Explaining The Value Of Labor To Leftists Who Hate The Concept Of Work

UPDATED: Saturday, February 25, 2023 16:44
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Tuesday, February 21, 2023 5:34 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I take exception to the description of the subjects of this article as "leftists".
Does this article accurately describe a generation? Or is it an over-generalization?


Go to any social media feed today and you'll find an endless array of zennials entering adulthood who are discovering that they are indeed expected to work, struggle, sacrifice, and make their way up the ladder of life like 99% of all human beings. The next generation is finding out, slowly but surely, that they will not be YouTube celebrities or Instagram influencers or Big Tech executives; they will not be raking in easy money or be showered in gratification. Many of them have stacked up sizable college loan debts in exchange for degrees with minimal demand. Even if they have a legitimate goal they will have to work hard to achieve it.

Reality is hitting younger Americans like a freight train and they are enraged. In response, many of them are sadly turning to leftist movements like the “anti-work movement” and the “quiet quitting” movement in retaliation. While the Reddit born anti-work movement has slowly faded in the past six months, the overall agenda continues on in other forms.

There has been a rising narrative among young people regarding skilled labor vs unskilled labor. Their position? That there is no such thing as unskilled labor and that workers need to be handed a “living wage” no matter their level of contribution. Either that, or they need to stop working altogether while others pay their way. If they don't get what they want, they plan to burn the economy to the ground.

That kind of sentiment sounds like insanity to anyone that understands free markets (or reality), but to naive young adults with visions of immediate success, it might sound like wisdom. They have been tricked into thinking that the laws of supply and demand no longer apply to labor, but they do. Here are some questions any person should ask themselves when they stumble upon that internal existential crisis of career and future. Are you actually being “oppressed”, or are you being paid exactly what you are worth and it's making you feel inadequate?

How easy is it to replace you?

Do you work a job that many people can do? It's not that hard to figure this out quickly. Just look at the number of qualified people applying for the same job you have. If that number is high, then you might be easy to replace. If you flip burgers or run a cash register for a living, understand that you will have to offer something other than your time in order to secure higher pay and a better position. This is what is often referred to as “unskilled labor,” because almost anyone can do what you do.

How long does it take to train for your job?

Can a company train a new person for your job in two weeks, two months, two years or two decades? If the honest answer is two weeks, then you are not in a position to demand a living wage. Are you a surgeon or a fast food worker? One involves incredible levels of training time while the other involves none.

How much intelligence is required to do your job?

Brainpower is in short supply these days as public schools slowly erode academic standards in the name of “equity.” This means that truly intelligent people will be in high demand while the mediocre will be common and battling each other for lower wage work. Leftists want to change this dynamic by enforcing diversity quotas among employers, but all this will accomplish is companies collapsing sooner rather than later as they take on a bunch of brain-dead charity cases rather than the best people for the job.

By extension, there are many jobs that require expertise and expertise requires quick learning. There is no such thing as equality in terms of intelligence; some people are born with it and some people are not. It might not be fair but it is what it is, and smarter people are more likely to make more money as skilled labor.

How big a part does your labor play in the larger process?

Is your job to fill a basic position on an assembly line? Or, do you build the entire product yourself? Do you merely act as a mechanism in a larger process, or is the process impossible without you? Are you the farmer, or are you the strawberry picker? Are you an architect, a contractor, an electrician, a brick layer, or just the guy that cleans up the trash after the building is done? There are levels of importance to various jobs in the process of production. In other words not all labor is equal in accomplishing the end result, no matter what leftists claim.

How many people need to strike to make your job valuable?

Leftists often make the argument that without labor all other endeavors are meaningless. That is to say, without the labor of unskilled workers the efforts of business owners, inventors, engineers and managers can never come to fruition. That may be true, but only if the majority of unskilled workers strike at the same time.

Look at it this way: If you strike by yourself, is the company going to panic because you are integral to their operations? If a handful of your co-workers in the same field strike with you, is the company going to panic? Or, do thousands of people need to strike for your job to be worth a damn? If so, that's not a good sign in terms of your market value.

Pandemic Inflation And The Illusion Of Labor Shortages

One major contributor to the spread of the anti-work movement was the notion that labor is in short supply and therefore labor has more leverage. This is an oversimplification of the situation.

What has happened in the past few years is an inflationary deluge; over $8 trillion in covid helicopter money was dropped on the US economy in 2020/2021 alone through PPP loans and stimulus checks, not to mention unemployment checks and moratoriums on rent. This resulted in a wave of fiat cash hitting the economy all at once. The retail and service sector exploded with activity as people rushed out to spend, and this generated a need among businesses for more workers.

However, these conditions are a short lived symptom of stagflation, not a permanent trend. In fact, mass layoffs are already taking place in the tech sector and this is just the beginning. Covid dollars and the savings people stockpiled during the lockdowns have run out and high prices are still here. The anti-work movement was predicated on the assumption that demand would continue to outpace supply. It was a dumb assumption.

High employment numbers bought with inflation are not reliable nor sustainable. This is why it's absurd for Joe Biden and the White House to take credit for the supposed “jobs boom”; all those jobs will disappear as the helicopter cash dries up.

Labor Is About Survival

In the meantime, leftists seem to think they are above work more than they suggest they are misused by work. Have zennials been born into a time of hardship? Yes. Do they have less opportunities than their parents did decades ago? Probably. Is this unfair? No, there's no such thing.

We don't get to choose the prosperity of the times we are born into. Some generations are born into great crisis while others are born into great wealth. Those that are born into crisis have to work more, not less. In an era of inflation, this means being innovative and becoming a producer. That's a lot of effort to adapt to circumstances. The perpetually entitled are doomed.

This is perhaps the first generation in American history that argues they should not have to work at all or that their unskilled labor is just as valuable as the labor of a person with extensive merit and accomplishment. At bottom, the rules of survival do not care if you feel underappreciated or underpaid according to your concept of self worth. If you hate a job you can always quit that job, but you will always be paid according to the value you bring to the table. Only you determine that value.

In times like these, the individuals that work hardest to improve themselves and improve their productive value will survive while the individuals that sit around complaining all the time will not. This is true for people that work for a company as much as it is true for people that work for themselves.


Tuesday, February 21, 2023 6:43 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Tyler Durden wrote the proproganda above at

Who is Tyler Durden? He is Daniel Ivandjiiski, a Bulgarian.
Zero Hedge in-house content is posted under the pseudonym "Tyler Durden"; the founder and main editor was identified as Daniel Ivandjiiski.

By the way, Signym, Ivandjiiski wrote the following falsehood: "you will always be paid according to the value you bring to the table. Only you determine that value." The person who pays determines the value, not the person being paid. Ivandjiiski has smoothly turned everything upside down and backward, exactly the way natural-born con artists would express themselves just before they cheat you out of money.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, February 22, 2023 3:28 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I posted this not bc I agree with it but bc I WAS hoping to discuss it.
Apparently discussion is beyond you bc ou're a dick.

But hey! Thanks for the bump!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Wednesday, February 22, 2023 6:40 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I posted this not bc I agree with it but bc I WAS hoping to discuss it.
Apparently discussion is beyond you bc ou're a dick.

But hey! Thanks for the bump!

It is obvious that the Bulgarian who wrote this propaganda is just being an asshole. Here is an example where he is mixing two kinds of workers together simply to confuse the issue:

How many people need to strike to make your job valuable?

Leftists often make the argument that without labor all other endeavors are meaningless. That is to say, without the labor of unskilled workers the efforts of business owners, inventors, engineers and managers can never come to fruition. That may be true, but only if the majority of unskilled workers strike at the same time.

Look at it this way: If you strike by yourself, is the company going to panic because you are integral to their operations? If a handful of your co-workers in the same field strike with you, is the company going to panic? Or, do thousands of people need to strike for your job to be worth a damn? If so, that's not a good sign in terms of your market value.

What two different kinds of workers is this propaganda deliberately making confusing? One kind of worker is "The Artist Formerly Known As Prince" who went on strike to break his contract with the music company. Then there is everybody else in the world who aren't unique and famous musicians/heart surgeons/CEOs/architects/movie directors. The unique and famous can set their own price within reason (there is an upper limit to what even Tom Cruise can charge for starring in a movie) while everybody else has to accept the price the boss is willing to pay. This propaganda is trying to make you angry, unhappy and frustrated that your boss does not value you as if you are "The (Dead) Artist Formerly Known As Prince". In other words, it is propaganda written by a Bulgarian whose job is to be a full-time asshole so that his website can make more money by attracting the alienated and disgruntled.

"Tyler Durden," a name used by the Bulgarian propagandist, is also the main character in Fight Club, a movie about alienated and disgruntled people. It all makes sense what "Tyler Durden" is doing. The propagandist "Tyler Durden" is the same character as "Tyler Durden" in Fight Club, a movie designed to be attractive to the angry, unhappy and frustrated. Fight Club ends with "Tyler Durden" destroying the skyscraper headquarters of every major corporation, bank and government agency. All the buildings fall down like the twin towers of the World Trade Center on 9/11. The propagandist "Tyler Durden" is attempting to do the same as in the movie.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, February 22, 2023 3:05 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

How many "workers" out there can command their own salaries. 20,000? (BTW they aren't considered to be workers in the classic sense. Bourgeoisie actually.)

And how many are workers? A hundred million? That's his point. This generation, he says, believes that each one in a unique and precious snowflake, and are running into the flame front of reality.

And workers, if they are to achieve any power, have to do it collectively, not individually.

You stupid.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Thursday, February 23, 2023 8:38 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
How many "workers" out there can command their own salaries. 20,000? (BTW they aren't considered to be workers in the classic sense. Bourgeoisie actually.)

And how many are workers? A hundred million? That's his point. This generation, he says, believes that each one in a unique and precious snowflake, and are running into the flame front of reality.

And workers, if they are to achieve any power, have to do it collectively, not individually.

You stupid.

Signym, you are adding your own flights of fancy to that article. Sorry to tell you this, but the "Tyler Durden" who wrote the article is NOT recommending that workers unionize. That would be sensible but "Tyler Durden" is telling the workers of America to be angry that as individuals they are of no importance and they should act stupid with no real plan and destroy the place they work at.

Your article is written by "Tyler Durden", the same "Tyler Durden" from Fight Club, the movie. If you saw the movie, you'd understand why the writer is using that pseudonym. All the men in Fight Club have very bad jobs. Some jobs are evil. The best-paying job of the bunch is held by engineer "Tyler Durden" at Ford Motor Co. who makes calculations about the value of life, where improvements in safety are based upon profit/loss: How many passengers should Ford kill before it becomes more profitable to fix a problem by re-engineering the car than to let the passengers burn to death? That is "Tyler Durden's" whole job.

"Tyler Durden" responds to the nastiness of life in America by going crazy. A reasonable plan by "Tyler Durden" would be to beat his boss into a coma. But "Tyler Durden" doesn't do that. Instead, he goes into the boss' office but then beats himself up in order to make his boss look bad as if the boss had beaten an employee. The crazy plan works! Ford Motor will continue paying a salary to "Tyler Durden" but he can go home and recover from injuries caused by his boss. It was a very stupid plan, but it worked because Ford Motor Co. is even stupider. Then "Tyler Durden" starts Fight Club, where oppressed workers beat each other senselessly. At the finale of Fight Club, there is a new "Tyler Durden" plan: destroy Corporate America by the equivalent of a 9/11 attack on all Corporate headquarters. That is the stupidest plan of all "Tyler Durden's" plans.

The "Tyler Durden" that wrote this article doesn't understand how to fix America. But that is exactly the whole point of the article - to not understand, to misdiagnose a problem, to confuse, to make everything worse than before, to be stupid. It makes perfect sense to use the pseudonym "Tyler Durden" from the movie because the movie characters don't understand any better.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, February 25, 2023 4:44 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Physically Demanding Work Tied to Higher Male Fertility, Study Suggests

Occupational factors, such as physical demands and work schedules, were associated with higher sperm concentrations and serum testosterone among men in the EARTH study

A new study from researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital, a founding member of the Mass General Brigham healthcare system, suggests that men who regularly lift heavy objects at work have higher sperm counts. The study, published in Human Reproduction, is part of the Environment and Reproductive Health (EARTH) cohort, a clinical study which aims to explore how exposure to environmental chemicals and lifestyle choices affect reproductive health.

“We already know that exercise is associated with multiple health benefits in humans, including those observed on reproductive health, but few studies have looked at how occupational factors can contribute to these benefits,” said first author Lidia Mínguez-Alarcón, a reproductive epidemiologist in Brigham’s Channing Division of Network Medicine and co-investigator of the EARTH study. “What these new findings suggest is that physical activity during work may also be associated with significant improvement in men’s reproductive potential.”

Infertility is a growing problem, and it can be caused by a wide variety of complex factors. However, about 40% of infertility cases can be traced to male factors, such as sperm count, semen quality and sexual function. In particular, sperm count and semen quality are thought to be the major drivers of growing infertility rates among males – a previous analysis led by the EARTH study team found that among men seeking fertility treatment, sperm count and quality declined by as much as 42% between 2000 and 2017.


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake






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