UPDATED: Wednesday, February 19, 2025 18:25
VIEWED: 31727
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Thursday, July 20, 2023 6:23 PM


'He vaccinated all his children' House Democrat blows a hole in RFK Jr.’s anti-vax

Stacey Plaskett (D-Virgin Islands)

"You know, Mr. Kennedy's own family decries his stance on vaccines and families disagree on a lot of things," Plaskett said while grilling Kennedy. "I got family members that, you know, we all disagree, so that doesn't mean anything. But the fact that he has famously sent a request to a party guest that they had to be vaccinated to come to his party, and I'd like to introduce into the record a letter from Lewis Silken — a law firm representing Mr. Kennedy — which states, as he has stated repeatedly, he vaccinated all his children. And I'd like that to be introduced into the record."

Can you say, good night Mr. Kennedy?



Monday, July 31, 2023 10:46 PM




Monday, July 31, 2023 11:08 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Just for a laugh, I went to the beginning of this thread to see how it all started, and I noticed there were very few FACTS in it. It turned out to be all about TRUMP! What he said, what he tweeted... In fact, TRUMP was mentioned a total of 464 times, so far. On one page, an astonishing 79 times!!!

THUGR, Trump occupies a big room inside of that little brain. (Putin occupies most of what's left.) Yours is a critical case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. I suggest you take a vacation from the topic for a few months. I know you're addicted, but you'll feel better afterwards and have a much better perspective.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Tuesday, August 1, 2023 12:12 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Just for a laugh, I went to the beginning of this thread to see how it all started, and I noticed there were very few FACTS in it. It turned out to be all about TRUMP! What he said, what he tweeted... In fact, TRUMP was mentioned a total of 464 times, so far. On one page, an astonishing 79 times!!!

THUGR, Trump occupies a big room inside of that little brain. (Putin occupies most of what's left.) Yours is a critical case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. I suggest you take a vacation from the topic for a few months. I know you're addicted, but you'll feel better afterwards and have a much better perspectivity.

"Trump’s false or misleading claims total 30,573 over 4 years."

When The Washington Post Fact Checker team first started cataloguing President Donald Trump’s false or misleading claims, we recorded 492 suspect claims in the first 100 days of his presidency. On Nov. 2 alone, the day before the 2020 vote, Trump made 503 false or misleading claims as he barnstormed across the country in a desperate effort to win reelection.

This astonishing jump in falsehoods is the story of Trump’s tumultuous reign. By the end of his term, Trump had accumulated 30,573 untruths during his presidency — averaging about 21 erroneous claims a day.

What is especially striking is how the tsunami of untruths kept rising the longer he served as president and became increasingly unmoored from the truth.

Trump averaged about six claims a day in his first year as president, 16 claims day in his second year, 22 claims day in this third year — and 39 claims a day in his final year. Put another way, it took him 27 months to reach 10,000 claims and an additional 14 months to reach 20,000. He then exceeded the 30,000 mark less than five months later.

Wow you are an idiot. This thread was created as a way to fact check Trump. As a way to keep it real. So of course he is constantly mentioned. And comrade, I was right. I said he was a crook and low life piece of shit before he got elected, and he proved me right each and every day.

You on the other hand, are still just a moron.



Tuesday, August 1, 2023 1:02 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Just for a laugh, I went to the beginning of this thread to see how it all started, and I noticed there were very few FACTS in it. It turned out to be all about TRUMP! What he said, what he tweeted... In fact, TRUMP was mentioned a total of 464 times, so far. On one page, an astonishing 79 times!!!

THUGR, Trump occupies a big room inside of that little brain. (Putin occupies most of what's left.) Yours is a critical case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. I suggest you take a vacation from the topic for a few months. I know you're addicted, but you'll feel better afterwards and have a much better perspective.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM

There has not been a single fact posted in this thread or any other thread in the RWED by Ted since he created his account.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Tuesday, August 1, 2023 11:39 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


"Trump’s false or misleading claims total 30,573 over 4 years."

When The Washington Post Fact Checker

And you believe the WaPo fact checker because....?

I've looked into those liberal "fact checkers' and found they were often .... WRONG.

IN FACT, I just took apart a WaPo "fact checking" story on those Suspicious Activity Reports about the Biden family, and I found it to be substantially MISLEADING. Not just one or two sentences, but the entire article.

So if you're gonna get all bent about misleading claims and outright lies, why don't you start by looking at Rachel Madcow, bc she lied almost every night for a couple of years? Or how about looking at ANY ONE of the M$M outlets, bc I'll bet, on any day, they spew out more than the 21 false or misleading claims it would take to match that total.

OR CHECK YOUR OWN POSTS, BC ALMOST EVERYTHING YOU POST IS FALSE OR MISLEADING. Son, I think you might actually come close to that total of false or misleading claims!

In FACT, I'll start totalling that up for you!

I don't believe Trump. That's why I'm not obssessing about everything he says or tweets. If he pushes for something that I think is stupid, I push back. But mostly, I don't pay attention to anything he tweets.

By the same token, you should stop believing everything the M$M says. They're not god, they don't know everything, and they're not honest. Use your own judgment, if you have any, about what everyone publishes and stop believing bullshit.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Tuesday, August 1, 2023 12:24 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

OK THUGR, here goes ...

Every time you call me "comrade", "Russian", "collaborator" or "troll" is not only false and misleading, it is LIBEL. PROVABLY WRONG IN A COURT OF LAW. Give me your particulars, and I'll meet you in court.

I can't imagine HOW MANY times you posted THAT particular false/misleading/libelous claim ... lets just estimate that you did that three times a day for six years and call it 6,570. OK?

Here's a thread rich in false or misleading claims!


Where has SIG and 1kiki's outrage about anyone allying with Saudia Araba gone ?

first of all, your spelling! SAUDIA ARABA??

you called me "comrade" something like a dozen times

"Enough Jack, you can't be American."

"Its sickening how comrade kiki and sig sit back and protect Assad and Putin from blame for chemical weapons used against the Syrian people." [Assasd didn't use chemical weapons.]

"SIGS hate against the west"

"Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals. "

"U.S. accuses Russia of helping Syria cover up chemical weapons use" [since Assad didn't use chemical weapons, there was no coverup]

"US Navy fired warning shots at Iranian vessels Monday evening" [since Iranian vessels in the Persian Gulf are in their home waters, and USA navy is far aiway from home, what are we doing there?]

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Tuesday, August 1, 2023 12:30 PM


Comrade signym, what you've been posting over the years always comes up wrong. What I've been posting that comes from mainstream media globally, keeps coming up as accurate.

It will continue to be that way. I'm in no hurry. I am enjoying watching you post stupidly, knowing it's on the record.



Tuesday, August 1, 2023 12:33 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by THG:
Comrade signym, what you've been posting over the years always comes up wrong. What I've been posting that comes from mainstream media globally, keeps coming up as accurate.

It will continue to be that way. I'm in no hurry. I am enjoying watching you post stupidly, knowing it's on the record.



b) doubling down on LIBEL, I see!

Just bc you're stupid and believe every piece of shit you see in the M$M doesn't excuse you from libel laws, nor does it excuse your false and misleading claims.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Tuesday, August 1, 2023 12:48 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

b) doubling down on LIBEL, I see!

Just bc you're stupid and believe every piece of shit you see in the M$M doesn't excuse you from libel laws, nor does it excuse your false and misleading claims.

Trumptards lose libel cases. Signym, you will lose, too:

1) Fox News settles with Dominion at the last second, pays more than $787 million to avert defamation trial over its 2020 election lies

2) Trump’s $475 Million Defamation Suit Against CNN Is Dismissed

3) A federal judge has dismissed Donald Trump's request for a new trial in a civil case in which a jury found him liable for sexually abusing and defaming columnist E Jean Carroll. Mr Trump was ordered to pay $5m (£3.9m) in damages, which he argued was excessive based on the jury's verdict. The judge ruled that the jury's 9 May verdict was not a "miscarriage of justice".

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, August 1, 2023 12:52 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Trumps son in law tried to work with the Russians to open a direct line of communication with the Kremlin. Within SIG, within the Russian Embassy. One that bypasses American intelligence and the American people. He was going to visit the Embassy whenever he need to speak directly with Putin. And, on his disclosure form to gain his clearances to see our intelligence reports he lie about it. If True, that's treason. It's all coming down on your head here comrade. You won't be able to show your face without people jumping all over you troll.
No such meeting took place. I looked that up. You should too.


The conservative mind has become diseased
A blowhard accusation.


I think the IRS would have found discrepancies or violations in the law with Trumps taxes over the years. Not sure but I think so. I think what Trumps worried about is all his ties to Russian banks showing him susceptible to Russian influence becoming visible.
Another blowhard accusation


There's plenty of evidence Putin did it. [hack the DNC emails]
There is none. Even the NSA couldn't find any, although there must have been hundreds of thousands of 'packets' - if not millions- crossing transocean internet cables - for this to have happened. That's why only assigned 'moderate' confidence to the statement. Plenty of evidence, tho, that the emails were obtained by someone with legitimate access to the emails, and a USB stick


SIG,1IKI and Jack have been denying the evidence that keeps mounting against Trump. Fake news and lies they say.
This in a thread about Trump-Russia "collusion" "evidens". Everything mouthbreathed insinuating that Trump was colluding with Russia, or Putin, really IS fake news.


You are soon to be revealed as well comrade. Once you are it's over for you too.


Opps, try putting out this fire SIG. As I said, your lies are outing you as a Russia troll. No more smoke, now a raging fire.
Another false statment.


We know who she, the Russian lawyer is.
Who is Natalia Veselnitskaya?

Natalia Vladimirovna Veselnitskaya born 22 February 1975 Kramatorsk, Donetsk Oblast, Ukrainian SSR, Soviet Union) is a Russian lawyer. Her clients include Pyotr Katsyv, an official in the state-owned Russian Railways, and his son Denis Katsyv, whom she defended against a money laundering charge in New York.On 8 January 2019, Veselnitskaya was indicted in the United States with obstruction of justice charges for allegedly having attempted to thwart the Justice Department investigation into the money laundering charges against Katsyv.
Nothing in there about the Kremilin or the FSB! ANOTHER false statement from THUGR!


Think money laundering, blackmail, lifting sanctions, collusion, Russia and Trump.
Another fact-free accusation!


Trump, the pop star and Putin. Who these people are as well as others is beginning to flood the airwaves. The damn has broke.
More of the same.

Son, I haven't even gotten past page 11, nor have I read pages 1-11 carefully. Your bullshit betrays you. Maybe I'll finish this when I have more time.
But you are the LAST person to accuse others of false of misleading statments! (Well, SECOND prolly is, but you're the second-last)

Start on page 1

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Tuesday, August 1, 2023 1:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

b) doubling down on LIBEL, I see!
Just bc you're stupid and believe every piece of shit you see in the M$M doesn't excuse you from libel laws, nor does it excuse your false and misleading claims.

Trumptards lose libel cases. Signym, you will lose, too:

That's easy to say from behind your wall of anonymity. See me in court and I'll prove you wrong. I can bring my birth certificate to start. And I can source every single penny of my earnings, and none of it comes from Russia.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Sunday, August 13, 2023 7:58 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

I literally laughed out loud when I saw that THUGGER started a thread called 'FACTS'. And if I had the power, I would change it to 'FARTS', which is far more truth in advertising.

Also, fwiw, I have literally ZERO interest in anything Trump says. And anyone who pays attention to his endless stream of verbal click bait is either a FOXhound, or an election PTSD sufferer. Neither of which are in touch with reality.

tic tac

Eric Trump's Cancer Charity Controversy Explained

The money was supposed to help children with cancer, but the Trump family reportedly used it for personal gain.

And these are the people Jack likes. Once a piece of shit always a piece of shit I guess. Aye Jack...

Holy crow



Sunday, August 13, 2023 9:10 PM



Ted only read the headline again and didn't go to the Forbes article.

You are a very stupid person, Ted. And the propaganda you ingest on the daily with that tiny little dog brain of yours is hilarious.

At least the money the Trumps raised went to charity.

Hunter Biden got his money because his daddy blackmailed Ukrainian officials and all of his son's money went to hookers and cocaine.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Monday, August 28, 2023 11:39 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Ted only read the headline again and didn't go to the Forbes article.

You are a very stupid person, Ted. And the propaganda you ingest on the daily with that tiny little dog brain of yours is hilarious.

At least the money the Trumps raised went to charity.

Hunter Biden got his money because his daddy blackmailed Ukrainian officials and all of his son's money went to hookers and cocaine.

Trump indicted, placed under arrest four times in different states. He is charged with 91 felonies.

Federal judge sets March trial date in Trump's election interference case

Trump paid $2 million judgment for misusing his charity, New York attorney general says

The Eric Trump Foundation turned out to be a family business
Read More:

'I’ve never seen anything like it': Economic analyst breaks down origin of Jared Kushner’s $3 billion profit

The saddest part is I could do this all day. Jack, you've been duped.



Wednesday, August 30, 2023 5:57 AM


FBI and European partners seize major malware network in blow to global cybercrime

“Nearly ever sector of the economy has been victimized by Qakbot,” Martin Estrada, the U.S. attorney in Los Angeles, said Tuesday in announcing the takedown. He said the criminal network had facilitated about 40 ransomware attacks alone over 18 months that investigators said netted Qakbot administrators about $58 million.

Qakbot's ransomware victims included an Illinois-based engineering firm, financial services organizations in Alabama and Kansas, along with a Maryland defense manufacturer and a Southern California food distribution company, Estrada said.




Tuesday, September 5, 2023 5:05 PM



Scientists Just Announced That The San Andreas Fault Is About To Do Something Huge


Saturday, September 9, 2023 5:03 PM



Tuesday, September 12, 2023 5:04 PM


Another Trumper gets his due. Too funny...



Wednesday, September 13, 2023 2:10 AM


Ted is just about the dumbest sonofabitch I've ever known.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Saturday, September 16, 2023 9:11 AM



Saturday, September 16, 2023 10:30 AM



Originally posted by THG:
A neuroscientist explains why stupidity is an existential threat to America

See the post above yours.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Tuesday, September 19, 2023 12:27 PM




Tuesday, September 26, 2023 1:10 PM



The Greatest Threat to American National Security


Tuesday, September 26, 2023 6:18 PM


THG, you fuckedup your pink font

but Zeihan is definitely a pinko that opens his diseased anus to other dudes
if I wanted to watch Zeihan crap I would go to that shittywebsite


Originally posted by THG:

The Greatest Threat to American National Security

I'm not going to even bother watching

The fool is impressed by him...So much knowledge! So then...Did Zeihan go to trendy Arab Lesbian Gay Bars and hang with the Bachi Bazi pedophiles of Asscrackistan?

Propaganda is so lazy now

Half of the stuff posted in the replies of the threads are not 'facts' instead you have posted a bunch of political and emotional stuff or 'propaganda'

Zeihan seems to age more each and every week, does he have AIDs inside his anus or maybe its booze and drugs and anti-depressants
all he's mostly doing his parroting 30 year old George Friedman talking points, Stratfor, Rane Corporation and Spooks give him a bunch of graphs and tell him some magical Rambo 3 story about Team USA and U.S. Army Green Beret like John Rambo bringing Democracy to Asscrackistan

by parroting Zeihan and quoting his dumb vids it just makes you seem dumber

Learn to spot propaganda, its easier than ever to see now that they have economic downturns and you get to see it much easier


Wednesday, September 27, 2023 2:26 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

THG, you fuckedup your pink font

but Zeihan is definitely a pinko that opens his diseased anus to other dudes
if I wanted to watch Zeihan crap I would go to that shittywebsite


Originally posted by THG:

The Greatest Threat to American National Security

I'm not going to even bother watching

The fool is impressed by him...So much knowledge! So then...Did Zeihan go to trendy Arab Lesbian Gay Bars and hang with the Bachi Bazi pedophiles of Asscrackistan?

Propaganda is so lazy now

Half of the stuff posted in the replies of the threads are not 'facts' instead you have posted a bunch of political and emotional stuff or 'propaganda'

Zeihan seems to age more each and every week, does he have AIDs inside his anus or maybe its booze and drugs and anti-depressants
all he's mostly doing his parroting 30 year old George Friedman talking points, Stratfor, Rane Corporation and Spooks give him a bunch of graphs and tell him some magical Rambo 3 story about Team USA and U.S. Army Green Beret like John Rambo bringing Democracy to Asscrackistan

by parroting Zeihan and quoting his dumb vids it just makes you seem dumber

Learn to spot propaganda, its easier than ever to see now that they have economic downturns and you get to see it much easier

Wow, read your post. It claims you don't watch him yet everything in your post suggests you do. Suggests you watch him a lot.



Wednesday, September 27, 2023 3:05 PM



Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

THG, you fuckedup your pink font

but Zeihan is definitely a pinko that opens his diseased anus to other dudes
if I wanted to watch Zeihan crap I would go to that shittywebsite


Originally posted by THG:

The Greatest Threat to American National Security

I'm not going to even bother watching

The fool is impressed by him...So much knowledge! So then...Did Zeihan go to trendy Arab Lesbian Gay Bars and hang with the Bachi Bazi pedophiles of Asscrackistan?

Propaganda is so lazy now

Half of the stuff posted in the replies of the threads are not 'facts' instead you have posted a bunch of political and emotional stuff or 'propaganda'

Zeihan seems to age more each and every week, does he have AIDs inside his anus or maybe its booze and drugs and anti-depressants
all he's mostly doing his parroting 30 year old George Friedman talking points, Stratfor, Rane Corporation and Spooks give him a bunch of graphs and tell him some magical Rambo 3 story about Team USA and U.S. Army Green Beret like John Rambo bringing Democracy to Asscrackistan

by parroting Zeihan and quoting his dumb vids it just makes you seem dumber

Learn to spot propaganda, its easier than ever to see now that they have economic downturns and you get to see it much easier

Wow, read your post. It claims you don't watch him yet everything in your post suggests you do. Suggests you watch him a lot.


Kind of like every time you post an article because you only read the headline but then the article itself disproves whatever stupid ass point you were trying to make, Theodore.

And yeah. Jaynez is right. Fix your fucking gay ass pink font tags.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Monday, October 2, 2023 10:47 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Republicans present photo shopped evidence in Biden impeachment hearing and get destroyed in real-time for presenting fake evidence.


Monday, October 2, 2023 10:55 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

THG, you fuckedup your pink font

but Zeihan is definitely a pinko that opens his diseased anus to other dudes
if I wanted to watch Zeihan crap I would go to that shittywebsite


Originally posted by THG:

The Greatest Threat to American National Security

I'm not going to even bother watching

The fool is impressed by him...So much knowledge! So then...Did Zeihan go to trendy Arab Lesbian Gay Bars and hang with the Bachi Bazi pedophiles of Asscrackistan?

Propaganda is so lazy now

Half of the stuff posted in the replies of the threads are not 'facts' instead you have posted a bunch of political and emotional stuff or 'propaganda'

Zeihan seems to age more each and every week, does he have AIDs inside his anus or maybe its booze and drugs and anti-depressants
all he's mostly doing his parroting 30 year old George Friedman talking points, Stratfor, Rane Corporation and Spooks give him a bunch of graphs and tell him some magical Rambo 3 story about Team USA and U.S. Army Green Beret like John Rambo bringing Democracy to Asscrackistan

by parroting Zeihan and quoting his dumb vids it just makes you seem dumber

Learn to spot propaganda, its easier than ever to see now that they have economic downturns and you get to see it much easier

Wow, read your post. It claims you don't watch him yet everything in your post suggests you do. Suggests you watch him a lot.


Kind of like every time you post an article because you only read the headline but then the article itself disproves whatever stupid ass point you were trying to make, Theodore.

And yeah. Jaynez is right. Fix your fucking gay ass pink font tags.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Fact, I post what is being reported in the news. I post facts. You guys' post bullshit that in no way disproves anything I've posted.

Jack, you've posted trump will be fine a hundred times in these threads instead of offering any evidence that disputes what I've posted. Hint, it's a dead giveaway you can't. You also can't see me laughing every time you do so. You guys are Trumps biggest advocates and your silence when it comes to his guilt gives me the chuckles. Thanks bud...



Tuesday, April 9, 2024 9:05 AM




Originally posted by THG:

New Fault Lines Erupt In Trump's Losing Battle With The Truth


Tuesday, April 9, 2024 11:32 AM



Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, April 9, 2024 12:48 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Fact, I post what is being reported in the news. I post facts.

FACT, this is your first mistake, thinking that "the news" "reports" "facts".
FACT, what "the news" publishes isn't "news" and aren't "facts". It's not even opinion. It's a consensus narrative. If you start treating "the news" as "a story you're being told" (instead of as "reported" "facts") the less often you'll be led astray by whoppers like "Trump/ Flynn/ Manafort Russia collusion" and "Ukraine is winning" where you are WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Tuesday, April 9, 2024 2:15 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


"An Open-Minded Spirit No Longer Exists Within NPR" - NPR Veteran Excoriates Outlet Over Hunter, Russiagate Activism or ...

I’ve Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here’s How We Lost America’s Trust.


Like many unfortunate things, the rise of advocacy took off with Donald Trump. As in many newsrooms, his election in 2016 was greeted at NPR with a mixture of disbelief, anger, and despair. (Just to note, I eagerly voted against Trump twice but felt we were obliged to cover him fairly.) But what began as tough, straightforward coverage of a belligerent, truth-impaired president veered toward efforts to damage or topple Trump’s presidency.

Persistent rumors that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia over the election became the catnip that drove reporting. At NPR, we hitched our wagon to Trump’s most visible antagonist, Representative Adam Schiff.

Schiff, who was the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, became NPR’s guiding hand, its ever-present muse. By my count, NPR hosts interviewed Schiff 25 times about Trump and Russia. During many of those conversations, Schiff alluded to purported evidence of collusion. The Schiff talking points became the drumbeat of NPR news reports.

But when the Mueller report found no credible evidence of collusion, NPR’s coverage was notably sparse. Russiagate quietly faded from our programming.

It is one thing to swing and miss on a major story. Unfortunately, it happens. You follow the wrong leads, you get misled by sources you trusted, you’re emotionally invested in a narrative, and bits of circumstantial evidence never add up. It’s bad to blow a big story.

What’s worse is to pretend it never happened, to move on with no mea culpas, no self-reflection. Especially when you expect high standards of transparency from public figures and institutions, but don’t practice those standards yourself. That’s what shatters trust and engenders cynicism about the media.

Russiagate was not NPR’s only miscue.

In October 2020, the New York Post published the explosive report about the laptop Hunter Biden abandoned at a Delaware computer shop containing emails about his sordid business dealings. With the election only weeks away, NPR turned a blind eye. Here’s how NPR’s managing editor for news at the time explained the thinking: “We don’t want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories, and we don’t want to waste the listeners’ and readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions.”

But it wasn’t a pure distraction, or a product of Russian disinformation, as dozens of former and current intelligence officials suggested. The laptop did belong to Hunter Biden. Its contents revealed his connection to the corrupt world of multimillion-dollar influence peddling and its possible implications for his father.

The laptop was newsworthy. But the timeless journalistic instinct of following a hot story lead was being squelched. During a meeting with colleagues, I listened as one of NPR’s best and most fair-minded journalists said it was good we weren’t following the laptop story because it could help Trump.

When the essential facts of the Post’s reporting were confirmed and the emails verified independently about a year and a half later, we could have fessed up to our misjudgment. But, like Russia collusion, we didn’t make the hard choice of transparency.

Politics also intruded into NPR’s Covid coverage, most notably in reporting on the origin of the pandemic. One of the most dismal aspects of Covid journalism is how quickly it defaulted to ideological story lines. For example, there was Team Natural Origin—supporting the hypothesis that the virus came from a wild animal market in Wuhan, China. And on the other side, Team Lab Leak, leaning into the idea that the virus escaped from a Wuhan lab.

The lab leak theory came in for rough treatment almost immediately, dismissed as racist or a right-wing conspiracy theory. Anthony Fauci and former NIH head Francis Collins, representing the public health establishment, were its most notable critics. And that was enough for NPR. We became fervent members of Team Natural Origin, even declaring that the lab leak had been debunked by scientists.


Reporting on a possible lab leak soon became radioactive. Fauci and Collins apparently encouraged the March publication of an influential scientific paper known as “The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2.” Its authors wrote they didn’t believe “any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible.”

But the lab leak hypothesis wouldn’t die. And understandably so. In private, even some of the scientists who penned the article dismissing it sounded a different tune. One of the authors, Andrew Rambaut, an evolutionary biologist from Edinburgh University, wrote to his colleagues, “I literally swivel day by day thinking it is a lab escape or natural.”

Over the course of the pandemic, a number of investigative journalists made compelling, if not conclusive, cases for the lab leak. But at NPR, we weren’t about to swivel or even tiptoe away from the insistence with which we backed the natural origin story. We didn’t budge when the Energy Department—the federal agency with the most expertise about laboratories and biological research—concluded, albeit with low confidence, that a lab leak was the most likely explanation for the emergence of the virus.

Instead, we introduced our coverage of that development on February 28, 2023, by asserting confidently that “the scientific evidence overwhelmingly points to a natural origin for the virus.”

When a colleague on our science desk was asked why they were so dismissive of the lab leak theory, the response was odd. The colleague compared it to the Bush administration’s unfounded argument that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, apparently meaning we won’t get fooled again. But these two events were not even remotely related. Again, politics were blotting out the curiosity and independence that ought to have been driving our work.

to truly understand how independent journalism suffered at NPR, you need to step inside the organization.

You need to start with former CEO John Lansing. Lansing came to NPR in 2019 from the federally funded agency that oversees Voice of America.


the message from the top was very different. America’s infestation with systemic racism was declared loud and clear: it was a given. Our mission was to change it.

“When it comes to identifying and ending systemic racism,” Lansing wrote in a companywide article, “we can be agents of change. Listening and deep reflection are necessary but not enough. They must be followed by constructive and meaningful steps forward. I will hold myself accountable for this.”

And we were told that NPR itself was part of the problem.
In confessional language he said the leaders of public media, “starting with me—must be aware of how we ourselves have benefited from white privilege in our careers. We must understand the unconscious bias we bring to our work and interactions. And we must commit ourselves—body and soul—to profound changes in ourselves and our institutions.”

He declared that diversity—on our staff and in our audience—was the overriding mission, the “North Star” of the organization. Phrases like “that’s part of the North Star” became part of meetings and more casual conversation.

Race and identity became paramount in nearly every aspect of the workplace.


Deservedly lost America's trust.
As has the M$M.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Thursday, April 11, 2024 1:34 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:


Fact, I post what is being reported in the news. I post facts.

FACT, this is your first mistake, thinking that "the news" "reports" "facts".
FACT, what "the news" publishes isn't "news" and aren't "facts". It's not even opinion. It's a consensus narrative. If you start treating "the news" as "a story you're being told" (instead of as "reported" "facts") the less often you'll be led astray by whoppers like "Trump/ Flynn/ Manafort Russia collusion" and "Ukraine is winning" where you are WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.



Thursday, April 11, 2024 1:39 PM


Why don't you post the TYT video about the 7 dumbest Biden* comments?

SPOILER ALERT: TYT hates your guy too.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, April 11, 2024 3:02 PM


Indiana will get $9 billion from the infrastructure bill — here's how it'll be used

INDIANAPOLIS — President Joe Biden just signed the massive $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill into law. It will direct billions of dollars towards new construction on roads, bridges and airports, along with things like expanding broadband internet.

Here's how the money will be put to work in Indiana:

From the concrete highways we drive on to the information highways we surf on, the surge in federal funding will touch nearly every part of our lives.

Indiana's getting nearly $8 billion of the massive federal investment.

"It's one of the largest investments on the federal infrastructure side that we've seen in our country's history," said Brian Gould, executive director of the Build Indiana Council, which advocates for long-term transportation funding for Indiana.

Here's where the money from the infrastructure bill will go in the state:

$6.6 billion for roads
$401 million for bridge repairs
$751 million for water system upgrades
$100 million for electric vehicle charging stations
Ports and airports are getting cash, too.

"$170 million dollars for airport development ranging from Kokomo and Peru and Huntington to Indianapolis International, there's going to be some airport money. So yeah, it really is going to touch every aspect of our lives," said Brian Howey of Howey Politics Indiana.

RELATED: Indiana joins five-state pact to build electric vehicle charging network in Midwest

More Hoosiers will get access to high-speed internet because of the investment, as well. That's something Gov. Eric Holcomb has been pushing for. Now, there's federal funding to make it happen.

"There's going to be $100 million designated to not only expand high-speed internet, but make sure it's high speed enough so you can use streaming service and that kind of thing," Howey said.

RELATED: What the $65B broadband service plan in the infrastructure bill will do

On our interstates and roads, we'll see perhaps the biggest physical impact. You can expect more cone zones, with eventual safer travel.

INDOT plans and funds projects on a seven-year timeline. While the agency didn't share specifics, they say the additional money will speed up projects already in their timeline and perhaps add some projects that normally would fall just outside that window.

Between fixing bridges and expanding highways, the construction industry is expecting a big boost, too.

"Lots of jobs. We're still looking at which projects may or may not be selected, but something of this scale, I think you're talking thousands of jobs," Gould said.

Gould also pointed out that about 25% of this funding will go to local road projects. All of the investment is expected to happen over the next five years.

Go Joe...



Thursday, April 11, 2024 3:40 PM


Oh that infrastructure bill that added 20% to the price of everything you buy.

Yeah. Great. Thanks Joe.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, April 11, 2024 6:00 PM


If you see someone posting percentages without sites which often happens in these threads, you know they are pulling them out of their ass. Especially if they are attributing them to something they have no evidence to offer showing they, and the quoted percentage are correct.



Thursday, April 11, 2024 7:22 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Oh that infrastructure bill that added 20% to the price of everything you buy.

Yeah. Great. Thanks Joe.


Originally posted by THG:
If you see someone posting percentages without sites which often happens in these threads, you know they are pulling them out of their ass. Especially if they are attributing them to something they have no evidence to offer showing they, and the quoted percentage are correct.


Food prices jumped 25% since 2020. A financial educator in Illinois has these tips for cutting costs

Californians face higher costs for goods and services than before the pandemic despite inflation slowing


Pandemic-era inflation has fallen from its peak two years ago, but the costs of many goods and services continue to rise and are still higher than before the onset of COVID-19, a couple of closely watched economic indicators show.

Prices have grown about 20% overall since 2020, according to an analysis by the California Legislative Analyst’s Office based on the most recent consumer price index data. Over the past couple of months, prices in California appear to have risen slightly more than the country as a whole, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

From California and Illinois. Unlike you, I don't post the facts from partisan shill agencies and I go OUT OF MY WAY to find biased news sources from your side caught in the act of lying. Usually by omission.

Go check my post history. When do I post anything from Fox News or Newsmax or the like? That's what you do every time you post something from MSNBC or the Lincoln Project. That's exactly why I go out of my way to avoid any links from Fox News or the like unless I find something just extremely amusing about the article, and usually at their expense.


But they're nothing but the flip-side of that coin that you're always polishing up and reposting here.

As for who's responsible for Bidenflation?


You are easily manipulated like a puppet on a string because your memory is a sieve and you are a very, very stupid person.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, April 11, 2024 8:16 PM


Some are just to dumb to understand whats happening even though they've been complaining about it for years.


Report Confirms That Corporate Greed Is Biggest Driver Of Increased Consumer Prices


Thursday, April 11, 2024 8:23 PM


If you ever figure out how to get shorts to work on this site, well I won't have to ask you to tell me because I'll just quote you and know.

I'm afraid that we're stuck only embedding actual videos on


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, April 11, 2024 8:24 PM


Changing the subject now I see. Not surprising at all.

I win again. *yawn*


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, April 11, 2024 8:32 PM




Thursday, April 11, 2024 8:35 PM



Originally posted by THG:

Wow. What a crybaby.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, April 11, 2024 8:37 PM




Thursday, April 11, 2024 9:28 PM




Thursday, April 18, 2024 9:41 AM




Thursday, April 18, 2024 7:48 PM


Trump's polling advantage doubles overnight!!!!!

See. I can write headlines too. Trump is up 0.4 points today from 0.2 points yesterday. Nothing substantial, other than it is possibly the end of this downward-cycle trajectory for Trump.

My honest guess is that Biden* never does better than this in polling. He's hit his peak.

The difference here in 2024 vs the same time in 2020 is the Favorable/Unfavorable polling aggregate.

Unfortunately, RCP doesn't present this information in a very easy way to grab like it does the election polling, so I can't get the exact numbers on this day in the polling aggregate in 2020 vs. now.

But there's a good way around this...

Here's the current Approve/Disapprove numbers for Joe Biden* today:

40.6 Approve / 55.2 Disapprove

I verified the math, and all 19 polls that are included below it match with those numbers. They list a -14.6 spread on Favorability today, and all 19 polls combined are 276, which divides out to -14.526.

Those polls date back to 12/8 to 12/10 of last year.

So we'll look at the 2020 numbers. They're unfortunately on the very same page and when you go to look at them and realize there is no graph to get daily averages you'll see what I mean about this being frustrating.

But when you get down to April of 2020, you'll see polls that look much different than 2024 Favorability numbers for Joe Biden*.

What I did now was take every poll on the list that dated back all the way to 12/8 to 12/10 of 2019, up until April 18th of 2020.

Then I removed all but the newest poll available for each polling firm, which you can see is what RCP does in the current Favoribility polling numbers. This removes one Fox News duplicate, 2 Quinnipiac duplicates, 2 Monmouth duplicates, 3 Politico/Morning Consult duplicates, 4 Harvard/Harris duplicates and 17 Economist/YouGov duplicates.

This leaves us with a list of 10 polls from unique polling firms between December 8th, 2019 and April 18th, 2020. I'm not taking time out of my day to essentially write code to make the graph look pretty on this site. If you feel the need to check my math, you can copy and paste it from a quote into notepad and it's perfectly readable.

Pollster Date Sample Favorable Unfavorable spread

1. Harvard-Harris 4/14 - 4/16 2394 RV 49 43 Spread+6

2. NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 4/13 - 4/15 900 RV 37 41 Spread-4

3. Economist/YouGov 4/12 - 4/14 1166 RV 46 51 Spread-5

4. Politico/Morning Consult 4/10 - 4/12 1990 RV 45 44 Spread+1

5. FOX News 4/4 - 4/7 1107 RV 48 47 Spread+1

6. Monmouth 4/3 - 4/7 743 RV 41 42 Spread-1

7. Quinnipiac 4/2 - 4/6 2077 RV 43 43 Spread

8. Grinnell/Selzer 3/27 - 3/30 777 LV 49 46 Spread+3

9. NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 3/11 - 3/13 900 RV 37 41 Spread-4

10. CNN 3/4 - 3/7 1084 RV 49 46 Spread+3

AVERAGES / SPREAD: 44.4 44.4 Spread+/-0

Our Average Favorable number for Joe Biden* on April 18th of 2020 was 44.4 points.

Amazingly, our Average Unfavorable number for Joe Biden* on April 18th of 2020 was 44.4 points as well.

Adding up both numbers before dividing them between the 10 polls results in both the Favorable and Unfavorable numbers equaling exactly 444 points.

A pure spread of ZERO. According to Polls, exactly as many people found Joe Biden* favorable as found him unfavorable on this day 4 years ago.

Today, Joe Biden*'s spread is -14.6 points. With an Favorable rating of only 40.6 vs. 44.4 in 2020. And he's got a disastrous Unfavorable rating of 55.2 points vs. only 44.4 points in 2020.

Joe Biden* won't go up much higher than this in the General Election polling because he can't. He's simply far too unpopular. Kiss those days of Joe Biden* ever leading Trump by over 7 points again goodbye.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Monday, April 22, 2024 6:22 PM


tick tock


Fed up Democrat goes megaviral with SPEECH OF THE YEAR


Monday, April 22, 2024 7:22 PM


I appreciate that Ted has made a greatest hits collection of what will all end up ultimately being debunked media lies here. Each and every one of them.

And it's ironically titled "Facts" to most people, although no such effort was put forth by Ted himself when the two neurons between his ears fired off and he typed out the OP with two fingers.

At least he spelled facts right though.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.






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