Is Elon Musk Nuts?

UPDATED: Thursday, October 17, 2024 05:05
VIEWED: 16634
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Sunday, July 9, 2023 2:08 PM


Whats he talking about the wife or cheating or kids?

They are going to have a Cage match or Colosseum amphitheatre thing??


Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

That's supposed to be a temporary thing.

Musk is crazy at running Twitter and SpaceX and Tesla.

He will probably fix that Space-X issue


Monday, July 10, 2023 11:21 AM


Twitter’s CEO Linda Yaccarino finally speaks four days into the platform’s meltdown: ‘You need to make big moves’

Elon Musk accused of censorship after Tesla critic BANNED from using Twitter feature

The big idea: are we living in a simulation?

Elon Musk thinks you don’t exist. But it’s nothing personal: he thinks he doesn’t exist either. At least, not in the normal sense of existing. Instead we are just immaterial software constructs running on a gigantic alien computer simulation.


Tuesday, July 11, 2023 6:55 AM


Turn on Tesla's Bioweapon Defense Mode


Tuesday, July 11, 2023 10:28 PM


Musk to Host AI-Focused Twitter Event With US House Lawmakers

Elon Musk commends China’s progress in AI and advocates for AI regulation

SpaceX smashes reusable rocket record as Elon Musk makes bold Starship claim

Elon Musk is suing the law firm that forced him to buy Twitter

Twitter Madness

'Musks Twitter MEGA-FAIL!!!'


Wednesday, July 12, 2023 5:18 PM


Elon Musk launches xAI - "To understand reality"


Thursday, July 20, 2023 12:10 PM


NASA Astronaut Says Elon Musk's Mars Colony Sounds "Horrible"

Elon Musk, King of Censorship: 10 Times the 'Free Speech Absolutist' Silenced Twitter Users

Elon Musk’s Grand xAI Plans


Monday, August 7, 2023 12:13 PM



Monday, August 7, 2023 12:32 PM


Elon Musk just offered that anybody who has ever been treated unfairly by their employer for their use on twitter that he will pay for their legal fees... "No limit".

Gina Carano replied "I think I qualify".

LibsOfTikTok has also started throwing out names of other people who would qualify.

That could be interesting.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Thursday, August 10, 2023 9:58 AM



Monday, August 14, 2023 9:49 AM



Monday, August 14, 2023 3:19 PM


a fight??

Seems to be joking and not taking it serious?


Thursday, September 7, 2023 6:11 PM


Fully stacked Starship on the launch pad at Starbase


Saturday, September 9, 2023 7:09 AM


Now he does politics

'Great podcast posted in full on X!'


Thursday, September 14, 2023 9:54 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Names of Elon Musk and Grimes' three kids:

X Æ A-Xii Musk
Exa Dark Sideræl Musk
Tau Techno Mechanicus Musk

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, September 15, 2023 6:57 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

How Elon Musk Went from Superhero to Supervillain

Walter Isaacson’s new biography depicts a man who seems estranged from humanity itself.

“Sometimes great innovators are risk-seeking man-children who resist potty training,” Isaacson concludes in the last lines of his life of Musk. “They can be reckless, cringeworthy, sometimes even toxic. They can also be crazy. Crazy enough to think they can change the world.” It’s a disconcerting thing to read on page 615 of a biography of a fifty-two-year-old man about whom a case could be made that he wields more power than any other person on the planet who isn’t in charge of a nuclear arsenal. Not potty-trained? Boys will be . . . toddlers?

(Musk’s father is a conspiracist who has called Joe Biden a “pedophile President,” and who has two children by his own stepdaughter; he has said that “the only thing we are here for is to reproduce.” Recently, he warned Elon, in an e-mail, that “with no Whites here, the Blacks will go back to the trees.”)

Musk’s Twitter account first got him into real trouble in 2018, when he baselessly called a British diver, who helped rescue Thai children trapped in a flooded cave, a “pedo” and was sued for defamation.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, September 20, 2023 7:43 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The World According to Elon Musk’s Grandfather

What happened to antisemitic rants before social media.

By Jill Lepore, Sept 19, 2023.720p

This month, Elon Musk threatened to sue the Anti-Defamation League, alleging that its denunciation of X—the A.D.L. had accused the social-media platform formerly known as Twitter of amplifying antisemitism—has cost Musk’s company a fortune in advertising revenue. The Anti-Defamation League, in turn, asserted that Musk’s threat was “dangerous and deeply irresponsible.” This week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu flew to California to meet with Musk to discuss artificial intelligence, but their other much-anticipated topic was antisemitism. Netanyahu asked Musk to “stop antisemitism as best you can.” Musk, alluding to SpaceX and his hope for a mission to Mars, responded that he favors anything that “ultimately leads us to become a spacefaring civilization,” and, since hate hinders that mission, “obviously, I’m against antisemitism.”

This all unfolded amid the release of Walter Isaacson’s new biography of Musk. Musk’s family history has a bearing on the dispute, but, in the book, as I pointed out in a review, Isaacson only glancingly discusses Musk’s grandfather J. N. Haldeman, whom he presents as a risk-taking adventurer and whose politics he dismisses as “quirky.” In fact, Haldeman was a pro-apartheid, antisemitic conspiracy theorist who blamed much of what bothered him about the world on Jewish financiers.

Elon Musk is not responsible for the political opinions of his grandfather, who died when Musk was three years old. But Haldeman’s legacy casts light on what social media does: the reason that most people don’t know about Musk’s grandfather’s political writings is that in his lifetime social media did not exist, and the writings of people like him were not, therefore, amplified by it. Indeed, they were very unlikely to circulate widely, and are now quite rare. Still, they’re not hard to find, which makes it unfortunate that Isaacson neither quotes from nor mentions them.

Musk has said that he bought Twitter to halt the advance of a “woke mind virus” spreading online. His grandfather wrote his tracts to raise an alarm about what he called “mind control,” on the radio and television, where “an unconditional propaganda warfare is carried on against the White man.”

Haldeman was born in Minnesota in 1902 but grew up mostly in Saskatchewan, Canada. A daredevil aviator and sometime cowboy, he also trained and worked as a chiropractor. In the nineteen-thirties, he joined the quasi-fascistic Technocracy movement, whose proponents believed that scientists and engineers, rather than the people, should rule. He became a leader of the movement in Canada, and, when it was briefly outlawed, he was jailed, after which he became the national chairman of what was then a notoriously antisemitic party called Social Credit. In the nineteen-forties, he ran for office under its banner, and lost. In 1950, two years after South Africa instituted apartheid, he moved his family to Pretoria, where he became an impassioned defender of the regime.

Before the age of the Internet, the writings of political extremists tended to be privately published, in quite small numbers. An angry man typing out memos about an invisible world government might make a few mimeographs or carbon copies, but the chance that any ended up in a library, catalogued and preserved, is slight. Presumably, most of Haldeman’s papers remain in family hands, if they have not been destroyed. But some of his writing survives, including in the Michigan State University library’s extraordinary Radicalism Collection.

In 2017, the collection acquired two of Haldeman’s tracts, as part of a trove from an anonymous donor which has now grown to nineteen thousand pieces of right-wing propaganda and conspiracy literature. One of the Haldeman tracts, “The International Conspiracy to Establish a World Dictatorship and the Menace to South Africa,” is dated May, 1960. The timing is significant. In February, 1960, Harold Macmillan, the British Prime Minister, delivered his famous “Wind of Change” speech to the South African Parliament, discountenancing apartheid and urging acceptance of independence movements: “The wind of change is blowing through this continent, and, whether we like it or not, this growth of national consciousness is a political fact.” In March, South African police opened fire on a crowd of thousands of Black South Africans protesting outside the Sharpeville police station, killing sixty-nine people, including children, and wounding nearly two hundred. The killings were captured on television and the coverage reached around the world. In the ensuing protests and state of emergency, Nelson Mandela was among eighteen thousand people arrested and jailed. Haldeman’s tracts defended white rule against an “international conspiracy” that opposed it.

“Every day the brain-washers repeat and emphasize the things they want us to believe,” Haldeman warned in his forty-two-page May, 1960, tract. “As examples ‘The Natives are ill-treated,’ ‘underpaid,’ ‘underprivileged,’ ‘separate development is wrong,’ ‘apartheid is un-Christian.’ Every day newspapers, magazines, commercial radio newscasters, bioscopes, din this into the conscious and subconscious minds of the public.” (“Bioscopes,” here, means motion pictures.) “People who know it is 99% untrue repeat these lies emphatically and emotionally,” Haldeman wrote.

Haldeman railed against many dark forces that he believed to be propagating these ideas: Jewish bankers, Jewish intellectuals, philanthropic foundations run by Jews, communists, Black leaders, and anyone who supported the overthrow of colonial rule in Africa. “The facts of history show that the White man has always developed the country he inhabits to the benefit of all concerned,” he wrote, peddling stock apartheid propaganda, and “The Black people of Africa have been in close contact with civilization from the earliest times but, on their own, built nothing and discovered nothing, not even the wheel.”

In the second tract that M.S.U. holds, “The International Conspiracy in Health,” Haldeman blamed the “collectivist-internationalist” conspiracy—“from Kennedy to Kenyatta”—for “centralized health schemes” that include national health insurance and various pharmaceuticals (including fluoride in the water, another conspiracy), all of which he considered “anti-Christian infringements on human liberties.” If some people were not alarmed by all of this, he wrote, it was because of mind control. “When a Christian subscribes to this, it is the result of the concentrated, intentional brain-washing done by the International Conspiracy.” Submitting to national health care was one way the conspirators were allowing “Black or Coloured political puppets” to take “control of responsible White people.” The Conspiracy, he warned, controls universities, medical schools, and even textbooks. “The Conspiracy feels that any medical intervention, so long as it is in mass, is a desirable procedure.” Above all, “The promoters of World Government have always been behind mass vaccination programmes.”

Aside from these two tracts, a rare-books dealer earlier this month sold an issue, No. 5, of a newsletter called Survival (“For Adults Only”) that he attributes to Haldeman. (The author’s name, the dealer reports, appears on the back page.) In the issue, published sometime after January, 1962, the writer represented the growing independence movements across African nations as a “WORLD GONE MAD.” “Throughout the so-called African Independent States there is complete chaos,” he wrote. “The population is reduced to starvation and cannibalism approaching what it was before the arrival of the White man.” He described the Mau Mau as engaging in a rite that required an initiate “to suck the dismembered penis of some other unfortunate victim of Mau Mau.” He denounced Israel, for having “consistently voted against South Africa in the United Nations.” But, in any case, he explained, the U.N. was riddled with communist spies.

Haldeman typed his tracts, presumably on his own typewriter. He might have made dozens of copies, or maybe hundreds, but not likely many more. He might have sent them out by mail or handed them out at political gatherings or church meetings or men’s groups. They were read, in any event, by a handful of South Africans in and near Pretoria, and possibly also by like-minded people farther afield. And then they very nearly disappeared. But if Haldeman were writing today, he’d likely be distributing his ideas on Facebook and YouTube and Twitter and Reddit and 4chan and more. Algorithms would deliver them to thousands and possibly millions of people. He would find an audience. He would become bolder. He would find a bigger audience. He would become bolder still. Elon Musk’s grandfather’s political views are not Musk’s responsibility. But what would happen to those rantings, if they were posted on X today, really does lie at his doorstep.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, September 20, 2023 7:49 PM


Second you idiot

You know Yemen people are Semitic?

Jill Lepore, you would expect Rome Catholic with an Italian surname but also working Britbongistan types and with Yoram Hazony, an Israeli conservative, she joins the elite Masonic types at Harvard but before this Lepore taught at the University of Commiefornia San Diego, part of the blackmail Lesbian Soddomy Phi Beta Kappa Society, Lepore is Pro-Rapist and was one of 38 Harvard faculty to sign a letter to The Harvard Crimson defending Professor John Comaroff, who had been found to have violated the university's sexual and professional conduct policies.

Musk probably has old Dutch Boer heritage but maybe you get some Jewish and South German with a name like Haldemann in the family


Originally posted by second:

he wrote. “The population is reduced to starvation and cannibalism approaching what it was before the arrival of the White man.” He described the Mau Mau as engaging in a rite that required an initiate “to suck the dismembered penis of some other unfortunate victim of Mau Mau.”

This is an interesting and perhaps even a shocking or funny statement

but in writing I have accused radical Israeli Jews of supporting muslim mutilation of little girls genitals because they in turn want to keep their own rituals where they bite the foreskins off babies


Originally posted by second:

to antisemitic rants

Do you know what a Semite is?

What if you were to learn that George Soros was not a Semite but a Yiddish Hungarian English speaking anti-human Atheist

or foreign brown Bene Israel and Cochin Jews of Hindu regions in India and the Beta Israel were Semite or Beta Israel Blacks of Ethiopia were Semite

What if you were told Tigray Negroids were Semitic

or Christian Crusaders from Malta wanting to Crush Jerusalem and make it Christian again were Semite

Or if you were to learn Arab Palestine Suicide Bombers were Semitic?

Can you not see how Musk might be more Jewish than some who claim to be Semitic?


Friday, September 29, 2023 1:31 PM


Went to the Eagle Pass border crossing to see what’s really going on


Saturday, September 30, 2023 7:47 AM


Stormtrooper Model X is looking like something straight out of Star Wars


Friday, November 3, 2023 6:00 AM



Wednesday, November 22, 2023 11:58 PM


His new lawsuit against Media Matters is quite interesting, and has lots of revealing details about Soros' Media Matters.

So now TX is investigating, and perhaps dozens of other sensible State AGs as well.

ETA: this refers to Titled Elon Musk, not illiterate Jaynez blathering...


Friday, December 1, 2023 12:37 PM


Elon Musk just told Bob Iger specifically and the heads of all the corporations trying to blackmail him into only allowing their Leftist/Globalist/ESG agenda on his platform to all go fuck themselves and put them on notice that if Twitter dies it's because they killed it.

And that's not me putting words in his mouth. He was very, very clear that Bob Iger can "Go. Fuck. Yourself."


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, December 7, 2023 10:30 AM



Saturday, December 9, 2023 11:40 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, he may flip out from time to time, but I gotta give him credit for balls

"Go. Fuck. Yourself"?



Disney's 'Democratic Political Operative' Bob Iger Fully Exposed After Musk Spat: Thacker
Saturday, Dec 09, 2023 - 01:20 PM

Authored by Paul Thacker via The DisInformation Chronicle (subscribe here)

Editors at the New York Post commissioned me to write a piece last weekend explaining how the Democratic Party has been targeting Elon Musk for buying Twitter and taking away their ability to censor critics and label them “disinformation.” The issue came to a head after Musk vented during an interview when asked about Disney and other companies pulling advertising over alleged antisemitism on his platform.

“If someone is going to try and blackmail me with advertising? Blackmail me with money? Go fuck yourself," Elon Musk said. Musk repeated the advice with a wave of his hand toward Disney’s Bob Iger, a Musk critic and Biden administration donor and functionary.

“Go. Fuck. Yourself. Is that clear? Hey, Bob, if you’re in the audience.”

Within hours of the intervew, dozens of parodies began appearing on X, including this one.


But if you read about the exchange in any media outlet, you would think Musk was coming unhinged, attacking advertisers who support his own company.

This is far from reality. Democratic operatives including Disney’s Bob Iger have been harassing Musk since he took over Twitter and released company documents showing the government and Democratic Party aligned organizations were censoring Americans. You can read some of my reporting on these Twitter Files here, here, here, here, and here.

After the New York Post published my essay, I found that Musk had predicted a dirty tricks campaign over a year and a half ago.

The tactics being used against Musk are quite simple to understand if you know the various figures involved, their backgrounds, and finances. First, Democratic Party attack groups like the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) and Media Matters for America gin up fake studies that accuse Musk of allowing hate, antisemitism, racism (whatever label they feel is effective) to flourish on social media. Second, Biden campaign donors like Disney’s Bob Iger express panic and flee X, complaining that they can’t be associated with hate.

The media won’t report on this, but it’s a basic squeeze play once you know the characters involved.

In recent months, Musk has sued both the Center for Countering Digital Hate and Media Matters for America for making false allegations of hate at X that have driven away advertisers. Both groups claim to be nonpartisan but actually work to attack opponents of Democratic Party policies.

If you read any story in the press about the CCDH, you would think they’re some lefty nonprofit laboring away to keep the world safe from online hate. A couple headlines just to give you a flavor for this.

But as I documented in an investigation for Tablet, political operatives with the conservative wing of the British Labour Party founded the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) in 2018 to attack people on the Left and Right. The group’s leader, Imran Ahmed, now asserts that he is “at the forefront of reporting on the hate proliferating on X/Twitter since Musk completed his takeover in late October 2022.”

In reality, Ahmed is also a former Labour Party political operative who ran CCDH and another Labour Party front group to attack the left wing of his own party with vague accusation of hate. While in the UK, Ahmed’s groups helped to run Jeremy Corbyn out of Labour Party leadership and tanked the lefty news site Canary, after starting a boycott of their advertisers.

Former Canary editor Kerry-Anne Mendoza described Ahmed’s war against her leftist news site as a scorched earth campaign that destroyed their advertising revenue and forced mass layoffs. “They accuse you of hate,” she told me. “Our regulator said the opposite, but that was irrelevant.”

Targeting advertisers seems very similar to Ahmed’s current tactics against Musk, no?

Since Ahmed moved the group to Washington, DC, in 2021 one of CCDH’s main targets, aside from X and Elon Musk, has been presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr., who leads Biden among young voters, and is suing the administration over censorship. This should not surprise anyone as CCDH’s chairman is Simon Clark, a former senior fellow at the Center for American Progress (CAP), a think tank founded by John Podesta, who chaired Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign against Donald Trump.

Ahmed does not disclose CCDH’s funding, but I found that 75% of it comes from dark money sources. Some of this money may be coming out of Hollywood—Bob Iger’s home base. One of the board members on CCDH’s tax records is talent agent Aleen Keshishian, who reps actor Mark Ruffalo, an Ahmed ally in his crusade against Musk.

I used to like Mark Buffalo bc he played underdogs. Now I see he's just another ignorant tool with a megaphone and publicity.


Media Matters has a similar political history, but you won’t find many media outlets explaining this to readers. Instead, reporters often ignore Media Matters’ Democratic Party ties or choose to describe them as a “watchdog.”


"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Sunday, December 10, 2023 1:18 AM


Yeah. The Go Fuck Yourself thing was awesome.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Wednesday, December 13, 2023 11:49 AM


In that same exchange, Elon agreed that this may destroy X. However, he clearly stated that they would be keeping track of all of the companies which did the killing, and the evidence would be held on display and shown for all to see.


Wednesday, December 13, 2023 12:34 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
In that same exchange, Elon agreed that this may destroy X. However, he clearly stated that they would be keeping track of all of the companies which did the killing, and the evidence would be held on display and shown for all to see.

I don't think that it will destroy Twitter.

All I ever heard before Musk bought it was that Twitter had NEVER made a profit or figured out how to properly monetize the damn platform. It really wasn't any different than any of the TV/Movie streaming platforms that spent billions churning out their own content to up their view counts and stock price despite losing money every quarter of every year since they started up.

That's why it was so insane that he paid so much for it in the first place.

But really... It shouldn't cost all that much to run. Yeah... a ton of people around the world use it, but it's not as if he's got to maintain all of the servers necessary to not only hold all of the TV shows and movies that the streaming services have, but the bandwidth to get them out to hundreds of millions of people streaming them simultaneously around the world. And he's not spending billions every year making content either.

I don't think he's really worried that Twitter is going anywhere. Even if his stock prices bottom out short-term because of this ad boycott and the current state of the world economy, he hasn't lost any money until he sells it. He's got plenty of money to keep paying for operating costs in the mean time and a pretty diverse group of other businesses he owns that generate revenue.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Wednesday, January 17, 2024 6:36 AM


Democratic Presidential Candidate Dean B Phillips and Musk

Dean Phillips teases Cabinet positions for Bill Ackman, Elon Musk if long-shot bid to beat Biden succeeds

a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity

Booze Coffee then politics

Phillips is one of the wealthiest members of Congress


Saturday, February 3, 2024 10:59 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Greedy Elon Musk gets bashed by heavy metal drummer who cost him $56 billion

By Tom Hals | February 1, 2024, 2:26 PM CST

WILMINGTON, Delaware, Feb 1 (Reuters) - Elon Musk suffered one of the biggest legal losses in U.S. history this week when the Tesla CEO was stripped of his $56 billion pay package in a case brought by an unlikely opponent, a former heavy metal drummer.

Richard Tornetta sued Musk in 2018, when the Pennsylvania resident held just nine shares of Tesla. The case eventually made its way to trial in late 2022 and on Tuesday a judge sided with Tornetta, voiding the enormous pay deal for being unfair to him and all his fellow Tesla shareholders.

Until Tornetta's case, Musk prevailed in a string of trials accusing him of defamation, of breaching his duty to shareholders and of violating securities laws.

On social media, fans of Tesla and Musk seemed to find the case a travesty of justice and speculated about Tornetta's intentions and political affiliations, asking how an investor with such miniscule holdings could wield such power.

Delaware corporate case law is full of cases bearing the names of individual investors with tiny shareholdings who wound up shaping America's corporate law. Many law firms that represent shareholders keep a stable of investors they can work with to bring cases, says Eric Talley, who teaches corporate law at Columbia Law School. They might be pension funds with a broad range of stock holdings but they are also often individuals like Tornetta.

The plaintiff signs paperwork to file the lawsuit and then generally gets out of the way, says Talley. The investors don't pay the law firm, which takes the case on contingency, as the lawyers did in the Musk case.

Tornetta benefits from winning the case the same way other Tesla shareholders benefit: saving the company billions of dollars that a subservient board of directors paid to Musk.

Business groups have long criticized cases brought by individuals as an indication of potentially abusive litigation. Delaware 10 years ago was plagued with lawsuits led by retail investors owning a few shares challenging merger deals. The cases were often quickly resolved with meaningless settlements that always included payments to the attorneys bringing the cases. Delaware judges and lawmakers eventually reined in the practice.

Experts said people like Tornetta are vital for policing boardrooms. Lawmakers and judges have long wanted large investment firms to lead such corporate litigation since they are better equipped to keep an eye on their lawyers' tactics. But experts said fund managers do not want to jeopardize relationships on Wall Street.

So it was up to Tornetta to take on Musk.

"His name is now etched in the annals of corporate law," Talley said. "My students will be reading Tornetta v Musk for the next 10 years."

Tornetta v. Musk: Post-Trial Opinion
Posted by Anna Restuccia (Harvard Law School), on Thursday, February 1, 2024

Was the richest person in the world overpaid?

Delaware courts have been presented with this question thrice before, when more adroit judges found ways to avoid definitively resolving it. This decision dares to “boldly go where no man has gone before,” or at least where no Delaware court has tread.

The defendants bore the burden of proving at trial that the compensation plan was entirely fair. The defendants were thus left with the unenviable task of proving the fairness of the largest potential compensation plan in the history of public markets. If any set of attorneys could have achieved victory in these unlikely circumstances, it was the talented defense attorneys here. But the task proved too tall an order.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, February 5, 2024 8:04 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Former Tesla director Larry Ellison invited Elon Musk to Hawaii to 'dry out' from drugs, report says

By Katherine Tangalakis-Lippert and Lloyd Lee | Feb 3, 2024, 11:08 PM CST

Elon Musk's drug use so worried his business associates and company board members that they asked him to go to rehab and even take a break from working to "dry out" from various substances, including LSD, cocaine, ecstasy, and ketamine, a new report from The Wall Street Journal said.

Larry Ellison, Musk's close friend, a former Tesla director, and the billionaire cofounder of Oracle, went so far as to urge Musk to travel to Hawaii during winter 2022 to pause his work and avoid drugs, the outlet reported, citing people familiar with the offer.

Ellison's proposal came amid increasing concerns among Musk's friends and associates that Musk's drug use was getting worse, some of those people told the Journal.

At a party in the Hollywood Hills neighborhood of Los Angeles around the time of Ellison's suggestion, the report added, one person who attended the event said Musk drank ecstasy in "liquid form" from a water bottle after having his personal security clear the floor for privacy.

The Journal reported the "volume" of Musk's drug use had contributed to a culture of peer pressure among Musk's friends and board directors of his various companies that created an "expectation" for them to use drugs alongside him to maintain the social status gained by being close to the billionaire.

Musk, Ellison, and their lawyers Alex Spiro and Christopher Muzzi did not immediately respond to requests for comment from Business Insider.

The Journal previously reported Musk, who is reportedly one of several executives in Silicon Valley to try his hand at psychedelics such as ketamine, had also indulged in LSD, cocaine, ecstasy, and "magic" mushrooms.

Despite proclaiming that he doesn't "like doing illegal drugs," Musk's drug use has previously put him and his companies on notice.

After he smoked marijuana on an episode of "The Joe Rogan Experience" podcast, NASA made SpaceX pledge in writing that the company was following federal guidelines on drug use in the workplace. The company spent $5 million in taxpayer money to properly train its employees on the rules, the Journal reported.

The billionaire also said on X that he had a prescription for ketamine, which research has suggested can be used to treat depression.

Experts previously told BI that the combination of hard drugs Musk is said to have used came with several health risks, especially at his age of 52.

Those include irregular heartbeat and incontinence, as well as psychosis if the user has bipolar disorder. In 2017, CNBC reported Musk suggested to his Twitter followers that he had the disorder. Musk pissed in his pants today. He and Trump share a need for adult diapers.

Is Donald Trump Wearing a Diaper and Should that Matter? | Jan 15, 2024
Is it okay to start calling him Diaper Don?

Former Representative Adam Kinzinger recently remarked that Donald Trump smelled bad. When pressed for details, he said that the former President smelled like “armpits, ketchup, a butt and makeup.”

The implication that Trump smelled like poop quickly lead to the rumor that the former president must be wearing adult diapers.

He could be. Why? He’s an old guy. A good percentage of old guys are incontinent and have to wear diapers. As one 69-year-old gent said about this online: more at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, February 5, 2024 8:07 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Tesla stock falls on Elon Musk drug use report, price target cut

By Julie Hyman and Josh Lipton | Mon, Feb 5, 2024, 3:10 PM CST

Tesla (TSLA) stock is under pressure today following allegations that CEO Elon Musk pressured board members into drug use, according to a Wall Street Journal report.

This follows a Delaware judge ruling Tesla's board process for approving Musk's massive pay package was "deeply flawed," prompting concerns about his relationships with individuals of his executive board.

The troubling revelations about board oversight come as Tesla faces numerous headwinds including SAP SE (SAP) halting the use of Tesla as company cars and Piper Sandler's decision to cut it's price target on the stock.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, February 5, 2024 10:55 PM


Right. I'm sure he was telling the board members to do drugs.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, February 6, 2024 11:35 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Right. I'm sure he was telling the board members to do drugs.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Some of Elon Musk's company directors are said to feel an 'expectation' to use drugs with him to avoid upsetting the billionaire

By Katherine Tangalakis-Lippert | Feb 3, 2024, 10:21 PM CST

Elon Musk is said to have created a culture of peer pressure among some of his friends and business associates that encourages them to use drugs with him, according to a new report from The Wall Street Journal that details how board members and directors of his various companies either participate in or enable his substance use to stay close to the billionaire.

The Journal reported that at parties in recent years, Musk had been spotted taking ketamine recreationally through a nasal spray and drinking liquid ecstasy from a water bottle, citing people who witnessed the drug use or were briefed about it.

Current and former Tesla and SpaceX directors and board members— some of whom have invested tens of millions of dollars in Musk's companies or have significant stock options tied to their roles — had also used drugs with him, the Journal reported.

Sources told the Journal that the "volume" of Musk's drug use had created a culture wherein his closest business associates feared losing their wealth and social status by upsetting the billionaire if they refused to use drugs with him.

Musk, his lawyer Alex Spiro, and representatives for Tesla and SpaceX didn't immediately respond to requests for comment from Business Insider.

Following a January 6 report by The Journal that said the 52-year-old had used cocaine, LSD, ecstasy, and magic mushrooms over the years, Musk said in a post on X: "Whatever I'm doing, I should obviously keep doing it!"

After the January report, which could jeopardize Musk's security clearance as well as the billions of dollars of government contracts enjoyed by SpaceX as a defense contractor because of federal regulations on drug use, NASA said in a statement: "The agency does not have evidence of noncompliance from SpaceX on how the company addresses the drug- and alcohol-free workforce regulations."

Musk's reported drug use has been at the center of recent controversies after the Journal reported that a former director at Tesla was so concerned about Musk's drug use and unpredictable behavior that she chose not to stand for reelection to the electric-car company's board.

The Journal also reported that SpaceX executives worried Musk was on drugs during a "cringeworthy" all-hands meeting, in which the billionaire arrived nearly an hour late, rambling and slurring his words for about 15 minutes before the meeting was taken over by the spacecraft manufacturer's president.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, February 6, 2024 11:43 AM


Dude. We know the Legacy Media is going to do whatever it can to censor people who don't agree with the regime. And since the US Government can't just outright claim Eminent Domain on Twitter and resume control of operations there, defamation it is.

They're just trying to take down Elon Musk now so they can have their biggest propaganda tool back. They all tried to quit and go elsewhere, but nobody left with them and they're all back on Twitter now and they're super butt hurt that it's not a Leftist Utopia with the CIA and FBI operating on the highest levels like it used to be.

The only people who believe any of this bullshit are the people who don't matter. Nobody else is buying it.

I'm not going to speak any more on this issue because it's moot. Nothing is going to come of this.

You people on the left are getting so desperate right now. It's very humorous watching your recent behavior.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, February 6, 2024 12:10 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Dude. We know the Legacy Media is going to do whatever it can to censor people who don't agree with the regime. . . .

I'm not going to speak any more on this issue because it's moot. Nothing is going to come of this.

You people on the left are getting so desperate right now. It's very humorous watching your recent behavior.

This is a variation of Trump's endless repetition of "Fake News!" When accused of being a tax cheater, Trump said "Fake News" a thousand times before it was revealed he paid only $750 in income tax. Nothing will be Real News to Trumptards until Trump is in jail, his companies are liquidated, and $billions in back taxes are paid. In the case of Elon Musk, Trumptards won't believe this guy is crazy until the price of Tesla stock crashes. Tesla stock market value is higher than all automobile companies combined. Once the stock gets valued the same as other car companies, perhaps Trumptards will realize Musk is a drug-addled fraud and con artist, much like Trump, but more successful.

Tesla’s Market Cap (Gigantic) v. Next 10 Automakers v. Tesla’s Global Market Share (Minuscule)
by Wolf Richter • Oct 26, 2021
It’s a ridiculous comparison, but hey, the CEO walks on water.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, February 6, 2024 3:06 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Dude. We know the Legacy Media is going to do whatever it can to censor people who don't agree with the regime. . . .

I'm not going to speak any more on this issue because it's moot. Nothing is going to come of this.

You people on the left are getting so desperate right now. It's very humorous watching your recent behavior.

This is a variation of Trump's endless repetition of "Fake News!" When accused of being a tax cheater...

Yes. I agree. That was bullshit too.

You're such a fucking loser.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Sunday, February 11, 2024 10:20 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Elon Musk Melts Down in Baffling Answer on Tesla Supercomputer - Feb 10, 2024

Dissecting Musk's largely nonsensical remarks, it's hard to believe the company is making much concrete progress on Dojo after all this time — or, if it is, it sounds like Musk has no idea about it.

In fact, it calls to mind an anecdote about Musk during his time at Zip2, one of his early companies. There, according to an employee, he put a normal PC inside a giant pompous wheeled case, which he would show off to potential investors and tell them it was a "mini supercomputer."

In other words, it sounds a lot like Musk is the same as he's always been: a talented marketer who leads with the hype, adjusting the story as he goes in response to reality. Remember when he first showed off a Tesla "robot" called Optimus, except that it was just a person in a suit?

Some of Musk's "magic" may be starting to fade. Tesla's shares have been put through the wringer this year, in large part due to the mercurial CEO's racist antics. Earlier this month, Quartz reported that the company is now officially the worst-performing stock in the S&P 500, a market index tracking the 500 largest companies in the US.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, February 11, 2024 2:19 PM


We know. You hate Musk because he's not a Billionaire Communist.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Sunday, February 11, 2024 10:45 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

And yet, I was shocked to learn that Musk is not only the richest man in the world, hes almost twice as wealthy as the next richest, Zuckerborg.

I think SECOND is just jealous.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Monday, February 12, 2024 1:19 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
And yet, I was shocked to learn that Musk is not only the richest man in the world, hes almost twice as wealthy as the next richest, Zuckerborg.

I think SECOND is just jealous.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM

You know that's right.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, February 20, 2024 8:13 AM


Worth watching, especially for parents


Tuesday, February 20, 2024 10:00 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Elon Musk Goes Full Crazy With New Claim About Holocaust

By Tori Otten / January 23, 2024

Elon Musk, who has used social media to spread antisemitic conspiracy theories, is now arguing that had social media existed at the time of the Holocaust, it could have prevented the tragedy.

Musk visited the Nazi death camp Auschwitz-Birkenau on Monday, as part of an apparent apology tour for his blatant antisemitism. Later that day, he participated in a conference on antisemitism organized in Krakow by the European Jewish Association.

Musk admitted he had been “somewhat naive” about the dangers of antisemitism. But he revealed how little he actually cares by sitting down for an interview with Ben Shapiro, a far-right commentator and conspiracy theorist. The two men then insisted that social media could have prevented the Holocaust from happening.

To prove their argument, Musk showed fake tweets he created of people sharing photos of Nazi attacks on synagogues, supporting Jewish resistance fighters, and pushing back against Holocaust deniers. There was even a tweet from the “official” Auschwitz account claiming Jews there were “thriving” — only to have a community note debunk that claim.

This claim holds very little water, for many reasons. A major one, as journalist Aaron Gordon pointed out, was that Nazi Germany revoked Jews’ right to free movement long before the death camps were built. So all those tweets from people urging Jews to leave Germany would have been meaningless.

Another reason is that many civilians were well aware of what Nazis were doing, or at least aware that Jewish people were being removed and never seen again. And they were perfectly content to let it happen.

In fact, if the current state of X (formerly Twitter) is anything to go by, social media could have actually made the Holocaust happen faster.

Since Musk took over the social media platform, X has been rife with hate speech. Musk himself is a major source of disinformation and hate speech, particularly antisemitism. He has also let multiple neo-Nazis back onto X, after previous leadership banned them.

In November, Musk backed a vile antisemitic conspiracy theory that Jewish people are getting what they deserve because they harbor “diabolical hatred against whites.” That, combined with the revelation that X was placing ads next to pro-Hitler and pro-Nazi content, sent advertisers fleeing the platform in droves (again).

Musk said Monday that his November post was “literally the worst and dumbest post I’ve ever done,” which is saying something if you look at his X feed. He claimed he hadn’t understood the dangers of anti-Jewish sentiment because “in the circles I move in, I see no antisemitism.”

He said that “two-thirds of my friends are Jewish,” which actually undercuts his previous claim. Surely at least one of those Jewish friends would have been able to tell Musk about antisemitism.

Musk then claimed that thanks to all his information-hoarding friends, he is “Jewish by association.”

“I’m aspirationally Jewish,” he said, which holds all the gravity of someone calling themself “Jew-ish.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, March 3, 2024 1:57 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Musk said used Tesla cars may be worth five times what new Teslas are today

By Peter Valdes-Dapena | Sun March 3, 2024

Back in 2019, Elon Musk made an astonishing claim for Tesla vehicles. Tesla cars, he said, would go up in value, not down, after purchase.

The reason for that is Tesla’s full self-driving capability that, Musk has said, requires only some additional software updates and regulatory approval before Tesla vehicles on the road today will become fully independent. He repeated this claim as recently as June 2023.

“You can think of every car we sell or produce that has full autonomy capability as something that in the future may be worth five times what it is today,” he said in the company’s third quarter, 2023, earnings call.

And not only would the price of a used Tesla go up, but Musk also predicted a world in which Tesla’s driver assistance suite, which the company calls “Full Self-Driving” despite not fully self-driving the vehicle, would on its own be worth $100,000.

Because, with regulatory approval, your self-driving Tesla would be able to go “work” as a taxi on your behalf. All you’d have to do is sit back and collect the cash.

But four years after Musk’s 2019 prediction, the average used Tesla Model 3 is selling for $29,000. And regulatory approval for “Full Self-Driving” has not arrived, either, as the company incrementally attempts to improve the software.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, March 3, 2024 3:45 PM


Yup. Have to argue Musk on that one.

Used EVs aren't worth shit, and once the batteries start going on them en masse, their pathetic used price value today is going to dwarf what they will go for in the future.

They're nothing but big goddamned future paperweights.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Wednesday, March 6, 2024 9:14 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Elon Musk is allegedly a fan of several psychoactive drugs. But according to the venerable Silicon Valley chronicler Kara Swisher, the vice proving most destructive to the SpaceX and Tesla CEO is a little less tangible than the others.

"The drug that's hurting Elon Musk is all his enablers, who suck up to him. And needing to be adored," Swisher recently told The Guardian when asked about the mercurial CEO's very public slide — mostly documented via X-formerly-Twitter, the platform he purchased for $44 billion in 2022 — into red-pilled conspiracyville. "That'll kill you."

"You could see him getting more and more radicalized," Swisher continued. "He suddenly got obsessed with the woke mind virus, whatever the hell that is, and angry all the time."

In other words, according to Swisher, a lack of accountability from those in his inner circle combined with a very obvious need for others to like him have led Musk — the world's richest man and arguably its most powerful unelected official — down a deeply destructive and conspiracy-laden road. And given Musk's immense real-world power, it's led to serious consequences for himself and his companies in turn. (Or, at least, as real as consequences might get for the richest person in history.)

Sycophant Symphony

Swisher certainly wouldn't be the first to call out Musk's penchant for surrounding himself with sycophants. In late 2022, shortly after Musk took over Twitter, the venture capitalist and longtime Musk pal Chris Sacca noted that he'd "recently watched those around him become increasingly sycophantic and opportunistic."

"Simply put, agreeing with him is easier," the investor added, "and there is more financial and social upside."

Not Angry, Just Disappointed

Swisher's comments to the Guardian were prompted by some statements she reportedly made about Musk in her newly-released book, titled "Burn Book." In the book, per the Guardian, Swisher says that Facebook founder and sword guy Mark Zuckerberg has been the "most damaging man in tech," while Musk has, to her, been the "most disappointing."

"Here's someone who actually was doing serious things," the journalist told the Guardian.
"There's a lot of people in Silicon Valley who are always doing a dry cleaning app. He was thinking of everything from cars to space to solar."

Indeed, Swisher's sentiment seems to capture why Musk's descent into red-pilled conspiracy-mongering has been so jarring. Musk has never been without his faults, but for a long time, his public image was one of a true visionary. But now, between his rampant antisemitism and racism, erratic antics, and otherwise disappointing behavior, his once-inspiring vision has never looked so clouded.

Download the free book from the mirrors at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, March 6, 2024 9:25 AM


Joe Biden*'s preferred drug of choice is adrenochrome. He'll settle for an ice cream cone though.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Wednesday, March 6, 2024 4:13 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Joe Biden*'s preferred drug of choice is adrenochrome. He'll settle for an ice cream cone though.

Prologue to Burn Book: A Tech Love Story by Kara Swisher

They were careless people, Tom and Daisy—they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.

If I had to pick the moment when it all went off the rails for the tech industry, I’d choose Saturday morning, December 10, 2016.

I got a tip: The crowned heads of Silicon Valley’s most powerful tech companies had been summoned to tromp into Manhattan’s Trump Tower and meet the man who had unexpectedly just been elected president and was the antithesis of all they supposedly represented.

“Skulk” was more like it. The only reason I was hearing about the tech summit was because one of tech’s top-tier players had not been invited due to his “liberal leanings” and “outspoken opposition” to President-Elect Donald Trump. The outcast called me in a lather.

“Sucking up to that corpulent loser who never met a business he didn’t drive straight into a wall, it’s shameful,” he said. “Can you believe it? Can you believe it?”

After decades of covering the nascent Internet industry from its birth, I could believe it. While my actual son filled me with pride, an increasing number of these once fresh-faced wunderkinds I had mostly rooted for now made me feel like a parent whose progeny had turned into, well, assholes.

My first call was to one of the potentates who was sometimes testy, often funny, and always accessible. Of everyone I had covered, I could count on Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk to engage with me on a semi-human basis. While Musk would morph later into a troll-king-at-scale on Twitter, which he would rename X, he was among the few tech titans who did not fall back on practiced talking points, even if perhaps he was the one who most should have.

So, what did Musk think of Trump’s invitation? The meeting had no stated agenda, which made it clear to me that it had nothing to do with policy and everything to do with a photo op.

“You shouldn’t go,” I warned him. “Trump’s going to screw you.”

Musk disagreed. He told me he would attend, adding that he had already joined a business council for the newly elected president, too. When I brought up Trump’s constant divisive fearmongering and campaign promises to unravel progress on issues ranging from immigration to gay rights, Musk dismissed the threats.

I can convince him, he assured me. I can influence him, he told me.

Apparently, Musk thought that his very presence would turn the fetid water into fine wine, since he had long considered himself more than just a man, but an icon and, on some days, a god. Good luck with that, I thought to myself as we hung up.

Download the free book from the mirrors at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, March 6, 2024 4:15 PM


"I didn't talk to any of the reporters. I've been a good boy. Gimme some ice cream. C'mon man!" ~Joe* Biden


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, March 19, 2024 6:54 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Elon Musk reveals why he takes ketamine, denies abusing the drug: ‘I should keep taking it’

Tesla CEO said he gets the drug via a prescription from a medical doctor to combat 'chemical tides'

By Melissa Rudy Fox News | Published March 18, 2024 8:42pm EDT

Musk also said that he obtains the ketamine via prescription from a medical doctor and that he does not abuse the drug. There can be risks, however, when it’s given in unsupervised circumstances. Patients should not self-medicate. Musk is self-medicating. Musk is always unsupervised. . . .

Self-medicating and Unsupervised Ketamine Deaths Like Matthew Perry’s Are Not Unheard-Of

The combination of Musk/Hot-tub/Ketamine would be an imaginable celebrity drowning death.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, March 19, 2024 12:38 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Elon Musk on Racism, Bailing Out Trump, Hate Speech, and More - The Don Lemon Show (Full Interview) | March 18, 2024

When life gives you Lemon, sack him

CNN veteran publishes Musk interview that got his X show canceled

By Richard Currie | Tue 19 Mar 2024 // 15:30 UTC

Last year, two high-profile American news anchors lost their jobs. This year, CNN's Don Lemon joined Fox News's Tucker Carlson with a new show on Elon Musk's X.

Only one of those presenters still has the slot, however, and somehow it's the credulous, slack-jawed goon who cheerfully signal-boosted Russian propaganda that won out.

The disintegration of Lemon's (unsigned) contract to host the show on X was widely reported last week, but the former CNN newsman has now published the fruits of his labor – and the reason why the deal was canned.

To be fair, a serious journalist should probably have known better than to sit down with Musk and expect the agreement to remain intact, yet the interview shows that while you can take a man out of CNN, it is considerably harder to take CNN out of a man.

On that note, Lemon's "wishlist" to have the show run on X was reported to include a "free Tesla Cybertruck, a $5 million upfront payment on top of an $8 million salary, an equity stake in the multibillion-dollar company, and the right to approve any changes in X policy as it relates to news content" – so maybe it was a joke after all. Lemon strenuously denies these claims, we should add.

All this blatant shit-flinging between Lemon and X forms the backdrop for a toe-curlingly uncomfortable watch, with Musk's face reddening like a child being rebuked by their principal as Lemon constantly pushed back against the narratives he weaves online.

Because while Carlson will lap up even the most outlandish statements from Musk's mouth like a malnourished kitten, Lemon, as most actual journalists would, took the opportunity to hold the overpowered tycoon to account, questioning his behavior and past statements.

You know, the good stuff that Tesla stockholders just love to hear about.

After some back and forth about whether Twitter (as was) was lefty or righty, Lemon's own perceived stance, Musk's relationship with Donald Trump, and some Tesla Roadster guff, the conversation took an awkward turn when Lemon drilled into Musk's ketamine prescription to treat an occasional "negative chemical state."

While it has a reputation as a "horse tranquilizer" in illicit transactions, ketamine is also known to have a fast-acting though transient effect on depression. The problem was Lemon implying that Musk was dissociating with heroic doses while posting his infamous hot takes on X.

He also prodded about whether such issues might get in the way of SpaceX's government contracts and his companies' standing on Wall Street. To which Musk said: "From the standpoint of Wall Street, what matters is execution ... For investors, if there's something I'm taking, I should keep taking it."

It was downhill from there. Lemon barreled through all the recent Musk issues of concern without flinching, from his supposed endorsement of the Great Replacement Theory, to X's increasingly hands-off approach to content moderation, diversity, trans rights, the "woke mind virus," and ending on a particular sore point for Musk – advertising on X.

With regard to the first thorn, Musk said: "Don, the only reason I'm doing this interview is because you're on the X platform, and you asked for it. Otherwise I would not do this interview."

On moderation, he suggested that Lemon "loves" censorship. "Moderation is a propaganda word for censorship ... If something's illegal, we're going to take it down. If it's not illegal then we're putting the thumb on the scale and we're being censors."

The best bit, though, was when Lemon took Musk to task for saying advertisers would kill the company. "But doesn't the buck stop with you?"

"Don ... choose your next question carefully, there's five minutes left."

Lemon pressed again. "I acquired X to protect freedom of speech in America, the First Amendment," the South African said, "and I'm going to stick to that. And if that means making less money, so be it."

Visibly agitated, Musk steered the rest of his answers toward his favorite talking points – population collapse, the future of civilization, blah blah blah – insisting that he is more interested in the reality of goodness than the perception of it.

Then he rushed off to a "room full of people" waiting for him. Lemon's agent later received a text: "Contract is canceled."

All of which is more proof that the free speech absolutist's commitment to free speech extends only as far as not being mean to him.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at




JAYNEZTOWN 10.17 05:05


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