The Boomer politics vs Gen-X vs Gen Y Melenials vs Generation Z

UPDATED: Friday, March 14, 2025 06:45
VIEWED: 3001
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Sunday, November 7, 2021 11:44 AM


One of the interesting thing about this site was always the wide generation of people that followed the show firefly alongside its fandom in the USA but also sometimes across the world

Boomer Celebs - Al Sharpton, Christoper Hitchens, Dennis Rodman, Laika the Dog in Space, terrorist Osama bin Laden, Harvey Weinstein Rapist Producer, Peggy the Chimp who stared in Bedtime for Bonzo alongside Ronnie Raygun, Ted Bundy the serial killer celeb, Whitney Houston, Karen Carpenter, Chris Farley, Donald Trump, Elton John, Rihcard Brason, Quentin Tarantino, Barak Obama, Alice Cooper, George Bush jnr, Kamala Harrism Alec Baldwin.

Gen-X - Julian Assange, Louise Joy Brown the first test tube baby, Elon Musk, Janet Jackson, punk'ed Ashton Kutcher, Emmanuel Macron the Leader of France, Snoop Dogg, Open Borders Canada guy Justin Trudeau, Kevin Smith, Tyra Banks, Paul Walker the dead actor, Joe Rogan, Robert Downey Jr, crazy Winona Ryder, most CEO of BigtTech companies.

Generation Y the Harry Potter Actor Daniel Radcliffe, Kim Jong-un the leader / dictator of North Korea, the take a knee sportsball guy Colin Kaepernick, Natalie Portman, Amy Schumer, Chris Hemsworth the Thor actor, the pop star Rihanna, Prince Harry, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, talk show news comedy guy Trevor Noah, Amy Winehouse a dead pop star, Dolly the Cloned Sheep, Shia LaBeouf, Kristen Bell, Jacob Collier, Britney Spears?

The Zoomer or Gen Z - I honestly cant name too many celebs around 18 or 16 or 20 yrs Rappers, a few more dead Jihadists, some NFL Foobzball Soccer guy, some SJW, activist, some new techno dubstep Pop star Rocker, some guy called 'Jake Paul or is it Logan Paul' some Korean pop star.
a lot of Gen Z I don't see as interesting enough to bother remembering their names....I might remember some kid who went viral on some America's got talent show.
Some Gen-Z are interesting some are highly talented but I guess I don't see them as matured, some are very smart and we come across all peoples and we have done all kind of work, in business, meeting new young people in trade and research, shipping, worked in the entertainment and arts low tech material manufacturing, retail selling, repair of electronics, some of us worked in health or worked in scientific production facility, more arty I have talked with people of all ages but some Gen-Z i don't get, some of the Gen-Z or 'Zoomer' the new internet age, they are weird and they are on a different internet, entering a more censored net, they missed when it took you a full day to download a trailer from the sony or universal or apple website, they missed all the livejournals and geocities and myspace and have grown up with the new high speed phone internet of Tiktok, 4chan, Snapchat and Instagram. One name would be the kid on the "Game of Thrones" tv show or
I guess Greta Thunberg is a name I remember.

POP MUSIC in the West or People Popular Music is honestly getting worse with each generation
The more music is pushed as a business item to sell to the mass of teens and kids then sometimes the more the art form gets lost.
Music itself has probably been slowly dying ever since they turned the teenager into a consumer product, widespread commerical radio and corporate magazines adding to the slow death of music?

maybe Gen Z are the late bloomers and will become the leaders of our time

So what is....
The politics of generational voting

Elvis could rank as someone from the 'Silent Generation' there is also a Traditional Generation, a Lost Generation and Greatest Generation, the Lost Generation would include people like Mao, Charlie Chaplin, Patton, Yamamoto, Charles de Gaulle, Stan Laurel & Oliver Hardy, J. Edgar Hoover ...very few of the Lost generation remain alive, if they are still living in France or Japan or some place they might barley remember who they are or what their name is. The 'Greatest Generation' might have been like dictator Kim Il-sung ranked, Stan Lee, Bobby Kennedy ranked, Louis Armstrong, Gerald numbskull Ford, Ginger Rogers, George Orwell, Suharto, Enoch Powell, J. D. Salinger, Chuck Berry, John Gleen and Warmonger Henry Kissinger ranked.

All generations have both good and bad.

Not every Boomer politik will be the same in this world, for example Japan might have a different Boomer experience than LA, NewYork, Texas and Florida ... but then again they are Japanese

Sometimes Europe and Japan can be ahead ro behind America in some ways
For example Japan now has a Looming Elderly population, this growing old people demographic issue will soon come to the USA

The Alpha Gen they say will come next... Traditionalists from WW1 don't count anymore since they are so few in number and they don't vote in large enough blocks anymore.

Boomers are more likely to die than young healthy people from this Covid thing or Corona virus.
an old Based Boomer selling StarWars stuff once told some Tranny werido to get the Fuck out of his store 6IX was happy
Some Gen-X and Millennial, went to a store without a mask...a fight broke out and Media ran news items while clips went viral and some peoploe made comment

Some quotes pulled from other Boomer Gen-X Discussion threads


Originally posted by Niki2:

When do you think they WILL stop blaming us for their ills? Ever? We sure as heck didn't START global warming, or pollution, or all the other things that will kill this pretty blue planet...

There was also an interesting thread on the Aussie Forest Fires

My comment on European / French politics


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
I wonder if Le Pen will win?

The USSR Golden Shower or ruskie Pissgate thing Continues?


Originally posted by second:
This week, the Guardian reported that what are assessed to be leaked Kremlin documents describe Donald Trump as an “impulsive, mentally unstable and unbalanced individual”. Vladimir Putin, the documents say, therefore decided to assist Trump’s rise to power in 2016 as a way to weaken America.

Education, mommy issues, self-hate or envy of people with education?


Originally posted by Wishimay:

One of the big reasons I didn't go to college (aside from my mother talking me out of it and then dumping me in a mobile home the week I turned 18 and moving to Fl.) was I knew I knew NOTHING. I was extremely sheltered for the first twelve years, then neglected and literally beaten the other 6. And I had it better than some...

Retcons, Revamps, Remakes and star Wars Re-imagingings


Originally posted by DMI:

Yes, but I'd make sure the original trilogy was in fact the original trilogy.


GamerGate vs the TV people


Originally posted by cljohnston108:
I dropped my cable service right after Babylon 5 ended in '98.
Managed to miss the whole "Reality TV" falderol.


Originally posted by BlackoutNights:
I quit watching television on a regular basis a couple of years ago because the shows I like, such as Firefly, were typically cancelled long before they should have been.

My time's worth a lot to me, and I'll be damned if I'm going to invest it in entertainment that leaves me...shall we say, unfulfilled. Got the DvD, got the movie, not watching TV.

I spend my free time either reading or playing WoW, now. It's much more enjoyable than the tube. The network executives have lost imo.

"You're either in or you're out, and I'm playing to the in,"--Greg Dulli


Originally posted by ncbrowncoat:
I'm not a Generation Xer but a late Baby Boomer. Network TV has become background noise for other things that I do. If it's on then most likely I'm doing something else too. Like something on the computer, chores etc.

If a reality show is on it's usually one that challenges me a bit like Deal or No Deal. I love making comments on how stupid or brilliant the contestant are when I glance at the TV.

I do watch one or two so called "destination" shows like The Office and Heroes occasionally. Otherwise it's the so called "cable" channels-I have satellite, like the History channel. TLC or Discovery. Sometimes they are just noise too.

If nothing on is interesting it's something I've TIVOed or a DVD.

BTW one of my favorite shows is a game show-Jeopardy. I've been watching it for several decades and it still gives my brain a workout.


Originally posted by Kirkules:
I can't believe it, but I actually agree with the Greens on this one. All the problems of the World are related to overpopulation in my opinion. I never have understood the compulsion some people have make more children than is necessary to maintain our species. I would never want any Government restrictions, but I hope some day people will be smart enough to see the obvious.

I saw a comedian lately that talked about the issue of endangered species and pollution as it relates to the human population. His take is that if the population of the World was only 50,000 people, everyone could drive a Tank and shoot a Bald Eagle and there wouldn't be a problem. Not only that everyone on Earth could have a ticket to the Super Bowl.


Originally posted by HKCavalier:

Look at Great Britain. They're a disarmed people. According to some, this should indicate that the British government is an oppressive regime on the order of Stalinist Russia. But observation shows that it is not.


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Chris, the Bin Laden is not a Saudi argument is going to lose. It's the MIC fantasy that he's somewhere in Pakistan. He's probably in Dubai, or back in S.A. When we supposedly had him "cornered": I think both Kerry and Rummy announced proudly that they *knew* he was in Tora Bora, it actually turned out he was in France at the time.

Now, I'd wager he's a goner. The man was in terrible health in 98, he's over the limit for an opium addict, even assuming he got a kidney transplant. So, he might be under Saudi Arabia.


Originally posted by whozit:
From the same kind of people who think Ben & Jerry's icecream should be made with human breast milk, come more advice when it comes to "social enginering"! No smoking in bars, no more trans-fat in food, now they're working on how to make you believe if you have more than 2 kids we'll all end up in a real life "Soylent Green". These people like to say that they are pro choice, but they are taking choices away! Then again when they say "pro choice" they mean abortion, not the way you chose to live your life. BEN & JERRY'S IS PEOPLE!!


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:

Hippies pushed for the end of the Vietnam war, that much is true. But they also spit on those who came back, and called them (among other things) "baby-killers".

Hippies did push for civil rights. But ended up creating ghettos, and tying an entire culture down to ignorance, and self destruction.

Hippies did get women out of the kitchen. Now? We have soccer-moms, and women who pay to have their children raised by other people. Not to mention inflation.

Hippies didnt like the killing of whales or dolphins. Fought against that. But now? They drive Priuses and stand in judgment of those who dont. (See South Park)

Yeah, us Gen-Xers are self-absorbed and nihilistic. But who and what taught us to be that way?

ETA: Not to mention, hippies are the most adamant for government control.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I think Jill Stein was actually, quite possibly, the smartest 3rd Party outsider EVER....

She just did what NO political shill from either side could have ever or would have ever done....

Michigan is changing it's Statewide laws concerning Voting after this recount, and unearthing the nearly 20,000 false ballots that were cast. They are even spending 3 Million Dollars in a program that will give free State IDs to ANY legitimate Citizen, and will require the photo ID when you vote in an election in the future.


Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:

I do believe that some people's brains are wired a little differently, that in effect they have a brain disorder which means they miss out on the empathy wiring, but it doesn't necessarily make them into serial killers and in fact most would lead pretty normal lives, just drive those around them to a bit of despair.

As I said earlier, all of us are products of our genes and our environment, not sure of the percentage which can be attributed to each. I think the jury is still out on that one.


Originally posted by kpo:
I've never understood self-loathing.

Education politics


Originally posted by THG:

I think teaching about slavery in school has become a necessity. However critical race theory is structured in such a way it teaches hate white America not slavery. It doesn’t take into account it was never about racism (color) but instead about economics.
Although it is difficult to pinpoint the exact year that slavery began, historians can trace the roots of slavery back roughly 11,000 years. It is difficult to track because its origins predate historical recording and the written word. Due to the sociological makeup of the groups, we know that slavery wasn’t a part of hunter-gatherer societies, so the first identifiable evidence of slavery comes from Hammurabi out of Mesopotamia. A time when communities began to emerge. People began to settle and farm the land.

Sumeria is still thought to be the birthplace of slavery, which grew out of Sumer into Greece and other parts of ancient Mesopotamia. Slavery in ancient times typically came about as a result of debt, birth into a slave family, child abandonment, war, or as a punishment for crime.
European slaves became wildly popular throughout Muslim countries, marking the true beginning of the global slave trade.
Throughout this period in history, Vikings were also taking slaves across Europe, concentrating heavily on The British Isles. Additionally, Spain and Portugal were in an almost constant state of Holy War between Muslims and Christians, leading to many women and children being taken into slavery in the name of God or Allah.

Throughout the Middle Ages slavery was also taking root in Asia as Islamic invasions of India resulted in the enslavement of hundreds of thousands of Indians. One historical record shows that in the year 1001 the armies of Mahmud of Ghazna conquered Peshawar and Waihand, capturing and enslaving roughly 100,000 children and young people.
During this same time period in China, documents show that royals from the Tang Dynasty purchased many European and Jewish slaves. The soldiers and pirates who serve the Tang Dynasty also took countless slaves in raids on Korea, Turkey, Persia and Indonesia as well as thousands of slaves taken from indigenous Aboriginal tribes.
Research from the Global Slavery Index shows that North Korea, Uzbekistan, Cambodia, India, and Qatar have the highest percentage of slavery among their population. In North Korea roughly 4.37% of the population is enslaved, most of these by the North Korean government who force them into slavery, even selling them to work abroad in Russia, China and even the United States? In India, modern day slavery often involves debt bondage, where individuals are forced into to slavery to pay off debt, either their own or from previous generations.

the St Louis Couple who defended their property from a mob


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Good for them.

If someone broke down MY gate, I wouldn't stand there and threaten, I'd shoot. Because I don't know what the hell those people would be doing next, and I would be in fear for my life.

BTW, that's my favorite scene in Tremors.


and Green vs Nuclear


Originally posted by SignyM:
My biggest issue with nuclear energy is nuclear waste. And I don't mean the high-level stuff that fule rods are made of, I mean the "low-level" stuff- the million of tons of tubing, pumps, concrete etc that are irradiated through their working life and which become too contaminated to simply dispose, but too massive to bury securely.

We have a shitload of nuclear waste all over the nation already, and nobody seems to know how to safely decomission a nuclear reactor at the end of its useful life. But if somebody has an answer to that problem, I'm all ears.

Let's party like it's 1929.

BTW I think This retard called Fremdfirma really is something 'special'

The meltdown continues... is it a man or woman?


Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:
I can and will destroy you if I can.
This administration, and those who support it, are in opposition to everything I have ever held dear, and in opposition to everything that was ever humane or decent - should you announce your support, or even admiration for it, then I will consider you below the lowest level of Nazi SS death camp guard, and crush you, personally and professionally, in every damn way I can reach you.

You'd be well advised to run now.


Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:

Compounding this, is the angry toddler you idiots foisted on us, against the will of the people, throwing tantrums and ever more revealing just how unfit he is for any office, much less the oval one.

But then again, that is what you WANTED, that is what you SUPPORTED.
Well, are you HAPPY now, that 60,000 americans lie dead ?
He orders meat packing plants to stay open, cause heaven forfend that he have to forego a cheeseburger, oh the horror....
Without a thought to the thousands of infected and soon to be infected workers who might die as a result of his folly - and now some governors are threatening the unemployment benefits of those not returning to work because it is unsafe....


How many american bodies is it going to take to make you happy.
Go on, tell me, cause I wanna know.


Fukushima vs Chernobyl?


Originally posted by Fletch2:
The point about the Sandia reactor is that if cooling fails, thermal expansion drops control rods into the reactor and shuts it down. There is no manual control of these rods, no override and no reset. If you lose cooling you "Brick" the reactor, it's done, kaput, that tends to discourage experimentation.

As to the Russian program, the Soviet government from the sixties until the fall of Communism went to extreme lengths to ensure that they appeared progressive and ahead of the west. EU nuclear inspectors looking at decomissioned Soviet era reactors in former eastern block countries found that the design and construction was rushed, materials substandard and spares often unavailable. The aim was to produce powewr for the Soviet state and to be seen as being advanced, it wasn't so important how well that was implemented as long as the PR value was there.


Originally posted by Brenda:
I agree with the protection, especially when it comes to a piece of my family's history. Right or wrong or whatever the heck reason my great grandfather found himself caught up in the civil war. I don't want it destroyed.

Also I don't like seeing any historical statue destroyed. Put them in museums where they can be learned about. Destruction does no one any good.


Sunday, November 7, 2021 11:51 AM


and some news

The Bunk of Generational Talk

Fmr Extinction Rebellion activist: No climate change if world embraced nuclear energy decades ago

Surprising Ways Gen X and Boomers Are Worlds Apart Financially

As gen­er­a­tion gaps nar­row from boomers down to Gen Z, phar­ma needs to re­con­sid­er me­dia, re­searcher says


Millennials Seriously Can't Get Enough of This Very Boomer Activity

Baby Boomers No Longer the Majority of Voters

We must resist the drum beat of more Covid restrictions – for the sake of our young

Facebook wants to attract young people, but Gen Z teens say it's a 'boomer social network' made for 'old people'

From Gen Z to Boomers: A Generational Guide to Social Security

Baby Boomers Share Their Biggest Money Regrets for Gen Z To Learn From


Sunday, November 7, 2021 2:23 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

Fmr Extinction Rebellion activist: No climate change if world embraced nuclear energy decades ago

Former UK Extinction Rebellion spokeswoman Zion Lights says climate change would not exist if “boomer” environmentalists had not “failed us” and embraced nuclear energy decades ago.

More nuclear energy back then might have made for less global warming today. But there would have been more Chernobyls and Fukushimas, and a lot more nuclear waste we still haven't figured out how to manage.

At the time that reactors were being built, there was no good technology to recycle nuclear waste and ensure safe operation. Those reactors were, as I've heard, "pre-deployed nuclear bombs". But the US encouraged a lot of nuclear-reactor-building after WWII, especially of the jury-rigged cheap-as-shit GE Mark V reactors, like at Fukushima. The US knew there were built-in safety issues, and that there was no way to store the waste which would be dangerous for the next 10,000 years. But those reactors were a source of good plutonium, used to build bombs. And if you want to build bombs, you need plutonium. Hence the policy of selling and building pre-deployed bombs around the US and the globe.

You pays your money and you takes your choice of death. Nuclear energy was always a fatal option. And after the initial metldowns those 2 sites will be oozing nuclear pus onto the face of the earth over a timeline far beyond anything I can imagine. In terms of the global environment, what do you prefer? Global warming? Or global radioactive contamination?


Tuesday, November 15, 2022 7:49 AM


US midterms: Gen Z makes sure its voice is heard

Munch’s ‘The Scream’ targeted by eco-activists; museum directors condemn protests


Wednesday, November 16, 2022 8:20 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
US midterms: Gen Z makes sure its voice is heard

What little of Gen Z there is that is old enough to vote doesn't even have its own voice yet.

They're still shitting yellow and don't have a fucking clue how the world really works.

They're going to learn.

And 70%+ of them just voted on making their own lives more difficult.


Oh... P.S. You're not getting that $10,000 Joe Biden* promised you right before the election. You never were.

Consider that your first lesson. You were all useful idiots.

(Put that in the predictions thread, Jaynez. I was right again).


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, November 16, 2022 8:24 PM



Wednesday, November 16, 2022 9:10 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1KIKI:


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

Fmr Extinction Rebellion activist: No climate change if world embraced nuclear energy decades ago

Former UK Extinction Rebellion spokeswoman Zion Lights says climate change would not exist if “boomer” environmentalists had not “failed us” and embraced nuclear energy decades ago.

There More nuclear energy back then might have made for less global warming today. But there would have been more Chernobyls and Fukushimas, and a lot more nuclear waste we still haven't figured out how to manage.

At the time that reactors were being built, there was no good technology to recycle nuclear waste and ensure safe operation. Those reactors were, as I've heard, "pre-deployed nuclear bombs". But the US encouraged a lot of nuclear-reactor-building after WWII, especially of the jury-rigged cheap-as-shit GE Mark V reactors, like at Fukushima. The US knew there were built-in safety issues, and that there was no way to store the waste which would be dangerous for the next 10,000 years. But those reactors were a source of good plutonium, used to build bombs. And if you want to build bombs, you need plutonium. Hence the policy of selling and building pre-deployed bombs around the US and the globe.

You pays your money and you takes your choice of death. Nuclear energy was always a fatal option. And after the initial metldowns those 2 sites will be oozing nuclear pus onto the face of the earth over a timeline far beyond anything I can imagine. In terms of the global environment, what do you prefer? Global warming? Or global radioactive contamination?

Thorium-based nuclear power was not commercialized "because it lacked weapons applications."

Science writer Richard Martin states that nuclear physicist Alvin Weinberg, who was director at Oak Ridge and primarily responsible for the new reactor, lost his job as director because he championed development of the safer thorium reactors.[12][13] Weinberg himself recalls this period:

[Congressman] Chet Holifield was clearly exasperated with me, and he finally blurted out, "Alvin, if you are concerned about the safety of reactors, then I think it may be time for you to leave nuclear energy." I was speechless. But it was apparent to me that my style, my attitude, and my perception of the future were no longer in tune with the powers within the AEC.[14]

Martin explains that Weinberg's unwillingness to sacrifice potentially safe nuclear power for the benefit of military uses forced him to retire:

Weinberg realized that you could use thorium in an entirely new kind of reactor, one that would have zero risk of meltdown. ... his team built a working reactor ... and he spent the rest of his 18-year tenure trying to make thorium the heart of the nation's atomic power effort. He failed. Uranium reactors had already been established, and Hyman Rickover, de facto head of the US nuclear program, wanted the plutonium from uranium-powered nuclear plants to make bombs. Increasingly shunted aside, Weinberg was finally forced out in 1973.[15]

Despite the documented history of thorium nuclear power, many of today's nuclear experts were nonetheless unaware of it. According to Chemical & Engineering News, "most people—including scientists—have hardly heard of the heavy-metal element and know little about it", noting a comment by a conference attendee that "it's possible to have a Ph.D. in nuclear reactor technology and not know about thorium energy."[16] Nuclear physicist Victor J. Stenger, for one, first learned of it in 2012:

It came as a surprise to me to learn recently that such an alternative has been available to us since World War II, but not pursued because it lacked weapons applications.[17]

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, November 27, 2022 8:04 AM


There is now Generation Alpha, it is said claimte may change and they can experience 2–7 times as many extreme weather events, particularly heat waves, or Hurricane, Typhoon, Tornado compared to people born in 1960 . There s already constant use of interweb phone media technologies for some, Covid Lockdowns, Obesity or bad diet and malnutrition. In Japan less babies old people out numbering kids, Asian education funded by a consumption tax hike - in Europe an elite like Prince George Third in Line to the British Throne, Emmanuel Macron says he will introduce something similar to mandatory military service, but for teenagers.

US Nuclear Reactors Among The Oldest In The World


Monday, January 2, 2023 10:07 PM


Generation Z and 9/11


Friday, January 20, 2023 12:45 PM


Fusion and Thorium reactors


Tuesday, January 31, 2023 11:16 AM


NASA and DARPA to partner on nuclear thermal propulsion demonstration

U.S. and EU to launch first-of-its-kind AI agreement

Chinese search giant Baidu set to take on ChatGPT with its own AI Chatbot

"Robot" made of shape-shifting matter liquefies to escape jail

Will machine learning help us find extraterrestrial life?

Google AI can create music in any genre from a text description - MusicLM is surprisingly talented


Just leaving the engine bay of Starship

Rogue AI ‘could kill everyone,’ scientists warn as ChatGPT craze runs rampant

ChatGPT Surpasses Instagram With 10 Million Daily Users In Just 40 Days

Report Says AI Could Potentially Replace 85 Million Jobs Worldwide By 2025 — Are Interns On The List?


Tuesday, January 31, 2023 12:15 PM


And on topic...

All those Millennials and Zoomers that took time out of their College Day of jerking off and having CRT crammed into their brains to vote Democrat for free college money just might remember how Joe Biden* outright lied to them about it.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, March 21, 2023 10:48 AM


Hindu Indian Street Shitters never became the super power as predicted by economic mags

Boomers will order America / NASA back to the Moon to knock down a Racist Flag Planted by a White Christian Man and get some Feminist to say 'Black Lives Matter' on the Moon?

Meanwhile China might get Cold-Fusion and take the Asteroid and Mars?

Boomers riding the biggest most consistent rise in debt in the history of US Debt that has ever happened ever watching the national debt clock rise and knowing full well you cant just print money.




Tuesday, April 4, 2023 9:52 AM


Oil prices skyrocket after OPEC+ unexpectedly cuts production, with US gas prices already rising

Russia also said it is reducing production to 500,000 barrels of oil a day until the end of the year.


Saturday, April 8, 2023 6:29 AM


Those who remember Propaganda Comrades and Capitalist Pig!

El Salvador Looks To Civilian Thorium Nuclear Energy

Germany's opposition to nuclear energy is so utterly psychotic that they shut down one of the very few nuclear reactors in the world.....
...That ran on the thorium cycle.
The core consisted of thousands of graphite balls containing thorium and uranium, cooled by helium gas.

UK firms try to lure Gen Z workers with ‘early finish Fridays’

Millennials say it's inappropriate to have a work wife but most Gen Zers and boomers are cool with it, poll finds


Wednesday, May 3, 2023 7:09 PM


Born in Birmingham, Alabama, Green moved to Canada to avoid being drafted for the Vietnam War. Green held a Masters in Anthropology from the University of British Columbia, a Bachelor of Arts from the University of South Carolina, and studied at the Sorbonne, the Millennium Film Institute in New York, and the University of Colorado.Jim Green was an American-Canadian who was a longshoreman, taxicab driver, community activist, non-profit housing developer, municipal politician, university instructor and development consultant. The number of U.S. draft evaders who went to Canada was a fraction of those who resisted the Vietnam War. According to a 1978 book by former members of President Gerald Ford's Clemency Board, 210,000 Americans were accused of draft offenses and 30,000 left the country. A recent estimate is that 60,000 to 100,000 left the U.S., mainly for Canada or Sweden. Others scattered elsewhere; Mexico, Britain, and at least one draft evader sympathized with Mao Zedong's China and found refuge there. Draft evader Ken Kiask spent eight years traveling continuously across the Global South before returning to the U.S

Some draft evaders returned to the U.S. from Canada after the 1977 pardon, but about half of them stayed on.This young and mostly educated population expanded Canada's arts and academic scenes, and helped push Canadian politics further to the left, though some Canadians, including some nationalists, found their presence or impact troubling. American draft evaders who left for Canada and became prominent there include politician Jim Green, gay rights advocate Michael Hendricks, attorney Jeffry House, author Keith Maillard, playwright John Murrell, television personality Eric Nagler, film critic Jay Scott, and musician Jesse Winchester. Other draft evaders from the Vietnam era remain in Sweden and elsewhere

Europe wants to build a nuclear rocket for deep space exploration


"Nuclear propulsion can be more efficient than the most efficient chemical propulsion or overcome solar-limited electric propulsion, enabling exploration of places no other technology can reach," said Jan Frýbort, principal nuclear technology investigator at Czech Technical University in Prague, in a statement. (opens in new tab) "This is a big challenge for future space missions beyond our solar system, for example."

Religion and Local culture surviving in the USSR and Foreign music spreads.

Western cultural consumption in the former Soviet Union despite the best efforts of the KGB to contain what it saw as "ideological anti-Soviet pollution.”

a different 'Boomer' experience
That crazy 80s hair metal look like Steve Stevens playing the Top Gun anthem on guitar

Scorpions or Mötley Crüe - Live Moscow Music Peace Festival

The Rolling Stones Live,
Palace of Culture and Science, Warsaw, Poland

I guess Europe is kinda interesting because it simply did not have the same experience of the USA, half of it was under the USSR, there were Worker Union Protests, the leader of the Catholic Church was Polish but underneath all this was an underground movemnet of music, cartoon film and concerts. Today they can hear Michael Jackson, Prince, Rammstein, U2, Queen, The Rolling Stones, Joni Mitchell, Dolly Parton, Tina Turner, Brutus, Lacuna Coil, David Bowie, Bruce Springsteen, Billy Joel, Scorpions, Mötley Crüe, Nightwish, Varathron, Little Richard, Rap, Hiphop, Heavy Metal, Punk, K-Pop or whatever film or video game or band but there was a time when Soviets tried to control the culture and the underground youth bcoming part of the counterculture movement in the Soviet Union, and of course they have their own pagan folk tradition and old music in these regions that were often suppressed but also kept alive.

The kids lost their interest in all Soviet unshakeable dogmas and ideals, and stopped thinking of an English-speaking person as an enemy. That's when the Communists lost two generations of young people. That was an incredible impact." Even if the individual did not enjoy rock for political reasons, because the political system was opposed to it, merely listening to music was an act of disobedience. By extension, active participation in the underground made one an active agent against the regime, as far as the leadership was concerned. Some of the more dedicated songwriters would go to great lengths to conceal their dissent, which was described in Rockin' the Wall: "The trick was, Leslie Mandoki noted in the film, to write a "rat tail." The rat tail was a song that ostensibly was about Ronald Reagan or the United States or capitalism—and would therefore clear censors—but which was obvious to all the kids to be a criticism of the Soviet system." The inability of the Communist regimes to eradicate, replace, or assimilate the influence of rock music probably did much to ensure that the populace would turn against the totalitarian system.

How Western Music Subverted the USSR

To be caught listening to it, to be in possession of it, or even dressing like you might listen to it, meant people risked potential travel bans and trouble from government officials. Despite this, Soviet youngsters risked repercussion and embraced rock and roll, bringing the genre and key bands in to very centre of the underground music scene and into counter culture.

Well-off Soviets returning from overseas postings and trips, chiefly actors, artists, and army and government officials, brought back with them stories and ideas of the West, including pop culture and current music.


The black market prospered with bootlegs and expensive original vinyls, smuggled in from those trips abroad, as fans defied their government in pursuit of this new music. Ever resourceful with ways to negotiate the regime’s inflexibility and limited resources at hand, bootlegs were pressed onto old x-ray scans.

Even these x-ray bootlegs, known as bone music, were fairly expensive, their price increasing with distance from Moscow. Just one could cost ardent fans up to half of their monthly income. Yet the trade still boomed and musical appreciation flourished.

"How the Beatles rocked the Eastern Bloc".

"Power Chords of Freedom".

and back to the United States of America

There’s no way to sugarcoat it. The Republican Party has performed abysmally with young voters in recent elections. This cannot continue to be swept under the rug for much longer if the Stupid Party wants to avoid extinction. Some figures should terrify everyone who doesn’t support a full-blown Marxist takeover of our failing country. In the 2022 Midterms, a whopping 77 percent of Generation Z (those born between 1997-2012) voted for Democrats, while 56 percent of Millennials (those born between 1981-1996) voted for the party of Joe Biden, John Fetterman, and the squad. And now for the really bad news. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, by 2028, Millennials and Gen Z will represent a plurality of eligible voters. By 2036, those two cohorts will represent more than 60 percent of would-be voters. In other words, the most uninformed group of voters—those with the least amount of life experience—will soon be deciding who sits in the Oval Office and who controls Congress over the course of the next several elections.


Thursday, May 4, 2023 8:57 AM


I'm a retired baby boomer who thinks Gen Z and millennial workers are smart to push back on return-to-office mandates

Are Gen Z and Millennials lazy or exhausted? Why 30 per cent of young workers want to quit their jobs


Sunday, May 7, 2023 8:08 AM


Kids are having fun in clownworld while Boomers are so burnt out they are on Auto-Pilot

Can young educated read a clock

Biden is too old and not especially popular, but he is the Trump-slayer. That’s why he is right to run in 2024

Germany to extend runtime of two nuclear plants as ’emergency reserve’


Sunday, May 7, 2023 9:55 AM


En masse unsolicited main-in fraud ballots and ballot harvesting were the Trump Slayer.

He didn't die though, and now he's going to use it against them.

You were warned.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Monday, July 10, 2023 6:20 AM


Tyler1's Take on ZOOMERS

Doomer Boomer Bloomer & Zoomer

Nuclear Fusion: A Clean Energy Revolution Or A Radioactive Nightmare?

in the East

Z Generation — Russia’s brainwashed youth


Sunday, August 13, 2023 8:51 AM


Oliver Stone Regrets Voting For Joe Biden & Fears He May Start World War 3

“WE’RE HEADING FOR WW3?!” Oliver Stone
Russell Brand


Sunday, August 13, 2023 9:04 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Millennials are doing fine, part XXXVII
Author Kevin Drum Published on August 12, 2023 – 4:42 pm

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, August 13, 2023 10:50 AM



Originally posted by second:
Millennials are doing fine, part XXXVII

No. They're not.


Author Kevin Drum

Fat, idiot waste of carbon.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Sunday, August 13, 2023 11:16 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by second:
Millennials are doing fine, part XXXVII

No. They're not.

The white trash Millennials, the ones who vote for Republicans, are doing poorly. Meanwhile, those who diametrically oppose what a Trumptard does with their life are doing fine. 6ix, you would not know those people because they avoid angry white trash. I work with angry white trash and know all their dirty private secrets. They are too foolish to keep a secret. They are getting exactly the crappy life they deserve based on what they do with their time. That is what Makes America Great. You get exactly what you deserve, even if you think you deserve better.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, August 13, 2023 11:24 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by second:
Millennials are doing fine, part XXXVII

No. They're not.

The white trash Millennials, the ones who vote for Republicans, are doing poorly. Meanwhile, those who diametrically oppose what a Trumptard does with their life are doing fine. 6ix, you would not know those people because they avoid angry white trash. I work with angry white trash and know all their dirty private secrets. They are too foolish to keep a secret. They are getting exactly the crappy life they deserve based on what they do with their time. That is what Makes America Great. You get exactly what you deserve, even if you think you deserve better.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

No. You're right. I don't hang out with a bunch of 30-something Liberal asswipes that are drowning in debt: an underwater mortgage that is only going to get worse for them when house prices start falling, college loans they'll be paying off the rest of their lives, one or two large-ticket car notes costing them $700 per month each not including the $300 a month car insurance they're paying for them, and the $5k+ credit card debt that they're adding to every month.

My net worth handily beats Australia and is right up there with those living in Iceland and Luxembourg, depending on when those numbers are compiled and who's doing the compiling.

I have zero debt and a credit score in the 830s, and I haven't worked since before the Plandemic.

Not bad for a white trash dude who doesn't vote Democrat.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Sunday, August 13, 2023 12:01 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

My net worth handily beats Australia and is right up there with those living in Iceland and Luxembourg, depending on when those numbers are compiled and who's doing the compiling.

You used wiki. When sorted by Median Wealth, the three countries you mention come up on top:

Location Median wealth
Iceland $375,735
6ixLand $360,000
Luxembourg $350,271
Australia $273,903

But for Mean Wealth, it is a different set of top 3 countries:

Switzerland $696,604
Luxembourg $657,564
United States $579,051

Don't live too long, 6ix, or you will discover how little money you have.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, August 13, 2023 12:30 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

My net worth handily beats Australia and is right up there with those living in Iceland and Luxembourg, depending on when those numbers are compiled and who's doing the compiling.

You used wiki. When sorted by Median Wealth, the three countries you mention come up on top:

Location Median wealth
Iceland $375,735
6ixLand $360,000
Luxembourg $350,271
Australia $273,903

But for Mean Wealth, it is a different set of top 3 countries:

Switzerland $696,604
Luxembourg $657,564
United States $579,051

Don't live too long, 6ix, or you will discover how little money you have.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

BFD, dude.

I never said I wasn't ever going to work again.

I'm just so far ahead of nearly everyone else that I don't have anything to worry about is all.

Did I drink a lot and waste years of my life? Yup.

Did I lose a lot of my teeth because of my bad choices? Yup.

Did I just get what essentially amounts to Type 1 Diabetes that I need to figure out how to deal the rest of my life with? Yup.

But I've got the free time to do research and experiment and be the best goddamned Diabetes patient there ever was. By the time I do go back to work it won't even be a struggle to not only deal with my disease while working, but to do it better than 99% of anybody else who's ever been diagnosed with it.

And all the while, my disease makes sure that I eat better than I've ever ate without it and I take my vitamins. Things that I admittedly did not do before my hand was forced to make good decisions. That's why my blood pressure has come down from a regular of around 100/145 to 60/110, which is a far better number than I had even in my early 20's when I was power lifting.

When I fuck off like I've done in my funk, that does not take away from my quote of "How you do anything is how you do everything." It only adds to it. When I get lazy, I'm the best mother fucker who ever was lazy. I do it better than anyone else. And I've got all the free time in the world to do it if that's what I want to do.

But when I'm working on a project around the house or I am doing a paid for job, I'm also the best mother fucker who ever did those jobs as well.

And with the way I spend money, I will never need to worry about money until the day I die, even if that means occasionally supplementing what I've already amassed with some low-wage/low-stress jobs from time to time.

There's nothing you can ever say to shame me or to make me concerned about my own future. Unlike you, I put all my cards out on the table. You posting about my personal health issues every time you lose an argument is funny to me. I'm not hiding any of these issues. I'm an open book.

And it appears that even on a sub-conscious level that you know this as well. You don't even blink when I tell you what my net worth is. You took it on face value because when I'm up front and honest about all of the terrible shit, there's no reason for you not to take the good shit I claim on face value as well.

That's why nobody believes anything you ever say about your personal life. Your every day is nothing but perfection and kittens and rainbows, without any of the struggles that people deal with every day of their lives. You are not genuine. You are a liar. And everybody knows that you are a liar.

Don't worry about my future buddy. I'm not. But that doesn't mean that I'm not always seeking out and finding better ways to prepare for it.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Sunday, August 13, 2023 2:09 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

There's nothing you can ever say to shame me or to make me concerned about my own future. Unlike you, I put all my cards out on the table. You posting about my personal health issues every time you lose an argument is funny to me. I'm not hiding any of these issues. I'm an open book.

And it appears that even on a sub-conscious level that you know this as well. You don't even blink when I tell you what my net worth is. You took it on face value because when I'm up front and honest about all of the terrible shit, there's no reason for you not to take the good shit I claim on face value as well.

That's why nobody believes anything you ever say about your personal life. Your every day is nothing but perfection and kittens and rainbows, without any of the struggles that people deal with every day of their lives. You are not genuine. You are a liar. And everybody knows that you are a liar.

Don't worry about my future buddy. I'm not. But that doesn't mean that I'm not always seeking out and finding better ways to prepare for it.

Pay attention: my sisters are multimillionaires. One is a nurse, the other a schoolteacher. Their parents worked at Burger King, but my mother died worth $2.1 million. None of them ever voted. None of them. What was their secret to getting ahead in America? They were Jehovah's Witnesses who actually lived as their religion expects them to. So few Americans act decently, but if they did they would prosper immensely. Trumptards who think they will get ahead with Trump won't. Instead, they could act like my parents and sisters. That is the way to Make America Great.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, August 13, 2023 6:21 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

There's nothing you can ever say to shame me or to make me concerned about my own future. Unlike you, I put all my cards out on the table. You posting about my personal health issues every time you lose an argument is funny to me. I'm not hiding any of these issues. I'm an open book.

And it appears that even on a sub-conscious level that you know this as well. You don't even blink when I tell you what my net worth is. You took it on face value because when I'm up front and honest about all of the terrible shit, there's no reason for you not to take the good shit I claim on face value as well.

That's why nobody believes anything you ever say about your personal life. Your every day is nothing but perfection and kittens and rainbows, without any of the struggles that people deal with every day of their lives. You are not genuine. You are a liar. And everybody knows that you are a liar.

Don't worry about my future buddy. I'm not. But that doesn't mean that I'm not always seeking out and finding better ways to prepare for it.

Pay attention: my sisters are multimillionaires. One is a nurse, the other a schoolteacher. Their parents worked at Burger King, but my mother died worth $2.1 million. None of them ever voted. None of them. What was their secret to getting ahead in America? They were Jehovah's Witnesses who actually lived as their religion expects them to. So few Americans act decently, but if they did they would prosper immensely. Trumptards who think they will get ahead with Trump won't. Instead, they could act like my parents and sisters. That is the way to Make America Great.

Now it's time for you to pay attention:

The question shouldn't be "Who wants to be a millionaire?". It should be "Who needs to be a millionaire?".

The lyrics are simple.

I don't mind stealin' bread from the mouths of decadents
But I can't feed on the powerless when my cup's already overfilled, yeah
But it's on the table, the fire's cookin'
And they're farmin' babies, while slaves are workin'
The blood is on the table and the mouths are chokin'
But I'm goin' hungry, yeah

I don't mind stealin' bread from the mouths of decadents
But I can't feed on the powerless when my cup's already overfilled, uh huh
But it's on the table, the fire's cookin'
And they're farmin' babies, while the slaves are all workin'
And it's on the table, their mouths are chokin'
But I'm goin' hungry (goin' hungry)

I'm goin' hungry (goin' hungry)
I'm goin' hungry (goin' hungry)
I'm goin' hungry (goin' hungry)

I'm goin' hungry (goin' hungry)
I'm goin' hungry (goin' hungry)

uh, I don't mind
(No, I don't mind stealin' bread)
I'm goin' hungry (goin' hungry)
I'm goin' hungry (goin' hungry)

The lyrics are simple, but the meaning can easily get lost on people.

In other words...

How much is enough?


Unless you come from a family with a lot of money, you likely started out wanting money to pay for some very basic things – you wanted to make sure you had enough money for shelter, food, transportation, healthcare, etc.

From such humble beginnings, it’s hard for most of us to imaging ever reaching the place where we become financially independent. That is what I would call “enough.”

And if that’s hard to imagine, it’s even harder to imagine having more money than you could ever spend.

But in my work I see it all the time. The specific amount varies person to person, but there comes a point where the increase in the amount of one’s wealth is of little use to them. They can’t (or do not wish to) spend the additional money.

At this point, additional wealth just becomes additional work.

Money as a symbol of worth. But for many, money is more than just means. It is meaning itself. It is not so much a tool as a title one takes on. It is not an instrument, but an identity.

If you fall for the trap of allowing money to become an identity that measures your worth, you’ll pay a steep price. Because you can never have enough. How much money does it take to prove you are worth being liked, loved and valued by others?

Just a little bit more.

When money becomes a symbol of worth rather than simply a storehouse of wealth, it has switched places. Rather than being your servant, it is now your master.

And you’ll find it is a master you can never truly satisfy.

Either you will define yourself and decide what you want your wealth to do for you, or you’re likely to let your wealth define you.

When you let your wealth define you, you never have enough.

You always want…just a little bit more.

I'm not impressed at all with your sisters or your mother's wealth. I often joke whenever one of my friends are talking about the lotto and the millions they could win with the insane numbers the powerball gets up to and I just tell them I'd be happy with $100,000. I'd never have to work another day in my life.

It's a joke, yes, but unless inflation ramps back up and kills the immediate value of the dollar, it's also very true.

And let's not forget how much the shit-wage jobs are paying today compared to what they were paying just 4 years ago when I was still working. I could have worked that job the rest of my life if they didn't get rid of the overnight crews, and with my additional $1 per hour for overnight work, I left that job making $11.72/hr after a .22 cent an hour raise. Right now? There's not a single job in that building that pays less than $15/hr.

In fact, I'd have to look VERY hard to find a low-level job in my state that pays less than $13/hr right now, even though the state minimum wage is still stuck at the $7.25 it went up to back in 2009 when the minimum wage was last increased.

Not only does that mean that I'd have an easier time amassing more "numbers" to my pile with less labor, but conversely, it means that work I was doing 4 years ago has been devalued quite a bit as well. It makes the work I was doing overnight at K-Mart back in my drinking days feel like complete wasted time when you consider after the $1/hr overnight bump I got that I was only making $8.25 per hour.

My biggest reason for wanting to go back to work is because I still have about 20 years left before I can draw social security, and there really is no reason not to bump up that number while I still can. Assuming they don't shaft everyone and they keep the number what it is right now and keep it tied to inflation, I already know that I can easily live on the paltry amount I'd be getting, but there's no harm in working now to add to that and make true retirement years even easier on myself.

And because the low-end wages have increased so much in the last 4 years, almost anywhere I go to work would be 1/3rd more money than I was making 4 years ago and nearly double what I was making 8 years ago, allowing me the freedom of either almost doubling what I was paying into social security or working half as much to put the same amount I used to put in toward my retirement payouts.

Being single with a paid for house and a paid for car, not having to pay rent or a car note or anything beyond bare-bones liability insurance for my car, never paying a dime in interest payments to banks for letting me buy things I couldn't afford, having the intelligence and the tools to fix nearly any problem that has come my way... These are all things that when combined together make me need so much less money than your average person does.

Could I be doing more with my free time and pure freedom? Absolutely.

But I've never been an ambitious or a greedy person. Once I grew up out of my early 20's and stopped giving a shit what anybody else thought, money became nothing more to me than a means for survival and an ability to buy tools or knowledge that I didn't have before. Nothing more, nothing less.

If I went back to work 40 hours or more a week, I wouldn't spend any more than I do now. I'd just be stockpiling more numbers on my pile. I have no desire or ambition to do any of that. It isn't necessary. I have no love of money. It's simply another tool for me to use, and at least for right now I have more than my fair share of it. Where I know some people could easily burn through my net worth in a few months, I figure I'd be able to live another 10 years without working at all without sacrificing anything beyond what I've already conditioned myself to live without.

So yeah... I'll go back to work at some point and to some capacity. I'm just in no rush or pressured by any immediate need to do so.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Sunday, August 13, 2023 6:34 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
The lyrics are simple, but the meaning can easily get lost on people.

There is a technical term called depravity describing Trump and his Trumptards. Depraved Americans have unproductive lives and can't understand why life is difficult. Tough luck to be them but not my problem or my sisters' either. They are God's problem.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, August 13, 2023 6:59 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
The lyrics are simple, but the meaning can easily get lost on people.

There is a technical term called depravity describing Trump and his Trumptards. Depraved Americans have unproductive lives and can't understand why life is difficult. Tough luck to be them but not my problem or my sisters' either. They are God's problem.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Case in point.

Glad you wasted my time again.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Monday, August 14, 2023 8:10 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Case in point.

Glad you wasted my time again.

6ix, you see life as seeking liberty, freedom, and the intense happiness to be your true self. Tens of millions of people such as you do NOT prosper in America. They don't work regularly because working interferes with freedom. They get drunk because alcohol is liberating their souls. They divorce or never wed because marriage interferes with the journey toward the intense happiness of being their true self. And then, maybe, maybe not, they vote once every four years as if that can undo their messy life over the previous 1,460 days. Even voting might be too much stress, planning, and strategizing for them.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, August 14, 2023 12:36 PM


Have fun at work today, honey.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Monday, August 14, 2023 1:45 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Have fun at work today, honey.


How you do anything is how you do everything.

You hit on a point that Shepherd Book brought up one minute before he died in the movie Serenity. Book told 35-year-old Mal to grow up and get a purpose in life. Stop spinning around in circles and going nowhere. Find a worthy destiny and proceed toward until you arrive. Book wanted to give that same sermon to Gen-X/Gen Y/Millennials/Generation Z but it is too late -- Shepherd Book and Ron Glass are dead, but his advice holds true.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, August 14, 2023 5:24 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Have fun at work today, honey.


How you do anything is how you do everything.

You hit on a point that Shepherd Book brought up one minute before he died in the movie Serenity. Book told 35-year-old Mal to grow up and get a purpose in life. Stop spinning around in circles and going nowhere. Find a worthy destiny and proceed toward until you arrive. Book wanted to give that same sermon to Gen-X/Gen Y/Millennials/Generation Z but it is too late -- Shepherd Book and Ron Glass are dead, but his advice holds true.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

I've been turning a foreclosed dump that I bought with cash into my palace. I might not work on it as much as I should, but I get more done all the time. In the meantime, I've lived here long enough that just not paying rent somewhere for that time has already made the purchase cost back and I'm actually "making" money every month now because I don't have a rent or mortgage payment.

I've got a purpose. And maybe when I get it all done I'll sell and buy another one and do it all again.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Tuesday, August 15, 2023 7:36 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

I've been turning a foreclosed dump that I bought with cash into my palace. I might not work on it as much as I should, but I get more done all the time. In the meantime, I've lived here long enough that just not paying rent somewhere for that time has already made the purchase cost back and I'm actually "making" money every month now because I don't have a rent or mortgage payment.

I've got a purpose. And maybe when I get it all done I'll sell and buy another one and do it all again.

I remember your hoarding. First, you filled that house then you emptied it. That is spinning in circles, going nowhere. Hoarding might seem like a 'purpose' but it is not. Drinking might seem like a 'purpose' but it is not. There are many hours per week when you do NOT have a purpose. That condition of 'no purpose' does not happen for people who have smooth-running lives. Take Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly for an example of someone who has 'no purpose' and a life that does not run smoothly. I could pick any Trumptard living around me as examples** or Millennials who are in trouble to use as further examples, but you don't know them. I could even pick Trump. His life has been a series of troublesome adventures that end up in courtrooms for decades because he has 'no purpose' -- a characteristic some find attractive because they share it.

** Quick Trumptard example because it happened next door: One son in prison for 10 years for negligent homicide. One son is in prison for 1 year for auto theft. One mother was fatally poisoned with ethylene glycol but nobody was in prison. One father with a fatal stroke connected to all this chaos. A gun safe with 20 weapons in it for a household of Trumptards who had no purpose in life. 6ix, I'm giving you a clue to why I don't vote for the same candidates that Trumptards vote for. One more clue: they were proud of their well-maintained house but now the family is scattered (literally the ashes of two are scattered).

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, August 15, 2023 10:03 AM



Originally posted by second:
I remember your hoarding.

Yeah? So do I.


First, you filled that house then you emptied it. That is spinning in circles, going nowhere.

No it's not. It's making a mistake and then fixing it. Spinning in circles would be living the rest of my life with the hoard.


Hoarding might seem like a 'purpose' but it is not.

I never claimed that it was a purpose.


Drinking might seem like a 'purpose' but it is not.

And what purpose would it seem to be?


There are many hours per week when you do NOT have a purpose.

So what? I already had everything paid with cash when I was 32 years old.

Slaving away at a thankless job for extra numbers to throw on my pile isn't something I want to do, and I don't have to.

I'm good dude.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Tuesday, August 15, 2023 10:15 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by second:
I remember your hoarding.

Yeah? So do I.


First, you filled that house then you emptied it. That is spinning in circles, going nowhere.

No it's not. It's making a mistake and then fixing it. Spinning in circles would be living the rest of my life with the hoard.


Hoarding might seem like a 'purpose' but it is not.

I never claimed that it was a purpose.


Drinking might seem like a 'purpose' but it is not.

And what purpose would it seem to be?


There are many hours per week when you do NOT have a purpose.

So what? I already had everything paid with cash when I was 32 years old.

Slaving away at a thankless job for extra numbers to throw on my pile isn't something I want to do, and I don't have to.

I'm good dude.

What you are saying is that you do things for no goddamn reason and once it becomes obvious that you either stop doing those things or else end up dead, you finally stop years later than a sane person would. That makes you better than many Trumptards who never stop until their disastrous lifestyles kill them. On the other hand, my sisters have jobs that are full of purpose (teacher, nurse) and their lives lack all the drama of making a decision between ending up dead or continuing to kill themselves slowly. As a bonus, my sisters became rich by just doing their meaningful jobs.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, August 15, 2023 3:34 PM



Originally posted by second:
What you are saying is that you do things for no goddamn reason

That's the human condition, retard.


and once it becomes obvious that you either stop doing those things or else end up dead, you finally stop years later than a sane person would.

Sane? Like you, I suppose?

Get fucked, Arthur.


That makes you better than many Trumptards who never stop until their disastrous lifestyles kill them. On the other hand, my sisters have jobs that are full of purpose (teacher, nurse) and their lives lack all the drama of making a decision between ending up dead or continuing to kill themselves slowly. As a bonus, my sisters became rich by just doing their meaningful jobs.

Fuck your fake sisters. You don't have sisters.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Tuesday, August 15, 2023 3:55 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:


That makes you better than many Trumptards who never stop until their disastrous lifestyles kill them. On the other hand, my sisters have jobs that are full of purpose (teacher, nurse) and their lives lack all the drama of making a decision between ending up dead or continuing to kill themselves slowly. As a bonus, my sisters became rich by just doing their meaningful jobs.

Fuck your fake sisters. You don't have sisters.


How you do anything is how you do everything.

Trumptards get fired when they stumble into nursing, for example:

Jennifer Bridges, ex-nurse, will be voting for Trump but she will still be unemployed because she is a Trumptard. Trumptards create unnecessary dramas in their lives because they are unsteady. See Trump for how that works.

Former Methodist nurse fired over COVID vaccine loses appeal in federal court
Jennifer Bridges and other fired Methodist employees sued the Houston hospital, but the lawsuit was dismissed last June.

I could change my signature to People who are screwed in the head don't prosper in America. There is no group screwier than Trumptards. It is not a coincidence that they complain the most about the direction of America and have the most problems.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, August 15, 2023 4:06 PM


You're so well rounded, Second.

Get fucked, retard.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Tuesday, August 15, 2023 5:03 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
You're so well rounded, Second.

Get fucked, retard.


How you do anything is how you do everything.

Quick Trumptard example because it happened next door: One son in prison for 10 years for negligent homicide. One son is in prison for 1 year for auto theft. One mother was fatally poisoned with ethylene glycol but nobody was in prison for that. One father with a fatal stroke connected to all this chaos. A gun safe with 20 weapons in it for a household of Trumptards who had no purpose in life. 6ix, I'm giving you a clue to why I don't vote for the same candidates that Trumptards vote for. One more clue: they were proud of their well-maintained house but now the family is scattered (literally the ashes of two are scattered).

Rich Democrats Live Longer Than Poor Trumptards

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, September 4, 2023 2:25 PM


Rachel Zegler Gen Z labled "insufferable"


Monday, September 4, 2023 4:37 PM


That poor girl had her head full of a bunch of Leftist propaganda that she was told her whole life was going to make her a star while also absolving her of the sin of having half Polish white blood in her.

Then 2023 happened.

Her first movie, the remake to West Side Story, was a financial disaster. $100,000,000 Production budget, with only a Worldwide Gross of $74,826,329, losing Disney/20th Century Studios over $125 Million and becoming one of Steven Spielberg's rare box office flops.

If Snow White even sees the light of day now, it's either going to be a direct to Disney+ loser like Peter Pan & Wendy or it will be her fourth major box office flop out of four.

Her second flop, if you didn't know she was in it, was Shazam II: Fury of the Gods. When she was asked by a reporter what drew her to the character, she told the reporter quite frankly "I needed a job".

Her third flop is going to be the new Hunger Games prequel movie due out in November, which the general audience's distaste for her personally is going to make it bomb just like real-life Ezra Miller made The Flash bomb.

This ain't 2019. Rachel Zeigler ain't Brie Larson. Hunger Games prequels and woke Snow White remakes ain't the last MCU movie before Avengers: End Game.

Her career is ruined. I hope she saved some of that money.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Sunday, September 10, 2023 10:03 AM


For a new generation of Marines, 9/11 is history

Reckless Putin feared to throw 'Z Generation' teen army into battle as death toll mounts

I Sheltered In An Apartment With A Total Stranger On 9/11. Two Weeks Ago, I Finally Found Her.

"My eyes darted between watching the TV coverage and the billowing smoke outside the window. Then I suddenly remembered that I wasn’t alone in the apartment."


Sunday, January 14, 2024 11:34 AM


Nasty Female Student Beats Up Teacher In The Hallway Of St Louis High School


Sunday, January 14, 2024 1:31 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Nasty Female Student Beats Up Teacher In The Hallway Of St Louis High School

Just wait until her father comes home...

Oh... wait.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, July 2, 2024 9:04 AM


Maybe it breaks apart, maybe a centrist party wins or perhaps a generation under pressure leans to a strong leader because they feel they need a man who can help them be survivors, a new Kristallnacht will come and a Evangelical God Rome Emperor born like something from a Dystopia horror

maybe an islamic community gets blamed and purged but you can feel the pressure build, drugs and crime, cities in decay

Is this the cultural end?

Here's the thing, I have been in the arts meet people who did CGI illustration, the painters, the music DJ and guitar types, I get to meet a number of people and what they see on the web and I have never seen a generation so divided.
Young still have their naivety innocence and optimism but there is something very dark, a shaky foundation about to crumble, a stink of trash and criminality which was not removed.

Gen-Z vs 'The Boomer' its never been so different

Culturally I think its almost over

North America ok it has a long geological history some lost to ancient time

there were Natives, maybe tribes linked to Latin America, maybe they came from the North Pole the Eskimo, the Sámi, Laplanders, Yupik, Aleut, Eyak, Tlingit, Siberian, there is evidence maybe some made a crossing European vikings, a Chinese coin found in California, other long ago Europe voyage that was Pre Columbus

During the age of expansion, the European ships, new cultures arriving, Conquest and Exploration the culture changes.
The culture becomes WASP, a White Protestant Evangelical, founding fathers had different ideas there were Diests, Brotherhood Lodges and Freemasons, Quakers, a rebellion and the United States of America is born.

Soon after its birth the Anti-Mason part at one time was one of the largest parties in America,
having people work as a farm animal, picking of cotton and the Slave Trade demographically changes America, the African American culture adds a new flavor or chord or beat to the lyrics, songs about Freedom, marching carnival music in the South, the Delta Blues moves to Chicago and New York and we get Swing and Jive and Jazz, Europeans brought lots and lots of art and culture and harmony but America turned on itself and had a fight, after the Civil War another movement the Italians in the late 1800s, two million moved between 1900 to 1914, the Irish Roman Catholic culture with Celt 'Halloween' tradition. More and more arrivals then Jewish turmoil in Europe again, Communists, Fascists, slowly new political parties and groups expand.

Generation Boomer was religious and has almost been programmed for the Jewish Zionist cause, they hated the Commies without knowing so many Israeli Jewish types have been involved in the foundations of Socialists and Marxism, in the USA ADL type groups in Masonry and Evangelical churches, they have a role on tv news, the Preacher he won't tell you of the endless terror of that shithole sandbox and a conflict without end instead he will talk of sin and 'God' your preacher blabbing about Israel the 'Holy Land'

The Jewish Mossad Zionist thing has been dying since Maxwell, Epstein, people have started to see many almost as troublesome as an islamic group...the Boomer doesn't know, the Boomer can not process such info, for the Boomer is a Lost Confused Old Generation

A Boomer might sound even like JEW-el-STAITEFAN
they might even cheer for the stories of Jewish Israelis bombing Americans, Israeli Air Force and Israeli Navy with a combined air and sea attack killing 34 crew members naval officers, seamen, two marines, civilians
the Boomer is so brain wiped and so brain fucked it try to explain events with words like 'Libtard' or the dumbass Boomer it will cheer for Jews as these Jews kill Americans.
Both Canada and the USA have opened up to Hindu India cultures, the Desi people, Hinduism, the jihadi Middle East Pakistan islamism, the Indian Jainism, and Sikhism these are not traditional American cultures, in fact they have elements in their culture that would be seen as Anti-American and Anti-Democratic such as the Caste-System.

Zoomers or Gen-Z are the last WASP Evangelical White Majority group but they aren't even religion that much, on stats the Mexicans are often classed as 'White' but not Hispanic so what is the Mexican Latin American the Mexican culturally different?
the Women of American often like inclusion like so many other women of the Earth, the White woman can easily follow the current NPC thing, her sense of self or security can flip in a moment they seem to be more easily programmed than men. She might vote with her vagina whatever for her dude she wants to be with and dates or the kid she popped out, she might not have any loyalty to her civilization, this is what tv has done to their brains.
Both the Boomer and Zoomer girls have even allowed perverted dudes, these transsexuals to wear dress and beat the crap out of women in female sports all due to this brainwashing politics.
Boomer women and Gen-Z girls are brainwashed by the cause of the day, Antifa, Open Borders, Trump Bad...whatever insanity they will often vote for it.
The female when her marriage fails can return to a new gang or pack called the 'Fed' the government can fund her broken lifestyle.
Boomer women already seen the role of First Wave Feminists but Gen-Z women can be in some of the most dissonant stupidly confused parts of the political spectrum which make absolutely no logical sense.
When the chaos happens the female, she might fall back to the strong man, the guy who shoots a gun, the guy with stored wealth, the patriot if he's on the winning side.
Although many Jewish women can pass as 'White' they can carry emotional baggage stories from the mother of Moses fleeing Egypt, some Marxist politics the Diversity Gay Open Border causes, this weird Leftwing politics has also come up to roost in Israel itself and started to spread across the Israeli land.

Both the culture of Blacks and Whites are being replaced by both Mexican/Hispanic and the Muslim Arabs in major cities,
there are groups Jewish Israel Immigration Services to help American Refugees, the Catholics, the Mormons, the Lutherans, some islamist Ethiopia Somali Community, the Israeli Global Jew refugee immigrant group inside the USA, the Hebrew Immigrant society...all of these groups are in the human trafficker business and helping to demographically change America.

After 911 Leftists should have moved away from the islamic instead they insanely supported them...why I do not know.
Maybe an idiot like mini Bush and his statements you're either with us or with the terrorists was to blame for a stronger left.

The traditional American family is now truly broken, the latest Whore of Babylon like Madonna or a Kardasian is worshiped. Unfortunately there is a need to expose Jewish Americans, tv and movie now run by a Hollwood 'Gay Mafia' the other religions and groups, the Middle East politics has not brought America much security or stability, Israel often stabs the USA in the back and within the USA the Jewish are as corrupted as those other NGO and corrupted Church. The Jewish have helped Arab Muslims invade the USA while many of these 'Arabs' are listed as 'White' on statistical record but culturally they are very different to anything America has seen before.

Drugs and human trafficking and gangs of illegal invaders are totally destroying the USA!!!

Some people have ignored reality and lacked self assessment, no time to reflect and 'think' to to absorb mood, inflection, form and feel what is really happening.
the old media is finished, the teens, kids, the young adults have moved to an Alt-Net stranger than 4chan they are in Gamerchat rooms they have lost the conservation, they have access to Bitchute, Odysee, Rumble, it is not going back, pandora's box has been opened, GenZ is the most sharply divided and politically divided generation since the US Civil War.


Tuesday, July 2, 2024 9:12 AM


a new age of Neo-Religion jihads and Neo-Tribalism

Huntington's Clash of Civilization? vs. Fukuyama's End of History?

An Introduction to Samuel Huntington’s The Clash of Civilizations A Macat Politics Analysis

Changes in ways couples have met, from 1930 to 2024


Tuesday, July 2, 2024 11:54 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

Here's the thing, I have been in the arts meet people who did CGI illustration, the painters, the music DJ and guitar types, I get to meet a number of people and what they see on the web and I have never seen a generation so divided.
Young still have their naivety innocence and optimism but there is something very dark, a shaky foundation about to crumble, a stink of trash and criminality which was not removed.
Gen-Z vs 'The Boomer' its never been so different
Culturally I think its almost over

... The culture becomes WASP, a White Protestant Evangelical, founding fathers had different ideas there were Diests, Brotherhood Lodges and Freemasons, Quakers, a rebellion and the United States of America is born.

Soon after its birth the Anti-Mason part at one time was one of the largest parties in America, having people work as a farm animal, picking of cotton and the Slave Trade demographically changes America,

This is the cultural problem with slavery

Slavery bred in the poor white a dislike of Negro toil of all sorts. He never regarded himself as a laborer, or as part of any labor movement. If he had any ambition at all it was to become a planter and to own “niggers.”

There was the Protestant work ethic, which made northern white folk toil and learn endlessly for their own survival and family betterment, and then there was slave labor that had to be tortured from ignorant people.


JAYNZE: Generation Boomer was religious and has almost been programmed for the Jewish Zionist cause, they hated the Commies without knowing so many Israeli Jewish types have been involved in the foundations of Socialists and Marxism, in the USA ADL type groups in Masonry and Evangelical churches, they have a role on tv news, the Preacher he won't tell you of the endless terror of that shithole sandbox and a conflict without end instead he will talk of sin and 'God' your preacher blabbing about Israel the 'Holy Land'

The Jewish Mossad Zionist thing has been dying since Maxwell, Epstein, people have started to see many almost as troublesome as an islamic group...the Boomer doesn't know, the Boomer can not process such info, for the Boomer is a Lost Confused Old Generation

Hey! I'm a boomer and I resent that!


A Boomer might sound even like JEW-el-STAITEFAN
they might even cheer for the stories of Jewish Israelis bombing Americans, Israeli Air Force and Israeli Navy with a combined air and sea attack killing 34 crew members naval officers, seamen, two marines, civilians...

It's hard to get anyone to change their mind, but it is more difficult to get older ppl to see things in a new light, unless they're philospophically prepared and understand the nature of their knowledge.


JAYNZE: Zoomers or Gen-Z are the last WASP Evangelical White Majority group but they aren't even religion that much, on stats the Mexicans are often classed as 'White' but not Hispanic so what is the Mexican Latin American the Mexican culturally different?
It depends on how long in the USA and how wealthy. If from an educated family, 2nd generation often more conservative and religious than USAns.


JAYNZE: the Women of American often like inclusion like so many other women of the Earth, the White woman can easily follow the current NPC thing, her sense of self or security can flip in a moment they seem to be more easily programmed than men... Boomer women and Gen-Z girls are brainwashed by the cause of the day, Antifa, Open Borders, Trump Bad...whatever insanity
I despair of many women today!

But I think the reason why women are more easily programmed is biological, not cultural. In culture after culture, most men are more aggressive than most women. I see that in many species too. If female reproduction is the rate-limiting step, a species can survive the loss of its males (in many cases actually does better) from male- male competition, risky behavior, extreme physical effort, even defending the herd/ group.

Male mammals are almost always programmed for individual aggression and risk taking.

Females, OTOH, tend to follow the "safety in numbers" strategy, and often look to someone else... can be a group ... for protection. Women do the same thing, whether "the group" is a man, a clique, a movement, the state, or some combination.


After 911 Leftists should have moved away from the islamic instead they insanely supported them...why I do not know.
Maybe an idiot like mini Bush and his statements you're either with us or with the terrorists was to blame for a stronger left.

I think labels like 'right" and "left" no longer apply.

What you see as "the left" is, I believe, the product of globalist elites using ideology or memes to break nations. Sometimes that ideology overlaps with Trotsky, who believed in an international workers revolution, which necessitated destruction of nations. (But you'll never see anything about worker power in globalist memes!) Sometimes the memes used are total nonsense (like, you can change your sex if you want.)

But I believe the defining struggle today is nationalism v globalism.


JAYNZE: The traditional American family is now truly broken, the latest Whore of Babylon like Madonna or a Kardasian is worshiped.
Well, if yiu want to destroy a nation you must first destroy its foundational associations:

Church, or at least ethics
Philosophy (eg science/ belief based? rational/ emotional? etc)

And find and expand wedges in society; divide on

Sexual orientation

What better way to program an entire generation than social media! It sucks up inordinate amounts of time, turning its devotees into self- absorbed narcissists who are vastly ignorant that there is a "real world" out there that involves work, learning, joy, pain, doubt, love, confidence, responsibility ...

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.






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