IRAN: Kamala Harris and Biden's war?

UPDATED: Saturday, October 5, 2024 17:43
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Wednesday, December 27, 2023 10:46 AM


Iranian Spy Vessel Directs Houthi Rebel Attacks in Red Sea: WSJ

U.S. shoots down 12 suicide drones, three anti-ship ballistic missiles and two land attack cruise missiles

Tensions threaten to explode as 'Iranian drone' attacks chemical tanker in Indian Ocean

Acid attacks on women and boys and girls raped in jail for offending some Sharia Law, drone attacks
killing their own people in bloodbaths, silence from Western media
but meanwhile gay-mafia USA media is worried about some crap 'music' guy a 'Rapper'

Iranian Rapper Toomaj Salehi Arrested Again


Wednesday, December 27, 2023 11:18 AM


Where are we now 22 years after Saudi links to 911
and getting away with it?

but Iran is a different flavor of jihadi islamist

From some of our other predictions threads

old words of wisdom or false predictions???


Originally posted by AURaptor:

I don't buy for a second that there'll be any exchange of ordinance w/ Iran.

It's a Kabuki show , on a global sized stage.

While we're fretting over this big nothing, look for other events to take place. And get totally unnoticed.


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
A war with Iran would probably be an epic disaster for the entire Middle East. On the other hand, it would certainly make for better Summer tv than reruns.


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Congrats on digging up this thread from 11 years ago. It's both weird and interesting to read my own posts from way back in 2008. I was so polite then, even to the psycho leftists who posted their horseshit defending Islam.

This was not a Shit-cago shot clock thread but one of those ultra-Feminist posts a White Christmas Sexist Males are 'EVIL' threads


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

No, the retarded wing Rethuglicans NEVER GET THE FUCKING POINT. They believe like zealots that they are better, despite ALL evidence to the contrary.

Iran flogging an old man for dog walking is bad, but us allowing an epidemic of children getting hold of guns and blowing each other away is just fine.

She did however hate the USSR or Russians who are typically Orthodox or Atheist

and a joker?


Originally posted by mincingbeast:
You are all being ethnocentric, and totally disrespecting Iran's rich and beautiful culture.

India gets loud with Canada and the USA but will have ships attacked?


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
India is such a cluster I can't possibly imagine where to start.



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

These nations are not having "revolutions for freedom" as we like to think of them but serious internal civil wars in which few participants are worthy of our support. The "rebels" who seem to best be able to take advantage of the chaos are hardline Islamists, whether you're looking at Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, or Syria.

Russia Ukraine and BRICS


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

If they adopt a BRICS common currency and a non-SWIFT exchange (there are already two international non-IMF/non World Bank) then the USA loses its a reserve currency/petrodollar, financial, and trade* weapon (*as a large market).


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Israel can't be trusted. It is doing its level-best to level Iran (sabotage, cyber warfare) without getting into an actual shooting war, which it would lose.

Did you know that in 1967 Israel killed 34 AMERICAN sailors, and wounded 174 more by repeatedly bombing and strafing an unarmed AMERICAN FLAGGED research ship?

Hindu Nationalist culture India again


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
What is up with India assassinating folk in Canada and USA?

That seem weird, and rude.

Maybe it is merely Biden, and Trudeau.

China will give zero-f*cks?

because it has so many old camel trade routes and donkey silk roads which now go all the way into Europe?


Originally posted by 1kiki:

I've always thought that China was a fair-weather friend to Russia. So I was pretty cynical when I read reports that Xi and Putin had become allies, to all intents and purposes.

SixString being his usual self


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I refuse to even acknowledge any of this is going on.

We've had to listen to the bullshit about Russia and Ukraine for most of Biden*'s presidency so far after 2.5 years of Covid, and now they're getting all the idiots to talk about Israel/Palestine.

Fuck Israel. Fuck Palestine.

I bet even Child Rapist Zelensky would agree with me on that one right about now.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

but he does care when you mention 'Border'


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
We've got these people all over in our country right now thanks to Democrats.

How long do you suppose it will be before they start murdering, raping and kidnapping our kids?




Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

I mentioned americans because as president of the US bombing americans is something you're not supposed to do.

Now, re the situation in Yemen, it's complicated.
1) Yemen was one of the cold war divided territories, a communist soviet north yemen and a pro-western south yemen.
2) To say "terrorists"complicates matters. Just about no one in Yemen is interested in any way in international terrorism, even if some of the same groups are present. What's happening instead is a civil war. So you might hear "Al Qaeda" or "Mujahideen" but these are fighters in a civil war, not terrorists. In Yemen, I mean.
3) A group may be Saudi or Iranian backed, but the issue here is what a post cold war Yemen would look like.

Biden and Kamala are great, Belarus.... Putin ...the world


Originally posted by THG:

Belarus doesn't have any Nukes. Nor, are they getting any.

Blame Trump?


Originally posted by second:
Trump wanted a war with Iran long before he was President


Wednesday, December 27, 2023 11:26 AM


Maersk to resume shipping through Red Sea

Red Sea crisis explained: what is happening and what does it mean for global trade?

Attacks from the Houthis on shipping vessels have increased in response to the war in Gaza, with BP halting all shipments of oil and gas through the region

Ever Given the Legal Battle

Russia-Ukraine some while back

Pilot and crew die in missile attack


Wednesday, December 27, 2023 1:58 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Where are we now 22 years after Saudi links to 911
and getting away with it?

but Iran is a different flavor of jihadi islamist

From some of our other predictions threads

old words of wisdom or false predictions???


Originally posted by AURaptor:

I don't buy for a second that there'll be any exchange of ordinance w/ Iran.

It's a Kabuki show , on a global sized stage.

While we're fretting over this big nothing, look for other events to take place. And get totally unnoticed.


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
A war with Iran would probably be an epic disaster for the entire Middle East. On the other hand, it would certainly make for better Summer tv than reruns.


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Congrats on digging up this thread from 11 years ago. It's both weird and interesting to read my own posts from way back in 2008. I was so polite then, even to the psycho leftists who posted their horseshit defending Islam.

This was not a Shit-cago shot clock thread but one of those ultra-Feminist posts a White Christmas Sexist Males are 'EVIL' threads


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

No, the retarded wing Rethuglicans NEVER GET THE FUCKING POINT. They believe like zealots that they are better, despite ALL evidence to the contrary.

Iran flogging an old man for dog walking is bad, but us allowing an epidemic of children getting hold of guns and blowing each other away is just fine.

She did however hate the USSR or Russians who are typically Orthodox or Atheist

and a joker?


Originally posted by mincingbeast:
You are all being ethnocentric, and totally disrespecting Iran's rich and beautiful culture.

India gets loud with Canada and the USA but will have ships attacked?


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
India is such a cluster I can't possibly imagine where to start.



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

These nations are not having "revolutions for freedom" as we like to think of them but serious internal civil wars in which few participants are worthy of our support. The "rebels" who seem to best be able to take advantage of the chaos are hardline Islamists, whether you're looking at Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, or Syria.

Russia Ukraine and BRICS


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

If they adopt a BRICS common currency and a non-SWIFT exchange (there are already two international non-IMF/non World Bank) then the USA loses its a reserve currency/petrodollar, financial, and trade* weapon (*as a large market).


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Israel can't be trusted. It is doing its level-best to level Iran (sabotage, cyber warfare) without getting into an actual shooting war, which it would lose.

Did you know that in 1967 Israel killed 34 AMERICAN sailors, and wounded 174 more by repeatedly bombing and strafing an unarmed AMERICAN FLAGGED research ship?

Hindu Nationalist culture India again


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
What is up with India assassinating folk in Canada and USA?

That seem weird, and rude.

Maybe it is merely Biden, and Trudeau.

China will give zero-f*cks?

because it has so many old camel trade routes and donkey silk roads which now go all the way into Europe?


Originally posted by 1kiki:

I've always thought that China was a fair-weather friend to Russia. So I was pretty cynical when I read reports that Xi and Putin had become allies, to all intents and purposes.

SixString being his usual self


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I refuse to even acknowledge any of this is going on.

We've had to listen to the bullshit about Russia and Ukraine for most of Biden*'s presidency so far after 2.5 years of Covid, and now they're getting all the idiots to talk about Israel/Palestine.

Fuck Israel. Fuck Palestine.

I bet even Child Rapist Zelensky would agree with me on that one right about now.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

but he does care when you mention 'Border'


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
We've got these people all over in our country right now thanks to Democrats.

How long do you suppose it will be before they start murdering, raping and kidnapping our kids?




Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

I mentioned americans because as president of the US bombing americans is something you're not supposed to do.

Now, re the situation in Yemen, it's complicated.
1) Yemen was one of the cold war divided territories, a communist soviet north yemen and a pro-western south yemen.
2) To say "terrorists"complicates matters. Just about no one in Yemen is interested in any way in international terrorism, even if some of the same groups are present. What's happening instead is a civil war. So you might hear "Al Qaeda" or "Mujahideen" but these are fighters in a civil war, not terrorists. In Yemen, I mean.
3) A group may be Saudi or Iranian backed, but the issue here is what a post cold war Yemen would look like.

Biden and Kamala are great, Belarus.... Putin ...the world


Originally posted by THG:

Belarus doesn't have any Nukes. Nor, are they getting any.

Blame Trump?


Originally posted by second:
Trump wanted a war with Iran long before he was President

Interesting smattering of opinions.

Boy, was I naive about Syria! It wasn't a civil war, it was a USA- backed, Saudi-funded regime change operation, with terrorists of various flavors (the many splinter groups of al Qaeda and ISIL) serving as proxies.

Now that Saudi and the USA State Dept seem to have parted ways, I hope we don't see any more of that in the ME or Africa.

AKAIK Iranians aren't terrorists. They haven't downed any airplanes or bombed any hotels. They're often accused of using Hezbollah in Lebanon and Ansarallah (Houthis) in Yemen, but having listened to the head of Hezbollah, Im convinced that that organization acts from its own authority. What Hezbollah is is Lebanon's defacto army. When Israel invaded Lebanon, Hezbollah beat the pants offa them. And Ansarallah is a Yemeni faction in a civil war, engaged as it was in a war against Saudi Arabia. The war against Ansarallah was directed by the USA.

But I guess it's OK for Israel to engage in a war of genocide, but not OK for anybody to fight back.


IDK if Biden* or Trump will be stupid enough to engage Iran. Biden* is certainly making all the moves, setting up all the rationalizations and positioning our aircraft carriers and missile carriers for a strike. It would be a disaster for Iran, but it would also be a disaster for us. The straits of Hormuz, through which ME oil flows, would be blocked and the aircraft carrier currently stationed in the Persian (i.e. Iranian) Gulf would be sunk. We would probably strike at large civilisn centers, since that's how we wage war.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Saturday, January 13, 2024 6:27 AM


The Ronnie and Bush senior Admin maybe created the mess of religious and political chaos

FullOfShit actor Reagan supporting drug runners and terrorists in 'Irangate'?

or was it the DeepState running weapons and drugs

Biden on whether US is in proxy war with Iran: ‘No’

Meghan McCain praises late father, slams Trump on Jan. 6 anniversary



Monday, July 22, 2024 6:26 AM


'Divine Intervention' and an 'October Surprise': Eric Trump Accuses Dems of Cheating


Thursday, July 25, 2024 9:37 AM



Tuesday, August 6, 2024 9:14 AM


Biden, Harris briefed about situation in Middle East as Iran threatens to avenge Haniyeh’s assassination

Attack on US base in Iraq heightens fears of reprisal by Iran-backed militia


Tuesday, August 6, 2024 2:09 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Netanyahu is STILL intent on dragging us into a ME war. Israel's army got stalled out in Gaza. There is NO WAY they could take on Iran and survive, without USA help, and they know it.

They can't even attack Lebanon without significant, possibly fatal national damage.

I have heard speculated that given its weakness in conventional warfare and its inability to survive a prolonged fight, Israel needs a short fight and quick victory. So Israel intends to uncork a nuclear bomb on ... somebody.

The idea sounds "unthinkable", but since Israel (and I mean the entire governemnt and virtually all citizens) have reached the stage of wanting to genocide everyone in the region, what's so "unthinkable" about a nuke?

Let's say Israel preemptively nukes Iran. Then what? Will Israel disappear in a cloud of retaliatory nukes?

I doubt it. Russia and China are still exercising restraint and wouldn't want to risk a worldwide nuclear conflagration, and while much of the world (except USA warhawks) would look in in horror, Israel would have dealt a deathblow to its worst enemy. Iran wouldn't be around to close off Straits of Hormuz, or sink our aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf.

Seems like it's worth thinking about, bc the only real impediment to the idea is sending a nuclear tipped missile all the way to Iran.

Preemptively nuking Lebanon as a warning (i.e. pulling a Hiroshima/ Nagasaki) might be more doable.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Wednesday, August 28, 2024 6:54 PM



Wednesday, October 2, 2024 7:01 AM


Biden directs US military to help Israel shoot down Iranian missiles, officials say


Saturday, October 5, 2024 5:56 AM


Biden says US discussing possible Israeli strikes on Iran oil facilities


Saturday, October 5, 2024 5:43 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Biden says US discussing possible Israeli strikes on Iran oil facilities

Blinken has taken over foreign policy. Biden tells Bibi not to escalate bc that would tank Harris'/ Obama's election.

“White House staff" (Blinken) privately encourages Bibi to go ahead and attack Iran's oil facilities.


Meanwhile ... both the Russian Prime Minister (Mishustin) and Security Scy (Shoigu) have been in Iran during this whoke ruckus. They are confident that Israel isn't going to do air strikes. The calculation is that if Israel strikes Iran with anything other than a PR retaliation, both Russia AND CHINA will defend Iran. One reason is bc China can't tolerate the Straits of Hormuz - thru which most Mideast (Saudi, Qatari, UAE, Iranian oil and gas flows - shut off.

And TBH, we couldn't stand it either.


"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger







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