I think the media is turning on Biden*

UPDATED: Thursday, July 13, 2023 10:25
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Tuesday, January 17, 2023 10:06 AM


CNN doesn't appear to be doing any damage control on this anymore.

I'll go back at some point and dig up all the articles that I posted in another thread about this issue.


Tuesday, January 17, 2023 10:24 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
More Classified Docs Found In Biden's Home After He Said Search Was Complete

Holy shit...

Even Don Lemon isn't buying the Biden* admin's bullshit on this.

CNN: Two words no president wants to hear


Biden’s evolving timeline is a problem

While the White House said it will cooperate with the special counsel, the fact is that it is developing a credibility gap on this issue.

Biden’s lawyers found classified documents in Biden’s office in November and in his home in December. But when the administration first publicly addressed the findings this month, they didn’t mention the documents found in the home.

“Not only did this make it look like Biden had something to hide, it set up the kind of drip, drip of disclosures guaranteed to supercharge a Washington scandal,” CNN’s Stephen Collinson wrote Friday.

THE HILL: Five unanswered questions about Biden’s classified documents


Why wasn’t the public told sooner?

The timeline regarding the documents is one of the most mysterious — and politically damaging — elements of the controversy.

The first batch of documents was uncovered on Nov. 2 in Biden’s old office at a University of Pennsylvania facility in Washington.

This appears to have precipitated a search of other locations, which led to the revelation of the Wilmington garage documents by Dec. 20.

Another document came to light only on Wednesday.

RCP: More Classified Documents Discovered Last Thursday


The White House announced Saturday that more classified documents had been found in the Delaware home of President Biden on Thursday, raising additional questions about why the discovery was not previously disclosed. 


Improperly stored classified documents have been discovered in three locations thus far. 


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, January 17, 2023 8:09 PM


Say it ain't so, Salon...

Does anyone still think Joe Biden is Democrats' best option for 2024?
Of course Trump's scandals are worse. But this debacle should make clear that Democrats can't afford Joe Biden

No shit, you dumb motherfucker.

Biden* and his shit diversity picks are running the fucking country into the ground.

But okay. Turn on him now because of The Documents.

As if that's the only fucking lie he's told in 2 years.

Fuck you, Salon. And fuck all the Leftoid Media and Democrat politicians.

Sorry, Joe*. Looks like the hypocritical jackals are going to have you for breakfast.

They know you're weak and terrible at your job, and for the first time since you were sworn in they're going to pretend not to be hypocritical because all they care about is Trump. If ever there comes a day where Trump goes to prison, it looks like you're going to be sharing a cell with him.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, January 17, 2023 8:47 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

It's not the media turning on Biden*, it's the DNC (i.e. the public wing of the transnational financiers).
They've definitely let the media loose on Biden*

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Tuesday, January 17, 2023 9:27 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
It's not the media turning on Biden*, it's the DNC (i.e. the public wing of the transnational financiers).
They've definitely let the media loose on Biden*

I'm glad you clarified that first statement with the asterisk.

Because I was going to say that they're both the same thing just with two different names.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, January 18, 2023 11:45 AM


THE EPOCH TIMES: Why Have the Biden Papers Surfaced, and to What End?



As significant as these matters are, one question looms over them: Why have the Biden Papers surfaced, and to what end?

There are no coincidences in politics. Beyond the conspicuous timing of the Biden Paper leaks, and the Justice Department’s action, are we to believe that six years after Joe Biden left the vice presidency, his lawyers just happened to stumble upon classified documents he took with him, implicating Biden in the same conduct used to pursue his predecessor and opponent for the Oval Office in 2024? Looking further into the timing, actors involved, and how they might benefit from the Biden Papers leads us to several plausible explanations for what’s going on.

Theory 1: Joe Biden is no longer useful to Democrats and/or the Deep State, and the Biden Papers can be used to purge or minimally control him. There’s no shortage of motives for the Democratic Party and/or Deep State to hoist Biden on his own “mishandling of classified materials” petard, leveraging the Biden Papers to induce him to step down, or, at a minimum, stand down for the 2024 election.


Theory 2: The Justice Department and FBI are using the Biden Papers to protect themselves and grow their power. It’s always a safe assumption that government bureaucracies act first and foremost in their own perceived self-interest. For the Justice Department and FBI in particular, the Biden Papers can be manipulated for ends unrelated to sidelining Joe Biden. In fact, if we have learned one thing in recent years, it’s that the national security and law enforcement agencies operate as if they’re superior to commanders-in-chief.


Theory 3: The Biden Papers aim to distract us from a bigger scandal. This supposition speaks for itself. If Americans are focusing on the Biden Papers, what other scandals or disasters of the Biden administration, the Democrats, or the Deep State are we the people not focusing on?

Theory 1 would mean that my recent prediction is right.

Theory 2 would mean other predictions I've made were right.

Theory 3 is absolutely possible since we have plenty of evidence of both sides doing this constantly.

And what the article fails to mention is that none of these theories are mutually exclusive and could all be correct at the same time.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, January 18, 2023 11:51 AM


REAL CLEAR POLITICS: Biden Wants To Stay in the Dark About Mishandled Docs


In the White House telling, President Biden knows little, which is exactly what his lawyers want.

Oh, I bet he does.

And lucky for his handlers he doesn't even remember what he ate for breakfast, let alone what a classified document is.


Well, why? “Because we’re trying to do this by the book,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told RealClearPolitics. “We’re trying to do this in the appropriate way.”


Biden may have a hard time recalling much of anything about those documents. They are nearly a decade old. According to early reports, the classified material is from his time as vice president, and the intelligence relates to matters in Ukraine, Iran, and the United Kingdom, nations all now in the news – and at the forefront of U.S. foreign policy. By deliberately refusing to learn anything about their contents, Biden may avoid conflating the past with the present, ensuring he can be as forthright and cooperative as possible if the Department of Justice comes calling.

In short, Eisen concluded, “it avoids muddying up his witness recollections.”

As the White House braces for the political fallout, even some Democrats are condemning Biden’s apparent sloppiness. “It’s outrageous that he retained these records in the first place, and I can see why he’d want to avoid compounding the problem by looking at classified materials that he’s not supposed to have in his possession,” said Walter Shaub, who served as ethics czar and overlapped with Biden in the Obama White House, adding that the “cover sheet” on the documents should’ve been enough to tell the former vice president “that these records need to go back to the government.”


Biden isn’t litigating a parking ticket, though. If he chooses not review the improperly stored classified material, McCarthy said, “it would be a case of his putting his narrow personal interests as the subject of a criminal investigation over his public duties.”

“The president is responsible for national security. If there has been a breach involving top secret info that could cause a profound security threat if it falls into the wrong hands, Biden is the main official in the government responsible for dealing with that,” McCarthy continued. “How could he conceivably, responsibly deal with it if he doesn’t inform himself about exactly what secrets may have been compromised?”

The White House has not yet answered this concern. John Kirby, the administration spokesman for national security, told reporters last week it was “a question for the Justice Department because they are conducting a review now.”


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, January 19, 2023 10:32 AM


Hunter Biden blacked out near classified documents while working with Chinese businessman: Report


The president's son was staying at one of President Joe Biden's residences where classified documents were recently found. While there, during the worst of his alcoholism and drug addiction, Hunter Biden would be near classified documents while receiving millions of dollars from a top Chinese businessman connected to the Chinese Communist Party, according to author Michael Shellenberger.

“There’s no evidence that Hunter Biden accessed the documents, but — God-forbid — the opportunity existed for him to do so,” investigative journalist Peter Schweizer, who specializes in the Bidens' Chinese connections, told Shellenberger.


The businessman in question was Patrick Ho, a leading Chinese businessman with extensive ties to Chinese military intelligence. The two reportedly became very close.

“After Ho is arrested in late 2017, the first phone call he makes is to James Biden, the president’s brother, because he’s looking for Hunter,” Schweizer said.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Saturday, January 21, 2023 9:09 AM


BREITBART: Report: White House, DOJ Agreed to Hide Classified Document Scandal


The White House and Justice Department (DOJ) reportedly agreed to hide President Joe Biden’s classified document scandal from the American people until it leaked to the press, despite their repeated claims of transparency.

CBSNEWS: Biden says he has "no regrets" on handling of classified documents since discovery

Read that one for yourself. What a softball article. If that were Trump it would have been 5 times as long demanding his head on a pike.

NYP: How a corrupt FBI could save Joe Biden in classified-docs scandal

Links to this article...

DOJ reportedly declined to have FBI agents monitor Joe Biden document search


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, January 22, 2023 8:27 AM


They found six more, ya' dumb motherfucker.

And some of these were back when you were a senator. Before 2008. When you had zero business having them at your home. Did you have dementia all the way back then, Joe*?

Or at this point, should we just be assuming that they're outright planting evidence on you to get you out of office? Maybe in the end you should have been paying more attention to what they were doing in your house.


The justice department, which conducted a search on Friday that lasted more than 12 hours, also took some notes that Biden had personally handwritten as vice-president, according to the lawyer.

The president offered access “to his home to allow DOJ to conduct a search of the entire premises for potential vice-presidential records and potential classified material,” Bauer said.

Neither Biden nor his wife were present during the search, the attorney said. Biden is in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, for the weekend.

The only reason they never really went after Trump about this issue and it faded away like his tax returns did after they went public is because Trump's got video proof of the FEDs planting evidence at Mara-la-go.

You Dems have gotten complacent and sloppy because for so long you've thought that they've got your back. Which for the better part of two decades they have, but only while you're still useful to them.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Monday, January 23, 2023 2:15 AM


Opinion: President Biden*, there is a there there

I'm not even going to quote any of the article shitting on Biden*, because that's just more of CNN throwing Biden* under the bus now. But I wanted to post this quote because it's hilarious.


Trump maintains he declassified the documents, claiming it’s a presidential power that can be executed “even by thinking about it.” To be clear, there’s still no record of how, or if, he actually declassified the information.

In his most flippant response to all of this, the former president said this week that he simply kept “inexpensive folders with various words printed on them,” remarking that “they were a ‘cool’ keepsake.”

I literally laughed out loud reading that.

I fuckin' love Trump.

I can't wait until he's President again.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, January 25, 2023 5:03 AM


Biden's documents scandal is now DC's hottest guessing game: Who's sabotaging the president?

Where did the leak about Biden's classified documents come from? Was it a whistleblower at DOJ, the FBI or even from inside the White House?


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, January 25, 2023 11:09 AM


NYT: Biden's Mishandling of Secret Docs Lets Trump Off the Hook


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, July 13, 2023 10:25 AM


Biden's approval rating lingers at 40%, economy remains top worry, Reuters/Ipsos poll shows






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