Prepare for what's coming in 2024

UPDATED: Monday, November 27, 2023 12:11
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Monday, November 27, 2023 9:19 AM


Victor Davis Hanson is the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow in Residence in Classics and Military History at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, a professor of Classics Emeritus at California State University, Fresno, and a nationally syndicated columnist for Tribune Media Services.

He is also the Wayne & Marcia Buske Distinguished Fellow in History, Hillsdale College, where he teaches each fall semester courses in military history and classical culture.

Victor discusses current political and social events and ideas, and current and past cultural trends.


VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: They look at Trump as a vampire and they put a stake in his heart but they're afraid that that stake could come out any time. That he's undying and they're afraid of him. They are terrified of him.

They are terrified of him because they think he's smarter this time and he has just cause to really get angry because of what they did to him. They can write all of The Atlantic Monthly and New Yorker clever, glib little essays about "Donald Trump is a threat to democracy," and their little Molly Ball in Time Magazine essays how clever and brilliant they were with their cabals and conspiracies to get rid of him.

But deep down inside they know that if the right ever did that to Barack Obama or Joe Biden, they could have really made something out of the fact that Barack Obama had a hot mic expose where he told the president of Russia, "You tell Vladimir that I will be flexible on missile defense." That's the security of the United States of America. "If he gives me space in my last election." Putin did do that. That's an impeachable offense if a phone call to Ukraine is. So they understand that, the right could have done that to them, and they understand now the right probably will do that to them for their own survival, and they are scared.

They're saying that if a MAGA candidate wins, and they win the House and Senate, they're cooked because they're going to get special prosecutors and go after the Biden family like they've never gone after anybody. And they're going to find stuff because we know Joe is crooked. And then they're going to go after [Attorney General] Merrick Garland and [Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro ] Mayorkas. And they're not going to stop. And that's why they're scared.

Everybody thinks the danger passed, they got what they wanted. No, no, no, you're never going to see anything like what they're going to do in 2024. All of this could have been reconciled, all they had to do was say Donald Trump should not be president if that's what they believe, and we're not going to do any lawfare or try to change the voting laws or pack the court, we're not going to let in two states, we're not going to try to abolish the Senate filibuster, we're not going to try to change the voting ID laws, we're just going to play under the rules we have, we don't need $419 million by Mark Zuckerberg infused, we don't need Sam Bankman-Fried, the crook, giving us $100 million, we're not going to go under the radar with George Soros, we're just going to show you, the American people how we think Donald Trump should not be president and we'll have a fair election. They can't do that, and they don't trust themselves.

They think anybody in his right mind would close that border right now. Anybody in his right mind would recall all of those DAs that have destroyed these major cities. Anybody in his right mind would not beg the Saudis or the Venezuelans or the Russians or the Iranians to pump oil on the eve of a midterm, or pump the strategic petroleum reserve when you have so much natural gas in the U.S. Nobody in their right mind would do that. nd nobody in their right mind would ever just pull out of Afghanistan without warning just so Joe Biden can say that on the 20th anniversary of 9/11 or the original October invasion of Afghanistan, "I am the president that got us out." Nobody would do that. And nobody would print $6 trillion when there's pent-up demand post-Covid lockdown and there's a supply chain disruption, and all that money without an audit or examination of who got it and why and how it was spent, but to inflate the economy and ruin it. Nobody would do that! So they know that and they know that they cant take that record to the American people.

They have a deductive mind because their ideologues, so they start with a premise that we're for social justice and equity of result, so we're morally superior and smarter than anybody else. And therefore we're entitled to do things other people don't do. So if, under the cover of Covid, and frightening people about Covid, we can change all the voting laws so that 30%, instead of voting absentee and early voting shall become 70% in most states, with very little audit of the level necessary to authenticate most ballots.

They just do all this stuff because they start with the deducitvie principle that, "We are better, this is the vision and thereof the following must happen." And if things don't fit the narrative, they go after the person, they censor. That's how they work. And if you keep that in mind, than everybody makes sense.

What I'm saying is they go on from one lie to the next.

So everybody now knows that Donald Trump was impeached for things that Joe Biden got away with. OK. Everybody knows the laptop was authentic. Everybody knows that now. Everybody knows it would have made a big difference in that debate when Donald Trump said it was and Joe Biden said, "Oh, no, no, 51 authorities." Everybody knows that Christopher Steele was a fraud, and especially Glenn Simpson. And that Hillary Clinton took over an old Never-Trump file and inflated it with a million bucks, got the FBI on it to hire Christopher Steele as a consultant-informant, hid her so-called legal expenses when she was fined and cited for that violation, through Perkins-Coie, Fusion GPS, and the DNC, and that file was fraudulent. It was made up! I said that the first time I saw it, everything in it was false. And yet we wasted 22 months and $40 million to know what was obvious. No apology, not only no apology but they got Pulitzer Prizes, some of these reporters.

Every time they give these monstrous lies, there's no apology, and why should they? They're just narratives, the're post-modern Foucauldian, Lacan, Derrida narratives. They were useful. That's what they look at. They were useful at the time, because when we went through the Mueller investigation, we crippled Donald Trump and therefore we were able to stop him. We had Anonymous, he was burrowed deep into the Homeland Security. He was a minor official, but we said he was one of the major operatives in the Trump administration, we lied. And then we printed his op-ed because it did what it was supposed to do, it weakened the right-wing agenda, so they think. And we got Admiral McRaven to come in and write an op-ed and said Trump should leave, the sooner the better. And then we got all of the four-star generals, McCaffrey, McCrystal, all of them, to say that Trump was Hitler, that he was Mussolini, that he was a liar, he was dangerous. We got Mark Milley to call the Chinese. We did all of this.

Yes, we do not want this to be done to us. If right now, a retired four-star general said Joe Biden is senile or dangerous of the Afghan thing is a disaster and he should be removed sooner or later, or his weaponization of the DOJ or FBI is Mussolini-like, or his hounding of individual people at school boards, or the way he conducted the Mar-a-Lago raid is Nazi-like -- and I'm just quoting from what they've said -- you know what's going to happen to those people? You're going to get [Attorney General] Merrick Garland to call up the Pentagon and they're all going to be slapped with a Code 88, uniform code of military justice and court-martialled for disparaging the commander-in-chief. Trust me, they would in two seconds. And that's not going to happen. They're not going to say anything because they're not equally going to apply their standards of correct behavior. And second, they're going to say things about Donald Trump because they know the media and the Pentagon are not going to do anything to them. Now? They would destroy them if they ever criticized the commander-in-chief. They would go after them like you would not believe. And they know that.

We're talking about, to sum up and end this, they understand deterrence. They are saying to the American people, "We are SOBs, we're capable of everything and anything. Which side do you want to be on? Because if you're on our side, you can do what Hunter Biden is, there are no consequences. If you want to say the voting machines are crooked like Jill Stein, go ahead, she said that in 2016. If you want to be Barbara Boxer and 32 Democrats and say you're not going to certify the Ohio count and hold up the whole election, don't worry, they did it in 2004. If you're Al Gore and the attorney general says the votes have been counted and certified in Florida. Oh no, we're going to sue and hold up the entire election for a month. And so, you can do all of that -- as long as you're on our side. But if you don't do that, and you want to go on the other side, you're in big trouble."

That's the message they're trying to send, that's what we're really getting down to. Join the winning side. It's sort of like in the Soviet Union, if you're part of the nomenclature and you join the party, you're exempt; if you're not, well, you're on your own.

People say to me: "You're an academic and you spent your whole life, how did you deal with the 94% of all academics who are left-wing? ... Why are they so left-wing? Do they have tenure? They're exempt from worrying about losing their job? ... Are they idealistic because they deal with words?"

I say, "No, they understand that if you want to get tenure and be promoted and liked, you parrot the majority. If it paid better, they'd be fascists."

Yup, Victor.

That just about sums it up.

You could use the RWED as a case study to see all of this play out in real time.


Monday, November 27, 2023 9:23 AM


He used to be more upbeat, perhaps he is done with Commiefornia


Monday, November 27, 2023 12:11 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


SECOND: With you Trumptards, bluntness is the only effective way to communicate with you: if Trump is not the GOP's candidate in 2024, then Biden will graciously submit if he should lose the election. But if Trump is the GOP's candidate and Biden loses, he should not politely turn the office over to Trump. If Biden doesn't have the intestinal fortitude, the guts, to stop Trump from taking office after Biden loses, he deserves to lose. If Biden won't violently prevent America's own Nazi leadership from taking power, he is a worthless, cowardly person. We will discover who Biden truly is if Trump wins. Keeping it blunt, Biden kills Trump rather than let Trump be President. There have been Presidents who died soon after being sworn in. Trump will be just one more:

• 1 1841: William Henry Harrison.
• 2 1850: Zachary Taylor.
• 3 1865: Abraham Lincoln.
• 4 1881: James A. Garfield.
• 5 1901: William McKinley.
• 6 1923: Warren G. Harding.
• 7 1945: Franklin D. Roosevelt.
• 8 1963: John F. Kennedy.
• 9 2025: Donald J Trump. (PENDING)

Like SECOND, the DNC hates democracy.

Elite Dems and their backers don't even think of themselves as Americans. In their minds they are part of the great transnational ubermensch. They are the real fascists.


SECOND: It is all about money, Signym. I'm going to go a step further: most people don't know what they are doing because they can't know any more than a pack of chimps knows the meaning of their furry little lives. There is nothing new about that for the last 300,000 years which is why the top 0.1% of humans invented gods to give the lower 99.9% of hairless apes a purpose and a direction in life vastly superior to chimpanzees.

If people knew what elite Dems and their donors REALLY think of them, they'd recall them from office in a heartbeat.


“You could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right,” Clinton said

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM






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