Hollywood expensive movies & Tv shows keep crashing, Sportsball and LeBron...what will be the next box office Flop?

UPDATED: Tuesday, October 8, 2024 19:20
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Sunday, July 25, 2021 8:55 AM


Perhaps a box office turkey could fit in one of those Woke Go Broke threads

The Flop of 'SpaceJam 2' the turkeys and box office bomb numbers, Hollyweirds continued decline

Warner Bros used to own the box office, now its Flop after Flop
..and Basketball?
Team USA opened Olympic play vs. France ...expecting to win... most people can not name a single player from French Basketball, the USA had the superstar players currently in the NBA
yet France BEATS USA?
This superstar celebrity USA team will struggle, can you put these idiots into superstar Films? Maybe not, it seems movies with these types of LeBron stars will flop, France style of play just a match-up nightmare for the USA celeb NBA team, its was almost forever, 18 years? near 20 yrs? since America lost a game of basketball internationally but this year they suck, the basketball landschape is changing and Team USA were losers to French.
Basketball is considered an American dominated sport but they Lost.
if you were a sports gambling person what were the France v USA Betting Odds
...what were the odds a big studio like WB would collapse?

On social media I see many different Americans, normally centrist, patriots, sports fans but cheer their own defeat at the Olympics.

SpaceJam-II is not the first big flop, Tenent and the Wonder Woman remake from Last year flopped bad.
Some Xmen movies flopped, Green Lantern and SpeedRacer flopped, the animation Titan A.E flopped and Ghost Busters remake flopped, before this some big expensive peroid Roman Egyptian peroid style epics would flop.
Economics might have moved into a more global position
American's do not have the same buying power, wealth is shifting East, California doesnt try new ideas instead its becoming boring doing remake after remake of old remakes.
Hollywood was probably going to collapse with or without Corona, the Coivd thing might have been the Nail-in-the-Coffin. Hollyweird hitting a peak with all its fantasy comicbook and franchise remakes. The Batmans, Jurassic Parks, the Bond films, Harry Potters, Spider-Mans, the Marvels, the Xmen ...its all been done. The pushing of Ghetto Rioter culture everywhere, the silly Kangz Wakanda Basketball Black-culture isn't helping when it already peaked when... the 1970s, maybe 90s or maybe 1930s ... Black cultured had guitar songs, it had political poetry, it was about human rights and now its past its prime subverted by Globalists or Marxism, Greed, Commie Style Socialism and Rioter Trash?...
...but the movie ...did it Flop??

Seems like a Flop
but the media wont say
Another issue now is the West has a lot of choise with entertainment you can download or rent a film from Canada, Aus, you can watch British or French toons and film Japanese and South Koreans, NZ has cool indie films and nice Indie American movies are made outside California, many studios don't bash you with politics, their comics, movies and cartoons aren't all interested in Left vs Right or Woke Cultural Marxism. I guess in a way maybe South Koreans are Nationalists, they don't say sorry for existing while The West is literally destroying itself with sick identity politics.
Some American people were happy to see their own Women's Soccer Team get a tough Lesson and get a Beating by Sweden. Some say culturally the Black American culture Afro-Ethnic African-American culture has been in decline. the Whites themselves riot and steal in the culture 'wiggers', a homosexual Tranny LGBT agenda is pushed, a diversity quota of islamics in a movie or tv show, black, white, yellow, brown and a story sacrificed. You have mediocre athletes turning their back on a US Flag and nation that raised and supported their careers, they are hating America or taking a knee, girls not being feminine and trashy and talking and acting like hoodrats, I guess American Black culture was at one time said to have depper meaning, it was about rights and now its Marxist stuff by LeBron he posts threats against Police he supports Antifa rioters, Jussie Smollet, all the Rappers and Hip hoppers are saying the same dumb crap Nicki Minaj We Wuz Kangz, they believe childish raidcal propaganda and think South Africa will be a Wakanda not a Zimbabwe once White Afrikaans Boers die out, White people and all other races being accused of racism by Antifa Rioters 24/7, ghetto culture has got vulgar it is about rioting it is anti-social twerking, the online media is wulrdstaaaaa...more riots, violence, degeneracy, assaults with screams of "WORLDSTAR!" BLM rioting has become a political movement, Blues and Motown harmony is replaced by plastic non music and mumble rap, Michael Jordan was well liked...the new 'movie star' guy seems trash.

Politics sometimes does not help the movie studio, especially after BLM and Antifa tried to Riot across America, Attack, Loot and Burn down US Cities. A lot of people don't like LeBron.


Sunday, July 25, 2021 10:09 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

People were making fun of "black culture" way back in 1980, in the oh-so politically-incorrect movie "Airplane"


I suppose the reason why this movie hasn't been cancelled yet is because it's offensive to everyone.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Sunday, July 25, 2021 10:25 AM


Is the Hollywood machine now dead?
its like they started to believ their own hype, the movie studios, Turn Sports, EPSN, the adverts and toons, ESPN, WarnerMedia News & Sports, their weird perverted view they thought was a real thing in reality?
What happened to the adverts getting more ticket, the global Warner Bros marketing machine


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I suppose the reason why this movie hasn't been cancelled yet is because it's offensive to everyone.

Do you ever watch Sportballs stuff?

The USA is supposed to rank Number-1 on in the world, nowhere else on Earth when it comes to Basketball,
yet France a team of non-stars...I read one time they are like ranked 45th behind Serbia, Italy, Romania, Australia, Venezeual, Russia, Greece, Turkey, Peurto Rico, China, Argentina, an unknown lesser French team beat the crap out of Team USA?
Have the Celebrity teams from USA got so bad and poor skilled they can now get beaten by Unranked interntional Women's teams? Maybe Teens and Kids can beat these Overpaid Celebs??


Sunday, July 25, 2021 11:04 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Don't watch sports except tennis, sometimes, as I used to play it.

Haven't watched most big Hollywood movies ever. I could only get thru abut 15 minutes of one of the endless Star Wars series on TV... I don't even remember which one it was.

One of the Thor movies was funny ... again, don't remember which one in the series it was.

Dislike most comic-book movies. Disney is literally the same plot over and over- willful motherless daughter of the king/leader gets into trouble but finds True Love along the way. I actively dislike zombie movies and anything to do with werewolves and vampires. I also dislike supernatural thrillers and nihilistic antihero/post-apocalyptic movies. (Too bad hubby and daughter love that stuff.)

Since Hollywood can't seem to find anything else to make movies about, we wind up watching TV series - The Expanse, Grimm ... finally got around to watching Buffy and Angel (meh. The most interesting character was Spike.) ... and currently going thru the British detective shows. (So far I liked New Tricks the best; it was funny.)

Yeah, anyway, very little that Hollyweird makes appeals to me.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Sunday, July 25, 2021 12:44 PM


They can't lose money forever.

Eventually this little social experiment will come to an end.

Until then, just tune out.

Who knows? Maybe tuning out long enough will break us away from the entertainment chains and we won't even want to go back to it once they stop doing it.

I have no plans to. They've already lost me a long time ago.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Monday, July 26, 2021 11:09 AM


I think The Rock's new movie due in August with Emily Blunt is gonna be a big blockbuster. But if it also flops, then who knows. My wife and I haven't been to a movie theater in almost two years, and I doubt whether we'll ever go again.


Monday, July 26, 2021 9:19 PM


I'm going to go again, but only because down by my brother they have a cool little 2 screen theater that only charges $5 for new movies... $8 if you want a soda and popcorn with it.

It's never packed, and there have never been a bunch of idiots in there talking over the movie or letting their cell phone go off the whole time.

I'll support the small business. At only $5, I can afford to laugh at a terrible Hollowood flick once in a while.

Ain't watching no woke trash though.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Thursday, November 11, 2021 6:25 PM


Trail by Sportsball?

‘Is This a Joke to You?’: Conservatives Pounce on Bakkaball LeBron James’ Tweet Mocking Kyle Rittenhouse’s Tears During Trial


Sunday, December 4, 2022 5:28 PM


What will be the next Box Office Flop?

‘Strange World’ is Disney’s Biggest Bomb in Years


Sunday, December 4, 2022 6:00 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
What will be the next Box Office Flop?

‘Strange World’ is Disney’s Biggest Bomb in Years

It's already in theaters. It's called Wakanda Forever.

Black Panther made $40 Million Domestic for its 4th weekend in 2018.

Wakanda Forever didn't crack $17 Million for its 4th weekend. It took Black Panther 6 weeks to see those numbers.

Sure. It made money, but even the Blackedy-Blackest Black movie ever made is going to be a huge disappointment for Disney. It won't even make $10 Million on weekend 5. I'm going to predict something in the realm of $6.5 to $8 Million.

Everybody knows that Marvel's Phase 4 sucked. The only good superhero anything that was in theaters or on streaming this year was Spiderman: No Way Home, and that came out last year and wasn't a Disney production.

The only reason Wakanda did this well is because the novelty of it all hasn't worn off yet. If Disney doesn't want to see the Comic Book Movie genre go the way of the Western in Phase 5, they better knock the woke shit off.

Now... if you want to talk a SERIOUS flop?

Avatar 2.

It's said that it will have to make $2 Billion Worldwide to BREAK EVEN.

There's not a chance in hell that's happening.

James Cameron's career is on the line with this one. He might be unemployable by 2023.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, December 6, 2022 11:00 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
What will be the next Box Office Flop?

‘Strange World’ is Disney’s Biggest Bomb in Years

It's already in theaters. It's called Wakanda Forever.

Black Panther made $40 Million Domestic for its 4th weekend in 2018.

Wakanda Forever didn't crack $17 Million for its 4th weekend. It took Black Panther 6 weeks to see those numbers.

Sure. It made money, but even the Blackedy-Blackest Black movie ever made is going to be a huge disappointment for Disney. It won't even make $10 Million on weekend 5. I'm going to predict something in the realm of $6.5 to $8 Million.

Everybody knows that Marvel's Phase 4 sucked. The only good superhero anything that was in theaters or on streaming this year was Spiderman: No Way Home, and that came out last year and wasn't a Disney production.

The only reason Wakanda did this well is because the novelty of it all hasn't worn off yet. If Disney doesn't want to see the Comic Book Movie genre go the way of the Western in Phase 5, they better knock the woke shit off.

Now... if you want to talk a SERIOUS flop?

Avatar 2.

It's said that it will have to make $2 Billion Worldwide to BREAK EVEN.

There's not a chance in hell that's happening.

James Cameron's career is on the line with this one. He might be unemployable by 2023.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

I think Avatar just may indeed bomb based on the previews I've seen. It looks like a really dumb movie, and after all these years, who really gives a crap about the blue monkeys.

And then there's the Jim Parsons homo movie, perfect for your Holiday fun!


Tuesday, December 6, 2022 11:12 PM


I never even saw the first one. All I hear about it now is that it was a sub-par movie as far as the story went, but at the time it came out the spectacle of it all with the 3D at an IMAX screen was revolutionary. Remember back then when they said that 3D was going to be the big thing in theaters? I don't really even hear about that anymore.

There's no way the sequel isn't going to be thinly veiled woke trash in 2022, and it's coming out about a decade too late.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, December 18, 2022 2:00 PM


December 16th, 2022: Weekend predictions: Avatar eyeing $170-million opening


As usual, our final prediction is a weighted average of our predictions. In this case, I think it makes most sense to average the prediction based on the international numbers with the prediction based on the previews, which gives us a final number of $172 million.

Note the huge range of uncertainty though. I’d be surprised if the film ended with weekend with less than $130 million, and astonished if it did more than $200 million, but both figures are within the bounds of possibility. Even once we know where it has landed over the weekend, its ultimate financial fate will be determined by how it does next weekend and the weekend after (and the weekend after that, most likely), not just here in North America but around the world.

December 18th, 2022: Way of Water officially projected to earn $134 million this weekend


Disney are projecting a $134-million opening weekend for Avatar: The Way of Water this morning, the best opening weekend for James Cameron in his career*, and the sixth-best debut of 2022. Final numbers could move it fractionally ahead of The Batman and into fifth for the year, but it’s a slightly disappointing result, given that most predictions had it earning around $150 million this weekend. On the bright side, international numbers are looking a bit better, with $301 million so far, and its legs are looking promising.

* No. This is not the best opening weekend for James Cameron in his career. Not when the flicks are adjusted for inflation, and certainly not when tickets to see this movie cost more than the other movies in the theater. Let's be real here.


And I hate to break it to you, Disney, but next weekend is going to be pretty damned icy and cold in half the country. Not to mention Saturday is Christmas Eve and Sunday is Christmas.

You're not going to make $2 Billion and break even on this until the 3rd time you re-release it in theaters 12 years from now.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, December 20, 2022 12:18 PM


I was wrong... Or it was a tie. However you want to look at it since Avatar 2 and this woke trash movie starring AOC and 3 other privileged "BIPOC" women couldn't even get more than 1,500 people to go to the theater in the name of Climate Change were both released this weekend.

There were almost more people on the movie poster than people who actually paid to sit through this thing.

It was a "selection" at both Sundance and Tribeca in 2022 though, just proving how out of touch the rich idiots are with the rest of the country. Roger Ebert enjoyed masturbating to it too.

I'd love to see a breakdown of who actually watched it. With only less than 1,500 people in attendance, it is possible that the only people who watched it were Leftoid media "journalists" and personalities, woke critics that give things like this a fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and AOC's family.

Though I'd bet that sprinkled in the mix was a few pink pussy hat wearing thumbs and their soy-cucked sexless fem-boy frend-zoned sycophants hoping that tonight will be the night!

C'mon Thumb! Give him some play. He's such a "nice guy"!


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, December 20, 2022 2:21 PM


The access critics on Rotten Tomato's gave AOC's flick good reviews...funny


Tuesday, December 20, 2022 9:09 PM



Originally posted by whozit:
The access critics on Rotten Tomato's gave AOC's flick good reviews...funny

I didn't even look, but I didn't have to. Of course they did!


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, December 20, 2022 9:23 PM


Avatar 2's first Monday already made over 17.5 Million less than Top Gun: Maverick's first Monday did domestically, and already drops to middling-to-low legs on it's first post-opening weekend day... a feat which Top Gun: Maverick never achieved in its entire box office run.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Saturday, December 24, 2022 12:15 PM


First week's results are in...

Avatar 2 makes $197,549,646 Domestically in its first week.

Top Gun: Maverick made $205,604,011 in the same time.

This isn't all there is to the story though...

While Disney/20th Century Fox are terrified of letting anybody know what the production and marketing budget of Avatar 2 was, Top Gun's Production budget was $170 Million (so double that number for the true cost of $340 Million with the marketing budget as the general rule of thumb). James Cameron has said that if the movie doesn't make 2 Billion than it will lose money.

If this is true, it cost Disney/Fox $1.66 Billion more to make and market Avatar 2 than it did Top Gun: Maverick.

Avatar 2's saving grace is that China decided to allow it in theaters and it's banked an additional $77 Million so far that Top Gun didn't have access to.

Avatar 2 is predicted now to make $61.5 Million Domestically this weekend, but with the caveat it might only make $55 Million due to the terrible weather still gripping a large portion of the US through the weekend.

Top Gun: Maverick made just over $90 Million Domestically during its second weekend.

Avatar 2 is predicted now to make around the area of $533 Million Domestically before it leaves the box office.

Top Gun: Maverick made over $718 Million before it left the box office.

We will probably end up seeing an Avatar 3 at some point because it just came to my attention that James Cameron has claimed that it's already been filmed. I don't know if that is actually true or not. And if it IS true, who knows if all of the seriously expensive CGI has even begun on part three 3? (After all... Edie Falco was just reported as saying that she filmed her scenes 4 years ago and thought the sequel had already come out and was a flop when one of her friends had told her that it was just released in the theaters.)

But if these predictions hold true and James isn't lying about needing 2 Billion to break even, we almost certainly won't see an Avatar 4 for quite a while, and might not ever see another James Cameron flick released in our lifetime.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Saturday, December 24, 2022 12:18 PM


Are we rooting for failure? 2022 in review.

Yes. Yes we are.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, December 25, 2022 11:52 AM


Ouch.... That's got to hurt.

Avatar only banks $1.5 Million on Christmas Eve. That's a 97% drop from last Saturday. That just may be a world record.

They're not even going to come close to that predicted $61.5 Million for the second weekend now.

EDIT: Strange. Avatar's page shows only $1.5 Million, but the daily for yesterday says $15 Million. This is likely a glitch, although I can't figure out how it would happen. I can't imagine the dude running the-numbers has to enter in the daily take of a movie in two separate places and he made a typo. That would be a really stupid database for him to be working off of with all the data that he sifts through on a daily basis.

I'm going to say it made $15 Million on Christmas Eve and the $1.5 Million is a goof.

That's still down 66% from last Saturday, and the new weekend prediction with current Christmas Day projections is $56 Million, which is 58% down from last weekend.

Top Gun: Maverick's 2nd weekend drop was only 29%.

James Cameron might be working at WalMart by this time next year.

EDIT 2: Yeah. It was a glitch and looks to be fixed. Avatar's page now shows a $15M projection for Christmas Eve. Wish I still had that tab open so I could screenshot it and/or archive it, but it's gone forever.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, December 27, 2022 9:25 AM


Looks like America's Box Office is pulling some Arizona 2022 Mid-Terms shenanigans.

China has already reported Avatar 2's figures up through the 26th, yet the entire weekend box office for all movies hasn't gotten an official tally. Not even for Friday or Saturday, and it's Tuesday morning.

Avatar 2's supposed projected take for the Holiday weekend has now inexplicably climbed from $56 Million up to $64 Million, which is $2.5 Million more than it was projected to make before going into the brutal cold weekend.

I'm wondering if you can even take these numbers seriously anymore. Didn't Disney just recently get caught inflating numbers for something else and angering share holders?


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, December 27, 2022 12:08 PM


Today, from some dumb Russia thread the mongoloids keep posting on:


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Posting argumentatively is a lot more fun, and when something is posted with irrefutable proof (and usually proof of something they don't want to admit is true), it never gets any rebuttals.

I have an extremely long post history here where my threads get either one single post with no interaction, or I've shut it down in the low single digits.

Conversely, look at all of these bullshit Russia threads with hundreds and hundreds of posts, or the Trump Tick Tock threads that are as old as 6 years that will never have the resolution they want so they'll just continue on until Trump dies of old age or Haken turns the lights out.

Let me check if 6ix has posted anything else paranoid today. Yes, 6ix did, which indicates that he will never lose an argument on the internet, mostly because he is too nutty to understand how paranoid he is.

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Looks like America's Box Office is pulling some Arizona 2022 Mid-Terms shenanigans.

China has already reported Avatar 2's figures up through the 26th, yet the entire weekend box office for all movies hasn't gotten an official tally. Not even for Friday or Saturday, and it's Tuesday morning.

Avatar 2's supposed projected take for the Holiday weekend has now inexplicably climbed from $56 Million up to $64 Million, which is $2.5 Million more than it was projected to make before going into the brutal cold weekend.

I'm wondering if you can even take these numbers seriously anymore. Didn't Disney just recently get caught inflating numbers for something else and angering share holders?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Paranoid? lol

Why would I be paranoid about that? I don't own Disney stock. I have no dog in that race.

Just pointing out that Covid-riddled China has been able to report the movie's earnings up until yesterday already and the US can't even put Friday's numbers up by Tuesday morning (which is something that has NEVER happened before), after they've been silently bumping up their weekend projections they made before they knew what a clusterfuck storm was coming in the background with no explanations why.

We know why. Disney has been putting out flop after flop all year, in between one or two flicks that just barely limped across the finish line and broke even. Their stock is down more than 55% from it's March of 2021 high already, and admitting Avatar 2 is a flop will ruin them.

Disney Stock Price Drop:
$197.16 March 12th, 2021
$87.45 December 27th, 2022


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, December 27, 2022 3:29 PM


Disney accounts for 3 of the 5 Top 10 movies that they still haven't figured out for Friday, let alone the weekend take yet. 2 out of 3 if we're only counting movies that grossed over $1 Million for the holiday weekend. Imagine that, huh?

Keep on cooking those books, Disney. See where it gets you when your shareholders already losing their asses find out.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Monday, May 1, 2023 11:25 AM


Hollywood was kinda dying, Avengers was peak

then you had the political crazy head-job that global politicians pulled on billions of people for two years with Covid.

Next was putting weird tranny Antifa feminist BLM pro-jihad Anti-American politics in movies

Movies finally make a comeback?
The Weinstein scandals never went away and Justice League Star Ezra MillerAccused Of Supplying a 12 yr old Minor With Drugs / Alcohol
Politically Hollywood Destroys Itself
Voice over Toons and AI might take jobs

'The Super Mario Bros. Movie Powers Up Past $1 Billion Worldwide'

Is Hollywood being weird political and degenerate because they are degenerate political and a bunch of weirdos

all stats, no well written scripts and lots of diversity hire numbers, directors simply don't have the authority they once did so there's no singular vision

Platos theatre, the fall of Greece and Rome, critics of poets and last few chapter’s of ‘Republic’ to know exactly why giving them rioter and sleazy types too much power is supposed to always 'bad' the Actors and Theater people tend to be very open to nonsense and emotional people so they really jive with the emotional crazy insane political movements
the types defending Polanski shows Hollyweird culture... and greedy... and scummy.

some previous opinions


Diversity Is Destroying the MCU; Marvel Producer Confirms It’s The Future

Why do these anti-SJW grifters just accept that Hollywood wants to have representation and diversity in their movies and shows?

Warner Bros. Discovery Caves to Woke Hollywood Mob, Reverses Decision to Close Diversity Workshop

When will Hollywood learn that 'woke' remakes will always fail and flop, and that nobody wants to see them?

Men in Black (woke SJW edition) just failed terribly. When is Hollywood going to get the hint that people are sick of this crap?

Get Woke Go Broke: 10 Hollywood Movies That Flopped

Entertainment industry continues to push toxic 'woke' messaging

Woke movies are a flop
Some Fans Complain ‘Jurassic World: Dominion’ Is Too “Woke”
The Most Hilarious Woke Pop Culture Fails Of 2021
Hollywood's woke woes continue as BROS flops

Did Amazon ruin Wheel of Time with "Forced Diversity"?

Yes, and I hold Jeff Bezos personally responsible

Young Adults Fed Up with SJW and LGBTQ Tyranny

Diversity is not a Virtue: Don't play the SJW game

Diversity/Feminism/SJW is killing Comics and they don't even know it
Is the woke revolution killing Hollywood

with no changes it will continue to die?


Monday, May 1, 2023 2:35 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
'The Super Mario Bros. Movie Powers Up Past $1 Billion Worldwide'

Peaches & Green: ‘Super Mario Bros Movie’ Tops $1B Worldwide; Smashes Studio Records In Japan – International Box Office

It's now the 4th highest Animated Film in the Domestic Box office only behind:

Incredibles 2 (Disney): $608,581,744
The Lion King (Disney): $543,638,043
Beauty and the Beast (Disney): $504,014,165
Super Mario: (Universal): $490,016,000

I doubt very much it would ever cross the $600 Million mark in the US and be the highest grossing animated film ever, but it will beat Beauty and the Beast on Friday night, and my prediction from back on April 21st that it will overtake The Lion King before the end of it's run and make 14th place all time Domestic is all but set in stone at this point.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Saturday, May 6, 2023 7:48 AM


Blade  got back on track to start filming next month, The Hollywood Reporter says Marvel Studios is halting pre-production on the film immediately due to the ongoing writers' strike.

Blade a film, comicbook, anime, and tv franchise based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name, starring Wesley Snipes as Blade in the original trilogy. The character was created for Marvel Comics by writer Marv Wolfman and artist Gene Colan as a supporting character in the 1970s comic The Tomb of Dracula. In the comic, Blade's mother was bitten by a vampire while she was in labor with Blade, rendering him immune to being turned into a vampire; following the release of Blade; the character was retroactively made into a 'dhampir' and redesigned to match his film counterpart. A reboot was expected in year 2024

Recent Flops? Antman Quantumania, West Side Story remake or revamp, Babylon 2022, Lightyear, The Suicide Squad, Amsterdam 2022, Black Adam, The Matrix Resurrections...and now a writers strike!

Top Gun, the newest Spider-Man and Avatar made money



Saturday, May 6, 2023 10:41 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Blade  got back on track to start filming next month, The Hollywood Reporter says Marvel Studios is halting pre-production on the film immediately due to the ongoing writers' strike.

Blade a film, comicbook, anime, and tv franchise based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name, starring Wesley Snipes as Blade in the original trilogy. The character was created for Marvel Comics by writer Marv Wolfman and artist Gene Colan as a supporting character in the 1970s comic The Tomb of Dracula. In the comic, Blade's mother was bitten by a vampire while she was in labor with Blade, rendering him immune to being turned into a vampire; following the release of Blade; the character was retroactively made into a 'dhampir' and redesigned to match his film counterpart. A reboot was expected in year 2024

I really, really hope they don't screw this one up.

The first two Blade movies are two of my favorite comic book movies of all time. That's not saying much from me since I pretty much hate the genre today, but when I saw both of them in the theater I LOVED them. (I never did see much of the third one except for maybe 30 minutes of it on commercial TV).


Recent Flops? Antman Quantumania, West Side Story remake or revamp, Babylon 2022, Lightyear, The Suicide Squad, Amsterdam 2022, Black Adam, The Matrix Resurrections...and now a writers strike!



Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Monday, May 8, 2023 6:18 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

"Oppenheimer" is scheduled to be released theatrically on July 21, 2023, by Universal Pictures (which released a flop called "Serenity"). Considering the film's budget and marketing costs, Variety stated that the film will need to gross at least $400 million worldwide to make a profit.

Even if Oppenheimer flops, director Christopher Nolan will profit. Some of Nolan's demands included 20 percent of the film's first-dollar gross**, a production budget of $100 million and an equal marketing budget, a theatrical window of at least 100 days, and a three-week period before and after the film's release in which Universal could not release another new film.

Even if Oppenheimer crashes, the actors will profit. Robert Downey Jr., Matt Damon, and Emily Blunt took pay cuts to work on the film, earning $4 million each in lieu of their usual $10–20 million salaries. Again, these actors are paid $4 million whether or not Oppenheimer is profitable.

**First-dollar gross is a practice in filmmaking in which the participant receives a percentage of the gross box-office revenue, starting from a film's first day of release. The participant begins sharing in the profits from the first ticket sale, not waiting until the film studio turns a profit.

Who is this Oppenheimer? He is not Batman! Read about him in Oppenheimer I: “An unctuous, repulsively good little boy”

Who is director Christopher Nolan? His two most recent movies for comparison: Dunkirk (2017) vs. Tenet (2020)

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, May 11, 2023 8:45 AM


Hollywood is stuck making the same lame movies over and over again


Monday, May 15, 2023 7:31 AM


Shazam 2 Becomes the Worst-Ever Box Office Earner In DCEU History

Flop Post: Shazam 2 ends its run as a massive bomb

Box office
Domestic Opening


Opening Weekend $30,111,158 (52.2% of total gross)

Not sure how much marketing and distribution cost

'Budget $110–125 million'

Seems the entire Warner Bros Batman Superman or the DC is getting another Reboot?

Ant-Man FLOPS at the Box Office, but will Marvel Change?

The best superhero movies that aren’t Marvel or DC but are worth a watch

Best Non-Marvel or DC Superhero Movies, Ranked

While Marvel and DC films are the first that come to mind when talking about superhero movies, there are plenty that exists outside of the franchises


Monday, May 15, 2023 8:06 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Hollywood’s Death Spiral, Part 2
Are movie theaters facing extinction?
By Edward Jay Epstein
Aug 01, 2005

The $64 billion question in Hollywood these days is what to do about collapsing the boundary between a movie’s theatrical and video release—the so-called video window. Gradually, this window has shrunk from six months to four months—and, in the case of many children’s movies—to three months. Even worse, DVD releases are often announced while a movie is still playing in the multiplexes. As a result, more moviegoers now wait to buy or rent a movie on DVD, which leads to shorter theatrical runs and a fall in worldwide theater attendance, which in turn puts more pressure on the studios to shorten the window even further.

This death spiral was set in motion by the studios themselves about four years ago. The decision to shorten the video window did not proceed from a new technological development—such as TV in the 1940s or the video cassette in the 1970s—or a change in popular taste. As a top studio executive explained to me, “It was a voluntary decision made for purely financial reasons by the major players. It was done to satisfy quarterly profit goals, nothing more, nothing less.” In short, the studios changed their business model so that they could opportunistically sell DVDs, which, after all, are a conventional retail product like soap or toys.

The continuing pressure to further shorten the video window comes, not surprisingly, from the Young Turks in the lucrative home-entertainment divisions of the studios. In the first quarter of 2005, these divisions were producing more than two-thirds of the revenues for the six studios. Their main battleground is the shelf space of Wal-Mart and other giant retailers, and, to prevail—and further increase quarterly earnings—the home-entertainment divisions need to release DVDs during the hottest sales periods, such as Christmas and Thanksgiving, instead of waiting for an artificial window to open.

The main resistance to this change comes from the old-guard studio executives who fear that undercutting the movie-theater business will—even if it improves DVD sales—unravel the very foundations of Hollywood. They argue that the theatrical platform, to which the PR hoopla, magazine covers, TV talk shows, and the rest of the celebrity-worshiping culture is geared, transforms movies into media events that generate worldwide DVD sales. For them, the issue is how to keep the theatrical platform alive.

The most radical proposal is to eliminate the windowing system entirely. In this scenario, the studios would simultaneously release a title in theaters, video stores, and on pay-per-view, and the title would require only a single marketing campaign. The audience could then choose which format best fits its wallet and clock. Proponents of this plan envision that it will shift some part of the theater audience to either DVD (which has higher profit margins than theatrical distribution) or pay-per-view (which has higher profit margins than DVD). Even so, they hold that movie theaters will retain a core audience, since there will always be people who prefer the theater experience or who just want to get out of the house.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, May 15, 2023 8:31 AM



Originally posted by second:
Hollywood’s Death Spiral, Part 2
Are movie theaters facing extinction?

DVD's and Pay-Per-View, huh?

18 years, 2 recessions, several active shooter incidents, a severe worldwide overreaction to a cold, Bidenflation, video streaming, piracy and Hollywood's obsession with its Marxist agenda still haven't made this dude's prediction come true yet.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Monday, May 15, 2023 10:33 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:
Hollywood’s Death Spiral, Part 2
Are movie theaters facing extinction?

DVD's and Pay-Per-View, huh?

18 years, 2 recessions, several active shooter incidents, a severe worldwide overreaction to a cold, Bidenflation, video streaming, piracy and Hollywood's obsession with its Marxist agenda still haven't made this dude's prediction come true yet.

You obsessively quote from which only reports theater tickets sales. Eighteen years ago, the lucrative home-entertainment divisions of the studios in the first quarter of 2005 were producing more than two-thirds of the revenues for the six studios. That revenue is NOT included at

If all movie theaters close, that two-thirds of the revenues will continue.

It is kind of funny that China makes almost as many films as Hollywood. Maybe Hollywood should hire the Chinese to make Hollywood movies?

1 The Super Mario Bros. Movie $1,210,450,000
2 Man Jiang Hong $673,556,758
3 Liu Lang Di Qiu 2 $604,380,922
4 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 $528,801,000
5 Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania $464,568,990
6 John Wick: Chapter 4 $418,934,189
7 Creed III $272,341,680
8 Xiong Chu Md Ban Wo Xiong Xin $221,590,000
9 Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves $205,670,000
10 Scream VI $168,910,085
11 Wu Ming $139,083,591
12 Shen Hai $136,090,000

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, May 15, 2023 11:42 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:
Hollywood’s Death Spiral, Part 2
Are movie theaters facing extinction?

DVD's and Pay-Per-View, huh?

18 years, 2 recessions, several active shooter incidents, a severe worldwide overreaction to a cold, Bidenflation, video streaming, piracy and Hollywood's obsession with its Marxist agenda still haven't made this dude's prediction come true yet.

You obsessively quote from which only reports theater tickets sales. Eighteen years ago, the lucrative home-entertainment divisions of the studios in the first quarter of 2005 were producing more than two-thirds of the revenues for the six studios. That revenue is NOT included at

If all movie theaters close, that two-thirds of the revenues will continue.

False: DVD/BluRay sales for every movie ARE included at The Numbers

Avengers: End Game

Domestic Box Office $858,373,000
International Box Office $1,936,358,755
Worldwide Box Office $2,794,731,755
Home Market Performance
Est. Domestic DVD Sales $23,951,994
Est. Domestic Blu-ray Sales $83,890,969
Total Est. Domestic Video Sales $107,842,963

Total theater and home sales: $2,902,574,718

% of total that were home sales: 3.715%

3.715% is not 2/3rds of anything.

18 years ago we didn't have movie streaming which has destroyed physical copy sales. They haven't figured out how to properly monetize streaming either, and now that there are too many streaming services and they can't keep growing by gaining new customers, they're all losing money with their streaming services.

Movie theaters are far more important to Hollywood today than they were 18 years ago.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Monday, May 15, 2023 4:39 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

18 years ago we didn't have movie streaming which has destroyed physical copy sales. They haven't figured out how to properly monetize streaming either, and now that there are too many streaming services and they can't keep growing by gaining new customers, they're all losing money with their streaming services.

Movie theaters are far more important to Hollywood today than they were 18 years ago.

6ix, you hate Disney the most of any Hollywood company. It turns out that movie tickets aren't important to Disney. Content Sales/Licensing and Other represents only 11% of Disney’s revenue. The segment includes the following operations: theatrical distribution; home entertainment distribution, such as DVD and Blu-ray; music distribution; staging and licensing of live entertainment events on Broadway and around the world; post-production services through Industrial Light & Magic and Skywalker Sound; and a 30% ownership interest in Tata Sky Ltd., an India-based operator of a direct-to-home satellite distribution platform.

6ix, in case you missed the point, the LEAST significant revenue for Disney is movie tickets, DVDs and Blu-ray, which total LESS than 11% of all Disney revenue.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, May 15, 2023 9:56 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

18 years ago we didn't have movie streaming which has destroyed physical copy sales. They haven't figured out how to properly monetize streaming either, and now that there are too many streaming services and they can't keep growing by gaining new customers, they're all losing money with their streaming services.

Movie theaters are far more important to Hollywood today than they were 18 years ago.

6ix, you hate Disney the most of any Hollywood company. It turns out that movie tickets aren't important to Disney. Content Sales/Licensing and Other represents only 11% of Disney’s revenue. The segment includes the following operations: theatrical distribution; home entertainment distribution, such as DVD and Blu-ray; music distribution; staging and licensing of live entertainment events on Broadway and around the world; post-production services through Industrial Light & Magic and Skywalker Sound; and a 30% ownership interest in Tata Sky Ltd., an India-based operator of a direct-to-home satellite distribution platform.

6ix, in case you missed the point, the LEAST significant revenue for Disney is movie tickets, DVDs and Blu-ray, which total LESS than 11% of all Disney revenue.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Lies and/or ignorance.

You are a very stupid, simple person.


Tuesday, May 16, 2023 4:01 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Lies and/or ignorance.

You are a very stupid, simple person.

Too bad for you but movie ticket sales are the SMALLEST part of Disney. Why should Disney care that 6ix thinks tickets are the biggest? Walt Disney began moving away from film-making when he opened the first Disneyland in California. Walt Disney moved further away from the boom-or-bust movie industry when he opened Disney World in Florida. He was definitely in the real estate business more than the movie business when he bought and bulldozed and burned Florida orange groves 60 years ago for his amusement park.

Disney Revenues: How Does DIS Make Money?

Last Updated: 5/16/2023

Movie ticket sales have gotten worse at Disney, recently:
(3) Content Sales, Licensing & Other: $6.4 Bil 7% of total revenue.
+ Change in Content Sales, Licensing & Other: $-3.8 Bil (Down 3.8 billion)

(1) Linear Networks: $30 Bil 33%
(2) Direct To Consumer: $22 Bil 24%
(3) Content Sales, Licensing & Other: $6.4 Bil 7%
(4) Disney's U.S. Hotels & Theme Parks: $23 Bil 26%
(5) Disney's International Hotels & Theme Parks: $4.0 Bil 4%
(6) Consumer Products & Interactive Media: $5.5 Bil 6%
TOTAL Revenues in FY2023: $91 Bil 100%

Has 6 Operating Segments:

(1) Linear Networks: This division includes revenue from Disney's cable channels such as ESPN, Disney Channel, Disney Junior, and broadcast channels such as ABC. Revenues come in the form of affiliate fees, advertising sales and TV and SVOD distribution.

(2) Direct To Consumer: This division includes Disney's streaming offerings such as Disney+, ESPN+, and Hulu. The segment generates revenues via subscription fees and advertising.

(3) Content Sales, Licensing & Other: This division consists of Disney's produced and acquired content that it markets through various channels such as theatrical market, home entertainment market, and TV and Subscription video-on-demand distribution.

(4) Disney's U.S. Hotels & Theme Parks: Includes revenues from Disney's U.S. hotels and resorts. Key properties include The Walt Disney World Resort in Florida, Disneyland Resort in California, Disney Resort & Spa in Hawaii, the Disney Vacation Club and Disney's Cruise Line.

(5) Disney's International Hotels & Theme Parks: This division includes Disney's international parks & resorts in Paris, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Japan

(6) Consumer Products & Interactive Media: The consumer products segment sells merchandise based on its characters, which includes products such as toys, apparel, stationery, consumer electronics, food, books, magazines, and more.

Over FY2020-23
Change in Linear Networks: $2.2 Bil
+ Change in Direct To Consumer: $11 Bil
+ Change in Content Sales, Licensing & Other: $-3.8 Bil Movie Tickets!
+ Change in Disney's U.S. Hotels & Theme Parks: $13 Bil
+ Change in Disney's International Hotels & Theme Parks: $2.0 Bil
+ Change in Consumer Products & Interactive Media: $700 Mil
TOTAL Change FY2020-23: $26 Bil
+ Disney Revenues in FY2020 $65 Bil
= TOTAL Revenues in FY2023 $91 Bil

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, May 16, 2023 10:04 AM


Even if any of that were true, it wouldn't be good news for Disney.

Disney lost 4 Million subs to Disney+ for the 2nd quarter in a row.

Current and former executives at Disney are being sued for lying about their Disney+ performance.

Disney toys aren't selling:

Disney Theme Parks are losing:

Disney stock was worth $197.16 on March 12th, 2021. It's currently worth $91.41.

Maybe Disney should get out of Hollywood altogether and focus on all of the other aspects of its failing company, starting with firing all of the Marxists that are responsible for cutting their stock price in half.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, May 16, 2023 10:23 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Even if any of that were true, it wouldn't be good news for Disney.

Disney lost 4 Million subs to Disney+ for the 2nd quarter in a row

Disney stock was worth $197.16 on March 12th, 2021. It's currently worth $91.41.

Maybe Disney should get out of Hollywood altogether and focus on all of the other aspects of its failing company, starting with firing all of the Marxists that are responsible for cutting their stock price in half.

You called me a liar and Disney employees Commies. 6ix, you are retarded, but never forget: Trump will be fine.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, May 16, 2023 11:42 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Even if any of that were true, it wouldn't be good news for Disney.

Disney lost 4 Million subs to Disney+ for the 2nd quarter in a row

Disney stock was worth $197.16 on March 12th, 2021. It's currently worth $91.41.

Maybe Disney should get out of Hollywood altogether and focus on all of the other aspects of its failing company, starting with firing all of the Marxists that are responsible for cutting their stock price in half.

You called me a liar and Disney employees Commies. 6ix, you are retarded, but never forget: Trump will be fine.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

You ARE a liar. Disney employees ARE Marxists. Trump WILL be fine.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, May 16, 2023 1:24 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Disney employees ARE Marxists.

Comparatively, few make movies. Most Disney employees work at Disney World and Disney Land:

Average Salaries at Disney Parks, Experiences and Products

Popular Roles
Actor $15.38 per hour

Arts & Entertainment
Entertainer $17.23 per hour
Character Performer $14.66 per hour
Performer $17.55 per hour

Food Preparation & Service
Food Service Worker $15.37 per hour
Busser $15.85 per hour,-Experiences-and-Products/sala

At these wages, Disney employees are homeless unless somebody in their family is also working.

“A conservative survey of Magic Kingdom Cast Members, full-time, found out that ten percent of Magic Kingdom Cast Members are currently homeless,” Jessica explained. Jan 16, 2023

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, June 18, 2023 9:29 AM


‘The Flash’ Loses Speed With $60M 3-Day Opening: Here’s Why


Sunday, June 18, 2023 9:40 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Disney employees ARE Marxists.

Comparatively, few make movies.

Yes. I misspoke. I don't talk shit about low-level service employees, of which I've spent half of my adult life as one. They get shit on enough by entitled customers.

Of course I meant those in the movie business, as well as the executives in any department and the entire worldwide HR department.

Those that aren't either were already fired or they were "re-educated" and do a damn good job pretending they are because their continued employment requires it.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, June 18, 2023 9:48 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

‘The Flash’ Loses Speed With $60M 3-Day Opening: Here’s Why

I'm not going to say I didn't see this one coming, but despite a lot of youtubers saying that Michael Keaton's return as Batman (my all time favorite Batman) wasn't going to save the movie I didn't really know what to think.

I also don't have nearly as big of a grotch against WB as I do Disney, so I didn't feel the need to make a prediction there that may or may not have come true.

And, honestly, from the clips I've seen of the movie, it really doesn't look that bad. I actually stopped watching once the REAL Batman made an appearance, because although I won't pay to see this one in the theater simply because of Ezra being the star, I do intend to watch it at some point... which is something I only have ever said about a very small handful of super hero movies since 2008's Iron Man brought the dozens upon dozens of them we've had in the last 1.5 decades.

The reasons stated in the article are probably legitimate for the most part, but let's be real here. Ezra was the reason this is going to fail. Boycotts are working all over the place now. The Left has overplayed their hand and the normies are all waking up to everything going wrong right now. 5 years ago with the Legacy Media coverup of Ezra's persona, none of the normies would be the wiser. Hell... they would have still had him on Jimmy Kimmel to promote the movie back then. This time they knew better and kept him as quiet as possible but it still didn't work.

And that $70 Million prediction it's not going to hit? That was already a severe downgrade to what they were saying it would get a month or two ago, and with a $200 Million production budget, this movie would have been a flop even if it did gross $70 Million US domestically on the first weekend.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Saturday, June 24, 2023 5:06 PM


‘The Flash’ Plummets at Box Office With Second Weekend Drop of Over 70%

We've had almost a 5 yr run of flops

Cinema sales probably peaked years ago with Dark Knight, Avatar, the Harry Potters, Avengers Endgame. Some movies still make money in a post Covid economy, a new Spider-Man the Top Gun remake, Super Mario Bros. Movie, but there are a lot of flops in recent years the New Space Jam, Solo A Star Wars Story, Matrix Resurrections, Black Adam, nu Feminist Ghost Busters, Fantastic Four, Terminator Dark Fate, nu Power Rangers 2017, Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets....Lots of failure, sales that bombed a box office turkey, some of these flops dated before Covid-19, before the new Left politics and Trump Left vs Right era politics, its difficult to say when cinematic blockbuster movies died but they probably in t he next few years will never be as big as they once were not for a long while again.


Saturday, June 24, 2023 7:34 PM



I think cinema will improve faster than the naysayers think that they will.

It seems like it's been forever now since this all started, but two things are happening that weren't happening before. The first being the inflation brought on by the very people that destroyed entertainment in the first place, and the fact that everyone is waking up to all of this shit and doesn't want it in their lives anymore.

Venture capital has all but dried up. The Woke Experiment is over.

We're going to have to deal with it just a little while longer since contracts had been signed and "entertainment" had been made... and there's a writer's strike right now to boot, but the right people are being fired or will be purged by attrition.

I'd give the next renaissance in entertainment 5 years max. Probably less than that.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Monday, July 3, 2023 2:05 PM


Basketball Actor

Indiana Jones 5 star reveals she asked for script change over ‘offensive’ and ‘problematic’ scene


Monday, July 3, 2023 2:07 PM


Warner Bros. Studio Fire Caused by Blown Transformer: 'More Flashy and Bad Than It Was'

‘Transformers: Rise of the Beasts’ review: Another annoying robo-flop


Friday, July 7, 2023 7:03 AM


Here is another thing Hollyweirdo is missing, Hollyweirds has no Actors upcoming coming from any schools!!! How many young actors can you name?

For example we can maybe name people in their late 30s, 40 years old, 50, 60, 70+ years we can name some almost 1 hundred years old, each that defined each movie decade etc Robert Downey Jr, Kim Basinger, Nicole Kidman, Will Smith, Jamie Foxx, David Bowie, Moe Howard, Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Jennifer Connelly, Val Kilmer, Tom Cruise, Gary Oldman, Alec Baldwin, Adam Baldwin, Chris Hemsworth, Morena Baccarin, Richard Dreyfuss, Ed Harris, Benicio del Toro, Anthony Hopkins, Jeff Bridges, Brigitte Bardot, Dustin Hoffman, Rosie O'Donnell, John Travolta, Sting, O.J. Simpson, Hulk Hogan, Roseanne Barr, Liam Neeson, Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Jack Nickolson, Chuck Norris, Patrick Stewart, Richard Dreyfus, Frank Sinatra, Charles Bronson, Katharine Hepburn, Stan Lee, Gene Wilder, Sean Connery, Harrison Ford, DeNiro, Al Pacino, Katie Holmes, Jason Momoa, Steven Seagal, Ed Harris, Kevin Kostner, Sylvester Stallone, Meg Ryan, Sean Penn, Christian Bale, Sam Neill, Milla Jovovich, Daniel Day-Lewis, Audrey Hepburn, Diana Ross, James Dean, Christoper Reeve, David Attenborough, Charlton Heston, Pierce Brosnan, Michael Keaton, John C Reilly, Dennis Rodman, Christopher Lee, Dean Martin, Mel Brooks, Maureen O'Hara, Tina Turner, Clint Eastwood, Van Damme, Macaulay Culkin, Jamie Lee Curtis, Volodymyr Zeileninskyi, Kurt Russell, Mel Gibson, Heath Ledger dead, that dead guy River Phoenix, Paul Walker the actor who died,

but name any NEW ACTORS

'Miles Teller' was in a TopGun remake, 'Brie Larson' in Room or KingKong or super hero movies.
There are the two young actor in the Dune remake, Tom Holland who did a remake of Spider-Man and the same girl acting in Spider-Man.
I guess you have 'Twilight' or Harry Potter actors

Who else is there, the kids of some Royal Family? a viral kid in a you tube social media vid that went viral


Friday, July 7, 2023 10:59 AM


I dunno man. I could hardly tell you the names of any bands/groups that make music today either.

I'm not sure how much any of this has to do with there being less talent or us just getting older and not caring as much as we did when we were younger.


How you do anything is how you do everything.






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