The next boogeyman: China

UPDATED: Tuesday, September 24, 2024 06:51
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Wednesday, March 8, 2023 6:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Let me start out by saying, I don't like China. There's something about their culture, economy, politics etc that creeps me out. China for the Chinese might be OK, but it's not for me.

Still, is China an "enemy"? Do they threaten our borders, our people?

Some say that China "stole" our industry. Au contraire, our industrialists GAVE them to China in exchange for cheap labor. Some American factories were disassembled, by Americans, and shipped to China for reassembly.

So what's the problem here? If they don't threaten us militarily and our economic clusterfuck is our own making...

I asked in another thread for reasons why we should go to war with China. I don't think I got a response

Please let me know your thoughts.


Wednesday, March 8, 2023 7:59 PM


What happened to all that good will, those Allies support America after the tragedy of 911 and then US election cycles seem to get more crazy. I think it would be bad if they had floating bases bordcasting Chinese on the Moon, Venus, the Asteroids and Mars and looked down on the rest as Overlords....Russia was meant to fade away or collapse and then China was supposed to be competition and then fail. I don't understand globalism anymore Maybe there are people playing both sides and have some other vision for the planet.


Wednesday, March 8, 2023 11:32 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
What happened to all that good will, those Allies support America after the tragedy of 911 and then US election cycles seem to get more crazy. I think it would be bad if they had floating bases bordcasting Chinese on the Moon, Venus, the Asteroids and Mars and looked down on the rest as Overlords..

They can only be "overlords" to the extent that we LET them be. We could be there, alongside China, on the moon and asteroids etc.. Another "space race"! (You're probably too young to remember the original one.)

But what?

Aside from costing a crap ton of money and establishing bragging rights, what would a moon base or Mars base mean for us? Asteroids have a lot of metal... those might be useful... And a moon base might make a great spy station... but I think that space flights are too expensive to gain resources, and despite entertaining sci-fi stories about colonizing other planets, they will most likely not be a safety relief valve, but more like a permanent drain.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Wednesday, March 8, 2023 11:38 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So, back to the question: Why might we want to go to war with China?

Western bankers might want to ruin China so they can then extend loans. Maybe the Navy would see a war with China as a pathway back to relevance, but the Pentagon as a whole might not be too keen on the idea.

I think TAIWAN! will be used as a cause. But, technically, Taiwan IS part of China.



Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Thursday, March 9, 2023 7:20 AM


I'd argue that China was always THE Bogey Man. I've always said that here, especially when all the Russia bullshit really ramped up.

It's a silent war, because the media rarely ever talks about it. Mostly because most of them are owned in part by China and they're not allowed to speak on the issue.

Right now, with TikTok alone they've got blackmail information on hundreds of thousands and perhaps even millions of US kids (and kids worldwide, for that matter).

Think I'm being hyperbolic here? Look at what has happened in the last decade to people (average people too, not just celebrities) for tweets that were buried up from the early days of Twitter. Step one inch out of line in real life, and the MOB will actively seek to destroy your real life.

What do you think is going to happen to those kids today posting embarassing or inflammatory stuff when they become adults? It's not just 255 or less words they're putting up there, but actual video evidence of their wrongthink.

The kids today are going to grow up in an entire different world than the one that we did.

Our world Governments aren't REALLY going to try to force old dogs like us to assimilate into the new cashless world with a social credit score. But it will happen gradually and eventually we'll die off and they're all screwed unless they figure out how to live in the wild.

Our government pretends to love Democracy and the Constitution, but let's be real here... If they were able to, and they will be, they'd much rather have total control over us in a digital surveillance state and emulate the CCP.

And we, as a group, will happily allow it to happen because of the convenience of the double-edged sword of technology. And most of the kids won't even know of a world where this wasn't the norm. Even if their parents are wise to it and try to shield them from it, once they get to about middle-school age they're going to cave to peer pressure and want to do and have whatever their friends do and have.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, March 9, 2023 9:15 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I'd argue that China was always THE Bogey Man.

A government that would do these things to its citizens in not one the US can trust not to do the same to the US:

Chronology of Mass Killings during the Chinese Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)
The Chinese Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) was a historical tragedy launched by Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). It claimed the lives of several million people and inflicted cruel and inhuman treatments on hundreds of million people. However, 40 years after it ended, the total number of victims of the Cultural Revolution and especially the death toll of mass killings still remain a mystery both in China and overseas. For the Chinese communist government, it is a highly classified “state secret,” although they do maintain statistics for the so-called “abnormal death” numbers all over China. Nevertheless, the government, realizing that the totalitarian regime and the endless power struggles in the CCP Central Committee (CCP CC) were the root cause of the Cultural Revolution, has consistently discounted the significance of looking back and reflecting on this important period of Chinese history. They even forbid Chinese scholars from studying it independently and discourage overseas scholars from undertaking research on this subject in China.

The killing of Chinese political prisoners never stopped. It only slowed when the government realized that killing millions of the brightest citizens was a drag on economic growth.

China says it has no political prisoners. A U.S. government database disagrees.


No other people in this century except Soviet citizens have suffered so much mass killing in cold blood as have the Chinese. They were murdered by rebels conniving with their own Empress, and then with the defeat in war of the dynasty, by soldiers and citizens of many other lands. They were killed by mini-despots--warlords--who ruled one part of China or another. They were slaughtered because they happened to live where Nationalist, warlords, communists, or foreign troops fought each other. They were executed because they had the wrong beliefs or attitudes in the wrong place at the wrong time. They were shot because they criticized or opposed their rulers. They were butchered because they resisted rape, were raped, or tried to prevent rape. They were wiped out because they had food or wealth that soldiers or officials wanted. They were assassinated because they were leaders, a threat, or potential antagonists. They were blotted out in the process of building a new society. And they died simply because they were in the way.

These poor souls experienced every manner of death for every conceivable reason. Genocide, politicide, mass murder, massacres, and individually directed assassinations; burning alive, burying alive, starvation, drowning, infecting with germs, shooting, stabbing; this for personal power, out of feelings of superiority, because of lust or greed, to terrorize others into surrendering, to keep subjects in line, out of nationalist ideals, or to achieve utopia.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, March 9, 2023 12:19 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I'd argue that China was always THE Bogey Man. I've always said that here, especially when all the Russia bullshit really ramped up.

It's a silent war, because the media rarely ever talks about it. Mostly because most of them are owned in part by China and they're not allowed to speak on the issue.

Right now, with TikTok alone they've got blackmail information on hundreds of thousands and perhaps even millions of US kids (and kids worldwide, for that matter).

Think I'm being hyperbolic here? Look at what has happened in the last decade to people (average people too, not just celebrities) for tweets that were buried up from the early days of Twitter. Step one inch out of line in real life, and the MOB will actively seek to destroy your real life.

Yes. On the other hand, all of the nobodies have no influence on our foreign, financial, trade, or economic policy. Hell, even the President can't turn it around if it runs counter to the permanent state. What could China force these millions of nobodies into doing that would make one bit of difference to the course set by our elites?


What do you think is going to happen to those kids today posting embarassing or inflammatory stuff when they become adults? It's not just 255 or less words they're putting up there, but actual video evidence of their wrongthink.

The kids today are going to grow up in an entire different world than the one that we did.

Our world Governments aren't REALLY going to try to force old dogs like us to assimilate into the new cashless world with a social credit score. But it will happen gradually and eventually we'll die off and they're all screwed unless they figure out how to live in the wild.

But this is OUR government, not China, that you're posting about.


Our government pretends to love Democracy and the Constitution, but let's be real here... If they were able to, and they will be, they'd much rather have total control over us in a digital surveillance state and emulate the CCP.

And we, as a group, will happily allow it to happen because of the convenience of the double-edged sword of technology. And most of the kids won't even know of a world where this wasn't the norm. Even if their parents are wise to it and try to shield them from it, once they get to about middle-school age they're going to cave to peer pressure and want to do and have whatever their friends do and have.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Your post is mostly about OUR globalist government. Maybe using China as an example, but China not instituting those policies here.

However, you do bring up a salient point. Russia is fiercely autarkic, and despite SECOND and THUGR portraying it as a ravening proto-empire seeking to devour the whole globe, in reality it's in defense mode and wants mainly to be left alone. And it has the resources and development to isolate itself almost completely..

China OTOH IS globalist. It lacks many critical resources and it has a billion people to keep occupied and prosperous, and so depends on massive foreign trade: Oil and gas and food and raw materials in, finished goods out. Like Japan, but way way bigger.

As long as China was making cheap good for us, that was OK. But 2008 taught them that we DIDN'T know what we were doing and we aren't a reliable market with a sound currency, so now they're turning their considerable energies towards other markets... the Belt and Road specifically... and all of that industry will be competing for raw resources and labor, and not to our benefit.

And in addition, China won't let our financialists play in their markets, so they can't even make money off that.

So I would put China in the rival/competitor class.


Thursday, March 9, 2023 1:15 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

But, as I think about it-

There's a BUT to that, too. America is a bit like Russia. Not quite so resource -rich that we could "go it alone"... I think we used up all of our easily-accessible oil, I'm not sure how we're doing for iron ore, and I know that we lack strategic metals like titanium, platinum and cobalt. But still, we have continental -scale resources, and if we put our energies to work and use our resources wisely we can compete successfully for resources and even out our trade balance.

The average American could come out OK. It's the elite that would suffer, bc turning the USA around would require

investment ($$) in infrastructure,
investment ($$$) in manufacturing,
investment ($$) in sustainability and conservation,
investment ($$$) in Americans ourselves.. more practical education,
a sense of unity and purpose (to literally make America great again),
a willingness to defend our borders,
renewed commitment to equality,
restoration of faith in government

And whose butts would be hurt most by that? Elites' and politicians'. You'd have to wrest investment decision-making (at least, for critical industries) from the hands of financialists and wring corruption out of government for rational decision- making to take place.

And maybe that's why the elites are so scared of China that they want to gin up war: Bc they know that they can't compete against China. They'll either have to give up some control and profit here to restore the American economy (and thus reduce their standing) or they'll get out-competed by China, which will also reduce their standing. So the only way forward that they can see is to reduce China to rubble, just like they were hoping to do with Russia.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Thursday, March 9, 2023 3:31 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I'd argue that China was always THE Bogey Man. I've always said that here, especially when all the Russia bullshit really ramped up.

It's a silent war, because the media rarely ever talks about it. Mostly because most of them are owned in part by China and they're not allowed to speak on the issue.

Right now, with TikTok alone they've got blackmail information on hundreds of thousands and perhaps even millions of US kids (and kids worldwide, for that matter).

Think I'm being hyperbolic here? Look at what has happened in the last decade to people (average people too, not just celebrities) for tweets that were buried up from the early days of Twitter. Step one inch out of line in real life, and the MOB will actively seek to destroy your real life.

Yes. On the other hand, all of the nobodies have no influence on our foreign, financial, trade, or economic policy. Hell, even the President can't turn it around if it runs counter to the permanent state. What could China force these millions of nobodies into doing that would make one bit of difference to the course set by our elites?

I'm arguing that at this point they're just short of being one in the same... "They" being the CCP and our own elites. When I say that "We're" in a silent war with them, I mean the American People, not the politicians and their celebrity mouthpieces.

Our government has been doing the same thing to us since GWB signed off on the Patriot Act. And We The People have been happy to allow them to do so... Initially because of the allure of the Internet, and now because it's almost impossible for most individuals to even imagine their lives without it anymore.



What do you think is going to happen to those kids today posting embarassing or inflammatory stuff when they become adults? It's not just 255 or less words they're putting up there, but actual video evidence of their wrongthink.

The kids today are going to grow up in an entire different world than the one that we did.

Our world Governments aren't REALLY going to try to force old dogs like us to assimilate into the new cashless world with a social credit score. But it will happen gradually and eventually we'll die off and they're all screwed unless they figure out how to live in the wild.

But this is OUR government, not China, that you're posting about.

It's both, actually. Our government benefits from all the same info that the Chinese are harvesting. They just get to circumvent the Constitution by allowing it to continue. (Just like they were able to get away with suppressing any dissenting opinions on Covid policy by claiming that it was Facebook, Twitter and YouTube doing the censoring). Donald Trump tried banning TikTok outright during his Presidency. All they're trying to do right now is ban its use among the Political elite during Biden*'s presidency. They're not making a single effort to ban it among the citizenry. They have no incentive to. On the contrary, they want us to continue using it.



Our government pretends to love Democracy and the Constitution, but let's be real here... If they were able to, and they will be, they'd much rather have total control over us in a digital surveillance state and emulate the CCP.

And we, as a group, will happily allow it to happen because of the convenience of the double-edged sword of technology. And most of the kids won't even know of a world where this wasn't the norm. Even if their parents are wise to it and try to shield them from it, once they get to about middle-school age they're going to cave to peer pressure and want to do and have whatever their friends do and have.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Your post is mostly about OUR globalist government. Maybe using China as an example, but China not instituting those policies here.

Well like I said... Not an example, but as a cohort.


However, you do bring up a salient point. Russia is fiercely autarkic, and despite SECOND and THUGR portraying it as a ravening proto-empire seeking to devour the whole globe, in reality it's in defense mode and wants mainly to be left alone. And it has the resources and development to isolate itself almost completely..

China OTOH IS globalist. It lacks many critical resources and it has a billion people to keep occupied and prosperous, and so depends on massive foreign trade: Oil and gas and food and raw materials in, finished goods out. Like Japan, but way way bigger.

As long as China was making cheap good for us, that was OK. But 2008 taught them that we DIDN'T know what we were doing and we aren't a reliable market with a sound currency, so now they're turning their considerable energies towards other markets... the Belt and Road specifically... and all of that industry will be competing for raw resources and labor, and not to our benefit.

And in addition, China won't let our financialists play in their markets, so they can't even make money off that.

Russia is a fuckin' joke compared to China and what China is doing behind the scenes in tandem with our own Government. It's merely the distraction that David Copperfield uses when making the Statue of Liberty disappear before your eyes.


So I would put China in the rival/competitor class.

If anything, that's probably even a more scary scenario. What do competitors do?

Adapt or die.

We're all just numbers. Cogs in the machine. Another brick in the wall.

It's all a big reason why I'm focusing my mental and physical efforts on people I care about and just keeping myself busy. There's nothing I can think of that you or I or anyone like us can do about any of this. At least not in the current environment.

Just try to limit your exposure to the dangerous shiny rectangles as much as possible and touch some grass whenever the opportunity provides itself.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, March 9, 2023 4:16 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I'd argue that China was always THE Bogey Man. I've always said that here, especially when all the Russia bullshit really ramped up.
It's a silent war, because the media rarely ever talks about it. Mostly because most of them are owned in part by China and they're not allowed to speak on the issue.
Right now, with TikTok alone they've got blackmail information on hundreds of thousands and perhaps even millions of US kids (and kids worldwide, for that matter).
Think I'm being hyperbolic here? Look at what has happened in the last decade to people (average people too, not just celebrities) for tweets that were buried up from the early days of Twitter. Step one inch out of line in real life, and the MOB will actively seek to destroy your real life.

SIGNY: Yes. On the other hand, all of the nobodies have no influence on our foreign, financial, trade, or economic policy. Hell, even the President can't turn it around if it runs counter to the permanent state. What could China force these millions of nobodies into doing that would make one bit of difference to the course set by our elites?

SIX: I'm arguing that at this point they're just short of being one in the same... "They" being the CCP and our own elites. When I say that "We're" in a silent war with them, I mean the American People, not the politicians and their celebrity mouthpieces.

Our government has been doing the same thing to us since GWB signed off on the Patriot Act. And We The People have been happy to allow them to do so... Initially because of the allure of the Internet, and now because it's almost impossible for most individuals to even imagine their lives without it anymore.

Being "almost" the same is not being the same. Oligarchs/globalists/those who desire centralized control all behave the same. They will eventually reach for the same tools... digital currency, social credit scores, media control, bread and circuses (but here, without the bread). They may all want world domination but they disagree vehemently on WHO, exactly, is going to do the dominating. Think of them like Mafia dons.

TikTok is not sharing it's info with the NSA, AFAIK. The CPC is not sharing its strategies with our State Department. FOR US, OUR enemy, if it is one, is OUR deep state, not China's.
But by all means, ban TikTok.


SIX: What do you think is going to happen to those kids today posting embarassing or inflammatory stuff when they become adults? It's not just 255 or less words they're putting up there, but actual video evidence of their wrongthink.
The kids today are going to grow up in an entire different world than the one that we did.
Our world Governments aren't REALLY going to try to force old dogs like us to assimilate into the new cashless world with a social credit score. But it will happen gradually and eventually we'll die off and they're all screwed unless they figure out how to live in the wild.

SIGNY: But this is OUR government, not China, that you're posting about.

SIX: It's both, actually. Our government benefits from all the same info that the Chinese are harvesting.

Maybe there's something going on that I don't know about, but I feel like the info that the Chinese are gathering (assuming that they are) is pretty much siloed from our own big tech/deep state big data. Do you have any different info?


SIX: They just get to circumvent the Constitution by allowing it to continue. (Just like they were able to get away with suppressing any dissenting opinions on Covid policy by claiming that it was Facebook, Twitter and YouTube doing the censoring). Donald Trump tried banning TikTok outright during his Presidency. All they're trying to do right now is ban its use among the Political elite during Biden*'s presidency. They're not making a single effort to ban it among the citizenry. They have no incentive to. On the contrary, they want us to continue using it.
Again, are you conflating our big tech with Chinese big tech? I can't imagine China willingly sharing it's data (assuming it's collecting it) bc then they would lose whatever advantage it might give them


SIX: Our government pretends to love Democracy and the Constitution, but let's be real here... If they were able to, and they will be, they'd much rather have total control over us in a digital surveillance state and emulate the CCP.
And we, as a group, will happily allow it to happen because of the convenience of the double-edged sword of technology. And most of the kids won't even know of a world where this wasn't the norm. Even if their parents are wise to it and try to shield them from it, once they get to about middle-school age they're going to cave to peer pressure and want to do and have whatever their friends do and have.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.

SIGNY: Your post is mostly about OUR globalist government. Maybe using China as an example, but China not instituting those policies here.

SIX: Well like I said... Not an example, but as a cohort.

I don't know what you mean. That our govt and China's are behaving similarly but in parallel? If so, how does that the Chinese govt our problem? It would seem that OUR government is our problem. "A government is a group of men notably ungoverned"


SIGNY: However, you do bring up a salient point. Russia is fiercely autarkic, and despite SECOND and THUGR portraying it as a ravening proto-empire seeking to devour the whole globe, in reality it's in defense mode and wants mainly to be left alone. And it has the resources and development to isolate itself almost completely..
China OTOH IS globalist. It lacks many critical resources and it has a billion people to keep occupied and prosperous, and so depends on massive foreign trade: Oil and gas and food and raw materials in, finished goods out. Like Japan, but way way bigger.
As long as China was making cheap good for us, that was OK. But 2008 taught them that we DIDN'T know what we were doing and we aren't a reliable market with a sound currency, so now they're turning their considerable energies towards other markets... the Belt and Road specifically... and all of that industry will be competing for raw resources and labor, and not to our benefit.
And in addition, China won't let our financialists play in their markets, so they can't even make money off that.

SIX: Russia is a fuckin' joke compared to China and what China is doing behind the scenes in tandem with our own Government. It's merely the distraction that David Copperfield uses when making the Statue of Liberty disappear before your eyes.

Well, China doesn't think Russia is a joke, and neither does most of the non-wrstern world. When Xi came to power, HE courted Russia, not the other way around. So far, China has behaved very timidly, maybe bc they have a fuck-ton of Treasuries in their national piggy-bank.
I don't think our deep state is doing much in concert with theirs. They're both struggling for World Domination.


SIGNY: So I would put China in the rival/competitor class.

SIX: If anything, that's probably even a more scary scenario. What do competitors do?
Adapt or die.
We're all just numbers. Cogs in the machine. Another brick in the wall.
It's all a big reason why I'm focusing my mental and physical efforts on people I care about and just keeping myself busy. There's nothing I can think of that you or I or anyone like us can do about any of this. At least not in the current environment.
Just try to limit your exposure to the dangerous shiny rectangles as much as possible and touch some grass whenever the opportunity provides itself.

And this is where our elites are stuck- they will have a hard time adapting and they surely don't want to die.
The Chinese govt is tolerated bc it has materially raised almost a billion people out of poverty. Same with the Russian govt, which has raised the Russian living conditions substantially since 2000.
Until a few decades ago, Americans turned a blind eye to whatever we did abroad bc the middle class was robust and pretty comfortable.

Compare that to our elites now, who can only improve their standing by grinding down most of the people. How do THEY get people to bow down? Well, they can try more propaganda and censorship, and they can weaponize the so-called justice dept and persecute some and post their heads at the city gates, and they can impose digital currencies and toss up whatever "enemy du jour"/interesectional identity as distractions, they can guilt-trip people for just being alive and emitting CO2, and they can in essence allow widespread drug use, but the one thing they CAN'T do is improve the living standards of most people. In the face of hunger it becomes difficult to control strictly by coercion.


Thursday, March 9, 2023 6:48 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Let me start out by saying, I don't like China. There's something about their culture, economy, politics etc that creeps me out. China for the Chinese might be OK, but it's not for me.

Still, is China an "enemy"? Do they threaten our borders, our people?

Some say that China "stole" our industry. Au contraire, our industrialists GAVE them to China in exchange for cheap labor. Some American factories were disassembled, by Americans, and shipped to China for reassembly.

So what's the problem here? If they don't threaten us militarily and our economic clusterfuck is our own making...

I asked in another thread for reasons why we should go to war with China. I don't think I got a response

Please let me know your thoughts.

It has been obvious for a very long time comrade that understanding global affairs are way beyond you.



Thursday, March 9, 2023 6:53 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


THUGR: It has been obvious for a very long time comrade that understanding global affairs are way beyond you.

If you have something on topic to say, spit it out. If not, STFU.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Thursday, March 9, 2023 7:52 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I'd argue that China was always THE Bogey Man. I've always said that here, especially when all the Russia bullshit really ramped up.
It's a silent war, because the media rarely ever talks about it. Mostly because most of them are owned in part by China and they're not allowed to speak on the issue.
Right now, with TikTok alone they've got blackmail information on hundreds of thousands and perhaps even millions of US kids (and kids worldwide, for that matter).
Think I'm being hyperbolic here? Look at what has happened in the last decade to people (average people too, not just celebrities) for tweets that were buried up from the early days of Twitter. Step one inch out of line in real life, and the MOB will actively seek to destroy your real life.

SIGNY: Yes. On the other hand, all of the nobodies have no influence on our foreign, financial, trade, or economic policy. Hell, even the President can't turn it around if it runs counter to the permanent state. What could China force these millions of nobodies into doing that would make one bit of difference to the course set by our elites?

SIX: I'm arguing that at this point they're just short of being one in the same... "They" being the CCP and our own elites. When I say that "We're" in a silent war with them, I mean the American People, not the politicians and their celebrity mouthpieces.

Our government has been doing the same thing to us since GWB signed off on the Patriot Act. And We The People have been happy to allow them to do so... Initially because of the allure of the Internet, and now because it's almost impossible for most individuals to even imagine their lives without it anymore.

Being "almost" the same is not being the same. Oligarchs/globalists/those who desire centralized control all behave the same. They will eventually reach for the same tools... digital currency, social credit scores, media control, bread and circuses (but here, without the bread). They may all want world domination but they disagree vehemently on WHO, exactly, is going to do the dominating. Think of them like Mafia dons.

Well... Right.


TikTok is not sharing it's info with the NSA, AFAIK. The CPC is not sharing its strategies with our State Department. FOR US, OUR enemy, if it is one, is OUR deep state, not China's.
But by all means, ban TikTok.

It doesn't have to share it. The NSA is ripping all the data as it flows to China. Just like getting a VPN isn't going to protect you from anything except for how it protected Ted when I got everybody to give me their IP addresses, using a network to access TikTok no matter how "secure" it is will be wide open to NSA harvesting.



SIX: What do you think is going to happen to those kids today posting embarassing or inflammatory stuff when they become adults? It's not just 255 or less words they're putting up there, but actual video evidence of their wrongthink.
The kids today are going to grow up in an entire different world than the one that we did.
Our world Governments aren't REALLY going to try to force old dogs like us to assimilate into the new cashless world with a social credit score. But it will happen gradually and eventually we'll die off and they're all screwed unless they figure out how to live in the wild.

SIGNY: But this is OUR government, not China, that you're posting about.

SIX: It's both, actually. Our government benefits from all the same info that the Chinese are harvesting.

Maybe there's something going on that I don't know about, but I feel like the info that the Chinese are gathering (assuming that they are) is pretty much siloed from our own big tech/deep state big data. Do you have any different info?

I don't have any proof that it's not siloed, but Big Government has technology that's 20 years beyond what we think is "new". Not only that, but big companies like Microsoft don't even hide the fact that they've given the NSA the keys to the backdoor to anybody using their OS. And it would be naive to think that Apple, Google and Linux haven't done the same. They know everything about us. The only real concern about sites like TikTok is they do insane data harvesting. When you agree to the terms of service you agree to let TikTok access EVERYTHING on your device. Your pictures. Your videos. Your GPS location every moment of the day (assuming you have it on, which let's face it... Most people do because turning it off breaks so much of what people do on their phones).

Our government isn't constitutionally allowed to do any of this. But they'll look the other way when China is doing it, we're willingly giving all of that to them and our Government can just collect the data as it goes past them.



SIX: They just get to circumvent the Constitution by allowing it to continue. (Just like they were able to get away with suppressing any dissenting opinions on Covid policy by claiming that it was Facebook, Twitter and YouTube doing the censoring). Donald Trump tried banning TikTok outright during his Presidency. All they're trying to do right now is ban its use among the Political elite during Biden*'s presidency. They're not making a single effort to ban it among the citizenry. They have no incentive to. On the contrary, they want us to continue using it.
Again, are you conflating our big tech with Chinese big tech? I can't imagine China willingly sharing it's data (assuming it's collecting it) bc then they would lose whatever advantage it might give them


SIX: Our government pretends to love Democracy and the Constitution, but let's be real here... If they were able to, and they will be, they'd much rather have total control over us in a digital surveillance state and emulate the CCP.
And we, as a group, will happily allow it to happen because of the convenience of the double-edged sword of technology. And most of the kids won't even know of a world where this wasn't the norm. Even if their parents are wise to it and try to shield them from it, once they get to about middle-school age they're going to cave to peer pressure and want to do and have whatever their friends do and have.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.

SIGNY: Your post is mostly about OUR globalist government. Maybe using China as an example, but China not instituting those policies here.

SIX: Well like I said... Not an example, but as a cohort.

I don't know what you mean. That our govt and China's are behaving similarly but in parallel? If so, how does that the Chinese govt our problem? It would seem that OUR government is our problem. "A government is a group of men notably ungoverned"

I can't argue that statement or those questions. Yes to the first question. And your last two sentences answer the 2nd question.



SIGNY: However, you do bring up a salient point. Russia is fiercely autarkic, and despite SECOND and THUGR portraying it as a ravening proto-empire seeking to devour the whole globe, in reality it's in defense mode and wants mainly to be left alone. And it has the resources and development to isolate itself almost completely..
China OTOH IS globalist. It lacks many critical resources and it has a billion people to keep occupied and prosperous, and so depends on massive foreign trade: Oil and gas and food and raw materials in, finished goods out. Like Japan, but way way bigger.
As long as China was making cheap good for us, that was OK. But 2008 taught them that we DIDN'T know what we were doing and we aren't a reliable market with a sound currency, so now they're turning their considerable energies towards other markets... the Belt and Road specifically... and all of that industry will be competing for raw resources and labor, and not to our benefit.
And in addition, China won't let our financialists play in their markets, so they can't even make money off that.

SIX: Russia is a fuckin' joke compared to China and what China is doing behind the scenes in tandem with our own Government. It's merely the distraction that David Copperfield uses when making the Statue of Liberty disappear before your eyes.

Well, China doesn't think Russia is a joke, and neither does most of the non-wrstern world. When Xi came to power, HE courted Russia, not the other way around. So far, China has behaved very timidly, maybe bc they have a fuck-ton of Treasuries in their national piggy-bank.
I don't think our deep state is doing much in concert with theirs. They're both struggling for World Domination.

Well... Russia isn't a joke like Ukraine or Zimbabwe are. But technologically speaking they pose no threat to America/China or American/Chinese citizens. Certainly not near the level that America/Chinese governments are to American/Chinese citizens.

Militarily speaking, they really don't pose much of a threat to anybody either. Their one ace up their sleeve would be their nuclear arsenal, but they're not suicidal and I don't see any scenario where they would ever think of actually using it. Any nonsense otherwise propagated by any of our Governments is just fear porn for morons like Second and Ted.



SIGNY: So I would put China in the rival/competitor class.

SIX: If anything, that's probably even a more scary scenario. What do competitors do?
Adapt or die.
We're all just numbers. Cogs in the machine. Another brick in the wall.
It's all a big reason why I'm focusing my mental and physical efforts on people I care about and just keeping myself busy. There's nothing I can think of that you or I or anyone like us can do about any of this. At least not in the current environment.
Just try to limit your exposure to the dangerous shiny rectangles as much as possible and touch some grass whenever the opportunity provides itself.

And this is where our elites are stuck- they will have a hard time adapting and they surely don't want to die.

I don't think they will. In fact, I think they already have. We just don't know about it. They're dumb like a fox. We only see the idiots that are the faces of either party.


The Chinese govt is tolerated bc it has materially raised almost a billion people out of poverty. Same with the Russian govt, which has raised the Russian living conditions substantially since 2000.
Until a few decades ago, Americans turned a blind eye to whatever we did abroad bc the middle class was robust and pretty comfortable.

Yeah. No arguments there.


Compare that to our elites now, who can only improve their standing by grinding down most of the people. How do THEY get people to bow down? Well, they can try more propaganda and censorship, and they can weaponize the so-called justice dept and persecute some and post their heads at the city gates, and they can impose digital currencies and toss up whatever "enemy du jour"/interesectional identity as distractions, they can guilt-trip people for just being alive and emitting CO2, and they can in essence allow widespread drug use, but the one thing they CAN'T do is improve the living standards of most people. In the face of hunger it becomes difficult to control strictly by coercion.

Yeah. That's the bummer about running out of 3rd world countries to exploit, huh.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Saturday, March 11, 2023 10:09 AM


The old global Sheriff's Department with guns are gone or at least distracted by 'Ukraine-Russia'

it used to be the Army, Marines, Airforce, Navy of the world so what happens when the US Withdraws??

Regional rivals Iran and Saudi Arabia agree to restore their ties after years of tensions

Archrivals Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed Friday to restore diplomatic relations, a dramatic breakthrough brokered by China after years of soaring tensions between the Middle Eastern powerhouses. The deal, which will see the two leading oil producers reopen embassies in each other’s capitals, was sealed during a meeting in Beijing — a boost to China's efforts to rival the United States as a broker on the global stage.


Monday, March 13, 2023 10:09 AM



Every now and then I like to highlight the fact that all this China stuff was predicted way back in 2004 by Michael Parenti, who said that the unipolarist neoconservative ideology that had hijacked US foreign policy envisioned a massive strategic confrontation with Beijing.
"PNAC" refers to Project for the New American Century, the wildly influential neoconservative think tank whose members played a critical role in pushing the Iraq invasion. Since that time PNAC's vision for the future has quietly become the mainstream US foreign policy consensus.


Monday, March 13, 2023 1:25 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Worried about the USA and foreign trade? Other countries depend more on trade than the US.

Imports, percent of GDP - Country rankings

South Korea 38.46% 92
Russia 21.31% 142
China 17.43% 151
USA 14.59% 158
Sudan 1.88% 160

Exports, percent of GDP - Country rankings

South Korea 42.04% 60
Russia 30.86% 90
China 20.04% 130
USA 10.89% 147
Sudan 2.25% 160

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, March 18, 2023 11:53 AM


The Sino-Soviet split - The Cold War

The Sino-Soviet Split - GCSE History

Mao it seems was a hardline Stalinist but then old Joe Stalin had noting but deep distrust and contempt for the Chinese, soon after "Nixon goes to China"

in Old maps of Siberia, China, Mongols, Chinese, Manchu Manchurian culture it seems the Chinese might have lots which side are you supposed to root for if maps are re-drawn?

a mistake driving Russia and China together?

'Putin and Xi might have a bromance but it’s clear who holds the power'


Monday, March 20, 2023 6:12 AM


Reports of out control Yellow Asia Chinamen crowd jumping on occupied cars with fights breaking out?

#Miami | #Florida

Police are responding to Numerous reports of unmanageable Chinese Asian of Spring Breakers in Miami Beach, which have resulted in altercations and instances of ChinaChina individuals jumping on vehicles. Miami Beach Orders midnight Curfew And State Of Emergency Over Shootings that left 2 people dead And ‘Unruly’ Chinese Yellow Mongolid China Asiatic Oriental Crowds? sorry its just more twerking hoodrat rapper culture

The Arab Jihad owned 'Telegram' social media site and a a Russian-born French-Emirati

'Seattle Police Chief Warns City that Cops Are Unable to Protect Property From Antifa and BLM Riots Thanks to City Council Barring Crowd Control Tools'

Antifa And BLM Are Begging People To Stop Posting Videos Of Riots Because They're Getting Arrested

A video out of Britbongistan Londonistan shows a man being arrested outside a Starbucks for not wearing a mask while asking police officers where they were during multiple Black Lives Matter demonstrations and riots during which coronavirus rules were ignored.

Nolte: BLM Riots Are Officially the Most Costly Manmade Damage to American Property in History

BlazeTV Reporter Elijah Schaffer BEATEN Covering BLM Riots in Philadelphia

Full List – Here Are The 269 Companies Who Are Supporting BLM & Antifa Riots


Monday, March 20, 2023 8:52 AM


Good list. I'll be sharing that around.

Everyone should note that while FedEx is supporting them, UPS isn't.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, March 21, 2023 9:58 AM


Did they Nuke the city of HongKong?


Thursday, March 23, 2023 9:16 PM


I dont think China could have ever damaged the USA like Bush junior did

From Bush to Blix: what happened to the key figures in the Iraq war?


Monday, March 27, 2023 6:44 PM


Global politics becoming a mess


Wednesday, March 29, 2023 12:32 PM


Biden wants America to be unarmed like China so an Armed government has more control??

and the population with no weapons just to make it easier for outside foreign military to invade?

2nd Amendment No longer applies and can be repealed


Friday, April 14, 2023 4:56 AM


The infrastructure they have built is insane

heavily investing in Satellite Space, Energy Fusion tech, Computers A.I and stealing or borrow other people's designs


Sunday, May 28, 2023 8:49 AM


shit that people with micro-brains now parrot, the news media tells THG to worry about Stand Up Comedy in Beijing?


Thursday, June 15, 2023 3:40 AM


Republican Rep. Mike Waltz slams Biden administration's 'desperate' flip-flop on China base in Cuba


Thursday, July 6, 2023 9:20 AM


That old AlexJonestown cult says Chinaman Chicoms is flooding America with pornography?

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen visits China as part of efforts to sooth strained relations

meanwhile islamist immigrant ihadis are burning France into the ground? ...but let's think about the scary 'Chicom' USSR Chinese Communist


Thursday, July 20, 2023 7:01 PM


Can China claim the moon? Xi Jinping's bid to win the new space race against US

China's Zhurong Rover Finds Martian Ice Age Ended Abruptly 400,000 Years Ago

Hollyweird is over?
Midjourney short film made in 7 days, artist says "AI Will Kill Traditional Media"

It's starting: DeSantis attack ad uses fake AI images of Trump embracing Fauci

AI robots at UN reckon they could run the world better

De'Leon Brooks on LinkedIn: Chat GPT List 6 ways AI can enable Humanity to achieve Type 1 Civilization

Orwellian or Not? New York copies China BigBrother Spy Cam

'NYC subway using AI to track fare evasion'

the West and Doomsday news about China?

Looks like Chinese media are reacting

US, UK demonize China to 'beautify their own dangerous acts' of abusing AI for military ends


Sunday, July 23, 2023 7:37 PM


While the US Govt is wasting trillions on endless wars China is investing in incredible cities.


Sunday, July 23, 2023 9:36 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Brian Berletic (The New Atlas channel) - an American former Marine tech currently living in Thailand and working as an industrial engineer - often hosts a couple of people who live in China, and one thing they keep saying is that China doesn't want to take over the world, they just want to make money.

Colonel Douglas MacGreggor has said the Chinese aren't communists, they're money grubbers.

China's dealings with other nations, including Russia and the USA, are boiled down to 'whats in it for us?' (materially). They don't want to force other nations into any particular deal bc that risks blowback, hence their emphasis on 'win-win' arrangements. OTOH it doesn't bother them if they 'win' more than you do! At the risk of sounding anti-Semitic, a comment I've heard that sums up the Chinese (with their ethnocentrism and 'money-grubbing') - is that Chinese are 'the Jews of the east'.

They're risk averse, and focused both on raising the material standard of living AND finding jobs for young men (who become disruptive if not kept busy) as their surest way to STAY IN POWER. OTOH China isn't blessed with all of the resources it needs for a self-sufficient economy, so they decided to become an exporting nation as the quickest was to prosperity and jobs.

HOWEVER, that necessarily means that they will need some international muscle to enforce the deals they've made with other trading partners (what happens if Mexico reneges on a deal to sell China the total output of a copper mine?) or someone -like the USA- interdicts their trade routes?

Also, the USA sees China as a significant competitor for world resources. USA elite may dress it up as being about Taiwan and freedom, but that's just a rationalization for the gullible. The USA would like to destroy China to rid itself of a competitor.

IMHO China's greatest challenge is to transition from an export economy to a balanced economy, and they aren't handling that transition well, if at all. They tried, a couple of decades ago, to improve their internal market by pumping up the money supply, but all that did was create speculstion booms in everything from wheat to aluminum to real estate to iron to zinc to infrastructure.

Belt and Road is just an attempt to replace the USA and EU markets with other markets (Central Asia, Africa etc). For their own security and peace of mind, without all the drama and fuss that transnationalism brings, they need to find a way to whittle down their reliance on exports while still finding jobs for their young male population. China has a TON of environmental disasters- maybe they should set some of those workers to cleaning up the mess they made while industrializing. Just my $0.02.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Thursday, August 17, 2023 8:38 PM



Wednesday, August 23, 2023 6:05 AM


Leaders of China, Russia, India gather for BRICS summit sans Putin


Tuesday, September 5, 2023 6:51 PM


‘Oppenheimer’ Debuts In China To $5.4M; Poised For $20M+ Weekend

Moon Power: China’s Pursuit of Lunar Helium-3


Sunday, September 10, 2023 9:22 AM


West ‘created’ modern China by making it world’s factory: India’s Rahul Gandhi


Sunday, September 10, 2023 11:45 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
West ‘created’ modern China by making it world’s factory: India’s Rahul Gandhi

Yes, it (we) did.

I will re-state that I'm no fan of China. Their internal and foreign policies range from the short-sighted, oily, and opportunistic to the downright disgusting (to me)... which is at least few steps above how I feel about some African and Middle Eastern nations.

But we should take responsiblity for what we did TO OURSELVES and not use whatever we feel about China now to attack China. If whatever "they" did to us is with our (financiers') collusion, then unless they attack our borders or our allies militarily then we should leave them them fuck alone. That includes Taiwian, which we officially agree is part of China, and Hong Kong.

And maybe we should clean our own house of the quislings and opportunists who sold us to China, and not be stampeded into a war with China from which the financiers and MIC and spook agencies - who started this whole clusterfuck to begin with- benefit, while the rest of us rush off over the cliff they created for us.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Friday, June 7, 2024 4:54 PM


the world might be changing

SPIEF 2024: Brazil considers Russia a strategic partner - ambassador

Saudi to ditch US dollar in oil trade

India-Russia collaboration in arctic region

Britbongistan pressures Hong Kong judges to quit?

Chang'e-6 orbiter and ascent vehicle docked in lunar orbit


Friday, June 7, 2024 9:21 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I'd argue that China was always THE Bogey Man. I've always said that here, especially when all the Russia bullshit really ramped up.

It's a silent war, because the media rarely ever talks about it. Mostly because most of them are owned in part by China and they're not allowed to speak on the issue.

Right now, with TikTok alone they've got blackmail information on hundreds of thousands and perhaps even millions of US kids (and kids worldwide, for that matter).

Think I'm being hyperbolic here? Look at what has happened in the last decade to people (average people too, not just celebrities) for tweets that were buried up from the early days of Twitter. Step one inch out of line in real life, and the MOB will actively seek to destroy your real life.

Yes. On the other hand, all of the nobodies have no influence on our foreign, financial, trade, or economic policy. Hell, even the President can't turn it around if it runs counter to the permanent state. What could China force these millions of nobodies into doing that would make one bit of difference to the course set by our elites?


What do you think is going to happen to those kids today posting embarassing or inflammatory stuff when they become adults? It's not just 255 or less words they're putting up there, but actual video evidence of their wrongthink.

The kids today are going to grow up in an entire different world than the one that we did.

Our world Governments aren't REALLY going to try to force old dogs like us to assimilate into the new cashless world with a social credit score. But it will happen gradually and eventually we'll die off and they're all screwed unless they figure out how to live in the wild.

But this is OUR government, not China, that you're posting about.


Our government pretends to love Democracy and the Constitution, but let's be real here... If they were able to, and they will be, they'd much rather have total control over us in a digital surveillance state and emulate the CCP.

And we, as a group, will happily allow it to happen because of the convenience of the double-edged sword of technology. And most of the kids won't even know of a world where this wasn't the norm. Even if their parents are wise to it and try to shield them from it, once they get to about middle-school age they're going to cave to peer pressure and want to do and have whatever their friends do and have.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Your post is mostly about OUR globalist government. Maybe using China as an example, but China not instituting those policies here.

However, you do bring up a salient point. Russia is fiercely autarkic, and despite SECOND and THUGR portraying it as a ravening proto-empire seeking to devour the whole globe, in reality it's in defense mode and wants mainly to be left alone. And it has the resources and development to isolate itself almost completely..

China OTOH IS globalist. It lacks many critical resources and it has a billion people to keep occupied and prosperous, and so depends on massive foreign trade: Oil and gas and food and raw materials in, finished goods out. Like Japan, but way way bigger.

As long as China was making cheap good for us, that was OK. But 2008 taught them that we DIDN'T know what we were doing and we aren't a reliable market with a sound currency, so now they're turning their considerable energies towards other markets... the Belt and Road specifically... and all of that industry will be competing for raw resources and labor, and not to our benefit.

And in addition, China won't let our financialists play in their markets, so they can't even make money off that.

So I would put China in the rival/competitor class.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Tuesday, July 30, 2024 7:17 PM


for now its Russia, and the Ruskies are actually invading and killing...the Ukraine thing is a disaster for everyone

not sure on Brics


Thursday, August 1, 2024 5:55 PM


Sanctions against Huawei fail, then birth "Delete America" campaign across China's supply chains


Friday, August 2, 2024 5:41 AM


Where will we be in space in 2049? A look at spaceflight over the next 25 years


Tuesday, September 10, 2024 7:27 AM


U.S. and Chinese military commanders set to speak by phone for the first time in years


Tuesday, September 17, 2024 2:54 PM


Shanghai's low-altitude economy is gaining momentum


Thursday, September 19, 2024 4:11 AM


it seems Jew Israelis sabotaged the Taiwan export economy so the Jewish of Israel could bomb Lebanon Arabs with IEDs

Taiwan security bodies 'paying great attention' to Hezbollah beeper explosions

a panic of who to blame sets in

the propaganda and psy-op lies, blame game, they also want to blame Orban?

and if an Israeli Jew makes a bomb the US media should know its not a bomb but an impressive pin point shot, a precise strike

Taiwan and Hungary both deny manufacturing Hezbollah pagers


Tuesday, September 24, 2024 6:51 AM


Blowing up India trade increases and Russia sells to some other Chinese person at discount prices?

Russia’s Gas Flows to China Will Reach Capacity Ahead of Plan






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