John Durham: FBI and CIA deliberarely interfered with 2020 election, weaponized investigation into Trump, covered up Hillary crimes

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Tuesday, May 16, 2023 2:50 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Here are some of the main findings:

“The FBI discounted or willfully ignored material information that did not support the narrative of a collusive relationship between Trump and Russia.”

Crossfire Hurricane “was opened as a full investigation without [the FBI] ever having spoken to the persons who provided that information.” Days after it was opened, Peter Strzok was telling a London FBI employee that “there’s nothing to this.”

Internal FBI communications discussing the Crossfire Hurricane during its early stages: it’s “thin” and “it sucks”.

British Intelligence pushed back on Mueller requests for assistance: “[a British Intelligence person] basically said there was no [expletive] way in hell they were going to do it.”

Durham documents TWO investigations into Hillary Clinton - one involving the Clinton Foundation and one involving illegal foreign contributions to Clinton’s Campaign.

In one Clinton Campaign investigation, an FBI confidential human source (CHS) had offered an illegal foreign contribution to the campaign through an intermediary. The Clinton Campaign was “okay with it” and “were fully aware”. The CHS offered the FBI a copy of the credit card charge; the FBI never got receipts. In fact, the FBI handling agent told the CHS “to stay away from all events relating to Clinton’s campaign.”
In February 2016, FBI Assistant Director Andrew McCabe directed the Clinton Foundation investigation to be shut down. He walked that back after receiving push-back, but McCabe made sure that his approval was required for any further investigative steps.

The New York Field Office was called on behalf of FBI Director Comey and informed to “cease and desist” from the Clinton Foundation investigation.

The FBI and DOJ restricted both of those Clinton investigations, making sure that “essentially no investigative activities occurred for months leading up to the election.” In comparison, the FBI opened a full investigation into the Trump Campaign based on unvetted “intelligence”.

The CIA had direct knowledge of the Clinton plan (“Clinton Plan”) to vilify Trump by linking him to Putin and Russia. On August 3, 2016, CIA Director John Brennon met with President Obama, VP Biden, and other senior Administration officials, including but not limited to Attorney General Loretta Lynch and FBI Director James Comey. At that meeting, Brennan informed them of the Clinton Plan:

In September 2016, the CIA sent the FBI this information on the Clinton Plan to link Trump and Russia:

Somehow, the FBI did nothing to vet or investigate the Clinton Plan - even though they were using parts of the Clinton Plan (the Steele Reports) - to investigate the Trump Campaign. Durham writes: “No FBI personnel who were interviewed by the Office recalled Crossfire Hurricane personnel taking any action to vet the Clinton Plan intelligence.”

In fact, it was as if the CIA’s Clinton Plan memo was somehow buried within the FBI. Most members of Crossfire Hurricane “had never seen the intelligence before”. And, as we have previously discussed, it was never disclosed to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in contravention to that court’s local rules.

FBI Director James Comey was deeply interested in the Crossfire Hurricane investigation and micromanaged it, demanding the Carter Page FISA warrant, telling Assistant Director Andrew McCabe: “Where is the FISA, where is the FISA?”

The FBI knew, relatively early, that its Carter Page FISA warrants were dubious. That FBI knowledge only intensified by 2018, as FBI analysts discussed how “Steele’s subsources could have been compromised by the Russians.” They were going to prepare their findings in a memorandum. FBI Deputy Assistant Director for Counterintelligence, Dina Corsi, met with the review team and directed them not to document any recommendations, context, or analysis in the memorandum they were preparing.” An FBI attorney was at that meeting. “He confirmed that the team was told not to write any more memoranda or analytical pieces and to provide their findings orally.” Corsi’s demands, according to one FBI Attorney, were “the most inappropriate operational or professional statement he had ever heard at the FBI.”

Igor Danchenko, the Steele primary subsource charged with (and acquitted of) lying to the FBI, was paid $220K by the FBI as a confidential human source. This was paid after the FBI knew Danchenko lied to them. As the Durham Investigation proceeded, Durham learned “the FBI proposed making continued future payments to Danchenko, totaling more than $300,000, while [Durham] was actively investigating this matter.” The FBI, in effect, was seeking to influence a key witness who would later face criminal charges.

The FBI’s reasons for paying Danchenko were certainly curious. Interviews with Durham’s office revealed: “the FBI's Executive Assistant Director for National Security, made clear that they were not even able to accurately describe the value or contributions of Danchenko that would justify keeping him open, much less making hundreds of thousands of dollars in payments to him.”

We’ll follow this up with a much deeper analysis hopefully by tomorrow. Part of that story is the problem with the Durham investigation: the fact that its scope didn’t include the attribution of the DNC hack.


Tuesday, May 16, 2023 5:04 AM


more news on C I Assholes

The Finders had been dropped as a "a CIA internal matter." one member of the Finders working as a part-time accountant


'Finders' cult it came to wider public attention when two members of the movement were arrested in Tallahassee, Florida, in 1987 and charged with misdemeanor child abuse of the six children accompanying them, the two men having responded with silence when, in a public park, the police inquired as to their identity and relationship to the children.

Explosive new evidence has revealed how the CIA conspired to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop story

Jordan seeks testimony from top CIA, intel officials on Hunter's laptop

He spent a few years drugged, crazy, drunk, stoned out of his mind who knows what signatures and deals signing and making what kind of agreements for America.


and also rumors about an underage family member


Tuesday, May 16, 2023 9:33 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Did four years of "investigating" accomplish anything?

Durham only secured one conviction in the course of the probe: a mid-level FBI lawyer who pleaded guilty to altering an e-mail used in one of the FISA applications used to authorize surveillance against Page.

Last year, the only two other criminal cases brought by Durham ended in acquittals at trial. Michael Sussmann, a cybersecurity lawyer tied to Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign, was found not guilty by a jury last May after Durham accused him of making a false statement to the FBI when Sussmann told a former top lawyer for the bureau that he was not acting on behalf of any client when he detailed allegations of ties between a computer server linked to Trump and a Moscow bank.

Several months later, in October, a jury acquitted intelligence analyst Igor Danchenko on charges of lying to federal investigators about information he collected for the infamous Steele Dossier that included many scandalous and unproven allegations about Trump's ties to Russia.

Some legal experts expressed concerns about the cases brought by Durham, arguing that they would discourage future potential FBI sources from bringing information forward for fear they could be targeted for prosecution.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, May 16, 2023 9:40 AM


Durham report slams FBI’s Trump-Russia probe


“The objective facts show that the FBI’s handling of important aspects of the Crossfire Hurricane matter were seriously deficient,” Durham wrote, arguing that the bureau relied on “raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence.”

“As the more complete record now shows, there are specific areas of Crossfire Hurricane activity in which the FBI badly underperformed and failed, not only in its duties to the public, but also in preventing the severe reputational harm that has befallen the FBI as a consequence of Crossfire Hurricane,” Durham wrote in the report.

“Importantly, had the Crossfire Hurricane actors faithfully followed their own principles regarding objectivity and integrity, there were clear opportunities to have avoided the mistakes and to have prevented the damage resulting from their embrace of seriously flawed information that they failed to analyze and assess properly,” he continued.

FBI Faulted for Its Probe of Russian Meddling in 2016 Campaign
Four-year inquiry concludes bureau was rash in its handling of allegations linking Trump to Russia


He concluded the FBI was more cautious and skeptical of allegations of foreign influence on the Clinton campaign than on the Trump campaign in 2016. According to the report, the bureau didn’t aggressively pursue evidence of two instances in which foreign governments were potentially planning to contribute to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign to gain influence. The speed with which the FBI opened the investigation into the Trump campaign “based on raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence also reflected a noticeable departure from how it approached” those other allegations, it said. The FBI provided briefings to the Clinton campaign, the report said, an approach it said stood in contrast to the lack of such briefings provided to the Trump campaign.

Ex-DOJ Official and Wife Had Bigger Roles in Dossier Than Known: Durham Report


While it’s bad enough the debunked dossier the FBI used to spy on the Trump campaign was paid for by the Clinton campaign and authored by a foreign FBI informant and his carousing researcher, the newly released report of Special Counsel John Durham strongly suggests a top Justice Department official and his wife had an early hand in shaping the political rumor sheet.

According to the 306-page report, former Justice Department prosecutor Bruce Ohr’s wife Nellie Ohr first plowed the ground for the dossier with a series of a research reports she wrote for Fusion GPS, the D.C.-based opposition research firm the Clinton campaign commissioned to dig up dirt on Trump and Russia.

Obtained by Durham, her reports zeroed in on Sergei Millian and his connections to Russia and Trump, falsely portraying him as a key intermediary between the Kremlin and the Republican candidate. They would later provide the foundation for the dossier’s many fictions.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, May 16, 2023 9:55 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Durham report slams FBI’s Trump-Russia probe


FBI Faulted for Its Probe of Russian Meddling in 2016 Campaign
Four-year inquiry concludes bureau was rash in its handling of allegations linking Trump to Russia


Ex-DOJ Official and Wife Had Bigger Roles in Dossier Than Known: Durham Report


6ix, it is very out of character for you to quote three sources. One source is enough to show John Durham had nothing, accomplished nothing, and was only on the job because Trump wanted revenge against the FBI:

Barr disclosed in December 2020 that he had elevated Durham's status to special counsel in October 2020, ensuring that the Durham special counsel investigation could continue after the Trump administration ended. After 3 1/2 years of investigation and prosecutions, Durham had secured one guilty plea and a probation sentence for a charge unrelated to the origins of the Russia investigation, and two unsuccessful trial prosecutions. Durham alleged at the two trials that the FBI had been deceived by the defendants but did not allege the FBI had acted improperly.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, May 16, 2023 10:06 AM


You only think that he accomplished nothing because he didn't prove the bullshit you've been spouting for the last 6 years now.

Correction: You only think that he accomplished nothing because your Legacy Media Masters told you to say that.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, May 16, 2023 1:44 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

John Durham can't re-investgate Hillary bc she's very good at hiding evidence, and what she couldn't hide the FIB covered up/ignored for her.

He also proved there was no case against Trump, and all those years of you, THUGR, Rachel Madcow et al mouthbreathing RUSSIA!TRUMP!COLLUSION! was just a a bunch of people in the grip of a manufactured mass delusion. Yanno, like everyone was in the grip of Weapons of Mass Delusion last time, and is currently in the grip of PUTIN!EVIL! delusion this time.

He DID show that the FIB, CIA, and DOJ is politicized as hell, and needs a thorough cleaning.

The part he didn't get to, tho is ....who is responsible?

The NSA demurred on the whole issue, so prolly not them. Peter Stzrok knew the "investigation" was "a crock" but he was following orders. Comey was the head of the FIB, but he, too, was following orders.

So. Who was really giving the orders? Not Pelosi, she's just a drunk tired old apparatchik. Brennan? Long history of dirty operations.

Hillary? She was the big rainmaker for the DNC and has disturbing evidence trailing her wherever she goes, from pay-to-play to coverups to political dirty tricks to ordering the murder of anyone who could testify against her or her husband. Vince Foster and Seth Rich immediately spring to mind.

Someone else?

But knowing the source of all of this undemocratic and extra-legal legerdemain, worthy of a corrupt third-world regime, is an itch that's unlikely to be scratched bc you would have to probably rip out the top echelons of the alphabet agencies and the WH and Congress in order to see source of all of this rot. And if the corrupt are good at something, it's hidign what they're doing and protecting themselves.

I just hope that SOME of you (Not SECOND, he's too far gone) finally come to grips with the reality that 90% of what you read or hear from the media is just a show, put on to scare or attract you into doing what's good for TPTB.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Tuesday, May 16, 2023 2:09 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I just hope that SOME of you (Not SECOND, he's too far gone) finally come to grips with the reality that 90% of what you read or hear from the media is just a show, put on to scare or attract you into doing what's good for TPTB.

After a three-and-a-half-year investigation, Durham indicted three men, one of whom pleaded guilty to a charge unrelated to the origins of the FBI investigation and was sentenced to probation. The other two men were tried and acquitted. In both trials, Durham alleged the defendants had deceived the FBI, rather than alleging the FBI acted improperly toward Trump.

Primary source for Trump-Russia dossier acquitted, handing special counsel Durham another trial loss

Steele dossier source acquitted, in loss for special counsel Durham

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, May 16, 2023 2:35 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

You expect justice from a demonstrably politicized justice system?

None so blind as he who will not see, SECOND. But, hey, keep denying reality. Why change now?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Tuesday, May 16, 2023 3:04 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
You expect justice from a demonstrably politicized justice system?

None so blind as he who will not see, SECOND. But, hey, keep denying reality. Why change now?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Signym, your understanding of justice is weaker than your understanding of the Henry Kissinger quote that you use as your signature.

Here is what Kissinger actually said:

Henry Kissinger said in November 1968, after Richard Nixon was elected U.S. president but before he took office: “Nixon should be told that it is probably an objective of Clifford to depose Thieu (South Vietnamese president Nguyen Van Thieu—ed.) before Nixon is inaugurated. Word should be gotten to Nixon that if Thieu meets the same fate as Diem, the word will go out to the nations of the world that it may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal.

The quotation referred to America’s role in Vietnam. If America doesn’t stand by its friends and allies, the quotation explains, then it might ultimately be less dangerous to be America’s enemy.

Much more at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, May 16, 2023 3:44 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The failure of the Durham report

Durham tried to prove a Democratic plot to frame Trump. He couldn’t.

By Andrew Prokop, May 16, 2023, 2:20pm EDT

Despite the hype from Trump allies that Durham would prove criminal conduct by top government officials or Democrats and reveal a perfidious plot to frame the former president, the probe has ended with two failed prosecutions, one guilty plea, and a 306-page report released publicly Monday with harsh words about certain officials but little new information.

Buried in the middle of the report is a section explaining why Durham went down the rabbit hole for so long — laying out what he tried and failed to prove.

Basically, Durham became enamored of an intelligence analysis by the Russian government from 2016 which had made it into American hands. The Russians assessed, per then-CIA Director John Brennan’s summarized notes, that Hillary Clinton had approved a plan to “vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.” However, the US intelligence community did not know whether this Russian assessment was accurate.

Durham appears to have believed this could be the Rosetta Stone decoding the Trump/Russia scandal. Through his team’s suspicious eyes, this Russian analysis could blow the whole thing wide open — revealing the whole scandal as, per the phrase repeatedly used by the report, a “Clinton Plan.” Maybe top DOJ and Obama White House officials were in on the plan and helping it along to hurt Trump. Further, if Clinton allies had given knowingly false information to the government in the hope of getting Trump investigated, that would be criminal.

But the reality fell far short of Durham’s hopes — as the report he produced attests. And in its discussions of the supposed “Clinton plan,” Durham’s investigation has been revealed to be sloppy and misleading, and betrays the kind of partisan bias it had projected on its adversaries.

Why Durham fixated on a “possible Clinton campaign plan” about Trump and Russia

The intelligence that Durham fixated on remains classified, so specific details aren’t present in his public report. But the New York Times described it earlier this year — they were memos “written by Russian intelligence analysts and discussing purported conversations involving American victims of Russian hacking.” A Dutch agency hacked Russian government servers and obtained these memos, and provided them to the CIA.

Per the Times, these memos were “dubious sources,” making “demonstrably inconsistent, inaccurate, or exaggerated claims,” with some US analysts thinking they contained deliberate disinformation.

One of the memos claimed that Hillary Clinton approved a plan to stir up a scandal blaming Trump for the Russian hacks of Democratic emails. Brennan mentioned this intelligence during a broader White House briefing on Russian interference with top officials (including Obama, Biden, and FBI Director James Comey) in August 2016.

But no one seems to have viewed this intelligence as particularly important or convincing, or to have done much about it.

Durham argues that this was a damning failure. “Taken at face value,” he writes, this intelligence “was arguably highly relevant and exculpatory” toward Trump. He also argues that the lack of interest in it made a stark contrast to how investigators treated the dubious reports from the Steele dossier.

To the extent there’s drama in the rather dry Durham report, it’s here. Durham’s team showed portions of the intelligence to one top special agent who’d worked on the Trump/Russia probe, and the report says that the agent “became visibly upset and emotional” when reading it, left the room, and returned to “state emphatically that he had never been apprised of the Clinton Plan intelligence,” expressing “a sense of betrayal that no one had informed him.”

But others either didn’t buy that the claim was accurate, or thought Durham’s team was wildly exaggerating its importance. Another agent, who did recall seeing the intelligence, told Durham’s investigators that it was “just one data point.”

Ultimately, Durham’s search for deliberate malfeasance from top officials here came up empty.

“Although the evidence we collected revealed a troubling disregard for the Clinton Plan intelligence and potential confirmation bias in favor of continued investigative scrutiny of Trump and his associates,” he writes, “it did not yield evidence sufficient to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that any FBI or CIA officials intentionally furthered a Clinton campaign plan to frame or falsely accuse Trump of improper ties to Russia.”

Durham’s confused attempts to try to prove the “Clinton Plan” existed

Yet Durham didn’t stop at reviewing whether government officials were in on the supposed “Clinton Plan.” He also tried to prove that there really was such a plan from Clinton’s team to create a phony Trump-Russia scandal, as the Russian intelligence analysts had claimed.

And this section of his report is a mess.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, May 16, 2023 3:55 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
You expect justice from a demonstrably politicized justice system?

None so blind as he who will not see, SECOND. But, hey, keep denying reality. Why change now?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Signym, your understanding of justice is weaker than your understanding of the Henry Kissinger quote that you use as your signature.

Here is what Kissinger actually said:

Henry Kissinger said in November 1968, after Richard Nixon was elected U.S. president but before he took office: “Nixon should be told that it is probably an objective of Clifford to depose Thieu (South Vietnamese president Nguyen Van Thieu—ed.) before Nixon is inaugurated. Word should be gotten to Nixon that if Thieu meets the same fate as Diem, the word will go out to the nations of the world that it may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal.

The quotation referred to America’s role in Vietnam. If America doesn’t stand by its friends and allies, the quotation explains, then it might ultimately be less dangerous to be America’s enemy.

Much more at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

SECOND- Every one of your posts show that you don't understand anything. Not even the Kissinger quote.
But hey, keep your head up your ass.
Why change now?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Tuesday, May 16, 2023 4:38 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


FBI Responds To Durham Report, Acknowledges 'Missteps'
...The conduct in 2016 and 2017 that Special Counsel Durham examined was the reason that current FBI leadership already implemented dozens of corrective actions, which have now been in place for some time,” the FBI wrote in a statement published hours after the Department of Justice (DOJ) published the Durham report (pdf) on its website on Monday.

Oh, yeah. All the "corrective actions" are why the FIB then worked mightily to cover up the Hunter Biden laptop and Biden family grift.

"Missteps", my ass.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Tuesday, May 16, 2023 6:04 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
SECOND- Every one of your posts show that you don't understand anything. Not even the Kissinger quote.
But hey, keep your head up your ass.
Why change now?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Signym, do you see how sentence 1) means the opposite of sentence 2) despite all the words in 1) being included in 2) ?

1) "It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal."

2) “Word should be gotten to Nixon that if Thieu meets the same fate as Diem, the word will go out to the nations of the world that It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal."

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, May 16, 2023 6:16 PM


Look at all the defense Second's Media Masters have been running today.

Who gives a shit who was busted by the report?

Bottom line is that Trump was fucked by Leftists, once again. And this one was by the previous administration and before he was even President.

Everything you think you know about Trump is a lie, fuckface.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, May 17, 2023 10:50 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Look at all the defense Second's Media Masters have been running today.

Who gives a shit who was busted by the report?

Bottom line is that Trump was fucked by Leftists, once again. And this one was by the previous administration and before he was even President.

Everything you think you know about Trump is a lie, fuckface.

Executive summary from CoffeeTimeNews:

Hillary Clinton, Mueller and the FBI have been fully EXONERATED in the Durham investigation. No charges will be filed. They will not be locking her up.

Barbara McQuade elaborates:

After four years, review of 1 million documents, 490 interviews, his conclusion is that FBI should have opened a preliminary investigation (PI) instead of a full investigation (FI) in 2016.

[According to Trump, this was the “crime of the century.”]

The only difference between FI and PI is the duration and the authorities that may be used. This is a hairsplitting quibble, and one on which FBI officials routinely disagree.

Durham also minimizes the reasons FBI was alarmed enough to open a FI in 2016 based on information received from Australian diplomats about Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos.

According to Aussies, Papadopoulos said, “Trump team had received some kind of suggestion from Russia that it could assist this process with the anonymous release of information during the campaign that would be damaging to Mrs Clinton.”

Papadopoulos’s statement came right after the DNC hack. FBI was properly concerned about Russia’s efforts to influence the presidential election. This was an investigation into RUSSIA.

Trump had other concerning ties to Russians: real estate deals, Miss Universe Pageant, loans from Russian lenders, Trump Tower Moscow project. Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort had lobbied for pro-Russian oligarchs.

Trump campaign members also had ties to Russia. Mike Flynn was paid $45,000 by Russia Today in 2015 for a speech he gave at a banquet where he sat next to Putin. He later lied to FBI about his calls with the Russian ambassador about sanctions during the transition.

Carter Page had been seen meeting with Russian intel officers. It now appears that he was unaware that they were trying to recruit him. Papadopoulos worked to set up a meeting with Putin.

Durham criticizes the FBI for relying on the Steele Dossier for the Carter Page FISA. Steele Dossier was not the basis for opening the investigation, but it makes for a useful scapegoat to blur that fact.

We now know FBI was unable to corroborate the Steele Dossier, which contained explosive details about Russian kompromat on Trump. That’s 20/20 hindsight. And, importantly, Durham never says the information in it was false, just unconfirmed.

In fact, some aspects of Steele Dossier were confirmed by Mueller and DNI: Putin favored Trump and was working to influence the election in Trump’s favor and against Clinton. It also contained unconfirmed information that could have seriously compromised Trump as president.

Failing to investigate these ties would have been a breach of duty by FBI. This was an investigation into RUSSIA. Russia was the threat and the focus. Trump was just Russia’s useful idiot.

Page FISA also was based on an e-mail altered by an FBI lawyer. That lawyer was identified by IG, not Durham, and he was properly convicted for making false statements. Mueller disregarded all aspects of Page FISA.

In addition to criticizing the FBI for opening a FI instead of a PI, Durham also ignores other facts and helps advance the narrative that the Russia investigation was a hoax.

Like Barr, Durham says Mueller found no conspiracy between Trump and Russia but fails to mention the 2016 Trump Tower meeting to receive dirt on Clinton, sharing of polling data with Russian intel officer Konstantin Kilimnik, and coordinating of messaging with Wikileaks.

Durham also ignores Trump’s public statement, “Russia, if you’re listening …” asking them to find Clinton’s missing emails, and the subsequent release of hacked emails hours after the release of the Access Hollywood tape.

The result of Durham’s four-year investigation is two failed prosecutions of bit players outside of government and a recommendation for FBI to hire someone to oversee their FISA work.

But the Durham Report provides fuel for the false claim that the Russia probe was a hoax. Don’t fall for it. While Mueller found no conspiracy, he concluded that Russia worked to help Trump become president.

[And Mueller was hindered by at least 10 cases of Obstruction of Justice! As affirmed by 1,000 former Republican and Democratic federal prosecutors.]

And rather than report Russia’s overtures to FBI, Trump’s campaign was willing to accept the help.

The only winner here is Russia, which succeeded in its mission to get its favored candidate elected, sow discord in the United States, and undermine public trust in American institutions.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, May 17, 2023 1:04 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The inevitable blizzard of lies, excuses, and rationalizations from SECOND.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Wednesday, May 17, 2023 2:13 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.



Wednesday, May 17, 2023 2:32 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


FBI Leadership Sabotaged Clinton Foundation Investigations: Durham Report
Remember the Clinton Foundation? Which, took millions in foreign donations when everyone thought Hillary Clinton was going to win the 2016 US election, only to see donations plummet by 90% after she lost?
To review:

FBI Informant Testifies: Moscow Routed Millions To Clinton Foundation In "Russian Uranium Dominance Strategy"
FBI Informant "Threatened" After Offering Details Linking Clinton Foundation To Russian Bribery Case
FBI Raids Home Of New Clinton Foundation, Uranium One Whistleblower
Leaked Memo Exposes Shady Dealings Between Clinton Foundation Donors And Bill's "For-Profit" Activities
DOJ And Clinton Lawyers Struck Secret Deal To Block FBI Access To Clinton Foundation Emails: Strzok

Now we learn, thanks to the Durham report, that the FBI had three concurrent investigations into the Clinton Foundation, which were shut down during the 2016 election year by top brass.

As attorney and political commentator Techno Fog notes at The Reactionary (emphasis ours);

Durham’s scope included the FBI investigations “directed” at the Hillary Clinton campaign. It seems the purpose of that review was to assess and compare the favorable treatment received by Clinton to the targeting of Trump.

Without looking TOO deeply into the matter, it appears that the scope of Durham's investigation wasn't Hillary (hence, no indictments of) or Trump (ditto), his remit was The FBI and CIA itself.

However, there do seem to be indictable offenses (Durham, in his intro, says not. I disagree) by the FBI personnel, and more IMHO is required than just "reform".

Bc, according to the FBI, they've ALREADY "reformed", but that didn't prevent them from subsequently burying Hunter Biden's laptop and the Biden family's grift, and getting 50 current and former intel officials to sign on to the disinfo that the laptop was Russian disinfo. (But yanno, that whole "Russian troll" accusation has been horseshit from the beginning. By now, people should recognize it for the psyop that it is.)

It also didn't prevent the FBI from embedding actors in Jan 6 and inciting lawlessness.

As frustrating as it is to read about the FBI's CLEARLY partisan (mis)application of its investigatory powers, it's more frustrating to think that nothing will be done about it.

The only hopeful thought is that if the DOJ can't reform itself, then Congressional Republicans with spine will take this report and use it to dismember the FBI, like the Church report led to significant (but not permanent) reform of the CIA.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Wednesday, May 17, 2023 5:13 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
The inevitable blizzard of lies, excuses, and rationalizations from SECOND.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Can't even bother to read most of his walls of garbage anymore.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, May 17, 2023 10:38 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
The inevitable blizzard of lies, excuses, and rationalizations from SECOND.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Can't even bother to read most of his walls of garbage anymore.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

I don't even read them, and I know what's in them.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Thursday, May 18, 2023 8:32 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I don't even read them, and I know what's in them.

With one sentence, Signym and 6ix revealed the hidden reason why their lives are full of hardships and, especially, why it is a struggle for them to stay in the middle class.

Special Counsel John Durham served up not an investigation, but an excuse for future partisan abuses.

Defending Donald Trump was always awkward.

So many incidents unfolded in a familiar pattern. Somebody would accuse the ex-president of something bad. The ex-president’s supporters would spring into action to deny the charge—only to be undercut when Trump pivoted, admitted everything, and even bragged about it.

"President Trump would never try to pressure an embattled democracy by withholding military aid."

Screech, tzzzip.

"President Trump was perfectly within his rights to pressure an embattled democracy by withholding military aid."

Defending the indefensible wears people down. Even the most committed and tribal warrior of the right must have sometimes wished that Trump didn’t keep making the job so hard.

Maybe if there were some way to fight for the Trump cause that circumvented Trump personally? Even better if the spotlight could be shifted from Trump entirely and focused on ideological and cultural enemies instead.

In 2019, Trump was scorched by two massive reports detailing the assistance provided to his 2016 presidential campaign by Russian intelligence agencies. The first, by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, also presented evidence of obstruction of justice. The Mueller document was supplemented by the even weightier report of the Senate Intelligence Committee, then chaired by Richard Burr, a Republican from North Carolina.

The factual record presented by those two accounts was damning. Mueller’s investigation produced some three dozen indictments, seven guilty pleas, and one conviction at trial. Among those sent to prison was Trump’s own campaign chair, Paul Manafort. Mueller also documented the main elements of an obstruction of justice case against Trump—though Mueller heeded the internal Department of Justice rule against prosecuting a serving president.

The Trump White House and its supporters could not refute the material. They sought instead to distort its content and cushion its impact. Attorney General William Barr, for example, withheld the Mueller report for nearly a month to review and make redactions, even as Barr’s office hastened to publish an executive summary that represented the report as an exoneration of Trump personally. (Congress later learned that Mueller had complained to Barr about the summary distorting the special counsel’s findings.) Six Republican members of the Senate Intelligence Committee appended a statement acknowledging Russian interference in the 2016 election, while insisting that “then-Candidate Trump was not complicit.”

David A. Graham: The John Durham report gave Trump what he wanted

But distortion and cushioning are not very satisfactory responses. The facts are the facts; people can assess them for themselves and reach unwelcome conclusions, as five Democratic senators on the Intelligence Committee did in their reply to the six Republicans: “Russian intelligence services’ assault on the integrity of the 2016 U.S. electoral process and Trump and his associates’ participation in and enabling of this Russian activity, represents one of the single most grave counterintelligence threats to American national security in the modern era.”

For the political allies of a character like Trump, it’s dangerous to be cast on the defensive. He’s done so much bad stuff. A certain number of the tribalists may tolerate it all and find ways to equivocate, but the less committed may lose faith. The TV talking heads can repeat “no collusion” over and over, but Trump does keep saying all those complimentary things about Vladimir Putin, no matter what atrocities the Russian president commits. Some of the less anesthetized Republicans are bound to wonder: Why?

Safer, then, to shift to counter-accusation. Which was the mission Barr assigned to his chosen special counsel, John Durham.

Almost from the start of the Trump-Russia investigation, Trump had insisted that he was the real victim. Trump-Russia was a conspiracy cooked up by President Barack Obama, candidate Hillary Clinton, the FBI, and the media to frame him, Trump.

In March 2017, then-President Trump tweeted, “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!” and “How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!” The Department of Justice acknowledged in September 2017 that there was no basis for Trump’s outlandish claim. But the allegation of anti-Trump plotting reverberated through Trump world for the duration of the administration and beyond.

Fossilized versions of this defunct counter-allegation can be found strewn through the text of the Durham report. For example, on page 81:

The Office also considered as part of its investigation the government’s handling of certain intelligence that it received during the summer of 2016. That intelligence concerned the purported “approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016, of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security services. We refer to that intelligence hereafter as the ‘Clinton Plan Intelligence.’”

Durham turns over this fossil a few more times before reluctantly relinquishing it. Durham is willing to disregard some, even many, inconvenient realities (including his own sparse prosecution record: one guilty plea from an FBI attorney for altering an email—a case based on investigative work already done by the DOJ’s own inspector general, Michael Horowitz, as Charles Savage of The New York Times observed today).

Yet, unlike Trump himself and many in the Trump mediasphere, Durham would not jettison the structure of reality altogether. His report eventually reconciles itself to the delusionary nature of the so-called Clinton Plan. It grudgingly and glancingly accepts that there really was Russian interference in the election of 2016, that it cannot be dismissed as merely the mewling of a scheming Clinton campaign.

Rather than endorse the theory of a global anti-Trump conspiracy, Durham settles into a long bill of grievances against the FBI. The agency’s methods, he argues, were too aggressive; its agents were too ready to believe the worst about Trump. The FBI had only enough information to justify a preliminary investigation, not a full one—a distinction the report carefully parses for some pages. This, in the end, is the gravamen of the Durham report: The FBI overreacted to the available information about Trump’s Russia contacts and should have moved more cautiously before advancing to the next phase of an investigation.

Specialists in the law and practice of counter-intelligence can argue whether Durham has correctly interpreted the appropriate modalities of FBI procedure. Very possibly, Durham is correct. Yet even if he is, isn’t this all kind of underwhelming? Durham’s sponsors hoped to reveal a globe-spanning conspiracy to vilify an innocent Donald Trump. What he delivered for them instead was a list of arguable procedural infractions by the FBI.

Not to belittle the importance of procedural infractions—perpetrators can go free if the infraction is serious enough—but such an infraction doesn’t necessarily make the perp innocent. If the case is dropped because of faulty procedures, that’s a sanction against police misconduct, not an absolution of the accused.

Post-Durham, we are exactly where we were pre-Durham.

U.S. government agencies have meticulously documented the help Russian espionage agencies provided to the Trump campaign in 2016. It is a matter of record that the Trump campaign wanted and sought even more help—specifically, that it tried to communicate with WikiLeaks about material from hacked Democratic Party communications.

People in the Trump orbit were caught lying and lying again about their Russian connections. As president, Trump took extraordinary pains to conceal his discussions with Putin, even from other members of his own administration.

That’s all beyond dispute. Durham’s efforts to reopen the disputes failed miserably. What may matter more, however, is what the Durham report does, rather than what it says. What the report says is in essence a classic Miranda-rights criminal defense of a kind that conservatives dislike when it benefits a mugger or a car thief: “The cops messed up in this way or that, and therefore my client must go free, even though we all know he did exactly what he is accused of.”

But what the report does is offer an excuse and escape to Republicans and conservatives who want to protect Trump without outright defending him. Durham tells the story of Trump-Russia while deleting both Trump and Russia. A great many people are eager for that telling. It changes the subject to something much less uncomfortable than the evidence that the Trump presidency was compromised by a corrupt foreign dictatorship.

This revisionism also offers partisans an exciting future possibility: a justification for new rounds of post-Trump culture war. Dan Crenshaw, for example, is a rising leader in the Republican Party—one who has always kept some moral and political distance from Trump, and who is firmly anchored to the pro-Ukraine, anti-Putin side of the GOP House caucus. Yet even he tweeted after Durham:

I’ve never been a reactive “lock ’em up” type. But this Durham report is a lock ’em up moment. We should be looking for statutes that apply to these egregious violations of public trust. If they don’t exist, it’s time we create them so it never happens again.

Similarly, Nikki Haley, the former UN ambassador and a candidate for the 2024 Republican nomination, today demanded retaliation against the FBI: “If we can’t hold the FBI accountable for the Russian hoax, we are no different from South Sudan or the Democratic Republic of Congo. This type of corruption should never happen in America.”

Crenshaw’s and Haley’s menacing but vague language makes clear that they both understand there’s almost certainly no statute to invoke here. They are not calling for measures consistent with the rule of law but are instead appealing to dark fantasies of cultural revenge. But fantasies of cultural revenge are a powerful resource in Republican politics. Durham’s report provides hope that this resource can be distilled and bottled for future use, all its Trump-vintage muck boiled away.

Durham offers something else too. One of the big projects of post-Trump Republican politics is to assert greater partisan control over the federal civil service. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis argued this in a February 2023 interview on Fox News:

You look at all these entrenched bureaucrats … they need to be cleaned out … There is a proposal that I think a lot of us wanted to see under the prior administration to do a schedule F, so anybody that has any policy role is classified as a schedule F, and they can be removed by the president. The left would litigate that, but I honestly think we would win on that in the Supreme Court … Who controls the executive branch? Is it the elected president or is it some bureaucrat in the bowels of the bureaucracy that can’t be fired? ... Whoever gets a majority in the electoral college has the right to impose their agenda through the executive branch.

The Durham report may become the leading documentary evidence for this point of view in the next Republican administration.

As a legal text, the Durham report is limp and meager. As a history of recent events, it is misleading. But don’t dismiss its significance because of its intellectual defects. The Durham report is already proving to be a huge success as a prop and support for the bitterest partisan rancor. And its fullest import may yet lie ahead: as a rationalization for abuses of power by Trump-legacy administrations of the future.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, May 18, 2023 1:20 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I don't even read them, and I know what's in them.

With one sentence, Signym and 6ix revealed the hidden reason why their lives are full of hardships and, especially, why it is a struggle for them to stay in the middle class.

How was work today, honey?

Get fucked, wage slave.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, May 18, 2023 3:06 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


SECOND: With one sentence, Signym and 6ix revealed the hidden reason why their lives are full of hardships and, especially, why it is a struggle for them to stay in the middle class.
With one sentence, SECOND reveals how blindlingly out of touch with reality he is.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Thursday, May 18, 2023 3:08 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I don't even read them, and I know what's in them.

With one sentence, Signym and 6ix revealed the hidden reason why their lives are full of hardships and, especially, why it is a struggle for them to stay in the middle class.

How was work today, honey?

Get fucked, wage slave.

I'm not a wage slave when nearly all my spending money is from dividends. I do get a wage equal to Social Security's “maximum taxable earnings” because I can set my wages to whatever I want. As for business income, I learned from Donald Trump that this number can be whatever is most convenient for me. The IRS will never be able to prove the number is wrong if I cared to cheat like a Trump.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, May 18, 2023 4:06 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Notice how whenever a discussion isn't going his way, SECOND drags it off topic by trolling with "Russia" or "Trumptards"?

In case gentle readers have forgotten, the topic is: the FBI's misuse of its investigatory powers, and whether or not we should have an internal spy agency in our country that has been used time and time again for political purposes.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Thursday, May 18, 2023 8:31 PM


Wasn't all of this known, like, 6 years ago?

I mean, by non-Libtards.


Thursday, May 18, 2023 8:37 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, yes, of course.

The interesting thing about the report is that Durham is STILL covering up for the perps in the FBI and CIA.

Alexander Mercouris, of The Duran, has a prodigious capacity to read official reports and he has read the whole thing. He points out the blank spots, un-interviewed ppl and unanswered questions in Durham's report which allows the perps in the FBI, CIA, and DNC to skate free,.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Thursday, May 18, 2023 9:07 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Signym, I will tell you this twice: The only people who think John Durham has a point are stupid people who voted for Trump or defended him. Everybody else knows that Durham has got nothing because there was never anything there.

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Notice how whenever a discussion isn't going his way, SECOND drags it off topic by trolling with "Russia" or "Trumptards"?

In case gentle readers have forgotten, the topic is: the FBI's misuse of its investigatory powers, and whether or not we should have an internal spy agency in our country that has been used time and time again for political purposes.

Well, yes, of course.

The interesting thing about the report is that Durham is STILL covering up for the perps in the FBI and CIA.

Alexander Mercouris, of The Duran, has a prodigious capacity to read official reports and he has read the whole thing. He points out the blank spots, un-interviewed ppl and unanswered questions in Durham's report which allows the perps in the FBI, CIA, and DNC to skate free,.

Signym, I will tell you this one more time: The only people who think John Durham has a point are stupid people who voted for Trump or defended him. Everybody else knows that Durham has got nothing because there was never anything there.

Yeah, I know you believe you are not stupid, but I have never known a Trumptard who hasn't fucked up their own life with their stupid decisions. It is not funny, only sad, how unconscious they all are about the actual world. Lack of awareness binds them into groups for the "special". That is where Trump comes in with his "Only I can fix it." You got to be stupid/gullible to believe he or Putin is functioning well or governed competently and will change the world for the better where their believers will prosper.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, May 18, 2023 9:40 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Wasn't all of this known, like, 6 years ago?

I mean, by non-Libtards.



Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, May 19, 2023 8:50 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by second:
Signym, I will tell you this twice: The only people who think John Durham has a point are stupid people who voted for Trump or defended him.

SECOND, I will tell you this again - the only people who thought the "Trump Russia collusion!" was even worth repeating are people who can't think, or people who lie.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Friday, May 19, 2023 9:19 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

More misdeeds from the "reformed" FBI


FBI Concerned Jan. 6 Footage Would Expose Undercover Agents, Informants: Whistleblower

Many of you are too young to remember, but there were equal FBI scandals around the FBI COINTELPRO that targeted everything from the antiwar (Vietnam) movement to the equal rights movement to environmental movement.

There wasn't any political movement that wasn't targeted at one time or another.


COINTELPRO (syllabic abbreviation derived from Counter Intelligence Program; 1956–1971) was a series of covert and illegal[1][2] projects actively conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic American political organizations.[3][4] FBI records show COINTELPRO resources targeted groups and individuals the FBI[5] deemed subversive,[6] including

feminist organizations,[7][8]
the Communist Party USA,[9] ]
anti–Vietnam War organizers,
activists of the civil rights and Black power movements (e.g. Martin Luther King Jr., the Nation of Islam, and the Black Panther Party),
environmentalist and animal rights organizations,
the American Indian Movement (AIM),
Chicano and Mexican-American groups like the Brown Berets and the United Farm Workers, independence movements (including Puerto Rican independence groups such as the Young Lords and the Puerto Rican Socialist Party),
a variety of organizations that were part of the broader New Left,
and white supremacist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan[10][11] and the far-right group National States' Rights Party.[12]

COINTELPRO memo proposing a plan to expose the pregnancy of actress Jean Seberg, a financial supporter of the Black Panther Party, hoping to "possibly cause her embarrassment or tarnish her image with the general public". Covert campaigns to publicly discredit activists and destroy their interpersonal relationships were a common tactic used by COINTELPRO agents.

And that's Wikipedia's charitable description.

Before that (the closested gay) J Edgar Hoover used FBI intel to blackmail politicans.

The progenitor of the CIA and FBI, the Pinkerton Agency (

Lincoln's spy: How Pinkerton laid the foundation for the CIA and FBI
/) im additiom tp protectin Lincoln's life was also a diligent strike breaker.

The FBI failed to stop terrorist acts against the USA, including 911.

On balance, it seems to me the FBI generally does more harm than good and should be disbanded, or Congress should cut their budget (and that of the CIA, NSA, and DHS) by a huge amount.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Friday, May 19, 2023 10:33 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by second:
Signym, I will tell you this twice: The only people who think John Durham has a point are stupid people who voted for Trump or defended him.

SECOND, I will tell you this again - the only people who thought the "Trump Russia collusion!" was even worth repeating are people who can't think, or people who lie.

The Mueller report said there was no collusion. Why do you keep bringing that up? But the Mueller report said that Russia interfered with the 2016 election. The Mueller Report also said that President Trump interfered with the investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election. The Mueller Report said that President Trump could NOT be charged with obstruction of justice until he was out of office. Trump is now out of office. It is not only Mueller who discovered Russian interference.

Senate report outlines ‘grave’ Russian threat in 2016 election interference probe
The report details ties between the Trump campaign and Russia but doesn’t find evidence of coordinated scheme

Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election, Volume I of II, Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller, III

Mueller report

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, May 19, 2023 10:36 AM


Dumb, dumb, dumb.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, May 19, 2023 12:30 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by second:
Signym, I will tell you this twice: The only people who think John Durham has a point are stupid people who voted for Trump or defended him.

SIGNY: SECOND, I will tell you this again - the only people who thought the "Trump Russia collusion!" was even worth repeating are people who can't think, or people who lie.

SECOND: The Mueller report said there was no collusion. Why do you keep bringing that up?

You think we don't remember YOUR post history, comrade? Yanno, the one where you mouthbreathed "collusion!" and libeled anyone who said it was a hoax a "Russian troll"?

The Mueller report said there was no collusion. The Durham report said that the FBI KNEW it was a crock but "investigated" it anyway. Oh, and lest we forget... leaked it to the press morning, noon, and night for years.

Also, gave Hillary a "pass" on ACTUAL cooperation with illegal foreign donors.

And now, we're supposed to believe that the FBI did nothing "criminal"?

And did nothing "criminal" later, when this "reformed" FBI engaged in the exact same partisan activity by burying the Hunter Biden laptop and other evidence of Biden family corruption, muzzling the press and censoring social media, signing on 50 current and former Intel officers on to a disinfo campaign calling the laptop story Russian disinfo" and-once again- implying that anyone who disagreed with this second crock of shit "Russian troll"?

I guess you were hoping we'd forget your role in pushing that avalanche of lies and libel?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Friday, May 19, 2023 12:32 PM


Are you kidding, Sigs? He's allowed himself to be lied to and he's lied to himself so much over the years he doesn't even know what is and is not reality anymore.

Second is a meat puppet.

He probably actually does believe that he was going around here telling Cap'n, Ted and Wishy that there was no Russian Collusion, because that's exactly the spin his Media Masters are trying to pull right now and all he can do is repost their lies because he gave up the ability to think for himself many, many years ago.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, May 19, 2023 12:37 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Are you kidding, Sigs? He's allowed himself to be lied to and he's lied to himself so much over the years he doesn't even know what is and is not reality anymore.

Second is a meat puppet.

He probably actually does believe that he was going around here telling Cap'n, Ted and Wishy that there was no Russian Collusion, because that's exactly the spin his Media Masters are trying to pull right now and all he can do is repost their lies because he gave up the ability to think for himself many, many years ago.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

. I don't give SECOND credit for being a dumb ass. He's a stone cold - but inept! - liar.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Friday, May 19, 2023 12:42 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Are you kidding, Sigs? He's allowed himself to be lied to and he's lied to himself so much over the years he doesn't even know what is and is not reality anymore.

Second is a meat puppet.

He probably actually does believe that he was going around here telling Cap'n, Ted and Wishy that there was no Russian Collusion, because that's exactly the spin his Media Masters are trying to pull right now and all he can do is repost their lies because he gave up the ability to think for himself many, many years ago.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

. I don't give SECOND credit for being a dumb ass. He's a stone cold - but inept! - liar.

You don't have to be stupid to end up mindless.

The reason he's inept at lying is because anybody balancing all of those lies for as long as he has will lose track of them. Add to that the fact that he's got so many contradictory lies floating around in his brain that he's always shutting himself down 5 minutes after he posts something by posting something else contradictory to his previous point.

His only core value is that he hate's Trump voters. If he didn't have that, he'd be completely tetherless in this plane of existence and he'd just float away out of our atmosphere... preferably into the sun.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, May 19, 2023 1:11 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

True about all of thst.

But it's not just Trump voters that he hates, SiX. He hates anyone who wants to keep illegal aliens out of the country. He hates anyone who exercises free speech. He hates anyone who requires evidence. He hates anyone who insists on due process. He hates anyone who isn't rich

The guy's posts are just a litany of hate. He doesn't hate bc of any particular issue or POV, he's just a bag of pus looking for an excuse to explode.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Friday, May 19, 2023 1:20 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
True about all of thst.

But it's not just Trump voters that he hates, SiX. He hates anyone who wants to keep illegal aliens out of the country. He hates anyone who exercises free speech. He hates anyone who requires evidence. He hates anyone who insists on due process. He hates anyone who isn't rich

This is all true, but when you look at his posts... any of his posts... he attributes all of these things to Trump voters. Even positive things like exercising free speech, requiring evidence and insisting on due process, he finds a way to twist it into a negative and then say "all the Trump voters I've ever known in my life do this and it's why they fail at life", while at the same time he pretends that nobody who votes Democrat is poor or unhealthy or has ever made a bad decision in their life life when this is obviously far from the truth. Second will find a way to find everything he hates in the world and cram it into the "Trump Voter" box, reality be damned.


The guy's posts are just a litany of hate. He doesn't hate bc of any particular issue or POV, he's just a bag of pus looking for an excuse to explode.

Sure. I'm in the middle of another of those conversations with him right now in the inflation thread. He's so determined to "win" any argument that he'll just keep shifting the argument into totally unrelated spaces and it usually winds up with him just arguing the point he was trying and failing to make in the first place, and then he disappears from the thread entirely until somebody else brings something completely unrelated up in the thread.

Honestly, I've never known anyone quite like Second in my life. I'm glad whatever personality type he is happens to be an extremely rare one.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, May 19, 2023 1:22 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


"The Impossible Must Be Possible": How The Durham Whodunit Became Who Didn't Do it

There's been speculation about why the Durham report was issued now. Everyone had forgotten him, he could have kept beavering away at his "report" for the next decade and nobody would have asked about it. So, why now?

Some ppl speculate that the report was issued so that it could be memory-holed before the Biden* campaign.

I'm suspecting it has more to do with providing a pathway to exculpate the FBI's latest outrage, which is the Hunter Biden laptop, an issue which has been heating up lately. They* somehow have to put that thing to bed -AGAIN- before Biden* starts to campaign for real.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Friday, May 19, 2023 1:32 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
True about all of thst.

But it's not just Trump voters that he hates, SiX. He hates anyone who wants to keep illegal aliens out of the country. He hates anyone who exercises free speech. He hates anyone who requires evidence. He hates anyone who insists on due process. He hates anyone who isn't rich

This is all true, but when you look at his posts... any of his posts... he attributes all of these things to Trump voters. Even positive things like exercising free speech, requiring evidence and insisting on due process, he finds a way to twist it into a negative and then say "all the Trump voters I've ever known in my life do this and it's why they fail at life", while at the same time he pretends that nobody who votes Democrat is poor or unhealthy or has ever made a bad decision in their life life when this is obviously far from the truth. Second will find a way to find everything he hates in the world and cram it into the "Trump Voter" box, reality be damned.


The guy's posts are just a litany of hate. He doesn't hate bc of any particular issue or POV, he's just a bag of pus looking for an excuse to explode.

Sure. I'm in the middle of another of those conversations with him right now in the inflation thread. He's so determined to "win" any argument that he'll just keep shifting the argument into totally unrelated spaces and it usually winds up with him just arguing the point he was trying and failing to make in the first place, and then he disappears from the thread entirely until somebody else brings something completely unrelated up in the thread.

Honestly, I've never known anyone quite like Second in my life. I'm glad whatever personality type he is happens to be an extremely rare one.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

My point is that SECOND is pathological. I've met two ppl like him IRL. Truly fucked up, and fucked up in childhood.

He just hates. Right now, he's fixated on Trump, Trump voters, and Russia.

Tomorrow it could be Civil War generals who fought for the south, and "racists". After that, it could be the Chi-coms. Or the scientists in Antarctica. Or just people in general (except himself, of course) bc we're ALL "guilty" of driving global warming.

Seriously, he's just looking for a target for his hate. He doesn't have to have a coherent reason. That's why he's so incoherent: there's no mental integrity in there. When ppl describe someone as "cracked", they're describing SIX. All of his thoughts are broken, nothing runs in a continuous line.

But, enough of SECOND, and back on topic. Gonna re-post my last post to move the convo forward.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Friday, May 19, 2023 2:00 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


"The Impossible Must Be Possible": How The Durham Whodunit Became Who Didn't Do it

There's been speculation about why the Durham report was issued. Everyone had forgotten him, he could have kept beavering away at his "report" for the next decade and nobody would have asked about it. So, why now? Why at all??

Some ppl speculate that the report was issued so that it could be memory-holed before the Biden* campaign.

I'm suspecting it has more to do with providing a pathway to exculpate the FBI's latest outrage, which is the Hunter Biden laptop, an issue which has been heating up lately. They* somehow have to put that thing to bed -AGAIN- before Biden* starts to campaign for real. There's nothing to see here (either!), move along.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Saturday, May 20, 2023 10:50 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


FBI Improperly Used Surveillance Program To Spy On Jan. 6 Suspects

The FBI abused its surveillance powers while spying on suspects in the Jan. 6, 2021, breach of the U.S. Capitol and Black Lives Matter protesters, a federal court said in a newly unsealed ruling.

FBI agents violated standards the agency developed for the Section 702 program, which enables spying on Americans and others, more than 278,000 times, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court said in the 2022 ruling, which was made public for the first time on May 19.

Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act enables agencies like the FBI to collect information like emails without warrants from foreigners, even if they’re in the United States, and bars intentionally targeting Americans.

The FBI developed its own standard for Section 702 searches, stating that queries “must be reasonably likely to retrieve foreign intelligence information, as defined by FISA, or evidence of a crime, unless otherwise specifically excepted.”

But FBI agents have been violating the standard, the court has found, with the newest ruling disclosing hundreds of thousands of abusive searches in addition to those already known.

The abusive searches include multiple improper queries targeting suspected or confirmed Jan. 6 suspects.

In one instance, an analyst searched for information on 13 people suspected of being involved in the Capitol breach. The analyst “said she ran the queries to determine whether these individuals had foreign ties,” but the Department of Justice’s National Security Division (NSD) “concluded the queries were not reasonably likely to retrieve foreign intelligence information or evidence of crime,” the newly unsealed ruling states.

In another case, widespread searches that in total consisted of more than 23,000 separate queries looked for information on presumed Americans to see whether the people were “being used by a group” involved in the breach.

“The queries were run against unminimized Section 702 information to find evidence of possible foreign influence, although the analyst conducting the queries had no indications of foreign influence related to the query terms used,” the court said. “NSD assessed there was no specific factual basis to believe the queries were reasonably likely to retrieve foreign intelligence information or evidence of crime from Section 702 information.”
Other Improper Searches

The new ruling, released by the Office of Director of National Intelligence, also revealed that FBI personnel improperly surveilled a congressional campaign.

An analyst conducted a so-called batch query, or a widespread query, for over 19,000 donors to the campaign. The analyst claimed the campaign was “a target of foreign influence,” but NSD officials found sufficient evidence for queries for just eight of the people who were queried.

In another instance, a batch query was conducted on 133 people who were arrested “in connection with civil unrest and protests between approximately May 30, and June 18, 2020,” the time period during which people, primarily Black Lives Matter members and supporters, were protesting and rioting over the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

“The query was run to determine whether the FBI had ‘any counter-terrorism derogatory information on the arrestees,’ but without ‘any specific potential connections to terrorist related activity’ known to those who conducted the queries,'” the court found. NSD said the queries violated the FBI standards, but the FBI disagreed, claiming there was a “reasonable basis to believe these queries ‘would return foreign intelligence” due to citations that were redacted.

Additional 2020 violations included queries using variations of “political activist groups involved in organized protests;” 697 queries using identifiers on scheduled visits to a place or person that were redacted in the ruling; searches for at least 790 defense contractors that the FBI was considering requesting cooperation from; and at least 330 queries conducted using identifiers of employees of a company whose name was redacted, with the FBI claiming it might recruit the employees as sources.

Multiple queries were run without obtaining an order from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, another violation of the law.

Critics said the newly released information highlights a pattern of abuse.

“Chris Wray told us we can sleep well at night because of the FBI’s so-called ‘FISA Reforms.’ But it just keeps getting worse,” House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) told The Epoch Times via email.

Wray is the FBI’s director.

Many of the improper searches were conducted before the FBI began overhauling the system. Officials have said the changes include strengthening training, ramping up auditing, and revising guidance on the querying standards.

The FBI told The Epoch Times via email: “As Director Wray has made clear, the errors described in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court’s opinion are completely unacceptable. As a result of the audits that revealed these instances of noncompliance, the FBI changed its querying procedures to make sure these errors do not happen again. These steps have led to significant improvement in the way we conduct queries of lawfully obtained Section 702 information. We are committed to continuing this work and providing greater transparency into the process to earn the trust of the American people and advance our mission of safeguarding both the nation’s security, and privacy and civil liberties, at the same time.”

Those changes have led to a drop in queries, according to data released in April.

Still, four percent of a sample of queries carried out in the second half of 2021 and the first quarter of 2020 violated the standards, the FBI’s own watchdog reported recently, and members of Congress are considering whether to reauthorize the law that grants the spying powers.

“The FBI has shown a penchant for spying on all Americans without a warrant. The opinion describes shocking abuses of the FBI’s Section 702 powers, and Congress should respond by ending this unconstitutional surveillance,” Aaron Mackey, the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s free speech and transparency litigation director, told The Epoch Times via email.

U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras said in the newly released opinion the surveillance court “is encouraged by the amendments to the FBI’s querying procedures” and that they appeared to be “having the desired effect.”

“Nonetheless, compliance problems with the FBI.’s querying of Section 702 information have proven to be persistent and widespread,” he added. “If they are not substantially mitigated by these recent measures, it may become necessary to consider other responses, such as substantially limiting the number of FBI personnel with access to unminimized Section 702 information.”

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Saturday, May 20, 2023 11:08 PM


We're all on lists, Sigs.

I'm half of the mind that the entity we know as Haken isn't the original Haken and this site was taken over by the government many, many years ago.

I've been saying since the early 2000's, long before I actually saw Firefly for the first time that they were saving all of our emails, text and phone calls and warehousing them on servers, reducing us all to mere numbers. And when it turned out that I was right the entire country was up in arms about it for 2 whole weeks and then forgot about it.

With stuff we've said here we are for sure on watch lists.

But I stopped caring about any of that a long time ago. Anybody worth their salt that would be watching me knows that I'm no threat to anybody. I've got too much to lose to start anything I'm not prepared to finish. Things would have to get much, much worse in the world for me to even consider rocking the boat, and by that time they're going to have their hands full with a lot more people who are far more dangerous than I am.

Word to the wise though... Don't be going to any of these protests in the first place, but if you must than at the first sign that any shenanigans are going on just get the fuck out of dodge... and always, ALWAYS have that cell phone taking videos of everything. Yeah... There are some extremest nut-jobs going to these things, but the worse threat by far is having state actors implanted at them and riling up a crowd to do stupid shit.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Monday, May 22, 2023 12:57 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Here are some of the main findings:

“The FBI discounted or willfully ignored material information that did not support the narrative of a collusive relationship between Trump and Russia.”

Crossfire Hurricane “was opened as a full investigation without [the FBI] ever having spoken to the persons who provided that information.” Days after it was opened, Peter Strzok was telling a London FBI employee that “there’s nothing to this.”

Internal FBI communications discussing the Crossfire Hurricane during its early stages: it’s “thin” and “it sucks”.

British Intelligence pushed back on Mueller requests for assistance: “[a British Intelligence person] basically said there was no [expletive] way in hell they were going to do it.”

Durham documents TWO investigations into Hillary Clinton - one involving the Clinton Foundation and one involving illegal foreign contributions to Clinton’s Campaign.

In one Clinton Campaign investigation, an FBI confidential human source (CHS) had offered an illegal foreign contribution to the campaign through an intermediary. The Clinton Campaign was “okay with it” and “were fully aware”. The CHS offered the FBI a copy of the credit card charge; the FBI never got receipts. In fact, the FBI handling agent told the CHS “to stay away from all events relating to Clinton’s campaign.”
In February 2016, FBI Assistant Director Andrew McCabe directed the Clinton Foundation investigation to be shut down. He walked that back after receiving push-back, but McCabe made sure that his approval was required for any further investigative steps.

The New York Field Office was called on behalf of FBI Director Comey and informed to “cease and desist” from the Clinton Foundation investigation.

The FBI and DOJ restricted both of those Clinton investigations, making sure that “essentially no investigative activities occurred for months leading up to the election.” In comparison, the FBI opened a full investigation into the Trump Campaign based on unvetted “intelligence”.

The CIA had direct knowledge of the Clinton plan (“Clinton Plan”) to vilify Trump by linking him to Putin and Russia. On August 3, 2016, CIA Director John Brennon met with President Obama, VP Biden, and other senior Administration officials, including but not limited to Attorney General Loretta Lynch and FBI Director James Comey. At that meeting, Brennan informed them of the Clinton Plan:

In September 2016, the CIA sent the FBI this information on the Clinton Plan to link Trump and Russia:

Somehow, the FBI did nothing to vet or investigate the Clinton Plan - even though they were using parts of the Clinton Plan (the Steele Reports) - to investigate the Trump Campaign. Durham writes: “No FBI personnel who were interviewed by the Office recalled Crossfire Hurricane personnel taking any action to vet the Clinton Plan intelligence.”

In fact, it was as if the CIA’s Clinton Plan memo was somehow buried within the FBI. Most members of Crossfire Hurricane “had never seen the intelligence before”. And, as we have previously discussed, it was never disclosed to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in contravention to that court’s local rules.

FBI Director James Comey was deeply interested in the Crossfire Hurricane investigation and micromanaged it, demanding the Carter Page FISA warrant, telling Assistant Director Andrew McCabe: “Where is the FISA, where is the FISA?”

The FBI knew, relatively early, that its Carter Page FISA warrants were dubious. That FBI knowledge only intensified by 2018, as FBI analysts discussed how “Steele’s subsources could have been compromised by the Russians.” They were going to prepare their findings in a memorandum. FBI Deputy Assistant Director for Counterintelligence, Dina Corsi, met with the review team and directed them not to document any recommendations, context, or analysis in the memorandum they were preparing.” An FBI attorney was at that meeting. “He confirmed that the team was told not to write any more memoranda or analytical pieces and to provide their findings orally.” Corsi’s demands, according to one FBI Attorney, were “the most inappropriate operational or professional statement he had ever heard at the FBI.”

Igor Danchenko, the Steele primary subsource charged with (and acquitted of) lying to the FBI, was paid $220K by the FBI as a confidential human source. This was paid after the FBI knew Danchenko lied to them. As the Durham Investigation proceeded, Durham learned “the FBI proposed making continued future payments to Danchenko, totaling more than $300,000, while [Durham] was actively investigating this matter.” The FBI, in effect, was seeking to influence a key witness who would later face criminal charges.

The FBI’s reasons for paying Danchenko were certainly curious. Interviews with Durham’s office revealed: “the FBI's Executive Assistant Director for National Security, made clear that they were not even able to accurately describe the value or contributions of Danchenko that would justify keeping him open, much less making hundreds of thousands of dollars in payments to him.”

We’ll follow this up with a much deeper analysis hopefully by tomorrow. Part of that story is the problem with the Durham investigation: the fact that its scope didn’t include the attribution of the DNC hack.

Again signym promotes a Fox news lie. Let's put this to bed shall we?

Who has been charged? Who has been named as possibly being charged?

This investigation took four more years to complete than the Mueller investigation. Who did they find did something wrong, broke the law, no one.

They have been investigating Biden's son for five years now. What's the latest on that? They can't find their prime witness.

Signym, you and some others here are complete dicks.



Monday, May 22, 2023 10:00 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Yanno THUGR, SECOND is malicious. You're not even smart enough to be malicious, you're just brainwashed. It's sad.

I do wonder tho: WHAT would it take to wake you up?

The Durham report definitively says that the TRUMP! RUSSIA!COLLUSION! 'investigation" was not only mistaken, it was a hoax perpetrated by Hillary Clinton and pushed forward by the FBI, CIA, and M$M.

HOW MANY posts did you spend obsessing over every tidbit of bullshit and non-events to "prove" that the Kremlin had "kompromat" on Trump, that Russia was secretly (somehow!) communicating with Trump and telling him what to do? I'm not going to go back and count but, man, it was a ton. So you memory-holed your tremendous fuckup to avoid acknowledging that you believed not one lie but a whole series of lies over more than two years?

And what about that "Ukraine is WINNING!" narrative? Seriously? Ukraine is mortally wounded, THUGR. Half if its people have left, somewhere in the realm of 100,000 - 120,000 of its young men have been killed, and it has no money outside of donations from the west. It committed suicide. Like any really big animal it takes time to bleed out and keel over. It's just a matter of tine.

THUGR, what WOULD it take for you to re-evaluate your assumptions and figure out where you went wrong? Bc, yanno, if I went wrong in my last job as often as you have,well, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to retire from it. All I can conclude is that your job involves pushing a broom.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Tuesday, June 6, 2023 10:32 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Comey: Imagine A "Retribution Presidency" Where The President Ordered The "Investigation And Prosecution" Of His Enemies

Yeah, no shit, Comey! Imagine that!!


Imagine if you will a "retribution presidency" in which the President of the United States ordered "the investigation and prosecution of individuals who he sees as enemies."

You may think that describes Joe Biden's presidency to a T -- locking up J6ers en masse, ordering the FBI to target the regime's political opposition, having the DOJ work to jail former president Donald Trump -- but it's actually former FBI director James Comey's vision of a second Trump term.

"Think about what four years of a retribution presidency might look like," Comey told MSNBC's Jen Psaki on Sunday.
"He could order the investigation and prosecution of individuals who he sees as enemies."

Translation: ‘If Trump is elected he might weaponize the justice system against us just as we weaponized it against him.’

I wish I could imagine it but Trump did nothing like this during his first term -- he let Hillary Clinton off the hook despite campaigning on "Lock Her Up" and even kept Comey on as FBI Director. One would hope Trump learned his lesson but who knows.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Tuesday, June 6, 2023 10:40 PM


Comey should be in prison.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, October 15, 2024 12:47 PM


100% DROP In Afghan Opium: How CIA Propped Up Drug Trade For Years






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