Crazy Muslims in China start riots, FauxSnooze says 'Muslims Target of Deadly Chinese Riots'

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Monday, July 6, 2009 2:19 PM


Muslims in China start riots, Fox headlines story "China Muslims Target of Deadly Riots"
"Rioters on Sunday overturned barricades, attacking vehicles and houses, and clashed violently with police, according to media and witness accounts. State television aired footage showing protesters attacking and kicking people on the ground. Other people, who appeared to be Han Chinese, sat dazed with blood pouring down their faces. The demonstrators had been demanding justice for two Uighurs killed last month during a fight with Han Chinese co-workers at a factory in southern China."

So in what sense are the "China Muslims" the "target" here? It looks as if they are fairly efficiently targeting the Han Chinese.

But in the mainstream media, of course, Muslims are always the victims, no matter what.

At least 140 killed in ethnic unrest in China

Xinjiang Party chief slashes riot which kills 140

Mao vs Moohammed

This time the radical Islams will finally get whats coming to them?


Monday, July 6, 2009 2:52 PM


Fox have updated their news


Monday, July 6, 2009 3:13 PM


Muslim Riots In China, 140 Roasted, 800 Wounded

Just like Muslims have rioted in the past in Greece, Sweden, Norway, the UK, Brussels, Denmark, and France, they are now rioting in China. As usual they want their own Islamic state within a non-Islamic country. In the past China has severely cracked down on them. I guess that they did not learn their lesson.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009 1:17 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

Some history and analysis:

Heads should roll


Thursday, July 9, 2009 6:07 AM


Chinese-Indonesians call on Muslim nations to help Uighur

Same group that wrecked havoc and spread panic in Masohi?

Exiled Muslim Uighur leader runs riots from USA - China


Thursday, July 9, 2009 2:35 PM


How quick everyone is to blame Muslims once again.

China has a history of responding to protest with aggression and violence, and has a troubled record with regard to its ethnic minorities. Like Tibet, many provinces have been absorbed (ie invaded) by Chinese, who then seek to suppress the rights of the original inhabitants. They also have a program of overloading the local population with Han immigrants - same as Tibet. Any wonder that the local population see it is as a form of cultural annihilation.

Get some perspective before seeing everything as another example of crazy Muslims seek to take over the world.


Thursday, July 9, 2009 2:40 PM


From BBC


Q&A: China and the Uighurs

The latest unrest in China's western Xinjiang region follows a long history of discord between China's authorities and the Uighur minority.

Who are the Uighurs?

The Uighurs are Muslims. Their language is related to Turkish and they regard themselves as culturally and ethnically close to Central Asian nations.
Kashgar street scene
China maintains a high military presence in the Xinjiang region

The region's economy has for centuries revolved around agriculture and trade, with towns such as Kashgar thriving as hubs along the famous Silk Road.

In the early part of the 20th Century, the Uighurs briefly declared independence. The region was brought under the complete control of communist China in 1949.

Officially Xinjiang is now described by China as an autonomous region, like Tibet to its south.

What are China's concerns about the Uighurs?

Beijing says Uighur militants have been waging a violent campaign for an independent state by plotting bombings, sabotage and civic unrest.

Since the 9/11 attacks in the US, China has increasingly portrayed its Uighur separatists as auxiliaries of al-Qaeda.

It has accused them of receiving training and indoctrination from Islamist militants in neighbouring Afghanistan, although little public evidence has been produced in support of these claims.

More than 20 Uighurs were captured by the US military after its invasion of Afghanistan. Although they were imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay for six years, they were not charged with any offence and many have now been accepted for resettlement elsewhere.

What complaints have been made against the Chinese in Xinjiang?

Activists say the Uighurs' religious, commercial and cultural activities have been gradually curtailed by the Chinese state.

China is accused of intensifying its crackdown on the Uighurs after street protests in the 1990s - and again in the run-up to the Beijing Olympics.

Over the past decade, many prominent Uighurs have been imprisoned or have sought asylum abroad after being accused of terrorism.

China is said to have exaggerated the threat from Uighur separatists in order to justify repression in the region.

Beijing has also been accused of seeking to dilute Uighur influence by arranging the mass immigration of Han Chinese, the country's majority ethnic group, to Xinjiang.

The percentage of Han Chinese in the region has gradually been rising. Han currently account for roughly 40% of Xinjiang's population, while about 45% are Uighurs.

What is the current situation in Xinjiang?

Over the past decade, major development projects have brought prosperity to Xinjiang's big cities.

The activities of local and foreign journalists are closely monitored by the Chinese state and there are few independent sources of news from the region.

China has been keen to highlight improvements made to the region's economy while Uighurs interviewed by the press have avoided criticising Beijing.

However occasional attacks on Chinese targets suggest Uighur separatism remains a potent - and potentially violent - force.

Why did the recent violence happen?

At least 150 people died in ethnic violence in July 2009 - and while officials say most of the dead were Han Chinese, Uighur groups deny this.

One of the sparks for the violence seems to have been the deaths of two Uighurs in clashes with Han Chinese at a factory in southern China in June.

On 5 July, Uighurs came out onto the streets of Urumqi to protest about these killings - but how and why these protests turned violent remains a contentious issue.

The authorities blame Xinjiang separatists based outside China for the unrest, and they have singled out exiled Uighur leader Rebiya Kadeer.

"Rebiya had phone conversations with people in China on 5 July in order to incite," Xinjiang Governor Nur Bekri said in a televised address.

But Rebiya Kadeer told the BBC she was not responsible for any of the violence.

"Last time during the Tibet riots, [the Chinese government] blamed the Dalai Lama, and now with the Xinjiang riot, they are blaming me," she said.

Uighur exiles say police fired indiscriminately on peaceful protests - adding that this was what led to the violence and deaths. [


Thursday, July 9, 2009 2:47 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
How quick everyone is to blame Muslims once again.

China has a history of responding to protest with aggression and violence, and has a troubled record with regard to its ethnic minorities. Like Tibet, many provinces have been absorbed (ie invaded) by Chinese, who then seek to suppress the rights of the original inhabitants. They also have a program of overloading the local population with Han immigrants - same as Tibet. Any wonder that the local population see it is as a form of cultural annihilation.

Get some perspective before seeing everything as another example of crazy Muslims seek to take over the world.

Yup - if this was ANY other group protesting against the Chinese government, all you'd be hearing about is these "brave people fighting for their freedom against tyranny and oppression". But because they're Muslim, all you hear is how fucked-up they are, and how they should be crushed.

Maybe they should be rioting in Tiannenmen Square. At that point, it would be much easier to point out the hypocrisy of wanting them to be crushed for having the gall to demand their human rights.


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


Friday, July 10, 2009 4:18 PM


Turkish minister calls for China boycott over unrest

Turkish leader calls Xinjiang killings "genocide"

Chinese soldiers flooded the streets of Urumqi today as the clampdown following Sunday's bloody protests intensified.

CH4 has an intresting story but the news might be biased its a pro-muslim British media organization which broadcast a burqa'ed up muslim woman instead of the Queens Chirstmas message and allows Irans crazy president to broadcast propaganda messages to the Brits on New Year)


Friday, July 10, 2009 6:48 PM


Notice the US friendly muslim countrys are toeing the line

A leading Uighur rights activist has criticised Muslim-majority countries for not speaking out against decades of alleged repression and persecution from the Chinese government.

Speaking in Washington on Monday, Rebiya Kadeer, a businesswoman who was jailed for years in China before being released into exile in the US, hit out at what she said was decades of "brutal suppression" of Muslims in China's western Xinjiang region.

" I don't believe in hypothetical situations - it's kinda like lying to your brain "

" They don't hate America, they hate Americans " Homer Simpson

Lets party like its 1939


Saturday, July 11, 2009 9:06 PM



Originally posted by JaynezTown:

CH4 has an intresting story but the news might be biased its a pro-muslim British media organization which broadcast a burqa'ed up muslim woman instead of the Queens Chirstmas message and allows Irans crazy president to broadcast propaganda messages to the Brits on New Year)

Egads, you make Channel 4 sound like a radical Al Jazira. They really are a fairly normal television station, which airs a bit of controversy every now and then.

Peep Show is brilliant.


Monday, February 27, 2023 6:11 AM


Going back to that islamic woman she was friendly with NeoCon Bush and turned out to be something of an idiot, She also visited the controversial Yasukuni Shrine its like Japan's version of a German Jew killing Nazi Temple and she reportedly expressed that she wanted to establish a similar place dedicated to Uyghur jihadi islamist terrorists?

the Emperor of Japan seems to hate the place or Empress refuse to visit these Imperial Nazi ghosts, it was an ordinary place until one day a bunch of Mafia Yakuza and Ultra-Nationalist types agreed to change the temple and on a plan to enshrine the Class A war criminals

Among those are 1,066 convicted war criminals from the Pacific War, twelve of whom were charged with Class A crimes

the War Criminals also haunt other victims of Asia buried there, it includes Koreans and Taiwanese in Japan at the time of the War.

Yasukuni blames the USA for WW2, The museum and website of the Yasukuni Shrine have made statements criticizing the United States for "convincing" the Empire of Japan to launch the attack on Pearl Harbor in order to justify the Pacific War, as well as claiming that Japan went to war with the intention of creating a "Co-Prosperity Sphere" for all Asians

Emperor Showa, who visited the shrine as recently as 1975, was displeased with the action, and subsequently refused to visit the shrine

it is also common for islamics to carry banners like 'God Bless Hitler' to annoy the Jewish or spread hate against Jewish victims of the war

Xinjiang governor cancels EU visit amid Uyghur abuse blowback

Creep that was Knight Sir Order of the Britbongistani Empire "scandalous" and "unacceptable" rises in food poverty and people being forced to use food banks 'Iain Duncan Smith' accuses Xinjiang governor of ‘murder’ at Uyghur protest


Sunday, August 13, 2023 10:56 AM


The globalist owned pornographic degenerate pro-islamist station makes an 'Alternative Queens Christmas Message' it used to link with S4C, a tv station in Wales then islamists and globalists took over the degenerate station. Channel Four Television Corporation is now a British state-owned media company, like the USSR used to have their stated owned tv, in 2006 veiled British Muslim, who converted to Islam in 1996 is on the tv, they had Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the islamist President of Iran, Abdullah Kurdi the islamic who killed his boy a young Syrian while people smuggling and taken took some photos on a beach...meanwhile Europeans were getting splatted, blown up and killed in mass shooting islamist terrorist attacks and none of the dead bodies shown by media. One of their more popular shows is 'Big Brother' a reality tv where they lock people in a room together, mostly Z-List so called celebrity that even most people in England and Wales do not know, and finally 'Ameca', an AI robot by Engineered Arts, said that negative events such as the Russian invasion of Ukraine and death of Elizabeth II would be the Christmas Message to humans, Channel 4 now broadcasts gross weird stuff like 'Naked Attraction' where the weirdo public go on blind dates then examine each otehrs penis and vaginas and breasts, it often shows soddomite dating, with Lesbians and Homosexuals...what degenerate tv will come next.

on Libya?

Some armchair general website

Libya: Searching for Unity and Stability

Activist or terrorist? How Filipino authorities blur the line.

Syria's President Assad would 'welcome home refugees'

At Rohingya camp, rice for children, leftover soup, boiled leaves for others

We are not imposing Bengali language on any student: Mamata

Expect Nimarata Randhawa aka Nikki Haley to start blabbing about the 'culture' of mohammedan the Uyghur jihadi Muslim islamist?


Saturday, June 15, 2024 7:57 AM


claims from Hindu India news sites

Russia's Chechen Fighters 'Defeat' Ukraine In Sumy; Kardyrov Says Ryzhivka 'Captured'

Pompeo: Conversion of Chora Monastery Into a Mosque ‘Tragic’

Ruskies exposed

Russian propaganda TV host Mardan claimed, "Russia is a military empire, it always expends and subjugates her neighbours" adding that China should be subjugated like other neighbours. He did not think that Chinese listened, translated, and published this in China


Tuesday, August 27, 2024 8:06 AM


those jihadi islami Mobs will no longer kill Hindu in South Asia or the Indian sub continent?

Yunus promises interfaith harmony in Bangladesh






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