Hillary Clinton: just because she deserves her own thread

UPDATED: Friday, March 15, 2024 20:22
VIEWED: 98629
PAGE 10 of 10

Friday, March 15, 2024 8:22 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
My god SIG. Is there anything about you that isn't doom and gloom? Is there anything about you that isn't hypocritical? voicing outrage about the behavior of Hillary Clinton while praising people like Putin and his Iranian allies.

Is there any part of you that isn't a warped and sick bitch? I am about finished with my BSW and I currently work in the mental health field. Trust me, you are one sick bitch.

Anyone working in the mental health field would never call anyone a "sick bitch". You're either a liar, or you've chosen the wrong profession!

Think again. Since you are thriving off the dismay of others and not a ward of the state, but instead someone who considers themselves accomplished, I will call it like I see it.


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Durham Report Another Bust. Hey Jack, I Was Right

UPDATED: Wednesday, February 28, 2024 14:39
VIEWED: 1273
PAGE 2 of 2

Wednesday, November 29, 2023 7:22 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh, poor Hunter!!

It's a good thing he had his daddy find him a do-nothing job for Burisma energy at $80,000/ month!

And, not everybody bangs his dead brothers underage daughter.


You believe that shit that Mika is peddling????

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM

Wednesday, November 29, 2023 10:08 PM



Ted is one of the most useful of the useful idiots.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Thursday, December 14, 2023 6:37 PM


Hey comrade signym, you stupid polish Russian collaborator. They have been try to get anything on

Biden, any type of corruption for at least a year while Trump was in office. Since Biden said
he was going to run against him. They got shit.


Originally posted by THG:


Thursday, December 14, 2023 9:50 PM


Are you drunk posting today Ted, or did your wife's boyfriend beat you up?


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Monday, December 18, 2023 10:20 PM



Monday, December 18, 2023 10:38 PM


Comer pushes back on reporting on ‘shell company’ to manage lan

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) pushed back on reporting characterizing one of his business ventures as a shell company, defending the legitimacy of a business structure he said was designed to insulate his farm from lawsuits.

Reporting from The Associated Press dives deep into Comer’s stake in Farm Team Properties, a company he co-owns with his wife after purchasing land from a campaign contributor.



Friday, January 5, 2024 6:30 AM


Report: Trump received at least $7.8M in foreign payments during presidency

A report from Democrats on the House Oversight Committee released Thursday accused former President Trump of receiving at least $7.8 million in foreign payments to his properties during his presidency.

Why it matters: It’s the most solid figure to date on the scope and scale of Trump’s private windfall from foreign sources, which Democrats allege is a clear-cut violation of the Constitution’s emoluments clause.

Driving the news: The 156-page report titled “White House for Sale: How Princes, Prime Ministers, and Premiers Paid Off President Trump” draws on documents from Trump’s accounting firm, Mazars, obtained after years of high-profile court battles.

It lays out foreign payments to four Trump properties, two in New York, one in Washington, D.C., and one in Las Vegas, from at least 20 foreign governments or government-owned entities, including China, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Kosovo and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

“President Trump never sought or received Congress's approval to keep these foreign payments, as the Constitution requires,” the report says, also drawing links between the payments and Trump's policy decisions.

A spokesperson for Trump did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

By the numbers: By far the largest chunk of the $7.8 million came from China, which spent nearly $5.6 million at Trump Tower in New York and Trump International Hotels in Washington, D.C. and Las Vegas. (The D.C. hotel became the Waldorf Astoria in 2022.)

Another $615,000 came from Saudi Arabia, $466,000 from Qatar, $303,000 from Kuwait, $283,000 from India, $249,000 from Malaysia, $155,000 from Afghanistan, $75,000 from the Philippines and $65,000 from the UAE.

The big picture: The $7.8 million figure, the report says, is based on a "small slice" of the Mazars documents and is "likely only a small fraction of the total amount of such payments he received during his presidency."

Oversight Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) released Mazars from its obligation to turn over the documents after taking power in January. The four properties comprise just 1% of the businesses Trump owned when he was president, the report says.

"The Committee did not receive from Mazars any documents regarding at least 80% of Donald Trump's business entities," the report says. "For many other entities, Mazars produced only a single document. "But, it adds, "this figure in itself is a scandal and a decisive spur to action."

What we're watching: Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), ranking member of the committee, previewed plans for a package of legislative reforms to "ensure that all occupants of the Oval Office abide by the Constitution's unequivocal language commanding loyalty to the interests of the American people."

The evidence Trump and his family took billions from foreign countries is overwhelming. Yet all the Republicans care about is Hunter Biden. Six or seven years now of trying to prove Joe Biden did what Trump did, and they found nothing.


Friday, January 5, 2024 7:35 AM


So desperate. So sad.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Friday, January 5, 2024 11:46 AM


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

So desperate. So sad.

Jared Kushner's Middle East Dealings Under Scrutiny Amid Trump Report

Criticism over the $2 billion investment Jared Kushner's firm received from Saudi Arabia has reemerged in the wake of a report alleging that his father-in-law, Donald Trump's businesses received millions in foreign payments while he was in office.

Congressman Robert Garcia was one of those who accused Kushner, a former White House advisor who is married to Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump, of carrying out a "grift" by accepting a $2 billion investment from a fund led by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for his private equity fund, Affinity Partners, six months after he left his White House role in January 2021.

So stupid, so sad.


Monday, January 8, 2024 5:57 PM


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

So desperate. So sad.

Jim Jordan Comes Up Empty

Jim Jordan claimed the Republican Party had secured "damning evidence" in President Joe Biden's impeachment inquiry, despite that evidence coming from a Hunter Biden associate who said he was not aware of any wrongdoing by the president.

In a transcript of his testimony before the committee, he was asked if he was aware of any wrongdoing by the president.

"No. I'm not aware of any," Archer said.

He also said he had no knowledge of Joe Biden having involvement with Burisma and rejected claims that the president and Hunter Biden each accepted a $5-million bribe from an official within the company.

You are, desperate and sad. Then there is Jim Jordan, another loser. All your champions are losers. You Jack, I am laughing at you.


Monday, January 8, 2024 6:56 PM




Monday, January 8, 2024 7:49 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump Businesses Received $5.5 Million from China While He Was President

By David Zimmermann | January 4, 2024, 12:56 PM

Former president Donald Trump’s businesses received at least $5.5 million from China while he was in office, according to a new report released by Democrats on the House Oversight Committee.

The foreign payments, which were detailed in the committee’s 156-page report titled “White House for Sale,” collectively included over $5 million from China’s Embassy in the United States, a state-owned Chinese bank, and a state-owned Chinese airline company. House Oversight Democratic lawmakers obtained these financial records from Trump’s former accounting firm, Mazars USA, and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

China is one of at least 20 countries to pay a total of roughly $7.8 million to Trump-owned businesses and properties while he was in office, including the former president’s hotels in New York City, Las Vegas, and Washington, D.C., according to the Thursday report. While in the White House, Trump reportedly accepted money from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, India, the Philippines, and many more.

“Critically, even this subset of documents reveals a stunning web of millions of dollars in payments made by foreign governments and their agents directly to Trump-owned businesses while President Trump was in the White House,” the report reads. “These payments were made while these governments were promoting specific foreign policy goals with the Trump administration and even, at times, with President Trump himself, and as they were requesting specific actions from the United States to advance their own national policy objectives.”

“By elevating his personal financial interests and the policy priorities of corrupt foreign powers over the American public interest, former President Trump violated both the clear commands of the Constitution and the careful precedent set and observed by every previous Commander-in-Chief,” House Oversight ranking member Jamie Raskin (D., Md.) wrote in the report’s foreword.

The new information comes to light as House Republicans continue investigating President Joe Biden in an impeachment inquiry over his alleged involvement in foreign-business dealings with his son, Hunter.

House Oversight chairman James Comer (R., Ky.) dismissed the report on Thursday, arguing that there’s nothing suspicious about Trump’s businesses receiving foreign payments.

“Former President Trump has legitimate businesses, but the Bidens do not,” Comer said in a statement. “The Bidens and their associates made over $24 million by cashing in on the Biden name in China, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Romania. No goods or services were provided other than access to Joe Biden and the Biden network.”

( It is too bad that the $24 million is a make-believe number. The documentation says $0.00. It almost makes me suspect James Comer (R., Ky.) is a lunatic rather than a run-of-the-mill liar. )

Raskin noted that Trump’s claimed donations of profits to the U.S. Treasury falls short of a president’s constitutional requirements, which forbids the pocketing of any revenue from foreign governments unless Congress approves otherwise.

The result of an eight-year investigation into Trump’s payments from foreign entities during his presidency, the report asks Congress to consider adopting new financial-disclosure rules to conduct proper oversight of sitting presidents and senior executive officials. The committee’s Democratic lawmakers also recommend a formal procedure for presidents and other public officials to seek congressional permission when they receive and intend to keep wealth from foreign nations.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Monday, January 8, 2024 9:07 PM


So sad. So pathetic.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Monday, January 8, 2024 10:12 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
So sad. So pathetic.
Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the Constitution forbids the President to accept money payments or gifts “of any kind whatever” from foreign governments and monarchs unless he obtains “the Consent of the Congress” to do so. Yet Donald Trump, while holding the office of president, used his business entities to pocket millions of dollars from foreign states and royalty and never once went to Congress to seek its consent.

6ixStringJack, the Constitution is very straightforward about what Trump and Joe Biden did, but you don't understand the difference between hard proof Trump took money from foreign governments and Joe Biden NOT taking money. Trump is a simpleminded crook, but more pathetic are people who can't understand what the Constitution says about what Trump did.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Monday, January 8, 2024 10:51 PM


Oh, Biden* took the money too.

They all take the money. They all take the money.

But you keep clutching your pearls when it's somebody that you don't like and go right on pretending that nothing your guy ever did was corrupt as hell.



Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024 8:41 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Oh, Biden* took the money too.

They all take the money. They all take the money.

But you keep clutching your pearls when it's somebody that you don't like and go right on pretending that nothing your guy ever did was corrupt as hell.

6ix, you and all the Trumptards I know keep saying Biden committed crimes and Trump didn't. Trump has been in court thousands of times because he breaks contracts and distorts facts. As for Biden? Never spent his wealth on lawyers. Never went to the Supreme Court twice to avoid revealing that he doesn't pay income taxes.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Tuesday, January 9, 2024 9:12 AM


Originally posted by second:
Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Oh, Biden* took the money too.

They all take the money. They all take the money.

But you keep clutching your pearls when it's somebody that you don't like and go right on pretending that nothing your guy ever did was corrupt as hell.

6ix, you and all the Trumptards I know keep saying Biden committed crimes and Trump didn't. Trump has been in court thousands of times because he breaks contracts and distorts facts. As for Biden? Never spent his wealth on lawyers. Never went to the Supreme Court twice to avoid revealing that he doesn't pay income taxes.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Jacks full throated defense of Trump and condemnation of people who've done nothing wrong exposes who Jack is; a troll. Remember, he can't even hold down a job.


Tuesday, January 9, 2024 9:46 AM


How's work today, honey?

I don't have rent or a mortgage or a car payment. My cost to live last year was just over $7,000.

Have fun never paying off all those loans that you're going to die with.

Meanwhile, Trump will be fine.

He will also be your next President.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Thursday, January 11, 2024 6:35 PM


Court Docs Link Trump Jr. and Navarro to Chinese Financier

Donald Trump Jr. and ex-White House trade advisor Peter Navarro appear on a list of potential defendants in a court filing Wednesday related to the sprawling bankruptcy case of a right-wing Chinese businessman accused of bilking anti-communist dissidents.

The court-appointed trustee overseeing the estate of Guo Wengui—also known as Ho Wan Kwok, Miles Guo, and Miles Kwok—identified the former first son and the conspiracy-spouting fringe economist among a large number of individuals and entities they plan to serve with legal papers under a proposed court order. Wengui, who declared bankruptcy in Feb. 2022 after getting stuck with $134 million in fines related to his yacht, has long played sugar daddy to ex-White House chief strategist Steve Bannon and bankrolled the ill-starred conservative Twitter alternative Gettr.


Thursday, January 11, 2024 7:00 PM


So sad. So pathetic.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Friday, January 12, 2024 10:59 AM


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

How's work today, honey?

I don't have rent or a mortgage or a car payment. My cost to live last year was just over $7,000.

Have fun never paying off all those loans that you're going to die with.

Meanwhile, Trump will be fine.

He will also be your next President.

Can you believe it? Every time Jack posts about himself, he defines himself as a loser. Someone who can’t hold down a job and clearly is self-loathing about it. This is demonstrated when it tells us he has no respect for anyone who can. Suckers is what he calls us. He has a recent post where he says he is for doing away with SSI. Probably, because you have to have a job and pay into it to get it. This means he won’t.

Reasons he is a diehard Trumper. He has nothing, including an education. Or the skill set with the mental capacity to be a contributing member of society. So, he hates anyone who can. He wants all to suffer his feeling of loss, and he runs on hate.

So sad, so pathetic.


Friday, January 12, 2024 12:23 PM


Originally posted by THG:
Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

How's work today, honey?

I don't have rent or a mortgage or a car payment. My cost to live last year was just over $7,000.

Have fun never paying off all those loans that you're going to die with.

Meanwhile, Trump will be fine.

He will also be your next President.

Can you believe it? Every time Jack posts about himself, he defines himself as a loser. Someone who can’t hold down a job and clearly is self-loathing about it. This is demonstrated when it tells us he has no respect for anyone who can. Suckers is what he calls us.

You are a sucker. Your life sucks, and you will never get ahead. Your job sucks. Your existence is pointless. You have nothing to look forward to everyday. You have no hobbies or skills.

Punching in and punching out every day like a little ant is all you have. That paycheck you're getting today is already spent. It was already spent a long time ago.

The reason you and Second keep bringing up my life is because you fucking hate the fact that somebody like me is successful while you're going to spend the rest of your days slaving away without anything to show for it.

He has a recent post where he says he is for doing away with SSI. Probably, because you have to have a job and pay into it to get it. This means he won’t.

The fuck I did.

I know exactly which post you're talking about, but you didn't understand it because you barely know how to read. Here's the post, which was made just last night:

I keep hearing everyday that Social Security is going to be gone by the time my generation retires, but sure... let's give another $150 Billion to Ukraine while kicking out kids from schools in NYC so we can house all those battle-aged male criminal illegal invaders on taxpayer dime.

Democrats are cancer.

I'm talking about you dumb motherfuckers cheerleading war in Ukraine and giving $150 Billion to Zelensky, and cheerleading open boarders while NYC is kicking kids out of schools to house illegals while we have to hear everyday that we don't have enough money to fund Social Security anymore while your dumb fucking party gives all of our money away to every fucking body else except for actual American citizens.

You stupid, stupid fuck.

Reasons he is a diehard Trumper. He has nothing, including an education. Or the skill set with the mental capacity to be a contributing member of society. So, he hates anyone who can. He wants all to suffer his feeling of loss, and he runs on hate.

I've got a lot. And it's all paid for.

What I don't have is a mortgage or rent. Or credit card debt. Or a car loan payment. Or student loan debt. Or child support payments. Or any financial obligation whatsoever to anybody. Everybody I know owes me money and/or favors. Mostly favors, because I've lived a pretty long life now and developed a lot of skills that most people don't possess, and there's a whole lot of things that people in my circle get to benefit from by knowing somebody like me who can fix just about anything and isn't afraid of getting dirty to do it.

I'm also actually a really nice guy when it comes to good people. You and second are garbage people who bring nothing but hate into the world. Second is downright evil. You're just so stupid that it's surprising to everyone else that you're able to breath involuntarily.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Friday, January 12, 2024 12:29 PM


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Originally posted by THG:
Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

How's work today, honey?

I don't have rent or a mortgage or a car payment. My cost to live last year was just over $7,000.

Have fun never paying off all those loans that you're going to die with.

Meanwhile, Trump will be fine.

He will also be your next President.

Can you believe it? Every time Jack posts about himself, he defines himself as a loser. Someone who can’t hold down a job and clearly is self-loathing about it. This is demonstrated when it tells us he has no respect for anyone who can. Suckers is what he calls us.

You are a sucker. Your life sucks, and you will never get ahead. Your job sucks. Your existence is pointless. You have nothing to look forward to everyday. You have no hobbies or skills.

Punching in and punching out every day like a little ant is all you have. That paycheck you're getting today is already spent. It was already spent a long time ago.

The reason you and Second keep bringing up my life is because you fucking hate the fact that somebody like me is successful while you're going to spend the rest of your days slaving away without anything to show for it.

He has a recent post where he says he is for doing away with SSI. Probably, because you have to have a job and pay into it to get it. This means he won’t.

The fuck I did.

I know exactly which post you're talking about, but you didn't understand it because you barely know how to read. Here's the post, which was made just last night:

I keep hearing everyday that Social Security is going to be gone by the time my generation retires, but sure... let's give another $150 Billion to Ukraine while kicking out kids from schools in NYC so we can house all those battle-aged male criminal illegal invaders on taxpayer dime.

Democrats are cancer.

I'm talking about you dumb motherfuckers cheerleading war in Ukraine and giving $150 Billion to Zelensky, and cheerleading open boarders while NYC is kicking kids out of schools to house illegals while we have to hear everyday that we don't have enough money to fund Social Security anymore while your dumb fucking party gives all of our money away to every fucking body else except for actual American citizens.

You stupid, stupid fuck.

Reasons he is a diehard Trumper. He has nothing, including an education. Or the skill set with the mental capacity to be a contributing member of society. So, he hates anyone who can. He wants all to suffer his feeling of loss, and he runs on hate.

I've got a lot. And it's all paid for.

What I don't have is a mortgage or rent. Or credit card debt. Or a car loan payment. Or student loan debt. Or child support payments. Or any financial obligation whatsoever to anybody. Everybody I know owes me money and/or favors.

I'm also actually a really nice guy when it comes to good people. You and second are garbage people who bring nothing but hate into the world. Second is just downright evil. You're just so stupid that it's surprising to everyone else that you're able to breath involuntarily.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

See what I mean? And he is so fucked up he believes anything he thinks is real.


Friday, January 12, 2024 12:33 PM


Originally posted by THG:
See what I mean? And he is so fucked up he believes anything he thinks is real.

Learn how to read, you fucking retard.

The fact that you doubled down on stupid and made this reply to mine, especially putting on display your ignorance of and/or outright lies about my stance on social security which are demonstrably false, says everything anybody needs to know about how dumb you actually are.

That's what happens when you spend 7 years straight reading nothing but article headlines and allowing Mika Brezinski do all of your thinking for you like she's admitted on air she is paid to do.

That smartphone of yours has fried your tiny little brain.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Monday, January 15, 2024 10:42 PM


he he he...


Monday, January 15, 2024 11:31 PM



We know you love your crackhead degenerate Democrats, Ted.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024 10:30 AM


Originally posted by THG:
Originally posted by SignyM:

How the FBI covered up the laptop and the alphabet agencies and M$M united to smear one man: the laptop repairman's story

As a rule I'm not a fan of large posts. I don't think they serve a purpose. However, sometimes it is useful to show stupid people how stupid they are. To remind them everybody who reads their posts knows it.

Like this post that shows a concern for the rule of law from Signym. Like other posts from Jack, JSF and some infrequent posters. Yep, they're all in for the rule of law.

The problem they have is all the proof showing they are not. Like the proof I post here that they choose to ignore. Proof anyone with a healthy conative ability would recognize as showing Trump is a sick criminal. Yet, these chosen few deny deny deny.

I offer this proof showing they too are sick. And I'll remind you much more has occurred since 2021.


Originally published on Feb. 28, 2021; continually updated.

On both the criminal and civil litigation fronts, former President Donald Trump faces a bevy of lawsuits and investigations, with more cases likely to follow. Some are civil suits stemming from his pre-presidential business dealings. Others are defamation claims from women he allegedly assaulted. More still are criminal probes and civil actions that scrutinize his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. The Chart below tracks all these cases. It will be continually updated as major legal developments occur.

These cases bear on two pressing questions. First, will Trump maintain his long streak of eluding legal liability in the face of so many lawsuits? Second, if Trump is held to account for illegal conduct, what impact will such a development have on his—and his family’s—political and business fortunes?

Criminal charges—one would think—would be among the most damaging outcomes. After all, a criminal prosecution of a former president would be a singular event in American history. No former president has ever been indicted, much less convicted. Trump lost any immunity from indictment that he may have possessed as president the moment he left office on Jan. 20. To be sure, most of the criminal probes detailed below are in their infancy, so the odds of an actual conviction at this time remain improbable. Even so, the mere stigma of criminal charges against the former president could reshape the American political landscape and the historical understanding of Trump’s behavior.

The civil cases could certainly do their fair share of damage as well, directly or indirectly. If Trump falters in one of his business-related suits, his companies may be subject to massive penalties, or worse. Even apart from such sanctions, his empire is reportedly struggling under looming debt obligations and reduced revenues, a slump which could worsen if his reputation continues to deteriorate.

With these legal threats bearing down on the former president from nearly every direction, this tracker collects them in one place. Note: we have chosen not to include various cases involving Trump’s properties or the Trump Campaign —including slip-and-fall cases, allegations of bedbugs, water use cases, telephone spam suits, copyright suits, and discrimination suits—as they do not implicate Trump directly or it is very unlikely that they will. Below we’ve included key takeaways from each case along with case charts that explain the case’s main issue, procedural posture, and any upcoming deadlines. We will continue to update this information as new filings are docketed, new details emerge, new plaintiffs come forward or drop out, and other significant developments in the cases occur. If you believe we are missing a significant issue or development, send us a message at

Key Takeaways

1. E. Jean Carroll 1.0: Defamation and Federal Tort Claims Act Litigation

Carroll is suing Trump for defamation after he publicly accused her, in June 2019, of fabricating a rape allegation against him. The parties are currently involved in an appeal before the Second Circuit, where Trump (and so far, the Justice Department as well) is arguing that he had official immunity from Carroll’s defamation claim under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA).

Update: On Sept. 27, 2022, the Second Circuit asked the D.C. Court of Appeals to rule on whether Trump’s public denial fell within the scope of his employment under the FTCA.

2. E. Jean Carroll 2.0: Battery and Defamation

Carroll is suing Trump for battery alleging he raped her and for defamation on the basis of a lengthy statement he made on October 12, 2022. The claim of defamation is similar to the suit Carroll brought earlier, except this time Trump made his statement saying she fabricated the rape allegation after he was no longer in office. Accordingly, there is no prospect of his obtaining immunity under the Federal Tort Claims Act.

Carroll filed suit on the first day permitted under New York’s Adult Survivors Act, N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 214-j. The law provides a one-year window for sexual assault survivors to file civil claims even if the statute of limitations has passed.

3. Summer Zervos Defamation Suit (CASE CLOSED)

Summer Zervos, a former contestant on the Apprentice, has filed a civil suit against former President Trump for defamation after he claimed her allegations of his inappropriate sexual conduct were lies designed to help the Clinton campaign and improve her fame. The case is currently at the New York Court of Appeals, the highest New York state court.

Update-1: On Oct. 4, 2021, the trial court ruled that Trump could be deposed before Dec. 23, 2021.

Update-2: On Nov. 12, 2021, Zervos announced she is dropping the lawsuit.

4. Mary Trump Fraud Litigation

Mary Trump is suing Donald Trump for defrauding her out of millions of dollars in an inheritance dispute. The suit is pending in New York state court, where the parties are currently battling over former President Trump’s move to dismiss the case.

Update-1: On Sept. 21, 2021, Donald Trump filed a related lawsuit against Mary Trump, the New York Times, and several of its reporters.

Update-2: On Nov. 15, 2022, the court dismissed Mary’s suit against former President Trump. Mary Trump immediately filed a notice of appeal.

5. Panama Hotel Fraud and Tax Litigation (CASE CLOSED)

Ithaca Capital is suing Trump’s hotel management company for fraud in federal court. Primarily, Ithaca claims that Trump representatives exaggerated the value of a Panama hotel during Ithaca’s negotiations to purchase it.

Update: On Sept. 15, 2021, the parties agreed to end the lawsuit.

6. Doe v. The Trump Corporation Class Action

A group of anonymous plaintiffs have filed a class action against the Trump family and their business, alleging that the Trumps used their brand to scam investors into paying for worthless business opportunities. The district court denied the Trumps’ bid to force the case into arbitration, and the Trumps are now appealing.

7. DC Civil Suit over Misuse of 2017 Inauguration Funds (CASE CLOSED)

In a non-criminal suit, the DC Attorney General is suing several Trump-affiliated entities for misusing inauguration funds to enrich Trump’s family business. The suit is currently in discovery before DC’s local court, where the AG’s office is deposing key Trump executives, notably including his children.

Update: On May 3, 2022, the Trump Organization and Trump’s inaugural committee agreed to settle the suit by paying a total of $750,000.

8. Reps. Karen Bass et al. Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Capitol Attack

Ten members of the House of Representatives, represented by the NAACP, are suing Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and two right wing militia groups for conspiring to forcibly prevent Congress from counting the Electoral College votes on Jan. 6.

Update: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the § 1985 claim against him.

9. Eric Swalwell Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

On Mar. 5, 2021, Representative Eric Swalwell sued Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump Jr., and Congressman Mo Brooks in federal court over the Jan. 6 riots. Swalwell alleges that the defendants violated federal civil rights laws–including the Ku Klux Klan Act–when they conspired to interfere with the Electoral College Count on Jan 6. Beyond that, Swalwell also says the defendants should be held liable for negligently violating DC criminal codes on incitement, encouraging the rioters’ violent conduct, and intentionally inflicting emotional distress on members of Congress.

Update: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, negligence per se, DC anti-bias law, and aiding and abetting assault. The court granted Trump’s request to dismiss the § 1986, emotional distress, and negligence claims.

10. Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

Two Capitol Police officers–both on duty during the Jan. 6 insurrection–sued Donald Trump for injuries they sustained while protecting the Capitol. Both allege that the rioters physically attacked them with fists, chemical spray, and other weapons. They allege that the former president, by his incendiary words and conduct, directed the physical attack and emotional distress.

Update: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, directing and aiding and abetting assault, and negligence per se. The court granted Trump’s motion to dismiss the emotional distress, punitive damages, and civil conspiracy claims.

11. Second Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

A second group of Capitol Police officers filed suit against Trump, the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, and other affiliates involved in allegedly planning and executing the Jan. 6 riots. The seven officers claim that they were physically and emotionally injured by attackers that Trump instigated, and that Trump and his co-defendants conspired to disrupt congressional business in the certification of electoral votes.

12. Third Capitol Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots

A third suit was filed by a Capitol Police officer alleging that physical and emotional injuries he suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot.

13. Metropolitan Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots

Two Metropolitan Police Officers filed suit alleging that physical and emotional injuries they suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot. The officers seek compensatory and punitive damages.

14. NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund Voting Rights Case for Post-Election Actions

The LDF is suing Trump, the Trump Campaign, and the RNC for their efforts to overturn the 2020 election in violation of the Voting Rights Act and the Ku Klux Klan Act. While the litigation is still at its early stages, Trump faces damages and a declaratory judgment that he did indeed violate these provisions of the law.

15. New York Attorney General’s Civil and Criminal Investigations

Since March 2019, New York Attorney General Letitia James has been investigating allegations that the Trump Organization altered property values to avoid tax liabilities. The investigation began after Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen provided congressional testimony that Trump engaged in fraud. In October 2020, James’s office deposed Eric Trump, and in January 2021 a state court judge ruled that Trump’s tax attorneys must turn over thousands of documents.

Update-1: On May 18, 2021, a spokesperson for New York’s Attorney General said, “We have informed the Trump Organization that our investigation into the organization is no longer purely civil in nature. We are now actively investigating the Trump Organizations in a criminal capacity, along with the Manhattan DA.”

Update-2: On Dec. 1, 2021, AG James subpoenaed Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, and Donald Trump Jr., seeking to question them about the real estate valuations.

Update-3: On Dec. 20, 2021, Trump filed his own lawsuit against James in federal court, accusing her of targeting him out of political animosity and asking the court to halt her investigation. The district court dismissed that suit on May 27, 2022.

Update-4: On Feb. 17, 2022, the state court ruled that the NY AG can question Donald Trump, Ivanka, and Donald Jr. under oath. On June 8, 2022, the Trumps tentatively agreed to be questioned under oath by James’s office in mid-July.

Update-5: On Aug. 10, 2022, AG James deposed Trump, but he repeatedly declined to answer her questions and instead invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

Update-6: On Sept. 21, 2022, the NY AG sued Trump and his children in NY state court. The civil lawsuit seeks $250 million in damages and accuses the Trumps of repeatedly overvaluing their real estate assets in a scheme designed to obtain favorable bank loans.

16. Scotland Unexplained Wealth Orders

In February 2021, the Scottish Parliament voted to reject an investigation into unexplained cash transactions executed by the Trump Organization’s Scottish golf courses. A non-profit group is now challenging that decision in Scottish court.

17. Trump Tower Assault Suit (CLOSED)

A group of six protesters are suing Trump over allegations that Trump’s security guards assaulted them outside Trump Tower in 2015. The case is pending in New York state court.

Update: On Oct. 18, 2021, former President Trump sat for a four-hour deposition to answer questions about the incident.

Update-2: Nov. 2, 2022, the parties reached a settlement in the case, details of the settlement agreement have not been disclosed.

18. Michael Cohen Retaliatory Imprisonment Suit

Michael Cohen–Donald Trump’s former attorney who served a three-year sentence for Trump-related crimes–is suing Trump, the US government, and other officials for allegedly retaliating against Cohen after he announced a tell-all book detailing his years of legal work for Trump. Cohen alleges that, after the announcement, Trump and his co-defendants retaliated by trying to bar Cohen from using social media and by sending Cohen back to prison from home confinement.

Update: The court dismissed Cohen’s lawsuit on Nov. 14, 2022.

19. Criminal Investigations into Trump’s Finances

During his presidency, the Manhattan District Attorney investigated Trump’s finances. Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance gained access to Trump’s tax information in the course of a criminal investigation into potential tax crimes, insurance fraud, and other financial crimes under state law. Criminal charges have not been filed against Trump, but have been filed against his longtime CFO and against the Trump Organization. The case was taken over by the new DA Alvin Bragg.

Update: New reporting on Mar. 1 revealed that Vance’s investigation has focused on Trump Organization chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, whose potential cooperation with prosecutors could be a significant breakthrough in the investigation. On Mar. 31, the New York Times reported that prosecutors have subpoenaed Mr. Weisselberg’s personal bank records, and on Apr. 8, investigators took possession of financial records from Weisselberg’s daughter-in-law.

Update: New reporting on Mar. 8 revealed that Vance’s probe has expanded to include an investigation of a loan the Trump Organization received to build its Chicago tower, and whether the forgiveness of that loan was reported as income.

Update: Vance has convened a special grand jury that is “expected to decide whether to indict former president Donald Trump, other executives at his company or the business itself should prosecutors present the panel with criminal charges,” the Washington Post reported on May 25, 2021. “The move indicates that District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr.’s investigation of the former president and his business has reached an advanced stage …. It suggests, too, that Vance believes he has found evidence of a crime — if not by Trump then by someone potentially close to him or by his company.”

Update-1: On Jun. 4, ABC News reported that Trump Organization senior vice president and controller, Jeff McConney is among a number of witnesses to have already appeared before the special grand jury. He is reportedly the first employee of the company called to testify. The New York Times reported that the District Attorney’s office has subpoenaed McConney, but could not confirm if he has testified.

Update-2: On July 1, 2021, the DA charged the Trump Organization and its chief financial officer Weisselberg for an alleged 15-year-lJuly 1, 2021 Trump Organization chargesong tax fraud scheme. The indictment included reference to an “unindicted co-conspirator,” who is Jeff McConney, the Trump Organization’s controller, a person familiar with the investigation told CNN.

Update-3: On Aug. 18, 2022, Allen Weisselberg pleaded guilty to fifteen financial felonies including tax fraud and grand larceny. As part of the deal with the new DA Alvin Bragg, Weisselberg agreed to testify if the Trump Organization goes to trial on the tax fraud charges.

Update-4: On Nov. 21, the New York Times reported that the DA’s office has resumed a criminal investigation of Trump’s possible hush money payment and associated falsification of business records.

Update-5: On Dec. 6, 2022, a jury convicted the Trump Organization of tax fraud and other crimes related to the company’s practice of giving out off-the-books perks to executives that were never taxed.

20. DC AG Incitement Criminal Investigation

The DC Attorney General, Karl Racine, has announced a criminal investigation into Trump’s alleged role in provoking the Jan. 6th riots. No charges have been filed, though Racine’s office is reportedly looking into a local DC code that makes it a misdemeanor to incite violence.

21. Fulton County, Georgia Criminal Election Influence Investigation

The Fulton County DA’s Office has opened a criminal investigation into attempted election interference by Trump. The DA’s Office has requested that all official and unofficial emails concerning the election be preserved and has reportedly also planned to look into a call between Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger as part of the investigation as well as Rudy Giuliani’s potential false statements to Georgia officials.

Update: On May 2, 2022, the Fulton County state prosecutors convened a special grand jury to investigate “whether there were unlawful attempts to disrupt the administration of the 2020 elections here in Georgia.” Proceedings began on May 27, 2022, and are expected to last several months.

22. Westchester, New York Criminal Investigation of Trump Organization Golf Course

The Westchester District Attorney’s Office reportedly launched an investigation which probes, at least in part, whether the Trump Organization misled local officials on the property values of its golf course in order to reduce its taxes.

23. Mishandling of Classified and other Government Documents

On Feb. 9, 2022, after finding classified documents in fifteen boxes recovered from Mar-a-Lago the previous month, the National Archives made a referral to the Justice Department for Trump’s handling of government records. The Archives had recovered the classified materials when it retrieved the boxes of official records from Trump’s Florida residence. On or before Apr. 29, 2022, the Justice Department notified Trump’s counsel Evan Corcoran that the Department had an “ongoing criminal investigation” into the handling of the government documents marked as classified. (The grand jury investigation was reported by the New York Times on May 12, 2022.)

Update: On Aug. 8, 2022, FBI agents searched Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida. On Aug. 11, Attorney General Merrick Garland confirmed in public remarks that he had personally approved the search.

Update: On Aug. 22, 2022, Trump filed a lawsuit challenging the DOJ’s investigation in Florida federal court. Trump’s suit requested that the court appoint a special master to review the seized documents and to screen out any materials covered by attorney-client or executive privilege. The suit also asked the court to enjoin the DOJ from reviewing the documents and to order the DOJ to return some of Trump’s personal property.

Update: On Sept. 5, 2022, district court Judge Aileen Cannon granted Trump’s request to appoint a special master and enjoined the DOJ from reviewing the seized records as part of its criminal investigation. The DOJ appealed to the Eleventh Circuit, and in its first ruling, on Sept. 21, the court of appeals granted the DOJ’s motion for a limited stay, meaning that the DOJ could use the classified documents in its investigation and that the DOJ need not submit those documents to the special master for review.

Update: On Nov. 22, the court of appeals heard oral argument (C-SPAN) on the merits of whether Judge Cannon should have exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion in the first place. The three-judge panel included two of the judges from the prior panel that affirmed the DOJ motion on Sept. 21. The two sides’ arguments on jurisdiction were practically the same as the arguments made in their briefs at issue in the Sept. 21 ruling.

Update: On Dec. 1, 2022, the Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruled in favor of the government’s petition to vacate Florida district court Judge Aileen Cannon’s order and dismiss the underlying civil action. The Eleventh Circuit held that Judge Cannon should have never exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion for return of property.


1. E. Jean Carroll Defamation Suit 1.0
Carroll v. Trump, No. 20-cv-07311, 2020 WL 6277814 (S.D.N.Y. Oct. 27, 2020), appeal docketed, No. 20-03977 (2d Cir. Nov. 25, 2020)

Plaintiff: E. Jean Carroll, a journalist and advice columnist

Case Summary: In 2019, Carroll publicly accused then-President Trump of sexually assaulting her in a New York City department store in the 1990s. A few hours later, Trump denied Carroll’s allegation and accused her of fabricating the story to drum up publicity for her upcoming book. Carroll then sued Trump for defamation in New York state court, alleging that Trump defamed her when he publicly accused her of falsifying the assault story.

After nearly a year of state court proceedings–and with Carroll’s counsel angling to sample Trump’s DNA for comparison with Carroll’s dress from the alleged assault–the Justice Department moved to intervene on Trump’s behalf under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA). This move threatened to quash the suit. In effect, the FTCA (as amended by the Westfall Act) provides blanket immunity to federal employees who commit certain torts–including defamation–arising out of their official duties. According to the DOJ, the president’s official duties include speaking to the press about public matters–which would mean that Trump had immunity from any defamatory statements he made about Carroll.

The DOJ’s intervention also derailed the state court proceedings: because FTCA claims must be litigated in federal court, Carroll’s suit was automatically removed to the Southern District of New York (SDNY). In federal court, Carroll argued that Trump’s statements were not protected by the FTCA. In short, Carroll contended that (i) Trump was not covered by the FTCA because the president is not an “employee”; and (ii) Trump’s statements about Carroll fell outside his official presidential duties.

On both counts, the court agreed. Though removal was irreversible, the court held that the FTCA did not cover Trump’s actions, so Carroll’s defamation suit could proceed against Trump in his personal capacity. Acting separately, the DOJ and Trump both appealed. Trump also requested the court stay the district court proceedings until that appeal is resolved.

Case Status: In the SDNY proceedings, the parties filed opposing memoranda on Trump’s motion to stay in December 2020.

At the Second Circuit, the DOJ and Trump filed separate opening briefs on Jan. 15, 2021. Carroll’s attorneys then requested an Apr. 16, 2021 due date for their brief. Notably, her counsel explicitly selected that date so the Biden DOJ would have time to reassess the Trump administration’s position that Trump was acting within the scope of his employment when he allegedly defamed Carroll. The Second Circuit granted that scheduling request.

Update-1: Carroll filed her brief on Apr. 16, 2021, urging the appeals court to uphold the decision below.

Update-2: Despite the change in administration, the Biden DOJ filed a reply brief on June 7, 2021, that backed Trump’s argument that the FTCA covered his conduct. It echoed the core arguments from the Trump DOJ’s opening brief that the president is an “employee” under the FTCA and that elected officials act within the scope of their employment when they respond to media inquiries.

Update-3: On Sept. 15, 2021, the district court denied Trump’s motion to stay (i.e., halt) the proceedings while the case is on appeal before the Second Circuit.

Update-4: On Dec. 1, 2021, Trump requested permission to amend his response to Carroll’s suit in the district court proceedings. In that filing, he signaled that he wanted to invoke the protection of New York’s new anti-SLAPP law, which attempts to screen out frivolous defamation suits by raising the burden of proof and imposing mandatory fee-shifting. Carroll filed a response opposing Trump’s request on Dec. 15. The district court scheduled a hearing for Feb. 22, 2022 to hear arguments over Trump’s motion to amend.

Update-5: The Second Circuit heard oral argument on Dec. 3, 2021. Much of the discussion centered on whether Trump’s remarks about Carroll–including his “she’s not my type” retort–fell within the scope of his employment. On that score, Trump’s personal attorneys continued to argue that Trump’s allegedly defamatory remarks were part of his official duties because he was speaking to the press at the time. The DOJ’s attorney–arguing for the executive branch–echoed that point, explaining that “any president facing a public accusation of this kind … would feel obliged to … answer questions from the media.” Carroll’s counsel conceded that, because DC treats scope of employment expansively, Trump would have been acting within that scope if he had simply said Carroll’s accusations were false. Even so, Carroll’s attorney stressed that Trump went far beyond a bare denial–and therefore exceeded the scope of his employment–because he was motivated by “personal spite and malice” when he rebuffed Carroll’s claims.

Update-6: On Mar. 11, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s request to amend his complaint.

Update-7: On May 5, 2022, the parties agreed to resume discovery in the district court. Though Carroll’s attorneys have conceded that they will not depose Trump, they could once again seek a DNA sample from Trump. If Trump opposes that request, Carroll’s attorneys would need to ask the district court to order Trump to submit to the sample.

Update-8: The district court scheduled the case for trial starting on Feb. 6, 2023.

Update-9: On Sept. 20, 2022, Carroll notified the court that she planned to file a second lawsuit against Trump over the 1990s rape allegation. Unlike the defamation claim–which alleges that Trump defamed Carroll for falsely denying the rape allegation–this new suit would accuse Trump of the rape directly. Although the statute of limitations had expired for the now thirty-year-old rape claim, Carroll explained that a new state law called the Adult Survivors Act temporarily reopens the window to file for old sexual assault claims. Carroll also suggested that the district court should consolidate the new suit with the defamation claim and try both together in February 2023. Trump immediately filed a letter opposing that suggestion.

Update-10: On Sept. 27, 2022, the Second Circuit granted Trump a partial win, reversing the district court and holding that Trump as president qualified as an “employee” under the FTCA. However, the appeals court left open the question of whether Trump was acting within the scope of his employment when he publicly disparaged Carroll and instead asked the D.C. Court of Appeals to rule on that question. If the DC appeals court concludes that Trump’s remarks fell within his official duties, then Carroll’s defamation claim would fail, because the FTCA bars defamation suits against the federal government.

Update-11: On Jan. 13, 2023, the district court ordered the release of a partial transcript of Trump’s deposition, during which Trump denied the rape allegations.

2. E. Jean Carroll Defamation Suit 2.0
Carroll v. Trump, No. Case 1:22-cv-10016 (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 24, 2022)

Plaintiff: E. Jean Carroll, a journalist and advice columnist

Case Summary: In 2019, Carroll publicly accused then-President Trump of sexually assaulting her in a New York City department store in the 1990s. A few hours later, Trump denied Carroll’s allegation and accused her of fabricating the story to drum up publicity for her upcoming book. Caroll then sued Trump for defamation in New York state court, alleging that Trump defamed her when he publicly accused her of falsifying the assault story.

While that suit was ongoing, Trump issued a lengthy statement on Oct. 12, 2022 saying that Carroll “completely made up” the allegations against him.

On Nov. 24, 2022, Carroll filed a new federal suit against Trump, this time suing the former Presidents for battery involving the alleged rape in the 1990s and for defamation based on Trump’s October 2022 statement. Because Trump had left office at the time of that statement, Carroll argued that Trump could indisputably no longer claim official immunity, unlike in Carroll’s earlier suit.

Carroll filed suit on the first day permitted under New York’s Adult Survivors Act, N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 214-j. The law provides a one-year window for sexual assault survivors to file civil claims even if the statute of limitations has passed.

Case Status: Trump moved to dismiss Carroll’s lawsuit on Dec. 21, 2022. He argued that the Adult Survivor’s Act–which reopened the window for Carroll to sue Trump for the alleged 1990s assault–violated New York’s constitutional due process protections. He also responded to Carroll’s new defamation claim on the merits, calling it “baseless and legally defective.”

Update-1: On Jan. 13, 2023, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss.

3. Summer Zervos Defamation Suit (CASE CLOSED)
Zervos vs. Trump, No. 150522/2017 (N.Y. Sup Ct. Jan. 17, 2017), appeal docketed, No. APL-2020-00009 (N.Y. Mar. 9, 2020)

Plaintiff: Summer Zervos, former contestant on the Apprentice

Case Summary: On Jan. 17, 2017, Zervos filed a suit in New York State Court against Trump for defamation. During Trump’s campaign, many women, including Zervos, accused Trump of inappropriate sexual conduct. In her complaint against Trump, Zervos claims that in 2007, while she sought employment from Trump, he kissed her on the lips and touched her inappropriately. After she rejected his advances, his attitude became very business-like and he later offered her a job for half the salary she was seeking. She attempted to contact Trump, noting that she felt she was being “penalized for not sleeping with him.” Trump said he could not discuss it with her at the time. Zervos says she decided to come forward with these allegations after the Billy Bush Access Hollywood Tape showed Trump speaking in a derogatory manner toward women. In response to her allegations, Trump claims she was lying and was only making these accusations to help the Clinton campaign or to get fame.

Zervos alleges that, as a result of Trump’s claims, she has suffered both emotional and financial harm.

Case Status: Trump filed a motion to dismiss and a stay for the duration of his presidency. On Oct. 3, 2018, the court denied Trump’s motion, finding that, if the facts alleged by the plaintiff are true, she has a reasonable claim to recover for defamation. The court also found that there were no federalism or comity concerns that would suggest that a state court could not hear suit against the sitting president for nonofficial acts. A panel of New York appellate judges affirmed this judgment in October 2019, finding that the president is “not above the law” and that the defamation suit can go forward.

This motion has been appealed to the New York Court of Appeals, the highest New York state court.

Pending the decision from the New York Court of Appeals, in March 2020, the court ruled that Zervos cannot “dig for evidence” in the interim. In 2021, with Trump out of office, Zervos has filed a motion to move the lawsuit forward.

Update-1: On Mar. 30, the New York Court of Appeals denied Trump’s appeal on his motion to dismiss the case. Trump originally filed the motion claiming that a state court could not hear a suit against a sitting president. The court stated, in a one-sentence order, that issues were now moot, and the case can now go forward.

Update-2: On Oct. 4, 2021, the trial court ruled that Zervos could depose Trump before Dec. 23, 2021. According to Law360, this appears to be the “first time that Trump would have to answer questions under oath about his alleged sexual misconduct.” In discussing the schedule for depositions, Michael Rand, a law clerk for New York State Judge Jennifer Schechter, who is overseeing the lawsuit, reportedly “said he expected a trial date to be set sometime in the early part of 2022.”

Update-3: On Nov. 12, 2021, Zervos announced she is dropping the lawsuit.

4. Mary Trump Fraud Litigation
Trump v. Trump, No. 654698/2020 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. filed Sept. 24, 2020)

Plaintiff: Mary Trump, the former president’s niece

Case Summary: In September 2020, Mary Trump sued Donald Trump, her uncle, for allegedly defrauding her out of tens of millions of dollars. When Mary’s father–Donald Trump’s brother–died in 1981, he left Mary a valuable stake in the Trump property empire. Mary was a minor at the time, so Donald Trump and his siblings took control of her share, ostensibly to look after Mary’s interest over the long run.

But according to Mary, that didn’t happen. In her lawsuit, she alleges that the Trump siblings siphoned off revenue from her share and set up an ongoing scheme to artificially devalue her assets. This went on for nearly two decades. Then, when Trump patriarch Fred Sr. (Donald Trump’s father) died in 1999, Mary took issue with the terms of his will. The Trump siblings immediately pushed back and started maneuvering to force Mary out of the family holdings altogether. After lengthy probate proceedings, and with Mary’s legal fees steadily climbing, the siblings delivered an ultimatum: they would not settle the probate case unless Mary relinquished all interests in the family fortune, including those from her late father.

According to Mary, the Trumps offered a settlement figure that woefully undervalued her share of the family holdings. Still, she ultimately accepted a settlement in April 2001, apparently still unaware she was being sold short.

Then, over fifteen years later, the New York Times broke its 2018 story that the Trump Organization had long been fraudulently manipulating the values of its assets. From there, Mary says she realized that she had settled for tens of millions of dollars less than what her stake was actually worth.

Two years later, Mary published a book accusing the Trumps of shorting her out of her rightful share. She then filed this lawsuit in New York state court on Sept. 24, 2020, accusing Donald Trump and his siblings of fraud and breach of fiduciary duty.

Case Status: Trump moved to dismiss the case on Jan. 4, 2021. Mary filed a response on Feb. 26, 2021. As of December 2021, the court has not yet ruled on the motion.

Update-1: The state court dismissed Mary’s suit on Nov. 15, 2022. It ruled that her claims were barred because she agreed to release such legal claims when she accepted the Trumps’ settlement offer in 2001. She immediately appealed that ruling.

Donald Trump vs. Mary Trump and NYT: On Sept. 21, 2021, Donald Trump filed his own lawsuit against Mary Trump, the New York Times, and several of its reporters. Mr. Trump alleges that his niece provided confidential documents–including his tax records–to the NYT reporters, who then used those documents to write their 2018 story on the Trump Organization’s alleged manipulation of asset prices. He asserts that her conduct breached their 2001 settlement, and that the Times and its reporters should be liable for encouraging her to do so. Ms. Trump and the Times defendants moved to dismiss that suit on Dec. 2, 2021.

5. Panama Hotel Fraud and Tax Litigation (CASE CLOSED)
Ithaca Cap. Invs. v. Trump Pan. Hotel Mgmt., No. 18-cv-00390 (S.D.N.Y. Mar. 30, 2020)

Plaintiff: Ithaca Capital, a real estate holding company that purchased a majority of the Trump International Hotel in Panama

Case Summary: Donald Trump’s private hotel business–Trump International Hotels Management–is embroiled in federal litigation over a hotel management deal gone bad. Until 2018, Trump International operated a luxury hotel in Panama. As was its standard business practice, Trump International contracted with a separate owner to provide management services and use of the “Trump” label. When a prior owner went bankrupt in 2015, Ithaca Capital moved to purchase a majority of the hotel’s units. But per Ithaca, Trump representatives made a series of fraudulent claims that oversold the hotel’s profitability. Unaware, Ithaca went ahead with the purchase.

The hotel soon ran into financial trouble, and the relationship between the two parties collapsed. Once Ithaca ended the partnership, it claims to have discovered that Trump International had allegedly underreported costs, diverted hotel revenue, and failed to pay income taxes.

After a brief round of arbitration proceedings, Ithaca sued Trump International in the Southern District of New York. Ithaca made several claims against Trump. First, Ithaca argued that Trump representatives–including Eric and Donald Jr.–made exaggerated claims about the hotel’s value. Second, they argued that Trump International breached their agreement by mismanaging the hotel. And third, Ithaca asserted that Trump International improperly diverted hotel revenues for their own use.

Case Status: Trump International challenged each of Ithaca’s claims and asserted several counterclaims of its own. On Mar. 30, 2020, the district court upheld all three of Ithaca’s claims and dismissed all but one of Trump’s counterclaims. Trumps’ remaining counterclaim–for tortious interference–alleges that Ithaca interfered with Trump’s other hotel contracts when Ithaca forced him out of their partnership.

The parties are currently in discovery and are due to finish by Fall 2021.

Update: The parties filed a series of sealed letters in July and August 2021. On Sept. 15, 2021, the parties voluntarily agreed to end the suit.

6. Doe v. The Trump Corporation Class Action
Doe v. Trump Corp., No. 18-cv-09936 (S.D.N.Y. Oct 29, 2018), appeal docketed, No. 20-01706 (2d Cir. May 28, 2020)

Plaintiffs: (Anonymous) Jane Doe, Luke Loe, Mary Moe, Richard Roe

Case Summary: On Oct. 30, 2018, a class action lawsuit was filed against the Trump Corporation, Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and Eric Trump. The complaint alleges that the defendants used their brand name to defraud thousands of working class individuals by promoting numerous businesses in exchange for “secret payments.” The companies include ACN Opportunity, LLC (a business based on a controversial multi-level marketing scheme), the Trump Network, LLC (another multi-level marketing scheme), and Business Strategies Group, LLC (a seminar claiming to sell the Trump secrets to success). The lawsuit also claims that the defendants are liable for a “pattern of racketeering activity” violating the RICO Act (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) as well as activity violating numerous state consumer protection laws concerning fair business practices and competition.

On July 24, 2019, the District Court judge partially granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss. The judge dismissed the RICO claims because the Complaint did not “sufficiently plead that Defendants’ conduct was the proximate cause of Plaintiffs’ losses.” However, she ruled that the other claims concerning the state laws will not be dismissed under Class Action Fairness Act (CAFA).

Case Status: The Trumps’ moved to compel forced arbitration and the district court judge denied the motion in April 2020. The court held that the defendants were not party to the arbitration agreement (between ACN and the plaintiffs) and thus, could not compel arbitration. She also found that the motion to compel arbitration was in bad faith as they are acting in a manner that is “substantively prejudicial towards the plaintiffs” and not within the spirit of the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA). The Trumps have filed an interlocutory appeal to the Second Circuit.

Following the denial of compelled arbitration, the Trumps also filed a motion to stay, or a motion to halt the legal process. The district court denied this motion, citing the four traditional factors that must be balanced when granting a stay and finding that the defendants have not met the requirements to grant a stay.

Update-1: On July 28, 2021 in a 3-0 decision, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the district court’s judgement and ruled that the Trump family could not compel arbitration. The court found that since there was no “close relationship” between Trumps and ACN such that the plaintiffs could reasonably infer that their arbitration agreement extended to the Trumps. Thus, the court concluded, the “defendants are not entitled to compel the plaintiffs to arbitrate this dispute.” As of September 2021, the court has not yet ruled on the summary judgment motions.

Update-2: On March 25, CNN reported that former President Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and Eric Trump all agreed to be deposed. Their depositions will take place in May and June.

7. DC Civil Suit over Misuse of 2017 Inauguration Funds (CASE CLOSED)
District of Columbia v. 58th Presidential Inauguration Comm., No. 2020-CA-00488-B (D.C. Super. Ct. Sept. 9, 2020)

Prosecuting Office: DC Attorney General (AG)

Case Summary: In the run-up to Trump’s 2017 swearing-in, his inaugural committee raised a record $107 million to spend on inauguration festivities. As a nonprofit, the inaugural committee was bound to use these charitable funds for the public good, namely by organizing events to celebrate the 2017 presidential inauguration.

But as the DC AG alleges, the inaugural committee used over $1 million of those funds in an improper bid to enrich the Trump family’s private businesses. DC’s attorneys are now suing the inaugural committee, the Trump International Hotel, and the Trump Organization over that alleged misspending. Chief among the allegations, the DC AG claims that the committee paid exorbitant rates to rent space in the Trump International Hotel in downtown DC. The committee, for instance, allegedly paid $175,000 to rent the main ballroom on the same day that another nonprofit paid only $5,000–a rate 35 times higher. On top of that, the committee allegedly ignored much better deals available at other upscale locations, settling instead on overpaying for space at the Trump location.

The DC AG frames these payments as an under-the-table attempt to divert charitable funds to the Trumps’ private holdings. The complaint focuses on possible misconduct by committee executive Rick Gates, who also held key roles in the Trump campaign. (Gates would later cooperate with the Mueller investigation.) To tie in the Trump entities, the complaint asserts that the Trump businesses knew it was overcharging the non-profit committee, and points to internal negotiations between the parties that allegedly show both sides were aware of the extreme rates. The DC AG is asking the court to compel the Trump business to put the misspent funds into a trust where they can be put toward charitable purposes.

Case Status: The defendants–the committee itself along with the two Trump businesses–moved to dismiss the suit, but the district court denied that motion in September 2020. On Jan. 11, 2021, the DC AG added a new allegation that the committee improperly used its nonprofit funds to pay a hotel bill on behalf of Trump’s private business. The suit is currently in discovery, and the AG’s office has already deposed several high-level Trump executives, including Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr.

Update-1: The DC AG moved for summary judgment on Mar. 24, 2021. All three defendants responded by filing their own motions for summary judgment on Apr. 8, 2021.

Update-2: On Nov. 8, 2021, the DC court partially granted Trump’s motion for summary judgment, dismissing the waste claim but allowing the private enrichment claim to proceed. Addressing the waste claim, the judge explained that the evidence did not show that the Trump defendants intentionally threw away money when they paid the extravagant rates at Trump’s hotel. Even so, the court ruled that the DC AG may still be able to show that the Trumps illegally enriched themselves with committee funds, and gave the green light for that claim to go to trial. The court also dismissed the Trump Organization from the case on grounds that DC lacked jurisdiction over them.

Update-3: On Feb. 14, 2022, the DC court reversed its earlier decision dismissing the Trump Organization and reinstated it as a defendant in the suit. The DC court also affirmed its summary judgment decision to dismiss the waste claims. The case is scheduled for trial in September 2022.

Update-4: On May, 3, 2022, the Trump Organization and Trump’s inaugural committee agreed to pay a total of $750,000 to settle the suit. Under the deal, the Trump Organization will pay $400,000 and the committee will pay the remaining $350,000.

8. Karen Bass et al. Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Capitol Attack
Thompson v. Trump, No. 21-cv-00400 (D.D.C. filed Feb. 16, 2021)

Plaintiff: Rep. Karen R. Bass, Rep. Stephen I. Cohen, Rep. Veronica Escobar, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, Rep. Henry C. Johnson, Jr., Rep. Marcia C. Kaptur, Rep. Barbara J. Lee, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, Rep. Maxine Waters, and Rep. Bonnie M. Watson Coleman, represented by the NAACP

Case Summary: On Feb. 16, 2021, Mississippi Congressman Bennie Thompson sued former President Trump and Rudy Giuliani along with two right-wing militia groups known as the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers, for violating the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, 42 U.S.C. § 1985(1). In the complaint, Thompson alleges that Trump violated the Ku Klux Klan Act by inciting the rioters with the intent to prevent Members of Congress from discharging their official duties of the timely approval of the Electoral College vote. He argues that after Trump’s loss in the November 2020 election, the then-President set out on a campaign to mobilize his supporters, culminating in the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol. It portrays Trump’s rhetoric on the morning of Jan. 6 as a call to arms and as intended to prevent the certification of the election.

The Act was passed in 1871 in response to violence and intimidation by the KKK intended to stop Black people from voting. The legislation allows Members of Congress to sue individuals who conspire to violently “molest, interrupt, hinder, or impede” the discharge of a public official’s duties.

Thompson seeks compensatory damages for his emotional distress suffered during the attack in addition to punitive damages.

Case Status: On Apr. 7, 2021, ten additional members of Congress joined the lawsuit as plaintiffs. The defendants then moved to dismiss on May 26. In Trump’s motion, he argued (i) that he has absolute immunity because he was acting as president; (ii) that even if he did not have absolute immunity, the Westfall Act shields him from any personal liability; (iii) that members of Congress cannot sue under the KKK Act; and (iv) that his speech was protected by the First Amendment. As of September 2021, the court has not ruled on the motions.

Update-1: On July 21, 2021, Rep. Thompson announced that he would withdraw from the lawsuit to avoid any conflict with the Jan. 6 House Select Committee, which Thompson is chairing. The other plaintiffs–all members of Congress who are not on the Committee–confirmed that they would continue the lawsuit.

Update-2: Judge Mehta–who is also presiding over the Swalwell and Blassingame 1/6 suits–scheduled a combined oral argument for Jan. 10, 2022, for all three cases.

Update-3: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the § 1985 claim against him.

Update-4: On Mar. 18, 2022, Trump appealed the district court’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit consolidated the appeal with those in the Swalwell and Blassingame 1/6 suits.

Update-5: Trump filed his appeal brief on July 27, 2022. He challenged only the district court’s ruling that he lacked absolute presidential immunity, arguing that his speech surrounding Jan. 6 fell within his official presidential duties.

9. Eric Swalwell Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Riots
Swalwell v. Trump, No. 21-cv-00586 (D.D.C. filed Mar. 5, 2021)

Plaintiff: Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA)

Case Summary: On Mar. 5, 2021, Representative Eric Swalwell sued Donald Trump and several associates in DC federal court over the Jan. 6 riots. Much like Representative Bennie Thompson’s related suit, Swalwell alleges that Trump and his co-defendants–Donald Trump Jr., Representative Mo Brooks (R-AL), and Rudy Giuliani–violated the Ku Klux Klan Act by conspiring to interfere with the Electoral College count on Jan. 6.

Swalwell’s suit also goes one step further: it claims that the defendants should be held civilly liable for negligence because they committed criminal incitement under DC’s local code, which establishes the standard of care. Notably, Swalwell says that Trump violated the same DC code–§22-1321(a)(2)–that DC AG Karl Racine is apparently focusing on in his own criminal investigation into Trump’s conduct.

Beyond the civil rights and incitement counts, Swalwell also claims that the defendants are liable for encouraging (aiding and abetting) the rioters’ violent conduct and for intentionally inflicting emotional distress on members of Congress in connection with the attack on the Capitol.

Case Status: Swalwell filed his complaint on Mar. 5, 2021.

Update-1: On May 17, 2021, Giuliani filed a motion to dismiss the claims against him. He argued that his speech did not qualify as incitement, that he never formed a conspiracy with the other defendants or the rioters, and that his speech was ultimately protected by the First Amendment.

Update-2: On May 24, 2021, Donald Trump and his son Donald Jr. filed their own motion to dismiss. Most notably, former President Trump argued that he had absolute immunity against Swalwell’s claims because Trump’s alleged misconduct was within the scope of his official duties as president. Both Trump and Trump Jr. also contended that their speech was protected under the First Amendment and the canonical Brandenburg test. The Trumps also advanced various other arguments ranging from standing to the political question doctrine to even a claim that Swalwell was barred from suing Trump over the same conduct for which Trump was acquitted at his impeachment trial.

Update-3: On July 1, 2021, Swalwell filed a motion for default judgment against Brooks, arguing that Brooks had missed the deadline to respond to the lawsuit. Brooks responded with his own motion urging the court to dismiss the lawsuit because he was acting within the “scope of his employment,” which would essentially block the case under the Westfall Act. The district court denied Swalwell’s motion for a default judgment on July 5 but has not yet ruled on Brooks’s motion.

Update-4: On July 27, 2021, the Justice Department submitted a brief stating that Brooks was not acting within the scope of his employment and thus not shielded by the Westfall Act. The House of Representatives filed a response taking a “non-participation approach” (silence) on the question whether Brooks acted within his scope of employment. The Chairwoman of the Committee on House Administration submitted a brief stating that Rep. Brooks was not acting within his scope of employment.

Update-5: Judge Mehta–who is also presiding over the Bass and Blassingame 1/6 suits–scheduled a combined oral argument for Jan. 10, 2022, for all three cases.

Update-6: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, negligence per se, DC anti-bias law, and aiding and abetting assault. The court granted Trump’s request to dismiss the § 1986, emotional distress, and negligence claims.

Update-7: On Mar. 18, 2022, Trump appealed the district court’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit consolidated the appeal with those in the Bass and Blassingame 1/6 suits.

Update-8: Trump filed his appeal brief on July 27, 2022. He challenged only the district court’s ruling that he lacked absolute presidential immunity, arguing that his speech surrounding Jan. 6 fell within his official presidential duties.

10. Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots
Blassingame v. Trump, No. 21-cv-00858 (D.D.C. filed Mar. 30, 2021)

Plaintiff: James Blassingame and Sidney Hemby, two Capitol police officers

Case Summary: On Mar. 30, 2021, two Capitol Police Officers sued Donald Trump for injuries they sustained during the Jan. 6 riots in DC. The officers–James Blassingame and Sidney Hemby–say they were maced with bear spray, attacked with fists and flagpoles, and even crushed against a door as they tried to protect the Capitol from pro-Trump intruders.

Much like the other Jan. 6 suits against Trump, the officers pin their injuries on Trump’s incendiary rhetoric before and during violence. Both allege that Trump directed the rioters to assault them, aided the rioters in committing those assaults, and negligently incited the riot in violation of DC’s public safety codes. Blassingame also accuses Trump of directing intentional infliction of emotional distress, pointing to the racial slurs and taunts that the intruders allegedly hurled at him during the violence.

Case Status: The officers filed their suit in DC federal court on Mar. 30, 2021. On Apr. 28, 2021, the plaintiffs added two new conspiracy claims against Trump, one based on the KKK Act and the other on common law conspiracy. They allege that Trump illegally conspired with the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers to storm the Capitol, which in turn caused the plaintiffs’ injuries.

Update-1: Donald Trump filed a motion to dismiss on June 24, 2021. He repeated many of the arguments from his motions to dismiss in the Bass and Swalwell suits, including absolute presidential immunity, freedom of speech, and preclusion based on Trump’s impeachment acquittal.

Update-2: Judge Mehta–who is also presiding over the Bass and Swalwell 1/6 suits–scheduled a combined oral argument for Jan. 10, 2022, for all three cases.

Update-3: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, assault, and negligence per se. The court granted Trump’s motion to dismiss the emotional distress, punitive damages, and civil conspiracy claims.

Update-4: On Mar. 18, 2022, Trump appealed the district court’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit consolidated the appeal with those in the Swalwell and Bass 1/6 suits.

Update-5: Trump filed his appeal brief on July 27, 2022. He challenged only the district court’s ruling that he lacked absolute presidential immunity, arguing that his speech surrounding Jan. 6 fell within his official presidential duties.

11. Second Capitol Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots
Smith v. Trump, No. 21-cv-02265 (D.D.C. filed Aug. 26, 2021)

Plaintiff: Seven Capitol Police officers

Case Summary: On Aug. 26, 2021, a second group of Capitol Police officers filed suit over injuries they suffered while defending the Capitol on Jan. 6. The officers allege that Trump and his co-defendants–including the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers–conspired to incite a riot and attack the Capitol, leaving the officers physically and emotionally injured.

Like the other Jan. 6 lawsuits against Trump, the complaint asserts that Trump violated the KKK Act by conspiring to instigate the riots. The complaint also alleges that unnamed defendants–listed as “John Does” who carried out the attack–physically assaulted the officers at Trump’s provocation, which could make Trump liable for the officers’ injuries.

The plaintiffs also add in a unique claim not found in other Jan. 6 lawsuits against Trump: that the defendants violated the DC Bias-Related Crimes Act, a local hate-crime statute. According to the complaint, the defendants were motivated by political bias against the Democratic Party when they instigated and executed the Capitol attack.

Case Status: The officers filed their suit in DC federal court on Aug 26, 2021.

Update-1: Donald Trump filed a motion to dismiss on Nov. 12, 2021. Much like in the other Jan. 6 suits, Trump argued that his speech was constitutionally protected by presidential immunity, the First Amendment, and preclusion as a result of the impeachment acquittal.

Update-2: On Dec. 5, 2021, the plaintiffs amended their complaint to add an eighth officer as a plaintiff and to add a pro-Trump PAC as an additional defendant. The court ruled that the defendants could file new motions to dismiss against this amended complaint, due by Dec. 23, 2021.

Update-3: Trump filed a motion to dismiss the amended complaint on Jan. 31, 2022. He once again argued that the plaintiffs failed to state a claim and that Trump’s speech was protected by absolute immunity and the First Amendment.

Update-4: The district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss on Jan. 26, 2023.

12. Third Capitol Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots
Moore v. Trump, No. 22-cv-00010 (D.D.C. filed Jan. 4, 2022)

Plaintiff: Marcus J. Moore, US Capitol Police Officer

Case Summary: On Jan. 4, 2022, a third suit was filed by a Capitol Police officer alleging that physical and emotional injuries he suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot. The officer seeks compensatory and punitive damages.

The officer claims that the actions, tweets, and comments made by Trump prior, during, and after the insurrection resulted in actual physical injuries as rioters struck him and attacked him with physical objects and chemical agents. Like other Jan. 6 lawsuits, the officer claims Trump violated the KKK Act as Trump conspired to attack the Capitol with his followers. The officer, like earlier lawsuits, further cited violations of the D.C. Code for inciting a riot and disorderly conduct.

Case Status: The officer filed his suit in DC District Court on January 4, 2022.

13. Metropolitan Police Suits over the Jan. 6. Riots
Tabron v. Trump, No. 22-cv-00011 (D.D.C. filed Jan. 4, 2022)

Plaintiff: Bobby Tabron and DeDivine K. Carter, Metropolitan Police Officers

Case Summary: On Jan. 4, 2022, two Metropolitan Police Officers filed suit alleging that physical and emotional injuries they suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot. The officers seek compensatory and punitive damages.

The officers claim that the actions, tweets, and comments made by Trump prior, during, and after the insurrection resulted in actual physical injuries as rioters struck them and attacked them with physical objects and chemical agents. Like other Ja. 6 lawsuits, the officers claim Trump violated the KKK Act as Trump conspired to attack the Capitol with his followers. The officers, like earlier lawsuits, further cited violations of the D.C. Code for inciting a riot and disorderly conduct.

Case Status: The officers filed their suit on January 4, 2022.

14. NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund Voting Rights Case
Mich. Welfare Rights Org. v. Trump, No. 20-cv-03388 (D.D.C. filed Nov. 20, 2020)

Plaintiff: Michigan Welfare Rights Organization and the NAACP, represented by the NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund (LDF).

Case Summary: On Nov. 20, 2020, LDF sued then-President Trump and the Trump campaign alleging that their post-election conduct violated Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act, 52 U.S.C. § 10307(b). After losing the election, Trump spent weeks pressuring Republican election officials not to certify the election—in particular, the complaint examines the actions of Wayne County Republican election officials who first voted not to certify the election, though they eventually did. Section 11(b) forbids intimidation of voters, those aiding voters, and certain election officials. Voting is broadly defined in the Voting Rights Act, covering “all action necessary to make a vote effective[,] … including … having such ballot counted properly and included in the appropriate totals of votes cast.”

In December 2020, the complaint was amended to include the NAACP as a plaintiff, the Republican National Committee as a defendant, and alleged a new claim: that defendants violated the Ku Klux Klan Act, which prohibits conspiracies to deprive someone of equal protection under law or the right to vote. 42 U.S.C. § 1985(3). LDF argues that Trump’s efforts to discard votes in cities with large Black populations meets the statutory definition.

LDF seeks statutory damages, a declaratory judgment, and injunctive relief that would prevent defendants from intimidating voters and election officials in the future.

Case Status: On Feb. 25, 2021, the defendants moved to dismiss the case. They had a variety of arguments, including that the case was filed in the wrong court, that the cited statutes do not allow a private party to bring litigation, and that their conduct did not violate the statutes. As of September 2021, the court has not yet ruled on the motions.

Update-1: On Mar. 31, 2022, the district court partially granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss, dismissing the VRA claims for lack of standing and holding the § 1985(3) claims in abeyance. On the standing point, the district court concluded the plaintiffs lacked standing for an injunction. The court reasoned that even if the defendants had illegally interfered with the plaintiffs’ voting rights in the past, there was no imminent threat that the defendants would do so again.

Update-2: On June 16, the plaintiffs requested permission to file a second amended complaint with new factual allegations that could remedy the standing issues on the VRA claim.

Update-3: On Nov. 28 the district court granted plaintiffs’ request to file a second amended complaint. In granting the plaintiff’s motion, the court concluded that “Plaintiffs have adequately alleged … that the Trump Defendants not only caused great harm to Plaintiffs in the past but also pose a very substantial risk in the future to Plaintiff’s fundamental right to vote.”

15. NY Civil Suit over Fraudulent Real Estate Practices
People v. Trump Org., No. 451685/2020 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. Dec. 15, 2020)

Plaintiff: New York Attorney General (AG)

Case Summary: In March 2019, New York Attorney General Letitia James launched a civil probe investigating allegations that the Trump organization inflated and deflated property values to avoid tax liability and for other financial benefits. She began her investigation after Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen testified before Congress that Trump had engaged in fraud. While there is some overlap, James has noted that her investigation differs from and is independent of the Manhattan DA criminal investigation.

Much of her probe has focused on Seven Springs, a Trump-owned property in New York. In December 2019, James subpoenaed the Trump Organization, seeking records related to a $21 million tax deduction that Trump claimed against the property in 2015. Per her court filings, James is exploring whether Trump improperly inflated the property’s value to boost the size of the tax benefit.

James is also looking into other transactions relating to Trump properties. She is investigating whether Trump failed to pay taxes on debt forgiven during the financial restructuring of the Trump Hotel & Tower in Chicago and the appraisal of the LA Trump National Golf Club used for his conservation tax break, which was substantially higher than metrics typically used to value golf properties.

Case Status: In connection with the Seven Springs subpoenas, James’s office deposed Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg and Eric Trump in September and October 2020. Both refused to testify and instead invoked the Fifth Amendment over 500 times. She also sought related records held by Trump’s tax lawyers. His counsel initially refused to produce them, claiming they were shielded by attorney-client privilege. The state court judge disagreed, ruling on Jan. 29, 2021 that the tax attorneys must turn over thousands of documents about the tax deductions.

Update-1: On May 18, 2021, Fabien Levy, a spokesperson for New York’s Attorney General said, “We have informed the Trump Organization that our investigation into the organization is no longer purely civil in nature. We are now actively investigating the Trump Organizations in a criminal capacity, along with the Manhattan DA.”

Update-2: On Dec. 9, 2021, the Washington Post reported that AG James is seeking to depose Trump in January 2022 as part of her fraud investigation into the Trump Organization’s property valuations.

Update-3: On Jan. 3, 2022, a court order revealed that James’s office also subpoenaed Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. on Dec. 1. According to the order, James seeks to question the two Trump children–in addition to Trump Sr., as previously reported–about the potentially fraudulent real estate valuations. The Trumps immediately responded by filing a motion to quash the subpoenas. They argued that, because the NY AG is also running a “joint” criminal investigation into the Trumps with the Manhattan DA, the AG’s office cannot use purely civil subpoenas and must instead use a grand jury to question Trump and his children. The Trumps reasoned that grand jury subpoenas provide greater protection to witnesses–including immunity–and that James was trying to “circumvent” those protections by using civil subpoenas instead.

Update-4: James subpoenaed the General Services Administration to determine how it decided to lease the historic post office to former President Trump. As part of an ongoing civil investigation into Trump’s fraudulent real estate practices, James is reportedly attempting to use the documents to determine whether Trump had a practice of providing false information to the advantage of his business.

Update-5: On Feb. 17, 2022, the state court rejected Trump’s subpoena challenge and ruled that Donald, Ivanka, and Donald Jr. must sit for questioning under oath. The judge directed the Trumps to submit to these depositions within 21 days. The Trumps plan to appeal the decision, according to a family spokeswoman.

Update-6: On Feb. 28, 2022, the Trumps appealed the court’s decision ordering them to sit for depositions.

Update-7: On Mar. 3, 2022, the parties agreed to delay the depositions until after the state appeals court rules on the Trumps’ appeal.

Update-8: On Apr 7, 2022, James’s office filed a motion with the state court requesting Trump be held in contempt for failing to turn over subpoenaed documents. Her office requested a daily fine of $10,000 until Trump complies. The court has not ruled on her request.

Update-9: On Apr. 25, 2022, a NY state Judge held Trump in contempt of court for failure to respond to the AG’s subpoenas. The court assessed a fine of $10,000 per day until Trump meets the request.

Update-10: On Apr. 27, 2022, Trump appealed the contempt ruling and the $10,000-a-day fine. Trump also asked the district court to pause the fine while he appeals, but the court denied that request.

Update-11: On May 11, 2022, the trial court halted the daily fine but ordered Trump to pay the $110,000 balance by May 20. Though Trump paid the fine by the deadline, the judge kept the contempt order in place, leaving the door open for it to climb if Trump does not comply with the judge’s orders.

Update-12: On May 26, 2022, a New York appeals court ruled that Trump and two of his children–Donald Jr. and Ivanka–must sit for questioning by AG James’s office. The appeals court rejected Trump’s arguments that James was acting out of political animus. Trump’s attorney appealed the ruling to the New York Court of Appeals, the state’s highest court, which has discretion to take up or ignore the appeal.

Update-13: On June 8, 2022, Trump and two of his children–Donald Jr. and Ivanka–agreed to be questioned under oath by James’s office in mid-July, unless the New York high court decides to intervene and hear their appeal.

Update-14: On June 14, 2022, New York’s highest court declined to hear the Trumps’ appeal. This clears the way for James’s office to depose the Trumps.

Update-15: James’s office deposed Donald Trump Jr. on July 28, 2022 and Ivanka Trump on Aug. 3, 2022. Both reportedly participated in the deposition and did not invoke their Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination.

Update-16: AG James deposed Trump Sr. on Aug. 10, 2022. Trump repeatedly declined to answer her questions and instead invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. Reportedly, Trump asserted the Fifth more than 400 times in response to varying questions about his businesses, property valuations, and loans.

Update-17: On Sept. 21, 2022, the NY AG sued the Trumps in NY state court. The civil suit alleges that the Trumps repeatedly overvalued their real estate holdings in a long-running scheme designed to obtain favorable terms on bank loans. The complaint seeks to recover $250 million in damages and asks the court to bar the Trumps from running any businesses in New York state. It names Donald Sr., Donald Jr., Eric, and Ivanka Trump as defendants, along with the Trump Organization and several of its executives. Although AG James’s suit seeks only civil penalties, her office also sent criminal referrals to both the IRS and federal prosecutors.

Update-18: On Jan. 6, 2023, the trial court denied the Trumps’ motion to dismiss James’s lawsuit.

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Donald Trump v. Letitia James: On Dec. 20, 2021, Donald Trump filed his own suit against AG James in federal court. He accused James of targeting Trump out of political animus and asked the court to enjoin her under § 1983 from continuing her investigation into Trump and his companies. To back up his claim, Trump pointed to a string of James’s social media posts that allegedly suggested a political motive. Trump asserted that James’s investigation violates his constitutional rights, including his First Amendment rights by targeting him for his political activities and his Fourth Amendment rights by harassing him with bad faith subpoenas. In subsequent filings. James has asked the judge to dismiss the suit and has refused to cease investigating.

Update-1: On Jan. 26, 2022, James moved to dismiss Trump’s suit. She argued that Trump’s suit should be dismissed under several federal abstention doctrines, under res judicata, and for failing to state a claim.

Update-2: On May 27, 2022, the district court dismissed Trump’s suit, which will allow James’s investigation to continue. The district court reasoned that Trump’s suit was barred by Younger abstention, a doctrine that bars federal courts from stopping state court proceedings like James’s civil enforcement suit against Trump. For his part, Trump had argued that Younger abstention shouldn’t apply because James was investigating him in bad faith. The district court rejected that argument, finding that James’s proceeding had a “legitimate factual predicate” and that there was no evidence that James was acting in a harassing or bad faith manner.

Update-3: Trump filed a notice of appeal on May 27, 2022.

Update-4: Trump withdrew his lawsuit on Jan. 24, 2023.

16. Scotland Unexplained Wealth Orders
Plaintiff: Avaaz Foundation against the Scottish Ministers and Others

Case Summary: On February 3, 2021, the Scottish Parliament voted to reject calls from the opposition party, the Scottish Greens, to investigate the Trump Organization’s golf courses through an Unexplained Wealth Order (UWO). UWOs are a mechanism designed to prevent suspected corrupt foreign officials from laundering potentially stolen funds into the UK. They require an individual or organization to reveal the sources of their unexplained wealth and, while they do not automatically trigger criminal proceedings, they can result at least in confiscation of assets. The concerns that led to the push to investigate Trump arose when Trump spent many hundreds of millions of dollars to purchase and refurbish golf courses within Scotland with all-cash transactions. This was particularly suspicious since Trump had financed large scale purchases with debt prior to these transactions. It is disputed whether Eric Trump made a statement indicating that the funds had come from Russia.

The co-leader of the Scottish Greens stated, “Scotland cannot be a country where anyone with the money can buy whatever land and property they want, no questions asked, and the Scottish Greens will continue to challenge vested interests that protect people like Trump rather than our communities.” Eric Trump criticized the suit, stating that “at a critical time when politicians should be focused on saving lives and reopening businesses in Scotland, they are focused on advancing their personal agendas.”

Case Status: The non-profit global rights pressure group, Avaaz Foundation, sought to challenge the Scottish Parliament vote and, in May, filed a petition in the highest civil court in Scotland to review the decision not to pursue a UWO. On Aug. 11, 2021, Lord Sandison of the Scottish Court of Session ruled the petition seeking “judicial review of the approach of the Scottish ministers in determining whether to apply to the court for UWOs” should “proceed without condition or restriction.” He ruled that their case has “real prospects of success.” Scotland’s High Court will likely hear the case later this year.

Update-1: On Nov. 25, 2021, in a victory for the defendants, Lord Sandison ruled that only the Lord Advocate General of Scotland may issue a UWO, not the Scottish ministers. Advocates are now asking for the Lord Advocate to take action.

Update-2: As of January 2023, there are no indications that the Scottish investigation is progressing.

17. Trump Tower Assault Suit (CASE CLOSED)
Galicia v. Trump, No. 24973/2015 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. filed Sept. 9, 2015)

Plaintiff: A group of six protesters

Case Summary: On Sept. 3, 2015, the plaintiffs were demonstrating on the sidewalk outside Trump Tower in Manhattan. According to the plaintiffs–who self-identify as of Mexican origin–they were protesting the “inflammatory” anti-Mexican statements that Trump made during 2015 campaign events. Soon after the plaintiffs arrived, Trump Tower security guards allegedly attacked them and destroyed their protest signs.

That same month, the plaintiffs sued Trump, the Trump Organization, Trump’s campaign, Trump’s head bodyguard, and the alleged attackers in New York state court. The plaintiffs allege that Trump and his co-defendants are liable for assault and battery, conversion and destruction of property, and tortious interference with political speech. To tie Trump to his guards’ conduct, the plaintiffs allege that Trump was careless in hiring and supervising his security detail and, separately, that Trump should be held vicariously liable–a type of secondary liability often used to hold employers to account for their employee’s harmful actions. To prevail against Trump on this vicarious liability theory, the plaintiffs would need to show that the guards (i) were acting as Trump’s employees or agents at the time and (ii) attacked the plaintiffs to advance Trump’s interests in some way.

Case Status: Trump and his co-defendants moved to dismiss the claims for property destruction and interference with political speech in Dec. 2015. The court dismissed the political speech interference claim but permitted the rest of the claims to advance.

After the defendants moved for summary judgment in 2017, the court dismissed the negligent hiring and supervision claims against Trump and the Trump Organization. However, the court allowed the remaining claims to go forward, including the vicarious liability claims that Trump should be personally liable for his guards’ conduct.

Update-1: On Oct. 18, 2021, Trump sat for a four-hour deposition to answer questions about the alleged assault. According to the plaintiffs’ lawyer, Trump was asked about “a variety of issues including statements he has made at various campaign events and rallies that counsel believes encouraged violence at those events or encouraged security guards to engage in violence or the confiscation of property.” The plaintiffs’ lawyer also said he intends to play a video of Trump’s deposition at trial, which is not yet scheduled.

Update-2: On Apr. 26, 2022, a court filing revealed fifty pages of testimony from Trump’s deposition. Trump testified that he did not send his security staff after the protestors or direct them to grab their signs.

Update-3: Nov. 2, 2022, the parties reached a settlement in the case, details of the settlement agreement have not been disclosed.

18. Michael Cohen Retaliatory Imprisonment Suit
Cohen v. United States, No. 21-cv-10774 (S.D.N.Y. filed Dec. 16, 2021)

Plaintiff: Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s former attorney

Case Summary: On Dec. 16, 2021, Michael Cohen sued Donald Trump, former Attorney General Bill Barr, the US government, and other officials in federal court for retaliatory imprisonment. Cohen alleges that, after he announced plans to publish a damaging book about his legal work for Trump, the defendants retaliated by sending Cohen back to federal prison from home confinement.

At the time, Cohen was serving a three-year sentence for several crimes related to his work for Trump, including lying to Congress about Trump’s Moscow business and orchestrating illegal campaign expenditures to cover up Trump’s extramarital affairs. Several months into the COVID outbreak, the Bureau of Prisons–then led by defendant Michael Carvajal–granted Cohen’s medical request to be released on “furlough” followed by a transition to home confinement for the rest of his sentence. But according to Cohen, Trump and his co-defendants interfered with that transition. While Cohen was out on furlough, he tweeted about his plans to release a tell-all memoir about his work for Trump. Shortly after, corrections officers demanded that Cohen agree to a home confinement condition that barred Cohen from posting on social media and publishing his book. After Cohen allegedly hesitated to agree, the BOP nixed the home confinement plan and remanded Cohen back to federal prison.

Cohen then filed a habeas petition challenging the remand and arguing that corrections officials had taken the action in retaliation for Cohen’s tweets about his work on the anti-Trump book. The district court agreed–explicitly finding that Barr and Carvajal ordered the remand with the “purpose” of retaliating–and ordered Cohen’s release to home detention. Cohen completed his sentence at home in November 2021.

A month later, on Dec. 16, Cohen sued Trump, Barr, Carvajal, other corrections officials, and the US government for the alleged retaliatory imprisonment. He seeks damages against Trump, Barr, and the other officials under Bivens–a judicially created cause of action for damages against federal officers for constitutional violations–for violating Cohen’s rights under the First, Fourth, and Eighth Amendments. Cohen also seeks damages against the US government under the Federal Tort Claims Act, which allows plaintiffs to sue the federal government for damages if they are injured by certain torts committed by federal officers.

Case Status: Cohen filed the suit in New York federal court on December 16, 2021.

Update-1: Trump filed a motion to dismiss the suit on Apr. 4, 2022. He argued that presidential immunity shielded his conduct, that Bivens doctrine does not apply in federal prisoner suits against the President, and that Cohen had failed to plausibly allege that Trump was personally involved in the constitutional violations.

Update-2: On Aug. 2, 2022, the court heard oral argument on the defendants’ motion to dismiss.

Update-3: On Nov. 14, 2022, the district court dismissed Cohen’s suit, including his constitutional Bivens claims against Trump. The court found that recent Supreme Court decisions had significantly constrained the scope of such suits and concluded that Cohen’s claims failed under those precedents.


19. Criminal Investigations into Trump’s Finances
People of the State of New York v. Trump Corporation d/b/a Trump Organization, Trump Payroll Corp., d/b/a Trump Organization, Allen Weisselberg

Trump v. Deutsche Bank, No. 19-cv-03826 (S.D.N.Y. Apr. 29, 2019)

Trump v. Vance, No. 19-cv-08694 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 19, 2019)

Prosecuting Office: In 2019, then-President Trump sued to block subpoenas issued by three House Committees and the Manhattan District Attorney seeking his financial information in 2019. As of Feb. 22, the Manhattan DA now has access to Trump’s tax information.

Case Summary: In 2019, the House Intelligence and Finance Committees issued subpoenas to both Deutsche Bank and Capital One seeking information about then-President Trump’s finances. Before the banks complied with the subpoenas, Trump sued, seeking a declaratory judgment that they were unenforceable and an injunction that would have prevented the banks from disclosing Trump’s financial information. In addition, the House Oversight Committee subpoenaed Mazars, Trump’s accounting firm, demanding additional accounting information. Trump again sued to block the subpoena.

In parallel, Manhattan District Attorney, Cyrus Vance Jr., subpoenaed Mazars, for access to Trump’s tax records. Trump again sued to prevent the disclosure of this information.

All three cases reached the Supreme Court, where they were decided on the same day, July 9, 2020. The congressional subpoenas were combined into one case, and were remanded so the lower courts could consider separation of powers concerns raised by congressional committees subpoenaing a sitting president. In the Vance case, the Court ruled that a president’s financial information could be subpoenaed by a local district attorney.

Case Status: With the seating of the new Congress in January 2021, the Congressional subpoenas expired. The Vance subpoena again reached the Supreme Court, which on Feb. 22, refused to block it. His spokesperson has confirmed that the office now has access to Trump’s tax returns, including millions of pages of documents. Charges have not been filed.

Update-1: New reporting on Mar. 1 revealed that Vance’s investigation has focused on Trump Organization chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, whose potential cooperation with prosecutors could be a significant breakthrough in the investigation. On Mar. 31, the New York Times reported that Vance’s office has subpoenaed Weisselberg’s personal bank records, and on Apr. 8, investigators took possession of financial records from Weisselberg’s daughter-in-law.

Update-2: New reporting on Mar. 8 revealed that Vance’s probe has expanded to include investigation of a $130 million loan the Trump Organization received to build its Chicago tower, and whether the forgiveness of that loan was reported as income, as required by the IRS.

Update-3: On May, 25, 2021, the Washington Post reported that Vance has convened a special grand jury that is “expected to decide whether to indict former president Donald Trump, other executives at his company or the business itself should prosecutors present the panel with criminal charges.” According to the Post, “The move indicates that District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr.’s investigation of the former president and his business has reached an advanced stage …. It suggests, too, that Vance believes he has found evidence of a crime — if not by Trump then by someone potentially close to him or by his company.”

Update-4: On Jun. 4, ABC News and the New York Times report that Trump Organization senior vice president and controller, Jeff McConney is among a number of witnesses to have already appeared before the special grand jury. He is reportedly the first employee of the company called to testify.

Update-5: On July 1, prosecutors indicted the Trump Organization and the chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg with running a tax fraud scheme for over fifteen years. The indictment charges Weisselberg, the Trump Organization, and the Trump Payroll Co. with compensating Weisselberg and other Trump Organization executives with off-the-books funds that were unreported or misreported to federal, state, and local tax authorities.

The indictment includes a reference to the former President. It states that “as part of the scheme to defraud, Trump Corporation personnel … arranged for tuition expenses for Weisselberg’s family members to be paid by personal checks drawn on the account of and signed by Donald J. ‘Trump.” The indictment also refers to an “unindicted co-conspirator,” who is Jeff McConney, the Trump Organization’s controller, a person familiar with the investigation told CNN.

Update-6: Matthew Calamari Jr., the Trump Organization’s corporate director of security, and Jeffrey McConney, controller of the Trump Organization, appeared before a Manhattan grand jury on September 2. Calamari received “transactional immunity for the topics he testified about” while McConney was reportedly asked to clarify his previous grand jury testimony and respond to inquiries related to Calamari Sr.

Update-7: The Washington Post reports that the Manhattan DA has convened a second grand jury “to hear evidence about the Trump Organization’s financial practices and potentially to vote on criminal charges.” One source reported that the new grand jury will scrutinize whether Trump’s company manipulated the value of its assets–a practice that NY AG Letitia James is also investigating in her parallel civil probe.

Update-8: Donald Trump’s longtime accountant, Donald Bender, who worked for the firm Mazars, reportedly appeared before the grand jury. In recent weeks prosecutors’ also interviewed Rosemary Vrablic, a former managing director at Deutsche Bank. According to an anonymous source, “prosecutors pressed Vrablic about Trump’s role in dealings with the bank,” the Washington Post reported.

Update-9: On Jan. 1, 2022, Alvin Bragg replaced Vance as Manhattan DA and took the helm of the investigation into Trump’s finances. Before taking office, Bragg stated that he would be directly involved in the investigation and noted that he had asked two of Vance’s top prosecutors to continue working on the case.

Update-10: Two of the prosecutors working on the Trump case, Carey R. Dunne and Mark F. Pomerantz, resigned from the prosecution when Bragg indicated he had doubts on moving forward with the investigation. The New York Times later reported that Pomerantz stated that Trump was “guilty of numerous felony violations” and that it was “a grave failure of justice” not to prosecute him, according to a copy of Pomerantz’s resignation letter.

Update-11: On Apr. 7, 2022, Bragg publicly stated that the Trump investigation was continuing and revealed that his office had even questioned new witnesses. In a press release, Bragg stated, “I pledge that the Office will publicly state the conclusion of our investigation – whether we conclude our work without bringing charges, or move forward with an indictment.”

Update-12: On Aug. 18, 2022, Allen Weisselberg pleaded guilty to fifteen financial felonies including tax fraud and grand larceny. As part of the deal with the new DA Alvin Bragg, Weisselberg agreed to testify if the Trump Organization goes to trial on the tax fraud charges.

Update-13: On Oct. 24, the tax fraud trial against the Trump Organization began, and, on Nov. 21, the prosecution rested its side of the case.

Update-14: On Nov. 21, the New York Times reported that the DA’s office has resumed a criminal investigation of Trump’s possible hush money payment and associated falsification of business records.

Update-15: On Dec. 6, 2022, a jury convicted the Trump Organization of tax fraud and other crimes related to the company’s practice of giving out off-the-books perks to executives that were never taxed. Allen Weisselberg testified as the prosecution’s star witness against the company. Prosecutors never charged Trump himself over the scheme, though the prosecutors implicated him as being personally involved in the scheme.

Update-16: On Jan. 10, 2023, New York state court Judge Juan Merchan sentenced Allen Weisselberg to five months in prison for financial felonies including tax fraud and grand larceny.

Update-17: On Jan. 13, 2023, Judge Merchan sentenced the Trump Organization to pay $1.6 million in fines for its conviction on tax crimes.

20. DC Attorney General Incitement Investigation for Attack on U.S. Capitol
Prosecuting Office: DC Attorney General (AG)

Case Summary: DC Attorney General Karl Racine has said he is exploring whether to charge Trump with incitement. So far, his office has focused on a DC statute that makes it a misdemeanor to “incite or provoke violence where there is a likelihood that such violence will ensue.” Presumably, DC prosecutors are looking into Trump’s statements and tweets before and during the riot, gauging whether they amount to criminal incitement.

That said, Racine has cautioned that prosecuting Trump would be an uphill battle. Though the former president no longer could claim presidential immunity, the First Amendment may still shield his speech from prosecution. Under Brandenburg–the controlling case here–a speaker can be prosecuted for incitement only when their speech is both intended and likely to cause imminent lawless action. This is a notoriously difficult standard to meet, especially on the intent side. Even though some rioters have claimed they were following Trump’s instructions, Racine would need to actually prove it was Trump’s actual goal for them to do so. Despite the trail of incriminating statements Trump left behind, Racine may still have trouble meeting such a high bar.

Not only that, Racine has limited options in terms of what offenses he can charge. Because DC splits criminal jurisdiction with the U.S. government, Racine’s office can enforce only low-level crimes. As a result, he cannot charge Trump with arguably more applicable felonies, and is effectively limited to DC’s incitement statute. And as defense attorneys in DC have noted, this misdemeanor offense is typically charged in street-level disorderly conduct cases, arguably making it a poor fit.

Case Status: Racine’s office is investigating Trump’s conduct but has not filed charges.

Update: As of August 2022, there are no public signs that the DC AG is still investigating Trump.

21. Fulton County, Georgia Criminal Election Influence Investigation
Prosecuting Office: Fulton County, GA District Attorney’s Office.

Case Summary: On Feb. 10, 2021, the Fulton County DA’s Office opened an investigation into attempted election interference by former President Trump. The investigation is looking into potential violations of Georgia election laws, including the “solicitation of election fraud, the making of false statements to state and local governmental bodies, conspiracy, racketeering, violation of oath of office and any involvement in violence or threats related to the election’s administration.”

Case Status: On Feb. 10, 2021, the Fulton County DA’s Office sent letters to Governor Brian Kemp, Lieutenant Governor Duncan, Secretary of State Raffensperger, and Attorney General Carr informing them of the new investigation and requesting that all records relating to the election, including emails sent by employees from non-government accounts, be preserved.

Fulton County DA Fani Willis also reportedly plans to investigate a phone call between Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger where Raffensperger claims Graham asked the Secretary of State if he could throw out legally cast ballots. Graham’s spokesperson claims that this is not true and Graham was instead asking about the signature verification process. The DA’s office is also reportedly looking into whether Rudy Giuliani violated election laws in making false statements to Georgia officials.

The week of March 1 2021, prosecutors are expected to seek grand jury subpoenas for documents and witnesses connected to the investigation.

On Mar. 6, Willis brought on John Floyd, a national expert on state racketeering prosecution, to assist in racketeering investigations. He has not been brought on specifically for the Trump investigation, but as Willis is investigating racketeering in the Trump case, this development suggests that racketeering charges could play a larger role.

On Mar. 11, a recording of a call between then-President Trump and the chief investigator of the Georgia Secretary of State’s office, Frances Watson, was released By the Wall Street Journal. On the call, Trump urged Watson to look for fraud in mail-in ballots. The Fulton County DA’s Office has said that they will request a copy of the phone call.

Update-1: As of Mar. 28, there are reportedly two grand juries considering subpoenas for documents relevant to the investigation.

Update-2: Reporting (on Nov. 6 and Nov. 12) suggests that Willis is considering convening a special grand jury dedicated solely to allegations of election tampering in addition to the two grand juries that have already been convened.

Update-3: On Jan. 20, 2022, Willis submitted a letter to the chief judge of Fulton County’s Superior Court requesting a special grand jury for her investigation of President Trump. The letter states that a special grand jury will assist because a “significant number of witnesses and prospective witnesses have refused to cooperate with the investigation absent a subpoena requiring their testimony.”

Update-4: On Jan. 30, 2022, Willis requested the FBI to conduct a security safety assessment and provide other protective services following Trump’s alarming and charged rhetoric at a recent Texas rally. He called for massive protests against the “racist” and “vicious” prosecutors if they “do anything wrong.”

Update-5: On May 2, 2022, prosecutors convened a special grand jury to investigate “whether there were unlawful attempts to disrupt the administration of the 2020 elections here in Georgia.” The grand jury currently has up to one year to issue a report advising the local DA whether to pursue criminal charges against Trump.

Update-6: Grand jury proceedings began on May 27, 2022. The grand jury expects to hear testimony from “as many as 50 witnesses” and the process “is likely to last weeks.”

Update-7: On July 5, 2022, the grand jury issued subpoenas to several of Trump’s key associates who were allegedly involved in the election interference scheme. The targets include Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani; campaign lawyers John Eastman, Cleta Mitchell, Kenneth Cheseboro, and Jenna Ellis; Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.); and attorney Jacki Pick Deason. Under the subpoenas, these witnesses now must testify under oath before the grand jury.

Update-8: On July 13, 2022, Senator Graham moved to quash the grand jury subpoena by filing a motion in South Carolina federal court. Graham argued that he had legislative immunity–afforded by the Constitution’s Speech and Debate clause–because his calls to Georgia officials about the 2020 election qualified as legislative activity.

Update-9: On Aug. 2, 2022, Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer asked Willis’ office to delay his testimony because he was still recovering from a recent medical procedure. The Fulton County judge ultimately rejected that request and ordered Giuliani to appear before the grand jury on Aug. 17.

Update-10: On Aug. 11, 2022, Trump hired a high-profile Atlanta-based criminal defense attorney, Drew Findling, to represent him during the criminal proceedings.

Update-11: On Aug. 15, 2022, local prosecutors informed Rudy Giuliani that he was formally a “target” of their criminal investigation into election interference in Georgia, which generally means that an indictment is possible but not guaranteed. That same day, a federal judge rejected Senator Graham’s bid to avoid testifying, and ordered Graham to appear before the grand jury on Aug. 23.

Update-12: Senator Graham appealed the order requiring him to testify to the Eleventh Circuit, which then directed the district court to consider whether Graham’s testimony should be limited based on his legislative immunity claim. On Sept. 9, the district court ultimately ordered Graham to testify but also held that Graham could refuse to answer questions about his “investigatory fact-finding … related to his decision to certify … the 2020 presidential election” because those inquiries would fall under his immunized legislative duties. The court held, in line with its prior decisions and that of the court of appeals, that Graham could be questioned about three areas that fell outside of his legislative activities: (1) “any alleged efforts to ‘cajole’ or encourage Secretary Raffensperger or other Georgia election officials to throw out ballots or otherwise alter Georgia’s election practices and procedures;” (2) “Senator Graham’s alleged communications and coordination with the Trump Campaign and its post-election efforts in Georgia;” and (3) “Senator Graham’s public statements related to Georgia’s 2020 elections.”

Update-13: Graham appealed the district court’s order to the Eleventh Circuit, but the appeals court upheld the district court’s ruling. The panel held that Graham could be forced to testify in the probe because his legislative status did confer blanket immunity from questioning. Graham asked the Supreme Court to revisit that ruling, but the Court denied Graham’s request on Nov. 1, 2022

Update-14: On Nov. 22, Graham testified before the grand jury. His office released a statement saying, “Today, Senator Graham appeared before the Fulton County Special Grand Jury for just over two hours and answered all questions.”

Update-15: The Fulton County grand jury completed its investigation into election interference on Jan. 9, 2023. The judge scheduled a hearing for Jan. 24 to determine whether to release the grand jury’s report, including any recommendation on whether charges should be filed.

22. Westchester, New York Criminal Investigation of Trump Organization Golf Course
Prosecuting Office: Westchester District Attorney’s Office

Case Summary: Westchester District Attorney’s Office of Mimi E. Rocah has reportedly launched a criminal investigation, led by Elliott B. Jacobson, examining, at least in part, whether the Trump Organization misled local officials about the property value of its golf course to reduce its taxes.

Case Status: The full scope of the investigation is unknown but the office has subpoenaed records from the course.

23. National Archives Referral for Mishandled Classified Materials
Prosecuting Office: Department of Justice (via referral by National Archives); Office of the Special Counsel Jack Smith

Case Summary: In January 2022, the National Archives recovered fifteen boxes of documents from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida. Many of the documents were covered by the Presidential Records Act, which requires presidents to preserve and turn over their official records. The Archives later discovered that the boxes included “items marked as classified national security information.”

In response to a letter from the House Oversight Committee, the Archives confirmed on Feb. 18 that it had “identified classified information in the boxes” and had “been in communication with the Department of Justice” about Trump’s handling of those materials.

On Feb. 9, 2022, the Archives made a referral to the Justice Department for Trump’s handling of government records. On or before Apr. 29, 2022, the Justice Department notified Trump’s counsel Evan Corcoran that the Department had an “ongoing criminal investigation” into the handling of the government documents marked as classified. (The grand jury investigation was reported by the New York Times on May 12, 2022.)

Case Status: On or before Apr. 29, 2022, the Justice Department notified Trump’s counsel Evan Corcoran that the Department had an “ongoing criminal investigation” into the handling of the government documents marked as classified. (The grand jury investigation was reported by the New York Times on May 12, 2022.)

Update-1: On Apr. 7, 2022, the Washington Post reported that the DOJ plans to investigate Trump’s removal of official records to Mar-a-Lago.

Update-2: On May 12, 2022, the New York Times reported that the Justice Department has started a “grand jury investigation into whether classified White House documents that ended up at former President Donald J. Trump’s Florida home were mishandled,” and that the grand jury has issued at least one subpoena. That subpoena is to the National Archives to obtain the classified documents.

Update-3: On June 3, 2022, federal investigators removed classified documents from Mar-a-Lago under a grand jury subpoena.

On June 8, Trump’s attorneys received an email from federal investigators asking them to further secure the room where documents are being stored. The email asked that “the room at Mar-a-Lago where the documents had been stored be secured and that all the boxes that were moved from the White House to Mar-a-Lago (along with any other items in that room) be preserved in that room in their current condition until further notice,” according to the Wall Street Journal.

Following the June 3 visit, one of Trump’s lawyers reportedly signed a statement that all materials marked as classified and held in boxes in a storage area have been returned to the government. On June 22, the Trump Organization received a subpoena for surveillance tapes that covered areas of the club where the documents were possibly stored, which the FBI later obtained.

Update-4: On Aug. 8, 2022, FBI agents executed a search warrant on Mar-a-Lago and raided the club in search of additional classified materials beyond those taken in June. Attorney General Merrick Garland later confirmed that he had personally approved the search. The DOJ also asked a court to unseal the search warrant itself, which would reveal the alleged crimes that formed the basis of the warrant as well as the list of items taken during the search. Trump now has the option to oppose the unsealing, which he would need to do by Aug. 12.

Update-5: On Aug. 12, the court granted the DOJ’s motion and unsealed the warrant and property receipt. The warrant revealed that Trump is under investigation for violating three criminal statutes: destruction or removal of records, obstruction of justice, and mishandling classified information in violation of the Espionage Act. The property receipt indicated that agents had seized 11 sets of documents, some marked as highly classified.

Update-6: Several media outlets, including CNN and the Washington Post, asked the court to unseal the search warrant documents on Aug. 11. On Aug. 15, the DOJ responded by filing a motion urging the court to keep sealed the search warrant affidavit, which would specify the reasons why investigators believed they had probable cause to search the premises. The DOJ argued that the affidavit contains sensitive information that would “compromise” the government’s ongoing criminal investigation.

Update-7: On Aug. 22, 2022, Trump filed a lawsuit challenging the DOJ’s investigation in Florida federal court. Trump’s suit requested that the court appoint a special master to review the seized documents and to screen out any materials covered by attorney-client or executive privilege. The suit also asked the court to enjoin the DOJ from reviewing the documents and to order the DOJ to return some of Trump’s personal property.

Update-8: On Aug. 30, 2022, the DOJ filed a motion opposing Trump’s request to appoint a special master. The DOJ advanced several arguments, including that Trump lacked standing to challenge the seizure of presidential records, that an injunction against the DOJ’s investigation was inappropriate, that a a former president like Trump cannot assert executive privilege in scenarios like this, and that a special master is unnecessary because a government filter team could screen out privileged information.

Update-9: On Sept. 5, 2022, the district court granted Trump’s request to appoint a special master and enjoined the DOJ from reviewing the seized records as part of its criminal investigation. On Sept. 8, the DOJ filed a notice of appeal and asked the district court to stay its decision with respect to the classified materials. It argued that the DOJ was likely to win its subsequent appeal over the classified documents, because Trump could not possibly assert any personal interest in classified government records. The DOJ also explained that the government would suffer irreparable harm if it were enjoined from using the seized classified materials, because it needed to promptly conduct a national security risk assessment.

Update-10: On Sept. 15, the district court appointed the Hon. Raymond Dearie–a Senior Judge of the Eastern District of New York–as special master. The district court also denied the DOJ’s motion for a stay.

Update-11: The special master–Judge Dearie–held his first hearing on Sept. 20, 2022. Much of the argument focused on the status of the classified documents. Trump’s counsel argued that Judge Dearie should not take the DOJ’s word that some of the seized records were classified but stopped short of arguing that Trump had actually declassified them. According to reporting, the judge “expressed skepticism” at those arguments, and indicated that he would likely deem the records classified unless Trump offered contrary evidence.

Update-12: On Sept. 21, the Eleventh Circuit granted the DOJ’s motion for a stay, meaning that the DOJ can use the classified documents in its investigation and that the DOJ need not submit those documents to the special master for review. The appeals court agreed with the DOJ that Trump could not assert a personal interest in classified records, and also noted that Trump had so far refused to advance any actual evidence that the records had been declassified.

Update-13: On Nov. 22, the court of appeals heard oral argument (C-SPAN) on the merits of whether Judge Cannon should have exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion in the first place. The three-judge panel included two of the judges from the prior panel that affirmed the DOJ motion on Sept. 21. The two sides’ arguments on jurisdiction were practically the same as the arguments made in their briefs at issue in the Sept. 21 ruling.

Update-14: On Dec. 1, 2022, the Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruled in favor of the government’s petition to vacate Florida district court Judge Aileen Cannon’s order and dismiss the underlying civil action. The Eleventh Circuit held that Judge Cannon should have never exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion for return of property.

Monday, February 12, 2024 12:58 PM


Have you finished reading this yet Jack, comrade signym?


Originally posted by THG:
Originally posted by THG:
Originally posted by SignyM:

How the FBI covered up the laptop and the alphabet agencies and M$M united to smear one man: the laptop repairman's story

As a rule I'm not a fan of large posts. I don't think they serve a purpose. However, sometimes it is useful to show stupid people how stupid they are. To remind them everybody who reads their posts knows it.

Like this post that shows a concern for the rule of law from Signym. Like other posts from Jack, JSF and some infrequent posters. Yep, they're all in for the rule of law.

The problem they have is all the proof showing they are not. Like the proof I post here that they choose to ignore. Proof anyone with a healthy conative ability would recognize as showing Trump is a sick criminal. Yet, these chosen few deny deny deny.

I offer this proof showing they too are sick. And I'll remind you much more has occurred since 2021.


Originally published on Feb. 28, 2021; continually updated.

On both the criminal and civil litigation fronts, former President Donald Trump faces a bevy of lawsuits and investigations, with more cases likely to follow. Some are civil suits stemming from his pre-presidential business dealings. Others are defamation claims from women he allegedly assaulted. More still are criminal probes and civil actions that scrutinize his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. The Chart below tracks all these cases. It will be continually updated as major legal developments occur.

These cases bear on two pressing questions. First, will Trump maintain his long streak of eluding legal liability in the face of so many lawsuits? Second, if Trump is held to account for illegal conduct, what impact will such a development have on his—and his family’s—political and business fortunes?

Criminal charges—one would think—would be among the most damaging outcomes. After all, a criminal prosecution of a former president would be a singular event in American history. No former president has ever been indicted, much less convicted. Trump lost any immunity from indictment that he may have possessed as president the moment he left office on Jan. 20. To be sure, most of the criminal probes detailed below are in their infancy, so the odds of an actual conviction at this time remain improbable. Even so, the mere stigma of criminal charges against the former president could reshape the American political landscape and the historical understanding of Trump’s behavior.

The civil cases could certainly do their fair share of damage as well, directly or indirectly. If Trump falters in one of his business-related suits, his companies may be subject to massive penalties, or worse. Even apart from such sanctions, his empire is reportedly struggling under looming debt obligations and reduced revenues, a slump which could worsen if his reputation continues to deteriorate.

With these legal threats bearing down on the former president from nearly every direction, this tracker collects them in one place. Note: we have chosen not to include various cases involving Trump’s properties or the Trump Campaign —including slip-and-fall cases, allegations of bedbugs, water use cases, telephone spam suits, copyright suits, and discrimination suits—as they do not implicate Trump directly or it is very unlikely that they will. Below we’ve included key takeaways from each case along with case charts that explain the case’s main issue, procedural posture, and any upcoming deadlines. We will continue to update this information as new filings are docketed, new details emerge, new plaintiffs come forward or drop out, and other significant developments in the cases occur. If you believe we are missing a significant issue or development, send us a message at

Key Takeaways

1. E. Jean Carroll 1.0: Defamation and Federal Tort Claims Act Litigation

Carroll is suing Trump for defamation after he publicly accused her, in June 2019, of fabricating a rape allegation against him. The parties are currently involved in an appeal before the Second Circuit, where Trump (and so far, the Justice Department as well) is arguing that he had official immunity from Carroll’s defamation claim under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA).

Update: On Sept. 27, 2022, the Second Circuit asked the D.C. Court of Appeals to rule on whether Trump’s public denial fell within the scope of his employment under the FTCA.

2. E. Jean Carroll 2.0: Battery and Defamation

Carroll is suing Trump for battery alleging he raped her and for defamation on the basis of a lengthy statement he made on October 12, 2022. The claim of defamation is similar to the suit Carroll brought earlier, except this time Trump made his statement saying she fabricated the rape allegation after he was no longer in office. Accordingly, there is no prospect of his obtaining immunity under the Federal Tort Claims Act.

Carroll filed suit on the first day permitted under New York’s Adult Survivors Act, N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 214-j. The law provides a one-year window for sexual assault survivors to file civil claims even if the statute of limitations has passed.

3. Summer Zervos Defamation Suit (CASE CLOSED)

Summer Zervos, a former contestant on the Apprentice, has filed a civil suit against former President Trump for defamation after he claimed her allegations of his inappropriate sexual conduct were lies designed to help the Clinton campaign and improve her fame. The case is currently at the New York Court of Appeals, the highest New York state court.

Update-1: On Oct. 4, 2021, the trial court ruled that Trump could be deposed before Dec. 23, 2021.

Update-2: On Nov. 12, 2021, Zervos announced she is dropping the lawsuit.

4. Mary Trump Fraud Litigation

Mary Trump is suing Donald Trump for defrauding her out of millions of dollars in an inheritance dispute. The suit is pending in New York state court, where the parties are currently battling over former President Trump’s move to dismiss the case.

Update-1: On Sept. 21, 2021, Donald Trump filed a related lawsuit against Mary Trump, the New York Times, and several of its reporters.

Update-2: On Nov. 15, 2022, the court dismissed Mary’s suit against former President Trump. Mary Trump immediately filed a notice of appeal.

5. Panama Hotel Fraud and Tax Litigation (CASE CLOSED)

Ithaca Capital is suing Trump’s hotel management company for fraud in federal court. Primarily, Ithaca claims that Trump representatives exaggerated the value of a Panama hotel during Ithaca’s negotiations to purchase it.

Update: On Sept. 15, 2021, the parties agreed to end the lawsuit.

6. Doe v. The Trump Corporation Class Action

A group of anonymous plaintiffs have filed a class action against the Trump family and their business, alleging that the Trumps used their brand to scam investors into paying for worthless business opportunities. The district court denied the Trumps’ bid to force the case into arbitration, and the Trumps are now appealing.

7. DC Civil Suit over Misuse of 2017 Inauguration Funds (CASE CLOSED)

In a non-criminal suit, the DC Attorney General is suing several Trump-affiliated entities for misusing inauguration funds to enrich Trump’s family business. The suit is currently in discovery before DC’s local court, where the AG’s office is deposing key Trump executives, notably including his children.

Update: On May 3, 2022, the Trump Organization and Trump’s inaugural committee agreed to settle the suit by paying a total of $750,000.

8. Reps. Karen Bass et al. Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Capitol Attack

Ten members of the House of Representatives, represented by the NAACP, are suing Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and two right wing militia groups for conspiring to forcibly prevent Congress from counting the Electoral College votes on Jan. 6.

Update: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the § 1985 claim against him.

9. Eric Swalwell Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

On Mar. 5, 2021, Representative Eric Swalwell sued Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump Jr., and Congressman Mo Brooks in federal court over the Jan. 6 riots. Swalwell alleges that the defendants violated federal civil rights laws–including the Ku Klux Klan Act–when they conspired to interfere with the Electoral College Count on Jan 6. Beyond that, Swalwell also says the defendants should be held liable for negligently violating DC criminal codes on incitement, encouraging the rioters’ violent conduct, and intentionally inflicting emotional distress on members of Congress.

Update: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, negligence per se, DC anti-bias law, and aiding and abetting assault. The court granted Trump’s request to dismiss the § 1986, emotional distress, and negligence claims.

10. Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

Two Capitol Police officers–both on duty during the Jan. 6 insurrection–sued Donald Trump for injuries they sustained while protecting the Capitol. Both allege that the rioters physically attacked them with fists, chemical spray, and other weapons. They allege that the former president, by his incendiary words and conduct, directed the physical attack and emotional distress.

Update: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, directing and aiding and abetting assault, and negligence per se. The court granted Trump’s motion to dismiss the emotional distress, punitive damages, and civil conspiracy claims.

11. Second Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

A second group of Capitol Police officers filed suit against Trump, the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, and other affiliates involved in allegedly planning and executing the Jan. 6 riots. The seven officers claim that they were physically and emotionally injured by attackers that Trump instigated, and that Trump and his co-defendants conspired to disrupt congressional business in the certification of electoral votes.

12. Third Capitol Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots

A third suit was filed by a Capitol Police officer alleging that physical and emotional injuries he suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot.

13. Metropolitan Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots

Two Metropolitan Police Officers filed suit alleging that physical and emotional injuries they suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot. The officers seek compensatory and punitive damages.

14. NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund Voting Rights Case for Post-Election Actions

The LDF is suing Trump, the Trump Campaign, and the RNC for their efforts to overturn the 2020 election in violation of the Voting Rights Act and the Ku Klux Klan Act. While the litigation is still at its early stages, Trump faces damages and a declaratory judgment that he did indeed violate these provisions of the law.

15. New York Attorney General’s Civil and Criminal Investigations

Since March 2019, New York Attorney General Letitia James has been investigating allegations that the Trump Organization altered property values to avoid tax liabilities. The investigation began after Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen provided congressional testimony that Trump engaged in fraud. In October 2020, James’s office deposed Eric Trump, and in January 2021 a state court judge ruled that Trump’s tax attorneys must turn over thousands of documents.

Update-1: On May 18, 2021, a spokesperson for New York’s Attorney General said, “We have informed the Trump Organization that our investigation into the organization is no longer purely civil in nature. We are now actively investigating the Trump Organizations in a criminal capacity, along with the Manhattan DA.”

Update-2: On Dec. 1, 2021, AG James subpoenaed Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, and Donald Trump Jr., seeking to question them about the real estate valuations.

Update-3: On Dec. 20, 2021, Trump filed his own lawsuit against James in federal court, accusing her of targeting him out of political animosity and asking the court to halt her investigation. The district court dismissed that suit on May 27, 2022.

Update-4: On Feb. 17, 2022, the state court ruled that the NY AG can question Donald Trump, Ivanka, and Donald Jr. under oath. On June 8, 2022, the Trumps tentatively agreed to be questioned under oath by James’s office in mid-July.

Update-5: On Aug. 10, 2022, AG James deposed Trump, but he repeatedly declined to answer her questions and instead invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

Update-6: On Sept. 21, 2022, the NY AG sued Trump and his children in NY state court. The civil lawsuit seeks $250 million in damages and accuses the Trumps of repeatedly overvaluing their real estate assets in a scheme designed to obtain favorable bank loans.

16. Scotland Unexplained Wealth Orders

In February 2021, the Scottish Parliament voted to reject an investigation into unexplained cash transactions executed by the Trump Organization’s Scottish golf courses. A non-profit group is now challenging that decision in Scottish court.

17. Trump Tower Assault Suit (CLOSED)

A group of six protesters are suing Trump over allegations that Trump’s security guards assaulted them outside Trump Tower in 2015. The case is pending in New York state court.

Update: On Oct. 18, 2021, former President Trump sat for a four-hour deposition to answer questions about the incident.

Update-2: Nov. 2, 2022, the parties reached a settlement in the case, details of the settlement agreement have not been disclosed.

18. Michael Cohen Retaliatory Imprisonment Suit

Michael Cohen–Donald Trump’s former attorney who served a three-year sentence for Trump-related crimes–is suing Trump, the US government, and other officials for allegedly retaliating against Cohen after he announced a tell-all book detailing his years of legal work for Trump. Cohen alleges that, after the announcement, Trump and his co-defendants retaliated by trying to bar Cohen from using social media and by sending Cohen back to prison from home confinement.

Update: The court dismissed Cohen’s lawsuit on Nov. 14, 2022.

19. Criminal Investigations into Trump’s Finances

During his presidency, the Manhattan District Attorney investigated Trump’s finances. Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance gained access to Trump’s tax information in the course of a criminal investigation into potential tax crimes, insurance fraud, and other financial crimes under state law. Criminal charges have not been filed against Trump, but have been filed against his longtime CFO and against the Trump Organization. The case was taken over by the new DA Alvin Bragg.

Update: New reporting on Mar. 1 revealed that Vance’s investigation has focused on Trump Organization chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, whose potential cooperation with prosecutors could be a significant breakthrough in the investigation. On Mar. 31, the New York Times reported that prosecutors have subpoenaed Mr. Weisselberg’s personal bank records, and on Apr. 8, investigators took possession of financial records from Weisselberg’s daughter-in-law.

Update: New reporting on Mar. 8 revealed that Vance’s probe has expanded to include an investigation of a loan the Trump Organization received to build its Chicago tower, and whether the forgiveness of that loan was reported as income.

Update: Vance has convened a special grand jury that is “expected to decide whether to indict former president Donald Trump, other executives at his company or the business itself should prosecutors present the panel with criminal charges,” the Washington Post reported on May 25, 2021. “The move indicates that District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr.’s investigation of the former president and his business has reached an advanced stage …. It suggests, too, that Vance believes he has found evidence of a crime — if not by Trump then by someone potentially close to him or by his company.”

Update-1: On Jun. 4, ABC News reported that Trump Organization senior vice president and controller, Jeff McConney is among a number of witnesses to have already appeared before the special grand jury. He is reportedly the first employee of the company called to testify. The New York Times reported that the District Attorney’s office has subpoenaed McConney, but could not confirm if he has testified.

Update-2: On July 1, 2021, the DA charged the Trump Organization and its chief financial officer Weisselberg for an alleged 15-year-lJuly 1, 2021 Trump Organization chargesong tax fraud scheme. The indictment included reference to an “unindicted co-conspirator,” who is Jeff McConney, the Trump Organization’s controller, a person familiar with the investigation told CNN.

Update-3: On Aug. 18, 2022, Allen Weisselberg pleaded guilty to fifteen financial felonies including tax fraud and grand larceny. As part of the deal with the new DA Alvin Bragg, Weisselberg agreed to testify if the Trump Organization goes to trial on the tax fraud charges.

Update-4: On Nov. 21, the New York Times reported that the DA’s office has resumed a criminal investigation of Trump’s possible hush money payment and associated falsification of business records.

Update-5: On Dec. 6, 2022, a jury convicted the Trump Organization of tax fraud and other crimes related to the company’s practice of giving out off-the-books perks to executives that were never taxed.

20. DC AG Incitement Criminal Investigation

The DC Attorney General, Karl Racine, has announced a criminal investigation into Trump’s alleged role in provoking the Jan. 6th riots. No charges have been filed, though Racine’s office is reportedly looking into a local DC code that makes it a misdemeanor to incite violence.

21. Fulton County, Georgia Criminal Election Influence Investigation

The Fulton County DA’s Office has opened a criminal investigation into attempted election interference by Trump. The DA’s Office has requested that all official and unofficial emails concerning the election be preserved and has reportedly also planned to look into a call between Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger as part of the investigation as well as Rudy Giuliani’s potential false statements to Georgia officials.

Update: On May 2, 2022, the Fulton County state prosecutors convened a special grand jury to investigate “whether there were unlawful attempts to disrupt the administration of the 2020 elections here in Georgia.” Proceedings began on May 27, 2022, and are expected to last several months.

22. Westchester, New York Criminal Investigation of Trump Organization Golf Course

The Westchester District Attorney’s Office reportedly launched an investigation which probes, at least in part, whether the Trump Organization misled local officials on the property values of its golf course in order to reduce its taxes.

23. Mishandling of Classified and other Government Documents

On Feb. 9, 2022, after finding classified documents in fifteen boxes recovered from Mar-a-Lago the previous month, the National Archives made a referral to the Justice Department for Trump’s handling of government records. The Archives had recovered the classified materials when it retrieved the boxes of official records from Trump’s Florida residence. On or before Apr. 29, 2022, the Justice Department notified Trump’s counsel Evan Corcoran that the Department had an “ongoing criminal investigation” into the handling of the government documents marked as classified. (The grand jury investigation was reported by the New York Times on May 12, 2022.)

Update: On Aug. 8, 2022, FBI agents searched Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida. On Aug. 11, Attorney General Merrick Garland confirmed in public remarks that he had personally approved the search.

Update: On Aug. 22, 2022, Trump filed a lawsuit challenging the DOJ’s investigation in Florida federal court. Trump’s suit requested that the court appoint a special master to review the seized documents and to screen out any materials covered by attorney-client or executive privilege. The suit also asked the court to enjoin the DOJ from reviewing the documents and to order the DOJ to return some of Trump’s personal property.

Update: On Sept. 5, 2022, district court Judge Aileen Cannon granted Trump’s request to appoint a special master and enjoined the DOJ from reviewing the seized records as part of its criminal investigation. The DOJ appealed to the Eleventh Circuit, and in its first ruling, on Sept. 21, the court of appeals granted the DOJ’s motion for a limited stay, meaning that the DOJ could use the classified documents in its investigation and that the DOJ need not submit those documents to the special master for review.

Update: On Nov. 22, the court of appeals heard oral argument (C-SPAN) on the merits of whether Judge Cannon should have exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion in the first place. The three-judge panel included two of the judges from the prior panel that affirmed the DOJ motion on Sept. 21. The two sides’ arguments on jurisdiction were practically the same as the arguments made in their briefs at issue in the Sept. 21 ruling.

Update: On Dec. 1, 2022, the Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruled in favor of the government’s petition to vacate Florida district court Judge Aileen Cannon’s order and dismiss the underlying civil action. The Eleventh Circuit held that Judge Cannon should have never exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion for return of property.


1. E. Jean Carroll Defamation Suit 1.0
Carroll v. Trump, No. 20-cv-07311, 2020 WL 6277814 (S.D.N.Y. Oct. 27, 2020), appeal docketed, No. 20-03977 (2d Cir. Nov. 25, 2020)

Plaintiff: E. Jean Carroll, a journalist and advice columnist

Case Summary: In 2019, Carroll publicly accused then-President Trump of sexually assaulting her in a New York City department store in the 1990s. A few hours later, Trump denied Carroll’s allegation and accused her of fabricating the story to drum up publicity for her upcoming book. Carroll then sued Trump for defamation in New York state court, alleging that Trump defamed her when he publicly accused her of falsifying the assault story.

After nearly a year of state court proceedings–and with Carroll’s counsel angling to sample Trump’s DNA for comparison with Carroll’s dress from the alleged assault–the Justice Department moved to intervene on Trump’s behalf under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA). This move threatened to quash the suit. In effect, the FTCA (as amended by the Westfall Act) provides blanket immunity to federal employees who commit certain torts–including defamation–arising out of their official duties. According to the DOJ, the president’s official duties include speaking to the press about public matters–which would mean that Trump had immunity from any defamatory statements he made about Carroll.

The DOJ’s intervention also derailed the state court proceedings: because FTCA claims must be litigated in federal court, Carroll’s suit was automatically removed to the Southern District of New York (SDNY). In federal court, Carroll argued that Trump’s statements were not protected by the FTCA. In short, Carroll contended that (i) Trump was not covered by the FTCA because the president is not an “employee”; and (ii) Trump’s statements about Carroll fell outside his official presidential duties.

On both counts, the court agreed. Though removal was irreversible, the court held that the FTCA did not cover Trump’s actions, so Carroll’s defamation suit could proceed against Trump in his personal capacity. Acting separately, the DOJ and Trump both appealed. Trump also requested the court stay the district court proceedings until that appeal is resolved.

Case Status: In the SDNY proceedings, the parties filed opposing memoranda on Trump’s motion to stay in December 2020.

At the Second Circuit, the DOJ and Trump filed separate opening briefs on Jan. 15, 2021. Carroll’s attorneys then requested an Apr. 16, 2021 due date for their brief. Notably, her counsel explicitly selected that date so the Biden DOJ would have time to reassess the Trump administration’s position that Trump was acting within the scope of his employment when he allegedly defamed Carroll. The Second Circuit granted that scheduling request.

Update-1: Carroll filed her brief on Apr. 16, 2021, urging the appeals court to uphold the decision below.

Update-2: Despite the change in administration, the Biden DOJ filed a reply brief on June 7, 2021, that backed Trump’s argument that the FTCA covered his conduct. It echoed the core arguments from the Trump DOJ’s opening brief that the president is an “employee” under the FTCA and that elected officials act within the scope of their employment when they respond to media inquiries.

Update-3: On Sept. 15, 2021, the district court denied Trump’s motion to stay (i.e., halt) the proceedings while the case is on appeal before the Second Circuit.

Update-4: On Dec. 1, 2021, Trump requested permission to amend his response to Carroll’s suit in the district court proceedings. In that filing, he signaled that he wanted to invoke the protection of New York’s new anti-SLAPP law, which attempts to screen out frivolous defamation suits by raising the burden of proof and imposing mandatory fee-shifting. Carroll filed a response opposing Trump’s request on Dec. 15. The district court scheduled a hearing for Feb. 22, 2022 to hear arguments over Trump’s motion to amend.

Update-5: The Second Circuit heard oral argument on Dec. 3, 2021. Much of the discussion centered on whether Trump’s remarks about Carroll–including his “she’s not my type” retort–fell within the scope of his employment. On that score, Trump’s personal attorneys continued to argue that Trump’s allegedly defamatory remarks were part of his official duties because he was speaking to the press at the time. The DOJ’s attorney–arguing for the executive branch–echoed that point, explaining that “any president facing a public accusation of this kind … would feel obliged to … answer questions from the media.” Carroll’s counsel conceded that, because DC treats scope of employment expansively, Trump would have been acting within that scope if he had simply said Carroll’s accusations were false. Even so, Carroll’s attorney stressed that Trump went far beyond a bare denial–and therefore exceeded the scope of his employment–because he was motivated by “personal spite and malice” when he rebuffed Carroll’s claims.

Update-6: On Mar. 11, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s request to amend his complaint.

Update-7: On May 5, 2022, the parties agreed to resume discovery in the district court. Though Carroll’s attorneys have conceded that they will not depose Trump, they could once again seek a DNA sample from Trump. If Trump opposes that request, Carroll’s attorneys would need to ask the district court to order Trump to submit to the sample.

Update-8: The district court scheduled the case for trial starting on Feb. 6, 2023.

Update-9: On Sept. 20, 2022, Carroll notified the court that she planned to file a second lawsuit against Trump over the 1990s rape allegation. Unlike the defamation claim–which alleges that Trump defamed Carroll for falsely denying the rape allegation–this new suit would accuse Trump of the rape directly. Although the statute of limitations had expired for the now thirty-year-old rape claim, Carroll explained that a new state law called the Adult Survivors Act temporarily reopens the window to file for old sexual assault claims. Carroll also suggested that the district court should consolidate the new suit with the defamation claim and try both together in February 2023. Trump immediately filed a letter opposing that suggestion.

Update-10: On Sept. 27, 2022, the Second Circuit granted Trump a partial win, reversing the district court and holding that Trump as president qualified as an “employee” under the FTCA. However, the appeals court left open the question of whether Trump was acting within the scope of his employment when he publicly disparaged Carroll and instead asked the D.C. Court of Appeals to rule on that question. If the DC appeals court concludes that Trump’s remarks fell within his official duties, then Carroll’s defamation claim would fail, because the FTCA bars defamation suits against the federal government.

Update-11: On Jan. 13, 2023, the district court ordered the release of a partial transcript of Trump’s deposition, during which Trump denied the rape allegations.

2. E. Jean Carroll Defamation Suit 2.0
Carroll v. Trump, No. Case 1:22-cv-10016 (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 24, 2022)

Plaintiff: E. Jean Carroll, a journalist and advice columnist

Case Summary: In 2019, Carroll publicly accused then-President Trump of sexually assaulting her in a New York City department store in the 1990s. A few hours later, Trump denied Carroll’s allegation and accused her of fabricating the story to drum up publicity for her upcoming book. Caroll then sued Trump for defamation in New York state court, alleging that Trump defamed her when he publicly accused her of falsifying the assault story.

While that suit was ongoing, Trump issued a lengthy statement on Oct. 12, 2022 saying that Carroll “completely made up” the allegations against him.

On Nov. 24, 2022, Carroll filed a new federal suit against Trump, this time suing the former Presidents for battery involving the alleged rape in the 1990s and for defamation based on Trump’s October 2022 statement. Because Trump had left office at the time of that statement, Carroll argued that Trump could indisputably no longer claim official immunity, unlike in Carroll’s earlier suit.

Carroll filed suit on the first day permitted under New York’s Adult Survivors Act, N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 214-j. The law provides a one-year window for sexual assault survivors to file civil claims even if the statute of limitations has passed.

Case Status: Trump moved to dismiss Carroll’s lawsuit on Dec. 21, 2022. He argued that the Adult Survivor’s Act–which reopened the window for Carroll to sue Trump for the alleged 1990s assault–violated New York’s constitutional due process protections. He also responded to Carroll’s new defamation claim on the merits, calling it “baseless and legally defective.”

Update-1: On Jan. 13, 2023, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss.

3. Summer Zervos Defamation Suit (CASE CLOSED)
Zervos vs. Trump, No. 150522/2017 (N.Y. Sup Ct. Jan. 17, 2017), appeal docketed, No. APL-2020-00009 (N.Y. Mar. 9, 2020)

Plaintiff: Summer Zervos, former contestant on the Apprentice

Case Summary: On Jan. 17, 2017, Zervos filed a suit in New York State Court against Trump for defamation. During Trump’s campaign, many women, including Zervos, accused Trump of inappropriate sexual conduct. In her complaint against Trump, Zervos claims that in 2007, while she sought employment from Trump, he kissed her on the lips and touched her inappropriately. After she rejected his advances, his attitude became very business-like and he later offered her a job for half the salary she was seeking. She attempted to contact Trump, noting that she felt she was being “penalized for not sleeping with him.” Trump said he could not discuss it with her at the time. Zervos says she decided to come forward with these allegations after the Billy Bush Access Hollywood Tape showed Trump speaking in a derogatory manner toward women. In response to her allegations, Trump claims she was lying and was only making these accusations to help the Clinton campaign or to get fame.

Zervos alleges that, as a result of Trump’s claims, she has suffered both emotional and financial harm.

Case Status: Trump filed a motion to dismiss and a stay for the duration of his presidency. On Oct. 3, 2018, the court denied Trump’s motion, finding that, if the facts alleged by the plaintiff are true, she has a reasonable claim to recover for defamation. The court also found that there were no federalism or comity concerns that would suggest that a state court could not hear suit against the sitting president for nonofficial acts. A panel of New York appellate judges affirmed this judgment in October 2019, finding that the president is “not above the law” and that the defamation suit can go forward.

This motion has been appealed to the New York Court of Appeals, the highest New York state court.

Pending the decision from the New York Court of Appeals, in March 2020, the court ruled that Zervos cannot “dig for evidence” in the interim. In 2021, with Trump out of office, Zervos has filed a motion to move the lawsuit forward.

Update-1: On Mar. 30, the New York Court of Appeals denied Trump’s appeal on his motion to dismiss the case. Trump originally filed the motion claiming that a state court could not hear a suit against a sitting president. The court stated, in a one-sentence order, that issues were now moot, and the case can now go forward.

Update-2: On Oct. 4, 2021, the trial court ruled that Zervos could depose Trump before Dec. 23, 2021. According to Law360, this appears to be the “first time that Trump would have to answer questions under oath about his alleged sexual misconduct.” In discussing the schedule for depositions, Michael Rand, a law clerk for New York State Judge Jennifer Schechter, who is overseeing the lawsuit, reportedly “said he expected a trial date to be set sometime in the early part of 2022.”

Update-3: On Nov. 12, 2021, Zervos announced she is dropping the lawsuit.

4. Mary Trump Fraud Litigation
Trump v. Trump, No. 654698/2020 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. filed Sept. 24, 2020)

Plaintiff: Mary Trump, the former president’s niece

Case Summary: In September 2020, Mary Trump sued Donald Trump, her uncle, for allegedly defrauding her out of tens of millions of dollars. When Mary’s father–Donald Trump’s brother–died in 1981, he left Mary a valuable stake in the Trump property empire. Mary was a minor at the time, so Donald Trump and his siblings took control of her share, ostensibly to look after Mary’s interest over the long run.

But according to Mary, that didn’t happen. In her lawsuit, she alleges that the Trump siblings siphoned off revenue from her share and set up an ongoing scheme to artificially devalue her assets. This went on for nearly two decades. Then, when Trump patriarch Fred Sr. (Donald Trump’s father) died in 1999, Mary took issue with the terms of his will. The Trump siblings immediately pushed back and started maneuvering to force Mary out of the family holdings altogether. After lengthy probate proceedings, and with Mary’s legal fees steadily climbing, the siblings delivered an ultimatum: they would not settle the probate case unless Mary relinquished all interests in the family fortune, including those from her late father.

According to Mary, the Trumps offered a settlement figure that woefully undervalued her share of the family holdings. Still, she ultimately accepted a settlement in April 2001, apparently still unaware she was being sold short.

Then, over fifteen years later, the New York Times broke its 2018 story that the Trump Organization had long been fraudulently manipulating the values of its assets. From there, Mary says she realized that she had settled for tens of millions of dollars less than what her stake was actually worth.

Two years later, Mary published a book accusing the Trumps of shorting her out of her rightful share. She then filed this lawsuit in New York state court on Sept. 24, 2020, accusing Donald Trump and his siblings of fraud and breach of fiduciary duty.

Case Status: Trump moved to dismiss the case on Jan. 4, 2021. Mary filed a response on Feb. 26, 2021. As of December 2021, the court has not yet ruled on the motion.

Update-1: The state court dismissed Mary’s suit on Nov. 15, 2022. It ruled that her claims were barred because she agreed to release such legal claims when she accepted the Trumps’ settlement offer in 2001. She immediately appealed that ruling.

Donald Trump vs. Mary Trump and NYT: On Sept. 21, 2021, Donald Trump filed his own lawsuit against Mary Trump, the New York Times, and several of its reporters. Mr. Trump alleges that his niece provided confidential documents–including his tax records–to the NYT reporters, who then used those documents to write their 2018 story on the Trump Organization’s alleged manipulation of asset prices. He asserts that her conduct breached their 2001 settlement, and that the Times and its reporters should be liable for encouraging her to do so. Ms. Trump and the Times defendants moved to dismiss that suit on Dec. 2, 2021.

5. Panama Hotel Fraud and Tax Litigation (CASE CLOSED)
Ithaca Cap. Invs. v. Trump Pan. Hotel Mgmt., No. 18-cv-00390 (S.D.N.Y. Mar. 30, 2020)

Plaintiff: Ithaca Capital, a real estate holding company that purchased a majority of the Trump International Hotel in Panama

Case Summary: Donald Trump’s private hotel business–Trump International Hotels Management–is embroiled in federal litigation over a hotel management deal gone bad. Until 2018, Trump International operated a luxury hotel in Panama. As was its standard business practice, Trump International contracted with a separate owner to provide management services and use of the “Trump” label. When a prior owner went bankrupt in 2015, Ithaca Capital moved to purchase a majority of the hotel’s units. But per Ithaca, Trump representatives made a series of fraudulent claims that oversold the hotel’s profitability. Unaware, Ithaca went ahead with the purchase.

The hotel soon ran into financial trouble, and the relationship between the two parties collapsed. Once Ithaca ended the partnership, it claims to have discovered that Trump International had allegedly underreported costs, diverted hotel revenue, and failed to pay income taxes.

After a brief round of arbitration proceedings, Ithaca sued Trump International in the Southern District of New York. Ithaca made several claims against Trump. First, Ithaca argued that Trump representatives–including Eric and Donald Jr.–made exaggerated claims about the hotel’s value. Second, they argued that Trump International breached their agreement by mismanaging the hotel. And third, Ithaca asserted that Trump International improperly diverted hotel revenues for their own use.

Case Status: Trump International challenged each of Ithaca’s claims and asserted several counterclaims of its own. On Mar. 30, 2020, the district court upheld all three of Ithaca’s claims and dismissed all but one of Trump’s counterclaims. Trumps’ remaining counterclaim–for tortious interference–alleges that Ithaca interfered with Trump’s other hotel contracts when Ithaca forced him out of their partnership.

The parties are currently in discovery and are due to finish by Fall 2021.

Update: The parties filed a series of sealed letters in July and August 2021. On Sept. 15, 2021, the parties voluntarily agreed to end the suit.

6. Doe v. The Trump Corporation Class Action
Doe v. Trump Corp., No. 18-cv-09936 (S.D.N.Y. Oct 29, 2018), appeal docketed, No. 20-01706 (2d Cir. May 28, 2020)

Plaintiffs: (Anonymous) Jane Doe, Luke Loe, Mary Moe, Richard Roe

Case Summary: On Oct. 30, 2018, a class action lawsuit was filed against the Trump Corporation, Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and Eric Trump. The complaint alleges that the defendants used their brand name to defraud thousands of working class individuals by promoting numerous businesses in exchange for “secret payments.” The companies include ACN Opportunity, LLC (a business based on a controversial multi-level marketing scheme), the Trump Network, LLC (another multi-level marketing scheme), and Business Strategies Group, LLC (a seminar claiming to sell the Trump secrets to success). The lawsuit also claims that the defendants are liable for a “pattern of racketeering activity” violating the RICO Act (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) as well as activity violating numerous state consumer protection laws concerning fair business practices and competition.

On July 24, 2019, the District Court judge partially granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss. The judge dismissed the RICO claims because the Complaint did not “sufficiently plead that Defendants’ conduct was the proximate cause of Plaintiffs’ losses.” However, she ruled that the other claims concerning the state laws will not be dismissed under Class Action Fairness Act (CAFA).

Case Status: The Trumps’ moved to compel forced arbitration and the district court judge denied the motion in April 2020. The court held that the defendants were not party to the arbitration agreement (between ACN and the plaintiffs) and thus, could not compel arbitration. She also found that the motion to compel arbitration was in bad faith as they are acting in a manner that is “substantively prejudicial towards the plaintiffs” and not within the spirit of the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA). The Trumps have filed an interlocutory appeal to the Second Circuit.

Following the denial of compelled arbitration, the Trumps also filed a motion to stay, or a motion to halt the legal process. The district court denied this motion, citing the four traditional factors that must be balanced when granting a stay and finding that the defendants have not met the requirements to grant a stay.

Update-1: On July 28, 2021 in a 3-0 decision, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the district court’s judgement and ruled that the Trump family could not compel arbitration. The court found that since there was no “close relationship” between Trumps and ACN such that the plaintiffs could reasonably infer that their arbitration agreement extended to the Trumps. Thus, the court concluded, the “defendants are not entitled to compel the plaintiffs to arbitrate this dispute.” As of September 2021, the court has not yet ruled on the summary judgment motions.

Update-2: On March 25, CNN reported that former President Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and Eric Trump all agreed to be deposed. Their depositions will take place in May and June.

7. DC Civil Suit over Misuse of 2017 Inauguration Funds (CASE CLOSED)
District of Columbia v. 58th Presidential Inauguration Comm., No. 2020-CA-00488-B (D.C. Super. Ct. Sept. 9, 2020)

Prosecuting Office: DC Attorney General (AG)

Case Summary: In the run-up to Trump’s 2017 swearing-in, his inaugural committee raised a record $107 million to spend on inauguration festivities. As a nonprofit, the inaugural committee was bound to use these charitable funds for the public good, namely by organizing events to celebrate the 2017 presidential inauguration.

But as the DC AG alleges, the inaugural committee used over $1 million of those funds in an improper bid to enrich the Trump family’s private businesses. DC’s attorneys are now suing the inaugural committee, the Trump International Hotel, and the Trump Organization over that alleged misspending. Chief among the allegations, the DC AG claims that the committee paid exorbitant rates to rent space in the Trump International Hotel in downtown DC. The committee, for instance, allegedly paid $175,000 to rent the main ballroom on the same day that another nonprofit paid only $5,000–a rate 35 times higher. On top of that, the committee allegedly ignored much better deals available at other upscale locations, settling instead on overpaying for space at the Trump location.

The DC AG frames these payments as an under-the-table attempt to divert charitable funds to the Trumps’ private holdings. The complaint focuses on possible misconduct by committee executive Rick Gates, who also held key roles in the Trump campaign. (Gates would later cooperate with the Mueller investigation.) To tie in the Trump entities, the complaint asserts that the Trump businesses knew it was overcharging the non-profit committee, and points to internal negotiations between the parties that allegedly show both sides were aware of the extreme rates. The DC AG is asking the court to compel the Trump business to put the misspent funds into a trust where they can be put toward charitable purposes.

Case Status: The defendants–the committee itself along with the two Trump businesses–moved to dismiss the suit, but the district court denied that motion in September 2020. On Jan. 11, 2021, the DC AG added a new allegation that the committee improperly used its nonprofit funds to pay a hotel bill on behalf of Trump’s private business. The suit is currently in discovery, and the AG’s office has already deposed several high-level Trump executives, including Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr.

Update-1: The DC AG moved for summary judgment on Mar. 24, 2021. All three defendants responded by filing their own motions for summary judgment on Apr. 8, 2021.

Update-2: On Nov. 8, 2021, the DC court partially granted Trump’s motion for summary judgment, dismissing the waste claim but allowing the private enrichment claim to proceed. Addressing the waste claim, the judge explained that the evidence did not show that the Trump defendants intentionally threw away money when they paid the extravagant rates at Trump’s hotel. Even so, the court ruled that the DC AG may still be able to show that the Trumps illegally enriched themselves with committee funds, and gave the green light for that claim to go to trial. The court also dismissed the Trump Organization from the case on grounds that DC lacked jurisdiction over them.

Update-3: On Feb. 14, 2022, the DC court reversed its earlier decision dismissing the Trump Organization and reinstated it as a defendant in the suit. The DC court also affirmed its summary judgment decision to dismiss the waste claims. The case is scheduled for trial in September 2022.

Update-4: On May, 3, 2022, the Trump Organization and Trump’s inaugural committee agreed to pay a total of $750,000 to settle the suit. Under the deal, the Trump Organization will pay $400,000 and the committee will pay the remaining $350,000.

8. Karen Bass et al. Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Capitol Attack
Thompson v. Trump, No. 21-cv-00400 (D.D.C. filed Feb. 16, 2021)

Plaintiff: Rep. Karen R. Bass, Rep. Stephen I. Cohen, Rep. Veronica Escobar, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, Rep. Henry C. Johnson, Jr., Rep. Marcia C. Kaptur, Rep. Barbara J. Lee, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, Rep. Maxine Waters, and Rep. Bonnie M. Watson Coleman, represented by the NAACP

Case Summary: On Feb. 16, 2021, Mississippi Congressman Bennie Thompson sued former President Trump and Rudy Giuliani along with two right-wing militia groups known as the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers, for violating the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, 42 U.S.C. § 1985(1). In the complaint, Thompson alleges that Trump violated the Ku Klux Klan Act by inciting the rioters with the intent to prevent Members of Congress from discharging their official duties of the timely approval of the Electoral College vote. He argues that after Trump’s loss in the November 2020 election, the then-President set out on a campaign to mobilize his supporters, culminating in the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol. It portrays Trump’s rhetoric on the morning of Jan. 6 as a call to arms and as intended to prevent the certification of the election.

The Act was passed in 1871 in response to violence and intimidation by the KKK intended to stop Black people from voting. The legislation allows Members of Congress to sue individuals who conspire to violently “molest, interrupt, hinder, or impede” the discharge of a public official’s duties.

Thompson seeks compensatory damages for his emotional distress suffered during the attack in addition to punitive damages.

Case Status: On Apr. 7, 2021, ten additional members of Congress joined the lawsuit as plaintiffs. The defendants then moved to dismiss on May 26. In Trump’s motion, he argued (i) that he has absolute immunity because he was acting as president; (ii) that even if he did not have absolute immunity, the Westfall Act shields him from any personal liability; (iii) that members of Congress cannot sue under the KKK Act; and (iv) that his speech was protected by the First Amendment. As of September 2021, the court has not ruled on the motions.

Update-1: On July 21, 2021, Rep. Thompson announced that he would withdraw from the lawsuit to avoid any conflict with the Jan. 6 House Select Committee, which Thompson is chairing. The other plaintiffs–all members of Congress who are not on the Committee–confirmed that they would continue the lawsuit.

Update-2: Judge Mehta–who is also presiding over the Swalwell and Blassingame 1/6 suits–scheduled a combined oral argument for Jan. 10, 2022, for all three cases.

Update-3: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the § 1985 claim against him.

Update-4: On Mar. 18, 2022, Trump appealed the district court’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit consolidated the appeal with those in the Swalwell and Blassingame 1/6 suits.

Update-5: Trump filed his appeal brief on July 27, 2022. He challenged only the district court’s ruling that he lacked absolute presidential immunity, arguing that his speech surrounding Jan. 6 fell within his official presidential duties.

9. Eric Swalwell Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Riots
Swalwell v. Trump, No. 21-cv-00586 (D.D.C. filed Mar. 5, 2021)

Plaintiff: Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA)

Case Summary: On Mar. 5, 2021, Representative Eric Swalwell sued Donald Trump and several associates in DC federal court over the Jan. 6 riots. Much like Representative Bennie Thompson’s related suit, Swalwell alleges that Trump and his co-defendants–Donald Trump Jr., Representative Mo Brooks (R-AL), and Rudy Giuliani–violated the Ku Klux Klan Act by conspiring to interfere with the Electoral College count on Jan. 6.

Swalwell’s suit also goes one step further: it claims that the defendants should be held civilly liable for negligence because they committed criminal incitement under DC’s local code, which establishes the standard of care. Notably, Swalwell says that Trump violated the same DC code–§22-1321(a)(2)–that DC AG Karl Racine is apparently focusing on in his own criminal investigation into Trump’s conduct.

Beyond the civil rights and incitement counts, Swalwell also claims that the defendants are liable for encouraging (aiding and abetting) the rioters’ violent conduct and for intentionally inflicting emotional distress on members of Congress in connection with the attack on the Capitol.

Case Status: Swalwell filed his complaint on Mar. 5, 2021.

Update-1: On May 17, 2021, Giuliani filed a motion to dismiss the claims against him. He argued that his speech did not qualify as incitement, that he never formed a conspiracy with the other defendants or the rioters, and that his speech was ultimately protected by the First Amendment.

Update-2: On May 24, 2021, Donald Trump and his son Donald Jr. filed their own motion to dismiss. Most notably, former President Trump argued that he had absolute immunity against Swalwell’s claims because Trump’s alleged misconduct was within the scope of his official duties as president. Both Trump and Trump Jr. also contended that their speech was protected under the First Amendment and the canonical Brandenburg test. The Trumps also advanced various other arguments ranging from standing to the political question doctrine to even a claim that Swalwell was barred from suing Trump over the same conduct for which Trump was acquitted at his impeachment trial.

Update-3: On July 1, 2021, Swalwell filed a motion for default judgment against Brooks, arguing that Brooks had missed the deadline to respond to the lawsuit. Brooks responded with his own motion urging the court to dismiss the lawsuit because he was acting within the “scope of his employment,” which would essentially block the case under the Westfall Act. The district court denied Swalwell’s motion for a default judgment on July 5 but has not yet ruled on Brooks’s motion.

Update-4: On July 27, 2021, the Justice Department submitted a brief stating that Brooks was not acting within the scope of his employment and thus not shielded by the Westfall Act. The House of Representatives filed a response taking a “non-participation approach” (silence) on the question whether Brooks acted within his scope of employment. The Chairwoman of the Committee on House Administration submitted a brief stating that Rep. Brooks was not acting within his scope of employment.

Update-5: Judge Mehta–who is also presiding over the Bass and Blassingame 1/6 suits–scheduled a combined oral argument for Jan. 10, 2022, for all three cases.

Update-6: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, negligence per se, DC anti-bias law, and aiding and abetting assault. The court granted Trump’s request to dismiss the § 1986, emotional distress, and negligence claims.

Update-7: On Mar. 18, 2022, Trump appealed the district court’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit consolidated the appeal with those in the Bass and Blassingame 1/6 suits.

Update-8: Trump filed his appeal brief on July 27, 2022. He challenged only the district court’s ruling that he lacked absolute presidential immunity, arguing that his speech surrounding Jan. 6 fell within his official presidential duties.

10. Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots
Blassingame v. Trump, No. 21-cv-00858 (D.D.C. filed Mar. 30, 2021)

Plaintiff: James Blassingame and Sidney Hemby, two Capitol police officers

Case Summary: On Mar. 30, 2021, two Capitol Police Officers sued Donald Trump for injuries they sustained during the Jan. 6 riots in DC. The officers–James Blassingame and Sidney Hemby–say they were maced with bear spray, attacked with fists and flagpoles, and even crushed against a door as they tried to protect the Capitol from pro-Trump intruders.

Much like the other Jan. 6 suits against Trump, the officers pin their injuries on Trump’s incendiary rhetoric before and during violence. Both allege that Trump directed the rioters to assault them, aided the rioters in committing those assaults, and negligently incited the riot in violation of DC’s public safety codes. Blassingame also accuses Trump of directing intentional infliction of emotional distress, pointing to the racial slurs and taunts that the intruders allegedly hurled at him during the violence.

Case Status: The officers filed their suit in DC federal court on Mar. 30, 2021. On Apr. 28, 2021, the plaintiffs added two new conspiracy claims against Trump, one based on the KKK Act and the other on common law conspiracy. They allege that Trump illegally conspired with the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers to storm the Capitol, which in turn caused the plaintiffs’ injuries.

Update-1: Donald Trump filed a motion to dismiss on June 24, 2021. He repeated many of the arguments from his motions to dismiss in the Bass and Swalwell suits, including absolute presidential immunity, freedom of speech, and preclusion based on Trump’s impeachment acquittal.

Update-2: Judge Mehta–who is also presiding over the Bass and Swalwell 1/6 suits–scheduled a combined oral argument for Jan. 10, 2022, for all three cases.

Update-3: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, assault, and negligence per se. The court granted Trump’s motion to dismiss the emotional distress, punitive damages, and civil conspiracy claims.

Update-4: On Mar. 18, 2022, Trump appealed the district court’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit consolidated the appeal with those in the Swalwell and Bass 1/6 suits.

Update-5: Trump filed his appeal brief on July 27, 2022. He challenged only the district court’s ruling that he lacked absolute presidential immunity, arguing that his speech surrounding Jan. 6 fell within his official presidential duties.

11. Second Capitol Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots
Smith v. Trump, No. 21-cv-02265 (D.D.C. filed Aug. 26, 2021)

Plaintiff: Seven Capitol Police officers

Case Summary: On Aug. 26, 2021, a second group of Capitol Police officers filed suit over injuries they suffered while defending the Capitol on Jan. 6. The officers allege that Trump and his co-defendants–including the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers–conspired to incite a riot and attack the Capitol, leaving the officers physically and emotionally injured.

Like the other Jan. 6 lawsuits against Trump, the complaint asserts that Trump violated the KKK Act by conspiring to instigate the riots. The complaint also alleges that unnamed defendants–listed as “John Does” who carried out the attack–physically assaulted the officers at Trump’s provocation, which could make Trump liable for the officers’ injuries.

The plaintiffs also add in a unique claim not found in other Jan. 6 lawsuits against Trump: that the defendants violated the DC Bias-Related Crimes Act, a local hate-crime statute. According to the complaint, the defendants were motivated by political bias against the Democratic Party when they instigated and executed the Capitol attack.

Case Status: The officers filed their suit in DC federal court on Aug 26, 2021.

Update-1: Donald Trump filed a motion to dismiss on Nov. 12, 2021. Much like in the other Jan. 6 suits, Trump argued that his speech was constitutionally protected by presidential immunity, the First Amendment, and preclusion as a result of the impeachment acquittal.

Update-2: On Dec. 5, 2021, the plaintiffs amended their complaint to add an eighth officer as a plaintiff and to add a pro-Trump PAC as an additional defendant. The court ruled that the defendants could file new motions to dismiss against this amended complaint, due by Dec. 23, 2021.

Update-3: Trump filed a motion to dismiss the amended complaint on Jan. 31, 2022. He once again argued that the plaintiffs failed to state a claim and that Trump’s speech was protected by absolute immunity and the First Amendment.

Update-4: The district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss on Jan. 26, 2023.

12. Third Capitol Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots
Moore v. Trump, No. 22-cv-00010 (D.D.C. filed Jan. 4, 2022)

Plaintiff: Marcus J. Moore, US Capitol Police Officer

Case Summary: On Jan. 4, 2022, a third suit was filed by a Capitol Police officer alleging that physical and emotional injuries he suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot. The officer seeks compensatory and punitive damages.

The officer claims that the actions, tweets, and comments made by Trump prior, during, and after the insurrection resulted in actual physical injuries as rioters struck him and attacked him with physical objects and chemical agents. Like other Jan. 6 lawsuits, the officer claims Trump violated the KKK Act as Trump conspired to attack the Capitol with his followers. The officer, like earlier lawsuits, further cited violations of the D.C. Code for inciting a riot and disorderly conduct.

Case Status: The officer filed his suit in DC District Court on January 4, 2022.

13. Metropolitan Police Suits over the Jan. 6. Riots
Tabron v. Trump, No. 22-cv-00011 (D.D.C. filed Jan. 4, 2022)

Plaintiff: Bobby Tabron and DeDivine K. Carter, Metropolitan Police Officers

Case Summary: On Jan. 4, 2022, two Metropolitan Police Officers filed suit alleging that physical and emotional injuries they suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot. The officers seek compensatory and punitive damages.

The officers claim that the actions, tweets, and comments made by Trump prior, during, and after the insurrection resulted in actual physical injuries as rioters struck them and attacked them with physical objects and chemical agents. Like other Ja. 6 lawsuits, the officers claim Trump violated the KKK Act as Trump conspired to attack the Capitol with his followers. The officers, like earlier lawsuits, further cited violations of the D.C. Code for inciting a riot and disorderly conduct.

Case Status: The officers filed their suit on January 4, 2022.

14. NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund Voting Rights Case
Mich. Welfare Rights Org. v. Trump, No. 20-cv-03388 (D.D.C. filed Nov. 20, 2020)

Plaintiff: Michigan Welfare Rights Organization and the NAACP, represented by the NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund (LDF).

Case Summary: On Nov. 20, 2020, LDF sued then-President Trump and the Trump campaign alleging that their post-election conduct violated Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act, 52 U.S.C. § 10307(b). After losing the election, Trump spent weeks pressuring Republican election officials not to certify the election—in particular, the complaint examines the actions of Wayne County Republican election officials who first voted not to certify the election, though they eventually did. Section 11(b) forbids intimidation of voters, those aiding voters, and certain election officials. Voting is broadly defined in the Voting Rights Act, covering “all action necessary to make a vote effective[,] … including … having such ballot counted properly and included in the appropriate totals of votes cast.”

In December 2020, the complaint was amended to include the NAACP as a plaintiff, the Republican National Committee as a defendant, and alleged a new claim: that defendants violated the Ku Klux Klan Act, which prohibits conspiracies to deprive someone of equal protection under law or the right to vote. 42 U.S.C. § 1985(3). LDF argues that Trump’s efforts to discard votes in cities with large Black populations meets the statutory definition.

LDF seeks statutory damages, a declaratory judgment, and injunctive relief that would prevent defendants from intimidating voters and election officials in the future.

Case Status: On Feb. 25, 2021, the defendants moved to dismiss the case. They had a variety of arguments, including that the case was filed in the wrong court, that the cited statutes do not allow a private party to bring litigation, and that their conduct did not violate the statutes. As of September 2021, the court has not yet ruled on the motions.

Update-1: On Mar. 31, 2022, the district court partially granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss, dismissing the VRA claims for lack of standing and holding the § 1985(3) claims in abeyance. On the standing point, the district court concluded the plaintiffs lacked standing for an injunction. The court reasoned that even if the defendants had illegally interfered with the plaintiffs’ voting rights in the past, there was no imminent threat that the defendants would do so again.

Update-2: On June 16, the plaintiffs requested permission to file a second amended complaint with new factual allegations that could remedy the standing issues on the VRA claim.

Update-3: On Nov. 28 the district court granted plaintiffs’ request to file a second amended complaint. In granting the plaintiff’s motion, the court concluded that “Plaintiffs have adequately alleged … that the Trump Defendants not only caused great harm to Plaintiffs in the past but also pose a very substantial risk in the future to Plaintiff’s fundamental right to vote.”

15. NY Civil Suit over Fraudulent Real Estate Practices
People v. Trump Org., No. 451685/2020 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. Dec. 15, 2020)

Plaintiff: New York Attorney General (AG)

Case Summary: In March 2019, New York Attorney General Letitia James launched a civil probe investigating allegations that the Trump organization inflated and deflated property values to avoid tax liability and for other financial benefits. She began her investigation after Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen testified before Congress that Trump had engaged in fraud. While there is some overlap, James has noted that her investigation differs from and is independent of the Manhattan DA criminal investigation.

Much of her probe has focused on Seven Springs, a Trump-owned property in New York. In December 2019, James subpoenaed the Trump Organization, seeking records related to a $21 million tax deduction that Trump claimed against the property in 2015. Per her court filings, James is exploring whether Trump improperly inflated the property’s value to boost the size of the tax benefit.

James is also looking into other transactions relating to Trump properties. She is investigating whether Trump failed to pay taxes on debt forgiven during the financial restructuring of the Trump Hotel & Tower in Chicago and the appraisal of the LA Trump National Golf Club used for his conservation tax break, which was substantially higher than metrics typically used to value golf properties.

Case Status: In connection with the Seven Springs subpoenas, James’s office deposed Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg and Eric Trump in September and October 2020. Both refused to testify and instead invoked the Fifth Amendment over 500 times. She also sought related records held by Trump’s tax lawyers. His counsel initially refused to produce them, claiming they were shielded by attorney-client privilege. The state court judge disagreed, ruling on Jan. 29, 2021 that the tax attorneys must turn over thousands of documents about the tax deductions.

Update-1: On May 18, 2021, Fabien Levy, a spokesperson for New York’s Attorney General said, “We have informed the Trump Organization that our investigation into the organization is no longer purely civil in nature. We are now actively investigating the Trump Organizations in a criminal capacity, along with the Manhattan DA.”

Update-2: On Dec. 9, 2021, the Washington Post reported that AG James is seeking to depose Trump in January 2022 as part of her fraud investigation into the Trump Organization’s property valuations.

Update-3: On Jan. 3, 2022, a court order revealed that James’s office also subpoenaed Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. on Dec. 1. According to the order, James seeks to question the two Trump children–in addition to Trump Sr., as previously reported–about the potentially fraudulent real estate valuations. The Trumps immediately responded by filing a motion to quash the subpoenas. They argued that, because the NY AG is also running a “joint” criminal investigation into the Trumps with the Manhattan DA, the AG’s office cannot use purely civil subpoenas and must instead use a grand jury to question Trump and his children. The Trumps reasoned that grand jury subpoenas provide greater protection to witnesses–including immunity–and that James was trying to “circumvent” those protections by using civil subpoenas instead.

Update-4: James subpoenaed the General Services Administration to determine how it decided to lease the historic post office to former President Trump. As part of an ongoing civil investigation into Trump’s fraudulent real estate practices, James is reportedly attempting to use the documents to determine whether Trump had a practice of providing false information to the advantage of his business.

Update-5: On Feb. 17, 2022, the state court rejected Trump’s subpoena challenge and ruled that Donald, Ivanka, and Donald Jr. must sit for questioning under oath. The judge directed the Trumps to submit to these depositions within 21 days. The Trumps plan to appeal the decision, according to a family spokeswoman.

Update-6: On Feb. 28, 2022, the Trumps appealed the court’s decision ordering them to sit for depositions.

Update-7: On Mar. 3, 2022, the parties agreed to delay the depositions until after the state appeals court rules on the Trumps’ appeal.

Update-8: On Apr 7, 2022, James’s office filed a motion with the state court requesting Trump be held in contempt for failing to turn over subpoenaed documents. Her office requested a daily fine of $10,000 until Trump complies. The court has not ruled on her request.

Update-9: On Apr. 25, 2022, a NY state Judge held Trump in contempt of court for failure to respond to the AG’s subpoenas. The court assessed a fine of $10,000 per day until Trump meets the request.

Update-10: On Apr. 27, 2022, Trump appealed the contempt ruling and the $10,000-a-day fine. Trump also asked the district court to pause the fine while he appeals, but the court denied that request.

Update-11: On May 11, 2022, the trial court halted the daily fine but ordered Trump to pay the $110,000 balance by May 20. Though Trump paid the fine by the deadline, the judge kept the contempt order in place, leaving the door open for it to climb if Trump does not comply with the judge’s orders.

Update-12: On May 26, 2022, a New York appeals court ruled that Trump and two of his children–Donald Jr. and Ivanka–must sit for questioning by AG James’s office. The appeals court rejected Trump’s arguments that James was acting out of political animus. Trump’s attorney appealed the ruling to the New York Court of Appeals, the state’s highest court, which has discretion to take up or ignore the appeal.

Update-13: On June 8, 2022, Trump and two of his children–Donald Jr. and Ivanka–agreed to be questioned under oath by James’s office in mid-July, unless the New York high court decides to intervene and hear their appeal.

Update-14: On June 14, 2022, New York’s highest court declined to hear the Trumps’ appeal. This clears the way for James’s office to depose the Trumps.

Update-15: James’s office deposed Donald Trump Jr. on July 28, 2022 and Ivanka Trump on Aug. 3, 2022. Both reportedly participated in the deposition and did not invoke their Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination.

Update-16: AG James deposed Trump Sr. on Aug. 10, 2022. Trump repeatedly declined to answer her questions and instead invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. Reportedly, Trump asserted the Fifth more than 400 times in response to varying questions about his businesses, property valuations, and loans.

Update-17: On Sept. 21, 2022, the NY AG sued the Trumps in NY state court. The civil suit alleges that the Trumps repeatedly overvalued their real estate holdings in a long-running scheme designed to obtain favorable terms on bank loans. The complaint seeks to recover $250 million in damages and asks the court to bar the Trumps from running any businesses in New York state. It names Donald Sr., Donald Jr., Eric, and Ivanka Trump as defendants, along with the Trump Organization and several of its executives. Although AG James’s suit seeks only civil penalties, her office also sent criminal referrals to both the IRS and federal prosecutors.

Update-18: On Jan. 6, 2023, the trial court denied the Trumps’ motion to dismiss James’s lawsuit.

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Donald Trump v. Letitia James: On Dec. 20, 2021, Donald Trump filed his own suit against AG James in federal court. He accused James of targeting Trump out of political animus and asked the court to enjoin her under § 1983 from continuing her investigation into Trump and his companies. To back up his claim, Trump pointed to a string of James’s social media posts that allegedly suggested a political motive. Trump asserted that James’s investigation violates his constitutional rights, including his First Amendment rights by targeting him for his political activities and his Fourth Amendment rights by harassing him with bad faith subpoenas. In subsequent filings. James has asked the judge to dismiss the suit and has refused to cease investigating.

Update-1: On Jan. 26, 2022, James moved to dismiss Trump’s suit. She argued that Trump’s suit should be dismissed under several federal abstention doctrines, under res judicata, and for failing to state a claim.

Update-2: On May 27, 2022, the district court dismissed Trump’s suit, which will allow James’s investigation to continue. The district court reasoned that Trump’s suit was barred by Younger abstention, a doctrine that bars federal courts from stopping state court proceedings like James’s civil enforcement suit against Trump. For his part, Trump had argued that Younger abstention shouldn’t apply because James was investigating him in bad faith. The district court rejected that argument, finding that James’s proceeding had a “legitimate factual predicate” and that there was no evidence that James was acting in a harassing or bad faith manner.

Update-3: Trump filed a notice of appeal on May 27, 2022.

Update-4: Trump withdrew his lawsuit on Jan. 24, 2023.

16. Scotland Unexplained Wealth Orders
Plaintiff: Avaaz Foundation against the Scottish Ministers and Others

Case Summary: On February 3, 2021, the Scottish Parliament voted to reject calls from the opposition party, the Scottish Greens, to investigate the Trump Organization’s golf courses through an Unexplained Wealth Order (UWO). UWOs are a mechanism designed to prevent suspected corrupt foreign officials from laundering potentially stolen funds into the UK. They require an individual or organization to reveal the sources of their unexplained wealth and, while they do not automatically trigger criminal proceedings, they can result at least in confiscation of assets. The concerns that led to the push to investigate Trump arose when Trump spent many hundreds of millions of dollars to purchase and refurbish golf courses within Scotland with all-cash transactions. This was particularly suspicious since Trump had financed large scale purchases with debt prior to these transactions. It is disputed whether Eric Trump made a statement indicating that the funds had come from Russia.

The co-leader of the Scottish Greens stated, “Scotland cannot be a country where anyone with the money can buy whatever land and property they want, no questions asked, and the Scottish Greens will continue to challenge vested interests that protect people like Trump rather than our communities.” Eric Trump criticized the suit, stating that “at a critical time when politicians should be focused on saving lives and reopening businesses in Scotland, they are focused on advancing their personal agendas.”

Case Status: The non-profit global rights pressure group, Avaaz Foundation, sought to challenge the Scottish Parliament vote and, in May, filed a petition in the highest civil court in Scotland to review the decision not to pursue a UWO. On Aug. 11, 2021, Lord Sandison of the Scottish Court of Session ruled the petition seeking “judicial review of the approach of the Scottish ministers in determining whether to apply to the court for UWOs” should “proceed without condition or restriction.” He ruled that their case has “real prospects of success.” Scotland’s High Court will likely hear the case later this year.

Update-1: On Nov. 25, 2021, in a victory for the defendants, Lord Sandison ruled that only the Lord Advocate General of Scotland may issue a UWO, not the Scottish ministers. Advocates are now asking for the Lord Advocate to take action.

Update-2: As of January 2023, there are no indications that the Scottish investigation is progressing.

17. Trump Tower Assault Suit (CASE CLOSED)
Galicia v. Trump, No. 24973/2015 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. filed Sept. 9, 2015)

Plaintiff: A group of six protesters

Case Summary: On Sept. 3, 2015, the plaintiffs were demonstrating on the sidewalk outside Trump Tower in Manhattan. According to the plaintiffs–who self-identify as of Mexican origin–they were protesting the “inflammatory” anti-Mexican statements that Trump made during 2015 campaign events. Soon after the plaintiffs arrived, Trump Tower security guards allegedly attacked them and destroyed their protest signs.

That same month, the plaintiffs sued Trump, the Trump Organization, Trump’s campaign, Trump’s head bodyguard, and the alleged attackers in New York state court. The plaintiffs allege that Trump and his co-defendants are liable for assault and battery, conversion and destruction of property, and tortious interference with political speech. To tie Trump to his guards’ conduct, the plaintiffs allege that Trump was careless in hiring and supervising his security detail and, separately, that Trump should be held vicariously liable–a type of secondary liability often used to hold employers to account for their employee’s harmful actions. To prevail against Trump on this vicarious liability theory, the plaintiffs would need to show that the guards (i) were acting as Trump’s employees or agents at the time and (ii) attacked the plaintiffs to advance Trump’s interests in some way.

Case Status: Trump and his co-defendants moved to dismiss the claims for property destruction and interference with political speech in Dec. 2015. The court dismissed the political speech interference claim but permitted the rest of the claims to advance.

After the defendants moved for summary judgment in 2017, the court dismissed the negligent hiring and supervision claims against Trump and the Trump Organization. However, the court allowed the remaining claims to go forward, including the vicarious liability claims that Trump should be personally liable for his guards’ conduct.

Update-1: On Oct. 18, 2021, Trump sat for a four-hour deposition to answer questions about the alleged assault. According to the plaintiffs’ lawyer, Trump was asked about “a variety of issues including statements he has made at various campaign events and rallies that counsel believes encouraged violence at those events or encouraged security guards to engage in violence or the confiscation of property.” The plaintiffs’ lawyer also said he intends to play a video of Trump’s deposition at trial, which is not yet scheduled.

Update-2: On Apr. 26, 2022, a court filing revealed fifty pages of testimony from Trump’s deposition. Trump testified that he did not send his security staff after the protestors or direct them to grab their signs.

Update-3: Nov. 2, 2022, the parties reached a settlement in the case, details of the settlement agreement have not been disclosed.

18. Michael Cohen Retaliatory Imprisonment Suit
Cohen v. United States, No. 21-cv-10774 (S.D.N.Y. filed Dec. 16, 2021)

Plaintiff: Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s former attorney

Case Summary: On Dec. 16, 2021, Michael Cohen sued Donald Trump, former Attorney General Bill Barr, the US government, and other officials in federal court for retaliatory imprisonment. Cohen alleges that, after he announced plans to publish a damaging book about his legal work for Trump, the defendants retaliated by sending Cohen back to federal prison from home confinement.

At the time, Cohen was serving a three-year sentence for several crimes related to his work for Trump, including lying to Congress about Trump’s Moscow business and orchestrating illegal campaign expenditures to cover up Trump’s extramarital affairs. Several months into the COVID outbreak, the Bureau of Prisons–then led by defendant Michael Carvajal–granted Cohen’s medical request to be released on “furlough” followed by a transition to home confinement for the rest of his sentence. But according to Cohen, Trump and his co-defendants interfered with that transition. While Cohen was out on furlough, he tweeted about his plans to release a tell-all memoir about his work for Trump. Shortly after, corrections officers demanded that Cohen agree to a home confinement condition that barred Cohen from posting on social media and publishing his book. After Cohen allegedly hesitated to agree, the BOP nixed the home confinement plan and remanded Cohen back to federal prison.

Cohen then filed a habeas petition challenging the remand and arguing that corrections officials had taken the action in retaliation for Cohen’s tweets about his work on the anti-Trump book. The district court agreed–explicitly finding that Barr and Carvajal ordered the remand with the “purpose” of retaliating–and ordered Cohen’s release to home detention. Cohen completed his sentence at home in November 2021.

A month later, on Dec. 16, Cohen sued Trump, Barr, Carvajal, other corrections officials, and the US government for the alleged retaliatory imprisonment. He seeks damages against Trump, Barr, and the other officials under Bivens–a judicially created cause of action for damages against federal officers for constitutional violations–for violating Cohen’s rights under the First, Fourth, and Eighth Amendments. Cohen also seeks damages against the US government under the Federal Tort Claims Act, which allows plaintiffs to sue the federal government for damages if they are injured by certain torts committed by federal officers.

Case Status: Cohen filed the suit in New York federal court on December 16, 2021.

Update-1: Trump filed a motion to dismiss the suit on Apr. 4, 2022. He argued that presidential immunity shielded his conduct, that Bivens doctrine does not apply in federal prisoner suits against the President, and that Cohen had failed to plausibly allege that Trump was personally involved in the constitutional violations.

Update-2: On Aug. 2, 2022, the court heard oral argument on the defendants’ motion to dismiss.

Update-3: On Nov. 14, 2022, the district court dismissed Cohen’s suit, including his constitutional Bivens claims against Trump. The court found that recent Supreme Court decisions had significantly constrained the scope of such suits and concluded that Cohen’s claims failed under those precedents.


19. Criminal Investigations into Trump’s Finances
People of the State of New York v. Trump Corporation d/b/a Trump Organization, Trump Payroll Corp., d/b/a Trump Organization, Allen Weisselberg

Trump v. Deutsche Bank, No. 19-cv-03826 (S.D.N.Y. Apr. 29, 2019)

Trump v. Vance, No. 19-cv-08694 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 19, 2019)

Prosecuting Office: In 2019, then-President Trump sued to block subpoenas issued by three House Committees and the Manhattan District Attorney seeking his financial information in 2019. As of Feb. 22, the Manhattan DA now has access to Trump’s tax information.

Case Summary: In 2019, the House Intelligence and Finance Committees issued subpoenas to both Deutsche Bank and Capital One seeking information about then-President Trump’s finances. Before the banks complied with the subpoenas, Trump sued, seeking a declaratory judgment that they were unenforceable and an injunction that would have prevented the banks from disclosing Trump’s financial information. In addition, the House Oversight Committee subpoenaed Mazars, Trump’s accounting firm, demanding additional accounting information. Trump again sued to block the subpoena.

In parallel, Manhattan District Attorney, Cyrus Vance Jr., subpoenaed Mazars, for access to Trump’s tax records. Trump again sued to prevent the disclosure of this information.

All three cases reached the Supreme Court, where they were decided on the same day, July 9, 2020. The congressional subpoenas were combined into one case, and were remanded so the lower courts could consider separation of powers concerns raised by congressional committees subpoenaing a sitting president. In the Vance case, the Court ruled that a president’s financial information could be subpoenaed by a local district attorney.

Case Status: With the seating of the new Congress in January 2021, the Congressional subpoenas expired. The Vance subpoena again reached the Supreme Court, which on Feb. 22, refused to block it. His spokesperson has confirmed that the office now has access to Trump’s tax returns, including millions of pages of documents. Charges have not been filed.

Update-1: New reporting on Mar. 1 revealed that Vance’s investigation has focused on Trump Organization chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, whose potential cooperation with prosecutors could be a significant breakthrough in the investigation. On Mar. 31, the New York Times reported that Vance’s office has subpoenaed Weisselberg’s personal bank records, and on Apr. 8, investigators took possession of financial records from Weisselberg’s daughter-in-law.

Update-2: New reporting on Mar. 8 revealed that Vance’s probe has expanded to include investigation of a $130 million loan the Trump Organization received to build its Chicago tower, and whether the forgiveness of that loan was reported as income, as required by the IRS.

Update-3: On May, 25, 2021, the Washington Post reported that Vance has convened a special grand jury that is “expected to decide whether to indict former president Donald Trump, other executives at his company or the business itself should prosecutors present the panel with criminal charges.” According to the Post, “The move indicates that District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr.’s investigation of the former president and his business has reached an advanced stage …. It suggests, too, that Vance believes he has found evidence of a crime — if not by Trump then by someone potentially close to him or by his company.”

Update-4: On Jun. 4, ABC News and the New York Times report that Trump Organization senior vice president and controller, Jeff McConney is among a number of witnesses to have already appeared before the special grand jury. He is reportedly the first employee of the company called to testify.

Update-5: On July 1, prosecutors indicted the Trump Organization and the chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg with running a tax fraud scheme for over fifteen years. The indictment charges Weisselberg, the Trump Organization, and the Trump Payroll Co. with compensating Weisselberg and other Trump Organization executives with off-the-books funds that were unreported or misreported to federal, state, and local tax authorities.

The indictment includes a reference to the former President. It states that “as part of the scheme to defraud, Trump Corporation personnel … arranged for tuition expenses for Weisselberg’s family members to be paid by personal checks drawn on the account of and signed by Donald J. ‘Trump.” The indictment also refers to an “unindicted co-conspirator,” who is Jeff McConney, the Trump Organization’s controller, a person familiar with the investigation told CNN.

Update-6: Matthew Calamari Jr., the Trump Organization’s corporate director of security, and Jeffrey McConney, controller of the Trump Organization, appeared before a Manhattan grand jury on September 2. Calamari received “transactional immunity for the topics he testified about” while McConney was reportedly asked to clarify his previous grand jury testimony and respond to inquiries related to Calamari Sr.

Update-7: The Washington Post reports that the Manhattan DA has convened a second grand jury “to hear evidence about the Trump Organization’s financial practices and potentially to vote on criminal charges.” One source reported that the new grand jury will scrutinize whether Trump’s company manipulated the value of its assets–a practice that NY AG Letitia James is also investigating in her parallel civil probe.

Update-8: Donald Trump’s longtime accountant, Donald Bender, who worked for the firm Mazars, reportedly appeared before the grand jury. In recent weeks prosecutors’ also interviewed Rosemary Vrablic, a former managing director at Deutsche Bank. According to an anonymous source, “prosecutors pressed Vrablic about Trump’s role in dealings with the bank,” the Washington Post reported.

Update-9: On Jan. 1, 2022, Alvin Bragg replaced Vance as Manhattan DA and took the helm of the investigation into Trump’s finances. Before taking office, Bragg stated that he would be directly involved in the investigation and noted that he had asked two of Vance’s top prosecutors to continue working on the case.

Update-10: Two of the prosecutors working on the Trump case, Carey R. Dunne and Mark F. Pomerantz, resigned from the prosecution when Bragg indicated he had doubts on moving forward with the investigation. The New York Times later reported that Pomerantz stated that Trump was “guilty of numerous felony violations” and that it was “a grave failure of justice” not to prosecute him, according to a copy of Pomerantz’s resignation letter.

Update-11: On Apr. 7, 2022, Bragg publicly stated that the Trump investigation was continuing and revealed that his office had even questioned new witnesses. In a press release, Bragg stated, “I pledge that the Office will publicly state the conclusion of our investigation – whether we conclude our work without bringing charges, or move forward with an indictment.”

Update-12: On Aug. 18, 2022, Allen Weisselberg pleaded guilty to fifteen financial felonies including tax fraud and grand larceny. As part of the deal with the new DA Alvin Bragg, Weisselberg agreed to testify if the Trump Organization goes to trial on the tax fraud charges.

Update-13: On Oct. 24, the tax fraud trial against the Trump Organization began, and, on Nov. 21, the prosecution rested its side of the case.

Update-14: On Nov. 21, the New York Times reported that the DA’s office has resumed a criminal investigation of Trump’s possible hush money payment and associated falsification of business records.

Update-15: On Dec. 6, 2022, a jury convicted the Trump Organization of tax fraud and other crimes related to the company’s practice of giving out off-the-books perks to executives that were never taxed. Allen Weisselberg testified as the prosecution’s star witness against the company. Prosecutors never charged Trump himself over the scheme, though the prosecutors implicated him as being personally involved in the scheme.

Update-16: On Jan. 10, 2023, New York state court Judge Juan Merchan sentenced Allen Weisselberg to five months in prison for financial felonies including tax fraud and grand larceny.

Update-17: On Jan. 13, 2023, Judge Merchan sentenced the Trump Organization to pay $1.6 million in fines for its conviction on tax crimes.

20. DC Attorney General Incitement Investigation for Attack on U.S. Capitol
Prosecuting Office: DC Attorney General (AG)

Case Summary: DC Attorney General Karl Racine has said he is exploring whether to charge Trump with incitement. So far, his office has focused on a DC statute that makes it a misdemeanor to “incite or provoke violence where there is a likelihood that such violence will ensue.” Presumably, DC prosecutors are looking into Trump’s statements and tweets before and during the riot, gauging whether they amount to criminal incitement.

That said, Racine has cautioned that prosecuting Trump would be an uphill battle. Though the former president no longer could claim presidential immunity, the First Amendment may still shield his speech from prosecution. Under Brandenburg–the controlling case here–a speaker can be prosecuted for incitement only when their speech is both intended and likely to cause imminent lawless action. This is a notoriously difficult standard to meet, especially on the intent side. Even though some rioters have claimed they were following Trump’s instructions, Racine would need to actually prove it was Trump’s actual goal for them to do so. Despite the trail of incriminating statements Trump left behind, Racine may still have trouble meeting such a high bar.

Not only that, Racine has limited options in terms of what offenses he can charge. Because DC splits criminal jurisdiction with the U.S. government, Racine’s office can enforce only low-level crimes. As a result, he cannot charge Trump with arguably more applicable felonies, and is effectively limited to DC’s incitement statute. And as defense attorneys in DC have noted, this misdemeanor offense is typically charged in street-level disorderly conduct cases, arguably making it a poor fit.

Case Status: Racine’s office is investigating Trump’s conduct but has not filed charges.

Update: As of August 2022, there are no public signs that the DC AG is still investigating Trump.

21. Fulton County, Georgia Criminal Election Influence Investigation
Prosecuting Office: Fulton County, GA District Attorney’s Office.

Case Summary: On Feb. 10, 2021, the Fulton County DA’s Office opened an investigation into attempted election interference by former President Trump. The investigation is looking into potential violations of Georgia election laws, including the “solicitation of election fraud, the making of false statements to state and local governmental bodies, conspiracy, racketeering, violation of oath of office and any involvement in violence or threats related to the election’s administration.”

Case Status: On Feb. 10, 2021, the Fulton County DA’s Office sent letters to Governor Brian Kemp, Lieutenant Governor Duncan, Secretary of State Raffensperger, and Attorney General Carr informing them of the new investigation and requesting that all records relating to the election, including emails sent by employees from non-government accounts, be preserved.

Fulton County DA Fani Willis also reportedly plans to investigate a phone call between Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger where Raffensperger claims Graham asked the Secretary of State if he could throw out legally cast ballots. Graham’s spokesperson claims that this is not true and Graham was instead asking about the signature verification process. The DA’s office is also reportedly looking into whether Rudy Giuliani violated election laws in making false statements to Georgia officials.

The week of March 1 2021, prosecutors are expected to seek grand jury subpoenas for documents and witnesses connected to the investigation.

On Mar. 6, Willis brought on John Floyd, a national expert on state racketeering prosecution, to assist in racketeering investigations. He has not been brought on specifically for the Trump investigation, but as Willis is investigating racketeering in the Trump case, this development suggests that racketeering charges could play a larger role.

On Mar. 11, a recording of a call between then-President Trump and the chief investigator of the Georgia Secretary of State’s office, Frances Watson, was released By the Wall Street Journal. On the call, Trump urged Watson to look for fraud in mail-in ballots. The Fulton County DA’s Office has said that they will request a copy of the phone call.

Update-1: As of Mar. 28, there are reportedly two grand juries considering subpoenas for documents relevant to the investigation.

Update-2: Reporting (on Nov. 6 and Nov. 12) suggests that Willis is considering convening a special grand jury dedicated solely to allegations of election tampering in addition to the two grand juries that have already been convened.

Update-3: On Jan. 20, 2022, Willis submitted a letter to the chief judge of Fulton County’s Superior Court requesting a special grand jury for her investigation of President Trump. The letter states that a special grand jury will assist because a “significant number of witnesses and prospective witnesses have refused to cooperate with the investigation absent a subpoena requiring their testimony.”

Update-4: On Jan. 30, 2022, Willis requested the FBI to conduct a security safety assessment and provide other protective services following Trump’s alarming and charged rhetoric at a recent Texas rally. He called for massive protests against the “racist” and “vicious” prosecutors if they “do anything wrong.”

Update-5: On May 2, 2022, prosecutors convened a special grand jury to investigate “whether there were unlawful attempts to disrupt the administration of the 2020 elections here in Georgia.” The grand jury currently has up to one year to issue a report advising the local DA whether to pursue criminal charges against Trump.

Update-6: Grand jury proceedings began on May 27, 2022. The grand jury expects to hear testimony from “as many as 50 witnesses” and the process “is likely to last weeks.”

Update-7: On July 5, 2022, the grand jury issued subpoenas to several of Trump’s key associates who were allegedly involved in the election interference scheme. The targets include Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani; campaign lawyers John Eastman, Cleta Mitchell, Kenneth Cheseboro, and Jenna Ellis; Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.); and attorney Jacki Pick Deason. Under the subpoenas, these witnesses now must testify under oath before the grand jury.

Update-8: On July 13, 2022, Senator Graham moved to quash the grand jury subpoena by filing a motion in South Carolina federal court. Graham argued that he had legislative immunity–afforded by the Constitution’s Speech and Debate clause–because his calls to Georgia officials about the 2020 election qualified as legislative activity.

Update-9: On Aug. 2, 2022, Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer asked Willis’ office to delay his testimony because he was still recovering from a recent medical procedure. The Fulton County judge ultimately rejected that request and ordered Giuliani to appear before the grand jury on Aug. 17.

Update-10: On Aug. 11, 2022, Trump hired a high-profile Atlanta-based criminal defense attorney, Drew Findling, to represent him during the criminal proceedings.

Update-11: On Aug. 15, 2022, local prosecutors informed Rudy Giuliani that he was formally a “target” of their criminal investigation into election interference in Georgia, which generally means that an indictment is possible but not guaranteed. That same day, a federal judge rejected Senator Graham’s bid to avoid testifying, and ordered Graham to appear before the grand jury on Aug. 23.

Update-12: Senator Graham appealed the order requiring him to testify to the Eleventh Circuit, which then directed the district court to consider whether Graham’s testimony should be limited based on his legislative immunity claim. On Sept. 9, the district court ultimately ordered Graham to testify but also held that Graham could refuse to answer questions about his “investigatory fact-finding … related to his decision to certify … the 2020 presidential election” because those inquiries would fall under his immunized legislative duties. The court held, in line with its prior decisions and that of the court of appeals, that Graham could be questioned about three areas that fell outside of his legislative activities: (1) “any alleged efforts to ‘cajole’ or encourage Secretary Raffensperger or other Georgia election officials to throw out ballots or otherwise alter Georgia’s election practices and procedures;” (2) “Senator Graham’s alleged communications and coordination with the Trump Campaign and its post-election efforts in Georgia;” and (3) “Senator Graham’s public statements related to Georgia’s 2020 elections.”

Update-13: Graham appealed the district court’s order to the Eleventh Circuit, but the appeals court upheld the district court’s ruling. The panel held that Graham could be forced to testify in the probe because his legislative status did confer blanket immunity from questioning. Graham asked the Supreme Court to revisit that ruling, but the Court denied Graham’s request on Nov. 1, 2022

Update-14: On Nov. 22, Graham testified before the grand jury. His office released a statement saying, “Today, Senator Graham appeared before the Fulton County Special Grand Jury for just over two hours and answered all questions.”

Update-15: The Fulton County grand jury completed its investigation into election interference on Jan. 9, 2023. The judge scheduled a hearing for Jan. 24 to determine whether to release the grand jury’s report, including any recommendation on whether charges should be filed.

22. Westchester, New York Criminal Investigation of Trump Organization Golf Course
Prosecuting Office: Westchester District Attorney’s Office

Case Summary: Westchester District Attorney’s Office of Mimi E. Rocah has reportedly launched a criminal investigation, led by Elliott B. Jacobson, examining, at least in part, whether the Trump Organization misled local officials about the property value of its golf course to reduce its taxes.

Case Status: The full scope of the investigation is unknown but the office has subpoenaed records from the course.

23. National Archives Referral for Mishandled Classified Materials
Prosecuting Office: Department of Justice (via referral by National Archives); Office of the Special Counsel Jack Smith

Case Summary: In January 2022, the National Archives recovered fifteen boxes of documents from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida. Many of the documents were covered by the Presidential Records Act, which requires presidents to preserve and turn over their official records. The Archives later discovered that the boxes included “items marked as classified national security information.”

In response to a letter from the House Oversight Committee, the Archives confirmed on Feb. 18 that it had “identified classified information in the boxes” and had “been in communication with the Department of Justice” about Trump’s handling of those materials.

On Feb. 9, 2022, the Archives made a referral to the Justice Department for Trump’s handling of government records. On or before Apr. 29, 2022, the Justice Department notified Trump’s counsel Evan Corcoran that the Department had an “ongoing criminal investigation” into the handling of the government documents marked as classified. (The grand jury investigation was reported by the New York Times on May 12, 2022.)

Case Status: On or before Apr. 29, 2022, the Justice Department notified Trump’s counsel Evan Corcoran that the Department had an “ongoing criminal investigation” into the handling of the government documents marked as classified. (The grand jury investigation was reported by the New York Times on May 12, 2022.)

Update-1: On Apr. 7, 2022, the Washington Post reported that the DOJ plans to investigate Trump’s removal of official records to Mar-a-Lago.

Update-2: On May 12, 2022, the New York Times reported that the Justice Department has started a “grand jury investigation into whether classified White House documents that ended up at former President Donald J. Trump’s Florida home were mishandled,” and that the grand jury has issued at least one subpoena. That subpoena is to the National Archives to obtain the classified documents.

Update-3: On June 3, 2022, federal investigators removed classified documents from Mar-a-Lago under a grand jury subpoena.

On June 8, Trump’s attorneys received an email from federal investigators asking them to further secure the room where documents are being stored. The email asked that “the room at Mar-a-Lago where the documents had been stored be secured and that all the boxes that were moved from the White House to Mar-a-Lago (along with any other items in that room) be preserved in that room in their current condition until further notice,” according to the Wall Street Journal.

Following the June 3 visit, one of Trump’s lawyers reportedly signed a statement that all materials marked as classified and held in boxes in a storage area have been returned to the government. On June 22, the Trump Organization received a subpoena for surveillance tapes that covered areas of the club where the documents were possibly stored, which the FBI later obtained.

Update-4: On Aug. 8, 2022, FBI agents executed a search warrant on Mar-a-Lago and raided the club in search of additional classified materials beyond those taken in June. Attorney General Merrick Garland later confirmed that he had personally approved the search. The DOJ also asked a court to unseal the search warrant itself, which would reveal the alleged crimes that formed the basis of the warrant as well as the list of items taken during the search. Trump now has the option to oppose the unsealing, which he would need to do by Aug. 12.

Update-5: On Aug. 12, the court granted the DOJ’s motion and unsealed the warrant and property receipt. The warrant revealed that Trump is under investigation for violating three criminal statutes: destruction or removal of records, obstruction of justice, and mishandling classified information in violation of the Espionage Act. The property receipt indicated that agents had seized 11 sets of documents, some marked as highly classified.

Update-6: Several media outlets, including CNN and the Washington Post, asked the court to unseal the search warrant documents on Aug. 11. On Aug. 15, the DOJ responded by filing a motion urging the court to keep sealed the search warrant affidavit, which would specify the reasons why investigators believed they had probable cause to search the premises. The DOJ argued that the affidavit contains sensitive information that would “compromise” the government’s ongoing criminal investigation.

Update-7: On Aug. 22, 2022, Trump filed a lawsuit challenging the DOJ’s investigation in Florida federal court. Trump’s suit requested that the court appoint a special master to review the seized documents and to screen out any materials covered by attorney-client or executive privilege. The suit also asked the court to enjoin the DOJ from reviewing the documents and to order the DOJ to return some of Trump’s personal property.

Update-8: On Aug. 30, 2022, the DOJ filed a motion opposing Trump’s request to appoint a special master. The DOJ advanced several arguments, including that Trump lacked standing to challenge the seizure of presidential records, that an injunction against the DOJ’s investigation was inappropriate, that a a former president like Trump cannot assert executive privilege in scenarios like this, and that a special master is unnecessary because a government filter team could screen out privileged information.

Update-9: On Sept. 5, 2022, the district court granted Trump’s request to appoint a special master and enjoined the DOJ from reviewing the seized records as part of its criminal investigation. On Sept. 8, the DOJ filed a notice of appeal and asked the district court to stay its decision with respect to the classified materials. It argued that the DOJ was likely to win its subsequent appeal over the classified documents, because Trump could not possibly assert any personal interest in classified government records. The DOJ also explained that the government would suffer irreparable harm if it were enjoined from using the seized classified materials, because it needed to promptly conduct a national security risk assessment.

Update-10: On Sept. 15, the district court appointed the Hon. Raymond Dearie–a Senior Judge of the Eastern District of New York–as special master. The district court also denied the DOJ’s motion for a stay.

Update-11: The special master–Judge Dearie–held his first hearing on Sept. 20, 2022. Much of the argument focused on the status of the classified documents. Trump’s counsel argued that Judge Dearie should not take the DOJ’s word that some of the seized records were classified but stopped short of arguing that Trump had actually declassified them. According to reporting, the judge “expressed skepticism” at those arguments, and indicated that he would likely deem the records classified unless Trump offered contrary evidence.

Update-12: On Sept. 21, the Eleventh Circuit granted the DOJ’s motion for a stay, meaning that the DOJ can use the classified documents in its investigation and that the DOJ need not submit those documents to the special master for review. The appeals court agreed with the DOJ that Trump could not assert a personal interest in classified records, and also noted that Trump had so far refused to advance any actual evidence that the records had been declassified.

Update-13: On Nov. 22, the court of appeals heard oral argument (C-SPAN) on the merits of whether Judge Cannon should have exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion in the first place. The three-judge panel included two of the judges from the prior panel that affirmed the DOJ motion on Sept. 21. The two sides’ arguments on jurisdiction were practically the same as the arguments made in their briefs at issue in the Sept. 21 ruling.

Update-14: On Dec. 1, 2022, the Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruled in favor of the government’s petition to vacate Florida district court Judge Aileen Cannon’s order and dismiss the underlying civil action. The Eleventh Circuit held that Judge Cannon should have never exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion for return of property.

Monday, February 12, 2024 1:26 PM


Why would I waste a single second reading any of that bullshit?

You can't even read, Ted, so quit pretending like you did either.

Trump will be fine. He will also be your next President.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Friday, February 16, 2024 5:41 PM


Jack, you and your guys are having a really bad day...First Trump is ordered to pay 350 million and then some in the NY fraud trial. Then the Biden shit. Way to funny, I can't stop laughing.


FBI informant charged in Hunter Biden probe

Friday, February 16, 2024 7:18 PM


You're such a propagandized cunt.

My day was fine. They usually are.

Trump knew this was coming. Extreme Democrat Judge in an Extreme Democrat District who was openly hostile to Trump and who was obviously going to give this verdict from day one. Nothing unexpected happened here. It will be appealed and thrown out and Trump won't pay a dime.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Friday, February 16, 2024 8:38 PM


So so soooo funny...

Hey, this is good coffee


Friday, February 16, 2024 8:55 PM


We'll see who's laughing last, Theodore.

November will come quick.

Tick Tock.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Saturday, February 17, 2024 5:30 AM


Durham was nonsense

but outside of politics and
dealing with just crime

why do so many Dead Homosexual Black Men keep turning up in these guys homes?

is there anyone else to talk other than creepy perverts

Tuesday, February 20, 2024 10:09 AM


Comer’s concession: Republicans might never vote to impeach Biden

When House Republicans formally approved an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden in mid-December, it was a dramatic development, but not in a good way. It was the first time in American history that Congress authorized an impeachment inquiry without uncovering any evidence of wrongdoing against the intended target.

t’s likely that GOP lawmakers hoped that by formalizing the investigation, they might be able to fill in the gaps with incriminating information about the Democratic incumbent. If so, they have reason to be disappointed.

In the two months since the impeachment inquiry was authorized, their star witness — the man whose claims were the heart of the Republicans’ case — was arrested for lying to the FBI about the Bidens. What’s more, as a new Washington Post report noted, congressional investigators have “compiled an extensive record of sworn statements from firsthand witnesses,” all of whom have confirmed that the president “was never involved” with his son’s business affairs.



Tuesday, February 20, 2024 10:15 AM


LOL... Maddow is such a liar.

You post stupid shit like this Ted, and it just makes you look stupid.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024 8:45 AM


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
LOL... Maddow is such a liar.

You post stupid shit like this Ted, and it just makes you look stupid.

James Comer Resignation Calls Grow After Russian Intel Bombshell

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer, who is leading an investigation into the Biden family's finances, is facing calls to resign from liberals and Democratic supporters after the Department of Justice claimed one of its key sources had links with "high level" Russian intelligence operatives.

You're nothing but a lying sack of shit comrade Jack. You are this too your core.


Wednesday, February 21, 2024 2:51 PM


"But it's not true!": CNN reporter confronts Jim Jordan over indicted informant's debunked claims

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, denied the questionable nature of a key piece of evidence in his investigation of President Joe Biden when confronted by CNN reporter Manu Raju on Wednesday.

Ex-FBI informant Alexander Smirnov was indicted last week for allegedly falsifying bribery claims against the Biden family, after sharing intel with agents years ago that President Biden and his son Hunter sought multi-million dollar bribes from a Ukrainian energy company, according to The New York Times. Smirnov claimed that funds were in exchange for protection against a probe into the company by the country’s prosecutor general at the time. He also admitted that "officials associated with Russian intelligence" were involved in advancing the phony allegations against Hunter Biden, per The Washington Post.

Raju: You said the 1023 is the most corroborating piece of information

Jordan: It doesn't change those fundamental facts

Raju: But it's not true.


Wednesday, February 21, 2024 6:03 PM


Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) declared the House Republicans' impeachment probe into President Joe Biden to be all but finished on Wednesday after hearing closed-door testimony from James Biden, the brother of President Joe Biden.

As reported by Max Cohen of Punchbowl News, James Biden flatly denied that his brother had any knowledge of, or involvement in, any of his overseas business dealings, which have drawn scrutiny from congressional Republicans.

For years and years the republicans have been trying with all their might to take down Biden. Every time falling flat on their faces.

too funny...


Wednesday, February 21, 2024 6:19 PM


Biden* is taking himself down. Nobody is worried about Joe Biden*.

Joe Biden* was above Trump every single day in the polling aggregate before the 2020 election, and he only won by 4 points less than the aggregate had him winning over Trump.

Now Joe Biden* has not been up on Trump in the polling aggregate since September of 2023. If the same 4 point swing happened now, Trump wins by nearly 6 points if the election were held today.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024 7:26 PM


A Fox News host has called the House impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden “embarrassing” after repeated witnesses appeared to weaken the Republican Party’s arguments against the president.

Speaking during a debate between presenters and reporters following Mr Biden’s brother James’s appearance on Capitol Hill, Jessica Tarlov said the party was not helping itself by calling witnesses who have continued to dismiss any idea of wrongdoing on behalf of the president.

Justin Baragona @justinbaragona

Jessica Tarlov: "Every witness they have called has decimated their argument... and we have the guy behind the holy grail document, the 1023, Alexander Smirnov....not only did he lie, he was lying because the Russians were feeding him the disinformation. It’s so embarrassing!"

Falling down laughing here Jack=ass.


Wednesday, February 21, 2024 7:34 PM


I don't know what you're laughing about now, idiot.

I don't give a single shit whether Joe* gets impeached or not since we've long ago established that impeachment doesn't mean anything.

Joe Biden* is going to get destroyed in November. Feel free to keep laughing if it makes you feel better.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Thursday, February 22, 2024 7:49 PM


Lawmakers on GOP impeachment effort: 'No question this is dead'

When House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer's (R-KY) star witness, ex-FBI informant Alexander Smirnov, was arrested last week for allegedly lying about President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, the party's impeachment inquiry began to fall apart. Then when reports came earlier this week that Smirnov had connections to Russian intelligence agencies — the party's efforts to oust the president went from bad to worse.

Complete morons...


Thursday, February 22, 2024 9:02 PM


Joe Biden* belongs in prison.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Friday, February 23, 2024 6:32 AM


'We were warned': GOP lawmaker blasts colleagues for swallowing Biden witness 'lies'

Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) sharply criticized his fellow House Republicans for latching onto the testimony of an "FBI informant" who was arrested last week and accused of peddling lies straight from Kremlin disinformation operators.

“We were warned at the time that we received the document outlining this witness’s testimony, we were warned that the credibility of this statement was not known,” Buck told CNN's Kaitlan Collins, reported Edith Olmsted for The Daily Beast.

It's because they don't care about the facts. Only crucifying anyone who does not fall in line with hating Americans and America.


Friday, February 23, 2024 10:45 AM


Originally posted by THG:
'We were warned': GOP lawmaker blasts colleagues for swallowing Biden witness 'lies'

Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) sharply criticized his fellow House Republicans for latching onto the testimony of an "FBI informant" who was arrested last week and accused of peddling lies straight from Kremlin disinformation operators.

“We were warned at the time that we received the document outlining this witness’s testimony, we were warned that the credibility of this statement was not known,” Buck told CNN's Kaitlan Collins, reported Edith Olmsted for The Daily Beast.

It's because they don't care about the facts. Only crucifying anyone who does not fall in line with hating Americans and America.



Fuck you dude. Tell us about the Russian hoax again.

Are you still running around telling people to get their booster shots in 2024 too?


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Saturday, February 24, 2024 6:06 AM


Here you go.


Epic fail: GOP source indicted, caught pushing Russian lies about Biden to FBI

Saturday, February 24, 2024 8:55 AM


MSNBC is not a legitimate news source.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024 2:39 PM







Grifter Donald Trump Has Been Indicted And Yes Arrested; Four Times Now And Counting. Hey Jack, I Was Right
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Russia Invades Ukraine. Again
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Elections; 2024
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Americans Owe Ukraine Nothing
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New York Magazine: Trump vs. Biden Polls: No State of the Union Bounce for Joe
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Durham Report Another Bust. Hey Jack, I Was Right

UPDATED: Wednesday, February 28, 2024 14:39
VIEWED: 1273
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Wednesday, November 29, 2023 7:22 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh, poor Hunter!!

It's a good thing he had his daddy find him a do-nothing job for Burisma energy at $80,000/ month!

And, not everybody bangs his dead brothers underage daughter.


You believe that shit that Mika is peddling????

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM

Wednesday, November 29, 2023 10:08 PM



Ted is one of the most useful of the useful idiots.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Thursday, December 14, 2023 6:37 PM


Hey comrade signym, you stupid polish Russian collaborator. They have been try to get anything on

Biden, any type of corruption for at least a year while Trump was in office. Since Biden said
he was going to run against him. They got shit.


Originally posted by THG:


Thursday, December 14, 2023 9:50 PM


Are you drunk posting today Ted, or did your wife's boyfriend beat you up?


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Monday, December 18, 2023 10:20 PM



Monday, December 18, 2023 10:38 PM


Comer pushes back on reporting on ‘shell company’ to manage lan

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) pushed back on reporting characterizing one of his business ventures as a shell company, defending the legitimacy of a business structure he said was designed to insulate his farm from lawsuits.

Reporting from The Associated Press dives deep into Comer’s stake in Farm Team Properties, a company he co-owns with his wife after purchasing land from a campaign contributor.



Friday, January 5, 2024 6:30 AM


Report: Trump received at least $7.8M in foreign payments during presidency

A report from Democrats on the House Oversight Committee released Thursday accused former President Trump of receiving at least $7.8 million in foreign payments to his properties during his presidency.

Why it matters: It’s the most solid figure to date on the scope and scale of Trump’s private windfall from foreign sources, which Democrats allege is a clear-cut violation of the Constitution’s emoluments clause.

Driving the news: The 156-page report titled “White House for Sale: How Princes, Prime Ministers, and Premiers Paid Off President Trump” draws on documents from Trump’s accounting firm, Mazars, obtained after years of high-profile court battles.

It lays out foreign payments to four Trump properties, two in New York, one in Washington, D.C., and one in Las Vegas, from at least 20 foreign governments or government-owned entities, including China, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Kosovo and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

“President Trump never sought or received Congress's approval to keep these foreign payments, as the Constitution requires,” the report says, also drawing links between the payments and Trump's policy decisions.

A spokesperson for Trump did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

By the numbers: By far the largest chunk of the $7.8 million came from China, which spent nearly $5.6 million at Trump Tower in New York and Trump International Hotels in Washington, D.C. and Las Vegas. (The D.C. hotel became the Waldorf Astoria in 2022.)

Another $615,000 came from Saudi Arabia, $466,000 from Qatar, $303,000 from Kuwait, $283,000 from India, $249,000 from Malaysia, $155,000 from Afghanistan, $75,000 from the Philippines and $65,000 from the UAE.

The big picture: The $7.8 million figure, the report says, is based on a "small slice" of the Mazars documents and is "likely only a small fraction of the total amount of such payments he received during his presidency."

Oversight Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) released Mazars from its obligation to turn over the documents after taking power in January. The four properties comprise just 1% of the businesses Trump owned when he was president, the report says.

"The Committee did not receive from Mazars any documents regarding at least 80% of Donald Trump's business entities," the report says. "For many other entities, Mazars produced only a single document. "But, it adds, "this figure in itself is a scandal and a decisive spur to action."

What we're watching: Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), ranking member of the committee, previewed plans for a package of legislative reforms to "ensure that all occupants of the Oval Office abide by the Constitution's unequivocal language commanding loyalty to the interests of the American people."

The evidence Trump and his family took billions from foreign countries is overwhelming. Yet all the Republicans care about is Hunter Biden. Six or seven years now of trying to prove Joe Biden did what Trump did, and they found nothing.


Friday, January 5, 2024 7:35 AM


So desperate. So sad.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Friday, January 5, 2024 11:46 AM


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

So desperate. So sad.

Jared Kushner's Middle East Dealings Under Scrutiny Amid Trump Report

Criticism over the $2 billion investment Jared Kushner's firm received from Saudi Arabia has reemerged in the wake of a report alleging that his father-in-law, Donald Trump's businesses received millions in foreign payments while he was in office.

Congressman Robert Garcia was one of those who accused Kushner, a former White House advisor who is married to Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump, of carrying out a "grift" by accepting a $2 billion investment from a fund led by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for his private equity fund, Affinity Partners, six months after he left his White House role in January 2021.

So stupid, so sad.


Monday, January 8, 2024 5:57 PM


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

So desperate. So sad.

Jim Jordan Comes Up Empty

Jim Jordan claimed the Republican Party had secured "damning evidence" in President Joe Biden's impeachment inquiry, despite that evidence coming from a Hunter Biden associate who said he was not aware of any wrongdoing by the president.

In a transcript of his testimony before the committee, he was asked if he was aware of any wrongdoing by the president.

"No. I'm not aware of any," Archer said.

He also said he had no knowledge of Joe Biden having involvement with Burisma and rejected claims that the president and Hunter Biden each accepted a $5-million bribe from an official within the company.

You are, desperate and sad. Then there is Jim Jordan, another loser. All your champions are losers. You Jack, I am laughing at you.


Monday, January 8, 2024 6:56 PM




Monday, January 8, 2024 7:49 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump Businesses Received $5.5 Million from China While He Was President

By David Zimmermann | January 4, 2024, 12:56 PM

Former president Donald Trump’s businesses received at least $5.5 million from China while he was in office, according to a new report released by Democrats on the House Oversight Committee.

The foreign payments, which were detailed in the committee’s 156-page report titled “White House for Sale,” collectively included over $5 million from China’s Embassy in the United States, a state-owned Chinese bank, and a state-owned Chinese airline company. House Oversight Democratic lawmakers obtained these financial records from Trump’s former accounting firm, Mazars USA, and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

China is one of at least 20 countries to pay a total of roughly $7.8 million to Trump-owned businesses and properties while he was in office, including the former president’s hotels in New York City, Las Vegas, and Washington, D.C., according to the Thursday report. While in the White House, Trump reportedly accepted money from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, India, the Philippines, and many more.

“Critically, even this subset of documents reveals a stunning web of millions of dollars in payments made by foreign governments and their agents directly to Trump-owned businesses while President Trump was in the White House,” the report reads. “These payments were made while these governments were promoting specific foreign policy goals with the Trump administration and even, at times, with President Trump himself, and as they were requesting specific actions from the United States to advance their own national policy objectives.”

“By elevating his personal financial interests and the policy priorities of corrupt foreign powers over the American public interest, former President Trump violated both the clear commands of the Constitution and the careful precedent set and observed by every previous Commander-in-Chief,” House Oversight ranking member Jamie Raskin (D., Md.) wrote in the report’s foreword.

The new information comes to light as House Republicans continue investigating President Joe Biden in an impeachment inquiry over his alleged involvement in foreign-business dealings with his son, Hunter.

House Oversight chairman James Comer (R., Ky.) dismissed the report on Thursday, arguing that there’s nothing suspicious about Trump’s businesses receiving foreign payments.

“Former President Trump has legitimate businesses, but the Bidens do not,” Comer said in a statement. “The Bidens and their associates made over $24 million by cashing in on the Biden name in China, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Romania. No goods or services were provided other than access to Joe Biden and the Biden network.”

( It is too bad that the $24 million is a make-believe number. The documentation says $0.00. It almost makes me suspect James Comer (R., Ky.) is a lunatic rather than a run-of-the-mill liar. )

Raskin noted that Trump’s claimed donations of profits to the U.S. Treasury falls short of a president’s constitutional requirements, which forbids the pocketing of any revenue from foreign governments unless Congress approves otherwise.

The result of an eight-year investigation into Trump’s payments from foreign entities during his presidency, the report asks Congress to consider adopting new financial-disclosure rules to conduct proper oversight of sitting presidents and senior executive officials. The committee’s Democratic lawmakers also recommend a formal procedure for presidents and other public officials to seek congressional permission when they receive and intend to keep wealth from foreign nations.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Monday, January 8, 2024 9:07 PM


So sad. So pathetic.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Monday, January 8, 2024 10:12 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
So sad. So pathetic.
Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the Constitution forbids the President to accept money payments or gifts “of any kind whatever” from foreign governments and monarchs unless he obtains “the Consent of the Congress” to do so. Yet Donald Trump, while holding the office of president, used his business entities to pocket millions of dollars from foreign states and royalty and never once went to Congress to seek its consent.

6ixStringJack, the Constitution is very straightforward about what Trump and Joe Biden did, but you don't understand the difference between hard proof Trump took money from foreign governments and Joe Biden NOT taking money. Trump is a simpleminded crook, but more pathetic are people who can't understand what the Constitution says about what Trump did.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Monday, January 8, 2024 10:51 PM


Oh, Biden* took the money too.

They all take the money. They all take the money.

But you keep clutching your pearls when it's somebody that you don't like and go right on pretending that nothing your guy ever did was corrupt as hell.



Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024 8:41 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Oh, Biden* took the money too.

They all take the money. They all take the money.

But you keep clutching your pearls when it's somebody that you don't like and go right on pretending that nothing your guy ever did was corrupt as hell.

6ix, you and all the Trumptards I know keep saying Biden committed crimes and Trump didn't. Trump has been in court thousands of times because he breaks contracts and distorts facts. As for Biden? Never spent his wealth on lawyers. Never went to the Supreme Court twice to avoid revealing that he doesn't pay income taxes.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Tuesday, January 9, 2024 9:12 AM


Originally posted by second:
Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Oh, Biden* took the money too.

They all take the money. They all take the money.

But you keep clutching your pearls when it's somebody that you don't like and go right on pretending that nothing your guy ever did was corrupt as hell.

6ix, you and all the Trumptards I know keep saying Biden committed crimes and Trump didn't. Trump has been in court thousands of times because he breaks contracts and distorts facts. As for Biden? Never spent his wealth on lawyers. Never went to the Supreme Court twice to avoid revealing that he doesn't pay income taxes.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Jacks full throated defense of Trump and condemnation of people who've done nothing wrong exposes who Jack is; a troll. Remember, he can't even hold down a job.


Tuesday, January 9, 2024 9:46 AM


How's work today, honey?

I don't have rent or a mortgage or a car payment. My cost to live last year was just over $7,000.

Have fun never paying off all those loans that you're going to die with.

Meanwhile, Trump will be fine.

He will also be your next President.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Thursday, January 11, 2024 6:35 PM


Court Docs Link Trump Jr. and Navarro to Chinese Financier

Donald Trump Jr. and ex-White House trade advisor Peter Navarro appear on a list of potential defendants in a court filing Wednesday related to the sprawling bankruptcy case of a right-wing Chinese businessman accused of bilking anti-communist dissidents.

The court-appointed trustee overseeing the estate of Guo Wengui—also known as Ho Wan Kwok, Miles Guo, and Miles Kwok—identified the former first son and the conspiracy-spouting fringe economist among a large number of individuals and entities they plan to serve with legal papers under a proposed court order. Wengui, who declared bankruptcy in Feb. 2022 after getting stuck with $134 million in fines related to his yacht, has long played sugar daddy to ex-White House chief strategist Steve Bannon and bankrolled the ill-starred conservative Twitter alternative Gettr.


Thursday, January 11, 2024 7:00 PM


So sad. So pathetic.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Friday, January 12, 2024 10:59 AM


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

How's work today, honey?

I don't have rent or a mortgage or a car payment. My cost to live last year was just over $7,000.

Have fun never paying off all those loans that you're going to die with.

Meanwhile, Trump will be fine.

He will also be your next President.

Can you believe it? Every time Jack posts about himself, he defines himself as a loser. Someone who can’t hold down a job and clearly is self-loathing about it. This is demonstrated when it tells us he has no respect for anyone who can. Suckers is what he calls us. He has a recent post where he says he is for doing away with SSI. Probably, because you have to have a job and pay into it to get it. This means he won’t.

Reasons he is a diehard Trumper. He has nothing, including an education. Or the skill set with the mental capacity to be a contributing member of society. So, he hates anyone who can. He wants all to suffer his feeling of loss, and he runs on hate.

So sad, so pathetic.


Friday, January 12, 2024 12:23 PM


Originally posted by THG:
Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

How's work today, honey?

I don't have rent or a mortgage or a car payment. My cost to live last year was just over $7,000.

Have fun never paying off all those loans that you're going to die with.

Meanwhile, Trump will be fine.

He will also be your next President.

Can you believe it? Every time Jack posts about himself, he defines himself as a loser. Someone who can’t hold down a job and clearly is self-loathing about it. This is demonstrated when it tells us he has no respect for anyone who can. Suckers is what he calls us.

You are a sucker. Your life sucks, and you will never get ahead. Your job sucks. Your existence is pointless. You have nothing to look forward to everyday. You have no hobbies or skills.

Punching in and punching out every day like a little ant is all you have. That paycheck you're getting today is already spent. It was already spent a long time ago.

The reason you and Second keep bringing up my life is because you fucking hate the fact that somebody like me is successful while you're going to spend the rest of your days slaving away without anything to show for it.

He has a recent post where he says he is for doing away with SSI. Probably, because you have to have a job and pay into it to get it. This means he won’t.

The fuck I did.

I know exactly which post you're talking about, but you didn't understand it because you barely know how to read. Here's the post, which was made just last night:

I keep hearing everyday that Social Security is going to be gone by the time my generation retires, but sure... let's give another $150 Billion to Ukraine while kicking out kids from schools in NYC so we can house all those battle-aged male criminal illegal invaders on taxpayer dime.

Democrats are cancer.

I'm talking about you dumb motherfuckers cheerleading war in Ukraine and giving $150 Billion to Zelensky, and cheerleading open boarders while NYC is kicking kids out of schools to house illegals while we have to hear everyday that we don't have enough money to fund Social Security anymore while your dumb fucking party gives all of our money away to every fucking body else except for actual American citizens.

You stupid, stupid fuck.

Reasons he is a diehard Trumper. He has nothing, including an education. Or the skill set with the mental capacity to be a contributing member of society. So, he hates anyone who can. He wants all to suffer his feeling of loss, and he runs on hate.

I've got a lot. And it's all paid for.

What I don't have is a mortgage or rent. Or credit card debt. Or a car loan payment. Or student loan debt. Or child support payments. Or any financial obligation whatsoever to anybody. Everybody I know owes me money and/or favors. Mostly favors, because I've lived a pretty long life now and developed a lot of skills that most people don't possess, and there's a whole lot of things that people in my circle get to benefit from by knowing somebody like me who can fix just about anything and isn't afraid of getting dirty to do it.

I'm also actually a really nice guy when it comes to good people. You and second are garbage people who bring nothing but hate into the world. Second is downright evil. You're just so stupid that it's surprising to everyone else that you're able to breath involuntarily.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Friday, January 12, 2024 12:29 PM


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Originally posted by THG:
Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

How's work today, honey?

I don't have rent or a mortgage or a car payment. My cost to live last year was just over $7,000.

Have fun never paying off all those loans that you're going to die with.

Meanwhile, Trump will be fine.

He will also be your next President.

Can you believe it? Every time Jack posts about himself, he defines himself as a loser. Someone who can’t hold down a job and clearly is self-loathing about it. This is demonstrated when it tells us he has no respect for anyone who can. Suckers is what he calls us.

You are a sucker. Your life sucks, and you will never get ahead. Your job sucks. Your existence is pointless. You have nothing to look forward to everyday. You have no hobbies or skills.

Punching in and punching out every day like a little ant is all you have. That paycheck you're getting today is already spent. It was already spent a long time ago.

The reason you and Second keep bringing up my life is because you fucking hate the fact that somebody like me is successful while you're going to spend the rest of your days slaving away without anything to show for it.

He has a recent post where he says he is for doing away with SSI. Probably, because you have to have a job and pay into it to get it. This means he won’t.

The fuck I did.

I know exactly which post you're talking about, but you didn't understand it because you barely know how to read. Here's the post, which was made just last night:

I keep hearing everyday that Social Security is going to be gone by the time my generation retires, but sure... let's give another $150 Billion to Ukraine while kicking out kids from schools in NYC so we can house all those battle-aged male criminal illegal invaders on taxpayer dime.

Democrats are cancer.

I'm talking about you dumb motherfuckers cheerleading war in Ukraine and giving $150 Billion to Zelensky, and cheerleading open boarders while NYC is kicking kids out of schools to house illegals while we have to hear everyday that we don't have enough money to fund Social Security anymore while your dumb fucking party gives all of our money away to every fucking body else except for actual American citizens.

You stupid, stupid fuck.

Reasons he is a diehard Trumper. He has nothing, including an education. Or the skill set with the mental capacity to be a contributing member of society. So, he hates anyone who can. He wants all to suffer his feeling of loss, and he runs on hate.

I've got a lot. And it's all paid for.

What I don't have is a mortgage or rent. Or credit card debt. Or a car loan payment. Or student loan debt. Or child support payments. Or any financial obligation whatsoever to anybody. Everybody I know owes me money and/or favors.

I'm also actually a really nice guy when it comes to good people. You and second are garbage people who bring nothing but hate into the world. Second is just downright evil. You're just so stupid that it's surprising to everyone else that you're able to breath involuntarily.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

See what I mean? And he is so fucked up he believes anything he thinks is real.


Friday, January 12, 2024 12:33 PM


Originally posted by THG:
See what I mean? And he is so fucked up he believes anything he thinks is real.

Learn how to read, you fucking retard.

The fact that you doubled down on stupid and made this reply to mine, especially putting on display your ignorance of and/or outright lies about my stance on social security which are demonstrably false, says everything anybody needs to know about how dumb you actually are.

That's what happens when you spend 7 years straight reading nothing but article headlines and allowing Mika Brezinski do all of your thinking for you like she's admitted on air she is paid to do.

That smartphone of yours has fried your tiny little brain.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Monday, January 15, 2024 10:42 PM


he he he...


Monday, January 15, 2024 11:31 PM



We know you love your crackhead degenerate Democrats, Ted.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024 10:30 AM


Originally posted by THG:
Originally posted by SignyM:

How the FBI covered up the laptop and the alphabet agencies and M$M united to smear one man: the laptop repairman's story

As a rule I'm not a fan of large posts. I don't think they serve a purpose. However, sometimes it is useful to show stupid people how stupid they are. To remind them everybody who reads their posts knows it.

Like this post that shows a concern for the rule of law from Signym. Like other posts from Jack, JSF and some infrequent posters. Yep, they're all in for the rule of law.

The problem they have is all the proof showing they are not. Like the proof I post here that they choose to ignore. Proof anyone with a healthy conative ability would recognize as showing Trump is a sick criminal. Yet, these chosen few deny deny deny.

I offer this proof showing they too are sick. And I'll remind you much more has occurred since 2021.


Originally published on Feb. 28, 2021; continually updated.

On both the criminal and civil litigation fronts, former President Donald Trump faces a bevy of lawsuits and investigations, with more cases likely to follow. Some are civil suits stemming from his pre-presidential business dealings. Others are defamation claims from women he allegedly assaulted. More still are criminal probes and civil actions that scrutinize his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. The Chart below tracks all these cases. It will be continually updated as major legal developments occur.

These cases bear on two pressing questions. First, will Trump maintain his long streak of eluding legal liability in the face of so many lawsuits? Second, if Trump is held to account for illegal conduct, what impact will such a development have on his—and his family’s—political and business fortunes?

Criminal charges—one would think—would be among the most damaging outcomes. After all, a criminal prosecution of a former president would be a singular event in American history. No former president has ever been indicted, much less convicted. Trump lost any immunity from indictment that he may have possessed as president the moment he left office on Jan. 20. To be sure, most of the criminal probes detailed below are in their infancy, so the odds of an actual conviction at this time remain improbable. Even so, the mere stigma of criminal charges against the former president could reshape the American political landscape and the historical understanding of Trump’s behavior.

The civil cases could certainly do their fair share of damage as well, directly or indirectly. If Trump falters in one of his business-related suits, his companies may be subject to massive penalties, or worse. Even apart from such sanctions, his empire is reportedly struggling under looming debt obligations and reduced revenues, a slump which could worsen if his reputation continues to deteriorate.

With these legal threats bearing down on the former president from nearly every direction, this tracker collects them in one place. Note: we have chosen not to include various cases involving Trump’s properties or the Trump Campaign —including slip-and-fall cases, allegations of bedbugs, water use cases, telephone spam suits, copyright suits, and discrimination suits—as they do not implicate Trump directly or it is very unlikely that they will. Below we’ve included key takeaways from each case along with case charts that explain the case’s main issue, procedural posture, and any upcoming deadlines. We will continue to update this information as new filings are docketed, new details emerge, new plaintiffs come forward or drop out, and other significant developments in the cases occur. If you believe we are missing a significant issue or development, send us a message at

Key Takeaways

1. E. Jean Carroll 1.0: Defamation and Federal Tort Claims Act Litigation

Carroll is suing Trump for defamation after he publicly accused her, in June 2019, of fabricating a rape allegation against him. The parties are currently involved in an appeal before the Second Circuit, where Trump (and so far, the Justice Department as well) is arguing that he had official immunity from Carroll’s defamation claim under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA).

Update: On Sept. 27, 2022, the Second Circuit asked the D.C. Court of Appeals to rule on whether Trump’s public denial fell within the scope of his employment under the FTCA.

2. E. Jean Carroll 2.0: Battery and Defamation

Carroll is suing Trump for battery alleging he raped her and for defamation on the basis of a lengthy statement he made on October 12, 2022. The claim of defamation is similar to the suit Carroll brought earlier, except this time Trump made his statement saying she fabricated the rape allegation after he was no longer in office. Accordingly, there is no prospect of his obtaining immunity under the Federal Tort Claims Act.

Carroll filed suit on the first day permitted under New York’s Adult Survivors Act, N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 214-j. The law provides a one-year window for sexual assault survivors to file civil claims even if the statute of limitations has passed.

3. Summer Zervos Defamation Suit (CASE CLOSED)

Summer Zervos, a former contestant on the Apprentice, has filed a civil suit against former President Trump for defamation after he claimed her allegations of his inappropriate sexual conduct were lies designed to help the Clinton campaign and improve her fame. The case is currently at the New York Court of Appeals, the highest New York state court.

Update-1: On Oct. 4, 2021, the trial court ruled that Trump could be deposed before Dec. 23, 2021.

Update-2: On Nov. 12, 2021, Zervos announced she is dropping the lawsuit.

4. Mary Trump Fraud Litigation

Mary Trump is suing Donald Trump for defrauding her out of millions of dollars in an inheritance dispute. The suit is pending in New York state court, where the parties are currently battling over former President Trump’s move to dismiss the case.

Update-1: On Sept. 21, 2021, Donald Trump filed a related lawsuit against Mary Trump, the New York Times, and several of its reporters.

Update-2: On Nov. 15, 2022, the court dismissed Mary’s suit against former President Trump. Mary Trump immediately filed a notice of appeal.

5. Panama Hotel Fraud and Tax Litigation (CASE CLOSED)

Ithaca Capital is suing Trump’s hotel management company for fraud in federal court. Primarily, Ithaca claims that Trump representatives exaggerated the value of a Panama hotel during Ithaca’s negotiations to purchase it.

Update: On Sept. 15, 2021, the parties agreed to end the lawsuit.

6. Doe v. The Trump Corporation Class Action

A group of anonymous plaintiffs have filed a class action against the Trump family and their business, alleging that the Trumps used their brand to scam investors into paying for worthless business opportunities. The district court denied the Trumps’ bid to force the case into arbitration, and the Trumps are now appealing.

7. DC Civil Suit over Misuse of 2017 Inauguration Funds (CASE CLOSED)

In a non-criminal suit, the DC Attorney General is suing several Trump-affiliated entities for misusing inauguration funds to enrich Trump’s family business. The suit is currently in discovery before DC’s local court, where the AG’s office is deposing key Trump executives, notably including his children.

Update: On May 3, 2022, the Trump Organization and Trump’s inaugural committee agreed to settle the suit by paying a total of $750,000.

8. Reps. Karen Bass et al. Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Capitol Attack

Ten members of the House of Representatives, represented by the NAACP, are suing Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and two right wing militia groups for conspiring to forcibly prevent Congress from counting the Electoral College votes on Jan. 6.

Update: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the § 1985 claim against him.

9. Eric Swalwell Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

On Mar. 5, 2021, Representative Eric Swalwell sued Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump Jr., and Congressman Mo Brooks in federal court over the Jan. 6 riots. Swalwell alleges that the defendants violated federal civil rights laws–including the Ku Klux Klan Act–when they conspired to interfere with the Electoral College Count on Jan 6. Beyond that, Swalwell also says the defendants should be held liable for negligently violating DC criminal codes on incitement, encouraging the rioters’ violent conduct, and intentionally inflicting emotional distress on members of Congress.

Update: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, negligence per se, DC anti-bias law, and aiding and abetting assault. The court granted Trump’s request to dismiss the § 1986, emotional distress, and negligence claims.

10. Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

Two Capitol Police officers–both on duty during the Jan. 6 insurrection–sued Donald Trump for injuries they sustained while protecting the Capitol. Both allege that the rioters physically attacked them with fists, chemical spray, and other weapons. They allege that the former president, by his incendiary words and conduct, directed the physical attack and emotional distress.

Update: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, directing and aiding and abetting assault, and negligence per se. The court granted Trump’s motion to dismiss the emotional distress, punitive damages, and civil conspiracy claims.

11. Second Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

A second group of Capitol Police officers filed suit against Trump, the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, and other affiliates involved in allegedly planning and executing the Jan. 6 riots. The seven officers claim that they were physically and emotionally injured by attackers that Trump instigated, and that Trump and his co-defendants conspired to disrupt congressional business in the certification of electoral votes.

12. Third Capitol Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots

A third suit was filed by a Capitol Police officer alleging that physical and emotional injuries he suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot.

13. Metropolitan Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots

Two Metropolitan Police Officers filed suit alleging that physical and emotional injuries they suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot. The officers seek compensatory and punitive damages.

14. NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund Voting Rights Case for Post-Election Actions

The LDF is suing Trump, the Trump Campaign, and the RNC for their efforts to overturn the 2020 election in violation of the Voting Rights Act and the Ku Klux Klan Act. While the litigation is still at its early stages, Trump faces damages and a declaratory judgment that he did indeed violate these provisions of the law.

15. New York Attorney General’s Civil and Criminal Investigations

Since March 2019, New York Attorney General Letitia James has been investigating allegations that the Trump Organization altered property values to avoid tax liabilities. The investigation began after Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen provided congressional testimony that Trump engaged in fraud. In October 2020, James’s office deposed Eric Trump, and in January 2021 a state court judge ruled that Trump’s tax attorneys must turn over thousands of documents.

Update-1: On May 18, 2021, a spokesperson for New York’s Attorney General said, “We have informed the Trump Organization that our investigation into the organization is no longer purely civil in nature. We are now actively investigating the Trump Organizations in a criminal capacity, along with the Manhattan DA.”

Update-2: On Dec. 1, 2021, AG James subpoenaed Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, and Donald Trump Jr., seeking to question them about the real estate valuations.

Update-3: On Dec. 20, 2021, Trump filed his own lawsuit against James in federal court, accusing her of targeting him out of political animosity and asking the court to halt her investigation. The district court dismissed that suit on May 27, 2022.

Update-4: On Feb. 17, 2022, the state court ruled that the NY AG can question Donald Trump, Ivanka, and Donald Jr. under oath. On June 8, 2022, the Trumps tentatively agreed to be questioned under oath by James’s office in mid-July.

Update-5: On Aug. 10, 2022, AG James deposed Trump, but he repeatedly declined to answer her questions and instead invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

Update-6: On Sept. 21, 2022, the NY AG sued Trump and his children in NY state court. The civil lawsuit seeks $250 million in damages and accuses the Trumps of repeatedly overvaluing their real estate assets in a scheme designed to obtain favorable bank loans.

16. Scotland Unexplained Wealth Orders

In February 2021, the Scottish Parliament voted to reject an investigation into unexplained cash transactions executed by the Trump Organization’s Scottish golf courses. A non-profit group is now challenging that decision in Scottish court.

17. Trump Tower Assault Suit (CLOSED)

A group of six protesters are suing Trump over allegations that Trump’s security guards assaulted them outside Trump Tower in 2015. The case is pending in New York state court.

Update: On Oct. 18, 2021, former President Trump sat for a four-hour deposition to answer questions about the incident.

Update-2: Nov. 2, 2022, the parties reached a settlement in the case, details of the settlement agreement have not been disclosed.

18. Michael Cohen Retaliatory Imprisonment Suit

Michael Cohen–Donald Trump’s former attorney who served a three-year sentence for Trump-related crimes–is suing Trump, the US government, and other officials for allegedly retaliating against Cohen after he announced a tell-all book detailing his years of legal work for Trump. Cohen alleges that, after the announcement, Trump and his co-defendants retaliated by trying to bar Cohen from using social media and by sending Cohen back to prison from home confinement.

Update: The court dismissed Cohen’s lawsuit on Nov. 14, 2022.

19. Criminal Investigations into Trump’s Finances

During his presidency, the Manhattan District Attorney investigated Trump’s finances. Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance gained access to Trump’s tax information in the course of a criminal investigation into potential tax crimes, insurance fraud, and other financial crimes under state law. Criminal charges have not been filed against Trump, but have been filed against his longtime CFO and against the Trump Organization. The case was taken over by the new DA Alvin Bragg.

Update: New reporting on Mar. 1 revealed that Vance’s investigation has focused on Trump Organization chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, whose potential cooperation with prosecutors could be a significant breakthrough in the investigation. On Mar. 31, the New York Times reported that prosecutors have subpoenaed Mr. Weisselberg’s personal bank records, and on Apr. 8, investigators took possession of financial records from Weisselberg’s daughter-in-law.

Update: New reporting on Mar. 8 revealed that Vance’s probe has expanded to include an investigation of a loan the Trump Organization received to build its Chicago tower, and whether the forgiveness of that loan was reported as income.

Update: Vance has convened a special grand jury that is “expected to decide whether to indict former president Donald Trump, other executives at his company or the business itself should prosecutors present the panel with criminal charges,” the Washington Post reported on May 25, 2021. “The move indicates that District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr.’s investigation of the former president and his business has reached an advanced stage …. It suggests, too, that Vance believes he has found evidence of a crime — if not by Trump then by someone potentially close to him or by his company.”

Update-1: On Jun. 4, ABC News reported that Trump Organization senior vice president and controller, Jeff McConney is among a number of witnesses to have already appeared before the special grand jury. He is reportedly the first employee of the company called to testify. The New York Times reported that the District Attorney’s office has subpoenaed McConney, but could not confirm if he has testified.

Update-2: On July 1, 2021, the DA charged the Trump Organization and its chief financial officer Weisselberg for an alleged 15-year-lJuly 1, 2021 Trump Organization chargesong tax fraud scheme. The indictment included reference to an “unindicted co-conspirator,” who is Jeff McConney, the Trump Organization’s controller, a person familiar with the investigation told CNN.

Update-3: On Aug. 18, 2022, Allen Weisselberg pleaded guilty to fifteen financial felonies including tax fraud and grand larceny. As part of the deal with the new DA Alvin Bragg, Weisselberg agreed to testify if the Trump Organization goes to trial on the tax fraud charges.

Update-4: On Nov. 21, the New York Times reported that the DA’s office has resumed a criminal investigation of Trump’s possible hush money payment and associated falsification of business records.

Update-5: On Dec. 6, 2022, a jury convicted the Trump Organization of tax fraud and other crimes related to the company’s practice of giving out off-the-books perks to executives that were never taxed.

20. DC AG Incitement Criminal Investigation

The DC Attorney General, Karl Racine, has announced a criminal investigation into Trump’s alleged role in provoking the Jan. 6th riots. No charges have been filed, though Racine’s office is reportedly looking into a local DC code that makes it a misdemeanor to incite violence.

21. Fulton County, Georgia Criminal Election Influence Investigation

The Fulton County DA’s Office has opened a criminal investigation into attempted election interference by Trump. The DA’s Office has requested that all official and unofficial emails concerning the election be preserved and has reportedly also planned to look into a call between Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger as part of the investigation as well as Rudy Giuliani’s potential false statements to Georgia officials.

Update: On May 2, 2022, the Fulton County state prosecutors convened a special grand jury to investigate “whether there were unlawful attempts to disrupt the administration of the 2020 elections here in Georgia.” Proceedings began on May 27, 2022, and are expected to last several months.

22. Westchester, New York Criminal Investigation of Trump Organization Golf Course

The Westchester District Attorney’s Office reportedly launched an investigation which probes, at least in part, whether the Trump Organization misled local officials on the property values of its golf course in order to reduce its taxes.

23. Mishandling of Classified and other Government Documents

On Feb. 9, 2022, after finding classified documents in fifteen boxes recovered from Mar-a-Lago the previous month, the National Archives made a referral to the Justice Department for Trump’s handling of government records. The Archives had recovered the classified materials when it retrieved the boxes of official records from Trump’s Florida residence. On or before Apr. 29, 2022, the Justice Department notified Trump’s counsel Evan Corcoran that the Department had an “ongoing criminal investigation” into the handling of the government documents marked as classified. (The grand jury investigation was reported by the New York Times on May 12, 2022.)

Update: On Aug. 8, 2022, FBI agents searched Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida. On Aug. 11, Attorney General Merrick Garland confirmed in public remarks that he had personally approved the search.

Update: On Aug. 22, 2022, Trump filed a lawsuit challenging the DOJ’s investigation in Florida federal court. Trump’s suit requested that the court appoint a special master to review the seized documents and to screen out any materials covered by attorney-client or executive privilege. The suit also asked the court to enjoin the DOJ from reviewing the documents and to order the DOJ to return some of Trump’s personal property.

Update: On Sept. 5, 2022, district court Judge Aileen Cannon granted Trump’s request to appoint a special master and enjoined the DOJ from reviewing the seized records as part of its criminal investigation. The DOJ appealed to the Eleventh Circuit, and in its first ruling, on Sept. 21, the court of appeals granted the DOJ’s motion for a limited stay, meaning that the DOJ could use the classified documents in its investigation and that the DOJ need not submit those documents to the special master for review.

Update: On Nov. 22, the court of appeals heard oral argument (C-SPAN) on the merits of whether Judge Cannon should have exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion in the first place. The three-judge panel included two of the judges from the prior panel that affirmed the DOJ motion on Sept. 21. The two sides’ arguments on jurisdiction were practically the same as the arguments made in their briefs at issue in the Sept. 21 ruling.

Update: On Dec. 1, 2022, the Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruled in favor of the government’s petition to vacate Florida district court Judge Aileen Cannon’s order and dismiss the underlying civil action. The Eleventh Circuit held that Judge Cannon should have never exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion for return of property.


1. E. Jean Carroll Defamation Suit 1.0
Carroll v. Trump, No. 20-cv-07311, 2020 WL 6277814 (S.D.N.Y. Oct. 27, 2020), appeal docketed, No. 20-03977 (2d Cir. Nov. 25, 2020)

Plaintiff: E. Jean Carroll, a journalist and advice columnist

Case Summary: In 2019, Carroll publicly accused then-President Trump of sexually assaulting her in a New York City department store in the 1990s. A few hours later, Trump denied Carroll’s allegation and accused her of fabricating the story to drum up publicity for her upcoming book. Carroll then sued Trump for defamation in New York state court, alleging that Trump defamed her when he publicly accused her of falsifying the assault story.

After nearly a year of state court proceedings–and with Carroll’s counsel angling to sample Trump’s DNA for comparison with Carroll’s dress from the alleged assault–the Justice Department moved to intervene on Trump’s behalf under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA). This move threatened to quash the suit. In effect, the FTCA (as amended by the Westfall Act) provides blanket immunity to federal employees who commit certain torts–including defamation–arising out of their official duties. According to the DOJ, the president’s official duties include speaking to the press about public matters–which would mean that Trump had immunity from any defamatory statements he made about Carroll.

The DOJ’s intervention also derailed the state court proceedings: because FTCA claims must be litigated in federal court, Carroll’s suit was automatically removed to the Southern District of New York (SDNY). In federal court, Carroll argued that Trump’s statements were not protected by the FTCA. In short, Carroll contended that (i) Trump was not covered by the FTCA because the president is not an “employee”; and (ii) Trump’s statements about Carroll fell outside his official presidential duties.

On both counts, the court agreed. Though removal was irreversible, the court held that the FTCA did not cover Trump’s actions, so Carroll’s defamation suit could proceed against Trump in his personal capacity. Acting separately, the DOJ and Trump both appealed. Trump also requested the court stay the district court proceedings until that appeal is resolved.

Case Status: In the SDNY proceedings, the parties filed opposing memoranda on Trump’s motion to stay in December 2020.

At the Second Circuit, the DOJ and Trump filed separate opening briefs on Jan. 15, 2021. Carroll’s attorneys then requested an Apr. 16, 2021 due date for their brief. Notably, her counsel explicitly selected that date so the Biden DOJ would have time to reassess the Trump administration’s position that Trump was acting within the scope of his employment when he allegedly defamed Carroll. The Second Circuit granted that scheduling request.

Update-1: Carroll filed her brief on Apr. 16, 2021, urging the appeals court to uphold the decision below.

Update-2: Despite the change in administration, the Biden DOJ filed a reply brief on June 7, 2021, that backed Trump’s argument that the FTCA covered his conduct. It echoed the core arguments from the Trump DOJ’s opening brief that the president is an “employee” under the FTCA and that elected officials act within the scope of their employment when they respond to media inquiries.

Update-3: On Sept. 15, 2021, the district court denied Trump’s motion to stay (i.e., halt) the proceedings while the case is on appeal before the Second Circuit.

Update-4: On Dec. 1, 2021, Trump requested permission to amend his response to Carroll’s suit in the district court proceedings. In that filing, he signaled that he wanted to invoke the protection of New York’s new anti-SLAPP law, which attempts to screen out frivolous defamation suits by raising the burden of proof and imposing mandatory fee-shifting. Carroll filed a response opposing Trump’s request on Dec. 15. The district court scheduled a hearing for Feb. 22, 2022 to hear arguments over Trump’s motion to amend.

Update-5: The Second Circuit heard oral argument on Dec. 3, 2021. Much of the discussion centered on whether Trump’s remarks about Carroll–including his “she’s not my type” retort–fell within the scope of his employment. On that score, Trump’s personal attorneys continued to argue that Trump’s allegedly defamatory remarks were part of his official duties because he was speaking to the press at the time. The DOJ’s attorney–arguing for the executive branch–echoed that point, explaining that “any president facing a public accusation of this kind … would feel obliged to … answer questions from the media.” Carroll’s counsel conceded that, because DC treats scope of employment expansively, Trump would have been acting within that scope if he had simply said Carroll’s accusations were false. Even so, Carroll’s attorney stressed that Trump went far beyond a bare denial–and therefore exceeded the scope of his employment–because he was motivated by “personal spite and malice” when he rebuffed Carroll’s claims.

Update-6: On Mar. 11, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s request to amend his complaint.

Update-7: On May 5, 2022, the parties agreed to resume discovery in the district court. Though Carroll’s attorneys have conceded that they will not depose Trump, they could once again seek a DNA sample from Trump. If Trump opposes that request, Carroll’s attorneys would need to ask the district court to order Trump to submit to the sample.

Update-8: The district court scheduled the case for trial starting on Feb. 6, 2023.

Update-9: On Sept. 20, 2022, Carroll notified the court that she planned to file a second lawsuit against Trump over the 1990s rape allegation. Unlike the defamation claim–which alleges that Trump defamed Carroll for falsely denying the rape allegation–this new suit would accuse Trump of the rape directly. Although the statute of limitations had expired for the now thirty-year-old rape claim, Carroll explained that a new state law called the Adult Survivors Act temporarily reopens the window to file for old sexual assault claims. Carroll also suggested that the district court should consolidate the new suit with the defamation claim and try both together in February 2023. Trump immediately filed a letter opposing that suggestion.

Update-10: On Sept. 27, 2022, the Second Circuit granted Trump a partial win, reversing the district court and holding that Trump as president qualified as an “employee” under the FTCA. However, the appeals court left open the question of whether Trump was acting within the scope of his employment when he publicly disparaged Carroll and instead asked the D.C. Court of Appeals to rule on that question. If the DC appeals court concludes that Trump’s remarks fell within his official duties, then Carroll’s defamation claim would fail, because the FTCA bars defamation suits against the federal government.

Update-11: On Jan. 13, 2023, the district court ordered the release of a partial transcript of Trump’s deposition, during which Trump denied the rape allegations.

2. E. Jean Carroll Defamation Suit 2.0
Carroll v. Trump, No. Case 1:22-cv-10016 (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 24, 2022)

Plaintiff: E. Jean Carroll, a journalist and advice columnist

Case Summary: In 2019, Carroll publicly accused then-President Trump of sexually assaulting her in a New York City department store in the 1990s. A few hours later, Trump denied Carroll’s allegation and accused her of fabricating the story to drum up publicity for her upcoming book. Caroll then sued Trump for defamation in New York state court, alleging that Trump defamed her when he publicly accused her of falsifying the assault story.

While that suit was ongoing, Trump issued a lengthy statement on Oct. 12, 2022 saying that Carroll “completely made up” the allegations against him.

On Nov. 24, 2022, Carroll filed a new federal suit against Trump, this time suing the former Presidents for battery involving the alleged rape in the 1990s and for defamation based on Trump’s October 2022 statement. Because Trump had left office at the time of that statement, Carroll argued that Trump could indisputably no longer claim official immunity, unlike in Carroll’s earlier suit.

Carroll filed suit on the first day permitted under New York’s Adult Survivors Act, N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 214-j. The law provides a one-year window for sexual assault survivors to file civil claims even if the statute of limitations has passed.

Case Status: Trump moved to dismiss Carroll’s lawsuit on Dec. 21, 2022. He argued that the Adult Survivor’s Act–which reopened the window for Carroll to sue Trump for the alleged 1990s assault–violated New York’s constitutional due process protections. He also responded to Carroll’s new defamation claim on the merits, calling it “baseless and legally defective.”

Update-1: On Jan. 13, 2023, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss.

3. Summer Zervos Defamation Suit (CASE CLOSED)
Zervos vs. Trump, No. 150522/2017 (N.Y. Sup Ct. Jan. 17, 2017), appeal docketed, No. APL-2020-00009 (N.Y. Mar. 9, 2020)

Plaintiff: Summer Zervos, former contestant on the Apprentice

Case Summary: On Jan. 17, 2017, Zervos filed a suit in New York State Court against Trump for defamation. During Trump’s campaign, many women, including Zervos, accused Trump of inappropriate sexual conduct. In her complaint against Trump, Zervos claims that in 2007, while she sought employment from Trump, he kissed her on the lips and touched her inappropriately. After she rejected his advances, his attitude became very business-like and he later offered her a job for half the salary she was seeking. She attempted to contact Trump, noting that she felt she was being “penalized for not sleeping with him.” Trump said he could not discuss it with her at the time. Zervos says she decided to come forward with these allegations after the Billy Bush Access Hollywood Tape showed Trump speaking in a derogatory manner toward women. In response to her allegations, Trump claims she was lying and was only making these accusations to help the Clinton campaign or to get fame.

Zervos alleges that, as a result of Trump’s claims, she has suffered both emotional and financial harm.

Case Status: Trump filed a motion to dismiss and a stay for the duration of his presidency. On Oct. 3, 2018, the court denied Trump’s motion, finding that, if the facts alleged by the plaintiff are true, she has a reasonable claim to recover for defamation. The court also found that there were no federalism or comity concerns that would suggest that a state court could not hear suit against the sitting president for nonofficial acts. A panel of New York appellate judges affirmed this judgment in October 2019, finding that the president is “not above the law” and that the defamation suit can go forward.

This motion has been appealed to the New York Court of Appeals, the highest New York state court.

Pending the decision from the New York Court of Appeals, in March 2020, the court ruled that Zervos cannot “dig for evidence” in the interim. In 2021, with Trump out of office, Zervos has filed a motion to move the lawsuit forward.

Update-1: On Mar. 30, the New York Court of Appeals denied Trump’s appeal on his motion to dismiss the case. Trump originally filed the motion claiming that a state court could not hear a suit against a sitting president. The court stated, in a one-sentence order, that issues were now moot, and the case can now go forward.

Update-2: On Oct. 4, 2021, the trial court ruled that Zervos could depose Trump before Dec. 23, 2021. According to Law360, this appears to be the “first time that Trump would have to answer questions under oath about his alleged sexual misconduct.” In discussing the schedule for depositions, Michael Rand, a law clerk for New York State Judge Jennifer Schechter, who is overseeing the lawsuit, reportedly “said he expected a trial date to be set sometime in the early part of 2022.”

Update-3: On Nov. 12, 2021, Zervos announced she is dropping the lawsuit.

4. Mary Trump Fraud Litigation
Trump v. Trump, No. 654698/2020 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. filed Sept. 24, 2020)

Plaintiff: Mary Trump, the former president’s niece

Case Summary: In September 2020, Mary Trump sued Donald Trump, her uncle, for allegedly defrauding her out of tens of millions of dollars. When Mary’s father–Donald Trump’s brother–died in 1981, he left Mary a valuable stake in the Trump property empire. Mary was a minor at the time, so Donald Trump and his siblings took control of her share, ostensibly to look after Mary’s interest over the long run.

But according to Mary, that didn’t happen. In her lawsuit, she alleges that the Trump siblings siphoned off revenue from her share and set up an ongoing scheme to artificially devalue her assets. This went on for nearly two decades. Then, when Trump patriarch Fred Sr. (Donald Trump’s father) died in 1999, Mary took issue with the terms of his will. The Trump siblings immediately pushed back and started maneuvering to force Mary out of the family holdings altogether. After lengthy probate proceedings, and with Mary’s legal fees steadily climbing, the siblings delivered an ultimatum: they would not settle the probate case unless Mary relinquished all interests in the family fortune, including those from her late father.

According to Mary, the Trumps offered a settlement figure that woefully undervalued her share of the family holdings. Still, she ultimately accepted a settlement in April 2001, apparently still unaware she was being sold short.

Then, over fifteen years later, the New York Times broke its 2018 story that the Trump Organization had long been fraudulently manipulating the values of its assets. From there, Mary says she realized that she had settled for tens of millions of dollars less than what her stake was actually worth.

Two years later, Mary published a book accusing the Trumps of shorting her out of her rightful share. She then filed this lawsuit in New York state court on Sept. 24, 2020, accusing Donald Trump and his siblings of fraud and breach of fiduciary duty.

Case Status: Trump moved to dismiss the case on Jan. 4, 2021. Mary filed a response on Feb. 26, 2021. As of December 2021, the court has not yet ruled on the motion.

Update-1: The state court dismissed Mary’s suit on Nov. 15, 2022. It ruled that her claims were barred because she agreed to release such legal claims when she accepted the Trumps’ settlement offer in 2001. She immediately appealed that ruling.

Donald Trump vs. Mary Trump and NYT: On Sept. 21, 2021, Donald Trump filed his own lawsuit against Mary Trump, the New York Times, and several of its reporters. Mr. Trump alleges that his niece provided confidential documents–including his tax records–to the NYT reporters, who then used those documents to write their 2018 story on the Trump Organization’s alleged manipulation of asset prices. He asserts that her conduct breached their 2001 settlement, and that the Times and its reporters should be liable for encouraging her to do so. Ms. Trump and the Times defendants moved to dismiss that suit on Dec. 2, 2021.

5. Panama Hotel Fraud and Tax Litigation (CASE CLOSED)
Ithaca Cap. Invs. v. Trump Pan. Hotel Mgmt., No. 18-cv-00390 (S.D.N.Y. Mar. 30, 2020)

Plaintiff: Ithaca Capital, a real estate holding company that purchased a majority of the Trump International Hotel in Panama

Case Summary: Donald Trump’s private hotel business–Trump International Hotels Management–is embroiled in federal litigation over a hotel management deal gone bad. Until 2018, Trump International operated a luxury hotel in Panama. As was its standard business practice, Trump International contracted with a separate owner to provide management services and use of the “Trump” label. When a prior owner went bankrupt in 2015, Ithaca Capital moved to purchase a majority of the hotel’s units. But per Ithaca, Trump representatives made a series of fraudulent claims that oversold the hotel’s profitability. Unaware, Ithaca went ahead with the purchase.

The hotel soon ran into financial trouble, and the relationship between the two parties collapsed. Once Ithaca ended the partnership, it claims to have discovered that Trump International had allegedly underreported costs, diverted hotel revenue, and failed to pay income taxes.

After a brief round of arbitration proceedings, Ithaca sued Trump International in the Southern District of New York. Ithaca made several claims against Trump. First, Ithaca argued that Trump representatives–including Eric and Donald Jr.–made exaggerated claims about the hotel’s value. Second, they argued that Trump International breached their agreement by mismanaging the hotel. And third, Ithaca asserted that Trump International improperly diverted hotel revenues for their own use.

Case Status: Trump International challenged each of Ithaca’s claims and asserted several counterclaims of its own. On Mar. 30, 2020, the district court upheld all three of Ithaca’s claims and dismissed all but one of Trump’s counterclaims. Trumps’ remaining counterclaim–for tortious interference–alleges that Ithaca interfered with Trump’s other hotel contracts when Ithaca forced him out of their partnership.

The parties are currently in discovery and are due to finish by Fall 2021.

Update: The parties filed a series of sealed letters in July and August 2021. On Sept. 15, 2021, the parties voluntarily agreed to end the suit.

6. Doe v. The Trump Corporation Class Action
Doe v. Trump Corp., No. 18-cv-09936 (S.D.N.Y. Oct 29, 2018), appeal docketed, No. 20-01706 (2d Cir. May 28, 2020)

Plaintiffs: (Anonymous) Jane Doe, Luke Loe, Mary Moe, Richard Roe

Case Summary: On Oct. 30, 2018, a class action lawsuit was filed against the Trump Corporation, Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and Eric Trump. The complaint alleges that the defendants used their brand name to defraud thousands of working class individuals by promoting numerous businesses in exchange for “secret payments.” The companies include ACN Opportunity, LLC (a business based on a controversial multi-level marketing scheme), the Trump Network, LLC (another multi-level marketing scheme), and Business Strategies Group, LLC (a seminar claiming to sell the Trump secrets to success). The lawsuit also claims that the defendants are liable for a “pattern of racketeering activity” violating the RICO Act (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) as well as activity violating numerous state consumer protection laws concerning fair business practices and competition.

On July 24, 2019, the District Court judge partially granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss. The judge dismissed the RICO claims because the Complaint did not “sufficiently plead that Defendants’ conduct was the proximate cause of Plaintiffs’ losses.” However, she ruled that the other claims concerning the state laws will not be dismissed under Class Action Fairness Act (CAFA).

Case Status: The Trumps’ moved to compel forced arbitration and the district court judge denied the motion in April 2020. The court held that the defendants were not party to the arbitration agreement (between ACN and the plaintiffs) and thus, could not compel arbitration. She also found that the motion to compel arbitration was in bad faith as they are acting in a manner that is “substantively prejudicial towards the plaintiffs” and not within the spirit of the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA). The Trumps have filed an interlocutory appeal to the Second Circuit.

Following the denial of compelled arbitration, the Trumps also filed a motion to stay, or a motion to halt the legal process. The district court denied this motion, citing the four traditional factors that must be balanced when granting a stay and finding that the defendants have not met the requirements to grant a stay.

Update-1: On July 28, 2021 in a 3-0 decision, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the district court’s judgement and ruled that the Trump family could not compel arbitration. The court found that since there was no “close relationship” between Trumps and ACN such that the plaintiffs could reasonably infer that their arbitration agreement extended to the Trumps. Thus, the court concluded, the “defendants are not entitled to compel the plaintiffs to arbitrate this dispute.” As of September 2021, the court has not yet ruled on the summary judgment motions.

Update-2: On March 25, CNN reported that former President Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and Eric Trump all agreed to be deposed. Their depositions will take place in May and June.

7. DC Civil Suit over Misuse of 2017 Inauguration Funds (CASE CLOSED)
District of Columbia v. 58th Presidential Inauguration Comm., No. 2020-CA-00488-B (D.C. Super. Ct. Sept. 9, 2020)

Prosecuting Office: DC Attorney General (AG)

Case Summary: In the run-up to Trump’s 2017 swearing-in, his inaugural committee raised a record $107 million to spend on inauguration festivities. As a nonprofit, the inaugural committee was bound to use these charitable funds for the public good, namely by organizing events to celebrate the 2017 presidential inauguration.

But as the DC AG alleges, the inaugural committee used over $1 million of those funds in an improper bid to enrich the Trump family’s private businesses. DC’s attorneys are now suing the inaugural committee, the Trump International Hotel, and the Trump Organization over that alleged misspending. Chief among the allegations, the DC AG claims that the committee paid exorbitant rates to rent space in the Trump International Hotel in downtown DC. The committee, for instance, allegedly paid $175,000 to rent the main ballroom on the same day that another nonprofit paid only $5,000–a rate 35 times higher. On top of that, the committee allegedly ignored much better deals available at other upscale locations, settling instead on overpaying for space at the Trump location.

The DC AG frames these payments as an under-the-table attempt to divert charitable funds to the Trumps’ private holdings. The complaint focuses on possible misconduct by committee executive Rick Gates, who also held key roles in the Trump campaign. (Gates would later cooperate with the Mueller investigation.) To tie in the Trump entities, the complaint asserts that the Trump businesses knew it was overcharging the non-profit committee, and points to internal negotiations between the parties that allegedly show both sides were aware of the extreme rates. The DC AG is asking the court to compel the Trump business to put the misspent funds into a trust where they can be put toward charitable purposes.

Case Status: The defendants–the committee itself along with the two Trump businesses–moved to dismiss the suit, but the district court denied that motion in September 2020. On Jan. 11, 2021, the DC AG added a new allegation that the committee improperly used its nonprofit funds to pay a hotel bill on behalf of Trump’s private business. The suit is currently in discovery, and the AG’s office has already deposed several high-level Trump executives, including Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr.

Update-1: The DC AG moved for summary judgment on Mar. 24, 2021. All three defendants responded by filing their own motions for summary judgment on Apr. 8, 2021.

Update-2: On Nov. 8, 2021, the DC court partially granted Trump’s motion for summary judgment, dismissing the waste claim but allowing the private enrichment claim to proceed. Addressing the waste claim, the judge explained that the evidence did not show that the Trump defendants intentionally threw away money when they paid the extravagant rates at Trump’s hotel. Even so, the court ruled that the DC AG may still be able to show that the Trumps illegally enriched themselves with committee funds, and gave the green light for that claim to go to trial. The court also dismissed the Trump Organization from the case on grounds that DC lacked jurisdiction over them.

Update-3: On Feb. 14, 2022, the DC court reversed its earlier decision dismissing the Trump Organization and reinstated it as a defendant in the suit. The DC court also affirmed its summary judgment decision to dismiss the waste claims. The case is scheduled for trial in September 2022.

Update-4: On May, 3, 2022, the Trump Organization and Trump’s inaugural committee agreed to pay a total of $750,000 to settle the suit. Under the deal, the Trump Organization will pay $400,000 and the committee will pay the remaining $350,000.

8. Karen Bass et al. Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Capitol Attack
Thompson v. Trump, No. 21-cv-00400 (D.D.C. filed Feb. 16, 2021)

Plaintiff: Rep. Karen R. Bass, Rep. Stephen I. Cohen, Rep. Veronica Escobar, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, Rep. Henry C. Johnson, Jr., Rep. Marcia C. Kaptur, Rep. Barbara J. Lee, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, Rep. Maxine Waters, and Rep. Bonnie M. Watson Coleman, represented by the NAACP

Case Summary: On Feb. 16, 2021, Mississippi Congressman Bennie Thompson sued former President Trump and Rudy Giuliani along with two right-wing militia groups known as the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers, for violating the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, 42 U.S.C. § 1985(1). In the complaint, Thompson alleges that Trump violated the Ku Klux Klan Act by inciting the rioters with the intent to prevent Members of Congress from discharging their official duties of the timely approval of the Electoral College vote. He argues that after Trump’s loss in the November 2020 election, the then-President set out on a campaign to mobilize his supporters, culminating in the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol. It portrays Trump’s rhetoric on the morning of Jan. 6 as a call to arms and as intended to prevent the certification of the election.

The Act was passed in 1871 in response to violence and intimidation by the KKK intended to stop Black people from voting. The legislation allows Members of Congress to sue individuals who conspire to violently “molest, interrupt, hinder, or impede” the discharge of a public official’s duties.

Thompson seeks compensatory damages for his emotional distress suffered during the attack in addition to punitive damages.

Case Status: On Apr. 7, 2021, ten additional members of Congress joined the lawsuit as plaintiffs. The defendants then moved to dismiss on May 26. In Trump’s motion, he argued (i) that he has absolute immunity because he was acting as president; (ii) that even if he did not have absolute immunity, the Westfall Act shields him from any personal liability; (iii) that members of Congress cannot sue under the KKK Act; and (iv) that his speech was protected by the First Amendment. As of September 2021, the court has not ruled on the motions.

Update-1: On July 21, 2021, Rep. Thompson announced that he would withdraw from the lawsuit to avoid any conflict with the Jan. 6 House Select Committee, which Thompson is chairing. The other plaintiffs–all members of Congress who are not on the Committee–confirmed that they would continue the lawsuit.

Update-2: Judge Mehta–who is also presiding over the Swalwell and Blassingame 1/6 suits–scheduled a combined oral argument for Jan. 10, 2022, for all three cases.

Update-3: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the § 1985 claim against him.

Update-4: On Mar. 18, 2022, Trump appealed the district court’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit consolidated the appeal with those in the Swalwell and Blassingame 1/6 suits.

Update-5: Trump filed his appeal brief on July 27, 2022. He challenged only the district court’s ruling that he lacked absolute presidential immunity, arguing that his speech surrounding Jan. 6 fell within his official presidential duties.

9. Eric Swalwell Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Riots
Swalwell v. Trump, No. 21-cv-00586 (D.D.C. filed Mar. 5, 2021)

Plaintiff: Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA)

Case Summary: On Mar. 5, 2021, Representative Eric Swalwell sued Donald Trump and several associates in DC federal court over the Jan. 6 riots. Much like Representative Bennie Thompson’s related suit, Swalwell alleges that Trump and his co-defendants–Donald Trump Jr., Representative Mo Brooks (R-AL), and Rudy Giuliani–violated the Ku Klux Klan Act by conspiring to interfere with the Electoral College count on Jan. 6.

Swalwell’s suit also goes one step further: it claims that the defendants should be held civilly liable for negligence because they committed criminal incitement under DC’s local code, which establishes the standard of care. Notably, Swalwell says that Trump violated the same DC code–§22-1321(a)(2)–that DC AG Karl Racine is apparently focusing on in his own criminal investigation into Trump’s conduct.

Beyond the civil rights and incitement counts, Swalwell also claims that the defendants are liable for encouraging (aiding and abetting) the rioters’ violent conduct and for intentionally inflicting emotional distress on members of Congress in connection with the attack on the Capitol.

Case Status: Swalwell filed his complaint on Mar. 5, 2021.

Update-1: On May 17, 2021, Giuliani filed a motion to dismiss the claims against him. He argued that his speech did not qualify as incitement, that he never formed a conspiracy with the other defendants or the rioters, and that his speech was ultimately protected by the First Amendment.

Update-2: On May 24, 2021, Donald Trump and his son Donald Jr. filed their own motion to dismiss. Most notably, former President Trump argued that he had absolute immunity against Swalwell’s claims because Trump’s alleged misconduct was within the scope of his official duties as president. Both Trump and Trump Jr. also contended that their speech was protected under the First Amendment and the canonical Brandenburg test. The Trumps also advanced various other arguments ranging from standing to the political question doctrine to even a claim that Swalwell was barred from suing Trump over the same conduct for which Trump was acquitted at his impeachment trial.

Update-3: On July 1, 2021, Swalwell filed a motion for default judgment against Brooks, arguing that Brooks had missed the deadline to respond to the lawsuit. Brooks responded with his own motion urging the court to dismiss the lawsuit because he was acting within the “scope of his employment,” which would essentially block the case under the Westfall Act. The district court denied Swalwell’s motion for a default judgment on July 5 but has not yet ruled on Brooks’s motion.

Update-4: On July 27, 2021, the Justice Department submitted a brief stating that Brooks was not acting within the scope of his employment and thus not shielded by the Westfall Act. The House of Representatives filed a response taking a “non-participation approach” (silence) on the question whether Brooks acted within his scope of employment. The Chairwoman of the Committee on House Administration submitted a brief stating that Rep. Brooks was not acting within his scope of employment.

Update-5: Judge Mehta–who is also presiding over the Bass and Blassingame 1/6 suits–scheduled a combined oral argument for Jan. 10, 2022, for all three cases.

Update-6: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, negligence per se, DC anti-bias law, and aiding and abetting assault. The court granted Trump’s request to dismiss the § 1986, emotional distress, and negligence claims.

Update-7: On Mar. 18, 2022, Trump appealed the district court’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit consolidated the appeal with those in the Bass and Blassingame 1/6 suits.

Update-8: Trump filed his appeal brief on July 27, 2022. He challenged only the district court’s ruling that he lacked absolute presidential immunity, arguing that his speech surrounding Jan. 6 fell within his official presidential duties.

10. Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots
Blassingame v. Trump, No. 21-cv-00858 (D.D.C. filed Mar. 30, 2021)

Plaintiff: James Blassingame and Sidney Hemby, two Capitol police officers

Case Summary: On Mar. 30, 2021, two Capitol Police Officers sued Donald Trump for injuries they sustained during the Jan. 6 riots in DC. The officers–James Blassingame and Sidney Hemby–say they were maced with bear spray, attacked with fists and flagpoles, and even crushed against a door as they tried to protect the Capitol from pro-Trump intruders.

Much like the other Jan. 6 suits against Trump, the officers pin their injuries on Trump’s incendiary rhetoric before and during violence. Both allege that Trump directed the rioters to assault them, aided the rioters in committing those assaults, and negligently incited the riot in violation of DC’s public safety codes. Blassingame also accuses Trump of directing intentional infliction of emotional distress, pointing to the racial slurs and taunts that the intruders allegedly hurled at him during the violence.

Case Status: The officers filed their suit in DC federal court on Mar. 30, 2021. On Apr. 28, 2021, the plaintiffs added two new conspiracy claims against Trump, one based on the KKK Act and the other on common law conspiracy. They allege that Trump illegally conspired with the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers to storm the Capitol, which in turn caused the plaintiffs’ injuries.

Update-1: Donald Trump filed a motion to dismiss on June 24, 2021. He repeated many of the arguments from his motions to dismiss in the Bass and Swalwell suits, including absolute presidential immunity, freedom of speech, and preclusion based on Trump’s impeachment acquittal.

Update-2: Judge Mehta–who is also presiding over the Bass and Swalwell 1/6 suits–scheduled a combined oral argument for Jan. 10, 2022, for all three cases.

Update-3: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, assault, and negligence per se. The court granted Trump’s motion to dismiss the emotional distress, punitive damages, and civil conspiracy claims.

Update-4: On Mar. 18, 2022, Trump appealed the district court’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit consolidated the appeal with those in the Swalwell and Bass 1/6 suits.

Update-5: Trump filed his appeal brief on July 27, 2022. He challenged only the district court’s ruling that he lacked absolute presidential immunity, arguing that his speech surrounding Jan. 6 fell within his official presidential duties.

11. Second Capitol Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots
Smith v. Trump, No. 21-cv-02265 (D.D.C. filed Aug. 26, 2021)

Plaintiff: Seven Capitol Police officers

Case Summary: On Aug. 26, 2021, a second group of Capitol Police officers filed suit over injuries they suffered while defending the Capitol on Jan. 6. The officers allege that Trump and his co-defendants–including the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers–conspired to incite a riot and attack the Capitol, leaving the officers physically and emotionally injured.

Like the other Jan. 6 lawsuits against Trump, the complaint asserts that Trump violated the KKK Act by conspiring to instigate the riots. The complaint also alleges that unnamed defendants–listed as “John Does” who carried out the attack–physically assaulted the officers at Trump’s provocation, which could make Trump liable for the officers’ injuries.

The plaintiffs also add in a unique claim not found in other Jan. 6 lawsuits against Trump: that the defendants violated the DC Bias-Related Crimes Act, a local hate-crime statute. According to the complaint, the defendants were motivated by political bias against the Democratic Party when they instigated and executed the Capitol attack.

Case Status: The officers filed their suit in DC federal court on Aug 26, 2021.

Update-1: Donald Trump filed a motion to dismiss on Nov. 12, 2021. Much like in the other Jan. 6 suits, Trump argued that his speech was constitutionally protected by presidential immunity, the First Amendment, and preclusion as a result of the impeachment acquittal.

Update-2: On Dec. 5, 2021, the plaintiffs amended their complaint to add an eighth officer as a plaintiff and to add a pro-Trump PAC as an additional defendant. The court ruled that the defendants could file new motions to dismiss against this amended complaint, due by Dec. 23, 2021.

Update-3: Trump filed a motion to dismiss the amended complaint on Jan. 31, 2022. He once again argued that the plaintiffs failed to state a claim and that Trump’s speech was protected by absolute immunity and the First Amendment.

Update-4: The district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss on Jan. 26, 2023.

12. Third Capitol Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots
Moore v. Trump, No. 22-cv-00010 (D.D.C. filed Jan. 4, 2022)

Plaintiff: Marcus J. Moore, US Capitol Police Officer

Case Summary: On Jan. 4, 2022, a third suit was filed by a Capitol Police officer alleging that physical and emotional injuries he suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot. The officer seeks compensatory and punitive damages.

The officer claims that the actions, tweets, and comments made by Trump prior, during, and after the insurrection resulted in actual physical injuries as rioters struck him and attacked him with physical objects and chemical agents. Like other Jan. 6 lawsuits, the officer claims Trump violated the KKK Act as Trump conspired to attack the Capitol with his followers. The officer, like earlier lawsuits, further cited violations of the D.C. Code for inciting a riot and disorderly conduct.

Case Status: The officer filed his suit in DC District Court on January 4, 2022.

13. Metropolitan Police Suits over the Jan. 6. Riots
Tabron v. Trump, No. 22-cv-00011 (D.D.C. filed Jan. 4, 2022)

Plaintiff: Bobby Tabron and DeDivine K. Carter, Metropolitan Police Officers

Case Summary: On Jan. 4, 2022, two Metropolitan Police Officers filed suit alleging that physical and emotional injuries they suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot. The officers seek compensatory and punitive damages.

The officers claim that the actions, tweets, and comments made by Trump prior, during, and after the insurrection resulted in actual physical injuries as rioters struck them and attacked them with physical objects and chemical agents. Like other Ja. 6 lawsuits, the officers claim Trump violated the KKK Act as Trump conspired to attack the Capitol with his followers. The officers, like earlier lawsuits, further cited violations of the D.C. Code for inciting a riot and disorderly conduct.

Case Status: The officers filed their suit on January 4, 2022.

14. NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund Voting Rights Case
Mich. Welfare Rights Org. v. Trump, No. 20-cv-03388 (D.D.C. filed Nov. 20, 2020)

Plaintiff: Michigan Welfare Rights Organization and the NAACP, represented by the NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund (LDF).

Case Summary: On Nov. 20, 2020, LDF sued then-President Trump and the Trump campaign alleging that their post-election conduct violated Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act, 52 U.S.C. § 10307(b). After losing the election, Trump spent weeks pressuring Republican election officials not to certify the election—in particular, the complaint examines the actions of Wayne County Republican election officials who first voted not to certify the election, though they eventually did. Section 11(b) forbids intimidation of voters, those aiding voters, and certain election officials. Voting is broadly defined in the Voting Rights Act, covering “all action necessary to make a vote effective[,] … including … having such ballot counted properly and included in the appropriate totals of votes cast.”

In December 2020, the complaint was amended to include the NAACP as a plaintiff, the Republican National Committee as a defendant, and alleged a new claim: that defendants violated the Ku Klux Klan Act, which prohibits conspiracies to deprive someone of equal protection under law or the right to vote. 42 U.S.C. § 1985(3). LDF argues that Trump’s efforts to discard votes in cities with large Black populations meets the statutory definition.

LDF seeks statutory damages, a declaratory judgment, and injunctive relief that would prevent defendants from intimidating voters and election officials in the future.

Case Status: On Feb. 25, 2021, the defendants moved to dismiss the case. They had a variety of arguments, including that the case was filed in the wrong court, that the cited statutes do not allow a private party to bring litigation, and that their conduct did not violate the statutes. As of September 2021, the court has not yet ruled on the motions.

Update-1: On Mar. 31, 2022, the district court partially granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss, dismissing the VRA claims for lack of standing and holding the § 1985(3) claims in abeyance. On the standing point, the district court concluded the plaintiffs lacked standing for an injunction. The court reasoned that even if the defendants had illegally interfered with the plaintiffs’ voting rights in the past, there was no imminent threat that the defendants would do so again.

Update-2: On June 16, the plaintiffs requested permission to file a second amended complaint with new factual allegations that could remedy the standing issues on the VRA claim.

Update-3: On Nov. 28 the district court granted plaintiffs’ request to file a second amended complaint. In granting the plaintiff’s motion, the court concluded that “Plaintiffs have adequately alleged … that the Trump Defendants not only caused great harm to Plaintiffs in the past but also pose a very substantial risk in the future to Plaintiff’s fundamental right to vote.”

15. NY Civil Suit over Fraudulent Real Estate Practices
People v. Trump Org., No. 451685/2020 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. Dec. 15, 2020)

Plaintiff: New York Attorney General (AG)

Case Summary: In March 2019, New York Attorney General Letitia James launched a civil probe investigating allegations that the Trump organization inflated and deflated property values to avoid tax liability and for other financial benefits. She began her investigation after Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen testified before Congress that Trump had engaged in fraud. While there is some overlap, James has noted that her investigation differs from and is independent of the Manhattan DA criminal investigation.

Much of her probe has focused on Seven Springs, a Trump-owned property in New York. In December 2019, James subpoenaed the Trump Organization, seeking records related to a $21 million tax deduction that Trump claimed against the property in 2015. Per her court filings, James is exploring whether Trump improperly inflated the property’s value to boost the size of the tax benefit.

James is also looking into other transactions relating to Trump properties. She is investigating whether Trump failed to pay taxes on debt forgiven during the financial restructuring of the Trump Hotel & Tower in Chicago and the appraisal of the LA Trump National Golf Club used for his conservation tax break, which was substantially higher than metrics typically used to value golf properties.

Case Status: In connection with the Seven Springs subpoenas, James’s office deposed Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg and Eric Trump in September and October 2020. Both refused to testify and instead invoked the Fifth Amendment over 500 times. She also sought related records held by Trump’s tax lawyers. His counsel initially refused to produce them, claiming they were shielded by attorney-client privilege. The state court judge disagreed, ruling on Jan. 29, 2021 that the tax attorneys must turn over thousands of documents about the tax deductions.

Update-1: On May 18, 2021, Fabien Levy, a spokesperson for New York’s Attorney General said, “We have informed the Trump Organization that our investigation into the organization is no longer purely civil in nature. We are now actively investigating the Trump Organizations in a criminal capacity, along with the Manhattan DA.”

Update-2: On Dec. 9, 2021, the Washington Post reported that AG James is seeking to depose Trump in January 2022 as part of her fraud investigation into the Trump Organization’s property valuations.

Update-3: On Jan. 3, 2022, a court order revealed that James’s office also subpoenaed Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. on Dec. 1. According to the order, James seeks to question the two Trump children–in addition to Trump Sr., as previously reported–about the potentially fraudulent real estate valuations. The Trumps immediately responded by filing a motion to quash the subpoenas. They argued that, because the NY AG is also running a “joint” criminal investigation into the Trumps with the Manhattan DA, the AG’s office cannot use purely civil subpoenas and must instead use a grand jury to question Trump and his children. The Trumps reasoned that grand jury subpoenas provide greater protection to witnesses–including immunity–and that James was trying to “circumvent” those protections by using civil subpoenas instead.

Update-4: James subpoenaed the General Services Administration to determine how it decided to lease the historic post office to former President Trump. As part of an ongoing civil investigation into Trump’s fraudulent real estate practices, James is reportedly attempting to use the documents to determine whether Trump had a practice of providing false information to the advantage of his business.

Update-5: On Feb. 17, 2022, the state court rejected Trump’s subpoena challenge and ruled that Donald, Ivanka, and Donald Jr. must sit for questioning under oath. The judge directed the Trumps to submit to these depositions within 21 days. The Trumps plan to appeal the decision, according to a family spokeswoman.

Update-6: On Feb. 28, 2022, the Trumps appealed the court’s decision ordering them to sit for depositions.

Update-7: On Mar. 3, 2022, the parties agreed to delay the depositions until after the state appeals court rules on the Trumps’ appeal.

Update-8: On Apr 7, 2022, James’s office filed a motion with the state court requesting Trump be held in contempt for failing to turn over subpoenaed documents. Her office requested a daily fine of $10,000 until Trump complies. The court has not ruled on her request.

Update-9: On Apr. 25, 2022, a NY state Judge held Trump in contempt of court for failure to respond to the AG’s subpoenas. The court assessed a fine of $10,000 per day until Trump meets the request.

Update-10: On Apr. 27, 2022, Trump appealed the contempt ruling and the $10,000-a-day fine. Trump also asked the district court to pause the fine while he appeals, but the court denied that request.

Update-11: On May 11, 2022, the trial court halted the daily fine but ordered Trump to pay the $110,000 balance by May 20. Though Trump paid the fine by the deadline, the judge kept the contempt order in place, leaving the door open for it to climb if Trump does not comply with the judge’s orders.

Update-12: On May 26, 2022, a New York appeals court ruled that Trump and two of his children–Donald Jr. and Ivanka–must sit for questioning by AG James’s office. The appeals court rejected Trump’s arguments that James was acting out of political animus. Trump’s attorney appealed the ruling to the New York Court of Appeals, the state’s highest court, which has discretion to take up or ignore the appeal.

Update-13: On June 8, 2022, Trump and two of his children–Donald Jr. and Ivanka–agreed to be questioned under oath by James’s office in mid-July, unless the New York high court decides to intervene and hear their appeal.

Update-14: On June 14, 2022, New York’s highest court declined to hear the Trumps’ appeal. This clears the way for James’s office to depose the Trumps.

Update-15: James’s office deposed Donald Trump Jr. on July 28, 2022 and Ivanka Trump on Aug. 3, 2022. Both reportedly participated in the deposition and did not invoke their Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination.

Update-16: AG James deposed Trump Sr. on Aug. 10, 2022. Trump repeatedly declined to answer her questions and instead invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. Reportedly, Trump asserted the Fifth more than 400 times in response to varying questions about his businesses, property valuations, and loans.

Update-17: On Sept. 21, 2022, the NY AG sued the Trumps in NY state court. The civil suit alleges that the Trumps repeatedly overvalued their real estate holdings in a long-running scheme designed to obtain favorable terms on bank loans. The complaint seeks to recover $250 million in damages and asks the court to bar the Trumps from running any businesses in New York state. It names Donald Sr., Donald Jr., Eric, and Ivanka Trump as defendants, along with the Trump Organization and several of its executives. Although AG James’s suit seeks only civil penalties, her office also sent criminal referrals to both the IRS and federal prosecutors.

Update-18: On Jan. 6, 2023, the trial court denied the Trumps’ motion to dismiss James’s lawsuit.

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Donald Trump v. Letitia James: On Dec. 20, 2021, Donald Trump filed his own suit against AG James in federal court. He accused James of targeting Trump out of political animus and asked the court to enjoin her under § 1983 from continuing her investigation into Trump and his companies. To back up his claim, Trump pointed to a string of James’s social media posts that allegedly suggested a political motive. Trump asserted that James’s investigation violates his constitutional rights, including his First Amendment rights by targeting him for his political activities and his Fourth Amendment rights by harassing him with bad faith subpoenas. In subsequent filings. James has asked the judge to dismiss the suit and has refused to cease investigating.

Update-1: On Jan. 26, 2022, James moved to dismiss Trump’s suit. She argued that Trump’s suit should be dismissed under several federal abstention doctrines, under res judicata, and for failing to state a claim.

Update-2: On May 27, 2022, the district court dismissed Trump’s suit, which will allow James’s investigation to continue. The district court reasoned that Trump’s suit was barred by Younger abstention, a doctrine that bars federal courts from stopping state court proceedings like James’s civil enforcement suit against Trump. For his part, Trump had argued that Younger abstention shouldn’t apply because James was investigating him in bad faith. The district court rejected that argument, finding that James’s proceeding had a “legitimate factual predicate” and that there was no evidence that James was acting in a harassing or bad faith manner.

Update-3: Trump filed a notice of appeal on May 27, 2022.

Update-4: Trump withdrew his lawsuit on Jan. 24, 2023.

16. Scotland Unexplained Wealth Orders
Plaintiff: Avaaz Foundation against the Scottish Ministers and Others

Case Summary: On February 3, 2021, the Scottish Parliament voted to reject calls from the opposition party, the Scottish Greens, to investigate the Trump Organization’s golf courses through an Unexplained Wealth Order (UWO). UWOs are a mechanism designed to prevent suspected corrupt foreign officials from laundering potentially stolen funds into the UK. They require an individual or organization to reveal the sources of their unexplained wealth and, while they do not automatically trigger criminal proceedings, they can result at least in confiscation of assets. The concerns that led to the push to investigate Trump arose when Trump spent many hundreds of millions of dollars to purchase and refurbish golf courses within Scotland with all-cash transactions. This was particularly suspicious since Trump had financed large scale purchases with debt prior to these transactions. It is disputed whether Eric Trump made a statement indicating that the funds had come from Russia.

The co-leader of the Scottish Greens stated, “Scotland cannot be a country where anyone with the money can buy whatever land and property they want, no questions asked, and the Scottish Greens will continue to challenge vested interests that protect people like Trump rather than our communities.” Eric Trump criticized the suit, stating that “at a critical time when politicians should be focused on saving lives and reopening businesses in Scotland, they are focused on advancing their personal agendas.”

Case Status: The non-profit global rights pressure group, Avaaz Foundation, sought to challenge the Scottish Parliament vote and, in May, filed a petition in the highest civil court in Scotland to review the decision not to pursue a UWO. On Aug. 11, 2021, Lord Sandison of the Scottish Court of Session ruled the petition seeking “judicial review of the approach of the Scottish ministers in determining whether to apply to the court for UWOs” should “proceed without condition or restriction.” He ruled that their case has “real prospects of success.” Scotland’s High Court will likely hear the case later this year.

Update-1: On Nov. 25, 2021, in a victory for the defendants, Lord Sandison ruled that only the Lord Advocate General of Scotland may issue a UWO, not the Scottish ministers. Advocates are now asking for the Lord Advocate to take action.

Update-2: As of January 2023, there are no indications that the Scottish investigation is progressing.

17. Trump Tower Assault Suit (CASE CLOSED)
Galicia v. Trump, No. 24973/2015 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. filed Sept. 9, 2015)

Plaintiff: A group of six protesters

Case Summary: On Sept. 3, 2015, the plaintiffs were demonstrating on the sidewalk outside Trump Tower in Manhattan. According to the plaintiffs–who self-identify as of Mexican origin–they were protesting the “inflammatory” anti-Mexican statements that Trump made during 2015 campaign events. Soon after the plaintiffs arrived, Trump Tower security guards allegedly attacked them and destroyed their protest signs.

That same month, the plaintiffs sued Trump, the Trump Organization, Trump’s campaign, Trump’s head bodyguard, and the alleged attackers in New York state court. The plaintiffs allege that Trump and his co-defendants are liable for assault and battery, conversion and destruction of property, and tortious interference with political speech. To tie Trump to his guards’ conduct, the plaintiffs allege that Trump was careless in hiring and supervising his security detail and, separately, that Trump should be held vicariously liable–a type of secondary liability often used to hold employers to account for their employee’s harmful actions. To prevail against Trump on this vicarious liability theory, the plaintiffs would need to show that the guards (i) were acting as Trump’s employees or agents at the time and (ii) attacked the plaintiffs to advance Trump’s interests in some way.

Case Status: Trump and his co-defendants moved to dismiss the claims for property destruction and interference with political speech in Dec. 2015. The court dismissed the political speech interference claim but permitted the rest of the claims to advance.

After the defendants moved for summary judgment in 2017, the court dismissed the negligent hiring and supervision claims against Trump and the Trump Organization. However, the court allowed the remaining claims to go forward, including the vicarious liability claims that Trump should be personally liable for his guards’ conduct.

Update-1: On Oct. 18, 2021, Trump sat for a four-hour deposition to answer questions about the alleged assault. According to the plaintiffs’ lawyer, Trump was asked about “a variety of issues including statements he has made at various campaign events and rallies that counsel believes encouraged violence at those events or encouraged security guards to engage in violence or the confiscation of property.” The plaintiffs’ lawyer also said he intends to play a video of Trump’s deposition at trial, which is not yet scheduled.

Update-2: On Apr. 26, 2022, a court filing revealed fifty pages of testimony from Trump’s deposition. Trump testified that he did not send his security staff after the protestors or direct them to grab their signs.

Update-3: Nov. 2, 2022, the parties reached a settlement in the case, details of the settlement agreement have not been disclosed.

18. Michael Cohen Retaliatory Imprisonment Suit
Cohen v. United States, No. 21-cv-10774 (S.D.N.Y. filed Dec. 16, 2021)

Plaintiff: Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s former attorney

Case Summary: On Dec. 16, 2021, Michael Cohen sued Donald Trump, former Attorney General Bill Barr, the US government, and other officials in federal court for retaliatory imprisonment. Cohen alleges that, after he announced plans to publish a damaging book about his legal work for Trump, the defendants retaliated by sending Cohen back to federal prison from home confinement.

At the time, Cohen was serving a three-year sentence for several crimes related to his work for Trump, including lying to Congress about Trump’s Moscow business and orchestrating illegal campaign expenditures to cover up Trump’s extramarital affairs. Several months into the COVID outbreak, the Bureau of Prisons–then led by defendant Michael Carvajal–granted Cohen’s medical request to be released on “furlough” followed by a transition to home confinement for the rest of his sentence. But according to Cohen, Trump and his co-defendants interfered with that transition. While Cohen was out on furlough, he tweeted about his plans to release a tell-all memoir about his work for Trump. Shortly after, corrections officers demanded that Cohen agree to a home confinement condition that barred Cohen from posting on social media and publishing his book. After Cohen allegedly hesitated to agree, the BOP nixed the home confinement plan and remanded Cohen back to federal prison.

Cohen then filed a habeas petition challenging the remand and arguing that corrections officials had taken the action in retaliation for Cohen’s tweets about his work on the anti-Trump book. The district court agreed–explicitly finding that Barr and Carvajal ordered the remand with the “purpose” of retaliating–and ordered Cohen’s release to home detention. Cohen completed his sentence at home in November 2021.

A month later, on Dec. 16, Cohen sued Trump, Barr, Carvajal, other corrections officials, and the US government for the alleged retaliatory imprisonment. He seeks damages against Trump, Barr, and the other officials under Bivens–a judicially created cause of action for damages against federal officers for constitutional violations–for violating Cohen’s rights under the First, Fourth, and Eighth Amendments. Cohen also seeks damages against the US government under the Federal Tort Claims Act, which allows plaintiffs to sue the federal government for damages if they are injured by certain torts committed by federal officers.

Case Status: Cohen filed the suit in New York federal court on December 16, 2021.

Update-1: Trump filed a motion to dismiss the suit on Apr. 4, 2022. He argued that presidential immunity shielded his conduct, that Bivens doctrine does not apply in federal prisoner suits against the President, and that Cohen had failed to plausibly allege that Trump was personally involved in the constitutional violations.

Update-2: On Aug. 2, 2022, the court heard oral argument on the defendants’ motion to dismiss.

Update-3: On Nov. 14, 2022, the district court dismissed Cohen’s suit, including his constitutional Bivens claims against Trump. The court found that recent Supreme Court decisions had significantly constrained the scope of such suits and concluded that Cohen’s claims failed under those precedents.


19. Criminal Investigations into Trump’s Finances
People of the State of New York v. Trump Corporation d/b/a Trump Organization, Trump Payroll Corp., d/b/a Trump Organization, Allen Weisselberg

Trump v. Deutsche Bank, No. 19-cv-03826 (S.D.N.Y. Apr. 29, 2019)

Trump v. Vance, No. 19-cv-08694 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 19, 2019)

Prosecuting Office: In 2019, then-President Trump sued to block subpoenas issued by three House Committees and the Manhattan District Attorney seeking his financial information in 2019. As of Feb. 22, the Manhattan DA now has access to Trump’s tax information.

Case Summary: In 2019, the House Intelligence and Finance Committees issued subpoenas to both Deutsche Bank and Capital One seeking information about then-President Trump’s finances. Before the banks complied with the subpoenas, Trump sued, seeking a declaratory judgment that they were unenforceable and an injunction that would have prevented the banks from disclosing Trump’s financial information. In addition, the House Oversight Committee subpoenaed Mazars, Trump’s accounting firm, demanding additional accounting information. Trump again sued to block the subpoena.

In parallel, Manhattan District Attorney, Cyrus Vance Jr., subpoenaed Mazars, for access to Trump’s tax records. Trump again sued to prevent the disclosure of this information.

All three cases reached the Supreme Court, where they were decided on the same day, July 9, 2020. The congressional subpoenas were combined into one case, and were remanded so the lower courts could consider separation of powers concerns raised by congressional committees subpoenaing a sitting president. In the Vance case, the Court ruled that a president’s financial information could be subpoenaed by a local district attorney.

Case Status: With the seating of the new Congress in January 2021, the Congressional subpoenas expired. The Vance subpoena again reached the Supreme Court, which on Feb. 22, refused to block it. His spokesperson has confirmed that the office now has access to Trump’s tax returns, including millions of pages of documents. Charges have not been filed.

Update-1: New reporting on Mar. 1 revealed that Vance’s investigation has focused on Trump Organization chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, whose potential cooperation with prosecutors could be a significant breakthrough in the investigation. On Mar. 31, the New York Times reported that Vance’s office has subpoenaed Weisselberg’s personal bank records, and on Apr. 8, investigators took possession of financial records from Weisselberg’s daughter-in-law.

Update-2: New reporting on Mar. 8 revealed that Vance’s probe has expanded to include investigation of a $130 million loan the Trump Organization received to build its Chicago tower, and whether the forgiveness of that loan was reported as income, as required by the IRS.

Update-3: On May, 25, 2021, the Washington Post reported that Vance has convened a special grand jury that is “expected to decide whether to indict former president Donald Trump, other executives at his company or the business itself should prosecutors present the panel with criminal charges.” According to the Post, “The move indicates that District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr.’s investigation of the former president and his business has reached an advanced stage …. It suggests, too, that Vance believes he has found evidence of a crime — if not by Trump then by someone potentially close to him or by his company.”

Update-4: On Jun. 4, ABC News and the New York Times report that Trump Organization senior vice president and controller, Jeff McConney is among a number of witnesses to have already appeared before the special grand jury. He is reportedly the first employee of the company called to testify.

Update-5: On July 1, prosecutors indicted the Trump Organization and the chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg with running a tax fraud scheme for over fifteen years. The indictment charges Weisselberg, the Trump Organization, and the Trump Payroll Co. with compensating Weisselberg and other Trump Organization executives with off-the-books funds that were unreported or misreported to federal, state, and local tax authorities.

The indictment includes a reference to the former President. It states that “as part of the scheme to defraud, Trump Corporation personnel … arranged for tuition expenses for Weisselberg’s family members to be paid by personal checks drawn on the account of and signed by Donald J. ‘Trump.” The indictment also refers to an “unindicted co-conspirator,” who is Jeff McConney, the Trump Organization’s controller, a person familiar with the investigation told CNN.

Update-6: Matthew Calamari Jr., the Trump Organization’s corporate director of security, and Jeffrey McConney, controller of the Trump Organization, appeared before a Manhattan grand jury on September 2. Calamari received “transactional immunity for the topics he testified about” while McConney was reportedly asked to clarify his previous grand jury testimony and respond to inquiries related to Calamari Sr.

Update-7: The Washington Post reports that the Manhattan DA has convened a second grand jury “to hear evidence about the Trump Organization’s financial practices and potentially to vote on criminal charges.” One source reported that the new grand jury will scrutinize whether Trump’s company manipulated the value of its assets–a practice that NY AG Letitia James is also investigating in her parallel civil probe.

Update-8: Donald Trump’s longtime accountant, Donald Bender, who worked for the firm Mazars, reportedly appeared before the grand jury. In recent weeks prosecutors’ also interviewed Rosemary Vrablic, a former managing director at Deutsche Bank. According to an anonymous source, “prosecutors pressed Vrablic about Trump’s role in dealings with the bank,” the Washington Post reported.

Update-9: On Jan. 1, 2022, Alvin Bragg replaced Vance as Manhattan DA and took the helm of the investigation into Trump’s finances. Before taking office, Bragg stated that he would be directly involved in the investigation and noted that he had asked two of Vance’s top prosecutors to continue working on the case.

Update-10: Two of the prosecutors working on the Trump case, Carey R. Dunne and Mark F. Pomerantz, resigned from the prosecution when Bragg indicated he had doubts on moving forward with the investigation. The New York Times later reported that Pomerantz stated that Trump was “guilty of numerous felony violations” and that it was “a grave failure of justice” not to prosecute him, according to a copy of Pomerantz’s resignation letter.

Update-11: On Apr. 7, 2022, Bragg publicly stated that the Trump investigation was continuing and revealed that his office had even questioned new witnesses. In a press release, Bragg stated, “I pledge that the Office will publicly state the conclusion of our investigation – whether we conclude our work without bringing charges, or move forward with an indictment.”

Update-12: On Aug. 18, 2022, Allen Weisselberg pleaded guilty to fifteen financial felonies including tax fraud and grand larceny. As part of the deal with the new DA Alvin Bragg, Weisselberg agreed to testify if the Trump Organization goes to trial on the tax fraud charges.

Update-13: On Oct. 24, the tax fraud trial against the Trump Organization began, and, on Nov. 21, the prosecution rested its side of the case.

Update-14: On Nov. 21, the New York Times reported that the DA’s office has resumed a criminal investigation of Trump’s possible hush money payment and associated falsification of business records.

Update-15: On Dec. 6, 2022, a jury convicted the Trump Organization of tax fraud and other crimes related to the company’s practice of giving out off-the-books perks to executives that were never taxed. Allen Weisselberg testified as the prosecution’s star witness against the company. Prosecutors never charged Trump himself over the scheme, though the prosecutors implicated him as being personally involved in the scheme.

Update-16: On Jan. 10, 2023, New York state court Judge Juan Merchan sentenced Allen Weisselberg to five months in prison for financial felonies including tax fraud and grand larceny.

Update-17: On Jan. 13, 2023, Judge Merchan sentenced the Trump Organization to pay $1.6 million in fines for its conviction on tax crimes.

20. DC Attorney General Incitement Investigation for Attack on U.S. Capitol
Prosecuting Office: DC Attorney General (AG)

Case Summary: DC Attorney General Karl Racine has said he is exploring whether to charge Trump with incitement. So far, his office has focused on a DC statute that makes it a misdemeanor to “incite or provoke violence where there is a likelihood that such violence will ensue.” Presumably, DC prosecutors are looking into Trump’s statements and tweets before and during the riot, gauging whether they amount to criminal incitement.

That said, Racine has cautioned that prosecuting Trump would be an uphill battle. Though the former president no longer could claim presidential immunity, the First Amendment may still shield his speech from prosecution. Under Brandenburg–the controlling case here–a speaker can be prosecuted for incitement only when their speech is both intended and likely to cause imminent lawless action. This is a notoriously difficult standard to meet, especially on the intent side. Even though some rioters have claimed they were following Trump’s instructions, Racine would need to actually prove it was Trump’s actual goal for them to do so. Despite the trail of incriminating statements Trump left behind, Racine may still have trouble meeting such a high bar.

Not only that, Racine has limited options in terms of what offenses he can charge. Because DC splits criminal jurisdiction with the U.S. government, Racine’s office can enforce only low-level crimes. As a result, he cannot charge Trump with arguably more applicable felonies, and is effectively limited to DC’s incitement statute. And as defense attorneys in DC have noted, this misdemeanor offense is typically charged in street-level disorderly conduct cases, arguably making it a poor fit.

Case Status: Racine’s office is investigating Trump’s conduct but has not filed charges.

Update: As of August 2022, there are no public signs that the DC AG is still investigating Trump.

21. Fulton County, Georgia Criminal Election Influence Investigation
Prosecuting Office: Fulton County, GA District Attorney’s Office.

Case Summary: On Feb. 10, 2021, the Fulton County DA’s Office opened an investigation into attempted election interference by former President Trump. The investigation is looking into potential violations of Georgia election laws, including the “solicitation of election fraud, the making of false statements to state and local governmental bodies, conspiracy, racketeering, violation of oath of office and any involvement in violence or threats related to the election’s administration.”

Case Status: On Feb. 10, 2021, the Fulton County DA’s Office sent letters to Governor Brian Kemp, Lieutenant Governor Duncan, Secretary of State Raffensperger, and Attorney General Carr informing them of the new investigation and requesting that all records relating to the election, including emails sent by employees from non-government accounts, be preserved.

Fulton County DA Fani Willis also reportedly plans to investigate a phone call between Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger where Raffensperger claims Graham asked the Secretary of State if he could throw out legally cast ballots. Graham’s spokesperson claims that this is not true and Graham was instead asking about the signature verification process. The DA’s office is also reportedly looking into whether Rudy Giuliani violated election laws in making false statements to Georgia officials.

The week of March 1 2021, prosecutors are expected to seek grand jury subpoenas for documents and witnesses connected to the investigation.

On Mar. 6, Willis brought on John Floyd, a national expert on state racketeering prosecution, to assist in racketeering investigations. He has not been brought on specifically for the Trump investigation, but as Willis is investigating racketeering in the Trump case, this development suggests that racketeering charges could play a larger role.

On Mar. 11, a recording of a call between then-President Trump and the chief investigator of the Georgia Secretary of State’s office, Frances Watson, was released By the Wall Street Journal. On the call, Trump urged Watson to look for fraud in mail-in ballots. The Fulton County DA’s Office has said that they will request a copy of the phone call.

Update-1: As of Mar. 28, there are reportedly two grand juries considering subpoenas for documents relevant to the investigation.

Update-2: Reporting (on Nov. 6 and Nov. 12) suggests that Willis is considering convening a special grand jury dedicated solely to allegations of election tampering in addition to the two grand juries that have already been convened.

Update-3: On Jan. 20, 2022, Willis submitted a letter to the chief judge of Fulton County’s Superior Court requesting a special grand jury for her investigation of President Trump. The letter states that a special grand jury will assist because a “significant number of witnesses and prospective witnesses have refused to cooperate with the investigation absent a subpoena requiring their testimony.”

Update-4: On Jan. 30, 2022, Willis requested the FBI to conduct a security safety assessment and provide other protective services following Trump’s alarming and charged rhetoric at a recent Texas rally. He called for massive protests against the “racist” and “vicious” prosecutors if they “do anything wrong.”

Update-5: On May 2, 2022, prosecutors convened a special grand jury to investigate “whether there were unlawful attempts to disrupt the administration of the 2020 elections here in Georgia.” The grand jury currently has up to one year to issue a report advising the local DA whether to pursue criminal charges against Trump.

Update-6: Grand jury proceedings began on May 27, 2022. The grand jury expects to hear testimony from “as many as 50 witnesses” and the process “is likely to last weeks.”

Update-7: On July 5, 2022, the grand jury issued subpoenas to several of Trump’s key associates who were allegedly involved in the election interference scheme. The targets include Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani; campaign lawyers John Eastman, Cleta Mitchell, Kenneth Cheseboro, and Jenna Ellis; Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.); and attorney Jacki Pick Deason. Under the subpoenas, these witnesses now must testify under oath before the grand jury.

Update-8: On July 13, 2022, Senator Graham moved to quash the grand jury subpoena by filing a motion in South Carolina federal court. Graham argued that he had legislative immunity–afforded by the Constitution’s Speech and Debate clause–because his calls to Georgia officials about the 2020 election qualified as legislative activity.

Update-9: On Aug. 2, 2022, Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer asked Willis’ office to delay his testimony because he was still recovering from a recent medical procedure. The Fulton County judge ultimately rejected that request and ordered Giuliani to appear before the grand jury on Aug. 17.

Update-10: On Aug. 11, 2022, Trump hired a high-profile Atlanta-based criminal defense attorney, Drew Findling, to represent him during the criminal proceedings.

Update-11: On Aug. 15, 2022, local prosecutors informed Rudy Giuliani that he was formally a “target” of their criminal investigation into election interference in Georgia, which generally means that an indictment is possible but not guaranteed. That same day, a federal judge rejected Senator Graham’s bid to avoid testifying, and ordered Graham to appear before the grand jury on Aug. 23.

Update-12: Senator Graham appealed the order requiring him to testify to the Eleventh Circuit, which then directed the district court to consider whether Graham’s testimony should be limited based on his legislative immunity claim. On Sept. 9, the district court ultimately ordered Graham to testify but also held that Graham could refuse to answer questions about his “investigatory fact-finding … related to his decision to certify … the 2020 presidential election” because those inquiries would fall under his immunized legislative duties. The court held, in line with its prior decisions and that of the court of appeals, that Graham could be questioned about three areas that fell outside of his legislative activities: (1) “any alleged efforts to ‘cajole’ or encourage Secretary Raffensperger or other Georgia election officials to throw out ballots or otherwise alter Georgia’s election practices and procedures;” (2) “Senator Graham’s alleged communications and coordination with the Trump Campaign and its post-election efforts in Georgia;” and (3) “Senator Graham’s public statements related to Georgia’s 2020 elections.”

Update-13: Graham appealed the district court’s order to the Eleventh Circuit, but the appeals court upheld the district court’s ruling. The panel held that Graham could be forced to testify in the probe because his legislative status did confer blanket immunity from questioning. Graham asked the Supreme Court to revisit that ruling, but the Court denied Graham’s request on Nov. 1, 2022

Update-14: On Nov. 22, Graham testified before the grand jury. His office released a statement saying, “Today, Senator Graham appeared before the Fulton County Special Grand Jury for just over two hours and answered all questions.”

Update-15: The Fulton County grand jury completed its investigation into election interference on Jan. 9, 2023. The judge scheduled a hearing for Jan. 24 to determine whether to release the grand jury’s report, including any recommendation on whether charges should be filed.

22. Westchester, New York Criminal Investigation of Trump Organization Golf Course
Prosecuting Office: Westchester District Attorney’s Office

Case Summary: Westchester District Attorney’s Office of Mimi E. Rocah has reportedly launched a criminal investigation, led by Elliott B. Jacobson, examining, at least in part, whether the Trump Organization misled local officials about the property value of its golf course to reduce its taxes.

Case Status: The full scope of the investigation is unknown but the office has subpoenaed records from the course.

23. National Archives Referral for Mishandled Classified Materials
Prosecuting Office: Department of Justice (via referral by National Archives); Office of the Special Counsel Jack Smith

Case Summary: In January 2022, the National Archives recovered fifteen boxes of documents from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida. Many of the documents were covered by the Presidential Records Act, which requires presidents to preserve and turn over their official records. The Archives later discovered that the boxes included “items marked as classified national security information.”

In response to a letter from the House Oversight Committee, the Archives confirmed on Feb. 18 that it had “identified classified information in the boxes” and had “been in communication with the Department of Justice” about Trump’s handling of those materials.

On Feb. 9, 2022, the Archives made a referral to the Justice Department for Trump’s handling of government records. On or before Apr. 29, 2022, the Justice Department notified Trump’s counsel Evan Corcoran that the Department had an “ongoing criminal investigation” into the handling of the government documents marked as classified. (The grand jury investigation was reported by the New York Times on May 12, 2022.)

Case Status: On or before Apr. 29, 2022, the Justice Department notified Trump’s counsel Evan Corcoran that the Department had an “ongoing criminal investigation” into the handling of the government documents marked as classified. (The grand jury investigation was reported by the New York Times on May 12, 2022.)

Update-1: On Apr. 7, 2022, the Washington Post reported that the DOJ plans to investigate Trump’s removal of official records to Mar-a-Lago.

Update-2: On May 12, 2022, the New York Times reported that the Justice Department has started a “grand jury investigation into whether classified White House documents that ended up at former President Donald J. Trump’s Florida home were mishandled,” and that the grand jury has issued at least one subpoena. That subpoena is to the National Archives to obtain the classified documents.

Update-3: On June 3, 2022, federal investigators removed classified documents from Mar-a-Lago under a grand jury subpoena.

On June 8, Trump’s attorneys received an email from federal investigators asking them to further secure the room where documents are being stored. The email asked that “the room at Mar-a-Lago where the documents had been stored be secured and that all the boxes that were moved from the White House to Mar-a-Lago (along with any other items in that room) be preserved in that room in their current condition until further notice,” according to the Wall Street Journal.

Following the June 3 visit, one of Trump’s lawyers reportedly signed a statement that all materials marked as classified and held in boxes in a storage area have been returned to the government. On June 22, the Trump Organization received a subpoena for surveillance tapes that covered areas of the club where the documents were possibly stored, which the FBI later obtained.

Update-4: On Aug. 8, 2022, FBI agents executed a search warrant on Mar-a-Lago and raided the club in search of additional classified materials beyond those taken in June. Attorney General Merrick Garland later confirmed that he had personally approved the search. The DOJ also asked a court to unseal the search warrant itself, which would reveal the alleged crimes that formed the basis of the warrant as well as the list of items taken during the search. Trump now has the option to oppose the unsealing, which he would need to do by Aug. 12.

Update-5: On Aug. 12, the court granted the DOJ’s motion and unsealed the warrant and property receipt. The warrant revealed that Trump is under investigation for violating three criminal statutes: destruction or removal of records, obstruction of justice, and mishandling classified information in violation of the Espionage Act. The property receipt indicated that agents had seized 11 sets of documents, some marked as highly classified.

Update-6: Several media outlets, including CNN and the Washington Post, asked the court to unseal the search warrant documents on Aug. 11. On Aug. 15, the DOJ responded by filing a motion urging the court to keep sealed the search warrant affidavit, which would specify the reasons why investigators believed they had probable cause to search the premises. The DOJ argued that the affidavit contains sensitive information that would “compromise” the government’s ongoing criminal investigation.

Update-7: On Aug. 22, 2022, Trump filed a lawsuit challenging the DOJ’s investigation in Florida federal court. Trump’s suit requested that the court appoint a special master to review the seized documents and to screen out any materials covered by attorney-client or executive privilege. The suit also asked the court to enjoin the DOJ from reviewing the documents and to order the DOJ to return some of Trump’s personal property.

Update-8: On Aug. 30, 2022, the DOJ filed a motion opposing Trump’s request to appoint a special master. The DOJ advanced several arguments, including that Trump lacked standing to challenge the seizure of presidential records, that an injunction against the DOJ’s investigation was inappropriate, that a a former president like Trump cannot assert executive privilege in scenarios like this, and that a special master is unnecessary because a government filter team could screen out privileged information.

Update-9: On Sept. 5, 2022, the district court granted Trump’s request to appoint a special master and enjoined the DOJ from reviewing the seized records as part of its criminal investigation. On Sept. 8, the DOJ filed a notice of appeal and asked the district court to stay its decision with respect to the classified materials. It argued that the DOJ was likely to win its subsequent appeal over the classified documents, because Trump could not possibly assert any personal interest in classified government records. The DOJ also explained that the government would suffer irreparable harm if it were enjoined from using the seized classified materials, because it needed to promptly conduct a national security risk assessment.

Update-10: On Sept. 15, the district court appointed the Hon. Raymond Dearie–a Senior Judge of the Eastern District of New York–as special master. The district court also denied the DOJ’s motion for a stay.

Update-11: The special master–Judge Dearie–held his first hearing on Sept. 20, 2022. Much of the argument focused on the status of the classified documents. Trump’s counsel argued that Judge Dearie should not take the DOJ’s word that some of the seized records were classified but stopped short of arguing that Trump had actually declassified them. According to reporting, the judge “expressed skepticism” at those arguments, and indicated that he would likely deem the records classified unless Trump offered contrary evidence.

Update-12: On Sept. 21, the Eleventh Circuit granted the DOJ’s motion for a stay, meaning that the DOJ can use the classified documents in its investigation and that the DOJ need not submit those documents to the special master for review. The appeals court agreed with the DOJ that Trump could not assert a personal interest in classified records, and also noted that Trump had so far refused to advance any actual evidence that the records had been declassified.

Update-13: On Nov. 22, the court of appeals heard oral argument (C-SPAN) on the merits of whether Judge Cannon should have exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion in the first place. The three-judge panel included two of the judges from the prior panel that affirmed the DOJ motion on Sept. 21. The two sides’ arguments on jurisdiction were practically the same as the arguments made in their briefs at issue in the Sept. 21 ruling.

Update-14: On Dec. 1, 2022, the Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruled in favor of the government’s petition to vacate Florida district court Judge Aileen Cannon’s order and dismiss the underlying civil action. The Eleventh Circuit held that Judge Cannon should have never exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion for return of property.

Monday, February 12, 2024 12:58 PM


Have you finished reading this yet Jack, comrade signym?


Originally posted by THG:
Originally posted by THG:
Originally posted by SignyM:

How the FBI covered up the laptop and the alphabet agencies and M$M united to smear one man: the laptop repairman's story

As a rule I'm not a fan of large posts. I don't think they serve a purpose. However, sometimes it is useful to show stupid people how stupid they are. To remind them everybody who reads their posts knows it.

Like this post that shows a concern for the rule of law from Signym. Like other posts from Jack, JSF and some infrequent posters. Yep, they're all in for the rule of law.

The problem they have is all the proof showing they are not. Like the proof I post here that they choose to ignore. Proof anyone with a healthy conative ability would recognize as showing Trump is a sick criminal. Yet, these chosen few deny deny deny.

I offer this proof showing they too are sick. And I'll remind you much more has occurred since 2021.


Originally published on Feb. 28, 2021; continually updated.

On both the criminal and civil litigation fronts, former President Donald Trump faces a bevy of lawsuits and investigations, with more cases likely to follow. Some are civil suits stemming from his pre-presidential business dealings. Others are defamation claims from women he allegedly assaulted. More still are criminal probes and civil actions that scrutinize his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. The Chart below tracks all these cases. It will be continually updated as major legal developments occur.

These cases bear on two pressing questions. First, will Trump maintain his long streak of eluding legal liability in the face of so many lawsuits? Second, if Trump is held to account for illegal conduct, what impact will such a development have on his—and his family’s—political and business fortunes?

Criminal charges—one would think—would be among the most damaging outcomes. After all, a criminal prosecution of a former president would be a singular event in American history. No former president has ever been indicted, much less convicted. Trump lost any immunity from indictment that he may have possessed as president the moment he left office on Jan. 20. To be sure, most of the criminal probes detailed below are in their infancy, so the odds of an actual conviction at this time remain improbable. Even so, the mere stigma of criminal charges against the former president could reshape the American political landscape and the historical understanding of Trump’s behavior.

The civil cases could certainly do their fair share of damage as well, directly or indirectly. If Trump falters in one of his business-related suits, his companies may be subject to massive penalties, or worse. Even apart from such sanctions, his empire is reportedly struggling under looming debt obligations and reduced revenues, a slump which could worsen if his reputation continues to deteriorate.

With these legal threats bearing down on the former president from nearly every direction, this tracker collects them in one place. Note: we have chosen not to include various cases involving Trump’s properties or the Trump Campaign —including slip-and-fall cases, allegations of bedbugs, water use cases, telephone spam suits, copyright suits, and discrimination suits—as they do not implicate Trump directly or it is very unlikely that they will. Below we’ve included key takeaways from each case along with case charts that explain the case’s main issue, procedural posture, and any upcoming deadlines. We will continue to update this information as new filings are docketed, new details emerge, new plaintiffs come forward or drop out, and other significant developments in the cases occur. If you believe we are missing a significant issue or development, send us a message at

Key Takeaways

1. E. Jean Carroll 1.0: Defamation and Federal Tort Claims Act Litigation

Carroll is suing Trump for defamation after he publicly accused her, in June 2019, of fabricating a rape allegation against him. The parties are currently involved in an appeal before the Second Circuit, where Trump (and so far, the Justice Department as well) is arguing that he had official immunity from Carroll’s defamation claim under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA).

Update: On Sept. 27, 2022, the Second Circuit asked the D.C. Court of Appeals to rule on whether Trump’s public denial fell within the scope of his employment under the FTCA.

2. E. Jean Carroll 2.0: Battery and Defamation

Carroll is suing Trump for battery alleging he raped her and for defamation on the basis of a lengthy statement he made on October 12, 2022. The claim of defamation is similar to the suit Carroll brought earlier, except this time Trump made his statement saying she fabricated the rape allegation after he was no longer in office. Accordingly, there is no prospect of his obtaining immunity under the Federal Tort Claims Act.

Carroll filed suit on the first day permitted under New York’s Adult Survivors Act, N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 214-j. The law provides a one-year window for sexual assault survivors to file civil claims even if the statute of limitations has passed.

3. Summer Zervos Defamation Suit (CASE CLOSED)

Summer Zervos, a former contestant on the Apprentice, has filed a civil suit against former President Trump for defamation after he claimed her allegations of his inappropriate sexual conduct were lies designed to help the Clinton campaign and improve her fame. The case is currently at the New York Court of Appeals, the highest New York state court.

Update-1: On Oct. 4, 2021, the trial court ruled that Trump could be deposed before Dec. 23, 2021.

Update-2: On Nov. 12, 2021, Zervos announced she is dropping the lawsuit.

4. Mary Trump Fraud Litigation

Mary Trump is suing Donald Trump for defrauding her out of millions of dollars in an inheritance dispute. The suit is pending in New York state court, where the parties are currently battling over former President Trump’s move to dismiss the case.

Update-1: On Sept. 21, 2021, Donald Trump filed a related lawsuit against Mary Trump, the New York Times, and several of its reporters.

Update-2: On Nov. 15, 2022, the court dismissed Mary’s suit against former President Trump. Mary Trump immediately filed a notice of appeal.

5. Panama Hotel Fraud and Tax Litigation (CASE CLOSED)

Ithaca Capital is suing Trump’s hotel management company for fraud in federal court. Primarily, Ithaca claims that Trump representatives exaggerated the value of a Panama hotel during Ithaca’s negotiations to purchase it.

Update: On Sept. 15, 2021, the parties agreed to end the lawsuit.

6. Doe v. The Trump Corporation Class Action

A group of anonymous plaintiffs have filed a class action against the Trump family and their business, alleging that the Trumps used their brand to scam investors into paying for worthless business opportunities. The district court denied the Trumps’ bid to force the case into arbitration, and the Trumps are now appealing.

7. DC Civil Suit over Misuse of 2017 Inauguration Funds (CASE CLOSED)

In a non-criminal suit, the DC Attorney General is suing several Trump-affiliated entities for misusing inauguration funds to enrich Trump’s family business. The suit is currently in discovery before DC’s local court, where the AG’s office is deposing key Trump executives, notably including his children.

Update: On May 3, 2022, the Trump Organization and Trump’s inaugural committee agreed to settle the suit by paying a total of $750,000.

8. Reps. Karen Bass et al. Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Capitol Attack

Ten members of the House of Representatives, represented by the NAACP, are suing Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and two right wing militia groups for conspiring to forcibly prevent Congress from counting the Electoral College votes on Jan. 6.

Update: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the § 1985 claim against him.

9. Eric Swalwell Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

On Mar. 5, 2021, Representative Eric Swalwell sued Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump Jr., and Congressman Mo Brooks in federal court over the Jan. 6 riots. Swalwell alleges that the defendants violated federal civil rights laws–including the Ku Klux Klan Act–when they conspired to interfere with the Electoral College Count on Jan 6. Beyond that, Swalwell also says the defendants should be held liable for negligently violating DC criminal codes on incitement, encouraging the rioters’ violent conduct, and intentionally inflicting emotional distress on members of Congress.

Update: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, negligence per se, DC anti-bias law, and aiding and abetting assault. The court granted Trump’s request to dismiss the § 1986, emotional distress, and negligence claims.

10. Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

Two Capitol Police officers–both on duty during the Jan. 6 insurrection–sued Donald Trump for injuries they sustained while protecting the Capitol. Both allege that the rioters physically attacked them with fists, chemical spray, and other weapons. They allege that the former president, by his incendiary words and conduct, directed the physical attack and emotional distress.

Update: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, directing and aiding and abetting assault, and negligence per se. The court granted Trump’s motion to dismiss the emotional distress, punitive damages, and civil conspiracy claims.

11. Second Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

A second group of Capitol Police officers filed suit against Trump, the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, and other affiliates involved in allegedly planning and executing the Jan. 6 riots. The seven officers claim that they were physically and emotionally injured by attackers that Trump instigated, and that Trump and his co-defendants conspired to disrupt congressional business in the certification of electoral votes.

12. Third Capitol Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots

A third suit was filed by a Capitol Police officer alleging that physical and emotional injuries he suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot.

13. Metropolitan Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots

Two Metropolitan Police Officers filed suit alleging that physical and emotional injuries they suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot. The officers seek compensatory and punitive damages.

14. NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund Voting Rights Case for Post-Election Actions

The LDF is suing Trump, the Trump Campaign, and the RNC for their efforts to overturn the 2020 election in violation of the Voting Rights Act and the Ku Klux Klan Act. While the litigation is still at its early stages, Trump faces damages and a declaratory judgment that he did indeed violate these provisions of the law.

15. New York Attorney General’s Civil and Criminal Investigations

Since March 2019, New York Attorney General Letitia James has been investigating allegations that the Trump Organization altered property values to avoid tax liabilities. The investigation began after Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen provided congressional testimony that Trump engaged in fraud. In October 2020, James’s office deposed Eric Trump, and in January 2021 a state court judge ruled that Trump’s tax attorneys must turn over thousands of documents.

Update-1: On May 18, 2021, a spokesperson for New York’s Attorney General said, “We have informed the Trump Organization that our investigation into the organization is no longer purely civil in nature. We are now actively investigating the Trump Organizations in a criminal capacity, along with the Manhattan DA.”

Update-2: On Dec. 1, 2021, AG James subpoenaed Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, and Donald Trump Jr., seeking to question them about the real estate valuations.

Update-3: On Dec. 20, 2021, Trump filed his own lawsuit against James in federal court, accusing her of targeting him out of political animosity and asking the court to halt her investigation. The district court dismissed that suit on May 27, 2022.

Update-4: On Feb. 17, 2022, the state court ruled that the NY AG can question Donald Trump, Ivanka, and Donald Jr. under oath. On June 8, 2022, the Trumps tentatively agreed to be questioned under oath by James’s office in mid-July.

Update-5: On Aug. 10, 2022, AG James deposed Trump, but he repeatedly declined to answer her questions and instead invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

Update-6: On Sept. 21, 2022, the NY AG sued Trump and his children in NY state court. The civil lawsuit seeks $250 million in damages and accuses the Trumps of repeatedly overvaluing their real estate assets in a scheme designed to obtain favorable bank loans.

16. Scotland Unexplained Wealth Orders

In February 2021, the Scottish Parliament voted to reject an investigation into unexplained cash transactions executed by the Trump Organization’s Scottish golf courses. A non-profit group is now challenging that decision in Scottish court.

17. Trump Tower Assault Suit (CLOSED)

A group of six protesters are suing Trump over allegations that Trump’s security guards assaulted them outside Trump Tower in 2015. The case is pending in New York state court.

Update: On Oct. 18, 2021, former President Trump sat for a four-hour deposition to answer questions about the incident.

Update-2: Nov. 2, 2022, the parties reached a settlement in the case, details of the settlement agreement have not been disclosed.

18. Michael Cohen Retaliatory Imprisonment Suit

Michael Cohen–Donald Trump’s former attorney who served a three-year sentence for Trump-related crimes–is suing Trump, the US government, and other officials for allegedly retaliating against Cohen after he announced a tell-all book detailing his years of legal work for Trump. Cohen alleges that, after the announcement, Trump and his co-defendants retaliated by trying to bar Cohen from using social media and by sending Cohen back to prison from home confinement.

Update: The court dismissed Cohen’s lawsuit on Nov. 14, 2022.

19. Criminal Investigations into Trump’s Finances

During his presidency, the Manhattan District Attorney investigated Trump’s finances. Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance gained access to Trump’s tax information in the course of a criminal investigation into potential tax crimes, insurance fraud, and other financial crimes under state law. Criminal charges have not been filed against Trump, but have been filed against his longtime CFO and against the Trump Organization. The case was taken over by the new DA Alvin Bragg.

Update: New reporting on Mar. 1 revealed that Vance’s investigation has focused on Trump Organization chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, whose potential cooperation with prosecutors could be a significant breakthrough in the investigation. On Mar. 31, the New York Times reported that prosecutors have subpoenaed Mr. Weisselberg’s personal bank records, and on Apr. 8, investigators took possession of financial records from Weisselberg’s daughter-in-law.

Update: New reporting on Mar. 8 revealed that Vance’s probe has expanded to include an investigation of a loan the Trump Organization received to build its Chicago tower, and whether the forgiveness of that loan was reported as income.

Update: Vance has convened a special grand jury that is “expected to decide whether to indict former president Donald Trump, other executives at his company or the business itself should prosecutors present the panel with criminal charges,” the Washington Post reported on May 25, 2021. “The move indicates that District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr.’s investigation of the former president and his business has reached an advanced stage …. It suggests, too, that Vance believes he has found evidence of a crime — if not by Trump then by someone potentially close to him or by his company.”

Update-1: On Jun. 4, ABC News reported that Trump Organization senior vice president and controller, Jeff McConney is among a number of witnesses to have already appeared before the special grand jury. He is reportedly the first employee of the company called to testify. The New York Times reported that the District Attorney’s office has subpoenaed McConney, but could not confirm if he has testified.

Update-2: On July 1, 2021, the DA charged the Trump Organization and its chief financial officer Weisselberg for an alleged 15-year-lJuly 1, 2021 Trump Organization chargesong tax fraud scheme. The indictment included reference to an “unindicted co-conspirator,” who is Jeff McConney, the Trump Organization’s controller, a person familiar with the investigation told CNN.

Update-3: On Aug. 18, 2022, Allen Weisselberg pleaded guilty to fifteen financial felonies including tax fraud and grand larceny. As part of the deal with the new DA Alvin Bragg, Weisselberg agreed to testify if the Trump Organization goes to trial on the tax fraud charges.

Update-4: On Nov. 21, the New York Times reported that the DA’s office has resumed a criminal investigation of Trump’s possible hush money payment and associated falsification of business records.

Update-5: On Dec. 6, 2022, a jury convicted the Trump Organization of tax fraud and other crimes related to the company’s practice of giving out off-the-books perks to executives that were never taxed.

20. DC AG Incitement Criminal Investigation

The DC Attorney General, Karl Racine, has announced a criminal investigation into Trump’s alleged role in provoking the Jan. 6th riots. No charges have been filed, though Racine’s office is reportedly looking into a local DC code that makes it a misdemeanor to incite violence.

21. Fulton County, Georgia Criminal Election Influence Investigation

The Fulton County DA’s Office has opened a criminal investigation into attempted election interference by Trump. The DA’s Office has requested that all official and unofficial emails concerning the election be preserved and has reportedly also planned to look into a call between Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger as part of the investigation as well as Rudy Giuliani’s potential false statements to Georgia officials.

Update: On May 2, 2022, the Fulton County state prosecutors convened a special grand jury to investigate “whether there were unlawful attempts to disrupt the administration of the 2020 elections here in Georgia.” Proceedings began on May 27, 2022, and are expected to last several months.

22. Westchester, New York Criminal Investigation of Trump Organization Golf Course

The Westchester District Attorney’s Office reportedly launched an investigation which probes, at least in part, whether the Trump Organization misled local officials on the property values of its golf course in order to reduce its taxes.

23. Mishandling of Classified and other Government Documents

On Feb. 9, 2022, after finding classified documents in fifteen boxes recovered from Mar-a-Lago the previous month, the National Archives made a referral to the Justice Department for Trump’s handling of government records. The Archives had recovered the classified materials when it retrieved the boxes of official records from Trump’s Florida residence. On or before Apr. 29, 2022, the Justice Department notified Trump’s counsel Evan Corcoran that the Department had an “ongoing criminal investigation” into the handling of the government documents marked as classified. (The grand jury investigation was reported by the New York Times on May 12, 2022.)

Update: On Aug. 8, 2022, FBI agents searched Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida. On Aug. 11, Attorney General Merrick Garland confirmed in public remarks that he had personally approved the search.

Update: On Aug. 22, 2022, Trump filed a lawsuit challenging the DOJ’s investigation in Florida federal court. Trump’s suit requested that the court appoint a special master to review the seized documents and to screen out any materials covered by attorney-client or executive privilege. The suit also asked the court to enjoin the DOJ from reviewing the documents and to order the DOJ to return some of Trump’s personal property.

Update: On Sept. 5, 2022, district court Judge Aileen Cannon granted Trump’s request to appoint a special master and enjoined the DOJ from reviewing the seized records as part of its criminal investigation. The DOJ appealed to the Eleventh Circuit, and in its first ruling, on Sept. 21, the court of appeals granted the DOJ’s motion for a limited stay, meaning that the DOJ could use the classified documents in its investigation and that the DOJ need not submit those documents to the special master for review.

Update: On Nov. 22, the court of appeals heard oral argument (C-SPAN) on the merits of whether Judge Cannon should have exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion in the first place. The three-judge panel included two of the judges from the prior panel that affirmed the DOJ motion on Sept. 21. The two sides’ arguments on jurisdiction were practically the same as the arguments made in their briefs at issue in the Sept. 21 ruling.

Update: On Dec. 1, 2022, the Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruled in favor of the government’s petition to vacate Florida district court Judge Aileen Cannon’s order and dismiss the underlying civil action. The Eleventh Circuit held that Judge Cannon should have never exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion for return of property.


1. E. Jean Carroll Defamation Suit 1.0
Carroll v. Trump, No. 20-cv-07311, 2020 WL 6277814 (S.D.N.Y. Oct. 27, 2020), appeal docketed, No. 20-03977 (2d Cir. Nov. 25, 2020)

Plaintiff: E. Jean Carroll, a journalist and advice columnist

Case Summary: In 2019, Carroll publicly accused then-President Trump of sexually assaulting her in a New York City department store in the 1990s. A few hours later, Trump denied Carroll’s allegation and accused her of fabricating the story to drum up publicity for her upcoming book. Carroll then sued Trump for defamation in New York state court, alleging that Trump defamed her when he publicly accused her of falsifying the assault story.

After nearly a year of state court proceedings–and with Carroll’s counsel angling to sample Trump’s DNA for comparison with Carroll’s dress from the alleged assault–the Justice Department moved to intervene on Trump’s behalf under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA). This move threatened to quash the suit. In effect, the FTCA (as amended by the Westfall Act) provides blanket immunity to federal employees who commit certain torts–including defamation–arising out of their official duties. According to the DOJ, the president’s official duties include speaking to the press about public matters–which would mean that Trump had immunity from any defamatory statements he made about Carroll.

The DOJ’s intervention also derailed the state court proceedings: because FTCA claims must be litigated in federal court, Carroll’s suit was automatically removed to the Southern District of New York (SDNY). In federal court, Carroll argued that Trump’s statements were not protected by the FTCA. In short, Carroll contended that (i) Trump was not covered by the FTCA because the president is not an “employee”; and (ii) Trump’s statements about Carroll fell outside his official presidential duties.

On both counts, the court agreed. Though removal was irreversible, the court held that the FTCA did not cover Trump’s actions, so Carroll’s defamation suit could proceed against Trump in his personal capacity. Acting separately, the DOJ and Trump both appealed. Trump also requested the court stay the district court proceedings until that appeal is resolved.

Case Status: In the SDNY proceedings, the parties filed opposing memoranda on Trump’s motion to stay in December 2020.

At the Second Circuit, the DOJ and Trump filed separate opening briefs on Jan. 15, 2021. Carroll’s attorneys then requested an Apr. 16, 2021 due date for their brief. Notably, her counsel explicitly selected that date so the Biden DOJ would have time to reassess the Trump administration’s position that Trump was acting within the scope of his employment when he allegedly defamed Carroll. The Second Circuit granted that scheduling request.

Update-1: Carroll filed her brief on Apr. 16, 2021, urging the appeals court to uphold the decision below.

Update-2: Despite the change in administration, the Biden DOJ filed a reply brief on June 7, 2021, that backed Trump’s argument that the FTCA covered his conduct. It echoed the core arguments from the Trump DOJ’s opening brief that the president is an “employee” under the FTCA and that elected officials act within the scope of their employment when they respond to media inquiries.

Update-3: On Sept. 15, 2021, the district court denied Trump’s motion to stay (i.e., halt) the proceedings while the case is on appeal before the Second Circuit.

Update-4: On Dec. 1, 2021, Trump requested permission to amend his response to Carroll’s suit in the district court proceedings. In that filing, he signaled that he wanted to invoke the protection of New York’s new anti-SLAPP law, which attempts to screen out frivolous defamation suits by raising the burden of proof and imposing mandatory fee-shifting. Carroll filed a response opposing Trump’s request on Dec. 15. The district court scheduled a hearing for Feb. 22, 2022 to hear arguments over Trump’s motion to amend.

Update-5: The Second Circuit heard oral argument on Dec. 3, 2021. Much of the discussion centered on whether Trump’s remarks about Carroll–including his “she’s not my type” retort–fell within the scope of his employment. On that score, Trump’s personal attorneys continued to argue that Trump’s allegedly defamatory remarks were part of his official duties because he was speaking to the press at the time. The DOJ’s attorney–arguing for the executive branch–echoed that point, explaining that “any president facing a public accusation of this kind … would feel obliged to … answer questions from the media.” Carroll’s counsel conceded that, because DC treats scope of employment expansively, Trump would have been acting within that scope if he had simply said Carroll’s accusations were false. Even so, Carroll’s attorney stressed that Trump went far beyond a bare denial–and therefore exceeded the scope of his employment–because he was motivated by “personal spite and malice” when he rebuffed Carroll’s claims.

Update-6: On Mar. 11, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s request to amend his complaint.

Update-7: On May 5, 2022, the parties agreed to resume discovery in the district court. Though Carroll’s attorneys have conceded that they will not depose Trump, they could once again seek a DNA sample from Trump. If Trump opposes that request, Carroll’s attorneys would need to ask the district court to order Trump to submit to the sample.

Update-8: The district court scheduled the case for trial starting on Feb. 6, 2023.

Update-9: On Sept. 20, 2022, Carroll notified the court that she planned to file a second lawsuit against Trump over the 1990s rape allegation. Unlike the defamation claim–which alleges that Trump defamed Carroll for falsely denying the rape allegation–this new suit would accuse Trump of the rape directly. Although the statute of limitations had expired for the now thirty-year-old rape claim, Carroll explained that a new state law called the Adult Survivors Act temporarily reopens the window to file for old sexual assault claims. Carroll also suggested that the district court should consolidate the new suit with the defamation claim and try both together in February 2023. Trump immediately filed a letter opposing that suggestion.

Update-10: On Sept. 27, 2022, the Second Circuit granted Trump a partial win, reversing the district court and holding that Trump as president qualified as an “employee” under the FTCA. However, the appeals court left open the question of whether Trump was acting within the scope of his employment when he publicly disparaged Carroll and instead asked the D.C. Court of Appeals to rule on that question. If the DC appeals court concludes that Trump’s remarks fell within his official duties, then Carroll’s defamation claim would fail, because the FTCA bars defamation suits against the federal government.

Update-11: On Jan. 13, 2023, the district court ordered the release of a partial transcript of Trump’s deposition, during which Trump denied the rape allegations.

2. E. Jean Carroll Defamation Suit 2.0
Carroll v. Trump, No. Case 1:22-cv-10016 (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 24, 2022)

Plaintiff: E. Jean Carroll, a journalist and advice columnist

Case Summary: In 2019, Carroll publicly accused then-President Trump of sexually assaulting her in a New York City department store in the 1990s. A few hours later, Trump denied Carroll’s allegation and accused her of fabricating the story to drum up publicity for her upcoming book. Caroll then sued Trump for defamation in New York state court, alleging that Trump defamed her when he publicly accused her of falsifying the assault story.

While that suit was ongoing, Trump issued a lengthy statement on Oct. 12, 2022 saying that Carroll “completely made up” the allegations against him.

On Nov. 24, 2022, Carroll filed a new federal suit against Trump, this time suing the former Presidents for battery involving the alleged rape in the 1990s and for defamation based on Trump’s October 2022 statement. Because Trump had left office at the time of that statement, Carroll argued that Trump could indisputably no longer claim official immunity, unlike in Carroll’s earlier suit.

Carroll filed suit on the first day permitted under New York’s Adult Survivors Act, N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 214-j. The law provides a one-year window for sexual assault survivors to file civil claims even if the statute of limitations has passed.

Case Status: Trump moved to dismiss Carroll’s lawsuit on Dec. 21, 2022. He argued that the Adult Survivor’s Act–which reopened the window for Carroll to sue Trump for the alleged 1990s assault–violated New York’s constitutional due process protections. He also responded to Carroll’s new defamation claim on the merits, calling it “baseless and legally defective.”

Update-1: On Jan. 13, 2023, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss.

3. Summer Zervos Defamation Suit (CASE CLOSED)
Zervos vs. Trump, No. 150522/2017 (N.Y. Sup Ct. Jan. 17, 2017), appeal docketed, No. APL-2020-00009 (N.Y. Mar. 9, 2020)

Plaintiff: Summer Zervos, former contestant on the Apprentice

Case Summary: On Jan. 17, 2017, Zervos filed a suit in New York State Court against Trump for defamation. During Trump’s campaign, many women, including Zervos, accused Trump of inappropriate sexual conduct. In her complaint against Trump, Zervos claims that in 2007, while she sought employment from Trump, he kissed her on the lips and touched her inappropriately. After she rejected his advances, his attitude became very business-like and he later offered her a job for half the salary she was seeking. She attempted to contact Trump, noting that she felt she was being “penalized for not sleeping with him.” Trump said he could not discuss it with her at the time. Zervos says she decided to come forward with these allegations after the Billy Bush Access Hollywood Tape showed Trump speaking in a derogatory manner toward women. In response to her allegations, Trump claims she was lying and was only making these accusations to help the Clinton campaign or to get fame.

Zervos alleges that, as a result of Trump’s claims, she has suffered both emotional and financial harm.

Case Status: Trump filed a motion to dismiss and a stay for the duration of his presidency. On Oct. 3, 2018, the court denied Trump’s motion, finding that, if the facts alleged by the plaintiff are true, she has a reasonable claim to recover for defamation. The court also found that there were no federalism or comity concerns that would suggest that a state court could not hear suit against the sitting president for nonofficial acts. A panel of New York appellate judges affirmed this judgment in October 2019, finding that the president is “not above the law” and that the defamation suit can go forward.

This motion has been appealed to the New York Court of Appeals, the highest New York state court.

Pending the decision from the New York Court of Appeals, in March 2020, the court ruled that Zervos cannot “dig for evidence” in the interim. In 2021, with Trump out of office, Zervos has filed a motion to move the lawsuit forward.

Update-1: On Mar. 30, the New York Court of Appeals denied Trump’s appeal on his motion to dismiss the case. Trump originally filed the motion claiming that a state court could not hear a suit against a sitting president. The court stated, in a one-sentence order, that issues were now moot, and the case can now go forward.

Update-2: On Oct. 4, 2021, the trial court ruled that Zervos could depose Trump before Dec. 23, 2021. According to Law360, this appears to be the “first time that Trump would have to answer questions under oath about his alleged sexual misconduct.” In discussing the schedule for depositions, Michael Rand, a law clerk for New York State Judge Jennifer Schechter, who is overseeing the lawsuit, reportedly “said he expected a trial date to be set sometime in the early part of 2022.”

Update-3: On Nov. 12, 2021, Zervos announced she is dropping the lawsuit.

4. Mary Trump Fraud Litigation
Trump v. Trump, No. 654698/2020 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. filed Sept. 24, 2020)

Plaintiff: Mary Trump, the former president’s niece

Case Summary: In September 2020, Mary Trump sued Donald Trump, her uncle, for allegedly defrauding her out of tens of millions of dollars. When Mary’s father–Donald Trump’s brother–died in 1981, he left Mary a valuable stake in the Trump property empire. Mary was a minor at the time, so Donald Trump and his siblings took control of her share, ostensibly to look after Mary’s interest over the long run.

But according to Mary, that didn’t happen. In her lawsuit, she alleges that the Trump siblings siphoned off revenue from her share and set up an ongoing scheme to artificially devalue her assets. This went on for nearly two decades. Then, when Trump patriarch Fred Sr. (Donald Trump’s father) died in 1999, Mary took issue with the terms of his will. The Trump siblings immediately pushed back and started maneuvering to force Mary out of the family holdings altogether. After lengthy probate proceedings, and with Mary’s legal fees steadily climbing, the siblings delivered an ultimatum: they would not settle the probate case unless Mary relinquished all interests in the family fortune, including those from her late father.

According to Mary, the Trumps offered a settlement figure that woefully undervalued her share of the family holdings. Still, she ultimately accepted a settlement in April 2001, apparently still unaware she was being sold short.

Then, over fifteen years later, the New York Times broke its 2018 story that the Trump Organization had long been fraudulently manipulating the values of its assets. From there, Mary says she realized that she had settled for tens of millions of dollars less than what her stake was actually worth.

Two years later, Mary published a book accusing the Trumps of shorting her out of her rightful share. She then filed this lawsuit in New York state court on Sept. 24, 2020, accusing Donald Trump and his siblings of fraud and breach of fiduciary duty.

Case Status: Trump moved to dismiss the case on Jan. 4, 2021. Mary filed a response on Feb. 26, 2021. As of December 2021, the court has not yet ruled on the motion.

Update-1: The state court dismissed Mary’s suit on Nov. 15, 2022. It ruled that her claims were barred because she agreed to release such legal claims when she accepted the Trumps’ settlement offer in 2001. She immediately appealed that ruling.

Donald Trump vs. Mary Trump and NYT: On Sept. 21, 2021, Donald Trump filed his own lawsuit against Mary Trump, the New York Times, and several of its reporters. Mr. Trump alleges that his niece provided confidential documents–including his tax records–to the NYT reporters, who then used those documents to write their 2018 story on the Trump Organization’s alleged manipulation of asset prices. He asserts that her conduct breached their 2001 settlement, and that the Times and its reporters should be liable for encouraging her to do so. Ms. Trump and the Times defendants moved to dismiss that suit on Dec. 2, 2021.

5. Panama Hotel Fraud and Tax Litigation (CASE CLOSED)
Ithaca Cap. Invs. v. Trump Pan. Hotel Mgmt., No. 18-cv-00390 (S.D.N.Y. Mar. 30, 2020)

Plaintiff: Ithaca Capital, a real estate holding company that purchased a majority of the Trump International Hotel in Panama

Case Summary: Donald Trump’s private hotel business–Trump International Hotels Management–is embroiled in federal litigation over a hotel management deal gone bad. Until 2018, Trump International operated a luxury hotel in Panama. As was its standard business practice, Trump International contracted with a separate owner to provide management services and use of the “Trump” label. When a prior owner went bankrupt in 2015, Ithaca Capital moved to purchase a majority of the hotel’s units. But per Ithaca, Trump representatives made a series of fraudulent claims that oversold the hotel’s profitability. Unaware, Ithaca went ahead with the purchase.

The hotel soon ran into financial trouble, and the relationship between the two parties collapsed. Once Ithaca ended the partnership, it claims to have discovered that Trump International had allegedly underreported costs, diverted hotel revenue, and failed to pay income taxes.

After a brief round of arbitration proceedings, Ithaca sued Trump International in the Southern District of New York. Ithaca made several claims against Trump. First, Ithaca argued that Trump representatives–including Eric and Donald Jr.–made exaggerated claims about the hotel’s value. Second, they argued that Trump International breached their agreement by mismanaging the hotel. And third, Ithaca asserted that Trump International improperly diverted hotel revenues for their own use.

Case Status: Trump International challenged each of Ithaca’s claims and asserted several counterclaims of its own. On Mar. 30, 2020, the district court upheld all three of Ithaca’s claims and dismissed all but one of Trump’s counterclaims. Trumps’ remaining counterclaim–for tortious interference–alleges that Ithaca interfered with Trump’s other hotel contracts when Ithaca forced him out of their partnership.

The parties are currently in discovery and are due to finish by Fall 2021.

Update: The parties filed a series of sealed letters in July and August 2021. On Sept. 15, 2021, the parties voluntarily agreed to end the suit.

6. Doe v. The Trump Corporation Class Action
Doe v. Trump Corp., No. 18-cv-09936 (S.D.N.Y. Oct 29, 2018), appeal docketed, No. 20-01706 (2d Cir. May 28, 2020)

Plaintiffs: (Anonymous) Jane Doe, Luke Loe, Mary Moe, Richard Roe

Case Summary: On Oct. 30, 2018, a class action lawsuit was filed against the Trump Corporation, Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and Eric Trump. The complaint alleges that the defendants used their brand name to defraud thousands of working class individuals by promoting numerous businesses in exchange for “secret payments.” The companies include ACN Opportunity, LLC (a business based on a controversial multi-level marketing scheme), the Trump Network, LLC (another multi-level marketing scheme), and Business Strategies Group, LLC (a seminar claiming to sell the Trump secrets to success). The lawsuit also claims that the defendants are liable for a “pattern of racketeering activity” violating the RICO Act (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) as well as activity violating numerous state consumer protection laws concerning fair business practices and competition.

On July 24, 2019, the District Court judge partially granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss. The judge dismissed the RICO claims because the Complaint did not “sufficiently plead that Defendants’ conduct was the proximate cause of Plaintiffs’ losses.” However, she ruled that the other claims concerning the state laws will not be dismissed under Class Action Fairness Act (CAFA).

Case Status: The Trumps’ moved to compel forced arbitration and the district court judge denied the motion in April 2020. The court held that the defendants were not party to the arbitration agreement (between ACN and the plaintiffs) and thus, could not compel arbitration. She also found that the motion to compel arbitration was in bad faith as they are acting in a manner that is “substantively prejudicial towards the plaintiffs” and not within the spirit of the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA). The Trumps have filed an interlocutory appeal to the Second Circuit.

Following the denial of compelled arbitration, the Trumps also filed a motion to stay, or a motion to halt the legal process. The district court denied this motion, citing the four traditional factors that must be balanced when granting a stay and finding that the defendants have not met the requirements to grant a stay.

Update-1: On July 28, 2021 in a 3-0 decision, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the district court’s judgement and ruled that the Trump family could not compel arbitration. The court found that since there was no “close relationship” between Trumps and ACN such that the plaintiffs could reasonably infer that their arbitration agreement extended to the Trumps. Thus, the court concluded, the “defendants are not entitled to compel the plaintiffs to arbitrate this dispute.” As of September 2021, the court has not yet ruled on the summary judgment motions.

Update-2: On March 25, CNN reported that former President Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and Eric Trump all agreed to be deposed. Their depositions will take place in May and June.

7. DC Civil Suit over Misuse of 2017 Inauguration Funds (CASE CLOSED)
District of Columbia v. 58th Presidential Inauguration Comm., No. 2020-CA-00488-B (D.C. Super. Ct. Sept. 9, 2020)

Prosecuting Office: DC Attorney General (AG)

Case Summary: In the run-up to Trump’s 2017 swearing-in, his inaugural committee raised a record $107 million to spend on inauguration festivities. As a nonprofit, the inaugural committee was bound to use these charitable funds for the public good, namely by organizing events to celebrate the 2017 presidential inauguration.

But as the DC AG alleges, the inaugural committee used over $1 million of those funds in an improper bid to enrich the Trump family’s private businesses. DC’s attorneys are now suing the inaugural committee, the Trump International Hotel, and the Trump Organization over that alleged misspending. Chief among the allegations, the DC AG claims that the committee paid exorbitant rates to rent space in the Trump International Hotel in downtown DC. The committee, for instance, allegedly paid $175,000 to rent the main ballroom on the same day that another nonprofit paid only $5,000–a rate 35 times higher. On top of that, the committee allegedly ignored much better deals available at other upscale locations, settling instead on overpaying for space at the Trump location.

The DC AG frames these payments as an under-the-table attempt to divert charitable funds to the Trumps’ private holdings. The complaint focuses on possible misconduct by committee executive Rick Gates, who also held key roles in the Trump campaign. (Gates would later cooperate with the Mueller investigation.) To tie in the Trump entities, the complaint asserts that the Trump businesses knew it was overcharging the non-profit committee, and points to internal negotiations between the parties that allegedly show both sides were aware of the extreme rates. The DC AG is asking the court to compel the Trump business to put the misspent funds into a trust where they can be put toward charitable purposes.

Case Status: The defendants–the committee itself along with the two Trump businesses–moved to dismiss the suit, but the district court denied that motion in September 2020. On Jan. 11, 2021, the DC AG added a new allegation that the committee improperly used its nonprofit funds to pay a hotel bill on behalf of Trump’s private business. The suit is currently in discovery, and the AG’s office has already deposed several high-level Trump executives, including Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr.

Update-1: The DC AG moved for summary judgment on Mar. 24, 2021. All three defendants responded by filing their own motions for summary judgment on Apr. 8, 2021.

Update-2: On Nov. 8, 2021, the DC court partially granted Trump’s motion for summary judgment, dismissing the waste claim but allowing the private enrichment claim to proceed. Addressing the waste claim, the judge explained that the evidence did not show that the Trump defendants intentionally threw away money when they paid the extravagant rates at Trump’s hotel. Even so, the court ruled that the DC AG may still be able to show that the Trumps illegally enriched themselves with committee funds, and gave the green light for that claim to go to trial. The court also dismissed the Trump Organization from the case on grounds that DC lacked jurisdiction over them.

Update-3: On Feb. 14, 2022, the DC court reversed its earlier decision dismissing the Trump Organization and reinstated it as a defendant in the suit. The DC court also affirmed its summary judgment decision to dismiss the waste claims. The case is scheduled for trial in September 2022.

Update-4: On May, 3, 2022, the Trump Organization and Trump’s inaugural committee agreed to pay a total of $750,000 to settle the suit. Under the deal, the Trump Organization will pay $400,000 and the committee will pay the remaining $350,000.

8. Karen Bass et al. Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Capitol Attack
Thompson v. Trump, No. 21-cv-00400 (D.D.C. filed Feb. 16, 2021)

Plaintiff: Rep. Karen R. Bass, Rep. Stephen I. Cohen, Rep. Veronica Escobar, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, Rep. Henry C. Johnson, Jr., Rep. Marcia C. Kaptur, Rep. Barbara J. Lee, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, Rep. Maxine Waters, and Rep. Bonnie M. Watson Coleman, represented by the NAACP

Case Summary: On Feb. 16, 2021, Mississippi Congressman Bennie Thompson sued former President Trump and Rudy Giuliani along with two right-wing militia groups known as the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers, for violating the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, 42 U.S.C. § 1985(1). In the complaint, Thompson alleges that Trump violated the Ku Klux Klan Act by inciting the rioters with the intent to prevent Members of Congress from discharging their official duties of the timely approval of the Electoral College vote. He argues that after Trump’s loss in the November 2020 election, the then-President set out on a campaign to mobilize his supporters, culminating in the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol. It portrays Trump’s rhetoric on the morning of Jan. 6 as a call to arms and as intended to prevent the certification of the election.

The Act was passed in 1871 in response to violence and intimidation by the KKK intended to stop Black people from voting. The legislation allows Members of Congress to sue individuals who conspire to violently “molest, interrupt, hinder, or impede” the discharge of a public official’s duties.

Thompson seeks compensatory damages for his emotional distress suffered during the attack in addition to punitive damages.

Case Status: On Apr. 7, 2021, ten additional members of Congress joined the lawsuit as plaintiffs. The defendants then moved to dismiss on May 26. In Trump’s motion, he argued (i) that he has absolute immunity because he was acting as president; (ii) that even if he did not have absolute immunity, the Westfall Act shields him from any personal liability; (iii) that members of Congress cannot sue under the KKK Act; and (iv) that his speech was protected by the First Amendment. As of September 2021, the court has not ruled on the motions.

Update-1: On July 21, 2021, Rep. Thompson announced that he would withdraw from the lawsuit to avoid any conflict with the Jan. 6 House Select Committee, which Thompson is chairing. The other plaintiffs–all members of Congress who are not on the Committee–confirmed that they would continue the lawsuit.

Update-2: Judge Mehta–who is also presiding over the Swalwell and Blassingame 1/6 suits–scheduled a combined oral argument for Jan. 10, 2022, for all three cases.

Update-3: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the § 1985 claim against him.

Update-4: On Mar. 18, 2022, Trump appealed the district court’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit consolidated the appeal with those in the Swalwell and Blassingame 1/6 suits.

Update-5: Trump filed his appeal brief on July 27, 2022. He challenged only the district court’s ruling that he lacked absolute presidential immunity, arguing that his speech surrounding Jan. 6 fell within his official presidential duties.

9. Eric Swalwell Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Riots
Swalwell v. Trump, No. 21-cv-00586 (D.D.C. filed Mar. 5, 2021)

Plaintiff: Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA)

Case Summary: On Mar. 5, 2021, Representative Eric Swalwell sued Donald Trump and several associates in DC federal court over the Jan. 6 riots. Much like Representative Bennie Thompson’s related suit, Swalwell alleges that Trump and his co-defendants–Donald Trump Jr., Representative Mo Brooks (R-AL), and Rudy Giuliani–violated the Ku Klux Klan Act by conspiring to interfere with the Electoral College count on Jan. 6.

Swalwell’s suit also goes one step further: it claims that the defendants should be held civilly liable for negligence because they committed criminal incitement under DC’s local code, which establishes the standard of care. Notably, Swalwell says that Trump violated the same DC code–§22-1321(a)(2)–that DC AG Karl Racine is apparently focusing on in his own criminal investigation into Trump’s conduct.

Beyond the civil rights and incitement counts, Swalwell also claims that the defendants are liable for encouraging (aiding and abetting) the rioters’ violent conduct and for intentionally inflicting emotional distress on members of Congress in connection with the attack on the Capitol.

Case Status: Swalwell filed his complaint on Mar. 5, 2021.

Update-1: On May 17, 2021, Giuliani filed a motion to dismiss the claims against him. He argued that his speech did not qualify as incitement, that he never formed a conspiracy with the other defendants or the rioters, and that his speech was ultimately protected by the First Amendment.

Update-2: On May 24, 2021, Donald Trump and his son Donald Jr. filed their own motion to dismiss. Most notably, former President Trump argued that he had absolute immunity against Swalwell’s claims because Trump’s alleged misconduct was within the scope of his official duties as president. Both Trump and Trump Jr. also contended that their speech was protected under the First Amendment and the canonical Brandenburg test. The Trumps also advanced various other arguments ranging from standing to the political question doctrine to even a claim that Swalwell was barred from suing Trump over the same conduct for which Trump was acquitted at his impeachment trial.

Update-3: On July 1, 2021, Swalwell filed a motion for default judgment against Brooks, arguing that Brooks had missed the deadline to respond to the lawsuit. Brooks responded with his own motion urging the court to dismiss the lawsuit because he was acting within the “scope of his employment,” which would essentially block the case under the Westfall Act. The district court denied Swalwell’s motion for a default judgment on July 5 but has not yet ruled on Brooks’s motion.

Update-4: On July 27, 2021, the Justice Department submitted a brief stating that Brooks was not acting within the scope of his employment and thus not shielded by the Westfall Act. The House of Representatives filed a response taking a “non-participation approach” (silence) on the question whether Brooks acted within his scope of employment. The Chairwoman of the Committee on House Administration submitted a brief stating that Rep. Brooks was not acting within his scope of employment.

Update-5: Judge Mehta–who is also presiding over the Bass and Blassingame 1/6 suits–scheduled a combined oral argument for Jan. 10, 2022, for all three cases.

Update-6: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, negligence per se, DC anti-bias law, and aiding and abetting assault. The court granted Trump’s request to dismiss the § 1986, emotional distress, and negligence claims.

Update-7: On Mar. 18, 2022, Trump appealed the district court’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit consolidated the appeal with those in the Bass and Blassingame 1/6 suits.

Update-8: Trump filed his appeal brief on July 27, 2022. He challenged only the district court’s ruling that he lacked absolute presidential immunity, arguing that his speech surrounding Jan. 6 fell within his official presidential duties.

10. Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots
Blassingame v. Trump, No. 21-cv-00858 (D.D.C. filed Mar. 30, 2021)

Plaintiff: James Blassingame and Sidney Hemby, two Capitol police officers

Case Summary: On Mar. 30, 2021, two Capitol Police Officers sued Donald Trump for injuries they sustained during the Jan. 6 riots in DC. The officers–James Blassingame and Sidney Hemby–say they were maced with bear spray, attacked with fists and flagpoles, and even crushed against a door as they tried to protect the Capitol from pro-Trump intruders.

Much like the other Jan. 6 suits against Trump, the officers pin their injuries on Trump’s incendiary rhetoric before and during violence. Both allege that Trump directed the rioters to assault them, aided the rioters in committing those assaults, and negligently incited the riot in violation of DC’s public safety codes. Blassingame also accuses Trump of directing intentional infliction of emotional distress, pointing to the racial slurs and taunts that the intruders allegedly hurled at him during the violence.

Case Status: The officers filed their suit in DC federal court on Mar. 30, 2021. On Apr. 28, 2021, the plaintiffs added two new conspiracy claims against Trump, one based on the KKK Act and the other on common law conspiracy. They allege that Trump illegally conspired with the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers to storm the Capitol, which in turn caused the plaintiffs’ injuries.

Update-1: Donald Trump filed a motion to dismiss on June 24, 2021. He repeated many of the arguments from his motions to dismiss in the Bass and Swalwell suits, including absolute presidential immunity, freedom of speech, and preclusion based on Trump’s impeachment acquittal.

Update-2: Judge Mehta–who is also presiding over the Bass and Swalwell 1/6 suits–scheduled a combined oral argument for Jan. 10, 2022, for all three cases.

Update-3: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, assault, and negligence per se. The court granted Trump’s motion to dismiss the emotional distress, punitive damages, and civil conspiracy claims.

Update-4: On Mar. 18, 2022, Trump appealed the district court’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit consolidated the appeal with those in the Swalwell and Bass 1/6 suits.

Update-5: Trump filed his appeal brief on July 27, 2022. He challenged only the district court’s ruling that he lacked absolute presidential immunity, arguing that his speech surrounding Jan. 6 fell within his official presidential duties.

11. Second Capitol Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots
Smith v. Trump, No. 21-cv-02265 (D.D.C. filed Aug. 26, 2021)

Plaintiff: Seven Capitol Police officers

Case Summary: On Aug. 26, 2021, a second group of Capitol Police officers filed suit over injuries they suffered while defending the Capitol on Jan. 6. The officers allege that Trump and his co-defendants–including the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers–conspired to incite a riot and attack the Capitol, leaving the officers physically and emotionally injured.

Like the other Jan. 6 lawsuits against Trump, the complaint asserts that Trump violated the KKK Act by conspiring to instigate the riots. The complaint also alleges that unnamed defendants–listed as “John Does” who carried out the attack–physically assaulted the officers at Trump’s provocation, which could make Trump liable for the officers’ injuries.

The plaintiffs also add in a unique claim not found in other Jan. 6 lawsuits against Trump: that the defendants violated the DC Bias-Related Crimes Act, a local hate-crime statute. According to the complaint, the defendants were motivated by political bias against the Democratic Party when they instigated and executed the Capitol attack.

Case Status: The officers filed their suit in DC federal court on Aug 26, 2021.

Update-1: Donald Trump filed a motion to dismiss on Nov. 12, 2021. Much like in the other Jan. 6 suits, Trump argued that his speech was constitutionally protected by presidential immunity, the First Amendment, and preclusion as a result of the impeachment acquittal.

Update-2: On Dec. 5, 2021, the plaintiffs amended their complaint to add an eighth officer as a plaintiff and to add a pro-Trump PAC as an additional defendant. The court ruled that the defendants could file new motions to dismiss against this amended complaint, due by Dec. 23, 2021.

Update-3: Trump filed a motion to dismiss the amended complaint on Jan. 31, 2022. He once again argued that the plaintiffs failed to state a claim and that Trump’s speech was protected by absolute immunity and the First Amendment.

Update-4: The district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss on Jan. 26, 2023.

12. Third Capitol Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots
Moore v. Trump, No. 22-cv-00010 (D.D.C. filed Jan. 4, 2022)

Plaintiff: Marcus J. Moore, US Capitol Police Officer

Case Summary: On Jan. 4, 2022, a third suit was filed by a Capitol Police officer alleging that physical and emotional injuries he suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot. The officer seeks compensatory and punitive damages.

The officer claims that the actions, tweets, and comments made by Trump prior, during, and after the insurrection resulted in actual physical injuries as rioters struck him and attacked him with physical objects and chemical agents. Like other Jan. 6 lawsuits, the officer claims Trump violated the KKK Act as Trump conspired to attack the Capitol with his followers. The officer, like earlier lawsuits, further cited violations of the D.C. Code for inciting a riot and disorderly conduct.

Case Status: The officer filed his suit in DC District Court on January 4, 2022.

13. Metropolitan Police Suits over the Jan. 6. Riots
Tabron v. Trump, No. 22-cv-00011 (D.D.C. filed Jan. 4, 2022)

Plaintiff: Bobby Tabron and DeDivine K. Carter, Metropolitan Police Officers

Case Summary: On Jan. 4, 2022, two Metropolitan Police Officers filed suit alleging that physical and emotional injuries they suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot. The officers seek compensatory and punitive damages.

The officers claim that the actions, tweets, and comments made by Trump prior, during, and after the insurrection resulted in actual physical injuries as rioters struck them and attacked them with physical objects and chemical agents. Like other Ja. 6 lawsuits, the officers claim Trump violated the KKK Act as Trump conspired to attack the Capitol with his followers. The officers, like earlier lawsuits, further cited violations of the D.C. Code for inciting a riot and disorderly conduct.

Case Status: The officers filed their suit on January 4, 2022.

14. NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund Voting Rights Case
Mich. Welfare Rights Org. v. Trump, No. 20-cv-03388 (D.D.C. filed Nov. 20, 2020)

Plaintiff: Michigan Welfare Rights Organization and the NAACP, represented by the NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund (LDF).

Case Summary: On Nov. 20, 2020, LDF sued then-President Trump and the Trump campaign alleging that their post-election conduct violated Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act, 52 U.S.C. § 10307(b). After losing the election, Trump spent weeks pressuring Republican election officials not to certify the election—in particular, the complaint examines the actions of Wayne County Republican election officials who first voted not to certify the election, though they eventually did. Section 11(b) forbids intimidation of voters, those aiding voters, and certain election officials. Voting is broadly defined in the Voting Rights Act, covering “all action necessary to make a vote effective[,] … including … having such ballot counted properly and included in the appropriate totals of votes cast.”

In December 2020, the complaint was amended to include the NAACP as a plaintiff, the Republican National Committee as a defendant, and alleged a new claim: that defendants violated the Ku Klux Klan Act, which prohibits conspiracies to deprive someone of equal protection under law or the right to vote. 42 U.S.C. § 1985(3). LDF argues that Trump’s efforts to discard votes in cities with large Black populations meets the statutory definition.

LDF seeks statutory damages, a declaratory judgment, and injunctive relief that would prevent defendants from intimidating voters and election officials in the future.

Case Status: On Feb. 25, 2021, the defendants moved to dismiss the case. They had a variety of arguments, including that the case was filed in the wrong court, that the cited statutes do not allow a private party to bring litigation, and that their conduct did not violate the statutes. As of September 2021, the court has not yet ruled on the motions.

Update-1: On Mar. 31, 2022, the district court partially granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss, dismissing the VRA claims for lack of standing and holding the § 1985(3) claims in abeyance. On the standing point, the district court concluded the plaintiffs lacked standing for an injunction. The court reasoned that even if the defendants had illegally interfered with the plaintiffs’ voting rights in the past, there was no imminent threat that the defendants would do so again.

Update-2: On June 16, the plaintiffs requested permission to file a second amended complaint with new factual allegations that could remedy the standing issues on the VRA claim.

Update-3: On Nov. 28 the district court granted plaintiffs’ request to file a second amended complaint. In granting the plaintiff’s motion, the court concluded that “Plaintiffs have adequately alleged … that the Trump Defendants not only caused great harm to Plaintiffs in the past but also pose a very substantial risk in the future to Plaintiff’s fundamental right to vote.”

15. NY Civil Suit over Fraudulent Real Estate Practices
People v. Trump Org., No. 451685/2020 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. Dec. 15, 2020)

Plaintiff: New York Attorney General (AG)

Case Summary: In March 2019, New York Attorney General Letitia James launched a civil probe investigating allegations that the Trump organization inflated and deflated property values to avoid tax liability and for other financial benefits. She began her investigation after Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen testified before Congress that Trump had engaged in fraud. While there is some overlap, James has noted that her investigation differs from and is independent of the Manhattan DA criminal investigation.

Much of her probe has focused on Seven Springs, a Trump-owned property in New York. In December 2019, James subpoenaed the Trump Organization, seeking records related to a $21 million tax deduction that Trump claimed against the property in 2015. Per her court filings, James is exploring whether Trump improperly inflated the property’s value to boost the size of the tax benefit.

James is also looking into other transactions relating to Trump properties. She is investigating whether Trump failed to pay taxes on debt forgiven during the financial restructuring of the Trump Hotel & Tower in Chicago and the appraisal of the LA Trump National Golf Club used for his conservation tax break, which was substantially higher than metrics typically used to value golf properties.

Case Status: In connection with the Seven Springs subpoenas, James’s office deposed Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg and Eric Trump in September and October 2020. Both refused to testify and instead invoked the Fifth Amendment over 500 times. She also sought related records held by Trump’s tax lawyers. His counsel initially refused to produce them, claiming they were shielded by attorney-client privilege. The state court judge disagreed, ruling on Jan. 29, 2021 that the tax attorneys must turn over thousands of documents about the tax deductions.

Update-1: On May 18, 2021, Fabien Levy, a spokesperson for New York’s Attorney General said, “We have informed the Trump Organization that our investigation into the organization is no longer purely civil in nature. We are now actively investigating the Trump Organizations in a criminal capacity, along with the Manhattan DA.”

Update-2: On Dec. 9, 2021, the Washington Post reported that AG James is seeking to depose Trump in January 2022 as part of her fraud investigation into the Trump Organization’s property valuations.

Update-3: On Jan. 3, 2022, a court order revealed that James’s office also subpoenaed Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. on Dec. 1. According to the order, James seeks to question the two Trump children–in addition to Trump Sr., as previously reported–about the potentially fraudulent real estate valuations. The Trumps immediately responded by filing a motion to quash the subpoenas. They argued that, because the NY AG is also running a “joint” criminal investigation into the Trumps with the Manhattan DA, the AG’s office cannot use purely civil subpoenas and must instead use a grand jury to question Trump and his children. The Trumps reasoned that grand jury subpoenas provide greater protection to witnesses–including immunity–and that James was trying to “circumvent” those protections by using civil subpoenas instead.

Update-4: James subpoenaed the General Services Administration to determine how it decided to lease the historic post office to former President Trump. As part of an ongoing civil investigation into Trump’s fraudulent real estate practices, James is reportedly attempting to use the documents to determine whether Trump had a practice of providing false information to the advantage of his business.

Update-5: On Feb. 17, 2022, the state court rejected Trump’s subpoena challenge and ruled that Donald, Ivanka, and Donald Jr. must sit for questioning under oath. The judge directed the Trumps to submit to these depositions within 21 days. The Trumps plan to appeal the decision, according to a family spokeswoman.

Update-6: On Feb. 28, 2022, the Trumps appealed the court’s decision ordering them to sit for depositions.

Update-7: On Mar. 3, 2022, the parties agreed to delay the depositions until after the state appeals court rules on the Trumps’ appeal.

Update-8: On Apr 7, 2022, James’s office filed a motion with the state court requesting Trump be held in contempt for failing to turn over subpoenaed documents. Her office requested a daily fine of $10,000 until Trump complies. The court has not ruled on her request.

Update-9: On Apr. 25, 2022, a NY state Judge held Trump in contempt of court for failure to respond to the AG’s subpoenas. The court assessed a fine of $10,000 per day until Trump meets the request.

Update-10: On Apr. 27, 2022, Trump appealed the contempt ruling and the $10,000-a-day fine. Trump also asked the district court to pause the fine while he appeals, but the court denied that request.

Update-11: On May 11, 2022, the trial court halted the daily fine but ordered Trump to pay the $110,000 balance by May 20. Though Trump paid the fine by the deadline, the judge kept the contempt order in place, leaving the door open for it to climb if Trump does not comply with the judge’s orders.

Update-12: On May 26, 2022, a New York appeals court ruled that Trump and two of his children–Donald Jr. and Ivanka–must sit for questioning by AG James’s office. The appeals court rejected Trump’s arguments that James was acting out of political animus. Trump’s attorney appealed the ruling to the New York Court of Appeals, the state’s highest court, which has discretion to take up or ignore the appeal.

Update-13: On June 8, 2022, Trump and two of his children–Donald Jr. and Ivanka–agreed to be questioned under oath by James’s office in mid-July, unless the New York high court decides to intervene and hear their appeal.

Update-14: On June 14, 2022, New York’s highest court declined to hear the Trumps’ appeal. This clears the way for James’s office to depose the Trumps.

Update-15: James’s office deposed Donald Trump Jr. on July 28, 2022 and Ivanka Trump on Aug. 3, 2022. Both reportedly participated in the deposition and did not invoke their Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination.

Update-16: AG James deposed Trump Sr. on Aug. 10, 2022. Trump repeatedly declined to answer her questions and instead invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. Reportedly, Trump asserted the Fifth more than 400 times in response to varying questions about his businesses, property valuations, and loans.

Update-17: On Sept. 21, 2022, the NY AG sued the Trumps in NY state court. The civil suit alleges that the Trumps repeatedly overvalued their real estate holdings in a long-running scheme designed to obtain favorable terms on bank loans. The complaint seeks to recover $250 million in damages and asks the court to bar the Trumps from running any businesses in New York state. It names Donald Sr., Donald Jr., Eric, and Ivanka Trump as defendants, along with the Trump Organization and several of its executives. Although AG James’s suit seeks only civil penalties, her office also sent criminal referrals to both the IRS and federal prosecutors.

Update-18: On Jan. 6, 2023, the trial court denied the Trumps’ motion to dismiss James’s lawsuit.

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Donald Trump v. Letitia James: On Dec. 20, 2021, Donald Trump filed his own suit against AG James in federal court. He accused James of targeting Trump out of political animus and asked the court to enjoin her under § 1983 from continuing her investigation into Trump and his companies. To back up his claim, Trump pointed to a string of James’s social media posts that allegedly suggested a political motive. Trump asserted that James’s investigation violates his constitutional rights, including his First Amendment rights by targeting him for his political activities and his Fourth Amendment rights by harassing him with bad faith subpoenas. In subsequent filings. James has asked the judge to dismiss the suit and has refused to cease investigating.

Update-1: On Jan. 26, 2022, James moved to dismiss Trump’s suit. She argued that Trump’s suit should be dismissed under several federal abstention doctrines, under res judicata, and for failing to state a claim.

Update-2: On May 27, 2022, the district court dismissed Trump’s suit, which will allow James’s investigation to continue. The district court reasoned that Trump’s suit was barred by Younger abstention, a doctrine that bars federal courts from stopping state court proceedings like James’s civil enforcement suit against Trump. For his part, Trump had argued that Younger abstention shouldn’t apply because James was investigating him in bad faith. The district court rejected that argument, finding that James’s proceeding had a “legitimate factual predicate” and that there was no evidence that James was acting in a harassing or bad faith manner.

Update-3: Trump filed a notice of appeal on May 27, 2022.

Update-4: Trump withdrew his lawsuit on Jan. 24, 2023.

16. Scotland Unexplained Wealth Orders
Plaintiff: Avaaz Foundation against the Scottish Ministers and Others

Case Summary: On February 3, 2021, the Scottish Parliament voted to reject calls from the opposition party, the Scottish Greens, to investigate the Trump Organization’s golf courses through an Unexplained Wealth Order (UWO). UWOs are a mechanism designed to prevent suspected corrupt foreign officials from laundering potentially stolen funds into the UK. They require an individual or organization to reveal the sources of their unexplained wealth and, while they do not automatically trigger criminal proceedings, they can result at least in confiscation of assets. The concerns that led to the push to investigate Trump arose when Trump spent many hundreds of millions of dollars to purchase and refurbish golf courses within Scotland with all-cash transactions. This was particularly suspicious since Trump had financed large scale purchases with debt prior to these transactions. It is disputed whether Eric Trump made a statement indicating that the funds had come from Russia.

The co-leader of the Scottish Greens stated, “Scotland cannot be a country where anyone with the money can buy whatever land and property they want, no questions asked, and the Scottish Greens will continue to challenge vested interests that protect people like Trump rather than our communities.” Eric Trump criticized the suit, stating that “at a critical time when politicians should be focused on saving lives and reopening businesses in Scotland, they are focused on advancing their personal agendas.”

Case Status: The non-profit global rights pressure group, Avaaz Foundation, sought to challenge the Scottish Parliament vote and, in May, filed a petition in the highest civil court in Scotland to review the decision not to pursue a UWO. On Aug. 11, 2021, Lord Sandison of the Scottish Court of Session ruled the petition seeking “judicial review of the approach of the Scottish ministers in determining whether to apply to the court for UWOs” should “proceed without condition or restriction.” He ruled that their case has “real prospects of success.” Scotland’s High Court will likely hear the case later this year.

Update-1: On Nov. 25, 2021, in a victory for the defendants, Lord Sandison ruled that only the Lord Advocate General of Scotland may issue a UWO, not the Scottish ministers. Advocates are now asking for the Lord Advocate to take action.

Update-2: As of January 2023, there are no indications that the Scottish investigation is progressing.

17. Trump Tower Assault Suit (CASE CLOSED)
Galicia v. Trump, No. 24973/2015 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. filed Sept. 9, 2015)

Plaintiff: A group of six protesters

Case Summary: On Sept. 3, 2015, the plaintiffs were demonstrating on the sidewalk outside Trump Tower in Manhattan. According to the plaintiffs–who self-identify as of Mexican origin–they were protesting the “inflammatory” anti-Mexican statements that Trump made during 2015 campaign events. Soon after the plaintiffs arrived, Trump Tower security guards allegedly attacked them and destroyed their protest signs.

That same month, the plaintiffs sued Trump, the Trump Organization, Trump’s campaign, Trump’s head bodyguard, and the alleged attackers in New York state court. The plaintiffs allege that Trump and his co-defendants are liable for assault and battery, conversion and destruction of property, and tortious interference with political speech. To tie Trump to his guards’ conduct, the plaintiffs allege that Trump was careless in hiring and supervising his security detail and, separately, that Trump should be held vicariously liable–a type of secondary liability often used to hold employers to account for their employee’s harmful actions. To prevail against Trump on this vicarious liability theory, the plaintiffs would need to show that the guards (i) were acting as Trump’s employees or agents at the time and (ii) attacked the plaintiffs to advance Trump’s interests in some way.

Case Status: Trump and his co-defendants moved to dismiss the claims for property destruction and interference with political speech in Dec. 2015. The court dismissed the political speech interference claim but permitted the rest of the claims to advance.

After the defendants moved for summary judgment in 2017, the court dismissed the negligent hiring and supervision claims against Trump and the Trump Organization. However, the court allowed the remaining claims to go forward, including the vicarious liability claims that Trump should be personally liable for his guards’ conduct.

Update-1: On Oct. 18, 2021, Trump sat for a four-hour deposition to answer questions about the alleged assault. According to the plaintiffs’ lawyer, Trump was asked about “a variety of issues including statements he has made at various campaign events and rallies that counsel believes encouraged violence at those events or encouraged security guards to engage in violence or the confiscation of property.” The plaintiffs’ lawyer also said he intends to play a video of Trump’s deposition at trial, which is not yet scheduled.

Update-2: On Apr. 26, 2022, a court filing revealed fifty pages of testimony from Trump’s deposition. Trump testified that he did not send his security staff after the protestors or direct them to grab their signs.

Update-3: Nov. 2, 2022, the parties reached a settlement in the case, details of the settlement agreement have not been disclosed.

18. Michael Cohen Retaliatory Imprisonment Suit
Cohen v. United States, No. 21-cv-10774 (S.D.N.Y. filed Dec. 16, 2021)

Plaintiff: Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s former attorney

Case Summary: On Dec. 16, 2021, Michael Cohen sued Donald Trump, former Attorney General Bill Barr, the US government, and other officials in federal court for retaliatory imprisonment. Cohen alleges that, after he announced plans to publish a damaging book about his legal work for Trump, the defendants retaliated by sending Cohen back to federal prison from home confinement.

At the time, Cohen was serving a three-year sentence for several crimes related to his work for Trump, including lying to Congress about Trump’s Moscow business and orchestrating illegal campaign expenditures to cover up Trump’s extramarital affairs. Several months into the COVID outbreak, the Bureau of Prisons–then led by defendant Michael Carvajal–granted Cohen’s medical request to be released on “furlough” followed by a transition to home confinement for the rest of his sentence. But according to Cohen, Trump and his co-defendants interfered with that transition. While Cohen was out on furlough, he tweeted about his plans to release a tell-all memoir about his work for Trump. Shortly after, corrections officers demanded that Cohen agree to a home confinement condition that barred Cohen from posting on social media and publishing his book. After Cohen allegedly hesitated to agree, the BOP nixed the home confinement plan and remanded Cohen back to federal prison.

Cohen then filed a habeas petition challenging the remand and arguing that corrections officials had taken the action in retaliation for Cohen’s tweets about his work on the anti-Trump book. The district court agreed–explicitly finding that Barr and Carvajal ordered the remand with the “purpose” of retaliating–and ordered Cohen’s release to home detention. Cohen completed his sentence at home in November 2021.

A month later, on Dec. 16, Cohen sued Trump, Barr, Carvajal, other corrections officials, and the US government for the alleged retaliatory imprisonment. He seeks damages against Trump, Barr, and the other officials under Bivens–a judicially created cause of action for damages against federal officers for constitutional violations–for violating Cohen’s rights under the First, Fourth, and Eighth Amendments. Cohen also seeks damages against the US government under the Federal Tort Claims Act, which allows plaintiffs to sue the federal government for damages if they are injured by certain torts committed by federal officers.

Case Status: Cohen filed the suit in New York federal court on December 16, 2021.

Update-1: Trump filed a motion to dismiss the suit on Apr. 4, 2022. He argued that presidential immunity shielded his conduct, that Bivens doctrine does not apply in federal prisoner suits against the President, and that Cohen had failed to plausibly allege that Trump was personally involved in the constitutional violations.

Update-2: On Aug. 2, 2022, the court heard oral argument on the defendants’ motion to dismiss.

Update-3: On Nov. 14, 2022, the district court dismissed Cohen’s suit, including his constitutional Bivens claims against Trump. The court found that recent Supreme Court decisions had significantly constrained the scope of such suits and concluded that Cohen’s claims failed under those precedents.


19. Criminal Investigations into Trump’s Finances
People of the State of New York v. Trump Corporation d/b/a Trump Organization, Trump Payroll Corp., d/b/a Trump Organization, Allen Weisselberg

Trump v. Deutsche Bank, No. 19-cv-03826 (S.D.N.Y. Apr. 29, 2019)

Trump v. Vance, No. 19-cv-08694 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 19, 2019)

Prosecuting Office: In 2019, then-President Trump sued to block subpoenas issued by three House Committees and the Manhattan District Attorney seeking his financial information in 2019. As of Feb. 22, the Manhattan DA now has access to Trump’s tax information.

Case Summary: In 2019, the House Intelligence and Finance Committees issued subpoenas to both Deutsche Bank and Capital One seeking information about then-President Trump’s finances. Before the banks complied with the subpoenas, Trump sued, seeking a declaratory judgment that they were unenforceable and an injunction that would have prevented the banks from disclosing Trump’s financial information. In addition, the House Oversight Committee subpoenaed Mazars, Trump’s accounting firm, demanding additional accounting information. Trump again sued to block the subpoena.

In parallel, Manhattan District Attorney, Cyrus Vance Jr., subpoenaed Mazars, for access to Trump’s tax records. Trump again sued to prevent the disclosure of this information.

All three cases reached the Supreme Court, where they were decided on the same day, July 9, 2020. The congressional subpoenas were combined into one case, and were remanded so the lower courts could consider separation of powers concerns raised by congressional committees subpoenaing a sitting president. In the Vance case, the Court ruled that a president’s financial information could be subpoenaed by a local district attorney.

Case Status: With the seating of the new Congress in January 2021, the Congressional subpoenas expired. The Vance subpoena again reached the Supreme Court, which on Feb. 22, refused to block it. His spokesperson has confirmed that the office now has access to Trump’s tax returns, including millions of pages of documents. Charges have not been filed.

Update-1: New reporting on Mar. 1 revealed that Vance’s investigation has focused on Trump Organization chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, whose potential cooperation with prosecutors could be a significant breakthrough in the investigation. On Mar. 31, the New York Times reported that Vance’s office has subpoenaed Weisselberg’s personal bank records, and on Apr. 8, investigators took possession of financial records from Weisselberg’s daughter-in-law.

Update-2: New reporting on Mar. 8 revealed that Vance’s probe has expanded to include investigation of a $130 million loan the Trump Organization received to build its Chicago tower, and whether the forgiveness of that loan was reported as income, as required by the IRS.

Update-3: On May, 25, 2021, the Washington Post reported that Vance has convened a special grand jury that is “expected to decide whether to indict former president Donald Trump, other executives at his company or the business itself should prosecutors present the panel with criminal charges.” According to the Post, “The move indicates that District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr.’s investigation of the former president and his business has reached an advanced stage …. It suggests, too, that Vance believes he has found evidence of a crime — if not by Trump then by someone potentially close to him or by his company.”

Update-4: On Jun. 4, ABC News and the New York Times report that Trump Organization senior vice president and controller, Jeff McConney is among a number of witnesses to have already appeared before the special grand jury. He is reportedly the first employee of the company called to testify.

Update-5: On July 1, prosecutors indicted the Trump Organization and the chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg with running a tax fraud scheme for over fifteen years. The indictment charges Weisselberg, the Trump Organization, and the Trump Payroll Co. with compensating Weisselberg and other Trump Organization executives with off-the-books funds that were unreported or misreported to federal, state, and local tax authorities.

The indictment includes a reference to the former President. It states that “as part of the scheme to defraud, Trump Corporation personnel … arranged for tuition expenses for Weisselberg’s family members to be paid by personal checks drawn on the account of and signed by Donald J. ‘Trump.” The indictment also refers to an “unindicted co-conspirator,” who is Jeff McConney, the Trump Organization’s controller, a person familiar with the investigation told CNN.

Update-6: Matthew Calamari Jr., the Trump Organization’s corporate director of security, and Jeffrey McConney, controller of the Trump Organization, appeared before a Manhattan grand jury on September 2. Calamari received “transactional immunity for the topics he testified about” while McConney was reportedly asked to clarify his previous grand jury testimony and respond to inquiries related to Calamari Sr.

Update-7: The Washington Post reports that the Manhattan DA has convened a second grand jury “to hear evidence about the Trump Organization’s financial practices and potentially to vote on criminal charges.” One source reported that the new grand jury will scrutinize whether Trump’s company manipulated the value of its assets–a practice that NY AG Letitia James is also investigating in her parallel civil probe.

Update-8: Donald Trump’s longtime accountant, Donald Bender, who worked for the firm Mazars, reportedly appeared before the grand jury. In recent weeks prosecutors’ also interviewed Rosemary Vrablic, a former managing director at Deutsche Bank. According to an anonymous source, “prosecutors pressed Vrablic about Trump’s role in dealings with the bank,” the Washington Post reported.

Update-9: On Jan. 1, 2022, Alvin Bragg replaced Vance as Manhattan DA and took the helm of the investigation into Trump’s finances. Before taking office, Bragg stated that he would be directly involved in the investigation and noted that he had asked two of Vance’s top prosecutors to continue working on the case.

Update-10: Two of the prosecutors working on the Trump case, Carey R. Dunne and Mark F. Pomerantz, resigned from the prosecution when Bragg indicated he had doubts on moving forward with the investigation. The New York Times later reported that Pomerantz stated that Trump was “guilty of numerous felony violations” and that it was “a grave failure of justice” not to prosecute him, according to a copy of Pomerantz’s resignation letter.

Update-11: On Apr. 7, 2022, Bragg publicly stated that the Trump investigation was continuing and revealed that his office had even questioned new witnesses. In a press release, Bragg stated, “I pledge that the Office will publicly state the conclusion of our investigation – whether we conclude our work without bringing charges, or move forward with an indictment.”

Update-12: On Aug. 18, 2022, Allen Weisselberg pleaded guilty to fifteen financial felonies including tax fraud and grand larceny. As part of the deal with the new DA Alvin Bragg, Weisselberg agreed to testify if the Trump Organization goes to trial on the tax fraud charges.

Update-13: On Oct. 24, the tax fraud trial against the Trump Organization began, and, on Nov. 21, the prosecution rested its side of the case.

Update-14: On Nov. 21, the New York Times reported that the DA’s office has resumed a criminal investigation of Trump’s possible hush money payment and associated falsification of business records.

Update-15: On Dec. 6, 2022, a jury convicted the Trump Organization of tax fraud and other crimes related to the company’s practice of giving out off-the-books perks to executives that were never taxed. Allen Weisselberg testified as the prosecution’s star witness against the company. Prosecutors never charged Trump himself over the scheme, though the prosecutors implicated him as being personally involved in the scheme.

Update-16: On Jan. 10, 2023, New York state court Judge Juan Merchan sentenced Allen Weisselberg to five months in prison for financial felonies including tax fraud and grand larceny.

Update-17: On Jan. 13, 2023, Judge Merchan sentenced the Trump Organization to pay $1.6 million in fines for its conviction on tax crimes.

20. DC Attorney General Incitement Investigation for Attack on U.S. Capitol
Prosecuting Office: DC Attorney General (AG)

Case Summary: DC Attorney General Karl Racine has said he is exploring whether to charge Trump with incitement. So far, his office has focused on a DC statute that makes it a misdemeanor to “incite or provoke violence where there is a likelihood that such violence will ensue.” Presumably, DC prosecutors are looking into Trump’s statements and tweets before and during the riot, gauging whether they amount to criminal incitement.

That said, Racine has cautioned that prosecuting Trump would be an uphill battle. Though the former president no longer could claim presidential immunity, the First Amendment may still shield his speech from prosecution. Under Brandenburg–the controlling case here–a speaker can be prosecuted for incitement only when their speech is both intended and likely to cause imminent lawless action. This is a notoriously difficult standard to meet, especially on the intent side. Even though some rioters have claimed they were following Trump’s instructions, Racine would need to actually prove it was Trump’s actual goal for them to do so. Despite the trail of incriminating statements Trump left behind, Racine may still have trouble meeting such a high bar.

Not only that, Racine has limited options in terms of what offenses he can charge. Because DC splits criminal jurisdiction with the U.S. government, Racine’s office can enforce only low-level crimes. As a result, he cannot charge Trump with arguably more applicable felonies, and is effectively limited to DC’s incitement statute. And as defense attorneys in DC have noted, this misdemeanor offense is typically charged in street-level disorderly conduct cases, arguably making it a poor fit.

Case Status: Racine’s office is investigating Trump’s conduct but has not filed charges.

Update: As of August 2022, there are no public signs that the DC AG is still investigating Trump.

21. Fulton County, Georgia Criminal Election Influence Investigation
Prosecuting Office: Fulton County, GA District Attorney’s Office.

Case Summary: On Feb. 10, 2021, the Fulton County DA’s Office opened an investigation into attempted election interference by former President Trump. The investigation is looking into potential violations of Georgia election laws, including the “solicitation of election fraud, the making of false statements to state and local governmental bodies, conspiracy, racketeering, violation of oath of office and any involvement in violence or threats related to the election’s administration.”

Case Status: On Feb. 10, 2021, the Fulton County DA’s Office sent letters to Governor Brian Kemp, Lieutenant Governor Duncan, Secretary of State Raffensperger, and Attorney General Carr informing them of the new investigation and requesting that all records relating to the election, including emails sent by employees from non-government accounts, be preserved.

Fulton County DA Fani Willis also reportedly plans to investigate a phone call between Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger where Raffensperger claims Graham asked the Secretary of State if he could throw out legally cast ballots. Graham’s spokesperson claims that this is not true and Graham was instead asking about the signature verification process. The DA’s office is also reportedly looking into whether Rudy Giuliani violated election laws in making false statements to Georgia officials.

The week of March 1 2021, prosecutors are expected to seek grand jury subpoenas for documents and witnesses connected to the investigation.

On Mar. 6, Willis brought on John Floyd, a national expert on state racketeering prosecution, to assist in racketeering investigations. He has not been brought on specifically for the Trump investigation, but as Willis is investigating racketeering in the Trump case, this development suggests that racketeering charges could play a larger role.

On Mar. 11, a recording of a call between then-President Trump and the chief investigator of the Georgia Secretary of State’s office, Frances Watson, was released By the Wall Street Journal. On the call, Trump urged Watson to look for fraud in mail-in ballots. The Fulton County DA’s Office has said that they will request a copy of the phone call.

Update-1: As of Mar. 28, there are reportedly two grand juries considering subpoenas for documents relevant to the investigation.

Update-2: Reporting (on Nov. 6 and Nov. 12) suggests that Willis is considering convening a special grand jury dedicated solely to allegations of election tampering in addition to the two grand juries that have already been convened.

Update-3: On Jan. 20, 2022, Willis submitted a letter to the chief judge of Fulton County’s Superior Court requesting a special grand jury for her investigation of President Trump. The letter states that a special grand jury will assist because a “significant number of witnesses and prospective witnesses have refused to cooperate with the investigation absent a subpoena requiring their testimony.”

Update-4: On Jan. 30, 2022, Willis requested the FBI to conduct a security safety assessment and provide other protective services following Trump’s alarming and charged rhetoric at a recent Texas rally. He called for massive protests against the “racist” and “vicious” prosecutors if they “do anything wrong.”

Update-5: On May 2, 2022, prosecutors convened a special grand jury to investigate “whether there were unlawful attempts to disrupt the administration of the 2020 elections here in Georgia.” The grand jury currently has up to one year to issue a report advising the local DA whether to pursue criminal charges against Trump.

Update-6: Grand jury proceedings began on May 27, 2022. The grand jury expects to hear testimony from “as many as 50 witnesses” and the process “is likely to last weeks.”

Update-7: On July 5, 2022, the grand jury issued subpoenas to several of Trump’s key associates who were allegedly involved in the election interference scheme. The targets include Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani; campaign lawyers John Eastman, Cleta Mitchell, Kenneth Cheseboro, and Jenna Ellis; Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.); and attorney Jacki Pick Deason. Under the subpoenas, these witnesses now must testify under oath before the grand jury.

Update-8: On July 13, 2022, Senator Graham moved to quash the grand jury subpoena by filing a motion in South Carolina federal court. Graham argued that he had legislative immunity–afforded by the Constitution’s Speech and Debate clause–because his calls to Georgia officials about the 2020 election qualified as legislative activity.

Update-9: On Aug. 2, 2022, Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer asked Willis’ office to delay his testimony because he was still recovering from a recent medical procedure. The Fulton County judge ultimately rejected that request and ordered Giuliani to appear before the grand jury on Aug. 17.

Update-10: On Aug. 11, 2022, Trump hired a high-profile Atlanta-based criminal defense attorney, Drew Findling, to represent him during the criminal proceedings.

Update-11: On Aug. 15, 2022, local prosecutors informed Rudy Giuliani that he was formally a “target” of their criminal investigation into election interference in Georgia, which generally means that an indictment is possible but not guaranteed. That same day, a federal judge rejected Senator Graham’s bid to avoid testifying, and ordered Graham to appear before the grand jury on Aug. 23.

Update-12: Senator Graham appealed the order requiring him to testify to the Eleventh Circuit, which then directed the district court to consider whether Graham’s testimony should be limited based on his legislative immunity claim. On Sept. 9, the district court ultimately ordered Graham to testify but also held that Graham could refuse to answer questions about his “investigatory fact-finding … related to his decision to certify … the 2020 presidential election” because those inquiries would fall under his immunized legislative duties. The court held, in line with its prior decisions and that of the court of appeals, that Graham could be questioned about three areas that fell outside of his legislative activities: (1) “any alleged efforts to ‘cajole’ or encourage Secretary Raffensperger or other Georgia election officials to throw out ballots or otherwise alter Georgia’s election practices and procedures;” (2) “Senator Graham’s alleged communications and coordination with the Trump Campaign and its post-election efforts in Georgia;” and (3) “Senator Graham’s public statements related to Georgia’s 2020 elections.”

Update-13: Graham appealed the district court’s order to the Eleventh Circuit, but the appeals court upheld the district court’s ruling. The panel held that Graham could be forced to testify in the probe because his legislative status did confer blanket immunity from questioning. Graham asked the Supreme Court to revisit that ruling, but the Court denied Graham’s request on Nov. 1, 2022

Update-14: On Nov. 22, Graham testified before the grand jury. His office released a statement saying, “Today, Senator Graham appeared before the Fulton County Special Grand Jury for just over two hours and answered all questions.”

Update-15: The Fulton County grand jury completed its investigation into election interference on Jan. 9, 2023. The judge scheduled a hearing for Jan. 24 to determine whether to release the grand jury’s report, including any recommendation on whether charges should be filed.

22. Westchester, New York Criminal Investigation of Trump Organization Golf Course
Prosecuting Office: Westchester District Attorney’s Office

Case Summary: Westchester District Attorney’s Office of Mimi E. Rocah has reportedly launched a criminal investigation, led by Elliott B. Jacobson, examining, at least in part, whether the Trump Organization misled local officials about the property value of its golf course to reduce its taxes.

Case Status: The full scope of the investigation is unknown but the office has subpoenaed records from the course.

23. National Archives Referral for Mishandled Classified Materials
Prosecuting Office: Department of Justice (via referral by National Archives); Office of the Special Counsel Jack Smith

Case Summary: In January 2022, the National Archives recovered fifteen boxes of documents from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida. Many of the documents were covered by the Presidential Records Act, which requires presidents to preserve and turn over their official records. The Archives later discovered that the boxes included “items marked as classified national security information.”

In response to a letter from the House Oversight Committee, the Archives confirmed on Feb. 18 that it had “identified classified information in the boxes” and had “been in communication with the Department of Justice” about Trump’s handling of those materials.

On Feb. 9, 2022, the Archives made a referral to the Justice Department for Trump’s handling of government records. On or before Apr. 29, 2022, the Justice Department notified Trump’s counsel Evan Corcoran that the Department had an “ongoing criminal investigation” into the handling of the government documents marked as classified. (The grand jury investigation was reported by the New York Times on May 12, 2022.)

Case Status: On or before Apr. 29, 2022, the Justice Department notified Trump’s counsel Evan Corcoran that the Department had an “ongoing criminal investigation” into the handling of the government documents marked as classified. (The grand jury investigation was reported by the New York Times on May 12, 2022.)

Update-1: On Apr. 7, 2022, the Washington Post reported that the DOJ plans to investigate Trump’s removal of official records to Mar-a-Lago.

Update-2: On May 12, 2022, the New York Times reported that the Justice Department has started a “grand jury investigation into whether classified White House documents that ended up at former President Donald J. Trump’s Florida home were mishandled,” and that the grand jury has issued at least one subpoena. That subpoena is to the National Archives to obtain the classified documents.

Update-3: On June 3, 2022, federal investigators removed classified documents from Mar-a-Lago under a grand jury subpoena.

On June 8, Trump’s attorneys received an email from federal investigators asking them to further secure the room where documents are being stored. The email asked that “the room at Mar-a-Lago where the documents had been stored be secured and that all the boxes that were moved from the White House to Mar-a-Lago (along with any other items in that room) be preserved in that room in their current condition until further notice,” according to the Wall Street Journal.

Following the June 3 visit, one of Trump’s lawyers reportedly signed a statement that all materials marked as classified and held in boxes in a storage area have been returned to the government. On June 22, the Trump Organization received a subpoena for surveillance tapes that covered areas of the club where the documents were possibly stored, which the FBI later obtained.

Update-4: On Aug. 8, 2022, FBI agents executed a search warrant on Mar-a-Lago and raided the club in search of additional classified materials beyond those taken in June. Attorney General Merrick Garland later confirmed that he had personally approved the search. The DOJ also asked a court to unseal the search warrant itself, which would reveal the alleged crimes that formed the basis of the warrant as well as the list of items taken during the search. Trump now has the option to oppose the unsealing, which he would need to do by Aug. 12.

Update-5: On Aug. 12, the court granted the DOJ’s motion and unsealed the warrant and property receipt. The warrant revealed that Trump is under investigation for violating three criminal statutes: destruction or removal of records, obstruction of justice, and mishandling classified information in violation of the Espionage Act. The property receipt indicated that agents had seized 11 sets of documents, some marked as highly classified.

Update-6: Several media outlets, including CNN and the Washington Post, asked the court to unseal the search warrant documents on Aug. 11. On Aug. 15, the DOJ responded by filing a motion urging the court to keep sealed the search warrant affidavit, which would specify the reasons why investigators believed they had probable cause to search the premises. The DOJ argued that the affidavit contains sensitive information that would “compromise” the government’s ongoing criminal investigation.

Update-7: On Aug. 22, 2022, Trump filed a lawsuit challenging the DOJ’s investigation in Florida federal court. Trump’s suit requested that the court appoint a special master to review the seized documents and to screen out any materials covered by attorney-client or executive privilege. The suit also asked the court to enjoin the DOJ from reviewing the documents and to order the DOJ to return some of Trump’s personal property.

Update-8: On Aug. 30, 2022, the DOJ filed a motion opposing Trump’s request to appoint a special master. The DOJ advanced several arguments, including that Trump lacked standing to challenge the seizure of presidential records, that an injunction against the DOJ’s investigation was inappropriate, that a a former president like Trump cannot assert executive privilege in scenarios like this, and that a special master is unnecessary because a government filter team could screen out privileged information.

Update-9: On Sept. 5, 2022, the district court granted Trump’s request to appoint a special master and enjoined the DOJ from reviewing the seized records as part of its criminal investigation. On Sept. 8, the DOJ filed a notice of appeal and asked the district court to stay its decision with respect to the classified materials. It argued that the DOJ was likely to win its subsequent appeal over the classified documents, because Trump could not possibly assert any personal interest in classified government records. The DOJ also explained that the government would suffer irreparable harm if it were enjoined from using the seized classified materials, because it needed to promptly conduct a national security risk assessment.

Update-10: On Sept. 15, the district court appointed the Hon. Raymond Dearie–a Senior Judge of the Eastern District of New York–as special master. The district court also denied the DOJ’s motion for a stay.

Update-11: The special master–Judge Dearie–held his first hearing on Sept. 20, 2022. Much of the argument focused on the status of the classified documents. Trump’s counsel argued that Judge Dearie should not take the DOJ’s word that some of the seized records were classified but stopped short of arguing that Trump had actually declassified them. According to reporting, the judge “expressed skepticism” at those arguments, and indicated that he would likely deem the records classified unless Trump offered contrary evidence.

Update-12: On Sept. 21, the Eleventh Circuit granted the DOJ’s motion for a stay, meaning that the DOJ can use the classified documents in its investigation and that the DOJ need not submit those documents to the special master for review. The appeals court agreed with the DOJ that Trump could not assert a personal interest in classified records, and also noted that Trump had so far refused to advance any actual evidence that the records had been declassified.

Update-13: On Nov. 22, the court of appeals heard oral argument (C-SPAN) on the merits of whether Judge Cannon should have exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion in the first place. The three-judge panel included two of the judges from the prior panel that affirmed the DOJ motion on Sept. 21. The two sides’ arguments on jurisdiction were practically the same as the arguments made in their briefs at issue in the Sept. 21 ruling.

Update-14: On Dec. 1, 2022, the Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruled in favor of the government’s petition to vacate Florida district court Judge Aileen Cannon’s order and dismiss the underlying civil action. The Eleventh Circuit held that Judge Cannon should have never exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion for return of property.

Monday, February 12, 2024 1:26 PM


Why would I waste a single second reading any of that bullshit?

You can't even read, Ted, so quit pretending like you did either.

Trump will be fine. He will also be your next President.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Friday, February 16, 2024 5:41 PM


Jack, you and your guys are having a really bad day...First Trump is ordered to pay 350 million and then some in the NY fraud trial. Then the Biden shit. Way to funny, I can't stop laughing.


FBI informant charged in Hunter Biden probe

Friday, February 16, 2024 7:18 PM


You're such a propagandized cunt.

My day was fine. They usually are.

Trump knew this was coming. Extreme Democrat Judge in an Extreme Democrat District who was openly hostile to Trump and who was obviously going to give this verdict from day one. Nothing unexpected happened here. It will be appealed and thrown out and Trump won't pay a dime.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Friday, February 16, 2024 8:38 PM


So so soooo funny...

Hey, this is good coffee


Friday, February 16, 2024 8:55 PM


We'll see who's laughing last, Theodore.

November will come quick.

Tick Tock.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Saturday, February 17, 2024 5:30 AM


Durham was nonsense

but outside of politics and
dealing with just crime

why do so many Dead Homosexual Black Men keep turning up in these guys homes?

is there anyone else to talk other than creepy perverts

Tuesday, February 20, 2024 10:09 AM


Comer’s concession: Republicans might never vote to impeach Biden

When House Republicans formally approved an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden in mid-December, it was a dramatic development, but not in a good way. It was the first time in American history that Congress authorized an impeachment inquiry without uncovering any evidence of wrongdoing against the intended target.

t’s likely that GOP lawmakers hoped that by formalizing the investigation, they might be able to fill in the gaps with incriminating information about the Democratic incumbent. If so, they have reason to be disappointed.

In the two months since the impeachment inquiry was authorized, their star witness — the man whose claims were the heart of the Republicans’ case — was arrested for lying to the FBI about the Bidens. What’s more, as a new Washington Post report noted, congressional investigators have “compiled an extensive record of sworn statements from firsthand witnesses,” all of whom have confirmed that the president “was never involved” with his son’s business affairs.



Tuesday, February 20, 2024 10:15 AM


LOL... Maddow is such a liar.

You post stupid shit like this Ted, and it just makes you look stupid.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024 8:45 AM


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
LOL... Maddow is such a liar.

You post stupid shit like this Ted, and it just makes you look stupid.

James Comer Resignation Calls Grow After Russian Intel Bombshell

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer, who is leading an investigation into the Biden family's finances, is facing calls to resign from liberals and Democratic supporters after the Department of Justice claimed one of its key sources had links with "high level" Russian intelligence operatives.

You're nothing but a lying sack of shit comrade Jack. You are this too your core.


Wednesday, February 21, 2024 2:51 PM


"But it's not true!": CNN reporter confronts Jim Jordan over indicted informant's debunked claims

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, denied the questionable nature of a key piece of evidence in his investigation of President Joe Biden when confronted by CNN reporter Manu Raju on Wednesday.

Ex-FBI informant Alexander Smirnov was indicted last week for allegedly falsifying bribery claims against the Biden family, after sharing intel with agents years ago that President Biden and his son Hunter sought multi-million dollar bribes from a Ukrainian energy company, according to The New York Times. Smirnov claimed that funds were in exchange for protection against a probe into the company by the country’s prosecutor general at the time. He also admitted that "officials associated with Russian intelligence" were involved in advancing the phony allegations against Hunter Biden, per The Washington Post.

Raju: You said the 1023 is the most corroborating piece of information

Jordan: It doesn't change those fundamental facts

Raju: But it's not true.


Wednesday, February 21, 2024 6:03 PM


Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) declared the House Republicans' impeachment probe into President Joe Biden to be all but finished on Wednesday after hearing closed-door testimony from James Biden, the brother of President Joe Biden.

As reported by Max Cohen of Punchbowl News, James Biden flatly denied that his brother had any knowledge of, or involvement in, any of his overseas business dealings, which have drawn scrutiny from congressional Republicans.

For years and years the republicans have been trying with all their might to take down Biden. Every time falling flat on their faces.

too funny...


Wednesday, February 21, 2024 6:19 PM


Biden* is taking himself down. Nobody is worried about Joe Biden*.

Joe Biden* was above Trump every single day in the polling aggregate before the 2020 election, and he only won by 4 points less than the aggregate had him winning over Trump.

Now Joe Biden* has not been up on Trump in the polling aggregate since September of 2023. If the same 4 point swing happened now, Trump wins by nearly 6 points if the election were held today.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024 7:26 PM


A Fox News host has called the House impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden “embarrassing” after repeated witnesses appeared to weaken the Republican Party’s arguments against the president.

Speaking during a debate between presenters and reporters following Mr Biden’s brother James’s appearance on Capitol Hill, Jessica Tarlov said the party was not helping itself by calling witnesses who have continued to dismiss any idea of wrongdoing on behalf of the president.

Justin Baragona @justinbaragona

Jessica Tarlov: "Every witness they have called has decimated their argument... and we have the guy behind the holy grail document, the 1023, Alexander Smirnov....not only did he lie, he was lying because the Russians were feeding him the disinformation. It’s so embarrassing!"

Falling down laughing here Jack=ass.


Wednesday, February 21, 2024 7:34 PM


I don't know what you're laughing about now, idiot.

I don't give a single shit whether Joe* gets impeached or not since we've long ago established that impeachment doesn't mean anything.

Joe Biden* is going to get destroyed in November. Feel free to keep laughing if it makes you feel better.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Thursday, February 22, 2024 7:49 PM


Lawmakers on GOP impeachment effort: 'No question this is dead'

When House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer's (R-KY) star witness, ex-FBI informant Alexander Smirnov, was arrested last week for allegedly lying about President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, the party's impeachment inquiry began to fall apart. Then when reports came earlier this week that Smirnov had connections to Russian intelligence agencies — the party's efforts to oust the president went from bad to worse.

Complete morons...


Thursday, February 22, 2024 9:02 PM


Joe Biden* belongs in prison.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Friday, February 23, 2024 6:32 AM


'We were warned': GOP lawmaker blasts colleagues for swallowing Biden witness 'lies'

Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) sharply criticized his fellow House Republicans for latching onto the testimony of an "FBI informant" who was arrested last week and accused of peddling lies straight from Kremlin disinformation operators.

“We were warned at the time that we received the document outlining this witness’s testimony, we were warned that the credibility of this statement was not known,” Buck told CNN's Kaitlan Collins, reported Edith Olmsted for The Daily Beast.

It's because they don't care about the facts. Only crucifying anyone who does not fall in line with hating Americans and America.


Friday, February 23, 2024 10:45 AM


Originally posted by THG:
'We were warned': GOP lawmaker blasts colleagues for swallowing Biden witness 'lies'

Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) sharply criticized his fellow House Republicans for latching onto the testimony of an "FBI informant" who was arrested last week and accused of peddling lies straight from Kremlin disinformation operators.

“We were warned at the time that we received the document outlining this witness’s testimony, we were warned that the credibility of this statement was not known,” Buck told CNN's Kaitlan Collins, reported Edith Olmsted for The Daily Beast.

It's because they don't care about the facts. Only crucifying anyone who does not fall in line with hating Americans and America.



Fuck you dude. Tell us about the Russian hoax again.

Are you still running around telling people to get their booster shots in 2024 too?


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Saturday, February 24, 2024 6:06 AM


Here you go.


Epic fail: GOP source indicted, caught pushing Russian lies about Biden to FBI

Saturday, February 24, 2024 8:55 AM


MSNBC is not a legitimate news source.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024 2:39 PM







Grifter Donald Trump Has Been Indicted And Yes Arrested; Four Times Now And Counting. Hey Jack, I Was Right
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Russia Invades Ukraine. Again
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Elections; 2024
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Americans Owe Ukraine Nothing
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In the garden, and RAIN!!! (2)
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'Kyle did nothing wrong'? or the crimes of the Kenosha Shooter
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I'm surprised there's not an inflation thread yet
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New York Magazine: Trump vs. Biden Polls: No State of the Union Bounce for Joe
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WaPo: Biden Plan Aims To Focus Economic Development in Minority Areas
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Department Of Justice Acknowledges Hunter Biden Laptop Content Is Legitimate For First Time
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New Peer-Reviewed Research Finds Evidence of 2020 Voter Fraud
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New RNC Needs Their Own Thread
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Durham Report Another Bust. Hey Jack, I Was Right

UPDATED: Wednesday, February 28, 2024 14:39
VIEWED: 1273
PAGE 2 of 2

Wednesday, November 29, 2023 7:22 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh, poor Hunter!!

It's a good thing he had his daddy find him a do-nothing job for Burisma energy at $80,000/ month!

And, not everybody bangs his dead brothers underage daughter.


You believe that shit that Mika is peddling????

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM

Wednesday, November 29, 2023 10:08 PM



Ted is one of the most useful of the useful idiots.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Thursday, December 14, 2023 6:37 PM


Hey comrade signym, you stupid polish Russian collaborator. They have been try to get anything on

Biden, any type of corruption for at least a year while Trump was in office. Since Biden said
he was going to run against him. They got shit.


Originally posted by THG:


Thursday, December 14, 2023 9:50 PM


Are you drunk posting today Ted, or did your wife's boyfriend beat you up?


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Monday, December 18, 2023 10:20 PM



Monday, December 18, 2023 10:38 PM


Comer pushes back on reporting on ‘shell company’ to manage lan

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) pushed back on reporting characterizing one of his business ventures as a shell company, defending the legitimacy of a business structure he said was designed to insulate his farm from lawsuits.

Reporting from The Associated Press dives deep into Comer’s stake in Farm Team Properties, a company he co-owns with his wife after purchasing land from a campaign contributor.



Friday, January 5, 2024 6:30 AM


Report: Trump received at least $7.8M in foreign payments during presidency

A report from Democrats on the House Oversight Committee released Thursday accused former President Trump of receiving at least $7.8 million in foreign payments to his properties during his presidency.

Why it matters: It’s the most solid figure to date on the scope and scale of Trump’s private windfall from foreign sources, which Democrats allege is a clear-cut violation of the Constitution’s emoluments clause.

Driving the news: The 156-page report titled “White House for Sale: How Princes, Prime Ministers, and Premiers Paid Off President Trump” draws on documents from Trump’s accounting firm, Mazars, obtained after years of high-profile court battles.

It lays out foreign payments to four Trump properties, two in New York, one in Washington, D.C., and one in Las Vegas, from at least 20 foreign governments or government-owned entities, including China, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Kosovo and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

“President Trump never sought or received Congress's approval to keep these foreign payments, as the Constitution requires,” the report says, also drawing links between the payments and Trump's policy decisions.

A spokesperson for Trump did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

By the numbers: By far the largest chunk of the $7.8 million came from China, which spent nearly $5.6 million at Trump Tower in New York and Trump International Hotels in Washington, D.C. and Las Vegas. (The D.C. hotel became the Waldorf Astoria in 2022.)

Another $615,000 came from Saudi Arabia, $466,000 from Qatar, $303,000 from Kuwait, $283,000 from India, $249,000 from Malaysia, $155,000 from Afghanistan, $75,000 from the Philippines and $65,000 from the UAE.

The big picture: The $7.8 million figure, the report says, is based on a "small slice" of the Mazars documents and is "likely only a small fraction of the total amount of such payments he received during his presidency."

Oversight Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) released Mazars from its obligation to turn over the documents after taking power in January. The four properties comprise just 1% of the businesses Trump owned when he was president, the report says.

"The Committee did not receive from Mazars any documents regarding at least 80% of Donald Trump's business entities," the report says. "For many other entities, Mazars produced only a single document. "But, it adds, "this figure in itself is a scandal and a decisive spur to action."

What we're watching: Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), ranking member of the committee, previewed plans for a package of legislative reforms to "ensure that all occupants of the Oval Office abide by the Constitution's unequivocal language commanding loyalty to the interests of the American people."

The evidence Trump and his family took billions from foreign countries is overwhelming. Yet all the Republicans care about is Hunter Biden. Six or seven years now of trying to prove Joe Biden did what Trump did, and they found nothing.


Friday, January 5, 2024 7:35 AM


So desperate. So sad.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Friday, January 5, 2024 11:46 AM


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

So desperate. So sad.

Jared Kushner's Middle East Dealings Under Scrutiny Amid Trump Report

Criticism over the $2 billion investment Jared Kushner's firm received from Saudi Arabia has reemerged in the wake of a report alleging that his father-in-law, Donald Trump's businesses received millions in foreign payments while he was in office.

Congressman Robert Garcia was one of those who accused Kushner, a former White House advisor who is married to Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump, of carrying out a "grift" by accepting a $2 billion investment from a fund led by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for his private equity fund, Affinity Partners, six months after he left his White House role in January 2021.

So stupid, so sad.


Monday, January 8, 2024 5:57 PM


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

So desperate. So sad.

Jim Jordan Comes Up Empty

Jim Jordan claimed the Republican Party had secured "damning evidence" in President Joe Biden's impeachment inquiry, despite that evidence coming from a Hunter Biden associate who said he was not aware of any wrongdoing by the president.

In a transcript of his testimony before the committee, he was asked if he was aware of any wrongdoing by the president.

"No. I'm not aware of any," Archer said.

He also said he had no knowledge of Joe Biden having involvement with Burisma and rejected claims that the president and Hunter Biden each accepted a $5-million bribe from an official within the company.

You are, desperate and sad. Then there is Jim Jordan, another loser. All your champions are losers. You Jack, I am laughing at you.


Monday, January 8, 2024 6:56 PM




Monday, January 8, 2024 7:49 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump Businesses Received $5.5 Million from China While He Was President

By David Zimmermann | January 4, 2024, 12:56 PM

Former president Donald Trump’s businesses received at least $5.5 million from China while he was in office, according to a new report released by Democrats on the House Oversight Committee.

The foreign payments, which were detailed in the committee’s 156-page report titled “White House for Sale,” collectively included over $5 million from China’s Embassy in the United States, a state-owned Chinese bank, and a state-owned Chinese airline company. House Oversight Democratic lawmakers obtained these financial records from Trump’s former accounting firm, Mazars USA, and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

China is one of at least 20 countries to pay a total of roughly $7.8 million to Trump-owned businesses and properties while he was in office, including the former president’s hotels in New York City, Las Vegas, and Washington, D.C., according to the Thursday report. While in the White House, Trump reportedly accepted money from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, India, the Philippines, and many more.

“Critically, even this subset of documents reveals a stunning web of millions of dollars in payments made by foreign governments and their agents directly to Trump-owned businesses while President Trump was in the White House,” the report reads. “These payments were made while these governments were promoting specific foreign policy goals with the Trump administration and even, at times, with President Trump himself, and as they were requesting specific actions from the United States to advance their own national policy objectives.”

“By elevating his personal financial interests and the policy priorities of corrupt foreign powers over the American public interest, former President Trump violated both the clear commands of the Constitution and the careful precedent set and observed by every previous Commander-in-Chief,” House Oversight ranking member Jamie Raskin (D., Md.) wrote in the report’s foreword.

The new information comes to light as House Republicans continue investigating President Joe Biden in an impeachment inquiry over his alleged involvement in foreign-business dealings with his son, Hunter.

House Oversight chairman James Comer (R., Ky.) dismissed the report on Thursday, arguing that there’s nothing suspicious about Trump’s businesses receiving foreign payments.

“Former President Trump has legitimate businesses, but the Bidens do not,” Comer said in a statement. “The Bidens and their associates made over $24 million by cashing in on the Biden name in China, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Romania. No goods or services were provided other than access to Joe Biden and the Biden network.”

( It is too bad that the $24 million is a make-believe number. The documentation says $0.00. It almost makes me suspect James Comer (R., Ky.) is a lunatic rather than a run-of-the-mill liar. )

Raskin noted that Trump’s claimed donations of profits to the U.S. Treasury falls short of a president’s constitutional requirements, which forbids the pocketing of any revenue from foreign governments unless Congress approves otherwise.

The result of an eight-year investigation into Trump’s payments from foreign entities during his presidency, the report asks Congress to consider adopting new financial-disclosure rules to conduct proper oversight of sitting presidents and senior executive officials. The committee’s Democratic lawmakers also recommend a formal procedure for presidents and other public officials to seek congressional permission when they receive and intend to keep wealth from foreign nations.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Monday, January 8, 2024 9:07 PM


So sad. So pathetic.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Monday, January 8, 2024 10:12 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
So sad. So pathetic.
Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the Constitution forbids the President to accept money payments or gifts “of any kind whatever” from foreign governments and monarchs unless he obtains “the Consent of the Congress” to do so. Yet Donald Trump, while holding the office of president, used his business entities to pocket millions of dollars from foreign states and royalty and never once went to Congress to seek its consent.

6ixStringJack, the Constitution is very straightforward about what Trump and Joe Biden did, but you don't understand the difference between hard proof Trump took money from foreign governments and Joe Biden NOT taking money. Trump is a simpleminded crook, but more pathetic are people who can't understand what the Constitution says about what Trump did.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Monday, January 8, 2024 10:51 PM


Oh, Biden* took the money too.

They all take the money. They all take the money.

But you keep clutching your pearls when it's somebody that you don't like and go right on pretending that nothing your guy ever did was corrupt as hell.



Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024 8:41 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Oh, Biden* took the money too.

They all take the money. They all take the money.

But you keep clutching your pearls when it's somebody that you don't like and go right on pretending that nothing your guy ever did was corrupt as hell.

6ix, you and all the Trumptards I know keep saying Biden committed crimes and Trump didn't. Trump has been in court thousands of times because he breaks contracts and distorts facts. As for Biden? Never spent his wealth on lawyers. Never went to the Supreme Court twice to avoid revealing that he doesn't pay income taxes.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Tuesday, January 9, 2024 9:12 AM


Originally posted by second:
Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Oh, Biden* took the money too.

They all take the money. They all take the money.

But you keep clutching your pearls when it's somebody that you don't like and go right on pretending that nothing your guy ever did was corrupt as hell.

6ix, you and all the Trumptards I know keep saying Biden committed crimes and Trump didn't. Trump has been in court thousands of times because he breaks contracts and distorts facts. As for Biden? Never spent his wealth on lawyers. Never went to the Supreme Court twice to avoid revealing that he doesn't pay income taxes.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Jacks full throated defense of Trump and condemnation of people who've done nothing wrong exposes who Jack is; a troll. Remember, he can't even hold down a job.


Tuesday, January 9, 2024 9:46 AM


How's work today, honey?

I don't have rent or a mortgage or a car payment. My cost to live last year was just over $7,000.

Have fun never paying off all those loans that you're going to die with.

Meanwhile, Trump will be fine.

He will also be your next President.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Thursday, January 11, 2024 6:35 PM


Court Docs Link Trump Jr. and Navarro to Chinese Financier

Donald Trump Jr. and ex-White House trade advisor Peter Navarro appear on a list of potential defendants in a court filing Wednesday related to the sprawling bankruptcy case of a right-wing Chinese businessman accused of bilking anti-communist dissidents.

The court-appointed trustee overseeing the estate of Guo Wengui—also known as Ho Wan Kwok, Miles Guo, and Miles Kwok—identified the former first son and the conspiracy-spouting fringe economist among a large number of individuals and entities they plan to serve with legal papers under a proposed court order. Wengui, who declared bankruptcy in Feb. 2022 after getting stuck with $134 million in fines related to his yacht, has long played sugar daddy to ex-White House chief strategist Steve Bannon and bankrolled the ill-starred conservative Twitter alternative Gettr.


Thursday, January 11, 2024 7:00 PM


So sad. So pathetic.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Friday, January 12, 2024 10:59 AM


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

How's work today, honey?

I don't have rent or a mortgage or a car payment. My cost to live last year was just over $7,000.

Have fun never paying off all those loans that you're going to die with.

Meanwhile, Trump will be fine.

He will also be your next President.

Can you believe it? Every time Jack posts about himself, he defines himself as a loser. Someone who can’t hold down a job and clearly is self-loathing about it. This is demonstrated when it tells us he has no respect for anyone who can. Suckers is what he calls us. He has a recent post where he says he is for doing away with SSI. Probably, because you have to have a job and pay into it to get it. This means he won’t.

Reasons he is a diehard Trumper. He has nothing, including an education. Or the skill set with the mental capacity to be a contributing member of society. So, he hates anyone who can. He wants all to suffer his feeling of loss, and he runs on hate.

So sad, so pathetic.


Friday, January 12, 2024 12:23 PM


Originally posted by THG:
Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

How's work today, honey?

I don't have rent or a mortgage or a car payment. My cost to live last year was just over $7,000.

Have fun never paying off all those loans that you're going to die with.

Meanwhile, Trump will be fine.

He will also be your next President.

Can you believe it? Every time Jack posts about himself, he defines himself as a loser. Someone who can’t hold down a job and clearly is self-loathing about it. This is demonstrated when it tells us he has no respect for anyone who can. Suckers is what he calls us.

You are a sucker. Your life sucks, and you will never get ahead. Your job sucks. Your existence is pointless. You have nothing to look forward to everyday. You have no hobbies or skills.

Punching in and punching out every day like a little ant is all you have. That paycheck you're getting today is already spent. It was already spent a long time ago.

The reason you and Second keep bringing up my life is because you fucking hate the fact that somebody like me is successful while you're going to spend the rest of your days slaving away without anything to show for it.

He has a recent post where he says he is for doing away with SSI. Probably, because you have to have a job and pay into it to get it. This means he won’t.

The fuck I did.

I know exactly which post you're talking about, but you didn't understand it because you barely know how to read. Here's the post, which was made just last night:

I keep hearing everyday that Social Security is going to be gone by the time my generation retires, but sure... let's give another $150 Billion to Ukraine while kicking out kids from schools in NYC so we can house all those battle-aged male criminal illegal invaders on taxpayer dime.

Democrats are cancer.

I'm talking about you dumb motherfuckers cheerleading war in Ukraine and giving $150 Billion to Zelensky, and cheerleading open boarders while NYC is kicking kids out of schools to house illegals while we have to hear everyday that we don't have enough money to fund Social Security anymore while your dumb fucking party gives all of our money away to every fucking body else except for actual American citizens.

You stupid, stupid fuck.

Reasons he is a diehard Trumper. He has nothing, including an education. Or the skill set with the mental capacity to be a contributing member of society. So, he hates anyone who can. He wants all to suffer his feeling of loss, and he runs on hate.

I've got a lot. And it's all paid for.

What I don't have is a mortgage or rent. Or credit card debt. Or a car loan payment. Or student loan debt. Or child support payments. Or any financial obligation whatsoever to anybody. Everybody I know owes me money and/or favors. Mostly favors, because I've lived a pretty long life now and developed a lot of skills that most people don't possess, and there's a whole lot of things that people in my circle get to benefit from by knowing somebody like me who can fix just about anything and isn't afraid of getting dirty to do it.

I'm also actually a really nice guy when it comes to good people. You and second are garbage people who bring nothing but hate into the world. Second is downright evil. You're just so stupid that it's surprising to everyone else that you're able to breath involuntarily.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Friday, January 12, 2024 12:29 PM


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Originally posted by THG:
Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

How's work today, honey?

I don't have rent or a mortgage or a car payment. My cost to live last year was just over $7,000.

Have fun never paying off all those loans that you're going to die with.

Meanwhile, Trump will be fine.

He will also be your next President.

Can you believe it? Every time Jack posts about himself, he defines himself as a loser. Someone who can’t hold down a job and clearly is self-loathing about it. This is demonstrated when it tells us he has no respect for anyone who can. Suckers is what he calls us.

You are a sucker. Your life sucks, and you will never get ahead. Your job sucks. Your existence is pointless. You have nothing to look forward to everyday. You have no hobbies or skills.

Punching in and punching out every day like a little ant is all you have. That paycheck you're getting today is already spent. It was already spent a long time ago.

The reason you and Second keep bringing up my life is because you fucking hate the fact that somebody like me is successful while you're going to spend the rest of your days slaving away without anything to show for it.

He has a recent post where he says he is for doing away with SSI. Probably, because you have to have a job and pay into it to get it. This means he won’t.

The fuck I did.

I know exactly which post you're talking about, but you didn't understand it because you barely know how to read. Here's the post, which was made just last night:

I keep hearing everyday that Social Security is going to be gone by the time my generation retires, but sure... let's give another $150 Billion to Ukraine while kicking out kids from schools in NYC so we can house all those battle-aged male criminal illegal invaders on taxpayer dime.

Democrats are cancer.

I'm talking about you dumb motherfuckers cheerleading war in Ukraine and giving $150 Billion to Zelensky, and cheerleading open boarders while NYC is kicking kids out of schools to house illegals while we have to hear everyday that we don't have enough money to fund Social Security anymore while your dumb fucking party gives all of our money away to every fucking body else except for actual American citizens.

You stupid, stupid fuck.

Reasons he is a diehard Trumper. He has nothing, including an education. Or the skill set with the mental capacity to be a contributing member of society. So, he hates anyone who can. He wants all to suffer his feeling of loss, and he runs on hate.

I've got a lot. And it's all paid for.

What I don't have is a mortgage or rent. Or credit card debt. Or a car loan payment. Or student loan debt. Or child support payments. Or any financial obligation whatsoever to anybody. Everybody I know owes me money and/or favors.

I'm also actually a really nice guy when it comes to good people. You and second are garbage people who bring nothing but hate into the world. Second is just downright evil. You're just so stupid that it's surprising to everyone else that you're able to breath involuntarily.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

See what I mean? And he is so fucked up he believes anything he thinks is real.


Friday, January 12, 2024 12:33 PM


Originally posted by THG:
See what I mean? And he is so fucked up he believes anything he thinks is real.

Learn how to read, you fucking retard.

The fact that you doubled down on stupid and made this reply to mine, especially putting on display your ignorance of and/or outright lies about my stance on social security which are demonstrably false, says everything anybody needs to know about how dumb you actually are.

That's what happens when you spend 7 years straight reading nothing but article headlines and allowing Mika Brezinski do all of your thinking for you like she's admitted on air she is paid to do.

That smartphone of yours has fried your tiny little brain.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Monday, January 15, 2024 10:42 PM


he he he...


Monday, January 15, 2024 11:31 PM



We know you love your crackhead degenerate Democrats, Ted.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024 10:30 AM


Originally posted by THG:
Originally posted by SignyM:

How the FBI covered up the laptop and the alphabet agencies and M$M united to smear one man: the laptop repairman's story

As a rule I'm not a fan of large posts. I don't think they serve a purpose. However, sometimes it is useful to show stupid people how stupid they are. To remind them everybody who reads their posts knows it.

Like this post that shows a concern for the rule of law from Signym. Like other posts from Jack, JSF and some infrequent posters. Yep, they're all in for the rule of law.

The problem they have is all the proof showing they are not. Like the proof I post here that they choose to ignore. Proof anyone with a healthy conative ability would recognize as showing Trump is a sick criminal. Yet, these chosen few deny deny deny.

I offer this proof showing they too are sick. And I'll remind you much more has occurred since 2021.


Originally published on Feb. 28, 2021; continually updated.

On both the criminal and civil litigation fronts, former President Donald Trump faces a bevy of lawsuits and investigations, with more cases likely to follow. Some are civil suits stemming from his pre-presidential business dealings. Others are defamation claims from women he allegedly assaulted. More still are criminal probes and civil actions that scrutinize his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. The Chart below tracks all these cases. It will be continually updated as major legal developments occur.

These cases bear on two pressing questions. First, will Trump maintain his long streak of eluding legal liability in the face of so many lawsuits? Second, if Trump is held to account for illegal conduct, what impact will such a development have on his—and his family’s—political and business fortunes?

Criminal charges—one would think—would be among the most damaging outcomes. After all, a criminal prosecution of a former president would be a singular event in American history. No former president has ever been indicted, much less convicted. Trump lost any immunity from indictment that he may have possessed as president the moment he left office on Jan. 20. To be sure, most of the criminal probes detailed below are in their infancy, so the odds of an actual conviction at this time remain improbable. Even so, the mere stigma of criminal charges against the former president could reshape the American political landscape and the historical understanding of Trump’s behavior.

The civil cases could certainly do their fair share of damage as well, directly or indirectly. If Trump falters in one of his business-related suits, his companies may be subject to massive penalties, or worse. Even apart from such sanctions, his empire is reportedly struggling under looming debt obligations and reduced revenues, a slump which could worsen if his reputation continues to deteriorate.

With these legal threats bearing down on the former president from nearly every direction, this tracker collects them in one place. Note: we have chosen not to include various cases involving Trump’s properties or the Trump Campaign —including slip-and-fall cases, allegations of bedbugs, water use cases, telephone spam suits, copyright suits, and discrimination suits—as they do not implicate Trump directly or it is very unlikely that they will. Below we’ve included key takeaways from each case along with case charts that explain the case’s main issue, procedural posture, and any upcoming deadlines. We will continue to update this information as new filings are docketed, new details emerge, new plaintiffs come forward or drop out, and other significant developments in the cases occur. If you believe we are missing a significant issue or development, send us a message at

Key Takeaways

1. E. Jean Carroll 1.0: Defamation and Federal Tort Claims Act Litigation

Carroll is suing Trump for defamation after he publicly accused her, in June 2019, of fabricating a rape allegation against him. The parties are currently involved in an appeal before the Second Circuit, where Trump (and so far, the Justice Department as well) is arguing that he had official immunity from Carroll’s defamation claim under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA).

Update: On Sept. 27, 2022, the Second Circuit asked the D.C. Court of Appeals to rule on whether Trump’s public denial fell within the scope of his employment under the FTCA.

2. E. Jean Carroll 2.0: Battery and Defamation

Carroll is suing Trump for battery alleging he raped her and for defamation on the basis of a lengthy statement he made on October 12, 2022. The claim of defamation is similar to the suit Carroll brought earlier, except this time Trump made his statement saying she fabricated the rape allegation after he was no longer in office. Accordingly, there is no prospect of his obtaining immunity under the Federal Tort Claims Act.

Carroll filed suit on the first day permitted under New York’s Adult Survivors Act, N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 214-j. The law provides a one-year window for sexual assault survivors to file civil claims even if the statute of limitations has passed.

3. Summer Zervos Defamation Suit (CASE CLOSED)

Summer Zervos, a former contestant on the Apprentice, has filed a civil suit against former President Trump for defamation after he claimed her allegations of his inappropriate sexual conduct were lies designed to help the Clinton campaign and improve her fame. The case is currently at the New York Court of Appeals, the highest New York state court.

Update-1: On Oct. 4, 2021, the trial court ruled that Trump could be deposed before Dec. 23, 2021.

Update-2: On Nov. 12, 2021, Zervos announced she is dropping the lawsuit.

4. Mary Trump Fraud Litigation

Mary Trump is suing Donald Trump for defrauding her out of millions of dollars in an inheritance dispute. The suit is pending in New York state court, where the parties are currently battling over former President Trump’s move to dismiss the case.

Update-1: On Sept. 21, 2021, Donald Trump filed a related lawsuit against Mary Trump, the New York Times, and several of its reporters.

Update-2: On Nov. 15, 2022, the court dismissed Mary’s suit against former President Trump. Mary Trump immediately filed a notice of appeal.

5. Panama Hotel Fraud and Tax Litigation (CASE CLOSED)

Ithaca Capital is suing Trump’s hotel management company for fraud in federal court. Primarily, Ithaca claims that Trump representatives exaggerated the value of a Panama hotel during Ithaca’s negotiations to purchase it.

Update: On Sept. 15, 2021, the parties agreed to end the lawsuit.

6. Doe v. The Trump Corporation Class Action

A group of anonymous plaintiffs have filed a class action against the Trump family and their business, alleging that the Trumps used their brand to scam investors into paying for worthless business opportunities. The district court denied the Trumps’ bid to force the case into arbitration, and the Trumps are now appealing.

7. DC Civil Suit over Misuse of 2017 Inauguration Funds (CASE CLOSED)

In a non-criminal suit, the DC Attorney General is suing several Trump-affiliated entities for misusing inauguration funds to enrich Trump’s family business. The suit is currently in discovery before DC’s local court, where the AG’s office is deposing key Trump executives, notably including his children.

Update: On May 3, 2022, the Trump Organization and Trump’s inaugural committee agreed to settle the suit by paying a total of $750,000.

8. Reps. Karen Bass et al. Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Capitol Attack

Ten members of the House of Representatives, represented by the NAACP, are suing Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and two right wing militia groups for conspiring to forcibly prevent Congress from counting the Electoral College votes on Jan. 6.

Update: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the § 1985 claim against him.

9. Eric Swalwell Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

On Mar. 5, 2021, Representative Eric Swalwell sued Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump Jr., and Congressman Mo Brooks in federal court over the Jan. 6 riots. Swalwell alleges that the defendants violated federal civil rights laws–including the Ku Klux Klan Act–when they conspired to interfere with the Electoral College Count on Jan 6. Beyond that, Swalwell also says the defendants should be held liable for negligently violating DC criminal codes on incitement, encouraging the rioters’ violent conduct, and intentionally inflicting emotional distress on members of Congress.

Update: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, negligence per se, DC anti-bias law, and aiding and abetting assault. The court granted Trump’s request to dismiss the § 1986, emotional distress, and negligence claims.

10. Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

Two Capitol Police officers–both on duty during the Jan. 6 insurrection–sued Donald Trump for injuries they sustained while protecting the Capitol. Both allege that the rioters physically attacked them with fists, chemical spray, and other weapons. They allege that the former president, by his incendiary words and conduct, directed the physical attack and emotional distress.

Update: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, directing and aiding and abetting assault, and negligence per se. The court granted Trump’s motion to dismiss the emotional distress, punitive damages, and civil conspiracy claims.

11. Second Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

A second group of Capitol Police officers filed suit against Trump, the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, and other affiliates involved in allegedly planning and executing the Jan. 6 riots. The seven officers claim that they were physically and emotionally injured by attackers that Trump instigated, and that Trump and his co-defendants conspired to disrupt congressional business in the certification of electoral votes.

12. Third Capitol Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots

A third suit was filed by a Capitol Police officer alleging that physical and emotional injuries he suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot.

13. Metropolitan Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots

Two Metropolitan Police Officers filed suit alleging that physical and emotional injuries they suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot. The officers seek compensatory and punitive damages.

14. NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund Voting Rights Case for Post-Election Actions

The LDF is suing Trump, the Trump Campaign, and the RNC for their efforts to overturn the 2020 election in violation of the Voting Rights Act and the Ku Klux Klan Act. While the litigation is still at its early stages, Trump faces damages and a declaratory judgment that he did indeed violate these provisions of the law.

15. New York Attorney General’s Civil and Criminal Investigations

Since March 2019, New York Attorney General Letitia James has been investigating allegations that the Trump Organization altered property values to avoid tax liabilities. The investigation began after Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen provided congressional testimony that Trump engaged in fraud. In October 2020, James’s office deposed Eric Trump, and in January 2021 a state court judge ruled that Trump’s tax attorneys must turn over thousands of documents.

Update-1: On May 18, 2021, a spokesperson for New York’s Attorney General said, “We have informed the Trump Organization that our investigation into the organization is no longer purely civil in nature. We are now actively investigating the Trump Organizations in a criminal capacity, along with the Manhattan DA.”

Update-2: On Dec. 1, 2021, AG James subpoenaed Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, and Donald Trump Jr., seeking to question them about the real estate valuations.

Update-3: On Dec. 20, 2021, Trump filed his own lawsuit against James in federal court, accusing her of targeting him out of political animosity and asking the court to halt her investigation. The district court dismissed that suit on May 27, 2022.

Update-4: On Feb. 17, 2022, the state court ruled that the NY AG can question Donald Trump, Ivanka, and Donald Jr. under oath. On June 8, 2022, the Trumps tentatively agreed to be questioned under oath by James’s office in mid-July.

Update-5: On Aug. 10, 2022, AG James deposed Trump, but he repeatedly declined to answer her questions and instead invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

Update-6: On Sept. 21, 2022, the NY AG sued Trump and his children in NY state court. The civil lawsuit seeks $250 million in damages and accuses the Trumps of repeatedly overvaluing their real estate assets in a scheme designed to obtain favorable bank loans.

16. Scotland Unexplained Wealth Orders

In February 2021, the Scottish Parliament voted to reject an investigation into unexplained cash transactions executed by the Trump Organization’s Scottish golf courses. A non-profit group is now challenging that decision in Scottish court.

17. Trump Tower Assault Suit (CLOSED)

A group of six protesters are suing Trump over allegations that Trump’s security guards assaulted them outside Trump Tower in 2015. The case is pending in New York state court.

Update: On Oct. 18, 2021, former President Trump sat for a four-hour deposition to answer questions about the incident.

Update-2: Nov. 2, 2022, the parties reached a settlement in the case, details of the settlement agreement have not been disclosed.

18. Michael Cohen Retaliatory Imprisonment Suit

Michael Cohen–Donald Trump’s former attorney who served a three-year sentence for Trump-related crimes–is suing Trump, the US government, and other officials for allegedly retaliating against Cohen after he announced a tell-all book detailing his years of legal work for Trump. Cohen alleges that, after the announcement, Trump and his co-defendants retaliated by trying to bar Cohen from using social media and by sending Cohen back to prison from home confinement.

Update: The court dismissed Cohen’s lawsuit on Nov. 14, 2022.

19. Criminal Investigations into Trump’s Finances

During his presidency, the Manhattan District Attorney investigated Trump’s finances. Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance gained access to Trump’s tax information in the course of a criminal investigation into potential tax crimes, insurance fraud, and other financial crimes under state law. Criminal charges have not been filed against Trump, but have been filed against his longtime CFO and against the Trump Organization. The case was taken over by the new DA Alvin Bragg.

Update: New reporting on Mar. 1 revealed that Vance’s investigation has focused on Trump Organization chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, whose potential cooperation with prosecutors could be a significant breakthrough in the investigation. On Mar. 31, the New York Times reported that prosecutors have subpoenaed Mr. Weisselberg’s personal bank records, and on Apr. 8, investigators took possession of financial records from Weisselberg’s daughter-in-law.

Update: New reporting on Mar. 8 revealed that Vance’s probe has expanded to include an investigation of a loan the Trump Organization received to build its Chicago tower, and whether the forgiveness of that loan was reported as income.

Update: Vance has convened a special grand jury that is “expected to decide whether to indict former president Donald Trump, other executives at his company or the business itself should prosecutors present the panel with criminal charges,” the Washington Post reported on May 25, 2021. “The move indicates that District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr.’s investigation of the former president and his business has reached an advanced stage …. It suggests, too, that Vance believes he has found evidence of a crime — if not by Trump then by someone potentially close to him or by his company.”

Update-1: On Jun. 4, ABC News reported that Trump Organization senior vice president and controller, Jeff McConney is among a number of witnesses to have already appeared before the special grand jury. He is reportedly the first employee of the company called to testify. The New York Times reported that the District Attorney’s office has subpoenaed McConney, but could not confirm if he has testified.

Update-2: On July 1, 2021, the DA charged the Trump Organization and its chief financial officer Weisselberg for an alleged 15-year-lJuly 1, 2021 Trump Organization chargesong tax fraud scheme. The indictment included reference to an “unindicted co-conspirator,” who is Jeff McConney, the Trump Organization’s controller, a person familiar with the investigation told CNN.

Update-3: On Aug. 18, 2022, Allen Weisselberg pleaded guilty to fifteen financial felonies including tax fraud and grand larceny. As part of the deal with the new DA Alvin Bragg, Weisselberg agreed to testify if the Trump Organization goes to trial on the tax fraud charges.

Update-4: On Nov. 21, the New York Times reported that the DA’s office has resumed a criminal investigation of Trump’s possible hush money payment and associated falsification of business records.

Update-5: On Dec. 6, 2022, a jury convicted the Trump Organization of tax fraud and other crimes related to the company’s practice of giving out off-the-books perks to executives that were never taxed.

20. DC AG Incitement Criminal Investigation

The DC Attorney General, Karl Racine, has announced a criminal investigation into Trump’s alleged role in provoking the Jan. 6th riots. No charges have been filed, though Racine’s office is reportedly looking into a local DC code that makes it a misdemeanor to incite violence.

21. Fulton County, Georgia Criminal Election Influence Investigation

The Fulton County DA’s Office has opened a criminal investigation into attempted election interference by Trump. The DA’s Office has requested that all official and unofficial emails concerning the election be preserved and has reportedly also planned to look into a call between Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger as part of the investigation as well as Rudy Giuliani’s potential false statements to Georgia officials.

Update: On May 2, 2022, the Fulton County state prosecutors convened a special grand jury to investigate “whether there were unlawful attempts to disrupt the administration of the 2020 elections here in Georgia.” Proceedings began on May 27, 2022, and are expected to last several months.

22. Westchester, New York Criminal Investigation of Trump Organization Golf Course

The Westchester District Attorney’s Office reportedly launched an investigation which probes, at least in part, whether the Trump Organization misled local officials on the property values of its golf course in order to reduce its taxes.

23. Mishandling of Classified and other Government Documents

On Feb. 9, 2022, after finding classified documents in fifteen boxes recovered from Mar-a-Lago the previous month, the National Archives made a referral to the Justice Department for Trump’s handling of government records. The Archives had recovered the classified materials when it retrieved the boxes of official records from Trump’s Florida residence. On or before Apr. 29, 2022, the Justice Department notified Trump’s counsel Evan Corcoran that the Department had an “ongoing criminal investigation” into the handling of the government documents marked as classified. (The grand jury investigation was reported by the New York Times on May 12, 2022.)

Update: On Aug. 8, 2022, FBI agents searched Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida. On Aug. 11, Attorney General Merrick Garland confirmed in public remarks that he had personally approved the search.

Update: On Aug. 22, 2022, Trump filed a lawsuit challenging the DOJ’s investigation in Florida federal court. Trump’s suit requested that the court appoint a special master to review the seized documents and to screen out any materials covered by attorney-client or executive privilege. The suit also asked the court to enjoin the DOJ from reviewing the documents and to order the DOJ to return some of Trump’s personal property.

Update: On Sept. 5, 2022, district court Judge Aileen Cannon granted Trump’s request to appoint a special master and enjoined the DOJ from reviewing the seized records as part of its criminal investigation. The DOJ appealed to the Eleventh Circuit, and in its first ruling, on Sept. 21, the court of appeals granted the DOJ’s motion for a limited stay, meaning that the DOJ could use the classified documents in its investigation and that the DOJ need not submit those documents to the special master for review.

Update: On Nov. 22, the court of appeals heard oral argument (C-SPAN) on the merits of whether Judge Cannon should have exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion in the first place. The three-judge panel included two of the judges from the prior panel that affirmed the DOJ motion on Sept. 21. The two sides’ arguments on jurisdiction were practically the same as the arguments made in their briefs at issue in the Sept. 21 ruling.

Update: On Dec. 1, 2022, the Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruled in favor of the government’s petition to vacate Florida district court Judge Aileen Cannon’s order and dismiss the underlying civil action. The Eleventh Circuit held that Judge Cannon should have never exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion for return of property.


1. E. Jean Carroll Defamation Suit 1.0
Carroll v. Trump, No. 20-cv-07311, 2020 WL 6277814 (S.D.N.Y. Oct. 27, 2020), appeal docketed, No. 20-03977 (2d Cir. Nov. 25, 2020)

Plaintiff: E. Jean Carroll, a journalist and advice columnist

Case Summary: In 2019, Carroll publicly accused then-President Trump of sexually assaulting her in a New York City department store in the 1990s. A few hours later, Trump denied Carroll’s allegation and accused her of fabricating the story to drum up publicity for her upcoming book. Carroll then sued Trump for defamation in New York state court, alleging that Trump defamed her when he publicly accused her of falsifying the assault story.

After nearly a year of state court proceedings–and with Carroll’s counsel angling to sample Trump’s DNA for comparison with Carroll’s dress from the alleged assault–the Justice Department moved to intervene on Trump’s behalf under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA). This move threatened to quash the suit. In effect, the FTCA (as amended by the Westfall Act) provides blanket immunity to federal employees who commit certain torts–including defamation–arising out of their official duties. According to the DOJ, the president’s official duties include speaking to the press about public matters–which would mean that Trump had immunity from any defamatory statements he made about Carroll.

The DOJ’s intervention also derailed the state court proceedings: because FTCA claims must be litigated in federal court, Carroll’s suit was automatically removed to the Southern District of New York (SDNY). In federal court, Carroll argued that Trump’s statements were not protected by the FTCA. In short, Carroll contended that (i) Trump was not covered by the FTCA because the president is not an “employee”; and (ii) Trump’s statements about Carroll fell outside his official presidential duties.

On both counts, the court agreed. Though removal was irreversible, the court held that the FTCA did not cover Trump’s actions, so Carroll’s defamation suit could proceed against Trump in his personal capacity. Acting separately, the DOJ and Trump both appealed. Trump also requested the court stay the district court proceedings until that appeal is resolved.

Case Status: In the SDNY proceedings, the parties filed opposing memoranda on Trump’s motion to stay in December 2020.

At the Second Circuit, the DOJ and Trump filed separate opening briefs on Jan. 15, 2021. Carroll’s attorneys then requested an Apr. 16, 2021 due date for their brief. Notably, her counsel explicitly selected that date so the Biden DOJ would have time to reassess the Trump administration’s position that Trump was acting within the scope of his employment when he allegedly defamed Carroll. The Second Circuit granted that scheduling request.

Update-1: Carroll filed her brief on Apr. 16, 2021, urging the appeals court to uphold the decision below.

Update-2: Despite the change in administration, the Biden DOJ filed a reply brief on June 7, 2021, that backed Trump’s argument that the FTCA covered his conduct. It echoed the core arguments from the Trump DOJ’s opening brief that the president is an “employee” under the FTCA and that elected officials act within the scope of their employment when they respond to media inquiries.

Update-3: On Sept. 15, 2021, the district court denied Trump’s motion to stay (i.e., halt) the proceedings while the case is on appeal before the Second Circuit.

Update-4: On Dec. 1, 2021, Trump requested permission to amend his response to Carroll’s suit in the district court proceedings. In that filing, he signaled that he wanted to invoke the protection of New York’s new anti-SLAPP law, which attempts to screen out frivolous defamation suits by raising the burden of proof and imposing mandatory fee-shifting. Carroll filed a response opposing Trump’s request on Dec. 15. The district court scheduled a hearing for Feb. 22, 2022 to hear arguments over Trump’s motion to amend.

Update-5: The Second Circuit heard oral argument on Dec. 3, 2021. Much of the discussion centered on whether Trump’s remarks about Carroll–including his “she’s not my type” retort–fell within the scope of his employment. On that score, Trump’s personal attorneys continued to argue that Trump’s allegedly defamatory remarks were part of his official duties because he was speaking to the press at the time. The DOJ’s attorney–arguing for the executive branch–echoed that point, explaining that “any president facing a public accusation of this kind … would feel obliged to … answer questions from the media.” Carroll’s counsel conceded that, because DC treats scope of employment expansively, Trump would have been acting within that scope if he had simply said Carroll’s accusations were false. Even so, Carroll’s attorney stressed that Trump went far beyond a bare denial–and therefore exceeded the scope of his employment–because he was motivated by “personal spite and malice” when he rebuffed Carroll’s claims.

Update-6: On Mar. 11, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s request to amend his complaint.

Update-7: On May 5, 2022, the parties agreed to resume discovery in the district court. Though Carroll’s attorneys have conceded that they will not depose Trump, they could once again seek a DNA sample from Trump. If Trump opposes that request, Carroll’s attorneys would need to ask the district court to order Trump to submit to the sample.

Update-8: The district court scheduled the case for trial starting on Feb. 6, 2023.

Update-9: On Sept. 20, 2022, Carroll notified the court that she planned to file a second lawsuit against Trump over the 1990s rape allegation. Unlike the defamation claim–which alleges that Trump defamed Carroll for falsely denying the rape allegation–this new suit would accuse Trump of the rape directly. Although the statute of limitations had expired for the now thirty-year-old rape claim, Carroll explained that a new state law called the Adult Survivors Act temporarily reopens the window to file for old sexual assault claims. Carroll also suggested that the district court should consolidate the new suit with the defamation claim and try both together in February 2023. Trump immediately filed a letter opposing that suggestion.

Update-10: On Sept. 27, 2022, the Second Circuit granted Trump a partial win, reversing the district court and holding that Trump as president qualified as an “employee” under the FTCA. However, the appeals court left open the question of whether Trump was acting within the scope of his employment when he publicly disparaged Carroll and instead asked the D.C. Court of Appeals to rule on that question. If the DC appeals court concludes that Trump’s remarks fell within his official duties, then Carroll’s defamation claim would fail, because the FTCA bars defamation suits against the federal government.

Update-11: On Jan. 13, 2023, the district court ordered the release of a partial transcript of Trump’s deposition, during which Trump denied the rape allegations.

2. E. Jean Carroll Defamation Suit 2.0
Carroll v. Trump, No. Case 1:22-cv-10016 (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 24, 2022)

Plaintiff: E. Jean Carroll, a journalist and advice columnist

Case Summary: In 2019, Carroll publicly accused then-President Trump of sexually assaulting her in a New York City department store in the 1990s. A few hours later, Trump denied Carroll’s allegation and accused her of fabricating the story to drum up publicity for her upcoming book. Caroll then sued Trump for defamation in New York state court, alleging that Trump defamed her when he publicly accused her of falsifying the assault story.

While that suit was ongoing, Trump issued a lengthy statement on Oct. 12, 2022 saying that Carroll “completely made up” the allegations against him.

On Nov. 24, 2022, Carroll filed a new federal suit against Trump, this time suing the former Presidents for battery involving the alleged rape in the 1990s and for defamation based on Trump’s October 2022 statement. Because Trump had left office at the time of that statement, Carroll argued that Trump could indisputably no longer claim official immunity, unlike in Carroll’s earlier suit.

Carroll filed suit on the first day permitted under New York’s Adult Survivors Act, N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 214-j. The law provides a one-year window for sexual assault survivors to file civil claims even if the statute of limitations has passed.

Case Status: Trump moved to dismiss Carroll’s lawsuit on Dec. 21, 2022. He argued that the Adult Survivor’s Act–which reopened the window for Carroll to sue Trump for the alleged 1990s assault–violated New York’s constitutional due process protections. He also responded to Carroll’s new defamation claim on the merits, calling it “baseless and legally defective.”

Update-1: On Jan. 13, 2023, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss.

3. Summer Zervos Defamation Suit (CASE CLOSED)
Zervos vs. Trump, No. 150522/2017 (N.Y. Sup Ct. Jan. 17, 2017), appeal docketed, No. APL-2020-00009 (N.Y. Mar. 9, 2020)

Plaintiff: Summer Zervos, former contestant on the Apprentice

Case Summary: On Jan. 17, 2017, Zervos filed a suit in New York State Court against Trump for defamation. During Trump’s campaign, many women, including Zervos, accused Trump of inappropriate sexual conduct. In her complaint against Trump, Zervos claims that in 2007, while she sought employment from Trump, he kissed her on the lips and touched her inappropriately. After she rejected his advances, his attitude became very business-like and he later offered her a job for half the salary she was seeking. She attempted to contact Trump, noting that she felt she was being “penalized for not sleeping with him.” Trump said he could not discuss it with her at the time. Zervos says she decided to come forward with these allegations after the Billy Bush Access Hollywood Tape showed Trump speaking in a derogatory manner toward women. In response to her allegations, Trump claims she was lying and was only making these accusations to help the Clinton campaign or to get fame.

Zervos alleges that, as a result of Trump’s claims, she has suffered both emotional and financial harm.

Case Status: Trump filed a motion to dismiss and a stay for the duration of his presidency. On Oct. 3, 2018, the court denied Trump’s motion, finding that, if the facts alleged by the plaintiff are true, she has a reasonable claim to recover for defamation. The court also found that there were no federalism or comity concerns that would suggest that a state court could not hear suit against the sitting president for nonofficial acts. A panel of New York appellate judges affirmed this judgment in October 2019, finding that the president is “not above the law” and that the defamation suit can go forward.

This motion has been appealed to the New York Court of Appeals, the highest New York state court.

Pending the decision from the New York Court of Appeals, in March 2020, the court ruled that Zervos cannot “dig for evidence” in the interim. In 2021, with Trump out of office, Zervos has filed a motion to move the lawsuit forward.

Update-1: On Mar. 30, the New York Court of Appeals denied Trump’s appeal on his motion to dismiss the case. Trump originally filed the motion claiming that a state court could not hear a suit against a sitting president. The court stated, in a one-sentence order, that issues were now moot, and the case can now go forward.

Update-2: On Oct. 4, 2021, the trial court ruled that Zervos could depose Trump before Dec. 23, 2021. According to Law360, this appears to be the “first time that Trump would have to answer questions under oath about his alleged sexual misconduct.” In discussing the schedule for depositions, Michael Rand, a law clerk for New York State Judge Jennifer Schechter, who is overseeing the lawsuit, reportedly “said he expected a trial date to be set sometime in the early part of 2022.”

Update-3: On Nov. 12, 2021, Zervos announced she is dropping the lawsuit.

4. Mary Trump Fraud Litigation
Trump v. Trump, No. 654698/2020 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. filed Sept. 24, 2020)

Plaintiff: Mary Trump, the former president’s niece

Case Summary: In September 2020, Mary Trump sued Donald Trump, her uncle, for allegedly defrauding her out of tens of millions of dollars. When Mary’s father–Donald Trump’s brother–died in 1981, he left Mary a valuable stake in the Trump property empire. Mary was a minor at the time, so Donald Trump and his siblings took control of her share, ostensibly to look after Mary’s interest over the long run.

But according to Mary, that didn’t happen. In her lawsuit, she alleges that the Trump siblings siphoned off revenue from her share and set up an ongoing scheme to artificially devalue her assets. This went on for nearly two decades. Then, when Trump patriarch Fred Sr. (Donald Trump’s father) died in 1999, Mary took issue with the terms of his will. The Trump siblings immediately pushed back and started maneuvering to force Mary out of the family holdings altogether. After lengthy probate proceedings, and with Mary’s legal fees steadily climbing, the siblings delivered an ultimatum: they would not settle the probate case unless Mary relinquished all interests in the family fortune, including those from her late father.

According to Mary, the Trumps offered a settlement figure that woefully undervalued her share of the family holdings. Still, she ultimately accepted a settlement in April 2001, apparently still unaware she was being sold short.

Then, over fifteen years later, the New York Times broke its 2018 story that the Trump Organization had long been fraudulently manipulating the values of its assets. From there, Mary says she realized that she had settled for tens of millions of dollars less than what her stake was actually worth.

Two years later, Mary published a book accusing the Trumps of shorting her out of her rightful share. She then filed this lawsuit in New York state court on Sept. 24, 2020, accusing Donald Trump and his siblings of fraud and breach of fiduciary duty.

Case Status: Trump moved to dismiss the case on Jan. 4, 2021. Mary filed a response on Feb. 26, 2021. As of December 2021, the court has not yet ruled on the motion.

Update-1: The state court dismissed Mary’s suit on Nov. 15, 2022. It ruled that her claims were barred because she agreed to release such legal claims when she accepted the Trumps’ settlement offer in 2001. She immediately appealed that ruling.

Donald Trump vs. Mary Trump and NYT: On Sept. 21, 2021, Donald Trump filed his own lawsuit against Mary Trump, the New York Times, and several of its reporters. Mr. Trump alleges that his niece provided confidential documents–including his tax records–to the NYT reporters, who then used those documents to write their 2018 story on the Trump Organization’s alleged manipulation of asset prices. He asserts that her conduct breached their 2001 settlement, and that the Times and its reporters should be liable for encouraging her to do so. Ms. Trump and the Times defendants moved to dismiss that suit on Dec. 2, 2021.

5. Panama Hotel Fraud and Tax Litigation (CASE CLOSED)
Ithaca Cap. Invs. v. Trump Pan. Hotel Mgmt., No. 18-cv-00390 (S.D.N.Y. Mar. 30, 2020)

Plaintiff: Ithaca Capital, a real estate holding company that purchased a majority of the Trump International Hotel in Panama

Case Summary: Donald Trump’s private hotel business–Trump International Hotels Management–is embroiled in federal litigation over a hotel management deal gone bad. Until 2018, Trump International operated a luxury hotel in Panama. As was its standard business practice, Trump International contracted with a separate owner to provide management services and use of the “Trump” label. When a prior owner went bankrupt in 2015, Ithaca Capital moved to purchase a majority of the hotel’s units. But per Ithaca, Trump representatives made a series of fraudulent claims that oversold the hotel’s profitability. Unaware, Ithaca went ahead with the purchase.

The hotel soon ran into financial trouble, and the relationship between the two parties collapsed. Once Ithaca ended the partnership, it claims to have discovered that Trump International had allegedly underreported costs, diverted hotel revenue, and failed to pay income taxes.

After a brief round of arbitration proceedings, Ithaca sued Trump International in the Southern District of New York. Ithaca made several claims against Trump. First, Ithaca argued that Trump representatives–including Eric and Donald Jr.–made exaggerated claims about the hotel’s value. Second, they argued that Trump International breached their agreement by mismanaging the hotel. And third, Ithaca asserted that Trump International improperly diverted hotel revenues for their own use.

Case Status: Trump International challenged each of Ithaca’s claims and asserted several counterclaims of its own. On Mar. 30, 2020, the district court upheld all three of Ithaca’s claims and dismissed all but one of Trump’s counterclaims. Trumps’ remaining counterclaim–for tortious interference–alleges that Ithaca interfered with Trump’s other hotel contracts when Ithaca forced him out of their partnership.

The parties are currently in discovery and are due to finish by Fall 2021.

Update: The parties filed a series of sealed letters in July and August 2021. On Sept. 15, 2021, the parties voluntarily agreed to end the suit.

6. Doe v. The Trump Corporation Class Action
Doe v. Trump Corp., No. 18-cv-09936 (S.D.N.Y. Oct 29, 2018), appeal docketed, No. 20-01706 (2d Cir. May 28, 2020)

Plaintiffs: (Anonymous) Jane Doe, Luke Loe, Mary Moe, Richard Roe

Case Summary: On Oct. 30, 2018, a class action lawsuit was filed against the Trump Corporation, Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and Eric Trump. The complaint alleges that the defendants used their brand name to defraud thousands of working class individuals by promoting numerous businesses in exchange for “secret payments.” The companies include ACN Opportunity, LLC (a business based on a controversial multi-level marketing scheme), the Trump Network, LLC (another multi-level marketing scheme), and Business Strategies Group, LLC (a seminar claiming to sell the Trump secrets to success). The lawsuit also claims that the defendants are liable for a “pattern of racketeering activity” violating the RICO Act (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) as well as activity violating numerous state consumer protection laws concerning fair business practices and competition.

On July 24, 2019, the District Court judge partially granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss. The judge dismissed the RICO claims because the Complaint did not “sufficiently plead that Defendants’ conduct was the proximate cause of Plaintiffs’ losses.” However, she ruled that the other claims concerning the state laws will not be dismissed under Class Action Fairness Act (CAFA).

Case Status: The Trumps’ moved to compel forced arbitration and the district court judge denied the motion in April 2020. The court held that the defendants were not party to the arbitration agreement (between ACN and the plaintiffs) and thus, could not compel arbitration. She also found that the motion to compel arbitration was in bad faith as they are acting in a manner that is “substantively prejudicial towards the plaintiffs” and not within the spirit of the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA). The Trumps have filed an interlocutory appeal to the Second Circuit.

Following the denial of compelled arbitration, the Trumps also filed a motion to stay, or a motion to halt the legal process. The district court denied this motion, citing the four traditional factors that must be balanced when granting a stay and finding that the defendants have not met the requirements to grant a stay.

Update-1: On July 28, 2021 in a 3-0 decision, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the district court’s judgement and ruled that the Trump family could not compel arbitration. The court found that since there was no “close relationship” between Trumps and ACN such that the plaintiffs could reasonably infer that their arbitration agreement extended to the Trumps. Thus, the court concluded, the “defendants are not entitled to compel the plaintiffs to arbitrate this dispute.” As of September 2021, the court has not yet ruled on the summary judgment motions.

Update-2: On March 25, CNN reported that former President Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and Eric Trump all agreed to be deposed. Their depositions will take place in May and June.

7. DC Civil Suit over Misuse of 2017 Inauguration Funds (CASE CLOSED)
District of Columbia v. 58th Presidential Inauguration Comm., No. 2020-CA-00488-B (D.C. Super. Ct. Sept. 9, 2020)

Prosecuting Office: DC Attorney General (AG)

Case Summary: In the run-up to Trump’s 2017 swearing-in, his inaugural committee raised a record $107 million to spend on inauguration festivities. As a nonprofit, the inaugural committee was bound to use these charitable funds for the public good, namely by organizing events to celebrate the 2017 presidential inauguration.

But as the DC AG alleges, the inaugural committee used over $1 million of those funds in an improper bid to enrich the Trump family’s private businesses. DC’s attorneys are now suing the inaugural committee, the Trump International Hotel, and the Trump Organization over that alleged misspending. Chief among the allegations, the DC AG claims that the committee paid exorbitant rates to rent space in the Trump International Hotel in downtown DC. The committee, for instance, allegedly paid $175,000 to rent the main ballroom on the same day that another nonprofit paid only $5,000–a rate 35 times higher. On top of that, the committee allegedly ignored much better deals available at other upscale locations, settling instead on overpaying for space at the Trump location.

The DC AG frames these payments as an under-the-table attempt to divert charitable funds to the Trumps’ private holdings. The complaint focuses on possible misconduct by committee executive Rick Gates, who also held key roles in the Trump campaign. (Gates would later cooperate with the Mueller investigation.) To tie in the Trump entities, the complaint asserts that the Trump businesses knew it was overcharging the non-profit committee, and points to internal negotiations between the parties that allegedly show both sides were aware of the extreme rates. The DC AG is asking the court to compel the Trump business to put the misspent funds into a trust where they can be put toward charitable purposes.

Case Status: The defendants–the committee itself along with the two Trump businesses–moved to dismiss the suit, but the district court denied that motion in September 2020. On Jan. 11, 2021, the DC AG added a new allegation that the committee improperly used its nonprofit funds to pay a hotel bill on behalf of Trump’s private business. The suit is currently in discovery, and the AG’s office has already deposed several high-level Trump executives, including Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr.

Update-1: The DC AG moved for summary judgment on Mar. 24, 2021. All three defendants responded by filing their own motions for summary judgment on Apr. 8, 2021.

Update-2: On Nov. 8, 2021, the DC court partially granted Trump’s motion for summary judgment, dismissing the waste claim but allowing the private enrichment claim to proceed. Addressing the waste claim, the judge explained that the evidence did not show that the Trump defendants intentionally threw away money when they paid the extravagant rates at Trump’s hotel. Even so, the court ruled that the DC AG may still be able to show that the Trumps illegally enriched themselves with committee funds, and gave the green light for that claim to go to trial. The court also dismissed the Trump Organization from the case on grounds that DC lacked jurisdiction over them.

Update-3: On Feb. 14, 2022, the DC court reversed its earlier decision dismissing the Trump Organization and reinstated it as a defendant in the suit. The DC court also affirmed its summary judgment decision to dismiss the waste claims. The case is scheduled for trial in September 2022.

Update-4: On May, 3, 2022, the Trump Organization and Trump’s inaugural committee agreed to pay a total of $750,000 to settle the suit. Under the deal, the Trump Organization will pay $400,000 and the committee will pay the remaining $350,000.

8. Karen Bass et al. Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Capitol Attack
Thompson v. Trump, No. 21-cv-00400 (D.D.C. filed Feb. 16, 2021)

Plaintiff: Rep. Karen R. Bass, Rep. Stephen I. Cohen, Rep. Veronica Escobar, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, Rep. Henry C. Johnson, Jr., Rep. Marcia C. Kaptur, Rep. Barbara J. Lee, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, Rep. Maxine Waters, and Rep. Bonnie M. Watson Coleman, represented by the NAACP

Case Summary: On Feb. 16, 2021, Mississippi Congressman Bennie Thompson sued former President Trump and Rudy Giuliani along with two right-wing militia groups known as the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers, for violating the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, 42 U.S.C. § 1985(1). In the complaint, Thompson alleges that Trump violated the Ku Klux Klan Act by inciting the rioters with the intent to prevent Members of Congress from discharging their official duties of the timely approval of the Electoral College vote. He argues that after Trump’s loss in the November 2020 election, the then-President set out on a campaign to mobilize his supporters, culminating in the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol. It portrays Trump’s rhetoric on the morning of Jan. 6 as a call to arms and as intended to prevent the certification of the election.

The Act was passed in 1871 in response to violence and intimidation by the KKK intended to stop Black people from voting. The legislation allows Members of Congress to sue individuals who conspire to violently “molest, interrupt, hinder, or impede” the discharge of a public official’s duties.

Thompson seeks compensatory damages for his emotional distress suffered during the attack in addition to punitive damages.

Case Status: On Apr. 7, 2021, ten additional members of Congress joined the lawsuit as plaintiffs. The defendants then moved to dismiss on May 26. In Trump’s motion, he argued (i) that he has absolute immunity because he was acting as president; (ii) that even if he did not have absolute immunity, the Westfall Act shields him from any personal liability; (iii) that members of Congress cannot sue under the KKK Act; and (iv) that his speech was protected by the First Amendment. As of September 2021, the court has not ruled on the motions.

Update-1: On July 21, 2021, Rep. Thompson announced that he would withdraw from the lawsuit to avoid any conflict with the Jan. 6 House Select Committee, which Thompson is chairing. The other plaintiffs–all members of Congress who are not on the Committee–confirmed that they would continue the lawsuit.

Update-2: Judge Mehta–who is also presiding over the Swalwell and Blassingame 1/6 suits–scheduled a combined oral argument for Jan. 10, 2022, for all three cases.

Update-3: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the § 1985 claim against him.

Update-4: On Mar. 18, 2022, Trump appealed the district court’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit consolidated the appeal with those in the Swalwell and Blassingame 1/6 suits.

Update-5: Trump filed his appeal brief on July 27, 2022. He challenged only the district court’s ruling that he lacked absolute presidential immunity, arguing that his speech surrounding Jan. 6 fell within his official presidential duties.

9. Eric Swalwell Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Riots
Swalwell v. Trump, No. 21-cv-00586 (D.D.C. filed Mar. 5, 2021)

Plaintiff: Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA)

Case Summary: On Mar. 5, 2021, Representative Eric Swalwell sued Donald Trump and several associates in DC federal court over the Jan. 6 riots. Much like Representative Bennie Thompson’s related suit, Swalwell alleges that Trump and his co-defendants–Donald Trump Jr., Representative Mo Brooks (R-AL), and Rudy Giuliani–violated the Ku Klux Klan Act by conspiring to interfere with the Electoral College count on Jan. 6.

Swalwell’s suit also goes one step further: it claims that the defendants should be held civilly liable for negligence because they committed criminal incitement under DC’s local code, which establishes the standard of care. Notably, Swalwell says that Trump violated the same DC code–§22-1321(a)(2)–that DC AG Karl Racine is apparently focusing on in his own criminal investigation into Trump’s conduct.

Beyond the civil rights and incitement counts, Swalwell also claims that the defendants are liable for encouraging (aiding and abetting) the rioters’ violent conduct and for intentionally inflicting emotional distress on members of Congress in connection with the attack on the Capitol.

Case Status: Swalwell filed his complaint on Mar. 5, 2021.

Update-1: On May 17, 2021, Giuliani filed a motion to dismiss the claims against him. He argued that his speech did not qualify as incitement, that he never formed a conspiracy with the other defendants or the rioters, and that his speech was ultimately protected by the First Amendment.

Update-2: On May 24, 2021, Donald Trump and his son Donald Jr. filed their own motion to dismiss. Most notably, former President Trump argued that he had absolute immunity against Swalwell’s claims because Trump’s alleged misconduct was within the scope of his official duties as president. Both Trump and Trump Jr. also contended that their speech was protected under the First Amendment and the canonical Brandenburg test. The Trumps also advanced various other arguments ranging from standing to the political question doctrine to even a claim that Swalwell was barred from suing Trump over the same conduct for which Trump was acquitted at his impeachment trial.

Update-3: On July 1, 2021, Swalwell filed a motion for default judgment against Brooks, arguing that Brooks had missed the deadline to respond to the lawsuit. Brooks responded with his own motion urging the court to dismiss the lawsuit because he was acting within the “scope of his employment,” which would essentially block the case under the Westfall Act. The district court denied Swalwell’s motion for a default judgment on July 5 but has not yet ruled on Brooks’s motion.

Update-4: On July 27, 2021, the Justice Department submitted a brief stating that Brooks was not acting within the scope of his employment and thus not shielded by the Westfall Act. The House of Representatives filed a response taking a “non-participation approach” (silence) on the question whether Brooks acted within his scope of employment. The Chairwoman of the Committee on House Administration submitted a brief stating that Rep. Brooks was not acting within his scope of employment.

Update-5: Judge Mehta–who is also presiding over the Bass and Blassingame 1/6 suits–scheduled a combined oral argument for Jan. 10, 2022, for all three cases.

Update-6: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, negligence per se, DC anti-bias law, and aiding and abetting assault. The court granted Trump’s request to dismiss the § 1986, emotional distress, and negligence claims.

Update-7: On Mar. 18, 2022, Trump appealed the district court’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit consolidated the appeal with those in the Bass and Blassingame 1/6 suits.

Update-8: Trump filed his appeal brief on July 27, 2022. He challenged only the district court’s ruling that he lacked absolute presidential immunity, arguing that his speech surrounding Jan. 6 fell within his official presidential duties.

10. Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots
Blassingame v. Trump, No. 21-cv-00858 (D.D.C. filed Mar. 30, 2021)

Plaintiff: James Blassingame and Sidney Hemby, two Capitol police officers

Case Summary: On Mar. 30, 2021, two Capitol Police Officers sued Donald Trump for injuries they sustained during the Jan. 6 riots in DC. The officers–James Blassingame and Sidney Hemby–say they were maced with bear spray, attacked with fists and flagpoles, and even crushed against a door as they tried to protect the Capitol from pro-Trump intruders.

Much like the other Jan. 6 suits against Trump, the officers pin their injuries on Trump’s incendiary rhetoric before and during violence. Both allege that Trump directed the rioters to assault them, aided the rioters in committing those assaults, and negligently incited the riot in violation of DC’s public safety codes. Blassingame also accuses Trump of directing intentional infliction of emotional distress, pointing to the racial slurs and taunts that the intruders allegedly hurled at him during the violence.

Case Status: The officers filed their suit in DC federal court on Mar. 30, 2021. On Apr. 28, 2021, the plaintiffs added two new conspiracy claims against Trump, one based on the KKK Act and the other on common law conspiracy. They allege that Trump illegally conspired with the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers to storm the Capitol, which in turn caused the plaintiffs’ injuries.

Update-1: Donald Trump filed a motion to dismiss on June 24, 2021. He repeated many of the arguments from his motions to dismiss in the Bass and Swalwell suits, including absolute presidential immunity, freedom of speech, and preclusion based on Trump’s impeachment acquittal.

Update-2: Judge Mehta–who is also presiding over the Bass and Swalwell 1/6 suits–scheduled a combined oral argument for Jan. 10, 2022, for all three cases.

Update-3: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, assault, and negligence per se. The court granted Trump’s motion to dismiss the emotional distress, punitive damages, and civil conspiracy claims.

Update-4: On Mar. 18, 2022, Trump appealed the district court’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit consolidated the appeal with those in the Swalwell and Bass 1/6 suits.

Update-5: Trump filed his appeal brief on July 27, 2022. He challenged only the district court’s ruling that he lacked absolute presidential immunity, arguing that his speech surrounding Jan. 6 fell within his official presidential duties.

11. Second Capitol Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots
Smith v. Trump, No. 21-cv-02265 (D.D.C. filed Aug. 26, 2021)

Plaintiff: Seven Capitol Police officers

Case Summary: On Aug. 26, 2021, a second group of Capitol Police officers filed suit over injuries they suffered while defending the Capitol on Jan. 6. The officers allege that Trump and his co-defendants–including the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers–conspired to incite a riot and attack the Capitol, leaving the officers physically and emotionally injured.

Like the other Jan. 6 lawsuits against Trump, the complaint asserts that Trump violated the KKK Act by conspiring to instigate the riots. The complaint also alleges that unnamed defendants–listed as “John Does” who carried out the attack–physically assaulted the officers at Trump’s provocation, which could make Trump liable for the officers’ injuries.

The plaintiffs also add in a unique claim not found in other Jan. 6 lawsuits against Trump: that the defendants violated the DC Bias-Related Crimes Act, a local hate-crime statute. According to the complaint, the defendants were motivated by political bias against the Democratic Party when they instigated and executed the Capitol attack.

Case Status: The officers filed their suit in DC federal court on Aug 26, 2021.

Update-1: Donald Trump filed a motion to dismiss on Nov. 12, 2021. Much like in the other Jan. 6 suits, Trump argued that his speech was constitutionally protected by presidential immunity, the First Amendment, and preclusion as a result of the impeachment acquittal.

Update-2: On Dec. 5, 2021, the plaintiffs amended their complaint to add an eighth officer as a plaintiff and to add a pro-Trump PAC as an additional defendant. The court ruled that the defendants could file new motions to dismiss against this amended complaint, due by Dec. 23, 2021.

Update-3: Trump filed a motion to dismiss the amended complaint on Jan. 31, 2022. He once again argued that the plaintiffs failed to state a claim and that Trump’s speech was protected by absolute immunity and the First Amendment.

Update-4: The district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss on Jan. 26, 2023.

12. Third Capitol Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots
Moore v. Trump, No. 22-cv-00010 (D.D.C. filed Jan. 4, 2022)

Plaintiff: Marcus J. Moore, US Capitol Police Officer

Case Summary: On Jan. 4, 2022, a third suit was filed by a Capitol Police officer alleging that physical and emotional injuries he suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot. The officer seeks compensatory and punitive damages.

The officer claims that the actions, tweets, and comments made by Trump prior, during, and after the insurrection resulted in actual physical injuries as rioters struck him and attacked him with physical objects and chemical agents. Like other Jan. 6 lawsuits, the officer claims Trump violated the KKK Act as Trump conspired to attack the Capitol with his followers. The officer, like earlier lawsuits, further cited violations of the D.C. Code for inciting a riot and disorderly conduct.

Case Status: The officer filed his suit in DC District Court on January 4, 2022.

13. Metropolitan Police Suits over the Jan. 6. Riots
Tabron v. Trump, No. 22-cv-00011 (D.D.C. filed Jan. 4, 2022)

Plaintiff: Bobby Tabron and DeDivine K. Carter, Metropolitan Police Officers

Case Summary: On Jan. 4, 2022, two Metropolitan Police Officers filed suit alleging that physical and emotional injuries they suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot. The officers seek compensatory and punitive damages.

The officers claim that the actions, tweets, and comments made by Trump prior, during, and after the insurrection resulted in actual physical injuries as rioters struck them and attacked them with physical objects and chemical agents. Like other Ja. 6 lawsuits, the officers claim Trump violated the KKK Act as Trump conspired to attack the Capitol with his followers. The officers, like earlier lawsuits, further cited violations of the D.C. Code for inciting a riot and disorderly conduct.

Case Status: The officers filed their suit on January 4, 2022.

14. NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund Voting Rights Case
Mich. Welfare Rights Org. v. Trump, No. 20-cv-03388 (D.D.C. filed Nov. 20, 2020)

Plaintiff: Michigan Welfare Rights Organization and the NAACP, represented by the NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund (LDF).

Case Summary: On Nov. 20, 2020, LDF sued then-President Trump and the Trump campaign alleging that their post-election conduct violated Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act, 52 U.S.C. § 10307(b). After losing the election, Trump spent weeks pressuring Republican election officials not to certify the election—in particular, the complaint examines the actions of Wayne County Republican election officials who first voted not to certify the election, though they eventually did. Section 11(b) forbids intimidation of voters, those aiding voters, and certain election officials. Voting is broadly defined in the Voting Rights Act, covering “all action necessary to make a vote effective[,] … including … having such ballot counted properly and included in the appropriate totals of votes cast.”

In December 2020, the complaint was amended to include the NAACP as a plaintiff, the Republican National Committee as a defendant, and alleged a new claim: that defendants violated the Ku Klux Klan Act, which prohibits conspiracies to deprive someone of equal protection under law or the right to vote. 42 U.S.C. § 1985(3). LDF argues that Trump’s efforts to discard votes in cities with large Black populations meets the statutory definition.

LDF seeks statutory damages, a declaratory judgment, and injunctive relief that would prevent defendants from intimidating voters and election officials in the future.

Case Status: On Feb. 25, 2021, the defendants moved to dismiss the case. They had a variety of arguments, including that the case was filed in the wrong court, that the cited statutes do not allow a private party to bring litigation, and that their conduct did not violate the statutes. As of September 2021, the court has not yet ruled on the motions.

Update-1: On Mar. 31, 2022, the district court partially granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss, dismissing the VRA claims for lack of standing and holding the § 1985(3) claims in abeyance. On the standing point, the district court concluded the plaintiffs lacked standing for an injunction. The court reasoned that even if the defendants had illegally interfered with the plaintiffs’ voting rights in the past, there was no imminent threat that the defendants would do so again.

Update-2: On June 16, the plaintiffs requested permission to file a second amended complaint with new factual allegations that could remedy the standing issues on the VRA claim.

Update-3: On Nov. 28 the district court granted plaintiffs’ request to file a second amended complaint. In granting the plaintiff’s motion, the court concluded that “Plaintiffs have adequately alleged … that the Trump Defendants not only caused great harm to Plaintiffs in the past but also pose a very substantial risk in the future to Plaintiff’s fundamental right to vote.”

15. NY Civil Suit over Fraudulent Real Estate Practices
People v. Trump Org., No. 451685/2020 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. Dec. 15, 2020)

Plaintiff: New York Attorney General (AG)

Case Summary: In March 2019, New York Attorney General Letitia James launched a civil probe investigating allegations that the Trump organization inflated and deflated property values to avoid tax liability and for other financial benefits. She began her investigation after Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen testified before Congress that Trump had engaged in fraud. While there is some overlap, James has noted that her investigation differs from and is independent of the Manhattan DA criminal investigation.

Much of her probe has focused on Seven Springs, a Trump-owned property in New York. In December 2019, James subpoenaed the Trump Organization, seeking records related to a $21 million tax deduction that Trump claimed against the property in 2015. Per her court filings, James is exploring whether Trump improperly inflated the property’s value to boost the size of the tax benefit.

James is also looking into other transactions relating to Trump properties. She is investigating whether Trump failed to pay taxes on debt forgiven during the financial restructuring of the Trump Hotel & Tower in Chicago and the appraisal of the LA Trump National Golf Club used for his conservation tax break, which was substantially higher than metrics typically used to value golf properties.

Case Status: In connection with the Seven Springs subpoenas, James’s office deposed Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg and Eric Trump in September and October 2020. Both refused to testify and instead invoked the Fifth Amendment over 500 times. She also sought related records held by Trump’s tax lawyers. His counsel initially refused to produce them, claiming they were shielded by attorney-client privilege. The state court judge disagreed, ruling on Jan. 29, 2021 that the tax attorneys must turn over thousands of documents about the tax deductions.

Update-1: On May 18, 2021, Fabien Levy, a spokesperson for New York’s Attorney General said, “We have informed the Trump Organization that our investigation into the organization is no longer purely civil in nature. We are now actively investigating the Trump Organizations in a criminal capacity, along with the Manhattan DA.”

Update-2: On Dec. 9, 2021, the Washington Post reported that AG James is seeking to depose Trump in January 2022 as part of her fraud investigation into the Trump Organization’s property valuations.

Update-3: On Jan. 3, 2022, a court order revealed that James’s office also subpoenaed Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. on Dec. 1. According to the order, James seeks to question the two Trump children–in addition to Trump Sr., as previously reported–about the potentially fraudulent real estate valuations. The Trumps immediately responded by filing a motion to quash the subpoenas. They argued that, because the NY AG is also running a “joint” criminal investigation into the Trumps with the Manhattan DA, the AG’s office cannot use purely civil subpoenas and must instead use a grand jury to question Trump and his children. The Trumps reasoned that grand jury subpoenas provide greater protection to witnesses–including immunity–and that James was trying to “circumvent” those protections by using civil subpoenas instead.

Update-4: James subpoenaed the General Services Administration to determine how it decided to lease the historic post office to former President Trump. As part of an ongoing civil investigation into Trump’s fraudulent real estate practices, James is reportedly attempting to use the documents to determine whether Trump had a practice of providing false information to the advantage of his business.

Update-5: On Feb. 17, 2022, the state court rejected Trump’s subpoena challenge and ruled that Donald, Ivanka, and Donald Jr. must sit for questioning under oath. The judge directed the Trumps to submit to these depositions within 21 days. The Trumps plan to appeal the decision, according to a family spokeswoman.

Update-6: On Feb. 28, 2022, the Trumps appealed the court’s decision ordering them to sit for depositions.

Update-7: On Mar. 3, 2022, the parties agreed to delay the depositions until after the state appeals court rules on the Trumps’ appeal.

Update-8: On Apr 7, 2022, James’s office filed a motion with the state court requesting Trump be held in contempt for failing to turn over subpoenaed documents. Her office requested a daily fine of $10,000 until Trump complies. The court has not ruled on her request.

Update-9: On Apr. 25, 2022, a NY state Judge held Trump in contempt of court for failure to respond to the AG’s subpoenas. The court assessed a fine of $10,000 per day until Trump meets the request.

Update-10: On Apr. 27, 2022, Trump appealed the contempt ruling and the $10,000-a-day fine. Trump also asked the district court to pause the fine while he appeals, but the court denied that request.

Update-11: On May 11, 2022, the trial court halted the daily fine but ordered Trump to pay the $110,000 balance by May 20. Though Trump paid the fine by the deadline, the judge kept the contempt order in place, leaving the door open for it to climb if Trump does not comply with the judge’s orders.

Update-12: On May 26, 2022, a New York appeals court ruled that Trump and two of his children–Donald Jr. and Ivanka–must sit for questioning by AG James’s office. The appeals court rejected Trump’s arguments that James was acting out of political animus. Trump’s attorney appealed the ruling to the New York Court of Appeals, the state’s highest court, which has discretion to take up or ignore the appeal.

Update-13: On June 8, 2022, Trump and two of his children–Donald Jr. and Ivanka–agreed to be questioned under oath by James’s office in mid-July, unless the New York high court decides to intervene and hear their appeal.

Update-14: On June 14, 2022, New York’s highest court declined to hear the Trumps’ appeal. This clears the way for James’s office to depose the Trumps.

Update-15: James’s office deposed Donald Trump Jr. on July 28, 2022 and Ivanka Trump on Aug. 3, 2022. Both reportedly participated in the deposition and did not invoke their Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination.

Update-16: AG James deposed Trump Sr. on Aug. 10, 2022. Trump repeatedly declined to answer her questions and instead invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. Reportedly, Trump asserted the Fifth more than 400 times in response to varying questions about his businesses, property valuations, and loans.

Update-17: On Sept. 21, 2022, the NY AG sued the Trumps in NY state court. The civil suit alleges that the Trumps repeatedly overvalued their real estate holdings in a long-running scheme designed to obtain favorable terms on bank loans. The complaint seeks to recover $250 million in damages and asks the court to bar the Trumps from running any businesses in New York state. It names Donald Sr., Donald Jr., Eric, and Ivanka Trump as defendants, along with the Trump Organization and several of its executives. Although AG James’s suit seeks only civil penalties, her office also sent criminal referrals to both the IRS and federal prosecutors.

Update-18: On Jan. 6, 2023, the trial court denied the Trumps’ motion to dismiss James’s lawsuit.

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Donald Trump v. Letitia James: On Dec. 20, 2021, Donald Trump filed his own suit against AG James in federal court. He accused James of targeting Trump out of political animus and asked the court to enjoin her under § 1983 from continuing her investigation into Trump and his companies. To back up his claim, Trump pointed to a string of James’s social media posts that allegedly suggested a political motive. Trump asserted that James’s investigation violates his constitutional rights, including his First Amendment rights by targeting him for his political activities and his Fourth Amendment rights by harassing him with bad faith subpoenas. In subsequent filings. James has asked the judge to dismiss the suit and has refused to cease investigating.

Update-1: On Jan. 26, 2022, James moved to dismiss Trump’s suit. She argued that Trump’s suit should be dismissed under several federal abstention doctrines, under res judicata, and for failing to state a claim.

Update-2: On May 27, 2022, the district court dismissed Trump’s suit, which will allow James’s investigation to continue. The district court reasoned that Trump’s suit was barred by Younger abstention, a doctrine that bars federal courts from stopping state court proceedings like James’s civil enforcement suit against Trump. For his part, Trump had argued that Younger abstention shouldn’t apply because James was investigating him in bad faith. The district court rejected that argument, finding that James’s proceeding had a “legitimate factual predicate” and that there was no evidence that James was acting in a harassing or bad faith manner.

Update-3: Trump filed a notice of appeal on May 27, 2022.

Update-4: Trump withdrew his lawsuit on Jan. 24, 2023.

16. Scotland Unexplained Wealth Orders
Plaintiff: Avaaz Foundation against the Scottish Ministers and Others

Case Summary: On February 3, 2021, the Scottish Parliament voted to reject calls from the opposition party, the Scottish Greens, to investigate the Trump Organization’s golf courses through an Unexplained Wealth Order (UWO). UWOs are a mechanism designed to prevent suspected corrupt foreign officials from laundering potentially stolen funds into the UK. They require an individual or organization to reveal the sources of their unexplained wealth and, while they do not automatically trigger criminal proceedings, they can result at least in confiscation of assets. The concerns that led to the push to investigate Trump arose when Trump spent many hundreds of millions of dollars to purchase and refurbish golf courses within Scotland with all-cash transactions. This was particularly suspicious since Trump had financed large scale purchases with debt prior to these transactions. It is disputed whether Eric Trump made a statement indicating that the funds had come from Russia.

The co-leader of the Scottish Greens stated, “Scotland cannot be a country where anyone with the money can buy whatever land and property they want, no questions asked, and the Scottish Greens will continue to challenge vested interests that protect people like Trump rather than our communities.” Eric Trump criticized the suit, stating that “at a critical time when politicians should be focused on saving lives and reopening businesses in Scotland, they are focused on advancing their personal agendas.”

Case Status: The non-profit global rights pressure group, Avaaz Foundation, sought to challenge the Scottish Parliament vote and, in May, filed a petition in the highest civil court in Scotland to review the decision not to pursue a UWO. On Aug. 11, 2021, Lord Sandison of the Scottish Court of Session ruled the petition seeking “judicial review of the approach of the Scottish ministers in determining whether to apply to the court for UWOs” should “proceed without condition or restriction.” He ruled that their case has “real prospects of success.” Scotland’s High Court will likely hear the case later this year.

Update-1: On Nov. 25, 2021, in a victory for the defendants, Lord Sandison ruled that only the Lord Advocate General of Scotland may issue a UWO, not the Scottish ministers. Advocates are now asking for the Lord Advocate to take action.

Update-2: As of January 2023, there are no indications that the Scottish investigation is progressing.

17. Trump Tower Assault Suit (CASE CLOSED)
Galicia v. Trump, No. 24973/2015 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. filed Sept. 9, 2015)

Plaintiff: A group of six protesters

Case Summary: On Sept. 3, 2015, the plaintiffs were demonstrating on the sidewalk outside Trump Tower in Manhattan. According to the plaintiffs–who self-identify as of Mexican origin–they were protesting the “inflammatory” anti-Mexican statements that Trump made during 2015 campaign events. Soon after the plaintiffs arrived, Trump Tower security guards allegedly attacked them and destroyed their protest signs.

That same month, the plaintiffs sued Trump, the Trump Organization, Trump’s campaign, Trump’s head bodyguard, and the alleged attackers in New York state court. The plaintiffs allege that Trump and his co-defendants are liable for assault and battery, conversion and destruction of property, and tortious interference with political speech. To tie Trump to his guards’ conduct, the plaintiffs allege that Trump was careless in hiring and supervising his security detail and, separately, that Trump should be held vicariously liable–a type of secondary liability often used to hold employers to account for their employee’s harmful actions. To prevail against Trump on this vicarious liability theory, the plaintiffs would need to show that the guards (i) were acting as Trump’s employees or agents at the time and (ii) attacked the plaintiffs to advance Trump’s interests in some way.

Case Status: Trump and his co-defendants moved to dismiss the claims for property destruction and interference with political speech in Dec. 2015. The court dismissed the political speech interference claim but permitted the rest of the claims to advance.

After the defendants moved for summary judgment in 2017, the court dismissed the negligent hiring and supervision claims against Trump and the Trump Organization. However, the court allowed the remaining claims to go forward, including the vicarious liability claims that Trump should be personally liable for his guards’ conduct.

Update-1: On Oct. 18, 2021, Trump sat for a four-hour deposition to answer questions about the alleged assault. According to the plaintiffs’ lawyer, Trump was asked about “a variety of issues including statements he has made at various campaign events and rallies that counsel believes encouraged violence at those events or encouraged security guards to engage in violence or the confiscation of property.” The plaintiffs’ lawyer also said he intends to play a video of Trump’s deposition at trial, which is not yet scheduled.

Update-2: On Apr. 26, 2022, a court filing revealed fifty pages of testimony from Trump’s deposition. Trump testified that he did not send his security staff after the protestors or direct them to grab their signs.

Update-3: Nov. 2, 2022, the parties reached a settlement in the case, details of the settlement agreement have not been disclosed.

18. Michael Cohen Retaliatory Imprisonment Suit
Cohen v. United States, No. 21-cv-10774 (S.D.N.Y. filed Dec. 16, 2021)

Plaintiff: Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s former attorney

Case Summary: On Dec. 16, 2021, Michael Cohen sued Donald Trump, former Attorney General Bill Barr, the US government, and other officials in federal court for retaliatory imprisonment. Cohen alleges that, after he announced plans to publish a damaging book about his legal work for Trump, the defendants retaliated by sending Cohen back to federal prison from home confinement.

At the time, Cohen was serving a three-year sentence for several crimes related to his work for Trump, including lying to Congress about Trump’s Moscow business and orchestrating illegal campaign expenditures to cover up Trump’s extramarital affairs. Several months into the COVID outbreak, the Bureau of Prisons–then led by defendant Michael Carvajal–granted Cohen’s medical request to be released on “furlough” followed by a transition to home confinement for the rest of his sentence. But according to Cohen, Trump and his co-defendants interfered with that transition. While Cohen was out on furlough, he tweeted about his plans to release a tell-all memoir about his work for Trump. Shortly after, corrections officers demanded that Cohen agree to a home confinement condition that barred Cohen from posting on social media and publishing his book. After Cohen allegedly hesitated to agree, the BOP nixed the home confinement plan and remanded Cohen back to federal prison.

Cohen then filed a habeas petition challenging the remand and arguing that corrections officials had taken the action in retaliation for Cohen’s tweets about his work on the anti-Trump book. The district court agreed–explicitly finding that Barr and Carvajal ordered the remand with the “purpose” of retaliating–and ordered Cohen’s release to home detention. Cohen completed his sentence at home in November 2021.

A month later, on Dec. 16, Cohen sued Trump, Barr, Carvajal, other corrections officials, and the US government for the alleged retaliatory imprisonment. He seeks damages against Trump, Barr, and the other officials under Bivens–a judicially created cause of action for damages against federal officers for constitutional violations–for violating Cohen’s rights under the First, Fourth, and Eighth Amendments. Cohen also seeks damages against the US government under the Federal Tort Claims Act, which allows plaintiffs to sue the federal government for damages if they are injured by certain torts committed by federal officers.

Case Status: Cohen filed the suit in New York federal court on December 16, 2021.

Update-1: Trump filed a motion to dismiss the suit on Apr. 4, 2022. He argued that presidential immunity shielded his conduct, that Bivens doctrine does not apply in federal prisoner suits against the President, and that Cohen had failed to plausibly allege that Trump was personally involved in the constitutional violations.

Update-2: On Aug. 2, 2022, the court heard oral argument on the defendants’ motion to dismiss.

Update-3: On Nov. 14, 2022, the district court dismissed Cohen’s suit, including his constitutional Bivens claims against Trump. The court found that recent Supreme Court decisions had significantly constrained the scope of such suits and concluded that Cohen’s claims failed under those precedents.


19. Criminal Investigations into Trump’s Finances
People of the State of New York v. Trump Corporation d/b/a Trump Organization, Trump Payroll Corp., d/b/a Trump Organization, Allen Weisselberg

Trump v. Deutsche Bank, No. 19-cv-03826 (S.D.N.Y. Apr. 29, 2019)

Trump v. Vance, No. 19-cv-08694 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 19, 2019)

Prosecuting Office: In 2019, then-President Trump sued to block subpoenas issued by three House Committees and the Manhattan District Attorney seeking his financial information in 2019. As of Feb. 22, the Manhattan DA now has access to Trump’s tax information.

Case Summary: In 2019, the House Intelligence and Finance Committees issued subpoenas to both Deutsche Bank and Capital One seeking information about then-President Trump’s finances. Before the banks complied with the subpoenas, Trump sued, seeking a declaratory judgment that they were unenforceable and an injunction that would have prevented the banks from disclosing Trump’s financial information. In addition, the House Oversight Committee subpoenaed Mazars, Trump’s accounting firm, demanding additional accounting information. Trump again sued to block the subpoena.

In parallel, Manhattan District Attorney, Cyrus Vance Jr., subpoenaed Mazars, for access to Trump’s tax records. Trump again sued to prevent the disclosure of this information.

All three cases reached the Supreme Court, where they were decided on the same day, July 9, 2020. The congressional subpoenas were combined into one case, and were remanded so the lower courts could consider separation of powers concerns raised by congressional committees subpoenaing a sitting president. In the Vance case, the Court ruled that a president’s financial information could be subpoenaed by a local district attorney.

Case Status: With the seating of the new Congress in January 2021, the Congressional subpoenas expired. The Vance subpoena again reached the Supreme Court, which on Feb. 22, refused to block it. His spokesperson has confirmed that the office now has access to Trump’s tax returns, including millions of pages of documents. Charges have not been filed.

Update-1: New reporting on Mar. 1 revealed that Vance’s investigation has focused on Trump Organization chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, whose potential cooperation with prosecutors could be a significant breakthrough in the investigation. On Mar. 31, the New York Times reported that Vance’s office has subpoenaed Weisselberg’s personal bank records, and on Apr. 8, investigators took possession of financial records from Weisselberg’s daughter-in-law.

Update-2: New reporting on Mar. 8 revealed that Vance’s probe has expanded to include investigation of a $130 million loan the Trump Organization received to build its Chicago tower, and whether the forgiveness of that loan was reported as income, as required by the IRS.

Update-3: On May, 25, 2021, the Washington Post reported that Vance has convened a special grand jury that is “expected to decide whether to indict former president Donald Trump, other executives at his company or the business itself should prosecutors present the panel with criminal charges.” According to the Post, “The move indicates that District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr.’s investigation of the former president and his business has reached an advanced stage …. It suggests, too, that Vance believes he has found evidence of a crime — if not by Trump then by someone potentially close to him or by his company.”

Update-4: On Jun. 4, ABC News and the New York Times report that Trump Organization senior vice president and controller, Jeff McConney is among a number of witnesses to have already appeared before the special grand jury. He is reportedly the first employee of the company called to testify.

Update-5: On July 1, prosecutors indicted the Trump Organization and the chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg with running a tax fraud scheme for over fifteen years. The indictment charges Weisselberg, the Trump Organization, and the Trump Payroll Co. with compensating Weisselberg and other Trump Organization executives with off-the-books funds that were unreported or misreported to federal, state, and local tax authorities.

The indictment includes a reference to the former President. It states that “as part of the scheme to defraud, Trump Corporation personnel … arranged for tuition expenses for Weisselberg’s family members to be paid by personal checks drawn on the account of and signed by Donald J. ‘Trump.” The indictment also refers to an “unindicted co-conspirator,” who is Jeff McConney, the Trump Organization’s controller, a person familiar with the investigation told CNN.

Update-6: Matthew Calamari Jr., the Trump Organization’s corporate director of security, and Jeffrey McConney, controller of the Trump Organization, appeared before a Manhattan grand jury on September 2. Calamari received “transactional immunity for the topics he testified about” while McConney was reportedly asked to clarify his previous grand jury testimony and respond to inquiries related to Calamari Sr.

Update-7: The Washington Post reports that the Manhattan DA has convened a second grand jury “to hear evidence about the Trump Organization’s financial practices and potentially to vote on criminal charges.” One source reported that the new grand jury will scrutinize whether Trump’s company manipulated the value of its assets–a practice that NY AG Letitia James is also investigating in her parallel civil probe.

Update-8: Donald Trump’s longtime accountant, Donald Bender, who worked for the firm Mazars, reportedly appeared before the grand jury. In recent weeks prosecutors’ also interviewed Rosemary Vrablic, a former managing director at Deutsche Bank. According to an anonymous source, “prosecutors pressed Vrablic about Trump’s role in dealings with the bank,” the Washington Post reported.

Update-9: On Jan. 1, 2022, Alvin Bragg replaced Vance as Manhattan DA and took the helm of the investigation into Trump’s finances. Before taking office, Bragg stated that he would be directly involved in the investigation and noted that he had asked two of Vance’s top prosecutors to continue working on the case.

Update-10: Two of the prosecutors working on the Trump case, Carey R. Dunne and Mark F. Pomerantz, resigned from the prosecution when Bragg indicated he had doubts on moving forward with the investigation. The New York Times later reported that Pomerantz stated that Trump was “guilty of numerous felony violations” and that it was “a grave failure of justice” not to prosecute him, according to a copy of Pomerantz’s resignation letter.

Update-11: On Apr. 7, 2022, Bragg publicly stated that the Trump investigation was continuing and revealed that his office had even questioned new witnesses. In a press release, Bragg stated, “I pledge that the Office will publicly state the conclusion of our investigation – whether we conclude our work without bringing charges, or move forward with an indictment.”

Update-12: On Aug. 18, 2022, Allen Weisselberg pleaded guilty to fifteen financial felonies including tax fraud and grand larceny. As part of the deal with the new DA Alvin Bragg, Weisselberg agreed to testify if the Trump Organization goes to trial on the tax fraud charges.

Update-13: On Oct. 24, the tax fraud trial against the Trump Organization began, and, on Nov. 21, the prosecution rested its side of the case.

Update-14: On Nov. 21, the New York Times reported that the DA’s office has resumed a criminal investigation of Trump’s possible hush money payment and associated falsification of business records.

Update-15: On Dec. 6, 2022, a jury convicted the Trump Organization of tax fraud and other crimes related to the company’s practice of giving out off-the-books perks to executives that were never taxed. Allen Weisselberg testified as the prosecution’s star witness against the company. Prosecutors never charged Trump himself over the scheme, though the prosecutors implicated him as being personally involved in the scheme.

Update-16: On Jan. 10, 2023, New York state court Judge Juan Merchan sentenced Allen Weisselberg to five months in prison for financial felonies including tax fraud and grand larceny.

Update-17: On Jan. 13, 2023, Judge Merchan sentenced the Trump Organization to pay $1.6 million in fines for its conviction on tax crimes.

20. DC Attorney General Incitement Investigation for Attack on U.S. Capitol
Prosecuting Office: DC Attorney General (AG)

Case Summary: DC Attorney General Karl Racine has said he is exploring whether to charge Trump with incitement. So far, his office has focused on a DC statute that makes it a misdemeanor to “incite or provoke violence where there is a likelihood that such violence will ensue.” Presumably, DC prosecutors are looking into Trump’s statements and tweets before and during the riot, gauging whether they amount to criminal incitement.

That said, Racine has cautioned that prosecuting Trump would be an uphill battle. Though the former president no longer could claim presidential immunity, the First Amendment may still shield his speech from prosecution. Under Brandenburg–the controlling case here–a speaker can be prosecuted for incitement only when their speech is both intended and likely to cause imminent lawless action. This is a notoriously difficult standard to meet, especially on the intent side. Even though some rioters have claimed they were following Trump’s instructions, Racine would need to actually prove it was Trump’s actual goal for them to do so. Despite the trail of incriminating statements Trump left behind, Racine may still have trouble meeting such a high bar.

Not only that, Racine has limited options in terms of what offenses he can charge. Because DC splits criminal jurisdiction with the U.S. government, Racine’s office can enforce only low-level crimes. As a result, he cannot charge Trump with arguably more applicable felonies, and is effectively limited to DC’s incitement statute. And as defense attorneys in DC have noted, this misdemeanor offense is typically charged in street-level disorderly conduct cases, arguably making it a poor fit.

Case Status: Racine’s office is investigating Trump’s conduct but has not filed charges.

Update: As of August 2022, there are no public signs that the DC AG is still investigating Trump.

21. Fulton County, Georgia Criminal Election Influence Investigation
Prosecuting Office: Fulton County, GA District Attorney’s Office.

Case Summary: On Feb. 10, 2021, the Fulton County DA’s Office opened an investigation into attempted election interference by former President Trump. The investigation is looking into potential violations of Georgia election laws, including the “solicitation of election fraud, the making of false statements to state and local governmental bodies, conspiracy, racketeering, violation of oath of office and any involvement in violence or threats related to the election’s administration.”

Case Status: On Feb. 10, 2021, the Fulton County DA’s Office sent letters to Governor Brian Kemp, Lieutenant Governor Duncan, Secretary of State Raffensperger, and Attorney General Carr informing them of the new investigation and requesting that all records relating to the election, including emails sent by employees from non-government accounts, be preserved.

Fulton County DA Fani Willis also reportedly plans to investigate a phone call between Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger where Raffensperger claims Graham asked the Secretary of State if he could throw out legally cast ballots. Graham’s spokesperson claims that this is not true and Graham was instead asking about the signature verification process. The DA’s office is also reportedly looking into whether Rudy Giuliani violated election laws in making false statements to Georgia officials.

The week of March 1 2021, prosecutors are expected to seek grand jury subpoenas for documents and witnesses connected to the investigation.

On Mar. 6, Willis brought on John Floyd, a national expert on state racketeering prosecution, to assist in racketeering investigations. He has not been brought on specifically for the Trump investigation, but as Willis is investigating racketeering in the Trump case, this development suggests that racketeering charges could play a larger role.

On Mar. 11, a recording of a call between then-President Trump and the chief investigator of the Georgia Secretary of State’s office, Frances Watson, was released By the Wall Street Journal. On the call, Trump urged Watson to look for fraud in mail-in ballots. The Fulton County DA’s Office has said that they will request a copy of the phone call.

Update-1: As of Mar. 28, there are reportedly two grand juries considering subpoenas for documents relevant to the investigation.

Update-2: Reporting (on Nov. 6 and Nov. 12) suggests that Willis is considering convening a special grand jury dedicated solely to allegations of election tampering in addition to the two grand juries that have already been convened.

Update-3: On Jan. 20, 2022, Willis submitted a letter to the chief judge of Fulton County’s Superior Court requesting a special grand jury for her investigation of President Trump. The letter states that a special grand jury will assist because a “significant number of witnesses and prospective witnesses have refused to cooperate with the investigation absent a subpoena requiring their testimony.”

Update-4: On Jan. 30, 2022, Willis requested the FBI to conduct a security safety assessment and provide other protective services following Trump’s alarming and charged rhetoric at a recent Texas rally. He called for massive protests against the “racist” and “vicious” prosecutors if they “do anything wrong.”

Update-5: On May 2, 2022, prosecutors convened a special grand jury to investigate “whether there were unlawful attempts to disrupt the administration of the 2020 elections here in Georgia.” The grand jury currently has up to one year to issue a report advising the local DA whether to pursue criminal charges against Trump.

Update-6: Grand jury proceedings began on May 27, 2022. The grand jury expects to hear testimony from “as many as 50 witnesses” and the process “is likely to last weeks.”

Update-7: On July 5, 2022, the grand jury issued subpoenas to several of Trump’s key associates who were allegedly involved in the election interference scheme. The targets include Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani; campaign lawyers John Eastman, Cleta Mitchell, Kenneth Cheseboro, and Jenna Ellis; Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.); and attorney Jacki Pick Deason. Under the subpoenas, these witnesses now must testify under oath before the grand jury.

Update-8: On July 13, 2022, Senator Graham moved to quash the grand jury subpoena by filing a motion in South Carolina federal court. Graham argued that he had legislative immunity–afforded by the Constitution’s Speech and Debate clause–because his calls to Georgia officials about the 2020 election qualified as legislative activity.

Update-9: On Aug. 2, 2022, Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer asked Willis’ office to delay his testimony because he was still recovering from a recent medical procedure. The Fulton County judge ultimately rejected that request and ordered Giuliani to appear before the grand jury on Aug. 17.

Update-10: On Aug. 11, 2022, Trump hired a high-profile Atlanta-based criminal defense attorney, Drew Findling, to represent him during the criminal proceedings.

Update-11: On Aug. 15, 2022, local prosecutors informed Rudy Giuliani that he was formally a “target” of their criminal investigation into election interference in Georgia, which generally means that an indictment is possible but not guaranteed. That same day, a federal judge rejected Senator Graham’s bid to avoid testifying, and ordered Graham to appear before the grand jury on Aug. 23.

Update-12: Senator Graham appealed the order requiring him to testify to the Eleventh Circuit, which then directed the district court to consider whether Graham’s testimony should be limited based on his legislative immunity claim. On Sept. 9, the district court ultimately ordered Graham to testify but also held that Graham could refuse to answer questions about his “investigatory fact-finding … related to his decision to certify … the 2020 presidential election” because those inquiries would fall under his immunized legislative duties. The court held, in line with its prior decisions and that of the court of appeals, that Graham could be questioned about three areas that fell outside of his legislative activities: (1) “any alleged efforts to ‘cajole’ or encourage Secretary Raffensperger or other Georgia election officials to throw out ballots or otherwise alter Georgia’s election practices and procedures;” (2) “Senator Graham’s alleged communications and coordination with the Trump Campaign and its post-election efforts in Georgia;” and (3) “Senator Graham’s public statements related to Georgia’s 2020 elections.”

Update-13: Graham appealed the district court’s order to the Eleventh Circuit, but the appeals court upheld the district court’s ruling. The panel held that Graham could be forced to testify in the probe because his legislative status did confer blanket immunity from questioning. Graham asked the Supreme Court to revisit that ruling, but the Court denied Graham’s request on Nov. 1, 2022

Update-14: On Nov. 22, Graham testified before the grand jury. His office released a statement saying, “Today, Senator Graham appeared before the Fulton County Special Grand Jury for just over two hours and answered all questions.”

Update-15: The Fulton County grand jury completed its investigation into election interference on Jan. 9, 2023. The judge scheduled a hearing for Jan. 24 to determine whether to release the grand jury’s report, including any recommendation on whether charges should be filed.

22. Westchester, New York Criminal Investigation of Trump Organization Golf Course
Prosecuting Office: Westchester District Attorney’s Office

Case Summary: Westchester District Attorney’s Office of Mimi E. Rocah has reportedly launched a criminal investigation, led by Elliott B. Jacobson, examining, at least in part, whether the Trump Organization misled local officials about the property value of its golf course to reduce its taxes.

Case Status: The full scope of the investigation is unknown but the office has subpoenaed records from the course.

23. National Archives Referral for Mishandled Classified Materials
Prosecuting Office: Department of Justice (via referral by National Archives); Office of the Special Counsel Jack Smith

Case Summary: In January 2022, the National Archives recovered fifteen boxes of documents from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida. Many of the documents were covered by the Presidential Records Act, which requires presidents to preserve and turn over their official records. The Archives later discovered that the boxes included “items marked as classified national security information.”

In response to a letter from the House Oversight Committee, the Archives confirmed on Feb. 18 that it had “identified classified information in the boxes” and had “been in communication with the Department of Justice” about Trump’s handling of those materials.

On Feb. 9, 2022, the Archives made a referral to the Justice Department for Trump’s handling of government records. On or before Apr. 29, 2022, the Justice Department notified Trump’s counsel Evan Corcoran that the Department had an “ongoing criminal investigation” into the handling of the government documents marked as classified. (The grand jury investigation was reported by the New York Times on May 12, 2022.)

Case Status: On or before Apr. 29, 2022, the Justice Department notified Trump’s counsel Evan Corcoran that the Department had an “ongoing criminal investigation” into the handling of the government documents marked as classified. (The grand jury investigation was reported by the New York Times on May 12, 2022.)

Update-1: On Apr. 7, 2022, the Washington Post reported that the DOJ plans to investigate Trump’s removal of official records to Mar-a-Lago.

Update-2: On May 12, 2022, the New York Times reported that the Justice Department has started a “grand jury investigation into whether classified White House documents that ended up at former President Donald J. Trump’s Florida home were mishandled,” and that the grand jury has issued at least one subpoena. That subpoena is to the National Archives to obtain the classified documents.

Update-3: On June 3, 2022, federal investigators removed classified documents from Mar-a-Lago under a grand jury subpoena.

On June 8, Trump’s attorneys received an email from federal investigators asking them to further secure the room where documents are being stored. The email asked that “the room at Mar-a-Lago where the documents had been stored be secured and that all the boxes that were moved from the White House to Mar-a-Lago (along with any other items in that room) be preserved in that room in their current condition until further notice,” according to the Wall Street Journal.

Following the June 3 visit, one of Trump’s lawyers reportedly signed a statement that all materials marked as classified and held in boxes in a storage area have been returned to the government. On June 22, the Trump Organization received a subpoena for surveillance tapes that covered areas of the club where the documents were possibly stored, which the FBI later obtained.

Update-4: On Aug. 8, 2022, FBI agents executed a search warrant on Mar-a-Lago and raided the club in search of additional classified materials beyond those taken in June. Attorney General Merrick Garland later confirmed that he had personally approved the search. The DOJ also asked a court to unseal the search warrant itself, which would reveal the alleged crimes that formed the basis of the warrant as well as the list of items taken during the search. Trump now has the option to oppose the unsealing, which he would need to do by Aug. 12.

Update-5: On Aug. 12, the court granted the DOJ’s motion and unsealed the warrant and property receipt. The warrant revealed that Trump is under investigation for violating three criminal statutes: destruction or removal of records, obstruction of justice, and mishandling classified information in violation of the Espionage Act. The property receipt indicated that agents had seized 11 sets of documents, some marked as highly classified.

Update-6: Several media outlets, including CNN and the Washington Post, asked the court to unseal the search warrant documents on Aug. 11. On Aug. 15, the DOJ responded by filing a motion urging the court to keep sealed the search warrant affidavit, which would specify the reasons why investigators believed they had probable cause to search the premises. The DOJ argued that the affidavit contains sensitive information that would “compromise” the government’s ongoing criminal investigation.

Update-7: On Aug. 22, 2022, Trump filed a lawsuit challenging the DOJ’s investigation in Florida federal court. Trump’s suit requested that the court appoint a special master to review the seized documents and to screen out any materials covered by attorney-client or executive privilege. The suit also asked the court to enjoin the DOJ from reviewing the documents and to order the DOJ to return some of Trump’s personal property.

Update-8: On Aug. 30, 2022, the DOJ filed a motion opposing Trump’s request to appoint a special master. The DOJ advanced several arguments, including that Trump lacked standing to challenge the seizure of presidential records, that an injunction against the DOJ’s investigation was inappropriate, that a a former president like Trump cannot assert executive privilege in scenarios like this, and that a special master is unnecessary because a government filter team could screen out privileged information.

Update-9: On Sept. 5, 2022, the district court granted Trump’s request to appoint a special master and enjoined the DOJ from reviewing the seized records as part of its criminal investigation. On Sept. 8, the DOJ filed a notice of appeal and asked the district court to stay its decision with respect to the classified materials. It argued that the DOJ was likely to win its subsequent appeal over the classified documents, because Trump could not possibly assert any personal interest in classified government records. The DOJ also explained that the government would suffer irreparable harm if it were enjoined from using the seized classified materials, because it needed to promptly conduct a national security risk assessment.

Update-10: On Sept. 15, the district court appointed the Hon. Raymond Dearie–a Senior Judge of the Eastern District of New York–as special master. The district court also denied the DOJ’s motion for a stay.

Update-11: The special master–Judge Dearie–held his first hearing on Sept. 20, 2022. Much of the argument focused on the status of the classified documents. Trump’s counsel argued that Judge Dearie should not take the DOJ’s word that some of the seized records were classified but stopped short of arguing that Trump had actually declassified them. According to reporting, the judge “expressed skepticism” at those arguments, and indicated that he would likely deem the records classified unless Trump offered contrary evidence.

Update-12: On Sept. 21, the Eleventh Circuit granted the DOJ’s motion for a stay, meaning that the DOJ can use the classified documents in its investigation and that the DOJ need not submit those documents to the special master for review. The appeals court agreed with the DOJ that Trump could not assert a personal interest in classified records, and also noted that Trump had so far refused to advance any actual evidence that the records had been declassified.

Update-13: On Nov. 22, the court of appeals heard oral argument (C-SPAN) on the merits of whether Judge Cannon should have exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion in the first place. The three-judge panel included two of the judges from the prior panel that affirmed the DOJ motion on Sept. 21. The two sides’ arguments on jurisdiction were practically the same as the arguments made in their briefs at issue in the Sept. 21 ruling.

Update-14: On Dec. 1, 2022, the Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruled in favor of the government’s petition to vacate Florida district court Judge Aileen Cannon’s order and dismiss the underlying civil action. The Eleventh Circuit held that Judge Cannon should have never exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion for return of property.

Monday, February 12, 2024 12:58 PM


Have you finished reading this yet Jack, comrade signym?


Originally posted by THG:
Originally posted by THG:
Originally posted by SignyM:

How the FBI covered up the laptop and the alphabet agencies and M$M united to smear one man: the laptop repairman's story

As a rule I'm not a fan of large posts. I don't think they serve a purpose. However, sometimes it is useful to show stupid people how stupid they are. To remind them everybody who reads their posts knows it.

Like this post that shows a concern for the rule of law from Signym. Like other posts from Jack, JSF and some infrequent posters. Yep, they're all in for the rule of law.

The problem they have is all the proof showing they are not. Like the proof I post here that they choose to ignore. Proof anyone with a healthy conative ability would recognize as showing Trump is a sick criminal. Yet, these chosen few deny deny deny.

I offer this proof showing they too are sick. And I'll remind you much more has occurred since 2021.


Originally published on Feb. 28, 2021; continually updated.

On both the criminal and civil litigation fronts, former President Donald Trump faces a bevy of lawsuits and investigations, with more cases likely to follow. Some are civil suits stemming from his pre-presidential business dealings. Others are defamation claims from women he allegedly assaulted. More still are criminal probes and civil actions that scrutinize his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. The Chart below tracks all these cases. It will be continually updated as major legal developments occur.

These cases bear on two pressing questions. First, will Trump maintain his long streak of eluding legal liability in the face of so many lawsuits? Second, if Trump is held to account for illegal conduct, what impact will such a development have on his—and his family’s—political and business fortunes?

Criminal charges—one would think—would be among the most damaging outcomes. After all, a criminal prosecution of a former president would be a singular event in American history. No former president has ever been indicted, much less convicted. Trump lost any immunity from indictment that he may have possessed as president the moment he left office on Jan. 20. To be sure, most of the criminal probes detailed below are in their infancy, so the odds of an actual conviction at this time remain improbable. Even so, the mere stigma of criminal charges against the former president could reshape the American political landscape and the historical understanding of Trump’s behavior.

The civil cases could certainly do their fair share of damage as well, directly or indirectly. If Trump falters in one of his business-related suits, his companies may be subject to massive penalties, or worse. Even apart from such sanctions, his empire is reportedly struggling under looming debt obligations and reduced revenues, a slump which could worsen if his reputation continues to deteriorate.

With these legal threats bearing down on the former president from nearly every direction, this tracker collects them in one place. Note: we have chosen not to include various cases involving Trump’s properties or the Trump Campaign —including slip-and-fall cases, allegations of bedbugs, water use cases, telephone spam suits, copyright suits, and discrimination suits—as they do not implicate Trump directly or it is very unlikely that they will. Below we’ve included key takeaways from each case along with case charts that explain the case’s main issue, procedural posture, and any upcoming deadlines. We will continue to update this information as new filings are docketed, new details emerge, new plaintiffs come forward or drop out, and other significant developments in the cases occur. If you believe we are missing a significant issue or development, send us a message at

Key Takeaways

1. E. Jean Carroll 1.0: Defamation and Federal Tort Claims Act Litigation

Carroll is suing Trump for defamation after he publicly accused her, in June 2019, of fabricating a rape allegation against him. The parties are currently involved in an appeal before the Second Circuit, where Trump (and so far, the Justice Department as well) is arguing that he had official immunity from Carroll’s defamation claim under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA).

Update: On Sept. 27, 2022, the Second Circuit asked the D.C. Court of Appeals to rule on whether Trump’s public denial fell within the scope of his employment under the FTCA.

2. E. Jean Carroll 2.0: Battery and Defamation

Carroll is suing Trump for battery alleging he raped her and for defamation on the basis of a lengthy statement he made on October 12, 2022. The claim of defamation is similar to the suit Carroll brought earlier, except this time Trump made his statement saying she fabricated the rape allegation after he was no longer in office. Accordingly, there is no prospect of his obtaining immunity under the Federal Tort Claims Act.

Carroll filed suit on the first day permitted under New York’s Adult Survivors Act, N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 214-j. The law provides a one-year window for sexual assault survivors to file civil claims even if the statute of limitations has passed.

3. Summer Zervos Defamation Suit (CASE CLOSED)

Summer Zervos, a former contestant on the Apprentice, has filed a civil suit against former President Trump for defamation after he claimed her allegations of his inappropriate sexual conduct were lies designed to help the Clinton campaign and improve her fame. The case is currently at the New York Court of Appeals, the highest New York state court.

Update-1: On Oct. 4, 2021, the trial court ruled that Trump could be deposed before Dec. 23, 2021.

Update-2: On Nov. 12, 2021, Zervos announced she is dropping the lawsuit.

4. Mary Trump Fraud Litigation

Mary Trump is suing Donald Trump for defrauding her out of millions of dollars in an inheritance dispute. The suit is pending in New York state court, where the parties are currently battling over former President Trump’s move to dismiss the case.

Update-1: On Sept. 21, 2021, Donald Trump filed a related lawsuit against Mary Trump, the New York Times, and several of its reporters.

Update-2: On Nov. 15, 2022, the court dismissed Mary’s suit against former President Trump. Mary Trump immediately filed a notice of appeal.

5. Panama Hotel Fraud and Tax Litigation (CASE CLOSED)

Ithaca Capital is suing Trump’s hotel management company for fraud in federal court. Primarily, Ithaca claims that Trump representatives exaggerated the value of a Panama hotel during Ithaca’s negotiations to purchase it.

Update: On Sept. 15, 2021, the parties agreed to end the lawsuit.

6. Doe v. The Trump Corporation Class Action

A group of anonymous plaintiffs have filed a class action against the Trump family and their business, alleging that the Trumps used their brand to scam investors into paying for worthless business opportunities. The district court denied the Trumps’ bid to force the case into arbitration, and the Trumps are now appealing.

7. DC Civil Suit over Misuse of 2017 Inauguration Funds (CASE CLOSED)

In a non-criminal suit, the DC Attorney General is suing several Trump-affiliated entities for misusing inauguration funds to enrich Trump’s family business. The suit is currently in discovery before DC’s local court, where the AG’s office is deposing key Trump executives, notably including his children.

Update: On May 3, 2022, the Trump Organization and Trump’s inaugural committee agreed to settle the suit by paying a total of $750,000.

8. Reps. Karen Bass et al. Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Capitol Attack

Ten members of the House of Representatives, represented by the NAACP, are suing Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and two right wing militia groups for conspiring to forcibly prevent Congress from counting the Electoral College votes on Jan. 6.

Update: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the § 1985 claim against him.

9. Eric Swalwell Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

On Mar. 5, 2021, Representative Eric Swalwell sued Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump Jr., and Congressman Mo Brooks in federal court over the Jan. 6 riots. Swalwell alleges that the defendants violated federal civil rights laws–including the Ku Klux Klan Act–when they conspired to interfere with the Electoral College Count on Jan 6. Beyond that, Swalwell also says the defendants should be held liable for negligently violating DC criminal codes on incitement, encouraging the rioters’ violent conduct, and intentionally inflicting emotional distress on members of Congress.

Update: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, negligence per se, DC anti-bias law, and aiding and abetting assault. The court granted Trump’s request to dismiss the § 1986, emotional distress, and negligence claims.

10. Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

Two Capitol Police officers–both on duty during the Jan. 6 insurrection–sued Donald Trump for injuries they sustained while protecting the Capitol. Both allege that the rioters physically attacked them with fists, chemical spray, and other weapons. They allege that the former president, by his incendiary words and conduct, directed the physical attack and emotional distress.

Update: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, directing and aiding and abetting assault, and negligence per se. The court granted Trump’s motion to dismiss the emotional distress, punitive damages, and civil conspiracy claims.

11. Second Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

A second group of Capitol Police officers filed suit against Trump, the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, and other affiliates involved in allegedly planning and executing the Jan. 6 riots. The seven officers claim that they were physically and emotionally injured by attackers that Trump instigated, and that Trump and his co-defendants conspired to disrupt congressional business in the certification of electoral votes.

12. Third Capitol Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots

A third suit was filed by a Capitol Police officer alleging that physical and emotional injuries he suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot.

13. Metropolitan Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots

Two Metropolitan Police Officers filed suit alleging that physical and emotional injuries they suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot. The officers seek compensatory and punitive damages.

14. NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund Voting Rights Case for Post-Election Actions

The LDF is suing Trump, the Trump Campaign, and the RNC for their efforts to overturn the 2020 election in violation of the Voting Rights Act and the Ku Klux Klan Act. While the litigation is still at its early stages, Trump faces damages and a declaratory judgment that he did indeed violate these provisions of the law.

15. New York Attorney General’s Civil and Criminal Investigations

Since March 2019, New York Attorney General Letitia James has been investigating allegations that the Trump Organization altered property values to avoid tax liabilities. The investigation began after Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen provided congressional testimony that Trump engaged in fraud. In October 2020, James’s office deposed Eric Trump, and in January 2021 a state court judge ruled that Trump’s tax attorneys must turn over thousands of documents.

Update-1: On May 18, 2021, a spokesperson for New York’s Attorney General said, “We have informed the Trump Organization that our investigation into the organization is no longer purely civil in nature. We are now actively investigating the Trump Organizations in a criminal capacity, along with the Manhattan DA.”

Update-2: On Dec. 1, 2021, AG James subpoenaed Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, and Donald Trump Jr., seeking to question them about the real estate valuations.

Update-3: On Dec. 20, 2021, Trump filed his own lawsuit against James in federal court, accusing her of targeting him out of political animosity and asking the court to halt her investigation. The district court dismissed that suit on May 27, 2022.

Update-4: On Feb. 17, 2022, the state court ruled that the NY AG can question Donald Trump, Ivanka, and Donald Jr. under oath. On June 8, 2022, the Trumps tentatively agreed to be questioned under oath by James’s office in mid-July.

Update-5: On Aug. 10, 2022, AG James deposed Trump, but he repeatedly declined to answer her questions and instead invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

Update-6: On Sept. 21, 2022, the NY AG sued Trump and his children in NY state court. The civil lawsuit seeks $250 million in damages and accuses the Trumps of repeatedly overvaluing their real estate assets in a scheme designed to obtain favorable bank loans.

16. Scotland Unexplained Wealth Orders

In February 2021, the Scottish Parliament voted to reject an investigation into unexplained cash transactions executed by the Trump Organization’s Scottish golf courses. A non-profit group is now challenging that decision in Scottish court.

17. Trump Tower Assault Suit (CLOSED)

A group of six protesters are suing Trump over allegations that Trump’s security guards assaulted them outside Trump Tower in 2015. The case is pending in New York state court.

Update: On Oct. 18, 2021, former President Trump sat for a four-hour deposition to answer questions about the incident.

Update-2: Nov. 2, 2022, the parties reached a settlement in the case, details of the settlement agreement have not been disclosed.

18. Michael Cohen Retaliatory Imprisonment Suit

Michael Cohen–Donald Trump’s former attorney who served a three-year sentence for Trump-related crimes–is suing Trump, the US government, and other officials for allegedly retaliating against Cohen after he announced a tell-all book detailing his years of legal work for Trump. Cohen alleges that, after the announcement, Trump and his co-defendants retaliated by trying to bar Cohen from using social media and by sending Cohen back to prison from home confinement.

Update: The court dismissed Cohen’s lawsuit on Nov. 14, 2022.

19. Criminal Investigations into Trump’s Finances

During his presidency, the Manhattan District Attorney investigated Trump’s finances. Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance gained access to Trump’s tax information in the course of a criminal investigation into potential tax crimes, insurance fraud, and other financial crimes under state law. Criminal charges have not been filed against Trump, but have been filed against his longtime CFO and against the Trump Organization. The case was taken over by the new DA Alvin Bragg.

Update: New reporting on Mar. 1 revealed that Vance’s investigation has focused on Trump Organization chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, whose potential cooperation with prosecutors could be a significant breakthrough in the investigation. On Mar. 31, the New York Times reported that prosecutors have subpoenaed Mr. Weisselberg’s personal bank records, and on Apr. 8, investigators took possession of financial records from Weisselberg’s daughter-in-law.

Update: New reporting on Mar. 8 revealed that Vance’s probe has expanded to include an investigation of a loan the Trump Organization received to build its Chicago tower, and whether the forgiveness of that loan was reported as income.

Update: Vance has convened a special grand jury that is “expected to decide whether to indict former president Donald Trump, other executives at his company or the business itself should prosecutors present the panel with criminal charges,” the Washington Post reported on May 25, 2021. “The move indicates that District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr.’s investigation of the former president and his business has reached an advanced stage …. It suggests, too, that Vance believes he has found evidence of a crime — if not by Trump then by someone potentially close to him or by his company.”

Update-1: On Jun. 4, ABC News reported that Trump Organization senior vice president and controller, Jeff McConney is among a number of witnesses to have already appeared before the special grand jury. He is reportedly the first employee of the company called to testify. The New York Times reported that the District Attorney’s office has subpoenaed McConney, but could not confirm if he has testified.

Update-2: On July 1, 2021, the DA charged the Trump Organization and its chief financial officer Weisselberg for an alleged 15-year-lJuly 1, 2021 Trump Organization chargesong tax fraud scheme. The indictment included reference to an “unindicted co-conspirator,” who is Jeff McConney, the Trump Organization’s controller, a person familiar with the investigation told CNN.

Update-3: On Aug. 18, 2022, Allen Weisselberg pleaded guilty to fifteen financial felonies including tax fraud and grand larceny. As part of the deal with the new DA Alvin Bragg, Weisselberg agreed to testify if the Trump Organization goes to trial on the tax fraud charges.

Update-4: On Nov. 21, the New York Times reported that the DA’s office has resumed a criminal investigation of Trump’s possible hush money payment and associated falsification of business records.

Update-5: On Dec. 6, 2022, a jury convicted the Trump Organization of tax fraud and other crimes related to the company’s practice of giving out off-the-books perks to executives that were never taxed.

20. DC AG Incitement Criminal Investigation

The DC Attorney General, Karl Racine, has announced a criminal investigation into Trump’s alleged role in provoking the Jan. 6th riots. No charges have been filed, though Racine’s office is reportedly looking into a local DC code that makes it a misdemeanor to incite violence.

21. Fulton County, Georgia Criminal Election Influence Investigation

The Fulton County DA’s Office has opened a criminal investigation into attempted election interference by Trump. The DA’s Office has requested that all official and unofficial emails concerning the election be preserved and has reportedly also planned to look into a call between Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger as part of the investigation as well as Rudy Giuliani’s potential false statements to Georgia officials.

Update: On May 2, 2022, the Fulton County state prosecutors convened a special grand jury to investigate “whether there were unlawful attempts to disrupt the administration of the 2020 elections here in Georgia.” Proceedings began on May 27, 2022, and are expected to last several months.

22. Westchester, New York Criminal Investigation of Trump Organization Golf Course

The Westchester District Attorney’s Office reportedly launched an investigation which probes, at least in part, whether the Trump Organization misled local officials on the property values of its golf course in order to reduce its taxes.

23. Mishandling of Classified and other Government Documents

On Feb. 9, 2022, after finding classified documents in fifteen boxes recovered from Mar-a-Lago the previous month, the National Archives made a referral to the Justice Department for Trump’s handling of government records. The Archives had recovered the classified materials when it retrieved the boxes of official records from Trump’s Florida residence. On or before Apr. 29, 2022, the Justice Department notified Trump’s counsel Evan Corcoran that the Department had an “ongoing criminal investigation” into the handling of the government documents marked as classified. (The grand jury investigation was reported by the New York Times on May 12, 2022.)

Update: On Aug. 8, 2022, FBI agents searched Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida. On Aug. 11, Attorney General Merrick Garland confirmed in public remarks that he had personally approved the search.

Update: On Aug. 22, 2022, Trump filed a lawsuit challenging the DOJ’s investigation in Florida federal court. Trump’s suit requested that the court appoint a special master to review the seized documents and to screen out any materials covered by attorney-client or executive privilege. The suit also asked the court to enjoin the DOJ from reviewing the documents and to order the DOJ to return some of Trump’s personal property.

Update: On Sept. 5, 2022, district court Judge Aileen Cannon granted Trump’s request to appoint a special master and enjoined the DOJ from reviewing the seized records as part of its criminal investigation. The DOJ appealed to the Eleventh Circuit, and in its first ruling, on Sept. 21, the court of appeals granted the DOJ’s motion for a limited stay, meaning that the DOJ could use the classified documents in its investigation and that the DOJ need not submit those documents to the special master for review.

Update: On Nov. 22, the court of appeals heard oral argument (C-SPAN) on the merits of whether Judge Cannon should have exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion in the first place. The three-judge panel included two of the judges from the prior panel that affirmed the DOJ motion on Sept. 21. The two sides’ arguments on jurisdiction were practically the same as the arguments made in their briefs at issue in the Sept. 21 ruling.

Update: On Dec. 1, 2022, the Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruled in favor of the government’s petition to vacate Florida district court Judge Aileen Cannon’s order and dismiss the underlying civil action. The Eleventh Circuit held that Judge Cannon should have never exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion for return of property.


1. E. Jean Carroll Defamation Suit 1.0
Carroll v. Trump, No. 20-cv-07311, 2020 WL 6277814 (S.D.N.Y. Oct. 27, 2020), appeal docketed, No. 20-03977 (2d Cir. Nov. 25, 2020)

Plaintiff: E. Jean Carroll, a journalist and advice columnist

Case Summary: In 2019, Carroll publicly accused then-President Trump of sexually assaulting her in a New York City department store in the 1990s. A few hours later, Trump denied Carroll’s allegation and accused her of fabricating the story to drum up publicity for her upcoming book. Carroll then sued Trump for defamation in New York state court, alleging that Trump defamed her when he publicly accused her of falsifying the assault story.

After nearly a year of state court proceedings–and with Carroll’s counsel angling to sample Trump’s DNA for comparison with Carroll’s dress from the alleged assault–the Justice Department moved to intervene on Trump’s behalf under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA). This move threatened to quash the suit. In effect, the FTCA (as amended by the Westfall Act) provides blanket immunity to federal employees who commit certain torts–including defamation–arising out of their official duties. According to the DOJ, the president’s official duties include speaking to the press about public matters–which would mean that Trump had immunity from any defamatory statements he made about Carroll.

The DOJ’s intervention also derailed the state court proceedings: because FTCA claims must be litigated in federal court, Carroll’s suit was automatically removed to the Southern District of New York (SDNY). In federal court, Carroll argued that Trump’s statements were not protected by the FTCA. In short, Carroll contended that (i) Trump was not covered by the FTCA because the president is not an “employee”; and (ii) Trump’s statements about Carroll fell outside his official presidential duties.

On both counts, the court agreed. Though removal was irreversible, the court held that the FTCA did not cover Trump’s actions, so Carroll’s defamation suit could proceed against Trump in his personal capacity. Acting separately, the DOJ and Trump both appealed. Trump also requested the court stay the district court proceedings until that appeal is resolved.

Case Status: In the SDNY proceedings, the parties filed opposing memoranda on Trump’s motion to stay in December 2020.

At the Second Circuit, the DOJ and Trump filed separate opening briefs on Jan. 15, 2021. Carroll’s attorneys then requested an Apr. 16, 2021 due date for their brief. Notably, her counsel explicitly selected that date so the Biden DOJ would have time to reassess the Trump administration’s position that Trump was acting within the scope of his employment when he allegedly defamed Carroll. The Second Circuit granted that scheduling request.

Update-1: Carroll filed her brief on Apr. 16, 2021, urging the appeals court to uphold the decision below.

Update-2: Despite the change in administration, the Biden DOJ filed a reply brief on June 7, 2021, that backed Trump’s argument that the FTCA covered his conduct. It echoed the core arguments from the Trump DOJ’s opening brief that the president is an “employee” under the FTCA and that elected officials act within the scope of their employment when they respond to media inquiries.

Update-3: On Sept. 15, 2021, the district court denied Trump’s motion to stay (i.e., halt) the proceedings while the case is on appeal before the Second Circuit.

Update-4: On Dec. 1, 2021, Trump requested permission to amend his response to Carroll’s suit in the district court proceedings. In that filing, he signaled that he wanted to invoke the protection of New York’s new anti-SLAPP law, which attempts to screen out frivolous defamation suits by raising the burden of proof and imposing mandatory fee-shifting. Carroll filed a response opposing Trump’s request on Dec. 15. The district court scheduled a hearing for Feb. 22, 2022 to hear arguments over Trump’s motion to amend.

Update-5: The Second Circuit heard oral argument on Dec. 3, 2021. Much of the discussion centered on whether Trump’s remarks about Carroll–including his “she’s not my type” retort–fell within the scope of his employment. On that score, Trump’s personal attorneys continued to argue that Trump’s allegedly defamatory remarks were part of his official duties because he was speaking to the press at the time. The DOJ’s attorney–arguing for the executive branch–echoed that point, explaining that “any president facing a public accusation of this kind … would feel obliged to … answer questions from the media.” Carroll’s counsel conceded that, because DC treats scope of employment expansively, Trump would have been acting within that scope if he had simply said Carroll’s accusations were false. Even so, Carroll’s attorney stressed that Trump went far beyond a bare denial–and therefore exceeded the scope of his employment–because he was motivated by “personal spite and malice” when he rebuffed Carroll’s claims.

Update-6: On Mar. 11, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s request to amend his complaint.

Update-7: On May 5, 2022, the parties agreed to resume discovery in the district court. Though Carroll’s attorneys have conceded that they will not depose Trump, they could once again seek a DNA sample from Trump. If Trump opposes that request, Carroll’s attorneys would need to ask the district court to order Trump to submit to the sample.

Update-8: The district court scheduled the case for trial starting on Feb. 6, 2023.

Update-9: On Sept. 20, 2022, Carroll notified the court that she planned to file a second lawsuit against Trump over the 1990s rape allegation. Unlike the defamation claim–which alleges that Trump defamed Carroll for falsely denying the rape allegation–this new suit would accuse Trump of the rape directly. Although the statute of limitations had expired for the now thirty-year-old rape claim, Carroll explained that a new state law called the Adult Survivors Act temporarily reopens the window to file for old sexual assault claims. Carroll also suggested that the district court should consolidate the new suit with the defamation claim and try both together in February 2023. Trump immediately filed a letter opposing that suggestion.

Update-10: On Sept. 27, 2022, the Second Circuit granted Trump a partial win, reversing the district court and holding that Trump as president qualified as an “employee” under the FTCA. However, the appeals court left open the question of whether Trump was acting within the scope of his employment when he publicly disparaged Carroll and instead asked the D.C. Court of Appeals to rule on that question. If the DC appeals court concludes that Trump’s remarks fell within his official duties, then Carroll’s defamation claim would fail, because the FTCA bars defamation suits against the federal government.

Update-11: On Jan. 13, 2023, the district court ordered the release of a partial transcript of Trump’s deposition, during which Trump denied the rape allegations.

2. E. Jean Carroll Defamation Suit 2.0
Carroll v. Trump, No. Case 1:22-cv-10016 (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 24, 2022)

Plaintiff: E. Jean Carroll, a journalist and advice columnist

Case Summary: In 2019, Carroll publicly accused then-President Trump of sexually assaulting her in a New York City department store in the 1990s. A few hours later, Trump denied Carroll’s allegation and accused her of fabricating the story to drum up publicity for her upcoming book. Caroll then sued Trump for defamation in New York state court, alleging that Trump defamed her when he publicly accused her of falsifying the assault story.

While that suit was ongoing, Trump issued a lengthy statement on Oct. 12, 2022 saying that Carroll “completely made up” the allegations against him.

On Nov. 24, 2022, Carroll filed a new federal suit against Trump, this time suing the former Presidents for battery involving the alleged rape in the 1990s and for defamation based on Trump’s October 2022 statement. Because Trump had left office at the time of that statement, Carroll argued that Trump could indisputably no longer claim official immunity, unlike in Carroll’s earlier suit.

Carroll filed suit on the first day permitted under New York’s Adult Survivors Act, N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 214-j. The law provides a one-year window for sexual assault survivors to file civil claims even if the statute of limitations has passed.

Case Status: Trump moved to dismiss Carroll’s lawsuit on Dec. 21, 2022. He argued that the Adult Survivor’s Act–which reopened the window for Carroll to sue Trump for the alleged 1990s assault–violated New York’s constitutional due process protections. He also responded to Carroll’s new defamation claim on the merits, calling it “baseless and legally defective.”

Update-1: On Jan. 13, 2023, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss.

3. Summer Zervos Defamation Suit (CASE CLOSED)
Zervos vs. Trump, No. 150522/2017 (N.Y. Sup Ct. Jan. 17, 2017), appeal docketed, No. APL-2020-00009 (N.Y. Mar. 9, 2020)

Plaintiff: Summer Zervos, former contestant on the Apprentice

Case Summary: On Jan. 17, 2017, Zervos filed a suit in New York State Court against Trump for defamation. During Trump’s campaign, many women, including Zervos, accused Trump of inappropriate sexual conduct. In her complaint against Trump, Zervos claims that in 2007, while she sought employment from Trump, he kissed her on the lips and touched her inappropriately. After she rejected his advances, his attitude became very business-like and he later offered her a job for half the salary she was seeking. She attempted to contact Trump, noting that she felt she was being “penalized for not sleeping with him.” Trump said he could not discuss it with her at the time. Zervos says she decided to come forward with these allegations after the Billy Bush Access Hollywood Tape showed Trump speaking in a derogatory manner toward women. In response to her allegations, Trump claims she was lying and was only making these accusations to help the Clinton campaign or to get fame.

Zervos alleges that, as a result of Trump’s claims, she has suffered both emotional and financial harm.

Case Status: Trump filed a motion to dismiss and a stay for the duration of his presidency. On Oct. 3, 2018, the court denied Trump’s motion, finding that, if the facts alleged by the plaintiff are true, she has a reasonable claim to recover for defamation. The court also found that there were no federalism or comity concerns that would suggest that a state court could not hear suit against the sitting president for nonofficial acts. A panel of New York appellate judges affirmed this judgment in October 2019, finding that the president is “not above the law” and that the defamation suit can go forward.

This motion has been appealed to the New York Court of Appeals, the highest New York state court.

Pending the decision from the New York Court of Appeals, in March 2020, the court ruled that Zervos cannot “dig for evidence” in the interim. In 2021, with Trump out of office, Zervos has filed a motion to move the lawsuit forward.

Update-1: On Mar. 30, the New York Court of Appeals denied Trump’s appeal on his motion to dismiss the case. Trump originally filed the motion claiming that a state court could not hear a suit against a sitting president. The court stated, in a one-sentence order, that issues were now moot, and the case can now go forward.

Update-2: On Oct. 4, 2021, the trial court ruled that Zervos could depose Trump before Dec. 23, 2021. According to Law360, this appears to be the “first time that Trump would have to answer questions under oath about his alleged sexual misconduct.” In discussing the schedule for depositions, Michael Rand, a law clerk for New York State Judge Jennifer Schechter, who is overseeing the lawsuit, reportedly “said he expected a trial date to be set sometime in the early part of 2022.”

Update-3: On Nov. 12, 2021, Zervos announced she is dropping the lawsuit.

4. Mary Trump Fraud Litigation
Trump v. Trump, No. 654698/2020 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. filed Sept. 24, 2020)

Plaintiff: Mary Trump, the former president’s niece

Case Summary: In September 2020, Mary Trump sued Donald Trump, her uncle, for allegedly defrauding her out of tens of millions of dollars. When Mary’s father–Donald Trump’s brother–died in 1981, he left Mary a valuable stake in the Trump property empire. Mary was a minor at the time, so Donald Trump and his siblings took control of her share, ostensibly to look after Mary’s interest over the long run.

But according to Mary, that didn’t happen. In her lawsuit, she alleges that the Trump siblings siphoned off revenue from her share and set up an ongoing scheme to artificially devalue her assets. This went on for nearly two decades. Then, when Trump patriarch Fred Sr. (Donald Trump’s father) died in 1999, Mary took issue with the terms of his will. The Trump siblings immediately pushed back and started maneuvering to force Mary out of the family holdings altogether. After lengthy probate proceedings, and with Mary’s legal fees steadily climbing, the siblings delivered an ultimatum: they would not settle the probate case unless Mary relinquished all interests in the family fortune, including those from her late father.

According to Mary, the Trumps offered a settlement figure that woefully undervalued her share of the family holdings. Still, she ultimately accepted a settlement in April 2001, apparently still unaware she was being sold short.

Then, over fifteen years later, the New York Times broke its 2018 story that the Trump Organization had long been fraudulently manipulating the values of its assets. From there, Mary says she realized that she had settled for tens of millions of dollars less than what her stake was actually worth.

Two years later, Mary published a book accusing the Trumps of shorting her out of her rightful share. She then filed this lawsuit in New York state court on Sept. 24, 2020, accusing Donald Trump and his siblings of fraud and breach of fiduciary duty.

Case Status: Trump moved to dismiss the case on Jan. 4, 2021. Mary filed a response on Feb. 26, 2021. As of December 2021, the court has not yet ruled on the motion.

Update-1: The state court dismissed Mary’s suit on Nov. 15, 2022. It ruled that her claims were barred because she agreed to release such legal claims when she accepted the Trumps’ settlement offer in 2001. She immediately appealed that ruling.

Donald Trump vs. Mary Trump and NYT: On Sept. 21, 2021, Donald Trump filed his own lawsuit against Mary Trump, the New York Times, and several of its reporters. Mr. Trump alleges that his niece provided confidential documents–including his tax records–to the NYT reporters, who then used those documents to write their 2018 story on the Trump Organization’s alleged manipulation of asset prices. He asserts that her conduct breached their 2001 settlement, and that the Times and its reporters should be liable for encouraging her to do so. Ms. Trump and the Times defendants moved to dismiss that suit on Dec. 2, 2021.

5. Panama Hotel Fraud and Tax Litigation (CASE CLOSED)
Ithaca Cap. Invs. v. Trump Pan. Hotel Mgmt., No. 18-cv-00390 (S.D.N.Y. Mar. 30, 2020)

Plaintiff: Ithaca Capital, a real estate holding company that purchased a majority of the Trump International Hotel in Panama

Case Summary: Donald Trump’s private hotel business–Trump International Hotels Management–is embroiled in federal litigation over a hotel management deal gone bad. Until 2018, Trump International operated a luxury hotel in Panama. As was its standard business practice, Trump International contracted with a separate owner to provide management services and use of the “Trump” label. When a prior owner went bankrupt in 2015, Ithaca Capital moved to purchase a majority of the hotel’s units. But per Ithaca, Trump representatives made a series of fraudulent claims that oversold the hotel’s profitability. Unaware, Ithaca went ahead with the purchase.

The hotel soon ran into financial trouble, and the relationship between the two parties collapsed. Once Ithaca ended the partnership, it claims to have discovered that Trump International had allegedly underreported costs, diverted hotel revenue, and failed to pay income taxes.

After a brief round of arbitration proceedings, Ithaca sued Trump International in the Southern District of New York. Ithaca made several claims against Trump. First, Ithaca argued that Trump representatives–including Eric and Donald Jr.–made exaggerated claims about the hotel’s value. Second, they argued that Trump International breached their agreement by mismanaging the hotel. And third, Ithaca asserted that Trump International improperly diverted hotel revenues for their own use.

Case Status: Trump International challenged each of Ithaca’s claims and asserted several counterclaims of its own. On Mar. 30, 2020, the district court upheld all three of Ithaca’s claims and dismissed all but one of Trump’s counterclaims. Trumps’ remaining counterclaim–for tortious interference–alleges that Ithaca interfered with Trump’s other hotel contracts when Ithaca forced him out of their partnership.

The parties are currently in discovery and are due to finish by Fall 2021.

Update: The parties filed a series of sealed letters in July and August 2021. On Sept. 15, 2021, the parties voluntarily agreed to end the suit.

6. Doe v. The Trump Corporation Class Action
Doe v. Trump Corp., No. 18-cv-09936 (S.D.N.Y. Oct 29, 2018), appeal docketed, No. 20-01706 (2d Cir. May 28, 2020)

Plaintiffs: (Anonymous) Jane Doe, Luke Loe, Mary Moe, Richard Roe

Case Summary: On Oct. 30, 2018, a class action lawsuit was filed against the Trump Corporation, Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and Eric Trump. The complaint alleges that the defendants used their brand name to defraud thousands of working class individuals by promoting numerous businesses in exchange for “secret payments.” The companies include ACN Opportunity, LLC (a business based on a controversial multi-level marketing scheme), the Trump Network, LLC (another multi-level marketing scheme), and Business Strategies Group, LLC (a seminar claiming to sell the Trump secrets to success). The lawsuit also claims that the defendants are liable for a “pattern of racketeering activity” violating the RICO Act (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) as well as activity violating numerous state consumer protection laws concerning fair business practices and competition.

On July 24, 2019, the District Court judge partially granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss. The judge dismissed the RICO claims because the Complaint did not “sufficiently plead that Defendants’ conduct was the proximate cause of Plaintiffs’ losses.” However, she ruled that the other claims concerning the state laws will not be dismissed under Class Action Fairness Act (CAFA).

Case Status: The Trumps’ moved to compel forced arbitration and the district court judge denied the motion in April 2020. The court held that the defendants were not party to the arbitration agreement (between ACN and the plaintiffs) and thus, could not compel arbitration. She also found that the motion to compel arbitration was in bad faith as they are acting in a manner that is “substantively prejudicial towards the plaintiffs” and not within the spirit of the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA). The Trumps have filed an interlocutory appeal to the Second Circuit.

Following the denial of compelled arbitration, the Trumps also filed a motion to stay, or a motion to halt the legal process. The district court denied this motion, citing the four traditional factors that must be balanced when granting a stay and finding that the defendants have not met the requirements to grant a stay.

Update-1: On July 28, 2021 in a 3-0 decision, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the district court’s judgement and ruled that the Trump family could not compel arbitration. The court found that since there was no “close relationship” between Trumps and ACN such that the plaintiffs could reasonably infer that their arbitration agreement extended to the Trumps. Thus, the court concluded, the “defendants are not entitled to compel the plaintiffs to arbitrate this dispute.” As of September 2021, the court has not yet ruled on the summary judgment motions.

Update-2: On March 25, CNN reported that former President Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and Eric Trump all agreed to be deposed. Their depositions will take place in May and June.

7. DC Civil Suit over Misuse of 2017 Inauguration Funds (CASE CLOSED)
District of Columbia v. 58th Presidential Inauguration Comm., No. 2020-CA-00488-B (D.C. Super. Ct. Sept. 9, 2020)

Prosecuting Office: DC Attorney General (AG)

Case Summary: In the run-up to Trump’s 2017 swearing-in, his inaugural committee raised a record $107 million to spend on inauguration festivities. As a nonprofit, the inaugural committee was bound to use these charitable funds for the public good, namely by organizing events to celebrate the 2017 presidential inauguration.

But as the DC AG alleges, the inaugural committee used over $1 million of those funds in an improper bid to enrich the Trump family’s private businesses. DC’s attorneys are now suing the inaugural committee, the Trump International Hotel, and the Trump Organization over that alleged misspending. Chief among the allegations, the DC AG claims that the committee paid exorbitant rates to rent space in the Trump International Hotel in downtown DC. The committee, for instance, allegedly paid $175,000 to rent the main ballroom on the same day that another nonprofit paid only $5,000–a rate 35 times higher. On top of that, the committee allegedly ignored much better deals available at other upscale locations, settling instead on overpaying for space at the Trump location.

The DC AG frames these payments as an under-the-table attempt to divert charitable funds to the Trumps’ private holdings. The complaint focuses on possible misconduct by committee executive Rick Gates, who also held key roles in the Trump campaign. (Gates would later cooperate with the Mueller investigation.) To tie in the Trump entities, the complaint asserts that the Trump businesses knew it was overcharging the non-profit committee, and points to internal negotiations between the parties that allegedly show both sides were aware of the extreme rates. The DC AG is asking the court to compel the Trump business to put the misspent funds into a trust where they can be put toward charitable purposes.

Case Status: The defendants–the committee itself along with the two Trump businesses–moved to dismiss the suit, but the district court denied that motion in September 2020. On Jan. 11, 2021, the DC AG added a new allegation that the committee improperly used its nonprofit funds to pay a hotel bill on behalf of Trump’s private business. The suit is currently in discovery, and the AG’s office has already deposed several high-level Trump executives, including Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr.

Update-1: The DC AG moved for summary judgment on Mar. 24, 2021. All three defendants responded by filing their own motions for summary judgment on Apr. 8, 2021.

Update-2: On Nov. 8, 2021, the DC court partially granted Trump’s motion for summary judgment, dismissing the waste claim but allowing the private enrichment claim to proceed. Addressing the waste claim, the judge explained that the evidence did not show that the Trump defendants intentionally threw away money when they paid the extravagant rates at Trump’s hotel. Even so, the court ruled that the DC AG may still be able to show that the Trumps illegally enriched themselves with committee funds, and gave the green light for that claim to go to trial. The court also dismissed the Trump Organization from the case on grounds that DC lacked jurisdiction over them.

Update-3: On Feb. 14, 2022, the DC court reversed its earlier decision dismissing the Trump Organization and reinstated it as a defendant in the suit. The DC court also affirmed its summary judgment decision to dismiss the waste claims. The case is scheduled for trial in September 2022.

Update-4: On May, 3, 2022, the Trump Organization and Trump’s inaugural committee agreed to pay a total of $750,000 to settle the suit. Under the deal, the Trump Organization will pay $400,000 and the committee will pay the remaining $350,000.

8. Karen Bass et al. Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Capitol Attack
Thompson v. Trump, No. 21-cv-00400 (D.D.C. filed Feb. 16, 2021)

Plaintiff: Rep. Karen R. Bass, Rep. Stephen I. Cohen, Rep. Veronica Escobar, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, Rep. Henry C. Johnson, Jr., Rep. Marcia C. Kaptur, Rep. Barbara J. Lee, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, Rep. Maxine Waters, and Rep. Bonnie M. Watson Coleman, represented by the NAACP

Case Summary: On Feb. 16, 2021, Mississippi Congressman Bennie Thompson sued former President Trump and Rudy Giuliani along with two right-wing militia groups known as the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers, for violating the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, 42 U.S.C. § 1985(1). In the complaint, Thompson alleges that Trump violated the Ku Klux Klan Act by inciting the rioters with the intent to prevent Members of Congress from discharging their official duties of the timely approval of the Electoral College vote. He argues that after Trump’s loss in the November 2020 election, the then-President set out on a campaign to mobilize his supporters, culminating in the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol. It portrays Trump’s rhetoric on the morning of Jan. 6 as a call to arms and as intended to prevent the certification of the election.

The Act was passed in 1871 in response to violence and intimidation by the KKK intended to stop Black people from voting. The legislation allows Members of Congress to sue individuals who conspire to violently “molest, interrupt, hinder, or impede” the discharge of a public official’s duties.

Thompson seeks compensatory damages for his emotional distress suffered during the attack in addition to punitive damages.

Case Status: On Apr. 7, 2021, ten additional members of Congress joined the lawsuit as plaintiffs. The defendants then moved to dismiss on May 26. In Trump’s motion, he argued (i) that he has absolute immunity because he was acting as president; (ii) that even if he did not have absolute immunity, the Westfall Act shields him from any personal liability; (iii) that members of Congress cannot sue under the KKK Act; and (iv) that his speech was protected by the First Amendment. As of September 2021, the court has not ruled on the motions.

Update-1: On July 21, 2021, Rep. Thompson announced that he would withdraw from the lawsuit to avoid any conflict with the Jan. 6 House Select Committee, which Thompson is chairing. The other plaintiffs–all members of Congress who are not on the Committee–confirmed that they would continue the lawsuit.

Update-2: Judge Mehta–who is also presiding over the Swalwell and Blassingame 1/6 suits–scheduled a combined oral argument for Jan. 10, 2022, for all three cases.

Update-3: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the § 1985 claim against him.

Update-4: On Mar. 18, 2022, Trump appealed the district court’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit consolidated the appeal with those in the Swalwell and Blassingame 1/6 suits.

Update-5: Trump filed his appeal brief on July 27, 2022. He challenged only the district court’s ruling that he lacked absolute presidential immunity, arguing that his speech surrounding Jan. 6 fell within his official presidential duties.

9. Eric Swalwell Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Riots
Swalwell v. Trump, No. 21-cv-00586 (D.D.C. filed Mar. 5, 2021)

Plaintiff: Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA)

Case Summary: On Mar. 5, 2021, Representative Eric Swalwell sued Donald Trump and several associates in DC federal court over the Jan. 6 riots. Much like Representative Bennie Thompson’s related suit, Swalwell alleges that Trump and his co-defendants–Donald Trump Jr., Representative Mo Brooks (R-AL), and Rudy Giuliani–violated the Ku Klux Klan Act by conspiring to interfere with the Electoral College count on Jan. 6.

Swalwell’s suit also goes one step further: it claims that the defendants should be held civilly liable for negligence because they committed criminal incitement under DC’s local code, which establishes the standard of care. Notably, Swalwell says that Trump violated the same DC code–§22-1321(a)(2)–that DC AG Karl Racine is apparently focusing on in his own criminal investigation into Trump’s conduct.

Beyond the civil rights and incitement counts, Swalwell also claims that the defendants are liable for encouraging (aiding and abetting) the rioters’ violent conduct and for intentionally inflicting emotional distress on members of Congress in connection with the attack on the Capitol.

Case Status: Swalwell filed his complaint on Mar. 5, 2021.

Update-1: On May 17, 2021, Giuliani filed a motion to dismiss the claims against him. He argued that his speech did not qualify as incitement, that he never formed a conspiracy with the other defendants or the rioters, and that his speech was ultimately protected by the First Amendment.

Update-2: On May 24, 2021, Donald Trump and his son Donald Jr. filed their own motion to dismiss. Most notably, former President Trump argued that he had absolute immunity against Swalwell’s claims because Trump’s alleged misconduct was within the scope of his official duties as president. Both Trump and Trump Jr. also contended that their speech was protected under the First Amendment and the canonical Brandenburg test. The Trumps also advanced various other arguments ranging from standing to the political question doctrine to even a claim that Swalwell was barred from suing Trump over the same conduct for which Trump was acquitted at his impeachment trial.

Update-3: On July 1, 2021, Swalwell filed a motion for default judgment against Brooks, arguing that Brooks had missed the deadline to respond to the lawsuit. Brooks responded with his own motion urging the court to dismiss the lawsuit because he was acting within the “scope of his employment,” which would essentially block the case under the Westfall Act. The district court denied Swalwell’s motion for a default judgment on July 5 but has not yet ruled on Brooks’s motion.

Update-4: On July 27, 2021, the Justice Department submitted a brief stating that Brooks was not acting within the scope of his employment and thus not shielded by the Westfall Act. The House of Representatives filed a response taking a “non-participation approach” (silence) on the question whether Brooks acted within his scope of employment. The Chairwoman of the Committee on House Administration submitted a brief stating that Rep. Brooks was not acting within his scope of employment.

Update-5: Judge Mehta–who is also presiding over the Bass and Blassingame 1/6 suits–scheduled a combined oral argument for Jan. 10, 2022, for all three cases.

Update-6: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, negligence per se, DC anti-bias law, and aiding and abetting assault. The court granted Trump’s request to dismiss the § 1986, emotional distress, and negligence claims.

Update-7: On Mar. 18, 2022, Trump appealed the district court’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit consolidated the appeal with those in the Bass and Blassingame 1/6 suits.

Update-8: Trump filed his appeal brief on July 27, 2022. He challenged only the district court’s ruling that he lacked absolute presidential immunity, arguing that his speech surrounding Jan. 6 fell within his official presidential duties.

10. Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots
Blassingame v. Trump, No. 21-cv-00858 (D.D.C. filed Mar. 30, 2021)

Plaintiff: James Blassingame and Sidney Hemby, two Capitol police officers

Case Summary: On Mar. 30, 2021, two Capitol Police Officers sued Donald Trump for injuries they sustained during the Jan. 6 riots in DC. The officers–James Blassingame and Sidney Hemby–say they were maced with bear spray, attacked with fists and flagpoles, and even crushed against a door as they tried to protect the Capitol from pro-Trump intruders.

Much like the other Jan. 6 suits against Trump, the officers pin their injuries on Trump’s incendiary rhetoric before and during violence. Both allege that Trump directed the rioters to assault them, aided the rioters in committing those assaults, and negligently incited the riot in violation of DC’s public safety codes. Blassingame also accuses Trump of directing intentional infliction of emotional distress, pointing to the racial slurs and taunts that the intruders allegedly hurled at him during the violence.

Case Status: The officers filed their suit in DC federal court on Mar. 30, 2021. On Apr. 28, 2021, the plaintiffs added two new conspiracy claims against Trump, one based on the KKK Act and the other on common law conspiracy. They allege that Trump illegally conspired with the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers to storm the Capitol, which in turn caused the plaintiffs’ injuries.

Update-1: Donald Trump filed a motion to dismiss on June 24, 2021. He repeated many of the arguments from his motions to dismiss in the Bass and Swalwell suits, including absolute presidential immunity, freedom of speech, and preclusion based on Trump’s impeachment acquittal.

Update-2: Judge Mehta–who is also presiding over the Bass and Swalwell 1/6 suits–scheduled a combined oral argument for Jan. 10, 2022, for all three cases.

Update-3: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, assault, and negligence per se. The court granted Trump’s motion to dismiss the emotional distress, punitive damages, and civil conspiracy claims.

Update-4: On Mar. 18, 2022, Trump appealed the district court’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit consolidated the appeal with those in the Swalwell and Bass 1/6 suits.

Update-5: Trump filed his appeal brief on July 27, 2022. He challenged only the district court’s ruling that he lacked absolute presidential immunity, arguing that his speech surrounding Jan. 6 fell within his official presidential duties.

11. Second Capitol Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots
Smith v. Trump, No. 21-cv-02265 (D.D.C. filed Aug. 26, 2021)

Plaintiff: Seven Capitol Police officers

Case Summary: On Aug. 26, 2021, a second group of Capitol Police officers filed suit over injuries they suffered while defending the Capitol on Jan. 6. The officers allege that Trump and his co-defendants–including the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers–conspired to incite a riot and attack the Capitol, leaving the officers physically and emotionally injured.

Like the other Jan. 6 lawsuits against Trump, the complaint asserts that Trump violated the KKK Act by conspiring to instigate the riots. The complaint also alleges that unnamed defendants–listed as “John Does” who carried out the attack–physically assaulted the officers at Trump’s provocation, which could make Trump liable for the officers’ injuries.

The plaintiffs also add in a unique claim not found in other Jan. 6 lawsuits against Trump: that the defendants violated the DC Bias-Related Crimes Act, a local hate-crime statute. According to the complaint, the defendants were motivated by political bias against the Democratic Party when they instigated and executed the Capitol attack.

Case Status: The officers filed their suit in DC federal court on Aug 26, 2021.

Update-1: Donald Trump filed a motion to dismiss on Nov. 12, 2021. Much like in the other Jan. 6 suits, Trump argued that his speech was constitutionally protected by presidential immunity, the First Amendment, and preclusion as a result of the impeachment acquittal.

Update-2: On Dec. 5, 2021, the plaintiffs amended their complaint to add an eighth officer as a plaintiff and to add a pro-Trump PAC as an additional defendant. The court ruled that the defendants could file new motions to dismiss against this amended complaint, due by Dec. 23, 2021.

Update-3: Trump filed a motion to dismiss the amended complaint on Jan. 31, 2022. He once again argued that the plaintiffs failed to state a claim and that Trump’s speech was protected by absolute immunity and the First Amendment.

Update-4: The district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss on Jan. 26, 2023.

12. Third Capitol Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots
Moore v. Trump, No. 22-cv-00010 (D.D.C. filed Jan. 4, 2022)

Plaintiff: Marcus J. Moore, US Capitol Police Officer

Case Summary: On Jan. 4, 2022, a third suit was filed by a Capitol Police officer alleging that physical and emotional injuries he suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot. The officer seeks compensatory and punitive damages.

The officer claims that the actions, tweets, and comments made by Trump prior, during, and after the insurrection resulted in actual physical injuries as rioters struck him and attacked him with physical objects and chemical agents. Like other Jan. 6 lawsuits, the officer claims Trump violated the KKK Act as Trump conspired to attack the Capitol with his followers. The officer, like earlier lawsuits, further cited violations of the D.C. Code for inciting a riot and disorderly conduct.

Case Status: The officer filed his suit in DC District Court on January 4, 2022.

13. Metropolitan Police Suits over the Jan. 6. Riots
Tabron v. Trump, No. 22-cv-00011 (D.D.C. filed Jan. 4, 2022)

Plaintiff: Bobby Tabron and DeDivine K. Carter, Metropolitan Police Officers

Case Summary: On Jan. 4, 2022, two Metropolitan Police Officers filed suit alleging that physical and emotional injuries they suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot. The officers seek compensatory and punitive damages.

The officers claim that the actions, tweets, and comments made by Trump prior, during, and after the insurrection resulted in actual physical injuries as rioters struck them and attacked them with physical objects and chemical agents. Like other Ja. 6 lawsuits, the officers claim Trump violated the KKK Act as Trump conspired to attack the Capitol with his followers. The officers, like earlier lawsuits, further cited violations of the D.C. Code for inciting a riot and disorderly conduct.

Case Status: The officers filed their suit on January 4, 2022.

14. NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund Voting Rights Case
Mich. Welfare Rights Org. v. Trump, No. 20-cv-03388 (D.D.C. filed Nov. 20, 2020)

Plaintiff: Michigan Welfare Rights Organization and the NAACP, represented by the NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund (LDF).

Case Summary: On Nov. 20, 2020, LDF sued then-President Trump and the Trump campaign alleging that their post-election conduct violated Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act, 52 U.S.C. § 10307(b). After losing the election, Trump spent weeks pressuring Republican election officials not to certify the election—in particular, the complaint examines the actions of Wayne County Republican election officials who first voted not to certify the election, though they eventually did. Section 11(b) forbids intimidation of voters, those aiding voters, and certain election officials. Voting is broadly defined in the Voting Rights Act, covering “all action necessary to make a vote effective[,] … including … having such ballot counted properly and included in the appropriate totals of votes cast.”

In December 2020, the complaint was amended to include the NAACP as a plaintiff, the Republican National Committee as a defendant, and alleged a new claim: that defendants violated the Ku Klux Klan Act, which prohibits conspiracies to deprive someone of equal protection under law or the right to vote. 42 U.S.C. § 1985(3). LDF argues that Trump’s efforts to discard votes in cities with large Black populations meets the statutory definition.

LDF seeks statutory damages, a declaratory judgment, and injunctive relief that would prevent defendants from intimidating voters and election officials in the future.

Case Status: On Feb. 25, 2021, the defendants moved to dismiss the case. They had a variety of arguments, including that the case was filed in the wrong court, that the cited statutes do not allow a private party to bring litigation, and that their conduct did not violate the statutes. As of September 2021, the court has not yet ruled on the motions.

Update-1: On Mar. 31, 2022, the district court partially granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss, dismissing the VRA claims for lack of standing and holding the § 1985(3) claims in abeyance. On the standing point, the district court concluded the plaintiffs lacked standing for an injunction. The court reasoned that even if the defendants had illegally interfered with the plaintiffs’ voting rights in the past, there was no imminent threat that the defendants would do so again.

Update-2: On June 16, the plaintiffs requested permission to file a second amended complaint with new factual allegations that could remedy the standing issues on the VRA claim.

Update-3: On Nov. 28 the district court granted plaintiffs’ request to file a second amended complaint. In granting the plaintiff’s motion, the court concluded that “Plaintiffs have adequately alleged … that the Trump Defendants not only caused great harm to Plaintiffs in the past but also pose a very substantial risk in the future to Plaintiff’s fundamental right to vote.”

15. NY Civil Suit over Fraudulent Real Estate Practices
People v. Trump Org., No. 451685/2020 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. Dec. 15, 2020)

Plaintiff: New York Attorney General (AG)

Case Summary: In March 2019, New York Attorney General Letitia James launched a civil probe investigating allegations that the Trump organization inflated and deflated property values to avoid tax liability and for other financial benefits. She began her investigation after Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen testified before Congress that Trump had engaged in fraud. While there is some overlap, James has noted that her investigation differs from and is independent of the Manhattan DA criminal investigation.

Much of her probe has focused on Seven Springs, a Trump-owned property in New York. In December 2019, James subpoenaed the Trump Organization, seeking records related to a $21 million tax deduction that Trump claimed against the property in 2015. Per her court filings, James is exploring whether Trump improperly inflated the property’s value to boost the size of the tax benefit.

James is also looking into other transactions relating to Trump properties. She is investigating whether Trump failed to pay taxes on debt forgiven during the financial restructuring of the Trump Hotel & Tower in Chicago and the appraisal of the LA Trump National Golf Club used for his conservation tax break, which was substantially higher than metrics typically used to value golf properties.

Case Status: In connection with the Seven Springs subpoenas, James’s office deposed Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg and Eric Trump in September and October 2020. Both refused to testify and instead invoked the Fifth Amendment over 500 times. She also sought related records held by Trump’s tax lawyers. His counsel initially refused to produce them, claiming they were shielded by attorney-client privilege. The state court judge disagreed, ruling on Jan. 29, 2021 that the tax attorneys must turn over thousands of documents about the tax deductions.

Update-1: On May 18, 2021, Fabien Levy, a spokesperson for New York’s Attorney General said, “We have informed the Trump Organization that our investigation into the organization is no longer purely civil in nature. We are now actively investigating the Trump Organizations in a criminal capacity, along with the Manhattan DA.”

Update-2: On Dec. 9, 2021, the Washington Post reported that AG James is seeking to depose Trump in January 2022 as part of her fraud investigation into the Trump Organization’s property valuations.

Update-3: On Jan. 3, 2022, a court order revealed that James’s office also subpoenaed Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. on Dec. 1. According to the order, James seeks to question the two Trump children–in addition to Trump Sr., as previously reported–about the potentially fraudulent real estate valuations. The Trumps immediately responded by filing a motion to quash the subpoenas. They argued that, because the NY AG is also running a “joint” criminal investigation into the Trumps with the Manhattan DA, the AG’s office cannot use purely civil subpoenas and must instead use a grand jury to question Trump and his children. The Trumps reasoned that grand jury subpoenas provide greater protection to witnesses–including immunity–and that James was trying to “circumvent” those protections by using civil subpoenas instead.

Update-4: James subpoenaed the General Services Administration to determine how it decided to lease the historic post office to former President Trump. As part of an ongoing civil investigation into Trump’s fraudulent real estate practices, James is reportedly attempting to use the documents to determine whether Trump had a practice of providing false information to the advantage of his business.

Update-5: On Feb. 17, 2022, the state court rejected Trump’s subpoena challenge and ruled that Donald, Ivanka, and Donald Jr. must sit for questioning under oath. The judge directed the Trumps to submit to these depositions within 21 days. The Trumps plan to appeal the decision, according to a family spokeswoman.

Update-6: On Feb. 28, 2022, the Trumps appealed the court’s decision ordering them to sit for depositions.

Update-7: On Mar. 3, 2022, the parties agreed to delay the depositions until after the state appeals court rules on the Trumps’ appeal.

Update-8: On Apr 7, 2022, James’s office filed a motion with the state court requesting Trump be held in contempt for failing to turn over subpoenaed documents. Her office requested a daily fine of $10,000 until Trump complies. The court has not ruled on her request.

Update-9: On Apr. 25, 2022, a NY state Judge held Trump in contempt of court for failure to respond to the AG’s subpoenas. The court assessed a fine of $10,000 per day until Trump meets the request.

Update-10: On Apr. 27, 2022, Trump appealed the contempt ruling and the $10,000-a-day fine. Trump also asked the district court to pause the fine while he appeals, but the court denied that request.

Update-11: On May 11, 2022, the trial court halted the daily fine but ordered Trump to pay the $110,000 balance by May 20. Though Trump paid the fine by the deadline, the judge kept the contempt order in place, leaving the door open for it to climb if Trump does not comply with the judge’s orders.

Update-12: On May 26, 2022, a New York appeals court ruled that Trump and two of his children–Donald Jr. and Ivanka–must sit for questioning by AG James’s office. The appeals court rejected Trump’s arguments that James was acting out of political animus. Trump’s attorney appealed the ruling to the New York Court of Appeals, the state’s highest court, which has discretion to take up or ignore the appeal.

Update-13: On June 8, 2022, Trump and two of his children–Donald Jr. and Ivanka–agreed to be questioned under oath by James’s office in mid-July, unless the New York high court decides to intervene and hear their appeal.

Update-14: On June 14, 2022, New York’s highest court declined to hear the Trumps’ appeal. This clears the way for James’s office to depose the Trumps.

Update-15: James’s office deposed Donald Trump Jr. on July 28, 2022 and Ivanka Trump on Aug. 3, 2022. Both reportedly participated in the deposition and did not invoke their Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination.

Update-16: AG James deposed Trump Sr. on Aug. 10, 2022. Trump repeatedly declined to answer her questions and instead invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. Reportedly, Trump asserted the Fifth more than 400 times in response to varying questions about his businesses, property valuations, and loans.

Update-17: On Sept. 21, 2022, the NY AG sued the Trumps in NY state court. The civil suit alleges that the Trumps repeatedly overvalued their real estate holdings in a long-running scheme designed to obtain favorable terms on bank loans. The complaint seeks to recover $250 million in damages and asks the court to bar the Trumps from running any businesses in New York state. It names Donald Sr., Donald Jr., Eric, and Ivanka Trump as defendants, along with the Trump Organization and several of its executives. Although AG James’s suit seeks only civil penalties, her office also sent criminal referrals to both the IRS and federal prosecutors.

Update-18: On Jan. 6, 2023, the trial court denied the Trumps’ motion to dismiss James’s lawsuit.

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Donald Trump v. Letitia James: On Dec. 20, 2021, Donald Trump filed his own suit against AG James in federal court. He accused James of targeting Trump out of political animus and asked the court to enjoin her under § 1983 from continuing her investigation into Trump and his companies. To back up his claim, Trump pointed to a string of James’s social media posts that allegedly suggested a political motive. Trump asserted that James’s investigation violates his constitutional rights, including his First Amendment rights by targeting him for his political activities and his Fourth Amendment rights by harassing him with bad faith subpoenas. In subsequent filings. James has asked the judge to dismiss the suit and has refused to cease investigating.

Update-1: On Jan. 26, 2022, James moved to dismiss Trump’s suit. She argued that Trump’s suit should be dismissed under several federal abstention doctrines, under res judicata, and for failing to state a claim.

Update-2: On May 27, 2022, the district court dismissed Trump’s suit, which will allow James’s investigation to continue. The district court reasoned that Trump’s suit was barred by Younger abstention, a doctrine that bars federal courts from stopping state court proceedings like James’s civil enforcement suit against Trump. For his part, Trump had argued that Younger abstention shouldn’t apply because James was investigating him in bad faith. The district court rejected that argument, finding that James’s proceeding had a “legitimate factual predicate” and that there was no evidence that James was acting in a harassing or bad faith manner.

Update-3: Trump filed a notice of appeal on May 27, 2022.

Update-4: Trump withdrew his lawsuit on Jan. 24, 2023.

16. Scotland Unexplained Wealth Orders
Plaintiff: Avaaz Foundation against the Scottish Ministers and Others

Case Summary: On February 3, 2021, the Scottish Parliament voted to reject calls from the opposition party, the Scottish Greens, to investigate the Trump Organization’s golf courses through an Unexplained Wealth Order (UWO). UWOs are a mechanism designed to prevent suspected corrupt foreign officials from laundering potentially stolen funds into the UK. They require an individual or organization to reveal the sources of their unexplained wealth and, while they do not automatically trigger criminal proceedings, they can result at least in confiscation of assets. The concerns that led to the push to investigate Trump arose when Trump spent many hundreds of millions of dollars to purchase and refurbish golf courses within Scotland with all-cash transactions. This was particularly suspicious since Trump had financed large scale purchases with debt prior to these transactions. It is disputed whether Eric Trump made a statement indicating that the funds had come from Russia.

The co-leader of the Scottish Greens stated, “Scotland cannot be a country where anyone with the money can buy whatever land and property they want, no questions asked, and the Scottish Greens will continue to challenge vested interests that protect people like Trump rather than our communities.” Eric Trump criticized the suit, stating that “at a critical time when politicians should be focused on saving lives and reopening businesses in Scotland, they are focused on advancing their personal agendas.”

Case Status: The non-profit global rights pressure group, Avaaz Foundation, sought to challenge the Scottish Parliament vote and, in May, filed a petition in the highest civil court in Scotland to review the decision not to pursue a UWO. On Aug. 11, 2021, Lord Sandison of the Scottish Court of Session ruled the petition seeking “judicial review of the approach of the Scottish ministers in determining whether to apply to the court for UWOs” should “proceed without condition or restriction.” He ruled that their case has “real prospects of success.” Scotland’s High Court will likely hear the case later this year.

Update-1: On Nov. 25, 2021, in a victory for the defendants, Lord Sandison ruled that only the Lord Advocate General of Scotland may issue a UWO, not the Scottish ministers. Advocates are now asking for the Lord Advocate to take action.

Update-2: As of January 2023, there are no indications that the Scottish investigation is progressing.

17. Trump Tower Assault Suit (CASE CLOSED)
Galicia v. Trump, No. 24973/2015 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. filed Sept. 9, 2015)

Plaintiff: A group of six protesters

Case Summary: On Sept. 3, 2015, the plaintiffs were demonstrating on the sidewalk outside Trump Tower in Manhattan. According to the plaintiffs–who self-identify as of Mexican origin–they were protesting the “inflammatory” anti-Mexican statements that Trump made during 2015 campaign events. Soon after the plaintiffs arrived, Trump Tower security guards allegedly attacked them and destroyed their protest signs.

That same month, the plaintiffs sued Trump, the Trump Organization, Trump’s campaign, Trump’s head bodyguard, and the alleged attackers in New York state court. The plaintiffs allege that Trump and his co-defendants are liable for assault and battery, conversion and destruction of property, and tortious interference with political speech. To tie Trump to his guards’ conduct, the plaintiffs allege that Trump was careless in hiring and supervising his security detail and, separately, that Trump should be held vicariously liable–a type of secondary liability often used to hold employers to account for their employee’s harmful actions. To prevail against Trump on this vicarious liability theory, the plaintiffs would need to show that the guards (i) were acting as Trump’s employees or agents at the time and (ii) attacked the plaintiffs to advance Trump’s interests in some way.

Case Status: Trump and his co-defendants moved to dismiss the claims for property destruction and interference with political speech in Dec. 2015. The court dismissed the political speech interference claim but permitted the rest of the claims to advance.

After the defendants moved for summary judgment in 2017, the court dismissed the negligent hiring and supervision claims against Trump and the Trump Organization. However, the court allowed the remaining claims to go forward, including the vicarious liability claims that Trump should be personally liable for his guards’ conduct.

Update-1: On Oct. 18, 2021, Trump sat for a four-hour deposition to answer questions about the alleged assault. According to the plaintiffs’ lawyer, Trump was asked about “a variety of issues including statements he has made at various campaign events and rallies that counsel believes encouraged violence at those events or encouraged security guards to engage in violence or the confiscation of property.” The plaintiffs’ lawyer also said he intends to play a video of Trump’s deposition at trial, which is not yet scheduled.

Update-2: On Apr. 26, 2022, a court filing revealed fifty pages of testimony from Trump’s deposition. Trump testified that he did not send his security staff after the protestors or direct them to grab their signs.

Update-3: Nov. 2, 2022, the parties reached a settlement in the case, details of the settlement agreement have not been disclosed.

18. Michael Cohen Retaliatory Imprisonment Suit
Cohen v. United States, No. 21-cv-10774 (S.D.N.Y. filed Dec. 16, 2021)

Plaintiff: Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s former attorney

Case Summary: On Dec. 16, 2021, Michael Cohen sued Donald Trump, former Attorney General Bill Barr, the US government, and other officials in federal court for retaliatory imprisonment. Cohen alleges that, after he announced plans to publish a damaging book about his legal work for Trump, the defendants retaliated by sending Cohen back to federal prison from home confinement.

At the time, Cohen was serving a three-year sentence for several crimes related to his work for Trump, including lying to Congress about Trump’s Moscow business and orchestrating illegal campaign expenditures to cover up Trump’s extramarital affairs. Several months into the COVID outbreak, the Bureau of Prisons–then led by defendant Michael Carvajal–granted Cohen’s medical request to be released on “furlough” followed by a transition to home confinement for the rest of his sentence. But according to Cohen, Trump and his co-defendants interfered with that transition. While Cohen was out on furlough, he tweeted about his plans to release a tell-all memoir about his work for Trump. Shortly after, corrections officers demanded that Cohen agree to a home confinement condition that barred Cohen from posting on social media and publishing his book. After Cohen allegedly hesitated to agree, the BOP nixed the home confinement plan and remanded Cohen back to federal prison.

Cohen then filed a habeas petition challenging the remand and arguing that corrections officials had taken the action in retaliation for Cohen’s tweets about his work on the anti-Trump book. The district court agreed–explicitly finding that Barr and Carvajal ordered the remand with the “purpose” of retaliating–and ordered Cohen’s release to home detention. Cohen completed his sentence at home in November 2021.

A month later, on Dec. 16, Cohen sued Trump, Barr, Carvajal, other corrections officials, and the US government for the alleged retaliatory imprisonment. He seeks damages against Trump, Barr, and the other officials under Bivens–a judicially created cause of action for damages against federal officers for constitutional violations–for violating Cohen’s rights under the First, Fourth, and Eighth Amendments. Cohen also seeks damages against the US government under the Federal Tort Claims Act, which allows plaintiffs to sue the federal government for damages if they are injured by certain torts committed by federal officers.

Case Status: Cohen filed the suit in New York federal court on December 16, 2021.

Update-1: Trump filed a motion to dismiss the suit on Apr. 4, 2022. He argued that presidential immunity shielded his conduct, that Bivens doctrine does not apply in federal prisoner suits against the President, and that Cohen had failed to plausibly allege that Trump was personally involved in the constitutional violations.

Update-2: On Aug. 2, 2022, the court heard oral argument on the defendants’ motion to dismiss.

Update-3: On Nov. 14, 2022, the district court dismissed Cohen’s suit, including his constitutional Bivens claims against Trump. The court found that recent Supreme Court decisions had significantly constrained the scope of such suits and concluded that Cohen’s claims failed under those precedents.


19. Criminal Investigations into Trump’s Finances
People of the State of New York v. Trump Corporation d/b/a Trump Organization, Trump Payroll Corp., d/b/a Trump Organization, Allen Weisselberg

Trump v. Deutsche Bank, No. 19-cv-03826 (S.D.N.Y. Apr. 29, 2019)

Trump v. Vance, No. 19-cv-08694 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 19, 2019)

Prosecuting Office: In 2019, then-President Trump sued to block subpoenas issued by three House Committees and the Manhattan District Attorney seeking his financial information in 2019. As of Feb. 22, the Manhattan DA now has access to Trump’s tax information.

Case Summary: In 2019, the House Intelligence and Finance Committees issued subpoenas to both Deutsche Bank and Capital One seeking information about then-President Trump’s finances. Before the banks complied with the subpoenas, Trump sued, seeking a declaratory judgment that they were unenforceable and an injunction that would have prevented the banks from disclosing Trump’s financial information. In addition, the House Oversight Committee subpoenaed Mazars, Trump’s accounting firm, demanding additional accounting information. Trump again sued to block the subpoena.

In parallel, Manhattan District Attorney, Cyrus Vance Jr., subpoenaed Mazars, for access to Trump’s tax records. Trump again sued to prevent the disclosure of this information.

All three cases reached the Supreme Court, where they were decided on the same day, July 9, 2020. The congressional subpoenas were combined into one case, and were remanded so the lower courts could consider separation of powers concerns raised by congressional committees subpoenaing a sitting president. In the Vance case, the Court ruled that a president’s financial information could be subpoenaed by a local district attorney.

Case Status: With the seating of the new Congress in January 2021, the Congressional subpoenas expired. The Vance subpoena again reached the Supreme Court, which on Feb. 22, refused to block it. His spokesperson has confirmed that the office now has access to Trump’s tax returns, including millions of pages of documents. Charges have not been filed.

Update-1: New reporting on Mar. 1 revealed that Vance’s investigation has focused on Trump Organization chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, whose potential cooperation with prosecutors could be a significant breakthrough in the investigation. On Mar. 31, the New York Times reported that Vance’s office has subpoenaed Weisselberg’s personal bank records, and on Apr. 8, investigators took possession of financial records from Weisselberg’s daughter-in-law.

Update-2: New reporting on Mar. 8 revealed that Vance’s probe has expanded to include investigation of a $130 million loan the Trump Organization received to build its Chicago tower, and whether the forgiveness of that loan was reported as income, as required by the IRS.

Update-3: On May, 25, 2021, the Washington Post reported that Vance has convened a special grand jury that is “expected to decide whether to indict former president Donald Trump, other executives at his company or the business itself should prosecutors present the panel with criminal charges.” According to the Post, “The move indicates that District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr.’s investigation of the former president and his business has reached an advanced stage …. It suggests, too, that Vance believes he has found evidence of a crime — if not by Trump then by someone potentially close to him or by his company.”

Update-4: On Jun. 4, ABC News and the New York Times report that Trump Organization senior vice president and controller, Jeff McConney is among a number of witnesses to have already appeared before the special grand jury. He is reportedly the first employee of the company called to testify.

Update-5: On July 1, prosecutors indicted the Trump Organization and the chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg with running a tax fraud scheme for over fifteen years. The indictment charges Weisselberg, the Trump Organization, and the Trump Payroll Co. with compensating Weisselberg and other Trump Organization executives with off-the-books funds that were unreported or misreported to federal, state, and local tax authorities.

The indictment includes a reference to the former President. It states that “as part of the scheme to defraud, Trump Corporation personnel … arranged for tuition expenses for Weisselberg’s family members to be paid by personal checks drawn on the account of and signed by Donald J. ‘Trump.” The indictment also refers to an “unindicted co-conspirator,” who is Jeff McConney, the Trump Organization’s controller, a person familiar with the investigation told CNN.

Update-6: Matthew Calamari Jr., the Trump Organization’s corporate director of security, and Jeffrey McConney, controller of the Trump Organization, appeared before a Manhattan grand jury on September 2. Calamari received “transactional immunity for the topics he testified about” while McConney was reportedly asked to clarify his previous grand jury testimony and respond to inquiries related to Calamari Sr.

Update-7: The Washington Post reports that the Manhattan DA has convened a second grand jury “to hear evidence about the Trump Organization’s financial practices and potentially to vote on criminal charges.” One source reported that the new grand jury will scrutinize whether Trump’s company manipulated the value of its assets–a practice that NY AG Letitia James is also investigating in her parallel civil probe.

Update-8: Donald Trump’s longtime accountant, Donald Bender, who worked for the firm Mazars, reportedly appeared before the grand jury. In recent weeks prosecutors’ also interviewed Rosemary Vrablic, a former managing director at Deutsche Bank. According to an anonymous source, “prosecutors pressed Vrablic about Trump’s role in dealings with the bank,” the Washington Post reported.

Update-9: On Jan. 1, 2022, Alvin Bragg replaced Vance as Manhattan DA and took the helm of the investigation into Trump’s finances. Before taking office, Bragg stated that he would be directly involved in the investigation and noted that he had asked two of Vance’s top prosecutors to continue working on the case.

Update-10: Two of the prosecutors working on the Trump case, Carey R. Dunne and Mark F. Pomerantz, resigned from the prosecution when Bragg indicated he had doubts on moving forward with the investigation. The New York Times later reported that Pomerantz stated that Trump was “guilty of numerous felony violations” and that it was “a grave failure of justice” not to prosecute him, according to a copy of Pomerantz’s resignation letter.

Update-11: On Apr. 7, 2022, Bragg publicly stated that the Trump investigation was continuing and revealed that his office had even questioned new witnesses. In a press release, Bragg stated, “I pledge that the Office will publicly state the conclusion of our investigation – whether we conclude our work without bringing charges, or move forward with an indictment.”

Update-12: On Aug. 18, 2022, Allen Weisselberg pleaded guilty to fifteen financial felonies including tax fraud and grand larceny. As part of the deal with the new DA Alvin Bragg, Weisselberg agreed to testify if the Trump Organization goes to trial on the tax fraud charges.

Update-13: On Oct. 24, the tax fraud trial against the Trump Organization began, and, on Nov. 21, the prosecution rested its side of the case.

Update-14: On Nov. 21, the New York Times reported that the DA’s office has resumed a criminal investigation of Trump’s possible hush money payment and associated falsification of business records.

Update-15: On Dec. 6, 2022, a jury convicted the Trump Organization of tax fraud and other crimes related to the company’s practice of giving out off-the-books perks to executives that were never taxed. Allen Weisselberg testified as the prosecution’s star witness against the company. Prosecutors never charged Trump himself over the scheme, though the prosecutors implicated him as being personally involved in the scheme.

Update-16: On Jan. 10, 2023, New York state court Judge Juan Merchan sentenced Allen Weisselberg to five months in prison for financial felonies including tax fraud and grand larceny.

Update-17: On Jan. 13, 2023, Judge Merchan sentenced the Trump Organization to pay $1.6 million in fines for its conviction on tax crimes.

20. DC Attorney General Incitement Investigation for Attack on U.S. Capitol
Prosecuting Office: DC Attorney General (AG)

Case Summary: DC Attorney General Karl Racine has said he is exploring whether to charge Trump with incitement. So far, his office has focused on a DC statute that makes it a misdemeanor to “incite or provoke violence where there is a likelihood that such violence will ensue.” Presumably, DC prosecutors are looking into Trump’s statements and tweets before and during the riot, gauging whether they amount to criminal incitement.

That said, Racine has cautioned that prosecuting Trump would be an uphill battle. Though the former president no longer could claim presidential immunity, the First Amendment may still shield his speech from prosecution. Under Brandenburg–the controlling case here–a speaker can be prosecuted for incitement only when their speech is both intended and likely to cause imminent lawless action. This is a notoriously difficult standard to meet, especially on the intent side. Even though some rioters have claimed they were following Trump’s instructions, Racine would need to actually prove it was Trump’s actual goal for them to do so. Despite the trail of incriminating statements Trump left behind, Racine may still have trouble meeting such a high bar.

Not only that, Racine has limited options in terms of what offenses he can charge. Because DC splits criminal jurisdiction with the U.S. government, Racine’s office can enforce only low-level crimes. As a result, he cannot charge Trump with arguably more applicable felonies, and is effectively limited to DC’s incitement statute. And as defense attorneys in DC have noted, this misdemeanor offense is typically charged in street-level disorderly conduct cases, arguably making it a poor fit.

Case Status: Racine’s office is investigating Trump’s conduct but has not filed charges.

Update: As of August 2022, there are no public signs that the DC AG is still investigating Trump.

21. Fulton County, Georgia Criminal Election Influence Investigation
Prosecuting Office: Fulton County, GA District Attorney’s Office.

Case Summary: On Feb. 10, 2021, the Fulton County DA’s Office opened an investigation into attempted election interference by former President Trump. The investigation is looking into potential violations of Georgia election laws, including the “solicitation of election fraud, the making of false statements to state and local governmental bodies, conspiracy, racketeering, violation of oath of office and any involvement in violence or threats related to the election’s administration.”

Case Status: On Feb. 10, 2021, the Fulton County DA’s Office sent letters to Governor Brian Kemp, Lieutenant Governor Duncan, Secretary of State Raffensperger, and Attorney General Carr informing them of the new investigation and requesting that all records relating to the election, including emails sent by employees from non-government accounts, be preserved.

Fulton County DA Fani Willis also reportedly plans to investigate a phone call between Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger where Raffensperger claims Graham asked the Secretary of State if he could throw out legally cast ballots. Graham’s spokesperson claims that this is not true and Graham was instead asking about the signature verification process. The DA’s office is also reportedly looking into whether Rudy Giuliani violated election laws in making false statements to Georgia officials.

The week of March 1 2021, prosecutors are expected to seek grand jury subpoenas for documents and witnesses connected to the investigation.

On Mar. 6, Willis brought on John Floyd, a national expert on state racketeering prosecution, to assist in racketeering investigations. He has not been brought on specifically for the Trump investigation, but as Willis is investigating racketeering in the Trump case, this development suggests that racketeering charges could play a larger role.

On Mar. 11, a recording of a call between then-President Trump and the chief investigator of the Georgia Secretary of State’s office, Frances Watson, was released By the Wall Street Journal. On the call, Trump urged Watson to look for fraud in mail-in ballots. The Fulton County DA’s Office has said that they will request a copy of the phone call.

Update-1: As of Mar. 28, there are reportedly two grand juries considering subpoenas for documents relevant to the investigation.

Update-2: Reporting (on Nov. 6 and Nov. 12) suggests that Willis is considering convening a special grand jury dedicated solely to allegations of election tampering in addition to the two grand juries that have already been convened.

Update-3: On Jan. 20, 2022, Willis submitted a letter to the chief judge of Fulton County’s Superior Court requesting a special grand jury for her investigation of President Trump. The letter states that a special grand jury will assist because a “significant number of witnesses and prospective witnesses have refused to cooperate with the investigation absent a subpoena requiring their testimony.”

Update-4: On Jan. 30, 2022, Willis requested the FBI to conduct a security safety assessment and provide other protective services following Trump’s alarming and charged rhetoric at a recent Texas rally. He called for massive protests against the “racist” and “vicious” prosecutors if they “do anything wrong.”

Update-5: On May 2, 2022, prosecutors convened a special grand jury to investigate “whether there were unlawful attempts to disrupt the administration of the 2020 elections here in Georgia.” The grand jury currently has up to one year to issue a report advising the local DA whether to pursue criminal charges against Trump.

Update-6: Grand jury proceedings began on May 27, 2022. The grand jury expects to hear testimony from “as many as 50 witnesses” and the process “is likely to last weeks.”

Update-7: On July 5, 2022, the grand jury issued subpoenas to several of Trump’s key associates who were allegedly involved in the election interference scheme. The targets include Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani; campaign lawyers John Eastman, Cleta Mitchell, Kenneth Cheseboro, and Jenna Ellis; Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.); and attorney Jacki Pick Deason. Under the subpoenas, these witnesses now must testify under oath before the grand jury.

Update-8: On July 13, 2022, Senator Graham moved to quash the grand jury subpoena by filing a motion in South Carolina federal court. Graham argued that he had legislative immunity–afforded by the Constitution’s Speech and Debate clause–because his calls to Georgia officials about the 2020 election qualified as legislative activity.

Update-9: On Aug. 2, 2022, Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer asked Willis’ office to delay his testimony because he was still recovering from a recent medical procedure. The Fulton County judge ultimately rejected that request and ordered Giuliani to appear before the grand jury on Aug. 17.

Update-10: On Aug. 11, 2022, Trump hired a high-profile Atlanta-based criminal defense attorney, Drew Findling, to represent him during the criminal proceedings.

Update-11: On Aug. 15, 2022, local prosecutors informed Rudy Giuliani that he was formally a “target” of their criminal investigation into election interference in Georgia, which generally means that an indictment is possible but not guaranteed. That same day, a federal judge rejected Senator Graham’s bid to avoid testifying, and ordered Graham to appear before the grand jury on Aug. 23.

Update-12: Senator Graham appealed the order requiring him to testify to the Eleventh Circuit, which then directed the district court to consider whether Graham’s testimony should be limited based on his legislative immunity claim. On Sept. 9, the district court ultimately ordered Graham to testify but also held that Graham could refuse to answer questions about his “investigatory fact-finding … related to his decision to certify … the 2020 presidential election” because those inquiries would fall under his immunized legislative duties. The court held, in line with its prior decisions and that of the court of appeals, that Graham could be questioned about three areas that fell outside of his legislative activities: (1) “any alleged efforts to ‘cajole’ or encourage Secretary Raffensperger or other Georgia election officials to throw out ballots or otherwise alter Georgia’s election practices and procedures;” (2) “Senator Graham’s alleged communications and coordination with the Trump Campaign and its post-election efforts in Georgia;” and (3) “Senator Graham’s public statements related to Georgia’s 2020 elections.”

Update-13: Graham appealed the district court’s order to the Eleventh Circuit, but the appeals court upheld the district court’s ruling. The panel held that Graham could be forced to testify in the probe because his legislative status did confer blanket immunity from questioning. Graham asked the Supreme Court to revisit that ruling, but the Court denied Graham’s request on Nov. 1, 2022

Update-14: On Nov. 22, Graham testified before the grand jury. His office released a statement saying, “Today, Senator Graham appeared before the Fulton County Special Grand Jury for just over two hours and answered all questions.”

Update-15: The Fulton County grand jury completed its investigation into election interference on Jan. 9, 2023. The judge scheduled a hearing for Jan. 24 to determine whether to release the grand jury’s report, including any recommendation on whether charges should be filed.

22. Westchester, New York Criminal Investigation of Trump Organization Golf Course
Prosecuting Office: Westchester District Attorney’s Office

Case Summary: Westchester District Attorney’s Office of Mimi E. Rocah has reportedly launched a criminal investigation, led by Elliott B. Jacobson, examining, at least in part, whether the Trump Organization misled local officials about the property value of its golf course to reduce its taxes.

Case Status: The full scope of the investigation is unknown but the office has subpoenaed records from the course.

23. National Archives Referral for Mishandled Classified Materials
Prosecuting Office: Department of Justice (via referral by National Archives); Office of the Special Counsel Jack Smith

Case Summary: In January 2022, the National Archives recovered fifteen boxes of documents from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida. Many of the documents were covered by the Presidential Records Act, which requires presidents to preserve and turn over their official records. The Archives later discovered that the boxes included “items marked as classified national security information.”

In response to a letter from the House Oversight Committee, the Archives confirmed on Feb. 18 that it had “identified classified information in the boxes” and had “been in communication with the Department of Justice” about Trump’s handling of those materials.

On Feb. 9, 2022, the Archives made a referral to the Justice Department for Trump’s handling of government records. On or before Apr. 29, 2022, the Justice Department notified Trump’s counsel Evan Corcoran that the Department had an “ongoing criminal investigation” into the handling of the government documents marked as classified. (The grand jury investigation was reported by the New York Times on May 12, 2022.)

Case Status: On or before Apr. 29, 2022, the Justice Department notified Trump’s counsel Evan Corcoran that the Department had an “ongoing criminal investigation” into the handling of the government documents marked as classified. (The grand jury investigation was reported by the New York Times on May 12, 2022.)

Update-1: On Apr. 7, 2022, the Washington Post reported that the DOJ plans to investigate Trump’s removal of official records to Mar-a-Lago.

Update-2: On May 12, 2022, the New York Times reported that the Justice Department has started a “grand jury investigation into whether classified White House documents that ended up at former President Donald J. Trump’s Florida home were mishandled,” and that the grand jury has issued at least one subpoena. That subpoena is to the National Archives to obtain the classified documents.

Update-3: On June 3, 2022, federal investigators removed classified documents from Mar-a-Lago under a grand jury subpoena.

On June 8, Trump’s attorneys received an email from federal investigators asking them to further secure the room where documents are being stored. The email asked that “the room at Mar-a-Lago where the documents had been stored be secured and that all the boxes that were moved from the White House to Mar-a-Lago (along with any other items in that room) be preserved in that room in their current condition until further notice,” according to the Wall Street Journal.

Following the June 3 visit, one of Trump’s lawyers reportedly signed a statement that all materials marked as classified and held in boxes in a storage area have been returned to the government. On June 22, the Trump Organization received a subpoena for surveillance tapes that covered areas of the club where the documents were possibly stored, which the FBI later obtained.

Update-4: On Aug. 8, 2022, FBI agents executed a search warrant on Mar-a-Lago and raided the club in search of additional classified materials beyond those taken in June. Attorney General Merrick Garland later confirmed that he had personally approved the search. The DOJ also asked a court to unseal the search warrant itself, which would reveal the alleged crimes that formed the basis of the warrant as well as the list of items taken during the search. Trump now has the option to oppose the unsealing, which he would need to do by Aug. 12.

Update-5: On Aug. 12, the court granted the DOJ’s motion and unsealed the warrant and property receipt. The warrant revealed that Trump is under investigation for violating three criminal statutes: destruction or removal of records, obstruction of justice, and mishandling classified information in violation of the Espionage Act. The property receipt indicated that agents had seized 11 sets of documents, some marked as highly classified.

Update-6: Several media outlets, including CNN and the Washington Post, asked the court to unseal the search warrant documents on Aug. 11. On Aug. 15, the DOJ responded by filing a motion urging the court to keep sealed the search warrant affidavit, which would specify the reasons why investigators believed they had probable cause to search the premises. The DOJ argued that the affidavit contains sensitive information that would “compromise” the government’s ongoing criminal investigation.

Update-7: On Aug. 22, 2022, Trump filed a lawsuit challenging the DOJ’s investigation in Florida federal court. Trump’s suit requested that the court appoint a special master to review the seized documents and to screen out any materials covered by attorney-client or executive privilege. The suit also asked the court to enjoin the DOJ from reviewing the documents and to order the DOJ to return some of Trump’s personal property.

Update-8: On Aug. 30, 2022, the DOJ filed a motion opposing Trump’s request to appoint a special master. The DOJ advanced several arguments, including that Trump lacked standing to challenge the seizure of presidential records, that an injunction against the DOJ’s investigation was inappropriate, that a a former president like Trump cannot assert executive privilege in scenarios like this, and that a special master is unnecessary because a government filter team could screen out privileged information.

Update-9: On Sept. 5, 2022, the district court granted Trump’s request to appoint a special master and enjoined the DOJ from reviewing the seized records as part of its criminal investigation. On Sept. 8, the DOJ filed a notice of appeal and asked the district court to stay its decision with respect to the classified materials. It argued that the DOJ was likely to win its subsequent appeal over the classified documents, because Trump could not possibly assert any personal interest in classified government records. The DOJ also explained that the government would suffer irreparable harm if it were enjoined from using the seized classified materials, because it needed to promptly conduct a national security risk assessment.

Update-10: On Sept. 15, the district court appointed the Hon. Raymond Dearie–a Senior Judge of the Eastern District of New York–as special master. The district court also denied the DOJ’s motion for a stay.

Update-11: The special master–Judge Dearie–held his first hearing on Sept. 20, 2022. Much of the argument focused on the status of the classified documents. Trump’s counsel argued that Judge Dearie should not take the DOJ’s word that some of the seized records were classified but stopped short of arguing that Trump had actually declassified them. According to reporting, the judge “expressed skepticism” at those arguments, and indicated that he would likely deem the records classified unless Trump offered contrary evidence.

Update-12: On Sept. 21, the Eleventh Circuit granted the DOJ’s motion for a stay, meaning that the DOJ can use the classified documents in its investigation and that the DOJ need not submit those documents to the special master for review. The appeals court agreed with the DOJ that Trump could not assert a personal interest in classified records, and also noted that Trump had so far refused to advance any actual evidence that the records had been declassified.

Update-13: On Nov. 22, the court of appeals heard oral argument (C-SPAN) on the merits of whether Judge Cannon should have exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion in the first place. The three-judge panel included two of the judges from the prior panel that affirmed the DOJ motion on Sept. 21. The two sides’ arguments on jurisdiction were practically the same as the arguments made in their briefs at issue in the Sept. 21 ruling.

Update-14: On Dec. 1, 2022, the Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruled in favor of the government’s petition to vacate Florida district court Judge Aileen Cannon’s order and dismiss the underlying civil action. The Eleventh Circuit held that Judge Cannon should have never exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion for return of property.

Monday, February 12, 2024 1:26 PM


Why would I waste a single second reading any of that bullshit?

You can't even read, Ted, so quit pretending like you did either.

Trump will be fine. He will also be your next President.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Friday, February 16, 2024 5:41 PM


Jack, you and your guys are having a really bad day...First Trump is ordered to pay 350 million and then some in the NY fraud trial. Then the Biden shit. Way to funny, I can't stop laughing.


FBI informant charged in Hunter Biden probe

Friday, February 16, 2024 7:18 PM


You're such a propagandized cunt.

My day was fine. They usually are.

Trump knew this was coming. Extreme Democrat Judge in an Extreme Democrat District who was openly hostile to Trump and who was obviously going to give this verdict from day one. Nothing unexpected happened here. It will be appealed and thrown out and Trump won't pay a dime.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Friday, February 16, 2024 8:38 PM


So so soooo funny...

Hey, this is good coffee


Friday, February 16, 2024 8:55 PM


We'll see who's laughing last, Theodore.

November will come quick.

Tick Tock.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Saturday, February 17, 2024 5:30 AM


Durham was nonsense

but outside of politics and
dealing with just crime

why do so many Dead Homosexual Black Men keep turning up in these guys homes?

is there anyone else to talk other than creepy perverts

Tuesday, February 20, 2024 10:09 AM


Comer’s concession: Republicans might never vote to impeach Biden

When House Republicans formally approved an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden in mid-December, it was a dramatic development, but not in a good way. It was the first time in American history that Congress authorized an impeachment inquiry without uncovering any evidence of wrongdoing against the intended target.

t’s likely that GOP lawmakers hoped that by formalizing the investigation, they might be able to fill in the gaps with incriminating information about the Democratic incumbent. If so, they have reason to be disappointed.

In the two months since the impeachment inquiry was authorized, their star witness — the man whose claims were the heart of the Republicans’ case — was arrested for lying to the FBI about the Bidens. What’s more, as a new Washington Post report noted, congressional investigators have “compiled an extensive record of sworn statements from firsthand witnesses,” all of whom have confirmed that the president “was never involved” with his son’s business affairs.



Tuesday, February 20, 2024 10:15 AM


LOL... Maddow is such a liar.

You post stupid shit like this Ted, and it just makes you look stupid.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024 8:45 AM


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
LOL... Maddow is such a liar.

You post stupid shit like this Ted, and it just makes you look stupid.

James Comer Resignation Calls Grow After Russian Intel Bombshell

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer, who is leading an investigation into the Biden family's finances, is facing calls to resign from liberals and Democratic supporters after the Department of Justice claimed one of its key sources had links with "high level" Russian intelligence operatives.

You're nothing but a lying sack of shit comrade Jack. You are this too your core.


Wednesday, February 21, 2024 2:51 PM


"But it's not true!": CNN reporter confronts Jim Jordan over indicted informant's debunked claims

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, denied the questionable nature of a key piece of evidence in his investigation of President Joe Biden when confronted by CNN reporter Manu Raju on Wednesday.

Ex-FBI informant Alexander Smirnov was indicted last week for allegedly falsifying bribery claims against the Biden family, after sharing intel with agents years ago that President Biden and his son Hunter sought multi-million dollar bribes from a Ukrainian energy company, according to The New York Times. Smirnov claimed that funds were in exchange for protection against a probe into the company by the country’s prosecutor general at the time. He also admitted that "officials associated with Russian intelligence" were involved in advancing the phony allegations against Hunter Biden, per The Washington Post.

Raju: You said the 1023 is the most corroborating piece of information

Jordan: It doesn't change those fundamental facts

Raju: But it's not true.


Wednesday, February 21, 2024 6:03 PM


Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) declared the House Republicans' impeachment probe into President Joe Biden to be all but finished on Wednesday after hearing closed-door testimony from James Biden, the brother of President Joe Biden.

As reported by Max Cohen of Punchbowl News, James Biden flatly denied that his brother had any knowledge of, or involvement in, any of his overseas business dealings, which have drawn scrutiny from congressional Republicans.

For years and years the republicans have been trying with all their might to take down Biden. Every time falling flat on their faces.

too funny...


Wednesday, February 21, 2024 6:19 PM


Biden* is taking himself down. Nobody is worried about Joe Biden*.

Joe Biden* was above Trump every single day in the polling aggregate before the 2020 election, and he only won by 4 points less than the aggregate had him winning over Trump.

Now Joe Biden* has not been up on Trump in the polling aggregate since September of 2023. If the same 4 point swing happened now, Trump wins by nearly 6 points if the election were held today.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024 7:26 PM


A Fox News host has called the House impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden “embarrassing” after repeated witnesses appeared to weaken the Republican Party’s arguments against the president.

Speaking during a debate between presenters and reporters following Mr Biden’s brother James’s appearance on Capitol Hill, Jessica Tarlov said the party was not helping itself by calling witnesses who have continued to dismiss any idea of wrongdoing on behalf of the president.

Justin Baragona @justinbaragona

Jessica Tarlov: "Every witness they have called has decimated their argument... and we have the guy behind the holy grail document, the 1023, Alexander Smirnov....not only did he lie, he was lying because the Russians were feeding him the disinformation. It’s so embarrassing!"

Falling down laughing here Jack=ass.


Wednesday, February 21, 2024 7:34 PM


I don't know what you're laughing about now, idiot.

I don't give a single shit whether Joe* gets impeached or not since we've long ago established that impeachment doesn't mean anything.

Joe Biden* is going to get destroyed in November. Feel free to keep laughing if it makes you feel better.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Thursday, February 22, 2024 7:49 PM


Lawmakers on GOP impeachment effort: 'No question this is dead'

When House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer's (R-KY) star witness, ex-FBI informant Alexander Smirnov, was arrested last week for allegedly lying about President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, the party's impeachment inquiry began to fall apart. Then when reports came earlier this week that Smirnov had connections to Russian intelligence agencies — the party's efforts to oust the president went from bad to worse.

Complete morons...


Thursday, February 22, 2024 9:02 PM


Joe Biden* belongs in prison.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Friday, February 23, 2024 6:32 AM


'We were warned': GOP lawmaker blasts colleagues for swallowing Biden witness 'lies'

Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) sharply criticized his fellow House Republicans for latching onto the testimony of an "FBI informant" who was arrested last week and accused of peddling lies straight from Kremlin disinformation operators.

“We were warned at the time that we received the document outlining this witness’s testimony, we were warned that the credibility of this statement was not known,” Buck told CNN's Kaitlan Collins, reported Edith Olmsted for The Daily Beast.

It's because they don't care about the facts. Only crucifying anyone who does not fall in line with hating Americans and America.


Friday, February 23, 2024 10:45 AM


Originally posted by THG:
'We were warned': GOP lawmaker blasts colleagues for swallowing Biden witness 'lies'

Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) sharply criticized his fellow House Republicans for latching onto the testimony of an "FBI informant" who was arrested last week and accused of peddling lies straight from Kremlin disinformation operators.

“We were warned at the time that we received the document outlining this witness’s testimony, we were warned that the credibility of this statement was not known,” Buck told CNN's Kaitlan Collins, reported Edith Olmsted for The Daily Beast.

It's because they don't care about the facts. Only crucifying anyone who does not fall in line with hating Americans and America.



Fuck you dude. Tell us about the Russian hoax again.

Are you still running around telling people to get their booster shots in 2024 too?


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Saturday, February 24, 2024 6:06 AM


Here you go.


Epic fail: GOP source indicted, caught pushing Russian lies about Biden to FBI

Saturday, February 24, 2024 8:55 AM


MSNBC is not a legitimate news source.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024 2:39 PM







Grifter Donald Trump Has Been Indicted And Yes Arrested; Four Times Now And Counting. Hey Jack, I Was Right
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Russia Invades Ukraine. Again
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Elections; 2024
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Americans Owe Ukraine Nothing
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In the garden, and RAIN!!! (2)
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'Kyle did nothing wrong'? or the crimes of the Kenosha Shooter
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I'm surprised there's not an inflation thread yet
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New York Magazine: Trump vs. Biden Polls: No State of the Union Bounce for Joe
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WaPo: Biden Plan Aims To Focus Economic Development in Minority Areas
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Department Of Justice Acknowledges Hunter Biden Laptop Content Is Legitimate For First Time
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Durham Report Another Bust. Hey Jack, I Was Right

UPDATED: Wednesday, February 28, 2024 14:39
VIEWED: 1273
PAGE 2 of 2

Wednesday, November 29, 2023 7:22 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh, poor Hunter!!

It's a good thing he had his daddy find him a do-nothing job for Burisma energy at $80,000/ month!

And, not everybody bangs his dead brothers underage daughter.


You believe that shit that Mika is peddling????

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM

Wednesday, November 29, 2023 10:08 PM



Ted is one of the most useful of the useful idiots.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Thursday, December 14, 2023 6:37 PM


Hey comrade signym, you stupid polish Russian collaborator. They have been try to get anything on

Biden, any type of corruption for at least a year while Trump was in office. Since Biden said
he was going to run against him. They got shit.


Originally posted by THG:


Thursday, December 14, 2023 9:50 PM


Are you drunk posting today Ted, or did your wife's boyfriend beat you up?


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Monday, December 18, 2023 10:20 PM



Monday, December 18, 2023 10:38 PM


Comer pushes back on reporting on ‘shell company’ to manage lan

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) pushed back on reporting characterizing one of his business ventures as a shell company, defending the legitimacy of a business structure he said was designed to insulate his farm from lawsuits.

Reporting from The Associated Press dives deep into Comer’s stake in Farm Team Properties, a company he co-owns with his wife after purchasing land from a campaign contributor.



Friday, January 5, 2024 6:30 AM


Report: Trump received at least $7.8M in foreign payments during presidency

A report from Democrats on the House Oversight Committee released Thursday accused former President Trump of receiving at least $7.8 million in foreign payments to his properties during his presidency.

Why it matters: It’s the most solid figure to date on the scope and scale of Trump’s private windfall from foreign sources, which Democrats allege is a clear-cut violation of the Constitution’s emoluments clause.

Driving the news: The 156-page report titled “White House for Sale: How Princes, Prime Ministers, and Premiers Paid Off President Trump” draws on documents from Trump’s accounting firm, Mazars, obtained after years of high-profile court battles.

It lays out foreign payments to four Trump properties, two in New York, one in Washington, D.C., and one in Las Vegas, from at least 20 foreign governments or government-owned entities, including China, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Kosovo and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

“President Trump never sought or received Congress's approval to keep these foreign payments, as the Constitution requires,” the report says, also drawing links between the payments and Trump's policy decisions.

A spokesperson for Trump did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

By the numbers: By far the largest chunk of the $7.8 million came from China, which spent nearly $5.6 million at Trump Tower in New York and Trump International Hotels in Washington, D.C. and Las Vegas. (The D.C. hotel became the Waldorf Astoria in 2022.)

Another $615,000 came from Saudi Arabia, $466,000 from Qatar, $303,000 from Kuwait, $283,000 from India, $249,000 from Malaysia, $155,000 from Afghanistan, $75,000 from the Philippines and $65,000 from the UAE.

The big picture: The $7.8 million figure, the report says, is based on a "small slice" of the Mazars documents and is "likely only a small fraction of the total amount of such payments he received during his presidency."

Oversight Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) released Mazars from its obligation to turn over the documents after taking power in January. The four properties comprise just 1% of the businesses Trump owned when he was president, the report says.

"The Committee did not receive from Mazars any documents regarding at least 80% of Donald Trump's business entities," the report says. "For many other entities, Mazars produced only a single document. "But, it adds, "this figure in itself is a scandal and a decisive spur to action."

What we're watching: Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), ranking member of the committee, previewed plans for a package of legislative reforms to "ensure that all occupants of the Oval Office abide by the Constitution's unequivocal language commanding loyalty to the interests of the American people."

The evidence Trump and his family took billions from foreign countries is overwhelming. Yet all the Republicans care about is Hunter Biden. Six or seven years now of trying to prove Joe Biden did what Trump did, and they found nothing.


Friday, January 5, 2024 7:35 AM


So desperate. So sad.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Friday, January 5, 2024 11:46 AM


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

So desperate. So sad.

Jared Kushner's Middle East Dealings Under Scrutiny Amid Trump Report

Criticism over the $2 billion investment Jared Kushner's firm received from Saudi Arabia has reemerged in the wake of a report alleging that his father-in-law, Donald Trump's businesses received millions in foreign payments while he was in office.

Congressman Robert Garcia was one of those who accused Kushner, a former White House advisor who is married to Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump, of carrying out a "grift" by accepting a $2 billion investment from a fund led by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for his private equity fund, Affinity Partners, six months after he left his White House role in January 2021.

So stupid, so sad.


Monday, January 8, 2024 5:57 PM


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

So desperate. So sad.

Jim Jordan Comes Up Empty

Jim Jordan claimed the Republican Party had secured "damning evidence" in President Joe Biden's impeachment inquiry, despite that evidence coming from a Hunter Biden associate who said he was not aware of any wrongdoing by the president.

In a transcript of his testimony before the committee, he was asked if he was aware of any wrongdoing by the president.

"No. I'm not aware of any," Archer said.

He also said he had no knowledge of Joe Biden having involvement with Burisma and rejected claims that the president and Hunter Biden each accepted a $5-million bribe from an official within the company.

You are, desperate and sad. Then there is Jim Jordan, another loser. All your champions are losers. You Jack, I am laughing at you.


Monday, January 8, 2024 6:56 PM




Monday, January 8, 2024 7:49 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump Businesses Received $5.5 Million from China While He Was President

By David Zimmermann | January 4, 2024, 12:56 PM

Former president Donald Trump’s businesses received at least $5.5 million from China while he was in office, according to a new report released by Democrats on the House Oversight Committee.

The foreign payments, which were detailed in the committee’s 156-page report titled “White House for Sale,” collectively included over $5 million from China’s Embassy in the United States, a state-owned Chinese bank, and a state-owned Chinese airline company. House Oversight Democratic lawmakers obtained these financial records from Trump’s former accounting firm, Mazars USA, and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

China is one of at least 20 countries to pay a total of roughly $7.8 million to Trump-owned businesses and properties while he was in office, including the former president’s hotels in New York City, Las Vegas, and Washington, D.C., according to the Thursday report. While in the White House, Trump reportedly accepted money from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, India, the Philippines, and many more.

“Critically, even this subset of documents reveals a stunning web of millions of dollars in payments made by foreign governments and their agents directly to Trump-owned businesses while President Trump was in the White House,” the report reads. “These payments were made while these governments were promoting specific foreign policy goals with the Trump administration and even, at times, with President Trump himself, and as they were requesting specific actions from the United States to advance their own national policy objectives.”

“By elevating his personal financial interests and the policy priorities of corrupt foreign powers over the American public interest, former President Trump violated both the clear commands of the Constitution and the careful precedent set and observed by every previous Commander-in-Chief,” House Oversight ranking member Jamie Raskin (D., Md.) wrote in the report’s foreword.

The new information comes to light as House Republicans continue investigating President Joe Biden in an impeachment inquiry over his alleged involvement in foreign-business dealings with his son, Hunter.

House Oversight chairman James Comer (R., Ky.) dismissed the report on Thursday, arguing that there’s nothing suspicious about Trump’s businesses receiving foreign payments.

“Former President Trump has legitimate businesses, but the Bidens do not,” Comer said in a statement. “The Bidens and their associates made over $24 million by cashing in on the Biden name in China, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Romania. No goods or services were provided other than access to Joe Biden and the Biden network.”

( It is too bad that the $24 million is a make-believe number. The documentation says $0.00. It almost makes me suspect James Comer (R., Ky.) is a lunatic rather than a run-of-the-mill liar. )

Raskin noted that Trump’s claimed donations of profits to the U.S. Treasury falls short of a president’s constitutional requirements, which forbids the pocketing of any revenue from foreign governments unless Congress approves otherwise.

The result of an eight-year investigation into Trump’s payments from foreign entities during his presidency, the report asks Congress to consider adopting new financial-disclosure rules to conduct proper oversight of sitting presidents and senior executive officials. The committee’s Democratic lawmakers also recommend a formal procedure for presidents and other public officials to seek congressional permission when they receive and intend to keep wealth from foreign nations.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Monday, January 8, 2024 9:07 PM


So sad. So pathetic.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Monday, January 8, 2024 10:12 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
So sad. So pathetic.
Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the Constitution forbids the President to accept money payments or gifts “of any kind whatever” from foreign governments and monarchs unless he obtains “the Consent of the Congress” to do so. Yet Donald Trump, while holding the office of president, used his business entities to pocket millions of dollars from foreign states and royalty and never once went to Congress to seek its consent.

6ixStringJack, the Constitution is very straightforward about what Trump and Joe Biden did, but you don't understand the difference between hard proof Trump took money from foreign governments and Joe Biden NOT taking money. Trump is a simpleminded crook, but more pathetic are people who can't understand what the Constitution says about what Trump did.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Monday, January 8, 2024 10:51 PM


Oh, Biden* took the money too.

They all take the money. They all take the money.

But you keep clutching your pearls when it's somebody that you don't like and go right on pretending that nothing your guy ever did was corrupt as hell.



Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024 8:41 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Oh, Biden* took the money too.

They all take the money. They all take the money.

But you keep clutching your pearls when it's somebody that you don't like and go right on pretending that nothing your guy ever did was corrupt as hell.

6ix, you and all the Trumptards I know keep saying Biden committed crimes and Trump didn't. Trump has been in court thousands of times because he breaks contracts and distorts facts. As for Biden? Never spent his wealth on lawyers. Never went to the Supreme Court twice to avoid revealing that he doesn't pay income taxes.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Tuesday, January 9, 2024 9:12 AM


Originally posted by second:
Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Oh, Biden* took the money too.

They all take the money. They all take the money.

But you keep clutching your pearls when it's somebody that you don't like and go right on pretending that nothing your guy ever did was corrupt as hell.

6ix, you and all the Trumptards I know keep saying Biden committed crimes and Trump didn't. Trump has been in court thousands of times because he breaks contracts and distorts facts. As for Biden? Never spent his wealth on lawyers. Never went to the Supreme Court twice to avoid revealing that he doesn't pay income taxes.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Jacks full throated defense of Trump and condemnation of people who've done nothing wrong exposes who Jack is; a troll. Remember, he can't even hold down a job.


Tuesday, January 9, 2024 9:46 AM


How's work today, honey?

I don't have rent or a mortgage or a car payment. My cost to live last year was just over $7,000.

Have fun never paying off all those loans that you're going to die with.

Meanwhile, Trump will be fine.

He will also be your next President.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Thursday, January 11, 2024 6:35 PM


Court Docs Link Trump Jr. and Navarro to Chinese Financier

Donald Trump Jr. and ex-White House trade advisor Peter Navarro appear on a list of potential defendants in a court filing Wednesday related to the sprawling bankruptcy case of a right-wing Chinese businessman accused of bilking anti-communist dissidents.

The court-appointed trustee overseeing the estate of Guo Wengui—also known as Ho Wan Kwok, Miles Guo, and Miles Kwok—identified the former first son and the conspiracy-spouting fringe economist among a large number of individuals and entities they plan to serve with legal papers under a proposed court order. Wengui, who declared bankruptcy in Feb. 2022 after getting stuck with $134 million in fines related to his yacht, has long played sugar daddy to ex-White House chief strategist Steve Bannon and bankrolled the ill-starred conservative Twitter alternative Gettr.


Thursday, January 11, 2024 7:00 PM


So sad. So pathetic.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Friday, January 12, 2024 10:59 AM


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

How's work today, honey?

I don't have rent or a mortgage or a car payment. My cost to live last year was just over $7,000.

Have fun never paying off all those loans that you're going to die with.

Meanwhile, Trump will be fine.

He will also be your next President.

Can you believe it? Every time Jack posts about himself, he defines himself as a loser. Someone who can’t hold down a job and clearly is self-loathing about it. This is demonstrated when it tells us he has no respect for anyone who can. Suckers is what he calls us. He has a recent post where he says he is for doing away with SSI. Probably, because you have to have a job and pay into it to get it. This means he won’t.

Reasons he is a diehard Trumper. He has nothing, including an education. Or the skill set with the mental capacity to be a contributing member of society. So, he hates anyone who can. He wants all to suffer his feeling of loss, and he runs on hate.

So sad, so pathetic.


Friday, January 12, 2024 12:23 PM


Originally posted by THG:
Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

How's work today, honey?

I don't have rent or a mortgage or a car payment. My cost to live last year was just over $7,000.

Have fun never paying off all those loans that you're going to die with.

Meanwhile, Trump will be fine.

He will also be your next President.

Can you believe it? Every time Jack posts about himself, he defines himself as a loser. Someone who can’t hold down a job and clearly is self-loathing about it. This is demonstrated when it tells us he has no respect for anyone who can. Suckers is what he calls us.

You are a sucker. Your life sucks, and you will never get ahead. Your job sucks. Your existence is pointless. You have nothing to look forward to everyday. You have no hobbies or skills.

Punching in and punching out every day like a little ant is all you have. That paycheck you're getting today is already spent. It was already spent a long time ago.

The reason you and Second keep bringing up my life is because you fucking hate the fact that somebody like me is successful while you're going to spend the rest of your days slaving away without anything to show for it.

He has a recent post where he says he is for doing away with SSI. Probably, because you have to have a job and pay into it to get it. This means he won’t.

The fuck I did.

I know exactly which post you're talking about, but you didn't understand it because you barely know how to read. Here's the post, which was made just last night:

I keep hearing everyday that Social Security is going to be gone by the time my generation retires, but sure... let's give another $150 Billion to Ukraine while kicking out kids from schools in NYC so we can house all those battle-aged male criminal illegal invaders on taxpayer dime.

Democrats are cancer.

I'm talking about you dumb motherfuckers cheerleading war in Ukraine and giving $150 Billion to Zelensky, and cheerleading open boarders while NYC is kicking kids out of schools to house illegals while we have to hear everyday that we don't have enough money to fund Social Security anymore while your dumb fucking party gives all of our money away to every fucking body else except for actual American citizens.

You stupid, stupid fuck.

Reasons he is a diehard Trumper. He has nothing, including an education. Or the skill set with the mental capacity to be a contributing member of society. So, he hates anyone who can. He wants all to suffer his feeling of loss, and he runs on hate.

I've got a lot. And it's all paid for.

What I don't have is a mortgage or rent. Or credit card debt. Or a car loan payment. Or student loan debt. Or child support payments. Or any financial obligation whatsoever to anybody. Everybody I know owes me money and/or favors. Mostly favors, because I've lived a pretty long life now and developed a lot of skills that most people don't possess, and there's a whole lot of things that people in my circle get to benefit from by knowing somebody like me who can fix just about anything and isn't afraid of getting dirty to do it.

I'm also actually a really nice guy when it comes to good people. You and second are garbage people who bring nothing but hate into the world. Second is downright evil. You're just so stupid that it's surprising to everyone else that you're able to breath involuntarily.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Friday, January 12, 2024 12:29 PM


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Originally posted by THG:
Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

How's work today, honey?

I don't have rent or a mortgage or a car payment. My cost to live last year was just over $7,000.

Have fun never paying off all those loans that you're going to die with.

Meanwhile, Trump will be fine.

He will also be your next President.

Can you believe it? Every time Jack posts about himself, he defines himself as a loser. Someone who can’t hold down a job and clearly is self-loathing about it. This is demonstrated when it tells us he has no respect for anyone who can. Suckers is what he calls us.

You are a sucker. Your life sucks, and you will never get ahead. Your job sucks. Your existence is pointless. You have nothing to look forward to everyday. You have no hobbies or skills.

Punching in and punching out every day like a little ant is all you have. That paycheck you're getting today is already spent. It was already spent a long time ago.

The reason you and Second keep bringing up my life is because you fucking hate the fact that somebody like me is successful while you're going to spend the rest of your days slaving away without anything to show for it.

He has a recent post where he says he is for doing away with SSI. Probably, because you have to have a job and pay into it to get it. This means he won’t.

The fuck I did.

I know exactly which post you're talking about, but you didn't understand it because you barely know how to read. Here's the post, which was made just last night:

I keep hearing everyday that Social Security is going to be gone by the time my generation retires, but sure... let's give another $150 Billion to Ukraine while kicking out kids from schools in NYC so we can house all those battle-aged male criminal illegal invaders on taxpayer dime.

Democrats are cancer.

I'm talking about you dumb motherfuckers cheerleading war in Ukraine and giving $150 Billion to Zelensky, and cheerleading open boarders while NYC is kicking kids out of schools to house illegals while we have to hear everyday that we don't have enough money to fund Social Security anymore while your dumb fucking party gives all of our money away to every fucking body else except for actual American citizens.

You stupid, stupid fuck.

Reasons he is a diehard Trumper. He has nothing, including an education. Or the skill set with the mental capacity to be a contributing member of society. So, he hates anyone who can. He wants all to suffer his feeling of loss, and he runs on hate.

I've got a lot. And it's all paid for.

What I don't have is a mortgage or rent. Or credit card debt. Or a car loan payment. Or student loan debt. Or child support payments. Or any financial obligation whatsoever to anybody. Everybody I know owes me money and/or favors.

I'm also actually a really nice guy when it comes to good people. You and second are garbage people who bring nothing but hate into the world. Second is just downright evil. You're just so stupid that it's surprising to everyone else that you're able to breath involuntarily.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

See what I mean? And he is so fucked up he believes anything he thinks is real.


Friday, January 12, 2024 12:33 PM


Originally posted by THG:
See what I mean? And he is so fucked up he believes anything he thinks is real.

Learn how to read, you fucking retard.

The fact that you doubled down on stupid and made this reply to mine, especially putting on display your ignorance of and/or outright lies about my stance on social security which are demonstrably false, says everything anybody needs to know about how dumb you actually are.

That's what happens when you spend 7 years straight reading nothing but article headlines and allowing Mika Brezinski do all of your thinking for you like she's admitted on air she is paid to do.

That smartphone of yours has fried your tiny little brain.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Monday, January 15, 2024 10:42 PM


he he he...


Monday, January 15, 2024 11:31 PM



We know you love your crackhead degenerate Democrats, Ted.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024 10:30 AM


Originally posted by THG:
Originally posted by SignyM:

How the FBI covered up the laptop and the alphabet agencies and M$M united to smear one man: the laptop repairman's story

As a rule I'm not a fan of large posts. I don't think they serve a purpose. However, sometimes it is useful to show stupid people how stupid they are. To remind them everybody who reads their posts knows it.

Like this post that shows a concern for the rule of law from Signym. Like other posts from Jack, JSF and some infrequent posters. Yep, they're all in for the rule of law.

The problem they have is all the proof showing they are not. Like the proof I post here that they choose to ignore. Proof anyone with a healthy conative ability would recognize as showing Trump is a sick criminal. Yet, these chosen few deny deny deny.

I offer this proof showing they too are sick. And I'll remind you much more has occurred since 2021.


Originally published on Feb. 28, 2021; continually updated.

On both the criminal and civil litigation fronts, former President Donald Trump faces a bevy of lawsuits and investigations, with more cases likely to follow. Some are civil suits stemming from his pre-presidential business dealings. Others are defamation claims from women he allegedly assaulted. More still are criminal probes and civil actions that scrutinize his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. The Chart below tracks all these cases. It will be continually updated as major legal developments occur.

These cases bear on two pressing questions. First, will Trump maintain his long streak of eluding legal liability in the face of so many lawsuits? Second, if Trump is held to account for illegal conduct, what impact will such a development have on his—and his family’s—political and business fortunes?

Criminal charges—one would think—would be among the most damaging outcomes. After all, a criminal prosecution of a former president would be a singular event in American history. No former president has ever been indicted, much less convicted. Trump lost any immunity from indictment that he may have possessed as president the moment he left office on Jan. 20. To be sure, most of the criminal probes detailed below are in their infancy, so the odds of an actual conviction at this time remain improbable. Even so, the mere stigma of criminal charges against the former president could reshape the American political landscape and the historical understanding of Trump’s behavior.

The civil cases could certainly do their fair share of damage as well, directly or indirectly. If Trump falters in one of his business-related suits, his companies may be subject to massive penalties, or worse. Even apart from such sanctions, his empire is reportedly struggling under looming debt obligations and reduced revenues, a slump which could worsen if his reputation continues to deteriorate.

With these legal threats bearing down on the former president from nearly every direction, this tracker collects them in one place. Note: we have chosen not to include various cases involving Trump’s properties or the Trump Campaign —including slip-and-fall cases, allegations of bedbugs, water use cases, telephone spam suits, copyright suits, and discrimination suits—as they do not implicate Trump directly or it is very unlikely that they will. Below we’ve included key takeaways from each case along with case charts that explain the case’s main issue, procedural posture, and any upcoming deadlines. We will continue to update this information as new filings are docketed, new details emerge, new plaintiffs come forward or drop out, and other significant developments in the cases occur. If you believe we are missing a significant issue or development, send us a message at

Key Takeaways

1. E. Jean Carroll 1.0: Defamation and Federal Tort Claims Act Litigation

Carroll is suing Trump for defamation after he publicly accused her, in June 2019, of fabricating a rape allegation against him. The parties are currently involved in an appeal before the Second Circuit, where Trump (and so far, the Justice Department as well) is arguing that he had official immunity from Carroll’s defamation claim under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA).

Update: On Sept. 27, 2022, the Second Circuit asked the D.C. Court of Appeals to rule on whether Trump’s public denial fell within the scope of his employment under the FTCA.

2. E. Jean Carroll 2.0: Battery and Defamation

Carroll is suing Trump for battery alleging he raped her and for defamation on the basis of a lengthy statement he made on October 12, 2022. The claim of defamation is similar to the suit Carroll brought earlier, except this time Trump made his statement saying she fabricated the rape allegation after he was no longer in office. Accordingly, there is no prospect of his obtaining immunity under the Federal Tort Claims Act.

Carroll filed suit on the first day permitted under New York’s Adult Survivors Act, N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 214-j. The law provides a one-year window for sexual assault survivors to file civil claims even if the statute of limitations has passed.

3. Summer Zervos Defamation Suit (CASE CLOSED)

Summer Zervos, a former contestant on the Apprentice, has filed a civil suit against former President Trump for defamation after he claimed her allegations of his inappropriate sexual conduct were lies designed to help the Clinton campaign and improve her fame. The case is currently at the New York Court of Appeals, the highest New York state court.

Update-1: On Oct. 4, 2021, the trial court ruled that Trump could be deposed before Dec. 23, 2021.

Update-2: On Nov. 12, 2021, Zervos announced she is dropping the lawsuit.

4. Mary Trump Fraud Litigation

Mary Trump is suing Donald Trump for defrauding her out of millions of dollars in an inheritance dispute. The suit is pending in New York state court, where the parties are currently battling over former President Trump’s move to dismiss the case.

Update-1: On Sept. 21, 2021, Donald Trump filed a related lawsuit against Mary Trump, the New York Times, and several of its reporters.

Update-2: On Nov. 15, 2022, the court dismissed Mary’s suit against former President Trump. Mary Trump immediately filed a notice of appeal.

5. Panama Hotel Fraud and Tax Litigation (CASE CLOSED)

Ithaca Capital is suing Trump’s hotel management company for fraud in federal court. Primarily, Ithaca claims that Trump representatives exaggerated the value of a Panama hotel during Ithaca’s negotiations to purchase it.

Update: On Sept. 15, 2021, the parties agreed to end the lawsuit.

6. Doe v. The Trump Corporation Class Action

A group of anonymous plaintiffs have filed a class action against the Trump family and their business, alleging that the Trumps used their brand to scam investors into paying for worthless business opportunities. The district court denied the Trumps’ bid to force the case into arbitration, and the Trumps are now appealing.

7. DC Civil Suit over Misuse of 2017 Inauguration Funds (CASE CLOSED)

In a non-criminal suit, the DC Attorney General is suing several Trump-affiliated entities for misusing inauguration funds to enrich Trump’s family business. The suit is currently in discovery before DC’s local court, where the AG’s office is deposing key Trump executives, notably including his children.

Update: On May 3, 2022, the Trump Organization and Trump’s inaugural committee agreed to settle the suit by paying a total of $750,000.

8. Reps. Karen Bass et al. Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Capitol Attack

Ten members of the House of Representatives, represented by the NAACP, are suing Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and two right wing militia groups for conspiring to forcibly prevent Congress from counting the Electoral College votes on Jan. 6.

Update: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the § 1985 claim against him.

9. Eric Swalwell Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

On Mar. 5, 2021, Representative Eric Swalwell sued Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump Jr., and Congressman Mo Brooks in federal court over the Jan. 6 riots. Swalwell alleges that the defendants violated federal civil rights laws–including the Ku Klux Klan Act–when they conspired to interfere with the Electoral College Count on Jan 6. Beyond that, Swalwell also says the defendants should be held liable for negligently violating DC criminal codes on incitement, encouraging the rioters’ violent conduct, and intentionally inflicting emotional distress on members of Congress.

Update: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, negligence per se, DC anti-bias law, and aiding and abetting assault. The court granted Trump’s request to dismiss the § 1986, emotional distress, and negligence claims.

10. Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

Two Capitol Police officers–both on duty during the Jan. 6 insurrection–sued Donald Trump for injuries they sustained while protecting the Capitol. Both allege that the rioters physically attacked them with fists, chemical spray, and other weapons. They allege that the former president, by his incendiary words and conduct, directed the physical attack and emotional distress.

Update: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, directing and aiding and abetting assault, and negligence per se. The court granted Trump’s motion to dismiss the emotional distress, punitive damages, and civil conspiracy claims.

11. Second Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

A second group of Capitol Police officers filed suit against Trump, the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, and other affiliates involved in allegedly planning and executing the Jan. 6 riots. The seven officers claim that they were physically and emotionally injured by attackers that Trump instigated, and that Trump and his co-defendants conspired to disrupt congressional business in the certification of electoral votes.

12. Third Capitol Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots

A third suit was filed by a Capitol Police officer alleging that physical and emotional injuries he suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot.

13. Metropolitan Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots

Two Metropolitan Police Officers filed suit alleging that physical and emotional injuries they suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot. The officers seek compensatory and punitive damages.

14. NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund Voting Rights Case for Post-Election Actions

The LDF is suing Trump, the Trump Campaign, and the RNC for their efforts to overturn the 2020 election in violation of the Voting Rights Act and the Ku Klux Klan Act. While the litigation is still at its early stages, Trump faces damages and a declaratory judgment that he did indeed violate these provisions of the law.

15. New York Attorney General’s Civil and Criminal Investigations

Since March 2019, New York Attorney General Letitia James has been investigating allegations that the Trump Organization altered property values to avoid tax liabilities. The investigation began after Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen provided congressional testimony that Trump engaged in fraud. In October 2020, James’s office deposed Eric Trump, and in January 2021 a state court judge ruled that Trump’s tax attorneys must turn over thousands of documents.

Update-1: On May 18, 2021, a spokesperson for New York’s Attorney General said, “We have informed the Trump Organization that our investigation into the organization is no longer purely civil in nature. We are now actively investigating the Trump Organizations in a criminal capacity, along with the Manhattan DA.”

Update-2: On Dec. 1, 2021, AG James subpoenaed Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, and Donald Trump Jr., seeking to question them about the real estate valuations.

Update-3: On Dec. 20, 2021, Trump filed his own lawsuit against James in federal court, accusing her of targeting him out of political animosity and asking the court to halt her investigation. The district court dismissed that suit on May 27, 2022.

Update-4: On Feb. 17, 2022, the state court ruled that the NY AG can question Donald Trump, Ivanka, and Donald Jr. under oath. On June 8, 2022, the Trumps tentatively agreed to be questioned under oath by James’s office in mid-July.

Update-5: On Aug. 10, 2022, AG James deposed Trump, but he repeatedly declined to answer her questions and instead invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

Update-6: On Sept. 21, 2022, the NY AG sued Trump and his children in NY state court. The civil lawsuit seeks $250 million in damages and accuses the Trumps of repeatedly overvaluing their real estate assets in a scheme designed to obtain favorable bank loans.

16. Scotland Unexplained Wealth Orders

In February 2021, the Scottish Parliament voted to reject an investigation into unexplained cash transactions executed by the Trump Organization’s Scottish golf courses. A non-profit group is now challenging that decision in Scottish court.

17. Trump Tower Assault Suit (CLOSED)

A group of six protesters are suing Trump over allegations that Trump’s security guards assaulted them outside Trump Tower in 2015. The case is pending in New York state court.

Update: On Oct. 18, 2021, former President Trump sat for a four-hour deposition to answer questions about the incident.

Update-2: Nov. 2, 2022, the parties reached a settlement in the case, details of the settlement agreement have not been disclosed.

18. Michael Cohen Retaliatory Imprisonment Suit

Michael Cohen–Donald Trump’s former attorney who served a three-year sentence for Trump-related crimes–is suing Trump, the US government, and other officials for allegedly retaliating against Cohen after he announced a tell-all book detailing his years of legal work for Trump. Cohen alleges that, after the announcement, Trump and his co-defendants retaliated by trying to bar Cohen from using social media and by sending Cohen back to prison from home confinement.

Update: The court dismissed Cohen’s lawsuit on Nov. 14, 2022.

19. Criminal Investigations into Trump’s Finances

During his presidency, the Manhattan District Attorney investigated Trump’s finances. Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance gained access to Trump’s tax information in the course of a criminal investigation into potential tax crimes, insurance fraud, and other financial crimes under state law. Criminal charges have not been filed against Trump, but have been filed against his longtime CFO and against the Trump Organization. The case was taken over by the new DA Alvin Bragg.

Update: New reporting on Mar. 1 revealed that Vance’s investigation has focused on Trump Organization chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, whose potential cooperation with prosecutors could be a significant breakthrough in the investigation. On Mar. 31, the New York Times reported that prosecutors have subpoenaed Mr. Weisselberg’s personal bank records, and on Apr. 8, investigators took possession of financial records from Weisselberg’s daughter-in-law.

Update: New reporting on Mar. 8 revealed that Vance’s probe has expanded to include an investigation of a loan the Trump Organization received to build its Chicago tower, and whether the forgiveness of that loan was reported as income.

Update: Vance has convened a special grand jury that is “expected to decide whether to indict former president Donald Trump, other executives at his company or the business itself should prosecutors present the panel with criminal charges,” the Washington Post reported on May 25, 2021. “The move indicates that District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr.’s investigation of the former president and his business has reached an advanced stage …. It suggests, too, that Vance believes he has found evidence of a crime — if not by Trump then by someone potentially close to him or by his company.”

Update-1: On Jun. 4, ABC News reported that Trump Organization senior vice president and controller, Jeff McConney is among a number of witnesses to have already appeared before the special grand jury. He is reportedly the first employee of the company called to testify. The New York Times reported that the District Attorney’s office has subpoenaed McConney, but could not confirm if he has testified.

Update-2: On July 1, 2021, the DA charged the Trump Organization and its chief financial officer Weisselberg for an alleged 15-year-lJuly 1, 2021 Trump Organization chargesong tax fraud scheme. The indictment included reference to an “unindicted co-conspirator,” who is Jeff McConney, the Trump Organization’s controller, a person familiar with the investigation told CNN.

Update-3: On Aug. 18, 2022, Allen Weisselberg pleaded guilty to fifteen financial felonies including tax fraud and grand larceny. As part of the deal with the new DA Alvin Bragg, Weisselberg agreed to testify if the Trump Organization goes to trial on the tax fraud charges.

Update-4: On Nov. 21, the New York Times reported that the DA’s office has resumed a criminal investigation of Trump’s possible hush money payment and associated falsification of business records.

Update-5: On Dec. 6, 2022, a jury convicted the Trump Organization of tax fraud and other crimes related to the company’s practice of giving out off-the-books perks to executives that were never taxed.

20. DC AG Incitement Criminal Investigation

The DC Attorney General, Karl Racine, has announced a criminal investigation into Trump’s alleged role in provoking the Jan. 6th riots. No charges have been filed, though Racine’s office is reportedly looking into a local DC code that makes it a misdemeanor to incite violence.

21. Fulton County, Georgia Criminal Election Influence Investigation

The Fulton County DA’s Office has opened a criminal investigation into attempted election interference by Trump. The DA’s Office has requested that all official and unofficial emails concerning the election be preserved and has reportedly also planned to look into a call between Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger as part of the investigation as well as Rudy Giuliani’s potential false statements to Georgia officials.

Update: On May 2, 2022, the Fulton County state prosecutors convened a special grand jury to investigate “whether there were unlawful attempts to disrupt the administration of the 2020 elections here in Georgia.” Proceedings began on May 27, 2022, and are expected to last several months.

22. Westchester, New York Criminal Investigation of Trump Organization Golf Course

The Westchester District Attorney’s Office reportedly launched an investigation which probes, at least in part, whether the Trump Organization misled local officials on the property values of its golf course in order to reduce its taxes.

23. Mishandling of Classified and other Government Documents

On Feb. 9, 2022, after finding classified documents in fifteen boxes recovered from Mar-a-Lago the previous month, the National Archives made a referral to the Justice Department for Trump’s handling of government records. The Archives had recovered the classified materials when it retrieved the boxes of official records from Trump’s Florida residence. On or before Apr. 29, 2022, the Justice Department notified Trump’s counsel Evan Corcoran that the Department had an “ongoing criminal investigation” into the handling of the government documents marked as classified. (The grand jury investigation was reported by the New York Times on May 12, 2022.)

Update: On Aug. 8, 2022, FBI agents searched Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida. On Aug. 11, Attorney General Merrick Garland confirmed in public remarks that he had personally approved the search.

Update: On Aug. 22, 2022, Trump filed a lawsuit challenging the DOJ’s investigation in Florida federal court. Trump’s suit requested that the court appoint a special master to review the seized documents and to screen out any materials covered by attorney-client or executive privilege. The suit also asked the court to enjoin the DOJ from reviewing the documents and to order the DOJ to return some of Trump’s personal property.

Update: On Sept. 5, 2022, district court Judge Aileen Cannon granted Trump’s request to appoint a special master and enjoined the DOJ from reviewing the seized records as part of its criminal investigation. The DOJ appealed to the Eleventh Circuit, and in its first ruling, on Sept. 21, the court of appeals granted the DOJ’s motion for a limited stay, meaning that the DOJ could use the classified documents in its investigation and that the DOJ need not submit those documents to the special master for review.

Update: On Nov. 22, the court of appeals heard oral argument (C-SPAN) on the merits of whether Judge Cannon should have exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion in the first place. The three-judge panel included two of the judges from the prior panel that affirmed the DOJ motion on Sept. 21. The two sides’ arguments on jurisdiction were practically the same as the arguments made in their briefs at issue in the Sept. 21 ruling.

Update: On Dec. 1, 2022, the Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruled in favor of the government’s petition to vacate Florida district court Judge Aileen Cannon’s order and dismiss the underlying civil action. The Eleventh Circuit held that Judge Cannon should have never exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion for return of property.


1. E. Jean Carroll Defamation Suit 1.0
Carroll v. Trump, No. 20-cv-07311, 2020 WL 6277814 (S.D.N.Y. Oct. 27, 2020), appeal docketed, No. 20-03977 (2d Cir. Nov. 25, 2020)

Plaintiff: E. Jean Carroll, a journalist and advice columnist

Case Summary: In 2019, Carroll publicly accused then-President Trump of sexually assaulting her in a New York City department store in the 1990s. A few hours later, Trump denied Carroll’s allegation and accused her of fabricating the story to drum up publicity for her upcoming book. Carroll then sued Trump for defamation in New York state court, alleging that Trump defamed her when he publicly accused her of falsifying the assault story.

After nearly a year of state court proceedings–and with Carroll’s counsel angling to sample Trump’s DNA for comparison with Carroll’s dress from the alleged assault–the Justice Department moved to intervene on Trump’s behalf under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA). This move threatened to quash the suit. In effect, the FTCA (as amended by the Westfall Act) provides blanket immunity to federal employees who commit certain torts–including defamation–arising out of their official duties. According to the DOJ, the president’s official duties include speaking to the press about public matters–which would mean that Trump had immunity from any defamatory statements he made about Carroll.

The DOJ’s intervention also derailed the state court proceedings: because FTCA claims must be litigated in federal court, Carroll’s suit was automatically removed to the Southern District of New York (SDNY). In federal court, Carroll argued that Trump’s statements were not protected by the FTCA. In short, Carroll contended that (i) Trump was not covered by the FTCA because the president is not an “employee”; and (ii) Trump’s statements about Carroll fell outside his official presidential duties.

On both counts, the court agreed. Though removal was irreversible, the court held that the FTCA did not cover Trump’s actions, so Carroll’s defamation suit could proceed against Trump in his personal capacity. Acting separately, the DOJ and Trump both appealed. Trump also requested the court stay the district court proceedings until that appeal is resolved.

Case Status: In the SDNY proceedings, the parties filed opposing memoranda on Trump’s motion to stay in December 2020.

At the Second Circuit, the DOJ and Trump filed separate opening briefs on Jan. 15, 2021. Carroll’s attorneys then requested an Apr. 16, 2021 due date for their brief. Notably, her counsel explicitly selected that date so the Biden DOJ would have time to reassess the Trump administration’s position that Trump was acting within the scope of his employment when he allegedly defamed Carroll. The Second Circuit granted that scheduling request.

Update-1: Carroll filed her brief on Apr. 16, 2021, urging the appeals court to uphold the decision below.

Update-2: Despite the change in administration, the Biden DOJ filed a reply brief on June 7, 2021, that backed Trump’s argument that the FTCA covered his conduct. It echoed the core arguments from the Trump DOJ’s opening brief that the president is an “employee” under the FTCA and that elected officials act within the scope of their employment when they respond to media inquiries.

Update-3: On Sept. 15, 2021, the district court denied Trump’s motion to stay (i.e., halt) the proceedings while the case is on appeal before the Second Circuit.

Update-4: On Dec. 1, 2021, Trump requested permission to amend his response to Carroll’s suit in the district court proceedings. In that filing, he signaled that he wanted to invoke the protection of New York’s new anti-SLAPP law, which attempts to screen out frivolous defamation suits by raising the burden of proof and imposing mandatory fee-shifting. Carroll filed a response opposing Trump’s request on Dec. 15. The district court scheduled a hearing for Feb. 22, 2022 to hear arguments over Trump’s motion to amend.

Update-5: The Second Circuit heard oral argument on Dec. 3, 2021. Much of the discussion centered on whether Trump’s remarks about Carroll–including his “she’s not my type” retort–fell within the scope of his employment. On that score, Trump’s personal attorneys continued to argue that Trump’s allegedly defamatory remarks were part of his official duties because he was speaking to the press at the time. The DOJ’s attorney–arguing for the executive branch–echoed that point, explaining that “any president facing a public accusation of this kind … would feel obliged to … answer questions from the media.” Carroll’s counsel conceded that, because DC treats scope of employment expansively, Trump would have been acting within that scope if he had simply said Carroll’s accusations were false. Even so, Carroll’s attorney stressed that Trump went far beyond a bare denial–and therefore exceeded the scope of his employment–because he was motivated by “personal spite and malice” when he rebuffed Carroll’s claims.

Update-6: On Mar. 11, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s request to amend his complaint.

Update-7: On May 5, 2022, the parties agreed to resume discovery in the district court. Though Carroll’s attorneys have conceded that they will not depose Trump, they could once again seek a DNA sample from Trump. If Trump opposes that request, Carroll’s attorneys would need to ask the district court to order Trump to submit to the sample.

Update-8: The district court scheduled the case for trial starting on Feb. 6, 2023.

Update-9: On Sept. 20, 2022, Carroll notified the court that she planned to file a second lawsuit against Trump over the 1990s rape allegation. Unlike the defamation claim–which alleges that Trump defamed Carroll for falsely denying the rape allegation–this new suit would accuse Trump of the rape directly. Although the statute of limitations had expired for the now thirty-year-old rape claim, Carroll explained that a new state law called the Adult Survivors Act temporarily reopens the window to file for old sexual assault claims. Carroll also suggested that the district court should consolidate the new suit with the defamation claim and try both together in February 2023. Trump immediately filed a letter opposing that suggestion.

Update-10: On Sept. 27, 2022, the Second Circuit granted Trump a partial win, reversing the district court and holding that Trump as president qualified as an “employee” under the FTCA. However, the appeals court left open the question of whether Trump was acting within the scope of his employment when he publicly disparaged Carroll and instead asked the D.C. Court of Appeals to rule on that question. If the DC appeals court concludes that Trump’s remarks fell within his official duties, then Carroll’s defamation claim would fail, because the FTCA bars defamation suits against the federal government.

Update-11: On Jan. 13, 2023, the district court ordered the release of a partial transcript of Trump’s deposition, during which Trump denied the rape allegations.

2. E. Jean Carroll Defamation Suit 2.0
Carroll v. Trump, No. Case 1:22-cv-10016 (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 24, 2022)

Plaintiff: E. Jean Carroll, a journalist and advice columnist

Case Summary: In 2019, Carroll publicly accused then-President Trump of sexually assaulting her in a New York City department store in the 1990s. A few hours later, Trump denied Carroll’s allegation and accused her of fabricating the story to drum up publicity for her upcoming book. Caroll then sued Trump for defamation in New York state court, alleging that Trump defamed her when he publicly accused her of falsifying the assault story.

While that suit was ongoing, Trump issued a lengthy statement on Oct. 12, 2022 saying that Carroll “completely made up” the allegations against him.

On Nov. 24, 2022, Carroll filed a new federal suit against Trump, this time suing the former Presidents for battery involving the alleged rape in the 1990s and for defamation based on Trump’s October 2022 statement. Because Trump had left office at the time of that statement, Carroll argued that Trump could indisputably no longer claim official immunity, unlike in Carroll’s earlier suit.

Carroll filed suit on the first day permitted under New York’s Adult Survivors Act, N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 214-j. The law provides a one-year window for sexual assault survivors to file civil claims even if the statute of limitations has passed.

Case Status: Trump moved to dismiss Carroll’s lawsuit on Dec. 21, 2022. He argued that the Adult Survivor’s Act–which reopened the window for Carroll to sue Trump for the alleged 1990s assault–violated New York’s constitutional due process protections. He also responded to Carroll’s new defamation claim on the merits, calling it “baseless and legally defective.”

Update-1: On Jan. 13, 2023, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss.

3. Summer Zervos Defamation Suit (CASE CLOSED)
Zervos vs. Trump, No. 150522/2017 (N.Y. Sup Ct. Jan. 17, 2017), appeal docketed, No. APL-2020-00009 (N.Y. Mar. 9, 2020)

Plaintiff: Summer Zervos, former contestant on the Apprentice

Case Summary: On Jan. 17, 2017, Zervos filed a suit in New York State Court against Trump for defamation. During Trump’s campaign, many women, including Zervos, accused Trump of inappropriate sexual conduct. In her complaint against Trump, Zervos claims that in 2007, while she sought employment from Trump, he kissed her on the lips and touched her inappropriately. After she rejected his advances, his attitude became very business-like and he later offered her a job for half the salary she was seeking. She attempted to contact Trump, noting that she felt she was being “penalized for not sleeping with him.” Trump said he could not discuss it with her at the time. Zervos says she decided to come forward with these allegations after the Billy Bush Access Hollywood Tape showed Trump speaking in a derogatory manner toward women. In response to her allegations, Trump claims she was lying and was only making these accusations to help the Clinton campaign or to get fame.

Zervos alleges that, as a result of Trump’s claims, she has suffered both emotional and financial harm.

Case Status: Trump filed a motion to dismiss and a stay for the duration of his presidency. On Oct. 3, 2018, the court denied Trump’s motion, finding that, if the facts alleged by the plaintiff are true, she has a reasonable claim to recover for defamation. The court also found that there were no federalism or comity concerns that would suggest that a state court could not hear suit against the sitting president for nonofficial acts. A panel of New York appellate judges affirmed this judgment in October 2019, finding that the president is “not above the law” and that the defamation suit can go forward.

This motion has been appealed to the New York Court of Appeals, the highest New York state court.

Pending the decision from the New York Court of Appeals, in March 2020, the court ruled that Zervos cannot “dig for evidence” in the interim. In 2021, with Trump out of office, Zervos has filed a motion to move the lawsuit forward.

Update-1: On Mar. 30, the New York Court of Appeals denied Trump’s appeal on his motion to dismiss the case. Trump originally filed the motion claiming that a state court could not hear a suit against a sitting president. The court stated, in a one-sentence order, that issues were now moot, and the case can now go forward.

Update-2: On Oct. 4, 2021, the trial court ruled that Zervos could depose Trump before Dec. 23, 2021. According to Law360, this appears to be the “first time that Trump would have to answer questions under oath about his alleged sexual misconduct.” In discussing the schedule for depositions, Michael Rand, a law clerk for New York State Judge Jennifer Schechter, who is overseeing the lawsuit, reportedly “said he expected a trial date to be set sometime in the early part of 2022.”

Update-3: On Nov. 12, 2021, Zervos announced she is dropping the lawsuit.

4. Mary Trump Fraud Litigation
Trump v. Trump, No. 654698/2020 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. filed Sept. 24, 2020)

Plaintiff: Mary Trump, the former president’s niece

Case Summary: In September 2020, Mary Trump sued Donald Trump, her uncle, for allegedly defrauding her out of tens of millions of dollars. When Mary’s father–Donald Trump’s brother–died in 1981, he left Mary a valuable stake in the Trump property empire. Mary was a minor at the time, so Donald Trump and his siblings took control of her share, ostensibly to look after Mary’s interest over the long run.

But according to Mary, that didn’t happen. In her lawsuit, she alleges that the Trump siblings siphoned off revenue from her share and set up an ongoing scheme to artificially devalue her assets. This went on for nearly two decades. Then, when Trump patriarch Fred Sr. (Donald Trump’s father) died in 1999, Mary took issue with the terms of his will. The Trump siblings immediately pushed back and started maneuvering to force Mary out of the family holdings altogether. After lengthy probate proceedings, and with Mary’s legal fees steadily climbing, the siblings delivered an ultimatum: they would not settle the probate case unless Mary relinquished all interests in the family fortune, including those from her late father.

According to Mary, the Trumps offered a settlement figure that woefully undervalued her share of the family holdings. Still, she ultimately accepted a settlement in April 2001, apparently still unaware she was being sold short.

Then, over fifteen years later, the New York Times broke its 2018 story that the Trump Organization had long been fraudulently manipulating the values of its assets. From there, Mary says she realized that she had settled for tens of millions of dollars less than what her stake was actually worth.

Two years later, Mary published a book accusing the Trumps of shorting her out of her rightful share. She then filed this lawsuit in New York state court on Sept. 24, 2020, accusing Donald Trump and his siblings of fraud and breach of fiduciary duty.

Case Status: Trump moved to dismiss the case on Jan. 4, 2021. Mary filed a response on Feb. 26, 2021. As of December 2021, the court has not yet ruled on the motion.

Update-1: The state court dismissed Mary’s suit on Nov. 15, 2022. It ruled that her claims were barred because she agreed to release such legal claims when she accepted the Trumps’ settlement offer in 2001. She immediately appealed that ruling.

Donald Trump vs. Mary Trump and NYT: On Sept. 21, 2021, Donald Trump filed his own lawsuit against Mary Trump, the New York Times, and several of its reporters. Mr. Trump alleges that his niece provided confidential documents–including his tax records–to the NYT reporters, who then used those documents to write their 2018 story on the Trump Organization’s alleged manipulation of asset prices. He asserts that her conduct breached their 2001 settlement, and that the Times and its reporters should be liable for encouraging her to do so. Ms. Trump and the Times defendants moved to dismiss that suit on Dec. 2, 2021.

5. Panama Hotel Fraud and Tax Litigation (CASE CLOSED)
Ithaca Cap. Invs. v. Trump Pan. Hotel Mgmt., No. 18-cv-00390 (S.D.N.Y. Mar. 30, 2020)

Plaintiff: Ithaca Capital, a real estate holding company that purchased a majority of the Trump International Hotel in Panama

Case Summary: Donald Trump’s private hotel business–Trump International Hotels Management–is embroiled in federal litigation over a hotel management deal gone bad. Until 2018, Trump International operated a luxury hotel in Panama. As was its standard business practice, Trump International contracted with a separate owner to provide management services and use of the “Trump” label. When a prior owner went bankrupt in 2015, Ithaca Capital moved to purchase a majority of the hotel’s units. But per Ithaca, Trump representatives made a series of fraudulent claims that oversold the hotel’s profitability. Unaware, Ithaca went ahead with the purchase.

The hotel soon ran into financial trouble, and the relationship between the two parties collapsed. Once Ithaca ended the partnership, it claims to have discovered that Trump International had allegedly underreported costs, diverted hotel revenue, and failed to pay income taxes.

After a brief round of arbitration proceedings, Ithaca sued Trump International in the Southern District of New York. Ithaca made several claims against Trump. First, Ithaca argued that Trump representatives–including Eric and Donald Jr.–made exaggerated claims about the hotel’s value. Second, they argued that Trump International breached their agreement by mismanaging the hotel. And third, Ithaca asserted that Trump International improperly diverted hotel revenues for their own use.

Case Status: Trump International challenged each of Ithaca’s claims and asserted several counterclaims of its own. On Mar. 30, 2020, the district court upheld all three of Ithaca’s claims and dismissed all but one of Trump’s counterclaims. Trumps’ remaining counterclaim–for tortious interference–alleges that Ithaca interfered with Trump’s other hotel contracts when Ithaca forced him out of their partnership.

The parties are currently in discovery and are due to finish by Fall 2021.

Update: The parties filed a series of sealed letters in July and August 2021. On Sept. 15, 2021, the parties voluntarily agreed to end the suit.

6. Doe v. The Trump Corporation Class Action
Doe v. Trump Corp., No. 18-cv-09936 (S.D.N.Y. Oct 29, 2018), appeal docketed, No. 20-01706 (2d Cir. May 28, 2020)

Plaintiffs: (Anonymous) Jane Doe, Luke Loe, Mary Moe, Richard Roe

Case Summary: On Oct. 30, 2018, a class action lawsuit was filed against the Trump Corporation, Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and Eric Trump. The complaint alleges that the defendants used their brand name to defraud thousands of working class individuals by promoting numerous businesses in exchange for “secret payments.” The companies include ACN Opportunity, LLC (a business based on a controversial multi-level marketing scheme), the Trump Network, LLC (another multi-level marketing scheme), and Business Strategies Group, LLC (a seminar claiming to sell the Trump secrets to success). The lawsuit also claims that the defendants are liable for a “pattern of racketeering activity” violating the RICO Act (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) as well as activity violating numerous state consumer protection laws concerning fair business practices and competition.

On July 24, 2019, the District Court judge partially granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss. The judge dismissed the RICO claims because the Complaint did not “sufficiently plead that Defendants’ conduct was the proximate cause of Plaintiffs’ losses.” However, she ruled that the other claims concerning the state laws will not be dismissed under Class Action Fairness Act (CAFA).

Case Status: The Trumps’ moved to compel forced arbitration and the district court judge denied the motion in April 2020. The court held that the defendants were not party to the arbitration agreement (between ACN and the plaintiffs) and thus, could not compel arbitration. She also found that the motion to compel arbitration was in bad faith as they are acting in a manner that is “substantively prejudicial towards the plaintiffs” and not within the spirit of the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA). The Trumps have filed an interlocutory appeal to the Second Circuit.

Following the denial of compelled arbitration, the Trumps also filed a motion to stay, or a motion to halt the legal process. The district court denied this motion, citing the four traditional factors that must be balanced when granting a stay and finding that the defendants have not met the requirements to grant a stay.

Update-1: On July 28, 2021 in a 3-0 decision, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the district court’s judgement and ruled that the Trump family could not compel arbitration. The court found that since there was no “close relationship” between Trumps and ACN such that the plaintiffs could reasonably infer that their arbitration agreement extended to the Trumps. Thus, the court concluded, the “defendants are not entitled to compel the plaintiffs to arbitrate this dispute.” As of September 2021, the court has not yet ruled on the summary judgment motions.

Update-2: On March 25, CNN reported that former President Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and Eric Trump all agreed to be deposed. Their depositions will take place in May and June.

7. DC Civil Suit over Misuse of 2017 Inauguration Funds (CASE CLOSED)
District of Columbia v. 58th Presidential Inauguration Comm., No. 2020-CA-00488-B (D.C. Super. Ct. Sept. 9, 2020)

Prosecuting Office: DC Attorney General (AG)

Case Summary: In the run-up to Trump’s 2017 swearing-in, his inaugural committee raised a record $107 million to spend on inauguration festivities. As a nonprofit, the inaugural committee was bound to use these charitable funds for the public good, namely by organizing events to celebrate the 2017 presidential inauguration.

But as the DC AG alleges, the inaugural committee used over $1 million of those funds in an improper bid to enrich the Trump family’s private businesses. DC’s attorneys are now suing the inaugural committee, the Trump International Hotel, and the Trump Organization over that alleged misspending. Chief among the allegations, the DC AG claims that the committee paid exorbitant rates to rent space in the Trump International Hotel in downtown DC. The committee, for instance, allegedly paid $175,000 to rent the main ballroom on the same day that another nonprofit paid only $5,000–a rate 35 times higher. On top of that, the committee allegedly ignored much better deals available at other upscale locations, settling instead on overpaying for space at the Trump location.

The DC AG frames these payments as an under-the-table attempt to divert charitable funds to the Trumps’ private holdings. The complaint focuses on possible misconduct by committee executive Rick Gates, who also held key roles in the Trump campaign. (Gates would later cooperate with the Mueller investigation.) To tie in the Trump entities, the complaint asserts that the Trump businesses knew it was overcharging the non-profit committee, and points to internal negotiations between the parties that allegedly show both sides were aware of the extreme rates. The DC AG is asking the court to compel the Trump business to put the misspent funds into a trust where they can be put toward charitable purposes.

Case Status: The defendants–the committee itself along with the two Trump businesses–moved to dismiss the suit, but the district court denied that motion in September 2020. On Jan. 11, 2021, the DC AG added a new allegation that the committee improperly used its nonprofit funds to pay a hotel bill on behalf of Trump’s private business. The suit is currently in discovery, and the AG’s office has already deposed several high-level Trump executives, including Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr.

Update-1: The DC AG moved for summary judgment on Mar. 24, 2021. All three defendants responded by filing their own motions for summary judgment on Apr. 8, 2021.

Update-2: On Nov. 8, 2021, the DC court partially granted Trump’s motion for summary judgment, dismissing the waste claim but allowing the private enrichment claim to proceed. Addressing the waste claim, the judge explained that the evidence did not show that the Trump defendants intentionally threw away money when they paid the extravagant rates at Trump’s hotel. Even so, the court ruled that the DC AG may still be able to show that the Trumps illegally enriched themselves with committee funds, and gave the green light for that claim to go to trial. The court also dismissed the Trump Organization from the case on grounds that DC lacked jurisdiction over them.

Update-3: On Feb. 14, 2022, the DC court reversed its earlier decision dismissing the Trump Organization and reinstated it as a defendant in the suit. The DC court also affirmed its summary judgment decision to dismiss the waste claims. The case is scheduled for trial in September 2022.

Update-4: On May, 3, 2022, the Trump Organization and Trump’s inaugural committee agreed to pay a total of $750,000 to settle the suit. Under the deal, the Trump Organization will pay $400,000 and the committee will pay the remaining $350,000.

8. Karen Bass et al. Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Capitol Attack
Thompson v. Trump, No. 21-cv-00400 (D.D.C. filed Feb. 16, 2021)

Plaintiff: Rep. Karen R. Bass, Rep. Stephen I. Cohen, Rep. Veronica Escobar, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, Rep. Henry C. Johnson, Jr., Rep. Marcia C. Kaptur, Rep. Barbara J. Lee, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, Rep. Maxine Waters, and Rep. Bonnie M. Watson Coleman, represented by the NAACP

Case Summary: On Feb. 16, 2021, Mississippi Congressman Bennie Thompson sued former President Trump and Rudy Giuliani along with two right-wing militia groups known as the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers, for violating the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, 42 U.S.C. § 1985(1). In the complaint, Thompson alleges that Trump violated the Ku Klux Klan Act by inciting the rioters with the intent to prevent Members of Congress from discharging their official duties of the timely approval of the Electoral College vote. He argues that after Trump’s loss in the November 2020 election, the then-President set out on a campaign to mobilize his supporters, culminating in the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol. It portrays Trump’s rhetoric on the morning of Jan. 6 as a call to arms and as intended to prevent the certification of the election.

The Act was passed in 1871 in response to violence and intimidation by the KKK intended to stop Black people from voting. The legislation allows Members of Congress to sue individuals who conspire to violently “molest, interrupt, hinder, or impede” the discharge of a public official’s duties.

Thompson seeks compensatory damages for his emotional distress suffered during the attack in addition to punitive damages.

Case Status: On Apr. 7, 2021, ten additional members of Congress joined the lawsuit as plaintiffs. The defendants then moved to dismiss on May 26. In Trump’s motion, he argued (i) that he has absolute immunity because he was acting as president; (ii) that even if he did not have absolute immunity, the Westfall Act shields him from any personal liability; (iii) that members of Congress cannot sue under the KKK Act; and (iv) that his speech was protected by the First Amendment. As of September 2021, the court has not ruled on the motions.

Update-1: On July 21, 2021, Rep. Thompson announced that he would withdraw from the lawsuit to avoid any conflict with the Jan. 6 House Select Committee, which Thompson is chairing. The other plaintiffs–all members of Congress who are not on the Committee–confirmed that they would continue the lawsuit.

Update-2: Judge Mehta–who is also presiding over the Swalwell and Blassingame 1/6 suits–scheduled a combined oral argument for Jan. 10, 2022, for all three cases.

Update-3: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the § 1985 claim against him.

Update-4: On Mar. 18, 2022, Trump appealed the district court’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit consolidated the appeal with those in the Swalwell and Blassingame 1/6 suits.

Update-5: Trump filed his appeal brief on July 27, 2022. He challenged only the district court’s ruling that he lacked absolute presidential immunity, arguing that his speech surrounding Jan. 6 fell within his official presidential duties.

9. Eric Swalwell Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Riots
Swalwell v. Trump, No. 21-cv-00586 (D.D.C. filed Mar. 5, 2021)

Plaintiff: Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA)

Case Summary: On Mar. 5, 2021, Representative Eric Swalwell sued Donald Trump and several associates in DC federal court over the Jan. 6 riots. Much like Representative Bennie Thompson’s related suit, Swalwell alleges that Trump and his co-defendants–Donald Trump Jr., Representative Mo Brooks (R-AL), and Rudy Giuliani–violated the Ku Klux Klan Act by conspiring to interfere with the Electoral College count on Jan. 6.

Swalwell’s suit also goes one step further: it claims that the defendants should be held civilly liable for negligence because they committed criminal incitement under DC’s local code, which establishes the standard of care. Notably, Swalwell says that Trump violated the same DC code–§22-1321(a)(2)–that DC AG Karl Racine is apparently focusing on in his own criminal investigation into Trump’s conduct.

Beyond the civil rights and incitement counts, Swalwell also claims that the defendants are liable for encouraging (aiding and abetting) the rioters’ violent conduct and for intentionally inflicting emotional distress on members of Congress in connection with the attack on the Capitol.

Case Status: Swalwell filed his complaint on Mar. 5, 2021.

Update-1: On May 17, 2021, Giuliani filed a motion to dismiss the claims against him. He argued that his speech did not qualify as incitement, that he never formed a conspiracy with the other defendants or the rioters, and that his speech was ultimately protected by the First Amendment.

Update-2: On May 24, 2021, Donald Trump and his son Donald Jr. filed their own motion to dismiss. Most notably, former President Trump argued that he had absolute immunity against Swalwell’s claims because Trump’s alleged misconduct was within the scope of his official duties as president. Both Trump and Trump Jr. also contended that their speech was protected under the First Amendment and the canonical Brandenburg test. The Trumps also advanced various other arguments ranging from standing to the political question doctrine to even a claim that Swalwell was barred from suing Trump over the same conduct for which Trump was acquitted at his impeachment trial.

Update-3: On July 1, 2021, Swalwell filed a motion for default judgment against Brooks, arguing that Brooks had missed the deadline to respond to the lawsuit. Brooks responded with his own motion urging the court to dismiss the lawsuit because he was acting within the “scope of his employment,” which would essentially block the case under the Westfall Act. The district court denied Swalwell’s motion for a default judgment on July 5 but has not yet ruled on Brooks’s motion.

Update-4: On July 27, 2021, the Justice Department submitted a brief stating that Brooks was not acting within the scope of his employment and thus not shielded by the Westfall Act. The House of Representatives filed a response taking a “non-participation approach” (silence) on the question whether Brooks acted within his scope of employment. The Chairwoman of the Committee on House Administration submitted a brief stating that Rep. Brooks was not acting within his scope of employment.

Update-5: Judge Mehta–who is also presiding over the Bass and Blassingame 1/6 suits–scheduled a combined oral argument for Jan. 10, 2022, for all three cases.

Update-6: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, negligence per se, DC anti-bias law, and aiding and abetting assault. The court granted Trump’s request to dismiss the § 1986, emotional distress, and negligence claims.

Update-7: On Mar. 18, 2022, Trump appealed the district court’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit consolidated the appeal with those in the Bass and Blassingame 1/6 suits.

Update-8: Trump filed his appeal brief on July 27, 2022. He challenged only the district court’s ruling that he lacked absolute presidential immunity, arguing that his speech surrounding Jan. 6 fell within his official presidential duties.

10. Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots
Blassingame v. Trump, No. 21-cv-00858 (D.D.C. filed Mar. 30, 2021)

Plaintiff: James Blassingame and Sidney Hemby, two Capitol police officers

Case Summary: On Mar. 30, 2021, two Capitol Police Officers sued Donald Trump for injuries they sustained during the Jan. 6 riots in DC. The officers–James Blassingame and Sidney Hemby–say they were maced with bear spray, attacked with fists and flagpoles, and even crushed against a door as they tried to protect the Capitol from pro-Trump intruders.

Much like the other Jan. 6 suits against Trump, the officers pin their injuries on Trump’s incendiary rhetoric before and during violence. Both allege that Trump directed the rioters to assault them, aided the rioters in committing those assaults, and negligently incited the riot in violation of DC’s public safety codes. Blassingame also accuses Trump of directing intentional infliction of emotional distress, pointing to the racial slurs and taunts that the intruders allegedly hurled at him during the violence.

Case Status: The officers filed their suit in DC federal court on Mar. 30, 2021. On Apr. 28, 2021, the plaintiffs added two new conspiracy claims against Trump, one based on the KKK Act and the other on common law conspiracy. They allege that Trump illegally conspired with the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers to storm the Capitol, which in turn caused the plaintiffs’ injuries.

Update-1: Donald Trump filed a motion to dismiss on June 24, 2021. He repeated many of the arguments from his motions to dismiss in the Bass and Swalwell suits, including absolute presidential immunity, freedom of speech, and preclusion based on Trump’s impeachment acquittal.

Update-2: Judge Mehta–who is also presiding over the Bass and Swalwell 1/6 suits–scheduled a combined oral argument for Jan. 10, 2022, for all three cases.

Update-3: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, assault, and negligence per se. The court granted Trump’s motion to dismiss the emotional distress, punitive damages, and civil conspiracy claims.

Update-4: On Mar. 18, 2022, Trump appealed the district court’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit consolidated the appeal with those in the Swalwell and Bass 1/6 suits.

Update-5: Trump filed his appeal brief on July 27, 2022. He challenged only the district court’s ruling that he lacked absolute presidential immunity, arguing that his speech surrounding Jan. 6 fell within his official presidential duties.

11. Second Capitol Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots
Smith v. Trump, No. 21-cv-02265 (D.D.C. filed Aug. 26, 2021)

Plaintiff: Seven Capitol Police officers

Case Summary: On Aug. 26, 2021, a second group of Capitol Police officers filed suit over injuries they suffered while defending the Capitol on Jan. 6. The officers allege that Trump and his co-defendants–including the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers–conspired to incite a riot and attack the Capitol, leaving the officers physically and emotionally injured.

Like the other Jan. 6 lawsuits against Trump, the complaint asserts that Trump violated the KKK Act by conspiring to instigate the riots. The complaint also alleges that unnamed defendants–listed as “John Does” who carried out the attack–physically assaulted the officers at Trump’s provocation, which could make Trump liable for the officers’ injuries.

The plaintiffs also add in a unique claim not found in other Jan. 6 lawsuits against Trump: that the defendants violated the DC Bias-Related Crimes Act, a local hate-crime statute. According to the complaint, the defendants were motivated by political bias against the Democratic Party when they instigated and executed the Capitol attack.

Case Status: The officers filed their suit in DC federal court on Aug 26, 2021.

Update-1: Donald Trump filed a motion to dismiss on Nov. 12, 2021. Much like in the other Jan. 6 suits, Trump argued that his speech was constitutionally protected by presidential immunity, the First Amendment, and preclusion as a result of the impeachment acquittal.

Update-2: On Dec. 5, 2021, the plaintiffs amended their complaint to add an eighth officer as a plaintiff and to add a pro-Trump PAC as an additional defendant. The court ruled that the defendants could file new motions to dismiss against this amended complaint, due by Dec. 23, 2021.

Update-3: Trump filed a motion to dismiss the amended complaint on Jan. 31, 2022. He once again argued that the plaintiffs failed to state a claim and that Trump’s speech was protected by absolute immunity and the First Amendment.

Update-4: The district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss on Jan. 26, 2023.

12. Third Capitol Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots
Moore v. Trump, No. 22-cv-00010 (D.D.C. filed Jan. 4, 2022)

Plaintiff: Marcus J. Moore, US Capitol Police Officer

Case Summary: On Jan. 4, 2022, a third suit was filed by a Capitol Police officer alleging that physical and emotional injuries he suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot. The officer seeks compensatory and punitive damages.

The officer claims that the actions, tweets, and comments made by Trump prior, during, and after the insurrection resulted in actual physical injuries as rioters struck him and attacked him with physical objects and chemical agents. Like other Jan. 6 lawsuits, the officer claims Trump violated the KKK Act as Trump conspired to attack the Capitol with his followers. The officer, like earlier lawsuits, further cited violations of the D.C. Code for inciting a riot and disorderly conduct.

Case Status: The officer filed his suit in DC District Court on January 4, 2022.

13. Metropolitan Police Suits over the Jan. 6. Riots
Tabron v. Trump, No. 22-cv-00011 (D.D.C. filed Jan. 4, 2022)

Plaintiff: Bobby Tabron and DeDivine K. Carter, Metropolitan Police Officers

Case Summary: On Jan. 4, 2022, two Metropolitan Police Officers filed suit alleging that physical and emotional injuries they suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot. The officers seek compensatory and punitive damages.

The officers claim that the actions, tweets, and comments made by Trump prior, during, and after the insurrection resulted in actual physical injuries as rioters struck them and attacked them with physical objects and chemical agents. Like other Ja. 6 lawsuits, the officers claim Trump violated the KKK Act as Trump conspired to attack the Capitol with his followers. The officers, like earlier lawsuits, further cited violations of the D.C. Code for inciting a riot and disorderly conduct.

Case Status: The officers filed their suit on January 4, 2022.

14. NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund Voting Rights Case
Mich. Welfare Rights Org. v. Trump, No. 20-cv-03388 (D.D.C. filed Nov. 20, 2020)

Plaintiff: Michigan Welfare Rights Organization and the NAACP, represented by the NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund (LDF).

Case Summary: On Nov. 20, 2020, LDF sued then-President Trump and the Trump campaign alleging that their post-election conduct violated Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act, 52 U.S.C. § 10307(b). After losing the election, Trump spent weeks pressuring Republican election officials not to certify the election—in particular, the complaint examines the actions of Wayne County Republican election officials who first voted not to certify the election, though they eventually did. Section 11(b) forbids intimidation of voters, those aiding voters, and certain election officials. Voting is broadly defined in the Voting Rights Act, covering “all action necessary to make a vote effective[,] … including … having such ballot counted properly and included in the appropriate totals of votes cast.”

In December 2020, the complaint was amended to include the NAACP as a plaintiff, the Republican National Committee as a defendant, and alleged a new claim: that defendants violated the Ku Klux Klan Act, which prohibits conspiracies to deprive someone of equal protection under law or the right to vote. 42 U.S.C. § 1985(3). LDF argues that Trump’s efforts to discard votes in cities with large Black populations meets the statutory definition.

LDF seeks statutory damages, a declaratory judgment, and injunctive relief that would prevent defendants from intimidating voters and election officials in the future.

Case Status: On Feb. 25, 2021, the defendants moved to dismiss the case. They had a variety of arguments, including that the case was filed in the wrong court, that the cited statutes do not allow a private party to bring litigation, and that their conduct did not violate the statutes. As of September 2021, the court has not yet ruled on the motions.

Update-1: On Mar. 31, 2022, the district court partially granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss, dismissing the VRA claims for lack of standing and holding the § 1985(3) claims in abeyance. On the standing point, the district court concluded the plaintiffs lacked standing for an injunction. The court reasoned that even if the defendants had illegally interfered with the plaintiffs’ voting rights in the past, there was no imminent threat that the defendants would do so again.

Update-2: On June 16, the plaintiffs requested permission to file a second amended complaint with new factual allegations that could remedy the standing issues on the VRA claim.

Update-3: On Nov. 28 the district court granted plaintiffs’ request to file a second amended complaint. In granting the plaintiff’s motion, the court concluded that “Plaintiffs have adequately alleged … that the Trump Defendants not only caused great harm to Plaintiffs in the past but also pose a very substantial risk in the future to Plaintiff’s fundamental right to vote.”

15. NY Civil Suit over Fraudulent Real Estate Practices
People v. Trump Org., No. 451685/2020 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. Dec. 15, 2020)

Plaintiff: New York Attorney General (AG)

Case Summary: In March 2019, New York Attorney General Letitia James launched a civil probe investigating allegations that the Trump organization inflated and deflated property values to avoid tax liability and for other financial benefits. She began her investigation after Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen testified before Congress that Trump had engaged in fraud. While there is some overlap, James has noted that her investigation differs from and is independent of the Manhattan DA criminal investigation.

Much of her probe has focused on Seven Springs, a Trump-owned property in New York. In December 2019, James subpoenaed the Trump Organization, seeking records related to a $21 million tax deduction that Trump claimed against the property in 2015. Per her court filings, James is exploring whether Trump improperly inflated the property’s value to boost the size of the tax benefit.

James is also looking into other transactions relating to Trump properties. She is investigating whether Trump failed to pay taxes on debt forgiven during the financial restructuring of the Trump Hotel & Tower in Chicago and the appraisal of the LA Trump National Golf Club used for his conservation tax break, which was substantially higher than metrics typically used to value golf properties.

Case Status: In connection with the Seven Springs subpoenas, James’s office deposed Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg and Eric Trump in September and October 2020. Both refused to testify and instead invoked the Fifth Amendment over 500 times. She also sought related records held by Trump’s tax lawyers. His counsel initially refused to produce them, claiming they were shielded by attorney-client privilege. The state court judge disagreed, ruling on Jan. 29, 2021 that the tax attorneys must turn over thousands of documents about the tax deductions.

Update-1: On May 18, 2021, Fabien Levy, a spokesperson for New York’s Attorney General said, “We have informed the Trump Organization that our investigation into the organization is no longer purely civil in nature. We are now actively investigating the Trump Organizations in a criminal capacity, along with the Manhattan DA.”

Update-2: On Dec. 9, 2021, the Washington Post reported that AG James is seeking to depose Trump in January 2022 as part of her fraud investigation into the Trump Organization’s property valuations.

Update-3: On Jan. 3, 2022, a court order revealed that James’s office also subpoenaed Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. on Dec. 1. According to the order, James seeks to question the two Trump children–in addition to Trump Sr., as previously reported–about the potentially fraudulent real estate valuations. The Trumps immediately responded by filing a motion to quash the subpoenas. They argued that, because the NY AG is also running a “joint” criminal investigation into the Trumps with the Manhattan DA, the AG’s office cannot use purely civil subpoenas and must instead use a grand jury to question Trump and his children. The Trumps reasoned that grand jury subpoenas provide greater protection to witnesses–including immunity–and that James was trying to “circumvent” those protections by using civil subpoenas instead.

Update-4: James subpoenaed the General Services Administration to determine how it decided to lease the historic post office to former President Trump. As part of an ongoing civil investigation into Trump’s fraudulent real estate practices, James is reportedly attempting to use the documents to determine whether Trump had a practice of providing false information to the advantage of his business.

Update-5: On Feb. 17, 2022, the state court rejected Trump’s subpoena challenge and ruled that Donald, Ivanka, and Donald Jr. must sit for questioning under oath. The judge directed the Trumps to submit to these depositions within 21 days. The Trumps plan to appeal the decision, according to a family spokeswoman.

Update-6: On Feb. 28, 2022, the Trumps appealed the court’s decision ordering them to sit for depositions.

Update-7: On Mar. 3, 2022, the parties agreed to delay the depositions until after the state appeals court rules on the Trumps’ appeal.

Update-8: On Apr 7, 2022, James’s office filed a motion with the state court requesting Trump be held in contempt for failing to turn over subpoenaed documents. Her office requested a daily fine of $10,000 until Trump complies. The court has not ruled on her request.

Update-9: On Apr. 25, 2022, a NY state Judge held Trump in contempt of court for failure to respond to the AG’s subpoenas. The court assessed a fine of $10,000 per day until Trump meets the request.

Update-10: On Apr. 27, 2022, Trump appealed the contempt ruling and the $10,000-a-day fine. Trump also asked the district court to pause the fine while he appeals, but the court denied that request.

Update-11: On May 11, 2022, the trial court halted the daily fine but ordered Trump to pay the $110,000 balance by May 20. Though Trump paid the fine by the deadline, the judge kept the contempt order in place, leaving the door open for it to climb if Trump does not comply with the judge’s orders.

Update-12: On May 26, 2022, a New York appeals court ruled that Trump and two of his children–Donald Jr. and Ivanka–must sit for questioning by AG James’s office. The appeals court rejected Trump’s arguments that James was acting out of political animus. Trump’s attorney appealed the ruling to the New York Court of Appeals, the state’s highest court, which has discretion to take up or ignore the appeal.

Update-13: On June 8, 2022, Trump and two of his children–Donald Jr. and Ivanka–agreed to be questioned under oath by James’s office in mid-July, unless the New York high court decides to intervene and hear their appeal.

Update-14: On June 14, 2022, New York’s highest court declined to hear the Trumps’ appeal. This clears the way for James’s office to depose the Trumps.

Update-15: James’s office deposed Donald Trump Jr. on July 28, 2022 and Ivanka Trump on Aug. 3, 2022. Both reportedly participated in the deposition and did not invoke their Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination.

Update-16: AG James deposed Trump Sr. on Aug. 10, 2022. Trump repeatedly declined to answer her questions and instead invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. Reportedly, Trump asserted the Fifth more than 400 times in response to varying questions about his businesses, property valuations, and loans.

Update-17: On Sept. 21, 2022, the NY AG sued the Trumps in NY state court. The civil suit alleges that the Trumps repeatedly overvalued their real estate holdings in a long-running scheme designed to obtain favorable terms on bank loans. The complaint seeks to recover $250 million in damages and asks the court to bar the Trumps from running any businesses in New York state. It names Donald Sr., Donald Jr., Eric, and Ivanka Trump as defendants, along with the Trump Organization and several of its executives. Although AG James’s suit seeks only civil penalties, her office also sent criminal referrals to both the IRS and federal prosecutors.

Update-18: On Jan. 6, 2023, the trial court denied the Trumps’ motion to dismiss James’s lawsuit.

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Donald Trump v. Letitia James: On Dec. 20, 2021, Donald Trump filed his own suit against AG James in federal court. He accused James of targeting Trump out of political animus and asked the court to enjoin her under § 1983 from continuing her investigation into Trump and his companies. To back up his claim, Trump pointed to a string of James’s social media posts that allegedly suggested a political motive. Trump asserted that James’s investigation violates his constitutional rights, including his First Amendment rights by targeting him for his political activities and his Fourth Amendment rights by harassing him with bad faith subpoenas. In subsequent filings. James has asked the judge to dismiss the suit and has refused to cease investigating.

Update-1: On Jan. 26, 2022, James moved to dismiss Trump’s suit. She argued that Trump’s suit should be dismissed under several federal abstention doctrines, under res judicata, and for failing to state a claim.

Update-2: On May 27, 2022, the district court dismissed Trump’s suit, which will allow James’s investigation to continue. The district court reasoned that Trump’s suit was barred by Younger abstention, a doctrine that bars federal courts from stopping state court proceedings like James’s civil enforcement suit against Trump. For his part, Trump had argued that Younger abstention shouldn’t apply because James was investigating him in bad faith. The district court rejected that argument, finding that James’s proceeding had a “legitimate factual predicate” and that there was no evidence that James was acting in a harassing or bad faith manner.

Update-3: Trump filed a notice of appeal on May 27, 2022.

Update-4: Trump withdrew his lawsuit on Jan. 24, 2023.

16. Scotland Unexplained Wealth Orders
Plaintiff: Avaaz Foundation against the Scottish Ministers and Others

Case Summary: On February 3, 2021, the Scottish Parliament voted to reject calls from the opposition party, the Scottish Greens, to investigate the Trump Organization’s golf courses through an Unexplained Wealth Order (UWO). UWOs are a mechanism designed to prevent suspected corrupt foreign officials from laundering potentially stolen funds into the UK. They require an individual or organization to reveal the sources of their unexplained wealth and, while they do not automatically trigger criminal proceedings, they can result at least in confiscation of assets. The concerns that led to the push to investigate Trump arose when Trump spent many hundreds of millions of dollars to purchase and refurbish golf courses within Scotland with all-cash transactions. This was particularly suspicious since Trump had financed large scale purchases with debt prior to these transactions. It is disputed whether Eric Trump made a statement indicating that the funds had come from Russia.

The co-leader of the Scottish Greens stated, “Scotland cannot be a country where anyone with the money can buy whatever land and property they want, no questions asked, and the Scottish Greens will continue to challenge vested interests that protect people like Trump rather than our communities.” Eric Trump criticized the suit, stating that “at a critical time when politicians should be focused on saving lives and reopening businesses in Scotland, they are focused on advancing their personal agendas.”

Case Status: The non-profit global rights pressure group, Avaaz Foundation, sought to challenge the Scottish Parliament vote and, in May, filed a petition in the highest civil court in Scotland to review the decision not to pursue a UWO. On Aug. 11, 2021, Lord Sandison of the Scottish Court of Session ruled the petition seeking “judicial review of the approach of the Scottish ministers in determining whether to apply to the court for UWOs” should “proceed without condition or restriction.” He ruled that their case has “real prospects of success.” Scotland’s High Court will likely hear the case later this year.

Update-1: On Nov. 25, 2021, in a victory for the defendants, Lord Sandison ruled that only the Lord Advocate General of Scotland may issue a UWO, not the Scottish ministers. Advocates are now asking for the Lord Advocate to take action.

Update-2: As of January 2023, there are no indications that the Scottish investigation is progressing.

17. Trump Tower Assault Suit (CASE CLOSED)
Galicia v. Trump, No. 24973/2015 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. filed Sept. 9, 2015)

Plaintiff: A group of six protesters

Case Summary: On Sept. 3, 2015, the plaintiffs were demonstrating on the sidewalk outside Trump Tower in Manhattan. According to the plaintiffs–who self-identify as of Mexican origin–they were protesting the “inflammatory” anti-Mexican statements that Trump made during 2015 campaign events. Soon after the plaintiffs arrived, Trump Tower security guards allegedly attacked them and destroyed their protest signs.

That same month, the plaintiffs sued Trump, the Trump Organization, Trump’s campaign, Trump’s head bodyguard, and the alleged attackers in New York state court. The plaintiffs allege that Trump and his co-defendants are liable for assault and battery, conversion and destruction of property, and tortious interference with political speech. To tie Trump to his guards’ conduct, the plaintiffs allege that Trump was careless in hiring and supervising his security detail and, separately, that Trump should be held vicariously liable–a type of secondary liability often used to hold employers to account for their employee’s harmful actions. To prevail against Trump on this vicarious liability theory, the plaintiffs would need to show that the guards (i) were acting as Trump’s employees or agents at the time and (ii) attacked the plaintiffs to advance Trump’s interests in some way.

Case Status: Trump and his co-defendants moved to dismiss the claims for property destruction and interference with political speech in Dec. 2015. The court dismissed the political speech interference claim but permitted the rest of the claims to advance.

After the defendants moved for summary judgment in 2017, the court dismissed the negligent hiring and supervision claims against Trump and the Trump Organization. However, the court allowed the remaining claims to go forward, including the vicarious liability claims that Trump should be personally liable for his guards’ conduct.

Update-1: On Oct. 18, 2021, Trump sat for a four-hour deposition to answer questions about the alleged assault. According to the plaintiffs’ lawyer, Trump was asked about “a variety of issues including statements he has made at various campaign events and rallies that counsel believes encouraged violence at those events or encouraged security guards to engage in violence or the confiscation of property.” The plaintiffs’ lawyer also said he intends to play a video of Trump’s deposition at trial, which is not yet scheduled.

Update-2: On Apr. 26, 2022, a court filing revealed fifty pages of testimony from Trump’s deposition. Trump testified that he did not send his security staff after the protestors or direct them to grab their signs.

Update-3: Nov. 2, 2022, the parties reached a settlement in the case, details of the settlement agreement have not been disclosed.

18. Michael Cohen Retaliatory Imprisonment Suit
Cohen v. United States, No. 21-cv-10774 (S.D.N.Y. filed Dec. 16, 2021)

Plaintiff: Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s former attorney

Case Summary: On Dec. 16, 2021, Michael Cohen sued Donald Trump, former Attorney General Bill Barr, the US government, and other officials in federal court for retaliatory imprisonment. Cohen alleges that, after he announced plans to publish a damaging book about his legal work for Trump, the defendants retaliated by sending Cohen back to federal prison from home confinement.

At the time, Cohen was serving a three-year sentence for several crimes related to his work for Trump, including lying to Congress about Trump’s Moscow business and orchestrating illegal campaign expenditures to cover up Trump’s extramarital affairs. Several months into the COVID outbreak, the Bureau of Prisons–then led by defendant Michael Carvajal–granted Cohen’s medical request to be released on “furlough” followed by a transition to home confinement for the rest of his sentence. But according to Cohen, Trump and his co-defendants interfered with that transition. While Cohen was out on furlough, he tweeted about his plans to release a tell-all memoir about his work for Trump. Shortly after, corrections officers demanded that Cohen agree to a home confinement condition that barred Cohen from posting on social media and publishing his book. After Cohen allegedly hesitated to agree, the BOP nixed the home confinement plan and remanded Cohen back to federal prison.

Cohen then filed a habeas petition challenging the remand and arguing that corrections officials had taken the action in retaliation for Cohen’s tweets about his work on the anti-Trump book. The district court agreed–explicitly finding that Barr and Carvajal ordered the remand with the “purpose” of retaliating–and ordered Cohen’s release to home detention. Cohen completed his sentence at home in November 2021.

A month later, on Dec. 16, Cohen sued Trump, Barr, Carvajal, other corrections officials, and the US government for the alleged retaliatory imprisonment. He seeks damages against Trump, Barr, and the other officials under Bivens–a judicially created cause of action for damages against federal officers for constitutional violations–for violating Cohen’s rights under the First, Fourth, and Eighth Amendments. Cohen also seeks damages against the US government under the Federal Tort Claims Act, which allows plaintiffs to sue the federal government for damages if they are injured by certain torts committed by federal officers.

Case Status: Cohen filed the suit in New York federal court on December 16, 2021.

Update-1: Trump filed a motion to dismiss the suit on Apr. 4, 2022. He argued that presidential immunity shielded his conduct, that Bivens doctrine does not apply in federal prisoner suits against the President, and that Cohen had failed to plausibly allege that Trump was personally involved in the constitutional violations.

Update-2: On Aug. 2, 2022, the court heard oral argument on the defendants’ motion to dismiss.

Update-3: On Nov. 14, 2022, the district court dismissed Cohen’s suit, including his constitutional Bivens claims against Trump. The court found that recent Supreme Court decisions had significantly constrained the scope of such suits and concluded that Cohen’s claims failed under those precedents.


19. Criminal Investigations into Trump’s Finances
People of the State of New York v. Trump Corporation d/b/a Trump Organization, Trump Payroll Corp., d/b/a Trump Organization, Allen Weisselberg

Trump v. Deutsche Bank, No. 19-cv-03826 (S.D.N.Y. Apr. 29, 2019)

Trump v. Vance, No. 19-cv-08694 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 19, 2019)

Prosecuting Office: In 2019, then-President Trump sued to block subpoenas issued by three House Committees and the Manhattan District Attorney seeking his financial information in 2019. As of Feb. 22, the Manhattan DA now has access to Trump’s tax information.

Case Summary: In 2019, the House Intelligence and Finance Committees issued subpoenas to both Deutsche Bank and Capital One seeking information about then-President Trump’s finances. Before the banks complied with the subpoenas, Trump sued, seeking a declaratory judgment that they were unenforceable and an injunction that would have prevented the banks from disclosing Trump’s financial information. In addition, the House Oversight Committee subpoenaed Mazars, Trump’s accounting firm, demanding additional accounting information. Trump again sued to block the subpoena.

In parallel, Manhattan District Attorney, Cyrus Vance Jr., subpoenaed Mazars, for access to Trump’s tax records. Trump again sued to prevent the disclosure of this information.

All three cases reached the Supreme Court, where they were decided on the same day, July 9, 2020. The congressional subpoenas were combined into one case, and were remanded so the lower courts could consider separation of powers concerns raised by congressional committees subpoenaing a sitting president. In the Vance case, the Court ruled that a president’s financial information could be subpoenaed by a local district attorney.

Case Status: With the seating of the new Congress in January 2021, the Congressional subpoenas expired. The Vance subpoena again reached the Supreme Court, which on Feb. 22, refused to block it. His spokesperson has confirmed that the office now has access to Trump’s tax returns, including millions of pages of documents. Charges have not been filed.

Update-1: New reporting on Mar. 1 revealed that Vance’s investigation has focused on Trump Organization chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, whose potential cooperation with prosecutors could be a significant breakthrough in the investigation. On Mar. 31, the New York Times reported that Vance’s office has subpoenaed Weisselberg’s personal bank records, and on Apr. 8, investigators took possession of financial records from Weisselberg’s daughter-in-law.

Update-2: New reporting on Mar. 8 revealed that Vance’s probe has expanded to include investigation of a $130 million loan the Trump Organization received to build its Chicago tower, and whether the forgiveness of that loan was reported as income, as required by the IRS.

Update-3: On May, 25, 2021, the Washington Post reported that Vance has convened a special grand jury that is “expected to decide whether to indict former president Donald Trump, other executives at his company or the business itself should prosecutors present the panel with criminal charges.” According to the Post, “The move indicates that District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr.’s investigation of the former president and his business has reached an advanced stage …. It suggests, too, that Vance believes he has found evidence of a crime — if not by Trump then by someone potentially close to him or by his company.”

Update-4: On Jun. 4, ABC News and the New York Times report that Trump Organization senior vice president and controller, Jeff McConney is among a number of witnesses to have already appeared before the special grand jury. He is reportedly the first employee of the company called to testify.

Update-5: On July 1, prosecutors indicted the Trump Organization and the chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg with running a tax fraud scheme for over fifteen years. The indictment charges Weisselberg, the Trump Organization, and the Trump Payroll Co. with compensating Weisselberg and other Trump Organization executives with off-the-books funds that were unreported or misreported to federal, state, and local tax authorities.

The indictment includes a reference to the former President. It states that “as part of the scheme to defraud, Trump Corporation personnel … arranged for tuition expenses for Weisselberg’s family members to be paid by personal checks drawn on the account of and signed by Donald J. ‘Trump.” The indictment also refers to an “unindicted co-conspirator,” who is Jeff McConney, the Trump Organization’s controller, a person familiar with the investigation told CNN.

Update-6: Matthew Calamari Jr., the Trump Organization’s corporate director of security, and Jeffrey McConney, controller of the Trump Organization, appeared before a Manhattan grand jury on September 2. Calamari received “transactional immunity for the topics he testified about” while McConney was reportedly asked to clarify his previous grand jury testimony and respond to inquiries related to Calamari Sr.

Update-7: The Washington Post reports that the Manhattan DA has convened a second grand jury “to hear evidence about the Trump Organization’s financial practices and potentially to vote on criminal charges.” One source reported that the new grand jury will scrutinize whether Trump’s company manipulated the value of its assets–a practice that NY AG Letitia James is also investigating in her parallel civil probe.

Update-8: Donald Trump’s longtime accountant, Donald Bender, who worked for the firm Mazars, reportedly appeared before the grand jury. In recent weeks prosecutors’ also interviewed Rosemary Vrablic, a former managing director at Deutsche Bank. According to an anonymous source, “prosecutors pressed Vrablic about Trump’s role in dealings with the bank,” the Washington Post reported.

Update-9: On Jan. 1, 2022, Alvin Bragg replaced Vance as Manhattan DA and took the helm of the investigation into Trump’s finances. Before taking office, Bragg stated that he would be directly involved in the investigation and noted that he had asked two of Vance’s top prosecutors to continue working on the case.

Update-10: Two of the prosecutors working on the Trump case, Carey R. Dunne and Mark F. Pomerantz, resigned from the prosecution when Bragg indicated he had doubts on moving forward with the investigation. The New York Times later reported that Pomerantz stated that Trump was “guilty of numerous felony violations” and that it was “a grave failure of justice” not to prosecute him, according to a copy of Pomerantz’s resignation letter.

Update-11: On Apr. 7, 2022, Bragg publicly stated that the Trump investigation was continuing and revealed that his office had even questioned new witnesses. In a press release, Bragg stated, “I pledge that the Office will publicly state the conclusion of our investigation – whether we conclude our work without bringing charges, or move forward with an indictment.”

Update-12: On Aug. 18, 2022, Allen Weisselberg pleaded guilty to fifteen financial felonies including tax fraud and grand larceny. As part of the deal with the new DA Alvin Bragg, Weisselberg agreed to testify if the Trump Organization goes to trial on the tax fraud charges.

Update-13: On Oct. 24, the tax fraud trial against the Trump Organization began, and, on Nov. 21, the prosecution rested its side of the case.

Update-14: On Nov. 21, the New York Times reported that the DA’s office has resumed a criminal investigation of Trump’s possible hush money payment and associated falsification of business records.

Update-15: On Dec. 6, 2022, a jury convicted the Trump Organization of tax fraud and other crimes related to the company’s practice of giving out off-the-books perks to executives that were never taxed. Allen Weisselberg testified as the prosecution’s star witness against the company. Prosecutors never charged Trump himself over the scheme, though the prosecutors implicated him as being personally involved in the scheme.

Update-16: On Jan. 10, 2023, New York state court Judge Juan Merchan sentenced Allen Weisselberg to five months in prison for financial felonies including tax fraud and grand larceny.

Update-17: On Jan. 13, 2023, Judge Merchan sentenced the Trump Organization to pay $1.6 million in fines for its conviction on tax crimes.

20. DC Attorney General Incitement Investigation for Attack on U.S. Capitol
Prosecuting Office: DC Attorney General (AG)

Case Summary: DC Attorney General Karl Racine has said he is exploring whether to charge Trump with incitement. So far, his office has focused on a DC statute that makes it a misdemeanor to “incite or provoke violence where there is a likelihood that such violence will ensue.” Presumably, DC prosecutors are looking into Trump’s statements and tweets before and during the riot, gauging whether they amount to criminal incitement.

That said, Racine has cautioned that prosecuting Trump would be an uphill battle. Though the former president no longer could claim presidential immunity, the First Amendment may still shield his speech from prosecution. Under Brandenburg–the controlling case here–a speaker can be prosecuted for incitement only when their speech is both intended and likely to cause imminent lawless action. This is a notoriously difficult standard to meet, especially on the intent side. Even though some rioters have claimed they were following Trump’s instructions, Racine would need to actually prove it was Trump’s actual goal for them to do so. Despite the trail of incriminating statements Trump left behind, Racine may still have trouble meeting such a high bar.

Not only that, Racine has limited options in terms of what offenses he can charge. Because DC splits criminal jurisdiction with the U.S. government, Racine’s office can enforce only low-level crimes. As a result, he cannot charge Trump with arguably more applicable felonies, and is effectively limited to DC’s incitement statute. And as defense attorneys in DC have noted, this misdemeanor offense is typically charged in street-level disorderly conduct cases, arguably making it a poor fit.

Case Status: Racine’s office is investigating Trump’s conduct but has not filed charges.

Update: As of August 2022, there are no public signs that the DC AG is still investigating Trump.

21. Fulton County, Georgia Criminal Election Influence Investigation
Prosecuting Office: Fulton County, GA District Attorney’s Office.

Case Summary: On Feb. 10, 2021, the Fulton County DA’s Office opened an investigation into attempted election interference by former President Trump. The investigation is looking into potential violations of Georgia election laws, including the “solicitation of election fraud, the making of false statements to state and local governmental bodies, conspiracy, racketeering, violation of oath of office and any involvement in violence or threats related to the election’s administration.”

Case Status: On Feb. 10, 2021, the Fulton County DA’s Office sent letters to Governor Brian Kemp, Lieutenant Governor Duncan, Secretary of State Raffensperger, and Attorney General Carr informing them of the new investigation and requesting that all records relating to the election, including emails sent by employees from non-government accounts, be preserved.

Fulton County DA Fani Willis also reportedly plans to investigate a phone call between Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger where Raffensperger claims Graham asked the Secretary of State if he could throw out legally cast ballots. Graham’s spokesperson claims that this is not true and Graham was instead asking about the signature verification process. The DA’s office is also reportedly looking into whether Rudy Giuliani violated election laws in making false statements to Georgia officials.

The week of March 1 2021, prosecutors are expected to seek grand jury subpoenas for documents and witnesses connected to the investigation.

On Mar. 6, Willis brought on John Floyd, a national expert on state racketeering prosecution, to assist in racketeering investigations. He has not been brought on specifically for the Trump investigation, but as Willis is investigating racketeering in the Trump case, this development suggests that racketeering charges could play a larger role.

On Mar. 11, a recording of a call between then-President Trump and the chief investigator of the Georgia Secretary of State’s office, Frances Watson, was released By the Wall Street Journal. On the call, Trump urged Watson to look for fraud in mail-in ballots. The Fulton County DA’s Office has said that they will request a copy of the phone call.

Update-1: As of Mar. 28, there are reportedly two grand juries considering subpoenas for documents relevant to the investigation.

Update-2: Reporting (on Nov. 6 and Nov. 12) suggests that Willis is considering convening a special grand jury dedicated solely to allegations of election tampering in addition to the two grand juries that have already been convened.

Update-3: On Jan. 20, 2022, Willis submitted a letter to the chief judge of Fulton County’s Superior Court requesting a special grand jury for her investigation of President Trump. The letter states that a special grand jury will assist because a “significant number of witnesses and prospective witnesses have refused to cooperate with the investigation absent a subpoena requiring their testimony.”

Update-4: On Jan. 30, 2022, Willis requested the FBI to conduct a security safety assessment and provide other protective services following Trump’s alarming and charged rhetoric at a recent Texas rally. He called for massive protests against the “racist” and “vicious” prosecutors if they “do anything wrong.”

Update-5: On May 2, 2022, prosecutors convened a special grand jury to investigate “whether there were unlawful attempts to disrupt the administration of the 2020 elections here in Georgia.” The grand jury currently has up to one year to issue a report advising the local DA whether to pursue criminal charges against Trump.

Update-6: Grand jury proceedings began on May 27, 2022. The grand jury expects to hear testimony from “as many as 50 witnesses” and the process “is likely to last weeks.”

Update-7: On July 5, 2022, the grand jury issued subpoenas to several of Trump’s key associates who were allegedly involved in the election interference scheme. The targets include Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani; campaign lawyers John Eastman, Cleta Mitchell, Kenneth Cheseboro, and Jenna Ellis; Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.); and attorney Jacki Pick Deason. Under the subpoenas, these witnesses now must testify under oath before the grand jury.

Update-8: On July 13, 2022, Senator Graham moved to quash the grand jury subpoena by filing a motion in South Carolina federal court. Graham argued that he had legislative immunity–afforded by the Constitution’s Speech and Debate clause–because his calls to Georgia officials about the 2020 election qualified as legislative activity.

Update-9: On Aug. 2, 2022, Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer asked Willis’ office to delay his testimony because he was still recovering from a recent medical procedure. The Fulton County judge ultimately rejected that request and ordered Giuliani to appear before the grand jury on Aug. 17.

Update-10: On Aug. 11, 2022, Trump hired a high-profile Atlanta-based criminal defense attorney, Drew Findling, to represent him during the criminal proceedings.

Update-11: On Aug. 15, 2022, local prosecutors informed Rudy Giuliani that he was formally a “target” of their criminal investigation into election interference in Georgia, which generally means that an indictment is possible but not guaranteed. That same day, a federal judge rejected Senator Graham’s bid to avoid testifying, and ordered Graham to appear before the grand jury on Aug. 23.

Update-12: Senator Graham appealed the order requiring him to testify to the Eleventh Circuit, which then directed the district court to consider whether Graham’s testimony should be limited based on his legislative immunity claim. On Sept. 9, the district court ultimately ordered Graham to testify but also held that Graham could refuse to answer questions about his “investigatory fact-finding … related to his decision to certify … the 2020 presidential election” because those inquiries would fall under his immunized legislative duties. The court held, in line with its prior decisions and that of the court of appeals, that Graham could be questioned about three areas that fell outside of his legislative activities: (1) “any alleged efforts to ‘cajole’ or encourage Secretary Raffensperger or other Georgia election officials to throw out ballots or otherwise alter Georgia’s election practices and procedures;” (2) “Senator Graham’s alleged communications and coordination with the Trump Campaign and its post-election efforts in Georgia;” and (3) “Senator Graham’s public statements related to Georgia’s 2020 elections.”

Update-13: Graham appealed the district court’s order to the Eleventh Circuit, but the appeals court upheld the district court’s ruling. The panel held that Graham could be forced to testify in the probe because his legislative status did confer blanket immunity from questioning. Graham asked the Supreme Court to revisit that ruling, but the Court denied Graham’s request on Nov. 1, 2022

Update-14: On Nov. 22, Graham testified before the grand jury. His office released a statement saying, “Today, Senator Graham appeared before the Fulton County Special Grand Jury for just over two hours and answered all questions.”

Update-15: The Fulton County grand jury completed its investigation into election interference on Jan. 9, 2023. The judge scheduled a hearing for Jan. 24 to determine whether to release the grand jury’s report, including any recommendation on whether charges should be filed.

22. Westchester, New York Criminal Investigation of Trump Organization Golf Course
Prosecuting Office: Westchester District Attorney’s Office

Case Summary: Westchester District Attorney’s Office of Mimi E. Rocah has reportedly launched a criminal investigation, led by Elliott B. Jacobson, examining, at least in part, whether the Trump Organization misled local officials about the property value of its golf course to reduce its taxes.

Case Status: The full scope of the investigation is unknown but the office has subpoenaed records from the course.

23. National Archives Referral for Mishandled Classified Materials
Prosecuting Office: Department of Justice (via referral by National Archives); Office of the Special Counsel Jack Smith

Case Summary: In January 2022, the National Archives recovered fifteen boxes of documents from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida. Many of the documents were covered by the Presidential Records Act, which requires presidents to preserve and turn over their official records. The Archives later discovered that the boxes included “items marked as classified national security information.”

In response to a letter from the House Oversight Committee, the Archives confirmed on Feb. 18 that it had “identified classified information in the boxes” and had “been in communication with the Department of Justice” about Trump’s handling of those materials.

On Feb. 9, 2022, the Archives made a referral to the Justice Department for Trump’s handling of government records. On or before Apr. 29, 2022, the Justice Department notified Trump’s counsel Evan Corcoran that the Department had an “ongoing criminal investigation” into the handling of the government documents marked as classified. (The grand jury investigation was reported by the New York Times on May 12, 2022.)

Case Status: On or before Apr. 29, 2022, the Justice Department notified Trump’s counsel Evan Corcoran that the Department had an “ongoing criminal investigation” into the handling of the government documents marked as classified. (The grand jury investigation was reported by the New York Times on May 12, 2022.)

Update-1: On Apr. 7, 2022, the Washington Post reported that the DOJ plans to investigate Trump’s removal of official records to Mar-a-Lago.

Update-2: On May 12, 2022, the New York Times reported that the Justice Department has started a “grand jury investigation into whether classified White House documents that ended up at former President Donald J. Trump’s Florida home were mishandled,” and that the grand jury has issued at least one subpoena. That subpoena is to the National Archives to obtain the classified documents.

Update-3: On June 3, 2022, federal investigators removed classified documents from Mar-a-Lago under a grand jury subpoena.

On June 8, Trump’s attorneys received an email from federal investigators asking them to further secure the room where documents are being stored. The email asked that “the room at Mar-a-Lago where the documents had been stored be secured and that all the boxes that were moved from the White House to Mar-a-Lago (along with any other items in that room) be preserved in that room in their current condition until further notice,” according to the Wall Street Journal.

Following the June 3 visit, one of Trump’s lawyers reportedly signed a statement that all materials marked as classified and held in boxes in a storage area have been returned to the government. On June 22, the Trump Organization received a subpoena for surveillance tapes that covered areas of the club where the documents were possibly stored, which the FBI later obtained.

Update-4: On Aug. 8, 2022, FBI agents executed a search warrant on Mar-a-Lago and raided the club in search of additional classified materials beyond those taken in June. Attorney General Merrick Garland later confirmed that he had personally approved the search. The DOJ also asked a court to unseal the search warrant itself, which would reveal the alleged crimes that formed the basis of the warrant as well as the list of items taken during the search. Trump now has the option to oppose the unsealing, which he would need to do by Aug. 12.

Update-5: On Aug. 12, the court granted the DOJ’s motion and unsealed the warrant and property receipt. The warrant revealed that Trump is under investigation for violating three criminal statutes: destruction or removal of records, obstruction of justice, and mishandling classified information in violation of the Espionage Act. The property receipt indicated that agents had seized 11 sets of documents, some marked as highly classified.

Update-6: Several media outlets, including CNN and the Washington Post, asked the court to unseal the search warrant documents on Aug. 11. On Aug. 15, the DOJ responded by filing a motion urging the court to keep sealed the search warrant affidavit, which would specify the reasons why investigators believed they had probable cause to search the premises. The DOJ argued that the affidavit contains sensitive information that would “compromise” the government’s ongoing criminal investigation.

Update-7: On Aug. 22, 2022, Trump filed a lawsuit challenging the DOJ’s investigation in Florida federal court. Trump’s suit requested that the court appoint a special master to review the seized documents and to screen out any materials covered by attorney-client or executive privilege. The suit also asked the court to enjoin the DOJ from reviewing the documents and to order the DOJ to return some of Trump’s personal property.

Update-8: On Aug. 30, 2022, the DOJ filed a motion opposing Trump’s request to appoint a special master. The DOJ advanced several arguments, including that Trump lacked standing to challenge the seizure of presidential records, that an injunction against the DOJ’s investigation was inappropriate, that a a former president like Trump cannot assert executive privilege in scenarios like this, and that a special master is unnecessary because a government filter team could screen out privileged information.

Update-9: On Sept. 5, 2022, the district court granted Trump’s request to appoint a special master and enjoined the DOJ from reviewing the seized records as part of its criminal investigation. On Sept. 8, the DOJ filed a notice of appeal and asked the district court to stay its decision with respect to the classified materials. It argued that the DOJ was likely to win its subsequent appeal over the classified documents, because Trump could not possibly assert any personal interest in classified government records. The DOJ also explained that the government would suffer irreparable harm if it were enjoined from using the seized classified materials, because it needed to promptly conduct a national security risk assessment.

Update-10: On Sept. 15, the district court appointed the Hon. Raymond Dearie–a Senior Judge of the Eastern District of New York–as special master. The district court also denied the DOJ’s motion for a stay.

Update-11: The special master–Judge Dearie–held his first hearing on Sept. 20, 2022. Much of the argument focused on the status of the classified documents. Trump’s counsel argued that Judge Dearie should not take the DOJ’s word that some of the seized records were classified but stopped short of arguing that Trump had actually declassified them. According to reporting, the judge “expressed skepticism” at those arguments, and indicated that he would likely deem the records classified unless Trump offered contrary evidence.

Update-12: On Sept. 21, the Eleventh Circuit granted the DOJ’s motion for a stay, meaning that the DOJ can use the classified documents in its investigation and that the DOJ need not submit those documents to the special master for review. The appeals court agreed with the DOJ that Trump could not assert a personal interest in classified records, and also noted that Trump had so far refused to advance any actual evidence that the records had been declassified.

Update-13: On Nov. 22, the court of appeals heard oral argument (C-SPAN) on the merits of whether Judge Cannon should have exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion in the first place. The three-judge panel included two of the judges from the prior panel that affirmed the DOJ motion on Sept. 21. The two sides’ arguments on jurisdiction were practically the same as the arguments made in their briefs at issue in the Sept. 21 ruling.

Update-14: On Dec. 1, 2022, the Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruled in favor of the government’s petition to vacate Florida district court Judge Aileen Cannon’s order and dismiss the underlying civil action. The Eleventh Circuit held that Judge Cannon should have never exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion for return of property.

Monday, February 12, 2024 12:58 PM


Have you finished reading this yet Jack, comrade signym?


Originally posted by THG:
Originally posted by THG:
Originally posted by SignyM:

How the FBI covered up the laptop and the alphabet agencies and M$M united to smear one man: the laptop repairman's story

As a rule I'm not a fan of large posts. I don't think they serve a purpose. However, sometimes it is useful to show stupid people how stupid they are. To remind them everybody who reads their posts knows it.

Like this post that shows a concern for the rule of law from Signym. Like other posts from Jack, JSF and some infrequent posters. Yep, they're all in for the rule of law.

The problem they have is all the proof showing they are not. Like the proof I post here that they choose to ignore. Proof anyone with a healthy conative ability would recognize as showing Trump is a sick criminal. Yet, these chosen few deny deny deny.

I offer this proof showing they too are sick. And I'll remind you much more has occurred since 2021.


Originally published on Feb. 28, 2021; continually updated.

On both the criminal and civil litigation fronts, former President Donald Trump faces a bevy of lawsuits and investigations, with more cases likely to follow. Some are civil suits stemming from his pre-presidential business dealings. Others are defamation claims from women he allegedly assaulted. More still are criminal probes and civil actions that scrutinize his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. The Chart below tracks all these cases. It will be continually updated as major legal developments occur.

These cases bear on two pressing questions. First, will Trump maintain his long streak of eluding legal liability in the face of so many lawsuits? Second, if Trump is held to account for illegal conduct, what impact will such a development have on his—and his family’s—political and business fortunes?

Criminal charges—one would think—would be among the most damaging outcomes. After all, a criminal prosecution of a former president would be a singular event in American history. No former president has ever been indicted, much less convicted. Trump lost any immunity from indictment that he may have possessed as president the moment he left office on Jan. 20. To be sure, most of the criminal probes detailed below are in their infancy, so the odds of an actual conviction at this time remain improbable. Even so, the mere stigma of criminal charges against the former president could reshape the American political landscape and the historical understanding of Trump’s behavior.

The civil cases could certainly do their fair share of damage as well, directly or indirectly. If Trump falters in one of his business-related suits, his companies may be subject to massive penalties, or worse. Even apart from such sanctions, his empire is reportedly struggling under looming debt obligations and reduced revenues, a slump which could worsen if his reputation continues to deteriorate.

With these legal threats bearing down on the former president from nearly every direction, this tracker collects them in one place. Note: we have chosen not to include various cases involving Trump’s properties or the Trump Campaign —including slip-and-fall cases, allegations of bedbugs, water use cases, telephone spam suits, copyright suits, and discrimination suits—as they do not implicate Trump directly or it is very unlikely that they will. Below we’ve included key takeaways from each case along with case charts that explain the case’s main issue, procedural posture, and any upcoming deadlines. We will continue to update this information as new filings are docketed, new details emerge, new plaintiffs come forward or drop out, and other significant developments in the cases occur. If you believe we are missing a significant issue or development, send us a message at

Key Takeaways

1. E. Jean Carroll 1.0: Defamation and Federal Tort Claims Act Litigation

Carroll is suing Trump for defamation after he publicly accused her, in June 2019, of fabricating a rape allegation against him. The parties are currently involved in an appeal before the Second Circuit, where Trump (and so far, the Justice Department as well) is arguing that he had official immunity from Carroll’s defamation claim under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA).

Update: On Sept. 27, 2022, the Second Circuit asked the D.C. Court of Appeals to rule on whether Trump’s public denial fell within the scope of his employment under the FTCA.

2. E. Jean Carroll 2.0: Battery and Defamation

Carroll is suing Trump for battery alleging he raped her and for defamation on the basis of a lengthy statement he made on October 12, 2022. The claim of defamation is similar to the suit Carroll brought earlier, except this time Trump made his statement saying she fabricated the rape allegation after he was no longer in office. Accordingly, there is no prospect of his obtaining immunity under the Federal Tort Claims Act.

Carroll filed suit on the first day permitted under New York’s Adult Survivors Act, N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 214-j. The law provides a one-year window for sexual assault survivors to file civil claims even if the statute of limitations has passed.

3. Summer Zervos Defamation Suit (CASE CLOSED)

Summer Zervos, a former contestant on the Apprentice, has filed a civil suit against former President Trump for defamation after he claimed her allegations of his inappropriate sexual conduct were lies designed to help the Clinton campaign and improve her fame. The case is currently at the New York Court of Appeals, the highest New York state court.

Update-1: On Oct. 4, 2021, the trial court ruled that Trump could be deposed before Dec. 23, 2021.

Update-2: On Nov. 12, 2021, Zervos announced she is dropping the lawsuit.

4. Mary Trump Fraud Litigation

Mary Trump is suing Donald Trump for defrauding her out of millions of dollars in an inheritance dispute. The suit is pending in New York state court, where the parties are currently battling over former President Trump’s move to dismiss the case.

Update-1: On Sept. 21, 2021, Donald Trump filed a related lawsuit against Mary Trump, the New York Times, and several of its reporters.

Update-2: On Nov. 15, 2022, the court dismissed Mary’s suit against former President Trump. Mary Trump immediately filed a notice of appeal.

5. Panama Hotel Fraud and Tax Litigation (CASE CLOSED)

Ithaca Capital is suing Trump’s hotel management company for fraud in federal court. Primarily, Ithaca claims that Trump representatives exaggerated the value of a Panama hotel during Ithaca’s negotiations to purchase it.

Update: On Sept. 15, 2021, the parties agreed to end the lawsuit.

6. Doe v. The Trump Corporation Class Action

A group of anonymous plaintiffs have filed a class action against the Trump family and their business, alleging that the Trumps used their brand to scam investors into paying for worthless business opportunities. The district court denied the Trumps’ bid to force the case into arbitration, and the Trumps are now appealing.

7. DC Civil Suit over Misuse of 2017 Inauguration Funds (CASE CLOSED)

In a non-criminal suit, the DC Attorney General is suing several Trump-affiliated entities for misusing inauguration funds to enrich Trump’s family business. The suit is currently in discovery before DC’s local court, where the AG’s office is deposing key Trump executives, notably including his children.

Update: On May 3, 2022, the Trump Organization and Trump’s inaugural committee agreed to settle the suit by paying a total of $750,000.

8. Reps. Karen Bass et al. Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Capitol Attack

Ten members of the House of Representatives, represented by the NAACP, are suing Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and two right wing militia groups for conspiring to forcibly prevent Congress from counting the Electoral College votes on Jan. 6.

Update: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the § 1985 claim against him.

9. Eric Swalwell Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

On Mar. 5, 2021, Representative Eric Swalwell sued Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump Jr., and Congressman Mo Brooks in federal court over the Jan. 6 riots. Swalwell alleges that the defendants violated federal civil rights laws–including the Ku Klux Klan Act–when they conspired to interfere with the Electoral College Count on Jan 6. Beyond that, Swalwell also says the defendants should be held liable for negligently violating DC criminal codes on incitement, encouraging the rioters’ violent conduct, and intentionally inflicting emotional distress on members of Congress.

Update: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, negligence per se, DC anti-bias law, and aiding and abetting assault. The court granted Trump’s request to dismiss the § 1986, emotional distress, and negligence claims.

10. Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

Two Capitol Police officers–both on duty during the Jan. 6 insurrection–sued Donald Trump for injuries they sustained while protecting the Capitol. Both allege that the rioters physically attacked them with fists, chemical spray, and other weapons. They allege that the former president, by his incendiary words and conduct, directed the physical attack and emotional distress.

Update: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, directing and aiding and abetting assault, and negligence per se. The court granted Trump’s motion to dismiss the emotional distress, punitive damages, and civil conspiracy claims.

11. Second Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

A second group of Capitol Police officers filed suit against Trump, the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, and other affiliates involved in allegedly planning and executing the Jan. 6 riots. The seven officers claim that they were physically and emotionally injured by attackers that Trump instigated, and that Trump and his co-defendants conspired to disrupt congressional business in the certification of electoral votes.

12. Third Capitol Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots

A third suit was filed by a Capitol Police officer alleging that physical and emotional injuries he suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot.

13. Metropolitan Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots

Two Metropolitan Police Officers filed suit alleging that physical and emotional injuries they suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot. The officers seek compensatory and punitive damages.

14. NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund Voting Rights Case for Post-Election Actions

The LDF is suing Trump, the Trump Campaign, and the RNC for their efforts to overturn the 2020 election in violation of the Voting Rights Act and the Ku Klux Klan Act. While the litigation is still at its early stages, Trump faces damages and a declaratory judgment that he did indeed violate these provisions of the law.

15. New York Attorney General’s Civil and Criminal Investigations

Since March 2019, New York Attorney General Letitia James has been investigating allegations that the Trump Organization altered property values to avoid tax liabilities. The investigation began after Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen provided congressional testimony that Trump engaged in fraud. In October 2020, James’s office deposed Eric Trump, and in January 2021 a state court judge ruled that Trump’s tax attorneys must turn over thousands of documents.

Update-1: On May 18, 2021, a spokesperson for New York’s Attorney General said, “We have informed the Trump Organization that our investigation into the organization is no longer purely civil in nature. We are now actively investigating the Trump Organizations in a criminal capacity, along with the Manhattan DA.”

Update-2: On Dec. 1, 2021, AG James subpoenaed Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, and Donald Trump Jr., seeking to question them about the real estate valuations.

Update-3: On Dec. 20, 2021, Trump filed his own lawsuit against James in federal court, accusing her of targeting him out of political animosity and asking the court to halt her investigation. The district court dismissed that suit on May 27, 2022.

Update-4: On Feb. 17, 2022, the state court ruled that the NY AG can question Donald Trump, Ivanka, and Donald Jr. under oath. On June 8, 2022, the Trumps tentatively agreed to be questioned under oath by James’s office in mid-July.

Update-5: On Aug. 10, 2022, AG James deposed Trump, but he repeatedly declined to answer her questions and instead invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

Update-6: On Sept. 21, 2022, the NY AG sued Trump and his children in NY state court. The civil lawsuit seeks $250 million in damages and accuses the Trumps of repeatedly overvaluing their real estate assets in a scheme designed to obtain favorable bank loans.

16. Scotland Unexplained Wealth Orders

In February 2021, the Scottish Parliament voted to reject an investigation into unexplained cash transactions executed by the Trump Organization’s Scottish golf courses. A non-profit group is now challenging that decision in Scottish court.

17. Trump Tower Assault Suit (CLOSED)

A group of six protesters are suing Trump over allegations that Trump’s security guards assaulted them outside Trump Tower in 2015. The case is pending in New York state court.

Update: On Oct. 18, 2021, former President Trump sat for a four-hour deposition to answer questions about the incident.

Update-2: Nov. 2, 2022, the parties reached a settlement in the case, details of the settlement agreement have not been disclosed.

18. Michael Cohen Retaliatory Imprisonment Suit

Michael Cohen–Donald Trump’s former attorney who served a three-year sentence for Trump-related crimes–is suing Trump, the US government, and other officials for allegedly retaliating against Cohen after he announced a tell-all book detailing his years of legal work for Trump. Cohen alleges that, after the announcement, Trump and his co-defendants retaliated by trying to bar Cohen from using social media and by sending Cohen back to prison from home confinement.

Update: The court dismissed Cohen’s lawsuit on Nov. 14, 2022.

19. Criminal Investigations into Trump’s Finances

During his presidency, the Manhattan District Attorney investigated Trump’s finances. Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance gained access to Trump’s tax information in the course of a criminal investigation into potential tax crimes, insurance fraud, and other financial crimes under state law. Criminal charges have not been filed against Trump, but have been filed against his longtime CFO and against the Trump Organization. The case was taken over by the new DA Alvin Bragg.

Update: New reporting on Mar. 1 revealed that Vance’s investigation has focused on Trump Organization chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, whose potential cooperation with prosecutors could be a significant breakthrough in the investigation. On Mar. 31, the New York Times reported that prosecutors have subpoenaed Mr. Weisselberg’s personal bank records, and on Apr. 8, investigators took possession of financial records from Weisselberg’s daughter-in-law.

Update: New reporting on Mar. 8 revealed that Vance’s probe has expanded to include an investigation of a loan the Trump Organization received to build its Chicago tower, and whether the forgiveness of that loan was reported as income.

Update: Vance has convened a special grand jury that is “expected to decide whether to indict former president Donald Trump, other executives at his company or the business itself should prosecutors present the panel with criminal charges,” the Washington Post reported on May 25, 2021. “The move indicates that District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr.’s investigation of the former president and his business has reached an advanced stage …. It suggests, too, that Vance believes he has found evidence of a crime — if not by Trump then by someone potentially close to him or by his company.”

Update-1: On Jun. 4, ABC News reported that Trump Organization senior vice president and controller, Jeff McConney is among a number of witnesses to have already appeared before the special grand jury. He is reportedly the first employee of the company called to testify. The New York Times reported that the District Attorney’s office has subpoenaed McConney, but could not confirm if he has testified.

Update-2: On July 1, 2021, the DA charged the Trump Organization and its chief financial officer Weisselberg for an alleged 15-year-lJuly 1, 2021 Trump Organization chargesong tax fraud scheme. The indictment included reference to an “unindicted co-conspirator,” who is Jeff McConney, the Trump Organization’s controller, a person familiar with the investigation told CNN.

Update-3: On Aug. 18, 2022, Allen Weisselberg pleaded guilty to fifteen financial felonies including tax fraud and grand larceny. As part of the deal with the new DA Alvin Bragg, Weisselberg agreed to testify if the Trump Organization goes to trial on the tax fraud charges.

Update-4: On Nov. 21, the New York Times reported that the DA’s office has resumed a criminal investigation of Trump’s possible hush money payment and associated falsification of business records.

Update-5: On Dec. 6, 2022, a jury convicted the Trump Organization of tax fraud and other crimes related to the company’s practice of giving out off-the-books perks to executives that were never taxed.

20. DC AG Incitement Criminal Investigation

The DC Attorney General, Karl Racine, has announced a criminal investigation into Trump’s alleged role in provoking the Jan. 6th riots. No charges have been filed, though Racine’s office is reportedly looking into a local DC code that makes it a misdemeanor to incite violence.

21. Fulton County, Georgia Criminal Election Influence Investigation

The Fulton County DA’s Office has opened a criminal investigation into attempted election interference by Trump. The DA’s Office has requested that all official and unofficial emails concerning the election be preserved and has reportedly also planned to look into a call between Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger as part of the investigation as well as Rudy Giuliani’s potential false statements to Georgia officials.

Update: On May 2, 2022, the Fulton County state prosecutors convened a special grand jury to investigate “whether there were unlawful attempts to disrupt the administration of the 2020 elections here in Georgia.” Proceedings began on May 27, 2022, and are expected to last several months.

22. Westchester, New York Criminal Investigation of Trump Organization Golf Course

The Westchester District Attorney’s Office reportedly launched an investigation which probes, at least in part, whether the Trump Organization misled local officials on the property values of its golf course in order to reduce its taxes.

23. Mishandling of Classified and other Government Documents

On Feb. 9, 2022, after finding classified documents in fifteen boxes recovered from Mar-a-Lago the previous month, the National Archives made a referral to the Justice Department for Trump’s handling of government records. The Archives had recovered the classified materials when it retrieved the boxes of official records from Trump’s Florida residence. On or before Apr. 29, 2022, the Justice Department notified Trump’s counsel Evan Corcoran that the Department had an “ongoing criminal investigation” into the handling of the government documents marked as classified. (The grand jury investigation was reported by the New York Times on May 12, 2022.)

Update: On Aug. 8, 2022, FBI agents searched Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida. On Aug. 11, Attorney General Merrick Garland confirmed in public remarks that he had personally approved the search.

Update: On Aug. 22, 2022, Trump filed a lawsuit challenging the DOJ’s investigation in Florida federal court. Trump’s suit requested that the court appoint a special master to review the seized documents and to screen out any materials covered by attorney-client or executive privilege. The suit also asked the court to enjoin the DOJ from reviewing the documents and to order the DOJ to return some of Trump’s personal property.

Update: On Sept. 5, 2022, district court Judge Aileen Cannon granted Trump’s request to appoint a special master and enjoined the DOJ from reviewing the seized records as part of its criminal investigation. The DOJ appealed to the Eleventh Circuit, and in its first ruling, on Sept. 21, the court of appeals granted the DOJ’s motion for a limited stay, meaning that the DOJ could use the classified documents in its investigation and that the DOJ need not submit those documents to the special master for review.

Update: On Nov. 22, the court of appeals heard oral argument (C-SPAN) on the merits of whether Judge Cannon should have exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion in the first place. The three-judge panel included two of the judges from the prior panel that affirmed the DOJ motion on Sept. 21. The two sides’ arguments on jurisdiction were practically the same as the arguments made in their briefs at issue in the Sept. 21 ruling.

Update: On Dec. 1, 2022, the Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruled in favor of the government’s petition to vacate Florida district court Judge Aileen Cannon’s order and dismiss the underlying civil action. The Eleventh Circuit held that Judge Cannon should have never exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion for return of property.


1. E. Jean Carroll Defamation Suit 1.0
Carroll v. Trump, No. 20-cv-07311, 2020 WL 6277814 (S.D.N.Y. Oct. 27, 2020), appeal docketed, No. 20-03977 (2d Cir. Nov. 25, 2020)

Plaintiff: E. Jean Carroll, a journalist and advice columnist

Case Summary: In 2019, Carroll publicly accused then-President Trump of sexually assaulting her in a New York City department store in the 1990s. A few hours later, Trump denied Carroll’s allegation and accused her of fabricating the story to drum up publicity for her upcoming book. Carroll then sued Trump for defamation in New York state court, alleging that Trump defamed her when he publicly accused her of falsifying the assault story.

After nearly a year of state court proceedings–and with Carroll’s counsel angling to sample Trump’s DNA for comparison with Carroll’s dress from the alleged assault–the Justice Department moved to intervene on Trump’s behalf under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA). This move threatened to quash the suit. In effect, the FTCA (as amended by the Westfall Act) provides blanket immunity to federal employees who commit certain torts–including defamation–arising out of their official duties. According to the DOJ, the president’s official duties include speaking to the press about public matters–which would mean that Trump had immunity from any defamatory statements he made about Carroll.

The DOJ’s intervention also derailed the state court proceedings: because FTCA claims must be litigated in federal court, Carroll’s suit was automatically removed to the Southern District of New York (SDNY). In federal court, Carroll argued that Trump’s statements were not protected by the FTCA. In short, Carroll contended that (i) Trump was not covered by the FTCA because the president is not an “employee”; and (ii) Trump’s statements about Carroll fell outside his official presidential duties.

On both counts, the court agreed. Though removal was irreversible, the court held that the FTCA did not cover Trump’s actions, so Carroll’s defamation suit could proceed against Trump in his personal capacity. Acting separately, the DOJ and Trump both appealed. Trump also requested the court stay the district court proceedings until that appeal is resolved.

Case Status: In the SDNY proceedings, the parties filed opposing memoranda on Trump’s motion to stay in December 2020.

At the Second Circuit, the DOJ and Trump filed separate opening briefs on Jan. 15, 2021. Carroll’s attorneys then requested an Apr. 16, 2021 due date for their brief. Notably, her counsel explicitly selected that date so the Biden DOJ would have time to reassess the Trump administration’s position that Trump was acting within the scope of his employment when he allegedly defamed Carroll. The Second Circuit granted that scheduling request.

Update-1: Carroll filed her brief on Apr. 16, 2021, urging the appeals court to uphold the decision below.

Update-2: Despite the change in administration, the Biden DOJ filed a reply brief on June 7, 2021, that backed Trump’s argument that the FTCA covered his conduct. It echoed the core arguments from the Trump DOJ’s opening brief that the president is an “employee” under the FTCA and that elected officials act within the scope of their employment when they respond to media inquiries.

Update-3: On Sept. 15, 2021, the district court denied Trump’s motion to stay (i.e., halt) the proceedings while the case is on appeal before the Second Circuit.

Update-4: On Dec. 1, 2021, Trump requested permission to amend his response to Carroll’s suit in the district court proceedings. In that filing, he signaled that he wanted to invoke the protection of New York’s new anti-SLAPP law, which attempts to screen out frivolous defamation suits by raising the burden of proof and imposing mandatory fee-shifting. Carroll filed a response opposing Trump’s request on Dec. 15. The district court scheduled a hearing for Feb. 22, 2022 to hear arguments over Trump’s motion to amend.

Update-5: The Second Circuit heard oral argument on Dec. 3, 2021. Much of the discussion centered on whether Trump’s remarks about Carroll–including his “she’s not my type” retort–fell within the scope of his employment. On that score, Trump’s personal attorneys continued to argue that Trump’s allegedly defamatory remarks were part of his official duties because he was speaking to the press at the time. The DOJ’s attorney–arguing for the executive branch–echoed that point, explaining that “any president facing a public accusation of this kind … would feel obliged to … answer questions from the media.” Carroll’s counsel conceded that, because DC treats scope of employment expansively, Trump would have been acting within that scope if he had simply said Carroll’s accusations were false. Even so, Carroll’s attorney stressed that Trump went far beyond a bare denial–and therefore exceeded the scope of his employment–because he was motivated by “personal spite and malice” when he rebuffed Carroll’s claims.

Update-6: On Mar. 11, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s request to amend his complaint.

Update-7: On May 5, 2022, the parties agreed to resume discovery in the district court. Though Carroll’s attorneys have conceded that they will not depose Trump, they could once again seek a DNA sample from Trump. If Trump opposes that request, Carroll’s attorneys would need to ask the district court to order Trump to submit to the sample.

Update-8: The district court scheduled the case for trial starting on Feb. 6, 2023.

Update-9: On Sept. 20, 2022, Carroll notified the court that she planned to file a second lawsuit against Trump over the 1990s rape allegation. Unlike the defamation claim–which alleges that Trump defamed Carroll for falsely denying the rape allegation–this new suit would accuse Trump of the rape directly. Although the statute of limitations had expired for the now thirty-year-old rape claim, Carroll explained that a new state law called the Adult Survivors Act temporarily reopens the window to file for old sexual assault claims. Carroll also suggested that the district court should consolidate the new suit with the defamation claim and try both together in February 2023. Trump immediately filed a letter opposing that suggestion.

Update-10: On Sept. 27, 2022, the Second Circuit granted Trump a partial win, reversing the district court and holding that Trump as president qualified as an “employee” under the FTCA. However, the appeals court left open the question of whether Trump was acting within the scope of his employment when he publicly disparaged Carroll and instead asked the D.C. Court of Appeals to rule on that question. If the DC appeals court concludes that Trump’s remarks fell within his official duties, then Carroll’s defamation claim would fail, because the FTCA bars defamation suits against the federal government.

Update-11: On Jan. 13, 2023, the district court ordered the release of a partial transcript of Trump’s deposition, during which Trump denied the rape allegations.

2. E. Jean Carroll Defamation Suit 2.0
Carroll v. Trump, No. Case 1:22-cv-10016 (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 24, 2022)

Plaintiff: E. Jean Carroll, a journalist and advice columnist

Case Summary: In 2019, Carroll publicly accused then-President Trump of sexually assaulting her in a New York City department store in the 1990s. A few hours later, Trump denied Carroll’s allegation and accused her of fabricating the story to drum up publicity for her upcoming book. Caroll then sued Trump for defamation in New York state court, alleging that Trump defamed her when he publicly accused her of falsifying the assault story.

While that suit was ongoing, Trump issued a lengthy statement on Oct. 12, 2022 saying that Carroll “completely made up” the allegations against him.

On Nov. 24, 2022, Carroll filed a new federal suit against Trump, this time suing the former Presidents for battery involving the alleged rape in the 1990s and for defamation based on Trump’s October 2022 statement. Because Trump had left office at the time of that statement, Carroll argued that Trump could indisputably no longer claim official immunity, unlike in Carroll’s earlier suit.

Carroll filed suit on the first day permitted under New York’s Adult Survivors Act, N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 214-j. The law provides a one-year window for sexual assault survivors to file civil claims even if the statute of limitations has passed.

Case Status: Trump moved to dismiss Carroll’s lawsuit on Dec. 21, 2022. He argued that the Adult Survivor’s Act–which reopened the window for Carroll to sue Trump for the alleged 1990s assault–violated New York’s constitutional due process protections. He also responded to Carroll’s new defamation claim on the merits, calling it “baseless and legally defective.”

Update-1: On Jan. 13, 2023, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss.

3. Summer Zervos Defamation Suit (CASE CLOSED)
Zervos vs. Trump, No. 150522/2017 (N.Y. Sup Ct. Jan. 17, 2017), appeal docketed, No. APL-2020-00009 (N.Y. Mar. 9, 2020)

Plaintiff: Summer Zervos, former contestant on the Apprentice

Case Summary: On Jan. 17, 2017, Zervos filed a suit in New York State Court against Trump for defamation. During Trump’s campaign, many women, including Zervos, accused Trump of inappropriate sexual conduct. In her complaint against Trump, Zervos claims that in 2007, while she sought employment from Trump, he kissed her on the lips and touched her inappropriately. After she rejected his advances, his attitude became very business-like and he later offered her a job for half the salary she was seeking. She attempted to contact Trump, noting that she felt she was being “penalized for not sleeping with him.” Trump said he could not discuss it with her at the time. Zervos says she decided to come forward with these allegations after the Billy Bush Access Hollywood Tape showed Trump speaking in a derogatory manner toward women. In response to her allegations, Trump claims she was lying and was only making these accusations to help the Clinton campaign or to get fame.

Zervos alleges that, as a result of Trump’s claims, she has suffered both emotional and financial harm.

Case Status: Trump filed a motion to dismiss and a stay for the duration of his presidency. On Oct. 3, 2018, the court denied Trump’s motion, finding that, if the facts alleged by the plaintiff are true, she has a reasonable claim to recover for defamation. The court also found that there were no federalism or comity concerns that would suggest that a state court could not hear suit against the sitting president for nonofficial acts. A panel of New York appellate judges affirmed this judgment in October 2019, finding that the president is “not above the law” and that the defamation suit can go forward.

This motion has been appealed to the New York Court of Appeals, the highest New York state court.

Pending the decision from the New York Court of Appeals, in March 2020, the court ruled that Zervos cannot “dig for evidence” in the interim. In 2021, with Trump out of office, Zervos has filed a motion to move the lawsuit forward.

Update-1: On Mar. 30, the New York Court of Appeals denied Trump’s appeal on his motion to dismiss the case. Trump originally filed the motion claiming that a state court could not hear a suit against a sitting president. The court stated, in a one-sentence order, that issues were now moot, and the case can now go forward.

Update-2: On Oct. 4, 2021, the trial court ruled that Zervos could depose Trump before Dec. 23, 2021. According to Law360, this appears to be the “first time that Trump would have to answer questions under oath about his alleged sexual misconduct.” In discussing the schedule for depositions, Michael Rand, a law clerk for New York State Judge Jennifer Schechter, who is overseeing the lawsuit, reportedly “said he expected a trial date to be set sometime in the early part of 2022.”

Update-3: On Nov. 12, 2021, Zervos announced she is dropping the lawsuit.

4. Mary Trump Fraud Litigation
Trump v. Trump, No. 654698/2020 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. filed Sept. 24, 2020)

Plaintiff: Mary Trump, the former president’s niece

Case Summary: In September 2020, Mary Trump sued Donald Trump, her uncle, for allegedly defrauding her out of tens of millions of dollars. When Mary’s father–Donald Trump’s brother–died in 1981, he left Mary a valuable stake in the Trump property empire. Mary was a minor at the time, so Donald Trump and his siblings took control of her share, ostensibly to look after Mary’s interest over the long run.

But according to Mary, that didn’t happen. In her lawsuit, she alleges that the Trump siblings siphoned off revenue from her share and set up an ongoing scheme to artificially devalue her assets. This went on for nearly two decades. Then, when Trump patriarch Fred Sr. (Donald Trump’s father) died in 1999, Mary took issue with the terms of his will. The Trump siblings immediately pushed back and started maneuvering to force Mary out of the family holdings altogether. After lengthy probate proceedings, and with Mary’s legal fees steadily climbing, the siblings delivered an ultimatum: they would not settle the probate case unless Mary relinquished all interests in the family fortune, including those from her late father.

According to Mary, the Trumps offered a settlement figure that woefully undervalued her share of the family holdings. Still, she ultimately accepted a settlement in April 2001, apparently still unaware she was being sold short.

Then, over fifteen years later, the New York Times broke its 2018 story that the Trump Organization had long been fraudulently manipulating the values of its assets. From there, Mary says she realized that she had settled for tens of millions of dollars less than what her stake was actually worth.

Two years later, Mary published a book accusing the Trumps of shorting her out of her rightful share. She then filed this lawsuit in New York state court on Sept. 24, 2020, accusing Donald Trump and his siblings of fraud and breach of fiduciary duty.

Case Status: Trump moved to dismiss the case on Jan. 4, 2021. Mary filed a response on Feb. 26, 2021. As of December 2021, the court has not yet ruled on the motion.

Update-1: The state court dismissed Mary’s suit on Nov. 15, 2022. It ruled that her claims were barred because she agreed to release such legal claims when she accepted the Trumps’ settlement offer in 2001. She immediately appealed that ruling.

Donald Trump vs. Mary Trump and NYT: On Sept. 21, 2021, Donald Trump filed his own lawsuit against Mary Trump, the New York Times, and several of its reporters. Mr. Trump alleges that his niece provided confidential documents–including his tax records–to the NYT reporters, who then used those documents to write their 2018 story on the Trump Organization’s alleged manipulation of asset prices. He asserts that her conduct breached their 2001 settlement, and that the Times and its reporters should be liable for encouraging her to do so. Ms. Trump and the Times defendants moved to dismiss that suit on Dec. 2, 2021.

5. Panama Hotel Fraud and Tax Litigation (CASE CLOSED)
Ithaca Cap. Invs. v. Trump Pan. Hotel Mgmt., No. 18-cv-00390 (S.D.N.Y. Mar. 30, 2020)

Plaintiff: Ithaca Capital, a real estate holding company that purchased a majority of the Trump International Hotel in Panama

Case Summary: Donald Trump’s private hotel business–Trump International Hotels Management–is embroiled in federal litigation over a hotel management deal gone bad. Until 2018, Trump International operated a luxury hotel in Panama. As was its standard business practice, Trump International contracted with a separate owner to provide management services and use of the “Trump” label. When a prior owner went bankrupt in 2015, Ithaca Capital moved to purchase a majority of the hotel’s units. But per Ithaca, Trump representatives made a series of fraudulent claims that oversold the hotel’s profitability. Unaware, Ithaca went ahead with the purchase.

The hotel soon ran into financial trouble, and the relationship between the two parties collapsed. Once Ithaca ended the partnership, it claims to have discovered that Trump International had allegedly underreported costs, diverted hotel revenue, and failed to pay income taxes.

After a brief round of arbitration proceedings, Ithaca sued Trump International in the Southern District of New York. Ithaca made several claims against Trump. First, Ithaca argued that Trump representatives–including Eric and Donald Jr.–made exaggerated claims about the hotel’s value. Second, they argued that Trump International breached their agreement by mismanaging the hotel. And third, Ithaca asserted that Trump International improperly diverted hotel revenues for their own use.

Case Status: Trump International challenged each of Ithaca’s claims and asserted several counterclaims of its own. On Mar. 30, 2020, the district court upheld all three of Ithaca’s claims and dismissed all but one of Trump’s counterclaims. Trumps’ remaining counterclaim–for tortious interference–alleges that Ithaca interfered with Trump’s other hotel contracts when Ithaca forced him out of their partnership.

The parties are currently in discovery and are due to finish by Fall 2021.

Update: The parties filed a series of sealed letters in July and August 2021. On Sept. 15, 2021, the parties voluntarily agreed to end the suit.

6. Doe v. The Trump Corporation Class Action
Doe v. Trump Corp., No. 18-cv-09936 (S.D.N.Y. Oct 29, 2018), appeal docketed, No. 20-01706 (2d Cir. May 28, 2020)

Plaintiffs: (Anonymous) Jane Doe, Luke Loe, Mary Moe, Richard Roe

Case Summary: On Oct. 30, 2018, a class action lawsuit was filed against the Trump Corporation, Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and Eric Trump. The complaint alleges that the defendants used their brand name to defraud thousands of working class individuals by promoting numerous businesses in exchange for “secret payments.” The companies include ACN Opportunity, LLC (a business based on a controversial multi-level marketing scheme), the Trump Network, LLC (another multi-level marketing scheme), and Business Strategies Group, LLC (a seminar claiming to sell the Trump secrets to success). The lawsuit also claims that the defendants are liable for a “pattern of racketeering activity” violating the RICO Act (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) as well as activity violating numerous state consumer protection laws concerning fair business practices and competition.

On July 24, 2019, the District Court judge partially granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss. The judge dismissed the RICO claims because the Complaint did not “sufficiently plead that Defendants’ conduct was the proximate cause of Plaintiffs’ losses.” However, she ruled that the other claims concerning the state laws will not be dismissed under Class Action Fairness Act (CAFA).

Case Status: The Trumps’ moved to compel forced arbitration and the district court judge denied the motion in April 2020. The court held that the defendants were not party to the arbitration agreement (between ACN and the plaintiffs) and thus, could not compel arbitration. She also found that the motion to compel arbitration was in bad faith as they are acting in a manner that is “substantively prejudicial towards the plaintiffs” and not within the spirit of the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA). The Trumps have filed an interlocutory appeal to the Second Circuit.

Following the denial of compelled arbitration, the Trumps also filed a motion to stay, or a motion to halt the legal process. The district court denied this motion, citing the four traditional factors that must be balanced when granting a stay and finding that the defendants have not met the requirements to grant a stay.

Update-1: On July 28, 2021 in a 3-0 decision, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the district court’s judgement and ruled that the Trump family could not compel arbitration. The court found that since there was no “close relationship” between Trumps and ACN such that the plaintiffs could reasonably infer that their arbitration agreement extended to the Trumps. Thus, the court concluded, the “defendants are not entitled to compel the plaintiffs to arbitrate this dispute.” As of September 2021, the court has not yet ruled on the summary judgment motions.

Update-2: On March 25, CNN reported that former President Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and Eric Trump all agreed to be deposed. Their depositions will take place in May and June.

7. DC Civil Suit over Misuse of 2017 Inauguration Funds (CASE CLOSED)
District of Columbia v. 58th Presidential Inauguration Comm., No. 2020-CA-00488-B (D.C. Super. Ct. Sept. 9, 2020)

Prosecuting Office: DC Attorney General (AG)

Case Summary: In the run-up to Trump’s 2017 swearing-in, his inaugural committee raised a record $107 million to spend on inauguration festivities. As a nonprofit, the inaugural committee was bound to use these charitable funds for the public good, namely by organizing events to celebrate the 2017 presidential inauguration.

But as the DC AG alleges, the inaugural committee used over $1 million of those funds in an improper bid to enrich the Trump family’s private businesses. DC’s attorneys are now suing the inaugural committee, the Trump International Hotel, and the Trump Organization over that alleged misspending. Chief among the allegations, the DC AG claims that the committee paid exorbitant rates to rent space in the Trump International Hotel in downtown DC. The committee, for instance, allegedly paid $175,000 to rent the main ballroom on the same day that another nonprofit paid only $5,000–a rate 35 times higher. On top of that, the committee allegedly ignored much better deals available at other upscale locations, settling instead on overpaying for space at the Trump location.

The DC AG frames these payments as an under-the-table attempt to divert charitable funds to the Trumps’ private holdings. The complaint focuses on possible misconduct by committee executive Rick Gates, who also held key roles in the Trump campaign. (Gates would later cooperate with the Mueller investigation.) To tie in the Trump entities, the complaint asserts that the Trump businesses knew it was overcharging the non-profit committee, and points to internal negotiations between the parties that allegedly show both sides were aware of the extreme rates. The DC AG is asking the court to compel the Trump business to put the misspent funds into a trust where they can be put toward charitable purposes.

Case Status: The defendants–the committee itself along with the two Trump businesses–moved to dismiss the suit, but the district court denied that motion in September 2020. On Jan. 11, 2021, the DC AG added a new allegation that the committee improperly used its nonprofit funds to pay a hotel bill on behalf of Trump’s private business. The suit is currently in discovery, and the AG’s office has already deposed several high-level Trump executives, including Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr.

Update-1: The DC AG moved for summary judgment on Mar. 24, 2021. All three defendants responded by filing their own motions for summary judgment on Apr. 8, 2021.

Update-2: On Nov. 8, 2021, the DC court partially granted Trump’s motion for summary judgment, dismissing the waste claim but allowing the private enrichment claim to proceed. Addressing the waste claim, the judge explained that the evidence did not show that the Trump defendants intentionally threw away money when they paid the extravagant rates at Trump’s hotel. Even so, the court ruled that the DC AG may still be able to show that the Trumps illegally enriched themselves with committee funds, and gave the green light for that claim to go to trial. The court also dismissed the Trump Organization from the case on grounds that DC lacked jurisdiction over them.

Update-3: On Feb. 14, 2022, the DC court reversed its earlier decision dismissing the Trump Organization and reinstated it as a defendant in the suit. The DC court also affirmed its summary judgment decision to dismiss the waste claims. The case is scheduled for trial in September 2022.

Update-4: On May, 3, 2022, the Trump Organization and Trump’s inaugural committee agreed to pay a total of $750,000 to settle the suit. Under the deal, the Trump Organization will pay $400,000 and the committee will pay the remaining $350,000.

8. Karen Bass et al. Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Capitol Attack
Thompson v. Trump, No. 21-cv-00400 (D.D.C. filed Feb. 16, 2021)

Plaintiff: Rep. Karen R. Bass, Rep. Stephen I. Cohen, Rep. Veronica Escobar, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, Rep. Henry C. Johnson, Jr., Rep. Marcia C. Kaptur, Rep. Barbara J. Lee, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, Rep. Maxine Waters, and Rep. Bonnie M. Watson Coleman, represented by the NAACP

Case Summary: On Feb. 16, 2021, Mississippi Congressman Bennie Thompson sued former President Trump and Rudy Giuliani along with two right-wing militia groups known as the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers, for violating the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, 42 U.S.C. § 1985(1). In the complaint, Thompson alleges that Trump violated the Ku Klux Klan Act by inciting the rioters with the intent to prevent Members of Congress from discharging their official duties of the timely approval of the Electoral College vote. He argues that after Trump’s loss in the November 2020 election, the then-President set out on a campaign to mobilize his supporters, culminating in the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol. It portrays Trump’s rhetoric on the morning of Jan. 6 as a call to arms and as intended to prevent the certification of the election.

The Act was passed in 1871 in response to violence and intimidation by the KKK intended to stop Black people from voting. The legislation allows Members of Congress to sue individuals who conspire to violently “molest, interrupt, hinder, or impede” the discharge of a public official’s duties.

Thompson seeks compensatory damages for his emotional distress suffered during the attack in addition to punitive damages.

Case Status: On Apr. 7, 2021, ten additional members of Congress joined the lawsuit as plaintiffs. The defendants then moved to dismiss on May 26. In Trump’s motion, he argued (i) that he has absolute immunity because he was acting as president; (ii) that even if he did not have absolute immunity, the Westfall Act shields him from any personal liability; (iii) that members of Congress cannot sue under the KKK Act; and (iv) that his speech was protected by the First Amendment. As of September 2021, the court has not ruled on the motions.

Update-1: On July 21, 2021, Rep. Thompson announced that he would withdraw from the lawsuit to avoid any conflict with the Jan. 6 House Select Committee, which Thompson is chairing. The other plaintiffs–all members of Congress who are not on the Committee–confirmed that they would continue the lawsuit.

Update-2: Judge Mehta–who is also presiding over the Swalwell and Blassingame 1/6 suits–scheduled a combined oral argument for Jan. 10, 2022, for all three cases.

Update-3: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the § 1985 claim against him.

Update-4: On Mar. 18, 2022, Trump appealed the district court’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit consolidated the appeal with those in the Swalwell and Blassingame 1/6 suits.

Update-5: Trump filed his appeal brief on July 27, 2022. He challenged only the district court’s ruling that he lacked absolute presidential immunity, arguing that his speech surrounding Jan. 6 fell within his official presidential duties.

9. Eric Swalwell Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Riots
Swalwell v. Trump, No. 21-cv-00586 (D.D.C. filed Mar. 5, 2021)

Plaintiff: Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA)

Case Summary: On Mar. 5, 2021, Representative Eric Swalwell sued Donald Trump and several associates in DC federal court over the Jan. 6 riots. Much like Representative Bennie Thompson’s related suit, Swalwell alleges that Trump and his co-defendants–Donald Trump Jr., Representative Mo Brooks (R-AL), and Rudy Giuliani–violated the Ku Klux Klan Act by conspiring to interfere with the Electoral College count on Jan. 6.

Swalwell’s suit also goes one step further: it claims that the defendants should be held civilly liable for negligence because they committed criminal incitement under DC’s local code, which establishes the standard of care. Notably, Swalwell says that Trump violated the same DC code–§22-1321(a)(2)–that DC AG Karl Racine is apparently focusing on in his own criminal investigation into Trump’s conduct.

Beyond the civil rights and incitement counts, Swalwell also claims that the defendants are liable for encouraging (aiding and abetting) the rioters’ violent conduct and for intentionally inflicting emotional distress on members of Congress in connection with the attack on the Capitol.

Case Status: Swalwell filed his complaint on Mar. 5, 2021.

Update-1: On May 17, 2021, Giuliani filed a motion to dismiss the claims against him. He argued that his speech did not qualify as incitement, that he never formed a conspiracy with the other defendants or the rioters, and that his speech was ultimately protected by the First Amendment.

Update-2: On May 24, 2021, Donald Trump and his son Donald Jr. filed their own motion to dismiss. Most notably, former President Trump argued that he had absolute immunity against Swalwell’s claims because Trump’s alleged misconduct was within the scope of his official duties as president. Both Trump and Trump Jr. also contended that their speech was protected under the First Amendment and the canonical Brandenburg test. The Trumps also advanced various other arguments ranging from standing to the political question doctrine to even a claim that Swalwell was barred from suing Trump over the same conduct for which Trump was acquitted at his impeachment trial.

Update-3: On July 1, 2021, Swalwell filed a motion for default judgment against Brooks, arguing that Brooks had missed the deadline to respond to the lawsuit. Brooks responded with his own motion urging the court to dismiss the lawsuit because he was acting within the “scope of his employment,” which would essentially block the case under the Westfall Act. The district court denied Swalwell’s motion for a default judgment on July 5 but has not yet ruled on Brooks’s motion.

Update-4: On July 27, 2021, the Justice Department submitted a brief stating that Brooks was not acting within the scope of his employment and thus not shielded by the Westfall Act. The House of Representatives filed a response taking a “non-participation approach” (silence) on the question whether Brooks acted within his scope of employment. The Chairwoman of the Committee on House Administration submitted a brief stating that Rep. Brooks was not acting within his scope of employment.

Update-5: Judge Mehta–who is also presiding over the Bass and Blassingame 1/6 suits–scheduled a combined oral argument for Jan. 10, 2022, for all three cases.

Update-6: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, negligence per se, DC anti-bias law, and aiding and abetting assault. The court granted Trump’s request to dismiss the § 1986, emotional distress, and negligence claims.

Update-7: On Mar. 18, 2022, Trump appealed the district court’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit consolidated the appeal with those in the Bass and Blassingame 1/6 suits.

Update-8: Trump filed his appeal brief on July 27, 2022. He challenged only the district court’s ruling that he lacked absolute presidential immunity, arguing that his speech surrounding Jan. 6 fell within his official presidential duties.

10. Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots
Blassingame v. Trump, No. 21-cv-00858 (D.D.C. filed Mar. 30, 2021)

Plaintiff: James Blassingame and Sidney Hemby, two Capitol police officers

Case Summary: On Mar. 30, 2021, two Capitol Police Officers sued Donald Trump for injuries they sustained during the Jan. 6 riots in DC. The officers–James Blassingame and Sidney Hemby–say they were maced with bear spray, attacked with fists and flagpoles, and even crushed against a door as they tried to protect the Capitol from pro-Trump intruders.

Much like the other Jan. 6 suits against Trump, the officers pin their injuries on Trump’s incendiary rhetoric before and during violence. Both allege that Trump directed the rioters to assault them, aided the rioters in committing those assaults, and negligently incited the riot in violation of DC’s public safety codes. Blassingame also accuses Trump of directing intentional infliction of emotional distress, pointing to the racial slurs and taunts that the intruders allegedly hurled at him during the violence.

Case Status: The officers filed their suit in DC federal court on Mar. 30, 2021. On Apr. 28, 2021, the plaintiffs added two new conspiracy claims against Trump, one based on the KKK Act and the other on common law conspiracy. They allege that Trump illegally conspired with the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers to storm the Capitol, which in turn caused the plaintiffs’ injuries.

Update-1: Donald Trump filed a motion to dismiss on June 24, 2021. He repeated many of the arguments from his motions to dismiss in the Bass and Swalwell suits, including absolute presidential immunity, freedom of speech, and preclusion based on Trump’s impeachment acquittal.

Update-2: Judge Mehta–who is also presiding over the Bass and Swalwell 1/6 suits–scheduled a combined oral argument for Jan. 10, 2022, for all three cases.

Update-3: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, assault, and negligence per se. The court granted Trump’s motion to dismiss the emotional distress, punitive damages, and civil conspiracy claims.

Update-4: On Mar. 18, 2022, Trump appealed the district court’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit consolidated the appeal with those in the Swalwell and Bass 1/6 suits.

Update-5: Trump filed his appeal brief on July 27, 2022. He challenged only the district court’s ruling that he lacked absolute presidential immunity, arguing that his speech surrounding Jan. 6 fell within his official presidential duties.

11. Second Capitol Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots
Smith v. Trump, No. 21-cv-02265 (D.D.C. filed Aug. 26, 2021)

Plaintiff: Seven Capitol Police officers

Case Summary: On Aug. 26, 2021, a second group of Capitol Police officers filed suit over injuries they suffered while defending the Capitol on Jan. 6. The officers allege that Trump and his co-defendants–including the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers–conspired to incite a riot and attack the Capitol, leaving the officers physically and emotionally injured.

Like the other Jan. 6 lawsuits against Trump, the complaint asserts that Trump violated the KKK Act by conspiring to instigate the riots. The complaint also alleges that unnamed defendants–listed as “John Does” who carried out the attack–physically assaulted the officers at Trump’s provocation, which could make Trump liable for the officers’ injuries.

The plaintiffs also add in a unique claim not found in other Jan. 6 lawsuits against Trump: that the defendants violated the DC Bias-Related Crimes Act, a local hate-crime statute. According to the complaint, the defendants were motivated by political bias against the Democratic Party when they instigated and executed the Capitol attack.

Case Status: The officers filed their suit in DC federal court on Aug 26, 2021.

Update-1: Donald Trump filed a motion to dismiss on Nov. 12, 2021. Much like in the other Jan. 6 suits, Trump argued that his speech was constitutionally protected by presidential immunity, the First Amendment, and preclusion as a result of the impeachment acquittal.

Update-2: On Dec. 5, 2021, the plaintiffs amended their complaint to add an eighth officer as a plaintiff and to add a pro-Trump PAC as an additional defendant. The court ruled that the defendants could file new motions to dismiss against this amended complaint, due by Dec. 23, 2021.

Update-3: Trump filed a motion to dismiss the amended complaint on Jan. 31, 2022. He once again argued that the plaintiffs failed to state a claim and that Trump’s speech was protected by absolute immunity and the First Amendment.

Update-4: The district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss on Jan. 26, 2023.

12. Third Capitol Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots
Moore v. Trump, No. 22-cv-00010 (D.D.C. filed Jan. 4, 2022)

Plaintiff: Marcus J. Moore, US Capitol Police Officer

Case Summary: On Jan. 4, 2022, a third suit was filed by a Capitol Police officer alleging that physical and emotional injuries he suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot. The officer seeks compensatory and punitive damages.

The officer claims that the actions, tweets, and comments made by Trump prior, during, and after the insurrection resulted in actual physical injuries as rioters struck him and attacked him with physical objects and chemical agents. Like other Jan. 6 lawsuits, the officer claims Trump violated the KKK Act as Trump conspired to attack the Capitol with his followers. The officer, like earlier lawsuits, further cited violations of the D.C. Code for inciting a riot and disorderly conduct.

Case Status: The officer filed his suit in DC District Court on January 4, 2022.

13. Metropolitan Police Suits over the Jan. 6. Riots
Tabron v. Trump, No. 22-cv-00011 (D.D.C. filed Jan. 4, 2022)

Plaintiff: Bobby Tabron and DeDivine K. Carter, Metropolitan Police Officers

Case Summary: On Jan. 4, 2022, two Metropolitan Police Officers filed suit alleging that physical and emotional injuries they suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot. The officers seek compensatory and punitive damages.

The officers claim that the actions, tweets, and comments made by Trump prior, during, and after the insurrection resulted in actual physical injuries as rioters struck them and attacked them with physical objects and chemical agents. Like other Ja. 6 lawsuits, the officers claim Trump violated the KKK Act as Trump conspired to attack the Capitol with his followers. The officers, like earlier lawsuits, further cited violations of the D.C. Code for inciting a riot and disorderly conduct.

Case Status: The officers filed their suit on January 4, 2022.

14. NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund Voting Rights Case
Mich. Welfare Rights Org. v. Trump, No. 20-cv-03388 (D.D.C. filed Nov. 20, 2020)

Plaintiff: Michigan Welfare Rights Organization and the NAACP, represented by the NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund (LDF).

Case Summary: On Nov. 20, 2020, LDF sued then-President Trump and the Trump campaign alleging that their post-election conduct violated Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act, 52 U.S.C. § 10307(b). After losing the election, Trump spent weeks pressuring Republican election officials not to certify the election—in particular, the complaint examines the actions of Wayne County Republican election officials who first voted not to certify the election, though they eventually did. Section 11(b) forbids intimidation of voters, those aiding voters, and certain election officials. Voting is broadly defined in the Voting Rights Act, covering “all action necessary to make a vote effective[,] … including … having such ballot counted properly and included in the appropriate totals of votes cast.”

In December 2020, the complaint was amended to include the NAACP as a plaintiff, the Republican National Committee as a defendant, and alleged a new claim: that defendants violated the Ku Klux Klan Act, which prohibits conspiracies to deprive someone of equal protection under law or the right to vote. 42 U.S.C. § 1985(3). LDF argues that Trump’s efforts to discard votes in cities with large Black populations meets the statutory definition.

LDF seeks statutory damages, a declaratory judgment, and injunctive relief that would prevent defendants from intimidating voters and election officials in the future.

Case Status: On Feb. 25, 2021, the defendants moved to dismiss the case. They had a variety of arguments, including that the case was filed in the wrong court, that the cited statutes do not allow a private party to bring litigation, and that their conduct did not violate the statutes. As of September 2021, the court has not yet ruled on the motions.

Update-1: On Mar. 31, 2022, the district court partially granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss, dismissing the VRA claims for lack of standing and holding the § 1985(3) claims in abeyance. On the standing point, the district court concluded the plaintiffs lacked standing for an injunction. The court reasoned that even if the defendants had illegally interfered with the plaintiffs’ voting rights in the past, there was no imminent threat that the defendants would do so again.

Update-2: On June 16, the plaintiffs requested permission to file a second amended complaint with new factual allegations that could remedy the standing issues on the VRA claim.

Update-3: On Nov. 28 the district court granted plaintiffs’ request to file a second amended complaint. In granting the plaintiff’s motion, the court concluded that “Plaintiffs have adequately alleged … that the Trump Defendants not only caused great harm to Plaintiffs in the past but also pose a very substantial risk in the future to Plaintiff’s fundamental right to vote.”

15. NY Civil Suit over Fraudulent Real Estate Practices
People v. Trump Org., No. 451685/2020 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. Dec. 15, 2020)

Plaintiff: New York Attorney General (AG)

Case Summary: In March 2019, New York Attorney General Letitia James launched a civil probe investigating allegations that the Trump organization inflated and deflated property values to avoid tax liability and for other financial benefits. She began her investigation after Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen testified before Congress that Trump had engaged in fraud. While there is some overlap, James has noted that her investigation differs from and is independent of the Manhattan DA criminal investigation.

Much of her probe has focused on Seven Springs, a Trump-owned property in New York. In December 2019, James subpoenaed the Trump Organization, seeking records related to a $21 million tax deduction that Trump claimed against the property in 2015. Per her court filings, James is exploring whether Trump improperly inflated the property’s value to boost the size of the tax benefit.

James is also looking into other transactions relating to Trump properties. She is investigating whether Trump failed to pay taxes on debt forgiven during the financial restructuring of the Trump Hotel & Tower in Chicago and the appraisal of the LA Trump National Golf Club used for his conservation tax break, which was substantially higher than metrics typically used to value golf properties.

Case Status: In connection with the Seven Springs subpoenas, James’s office deposed Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg and Eric Trump in September and October 2020. Both refused to testify and instead invoked the Fifth Amendment over 500 times. She also sought related records held by Trump’s tax lawyers. His counsel initially refused to produce them, claiming they were shielded by attorney-client privilege. The state court judge disagreed, ruling on Jan. 29, 2021 that the tax attorneys must turn over thousands of documents about the tax deductions.

Update-1: On May 18, 2021, Fabien Levy, a spokesperson for New York’s Attorney General said, “We have informed the Trump Organization that our investigation into the organization is no longer purely civil in nature. We are now actively investigating the Trump Organizations in a criminal capacity, along with the Manhattan DA.”

Update-2: On Dec. 9, 2021, the Washington Post reported that AG James is seeking to depose Trump in January 2022 as part of her fraud investigation into the Trump Organization’s property valuations.

Update-3: On Jan. 3, 2022, a court order revealed that James’s office also subpoenaed Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. on Dec. 1. According to the order, James seeks to question the two Trump children–in addition to Trump Sr., as previously reported–about the potentially fraudulent real estate valuations. The Trumps immediately responded by filing a motion to quash the subpoenas. They argued that, because the NY AG is also running a “joint” criminal investigation into the Trumps with the Manhattan DA, the AG’s office cannot use purely civil subpoenas and must instead use a grand jury to question Trump and his children. The Trumps reasoned that grand jury subpoenas provide greater protection to witnesses–including immunity–and that James was trying to “circumvent” those protections by using civil subpoenas instead.

Update-4: James subpoenaed the General Services Administration to determine how it decided to lease the historic post office to former President Trump. As part of an ongoing civil investigation into Trump’s fraudulent real estate practices, James is reportedly attempting to use the documents to determine whether Trump had a practice of providing false information to the advantage of his business.

Update-5: On Feb. 17, 2022, the state court rejected Trump’s subpoena challenge and ruled that Donald, Ivanka, and Donald Jr. must sit for questioning under oath. The judge directed the Trumps to submit to these depositions within 21 days. The Trumps plan to appeal the decision, according to a family spokeswoman.

Update-6: On Feb. 28, 2022, the Trumps appealed the court’s decision ordering them to sit for depositions.

Update-7: On Mar. 3, 2022, the parties agreed to delay the depositions until after the state appeals court rules on the Trumps’ appeal.

Update-8: On Apr 7, 2022, James’s office filed a motion with the state court requesting Trump be held in contempt for failing to turn over subpoenaed documents. Her office requested a daily fine of $10,000 until Trump complies. The court has not ruled on her request.

Update-9: On Apr. 25, 2022, a NY state Judge held Trump in contempt of court for failure to respond to the AG’s subpoenas. The court assessed a fine of $10,000 per day until Trump meets the request.

Update-10: On Apr. 27, 2022, Trump appealed the contempt ruling and the $10,000-a-day fine. Trump also asked the district court to pause the fine while he appeals, but the court denied that request.

Update-11: On May 11, 2022, the trial court halted the daily fine but ordered Trump to pay the $110,000 balance by May 20. Though Trump paid the fine by the deadline, the judge kept the contempt order in place, leaving the door open for it to climb if Trump does not comply with the judge’s orders.

Update-12: On May 26, 2022, a New York appeals court ruled that Trump and two of his children–Donald Jr. and Ivanka–must sit for questioning by AG James’s office. The appeals court rejected Trump’s arguments that James was acting out of political animus. Trump’s attorney appealed the ruling to the New York Court of Appeals, the state’s highest court, which has discretion to take up or ignore the appeal.

Update-13: On June 8, 2022, Trump and two of his children–Donald Jr. and Ivanka–agreed to be questioned under oath by James’s office in mid-July, unless the New York high court decides to intervene and hear their appeal.

Update-14: On June 14, 2022, New York’s highest court declined to hear the Trumps’ appeal. This clears the way for James’s office to depose the Trumps.

Update-15: James’s office deposed Donald Trump Jr. on July 28, 2022 and Ivanka Trump on Aug. 3, 2022. Both reportedly participated in the deposition and did not invoke their Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination.

Update-16: AG James deposed Trump Sr. on Aug. 10, 2022. Trump repeatedly declined to answer her questions and instead invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. Reportedly, Trump asserted the Fifth more than 400 times in response to varying questions about his businesses, property valuations, and loans.

Update-17: On Sept. 21, 2022, the NY AG sued the Trumps in NY state court. The civil suit alleges that the Trumps repeatedly overvalued their real estate holdings in a long-running scheme designed to obtain favorable terms on bank loans. The complaint seeks to recover $250 million in damages and asks the court to bar the Trumps from running any businesses in New York state. It names Donald Sr., Donald Jr., Eric, and Ivanka Trump as defendants, along with the Trump Organization and several of its executives. Although AG James’s suit seeks only civil penalties, her office also sent criminal referrals to both the IRS and federal prosecutors.

Update-18: On Jan. 6, 2023, the trial court denied the Trumps’ motion to dismiss James’s lawsuit.

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Donald Trump v. Letitia James: On Dec. 20, 2021, Donald Trump filed his own suit against AG James in federal court. He accused James of targeting Trump out of political animus and asked the court to enjoin her under § 1983 from continuing her investigation into Trump and his companies. To back up his claim, Trump pointed to a string of James’s social media posts that allegedly suggested a political motive. Trump asserted that James’s investigation violates his constitutional rights, including his First Amendment rights by targeting him for his political activities and his Fourth Amendment rights by harassing him with bad faith subpoenas. In subsequent filings. James has asked the judge to dismiss the suit and has refused to cease investigating.

Update-1: On Jan. 26, 2022, James moved to dismiss Trump’s suit. She argued that Trump’s suit should be dismissed under several federal abstention doctrines, under res judicata, and for failing to state a claim.

Update-2: On May 27, 2022, the district court dismissed Trump’s suit, which will allow James’s investigation to continue. The district court reasoned that Trump’s suit was barred by Younger abstention, a doctrine that bars federal courts from stopping state court proceedings like James’s civil enforcement suit against Trump. For his part, Trump had argued that Younger abstention shouldn’t apply because James was investigating him in bad faith. The district court rejected that argument, finding that James’s proceeding had a “legitimate factual predicate” and that there was no evidence that James was acting in a harassing or bad faith manner.

Update-3: Trump filed a notice of appeal on May 27, 2022.

Update-4: Trump withdrew his lawsuit on Jan. 24, 2023.

16. Scotland Unexplained Wealth Orders
Plaintiff: Avaaz Foundation against the Scottish Ministers and Others

Case Summary: On February 3, 2021, the Scottish Parliament voted to reject calls from the opposition party, the Scottish Greens, to investigate the Trump Organization’s golf courses through an Unexplained Wealth Order (UWO). UWOs are a mechanism designed to prevent suspected corrupt foreign officials from laundering potentially stolen funds into the UK. They require an individual or organization to reveal the sources of their unexplained wealth and, while they do not automatically trigger criminal proceedings, they can result at least in confiscation of assets. The concerns that led to the push to investigate Trump arose when Trump spent many hundreds of millions of dollars to purchase and refurbish golf courses within Scotland with all-cash transactions. This was particularly suspicious since Trump had financed large scale purchases with debt prior to these transactions. It is disputed whether Eric Trump made a statement indicating that the funds had come from Russia.

The co-leader of the Scottish Greens stated, “Scotland cannot be a country where anyone with the money can buy whatever land and property they want, no questions asked, and the Scottish Greens will continue to challenge vested interests that protect people like Trump rather than our communities.” Eric Trump criticized the suit, stating that “at a critical time when politicians should be focused on saving lives and reopening businesses in Scotland, they are focused on advancing their personal agendas.”

Case Status: The non-profit global rights pressure group, Avaaz Foundation, sought to challenge the Scottish Parliament vote and, in May, filed a petition in the highest civil court in Scotland to review the decision not to pursue a UWO. On Aug. 11, 2021, Lord Sandison of the Scottish Court of Session ruled the petition seeking “judicial review of the approach of the Scottish ministers in determining whether to apply to the court for UWOs” should “proceed without condition or restriction.” He ruled that their case has “real prospects of success.” Scotland’s High Court will likely hear the case later this year.

Update-1: On Nov. 25, 2021, in a victory for the defendants, Lord Sandison ruled that only the Lord Advocate General of Scotland may issue a UWO, not the Scottish ministers. Advocates are now asking for the Lord Advocate to take action.

Update-2: As of January 2023, there are no indications that the Scottish investigation is progressing.

17. Trump Tower Assault Suit (CASE CLOSED)
Galicia v. Trump, No. 24973/2015 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. filed Sept. 9, 2015)

Plaintiff: A group of six protesters

Case Summary: On Sept. 3, 2015, the plaintiffs were demonstrating on the sidewalk outside Trump Tower in Manhattan. According to the plaintiffs–who self-identify as of Mexican origin–they were protesting the “inflammatory” anti-Mexican statements that Trump made during 2015 campaign events. Soon after the plaintiffs arrived, Trump Tower security guards allegedly attacked them and destroyed their protest signs.

That same month, the plaintiffs sued Trump, the Trump Organization, Trump’s campaign, Trump’s head bodyguard, and the alleged attackers in New York state court. The plaintiffs allege that Trump and his co-defendants are liable for assault and battery, conversion and destruction of property, and tortious interference with political speech. To tie Trump to his guards’ conduct, the plaintiffs allege that Trump was careless in hiring and supervising his security detail and, separately, that Trump should be held vicariously liable–a type of secondary liability often used to hold employers to account for their employee’s harmful actions. To prevail against Trump on this vicarious liability theory, the plaintiffs would need to show that the guards (i) were acting as Trump’s employees or agents at the time and (ii) attacked the plaintiffs to advance Trump’s interests in some way.

Case Status: Trump and his co-defendants moved to dismiss the claims for property destruction and interference with political speech in Dec. 2015. The court dismissed the political speech interference claim but permitted the rest of the claims to advance.

After the defendants moved for summary judgment in 2017, the court dismissed the negligent hiring and supervision claims against Trump and the Trump Organization. However, the court allowed the remaining claims to go forward, including the vicarious liability claims that Trump should be personally liable for his guards’ conduct.

Update-1: On Oct. 18, 2021, Trump sat for a four-hour deposition to answer questions about the alleged assault. According to the plaintiffs’ lawyer, Trump was asked about “a variety of issues including statements he has made at various campaign events and rallies that counsel believes encouraged violence at those events or encouraged security guards to engage in violence or the confiscation of property.” The plaintiffs’ lawyer also said he intends to play a video of Trump’s deposition at trial, which is not yet scheduled.

Update-2: On Apr. 26, 2022, a court filing revealed fifty pages of testimony from Trump’s deposition. Trump testified that he did not send his security staff after the protestors or direct them to grab their signs.

Update-3: Nov. 2, 2022, the parties reached a settlement in the case, details of the settlement agreement have not been disclosed.

18. Michael Cohen Retaliatory Imprisonment Suit
Cohen v. United States, No. 21-cv-10774 (S.D.N.Y. filed Dec. 16, 2021)

Plaintiff: Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s former attorney

Case Summary: On Dec. 16, 2021, Michael Cohen sued Donald Trump, former Attorney General Bill Barr, the US government, and other officials in federal court for retaliatory imprisonment. Cohen alleges that, after he announced plans to publish a damaging book about his legal work for Trump, the defendants retaliated by sending Cohen back to federal prison from home confinement.

At the time, Cohen was serving a three-year sentence for several crimes related to his work for Trump, including lying to Congress about Trump’s Moscow business and orchestrating illegal campaign expenditures to cover up Trump’s extramarital affairs. Several months into the COVID outbreak, the Bureau of Prisons–then led by defendant Michael Carvajal–granted Cohen’s medical request to be released on “furlough” followed by a transition to home confinement for the rest of his sentence. But according to Cohen, Trump and his co-defendants interfered with that transition. While Cohen was out on furlough, he tweeted about his plans to release a tell-all memoir about his work for Trump. Shortly after, corrections officers demanded that Cohen agree to a home confinement condition that barred Cohen from posting on social media and publishing his book. After Cohen allegedly hesitated to agree, the BOP nixed the home confinement plan and remanded Cohen back to federal prison.

Cohen then filed a habeas petition challenging the remand and arguing that corrections officials had taken the action in retaliation for Cohen’s tweets about his work on the anti-Trump book. The district court agreed–explicitly finding that Barr and Carvajal ordered the remand with the “purpose” of retaliating–and ordered Cohen’s release to home detention. Cohen completed his sentence at home in November 2021.

A month later, on Dec. 16, Cohen sued Trump, Barr, Carvajal, other corrections officials, and the US government for the alleged retaliatory imprisonment. He seeks damages against Trump, Barr, and the other officials under Bivens–a judicially created cause of action for damages against federal officers for constitutional violations–for violating Cohen’s rights under the First, Fourth, and Eighth Amendments. Cohen also seeks damages against the US government under the Federal Tort Claims Act, which allows plaintiffs to sue the federal government for damages if they are injured by certain torts committed by federal officers.

Case Status: Cohen filed the suit in New York federal court on December 16, 2021.

Update-1: Trump filed a motion to dismiss the suit on Apr. 4, 2022. He argued that presidential immunity shielded his conduct, that Bivens doctrine does not apply in federal prisoner suits against the President, and that Cohen had failed to plausibly allege that Trump was personally involved in the constitutional violations.

Update-2: On Aug. 2, 2022, the court heard oral argument on the defendants’ motion to dismiss.

Update-3: On Nov. 14, 2022, the district court dismissed Cohen’s suit, including his constitutional Bivens claims against Trump. The court found that recent Supreme Court decisions had significantly constrained the scope of such suits and concluded that Cohen’s claims failed under those precedents.


19. Criminal Investigations into Trump’s Finances
People of the State of New York v. Trump Corporation d/b/a Trump Organization, Trump Payroll Corp., d/b/a Trump Organization, Allen Weisselberg

Trump v. Deutsche Bank, No. 19-cv-03826 (S.D.N.Y. Apr. 29, 2019)

Trump v. Vance, No. 19-cv-08694 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 19, 2019)

Prosecuting Office: In 2019, then-President Trump sued to block subpoenas issued by three House Committees and the Manhattan District Attorney seeking his financial information in 2019. As of Feb. 22, the Manhattan DA now has access to Trump’s tax information.

Case Summary: In 2019, the House Intelligence and Finance Committees issued subpoenas to both Deutsche Bank and Capital One seeking information about then-President Trump’s finances. Before the banks complied with the subpoenas, Trump sued, seeking a declaratory judgment that they were unenforceable and an injunction that would have prevented the banks from disclosing Trump’s financial information. In addition, the House Oversight Committee subpoenaed Mazars, Trump’s accounting firm, demanding additional accounting information. Trump again sued to block the subpoena.

In parallel, Manhattan District Attorney, Cyrus Vance Jr., subpoenaed Mazars, for access to Trump’s tax records. Trump again sued to prevent the disclosure of this information.

All three cases reached the Supreme Court, where they were decided on the same day, July 9, 2020. The congressional subpoenas were combined into one case, and were remanded so the lower courts could consider separation of powers concerns raised by congressional committees subpoenaing a sitting president. In the Vance case, the Court ruled that a president’s financial information could be subpoenaed by a local district attorney.

Case Status: With the seating of the new Congress in January 2021, the Congressional subpoenas expired. The Vance subpoena again reached the Supreme Court, which on Feb. 22, refused to block it. His spokesperson has confirmed that the office now has access to Trump’s tax returns, including millions of pages of documents. Charges have not been filed.

Update-1: New reporting on Mar. 1 revealed that Vance’s investigation has focused on Trump Organization chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, whose potential cooperation with prosecutors could be a significant breakthrough in the investigation. On Mar. 31, the New York Times reported that Vance’s office has subpoenaed Weisselberg’s personal bank records, and on Apr. 8, investigators took possession of financial records from Weisselberg’s daughter-in-law.

Update-2: New reporting on Mar. 8 revealed that Vance’s probe has expanded to include investigation of a $130 million loan the Trump Organization received to build its Chicago tower, and whether the forgiveness of that loan was reported as income, as required by the IRS.

Update-3: On May, 25, 2021, the Washington Post reported that Vance has convened a special grand jury that is “expected to decide whether to indict former president Donald Trump, other executives at his company or the business itself should prosecutors present the panel with criminal charges.” According to the Post, “The move indicates that District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr.’s investigation of the former president and his business has reached an advanced stage …. It suggests, too, that Vance believes he has found evidence of a crime — if not by Trump then by someone potentially close to him or by his company.”

Update-4: On Jun. 4, ABC News and the New York Times report that Trump Organization senior vice president and controller, Jeff McConney is among a number of witnesses to have already appeared before the special grand jury. He is reportedly the first employee of the company called to testify.

Update-5: On July 1, prosecutors indicted the Trump Organization and the chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg with running a tax fraud scheme for over fifteen years. The indictment charges Weisselberg, the Trump Organization, and the Trump Payroll Co. with compensating Weisselberg and other Trump Organization executives with off-the-books funds that were unreported or misreported to federal, state, and local tax authorities.

The indictment includes a reference to the former President. It states that “as part of the scheme to defraud, Trump Corporation personnel … arranged for tuition expenses for Weisselberg’s family members to be paid by personal checks drawn on the account of and signed by Donald J. ‘Trump.” The indictment also refers to an “unindicted co-conspirator,” who is Jeff McConney, the Trump Organization’s controller, a person familiar with the investigation told CNN.

Update-6: Matthew Calamari Jr., the Trump Organization’s corporate director of security, and Jeffrey McConney, controller of the Trump Organization, appeared before a Manhattan grand jury on September 2. Calamari received “transactional immunity for the topics he testified about” while McConney was reportedly asked to clarify his previous grand jury testimony and respond to inquiries related to Calamari Sr.

Update-7: The Washington Post reports that the Manhattan DA has convened a second grand jury “to hear evidence about the Trump Organization’s financial practices and potentially to vote on criminal charges.” One source reported that the new grand jury will scrutinize whether Trump’s company manipulated the value of its assets–a practice that NY AG Letitia James is also investigating in her parallel civil probe.

Update-8: Donald Trump’s longtime accountant, Donald Bender, who worked for the firm Mazars, reportedly appeared before the grand jury. In recent weeks prosecutors’ also interviewed Rosemary Vrablic, a former managing director at Deutsche Bank. According to an anonymous source, “prosecutors pressed Vrablic about Trump’s role in dealings with the bank,” the Washington Post reported.

Update-9: On Jan. 1, 2022, Alvin Bragg replaced Vance as Manhattan DA and took the helm of the investigation into Trump’s finances. Before taking office, Bragg stated that he would be directly involved in the investigation and noted that he had asked two of Vance’s top prosecutors to continue working on the case.

Update-10: Two of the prosecutors working on the Trump case, Carey R. Dunne and Mark F. Pomerantz, resigned from the prosecution when Bragg indicated he had doubts on moving forward with the investigation. The New York Times later reported that Pomerantz stated that Trump was “guilty of numerous felony violations” and that it was “a grave failure of justice” not to prosecute him, according to a copy of Pomerantz’s resignation letter.

Update-11: On Apr. 7, 2022, Bragg publicly stated that the Trump investigation was continuing and revealed that his office had even questioned new witnesses. In a press release, Bragg stated, “I pledge that the Office will publicly state the conclusion of our investigation – whether we conclude our work without bringing charges, or move forward with an indictment.”

Update-12: On Aug. 18, 2022, Allen Weisselberg pleaded guilty to fifteen financial felonies including tax fraud and grand larceny. As part of the deal with the new DA Alvin Bragg, Weisselberg agreed to testify if the Trump Organization goes to trial on the tax fraud charges.

Update-13: On Oct. 24, the tax fraud trial against the Trump Organization began, and, on Nov. 21, the prosecution rested its side of the case.

Update-14: On Nov. 21, the New York Times reported that the DA’s office has resumed a criminal investigation of Trump’s possible hush money payment and associated falsification of business records.

Update-15: On Dec. 6, 2022, a jury convicted the Trump Organization of tax fraud and other crimes related to the company’s practice of giving out off-the-books perks to executives that were never taxed. Allen Weisselberg testified as the prosecution’s star witness against the company. Prosecutors never charged Trump himself over the scheme, though the prosecutors implicated him as being personally involved in the scheme.

Update-16: On Jan. 10, 2023, New York state court Judge Juan Merchan sentenced Allen Weisselberg to five months in prison for financial felonies including tax fraud and grand larceny.

Update-17: On Jan. 13, 2023, Judge Merchan sentenced the Trump Organization to pay $1.6 million in fines for its conviction on tax crimes.

20. DC Attorney General Incitement Investigation for Attack on U.S. Capitol
Prosecuting Office: DC Attorney General (AG)

Case Summary: DC Attorney General Karl Racine has said he is exploring whether to charge Trump with incitement. So far, his office has focused on a DC statute that makes it a misdemeanor to “incite or provoke violence where there is a likelihood that such violence will ensue.” Presumably, DC prosecutors are looking into Trump’s statements and tweets before and during the riot, gauging whether they amount to criminal incitement.

That said, Racine has cautioned that prosecuting Trump would be an uphill battle. Though the former president no longer could claim presidential immunity, the First Amendment may still shield his speech from prosecution. Under Brandenburg–the controlling case here–a speaker can be prosecuted for incitement only when their speech is both intended and likely to cause imminent lawless action. This is a notoriously difficult standard to meet, especially on the intent side. Even though some rioters have claimed they were following Trump’s instructions, Racine would need to actually prove it was Trump’s actual goal for them to do so. Despite the trail of incriminating statements Trump left behind, Racine may still have trouble meeting such a high bar.

Not only that, Racine has limited options in terms of what offenses he can charge. Because DC splits criminal jurisdiction with the U.S. government, Racine’s office can enforce only low-level crimes. As a result, he cannot charge Trump with arguably more applicable felonies, and is effectively limited to DC’s incitement statute. And as defense attorneys in DC have noted, this misdemeanor offense is typically charged in street-level disorderly conduct cases, arguably making it a poor fit.

Case Status: Racine’s office is investigating Trump’s conduct but has not filed charges.

Update: As of August 2022, there are no public signs that the DC AG is still investigating Trump.

21. Fulton County, Georgia Criminal Election Influence Investigation
Prosecuting Office: Fulton County, GA District Attorney’s Office.

Case Summary: On Feb. 10, 2021, the Fulton County DA’s Office opened an investigation into attempted election interference by former President Trump. The investigation is looking into potential violations of Georgia election laws, including the “solicitation of election fraud, the making of false statements to state and local governmental bodies, conspiracy, racketeering, violation of oath of office and any involvement in violence or threats related to the election’s administration.”

Case Status: On Feb. 10, 2021, the Fulton County DA’s Office sent letters to Governor Brian Kemp, Lieutenant Governor Duncan, Secretary of State Raffensperger, and Attorney General Carr informing them of the new investigation and requesting that all records relating to the election, including emails sent by employees from non-government accounts, be preserved.

Fulton County DA Fani Willis also reportedly plans to investigate a phone call between Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger where Raffensperger claims Graham asked the Secretary of State if he could throw out legally cast ballots. Graham’s spokesperson claims that this is not true and Graham was instead asking about the signature verification process. The DA’s office is also reportedly looking into whether Rudy Giuliani violated election laws in making false statements to Georgia officials.

The week of March 1 2021, prosecutors are expected to seek grand jury subpoenas for documents and witnesses connected to the investigation.

On Mar. 6, Willis brought on John Floyd, a national expert on state racketeering prosecution, to assist in racketeering investigations. He has not been brought on specifically for the Trump investigation, but as Willis is investigating racketeering in the Trump case, this development suggests that racketeering charges could play a larger role.

On Mar. 11, a recording of a call between then-President Trump and the chief investigator of the Georgia Secretary of State’s office, Frances Watson, was released By the Wall Street Journal. On the call, Trump urged Watson to look for fraud in mail-in ballots. The Fulton County DA’s Office has said that they will request a copy of the phone call.

Update-1: As of Mar. 28, there are reportedly two grand juries considering subpoenas for documents relevant to the investigation.

Update-2: Reporting (on Nov. 6 and Nov. 12) suggests that Willis is considering convening a special grand jury dedicated solely to allegations of election tampering in addition to the two grand juries that have already been convened.

Update-3: On Jan. 20, 2022, Willis submitted a letter to the chief judge of Fulton County’s Superior Court requesting a special grand jury for her investigation of President Trump. The letter states that a special grand jury will assist because a “significant number of witnesses and prospective witnesses have refused to cooperate with the investigation absent a subpoena requiring their testimony.”

Update-4: On Jan. 30, 2022, Willis requested the FBI to conduct a security safety assessment and provide other protective services following Trump’s alarming and charged rhetoric at a recent Texas rally. He called for massive protests against the “racist” and “vicious” prosecutors if they “do anything wrong.”

Update-5: On May 2, 2022, prosecutors convened a special grand jury to investigate “whether there were unlawful attempts to disrupt the administration of the 2020 elections here in Georgia.” The grand jury currently has up to one year to issue a report advising the local DA whether to pursue criminal charges against Trump.

Update-6: Grand jury proceedings began on May 27, 2022. The grand jury expects to hear testimony from “as many as 50 witnesses” and the process “is likely to last weeks.”

Update-7: On July 5, 2022, the grand jury issued subpoenas to several of Trump’s key associates who were allegedly involved in the election interference scheme. The targets include Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani; campaign lawyers John Eastman, Cleta Mitchell, Kenneth Cheseboro, and Jenna Ellis; Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.); and attorney Jacki Pick Deason. Under the subpoenas, these witnesses now must testify under oath before the grand jury.

Update-8: On July 13, 2022, Senator Graham moved to quash the grand jury subpoena by filing a motion in South Carolina federal court. Graham argued that he had legislative immunity–afforded by the Constitution’s Speech and Debate clause–because his calls to Georgia officials about the 2020 election qualified as legislative activity.

Update-9: On Aug. 2, 2022, Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer asked Willis’ office to delay his testimony because he was still recovering from a recent medical procedure. The Fulton County judge ultimately rejected that request and ordered Giuliani to appear before the grand jury on Aug. 17.

Update-10: On Aug. 11, 2022, Trump hired a high-profile Atlanta-based criminal defense attorney, Drew Findling, to represent him during the criminal proceedings.

Update-11: On Aug. 15, 2022, local prosecutors informed Rudy Giuliani that he was formally a “target” of their criminal investigation into election interference in Georgia, which generally means that an indictment is possible but not guaranteed. That same day, a federal judge rejected Senator Graham’s bid to avoid testifying, and ordered Graham to appear before the grand jury on Aug. 23.

Update-12: Senator Graham appealed the order requiring him to testify to the Eleventh Circuit, which then directed the district court to consider whether Graham’s testimony should be limited based on his legislative immunity claim. On Sept. 9, the district court ultimately ordered Graham to testify but also held that Graham could refuse to answer questions about his “investigatory fact-finding … related to his decision to certify … the 2020 presidential election” because those inquiries would fall under his immunized legislative duties. The court held, in line with its prior decisions and that of the court of appeals, that Graham could be questioned about three areas that fell outside of his legislative activities: (1) “any alleged efforts to ‘cajole’ or encourage Secretary Raffensperger or other Georgia election officials to throw out ballots or otherwise alter Georgia’s election practices and procedures;” (2) “Senator Graham’s alleged communications and coordination with the Trump Campaign and its post-election efforts in Georgia;” and (3) “Senator Graham’s public statements related to Georgia’s 2020 elections.”

Update-13: Graham appealed the district court’s order to the Eleventh Circuit, but the appeals court upheld the district court’s ruling. The panel held that Graham could be forced to testify in the probe because his legislative status did confer blanket immunity from questioning. Graham asked the Supreme Court to revisit that ruling, but the Court denied Graham’s request on Nov. 1, 2022

Update-14: On Nov. 22, Graham testified before the grand jury. His office released a statement saying, “Today, Senator Graham appeared before the Fulton County Special Grand Jury for just over two hours and answered all questions.”

Update-15: The Fulton County grand jury completed its investigation into election interference on Jan. 9, 2023. The judge scheduled a hearing for Jan. 24 to determine whether to release the grand jury’s report, including any recommendation on whether charges should be filed.

22. Westchester, New York Criminal Investigation of Trump Organization Golf Course
Prosecuting Office: Westchester District Attorney’s Office

Case Summary: Westchester District Attorney’s Office of Mimi E. Rocah has reportedly launched a criminal investigation, led by Elliott B. Jacobson, examining, at least in part, whether the Trump Organization misled local officials about the property value of its golf course to reduce its taxes.

Case Status: The full scope of the investigation is unknown but the office has subpoenaed records from the course.

23. National Archives Referral for Mishandled Classified Materials
Prosecuting Office: Department of Justice (via referral by National Archives); Office of the Special Counsel Jack Smith

Case Summary: In January 2022, the National Archives recovered fifteen boxes of documents from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida. Many of the documents were covered by the Presidential Records Act, which requires presidents to preserve and turn over their official records. The Archives later discovered that the boxes included “items marked as classified national security information.”

In response to a letter from the House Oversight Committee, the Archives confirmed on Feb. 18 that it had “identified classified information in the boxes” and had “been in communication with the Department of Justice” about Trump’s handling of those materials.

On Feb. 9, 2022, the Archives made a referral to the Justice Department for Trump’s handling of government records. On or before Apr. 29, 2022, the Justice Department notified Trump’s counsel Evan Corcoran that the Department had an “ongoing criminal investigation” into the handling of the government documents marked as classified. (The grand jury investigation was reported by the New York Times on May 12, 2022.)

Case Status: On or before Apr. 29, 2022, the Justice Department notified Trump’s counsel Evan Corcoran that the Department had an “ongoing criminal investigation” into the handling of the government documents marked as classified. (The grand jury investigation was reported by the New York Times on May 12, 2022.)

Update-1: On Apr. 7, 2022, the Washington Post reported that the DOJ plans to investigate Trump’s removal of official records to Mar-a-Lago.

Update-2: On May 12, 2022, the New York Times reported that the Justice Department has started a “grand jury investigation into whether classified White House documents that ended up at former President Donald J. Trump’s Florida home were mishandled,” and that the grand jury has issued at least one subpoena. That subpoena is to the National Archives to obtain the classified documents.

Update-3: On June 3, 2022, federal investigators removed classified documents from Mar-a-Lago under a grand jury subpoena.

On June 8, Trump’s attorneys received an email from federal investigators asking them to further secure the room where documents are being stored. The email asked that “the room at Mar-a-Lago where the documents had been stored be secured and that all the boxes that were moved from the White House to Mar-a-Lago (along with any other items in that room) be preserved in that room in their current condition until further notice,” according to the Wall Street Journal.

Following the June 3 visit, one of Trump’s lawyers reportedly signed a statement that all materials marked as classified and held in boxes in a storage area have been returned to the government. On June 22, the Trump Organization received a subpoena for surveillance tapes that covered areas of the club where the documents were possibly stored, which the FBI later obtained.

Update-4: On Aug. 8, 2022, FBI agents executed a search warrant on Mar-a-Lago and raided the club in search of additional classified materials beyond those taken in June. Attorney General Merrick Garland later confirmed that he had personally approved the search. The DOJ also asked a court to unseal the search warrant itself, which would reveal the alleged crimes that formed the basis of the warrant as well as the list of items taken during the search. Trump now has the option to oppose the unsealing, which he would need to do by Aug. 12.

Update-5: On Aug. 12, the court granted the DOJ’s motion and unsealed the warrant and property receipt. The warrant revealed that Trump is under investigation for violating three criminal statutes: destruction or removal of records, obstruction of justice, and mishandling classified information in violation of the Espionage Act. The property receipt indicated that agents had seized 11 sets of documents, some marked as highly classified.

Update-6: Several media outlets, including CNN and the Washington Post, asked the court to unseal the search warrant documents on Aug. 11. On Aug. 15, the DOJ responded by filing a motion urging the court to keep sealed the search warrant affidavit, which would specify the reasons why investigators believed they had probable cause to search the premises. The DOJ argued that the affidavit contains sensitive information that would “compromise” the government’s ongoing criminal investigation.

Update-7: On Aug. 22, 2022, Trump filed a lawsuit challenging the DOJ’s investigation in Florida federal court. Trump’s suit requested that the court appoint a special master to review the seized documents and to screen out any materials covered by attorney-client or executive privilege. The suit also asked the court to enjoin the DOJ from reviewing the documents and to order the DOJ to return some of Trump’s personal property.

Update-8: On Aug. 30, 2022, the DOJ filed a motion opposing Trump’s request to appoint a special master. The DOJ advanced several arguments, including that Trump lacked standing to challenge the seizure of presidential records, that an injunction against the DOJ’s investigation was inappropriate, that a a former president like Trump cannot assert executive privilege in scenarios like this, and that a special master is unnecessary because a government filter team could screen out privileged information.

Update-9: On Sept. 5, 2022, the district court granted Trump’s request to appoint a special master and enjoined the DOJ from reviewing the seized records as part of its criminal investigation. On Sept. 8, the DOJ filed a notice of appeal and asked the district court to stay its decision with respect to the classified materials. It argued that the DOJ was likely to win its subsequent appeal over the classified documents, because Trump could not possibly assert any personal interest in classified government records. The DOJ also explained that the government would suffer irreparable harm if it were enjoined from using the seized classified materials, because it needed to promptly conduct a national security risk assessment.

Update-10: On Sept. 15, the district court appointed the Hon. Raymond Dearie–a Senior Judge of the Eastern District of New York–as special master. The district court also denied the DOJ’s motion for a stay.

Update-11: The special master–Judge Dearie–held his first hearing on Sept. 20, 2022. Much of the argument focused on the status of the classified documents. Trump’s counsel argued that Judge Dearie should not take the DOJ’s word that some of the seized records were classified but stopped short of arguing that Trump had actually declassified them. According to reporting, the judge “expressed skepticism” at those arguments, and indicated that he would likely deem the records classified unless Trump offered contrary evidence.

Update-12: On Sept. 21, the Eleventh Circuit granted the DOJ’s motion for a stay, meaning that the DOJ can use the classified documents in its investigation and that the DOJ need not submit those documents to the special master for review. The appeals court agreed with the DOJ that Trump could not assert a personal interest in classified records, and also noted that Trump had so far refused to advance any actual evidence that the records had been declassified.

Update-13: On Nov. 22, the court of appeals heard oral argument (C-SPAN) on the merits of whether Judge Cannon should have exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion in the first place. The three-judge panel included two of the judges from the prior panel that affirmed the DOJ motion on Sept. 21. The two sides’ arguments on jurisdiction were practically the same as the arguments made in their briefs at issue in the Sept. 21 ruling.

Update-14: On Dec. 1, 2022, the Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruled in favor of the government’s petition to vacate Florida district court Judge Aileen Cannon’s order and dismiss the underlying civil action. The Eleventh Circuit held that Judge Cannon should have never exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion for return of property.

Monday, February 12, 2024 1:26 PM


Why would I waste a single second reading any of that bullshit?

You can't even read, Ted, so quit pretending like you did either.

Trump will be fine. He will also be your next President.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Friday, February 16, 2024 5:41 PM


Jack, you and your guys are having a really bad day...First Trump is ordered to pay 350 million and then some in the NY fraud trial. Then the Biden shit. Way to funny, I can't stop laughing.


FBI informant charged in Hunter Biden probe

Friday, February 16, 2024 7:18 PM


You're such a propagandized cunt.

My day was fine. They usually are.

Trump knew this was coming. Extreme Democrat Judge in an Extreme Democrat District who was openly hostile to Trump and who was obviously going to give this verdict from day one. Nothing unexpected happened here. It will be appealed and thrown out and Trump won't pay a dime.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Friday, February 16, 2024 8:38 PM


So so soooo funny...

Hey, this is good coffee


Friday, February 16, 2024 8:55 PM


We'll see who's laughing last, Theodore.

November will come quick.

Tick Tock.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Saturday, February 17, 2024 5:30 AM


Durham was nonsense

but outside of politics and
dealing with just crime

why do so many Dead Homosexual Black Men keep turning up in these guys homes?

is there anyone else to talk other than creepy perverts

Tuesday, February 20, 2024 10:09 AM


Comer’s concession: Republicans might never vote to impeach Biden

When House Republicans formally approved an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden in mid-December, it was a dramatic development, but not in a good way. It was the first time in American history that Congress authorized an impeachment inquiry without uncovering any evidence of wrongdoing against the intended target.

t’s likely that GOP lawmakers hoped that by formalizing the investigation, they might be able to fill in the gaps with incriminating information about the Democratic incumbent. If so, they have reason to be disappointed.

In the two months since the impeachment inquiry was authorized, their star witness — the man whose claims were the heart of the Republicans’ case — was arrested for lying to the FBI about the Bidens. What’s more, as a new Washington Post report noted, congressional investigators have “compiled an extensive record of sworn statements from firsthand witnesses,” all of whom have confirmed that the president “was never involved” with his son’s business affairs.



Tuesday, February 20, 2024 10:15 AM


LOL... Maddow is such a liar.

You post stupid shit like this Ted, and it just makes you look stupid.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024 8:45 AM


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
LOL... Maddow is such a liar.

You post stupid shit like this Ted, and it just makes you look stupid.

James Comer Resignation Calls Grow After Russian Intel Bombshell

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer, who is leading an investigation into the Biden family's finances, is facing calls to resign from liberals and Democratic supporters after the Department of Justice claimed one of its key sources had links with "high level" Russian intelligence operatives.

You're nothing but a lying sack of shit comrade Jack. You are this too your core.


Wednesday, February 21, 2024 2:51 PM


"But it's not true!": CNN reporter confronts Jim Jordan over indicted informant's debunked claims

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, denied the questionable nature of a key piece of evidence in his investigation of President Joe Biden when confronted by CNN reporter Manu Raju on Wednesday.

Ex-FBI informant Alexander Smirnov was indicted last week for allegedly falsifying bribery claims against the Biden family, after sharing intel with agents years ago that President Biden and his son Hunter sought multi-million dollar bribes from a Ukrainian energy company, according to The New York Times. Smirnov claimed that funds were in exchange for protection against a probe into the company by the country’s prosecutor general at the time. He also admitted that "officials associated with Russian intelligence" were involved in advancing the phony allegations against Hunter Biden, per The Washington Post.

Raju: You said the 1023 is the most corroborating piece of information

Jordan: It doesn't change those fundamental facts

Raju: But it's not true.


Wednesday, February 21, 2024 6:03 PM


Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) declared the House Republicans' impeachment probe into President Joe Biden to be all but finished on Wednesday after hearing closed-door testimony from James Biden, the brother of President Joe Biden.

As reported by Max Cohen of Punchbowl News, James Biden flatly denied that his brother had any knowledge of, or involvement in, any of his overseas business dealings, which have drawn scrutiny from congressional Republicans.

For years and years the republicans have been trying with all their might to take down Biden. Every time falling flat on their faces.

too funny...


Wednesday, February 21, 2024 6:19 PM


Biden* is taking himself down. Nobody is worried about Joe Biden*.

Joe Biden* was above Trump every single day in the polling aggregate before the 2020 election, and he only won by 4 points less than the aggregate had him winning over Trump.

Now Joe Biden* has not been up on Trump in the polling aggregate since September of 2023. If the same 4 point swing happened now, Trump wins by nearly 6 points if the election were held today.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024 7:26 PM


A Fox News host has called the House impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden “embarrassing” after repeated witnesses appeared to weaken the Republican Party’s arguments against the president.

Speaking during a debate between presenters and reporters following Mr Biden’s brother James’s appearance on Capitol Hill, Jessica Tarlov said the party was not helping itself by calling witnesses who have continued to dismiss any idea of wrongdoing on behalf of the president.

Justin Baragona @justinbaragona

Jessica Tarlov: "Every witness they have called has decimated their argument... and we have the guy behind the holy grail document, the 1023, Alexander Smirnov....not only did he lie, he was lying because the Russians were feeding him the disinformation. It’s so embarrassing!"

Falling down laughing here Jack=ass.


Wednesday, February 21, 2024 7:34 PM


I don't know what you're laughing about now, idiot.

I don't give a single shit whether Joe* gets impeached or not since we've long ago established that impeachment doesn't mean anything.

Joe Biden* is going to get destroyed in November. Feel free to keep laughing if it makes you feel better.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Thursday, February 22, 2024 7:49 PM


Lawmakers on GOP impeachment effort: 'No question this is dead'

When House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer's (R-KY) star witness, ex-FBI informant Alexander Smirnov, was arrested last week for allegedly lying about President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, the party's impeachment inquiry began to fall apart. Then when reports came earlier this week that Smirnov had connections to Russian intelligence agencies — the party's efforts to oust the president went from bad to worse.

Complete morons...


Thursday, February 22, 2024 9:02 PM


Joe Biden* belongs in prison.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Friday, February 23, 2024 6:32 AM


'We were warned': GOP lawmaker blasts colleagues for swallowing Biden witness 'lies'

Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) sharply criticized his fellow House Republicans for latching onto the testimony of an "FBI informant" who was arrested last week and accused of peddling lies straight from Kremlin disinformation operators.

“We were warned at the time that we received the document outlining this witness’s testimony, we were warned that the credibility of this statement was not known,” Buck told CNN's Kaitlan Collins, reported Edith Olmsted for The Daily Beast.

It's because they don't care about the facts. Only crucifying anyone who does not fall in line with hating Americans and America.


Friday, February 23, 2024 10:45 AM


Originally posted by THG:
'We were warned': GOP lawmaker blasts colleagues for swallowing Biden witness 'lies'

Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) sharply criticized his fellow House Republicans for latching onto the testimony of an "FBI informant" who was arrested last week and accused of peddling lies straight from Kremlin disinformation operators.

“We were warned at the time that we received the document outlining this witness’s testimony, we were warned that the credibility of this statement was not known,” Buck told CNN's Kaitlan Collins, reported Edith Olmsted for The Daily Beast.

It's because they don't care about the facts. Only crucifying anyone who does not fall in line with hating Americans and America.



Fuck you dude. Tell us about the Russian hoax again.

Are you still running around telling people to get their booster shots in 2024 too?


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Saturday, February 24, 2024 6:06 AM


Here you go.


Epic fail: GOP source indicted, caught pushing Russian lies about Biden to FBI

Saturday, February 24, 2024 8:55 AM


MSNBC is not a legitimate news source.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024 2:39 PM







Grifter Donald Trump Has Been Indicted And Yes Arrested; Four Times Now And Counting. Hey Jack, I Was Right
Fri, March 15, 2024 19:45 - 745 posts
Russia Invades Ukraine. Again
Fri, March 15, 2024 19:37 - 6070 posts
Elections; 2024
Fri, March 15, 2024 19:34 - 1959 posts
Americans Owe Ukraine Nothing
Fri, March 15, 2024 19:30 - 29 posts
In the garden, and RAIN!!! (2)
Fri, March 15, 2024 16:04 - 3320 posts
'Kyle did nothing wrong'? or the crimes of the Kenosha Shooter
Fri, March 15, 2024 13:58 - 256 posts
I'm surprised there's not an inflation thread yet
Fri, March 15, 2024 12:05 - 702 posts
New York Magazine: Trump vs. Biden Polls: No State of the Union Bounce for Joe
Thu, March 14, 2024 23:56 - 1 posts
WaPo: Biden Plan Aims To Focus Economic Development in Minority Areas
Thu, March 14, 2024 23:46 - 3 posts
Department Of Justice Acknowledges Hunter Biden Laptop Content Is Legitimate For First Time
Thu, March 14, 2024 23:43 - 6 posts
New Peer-Reviewed Research Finds Evidence of 2020 Voter Fraud
Thu, March 14, 2024 23:41 - 6 posts
New RNC Needs Their Own Thread
Thu, March 14, 2024 15:02 - 1 posts

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Originally posted by THG:
Have you finished reading this yet Jack, comrade signym?



Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by SignyM:

How the FBI covered up the laptop and the alphabet agencies and M$M united to smear one man: the laptop repairman's story

As a rule I'm not a fan of large posts. I don't think they serve a purpose. However, sometimes it is useful to show stupid people how stupid they are. To remind them everybody who reads their posts knows it.

Like this post that shows a concern for the rule of law from Signym. Like other posts from Jack, JSF and some infrequent posters. Yep, they're all in for the rule of law.

The problem they have is all the proof showing they are not. Like the proof I post here that they choose to ignore. Proof anyone with a healthy conative ability would recognize as showing Trump is a sick criminal. Yet, these chosen few deny deny deny.

I offer this proof showing they too are sick. And I'll remind you much more has occurred since 2021.


Originally published on Feb. 28, 2021; continually updated.

On both the criminal and civil litigation fronts, former President Donald Trump faces a bevy of lawsuits and investigations, with more cases likely to follow. Some are civil suits stemming from his pre-presidential business dealings. Others are defamation claims from women he allegedly assaulted. More still are criminal probes and civil actions that scrutinize his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. The Chart below tracks all these cases. It will be continually updated as major legal developments occur.

These cases bear on two pressing questions. First, will Trump maintain his long streak of eluding legal liability in the face of so many lawsuits? Second, if Trump is held to account for illegal conduct, what impact will such a development have on his—and his family’s—political and business fortunes?

Criminal charges—one would think—would be among the most damaging outcomes. After all, a criminal prosecution of a former president would be a singular event in American history. No former president has ever been indicted, much less convicted. Trump lost any immunity from indictment that he may have possessed as president the moment he left office on Jan. 20. To be sure, most of the criminal probes detailed below are in their infancy, so the odds of an actual conviction at this time remain improbable. Even so, the mere stigma of criminal charges against the former president could reshape the American political landscape and the historical understanding of Trump’s behavior.

The civil cases could certainly do their fair share of damage as well, directly or indirectly. If Trump falters in one of his business-related suits, his companies may be subject to massive penalties, or worse. Even apart from such sanctions, his empire is reportedly struggling under looming debt obligations and reduced revenues, a slump which could worsen if his reputation continues to deteriorate.

With these legal threats bearing down on the former president from nearly every direction, this tracker collects them in one place. Note: we have chosen not to include various cases involving Trump’s properties or the Trump Campaign —including slip-and-fall cases, allegations of bedbugs, water use cases, telephone spam suits, copyright suits, and discrimination suits—as they do not implicate Trump directly or it is very unlikely that they will. Below we’ve included key takeaways from each case along with case charts that explain the case’s main issue, procedural posture, and any upcoming deadlines. We will continue to update this information as new filings are docketed, new details emerge, new plaintiffs come forward or drop out, and other significant developments in the cases occur. If you believe we are missing a significant issue or development, send us a message at

Key Takeaways

1. E. Jean Carroll 1.0: Defamation and Federal Tort Claims Act Litigation

Carroll is suing Trump for defamation after he publicly accused her, in June 2019, of fabricating a rape allegation against him. The parties are currently involved in an appeal before the Second Circuit, where Trump (and so far, the Justice Department as well) is arguing that he had official immunity from Carroll’s defamation claim under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA).

Update: On Sept. 27, 2022, the Second Circuit asked the D.C. Court of Appeals to rule on whether Trump’s public denial fell within the scope of his employment under the FTCA.

2. E. Jean Carroll 2.0: Battery and Defamation

Carroll is suing Trump for battery alleging he raped her and for defamation on the basis of a lengthy statement he made on October 12, 2022. The claim of defamation is similar to the suit Carroll brought earlier, except this time Trump made his statement saying she fabricated the rape allegation after he was no longer in office. Accordingly, there is no prospect of his obtaining immunity under the Federal Tort Claims Act.

Carroll filed suit on the first day permitted under New York’s Adult Survivors Act, N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 214-j. The law provides a one-year window for sexual assault survivors to file civil claims even if the statute of limitations has passed.

3. Summer Zervos Defamation Suit (CASE CLOSED)

Summer Zervos, a former contestant on the Apprentice, has filed a civil suit against former President Trump for defamation after he claimed her allegations of his inappropriate sexual conduct were lies designed to help the Clinton campaign and improve her fame. The case is currently at the New York Court of Appeals, the highest New York state court.

Update-1: On Oct. 4, 2021, the trial court ruled that Trump could be deposed before Dec. 23, 2021.

Update-2: On Nov. 12, 2021, Zervos announced she is dropping the lawsuit.

4. Mary Trump Fraud Litigation

Mary Trump is suing Donald Trump for defrauding her out of millions of dollars in an inheritance dispute. The suit is pending in New York state court, where the parties are currently battling over former President Trump’s move to dismiss the case.

Update-1: On Sept. 21, 2021, Donald Trump filed a related lawsuit against Mary Trump, the New York Times, and several of its reporters.

Update-2: On Nov. 15, 2022, the court dismissed Mary’s suit against former President Trump. Mary Trump immediately filed a notice of appeal.

5. Panama Hotel Fraud and Tax Litigation (CASE CLOSED)

Ithaca Capital is suing Trump’s hotel management company for fraud in federal court. Primarily, Ithaca claims that Trump representatives exaggerated the value of a Panama hotel during Ithaca’s negotiations to purchase it.

Update: On Sept. 15, 2021, the parties agreed to end the lawsuit.

6. Doe v. The Trump Corporation Class Action

A group of anonymous plaintiffs have filed a class action against the Trump family and their business, alleging that the Trumps used their brand to scam investors into paying for worthless business opportunities. The district court denied the Trumps’ bid to force the case into arbitration, and the Trumps are now appealing.

7. DC Civil Suit over Misuse of 2017 Inauguration Funds (CASE CLOSED)

In a non-criminal suit, the DC Attorney General is suing several Trump-affiliated entities for misusing inauguration funds to enrich Trump’s family business. The suit is currently in discovery before DC’s local court, where the AG’s office is deposing key Trump executives, notably including his children.

Update: On May 3, 2022, the Trump Organization and Trump’s inaugural committee agreed to settle the suit by paying a total of $750,000.

8. Reps. Karen Bass et al. Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Capitol Attack

Ten members of the House of Representatives, represented by the NAACP, are suing Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and two right wing militia groups for conspiring to forcibly prevent Congress from counting the Electoral College votes on Jan. 6.

Update: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the § 1985 claim against him.

9. Eric Swalwell Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

On Mar. 5, 2021, Representative Eric Swalwell sued Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump Jr., and Congressman Mo Brooks in federal court over the Jan. 6 riots. Swalwell alleges that the defendants violated federal civil rights laws–including the Ku Klux Klan Act–when they conspired to interfere with the Electoral College Count on Jan 6. Beyond that, Swalwell also says the defendants should be held liable for negligently violating DC criminal codes on incitement, encouraging the rioters’ violent conduct, and intentionally inflicting emotional distress on members of Congress.

Update: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, negligence per se, DC anti-bias law, and aiding and abetting assault. The court granted Trump’s request to dismiss the § 1986, emotional distress, and negligence claims.

10. Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

Two Capitol Police officers–both on duty during the Jan. 6 insurrection–sued Donald Trump for injuries they sustained while protecting the Capitol. Both allege that the rioters physically attacked them with fists, chemical spray, and other weapons. They allege that the former president, by his incendiary words and conduct, directed the physical attack and emotional distress.

Update: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, directing and aiding and abetting assault, and negligence per se. The court granted Trump’s motion to dismiss the emotional distress, punitive damages, and civil conspiracy claims.

11. Second Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

A second group of Capitol Police officers filed suit against Trump, the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, and other affiliates involved in allegedly planning and executing the Jan. 6 riots. The seven officers claim that they were physically and emotionally injured by attackers that Trump instigated, and that Trump and his co-defendants conspired to disrupt congressional business in the certification of electoral votes.

12. Third Capitol Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots

A third suit was filed by a Capitol Police officer alleging that physical and emotional injuries he suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot.

13. Metropolitan Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots

Two Metropolitan Police Officers filed suit alleging that physical and emotional injuries they suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot. The officers seek compensatory and punitive damages.

14. NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund Voting Rights Case for Post-Election Actions

The LDF is suing Trump, the Trump Campaign, and the RNC for their efforts to overturn the 2020 election in violation of the Voting Rights Act and the Ku Klux Klan Act. While the litigation is still at its early stages, Trump faces damages and a declaratory judgment that he did indeed violate these provisions of the law.

15. New York Attorney General’s Civil and Criminal Investigations

Since March 2019, New York Attorney General Letitia James has been investigating allegations that the Trump Organization altered property values to avoid tax liabilities. The investigation began after Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen provided congressional testimony that Trump engaged in fraud. In October 2020, James’s office deposed Eric Trump, and in January 2021 a state court judge ruled that Trump’s tax attorneys must turn over thousands of documents.

Update-1: On May 18, 2021, a spokesperson for New York’s Attorney General said, “We have informed the Trump Organization that our investigation into the organization is no longer purely civil in nature. We are now actively investigating the Trump Organizations in a criminal capacity, along with the Manhattan DA.”

Update-2: On Dec. 1, 2021, AG James subpoenaed Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, and Donald Trump Jr., seeking to question them about the real estate valuations.

Update-3: On Dec. 20, 2021, Trump filed his own lawsuit against James in federal court, accusing her of targeting him out of political animosity and asking the court to halt her investigation. The district court dismissed that suit on May 27, 2022.

Update-4: On Feb. 17, 2022, the state court ruled that the NY AG can question Donald Trump, Ivanka, and Donald Jr. under oath. On June 8, 2022, the Trumps tentatively agreed to be questioned under oath by James’s office in mid-July.

Update-5: On Aug. 10, 2022, AG James deposed Trump, but he repeatedly declined to answer her questions and instead invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

Update-6: On Sept. 21, 2022, the NY AG sued Trump and his children in NY state court. The civil lawsuit seeks $250 million in damages and accuses the Trumps of repeatedly overvaluing their real estate assets in a scheme designed to obtain favorable bank loans.

16. Scotland Unexplained Wealth Orders

In February 2021, the Scottish Parliament voted to reject an investigation into unexplained cash transactions executed by the Trump Organization’s Scottish golf courses. A non-profit group is now challenging that decision in Scottish court.

17. Trump Tower Assault Suit (CLOSED)

A group of six protesters are suing Trump over allegations that Trump’s security guards assaulted them outside Trump Tower in 2015. The case is pending in New York state court.

Update: On Oct. 18, 2021, former President Trump sat for a four-hour deposition to answer questions about the incident.

Update-2: Nov. 2, 2022, the parties reached a settlement in the case, details of the settlement agreement have not been disclosed.

18. Michael Cohen Retaliatory Imprisonment Suit

Michael Cohen–Donald Trump’s former attorney who served a three-year sentence for Trump-related crimes–is suing Trump, the US government, and other officials for allegedly retaliating against Cohen after he announced a tell-all book detailing his years of legal work for Trump. Cohen alleges that, after the announcement, Trump and his co-defendants retaliated by trying to bar Cohen from using social media and by sending Cohen back to prison from home confinement.

Update: The court dismissed Cohen’s lawsuit on Nov. 14, 2022.

19. Criminal Investigations into Trump’s Finances

During his presidency, the Manhattan District Attorney investigated Trump’s finances. Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance gained access to Trump’s tax information in the course of a criminal investigation into potential tax crimes, insurance fraud, and other financial crimes under state law. Criminal charges have not been filed against Trump, but have been filed against his longtime CFO and against the Trump Organization. The case was taken over by the new DA Alvin Bragg.

Update: New reporting on Mar. 1 revealed that Vance’s investigation has focused on Trump Organization chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, whose potential cooperation with prosecutors could be a significant breakthrough in the investigation. On Mar. 31, the New York Times reported that prosecutors have subpoenaed Mr. Weisselberg’s personal bank records, and on Apr. 8, investigators took possession of financial records from Weisselberg’s daughter-in-law.

Update: New reporting on Mar. 8 revealed that Vance’s probe has expanded to include an investigation of a loan the Trump Organization received to build its Chicago tower, and whether the forgiveness of that loan was reported as income.

Update: Vance has convened a special grand jury that is “expected to decide whether to indict former president Donald Trump, other executives at his company or the business itself should prosecutors present the panel with criminal charges,” the Washington Post reported on May 25, 2021. “The move indicates that District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr.’s investigation of the former president and his business has reached an advanced stage …. It suggests, too, that Vance believes he has found evidence of a crime — if not by Trump then by someone potentially close to him or by his company.”

Update-1: On Jun. 4, ABC News reported that Trump Organization senior vice president and controller, Jeff McConney is among a number of witnesses to have already appeared before the special grand jury. He is reportedly the first employee of the company called to testify. The New York Times reported that the District Attorney’s office has subpoenaed McConney, but could not confirm if he has testified.

Update-2: On July 1, 2021, the DA charged the Trump Organization and its chief financial officer Weisselberg for an alleged 15-year-lJuly 1, 2021 Trump Organization chargesong tax fraud scheme. The indictment included reference to an “unindicted co-conspirator,” who is Jeff McConney, the Trump Organization’s controller, a person familiar with the investigation told CNN.

Update-3: On Aug. 18, 2022, Allen Weisselberg pleaded guilty to fifteen financial felonies including tax fraud and grand larceny. As part of the deal with the new DA Alvin Bragg, Weisselberg agreed to testify if the Trump Organization goes to trial on the tax fraud charges.

Update-4: On Nov. 21, the New York Times reported that the DA’s office has resumed a criminal investigation of Trump’s possible hush money payment and associated falsification of business records.

Update-5: On Dec. 6, 2022, a jury convicted the Trump Organization of tax fraud and other crimes related to the company’s practice of giving out off-the-books perks to executives that were never taxed.

20. DC AG Incitement Criminal Investigation

The DC Attorney General, Karl Racine, has announced a criminal investigation into Trump’s alleged role in provoking the Jan. 6th riots. No charges have been filed, though Racine’s office is reportedly looking into a local DC code that makes it a misdemeanor to incite violence.

21. Fulton County, Georgia Criminal Election Influence Investigation

The Fulton County DA’s Office has opened a criminal investigation into attempted election interference by Trump. The DA’s Office has requested that all official and unofficial emails concerning the election be preserved and has reportedly also planned to look into a call between Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger as part of the investigation as well as Rudy Giuliani’s potential false statements to Georgia officials.

Update: On May 2, 2022, the Fulton County state prosecutors convened a special grand jury to investigate “whether there were unlawful attempts to disrupt the administration of the 2020 elections here in Georgia.” Proceedings began on May 27, 2022, and are expected to last several months.

22. Westchester, New York Criminal Investigation of Trump Organization Golf Course

The Westchester District Attorney’s Office reportedly launched an investigation which probes, at least in part, whether the Trump Organization misled local officials on the property values of its golf course in order to reduce its taxes.

23. Mishandling of Classified and other Government Documents

On Feb. 9, 2022, after finding classified documents in fifteen boxes recovered from Mar-a-Lago the previous month, the National Archives made a referral to the Justice Department for Trump’s handling of government records. The Archives had recovered the classified materials when it retrieved the boxes of official records from Trump’s Florida residence. On or before Apr. 29, 2022, the Justice Department notified Trump’s counsel Evan Corcoran that the Department had an “ongoing criminal investigation” into the handling of the government documents marked as classified. (The grand jury investigation was reported by the New York Times on May 12, 2022.)

Update: On Aug. 8, 2022, FBI agents searched Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida. On Aug. 11, Attorney General Merrick Garland confirmed in public remarks that he had personally approved the search.

Update: On Aug. 22, 2022, Trump filed a lawsuit challenging the DOJ’s investigation in Florida federal court. Trump’s suit requested that the court appoint a special master to review the seized documents and to screen out any materials covered by attorney-client or executive privilege. The suit also asked the court to enjoin the DOJ from reviewing the documents and to order the DOJ to return some of Trump’s personal property.

Update: On Sept. 5, 2022, district court Judge Aileen Cannon granted Trump’s request to appoint a special master and enjoined the DOJ from reviewing the seized records as part of its criminal investigation. The DOJ appealed to the Eleventh Circuit, and in its first ruling, on Sept. 21, the court of appeals granted the DOJ’s motion for a limited stay, meaning that the DOJ could use the classified documents in its investigation and that the DOJ need not submit those documents to the special master for review.

Update: On Nov. 22, the court of appeals heard oral argument (C-SPAN) on the merits of whether Judge Cannon should have exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion in the first place. The three-judge panel included two of the judges from the prior panel that affirmed the DOJ motion on Sept. 21. The two sides’ arguments on jurisdiction were practically the same as the arguments made in their briefs at issue in the Sept. 21 ruling.

Update: On Dec. 1, 2022, the Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruled in favor of the government’s petition to vacate Florida district court Judge Aileen Cannon’s order and dismiss the underlying civil action. The Eleventh Circuit held that Judge Cannon should have never exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion for return of property.


1. E. Jean Carroll Defamation Suit 1.0
Carroll v. Trump, No. 20-cv-07311, 2020 WL 6277814 (S.D.N.Y. Oct. 27, 2020), appeal docketed, No. 20-03977 (2d Cir. Nov. 25, 2020)

Plaintiff: E. Jean Carroll, a journalist and advice columnist

Case Summary: In 2019, Carroll publicly accused then-President Trump of sexually assaulting her in a New York City department store in the 1990s. A few hours later, Trump denied Carroll’s allegation and accused her of fabricating the story to drum up publicity for her upcoming book. Carroll then sued Trump for defamation in New York state court, alleging that Trump defamed her when he publicly accused her of falsifying the assault story.

After nearly a year of state court proceedings–and with Carroll’s counsel angling to sample Trump’s DNA for comparison with Carroll’s dress from the alleged assault–the Justice Department moved to intervene on Trump’s behalf under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA). This move threatened to quash the suit. In effect, the FTCA (as amended by the Westfall Act) provides blanket immunity to federal employees who commit certain torts–including defamation–arising out of their official duties. According to the DOJ, the president’s official duties include speaking to the press about public matters–which would mean that Trump had immunity from any defamatory statements he made about Carroll.

The DOJ’s intervention also derailed the state court proceedings: because FTCA claims must be litigated in federal court, Carroll’s suit was automatically removed to the Southern District of New York (SDNY). In federal court, Carroll argued that Trump’s statements were not protected by the FTCA. In short, Carroll contended that (i) Trump was not covered by the FTCA because the president is not an “employee”; and (ii) Trump’s statements about Carroll fell outside his official presidential duties.

On both counts, the court agreed. Though removal was irreversible, the court held that the FTCA did not cover Trump’s actions, so Carroll’s defamation suit could proceed against Trump in his personal capacity. Acting separately, the DOJ and Trump both appealed. Trump also requested the court stay the district court proceedings until that appeal is resolved.

Case Status: In the SDNY proceedings, the parties filed opposing memoranda on Trump’s motion to stay in December 2020.

At the Second Circuit, the DOJ and Trump filed separate opening briefs on Jan. 15, 2021. Carroll’s attorneys then requested an Apr. 16, 2021 due date for their brief. Notably, her counsel explicitly selected that date so the Biden DOJ would have time to reassess the Trump administration’s position that Trump was acting within the scope of his employment when he allegedly defamed Carroll. The Second Circuit granted that scheduling request.

Update-1: Carroll filed her brief on Apr. 16, 2021, urging the appeals court to uphold the decision below.

Update-2: Despite the change in administration, the Biden DOJ filed a reply brief on June 7, 2021, that backed Trump’s argument that the FTCA covered his conduct. It echoed the core arguments from the Trump DOJ’s opening brief that the president is an “employee” under the FTCA and that elected officials act within the scope of their employment when they respond to media inquiries.

Update-3: On Sept. 15, 2021, the district court denied Trump’s motion to stay (i.e., halt) the proceedings while the case is on appeal before the Second Circuit.

Update-4: On Dec. 1, 2021, Trump requested permission to amend his response to Carroll’s suit in the district court proceedings. In that filing, he signaled that he wanted to invoke the protection of New York’s new anti-SLAPP law, which attempts to screen out frivolous defamation suits by raising the burden of proof and imposing mandatory fee-shifting. Carroll filed a response opposing Trump’s request on Dec. 15. The district court scheduled a hearing for Feb. 22, 2022 to hear arguments over Trump’s motion to amend.

Update-5: The Second Circuit heard oral argument on Dec. 3, 2021. Much of the discussion centered on whether Trump’s remarks about Carroll–including his “she’s not my type” retort–fell within the scope of his employment. On that score, Trump’s personal attorneys continued to argue that Trump’s allegedly defamatory remarks were part of his official duties because he was speaking to the press at the time. The DOJ’s attorney–arguing for the executive branch–echoed that point, explaining that “any president facing a public accusation of this kind … would feel obliged to … answer questions from the media.” Carroll’s counsel conceded that, because DC treats scope of employment expansively, Trump would have been acting within that scope if he had simply said Carroll’s accusations were false. Even so, Carroll’s attorney stressed that Trump went far beyond a bare denial–and therefore exceeded the scope of his employment–because he was motivated by “personal spite and malice” when he rebuffed Carroll’s claims.

Update-6: On Mar. 11, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s request to amend his complaint.

Update-7: On May 5, 2022, the parties agreed to resume discovery in the district court. Though Carroll’s attorneys have conceded that they will not depose Trump, they could once again seek a DNA sample from Trump. If Trump opposes that request, Carroll’s attorneys would need to ask the district court to order Trump to submit to the sample.

Update-8: The district court scheduled the case for trial starting on Feb. 6, 2023.

Update-9: On Sept. 20, 2022, Carroll notified the court that she planned to file a second lawsuit against Trump over the 1990s rape allegation. Unlike the defamation claim–which alleges that Trump defamed Carroll for falsely denying the rape allegation–this new suit would accuse Trump of the rape directly. Although the statute of limitations had expired for the now thirty-year-old rape claim, Carroll explained that a new state law called the Adult Survivors Act temporarily reopens the window to file for old sexual assault claims. Carroll also suggested that the district court should consolidate the new suit with the defamation claim and try both together in February 2023. Trump immediately filed a letter opposing that suggestion.

Update-10: On Sept. 27, 2022, the Second Circuit granted Trump a partial win, reversing the district court and holding that Trump as president qualified as an “employee” under the FTCA. However, the appeals court left open the question of whether Trump was acting within the scope of his employment when he publicly disparaged Carroll and instead asked the D.C. Court of Appeals to rule on that question. If the DC appeals court concludes that Trump’s remarks fell within his official duties, then Carroll’s defamation claim would fail, because the FTCA bars defamation suits against the federal government.

Update-11: On Jan. 13, 2023, the district court ordered the release of a partial transcript of Trump’s deposition, during which Trump denied the rape allegations.

2. E. Jean Carroll Defamation Suit 2.0
Carroll v. Trump, No. Case 1:22-cv-10016 (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 24, 2022)

Plaintiff: E. Jean Carroll, a journalist and advice columnist

Case Summary: In 2019, Carroll publicly accused then-President Trump of sexually assaulting her in a New York City department store in the 1990s. A few hours later, Trump denied Carroll’s allegation and accused her of fabricating the story to drum up publicity for her upcoming book. Caroll then sued Trump for defamation in New York state court, alleging that Trump defamed her when he publicly accused her of falsifying the assault story.

While that suit was ongoing, Trump issued a lengthy statement on Oct. 12, 2022 saying that Carroll “completely made up” the allegations against him.

On Nov. 24, 2022, Carroll filed a new federal suit against Trump, this time suing the former Presidents for battery involving the alleged rape in the 1990s and for defamation based on Trump’s October 2022 statement. Because Trump had left office at the time of that statement, Carroll argued that Trump could indisputably no longer claim official immunity, unlike in Carroll’s earlier suit.

Carroll filed suit on the first day permitted under New York’s Adult Survivors Act, N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 214-j. The law provides a one-year window for sexual assault survivors to file civil claims even if the statute of limitations has passed.

Case Status: Trump moved to dismiss Carroll’s lawsuit on Dec. 21, 2022. He argued that the Adult Survivor’s Act–which reopened the window for Carroll to sue Trump for the alleged 1990s assault–violated New York’s constitutional due process protections. He also responded to Carroll’s new defamation claim on the merits, calling it “baseless and legally defective.”

Update-1: On Jan. 13, 2023, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss.

3. Summer Zervos Defamation Suit (CASE CLOSED)
Zervos vs. Trump, No. 150522/2017 (N.Y. Sup Ct. Jan. 17, 2017), appeal docketed, No. APL-2020-00009 (N.Y. Mar. 9, 2020)

Plaintiff: Summer Zervos, former contestant on the Apprentice

Case Summary: On Jan. 17, 2017, Zervos filed a suit in New York State Court against Trump for defamation. During Trump’s campaign, many women, including Zervos, accused Trump of inappropriate sexual conduct. In her complaint against Trump, Zervos claims that in 2007, while she sought employment from Trump, he kissed her on the lips and touched her inappropriately. After she rejected his advances, his attitude became very business-like and he later offered her a job for half the salary she was seeking. She attempted to contact Trump, noting that she felt she was being “penalized for not sleeping with him.” Trump said he could not discuss it with her at the time. Zervos says she decided to come forward with these allegations after the Billy Bush Access Hollywood Tape showed Trump speaking in a derogatory manner toward women. In response to her allegations, Trump claims she was lying and was only making these accusations to help the Clinton campaign or to get fame.

Zervos alleges that, as a result of Trump’s claims, she has suffered both emotional and financial harm.

Case Status: Trump filed a motion to dismiss and a stay for the duration of his presidency. On Oct. 3, 2018, the court denied Trump’s motion, finding that, if the facts alleged by the plaintiff are true, she has a reasonable claim to recover for defamation. The court also found that there were no federalism or comity concerns that would suggest that a state court could not hear suit against the sitting president for nonofficial acts. A panel of New York appellate judges affirmed this judgment in October 2019, finding that the president is “not above the law” and that the defamation suit can go forward.

This motion has been appealed to the New York Court of Appeals, the highest New York state court.

Pending the decision from the New York Court of Appeals, in March 2020, the court ruled that Zervos cannot “dig for evidence” in the interim. In 2021, with Trump out of office, Zervos has filed a motion to move the lawsuit forward.

Update-1: On Mar. 30, the New York Court of Appeals denied Trump’s appeal on his motion to dismiss the case. Trump originally filed the motion claiming that a state court could not hear a suit against a sitting president. The court stated, in a one-sentence order, that issues were now moot, and the case can now go forward.

Update-2: On Oct. 4, 2021, the trial court ruled that Zervos could depose Trump before Dec. 23, 2021. According to Law360, this appears to be the “first time that Trump would have to answer questions under oath about his alleged sexual misconduct.” In discussing the schedule for depositions, Michael Rand, a law clerk for New York State Judge Jennifer Schechter, who is overseeing the lawsuit, reportedly “said he expected a trial date to be set sometime in the early part of 2022.”

Update-3: On Nov. 12, 2021, Zervos announced she is dropping the lawsuit.

4. Mary Trump Fraud Litigation
Trump v. Trump, No. 654698/2020 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. filed Sept. 24, 2020)

Plaintiff: Mary Trump, the former president’s niece

Case Summary: In September 2020, Mary Trump sued Donald Trump, her uncle, for allegedly defrauding her out of tens of millions of dollars. When Mary’s father–Donald Trump’s brother–died in 1981, he left Mary a valuable stake in the Trump property empire. Mary was a minor at the time, so Donald Trump and his siblings took control of her share, ostensibly to look after Mary’s interest over the long run.

But according to Mary, that didn’t happen. In her lawsuit, she alleges that the Trump siblings siphoned off revenue from her share and set up an ongoing scheme to artificially devalue her assets. This went on for nearly two decades. Then, when Trump patriarch Fred Sr. (Donald Trump’s father) died in 1999, Mary took issue with the terms of his will. The Trump siblings immediately pushed back and started maneuvering to force Mary out of the family holdings altogether. After lengthy probate proceedings, and with Mary’s legal fees steadily climbing, the siblings delivered an ultimatum: they would not settle the probate case unless Mary relinquished all interests in the family fortune, including those from her late father.

According to Mary, the Trumps offered a settlement figure that woefully undervalued her share of the family holdings. Still, she ultimately accepted a settlement in April 2001, apparently still unaware she was being sold short.

Then, over fifteen years later, the New York Times broke its 2018 story that the Trump Organization had long been fraudulently manipulating the values of its assets. From there, Mary says she realized that she had settled for tens of millions of dollars less than what her stake was actually worth.

Two years later, Mary published a book accusing the Trumps of shorting her out of her rightful share. She then filed this lawsuit in New York state court on Sept. 24, 2020, accusing Donald Trump and his siblings of fraud and breach of fiduciary duty.

Case Status: Trump moved to dismiss the case on Jan. 4, 2021. Mary filed a response on Feb. 26, 2021. As of December 2021, the court has not yet ruled on the motion.

Update-1: The state court dismissed Mary’s suit on Nov. 15, 2022. It ruled that her claims were barred because she agreed to release such legal claims when she accepted the Trumps’ settlement offer in 2001. She immediately appealed that ruling.

Donald Trump vs. Mary Trump and NYT: On Sept. 21, 2021, Donald Trump filed his own lawsuit against Mary Trump, the New York Times, and several of its reporters. Mr. Trump alleges that his niece provided confidential documents–including his tax records–to the NYT reporters, who then used those documents to write their 2018 story on the Trump Organization’s alleged manipulation of asset prices. He asserts that her conduct breached their 2001 settlement, and that the Times and its reporters should be liable for encouraging her to do so. Ms. Trump and the Times defendants moved to dismiss that suit on Dec. 2, 2021.

5. Panama Hotel Fraud and Tax Litigation (CASE CLOSED)
Ithaca Cap. Invs. v. Trump Pan. Hotel Mgmt., No. 18-cv-00390 (S.D.N.Y. Mar. 30, 2020)

Plaintiff: Ithaca Capital, a real estate holding company that purchased a majority of the Trump International Hotel in Panama

Case Summary: Donald Trump’s private hotel business–Trump International Hotels Management–is embroiled in federal litigation over a hotel management deal gone bad. Until 2018, Trump International operated a luxury hotel in Panama. As was its standard business practice, Trump International contracted with a separate owner to provide management services and use of the “Trump” label. When a prior owner went bankrupt in 2015, Ithaca Capital moved to purchase a majority of the hotel’s units. But per Ithaca, Trump representatives made a series of fraudulent claims that oversold the hotel’s profitability. Unaware, Ithaca went ahead with the purchase.

The hotel soon ran into financial trouble, and the relationship between the two parties collapsed. Once Ithaca ended the partnership, it claims to have discovered that Trump International had allegedly underreported costs, diverted hotel revenue, and failed to pay income taxes.

After a brief round of arbitration proceedings, Ithaca sued Trump International in the Southern District of New York. Ithaca made several claims against Trump. First, Ithaca argued that Trump representatives–including Eric and Donald Jr.–made exaggerated claims about the hotel’s value. Second, they argued that Trump International breached their agreement by mismanaging the hotel. And third, Ithaca asserted that Trump International improperly diverted hotel revenues for their own use.

Case Status: Trump International challenged each of Ithaca’s claims and asserted several counterclaims of its own. On Mar. 30, 2020, the district court upheld all three of Ithaca’s claims and dismissed all but one of Trump’s counterclaims. Trumps’ remaining counterclaim–for tortious interference–alleges that Ithaca interfered with Trump’s other hotel contracts when Ithaca forced him out of their partnership.

The parties are currently in discovery and are due to finish by Fall 2021.

Update: The parties filed a series of sealed letters in July and August 2021. On Sept. 15, 2021, the parties voluntarily agreed to end the suit.

6. Doe v. The Trump Corporation Class Action
Doe v. Trump Corp., No. 18-cv-09936 (S.D.N.Y. Oct 29, 2018), appeal docketed, No. 20-01706 (2d Cir. May 28, 2020)

Plaintiffs: (Anonymous) Jane Doe, Luke Loe, Mary Moe, Richard Roe

Case Summary: On Oct. 30, 2018, a class action lawsuit was filed against the Trump Corporation, Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and Eric Trump. The complaint alleges that the defendants used their brand name to defraud thousands of working class individuals by promoting numerous businesses in exchange for “secret payments.” The companies include ACN Opportunity, LLC (a business based on a controversial multi-level marketing scheme), the Trump Network, LLC (another multi-level marketing scheme), and Business Strategies Group, LLC (a seminar claiming to sell the Trump secrets to success). The lawsuit also claims that the defendants are liable for a “pattern of racketeering activity” violating the RICO Act (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) as well as activity violating numerous state consumer protection laws concerning fair business practices and competition.

On July 24, 2019, the District Court judge partially granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss. The judge dismissed the RICO claims because the Complaint did not “sufficiently plead that Defendants’ conduct was the proximate cause of Plaintiffs’ losses.” However, she ruled that the other claims concerning the state laws will not be dismissed under Class Action Fairness Act (CAFA).

Case Status: The Trumps’ moved to compel forced arbitration and the district court judge denied the motion in April 2020. The court held that the defendants were not party to the arbitration agreement (between ACN and the plaintiffs) and thus, could not compel arbitration. She also found that the motion to compel arbitration was in bad faith as they are acting in a manner that is “substantively prejudicial towards the plaintiffs” and not within the spirit of the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA). The Trumps have filed an interlocutory appeal to the Second Circuit.

Following the denial of compelled arbitration, the Trumps also filed a motion to stay, or a motion to halt the legal process. The district court denied this motion, citing the four traditional factors that must be balanced when granting a stay and finding that the defendants have not met the requirements to grant a stay.

Update-1: On July 28, 2021 in a 3-0 decision, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the district court’s judgement and ruled that the Trump family could not compel arbitration. The court found that since there was no “close relationship” between Trumps and ACN such that the plaintiffs could reasonably infer that their arbitration agreement extended to the Trumps. Thus, the court concluded, the “defendants are not entitled to compel the plaintiffs to arbitrate this dispute.” As of September 2021, the court has not yet ruled on the summary judgment motions.

Update-2: On March 25, CNN reported that former President Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and Eric Trump all agreed to be deposed. Their depositions will take place in May and June.

7. DC Civil Suit over Misuse of 2017 Inauguration Funds (CASE CLOSED)
District of Columbia v. 58th Presidential Inauguration Comm., No. 2020-CA-00488-B (D.C. Super. Ct. Sept. 9, 2020)

Prosecuting Office: DC Attorney General (AG)

Case Summary: In the run-up to Trump’s 2017 swearing-in, his inaugural committee raised a record $107 million to spend on inauguration festivities. As a nonprofit, the inaugural committee was bound to use these charitable funds for the public good, namely by organizing events to celebrate the 2017 presidential inauguration.

But as the DC AG alleges, the inaugural committee used over $1 million of those funds in an improper bid to enrich the Trump family’s private businesses. DC’s attorneys are now suing the inaugural committee, the Trump International Hotel, and the Trump Organization over that alleged misspending. Chief among the allegations, the DC AG claims that the committee paid exorbitant rates to rent space in the Trump International Hotel in downtown DC. The committee, for instance, allegedly paid $175,000 to rent the main ballroom on the same day that another nonprofit paid only $5,000–a rate 35 times higher. On top of that, the committee allegedly ignored much better deals available at other upscale locations, settling instead on overpaying for space at the Trump location.

The DC AG frames these payments as an under-the-table attempt to divert charitable funds to the Trumps’ private holdings. The complaint focuses on possible misconduct by committee executive Rick Gates, who also held key roles in the Trump campaign. (Gates would later cooperate with the Mueller investigation.) To tie in the Trump entities, the complaint asserts that the Trump businesses knew it was overcharging the non-profit committee, and points to internal negotiations between the parties that allegedly show both sides were aware of the extreme rates. The DC AG is asking the court to compel the Trump business to put the misspent funds into a trust where they can be put toward charitable purposes.

Case Status: The defendants–the committee itself along with the two Trump businesses–moved to dismiss the suit, but the district court denied that motion in September 2020. On Jan. 11, 2021, the DC AG added a new allegation that the committee improperly used its nonprofit funds to pay a hotel bill on behalf of Trump’s private business. The suit is currently in discovery, and the AG’s office has already deposed several high-level Trump executives, including Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr.

Update-1: The DC AG moved for summary judgment on Mar. 24, 2021. All three defendants responded by filing their own motions for summary judgment on Apr. 8, 2021.

Update-2: On Nov. 8, 2021, the DC court partially granted Trump’s motion for summary judgment, dismissing the waste claim but allowing the private enrichment claim to proceed. Addressing the waste claim, the judge explained that the evidence did not show that the Trump defendants intentionally threw away money when they paid the extravagant rates at Trump’s hotel. Even so, the court ruled that the DC AG may still be able to show that the Trumps illegally enriched themselves with committee funds, and gave the green light for that claim to go to trial. The court also dismissed the Trump Organization from the case on grounds that DC lacked jurisdiction over them.

Update-3: On Feb. 14, 2022, the DC court reversed its earlier decision dismissing the Trump Organization and reinstated it as a defendant in the suit. The DC court also affirmed its summary judgment decision to dismiss the waste claims. The case is scheduled for trial in September 2022.

Update-4: On May, 3, 2022, the Trump Organization and Trump’s inaugural committee agreed to pay a total of $750,000 to settle the suit. Under the deal, the Trump Organization will pay $400,000 and the committee will pay the remaining $350,000.

8. Karen Bass et al. Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Capitol Attack
Thompson v. Trump, No. 21-cv-00400 (D.D.C. filed Feb. 16, 2021)

Plaintiff: Rep. Karen R. Bass, Rep. Stephen I. Cohen, Rep. Veronica Escobar, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, Rep. Henry C. Johnson, Jr., Rep. Marcia C. Kaptur, Rep. Barbara J. Lee, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, Rep. Maxine Waters, and Rep. Bonnie M. Watson Coleman, represented by the NAACP

Case Summary: On Feb. 16, 2021, Mississippi Congressman Bennie Thompson sued former President Trump and Rudy Giuliani along with two right-wing militia groups known as the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers, for violating the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, 42 U.S.C. § 1985(1). In the complaint, Thompson alleges that Trump violated the Ku Klux Klan Act by inciting the rioters with the intent to prevent Members of Congress from discharging their official duties of the timely approval of the Electoral College vote. He argues that after Trump’s loss in the November 2020 election, the then-President set out on a campaign to mobilize his supporters, culminating in the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol. It portrays Trump’s rhetoric on the morning of Jan. 6 as a call to arms and as intended to prevent the certification of the election.

The Act was passed in 1871 in response to violence and intimidation by the KKK intended to stop Black people from voting. The legislation allows Members of Congress to sue individuals who conspire to violently “molest, interrupt, hinder, or impede” the discharge of a public official’s duties.

Thompson seeks compensatory damages for his emotional distress suffered during the attack in addition to punitive damages.

Case Status: On Apr. 7, 2021, ten additional members of Congress joined the lawsuit as plaintiffs. The defendants then moved to dismiss on May 26. In Trump’s motion, he argued (i) that he has absolute immunity because he was acting as president; (ii) that even if he did not have absolute immunity, the Westfall Act shields him from any personal liability; (iii) that members of Congress cannot sue under the KKK Act; and (iv) that his speech was protected by the First Amendment. As of September 2021, the court has not ruled on the motions.

Update-1: On July 21, 2021, Rep. Thompson announced that he would withdraw from the lawsuit to avoid any conflict with the Jan. 6 House Select Committee, which Thompson is chairing. The other plaintiffs–all members of Congress who are not on the Committee–confirmed that they would continue the lawsuit.

Update-2: Judge Mehta–who is also presiding over the Swalwell and Blassingame 1/6 suits–scheduled a combined oral argument for Jan. 10, 2022, for all three cases.

Update-3: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the § 1985 claim against him.

Update-4: On Mar. 18, 2022, Trump appealed the district court’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit consolidated the appeal with those in the Swalwell and Blassingame 1/6 suits.

Update-5: Trump filed his appeal brief on July 27, 2022. He challenged only the district court’s ruling that he lacked absolute presidential immunity, arguing that his speech surrounding Jan. 6 fell within his official presidential duties.

9. Eric Swalwell Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Riots
Swalwell v. Trump, No. 21-cv-00586 (D.D.C. filed Mar. 5, 2021)

Plaintiff: Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA)

Case Summary: On Mar. 5, 2021, Representative Eric Swalwell sued Donald Trump and several associates in DC federal court over the Jan. 6 riots. Much like Representative Bennie Thompson’s related suit, Swalwell alleges that Trump and his co-defendants–Donald Trump Jr., Representative Mo Brooks (R-AL), and Rudy Giuliani–violated the Ku Klux Klan Act by conspiring to interfere with the Electoral College count on Jan. 6.

Swalwell’s suit also goes one step further: it claims that the defendants should be held civilly liable for negligence because they committed criminal incitement under DC’s local code, which establishes the standard of care. Notably, Swalwell says that Trump violated the same DC code–§22-1321(a)(2)–that DC AG Karl Racine is apparently focusing on in his own criminal investigation into Trump’s conduct.

Beyond the civil rights and incitement counts, Swalwell also claims that the defendants are liable for encouraging (aiding and abetting) the rioters’ violent conduct and for intentionally inflicting emotional distress on members of Congress in connection with the attack on the Capitol.

Case Status: Swalwell filed his complaint on Mar. 5, 2021.

Update-1: On May 17, 2021, Giuliani filed a motion to dismiss the claims against him. He argued that his speech did not qualify as incitement, that he never formed a conspiracy with the other defendants or the rioters, and that his speech was ultimately protected by the First Amendment.

Update-2: On May 24, 2021, Donald Trump and his son Donald Jr. filed their own motion to dismiss. Most notably, former President Trump argued that he had absolute immunity against Swalwell’s claims because Trump’s alleged misconduct was within the scope of his official duties as president. Both Trump and Trump Jr. also contended that their speech was protected under the First Amendment and the canonical Brandenburg test. The Trumps also advanced various other arguments ranging from standing to the political question doctrine to even a claim that Swalwell was barred from suing Trump over the same conduct for which Trump was acquitted at his impeachment trial.

Update-3: On July 1, 2021, Swalwell filed a motion for default judgment against Brooks, arguing that Brooks had missed the deadline to respond to the lawsuit. Brooks responded with his own motion urging the court to dismiss the lawsuit because he was acting within the “scope of his employment,” which would essentially block the case under the Westfall Act. The district court denied Swalwell’s motion for a default judgment on July 5 but has not yet ruled on Brooks’s motion.

Update-4: On July 27, 2021, the Justice Department submitted a brief stating that Brooks was not acting within the scope of his employment and thus not shielded by the Westfall Act. The House of Representatives filed a response taking a “non-participation approach” (silence) on the question whether Brooks acted within his scope of employment. The Chairwoman of the Committee on House Administration submitted a brief stating that Rep. Brooks was not acting within his scope of employment.

Update-5: Judge Mehta–who is also presiding over the Bass and Blassingame 1/6 suits–scheduled a combined oral argument for Jan. 10, 2022, for all three cases.

Update-6: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, negligence per se, DC anti-bias law, and aiding and abetting assault. The court granted Trump’s request to dismiss the § 1986, emotional distress, and negligence claims.

Update-7: On Mar. 18, 2022, Trump appealed the district court’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit consolidated the appeal with those in the Bass and Blassingame 1/6 suits.

Update-8: Trump filed his appeal brief on July 27, 2022. He challenged only the district court’s ruling that he lacked absolute presidential immunity, arguing that his speech surrounding Jan. 6 fell within his official presidential duties.

10. Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots
Blassingame v. Trump, No. 21-cv-00858 (D.D.C. filed Mar. 30, 2021)

Plaintiff: James Blassingame and Sidney Hemby, two Capitol police officers

Case Summary: On Mar. 30, 2021, two Capitol Police Officers sued Donald Trump for injuries they sustained during the Jan. 6 riots in DC. The officers–James Blassingame and Sidney Hemby–say they were maced with bear spray, attacked with fists and flagpoles, and even crushed against a door as they tried to protect the Capitol from pro-Trump intruders.

Much like the other Jan. 6 suits against Trump, the officers pin their injuries on Trump’s incendiary rhetoric before and during violence. Both allege that Trump directed the rioters to assault them, aided the rioters in committing those assaults, and negligently incited the riot in violation of DC’s public safety codes. Blassingame also accuses Trump of directing intentional infliction of emotional distress, pointing to the racial slurs and taunts that the intruders allegedly hurled at him during the violence.

Case Status: The officers filed their suit in DC federal court on Mar. 30, 2021. On Apr. 28, 2021, the plaintiffs added two new conspiracy claims against Trump, one based on the KKK Act and the other on common law conspiracy. They allege that Trump illegally conspired with the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers to storm the Capitol, which in turn caused the plaintiffs’ injuries.

Update-1: Donald Trump filed a motion to dismiss on June 24, 2021. He repeated many of the arguments from his motions to dismiss in the Bass and Swalwell suits, including absolute presidential immunity, freedom of speech, and preclusion based on Trump’s impeachment acquittal.

Update-2: Judge Mehta–who is also presiding over the Bass and Swalwell 1/6 suits–scheduled a combined oral argument for Jan. 10, 2022, for all three cases.

Update-3: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, assault, and negligence per se. The court granted Trump’s motion to dismiss the emotional distress, punitive damages, and civil conspiracy claims.

Update-4: On Mar. 18, 2022, Trump appealed the district court’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit consolidated the appeal with those in the Swalwell and Bass 1/6 suits.

Update-5: Trump filed his appeal brief on July 27, 2022. He challenged only the district court’s ruling that he lacked absolute presidential immunity, arguing that his speech surrounding Jan. 6 fell within his official presidential duties.

11. Second Capitol Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots
Smith v. Trump, No. 21-cv-02265 (D.D.C. filed Aug. 26, 2021)

Plaintiff: Seven Capitol Police officers

Case Summary: On Aug. 26, 2021, a second group of Capitol Police officers filed suit over injuries they suffered while defending the Capitol on Jan. 6. The officers allege that Trump and his co-defendants–including the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers–conspired to incite a riot and attack the Capitol, leaving the officers physically and emotionally injured.

Like the other Jan. 6 lawsuits against Trump, the complaint asserts that Trump violated the KKK Act by conspiring to instigate the riots. The complaint also alleges that unnamed defendants–listed as “John Does” who carried out the attack–physically assaulted the officers at Trump’s provocation, which could make Trump liable for the officers’ injuries.

The plaintiffs also add in a unique claim not found in other Jan. 6 lawsuits against Trump: that the defendants violated the DC Bias-Related Crimes Act, a local hate-crime statute. According to the complaint, the defendants were motivated by political bias against the Democratic Party when they instigated and executed the Capitol attack.

Case Status: The officers filed their suit in DC federal court on Aug 26, 2021.

Update-1: Donald Trump filed a motion to dismiss on Nov. 12, 2021. Much like in the other Jan. 6 suits, Trump argued that his speech was constitutionally protected by presidential immunity, the First Amendment, and preclusion as a result of the impeachment acquittal.

Update-2: On Dec. 5, 2021, the plaintiffs amended their complaint to add an eighth officer as a plaintiff and to add a pro-Trump PAC as an additional defendant. The court ruled that the defendants could file new motions to dismiss against this amended complaint, due by Dec. 23, 2021.

Update-3: Trump filed a motion to dismiss the amended complaint on Jan. 31, 2022. He once again argued that the plaintiffs failed to state a claim and that Trump’s speech was protected by absolute immunity and the First Amendment.

Update-4: The district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss on Jan. 26, 2023.

12. Third Capitol Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots
Moore v. Trump, No. 22-cv-00010 (D.D.C. filed Jan. 4, 2022)

Plaintiff: Marcus J. Moore, US Capitol Police Officer

Case Summary: On Jan. 4, 2022, a third suit was filed by a Capitol Police officer alleging that physical and emotional injuries he suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot. The officer seeks compensatory and punitive damages.

The officer claims that the actions, tweets, and comments made by Trump prior, during, and after the insurrection resulted in actual physical injuries as rioters struck him and attacked him with physical objects and chemical agents. Like other Jan. 6 lawsuits, the officer claims Trump violated the KKK Act as Trump conspired to attack the Capitol with his followers. The officer, like earlier lawsuits, further cited violations of the D.C. Code for inciting a riot and disorderly conduct.

Case Status: The officer filed his suit in DC District Court on January 4, 2022.

13. Metropolitan Police Suits over the Jan. 6. Riots
Tabron v. Trump, No. 22-cv-00011 (D.D.C. filed Jan. 4, 2022)

Plaintiff: Bobby Tabron and DeDivine K. Carter, Metropolitan Police Officers

Case Summary: On Jan. 4, 2022, two Metropolitan Police Officers filed suit alleging that physical and emotional injuries they suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot. The officers seek compensatory and punitive damages.

The officers claim that the actions, tweets, and comments made by Trump prior, during, and after the insurrection resulted in actual physical injuries as rioters struck them and attacked them with physical objects and chemical agents. Like other Ja. 6 lawsuits, the officers claim Trump violated the KKK Act as Trump conspired to attack the Capitol with his followers. The officers, like earlier lawsuits, further cited violations of the D.C. Code for inciting a riot and disorderly conduct.

Case Status: The officers filed their suit on January 4, 2022.

14. NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund Voting Rights Case
Mich. Welfare Rights Org. v. Trump, No. 20-cv-03388 (D.D.C. filed Nov. 20, 2020)

Plaintiff: Michigan Welfare Rights Organization and the NAACP, represented by the NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund (LDF).

Case Summary: On Nov. 20, 2020, LDF sued then-President Trump and the Trump campaign alleging that their post-election conduct violated Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act, 52 U.S.C. § 10307(b). After losing the election, Trump spent weeks pressuring Republican election officials not to certify the election—in particular, the complaint examines the actions of Wayne County Republican election officials who first voted not to certify the election, though they eventually did. Section 11(b) forbids intimidation of voters, those aiding voters, and certain election officials. Voting is broadly defined in the Voting Rights Act, covering “all action necessary to make a vote effective[,] … including … having such ballot counted properly and included in the appropriate totals of votes cast.”

In December 2020, the complaint was amended to include the NAACP as a plaintiff, the Republican National Committee as a defendant, and alleged a new claim: that defendants violated the Ku Klux Klan Act, which prohibits conspiracies to deprive someone of equal protection under law or the right to vote. 42 U.S.C. § 1985(3). LDF argues that Trump’s efforts to discard votes in cities with large Black populations meets the statutory definition.

LDF seeks statutory damages, a declaratory judgment, and injunctive relief that would prevent defendants from intimidating voters and election officials in the future.

Case Status: On Feb. 25, 2021, the defendants moved to dismiss the case. They had a variety of arguments, including that the case was filed in the wrong court, that the cited statutes do not allow a private party to bring litigation, and that their conduct did not violate the statutes. As of September 2021, the court has not yet ruled on the motions.

Update-1: On Mar. 31, 2022, the district court partially granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss, dismissing the VRA claims for lack of standing and holding the § 1985(3) claims in abeyance. On the standing point, the district court concluded the plaintiffs lacked standing for an injunction. The court reasoned that even if the defendants had illegally interfered with the plaintiffs’ voting rights in the past, there was no imminent threat that the defendants would do so again.

Update-2: On June 16, the plaintiffs requested permission to file a second amended complaint with new factual allegations that could remedy the standing issues on the VRA claim.

Update-3: On Nov. 28 the district court granted plaintiffs’ request to file a second amended complaint. In granting the plaintiff’s motion, the court concluded that “Plaintiffs have adequately alleged … that the Trump Defendants not only caused great harm to Plaintiffs in the past but also pose a very substantial risk in the future to Plaintiff’s fundamental right to vote.”

15. NY Civil Suit over Fraudulent Real Estate Practices
People v. Trump Org., No. 451685/2020 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. Dec. 15, 2020)

Plaintiff: New York Attorney General (AG)

Case Summary: In March 2019, New York Attorney General Letitia James launched a civil probe investigating allegations that the Trump organization inflated and deflated property values to avoid tax liability and for other financial benefits. She began her investigation after Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen testified before Congress that Trump had engaged in fraud. While there is some overlap, James has noted that her investigation differs from and is independent of the Manhattan DA criminal investigation.

Much of her probe has focused on Seven Springs, a Trump-owned property in New York. In December 2019, James subpoenaed the Trump Organization, seeking records related to a $21 million tax deduction that Trump claimed against the property in 2015. Per her court filings, James is exploring whether Trump improperly inflated the property’s value to boost the size of the tax benefit.

James is also looking into other transactions relating to Trump properties. She is investigating whether Trump failed to pay taxes on debt forgiven during the financial restructuring of the Trump Hotel & Tower in Chicago and the appraisal of the LA Trump National Golf Club used for his conservation tax break, which was substantially higher than metrics typically used to value golf properties.

Case Status: In connection with the Seven Springs subpoenas, James’s office deposed Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg and Eric Trump in September and October 2020. Both refused to testify and instead invoked the Fifth Amendment over 500 times. She also sought related records held by Trump’s tax lawyers. His counsel initially refused to produce them, claiming they were shielded by attorney-client privilege. The state court judge disagreed, ruling on Jan. 29, 2021 that the tax attorneys must turn over thousands of documents about the tax deductions.

Update-1: On May 18, 2021, Fabien Levy, a spokesperson for New York’s Attorney General said, “We have informed the Trump Organization that our investigation into the organization is no longer purely civil in nature. We are now actively investigating the Trump Organizations in a criminal capacity, along with the Manhattan DA.”

Update-2: On Dec. 9, 2021, the Washington Post reported that AG James is seeking to depose Trump in January 2022 as part of her fraud investigation into the Trump Organization’s property valuations.

Update-3: On Jan. 3, 2022, a court order revealed that James’s office also subpoenaed Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. on Dec. 1. According to the order, James seeks to question the two Trump children–in addition to Trump Sr., as previously reported–about the potentially fraudulent real estate valuations. The Trumps immediately responded by filing a motion to quash the subpoenas. They argued that, because the NY AG is also running a “joint” criminal investigation into the Trumps with the Manhattan DA, the AG’s office cannot use purely civil subpoenas and must instead use a grand jury to question Trump and his children. The Trumps reasoned that grand jury subpoenas provide greater protection to witnesses–including immunity–and that James was trying to “circumvent” those protections by using civil subpoenas instead.

Update-4: James subpoenaed the General Services Administration to determine how it decided to lease the historic post office to former President Trump. As part of an ongoing civil investigation into Trump’s fraudulent real estate practices, James is reportedly attempting to use the documents to determine whether Trump had a practice of providing false information to the advantage of his business.

Update-5: On Feb. 17, 2022, the state court rejected Trump’s subpoena challenge and ruled that Donald, Ivanka, and Donald Jr. must sit for questioning under oath. The judge directed the Trumps to submit to these depositions within 21 days. The Trumps plan to appeal the decision, according to a family spokeswoman.

Update-6: On Feb. 28, 2022, the Trumps appealed the court’s decision ordering them to sit for depositions.

Update-7: On Mar. 3, 2022, the parties agreed to delay the depositions until after the state appeals court rules on the Trumps’ appeal.

Update-8: On Apr 7, 2022, James’s office filed a motion with the state court requesting Trump be held in contempt for failing to turn over subpoenaed documents. Her office requested a daily fine of $10,000 until Trump complies. The court has not ruled on her request.

Update-9: On Apr. 25, 2022, a NY state Judge held Trump in contempt of court for failure to respond to the AG’s subpoenas. The court assessed a fine of $10,000 per day until Trump meets the request.

Update-10: On Apr. 27, 2022, Trump appealed the contempt ruling and the $10,000-a-day fine. Trump also asked the district court to pause the fine while he appeals, but the court denied that request.

Update-11: On May 11, 2022, the trial court halted the daily fine but ordered Trump to pay the $110,000 balance by May 20. Though Trump paid the fine by the deadline, the judge kept the contempt order in place, leaving the door open for it to climb if Trump does not comply with the judge’s orders.

Update-12: On May 26, 2022, a New York appeals court ruled that Trump and two of his children–Donald Jr. and Ivanka–must sit for questioning by AG James’s office. The appeals court rejected Trump’s arguments that James was acting out of political animus. Trump’s attorney appealed the ruling to the New York Court of Appeals, the state’s highest court, which has discretion to take up or ignore the appeal.

Update-13: On June 8, 2022, Trump and two of his children–Donald Jr. and Ivanka–agreed to be questioned under oath by James’s office in mid-July, unless the New York high court decides to intervene and hear their appeal.

Update-14: On June 14, 2022, New York’s highest court declined to hear the Trumps’ appeal. This clears the way for James’s office to depose the Trumps.

Update-15: James’s office deposed Donald Trump Jr. on July 28, 2022 and Ivanka Trump on Aug. 3, 2022. Both reportedly participated in the deposition and did not invoke their Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination.

Update-16: AG James deposed Trump Sr. on Aug. 10, 2022. Trump repeatedly declined to answer her questions and instead invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. Reportedly, Trump asserted the Fifth more than 400 times in response to varying questions about his businesses, property valuations, and loans.

Update-17: On Sept. 21, 2022, the NY AG sued the Trumps in NY state court. The civil suit alleges that the Trumps repeatedly overvalued their real estate holdings in a long-running scheme designed to obtain favorable terms on bank loans. The complaint seeks to recover $250 million in damages and asks the court to bar the Trumps from running any businesses in New York state. It names Donald Sr., Donald Jr., Eric, and Ivanka Trump as defendants, along with the Trump Organization and several of its executives. Although AG James’s suit seeks only civil penalties, her office also sent criminal referrals to both the IRS and federal prosecutors.

Update-18: On Jan. 6, 2023, the trial court denied the Trumps’ motion to dismiss James’s lawsuit.

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Donald Trump v. Letitia James: On Dec. 20, 2021, Donald Trump filed his own suit against AG James in federal court. He accused James of targeting Trump out of political animus and asked the court to enjoin her under § 1983 from continuing her investigation into Trump and his companies. To back up his claim, Trump pointed to a string of James’s social media posts that allegedly suggested a political motive. Trump asserted that James’s investigation violates his constitutional rights, including his First Amendment rights by targeting him for his political activities and his Fourth Amendment rights by harassing him with bad faith subpoenas. In subsequent filings. James has asked the judge to dismiss the suit and has refused to cease investigating.

Update-1: On Jan. 26, 2022, James moved to dismiss Trump’s suit. She argued that Trump’s suit should be dismissed under several federal abstention doctrines, under res judicata, and for failing to state a claim.

Update-2: On May 27, 2022, the district court dismissed Trump’s suit, which will allow James’s investigation to continue. The district court reasoned that Trump’s suit was barred by Younger abstention, a doctrine that bars federal courts from stopping state court proceedings like James’s civil enforcement suit against Trump. For his part, Trump had argued that Younger abstention shouldn’t apply because James was investigating him in bad faith. The district court rejected that argument, finding that James’s proceeding had a “legitimate factual predicate” and that there was no evidence that James was acting in a harassing or bad faith manner.

Update-3: Trump filed a notice of appeal on May 27, 2022.

Update-4: Trump withdrew his lawsuit on Jan. 24, 2023.

16. Scotland Unexplained Wealth Orders
Plaintiff: Avaaz Foundation against the Scottish Ministers and Others

Case Summary: On February 3, 2021, the Scottish Parliament voted to reject calls from the opposition party, the Scottish Greens, to investigate the Trump Organization’s golf courses through an Unexplained Wealth Order (UWO). UWOs are a mechanism designed to prevent suspected corrupt foreign officials from laundering potentially stolen funds into the UK. They require an individual or organization to reveal the sources of their unexplained wealth and, while they do not automatically trigger criminal proceedings, they can result at least in confiscation of assets. The concerns that led to the push to investigate Trump arose when Trump spent many hundreds of millions of dollars to purchase and refurbish golf courses within Scotland with all-cash transactions. This was particularly suspicious since Trump had financed large scale purchases with debt prior to these transactions. It is disputed whether Eric Trump made a statement indicating that the funds had come from Russia.

The co-leader of the Scottish Greens stated, “Scotland cannot be a country where anyone with the money can buy whatever land and property they want, no questions asked, and the Scottish Greens will continue to challenge vested interests that protect people like Trump rather than our communities.” Eric Trump criticized the suit, stating that “at a critical time when politicians should be focused on saving lives and reopening businesses in Scotland, they are focused on advancing their personal agendas.”

Case Status: The non-profit global rights pressure group, Avaaz Foundation, sought to challenge the Scottish Parliament vote and, in May, filed a petition in the highest civil court in Scotland to review the decision not to pursue a UWO. On Aug. 11, 2021, Lord Sandison of the Scottish Court of Session ruled the petition seeking “judicial review of the approach of the Scottish ministers in determining whether to apply to the court for UWOs” should “proceed without condition or restriction.” He ruled that their case has “real prospects of success.” Scotland’s High Court will likely hear the case later this year.

Update-1: On Nov. 25, 2021, in a victory for the defendants, Lord Sandison ruled that only the Lord Advocate General of Scotland may issue a UWO, not the Scottish ministers. Advocates are now asking for the Lord Advocate to take action.

Update-2: As of January 2023, there are no indications that the Scottish investigation is progressing.

17. Trump Tower Assault Suit (CASE CLOSED)
Galicia v. Trump, No. 24973/2015 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. filed Sept. 9, 2015)

Plaintiff: A group of six protesters

Case Summary: On Sept. 3, 2015, the plaintiffs were demonstrating on the sidewalk outside Trump Tower in Manhattan. According to the plaintiffs–who self-identify as of Mexican origin–they were protesting the “inflammatory” anti-Mexican statements that Trump made during 2015 campaign events. Soon after the plaintiffs arrived, Trump Tower security guards allegedly attacked them and destroyed their protest signs.

That same month, the plaintiffs sued Trump, the Trump Organization, Trump’s campaign, Trump’s head bodyguard, and the alleged attackers in New York state court. The plaintiffs allege that Trump and his co-defendants are liable for assault and battery, conversion and destruction of property, and tortious interference with political speech. To tie Trump to his guards’ conduct, the plaintiffs allege that Trump was careless in hiring and supervising his security detail and, separately, that Trump should be held vicariously liable–a type of secondary liability often used to hold employers to account for their employee’s harmful actions. To prevail against Trump on this vicarious liability theory, the plaintiffs would need to show that the guards (i) were acting as Trump’s employees or agents at the time and (ii) attacked the plaintiffs to advance Trump’s interests in some way.

Case Status: Trump and his co-defendants moved to dismiss the claims for property destruction and interference with political speech in Dec. 2015. The court dismissed the political speech interference claim but permitted the rest of the claims to advance.

After the defendants moved for summary judgment in 2017, the court dismissed the negligent hiring and supervision claims against Trump and the Trump Organization. However, the court allowed the remaining claims to go forward, including the vicarious liability claims that Trump should be personally liable for his guards’ conduct.

Update-1: On Oct. 18, 2021, Trump sat for a four-hour deposition to answer questions about the alleged assault. According to the plaintiffs’ lawyer, Trump was asked about “a variety of issues including statements he has made at various campaign events and rallies that counsel believes encouraged violence at those events or encouraged security guards to engage in violence or the confiscation of property.” The plaintiffs’ lawyer also said he intends to play a video of Trump’s deposition at trial, which is not yet scheduled.

Update-2: On Apr. 26, 2022, a court filing revealed fifty pages of testimony from Trump’s deposition. Trump testified that he did not send his security staff after the protestors or direct them to grab their signs.

Update-3: Nov. 2, 2022, the parties reached a settlement in the case, details of the settlement agreement have not been disclosed.

18. Michael Cohen Retaliatory Imprisonment Suit
Cohen v. United States, No. 21-cv-10774 (S.D.N.Y. filed Dec. 16, 2021)

Plaintiff: Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s former attorney

Case Summary: On Dec. 16, 2021, Michael Cohen sued Donald Trump, former Attorney General Bill Barr, the US government, and other officials in federal court for retaliatory imprisonment. Cohen alleges that, after he announced plans to publish a damaging book about his legal work for Trump, the defendants retaliated by sending Cohen back to federal prison from home confinement.

At the time, Cohen was serving a three-year sentence for several crimes related to his work for Trump, including lying to Congress about Trump’s Moscow business and orchestrating illegal campaign expenditures to cover up Trump’s extramarital affairs. Several months into the COVID outbreak, the Bureau of Prisons–then led by defendant Michael Carvajal–granted Cohen’s medical request to be released on “furlough” followed by a transition to home confinement for the rest of his sentence. But according to Cohen, Trump and his co-defendants interfered with that transition. While Cohen was out on furlough, he tweeted about his plans to release a tell-all memoir about his work for Trump. Shortly after, corrections officers demanded that Cohen agree to a home confinement condition that barred Cohen from posting on social media and publishing his book. After Cohen allegedly hesitated to agree, the BOP nixed the home confinement plan and remanded Cohen back to federal prison.

Cohen then filed a habeas petition challenging the remand and arguing that corrections officials had taken the action in retaliation for Cohen’s tweets about his work on the anti-Trump book. The district court agreed–explicitly finding that Barr and Carvajal ordered the remand with the “purpose” of retaliating–and ordered Cohen’s release to home detention. Cohen completed his sentence at home in November 2021.

A month later, on Dec. 16, Cohen sued Trump, Barr, Carvajal, other corrections officials, and the US government for the alleged retaliatory imprisonment. He seeks damages against Trump, Barr, and the other officials under Bivens–a judicially created cause of action for damages against federal officers for constitutional violations–for violating Cohen’s rights under the First, Fourth, and Eighth Amendments. Cohen also seeks damages against the US government under the Federal Tort Claims Act, which allows plaintiffs to sue the federal government for damages if they are injured by certain torts committed by federal officers.

Case Status: Cohen filed the suit in New York federal court on December 16, 2021.

Update-1: Trump filed a motion to dismiss the suit on Apr. 4, 2022. He argued that presidential immunity shielded his conduct, that Bivens doctrine does not apply in federal prisoner suits against the President, and that Cohen had failed to plausibly allege that Trump was personally involved in the constitutional violations.

Update-2: On Aug. 2, 2022, the court heard oral argument on the defendants’ motion to dismiss.

Update-3: On Nov. 14, 2022, the district court dismissed Cohen’s suit, including his constitutional Bivens claims against Trump. The court found that recent Supreme Court decisions had significantly constrained the scope of such suits and concluded that Cohen’s claims failed under those precedents.


19. Criminal Investigations into Trump’s Finances
People of the State of New York v. Trump Corporation d/b/a Trump Organization, Trump Payroll Corp., d/b/a Trump Organization, Allen Weisselberg

Trump v. Deutsche Bank, No. 19-cv-03826 (S.D.N.Y. Apr. 29, 2019)

Trump v. Vance, No. 19-cv-08694 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 19, 2019)

Prosecuting Office: In 2019, then-President Trump sued to block subpoenas issued by three House Committees and the Manhattan District Attorney seeking his financial information in 2019. As of Feb. 22, the Manhattan DA now has access to Trump’s tax information.

Case Summary: In 2019, the House Intelligence and Finance Committees issued subpoenas to both Deutsche Bank and Capital One seeking information about then-President Trump’s finances. Before the banks complied with the subpoenas, Trump sued, seeking a declaratory judgment that they were unenforceable and an injunction that would have prevented the banks from disclosing Trump’s financial information. In addition, the House Oversight Committee subpoenaed Mazars, Trump’s accounting firm, demanding additional accounting information. Trump again sued to block the subpoena.

In parallel, Manhattan District Attorney, Cyrus Vance Jr., subpoenaed Mazars, for access to Trump’s tax records. Trump again sued to prevent the disclosure of this information.

All three cases reached the Supreme Court, where they were decided on the same day, July 9, 2020. The congressional subpoenas were combined into one case, and were remanded so the lower courts could consider separation of powers concerns raised by congressional committees subpoenaing a sitting president. In the Vance case, the Court ruled that a president’s financial information could be subpoenaed by a local district attorney.

Case Status: With the seating of the new Congress in January 2021, the Congressional subpoenas expired. The Vance subpoena again reached the Supreme Court, which on Feb. 22, refused to block it. His spokesperson has confirmed that the office now has access to Trump’s tax returns, including millions of pages of documents. Charges have not been filed.

Update-1: New reporting on Mar. 1 revealed that Vance’s investigation has focused on Trump Organization chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, whose potential cooperation with prosecutors could be a significant breakthrough in the investigation. On Mar. 31, the New York Times reported that Vance’s office has subpoenaed Weisselberg’s personal bank records, and on Apr. 8, investigators took possession of financial records from Weisselberg’s daughter-in-law.

Update-2: New reporting on Mar. 8 revealed that Vance’s probe has expanded to include investigation of a $130 million loan the Trump Organization received to build its Chicago tower, and whether the forgiveness of that loan was reported as income, as required by the IRS.

Update-3: On May, 25, 2021, the Washington Post reported that Vance has convened a special grand jury that is “expected to decide whether to indict former president Donald Trump, other executives at his company or the business itself should prosecutors present the panel with criminal charges.” According to the Post, “The move indicates that District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr.’s investigation of the former president and his business has reached an advanced stage …. It suggests, too, that Vance believes he has found evidence of a crime — if not by Trump then by someone potentially close to him or by his company.”

Update-4: On Jun. 4, ABC News and the New York Times report that Trump Organization senior vice president and controller, Jeff McConney is among a number of witnesses to have already appeared before the special grand jury. He is reportedly the first employee of the company called to testify.

Update-5: On July 1, prosecutors indicted the Trump Organization and the chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg with running a tax fraud scheme for over fifteen years. The indictment charges Weisselberg, the Trump Organization, and the Trump Payroll Co. with compensating Weisselberg and other Trump Organization executives with off-the-books funds that were unreported or misreported to federal, state, and local tax authorities.

The indictment includes a reference to the former President. It states that “as part of the scheme to defraud, Trump Corporation personnel … arranged for tuition expenses for Weisselberg’s family members to be paid by personal checks drawn on the account of and signed by Donald J. ‘Trump.” The indictment also refers to an “unindicted co-conspirator,” who is Jeff McConney, the Trump Organization’s controller, a person familiar with the investigation told CNN.

Update-6: Matthew Calamari Jr., the Trump Organization’s corporate director of security, and Jeffrey McConney, controller of the Trump Organization, appeared before a Manhattan grand jury on September 2. Calamari received “transactional immunity for the topics he testified about” while McConney was reportedly asked to clarify his previous grand jury testimony and respond to inquiries related to Calamari Sr.

Update-7: The Washington Post reports that the Manhattan DA has convened a second grand jury “to hear evidence about the Trump Organization’s financial practices and potentially to vote on criminal charges.” One source reported that the new grand jury will scrutinize whether Trump’s company manipulated the value of its assets–a practice that NY AG Letitia James is also investigating in her parallel civil probe.

Update-8: Donald Trump’s longtime accountant, Donald Bender, who worked for the firm Mazars, reportedly appeared before the grand jury. In recent weeks prosecutors’ also interviewed Rosemary Vrablic, a former managing director at Deutsche Bank. According to an anonymous source, “prosecutors pressed Vrablic about Trump’s role in dealings with the bank,” the Washington Post reported.

Update-9: On Jan. 1, 2022, Alvin Bragg replaced Vance as Manhattan DA and took the helm of the investigation into Trump’s finances. Before taking office, Bragg stated that he would be directly involved in the investigation and noted that he had asked two of Vance’s top prosecutors to continue working on the case.

Update-10: Two of the prosecutors working on the Trump case, Carey R. Dunne and Mark F. Pomerantz, resigned from the prosecution when Bragg indicated he had doubts on moving forward with the investigation. The New York Times later reported that Pomerantz stated that Trump was “guilty of numerous felony violations” and that it was “a grave failure of justice” not to prosecute him, according to a copy of Pomerantz’s resignation letter.

Update-11: On Apr. 7, 2022, Bragg publicly stated that the Trump investigation was continuing and revealed that his office had even questioned new witnesses. In a press release, Bragg stated, “I pledge that the Office will publicly state the conclusion of our investigation – whether we conclude our work without bringing charges, or move forward with an indictment.”

Update-12: On Aug. 18, 2022, Allen Weisselberg pleaded guilty to fifteen financial felonies including tax fraud and grand larceny. As part of the deal with the new DA Alvin Bragg, Weisselberg agreed to testify if the Trump Organization goes to trial on the tax fraud charges.

Update-13: On Oct. 24, the tax fraud trial against the Trump Organization began, and, on Nov. 21, the prosecution rested its side of the case.

Update-14: On Nov. 21, the New York Times reported that the DA’s office has resumed a criminal investigation of Trump’s possible hush money payment and associated falsification of business records.

Update-15: On Dec. 6, 2022, a jury convicted the Trump Organization of tax fraud and other crimes related to the company’s practice of giving out off-the-books perks to executives that were never taxed. Allen Weisselberg testified as the prosecution’s star witness against the company. Prosecutors never charged Trump himself over the scheme, though the prosecutors implicated him as being personally involved in the scheme.

Update-16: On Jan. 10, 2023, New York state court Judge Juan Merchan sentenced Allen Weisselberg to five months in prison for financial felonies including tax fraud and grand larceny.

Update-17: On Jan. 13, 2023, Judge Merchan sentenced the Trump Organization to pay $1.6 million in fines for its conviction on tax crimes.

20. DC Attorney General Incitement Investigation for Attack on U.S. Capitol
Prosecuting Office: DC Attorney General (AG)

Case Summary: DC Attorney General Karl Racine has said he is exploring whether to charge Trump with incitement. So far, his office has focused on a DC statute that makes it a misdemeanor to “incite or provoke violence where there is a likelihood that such violence will ensue.” Presumably, DC prosecutors are looking into Trump’s statements and tweets before and during the riot, gauging whether they amount to criminal incitement.

That said, Racine has cautioned that prosecuting Trump would be an uphill battle. Though the former president no longer could claim presidential immunity, the First Amendment may still shield his speech from prosecution. Under Brandenburg–the controlling case here–a speaker can be prosecuted for incitement only when their speech is both intended and likely to cause imminent lawless action. This is a notoriously difficult standard to meet, especially on the intent side. Even though some rioters have claimed they were following Trump’s instructions, Racine would need to actually prove it was Trump’s actual goal for them to do so. Despite the trail of incriminating statements Trump left behind, Racine may still have trouble meeting such a high bar.

Not only that, Racine has limited options in terms of what offenses he can charge. Because DC splits criminal jurisdiction with the U.S. government, Racine’s office can enforce only low-level crimes. As a result, he cannot charge Trump with arguably more applicable felonies, and is effectively limited to DC’s incitement statute. And as defense attorneys in DC have noted, this misdemeanor offense is typically charged in street-level disorderly conduct cases, arguably making it a poor fit.

Case Status: Racine’s office is investigating Trump’s conduct but has not filed charges.

Update: As of August 2022, there are no public signs that the DC AG is still investigating Trump.

21. Fulton County, Georgia Criminal Election Influence Investigation
Prosecuting Office: Fulton County, GA District Attorney’s Office.

Case Summary: On Feb. 10, 2021, the Fulton County DA’s Office opened an investigation into attempted election interference by former President Trump. The investigation is looking into potential violations of Georgia election laws, including the “solicitation of election fraud, the making of false statements to state and local governmental bodies, conspiracy, racketeering, violation of oath of office and any involvement in violence or threats related to the election’s administration.”

Case Status: On Feb. 10, 2021, the Fulton County DA’s Office sent letters to Governor Brian Kemp, Lieutenant Governor Duncan, Secretary of State Raffensperger, and Attorney General Carr informing them of the new investigation and requesting that all records relating to the election, including emails sent by employees from non-government accounts, be preserved.

Fulton County DA Fani Willis also reportedly plans to investigate a phone call between Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger where Raffensperger claims Graham asked the Secretary of State if he could throw out legally cast ballots. Graham’s spokesperson claims that this is not true and Graham was instead asking about the signature verification process. The DA’s office is also reportedly looking into whether Rudy Giuliani violated election laws in making false statements to Georgia officials.

The week of March 1 2021, prosecutors are expected to seek grand jury subpoenas for documents and witnesses connected to the investigation.

On Mar. 6, Willis brought on John Floyd, a national expert on state racketeering prosecution, to assist in racketeering investigations. He has not been brought on specifically for the Trump investigation, but as Willis is investigating racketeering in the Trump case, this development suggests that racketeering charges could play a larger role.

On Mar. 11, a recording of a call between then-President Trump and the chief investigator of the Georgia Secretary of State’s office, Frances Watson, was released By the Wall Street Journal. On the call, Trump urged Watson to look for fraud in mail-in ballots. The Fulton County DA’s Office has said that they will request a copy of the phone call.

Update-1: As of Mar. 28, there are reportedly two grand juries considering subpoenas for documents relevant to the investigation.

Update-2: Reporting (on Nov. 6 and Nov. 12) suggests that Willis is considering convening a special grand jury dedicated solely to allegations of election tampering in addition to the two grand juries that have already been convened.

Update-3: On Jan. 20, 2022, Willis submitted a letter to the chief judge of Fulton County’s Superior Court requesting a special grand jury for her investigation of President Trump. The letter states that a special grand jury will assist because a “significant number of witnesses and prospective witnesses have refused to cooperate with the investigation absent a subpoena requiring their testimony.”

Update-4: On Jan. 30, 2022, Willis requested the FBI to conduct a security safety assessment and provide other protective services following Trump’s alarming and charged rhetoric at a recent Texas rally. He called for massive protests against the “racist” and “vicious” prosecutors if they “do anything wrong.”

Update-5: On May 2, 2022, prosecutors convened a special grand jury to investigate “whether there were unlawful attempts to disrupt the administration of the 2020 elections here in Georgia.” The grand jury currently has up to one year to issue a report advising the local DA whether to pursue criminal charges against Trump.

Update-6: Grand jury proceedings began on May 27, 2022. The grand jury expects to hear testimony from “as many as 50 witnesses” and the process “is likely to last weeks.”

Update-7: On July 5, 2022, the grand jury issued subpoenas to several of Trump’s key associates who were allegedly involved in the election interference scheme. The targets include Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani; campaign lawyers John Eastman, Cleta Mitchell, Kenneth Cheseboro, and Jenna Ellis; Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.); and attorney Jacki Pick Deason. Under the subpoenas, these witnesses now must testify under oath before the grand jury.

Update-8: On July 13, 2022, Senator Graham moved to quash the grand jury subpoena by filing a motion in South Carolina federal court. Graham argued that he had legislative immunity–afforded by the Constitution’s Speech and Debate clause–because his calls to Georgia officials about the 2020 election qualified as legislative activity.

Update-9: On Aug. 2, 2022, Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer asked Willis’ office to delay his testimony because he was still recovering from a recent medical procedure. The Fulton County judge ultimately rejected that request and ordered Giuliani to appear before the grand jury on Aug. 17.

Update-10: On Aug. 11, 2022, Trump hired a high-profile Atlanta-based criminal defense attorney, Drew Findling, to represent him during the criminal proceedings.

Update-11: On Aug. 15, 2022, local prosecutors informed Rudy Giuliani that he was formally a “target” of their criminal investigation into election interference in Georgia, which generally means that an indictment is possible but not guaranteed. That same day, a federal judge rejected Senator Graham’s bid to avoid testifying, and ordered Graham to appear before the grand jury on Aug. 23.

Update-12: Senator Graham appealed the order requiring him to testify to the Eleventh Circuit, which then directed the district court to consider whether Graham’s testimony should be limited based on his legislative immunity claim. On Sept. 9, the district court ultimately ordered Graham to testify but also held that Graham could refuse to answer questions about his “investigatory fact-finding … related to his decision to certify … the 2020 presidential election” because those inquiries would fall under his immunized legislative duties. The court held, in line with its prior decisions and that of the court of appeals, that Graham could be questioned about three areas that fell outside of his legislative activities: (1) “any alleged efforts to ‘cajole’ or encourage Secretary Raffensperger or other Georgia election officials to throw out ballots or otherwise alter Georgia’s election practices and procedures;” (2) “Senator Graham’s alleged communications and coordination with the Trump Campaign and its post-election efforts in Georgia;” and (3) “Senator Graham’s public statements related to Georgia’s 2020 elections.”

Update-13: Graham appealed the district court’s order to the Eleventh Circuit, but the appeals court upheld the district court’s ruling. The panel held that Graham could be forced to testify in the probe because his legislative status did confer blanket immunity from questioning. Graham asked the Supreme Court to revisit that ruling, but the Court denied Graham’s request on Nov. 1, 2022

Update-14: On Nov. 22, Graham testified before the grand jury. His office released a statement saying, “Today, Senator Graham appeared before the Fulton County Special Grand Jury for just over two hours and answered all questions.”

Update-15: The Fulton County grand jury completed its investigation into election interference on Jan. 9, 2023. The judge scheduled a hearing for Jan. 24 to determine whether to release the grand jury’s report, including any recommendation on whether charges should be filed.

22. Westchester, New York Criminal Investigation of Trump Organization Golf Course
Prosecuting Office: Westchester District Attorney’s Office

Case Summary: Westchester District Attorney’s Office of Mimi E. Rocah has reportedly launched a criminal investigation, led by Elliott B. Jacobson, examining, at least in part, whether the Trump Organization misled local officials about the property value of its golf course to reduce its taxes.

Case Status: The full scope of the investigation is unknown but the office has subpoenaed records from the course.

23. National Archives Referral for Mishandled Classified Materials
Prosecuting Office: Department of Justice (via referral by National Archives); Office of the Special Counsel Jack Smith

Case Summary: In January 2022, the National Archives recovered fifteen boxes of documents from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida. Many of the documents were covered by the Presidential Records Act, which requires presidents to preserve and turn over their official records. The Archives later discovered that the boxes included “items marked as classified national security information.”

In response to a letter from the House Oversight Committee, the Archives confirmed on Feb. 18 that it had “identified classified information in the boxes” and had “been in communication with the Department of Justice” about Trump’s handling of those materials.

On Feb. 9, 2022, the Archives made a referral to the Justice Department for Trump’s handling of government records. On or before Apr. 29, 2022, the Justice Department notified Trump’s counsel Evan Corcoran that the Department had an “ongoing criminal investigation” into the handling of the government documents marked as classified. (The grand jury investigation was reported by the New York Times on May 12, 2022.)

Case Status: On or before Apr. 29, 2022, the Justice Department notified Trump’s counsel Evan Corcoran that the Department had an “ongoing criminal investigation” into the handling of the government documents marked as classified. (The grand jury investigation was reported by the New York Times on May 12, 2022.)

Update-1: On Apr. 7, 2022, the Washington Post reported that the DOJ plans to investigate Trump’s removal of official records to Mar-a-Lago.

Update-2: On May 12, 2022, the New York Times reported that the Justice Department has started a “grand jury investigation into whether classified White House documents that ended up at former President Donald J. Trump’s Florida home were mishandled,” and that the grand jury has issued at least one subpoena. That subpoena is to the National Archives to obtain the classified documents.

Update-3: On June 3, 2022, federal investigators removed classified documents from Mar-a-Lago under a grand jury subpoena.

On June 8, Trump’s attorneys received an email from federal investigators asking them to further secure the room where documents are being stored. The email asked that “the room at Mar-a-Lago where the documents had been stored be secured and that all the boxes that were moved from the White House to Mar-a-Lago (along with any other items in that room) be preserved in that room in their current condition until further notice,” according to the Wall Street Journal.

Following the June 3 visit, one of Trump’s lawyers reportedly signed a statement that all materials marked as classified and held in boxes in a storage area have been returned to the government. On June 22, the Trump Organization received a subpoena for surveillance tapes that covered areas of the club where the documents were possibly stored, which the FBI later obtained.

Update-4: On Aug. 8, 2022, FBI agents executed a search warrant on Mar-a-Lago and raided the club in search of additional classified materials beyond those taken in June. Attorney General Merrick Garland later confirmed that he had personally approved the search. The DOJ also asked a court to unseal the search warrant itself, which would reveal the alleged crimes that formed the basis of the warrant as well as the list of items taken during the search. Trump now has the option to oppose the unsealing, which he would need to do by Aug. 12.

Update-5: On Aug. 12, the court granted the DOJ’s motion and unsealed the warrant and property receipt. The warrant revealed that Trump is under investigation for violating three criminal statutes: destruction or removal of records, obstruction of justice, and mishandling classified information in violation of the Espionage Act. The property receipt indicated that agents had seized 11 sets of documents, some marked as highly classified.

Update-6: Several media outlets, including CNN and the Washington Post, asked the court to unseal the search warrant documents on Aug. 11. On Aug. 15, the DOJ responded by filing a motion urging the court to keep sealed the search warrant affidavit, which would specify the reasons why investigators believed they had probable cause to search the premises. The DOJ argued that the affidavit contains sensitive information that would “compromise” the government’s ongoing criminal investigation.

Update-7: On Aug. 22, 2022, Trump filed a lawsuit challenging the DOJ’s investigation in Florida federal court. Trump’s suit requested that the court appoint a special master to review the seized documents and to screen out any materials covered by attorney-client or executive privilege. The suit also asked the court to enjoin the DOJ from reviewing the documents and to order the DOJ to return some of Trump’s personal property.

Update-8: On Aug. 30, 2022, the DOJ filed a motion opposing Trump’s request to appoint a special master. The DOJ advanced several arguments, including that Trump lacked standing to challenge the seizure of presidential records, that an injunction against the DOJ’s investigation was inappropriate, that a a former president like Trump cannot assert executive privilege in scenarios like this, and that a special master is unnecessary because a government filter team could screen out privileged information.

Update-9: On Sept. 5, 2022, the district court granted Trump’s request to appoint a special master and enjoined the DOJ from reviewing the seized records as part of its criminal investigation. On Sept. 8, the DOJ filed a notice of appeal and asked the district court to stay its decision with respect to the classified materials. It argued that the DOJ was likely to win its subsequent appeal over the classified documents, because Trump could not possibly assert any personal interest in classified government records. The DOJ also explained that the government would suffer irreparable harm if it were enjoined from using the seized classified materials, because it needed to promptly conduct a national security risk assessment.

Update-10: On Sept. 15, the district court appointed the Hon. Raymond Dearie–a Senior Judge of the Eastern District of New York–as special master. The district court also denied the DOJ’s motion for a stay.

Update-11: The special master–Judge Dearie–held his first hearing on Sept. 20, 2022. Much of the argument focused on the status of the classified documents. Trump’s counsel argued that Judge Dearie should not take the DOJ’s word that some of the seized records were classified but stopped short of arguing that Trump had actually declassified them. According to reporting, the judge “expressed skepticism” at those arguments, and indicated that he would likely deem the records classified unless Trump offered contrary evidence.

Update-12: On Sept. 21, the Eleventh Circuit granted the DOJ’s motion for a stay, meaning that the DOJ can use the classified documents in its investigation and that the DOJ need not submit those documents to the special master for review. The appeals court agreed with the DOJ that Trump could not assert a personal interest in classified records, and also noted that Trump had so far refused to advance any actual evidence that the records had been declassified.

Update-13: On Nov. 22, the court of appeals heard oral argument (C-SPAN) on the merits of whether Judge Cannon should have exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion in the first place. The three-judge panel included two of the judges from the prior panel that affirmed the DOJ motion on Sept. 21. The two sides’ arguments on jurisdiction were practically the same as the arguments made in their briefs at issue in the Sept. 21 ruling.

Update-14: On Dec. 1, 2022, the Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruled in favor of the government’s petition to vacate Florida district court Judge Aileen Cannon’s order and dismiss the underlying civil action. The Eleventh Circuit held that Judge Cannon should have never exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion for return of property.


Originally posted by THG:
Have you finished reading this yet Jack, comrade signym?



Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by SignyM:

How the FBI covered up the laptop and the alphabet agencies and M$M united to smear one man: the laptop repairman's story

As a rule I'm not a fan of large posts. I don't think they serve a purpose. However, sometimes it is useful to show stupid people how stupid they are. To remind them everybody who reads their posts knows it.

Like this post that shows a concern for the rule of law from Signym. Like other posts from Jack, JSF and some infrequent posters. Yep, they're all in for the rule of law.

The problem they have is all the proof showing they are not. Like the proof I post here that they choose to ignore. Proof anyone with a healthy conative ability would recognize as showing Trump is a sick criminal. Yet, these chosen few deny deny deny.

I offer this proof showing they too are sick. And I'll remind you much more has occurred since 2021.


Originally published on Feb. 28, 2021; continually updated.

On both the criminal and civil litigation fronts, former President Donald Trump faces a bevy of lawsuits and investigations, with more cases likely to follow. Some are civil suits stemming from his pre-presidential business dealings. Others are defamation claims from women he allegedly assaulted. More still are criminal probes and civil actions that scrutinize his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. The Chart below tracks all these cases. It will be continually updated as major legal developments occur.

These cases bear on two pressing questions. First, will Trump maintain his long streak of eluding legal liability in the face of so many lawsuits? Second, if Trump is held to account for illegal conduct, what impact will such a development have on his—and his family’s—political and business fortunes?

Criminal charges—one would think—would be among the most damaging outcomes. After all, a criminal prosecution of a former president would be a singular event in American history. No former president has ever been indicted, much less convicted. Trump lost any immunity from indictment that he may have possessed as president the moment he left office on Jan. 20. To be sure, most of the criminal probes detailed below are in their infancy, so the odds of an actual conviction at this time remain improbable. Even so, the mere stigma of criminal charges against the former president could reshape the American political landscape and the historical understanding of Trump’s behavior.

The civil cases could certainly do their fair share of damage as well, directly or indirectly. If Trump falters in one of his business-related suits, his companies may be subject to massive penalties, or worse. Even apart from such sanctions, his empire is reportedly struggling under looming debt obligations and reduced revenues, a slump which could worsen if his reputation continues to deteriorate.

With these legal threats bearing down on the former president from nearly every direction, this tracker collects them in one place. Note: we have chosen not to include various cases involving Trump’s properties or the Trump Campaign —including slip-and-fall cases, allegations of bedbugs, water use cases, telephone spam suits, copyright suits, and discrimination suits—as they do not implicate Trump directly or it is very unlikely that they will. Below we’ve included key takeaways from each case along with case charts that explain the case’s main issue, procedural posture, and any upcoming deadlines. We will continue to update this information as new filings are docketed, new details emerge, new plaintiffs come forward or drop out, and other significant developments in the cases occur. If you believe we are missing a significant issue or development, send us a message at

Key Takeaways

1. E. Jean Carroll 1.0: Defamation and Federal Tort Claims Act Litigation

Carroll is suing Trump for defamation after he publicly accused her, in June 2019, of fabricating a rape allegation against him. The parties are currently involved in an appeal before the Second Circuit, where Trump (and so far, the Justice Department as well) is arguing that he had official immunity from Carroll’s defamation claim under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA).

Update: On Sept. 27, 2022, the Second Circuit asked the D.C. Court of Appeals to rule on whether Trump’s public denial fell within the scope of his employment under the FTCA.

2. E. Jean Carroll 2.0: Battery and Defamation

Carroll is suing Trump for battery alleging he raped her and for defamation on the basis of a lengthy statement he made on October 12, 2022. The claim of defamation is similar to the suit Carroll brought earlier, except this time Trump made his statement saying she fabricated the rape allegation after he was no longer in office. Accordingly, there is no prospect of his obtaining immunity under the Federal Tort Claims Act.

Carroll filed suit on the first day permitted under New York’s Adult Survivors Act, N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 214-j. The law provides a one-year window for sexual assault survivors to file civil claims even if the statute of limitations has passed.

3. Summer Zervos Defamation Suit (CASE CLOSED)

Summer Zervos, a former contestant on the Apprentice, has filed a civil suit against former President Trump for defamation after he claimed her allegations of his inappropriate sexual conduct were lies designed to help the Clinton campaign and improve her fame. The case is currently at the New York Court of Appeals, the highest New York state court.

Update-1: On Oct. 4, 2021, the trial court ruled that Trump could be deposed before Dec. 23, 2021.

Update-2: On Nov. 12, 2021, Zervos announced she is dropping the lawsuit.

4. Mary Trump Fraud Litigation

Mary Trump is suing Donald Trump for defrauding her out of millions of dollars in an inheritance dispute. The suit is pending in New York state court, where the parties are currently battling over former President Trump’s move to dismiss the case.

Update-1: On Sept. 21, 2021, Donald Trump filed a related lawsuit against Mary Trump, the New York Times, and several of its reporters.

Update-2: On Nov. 15, 2022, the court dismissed Mary’s suit against former President Trump. Mary Trump immediately filed a notice of appeal.

5. Panama Hotel Fraud and Tax Litigation (CASE CLOSED)

Ithaca Capital is suing Trump’s hotel management company for fraud in federal court. Primarily, Ithaca claims that Trump representatives exaggerated the value of a Panama hotel during Ithaca’s negotiations to purchase it.

Update: On Sept. 15, 2021, the parties agreed to end the lawsuit.

6. Doe v. The Trump Corporation Class Action

A group of anonymous plaintiffs have filed a class action against the Trump family and their business, alleging that the Trumps used their brand to scam investors into paying for worthless business opportunities. The district court denied the Trumps’ bid to force the case into arbitration, and the Trumps are now appealing.

7. DC Civil Suit over Misuse of 2017 Inauguration Funds (CASE CLOSED)

In a non-criminal suit, the DC Attorney General is suing several Trump-affiliated entities for misusing inauguration funds to enrich Trump’s family business. The suit is currently in discovery before DC’s local court, where the AG’s office is deposing key Trump executives, notably including his children.

Update: On May 3, 2022, the Trump Organization and Trump’s inaugural committee agreed to settle the suit by paying a total of $750,000.

8. Reps. Karen Bass et al. Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Capitol Attack

Ten members of the House of Representatives, represented by the NAACP, are suing Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and two right wing militia groups for conspiring to forcibly prevent Congress from counting the Electoral College votes on Jan. 6.

Update: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the § 1985 claim against him.

9. Eric Swalwell Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

On Mar. 5, 2021, Representative Eric Swalwell sued Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump Jr., and Congressman Mo Brooks in federal court over the Jan. 6 riots. Swalwell alleges that the defendants violated federal civil rights laws–including the Ku Klux Klan Act–when they conspired to interfere with the Electoral College Count on Jan 6. Beyond that, Swalwell also says the defendants should be held liable for negligently violating DC criminal codes on incitement, encouraging the rioters’ violent conduct, and intentionally inflicting emotional distress on members of Congress.

Update: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, negligence per se, DC anti-bias law, and aiding and abetting assault. The court granted Trump’s request to dismiss the § 1986, emotional distress, and negligence claims.

10. Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

Two Capitol Police officers–both on duty during the Jan. 6 insurrection–sued Donald Trump for injuries they sustained while protecting the Capitol. Both allege that the rioters physically attacked them with fists, chemical spray, and other weapons. They allege that the former president, by his incendiary words and conduct, directed the physical attack and emotional distress.

Update: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, directing and aiding and abetting assault, and negligence per se. The court granted Trump’s motion to dismiss the emotional distress, punitive damages, and civil conspiracy claims.

11. Second Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots

A second group of Capitol Police officers filed suit against Trump, the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, and other affiliates involved in allegedly planning and executing the Jan. 6 riots. The seven officers claim that they were physically and emotionally injured by attackers that Trump instigated, and that Trump and his co-defendants conspired to disrupt congressional business in the certification of electoral votes.

12. Third Capitol Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots

A third suit was filed by a Capitol Police officer alleging that physical and emotional injuries he suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot.

13. Metropolitan Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots

Two Metropolitan Police Officers filed suit alleging that physical and emotional injuries they suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot. The officers seek compensatory and punitive damages.

14. NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund Voting Rights Case for Post-Election Actions

The LDF is suing Trump, the Trump Campaign, and the RNC for their efforts to overturn the 2020 election in violation of the Voting Rights Act and the Ku Klux Klan Act. While the litigation is still at its early stages, Trump faces damages and a declaratory judgment that he did indeed violate these provisions of the law.

15. New York Attorney General’s Civil and Criminal Investigations

Since March 2019, New York Attorney General Letitia James has been investigating allegations that the Trump Organization altered property values to avoid tax liabilities. The investigation began after Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen provided congressional testimony that Trump engaged in fraud. In October 2020, James’s office deposed Eric Trump, and in January 2021 a state court judge ruled that Trump’s tax attorneys must turn over thousands of documents.

Update-1: On May 18, 2021, a spokesperson for New York’s Attorney General said, “We have informed the Trump Organization that our investigation into the organization is no longer purely civil in nature. We are now actively investigating the Trump Organizations in a criminal capacity, along with the Manhattan DA.”

Update-2: On Dec. 1, 2021, AG James subpoenaed Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, and Donald Trump Jr., seeking to question them about the real estate valuations.

Update-3: On Dec. 20, 2021, Trump filed his own lawsuit against James in federal court, accusing her of targeting him out of political animosity and asking the court to halt her investigation. The district court dismissed that suit on May 27, 2022.

Update-4: On Feb. 17, 2022, the state court ruled that the NY AG can question Donald Trump, Ivanka, and Donald Jr. under oath. On June 8, 2022, the Trumps tentatively agreed to be questioned under oath by James’s office in mid-July.

Update-5: On Aug. 10, 2022, AG James deposed Trump, but he repeatedly declined to answer her questions and instead invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

Update-6: On Sept. 21, 2022, the NY AG sued Trump and his children in NY state court. The civil lawsuit seeks $250 million in damages and accuses the Trumps of repeatedly overvaluing their real estate assets in a scheme designed to obtain favorable bank loans.

16. Scotland Unexplained Wealth Orders

In February 2021, the Scottish Parliament voted to reject an investigation into unexplained cash transactions executed by the Trump Organization’s Scottish golf courses. A non-profit group is now challenging that decision in Scottish court.

17. Trump Tower Assault Suit (CLOSED)

A group of six protesters are suing Trump over allegations that Trump’s security guards assaulted them outside Trump Tower in 2015. The case is pending in New York state court.

Update: On Oct. 18, 2021, former President Trump sat for a four-hour deposition to answer questions about the incident.

Update-2: Nov. 2, 2022, the parties reached a settlement in the case, details of the settlement agreement have not been disclosed.

18. Michael Cohen Retaliatory Imprisonment Suit

Michael Cohen–Donald Trump’s former attorney who served a three-year sentence for Trump-related crimes–is suing Trump, the US government, and other officials for allegedly retaliating against Cohen after he announced a tell-all book detailing his years of legal work for Trump. Cohen alleges that, after the announcement, Trump and his co-defendants retaliated by trying to bar Cohen from using social media and by sending Cohen back to prison from home confinement.

Update: The court dismissed Cohen’s lawsuit on Nov. 14, 2022.

19. Criminal Investigations into Trump’s Finances

During his presidency, the Manhattan District Attorney investigated Trump’s finances. Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance gained access to Trump’s tax information in the course of a criminal investigation into potential tax crimes, insurance fraud, and other financial crimes under state law. Criminal charges have not been filed against Trump, but have been filed against his longtime CFO and against the Trump Organization. The case was taken over by the new DA Alvin Bragg.

Update: New reporting on Mar. 1 revealed that Vance’s investigation has focused on Trump Organization chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, whose potential cooperation with prosecutors could be a significant breakthrough in the investigation. On Mar. 31, the New York Times reported that prosecutors have subpoenaed Mr. Weisselberg’s personal bank records, and on Apr. 8, investigators took possession of financial records from Weisselberg’s daughter-in-law.

Update: New reporting on Mar. 8 revealed that Vance’s probe has expanded to include an investigation of a loan the Trump Organization received to build its Chicago tower, and whether the forgiveness of that loan was reported as income.

Update: Vance has convened a special grand jury that is “expected to decide whether to indict former president Donald Trump, other executives at his company or the business itself should prosecutors present the panel with criminal charges,” the Washington Post reported on May 25, 2021. “The move indicates that District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr.’s investigation of the former president and his business has reached an advanced stage …. It suggests, too, that Vance believes he has found evidence of a crime — if not by Trump then by someone potentially close to him or by his company.”

Update-1: On Jun. 4, ABC News reported that Trump Organization senior vice president and controller, Jeff McConney is among a number of witnesses to have already appeared before the special grand jury. He is reportedly the first employee of the company called to testify. The New York Times reported that the District Attorney’s office has subpoenaed McConney, but could not confirm if he has testified.

Update-2: On July 1, 2021, the DA charged the Trump Organization and its chief financial officer Weisselberg for an alleged 15-year-lJuly 1, 2021 Trump Organization chargesong tax fraud scheme. The indictment included reference to an “unindicted co-conspirator,” who is Jeff McConney, the Trump Organization’s controller, a person familiar with the investigation told CNN.

Update-3: On Aug. 18, 2022, Allen Weisselberg pleaded guilty to fifteen financial felonies including tax fraud and grand larceny. As part of the deal with the new DA Alvin Bragg, Weisselberg agreed to testify if the Trump Organization goes to trial on the tax fraud charges.

Update-4: On Nov. 21, the New York Times reported that the DA’s office has resumed a criminal investigation of Trump’s possible hush money payment and associated falsification of business records.

Update-5: On Dec. 6, 2022, a jury convicted the Trump Organization of tax fraud and other crimes related to the company’s practice of giving out off-the-books perks to executives that were never taxed.

20. DC AG Incitement Criminal Investigation

The DC Attorney General, Karl Racine, has announced a criminal investigation into Trump’s alleged role in provoking the Jan. 6th riots. No charges have been filed, though Racine’s office is reportedly looking into a local DC code that makes it a misdemeanor to incite violence.

21. Fulton County, Georgia Criminal Election Influence Investigation

The Fulton County DA’s Office has opened a criminal investigation into attempted election interference by Trump. The DA’s Office has requested that all official and unofficial emails concerning the election be preserved and has reportedly also planned to look into a call between Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger as part of the investigation as well as Rudy Giuliani’s potential false statements to Georgia officials.

Update: On May 2, 2022, the Fulton County state prosecutors convened a special grand jury to investigate “whether there were unlawful attempts to disrupt the administration of the 2020 elections here in Georgia.” Proceedings began on May 27, 2022, and are expected to last several months.

22. Westchester, New York Criminal Investigation of Trump Organization Golf Course

The Westchester District Attorney’s Office reportedly launched an investigation which probes, at least in part, whether the Trump Organization misled local officials on the property values of its golf course in order to reduce its taxes.

23. Mishandling of Classified and other Government Documents

On Feb. 9, 2022, after finding classified documents in fifteen boxes recovered from Mar-a-Lago the previous month, the National Archives made a referral to the Justice Department for Trump’s handling of government records. The Archives had recovered the classified materials when it retrieved the boxes of official records from Trump’s Florida residence. On or before Apr. 29, 2022, the Justice Department notified Trump’s counsel Evan Corcoran that the Department had an “ongoing criminal investigation” into the handling of the government documents marked as classified. (The grand jury investigation was reported by the New York Times on May 12, 2022.)

Update: On Aug. 8, 2022, FBI agents searched Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida. On Aug. 11, Attorney General Merrick Garland confirmed in public remarks that he had personally approved the search.

Update: On Aug. 22, 2022, Trump filed a lawsuit challenging the DOJ’s investigation in Florida federal court. Trump’s suit requested that the court appoint a special master to review the seized documents and to screen out any materials covered by attorney-client or executive privilege. The suit also asked the court to enjoin the DOJ from reviewing the documents and to order the DOJ to return some of Trump’s personal property.

Update: On Sept. 5, 2022, district court Judge Aileen Cannon granted Trump’s request to appoint a special master and enjoined the DOJ from reviewing the seized records as part of its criminal investigation. The DOJ appealed to the Eleventh Circuit, and in its first ruling, on Sept. 21, the court of appeals granted the DOJ’s motion for a limited stay, meaning that the DOJ could use the classified documents in its investigation and that the DOJ need not submit those documents to the special master for review.

Update: On Nov. 22, the court of appeals heard oral argument (C-SPAN) on the merits of whether Judge Cannon should have exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion in the first place. The three-judge panel included two of the judges from the prior panel that affirmed the DOJ motion on Sept. 21. The two sides’ arguments on jurisdiction were practically the same as the arguments made in their briefs at issue in the Sept. 21 ruling.

Update: On Dec. 1, 2022, the Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruled in favor of the government’s petition to vacate Florida district court Judge Aileen Cannon’s order and dismiss the underlying civil action. The Eleventh Circuit held that Judge Cannon should have never exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion for return of property.


1. E. Jean Carroll Defamation Suit 1.0
Carroll v. Trump, No. 20-cv-07311, 2020 WL 6277814 (S.D.N.Y. Oct. 27, 2020), appeal docketed, No. 20-03977 (2d Cir. Nov. 25, 2020)

Plaintiff: E. Jean Carroll, a journalist and advice columnist

Case Summary: In 2019, Carroll publicly accused then-President Trump of sexually assaulting her in a New York City department store in the 1990s. A few hours later, Trump denied Carroll’s allegation and accused her of fabricating the story to drum up publicity for her upcoming book. Carroll then sued Trump for defamation in New York state court, alleging that Trump defamed her when he publicly accused her of falsifying the assault story.

After nearly a year of state court proceedings–and with Carroll’s counsel angling to sample Trump’s DNA for comparison with Carroll’s dress from the alleged assault–the Justice Department moved to intervene on Trump’s behalf under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA). This move threatened to quash the suit. In effect, the FTCA (as amended by the Westfall Act) provides blanket immunity to federal employees who commit certain torts–including defamation–arising out of their official duties. According to the DOJ, the president’s official duties include speaking to the press about public matters–which would mean that Trump had immunity from any defamatory statements he made about Carroll.

The DOJ’s intervention also derailed the state court proceedings: because FTCA claims must be litigated in federal court, Carroll’s suit was automatically removed to the Southern District of New York (SDNY). In federal court, Carroll argued that Trump’s statements were not protected by the FTCA. In short, Carroll contended that (i) Trump was not covered by the FTCA because the president is not an “employee”; and (ii) Trump’s statements about Carroll fell outside his official presidential duties.

On both counts, the court agreed. Though removal was irreversible, the court held that the FTCA did not cover Trump’s actions, so Carroll’s defamation suit could proceed against Trump in his personal capacity. Acting separately, the DOJ and Trump both appealed. Trump also requested the court stay the district court proceedings until that appeal is resolved.

Case Status: In the SDNY proceedings, the parties filed opposing memoranda on Trump’s motion to stay in December 2020.

At the Second Circuit, the DOJ and Trump filed separate opening briefs on Jan. 15, 2021. Carroll’s attorneys then requested an Apr. 16, 2021 due date for their brief. Notably, her counsel explicitly selected that date so the Biden DOJ would have time to reassess the Trump administration’s position that Trump was acting within the scope of his employment when he allegedly defamed Carroll. The Second Circuit granted that scheduling request.

Update-1: Carroll filed her brief on Apr. 16, 2021, urging the appeals court to uphold the decision below.

Update-2: Despite the change in administration, the Biden DOJ filed a reply brief on June 7, 2021, that backed Trump’s argument that the FTCA covered his conduct. It echoed the core arguments from the Trump DOJ’s opening brief that the president is an “employee” under the FTCA and that elected officials act within the scope of their employment when they respond to media inquiries.

Update-3: On Sept. 15, 2021, the district court denied Trump’s motion to stay (i.e., halt) the proceedings while the case is on appeal before the Second Circuit.

Update-4: On Dec. 1, 2021, Trump requested permission to amend his response to Carroll’s suit in the district court proceedings. In that filing, he signaled that he wanted to invoke the protection of New York’s new anti-SLAPP law, which attempts to screen out frivolous defamation suits by raising the burden of proof and imposing mandatory fee-shifting. Carroll filed a response opposing Trump’s request on Dec. 15. The district court scheduled a hearing for Feb. 22, 2022 to hear arguments over Trump’s motion to amend.

Update-5: The Second Circuit heard oral argument on Dec. 3, 2021. Much of the discussion centered on whether Trump’s remarks about Carroll–including his “she’s not my type” retort–fell within the scope of his employment. On that score, Trump’s personal attorneys continued to argue that Trump’s allegedly defamatory remarks were part of his official duties because he was speaking to the press at the time. The DOJ’s attorney–arguing for the executive branch–echoed that point, explaining that “any president facing a public accusation of this kind … would feel obliged to … answer questions from the media.” Carroll’s counsel conceded that, because DC treats scope of employment expansively, Trump would have been acting within that scope if he had simply said Carroll’s accusations were false. Even so, Carroll’s attorney stressed that Trump went far beyond a bare denial–and therefore exceeded the scope of his employment–because he was motivated by “personal spite and malice” when he rebuffed Carroll’s claims.

Update-6: On Mar. 11, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s request to amend his complaint.

Update-7: On May 5, 2022, the parties agreed to resume discovery in the district court. Though Carroll’s attorneys have conceded that they will not depose Trump, they could once again seek a DNA sample from Trump. If Trump opposes that request, Carroll’s attorneys would need to ask the district court to order Trump to submit to the sample.

Update-8: The district court scheduled the case for trial starting on Feb. 6, 2023.

Update-9: On Sept. 20, 2022, Carroll notified the court that she planned to file a second lawsuit against Trump over the 1990s rape allegation. Unlike the defamation claim–which alleges that Trump defamed Carroll for falsely denying the rape allegation–this new suit would accuse Trump of the rape directly. Although the statute of limitations had expired for the now thirty-year-old rape claim, Carroll explained that a new state law called the Adult Survivors Act temporarily reopens the window to file for old sexual assault claims. Carroll also suggested that the district court should consolidate the new suit with the defamation claim and try both together in February 2023. Trump immediately filed a letter opposing that suggestion.

Update-10: On Sept. 27, 2022, the Second Circuit granted Trump a partial win, reversing the district court and holding that Trump as president qualified as an “employee” under the FTCA. However, the appeals court left open the question of whether Trump was acting within the scope of his employment when he publicly disparaged Carroll and instead asked the D.C. Court of Appeals to rule on that question. If the DC appeals court concludes that Trump’s remarks fell within his official duties, then Carroll’s defamation claim would fail, because the FTCA bars defamation suits against the federal government.

Update-11: On Jan. 13, 2023, the district court ordered the release of a partial transcript of Trump’s deposition, during which Trump denied the rape allegations.

2. E. Jean Carroll Defamation Suit 2.0
Carroll v. Trump, No. Case 1:22-cv-10016 (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 24, 2022)

Plaintiff: E. Jean Carroll, a journalist and advice columnist

Case Summary: In 2019, Carroll publicly accused then-President Trump of sexually assaulting her in a New York City department store in the 1990s. A few hours later, Trump denied Carroll’s allegation and accused her of fabricating the story to drum up publicity for her upcoming book. Caroll then sued Trump for defamation in New York state court, alleging that Trump defamed her when he publicly accused her of falsifying the assault story.

While that suit was ongoing, Trump issued a lengthy statement on Oct. 12, 2022 saying that Carroll “completely made up” the allegations against him.

On Nov. 24, 2022, Carroll filed a new federal suit against Trump, this time suing the former Presidents for battery involving the alleged rape in the 1990s and for defamation based on Trump’s October 2022 statement. Because Trump had left office at the time of that statement, Carroll argued that Trump could indisputably no longer claim official immunity, unlike in Carroll’s earlier suit.

Carroll filed suit on the first day permitted under New York’s Adult Survivors Act, N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 214-j. The law provides a one-year window for sexual assault survivors to file civil claims even if the statute of limitations has passed.

Case Status: Trump moved to dismiss Carroll’s lawsuit on Dec. 21, 2022. He argued that the Adult Survivor’s Act–which reopened the window for Carroll to sue Trump for the alleged 1990s assault–violated New York’s constitutional due process protections. He also responded to Carroll’s new defamation claim on the merits, calling it “baseless and legally defective.”

Update-1: On Jan. 13, 2023, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss.

3. Summer Zervos Defamation Suit (CASE CLOSED)
Zervos vs. Trump, No. 150522/2017 (N.Y. Sup Ct. Jan. 17, 2017), appeal docketed, No. APL-2020-00009 (N.Y. Mar. 9, 2020)

Plaintiff: Summer Zervos, former contestant on the Apprentice

Case Summary: On Jan. 17, 2017, Zervos filed a suit in New York State Court against Trump for defamation. During Trump’s campaign, many women, including Zervos, accused Trump of inappropriate sexual conduct. In her complaint against Trump, Zervos claims that in 2007, while she sought employment from Trump, he kissed her on the lips and touched her inappropriately. After she rejected his advances, his attitude became very business-like and he later offered her a job for half the salary she was seeking. She attempted to contact Trump, noting that she felt she was being “penalized for not sleeping with him.” Trump said he could not discuss it with her at the time. Zervos says she decided to come forward with these allegations after the Billy Bush Access Hollywood Tape showed Trump speaking in a derogatory manner toward women. In response to her allegations, Trump claims she was lying and was only making these accusations to help the Clinton campaign or to get fame.

Zervos alleges that, as a result of Trump’s claims, she has suffered both emotional and financial harm.

Case Status: Trump filed a motion to dismiss and a stay for the duration of his presidency. On Oct. 3, 2018, the court denied Trump’s motion, finding that, if the facts alleged by the plaintiff are true, she has a reasonable claim to recover for defamation. The court also found that there were no federalism or comity concerns that would suggest that a state court could not hear suit against the sitting president for nonofficial acts. A panel of New York appellate judges affirmed this judgment in October 2019, finding that the president is “not above the law” and that the defamation suit can go forward.

This motion has been appealed to the New York Court of Appeals, the highest New York state court.

Pending the decision from the New York Court of Appeals, in March 2020, the court ruled that Zervos cannot “dig for evidence” in the interim. In 2021, with Trump out of office, Zervos has filed a motion to move the lawsuit forward.

Update-1: On Mar. 30, the New York Court of Appeals denied Trump’s appeal on his motion to dismiss the case. Trump originally filed the motion claiming that a state court could not hear a suit against a sitting president. The court stated, in a one-sentence order, that issues were now moot, and the case can now go forward.

Update-2: On Oct. 4, 2021, the trial court ruled that Zervos could depose Trump before Dec. 23, 2021. According to Law360, this appears to be the “first time that Trump would have to answer questions under oath about his alleged sexual misconduct.” In discussing the schedule for depositions, Michael Rand, a law clerk for New York State Judge Jennifer Schechter, who is overseeing the lawsuit, reportedly “said he expected a trial date to be set sometime in the early part of 2022.”

Update-3: On Nov. 12, 2021, Zervos announced she is dropping the lawsuit.

4. Mary Trump Fraud Litigation
Trump v. Trump, No. 654698/2020 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. filed Sept. 24, 2020)

Plaintiff: Mary Trump, the former president’s niece

Case Summary: In September 2020, Mary Trump sued Donald Trump, her uncle, for allegedly defrauding her out of tens of millions of dollars. When Mary’s father–Donald Trump’s brother–died in 1981, he left Mary a valuable stake in the Trump property empire. Mary was a minor at the time, so Donald Trump and his siblings took control of her share, ostensibly to look after Mary’s interest over the long run.

But according to Mary, that didn’t happen. In her lawsuit, she alleges that the Trump siblings siphoned off revenue from her share and set up an ongoing scheme to artificially devalue her assets. This went on for nearly two decades. Then, when Trump patriarch Fred Sr. (Donald Trump’s father) died in 1999, Mary took issue with the terms of his will. The Trump siblings immediately pushed back and started maneuvering to force Mary out of the family holdings altogether. After lengthy probate proceedings, and with Mary’s legal fees steadily climbing, the siblings delivered an ultimatum: they would not settle the probate case unless Mary relinquished all interests in the family fortune, including those from her late father.

According to Mary, the Trumps offered a settlement figure that woefully undervalued her share of the family holdings. Still, she ultimately accepted a settlement in April 2001, apparently still unaware she was being sold short.

Then, over fifteen years later, the New York Times broke its 2018 story that the Trump Organization had long been fraudulently manipulating the values of its assets. From there, Mary says she realized that she had settled for tens of millions of dollars less than what her stake was actually worth.

Two years later, Mary published a book accusing the Trumps of shorting her out of her rightful share. She then filed this lawsuit in New York state court on Sept. 24, 2020, accusing Donald Trump and his siblings of fraud and breach of fiduciary duty.

Case Status: Trump moved to dismiss the case on Jan. 4, 2021. Mary filed a response on Feb. 26, 2021. As of December 2021, the court has not yet ruled on the motion.

Update-1: The state court dismissed Mary’s suit on Nov. 15, 2022. It ruled that her claims were barred because she agreed to release such legal claims when she accepted the Trumps’ settlement offer in 2001. She immediately appealed that ruling.

Donald Trump vs. Mary Trump and NYT: On Sept. 21, 2021, Donald Trump filed his own lawsuit against Mary Trump, the New York Times, and several of its reporters. Mr. Trump alleges that his niece provided confidential documents–including his tax records–to the NYT reporters, who then used those documents to write their 2018 story on the Trump Organization’s alleged manipulation of asset prices. He asserts that her conduct breached their 2001 settlement, and that the Times and its reporters should be liable for encouraging her to do so. Ms. Trump and the Times defendants moved to dismiss that suit on Dec. 2, 2021.

5. Panama Hotel Fraud and Tax Litigation (CASE CLOSED)
Ithaca Cap. Invs. v. Trump Pan. Hotel Mgmt., No. 18-cv-00390 (S.D.N.Y. Mar. 30, 2020)

Plaintiff: Ithaca Capital, a real estate holding company that purchased a majority of the Trump International Hotel in Panama

Case Summary: Donald Trump’s private hotel business–Trump International Hotels Management–is embroiled in federal litigation over a hotel management deal gone bad. Until 2018, Trump International operated a luxury hotel in Panama. As was its standard business practice, Trump International contracted with a separate owner to provide management services and use of the “Trump” label. When a prior owner went bankrupt in 2015, Ithaca Capital moved to purchase a majority of the hotel’s units. But per Ithaca, Trump representatives made a series of fraudulent claims that oversold the hotel’s profitability. Unaware, Ithaca went ahead with the purchase.

The hotel soon ran into financial trouble, and the relationship between the two parties collapsed. Once Ithaca ended the partnership, it claims to have discovered that Trump International had allegedly underreported costs, diverted hotel revenue, and failed to pay income taxes.

After a brief round of arbitration proceedings, Ithaca sued Trump International in the Southern District of New York. Ithaca made several claims against Trump. First, Ithaca argued that Trump representatives–including Eric and Donald Jr.–made exaggerated claims about the hotel’s value. Second, they argued that Trump International breached their agreement by mismanaging the hotel. And third, Ithaca asserted that Trump International improperly diverted hotel revenues for their own use.

Case Status: Trump International challenged each of Ithaca’s claims and asserted several counterclaims of its own. On Mar. 30, 2020, the district court upheld all three of Ithaca’s claims and dismissed all but one of Trump’s counterclaims. Trumps’ remaining counterclaim–for tortious interference–alleges that Ithaca interfered with Trump’s other hotel contracts when Ithaca forced him out of their partnership.

The parties are currently in discovery and are due to finish by Fall 2021.

Update: The parties filed a series of sealed letters in July and August 2021. On Sept. 15, 2021, the parties voluntarily agreed to end the suit.

6. Doe v. The Trump Corporation Class Action
Doe v. Trump Corp., No. 18-cv-09936 (S.D.N.Y. Oct 29, 2018), appeal docketed, No. 20-01706 (2d Cir. May 28, 2020)

Plaintiffs: (Anonymous) Jane Doe, Luke Loe, Mary Moe, Richard Roe

Case Summary: On Oct. 30, 2018, a class action lawsuit was filed against the Trump Corporation, Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and Eric Trump. The complaint alleges that the defendants used their brand name to defraud thousands of working class individuals by promoting numerous businesses in exchange for “secret payments.” The companies include ACN Opportunity, LLC (a business based on a controversial multi-level marketing scheme), the Trump Network, LLC (another multi-level marketing scheme), and Business Strategies Group, LLC (a seminar claiming to sell the Trump secrets to success). The lawsuit also claims that the defendants are liable for a “pattern of racketeering activity” violating the RICO Act (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) as well as activity violating numerous state consumer protection laws concerning fair business practices and competition.

On July 24, 2019, the District Court judge partially granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss. The judge dismissed the RICO claims because the Complaint did not “sufficiently plead that Defendants’ conduct was the proximate cause of Plaintiffs’ losses.” However, she ruled that the other claims concerning the state laws will not be dismissed under Class Action Fairness Act (CAFA).

Case Status: The Trumps’ moved to compel forced arbitration and the district court judge denied the motion in April 2020. The court held that the defendants were not party to the arbitration agreement (between ACN and the plaintiffs) and thus, could not compel arbitration. She also found that the motion to compel arbitration was in bad faith as they are acting in a manner that is “substantively prejudicial towards the plaintiffs” and not within the spirit of the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA). The Trumps have filed an interlocutory appeal to the Second Circuit.

Following the denial of compelled arbitration, the Trumps also filed a motion to stay, or a motion to halt the legal process. The district court denied this motion, citing the four traditional factors that must be balanced when granting a stay and finding that the defendants have not met the requirements to grant a stay.

Update-1: On July 28, 2021 in a 3-0 decision, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the district court’s judgement and ruled that the Trump family could not compel arbitration. The court found that since there was no “close relationship” between Trumps and ACN such that the plaintiffs could reasonably infer that their arbitration agreement extended to the Trumps. Thus, the court concluded, the “defendants are not entitled to compel the plaintiffs to arbitrate this dispute.” As of September 2021, the court has not yet ruled on the summary judgment motions.

Update-2: On March 25, CNN reported that former President Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and Eric Trump all agreed to be deposed. Their depositions will take place in May and June.

7. DC Civil Suit over Misuse of 2017 Inauguration Funds (CASE CLOSED)
District of Columbia v. 58th Presidential Inauguration Comm., No. 2020-CA-00488-B (D.C. Super. Ct. Sept. 9, 2020)

Prosecuting Office: DC Attorney General (AG)

Case Summary: In the run-up to Trump’s 2017 swearing-in, his inaugural committee raised a record $107 million to spend on inauguration festivities. As a nonprofit, the inaugural committee was bound to use these charitable funds for the public good, namely by organizing events to celebrate the 2017 presidential inauguration.

But as the DC AG alleges, the inaugural committee used over $1 million of those funds in an improper bid to enrich the Trump family’s private businesses. DC’s attorneys are now suing the inaugural committee, the Trump International Hotel, and the Trump Organization over that alleged misspending. Chief among the allegations, the DC AG claims that the committee paid exorbitant rates to rent space in the Trump International Hotel in downtown DC. The committee, for instance, allegedly paid $175,000 to rent the main ballroom on the same day that another nonprofit paid only $5,000–a rate 35 times higher. On top of that, the committee allegedly ignored much better deals available at other upscale locations, settling instead on overpaying for space at the Trump location.

The DC AG frames these payments as an under-the-table attempt to divert charitable funds to the Trumps’ private holdings. The complaint focuses on possible misconduct by committee executive Rick Gates, who also held key roles in the Trump campaign. (Gates would later cooperate with the Mueller investigation.) To tie in the Trump entities, the complaint asserts that the Trump businesses knew it was overcharging the non-profit committee, and points to internal negotiations between the parties that allegedly show both sides were aware of the extreme rates. The DC AG is asking the court to compel the Trump business to put the misspent funds into a trust where they can be put toward charitable purposes.

Case Status: The defendants–the committee itself along with the two Trump businesses–moved to dismiss the suit, but the district court denied that motion in September 2020. On Jan. 11, 2021, the DC AG added a new allegation that the committee improperly used its nonprofit funds to pay a hotel bill on behalf of Trump’s private business. The suit is currently in discovery, and the AG’s office has already deposed several high-level Trump executives, including Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr.

Update-1: The DC AG moved for summary judgment on Mar. 24, 2021. All three defendants responded by filing their own motions for summary judgment on Apr. 8, 2021.

Update-2: On Nov. 8, 2021, the DC court partially granted Trump’s motion for summary judgment, dismissing the waste claim but allowing the private enrichment claim to proceed. Addressing the waste claim, the judge explained that the evidence did not show that the Trump defendants intentionally threw away money when they paid the extravagant rates at Trump’s hotel. Even so, the court ruled that the DC AG may still be able to show that the Trumps illegally enriched themselves with committee funds, and gave the green light for that claim to go to trial. The court also dismissed the Trump Organization from the case on grounds that DC lacked jurisdiction over them.

Update-3: On Feb. 14, 2022, the DC court reversed its earlier decision dismissing the Trump Organization and reinstated it as a defendant in the suit. The DC court also affirmed its summary judgment decision to dismiss the waste claims. The case is scheduled for trial in September 2022.

Update-4: On May, 3, 2022, the Trump Organization and Trump’s inaugural committee agreed to pay a total of $750,000 to settle the suit. Under the deal, the Trump Organization will pay $400,000 and the committee will pay the remaining $350,000.

8. Karen Bass et al. Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Capitol Attack
Thompson v. Trump, No. 21-cv-00400 (D.D.C. filed Feb. 16, 2021)

Plaintiff: Rep. Karen R. Bass, Rep. Stephen I. Cohen, Rep. Veronica Escobar, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, Rep. Henry C. Johnson, Jr., Rep. Marcia C. Kaptur, Rep. Barbara J. Lee, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, Rep. Maxine Waters, and Rep. Bonnie M. Watson Coleman, represented by the NAACP

Case Summary: On Feb. 16, 2021, Mississippi Congressman Bennie Thompson sued former President Trump and Rudy Giuliani along with two right-wing militia groups known as the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers, for violating the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, 42 U.S.C. § 1985(1). In the complaint, Thompson alleges that Trump violated the Ku Klux Klan Act by inciting the rioters with the intent to prevent Members of Congress from discharging their official duties of the timely approval of the Electoral College vote. He argues that after Trump’s loss in the November 2020 election, the then-President set out on a campaign to mobilize his supporters, culminating in the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol. It portrays Trump’s rhetoric on the morning of Jan. 6 as a call to arms and as intended to prevent the certification of the election.

The Act was passed in 1871 in response to violence and intimidation by the KKK intended to stop Black people from voting. The legislation allows Members of Congress to sue individuals who conspire to violently “molest, interrupt, hinder, or impede” the discharge of a public official’s duties.

Thompson seeks compensatory damages for his emotional distress suffered during the attack in addition to punitive damages.

Case Status: On Apr. 7, 2021, ten additional members of Congress joined the lawsuit as plaintiffs. The defendants then moved to dismiss on May 26. In Trump’s motion, he argued (i) that he has absolute immunity because he was acting as president; (ii) that even if he did not have absolute immunity, the Westfall Act shields him from any personal liability; (iii) that members of Congress cannot sue under the KKK Act; and (iv) that his speech was protected by the First Amendment. As of September 2021, the court has not ruled on the motions.

Update-1: On July 21, 2021, Rep. Thompson announced that he would withdraw from the lawsuit to avoid any conflict with the Jan. 6 House Select Committee, which Thompson is chairing. The other plaintiffs–all members of Congress who are not on the Committee–confirmed that they would continue the lawsuit.

Update-2: Judge Mehta–who is also presiding over the Swalwell and Blassingame 1/6 suits–scheduled a combined oral argument for Jan. 10, 2022, for all three cases.

Update-3: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the § 1985 claim against him.

Update-4: On Mar. 18, 2022, Trump appealed the district court’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit consolidated the appeal with those in the Swalwell and Blassingame 1/6 suits.

Update-5: Trump filed his appeal brief on July 27, 2022. He challenged only the district court’s ruling that he lacked absolute presidential immunity, arguing that his speech surrounding Jan. 6 fell within his official presidential duties.

9. Eric Swalwell Incitement Suit for Jan. 6 Riots
Swalwell v. Trump, No. 21-cv-00586 (D.D.C. filed Mar. 5, 2021)

Plaintiff: Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA)

Case Summary: On Mar. 5, 2021, Representative Eric Swalwell sued Donald Trump and several associates in DC federal court over the Jan. 6 riots. Much like Representative Bennie Thompson’s related suit, Swalwell alleges that Trump and his co-defendants–Donald Trump Jr., Representative Mo Brooks (R-AL), and Rudy Giuliani–violated the Ku Klux Klan Act by conspiring to interfere with the Electoral College count on Jan. 6.

Swalwell’s suit also goes one step further: it claims that the defendants should be held civilly liable for negligence because they committed criminal incitement under DC’s local code, which establishes the standard of care. Notably, Swalwell says that Trump violated the same DC code–§22-1321(a)(2)–that DC AG Karl Racine is apparently focusing on in his own criminal investigation into Trump’s conduct.

Beyond the civil rights and incitement counts, Swalwell also claims that the defendants are liable for encouraging (aiding and abetting) the rioters’ violent conduct and for intentionally inflicting emotional distress on members of Congress in connection with the attack on the Capitol.

Case Status: Swalwell filed his complaint on Mar. 5, 2021.

Update-1: On May 17, 2021, Giuliani filed a motion to dismiss the claims against him. He argued that his speech did not qualify as incitement, that he never formed a conspiracy with the other defendants or the rioters, and that his speech was ultimately protected by the First Amendment.

Update-2: On May 24, 2021, Donald Trump and his son Donald Jr. filed their own motion to dismiss. Most notably, former President Trump argued that he had absolute immunity against Swalwell’s claims because Trump’s alleged misconduct was within the scope of his official duties as president. Both Trump and Trump Jr. also contended that their speech was protected under the First Amendment and the canonical Brandenburg test. The Trumps also advanced various other arguments ranging from standing to the political question doctrine to even a claim that Swalwell was barred from suing Trump over the same conduct for which Trump was acquitted at his impeachment trial.

Update-3: On July 1, 2021, Swalwell filed a motion for default judgment against Brooks, arguing that Brooks had missed the deadline to respond to the lawsuit. Brooks responded with his own motion urging the court to dismiss the lawsuit because he was acting within the “scope of his employment,” which would essentially block the case under the Westfall Act. The district court denied Swalwell’s motion for a default judgment on July 5 but has not yet ruled on Brooks’s motion.

Update-4: On July 27, 2021, the Justice Department submitted a brief stating that Brooks was not acting within the scope of his employment and thus not shielded by the Westfall Act. The House of Representatives filed a response taking a “non-participation approach” (silence) on the question whether Brooks acted within his scope of employment. The Chairwoman of the Committee on House Administration submitted a brief stating that Rep. Brooks was not acting within his scope of employment.

Update-5: Judge Mehta–who is also presiding over the Bass and Blassingame 1/6 suits–scheduled a combined oral argument for Jan. 10, 2022, for all three cases.

Update-6: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, negligence per se, DC anti-bias law, and aiding and abetting assault. The court granted Trump’s request to dismiss the § 1986, emotional distress, and negligence claims.

Update-7: On Mar. 18, 2022, Trump appealed the district court’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit consolidated the appeal with those in the Bass and Blassingame 1/6 suits.

Update-8: Trump filed his appeal brief on July 27, 2022. He challenged only the district court’s ruling that he lacked absolute presidential immunity, arguing that his speech surrounding Jan. 6 fell within his official presidential duties.

10. Capitol Police Suit for Jan. 6 Riots
Blassingame v. Trump, No. 21-cv-00858 (D.D.C. filed Mar. 30, 2021)

Plaintiff: James Blassingame and Sidney Hemby, two Capitol police officers

Case Summary: On Mar. 30, 2021, two Capitol Police Officers sued Donald Trump for injuries they sustained during the Jan. 6 riots in DC. The officers–James Blassingame and Sidney Hemby–say they were maced with bear spray, attacked with fists and flagpoles, and even crushed against a door as they tried to protect the Capitol from pro-Trump intruders.

Much like the other Jan. 6 suits against Trump, the officers pin their injuries on Trump’s incendiary rhetoric before and during violence. Both allege that Trump directed the rioters to assault them, aided the rioters in committing those assaults, and negligently incited the riot in violation of DC’s public safety codes. Blassingame also accuses Trump of directing intentional infliction of emotional distress, pointing to the racial slurs and taunts that the intruders allegedly hurled at him during the violence.

Case Status: The officers filed their suit in DC federal court on Mar. 30, 2021. On Apr. 28, 2021, the plaintiffs added two new conspiracy claims against Trump, one based on the KKK Act and the other on common law conspiracy. They allege that Trump illegally conspired with the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers to storm the Capitol, which in turn caused the plaintiffs’ injuries.

Update-1: Donald Trump filed a motion to dismiss on June 24, 2021. He repeated many of the arguments from his motions to dismiss in the Bass and Swalwell suits, including absolute presidential immunity, freedom of speech, and preclusion based on Trump’s impeachment acquittal.

Update-2: Judge Mehta–who is also presiding over the Bass and Swalwell 1/6 suits–scheduled a combined oral argument for Jan. 10, 2022, for all three cases.

Update-3: On Feb. 18, 2022, the district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the claims under § 1985, assault, and negligence per se. The court granted Trump’s motion to dismiss the emotional distress, punitive damages, and civil conspiracy claims.

Update-4: On Mar. 18, 2022, Trump appealed the district court’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit. The D.C. Circuit consolidated the appeal with those in the Swalwell and Bass 1/6 suits.

Update-5: Trump filed his appeal brief on July 27, 2022. He challenged only the district court’s ruling that he lacked absolute presidential immunity, arguing that his speech surrounding Jan. 6 fell within his official presidential duties.

11. Second Capitol Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots
Smith v. Trump, No. 21-cv-02265 (D.D.C. filed Aug. 26, 2021)

Plaintiff: Seven Capitol Police officers

Case Summary: On Aug. 26, 2021, a second group of Capitol Police officers filed suit over injuries they suffered while defending the Capitol on Jan. 6. The officers allege that Trump and his co-defendants–including the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers–conspired to incite a riot and attack the Capitol, leaving the officers physically and emotionally injured.

Like the other Jan. 6 lawsuits against Trump, the complaint asserts that Trump violated the KKK Act by conspiring to instigate the riots. The complaint also alleges that unnamed defendants–listed as “John Does” who carried out the attack–physically assaulted the officers at Trump’s provocation, which could make Trump liable for the officers’ injuries.

The plaintiffs also add in a unique claim not found in other Jan. 6 lawsuits against Trump: that the defendants violated the DC Bias-Related Crimes Act, a local hate-crime statute. According to the complaint, the defendants were motivated by political bias against the Democratic Party when they instigated and executed the Capitol attack.

Case Status: The officers filed their suit in DC federal court on Aug 26, 2021.

Update-1: Donald Trump filed a motion to dismiss on Nov. 12, 2021. Much like in the other Jan. 6 suits, Trump argued that his speech was constitutionally protected by presidential immunity, the First Amendment, and preclusion as a result of the impeachment acquittal.

Update-2: On Dec. 5, 2021, the plaintiffs amended their complaint to add an eighth officer as a plaintiff and to add a pro-Trump PAC as an additional defendant. The court ruled that the defendants could file new motions to dismiss against this amended complaint, due by Dec. 23, 2021.

Update-3: Trump filed a motion to dismiss the amended complaint on Jan. 31, 2022. He once again argued that the plaintiffs failed to state a claim and that Trump’s speech was protected by absolute immunity and the First Amendment.

Update-4: The district court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss on Jan. 26, 2023.

12. Third Capitol Police Suit over the Jan. 6 Riots
Moore v. Trump, No. 22-cv-00010 (D.D.C. filed Jan. 4, 2022)

Plaintiff: Marcus J. Moore, US Capitol Police Officer

Case Summary: On Jan. 4, 2022, a third suit was filed by a Capitol Police officer alleging that physical and emotional injuries he suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot. The officer seeks compensatory and punitive damages.

The officer claims that the actions, tweets, and comments made by Trump prior, during, and after the insurrection resulted in actual physical injuries as rioters struck him and attacked him with physical objects and chemical agents. Like other Jan. 6 lawsuits, the officer claims Trump violated the KKK Act as Trump conspired to attack the Capitol with his followers. The officer, like earlier lawsuits, further cited violations of the D.C. Code for inciting a riot and disorderly conduct.

Case Status: The officer filed his suit in DC District Court on January 4, 2022.

13. Metropolitan Police Suits over the Jan. 6. Riots
Tabron v. Trump, No. 22-cv-00011 (D.D.C. filed Jan. 4, 2022)

Plaintiff: Bobby Tabron and DeDivine K. Carter, Metropolitan Police Officers

Case Summary: On Jan. 4, 2022, two Metropolitan Police Officers filed suit alleging that physical and emotional injuries they suffered were caused by Trump’s inciting the Jan. 6 riot. The complaint alleges that Trump directed, aided and abetted, and conspired to incite the riot. The officers seek compensatory and punitive damages.

The officers claim that the actions, tweets, and comments made by Trump prior, during, and after the insurrection resulted in actual physical injuries as rioters struck them and attacked them with physical objects and chemical agents. Like other Ja. 6 lawsuits, the officers claim Trump violated the KKK Act as Trump conspired to attack the Capitol with his followers. The officers, like earlier lawsuits, further cited violations of the D.C. Code for inciting a riot and disorderly conduct.

Case Status: The officers filed their suit on January 4, 2022.

14. NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund Voting Rights Case
Mich. Welfare Rights Org. v. Trump, No. 20-cv-03388 (D.D.C. filed Nov. 20, 2020)

Plaintiff: Michigan Welfare Rights Organization and the NAACP, represented by the NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund (LDF).

Case Summary: On Nov. 20, 2020, LDF sued then-President Trump and the Trump campaign alleging that their post-election conduct violated Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act, 52 U.S.C. § 10307(b). After losing the election, Trump spent weeks pressuring Republican election officials not to certify the election—in particular, the complaint examines the actions of Wayne County Republican election officials who first voted not to certify the election, though they eventually did. Section 11(b) forbids intimidation of voters, those aiding voters, and certain election officials. Voting is broadly defined in the Voting Rights Act, covering “all action necessary to make a vote effective[,] … including … having such ballot counted properly and included in the appropriate totals of votes cast.”

In December 2020, the complaint was amended to include the NAACP as a plaintiff, the Republican National Committee as a defendant, and alleged a new claim: that defendants violated the Ku Klux Klan Act, which prohibits conspiracies to deprive someone of equal protection under law or the right to vote. 42 U.S.C. § 1985(3). LDF argues that Trump’s efforts to discard votes in cities with large Black populations meets the statutory definition.

LDF seeks statutory damages, a declaratory judgment, and injunctive relief that would prevent defendants from intimidating voters and election officials in the future.

Case Status: On Feb. 25, 2021, the defendants moved to dismiss the case. They had a variety of arguments, including that the case was filed in the wrong court, that the cited statutes do not allow a private party to bring litigation, and that their conduct did not violate the statutes. As of September 2021, the court has not yet ruled on the motions.

Update-1: On Mar. 31, 2022, the district court partially granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss, dismissing the VRA claims for lack of standing and holding the § 1985(3) claims in abeyance. On the standing point, the district court concluded the plaintiffs lacked standing for an injunction. The court reasoned that even if the defendants had illegally interfered with the plaintiffs’ voting rights in the past, there was no imminent threat that the defendants would do so again.

Update-2: On June 16, the plaintiffs requested permission to file a second amended complaint with new factual allegations that could remedy the standing issues on the VRA claim.

Update-3: On Nov. 28 the district court granted plaintiffs’ request to file a second amended complaint. In granting the plaintiff’s motion, the court concluded that “Plaintiffs have adequately alleged … that the Trump Defendants not only caused great harm to Plaintiffs in the past but also pose a very substantial risk in the future to Plaintiff’s fundamental right to vote.”

15. NY Civil Suit over Fraudulent Real Estate Practices
People v. Trump Org., No. 451685/2020 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. Dec. 15, 2020)

Plaintiff: New York Attorney General (AG)

Case Summary: In March 2019, New York Attorney General Letitia James launched a civil probe investigating allegations that the Trump organization inflated and deflated property values to avoid tax liability and for other financial benefits. She began her investigation after Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen testified before Congress that Trump had engaged in fraud. While there is some overlap, James has noted that her investigation differs from and is independent of the Manhattan DA criminal investigation.

Much of her probe has focused on Seven Springs, a Trump-owned property in New York. In December 2019, James subpoenaed the Trump Organization, seeking records related to a $21 million tax deduction that Trump claimed against the property in 2015. Per her court filings, James is exploring whether Trump improperly inflated the property’s value to boost the size of the tax benefit.

James is also looking into other transactions relating to Trump properties. She is investigating whether Trump failed to pay taxes on debt forgiven during the financial restructuring of the Trump Hotel & Tower in Chicago and the appraisal of the LA Trump National Golf Club used for his conservation tax break, which was substantially higher than metrics typically used to value golf properties.

Case Status: In connection with the Seven Springs subpoenas, James’s office deposed Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg and Eric Trump in September and October 2020. Both refused to testify and instead invoked the Fifth Amendment over 500 times. She also sought related records held by Trump’s tax lawyers. His counsel initially refused to produce them, claiming they were shielded by attorney-client privilege. The state court judge disagreed, ruling on Jan. 29, 2021 that the tax attorneys must turn over thousands of documents about the tax deductions.

Update-1: On May 18, 2021, Fabien Levy, a spokesperson for New York’s Attorney General said, “We have informed the Trump Organization that our investigation into the organization is no longer purely civil in nature. We are now actively investigating the Trump Organizations in a criminal capacity, along with the Manhattan DA.”

Update-2: On Dec. 9, 2021, the Washington Post reported that AG James is seeking to depose Trump in January 2022 as part of her fraud investigation into the Trump Organization’s property valuations.

Update-3: On Jan. 3, 2022, a court order revealed that James’s office also subpoenaed Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. on Dec. 1. According to the order, James seeks to question the two Trump children–in addition to Trump Sr., as previously reported–about the potentially fraudulent real estate valuations. The Trumps immediately responded by filing a motion to quash the subpoenas. They argued that, because the NY AG is also running a “joint” criminal investigation into the Trumps with the Manhattan DA, the AG’s office cannot use purely civil subpoenas and must instead use a grand jury to question Trump and his children. The Trumps reasoned that grand jury subpoenas provide greater protection to witnesses–including immunity–and that James was trying to “circumvent” those protections by using civil subpoenas instead.

Update-4: James subpoenaed the General Services Administration to determine how it decided to lease the historic post office to former President Trump. As part of an ongoing civil investigation into Trump’s fraudulent real estate practices, James is reportedly attempting to use the documents to determine whether Trump had a practice of providing false information to the advantage of his business.

Update-5: On Feb. 17, 2022, the state court rejected Trump’s subpoena challenge and ruled that Donald, Ivanka, and Donald Jr. must sit for questioning under oath. The judge directed the Trumps to submit to these depositions within 21 days. The Trumps plan to appeal the decision, according to a family spokeswoman.

Update-6: On Feb. 28, 2022, the Trumps appealed the court’s decision ordering them to sit for depositions.

Update-7: On Mar. 3, 2022, the parties agreed to delay the depositions until after the state appeals court rules on the Trumps’ appeal.

Update-8: On Apr 7, 2022, James’s office filed a motion with the state court requesting Trump be held in contempt for failing to turn over subpoenaed documents. Her office requested a daily fine of $10,000 until Trump complies. The court has not ruled on her request.

Update-9: On Apr. 25, 2022, a NY state Judge held Trump in contempt of court for failure to respond to the AG’s subpoenas. The court assessed a fine of $10,000 per day until Trump meets the request.

Update-10: On Apr. 27, 2022, Trump appealed the contempt ruling and the $10,000-a-day fine. Trump also asked the district court to pause the fine while he appeals, but the court denied that request.

Update-11: On May 11, 2022, the trial court halted the daily fine but ordered Trump to pay the $110,000 balance by May 20. Though Trump paid the fine by the deadline, the judge kept the contempt order in place, leaving the door open for it to climb if Trump does not comply with the judge’s orders.

Update-12: On May 26, 2022, a New York appeals court ruled that Trump and two of his children–Donald Jr. and Ivanka–must sit for questioning by AG James’s office. The appeals court rejected Trump’s arguments that James was acting out of political animus. Trump’s attorney appealed the ruling to the New York Court of Appeals, the state’s highest court, which has discretion to take up or ignore the appeal.

Update-13: On June 8, 2022, Trump and two of his children–Donald Jr. and Ivanka–agreed to be questioned under oath by James’s office in mid-July, unless the New York high court decides to intervene and hear their appeal.

Update-14: On June 14, 2022, New York’s highest court declined to hear the Trumps’ appeal. This clears the way for James’s office to depose the Trumps.

Update-15: James’s office deposed Donald Trump Jr. on July 28, 2022 and Ivanka Trump on Aug. 3, 2022. Both reportedly participated in the deposition and did not invoke their Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination.

Update-16: AG James deposed Trump Sr. on Aug. 10, 2022. Trump repeatedly declined to answer her questions and instead invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. Reportedly, Trump asserted the Fifth more than 400 times in response to varying questions about his businesses, property valuations, and loans.

Update-17: On Sept. 21, 2022, the NY AG sued the Trumps in NY state court. The civil suit alleges that the Trumps repeatedly overvalued their real estate holdings in a long-running scheme designed to obtain favorable terms on bank loans. The complaint seeks to recover $250 million in damages and asks the court to bar the Trumps from running any businesses in New York state. It names Donald Sr., Donald Jr., Eric, and Ivanka Trump as defendants, along with the Trump Organization and several of its executives. Although AG James’s suit seeks only civil penalties, her office also sent criminal referrals to both the IRS and federal prosecutors.

Update-18: On Jan. 6, 2023, the trial court denied the Trumps’ motion to dismiss James’s lawsuit.

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Donald Trump v. Letitia James: On Dec. 20, 2021, Donald Trump filed his own suit against AG James in federal court. He accused James of targeting Trump out of political animus and asked the court to enjoin her under § 1983 from continuing her investigation into Trump and his companies. To back up his claim, Trump pointed to a string of James’s social media posts that allegedly suggested a political motive. Trump asserted that James’s investigation violates his constitutional rights, including his First Amendment rights by targeting him for his political activities and his Fourth Amendment rights by harassing him with bad faith subpoenas. In subsequent filings. James has asked the judge to dismiss the suit and has refused to cease investigating.

Update-1: On Jan. 26, 2022, James moved to dismiss Trump’s suit. She argued that Trump’s suit should be dismissed under several federal abstention doctrines, under res judicata, and for failing to state a claim.

Update-2: On May 27, 2022, the district court dismissed Trump’s suit, which will allow James’s investigation to continue. The district court reasoned that Trump’s suit was barred by Younger abstention, a doctrine that bars federal courts from stopping state court proceedings like James’s civil enforcement suit against Trump. For his part, Trump had argued that Younger abstention shouldn’t apply because James was investigating him in bad faith. The district court rejected that argument, finding that James’s proceeding had a “legitimate factual predicate” and that there was no evidence that James was acting in a harassing or bad faith manner.

Update-3: Trump filed a notice of appeal on May 27, 2022.

Update-4: Trump withdrew his lawsuit on Jan. 24, 2023.

16. Scotland Unexplained Wealth Orders
Plaintiff: Avaaz Foundation against the Scottish Ministers and Others

Case Summary: On February 3, 2021, the Scottish Parliament voted to reject calls from the opposition party, the Scottish Greens, to investigate the Trump Organization’s golf courses through an Unexplained Wealth Order (UWO). UWOs are a mechanism designed to prevent suspected corrupt foreign officials from laundering potentially stolen funds into the UK. They require an individual or organization to reveal the sources of their unexplained wealth and, while they do not automatically trigger criminal proceedings, they can result at least in confiscation of assets. The concerns that led to the push to investigate Trump arose when Trump spent many hundreds of millions of dollars to purchase and refurbish golf courses within Scotland with all-cash transactions. This was particularly suspicious since Trump had financed large scale purchases with debt prior to these transactions. It is disputed whether Eric Trump made a statement indicating that the funds had come from Russia.

The co-leader of the Scottish Greens stated, “Scotland cannot be a country where anyone with the money can buy whatever land and property they want, no questions asked, and the Scottish Greens will continue to challenge vested interests that protect people like Trump rather than our communities.” Eric Trump criticized the suit, stating that “at a critical time when politicians should be focused on saving lives and reopening businesses in Scotland, they are focused on advancing their personal agendas.”

Case Status: The non-profit global rights pressure group, Avaaz Foundation, sought to challenge the Scottish Parliament vote and, in May, filed a petition in the highest civil court in Scotland to review the decision not to pursue a UWO. On Aug. 11, 2021, Lord Sandison of the Scottish Court of Session ruled the petition seeking “judicial review of the approach of the Scottish ministers in determining whether to apply to the court for UWOs” should “proceed without condition or restriction.” He ruled that their case has “real prospects of success.” Scotland’s High Court will likely hear the case later this year.

Update-1: On Nov. 25, 2021, in a victory for the defendants, Lord Sandison ruled that only the Lord Advocate General of Scotland may issue a UWO, not the Scottish ministers. Advocates are now asking for the Lord Advocate to take action.

Update-2: As of January 2023, there are no indications that the Scottish investigation is progressing.

17. Trump Tower Assault Suit (CASE CLOSED)
Galicia v. Trump, No. 24973/2015 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. filed Sept. 9, 2015)

Plaintiff: A group of six protesters

Case Summary: On Sept. 3, 2015, the plaintiffs were demonstrating on the sidewalk outside Trump Tower in Manhattan. According to the plaintiffs–who self-identify as of Mexican origin–they were protesting the “inflammatory” anti-Mexican statements that Trump made during 2015 campaign events. Soon after the plaintiffs arrived, Trump Tower security guards allegedly attacked them and destroyed their protest signs.

That same month, the plaintiffs sued Trump, the Trump Organization, Trump’s campaign, Trump’s head bodyguard, and the alleged attackers in New York state court. The plaintiffs allege that Trump and his co-defendants are liable for assault and battery, conversion and destruction of property, and tortious interference with political speech. To tie Trump to his guards’ conduct, the plaintiffs allege that Trump was careless in hiring and supervising his security detail and, separately, that Trump should be held vicariously liable–a type of secondary liability often used to hold employers to account for their employee’s harmful actions. To prevail against Trump on this vicarious liability theory, the plaintiffs would need to show that the guards (i) were acting as Trump’s employees or agents at the time and (ii) attacked the plaintiffs to advance Trump’s interests in some way.

Case Status: Trump and his co-defendants moved to dismiss the claims for property destruction and interference with political speech in Dec. 2015. The court dismissed the political speech interference claim but permitted the rest of the claims to advance.

After the defendants moved for summary judgment in 2017, the court dismissed the negligent hiring and supervision claims against Trump and the Trump Organization. However, the court allowed the remaining claims to go forward, including the vicarious liability claims that Trump should be personally liable for his guards’ conduct.

Update-1: On Oct. 18, 2021, Trump sat for a four-hour deposition to answer questions about the alleged assault. According to the plaintiffs’ lawyer, Trump was asked about “a variety of issues including statements he has made at various campaign events and rallies that counsel believes encouraged violence at those events or encouraged security guards to engage in violence or the confiscation of property.” The plaintiffs’ lawyer also said he intends to play a video of Trump’s deposition at trial, which is not yet scheduled.

Update-2: On Apr. 26, 2022, a court filing revealed fifty pages of testimony from Trump’s deposition. Trump testified that he did not send his security staff after the protestors or direct them to grab their signs.

Update-3: Nov. 2, 2022, the parties reached a settlement in the case, details of the settlement agreement have not been disclosed.

18. Michael Cohen Retaliatory Imprisonment Suit
Cohen v. United States, No. 21-cv-10774 (S.D.N.Y. filed Dec. 16, 2021)

Plaintiff: Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s former attorney

Case Summary: On Dec. 16, 2021, Michael Cohen sued Donald Trump, former Attorney General Bill Barr, the US government, and other officials in federal court for retaliatory imprisonment. Cohen alleges that, after he announced plans to publish a damaging book about his legal work for Trump, the defendants retaliated by sending Cohen back to federal prison from home confinement.

At the time, Cohen was serving a three-year sentence for several crimes related to his work for Trump, including lying to Congress about Trump’s Moscow business and orchestrating illegal campaign expenditures to cover up Trump’s extramarital affairs. Several months into the COVID outbreak, the Bureau of Prisons–then led by defendant Michael Carvajal–granted Cohen’s medical request to be released on “furlough” followed by a transition to home confinement for the rest of his sentence. But according to Cohen, Trump and his co-defendants interfered with that transition. While Cohen was out on furlough, he tweeted about his plans to release a tell-all memoir about his work for Trump. Shortly after, corrections officers demanded that Cohen agree to a home confinement condition that barred Cohen from posting on social media and publishing his book. After Cohen allegedly hesitated to agree, the BOP nixed the home confinement plan and remanded Cohen back to federal prison.

Cohen then filed a habeas petition challenging the remand and arguing that corrections officials had taken the action in retaliation for Cohen’s tweets about his work on the anti-Trump book. The district court agreed–explicitly finding that Barr and Carvajal ordered the remand with the “purpose” of retaliating–and ordered Cohen’s release to home detention. Cohen completed his sentence at home in November 2021.

A month later, on Dec. 16, Cohen sued Trump, Barr, Carvajal, other corrections officials, and the US government for the alleged retaliatory imprisonment. He seeks damages against Trump, Barr, and the other officials under Bivens–a judicially created cause of action for damages against federal officers for constitutional violations–for violating Cohen’s rights under the First, Fourth, and Eighth Amendments. Cohen also seeks damages against the US government under the Federal Tort Claims Act, which allows plaintiffs to sue the federal government for damages if they are injured by certain torts committed by federal officers.

Case Status: Cohen filed the suit in New York federal court on December 16, 2021.

Update-1: Trump filed a motion to dismiss the suit on Apr. 4, 2022. He argued that presidential immunity shielded his conduct, that Bivens doctrine does not apply in federal prisoner suits against the President, and that Cohen had failed to plausibly allege that Trump was personally involved in the constitutional violations.

Update-2: On Aug. 2, 2022, the court heard oral argument on the defendants’ motion to dismiss.

Update-3: On Nov. 14, 2022, the district court dismissed Cohen’s suit, including his constitutional Bivens claims against Trump. The court found that recent Supreme Court decisions had significantly constrained the scope of such suits and concluded that Cohen’s claims failed under those precedents.


19. Criminal Investigations into Trump’s Finances
People of the State of New York v. Trump Corporation d/b/a Trump Organization, Trump Payroll Corp., d/b/a Trump Organization, Allen Weisselberg

Trump v. Deutsche Bank, No. 19-cv-03826 (S.D.N.Y. Apr. 29, 2019)

Trump v. Vance, No. 19-cv-08694 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 19, 2019)

Prosecuting Office: In 2019, then-President Trump sued to block subpoenas issued by three House Committees and the Manhattan District Attorney seeking his financial information in 2019. As of Feb. 22, the Manhattan DA now has access to Trump’s tax information.

Case Summary: In 2019, the House Intelligence and Finance Committees issued subpoenas to both Deutsche Bank and Capital One seeking information about then-President Trump’s finances. Before the banks complied with the subpoenas, Trump sued, seeking a declaratory judgment that they were unenforceable and an injunction that would have prevented the banks from disclosing Trump’s financial information. In addition, the House Oversight Committee subpoenaed Mazars, Trump’s accounting firm, demanding additional accounting information. Trump again sued to block the subpoena.

In parallel, Manhattan District Attorney, Cyrus Vance Jr., subpoenaed Mazars, for access to Trump’s tax records. Trump again sued to prevent the disclosure of this information.

All three cases reached the Supreme Court, where they were decided on the same day, July 9, 2020. The congressional subpoenas were combined into one case, and were remanded so the lower courts could consider separation of powers concerns raised by congressional committees subpoenaing a sitting president. In the Vance case, the Court ruled that a president’s financial information could be subpoenaed by a local district attorney.

Case Status: With the seating of the new Congress in January 2021, the Congressional subpoenas expired. The Vance subpoena again reached the Supreme Court, which on Feb. 22, refused to block it. His spokesperson has confirmed that the office now has access to Trump’s tax returns, including millions of pages of documents. Charges have not been filed.

Update-1: New reporting on Mar. 1 revealed that Vance’s investigation has focused on Trump Organization chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, whose potential cooperation with prosecutors could be a significant breakthrough in the investigation. On Mar. 31, the New York Times reported that Vance’s office has subpoenaed Weisselberg’s personal bank records, and on Apr. 8, investigators took possession of financial records from Weisselberg’s daughter-in-law.

Update-2: New reporting on Mar. 8 revealed that Vance’s probe has expanded to include investigation of a $130 million loan the Trump Organization received to build its Chicago tower, and whether the forgiveness of that loan was reported as income, as required by the IRS.

Update-3: On May, 25, 2021, the Washington Post reported that Vance has convened a special grand jury that is “expected to decide whether to indict former president Donald Trump, other executives at his company or the business itself should prosecutors present the panel with criminal charges.” According to the Post, “The move indicates that District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr.’s investigation of the former president and his business has reached an advanced stage …. It suggests, too, that Vance believes he has found evidence of a crime — if not by Trump then by someone potentially close to him or by his company.”

Update-4: On Jun. 4, ABC News and the New York Times report that Trump Organization senior vice president and controller, Jeff McConney is among a number of witnesses to have already appeared before the special grand jury. He is reportedly the first employee of the company called to testify.

Update-5: On July 1, prosecutors indicted the Trump Organization and the chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg with running a tax fraud scheme for over fifteen years. The indictment charges Weisselberg, the Trump Organization, and the Trump Payroll Co. with compensating Weisselberg and other Trump Organization executives with off-the-books funds that were unreported or misreported to federal, state, and local tax authorities.

The indictment includes a reference to the former President. It states that “as part of the scheme to defraud, Trump Corporation personnel … arranged for tuition expenses for Weisselberg’s family members to be paid by personal checks drawn on the account of and signed by Donald J. ‘Trump.” The indictment also refers to an “unindicted co-conspirator,” who is Jeff McConney, the Trump Organization’s controller, a person familiar with the investigation told CNN.

Update-6: Matthew Calamari Jr., the Trump Organization’s corporate director of security, and Jeffrey McConney, controller of the Trump Organization, appeared before a Manhattan grand jury on September 2. Calamari received “transactional immunity for the topics he testified about” while McConney was reportedly asked to clarify his previous grand jury testimony and respond to inquiries related to Calamari Sr.

Update-7: The Washington Post reports that the Manhattan DA has convened a second grand jury “to hear evidence about the Trump Organization’s financial practices and potentially to vote on criminal charges.” One source reported that the new grand jury will scrutinize whether Trump’s company manipulated the value of its assets–a practice that NY AG Letitia James is also investigating in her parallel civil probe.

Update-8: Donald Trump’s longtime accountant, Donald Bender, who worked for the firm Mazars, reportedly appeared before the grand jury. In recent weeks prosecutors’ also interviewed Rosemary Vrablic, a former managing director at Deutsche Bank. According to an anonymous source, “prosecutors pressed Vrablic about Trump’s role in dealings with the bank,” the Washington Post reported.

Update-9: On Jan. 1, 2022, Alvin Bragg replaced Vance as Manhattan DA and took the helm of the investigation into Trump’s finances. Before taking office, Bragg stated that he would be directly involved in the investigation and noted that he had asked two of Vance’s top prosecutors to continue working on the case.

Update-10: Two of the prosecutors working on the Trump case, Carey R. Dunne and Mark F. Pomerantz, resigned from the prosecution when Bragg indicated he had doubts on moving forward with the investigation. The New York Times later reported that Pomerantz stated that Trump was “guilty of numerous felony violations” and that it was “a grave failure of justice” not to prosecute him, according to a copy of Pomerantz’s resignation letter.

Update-11: On Apr. 7, 2022, Bragg publicly stated that the Trump investigation was continuing and revealed that his office had even questioned new witnesses. In a press release, Bragg stated, “I pledge that the Office will publicly state the conclusion of our investigation – whether we conclude our work without bringing charges, or move forward with an indictment.”

Update-12: On Aug. 18, 2022, Allen Weisselberg pleaded guilty to fifteen financial felonies including tax fraud and grand larceny. As part of the deal with the new DA Alvin Bragg, Weisselberg agreed to testify if the Trump Organization goes to trial on the tax fraud charges.

Update-13: On Oct. 24, the tax fraud trial against the Trump Organization began, and, on Nov. 21, the prosecution rested its side of the case.

Update-14: On Nov. 21, the New York Times reported that the DA’s office has resumed a criminal investigation of Trump’s possible hush money payment and associated falsification of business records.

Update-15: On Dec. 6, 2022, a jury convicted the Trump Organization of tax fraud and other crimes related to the company’s practice of giving out off-the-books perks to executives that were never taxed. Allen Weisselberg testified as the prosecution’s star witness against the company. Prosecutors never charged Trump himself over the scheme, though the prosecutors implicated him as being personally involved in the scheme.

Update-16: On Jan. 10, 2023, New York state court Judge Juan Merchan sentenced Allen Weisselberg to five months in prison for financial felonies including tax fraud and grand larceny.

Update-17: On Jan. 13, 2023, Judge Merchan sentenced the Trump Organization to pay $1.6 million in fines for its conviction on tax crimes.

20. DC Attorney General Incitement Investigation for Attack on U.S. Capitol
Prosecuting Office: DC Attorney General (AG)

Case Summary: DC Attorney General Karl Racine has said he is exploring whether to charge Trump with incitement. So far, his office has focused on a DC statute that makes it a misdemeanor to “incite or provoke violence where there is a likelihood that such violence will ensue.” Presumably, DC prosecutors are looking into Trump’s statements and tweets before and during the riot, gauging whether they amount to criminal incitement.

That said, Racine has cautioned that prosecuting Trump would be an uphill battle. Though the former president no longer could claim presidential immunity, the First Amendment may still shield his speech from prosecution. Under Brandenburg–the controlling case here–a speaker can be prosecuted for incitement only when their speech is both intended and likely to cause imminent lawless action. This is a notoriously difficult standard to meet, especially on the intent side. Even though some rioters have claimed they were following Trump’s instructions, Racine would need to actually prove it was Trump’s actual goal for them to do so. Despite the trail of incriminating statements Trump left behind, Racine may still have trouble meeting such a high bar.

Not only that, Racine has limited options in terms of what offenses he can charge. Because DC splits criminal jurisdiction with the U.S. government, Racine’s office can enforce only low-level crimes. As a result, he cannot charge Trump with arguably more applicable felonies, and is effectively limited to DC’s incitement statute. And as defense attorneys in DC have noted, this misdemeanor offense is typically charged in street-level disorderly conduct cases, arguably making it a poor fit.

Case Status: Racine’s office is investigating Trump’s conduct but has not filed charges.

Update: As of August 2022, there are no public signs that the DC AG is still investigating Trump.

21. Fulton County, Georgia Criminal Election Influence Investigation
Prosecuting Office: Fulton County, GA District Attorney’s Office.

Case Summary: On Feb. 10, 2021, the Fulton County DA’s Office opened an investigation into attempted election interference by former President Trump. The investigation is looking into potential violations of Georgia election laws, including the “solicitation of election fraud, the making of false statements to state and local governmental bodies, conspiracy, racketeering, violation of oath of office and any involvement in violence or threats related to the election’s administration.”

Case Status: On Feb. 10, 2021, the Fulton County DA’s Office sent letters to Governor Brian Kemp, Lieutenant Governor Duncan, Secretary of State Raffensperger, and Attorney General Carr informing them of the new investigation and requesting that all records relating to the election, including emails sent by employees from non-government accounts, be preserved.

Fulton County DA Fani Willis also reportedly plans to investigate a phone call between Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger where Raffensperger claims Graham asked the Secretary of State if he could throw out legally cast ballots. Graham’s spokesperson claims that this is not true and Graham was instead asking about the signature verification process. The DA’s office is also reportedly looking into whether Rudy Giuliani violated election laws in making false statements to Georgia officials.

The week of March 1 2021, prosecutors are expected to seek grand jury subpoenas for documents and witnesses connected to the investigation.

On Mar. 6, Willis brought on John Floyd, a national expert on state racketeering prosecution, to assist in racketeering investigations. He has not been brought on specifically for the Trump investigation, but as Willis is investigating racketeering in the Trump case, this development suggests that racketeering charges could play a larger role.

On Mar. 11, a recording of a call between then-President Trump and the chief investigator of the Georgia Secretary of State’s office, Frances Watson, was released By the Wall Street Journal. On the call, Trump urged Watson to look for fraud in mail-in ballots. The Fulton County DA’s Office has said that they will request a copy of the phone call.

Update-1: As of Mar. 28, there are reportedly two grand juries considering subpoenas for documents relevant to the investigation.

Update-2: Reporting (on Nov. 6 and Nov. 12) suggests that Willis is considering convening a special grand jury dedicated solely to allegations of election tampering in addition to the two grand juries that have already been convened.

Update-3: On Jan. 20, 2022, Willis submitted a letter to the chief judge of Fulton County’s Superior Court requesting a special grand jury for her investigation of President Trump. The letter states that a special grand jury will assist because a “significant number of witnesses and prospective witnesses have refused to cooperate with the investigation absent a subpoena requiring their testimony.”

Update-4: On Jan. 30, 2022, Willis requested the FBI to conduct a security safety assessment and provide other protective services following Trump’s alarming and charged rhetoric at a recent Texas rally. He called for massive protests against the “racist” and “vicious” prosecutors if they “do anything wrong.”

Update-5: On May 2, 2022, prosecutors convened a special grand jury to investigate “whether there were unlawful attempts to disrupt the administration of the 2020 elections here in Georgia.” The grand jury currently has up to one year to issue a report advising the local DA whether to pursue criminal charges against Trump.

Update-6: Grand jury proceedings began on May 27, 2022. The grand jury expects to hear testimony from “as many as 50 witnesses” and the process “is likely to last weeks.”

Update-7: On July 5, 2022, the grand jury issued subpoenas to several of Trump’s key associates who were allegedly involved in the election interference scheme. The targets include Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani; campaign lawyers John Eastman, Cleta Mitchell, Kenneth Cheseboro, and Jenna Ellis; Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.); and attorney Jacki Pick Deason. Under the subpoenas, these witnesses now must testify under oath before the grand jury.

Update-8: On July 13, 2022, Senator Graham moved to quash the grand jury subpoena by filing a motion in South Carolina federal court. Graham argued that he had legislative immunity–afforded by the Constitution’s Speech and Debate clause–because his calls to Georgia officials about the 2020 election qualified as legislative activity.

Update-9: On Aug. 2, 2022, Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer asked Willis’ office to delay his testimony because he was still recovering from a recent medical procedure. The Fulton County judge ultimately rejected that request and ordered Giuliani to appear before the grand jury on Aug. 17.

Update-10: On Aug. 11, 2022, Trump hired a high-profile Atlanta-based criminal defense attorney, Drew Findling, to represent him during the criminal proceedings.

Update-11: On Aug. 15, 2022, local prosecutors informed Rudy Giuliani that he was formally a “target” of their criminal investigation into election interference in Georgia, which generally means that an indictment is possible but not guaranteed. That same day, a federal judge rejected Senator Graham’s bid to avoid testifying, and ordered Graham to appear before the grand jury on Aug. 23.

Update-12: Senator Graham appealed the order requiring him to testify to the Eleventh Circuit, which then directed the district court to consider whether Graham’s testimony should be limited based on his legislative immunity claim. On Sept. 9, the district court ultimately ordered Graham to testify but also held that Graham could refuse to answer questions about his “investigatory fact-finding … related to his decision to certify … the 2020 presidential election” because those inquiries would fall under his immunized legislative duties. The court held, in line with its prior decisions and that of the court of appeals, that Graham could be questioned about three areas that fell outside of his legislative activities: (1) “any alleged efforts to ‘cajole’ or encourage Secretary Raffensperger or other Georgia election officials to throw out ballots or otherwise alter Georgia’s election practices and procedures;” (2) “Senator Graham’s alleged communications and coordination with the Trump Campaign and its post-election efforts in Georgia;” and (3) “Senator Graham’s public statements related to Georgia’s 2020 elections.”

Update-13: Graham appealed the district court’s order to the Eleventh Circuit, but the appeals court upheld the district court’s ruling. The panel held that Graham could be forced to testify in the probe because his legislative status did confer blanket immunity from questioning. Graham asked the Supreme Court to revisit that ruling, but the Court denied Graham’s request on Nov. 1, 2022

Update-14: On Nov. 22, Graham testified before the grand jury. His office released a statement saying, “Today, Senator Graham appeared before the Fulton County Special Grand Jury for just over two hours and answered all questions.”

Update-15: The Fulton County grand jury completed its investigation into election interference on Jan. 9, 2023. The judge scheduled a hearing for Jan. 24 to determine whether to release the grand jury’s report, including any recommendation on whether charges should be filed.

22. Westchester, New York Criminal Investigation of Trump Organization Golf Course
Prosecuting Office: Westchester District Attorney’s Office

Case Summary: Westchester District Attorney’s Office of Mimi E. Rocah has reportedly launched a criminal investigation, led by Elliott B. Jacobson, examining, at least in part, whether the Trump Organization misled local officials about the property value of its golf course to reduce its taxes.

Case Status: The full scope of the investigation is unknown but the office has subpoenaed records from the course.

23. National Archives Referral for Mishandled Classified Materials
Prosecuting Office: Department of Justice (via referral by National Archives); Office of the Special Counsel Jack Smith

Case Summary: In January 2022, the National Archives recovered fifteen boxes of documents from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida. Many of the documents were covered by the Presidential Records Act, which requires presidents to preserve and turn over their official records. The Archives later discovered that the boxes included “items marked as classified national security information.”

In response to a letter from the House Oversight Committee, the Archives confirmed on Feb. 18 that it had “identified classified information in the boxes” and had “been in communication with the Department of Justice” about Trump’s handling of those materials.

On Feb. 9, 2022, the Archives made a referral to the Justice Department for Trump’s handling of government records. On or before Apr. 29, 2022, the Justice Department notified Trump’s counsel Evan Corcoran that the Department had an “ongoing criminal investigation” into the handling of the government documents marked as classified. (The grand jury investigation was reported by the New York Times on May 12, 2022.)

Case Status: On or before Apr. 29, 2022, the Justice Department notified Trump’s counsel Evan Corcoran that the Department had an “ongoing criminal investigation” into the handling of the government documents marked as classified. (The grand jury investigation was reported by the New York Times on May 12, 2022.)

Update-1: On Apr. 7, 2022, the Washington Post reported that the DOJ plans to investigate Trump’s removal of official records to Mar-a-Lago.

Update-2: On May 12, 2022, the New York Times reported that the Justice Department has started a “grand jury investigation into whether classified White House documents that ended up at former President Donald J. Trump’s Florida home were mishandled,” and that the grand jury has issued at least one subpoena. That subpoena is to the National Archives to obtain the classified documents.

Update-3: On June 3, 2022, federal investigators removed classified documents from Mar-a-Lago under a grand jury subpoena.

On June 8, Trump’s attorneys received an email from federal investigators asking them to further secure the room where documents are being stored. The email asked that “the room at Mar-a-Lago where the documents had been stored be secured and that all the boxes that were moved from the White House to Mar-a-Lago (along with any other items in that room) be preserved in that room in their current condition until further notice,” according to the Wall Street Journal.

Following the June 3 visit, one of Trump’s lawyers reportedly signed a statement that all materials marked as classified and held in boxes in a storage area have been returned to the government. On June 22, the Trump Organization received a subpoena for surveillance tapes that covered areas of the club where the documents were possibly stored, which the FBI later obtained.

Update-4: On Aug. 8, 2022, FBI agents executed a search warrant on Mar-a-Lago and raided the club in search of additional classified materials beyond those taken in June. Attorney General Merrick Garland later confirmed that he had personally approved the search. The DOJ also asked a court to unseal the search warrant itself, which would reveal the alleged crimes that formed the basis of the warrant as well as the list of items taken during the search. Trump now has the option to oppose the unsealing, which he would need to do by Aug. 12.

Update-5: On Aug. 12, the court granted the DOJ’s motion and unsealed the warrant and property receipt. The warrant revealed that Trump is under investigation for violating three criminal statutes: destruction or removal of records, obstruction of justice, and mishandling classified information in violation of the Espionage Act. The property receipt indicated that agents had seized 11 sets of documents, some marked as highly classified.

Update-6: Several media outlets, including CNN and the Washington Post, asked the court to unseal the search warrant documents on Aug. 11. On Aug. 15, the DOJ responded by filing a motion urging the court to keep sealed the search warrant affidavit, which would specify the reasons why investigators believed they had probable cause to search the premises. The DOJ argued that the affidavit contains sensitive information that would “compromise” the government’s ongoing criminal investigation.

Update-7: On Aug. 22, 2022, Trump filed a lawsuit challenging the DOJ’s investigation in Florida federal court. Trump’s suit requested that the court appoint a special master to review the seized documents and to screen out any materials covered by attorney-client or executive privilege. The suit also asked the court to enjoin the DOJ from reviewing the documents and to order the DOJ to return some of Trump’s personal property.

Update-8: On Aug. 30, 2022, the DOJ filed a motion opposing Trump’s request to appoint a special master. The DOJ advanced several arguments, including that Trump lacked standing to challenge the seizure of presidential records, that an injunction against the DOJ’s investigation was inappropriate, that a a former president like Trump cannot assert executive privilege in scenarios like this, and that a special master is unnecessary because a government filter team could screen out privileged information.

Update-9: On Sept. 5, 2022, the district court granted Trump’s request to appoint a special master and enjoined the DOJ from reviewing the seized records as part of its criminal investigation. On Sept. 8, the DOJ filed a notice of appeal and asked the district court to stay its decision with respect to the classified materials. It argued that the DOJ was likely to win its subsequent appeal over the classified documents, because Trump could not possibly assert any personal interest in classified government records. The DOJ also explained that the government would suffer irreparable harm if it were enjoined from using the seized classified materials, because it needed to promptly conduct a national security risk assessment.

Update-10: On Sept. 15, the district court appointed the Hon. Raymond Dearie–a Senior Judge of the Eastern District of New York–as special master. The district court also denied the DOJ’s motion for a stay.

Update-11: The special master–Judge Dearie–held his first hearing on Sept. 20, 2022. Much of the argument focused on the status of the classified documents. Trump’s counsel argued that Judge Dearie should not take the DOJ’s word that some of the seized records were classified but stopped short of arguing that Trump had actually declassified them. According to reporting, the judge “expressed skepticism” at those arguments, and indicated that he would likely deem the records classified unless Trump offered contrary evidence.

Update-12: On Sept. 21, the Eleventh Circuit granted the DOJ’s motion for a stay, meaning that the DOJ can use the classified documents in its investigation and that the DOJ need not submit those documents to the special master for review. The appeals court agreed with the DOJ that Trump could not assert a personal interest in classified records, and also noted that Trump had so far refused to advance any actual evidence that the records had been declassified.

Update-13: On Nov. 22, the court of appeals heard oral argument (C-SPAN) on the merits of whether Judge Cannon should have exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion in the first place. The three-judge panel included two of the judges from the prior panel that affirmed the DOJ motion on Sept. 21. The two sides’ arguments on jurisdiction were practically the same as the arguments made in their briefs at issue in the Sept. 21 ruling.

Update-14: On Dec. 1, 2022, the Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruled in favor of the government’s petition to vacate Florida district court Judge Aileen Cannon’s order and dismiss the underlying civil action. The Eleventh Circuit held that Judge Cannon should have never exercised jurisdiction over Trump’s motion for return of property.







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