will Sweep Both House And Senate: Stifel

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, November 6, 2022 11:12 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So I dutifully went thru my ballot pamphlet, and (where it didn't have the info) went online to get candidate statements and I gotta say, I'm particularly unimpressed with candidates of both parties this year.

One unfortunate consequence of open primaries is that, since only the top two vote-getters appear on the ballot, there's only D or R (or sometimes only D and D) on the ballot

If your state ever considers open primaries and you get asked about it, just say no. It becomes a two-party lock on your elections

Aside from that, people are running on campaigns far beyond their remit. I know I posted before, but my City Council is not about to make housing affordable and end homelessness (or, alternately, work hard for everything for everybody). What about just delivering clean water, making sure our schools work, planting more trees, and funding our police?

My Scy State is not about to guarantee abortion rights or, alternately, make it "easier to elect officials to fight crime". How about cleaning up the voter rolls, ensuring a secure vote and an accurate vote count?

Over-promises seem to be especially bad this year.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Monday, November 7, 2022 9:07 AM


Only one day to go and the COPE headlines are hilarious!

CNN: On Election Eve, Dems Confront Nightmare Scenario
LAT: Dems Are Glum, But Will Midterms Bring a Nov Surprise?
USA Today: 'Save Our Kids': Suburban Women Move to GOP
Slate: Herschel Walker's Senate Run Not Really About the Senate
NYT: Dancing Near the Edge of a Lost Democracy
The Hill: Republican Hatred and Lies Are Winning In a Landslide
The Grio: Voter Apathy, Suppression Could Lead to GOP Wave

24 hours left.

Tick Tock


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Tuesday, November 8, 2022 6:32 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Only one day to go and the COPE headlines are hilarious!

CNN: On Election Eve, Dems Confront Nightmare Scenario
LAT: Dems Are Glum, But Will Midterms Bring a Nov Surprise?
USA Today: 'Save Our Kids': Suburban Women Move to GOP
Slate: Herschel Walker's Senate Run Not Really About the Senate
NYT: Dancing Near the Edge of a Lost Democracy
The Hill: Republican Hatred and Lies Are Winning In a Landslide
The Grio: Voter Apathy, Suppression Could Lead to GOP Wave

24 hours left.

Tick Tock


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

The Marjorie Taylor Greene-ing of America
Nov. 5, 2022

By Maureen Dowd

WASHINGTON — Are we ready for our new Republican overlords?

Are we ready for an empowered Marjorie Taylor Greene?

Are we ready for a pumped-up, pistol-packing Lauren Boebert?

“How many AR-15s do you think Jesus would have had?” Boebert asked a crowd at a Christian campaign event in June. I’m going with none, honestly, but her answer was, “Well, he didn’t have enough to keep his government from killing him.”

The Denver Post pleaded: “We beg voters in western and southern Colorado not to give Rep. Lauren Boebert their vote.”

The freshman representative has recently been predicting happily that we’re in the end times, “the last of the last days.” If Lauren Boebert is in charge, we may want to be in the end times. I’m feeling not so Rapturous about the prospect.

And then there’s the future first female president, Kari Lake, who lulls you into believing, with her mellifluous voice, statements that seem to emanate from Lucifer. She’s dangerous because, like Donald Trump, she has real skills from her years in TV. And she really believes this stuff, unlike Trump and Kevin McCarthy, who are faking it.

As Cecily Strong said on “Saturday Night Live” last weekend, embodying Lake, “If the people of Arizona elect me, I’ll make sure they never have to vote ever again.”

Speaking of “Paradise Lost,” how about Ron DeSantis? The governor of Florida, who’s running for a second term, is airing an ad that suggests that he was literally anointed by God to fight Democrats. God almighty, that’s some high-level endorsement.

Much to our national shame, it looks like these over-the-top and way, way, way out-of-the mainstream Republicans — and the formerly normie and now creepy Republicans who have bent the knee to the wackos out of political expediency — are going to be running the House, maybe the Senate and certainly some states, perhaps even some that Joe Biden won two years ago.

And it looks as if Kevin McCarthy will finally realize his goal of becoming speaker, but when he speaks, it will be Marjorie Taylor Greene, Jim Jordan and Lauren Boebert doing the spewing. It will be like the devil growling through Linda Blair in “The Exorcist” — except it will be our heads spinning.

Welcome to a rogue’s gallery of crazy: Clay Higgins, who’s spouting conspiracy theories about Paul Pelosi, wants to run the House Homeland Security Committee; Paul Gosar, whose own family has begged Arizonans to eject him from Congress, will be persona grata in the new majority.

In North Carolina, Bo Hines, a Republican candidate for the House, wants community panels to decide whether rape victims are able to get abortions or not. He’s building on Dr. Oz’s dictum that local politicians should help make that call. Even Oprah turned on her creation, Dr. Odd.

J.D. Vance, the Yale-educated, former Silicon Valley venture capitalist and author of “Hillbilly Elegy,” who called Trump “America’s Hitler” in 2016, before saluting him to gain public office, could join the Senate in January. Talk about American Elegy.

Even though he wrote in his best seller that Yale Law School was his “dream school,” he now trashes the very system that birthed him. Last year, he gave a speech titled “The Universities Are the Enemy”: His mother-in-law is a provost at the University of California San Diego.

It’s disturbing to think of Vance side by side with Herschel Walker. Walker was backed by Mitch McConnell, who countenanced an obviously troubled and flawed individual even if it meant degrading the once illustrious Senate chamber.

Overall, there are nearly 300 election deniers on the ballot, but they will be all too happy to accept the results if they win.

People voting for these crazies think they’re punishing Biden, Barack Obama and the Democrats. They’re really punishing themselves.

These extreme Republicans don’t have a plan. Their only idea is to get in, make trouble for President Biden, drag Hunter into the dock, start a bunch of stupid investigations, shut down the government, abandon Ukraine and hold the debt limit hostage.

Democrats are partly to blame. They haven’t explained how they plan to get a grip on the things people are worried about: crime and inflation. Voters weren’t hearing what they needed to hear from Biden, who felt morally obligated to talk about the threat to democracy, even though that’s not what people are voting on.

As it turns out, a woman’s right to control her body has been overshadowed by uneasiness over safety and economic security.

To top it off, Trump is promising a return. We’ll see if DeSantis really is the chosen one. In Iowa on Thursday night, Trump urged the crowd to “crush the communists” at the ballot box and said that he was “very, very, very” close to deciding to “do it again.”

Trump, the modern Pandora, released the evil spirits swirling around us — racism, antisemitism, violence, hatred, conspiracy theories, and Trump mini-mes who should be nowhere near the levers of power.

Heaven help us.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, November 8, 2022 10:43 AM



Originally posted by second:
Heaven help us.

Cry some more you little bitch.

It's not as if you weren't warned.

We survived 2 years of Biden* with unchecked power. We'll survive 2 years of neutered Biden*.

If I were you, Maureen, I'd be much more worried about polishing up your resume than anything else. Your time as a "journalist" is coming to an end.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Wednesday, November 9, 2022 6:47 AM


What happened to the massive red wave some here said was coming? Where'd it go? The fact that there wasn't one means the Republicans suffered a historic defeat at the polls. Their failure to deliver in these mid-terms is as I said, historic.



Wednesday, November 9, 2022 7:36 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Cry some more you little bitch.

It's not as if you weren't warned.

We survived 2 years of Biden* with unchecked power. We'll survive 2 years of neutered Biden*.

If I were you, Maureen, I'd be much more worried about polishing up your resume than anything else. Your time as a "journalist" is coming to an end.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

The chance that Democrats win the Senate and Republicans win the House
27 in 100

More at

When we launched our midterms forecast on June 30, Republicans had a 53 percent chance of taking over the Senate from Democrats, and an 87 percent chance of taking over the House.

We could almost have turned our servers off and let that forecast stand. Today, in our final forecast of the cycle, Republicans have a 59 percent chance of winning the Senate and an 84 percent chance of winning the House.

Before I dig deeper into this ostensible stability, a few words about the probabilistic nature of our forecast.

More at

2022 Election: Live Analysis and Results

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, November 9, 2022 7:55 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Americans take a stand for decency as the GOP red wave turns to dust, surprising all of us

I'll posit that Americans don’t love it when a political party broadly embraces a bullying figure like former President Donald Trump. They don’t take kindly to candidates who deny election results.

This isn't just a win for Democrats – it's a win for decency

I’m sure Republicans will still find a way to crow about their far-lower-than-expected gains.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, November 9, 2022 9:50 AM



Originally posted by second:
Americans take a stand for decency as the GOP red wave turns to dust, surprising all of us

I'll posit that Americans don’t love it when a political party broadly embraces a bullying figure like former President Donald Trump. They don’t take kindly to candidates who deny election results.

This isn't just a win for Democrats – it's a win for decency

I’m sure Republicans will still find a way to crow about their far-lower-than-expected gains.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Yeah. Keep being "decent". We've seen on video and Twitter how "decent" Democrats are.

I'm rooting for Dems to maintain control of everything right now. Make gains in the Senate, win the runoff in Georgia. Hold the GOP at bay in the House.

The next two years were going to be rough either way, but now they're going to be painful.

Let's see if the lessons are learned after two years of the upcoming record winter heating bills. And maybe now that Biden* vowed to end oil drilling we'll see a different result when gas is $10 a gallon.

I wonder how many people who were too lazy to vote yesterday are going to have somebody they care about murdered in the next two years. Or die of Covid boosters. Or get raped by a mentally ill man in the woman's bathroom. I bet that will wake them up.

In the meantime, I fully expect Democrats to honor their promises and finally get around to codifying Roe v. Wade, and enshrine Social Security in perpetuity, raise the minimum wage to $15, and free medical care for all, as well as dismantling the Electoral College in the next two years. /sarcasm

We know you're not going to do any of that. So in the meantime can the House finally get around to passing the unanimous Senate bill to put an end to Daylight Savings Time.



Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Wednesday, November 9, 2022 10:27 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

In the meantime, I fully expect Democrats to honor their promises and finally get around to codifying Roe v. Wade, and enshrine Social Security in perpetuity, raise the minimum wage to $15, and free medical care for all, as well as dismantling the Electoral College in the next two years. /sarcasm

We know you're not going to do any of that. So in the meantime can the House finally get around to passing the unanimous Senate bill to put an end to Daylight Savings Time.


Two things you ignore:

1) No Republican Congressman will vote for any of those bills.

2) Democrats can't pass those bills unless they have 66.67% (not 50% plus 1) of Congress on their side. A funny and poorly understood fact: The writers of the Constitution, a majority of whom were slave owners, didn't want the Abolitionists to legislate the end of slavery. With a few clever tricks in writing the Constitution, it became impossible to end slavery (without a Civil War) unless 66.67% of Congress were Abolitionists. All those clever legal tricks that were written into the Constitution to protect slavery are still usable by Congressmen who do not want changes made in the Law in other areas besides slavery.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, November 9, 2022 10:37 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

In the meantime, I fully expect Democrats to honor their promises and finally get around to codifying Roe v. Wade, and enshrine Social Security in perpetuity, raise the minimum wage to $15, and free medical care for all, as well as dismantling the Electoral College in the next two years. /sarcasm

We know you're not going to do any of that. So in the meantime can the House finally get around to passing the unanimous Senate bill to put an end to Daylight Savings Time.


Two things you ignore:

1) No Republican Congressman will vote for any of those bills.

2) Democrats can't pass those bills unless they have 66.67% (not 50% plus 1) of Congress on their side. A funny and poorly understood fact: The writers of the Constitution, a majority of whom were slave owners, didn't want the Abolitionists to legislate the end of slavery. With a few clever tricks in writing the Constitution, it became impossible to end slavery (without a Civil War) unless 66.67% of Congress were Abolitionists. All those clever legal tricks that were written into the Constitution to protect slavery are still usable by Congressmen who do not want changes made in the Law in other areas besides slavery.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

I'm not ignoring any of that.

All of the Democrats running last night did when they constantly lied on Twitter that these are things that they were going to do if their idiot electorate didn't allow the GOP to take back majority control of the Senate and the House.

Take a look for yourself. Every single one of them lied in my Twitter feed every single day for the last month making those promises even though they knew there wasn't any way they'd ever be able to deliver on those promises even if they wanted to.

Even you were sitting here posting dumb lies through articles making these promises.

All I'm doing is calling out the lies and the hypocrisy of it all.

Now that you've gotten what you wanted, you're not actually going to get anything that you wanted.

But maybe in the next two years Biden* will give enough away to Ukraine and up his total taxpayer dollars to Ukraine by the end of his single term Presidency high enough that it could have paid for at least 10 years of ending world hunger.

But two years from now, people will still be dying all over the world of hunger, our homeless population will continue to grow, an ever larger portion of the middle-class will fall below the poverty line while they're all still working for a pittance, with 10s of millions of them left without healthcare and wondering if there's even going to be any social security by the time they retire.

Nobody won last night except for the politicians that won last night.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Wednesday, November 9, 2022 2:15 PM



Originally posted by second:

Americans take a stand for decency as the GOP red wave turns to dust, surprising all of us

I'll posit that Americans don’t love it when a political party broadly embraces a bullying figure like former President Donald Trump. They don’t take kindly to candidates who deny election results.

This isn't just a win for Democrats – it's a win for decency

I’m sure Republicans will still find a way to crow about their far-lower-than-expected gains.

More at

Before the roe reversel, Kevin MCcarthy predicted a 60 seat route of the democrats in the house. Opps...



Wednesday, November 9, 2022 2:33 PM




Wednesday, November 9, 2022 2:54 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Comprehending the underwhelming performance of the GOP
By Rajan Laad

There was supposed to be a red wave that would put the corrupt, entitled, arrogant Democrats in their place. The GOP was supposed to take the House by an emphatic margin and possibly the Senate, too.

They said it was not a question of if, but when it would happen.

As someone on Twitter rightly observed, at this point, the GOP would be lucky to have a Red Trickle. Even if the GOP takes the House, it will be by a slim margin.

Joe Biden, despite his catastrophic misgovernance, historic unpopularity, and rapidly declining cognitive abilities, could end up with a better midterm record than Democrat stars such as Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.

There have been various theories on why it went so wrong.

Postmortem analyses are always easy. You have the results; all you have to do is walk backward and provide reasons. Had the GOP won in a landslide, the very pundits who are certain why they underperformed tonight would have provided another set of reasons.

Let's examine some theories that are being put forth.

Did the narrative of the Red Wave seem like hubris?

At times, rosy expectations can be the mother of all disappointments. The relentless talk of a red wave, which began in conservative media and spread like wildfire, could have had multiple consequences.

Perhaps GOP voters presumed that a victory was inevitable and chose to stay home. Perhaps Democrat voters, thinking their party needs them in times of peril, chose to vote.

Perhaps some voters thought of this talk of the red wave as hubris.

Voters often do not like politicians taking them for granted and second-guessing them.

Perhaps they decided to give the GOP a reality check?

The overturning of Roe v. Wade?

It will never be easy to gauge what impact the overturning of Roe had on the mind of the public, especially women.

Dr. Oz said, "I don't want the federal government involved with that at all. I want women, doctors, local political leaders, letting the democracy that's always allowed our nation to thrive to put the best ideas forward so states can decide for themselves."

Oz was making a broader point about law-making by consulting all parties involved. Most of the mainstream media claimed that Dr. Oz thinks the decision to have an abortion must be among a woman, her doctor, and local politicians.

Perhaps women truly feared that the Republicans would be involved each time they visited the gynecologist. Perhaps women feared imprisonment for even mentioning abortion. Perhaps they believed the claim that contraception would also be restricted.

Fear tactics often work, irrespective of whether the claims are factual.

Perhaps the Democrats managed to scare people sufficiently.

Was it the media?

The mainstream media are the propaganda arm of the Democrats, while most Republicans get their news from Fox News, Breitbart, The Daily Caller, NewsMax, and various other right-leaning websites.

But what about independents? Perhaps they brought the media narrative that if the GOP wins, there will never, ever be elections in the U.S., and Trump will become a dictator.

End of the Trump era?

Some experts claimed that Trump's choice of candidates was a major reason for the GOP's subpar performance. They cite the loss of Dr. Oz to severely cognitively impaired John Fetterman to demonstrate their point. They feel Trump incorrectly endorsed celebrity Dr. Oz; perhaps a principled conservative and a Pennsylvania local would have served better. They claim that the underperforming of the GOP is proof that Trump's era has passed. They claim he should gracefully step aside and allow Ron DeSantis to be the nominee in 2024. They claim Trump lacks discipline, has too much baggage, and polarizes people with his rhetoric.

So what has Trump's record been so far in the race?


Since Trump descended the escalator in 2015 to announce his presidential campaign, there are many who have been predicting his political demise. Yet he still remains a force to reckon with in the party. It would be a mistake to count Trump out this easily.

Beginning of the DeSantis era?

Ron DeSantis was re-elected in Florida by almost 20 points; it was an emphatic routing of his Democratic opponent.

After DeSantis's victory speech, the crowd chanted, "USA! USA! USA!" and, in a nod to an expected presidential run, chanted, "Two more years!"

The DeSantis wing of the GOP claimed that DeSantis is Trump without the baggage. They say he is disciplined in his message, he is younger, and he has a proven track record of governance during crises such as COVID-19 and Hurricane Ian. Hence, he is a much more viable presidential candidate.

They cite winning among minorities to make the case for his broad appeal. DeSantis is the first Republican gubernatorial candidate since Jeb Bush to win Miami-Dade, the state's largest county, which also has its largest Hispanic population and was once considered a Democrat bastion.

But does a victory in Florida make him a viable candidate all over the U.S.?

What about the point of having no Trump baggage? The Democrats may despise DeSantis, but they haven't gone after DeSantis the way they have targeted Trump. If he becomes the GOP nominee in 2024, they will give him the Trump treatment or perhaps worse. They could dig dirt or invent lies about DeSantis — i.e., create a great deal of baggage for him.

Even worse, President Trump just openly threatened to sling mud at him, saying, "If he did run, I will tell you things about him that won't be very flattering. I know more about him than anybody other than perhaps his wife, who is really running his campaign."

What about DeSantis's endorsements?

DeSantis endorsed Colorado Senate candidate Joe O'Dea and recorded an automated phone call for the campaign, saying, "I've watched Joe from a distance. And I'm impressed." O'Dea went on to lose his race. But Colorado is a liberal state; perhaps O'Dea was going to lose anyway?

In the end, it isn't pundits or experts who will decide the GOP nominee. It is the public who will cast the vote.

What about funding?

It has to be remembered that no candidate can win without a minimum amount of funding. A MAGA victory is as troubling to establishment GOP leaders as it is for Democrats.

It has been documented that for various Senate races, the GOP leadership in Washington — i.e., Mitch McConnell — were not supporting MAGA candidates financially. Perhaps that played a factor in impeding the candidates from pushing their message and the overall narrative.

Did Biden's meddling help?

Biden signed Executive Order 14019 back in March, asking all 600 federal agencies to "consider ways to expand citizens' opportunities to register to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the electoral process."

The details of what was actually done remain unclear. Perhaps Democrat voters were surgically mobilized? Perhaps voter identification rules were relaxed?

We will never know because Biden refused to share details about its coordinated efforts to engage in a federal takeover of the administration of elections.

This concealment makes it very suspicious.

I think THUGR's cartoon (naturally, he posts cartoons when he's not posting slogans) is part of the explanation. When polled, registered Democrats' second highest concern was someting like "loss of democracy". I dont share their fear - I think we already lost it- so I don't know what they thought might happen. Voting in a Hitler? (Again, look at our ongoing censorship and politicized prosecutions) but the GOP should have figured it out and addressed it directly.

And then, there is the whole issue of voter ID and mail-in votes. Unless the polls were fudged to boost GOP numbers to make Dem voters fearful, whenever there is a huge discrepancy between polls and the final tally, you have to come up with a convincing argument as to why this was so.

Anyway, the MAGA wing of the GOP has some soul-searching and some investigation to do. I was looking forward to the House running some legitimate investigations into the FBI and DOJ. I hope that still happens.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Wednesday, November 9, 2022 6:20 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

But two years from now, people will still be dying all over the world of hunger, our homeless population will continue to grow, an ever larger portion of the middle-class will fall below the poverty line while they're all still working for a pittance, with 10s of millions of them left without healthcare and wondering if there's even going to be any social security by the time they retire.

Nobody won last night except for the politicians that won last night.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

I used the example of ending slavery to remind you about how Congress was designed to work for slave owners who wrote the Constitution. Congressmen justified NOT ending slavery by claiming the slaves were better if they remain slaves. A Congressman can justify anything because the Congressmen think like lawyers, where the world is made only of words, not facts, not truth, and certainly there are never consequences for the lawyers who speak nonsense. Designing Congress that way in the Constitution made it impossible to pass a law ending slavery because more than half the states had slaves. It is NOT possible to make slavery illegal when it is something that the lawyers say is legal, biblical, moral, wholesome and where a Congressman could say Abolitionists are Cancer and that ending slavery would be worse than Communism, worse than genocide, worse than the destruction of all life on Earth, etc. In the 19th Century, Congressmen didn't have any boundary limits on what they could claim is true.

Guess what, 6ix? Present day Congressmen can use the same verbal tricks used to maintain slavery for new purposes. Want to end Social Security? A Congressman can spew nonsense to justify that. Want to set the minimum wage to zero? A Congressman will have the words to justify that. No healthcare for all, except the rich? A Congressman can find the words to justify that, too! The only way to stop this verbal nonsense is to have 66.67% of Congressmen vote to oppose the nonsense. But there hasn't been 66.67% of Congress on the same side in the 21st Century. As in the 19th Century, in the 21st there still are no boundary limits (other than the 66.67% rule) that prevent Congress from doing nothing or being ridiculously ineffectual as they talk endlessly because lawyers can't shut the fuck up.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, November 9, 2022 7:14 PM


It's time to get the Neo-Cons out for good.

I don't want to hear one more fucking word about abortion coming from a Republican's mouth ever again. In fact, while I don't care if a Republican goes to church or not, I want every Republican who talks about it in public to be ousted from office.

Put McConnell, McCarthy and Romney and the rest of the Neo-Cons out to pasture where Nancy Pelosi and the Clintons belong. I don't ever want to hear a single word from any of them again.

Fuck you Republicans. Fuck you so hard. You suck so fucking bad that you delivered us into two more years of Biden*'s agenda when every historical trend was in your favor.

I want the Democrats to win seats in the Senate, keep the house and gain at least one Gubernatorial slot when the votes are tallied.

If we're going to burn the world down, let's go all in. The time for half-measures is over.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Thursday, November 10, 2022 8:14 AM


US election results: What would a Republican-led Congress do?


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Man... you Dems are losing full states that have been blue since GWB's terrible presidency.

Another failed prediction by Six, Democrats might also gain a Governor?


Thursday, November 10, 2022 12:20 PM


political theater continues?

'The libs over at MSNBC are seriously out here drooling over a hypothetical John Fetterman presidential run and we are officially living in a simulation'


Saturday, November 12, 2022 7:40 AM




Saturday, November 12, 2022 8:38 AM


Looking a the Cluster F**K its possible Republicans might not win the House or Senate, some might say legit election others might say fraud

So this something from the other thread over the past few days democrats have continued to gain seats during the night while Republicans only gained one

dem 192
gop 210
...looking like a solid win...maybe not...then its


other news outlets have already updated with


Each night Democrats are finding votes


Saturday, November 12, 2022 9:10 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Looking a the Cluster F**K its possible Republicans might not win the House or Senate, some might say legit election others might say fraud

So this something from the other thread over the past few days democrats have continued to gain seats during the night while Republicans only gained one

dem 192
gop 210
...looking like a solid win...maybe not...then its


other news outlets have already updated with


Each night Democrats are finding votes

A fleet of blank white trucks full of mail-in fraud ballots are always on standby in swing states.

Just imagine how much Ted and Second would be screaming at the tops of their lungs that the election was rigged if the tables were turned, but I'm supposed to just swallow the pill and say that everything is above board.

American Democracy is finished.


I'm a Democrat now. Let's erase history, burn everything down and start over. China's going to end up owning everything anyways.


Saturday, November 12, 2022 9:19 PM


It is official. The Democrats control the Senate. Here come the judges. Current predictions suggest the House could go 216 Dems to 219 Republicans.

As for state level elections, the Democrats have kicked major ass as well.



Saturday, November 12, 2022 11:04 PM



Originally posted by THG:

It is official. The Democrats control the Senate.

They've made no gain until we see the results of the Georgia runoff.


Here come the judges.



Current predictions suggest the House could go 216 Dems to 219 Republicans.

It's enough to make Joe a lame duck for his last two years. That's all that matters for now. Democrats will be held accountable for the economy and state of the world now that they will remain largely in power.


As for state level elections, the Democrats have kicked major ass as well.

Somebody is lying to you there. State level elections tilted wildly to Republicans.

In fact, 4 out of 5 Trump Endorsements were voted into office on Tuesday.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, November 13, 2022 8:31 AM


Perhaps the election was real and not fake...then it was a red wave alright.
The blood of aborted babies.

Some News Updates are saying Neo-Democrats may have won

no read wave, Senate can be DEM no GOP win

Live Updates

Democrats 50 vs Republicans 49


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

They've made no gain until we see the results of the Georgia runoff.

Raphael Warnock might have been corrupt but the guy the Republicans push was a Low IQ Mickey Mouse clown psychopath like you would find in a stupid cartoon.

I dont support NeoCons but the overall Republican party I see them try to recapture a Black vote which they lost to Democrats.

If Republicans wanted a Condoleezza Rice or Benjamin Carson to be voices for Black African American Republicanism or 'Black Conservatism' this Herschel Walker idiot was not it

He was a crap candidate

The psycho Sportsball MartialArt brain damaged hyper aggressive schizo retard can not win it for the GOP, they can not have a majority if what media reports is true.

Trump and his narcissist ego backed some amazingly sh*t candidates...but maybe the plan was not to win but damage other Republicans that Donald Trump himself dislikes, endorse any crazy including back the dual citizen Turk witchdoctor?

Herschel Walker is kind of like that psycho guy from the Original 'Total Recall' Benny I Got Five Kids to Feed...his story keeps changing

He opposes abortion, but has I don't know how many kids by how many different partners, girlfriends and wives and even encouraged them to have an abortion.

The guy literally is psycho and has Dissociative identity disorder (DID), previously known as multiple personality disorder or multiple personality syndrome.

Walker's adult son Christian publicly accused Walker of having threatened to kill him and his mother. He addressed Walker on Twitter, stating: "You're not a 'family man' when you left us to bang a bunch of women, threatened to kill us, and had us move over 6 times in 6 months running from your violence ... how DARE YOU LIE and act as though you're some 'moral, Christian, upright man' ... You've lived a life of DESTROYING other peoples lives."

Predictions Herschel Walkerwill be arrested for domestic violence before the run off and he will only have himself or one his own schizo brain damaged multiple personalities to blame.


Originally posted by THG:

It is official. The Democrats control the Senate.

maybe not yet but GOP can not win

House so far they are calling

DEM 206 vs GOP 211 ...Republicans finally got some more seats days later but its mostly Democrats finding new paper and digital votes during the night


Sunday, November 13, 2022 10:28 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

If Republicans wanted a Condoleezza Rice or Benjamin Carson to be voices for Black African American Republicanism or 'Black Conservatism' this Herschel Walker idiot was not it . . .

Trump would campaign against her: Condoleezza Rice’s response to Donald Trump calling her a “bitch” is both ruthless and ever so classy.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, November 13, 2022 5:50 PM




Sunday, November 13, 2022 6:28 PM


Now we get to laugh at the big dumb retard that you idiots voted into office.

And the two dead Democrats you voted in as well.

You are officially the party of retards now.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Monday, November 14, 2022 9:04 AM


Steve Bannon claims a Maga Red Wave Trumper win is coming any moment now...and if not, if the MidTerms become a crap show then maybe blame North Korea or Jimmy Carter or someone else?


Monday, November 14, 2022 9:28 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Steve Bannon claims a Maga Red Wave Trumper win is coming any moment now...and if not, if the MidTerms become a crap show then maybe blame North Korea or Jimmy Carter or someone else?

No. Blame GOP Neo-Con "leadership" and en masse mail-in fraud ballots.

This guy gets it:

Republicans need to figure out mail-in voting

It’s being used by Democrats to influence the course of elections


I raised the idea of outlawing mail-in voting with a canny friend. “The Dems would never allow it,” he said, comparing the practice to nuclear weapons. Once they exist, it is impossible to get rid of them. Maybe so, in which case it behooves Republicans to become experts in organizing and deploying mail-in voting for their own candidates.

If nothing else, a little competition in the mail-in ballot sweepstakes would counter the invitation to corruption that follows on the feeling that the fix is in. In the election just past, it seemed, despite media forecasts of a red wave, that a certain complacency was abroad in and about the headquarters of certain contentious races. Gretchen Whitmer never seemed particularly worried about Tudor Dixon, nor did John Fetterman seem worried about Dr. Oz. Of course, Fetterman is a special case. But the point is, I believe, they knew that the fix was in and therefore — to employ another common idiom — that the race was in the bag.

Let me break that down for you...

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. ~Bugs Bunny

If they want to cheat, let 'em cheat. We're going to cheat better, and we're going to end up taking all the Democrat strongholds away from them co-opting the platform that they championed to allow widespread cheating and never let them cheat better than we will cheat.

We don't allow the cheating in Indiana, but I just might stay overnight at my Grandma's for a few weeks in 2024 and go door to door collecting thousands of ballots from people who would have otherwise been too lazy to vote. That's how they win. We can do it better. And it will all be legal because they made it legal.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.






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