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As Palestinians pushes for statehood, Israel finds itself more isolated
Sunday, October 15, 2023 12:59 PM
Quote:Originally posted by second: Quote:Originally posted by 6ixStringJack: Agreed. But no more immigrants, legal or otherwise, no matter where they come from. I'm not saying never again, but at least until we finally start making this country work for the legal citizens again. We're broke and we're broken. We don't need anybody else in here taking the dwindling resources.This country already works well, but not for people who are financial ignoramuses. The article that explains what you need to learn so that your life works well is "I Saw Thousands of Bank Account Details as a Teller. It Taught Me 3 Lessons Millions Never Learn." In the title, the word Millions should be replaced with 200 Million to make the size of the problem clearer. After all, it's not just about what you earn, it's also about what you keep. And from my time as a teller, those who employed these three principles were those who were the most well-off -- not just in terms of financial well-being, but also in terms of happiness and general well-being. Because when you don't have the burden of immense financial stress, you have something everyone wants and the overarching goal of having money: financial freedom. Then there is "My in-laws are terrible with money. What should I do?" Start talking to your husband, right now, about what youâre going to say when your in-laws ask to live with you. Given the current housing market, itâs a much more likely scenario than the one in which they travel the world. The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at
Quote:Originally posted by 6ixStringJack: Agreed. But no more immigrants, legal or otherwise, no matter where they come from. I'm not saying never again, but at least until we finally start making this country work for the legal citizens again. We're broke and we're broken. We don't need anybody else in here taking the dwindling resources.
Sunday, October 15, 2023 1:00 PM
Sunday, October 15, 2023 3:16 PM
I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.
Quote: Arnaud Bertrand - How Israel Stepped Into A Trap by Arnaud Bertrand (Republished with the author's permission) One of the more interesting arguments I've been seeing A LOT on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is: "Hamas undoubtedly predicted Israel's massive retaliation, that makes them all the more guilty for sacrificing Palestinian lives". What people don't realize is that the fact this reaction - the massive collective punishment - was indeed immensely predictable says just as much about Israel than it does about Hamas. It says a lot about Israel for 3 reasons. 1) It says a lot about Israel's image that it was expected to react with massive collective punishment, violating international law. 2) It also says a lot about Israel's inability to think strategically that it would react in exactly the way its adversary predicted it to. Revenge is not a strategy, in fact it is the opposite of strategic. And, lastly 3) it says a lot that Israel doesn't seem to have learned a thing from the US's immense mistakes in its post 9-11 response. Yes, of course, it also says a lot about Hamas, because they knew their actions would undoubtedly cause untold suffering on their own people (on top of the suffering they caused with the attacks). No question there. This looks to be, unfortunately, a competition for whom can gain the most sympathy from the outside world for their suffering. And from where I am standing, Israel is losing big time by playing into the hand of its adversary. Even Europe - Europe! - is on the verge today of breaking ranks with a full-on revolt at the highest levels of the bureaucracy against Von Der Leyen for her unqualified support for Israel. This is on top of renewed support for the Palestinian cause by the Muslim world, and generally the entire global South (with the notable exception of India, who pretty much runs on Islamophobia today under Modi). I'm going to go out on a limb here and hypothesize that this was Hamas, as an organization, committing suicide for the Palestinian cause. Hamas undoubtedly won't survive this, it's pretty clear. And sadly thousands of innocent lives will be lost. But they've focused the entire global conversation on their topic and Israel's reaction is making Palestinians win the sympathy war. What should Israel have done instead? Well, they should have recognized which war Hamas was baiting them into. Not a war against them per se, but a war for hearts and minds. They missed the forest for the trees. Which is stunning because they started with the upper hand, by far. They could have used the initial attacks to rally immense support, declare a period of mourning, unify much of the world around the just cause of not killing innocent civilians. Instead, they started doing so in turn, on an even grander scale: so far they've killed 614 children and 370 women. It's an unfathomable and immensely consequential mistake. This war also reveals something interesting, and I'll end with this. It reveals how much power and influence the wider West has lost in driving the global conversation. Remember post 9-11, when the US had much the same overaction as Israel today by invading Afghanistan? At the time we didn't hear any significant opposition. It was there for sure but it was inaudible. Today by contrast it is so overwhelming that even Europe - Europe! - feels compelled to dissent. Which of course they'd never do out of pure morality, they do so because they have their back against the wall, in their words they "don't want to lose the global South", which wasn't even remotely a factor back in 2001. Heck we just saw that the US asked China - China! - to "use its influence to push for calm in the Middle-East": this would have been absolutely unthinkable 22 years ago, what better proof that they themselves lost their influence? Influence ironically lost for the very reason that they overreacted 22 years ago: how ironical that they'd ask for China's help today in supporting yet another overaction, they really can't help themselves ...
Sunday, October 15, 2023 3:22 PM
Quote: Israel-Hamas War Latest: Israeli Troops Amass At Border As Iran Warns It Will Intervene If Ground Offensive Launched After giving the northern Gaza strip an evacuation ultimatum on Friday, Israel has so far withheld from launching a "significant" ground operation, with some speculating that requests from the US to evacuate all US citizens out of Palestine ahead of the invasion is what is holding Israel back. Meanwhile, Iranâs foreign minister on Saturday said that if Israeli âwar crimes & genocideâ are not stopped, the war might expand to other parts of the Middle East if Hezbollah joins the battle, and that would make Israel suffer âa huge earthquake.â Meanwhile, Axios reported that Tehran has sent Jerusalem a message through the UN that it will intervene if the campaign in Gaza continues, and particularly if it launches a ground offensive.
Quote:Scoop: Iran warns Israel through UN against ground offensive in Gaza
Sunday, October 15, 2023 4:21 PM
The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at
Quote:Originally posted by 6ixStringJack: And you really need to stop posting Pro-Palestinian propaganda.
Sunday, October 15, 2023 4:28 PM
Quote:Originally posted by 6ixStringJack: Fuck you dude. Who do you think you're talking to? The guy who hasn't worked for 4.5 years, that's who. I'm in a much better position than most. It doesn't change the fact that my money only buys 70% of what it did just 3 years ago. Democrats are responsible for this.
Sunday, October 15, 2023 7:53 PM
Quote:Originally posted by second: Quote:Originally posted by 6ixStringJack: Fuck you dude. Who do you think you're talking to? The guy who hasn't worked for 4.5 years, that's who. I'm in a much better position than most. It doesn't change the fact that my money only buys 70% of what it did just 3 years ago. Democrats are responsible for this.I have never known angry poor white trash who understood inflation, except for you, assuming you know what you think you know.
Quote:One way to calculate inflation is by postage stamp prices
Quote:April 10, 2016 All U.S., 1st oz. 47 cents January 20, 2017 Trump Inaugurated January 22, 2017 All U.S., 1st oz. 49 cents January 21, 2018 All U.S., 1st oz. 50 cents January 27, 2019 All U.S., 1st oz. 55 cents January 20, 2021 Biden Inaugurated August 29, 2021 All U.S., 1st oz. 58 cents July 10, 2022 All U.S., 1st oz. 60 cents January 22, 2023 All U.S., 1st oz. 63 cents July 9, 2023 All U.S., 1st oz. 66 cents 55/47=1.17 or Trump Inflation 17% 66/55=1.20 or Biden Inflation 20%
Quote:Another way to calculate inflation is with the inflation calculator The total inflation rate from Jan. 2017 to Jan. 2021 is 7.72%. The total inflation rate from Jan. 2021 to Sep. 2023 is 17.66%.
Sunday, October 15, 2023 7:55 PM
Quote: Rand Paula On Israel-Palestine: "I'm Not Really For Funding Either Side"
Tuesday, October 17, 2023 8:25 AM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: But since the biggest recipient of foreign aid is... wait for it ... ISRAEL! ...I guess Israel would take the biggest hit.
Tuesday, October 17, 2023 1:28 PM
Tuesday, October 17, 2023 1:42 PM
Tuesday, October 17, 2023 3:11 PM
Quote:Originally posted by 6ixStringJack: If we did what Israel is doing now when GWB was President, the wars in the middle east would have lasted 1 week tops and there wouldn't have been another war since. No US money to Israel, but I hope they bomb out the entire region and bring the Muslim population down to something much more manageable. Europe needs to be kicking them all out starting now. We should be doing so as well. -------------------------------------------------- Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.
Tuesday, October 17, 2023 6:29 PM
Tuesday, October 17, 2023 6:48 PM
Tuesday, October 17, 2023 7:34 PM
Tuesday, October 17, 2023 7:48 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: BTW, I know what's happening here: Trump loves Israel so you do, too. And since Trump loves Israel, SECOND is reflexively pro-Palestinian. I expect that kind of knee-jerk partisanship from SECOND, but not from you. Trump is wrong about Israel. Hes wrong about Iran too.
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 12:24 AM
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 10:46 AM
Quote:Originally posted by 6ixStringJack: I'm just at a loss to explain the Democrat mindset in 2023. Watching them all come out and attack the Jews is just about the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life. I'd love to have Nilbog and Second's alternative handle Reaverfan here just to see what they'd be saying right now in that alternate timeline.
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 11:52 AM
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 12:51 PM
Quote:Originally posted by 6ixStringJack: I'm just at a loss to explain the Democrat mindset in 2023. Watching them all come out and attack the Jews is just about the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life. I'd love to have Nilbog and Second's alternative handle Reaverfan here just to see what they'd be saying right now in that alternate timeline. -------------------------------------------------- Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 1:33 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: Set aside your conditioning for a moment, that Israel is our "friend" in the Middle East and that Muslims are head-chopping jihadists. Bc, yanno, that's all you're allowed to see in the M$M.
Quote:Even tho most Muslims aren't terrorists, I find their religion distateful and their treatment of women abhorrent. And those that are terrorists are amoral scum.
Quote:The only time to get involved is when USA SECURITY is involved... and better border controls would go a long, long way to solving OUR security problem. Just as France has to solve ITS security problem, and Sweden has to solve ITS security problem... and Israel has to solve ITS security problem. How about we just keep our fingers out of everyone else's business and mind our own?
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 1:53 PM
Quote: No US money to Israel, but I hope they bomb out the entire region and bring the Muslim population down to something much more manageable.
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 2:40 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: How about we just keep our fingers out of everyone else's business and mind our own?
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 3:21 PM
Quote:Originally posted by second: Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: How about we just keep our fingers out of everyone else's business and mind our own? If the US had kept its fingers to itself, South Korea would be part of North Korea, or North & South Korea & Manchuria would be part of Japan, or the European Union would be either all German or all Russian, but whichever way WWII went in this counterfactual world, jolly old England wouldn't be English anymore. The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 5:17 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: And...??? So what?
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 6:43 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: Quote: No US money to Israel, but I hope they bomb out the entire region and bring the Muslim population down to something much more manageable. a) GWB didn't solve anything. He just made a clusterfuck of great smoking ruins crawling with even more jihadists. b) Israel doing the same won't solve anything either. That's where we disagree.
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 7:31 PM
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 7:35 PM
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 9:57 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: And...??? So what? SECOND: In so few words, Signym, you gave away what is wrong with you and I didn't even need to torture you to reveal your true nature. For example: if North Korea (created by Russia) was in control of all of Korea, there would not be a South Korea. That sounds obvious, right? But there is a huge difference between North and South Korea, a country that only exists because the US kept it in existence after the fission or mitosis of one country. The US stuck its fingers into somebody else's business, Russia's business of building a puppet country in Asia.
Quote: SECOND: According to North Korea, they are the nearly perfect half of blah blah blah.. Russia RUSSIA! RUSSIA! blah blah blah...
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 11:02 PM
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 11:46 PM
Quote: West's Pro-Israel Position Accelerates Its Loss Of Power Western media start to note how their politicians' unwavering support for Israel and Ukraine is diminishing their countries' global standing. At Naked Capitalism Yves Smith notes the devastating political effects of the Gaza bombing on Biden's foreign policies: Quote: Biden Gets Zelensky Treatment in Middle East as Israel Tries to Escalate The US, in a continued demonstration of the degree of enbubblement of what passes for its leadership, seems to believe it still has the force and soft power to be able to bully talk its way out of its geopolitical messes. Yet this week we have stunning examples of how critical players in the rest to the world no longer buy what the US is selling. The gap between the American establishmentâs connection to reality and facts on the ground has opened up to a yawning chasm as the Arab world, as Jordan cancelled a Biden summit with its King Abduallah II plus PLO chief Mahmoud Abbas and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi in response to Israelâs shelling of Al-Ahli Arab hospital. Not only are they rejecting the attempt to shift blame for the attack to Hamas (weâll soon address the ârogue shellâ claim), but also the bigger pretense behind that, that the US is incapable of, as opposed to unwilling to, applying the choke chain to Israel. Even the Western media are not much on board with the Israeli and Biden Administration pretense that somehow Hamas dunnit, when Israel has been trying to herd Palestinians out of northern Gaza and specifically attempted to order the evacuation of the hospital. Oh, and this follows Israel ordering the UN to evacuate from Gaza in 24 hours and then shelling its warehouse there
Quote: Biden Gets Zelensky Treatment in Middle East as Israel Tries to Escalate The US, in a continued demonstration of the degree of enbubblement of what passes for its leadership, seems to believe it still has the force and soft power to be able to bully talk its way out of its geopolitical messes. Yet this week we have stunning examples of how critical players in the rest to the world no longer buy what the US is selling. The gap between the American establishmentâs connection to reality and facts on the ground has opened up to a yawning chasm as the Arab world, as Jordan cancelled a Biden summit with its King Abduallah II plus PLO chief Mahmoud Abbas and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi in response to Israelâs shelling of Al-Ahli Arab hospital. Not only are they rejecting the attempt to shift blame for the attack to Hamas (weâll soon address the ârogue shellâ claim), but also the bigger pretense behind that, that the US is incapable of, as opposed to unwilling to, applying the choke chain to Israel. Even the Western media are not much on board with the Israeli and Biden Administration pretense that somehow Hamas dunnit, when Israel has been trying to herd Palestinians out of northern Gaza and specifically attempted to order the evacuation of the hospital. Oh, and this follows Israel ordering the UN to evacuate from Gaza in 24 hours and then shelling its warehouse there
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 11:49 PM
Quote:Originally posted by 6ixStringJack: Palestinians are sub-human Muslims and have the same rights that cattle have. -------------------------------------------------- Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.
Thursday, October 19, 2023 1:14 AM
Thursday, October 19, 2023 2:09 AM
Thursday, October 19, 2023 6:41 AM
Quote: Libbre David 37 To communicate anything to a goyim about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly. Baba Mezia 114b The goyim are not humans. They are beasts. Sanhedrin 57a . A Jew need not pay a goyim the wages owed him for work. Abodah Zarah 36b. Goyim girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth. âJehovah created the goyim in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The goyim is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night." --Midrasch Talpioth, p. 225-Lâ
Thursday, October 19, 2023 7:16 AM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: And...??? So what? SECOND: In so few words, Signym, you gave away what is wrong with you and I didn't even need to torture you to reveal your true nature. For example: if North Korea (created by Russia) was in control of all of Korea, there would not be a South Korea. That sounds obvious, right? But there is a huge difference between North and South Korea, a country that only exists because the US kept it in existence after the fission or mitosis of one country. The US stuck its fingers into somebody else's business, Russia's business of building a puppet country in Asia. what? Aside from constantly invoking your bete noir (RUSSIA! RUSSIA!) do you have any security reasons for us to involve ourselves on Asia's east coast? Resources we must have? Trade routes that we need to protect? Quote: SECOND: According to North Korea, they are the nearly perfect half of blah blah blah.. Russia RUSSIA! RUSSIA! blah blah blah... HINT: Russia's over there. We're over here. These wars are just as pointless as Vietnam. We thank you for your service. /snark
Thursday, October 19, 2023 7:21 AM
Thursday, October 19, 2023 7:58 AM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: And...??? So what? SECOND: In so few words, Signym, you gave away what is wrong with you and I didn't even need to torture you to reveal your true nature. For example: if North Korea (created by Russia) was in control of all of Korea, there would not be a South Korea. That sounds obvious, right? But there is a huge difference between North and South Korea, a country that only exists because the US kept it in existence after the fission or mitosis of one country. The US stuck its fingers into somebody else's business, Russia's business of building a puppet country in Asia. SIGNY: what? Aside from constantly invoking your bete noir (RUSSIA! RUSSIA!) do you have any security reasons for us to involve ourselves on Asia's east coast? Resources we must have? Trade routes that we need to protect? SECOND: According to North Korea, they are the nearly perfect half of blah blah blah.. Russia RUSSIA! RUSSIA! blah blah blah... SIGNY: HINT: Russia's over there. We're over here. These wars are just as pointless as Vietnam. We thank you for your service. /snark SECOND: Signym, you know what? I know why you support Putin and Trump, two billionaires who lied, cheated, and swindled to acquire their wealth, just as I know why Russia and North Korea are backward countries with nukes they believably threaten people with because both have a recent history of murdering tens of millions of their own citizens, murders that Signym denies happened. Signym, there is an overabundance of people like you. It is completely unsurprising what happens to your kind: a series of misfortunes, illnesses, feuds, disagreements, bitterness, the whole gamut of disappointment caused by your misunderstanding the world, despite your firm belief you are mentally superior. Signym, what happens to you is not normal, but I have never seen one of your kind ever grasp their situation as it actually is and change their ways of living, no matter how many times reality kicks the shit out of them.
Thursday, October 19, 2023 8:01 AM
Quote:Originally posted by 6ixStringJack: I don't recognize hate speech as a legitimate thing. It's made up Democrat words used to stifle freedom of speech. I'm free to hate anybody that I want to hate, and I absolutely loathe anybody who identifies as Muslim, no matter what race they are. -------------------------------------------------- Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.
Thursday, October 19, 2023 8:32 AM
Quote:Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN: That other crazy book, not jihadi islamist another religion The Hebrew Bible and Babylon Talmud? Goyim the Cattle even Obama hung around with nutty Jew types Chabad sometimes openly teaches that âthe soul of the Jew is different than the soul of the non-Jew,â Schneersonâs specific teachings on this subject are largely unknown. Quite likely very few Americans, both Jews and non-Jews, are aware of Schneersonâs teachings about the alleged deep differences between them â and about how these teachings are applied in the West Bank and Gaza. The Talmud Quote: Libbre David 37 To communicate anything to a goyim about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly. Baba Mezia 114b The goyim are not humans. They are beasts. Sanhedrin 57a . A Jew need not pay a goyim the wages owed him for work. Abodah Zarah 36b. Goyim girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth. âJehovah created the goyim in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The goyim is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night." --Midrasch Talpioth, p. 225-Lâ Aid trucks wait at Egypt's border with war-torn Gaza after deal Biden: Egypt agrees to allow aid into Gaza
Thursday, October 19, 2023 9:20 AM
Quote:Palestinians are sub-human Muslims and have the same rights that cattle have
Friday, October 20, 2023 3:20 AM
Quote: New Rocket Attacks In Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen Suggest Prospect For Regional Conflagration Growing ... it was widely reported that the IDF has been given the green light by the Netanyahu government to go into the Gaza Strip. There are also emerging reports that an Orthodox Church in Gaza has suffered attack by an Israeli strike, via Times of Israel... JUST IN: Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered fighter jets with hypersonic missiles to patrol the Black Sea in response to the chaos in the Middle East... Putin reportedly ordered MiG-31 aircraft armed with Kinzhal missiles. The Kinzhal missiles have a range of "more than 1,000 kilometers at a speed of Mach 9." "This is not a threat, but we will exercise visual control, control with weapons over what is happening in the Mediterranean Sea,â Putin said. The move comes after the United States sent multiple carrier strike groups near Israel.
Quote: Two drones targeted a base in western Iraq used by U.S. forces, and one drone targeted a base in northern Iraq.
Quote: On Thursday, several drones and rockets also targeted US troops locations in Deir Ezzor Syria and Al-Tanf.
Quote: According to geopolitical analyst Jason Brodsky, this means Iranian-backed 'resistance' movements are achieving "unification of the fronts: first Gaza, then skirmishes from Hezbollah [Lebanon], Iraq, Syria, now Yemen."
Quote: In the overnight hours, exchanges of fire between the Syrian Army or paramilitaries and Israel were observed in the south. "Sounds of explosions rang out in the province of Quneitra after an Israeli strike against a Syrian army position," said a regional monitor.
Friday, October 20, 2023 11:32 AM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: Yep, there we are: just can't leave anybody alone, can we?
Quote:The international community must rise to the occasion and act to end economic complicity and moral complacency. Failure to do so will only embolden the Chinese government and ensure that the Uyghur people continue to suffer in silence. The time for action on genocide is always now.
Friday, October 20, 2023 2:19 PM
Quote: Biden Urges Americans Not To Let Dangerous Online Rhetoric Humanize Palestinians WASHINGTONâUpon returning from his brief diplomatic trip to the Middle East, President Joe Biden urged the nation Thursday not to let dangerous online rhetoric humanize Palestinians. âAs the war between Israel and Hamas rages on, I urge my fellow Americans to remain vigilant, and not fall for any false propaganda that claims people living in Gaza and the West Bank are worthy of human life,â said the 46th president, adding that since the war had begun, U.S. intelligence had discovered countless bad actors flooding the internet with reports that many Palestinians were mothers, fathers, and children who were not terrorists and did not deserve to be trapped without food, water, or fuel while being carpet-bombed into submission. âIf you hear a Palestinian being described with terminology like âson,â âdaughter,â or âin desperate need of medical attention,â then you should be aware that what you are reading has been specifically designed to stoke empathy.â At press time, Biden added that Americans should also avoid dangerous propaganda that wrongly asserts the billions of dollars in military aid the United States has sent to Israel could be spent on things like healthcare, education, or alleviating poverty at home.
Saturday, October 21, 2023 12:06 AM
Quote: After Weighing the Evidence, Israel Appears Responsible for the Bombing of the Al-AHLI Hospital 20 October 2023 by Larry Johnson 28 Comments Al-Ahli Hospital Parking area I donât think this post will make anyone happy and will certainly stir up criticism. I have been looking at the photographic evidence and listening to the audio of the missile impact/blast. Please understand that I am neither anti-Israel or pro-Israel. Ditto for Palestinians. Put me in the category of someone who thinks the Israelis and Palestinians deserve a chance to live in peace and security and should not be killing or oppressing each other. I am now ready to offer my opinion. I believe the hospital parking area was struck by an Israeli munition, most likely a Hellfire launched from a drone. A friend with expertise in this area passed this on: An MQ-9 carrying thermobaric versions of the hellfire missile (something weâve supplied to Israel) is very possible. That particular version of the missile (AGM-114N) provides a particularly nasty thermobaric/incendiary blast that was originally designed to be skipped/or detonated at the mouth of a cave opening and burn out all the oxygen (suffocating the inhabitants further down the tunnel). My leading theory? Israel might have thought there was a Hamas tunnel system in the area and was taking a shot. That impact crater fits. Why do I dismiss the charge that Hamas was responsible? Please look and listen to the footage of the blast: I have searched the web and cannot find a single example of Hamas launching a weapon with this sound and blast signature against Israel during the past ten years. If you can find one, please let me know. I will stand corrected. The rockets Hamas routinely fires at Israel are not precision guided projectiles and they are not accelerating beyond the speed of gravity as they fall towards the earth with a great âWhooshingâ sound. More importantly, the Hamas âwarheadsâ are relatively small and have not caused mass casualties in Israel comparable to what was seen at Al-Ahli Hospital. Some have suggested, wrongly, that it was an MK-84 bomb (a 2000 pound monster). Look at this and judge for yourself. As you can see for yourself, any of the MK variants would have left an enormous crater in the parking lot. There is no big crater. Israel did itself no favors yesterday (Thursday) in trying to distance itself from the Hospital bombing when it attacked part of the Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Porphyrius, an important historical and religious landmark. According to the Wall Street Journal, the Israeli military confirmed it bombed the church. Hamas supporters merely point to the attack on Saint Porphyrius as more proof that this is Israelâs standard operating procedure. The church bomb killed 17, which included some children, and wounded dozens. Israel justified the attack: Explaining the damage done to the church, the IDF stressed that âHamas intentionally embeds its assets in civilian areas and uses the residents of the Gaza Strip as human shieldsâ. Which raises an interesting point about double-standards. If Russia attacked a church in Ukraine and killed children, women and disabled people, it would be rightly condemned for committing a war crime. What galls the Arab and Muslim world is that there is no similar outcry from the West, especially America. There is some good news. Groups of Jews and Palestinian supporters have joined together to protest the actions of Netanyahuâs Government. While these protests are small, it is a hopeful sign that Jews and Palestinians can come together a call for a peaceful solution. However, Israel is still pursuing a more âcowbellâ strategy. Then there is Ukraine. The delusion continues. Ray McGovern and I discuss the latest with Judge Napolitano:
Saturday, October 21, 2023 10:31 AM
Saturday, October 21, 2023 11:26 AM
Quote:Originally posted by second: âMutiny Brewingâ Inside State Department Over Israel-Palestine Policy
Quote:Staffers are preparing to formally express their opposition to President Joe Biden's approach. The dissent channel was established amid deep internal conflict during the Vietnam War, and diplomats have since then used it to warn that the U.S. is making dangerous and self-defeating choices abroad.
Quote:Fighting has killed more than 4,000 people, and Israel is preparing a ground invasion of Gaza that is expected to claim tens of thousands of additional lives.
Saturday, October 21, 2023 5:11 PM
Quote:Originally posted by 6ixStringJack: Quote:Originally posted by second: âMutiny Brewingâ Inside State Department Over Israel-Palestine Policy The State Department? Try the entire Democratic Party.
Quote:For years, left-wing intellectuals have treated âintersectionalityâ as an inevitability. The social theory, which holds that all oppressed peoples must join together to overthrow their common oppressor, has been an essential strategy of the Left. There is some truth to this theory. When the fortunes of the Left are rising, intersectionality seems like a juggernaut: identity groups get aggregated into the mass, internal conflicts are subordinated to the cause of liberation, and a policy of âno enemies to the leftâ shifts political life in favor of the radicals. But the aura of inevitability surrounding the intersectional coalition is an illusion; moments of crisis can bring suppressed contradictions to the surface and begin a process of fragmentation. The recent Hamas terror campaign against Israel might become such a crisis. Following the attack, the foot soldiers of intersectionalityâmost notably, Black Lives Matter (BLM), the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), and the academic âdecolonizationâ movementâcelebrated the militants who murdered civilians, raped women, and butchered babies. BLMâs Chicago chapter published a graphic lionizing the Hamas paraglider terrorists who killed innocents. The DSA blamed Israel for the terror attack against it, arguing that it was the âdirect result of Israelâs apartheid regime.â Ivy League professors with expertise in âdecolonizationâ called it a âstunning victoryâ and said that âPalestinians have every right to resist through armed struggle.â
Sunday, October 22, 2023 9:13 AM
Sunday, October 22, 2023 9:16 AM
Quote:Originally posted by second: Jordanâs King Abdullah: International law loses all value if it is implemented selectively