
UPDATED: Thursday, October 17, 2024 13:30
VIEWED: 30572
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Tuesday, March 7, 2023 11:34 AM


Funny video



Friday, March 10, 2023 10:08 AM


Biden* just named some dude Woman of the Year.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Saturday, March 18, 2023 9:20 PM


How you feeling about Biden* right now Ted?


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, March 29, 2023 9:54 AM


We're just living in two worlds in tandem right now...

Biden: MAGA Republicans Are Threatening To Undo All This Economic Progress


I cut the deficit by $1.7 trillion in two years.

The fuck you did.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, April 2, 2023 7:28 AM


Douglass Mackey Convicted for Memes

They say Douglass Mackey is the reason Hillary Lost and made Trump win, he is found guilty of election interference


Sunday, April 2, 2023 8:59 AM


He will appeal and he will be fine.

I feel really bad for the kid though.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, April 2, 2023 9:12 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Biden* just named some dude Woman of the Year.

Joe Biden*'s boyfriend is now Bud Light's brand ambassador.

Good move, Budweiser. I'm sure that's going to sell some beer for you. At least people like second can't download Bud Light off of a torrent site. But let's be honest, Bud Light is piss in a can... Do they support the trans agenda enough to drink piss in a can?


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Saturday, April 29, 2023 11:54 AM


Sorry, but you've gotta admit it Joe, this is funny.



Tuesday, May 9, 2023 11:28 AM


It's funny Joe, its funny.



Tuesday, May 9, 2023 12:43 PM



Originally posted by THG:
Sorry, but you've gotta admit it Joe, this is funny.


That's not funny, Ted. It's true. You do realize that he has notes like this whenever he goes anywhere, don't you? Or does your media not tell you this?

Joe Biden* is an embarrassment to his office and his country.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, May 12, 2023 4:29 PM


Watch the video. When it comes to Joe and Hunter Biden they got nothing. Unbelievable, another republican nothing burger. Say what you want trolls, your bullshit conspiracy theories will never be valadated.



Republicans yell about locking up opponents but not Trump or his family


Saturday, May 13, 2023 12:51 PM


Title 42


Sunday, May 14, 2023 12:39 PM


'We can't track down the informant': James Comer says he lost top witness in Biden investigation

Rep. James Comer (R-KY) revealed on Sunday that Republicans had lost track of a top witness in the investigation of President Joe Biden and his family.

During an interview on Fox News, host Maria Bartiromo asked Comer about evidence he had of Biden's alleged corruption.

"You have spoken with whistleblowers," she noted. "You also spoke with an informant who gave you all of this information. Where is that informant today? Where are these whistleblowers?"

"Well, unfortunately, we can't track down the informant," Comer replied. "We're hopeful that the informant is still there. The whistleblower knows the informant. The whistleblower is very credible."

"Hold on a second, Congressman," Bartiromo said. "Did you just say that the whistleblower or the informant is now missing?"

"Well, we we're hopeful that we can find the informant," Comer said, explaining the informant was in the "spy business" and "they don't make a habit of being seen a lot."

"The nine of the ten people that we've identified that have very good knowledge with respect to the Bidens," he added, "they're one of three things, Maria, they're either currently in court, they're currently in jail, or they're currently missing."

You guys are the stupidest, most incompetent morons. You always fall for any type bullshit that other stupid incompetent morons say. If it's anti-mainstream and bullshit, you guys choke on it as you gleefully swallow it down. I.E. jack signym and jayneztown.




Sunday, May 14, 2023 12:56 PM


'Somebody send out an Amber Alert': House Republican mocked over 'missing' Hunter Biden 'whistleblower'

United States Representative and House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Kentucky) revealed to Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo on Sunday that a purported "whistleblower" whom congressional Republicans believe bore witness to evidence that crimes were committed by President Joe Biden and his family has apparently vanished without a trace.

Oxygen please, I can't breathe I'm laughing so hard. Jack jayneztown signym, help please. It shouldn't matter that I'm laughing at you all. I need assistance.



Sunday, May 14, 2023 1:42 PM


Fox News host reminds Biden-obsessed GOPer how Ivanka and Jared made $640 million in office

Fox News host Arthel Neville asked Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) why Republicans were not investigating the millions of dollars Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner made while Donald Trump was president.



Sunday, May 14, 2023 1:47 PM




Sunday, May 14, 2023 3:34 PM


You are a silly little bitch, Ted.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, May 14, 2023 6:00 PM


House Republican Report Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by President Biden

After months of investigation and many public accusations of corruption against Mr. Biden and his family, the first report of the premier House G.O.P. inquiry showed no proof of such misconduct.

Yep, no surprise there for anyone who has a modicum of intelligence. Some here however do not. Raise your hand Jack, for you do not.



Sunday, May 14, 2023 6:18 PM



Shut up, mutt. I'm tired of hearing you parrot your master's thoughts.

If I want to hear your opinion on anything, I'd just watch CNN tonight.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, June 14, 2023 12:01 PM



Originally posted by THG:

House Republican Report Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by President Biden

After months of investigation and many public accusations of corruption against Mr. Biden and his family, the first report of the premier House G.O.P. inquiry showed no proof of such misconduct.

Yep, no surprise there for anyone who has a modicum of intelligence. Some here, however, do not. Raise your hand Jack, for you do not.


Truth and facts here folks, truth and facts.



Wednesday, June 14, 2023 12:07 PM


Joe Biden* is a pedophile groomer and Chris Christie is a useless neo-con fat fuck.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Saturday, June 17, 2023 10:38 AM



Originally posted by THG:

'We can't track down the informant': James Comer says he lost top witness in Biden investigation

Rep. James Comer (R-KY) revealed on Sunday that Republicans had lost track of a top witness in the investigation of President Joe Biden and his family.

During an interview on Fox News, host Maria Bartiromo asked Comer about evidence he had of Biden's alleged corruption.

"You have spoken with whistleblowers," she noted. "You also spoke with an informant who gave you all of this information. Where is that informant today? Where are these whistleblowers?"

"Well, unfortunately, we can't track down the informant," Comer replied. "We're hopeful that the informant is still there. The whistleblower knows the informant. The whistleblower is very credible."

"Hold on a second, Congressman," Bartiromo said. "Did you just say that the whistleblower or the informant is now missing?"

"Well, we we're hopeful that we can find the informant," Comer said, explaining the informant was in the "spy business" and "they don't make a habit of being seen a lot."

"The nine of the ten people that we've identified that have very good knowledge with respect to the Bidens," he added, "they're one of three things, Maria, they're either currently in court, they're currently in jail, or they're currently missing."

You guys are the stupidest, most incompetent morons. You always fall for any type bullshit that other stupid incompetent morons say. If it's anti-mainstream and bullshit, you guys choke on it as you gleefully swallow it down. I.E. jack signym and jayneztown.




Rep. Goldman Debunks Committee Republican Claims on Form FD-1023


Saturday, June 17, 2023 11:05 AM


Every insult you ever throw, Theodore, is simply projection of your own shortcomings and a description of yourself.

That's why you've got 6 year old countdown to nothing threads all over this board.

You are incapable of critical thought and you are a fool who is easily lead around on a leash.

You are background noise.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, June 23, 2023 11:11 AM


Biden will sign an order seeking to protect birth control access a year after Roe was overturned



Friday, June 23, 2023 11:58 AM


blame Trump?


Originally posted by THG:
Biden will sign an order seeking to protect birth control ABORTION of America's babies

Yes we know he likes to Abort Americans while importing thousands of aliens from a foreign culture and Open the Border to jihadi islamic breeders

What are brood parasites? Why does Biden want to use Tax Payer money to put American babies to an end, there are many options for them to 'Family Plan' the Pill for example,t he Condom, with no killing babies, yet Biden has put US babies last while importing foreign illegal alien cultures

Brood parasitism, it happens in the Animal Kingdom among Fish, Birds, also called social parasitism, the exploitation by one invader the brood parasite of the parental care of another the host Nation with No Borders, Biden investing in cuckoldry biology of islamics and invaders from Latin America, in the animals you see it in the cowbird egg, cuckoos parasiting, mochokid catfish, some show Host-parasite mimicry, the slave maker Ant culture, Kleptoparasite behavior of the animal kingdom, is this how Biden Admin invests in America's future?


Friday, June 23, 2023 12:25 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Every insult you ever throw, Theodore, is simply projection of your own shortcomings and a description of yourself.

That's why you've got 6 year old countdown to nothing threads all over this board.

You are incapable of critical thought and you are a fool who is easily lead around on a leash.

You are background noise.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Why, why Jack do you continue to post shit that shows you to be an idiot. Let’s examine my countdown threads that you say go back 6 years, and were all wrong, Ok?

My countdown until Trump is impeached thread. Well, he was not only impeached, he was impeached twice. All the while you said it would not happen. A hundred times Jack you said it wouldn’t happen. That makes me right, you wrong.

My countdown until Trump goes to jail thread. Well, he has been indicted twice now. He has with both indictments maybe 67 felony charges? Now because I know there are more indictments coming, I created a new thread explaining he has been indicted and what's to come. When he loses in court both threads will be updated to show he is going to jail. You said he will not even be indicted. You said over that same six-year period, about a hundred times he would not be indicted. Well, he was. Twice so far. That makes me right, you wrong.

I’ve stated he has at least two more indictments coming. I’ve decided to do a countdown to those indictments within the existing thread. How, by reminding readers they are still coming. I’ll remind you again, you’ve been wrong about it all.

Now, some of what should have happened in the last six years and didn't that I did not foresee, was due to my not being able to anticipate the Republican Party completely imploding. Not only voting to ignore Trumps guilt as obvious as it was, but supporting him while selling out America. The reason, they are shitting themselves worrying about Trump having them primaried. Not to worry though, historians are already showing, by what they are saying about all this currently, I am right Jack, you are wrong.

During those six years Jack, while I was making accurate predictions, you were posting conspiracy theories. None of which came to fruition. All the false claims against the Clintons, Joe Biden and his family for corruption to name two, another, the Durham report. 5 years and 6 million dollars later, he could prove nothing. He got destroyed, picked apart in the hearing as he desperately tried to imply, with no evidence, somebody who he could not name did something wrong. When asked what they did, he was forced to say he doesn’t know that either. Very fucked up.

Another stellar reputation destroyed because he chose to support Trump instead of the facts. The democrats got him to admit during his testimony, he agreed with the findings in the Mueller report. They got him to admit Trumps campaign manager and son conspired with the Russians during the election. That 31 people that worked on Trumps campaign were charged by Mueller. All his report accomplished was to remind and confirm with America, Trump did collude with the Russians. Thank you Durham.

They got him to admit all the shit Jack, you sig, janzetown and kiki posted was complete bullshit. It's been a nightmare week for the Republicans. I assert here, I called you all out in real time on that bullshit. As time passes Jack. It shows I was right; you were wrong.

Yet, here you are saying I was wrong about everything and implying you were right. Get help, take a pill, read a newspaper, pay attention to SECOND. You know as I post on the internet; I strive to be right when I post. And not be associated, as being a part of a group of complete morons like you guys' Jack who are always wrong.



Friday, June 23, 2023 1:49 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
blame Trump?


Originally posted by THG:
Biden will sign an order seeking to protect birth control ABORTION of America's babies

Yes we know he likes to Abort Americans while importing thousands of aliens from a foreign culture and Open the Border to jihadi islamic breeders

What are brood parasites? Why does Biden want to use Tax Payer money to put American babies to an end, there are many options for them to 'Family Plan' the Pill for example,t he Condom, with no killing babies, yet Biden has put US babies last while importing foreign illegal alien cultures

Brood parasitism, it happens in the Animal Kingdom among Fish, Birds, also called social parasitism, the exploitation by one invader the brood parasite of the parental care of another the host Nation with No Borders, Biden investing in cuckoldry biology of islamics and invaders from Latin America, in the animals you see it in the cowbird egg, cuckoos parasiting, mochokid catfish, some show Host-parasite mimicry, the slave maker Ant culture, Kleptoparasite behavior of the animal kingdom, is this how Biden Admin invests in America's future?

First, you changed my post. Second, you have no idea how stupid you are. Or that you belong to a group of stupid people. One fact you are obviously unaware of. Today, 57.8 % of America is white. If you add Latinos who identify as white it goes a bit higher. In 1967, the % of America that was white was 72.5 percent. In 1975 roughly 7 in 10 Americans were white middle class workers. Now I think it is 40%. Why, union busting by the Republicans. My point, you are losing.

tick tock



Friday, June 23, 2023 2:08 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Since this is a thread about Biden* let me relay a story about how he fucked up. Again. Bigly.

AS you should know by now, the Chinese are royally pissed at the USA. It started when the USA had Canada detain the daughter of -iirc- Huawei's chief executive, and an executive in her own right on specious grounds and it's gone downhill since then. Some low points include the campaign about Uighur 'concentration camps', arms sales to
Taiwan, Pelosi's trip to Taiwan, stationing more troops in Taiwan, 'freedom of navigation' campaigns in the Taiwan straits, various calls to 'defend' Taiwan, and constant pressure to 'honor' USA sanctions on Russia which are, according to UN law, illegal.

Recall that the USA recognized Taiwan as part of China since 1972. It says so on our own State Dept website as our official 'One China' policy. What the USA does would be the eqivalent of China stationing troops on M
Puerto Rico, sending high-level delegations Puerto Rico over USA objections, calling for Puerto Rico's defense and independence, kidnapping some American bigwig while they were visitng Taiwan, and insisting that Puerto Rico free its ethnic negroids.

Crazy, huh?

Xi and other Chinese officials have sharply criticized our State Dept and Biden* himself for saying one thing ('One China') while doing everything but. Lying, in other words.

The Chinese are so pissed they have refused contact at all levels, military to military, foreign minister to State Dept, and President to President.

A secret visit by CIA director Burns - who, sadly, seems to be the only one with a head scewed on his shoulders - finally wrangled a meeting between Anthony Blinken and his immediate counterpart, and all the way up to Xi Jingping himself, After undergoing a 7-hour scolding by his Chinese counterpart, a one-hour of the same by the next level up, and a brief meeting with Xi himself, Blinken gets an agreement for further talks and a talk between Biden himself* and Xi.

So, what does Biden* do? One day after Blinken's vist to Beijing, on a fundraising trip to California he calls Xi a dictator!


Speaking at a campaign fundraiser in California, Biden suggested that Xi was embarrassed because he did not know about the alleged Chinese spy balloon flying over the United States earlier this year, despite his status as China’s all-powerful leader...

Blinken told NBC News after his visit that the spy balloon “chapter should be closed” and both sides pledged to try and stabilize the relationship.

Biden, however, revisited the subject before a room of more than 125 attendees that included California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who also spoke at the fundraiser.

“The reason why Xi Jinping got very upset in terms of when I shot that balloon down with two box cars full of spy equipment is he didn’t know it was there,” Biden said.

“That’s a great embarrassment for dictators,” he added, “when they didn’t know what happened.”

And then it got printed on our government website.

What does State Dept say???? 'Don't pay attention to that guy, he's just a senile dodderer who doesn't know what year it is'?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Friday, June 23, 2023 2:18 PM



Originally posted by THG:
My point, you are losing.

WTF are you talking about, I'm not American I'm not a Republican voter, I could be anyone but I do not vote in US politics and I am not a US citizen. I could be anyone a guy in New Zealand, in HongKong, in Argentina, I could be Shinto, Atheist, Christian, Buddhist, I could be Yellow or Brown or White or a mixed Mongrel, I could be from Polynesia I have never said who I was.

If you have previously read my posts I have given hints as to my personality, you should know I think Rapper Black Rap culture is moronic it is gutter culture, great African American music gets replaced by one of its dumbest lowest forms, a type of rude loud noise that might not even class as 'musical' I also say theology of Sharia Law islam is a garbage so-called religion and a cult, if you want to see the roots of warlord pedophiles and terrorists start with their sicko islamic jihadi books.

There is no 'my side is losing', perhaps even most of the world also think uncivilized Low IQ imbeciles pay to buy 'Rap' sounds, most of the world Asia, Africa etc think islam is disgusting. Yes Police Brutality is wrong but a mob mass murdering is also wrong and another level of Evil and Mass Hysteria, most of the world DO NOT burn down their own cities, they are not Burning, Looting and Murdering over some felon George Floyd who pointed a gun at the belly of a pregnant woman.


Friday, June 23, 2023 2:24 PM


I’ll keep this short comrade Signym, so what. Biden’s been at this a long time. He may want to send a mixed message to China to keep them guessing. China is trying to do to us what they are doing to all others outside their borders, bully them. They are using the same tactics against all. These guys are opening up police stations within our and other countries' borders. They are threatening people in this country who have relatives in China and using these police stations to do it. How is it you are so stupid that you do not see what is going on?

Not allowing them to get away with it works for me. It is helping us strengthen our ties with our allies and create new pacts with others. It’s helping to bring jobs home. And there is nothing Biden said that isn't true. I’ll add, if China builds a base in Cuba, we can build one in Taiwan.




Friday, June 23, 2023 2:37 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

China wants clear, honest communication, not 'strategic ambiguity '. And it is the USA bullying China. It's our ships in their waters and our troops on their soil,not the other way around.
Biden* is trying to provoke China into a war.
Do you want to be fighting a war there, too?

BTW If a war starts, all of our provocation will be unknown or memory-holed and we'll be screaming about China's"unprovoked aggression".


"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Friday, June 23, 2023 2:48 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
China wants clear, honest communication, not 'strategic ambiguity '. And it is the USA bullying China. It's our ships in their waters and our troops on their soil,not the other way around.
Biden* is trying to provoke China into a war.
Do you want to be fighting a war there, too?

Fist of all comrade. What you claim to be Chinas is not recognized by the rest of the world to be theirs. As for Tiawan, a one China policy only means if Tiawan choses to join with China so be it. We will not stand in their way.

He is a dictator comrade. Just like Putin and Kim Jong Un. Who cares what China wants. Right now all three are trying to create a new world order. One that does not recognize the rule of law. Where the strong can do what it wants to the weak. We represent the free world. You know comrade; the world you constantly bash but chose to live in.



Friday, June 23, 2023 3:44 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

THUGR, you're speaking from a deep well of ignorance.

All of 13 nations, out of 193, recognize Taiwan as an independent nation. THE USA IS NOT ONE OF THOSE 13.

These are the nations that think Taiwan is a sovereign state:

Holy See (Vatican City)
Marshall Islanfs
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1981-present


"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Friday, June 23, 2023 4:19 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

THUGR, you're speaking from a deep well if ignorance.

All of 13 nations, out of 193, recognize Taiwan as an independent nation. THE USA IS NOT ONE OF THOSE 13.

These are the nations that think Taiwan is a sovereign state:

Holy See (Vatican City)
Marshall Islanfs
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1981-present


Read between the line's moron. Hint, so do we. The US initially accepted that Taiwan was part of China, but later followed the Australian position of simply “acknowledging” the PRC’s sovereign claim to Taiwan. What does that mean? It means we hear their claim. Not that we are going to honor it. We are running out the clock.

Why, because the allies gave Taiwan to China to reward their ROC wartime ally. What gave the allies the right to do that is to be determined.

A more contemporary legal argument suggests that, even if Taiwan is legally part of China, its people now have a fresh right to exercise “remedial” self-determination. This right rests in their de facto independence from the mainland for over 70 years, their apparent desire to be ruled separately, and their distinctive identity.

America has said many times now if China attacks Taiwan we will come to its aid. Japan has said the same. We supply them with weapons of war and are now training them to fight China off. We don’t come right out and claim Taiwan is independent because it doesn’t suit our purpose as of yet. You and I don’t even know if we are not doing that at the behest of Taiwan who does not want to tangle with China at this time.

Now comrade signym. Who's post shows ignorance of topic?



Friday, June 23, 2023 4:46 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

We do not recognize Taiwan as a sovereign state. Hardly anyone else does, either. Our official policy is a "one China" policy

Go suck your own dick, THUGR. That's what you do here all the time anyway.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Friday, June 23, 2023 5:25 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

We do not recognize Taiwan as a sovereign state. Hardly anyone else does, either. Our official policy is a "one China" policy

Go suck your own dick, THUGR. That's what you do here all the time anyway.

I just explained it in much more detail. Sorry if you're not capable of understanding what you are reading. Your response here does not offer a counter to what I’ve said. Instead, your response is that of a simpleton. A person who is deficient in judgment, good sense, or intelligence; a fool. All things I’ve seen attributed to you here in the past.

All things I've attributed to you here in the past.



Friday, June 23, 2023 6:10 PM




Friday, June 23, 2023 9:00 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
We do not recognize Taiwan as a sovereign state. Hardly anyone else does, either. Our official policy is a "one China" policy
Go suck your own dick, THUGR. That's what you do here all the time anyway.

THUGR: I just explained it in much more detail. Sorry if you're not capable of understanding what you are reading. Your response here does not offer a counter to what I’ve said. Instead, your response is that of a simpleton. A person who is deficient in judgment, good sense, or intelligence; a fool. All things I’ve seen attributed to you here in the past.

All things I've attributed to you here in the past.

Well, son, you're the one who thinks a cartoon or name-calling is an adequate response.

Do you know the history of the Chinese revolution, the fight between Mao and Chiang Kai Shek? Or even the deal Nixon made with China? Links to the State Department website?

Like I said - go suck your own dick, you ignore-anus. Most of the world hates us. Ignorant fools like you don't help.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Monday, June 26, 2023 12:57 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

This belongs in so many threads, I don't know if it should be here, in 'justice for me but not for thee', the '2024 election thread', or any number of threads on censorship, the FBI/CIA, or Durham.

What it details ... as if we needed any more details after Snowden's and Assange's revelations... is a corrupt regime pretending to be a democracy.


Tom Elliott
The more we learn about the 2020 election, the more undeniable it becomes that Biden owes his “victory” to blatant political corruption. To wit:

1) An IRS probe into the Bidens money laundering payments from hostile nations — the normal outcome of which would have ended his candidacy — was instead given a stand-down order

2) The FBI & IRS wanted to search Biden’s house in September 2020 but were given a stand down order.

3) The @FBI
authenticated Hunter’s laptop a year before the NYPost first reported on its contents

4) Rather than use the laptop’s voluminous documentation of myriad felonies to initiate criminal investigations, the FBI hatched a plot to warn social media companies of an imminent “hack & leak” operation of what they heavily suggested was Russian disinformation

5) The FBI used its 2016 Russia collusion probe — which the Durham probe has since proven was essentially an extension of the Clinton campaign — to rationalize its meddling in the 2020 election.

6) The FBI also conducted an influence operation with various reporters at major newspapers to convince them that forthcoming damaging reporting about Biden that they knew was true was in fact not

7) The FBI was spying on Giuliani when he shared the laptop’s contents with the NYPost

8) When the FBI told Twitter & Facebook a Russian disinformation campaign was coming, they had already concluded Russia wasn’t trying to game the election

9) In their attempt to corroborate their own rumor of Russian electoral influence, the FBI became aggressive with its demands for user data from Twitter, eventually getting shutdown for seeking users’ private info without a warrant

10) Nonetheless, in the preceding years, the FBI established a beachhead inside Twitter, with an operations center of former agents who communicated via their own dedicated slack channel. These ex-agents included Jim Baker, the FBI’s former top counsel who played a central role in the FBI’s Trump/Russia scam, as well as Comey’s former chief of staff, Dawn Burton, who started the FBI’s Russia collusion probe.

11) The CIA, in collusion with the Biden campaign, seeded disinformation claiming the laptop was itself Russian disinformation. The major media used this as a pretext to avoid reporting on its contents and instead attack those who were.

12) The FBI also arranged a meeting with Sens. Grassley & Johnson about supposed Russian disinformation & Hunter Biden.

13) The FBI then used this briefing with the senators to justify quashing their own agents’ probe into the Bidens’ corruption.

14) When the story broke mere weeks before the election — one that polling later indicated would have altered enough Democrat votes to send Trump to a second term — Twitter & Facebook orchestrated an unprecedented & anti-democratic mass censorship campaign.

15) When Twitter initially resisted censoring the story, it was Jim Baker who convinced them to do so (despite the FBI having known for a year the informartion was true).

16) In December 2020, after the operation’s success and Biden’s “victory,” the FBI agents working at & with Twitter celebrated the outcome.

17) The FBI subsequently paid Twitter $3.5 million for the staff hours expended on their influence operations.

18) At the time Trump was being impeached for asking Ukraine to investigate Biden’s alleged corruption in Ukraine, the FBI & IRS already knew the Bidens had indeed laundered more than $10 million from Burisma, via fake companies and dozens of bank accounts, while at the same time VP Biden had used U.S. aid as leverage in getting the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Burisma fired.

P.S. And that’s to say nothing of Democrats orchestrating a state-by-state campaign to change voting rules to enable the widespread adoption of voting boxes … Left-wing activist groups, funded in part by Facebook, facilitated the exploitation of these drop-off boxes on behalf of the Democratic Party. That part may not have been illegal since they simply changed the rules, but it’s especially shady since it was done alongside federal health agencies then-knowingly overstating the threat of Covid, which was used as the rationale for the change of rules in the first place.

P.P.S. And this is just what we know despite the feds’ best efforts. Imagine how much we don’t blatant-political-corruption-rot-americas-democracy-explained-under-1000-words

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Monday, June 26, 2023 1:26 PM


60 federal judges in as many trials all came to the same conclusion. There is no evidence to show the election was corrupted against Trump in any way. Some wrote scathing remarks about the complete lack of any evidence presented in their courtrooms to back up their claim. Many of these judges were appointed by Trump. Included in this sentiment Trumps own attorney general said any claims the election was stolen, and I quote
"is bullshit."

You are also still spreading lies the Republicans tried to claim happened, yet after years of investigating and millions of dollars spent, they found nothing. It's all a lie but they keep repeating it because they can't prove Biden has done anything illegal anywhere. It exposes your and their desperation.

So, comrade signym. Once again, your stupidity, propensity to lie and extreme nativity is showing.



Monday, June 26, 2023 3:55 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Monday, June 26, 2023 3:59 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Judges were ruling on voting and vote-counting procedures, dimwit. NOT on the disinformation and censorship campaign waged on behalf of Biden*. And since the DOJ, FBI, and CIA were in on it, you think they're going to out themselves?



Over Two Thirds Of Voters, 43% Of Democrats Say Biden Not Physically Or Mentally Fit Enough; New Poll Finds

An NBC News poll has found that 68 percent of voters, including 43 percent of Democrats, are “concerned that Joe Biden does not have the necessary mental and physical health to be president.”


57pct of Dems are dummies on this topic.

Don't worry, there is an equal percentage of Republicans that are dummies on other topics. Try not to be a dummy of either party.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Monday, June 26, 2023 8:38 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Judges were ruling on voting and vote-counting procedures, dimwit. NOT on the disinformation and censorship campaign waged on behalf of Biden*. And since the DOJ, FBI, and CIA were in on it, you think they're going to out themselves?

Also, they did not investigate the en masse mail-in-fraud and ballot harvesting that took place under new Covid rules in blue states and swing states.

Too bad for Democrats because it appears that Republicans and Trump have embraced their cheating apparatus and will now be using it against Democrats and do it better going forward.

They were warned.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, June 28, 2023 1:50 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

another article that could belong in this thread, the 'justice for me but not for thee' thread, or any number of threads about DOJ/ FBI/ CIA/ DNC/ Biden* rot


Was Garland Lying? New York Times Confirms Weiss Was Blocked From Bringing Additional Charges [against hunter biden]
Wednesday, Jun 28, 2023 - 09:05 AM

Authored by Jonathan Turley,

I recently wrote a column entitled “Who is Lying? Merrick Garland or the Whistleblowers?” after the allegations of IRS whistleblowers and the categorical denial of Attorney General Merrick Garland on the Hunter Biden investigation.

I noted that it would not be a difficult question to answer given the highly specific account of the whistleblowers of meetings, including witnesses.

Now the New York Times has confirmed one of the key allegations. While the newspaper buried the major fact in the 21st paragraph of the story, it confirmed that U.S. Attorney David Weiss did attempt to bring additional charges in California and D.C. but was blocked.

blocked by...?


Many have observed that the placement of the disclosure in the Times is a classic example of “burying the lede.” If this were Bill Barr, the confirmation of the story would have been a banner headline. Instead, the confirmation is found in with the baggage 21 cars down the train. That is where you will find this bombshell:

“But in mid-2022, Mr. Weiss reached out to the top federal prosecutor in Washington, Matthew Graves, to ask his office to pursue charges and was rebuffed, according to Mr. Shapley’s testimony. A similar request to prosecutors in the Central District of California, which includes Los Angeles, was also rejected, Mr. Shapley testified. A second former I.R.S. official, who has not been identified, told House Republicans the same story. That episode was confirmed independently to The New York Times by a person with knowledge of the situation


"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Tuesday, July 4, 2023 9:51 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Biden officials blocked from colluding with Big Tech in major censorship case: Judge
by Haisten Willis, White House Reporter
July 04, 2023 02:46 PM

A federal judge has blocked contact between Biden administration officials and social media companies, ruling that the two were working together to censor speech.

The judge, Trump appointee Terry A. Doughty, made the preliminary injunction in response to a lawsuit from Republican attorneys general in Missouri and Louisiana that alleged government officials and social media companies collaborated to suppress speech based on content.


"The Court has granted our motion to BLOCK top officials in the federal government from violating the First Amendment rights of millions of Americans," Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey tweeted. "What a way to celebrate Independence Day." — Attorney General Andrew Bailey (@AGAndrewBailey) July 4, 2023

The suit stems largely from efforts made during the pandemic to address social media posts related to COVID-19 policy. The attorneys general accused the Biden administration of creating a sprawling federal "Censorship Enterprise," the Washington Post reported, encouraging Big Tech companies to remove disfavored speech.

The pair called it “the most egregious violations of the First Amendment in the history of the United States of America.”

While the judge hasn't made a final ruling, he said the plaintiffs had produced evidence of a "massive effort" from the White House and federal agencies to "suppress speech based on its content." Doughty allowed for exceptions to the communication block, including national security threats and criminal activity.

Collaboration between the government and Big Tech during the pandemic has been controversial for years now.

In one famous exchange, then-White House press secretary Jen Psaki said in July 2021 the administration was "flagging problematic posts for Facebook," leading a reporter to ask how long the administration had been spying on people's profiles.

In subsequent Twitter posts, Bailey said the injunction prohibits nearly all of the federal government, including the Department of Justice, Department of Health and Human Services, and Department of Homeland Security, from colluding with social media companies and prevents key officials from participating.


"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Tuesday, July 4, 2023 10:26 PM


This is great news.

Fuck Joe Biden*.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Wednesday, July 5, 2023 6:29 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Judges were ruling on voting and vote-counting procedures, dimwit. NOT on the disinformation and censorship campaign waged on behalf of Biden*. And since the DOJ, FBI, and CIA were in on it, you think they're going to out themselves?


You obviously don't realize how stupid you look when you post the DOJ, FBI, and CIA were involved in stealing an election. Or for that matter, being behind a Hunter Biden coverup. Trump put the heads of these agencies in place. They're his people.



Wednesday, July 5, 2023 6:37 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Judges were ruling on voting and vote-counting procedures, dimwit. NOT on the disinformation and censorship campaign waged on behalf of Biden*. And since the DOJ, FBI, and CIA were in on it, you think they're going to out themselves?


Don't worry, there is an equal percentage of Republicans that are dummies on other topics. Try not to be a dummy of either party.

Again, if you'd paid attention when this was going down, you'd know that in those 60 cases allegations of fraud were not presented to any of the judges.

That is because Trumps lawyers knew if they filed false charges in court it would lead to their disbarment. So, none of what they said outside the courtrooms was presented as fact inside.

Your so funny comrade.



Wednesday, July 5, 2023 6:48 PM


Facing possible disbarment, pro-Trump lawyer files for retirement

L. Lin Wood may not be a household name in much of the country, but when it comes to the radical legal fights that followed Donald Trump’s defeat in 2020, Wood was a central figure that stood out for his conspiratorial litigation.

The Republican lawyer has faced some consequences for his antics, including facing court-imposed sanctions, but as a Daily Beast report recently summarized, Wood continues to face difficulties on multiple fronts.

L. Lin Wood became a key promoter of election fraud myths shortly after the 2020 presidential election and helped Donald Trump’s team unsuccessfully challenge the election results in court. Since those failed challenges, Wood has faced his own legal trouble. A trio of former colleagues sued him in Georgia, accusing him of bizarre behavior and breach of contract. The Georgia Bar held a disciplinary trial for Wood in May while it weighs whether to disbar him. Earlier that month, a Michigan attorney regulatory agency filed a misconduct case against Wood and colleagues for their election fraud lawsuits. And [in June], a former ally in the QAnon world filed suit against Wood, accusing him of defamation.

It was against this backdrop that the controversial attorney took a step yesterday to address one of those problems: Wood sent a letter to the State Bar of Georgia, asking that he be allowed to transfer to “retired status,” effective immediately. This would permanently prohibit him from practicing law again in the state.

It would also, of course, preempt the disciplinary process that might lead to Wood’s disbarment.

While we wait to see if his retirement request is approved, Wood is not the only pro-Trump lawyer facing such a dilemma. John Eastman, who played a leading role in the scheme to try to keep Trump in power despite his defeat, is currently facing 11 disciplinary charges in the State Bar Court of California, and it’s entirely possible that he’ll soon be disbarred.

And then there were some of Trumps lawyers who took the lie of election fraud too far indeed.



Saturday, July 8, 2023 6:50 AM


US Supreme Court Overrules Biden’s $400bn Student Debt Cancellation Plan




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