In the garden, and RAIN!!! (2)

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Friday, November 17, 2023 4:22 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Out for my walk on a sunny day but I would imagine cold. I really have to dig out some gloves for myself. Computer temp reads 0c. There is a call for rain tomorrow.

Need to pick up some light things when I am out.


But at 0C, won't you be getting snow, not rain? Or is it going to warm up tomorrow?

After fighting over the summer comforter for a few nights last week we got the winter comforter out. Also, I turned on the heat. It's set to 65F (18C) just so it doesn't get beastly cold indoors. I'll be anxious to see the gas bill!

We got our first rainfall of the season a couple of days ago: a respectable 3/4". Showers tomorrow? As you say: We shall see.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM

It will mean a warm up tomorrow, probably to around 2C.


Friday, November 17, 2023 7:27 PM


I cased out both of the windows in my living room today, got them caulked and spackled too.

I also put the first of 6 pieces I'm putting up to case out my stairway(s).

All that trim I got back in November of 2019 for essentially free on clearance, paying for it with a new credit card that gave me $250 cash back. I ended up having all the trim for my 1st and 2nd floors and the porch, and I walked away with $50 out of the deal. That was $2,000 worth of trim for free.

There's only four 7 1/2 foot pieces, one 10 1/2 foot piece and two pieces of quarter round left.

It took me 4 years to finally get it all up, but hopefully I'll be done with it before December and we don't make our way into year 5.

I've moved that stuff in and out of my house so many times now it's silly. It's so nice to finally have them glued up on the walls where they belong.

I'll do pics soon. I want to trim out that staircase first, and maybe trim out the other side of the overlook too.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Saturday, November 18, 2023 9:03 AM


I didn't see you replied last night since we moved to the next page Sigs...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
You didn't miss the autoimmune issue bc I didn't post about it.

I don't blame you. Welcome to the club of Second posting that all over the boards in lieu of an actual thought out reply.


It's at the level of a minor annoyance. I brought it up with my nephrologist and he ran a bunch of tests and ruled out lupus as a cause of my kidney issues.

I'm not much concerned about that, altho I keep an eye on it. Lupus and Sjogren's are treated with the same meds. I did my homework.

My issue is I suspect they're missing something else. I'm always second-guessing my doctors bc of the way they missed our daughter's dx for years. I had to dx her myself. (Not that it did any good, bc there weren"t any treatments for that rare syndrome.) But I learned a long time ago that nobody has a vested interest in solving a health problem like you do.

I often wonder about that myself. Sure... What we're doing right now on my end seems to be working, but since we have no idea how it happened in the first place is the current treatment going to keep working if what I'm dealing with today is just a symptom of something even worse going on?

I can't spend too much time dwelling on that possibility though. They don't seem to be concerned about getting to the bottom of this, and I'm not going to spend a fortune trying to figure that out myself either. I guess I'll just worry about it if things ever go south again and trust that they know what they're doing.

Fingers crossed all around.



Don't worry SIX. I tread a fine line between working with my doctors and annoying the hell out of them.


Good to hear it.


Oh, immune compromised v autoimmunity.

Immune systems are supposed to tackle viruses, bacteria, fungus/yeast, foreign proteins (ie allergens) and abnormal cells like cancer. If you are IMMUNE COMPROMISED it means your immune system, for whatever reason, isn't recognizing and destroying all those foreign "non self" elements, and you get sick and/or cancer more often than someone whose immune system is functioning properly. There are people born with compromised immune systems: "immune deficiency syndrome". If you want to read more about it try searching for "bubble boy".

AUTOIMMUNITY just means that that powerful destructive system that is your immune system gets confused and mistakenly attacks your own cells. Usally bc there is a similarity between the protein that it's attacking and a protein in your own body. For example, some people who react to gluten wind up attacking their own thyroids and wind up with Hashimoto's encepahlitis or Hashimoto's thyroiditis (or both). Back when I was participating in a neurowebforum I actually dxd someone online with Hashimoto's encepahlitis and she wound up getting the treatment she needed.

ALLERGIES are when part of your immune system goes haywire and attacks harmless foreign proteins like pollen and cat dander.

Some unfortunate sods are both immune compromosed AND have autoimmunity (AND allergies)! In othet words, their immune systems aren't functioning very well in disabling bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, etc., but the part that is working iz busy attacking the wrong thing!

Anyway, there are literally dozens of components to the immune system: white blood cells of various kinds, globulins, cytokines and chemokines, interleukins and antibodies, steroids, MAST cells etc. The only thing I know about the immune system is that I don't know much about it.

Okay. Thanks for that explanation.

This is where my confusion came in. I didn't intend for you to out yourself and your own autoimmune issues.

But when you said that you didn't have any immune compromised issues that you knew about and I said don't discount the possibility of having an autoimmune disorder until they investigate... and then you came right back the next day and said that you did have autoimmune issues I thought you'd just gotten a diagnosis in between those posts.


We know I have allergic reactions now too. I had nasty hives not once, but twice on amoxicillin now.

I wonder if there's a link to my autoimmune issue there? Up until about 3 years ago or so (whenever I had that first breakout) I'd never had a bad response to amoxicillin or any other drug or food. Hell... Even doing yardwork these past few years has become annoying because sometimes my eyes will water and I'll be sneezing, and that never happened before either.

So I've got 2 out of 3 myself right now. Fingers crossed I'm not immune compromised on top of it.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Saturday, November 18, 2023 9:10 AM



Up and at 'em early 2 days in a row. I think I finally got back on a more reasonable sleep schedule now that I'm doing work that is better done during daylight and you don't get a whole lot done if you're starting at noon and the sun is down by 4:30PM.

The itinerary for today is to case out the stairwell and caulk and spackle it. If I don't get to any final paint today I want to at least sand down all the spackle so I can start cleaning everything in earnest. Even though I've got the miter saw in the basement, dust has made its way upstairs because the heat is on.

It turns out that I can't actually finish the other side of the overlook in the basement too, because I don't know what my final banister solution for the staircases is going to be yet. Currently, the cast-iron BS banister going into the basement is bolted into the wall on that side and would be in the way of the left piece of trim.

I'd still like to get the right side and the top piece cut and installed, and cut out that left piece for whenever I get around to all of that in the future. I won't be completely done with cutting at that point because I think I want to build out the rest of the overlook sooner than later, but at least all of my trim will be cut and up minus the one piece by the banister and I can caulk and spackle everything and be done with all of that dust in the house.

*ETA: Nah... I won't be installing that super long piece on the other side of the overlook until both side pieces are installed. My miter saw is off just a hair and doesn't make perfect miters so the top pieces require a bit of adjustment freehand once I see what I'm working with, and I leave enough play on at least one side before nailing things down so I can make small tweaks. My current saw is fine for trim that is caulked and painted and nobody would ever be able to tell everything wasn't cut perfectly when they're done, but there's no way I could do work on stained wood trim that wasn't getting caulked. I can't be stupid here and rush something just to say it's done and leave myself with a problem down the road. I'll cut the pieces for the basement side of the overlook close to the final measurement and put it to the side for now.

I don't know when I'll get to the banisters. It might happen this winter, but I've never built anything like that before and I have to do a lot of research on it first. That's going to be a ton more dust if I do it in the house, so it's not the end of the world if it doesn't happen until Spring.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Saturday, November 18, 2023 1:13 PM


Laundry day for me then a walk on a bright sunny day. 7C right now which is a balmy 44F. Not bad for the middle of November.


Saturday, November 18, 2023 2:16 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SIX, not knowing exactly what kind of banister situation you're working with, I thought Id pass along what I've seen done:

A wood ... er ... kind of cover over an iron handrail, since the ironwork was solidly mounted. It looked great. Not sure if it would work for you tho.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Saturday, November 18, 2023 5:01 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
SIX, not knowing exactly what kind of banister situation you're working with, I thought Id pass along what I've seen done:

A wood ... er ... kind of cover over an iron handrail, since the ironwork was solidly mounted. It looked great. Not sure if it would work for you tho.

I already threw out the iron banister going upstairs years and years ago when I was sanding the 2nd floor and the stairs so I could restain them. I haven't had a banister going upstairs for about 11 years now.

It's against code and extremely unsafe.

I'll figure something out. I need to look at pictures online and see what kind of style I want before I put my own touches on it.

I trimmed out the stairwell and it looks FANTASTIC.

I spackled it and I caulked the reveal, but I didn't caulk the quarter round behind it to the wall yet. That's a heavy job and I don't feel like doing anything else today.

I didn't do anything on the basement side of the overlook yet either. I'm probably just going to work on that after I get the banisters built.

So I vacced everything up and started putting my tools away. All I'll need out for the time being is my sandpaper and sponges, the caulk gun, the shop vac and my painting tools.

Time for a shower so I can run some errands.

I'll have pics up soonish. I may not post them until I've sanded now the spackle and put the final coat of paint on everything.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Saturday, November 18, 2023 5:06 PM


Laundry done and back from my walk. Sitting down and my corner of BC has made it up to 11C which is 52F.

Now we see if the rain arrives. The weather last night was talking about wind and so some ferries could have been cancelled this morning.


Sunday, November 19, 2023 8:50 AM


I decided I'm not doing much today. I'm actually super busy this week through Thanksgiving, so I'm giving myself a day off.

But I figured I'd take some time to do some more pictures.

Here's the windows in the living room...

It's hard to tell because of the darkness of the pic, but the walls in my living room for over 10 years were yellow and this was the Puke Green accent wall.

Those vertical blinds are ridiculously expensive, so even though this was a cheaper unit I'm sure it cost far more than it was worth. They were gross when I bought the place, and I only cleaned them the one time when I first got around to it, which probably took off any bacterial stuff but did very little to make them look clean. About 5 of the flaps wouldn't turn, so whenever you opened or closed them you had to do the Vanna White thing and flip the broken ones manually.

I did try to give them away to my friend who was selling his house, and he was interested when I told him, but once he saw them he said "throw that shit in the trash where it belongs".

Ah... Here's the Puke Green and yellow I was talking about. Tons of wall damage all around in the living room.

None of the windows in this house had any trim put up. Just basic window sills that had a ton of paint on them. I ripped out the ones on the 2nd floor and ended up having to build my own back around 2019 or so and decided I didn't want to go to all that trouble this time and I'd just extend them.

Ahhhhhhhh.... Much better.

This was the other grey I mentioned. It's slightly lighter than the grey in the kitchen. It's also a Matte finish instead of Eggshell because the lighter the sheen the more it hides any imperfections in the walls I didn't catch and I don't have to worry about cleaning any grease off the walls in the living room.

You can see all that vinyl film I put up about 4 years ago now on all these windows. When applied correctly they work great. Not a single corner on any of my windows has peeled off and it's super easy to clean, and I'd say that because of the nature of the film even if it gets dirty it looks way cleaner than any parts of the windows that haven't been cleaned recently.

It's quite a bit lower outside that window than inside, so you'd have to be an NBA player to peer in without standing on something. These things are great for privacy while also allowing you to stand up and look outside, and they allow so much sunlight in. I probably save $50 every winter on heat now that all the blinds are down and replaced with this stuff, so I'm sure they've paid for themselves 2 or 3 times already.

At the bottom of the pic you can see the top of my 2 piece leather set I got from my friend for doing work over at his house. It really looks great after cleaning and putting the wax treatment on it.

This is the one window in the house that wasn't updated with vinyl windows like the rest of them were. For about 8 or 9 years the window was stuck and I finally opened it by cutting paint with a blade. Then I stupidly got it re-stuck when I primed it. I still haven't gotten around to giving any final paint to it yet, but before I do I will get it unstuck again and be careful with my paint.

This was a few days ago. Long after I'd re painted the walls and primed the windows. Not only did I need to extend the sill on this one, but I had to add jambs for the reveal as well. You can see those off to the left side there. Just simple 8 foot long pieces of wood that were somewhere around 1/4" x 1.25".

Just like all the windows upstairs, I couldn't shoot these in with brad nails. The original walls aren't drywall. They're some sort of concrete or plaster, and the windows were all framed with pretty thick steel that got a very light coat of the plaster on top before being painted. So I just had to be very generous with the liquid nails after making sure the surface was clean and let it all dry overnight before doing anything with it.

I cut out little blocks of wood from a 3/4" board and shaped them out in my garage with my tabletop belt sander. Say what you will about HarborFreight, but that little MF has paid for itself 100 times over in the year I've had it. After that, I put a thin layer of liquid nails on the back and the side and used my longest brad nails to stick it straight into the wall and then criss-crossed two at the front to stick the two pieces together.

Wood putty isn't the easiest thing to work with when it's wet, so the trick is to just make sure you've put enough on it before it dries so you can sand it all down and you're not stuck putting on a second application. I like to cut it with a little bit of water before using it too because it's much easier to sand when you need to do it by hand like I did here because of the collateral damage a power tool would create.

Then you just wait overnight and sand it down.

If you took a level to these, they're not going to be perfect. This isn't a defect in the cut, but wet liquid nails is slippery as hell and it's tricky holding the piece perfectly straight with one hand while using a heavy cordless brad nailer in the other hand while also keeping your digits far enough away that a stray nail doesn't curl back and shank one of your fingers.

It's alright though. Close enough is good enough. Nobody will ever notice this once the casings are up and the product is finished.

Really, you can't even tell it's not one piece once it's primered and the light isn't coming in full blast, even without the casings up yet.

You can see here that I installed the jambs on the top and sides. Nothing too fancy. Cheap and easy is all you need here. It's not serving any purpose other than looks.

I had to use a bit of backer rod before caulking them in the back to the window because they were just a little shorter than I needed them to be on that dimension. Foam backer rod is key, otherwise the caulk sinks and could eventually crack. With the rod put in first you can't even tell that the wood wasn't long enough after the caulk dried.

And there you have it.

I still need to sand down the spackle on both windows and give them a final coat of paint, but now all the windows in my house are finally framed out.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Sunday, November 19, 2023 9:48 AM


Bonus pics... Casing out the stairs.

This was something I wanted to do for a long time that literally everybody I told the plan to asked me why I would do it.

I don't know if that was because they didn't have the vision I had or they thought I had enough other projects on this house remaining that I shouldn't be wasting my time on this. Maybe a little of Column A and a little of Column B.

I was going to say that I was pretty sure this pic was from before I even bought the house and I was here with the agent, but that's not right. The hardwood floor upstairs was a surprise and there was carpet on the steps going up to it. This was before I took all the trim off everything upstairs and pulled all the carpet up.

There's my lovely cast iron banister Sigs.

How you like that paint job on the stairs? Must be nice to put carpet down and have no shits to give about the future, huh?

This was a pic from a little bit later. In the background behind the ladder you can see the paintable access panel I added on the wall because the shower is right behind it and it was leaking into the basement when I bought the place. It hasn't leaked since I fixed it, but now I can always get back there if I need to without busting the wall down again.

I believe I had the ladder there at this point because I was extending electric from the box at the top of the steps to the center of the high ceiling above the stairs to install a chandelier. I remember back in the days when I was talking to Wish and JO almost every night here while that was going on. So long ago now.

This was 2 nights ago after I wrapped up the living room windows. I wanted to at least cut and install my first piece on the stairs so I could see if it would work out the way I planned in my head.

Just a simple piece of quarter round. Not from a perfect circle though. It's installed on the wide flat side with the narrow flat side facing forward. I believe the dimensions of the flat sides were .5" by .75".

I installed these to have a proper reveal instead of just installing casing to the wall, or pulling the casing back further and using a crappy wall edge for the reveal.

Some people would miter these at a 45 degree angle as they would miter baseboard, but since you're rarely ever going to get an inside corner in a house that's a perfect 90 degree angle that's the lazy/bad way to do it.

I had to cope these out to the existing piece by tilting my miter saw 45 degrees to get the profile, then using a coping saw by hand to cut out the profile and then use files to get the perfect edge. Minimal caulk necessary to fuse them together before the final paint goes up and once it does it will look like the three pieces grew together that way.

Well... That's a problem, right?

Dammit! The old baseboard is in the way of my new trim.

Years ago when I first thought of casing this out, I assumed I'd have to take that entire long piece of baseboard off the wall first and then cut it to size on a table saw before reinstalling it. But my friend's dad taught me a little trick and by using an oscillating multi-tool you can just draw your level pencil line where the trim is going to go and cut the piece (CAREFULLY) right off from the wall.

You can also see the front edge of my quarter round installed there too.

Piece is out. Easy peasy. It took a while because you have to be really careful not to let the blade slip and gouge the wall, the piece of trim you don't want to cut off and the floor itself. (Pro tip: Cut the baseboard away from the wall at the top with a fresh utility knife blade first, or you're going to be really sad when you rip paint off the wall).

The wall damage was already hidden behind that baseboard. I'm glad it was there though because you get to see the BEEFY corner pieces they used when plastering this house. That's steel baby. No wussy aluminum corner pieces that they use with drywall today.

REALLY makes using a brad nailer tricky though. I had to shoot pieces in the center curve where I hate shooting them just to make sure none of the nails curled wrong and caused wall damage on the other side.

Please excuse the state of the baseboard. Nobody but me has ever seen it that up close and personal.

Although it hasn't gotten any worse since I bought the place aside from a few splatters of my grey paint here and there, I never got around yet to scuff sanding and touching it up before repainting it. It was the only nice trim in the entire house when I bought it, so even though it doesn't match my new trim I'm leaving it there and repainting it. With furniture in place nobody's ever even noticed that I never got around to painting it yet, so I'm sure nobody would ever even notice that the baseboard in the living room doesn't match any of the baseboard in the rest of the house once it's painted either.

This was 3 or 4 days ago right after I cased out the overlook.

It looked fine the way it was, so I can see why people didn't understand why I wanted to go to the trouble, but the picture makes it look better than it actually did in real life. Those old plaster outside wall corners really have a lot of imperfections to them and when you have a deep contrast of dark grey to ceiling white it really shows.

Plus, as I got more trim up elsewhere this just looked really boring and as if it were missing something.

Oh... and you can see how I redid the stairs, although I haven't ever gotten around to finishing it. I had sanded EVERYTHING down to bare wood on both the tops and the faces, and I stained the tops before using wipe on Poly and primed and painted the faces. There was a bit of stain mess I got on the white paint that I've never removed, and there has been some damage to the faces over the years. I'll be fixing all of that soonish.

Here was my first piece that went up, right along side the trim I just added for the overlook. If I didn't use that quarter round to make the reveal, this would have but up right next to the overlook trim. (So actually, I couldn't have had a reveal at all using the wall because I wouldn't have been able to move the trim back far enough to have one.)

Before installing the piece, I cut out a .5" piece of baseboard and just caulked it in there on both the back and side. If I tried to nail it, it would have split. I also caulked the other side of it before putting the stairwell trim in so it's glued in from 3 fronts and won't be going anywhere. As a bonus, I don't have to try to figure out how to caulk it after the fact, since I put the caulk in such a fashion where it would ooze out from the front and I could get some wet paper towel in there to wipe off the excess.

(And this pic reminds me that I REALLY need to make a proper threshold to frame out the kitchen flooring and protect it instead of using that rug to do the work. There was an old piece in there, but it was about 1.25" thick or so, and when I showed it to my friend and his dad when we installed the flooring they really didn't like the idea of putting that back in since it's kind of a tripping hazard.

I never tripped on it while it was down there, but I will admit I didn't like having to carry my vacuum cleaner over it all the time. It did seem pretty stupid to have in the center of what might be the most main-traffic area of the entire house.)

I don't care what anybody says. This was TOTALLY worth the effort.

I'm even considering using L-shaped corner guards on all the remaining outside corners both leading into the basement and on the back/side going upstairs too. I was actuall going to pick up a few while I was out yesterday just to have them on hand, but NOT AT THAT PRICE!!! When I bought those pieces for the kitchen 3 and 4 years ago they were between $5 and $7 for pre-primed pine. Right now the unprimed pine is $16!!!!

Sure... I could just buy primed MDF for $4.50 each, but not for that application. People will be bringing furniture up and down the stairs and if primed MDF gets hit with a stray couch leg it's either getting smashed down or flat out obliterated. If they hit the pine the worst that will happen is they need a little paint touchup.

On the right side of the last pic you can see the 2-way dimmer switch I installed for the chandelier I was talking about earlier (you can also see the light coming straight from above from the chandelier rather than from an angle up where it used to be at the top of the stairs). The other 2-way switch upstairs doesn't have the dimmer function on it, but it's got the "night light" function like the ones in the bathroom and bedroom upstairs have so it glows just faintly orange so you can see the switch in the dark at night.

Oh... and you can see the 3 pieces of trim that remain on my horses in the basement. I think I bought something like 70 pieces back in 2019. All that's left is to do the back side of the overlook when I figure out my banister solution.

All in all, I think that was $0 well spent.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Sunday, November 19, 2023 1:45 PM


Just a Sunday around me. Not doing much of anything. Will probably get some music on after a while. The sun is out after a bunch of rain last night. Have to check tomorrow's weather as I will miss it tonight with Christmas Wars baking show.

Finished watching "Battlestar Galactica" last night. The whole original series. Don't really remember the later episodes until I started watching them. Man, was that a trip. Going through the bonus material on the last disc. Memories from some of the cast.


Sunday, November 19, 2023 10:28 PM


Work day for me tomorrow.


Sunday, November 19, 2023 11:07 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hey, thanks for the pix, SIX!!!

Wow, the before and after are like night and day. Amazing work!

Hated, hated, hated the vertical blinds. Hubby says they're practical bc they can shut out the light w/o gathering too much dust, but they never looked right to me. I'm glad you took them out. The privacy film on the window looks so much better!

Love all the trim that you added, especially the window casings (is that the right word?) . It makes the place look so much better! Real classy.

Love what you did with the stairs, painting the risers like that. It's actually very good for the visually impaired too. And the orange glowing indicator really helps in the dark.

It's a good thing you took before and after pix.
You should be proud of your work!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Sunday, November 19, 2023 11:38 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Hey, thanks for the pix, SIX!!!

Wow, the before and after are like night and day. Amazing work!


Hated, hated, hated the vertical blinds. Hubby says they're practical bc they can shut out the light w/o gathering too much dust, but they never looked right to me. I'm glad you took them out. The privacy film on the window looks so much better!

Yeah. They've got a lot of fans for sure. My dad's got two sets of him that were higher quality than mine were and they don't beat them up. My step-mom cleans to the point of OCD, so they pretty much look like the way they did when he installed them 30 some years ago.

I've never been a fan of the vertical blinds myself either. Even brand new I just don't like the way they look. I'm not really fond of window dressings of any kind. Those rolls of privacy film were definitely made for me. I only originally bought them because after doing all this work I couldn't decide what I wanted to do with any finished windows because bolting things into the walls or the trim was so "final" after doing all that work. I thought I'd just deal with film until I sold the house and let the new owners decide what they wanted to do, but now that I've lived with them for 3 or 4 years I've grown to love them and I'd do it that way in any future place I renovate.


Love all the trim that you added, especially the window casings (is that the right word?) . It makes the place look so much better! Real classy.

Yeah. That's the right word. Window/door casings. Or just trim.

I don't know if it's a regional thing or not, but every house I'd ever lived in had them on all the windows before I got this place. It was only in the cheaper apartments I'd rented that there weren't any. I knew I wanted to have them back when I bought the place and it's so nice that I finally got around to doing everything else I needed to do before I installed them and I finally just did it.

So much work had gone into all the other stuff first, so it's amazing what a change to the entire look of the 1st floor a single week of work has done. Every morning now I wake up to it and just smile.


Love what you did with the stairs, painting the risers like that. It's actually very good for the visually impaired too. And the orange glowing indicator really helps in the dark.

Risers. Thank you. That's the word.

I didn't even think about the visually impaired. That's a great point. I wonder if whoever started that trend did it for that reason or just for aesthetics. I got that idea from a staircase on a movie or TV show I saw years ago.


It's a good thing you too before and after.
You should be proud of your work!

You should see how many pictures I've taken over the years. It's got to be over 3,000 of them now. I'm sure it's overkill, but you can't take before pics after you'd done all the work. Whenever I finish something like this I get a real kick out of going back to see what the house looked like when I got it and just laugh about how bad everything was and the conditions I lived in for so many years.

I get a bit of pride here or there for sure, but I'll save that for when I finally get the whole house in a livable state and I can start thinking about selling it and doing it all over again in a MUCH smaller house with a much smaller yard.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Monday, November 20, 2023 11:29 PM


Got back around 3:30 today. All she had on her mind was some baking and of course changing her mind about ingredients for same. Nothing unusual there.


Tuesday, November 21, 2023 2:22 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

My b'day is close to T-day this year. Usually we go out to eat on Thanksgiving and I'm thankful I don't have to cook and do dishes.

But this year, we're just going to eat at home and go out on Friday, and I still won't have to cook and do dishes for a day, but we get to choose from a full menu.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Tuesday, November 21, 2023 1:03 PM


I am off to the dentist but first I got a couple of things to do. Dentist is going to repair the broken tooth. Later.


Tuesday, November 21, 2023 11:29 PM


Errands done before the dentist. Got back around 4:30 and broken tooth repaired. Going back next week for some more repair work and that should be the last for this year.


Wednesday, November 22, 2023 12:29 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Are you getting enuf calcium, protein, and vitamin D in your diet, BRENDA? Or do you have a mouth guard, if you grind your teeth at night? Adult teeth usually don't break under normal wear and tear, so I worry about you.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Wednesday, November 22, 2023 12:38 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

This sinus infection/ inflammation is sure creating a lot of Dr appts!! I just saw an allergist/ immunologist, potentially for Dupixent, and she ordered bloodwork to see if my immune system is functioning. (Including HIV testing which I would have thought was ridiculous except that I did get four units of blood to correct chemo-induced anemia.) But she won't do anything until I'm seen by an Infectious Disease specialist. Since the referral was JUST processed I can now make an appointment for that too. And then I can see my ENT. Oh, yippee.

But since my nose feels like it's welded shut most of the time, it would be nice to get this resolved!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Wednesday, November 22, 2023 1:11 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Are you getting enuf calcium, protein, and vitamin D in your diet, BRENDA? Or do you have a mouth guard, if you grind your teeth at night? Adult teeth usually don't break under normal wear and tear, so I worry about you.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM

I think I am of calcium. I know I get enough protein and I take a vitamin D every day.

The stress on my teeth and that started way back when I was looking after my mom. These last two years has been the first that I could address the many problems in my mouth. What I'm getting done next week should be the last of the repair work because the teeth I have remaining are in good shape and I do what the dentist tells me.

A mouth guard wouldn't do me much good as there are only 3 teeth remaining on the top.

I'll be alright.


Wednesday, November 22, 2023 1:14 PM


Out for my walk on a dry day as I got rained on yesterday coming back from the dentist.

Things to do before I go and see if I have a pick up game of mah jong this afternoon.


Wednesday, November 22, 2023 11:25 PM


Got back about 5 today from my pick up game of mah jong and no luck was so ever. Oh well. Maybe tomorrow at my regular game.


Thursday, November 23, 2023 5:17 PM


Back and in for today. Had a really great morning at mah jong. Got 1st place again. Finished with over 23,000 points. Had some really great hands.


Thursday, November 23, 2023 10:06 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Are you getting enuf calcium, protein, and vitamin D in your diet, BRENDA? Or do you have a mouth guard, if you grind your teeth at night? Adult teeth usually don't break under normal wear and tear, so I worry about you.

BRENDA: I think I am of calcium. I know I get enough protein and I take a vitamin D every day.

The stress on my teeth and that started way back when I was looking after my mom. These last two years has been the first that I could address the many problems in my mouth. What I'm getting done next week should be the last of the repair work because the teeth I have remaining are in good shape and I do what the dentist tells me.

A mouth guard wouldn't do me much good as there are only 3 teeth remaining on the top.

I'll be alright.

That must have been really stressful, looking after your mom. My older sister moved back home to take if our mom. Hubby's mom lived with us and I took care of her in her last years. It's tough.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Back and in for today. Had a really great morning at mah jong. Got 1st place again. Finished with over 23,000 points. Had some really great hands.


"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Thursday, November 23, 2023 11:26 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Are you getting enuf calcium, protein, and vitamin D in your diet, BRENDA? Or do you have a mouth guard, if you grind your teeth at night? Adult teeth usually don't break under normal wear and tear, so I worry about you.

BRENDA: I think I am of calcium. I know I get enough protein and I take a vitamin D every day.

The stress on my teeth and that started way back when I was looking after my mom. These last two years has been the first that I could address the many problems in my mouth. What I'm getting done next week should be the last of the repair work because the teeth I have remaining are in good shape and I do what the dentist tells me.

A mouth guard wouldn't do me much good as there are only 3 teeth remaining on the top.

I'll be alright.

That must have been really stressful, looking after your mom. My older sister moved back home to take if our mom. Hubby's mom lived with us and I took care of her in her last years. It's tough.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Back and in for today. Had a really great morning at mah jong. Got 1st place again. Finished with over 23,000 points. Had some really great hands.


"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM

It was very stressful looking after my mom. First it was colon cancer and I was making sure she got to docs and through surgery and got her to chemo. And I wasn't sleeping properly through any of that. Then lung cancer which is what took her and I still wasn't sleeping or looking after myself properly. So a lot of stress on me.

I know that was a huge surprise at mah jong. It was one of those mornings where I really couldn't do much wrong. *L* As compared to Wednesday when it took me pretty well all afternoon to just break 1,000.


Friday, November 24, 2023 1:32 AM


Hope ya'all had a great Thanksgiving.

I just got back from my friend's house and had a great time. I think I'm going to have to make it up to my friend next time though because except for the few hours we shot pool I was hanging out with his wife and mother-in-law and sister-in-law and daughter for most of the time while he watched football.

We played some Uno and some card game about Memes though and he was playing them with us, but I could tell he didn't like the Meme game at all.

The food was so good, and they sent me home with a ton to eat tomorrow too. I did a great job managing my insulin level. I had peaked at about 180 at one point, but it went back down twice to 90 and even 75 at one point, so I was even able to eat 4 cookies without needing to shoot anything. I figured I'd probably use 50 units today, but I only used 17 while I was there.

And my buddy's mother-in-law. What a sweetheart. As I was leaving, she gave me a card with my name on it and told me to open it when I got home. She left a really sweet message in there and a $50 bill and a note telling me to get something nice with it.

She's on a fixed income, so I can't take that, but I know she wouldn't take it back either. I'm going to see them again soon either on Christmas or Christmas eve, so I'm going to buy something nice for everyone with it.

We were talking about other games to play and I asked them if they ever played Cards Against Humanity. I can't really remember what it was all about, but I remember playing it years ago with my brother and his in-laws and it was a fun time. I'm going to have to see if it's age appropriate for his daughter. If it is, maybe I'll buy that and give it to them for Christmas. I don't know how much that costs or even if they still make it. I'll figure out something nice to do with it that everyone can enjoy.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Friday, November 24, 2023 8:38 AM


I've done something I've never done before. I got up early to do black Friday shopping.

I'll have to figure out exactly what I saved today, but it's stupid how little I paid for what I got.

I spent more than I thought I was going to spend, but I've got backup high powered LED lights for my garage for longer than I'm going to live here, I've got oscilating multi-tool blades and screw extractor sets for probably 3 lifetimes, I bought a bunch of these right-angle drill coverter things that I'm going to give away for Christmas a nice tri-pod LED work lamp and some other things I can't even remember right now for 88 bucks.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Friday, November 24, 2023 1:21 PM


Glad you had a good time with your friend and his family SIX.


Friday, November 24, 2023 1:23 PM


Out for my walk soon a bright but cold day up here. 2C right now which is 34F. Weather people say our high temp for today should be around 8C which is around 46F. Cold. Brrrr. So far no snow for my area but they are starting to post the ski hill openings.


Friday, November 24, 2023 2:12 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Hope ya'all had a great Thanksgiving.

I just got back from my friend's house and had a great time. I think I'm going to have to make it up to my friend next time though because except for the few hours we shot pool I was hanging out with his wife and mother-in-law and sister-in-law and daughter for most of the time while he watched football.

We played some Uno and some card game about Memes though and he was playing them with us, but I could tell he didn't like the Meme game at all.

The food was so good, and they sent me home with a ton to eat tomorrow too. I did a great job managing my insulin level. I had peaked at about 180 at one point, but it went back down twice to 90 and even 75 at one point, so I was even able to eat 4 cookies without needing to shoot anything. I figured I'd probably use 50 units today, but I only used 17 while I was there.

And my buddy's mother-in-law. What a sweetheart. As I was leaving, she gave me a card with my name on it and told me to open it when I got home. She left a really sweet message in there and a $50 bill and a note telling me to get something nice with it.

She's on a fixed income, so I can't take that, but I know she wouldn't take it back either. I'm going to see them again soon either on Christmas or Christmas eve, so I'm going to buy something nice for everyone with it.

We were talking about other games to play and I asked them if they ever played Cards Against Humanity. I can't really remember what it was all about, but I remember playing it years ago with my brother and his in-laws and it was a fun time. I'm going to have to see if it's age appropriate for his daughter. If it is, maybe I'll buy that and give it to them for Christmas. I don't know how much that costs or even if they still make it. I'll figure out something nice to do with it that everyone can enjoy.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

I think you did your friend a favor by hanging out with the ladies so he could watch football. I expect that he feels he owes YOU!
Sounds like everyone had a good time, which is the best kind of holiday to have. I'm glad you had fun, SIX!


We're celebrating a combined T-day and b'day today by going out to eat, something we rarely do.
But first, I have to walk the dog and get a blood test.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Friday, November 24, 2023 4:47 PM


Back and done for today. Not as cold out as I thought it was going to be which was nice.


Saturday, November 25, 2023 1:10 PM


Laundry day for me as I got behind when the elevators went down. Then a walk on a chilly day. Need some groceries.


Saturday, November 25, 2023 5:17 PM


All done for today. Having a nice sit down now.


Sunday, November 26, 2023 1:29 PM


Lazy Sunday around me. Will just enjoy some music a bit later.


Sunday, November 26, 2023 2:01 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Have a nice, relaxing Sunday!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Sunday, November 26, 2023 2:03 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Still struggling with sinus and a seriously congested nose that I can't breathe thru. I wish the Drs would move faster on this, I've had this since June.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Sunday, November 26, 2023 3:07 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Have a nice, relaxing Sunday!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM

That's my plan.


Monday, November 27, 2023 1:17 PM


Out in the fog and a doctor's appointment today. Have to straighten out my seizure meds and get a couple of other things done.


Monday, November 27, 2023 1:28 PM


Finally got back to the trim today. I hate the whole spackle/caulk/sanding part of this type of work.

I did get off my ass and caulk the quarter round trim behind the new casing around the stairs to the walls yesterday, including the quarter round I'd installed years and years ago right above the white wood on top of the stairs and risers on the right side. LOL... I'd just nailed that piece in and spackled it like 5 years ago and only today got around to sanding that spackle down.

So everything in the kitchen all the way around to the stairs trim is sanded, vacced and wiped down and ready for paint. I'm going to move out my furniture in the living room again and sand down the spackle and clean both the windows and get them ready for paint too. We'll see if I'm motivated enough to put the final paint job on all of it today or not.

Eventually I'll get around to doing the baseboard too, but that's definitely for another day, especially since nobody ever caulked them to the wall and I hate doing that and have no interest in even starting that today.. Personally, I think it looks freakin' terrible right now, but I painted all those walls a few years ago and when I've told people I haven't done the baseboard they didn't even notice until I told them. It will be the only baseboard in the house that isn't new, but even though they did a lousy job installing and painting it, it's very nice trim and just needs a little prep work and a good paint job.

Nobody looks at baseboard.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Monday, November 27, 2023 2:30 PM


LOL... I freed the window that I accidentally painted back shut after figuring out it was painted shut for years after I bought it.

It did not get stuck where I thought it would have. I'm going to have to be real careful when I put the finishing touches on it. That window needs 2 coats, and both the window sills do too. I probably won't get around to any painting today. Just got the big window left to sand down and clean up and I think I'll wait for a bright sunny day to paint instead of the perpetual gloom that's been hovering over us for about 5 days now.

Unless there's some sort of trick to fixing these things, I'm going to have to take back the work light I got on Black Friday, which is unfortunate. It worked great for about 30 minutes, but now one side of it blinks every 15 seconds or so and it drives me nuts. All of the lights are working, so I don't know what the deal is. If the internet doesn't have a cool trick to "reset" it, I can't even get a replacement for it since they sold out of them on day one. Luck of the draw I guess. Bummer.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Monday, November 27, 2023 6:25 PM


Back from my doctor and my blood sugar and thyroid levels are all good. Got a new prescription for my seizure meds but because I had to tell him that I had a small seizure in August, he is sending me back to the vampires for a level check on my seizure meds. Then he has to find me a new neurologist to go and see and that will mean an eeg. Oh joy. IF I am experiencing little seizures again it could mean that my meds may need changing.


Tuesday, November 28, 2023 12:25 PM


Off to the dentist I go hopefully for the last time this year.


Tuesday, November 28, 2023 1:01 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Back from my doctor and my blood sugar and thyroid levels are all good. Got a new prescription for my seizure meds but because I had to tell him that I had a small seizure in August, he is sending me back to the vampires for a level check on my seizure meds. Then he has to find me a new neurologist to go and see and that will mean an eeg. Oh joy. IF I am experiencing little seizures again it could mean that my meds may need changing.

I hope that gets resolved.

We have to keep an eye on dear daughter bc her brain bleed left deep scar tissue which keeps wanting to fire. At least her Continuous Spike Wave Syndrome is resolved. It kind of burned her brain out, but she does the best she can.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Tuesday, November 28, 2023 1:02 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hey SIX, it sounds like your house is looking better and better!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Tuesday, November 28, 2023 2:43 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Hey SIX, it sounds like your house is looking better and better!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM

Yeah... It's getting there. Slowly but surely.

I took care of my paperwork and did some cleanup and chores. Now I'm thinking about putting final paint on all my kitchen trim up to and just past the stairwell trim. I know I don't feel like pulling out furniture and dealing with the windows today, but if I get this much done I can finally pull up the cardboard off the kitchen floor and move a few things back in there so it's not all in my livingroom.

I hope you get some resolution to your sinus issues soon.

And Brenda, glad to hear your thyroid/glucose levels are in check. I hope they get your seizure meds readjusted right soon.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, November 28, 2023 5:36 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Back from my doctor and my blood sugar and thyroid levels are all good. Got a new prescription for my seizure meds but because I had to tell him that I had a small seizure in August, he is sending me back to the vampires for a level check on my seizure meds. Then he has to find me a new neurologist to go and see and that will mean an eeg. Oh joy. IF I am experiencing little seizures again it could mean that my meds may need changing.

I hope that gets resolved.

We have to keep an eye on dear daughter bc her brain bleed left deep scar tissue which keeps wanting to fire. At least her Continuous Spike Wave Syndrome is resolved. It kind of burned her brain out, but she does the best she can.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM

Me too. I should be able to get to the vampires on Friday and then I just wait and see what the doc has to say. I don't expect to see a new neurologist until the New Year but that should be okay as if my meds need adjusting it will give my body a good chance to adjust.


Tuesday, November 28, 2023 5:37 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Hey SIX, it sounds like your house is looking better and better!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM

Yeah... It's getting there. Slowly but surely.

I took care of my paperwork and did some cleanup and chores. Now I'm thinking about putting final paint on all my kitchen trim up to and just past the stairwell trim. I know I don't feel like pulling out furniture and dealing with the windows today, but if I get this much done I can finally pull up the cardboard off the kitchen floor and move a few things back in there so it's not all in my livingroom.

I hope you get some resolution to your sinus issues soon.

And Brenda, glad to hear your thyroid/glucose levels are in check. I hope they get your seizure meds readjusted right soon.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Me too on both accounts. First I have to get a level done for seizure meds then see what the doc says. If it's not one thing its another.


Tuesday, November 28, 2023 5:41 PM


Back from the dentist for this year. Tooth re-repaired and needs a crown on it and there is no way I can avoid it. Also the root tip that was starting to come through the gum is gone and that area will feel soooo much better once it heals. Still some freezing in my upper lip and a little around my right nostril but nothing serious.

I put on a scarf that I made a few years ago and the dentist even remembered it. Which was nice.


Tuesday, November 28, 2023 11:21 PM


Yeah... I know all about exposed roots. We're trying to do the best we can to keep the remaining bottom teeth so the partial still works, but eventually I'm going to lose them all and have to use the paste for the bottom denture. At least my upper mouth was made for a denture and provides its own suction. My aunt has two full dentures and she has to paste both of them.

I painted all the kitchen trim all the way around to the staircase trim and a bit of the old baseboard up to behind my curio cabinet I restored a few years back. The difference between that baseboard being painted and the old look is night and day. I'm definitely going to get that done over the winter and wrap my way all around to the front door that needs to be patched up and painted. Once that's done, I'll actually have my first room in the house I can say is completely done.

I noticed while painting the kitchen door trim that there's a TON of debris on top of my fridge from when I was sanding things over there. I'm going to have to clean that up and then pull out the fridge to make sure the back of the fridge and the wall and baseboard back there are nice and clean too. I want to clean up the things that are going to go back into the kitchen before I move them there first too.

Tomorrow I'm going to be helping a friend install a new sliding patio door. I wish it wasn't going to be during the middle of the cold winter, but what are you gonna do? It's not my heat bill.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.




Brenda 03.15 13:23


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