RFK Jr. Destroys His Candidacy With VP Pick?

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 6, 2024 19:51
PAGE 1 of 1

Friday, March 22, 2024 9:39 PM


That really is strange...

My old man asked me the other day if I'd heard about RFK's potential picks and I said I'd seen some name on RCP that I'd never heard of, but he was talking about people like Aaron Rogers and Jesse Ventura. So I opened that article from RCP and told him what that article said about her and it was really nothing more than that she was rich and she was married at one point to one of Google's cofounders. My dad basically said the same thing this article says when I told him that, but I did say at the time I wouldn't put too much confidence in it because of the sources reporting it... and it just seemed like such a stupid pick.

I mused at the time that she was probably some ultra-progressive kook, just because who she was married to at one point, but I hadn't read that in print until just now.

Well... Now it's official. I think RFK is working for Trump. I don't buy the "money" excuse for RFK picking her. He doesn't need the money since he knows deep down he's not a viable candidate in the first place.

With an ultra-progressive pick like Shanahan as his running mate, they're likely to siphon off a lot of voters from the Biden* campaign, including but not limited to the Anti-Israel crowd and college age voters.

If you don't hear her speaking much than I'm wrong about that. But if all of the sudden Shanahan becomes a household name in the next couple of months after an official announcement that she's RFK's pick, this is exactly what's happening.


Saturday, March 23, 2024 1:53 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Thanks for catching me up.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Saturday, March 23, 2024 9:52 AM


a 'Burning Man' woman, married three times not just the google guy

also rumors of Musk


Saturday, March 23, 2024 1:14 PM


Canadian opinion here but all RFK Jr. has to trade on is his name and from what I have heard he is a nutter. His father and uncles must be rolling over in their graves.


Saturday, March 23, 2024 4:19 PM


Well that all depends on where you're coming from.

He was one of the only politicians out there speaking common sense about Covid vaccine mandates and lockdowns and against the US Government putting CIA and FBI staffers in high positions in social media companies to censor doctors speaking out against the narrative.

If all you're ingesting is Left-Wing media, no doubt you're going to believe that RFK is a wackjob.

If JFK is rolling over in his grave right now, I think it would be over the state of American politics and the state of the media.

Am I going to vote for RFK? No. But I would have been happy to see him as Trump's VP and I think he could have sniped a good deal of Biden* voters that are unsatisfied with the way the last 3 years have gone if they were both on the same ticket.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Saturday, March 23, 2024 4:31 PM


Well, I am coming from the left.

Though I do agree that JFK and RFK Senior must both be rolling in their graves at the state of politics in the US.


Saturday, March 23, 2024 6:48 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, I am coming from the left.

Yeah. I know. But I feel like you're from a different Left than what is front and center these days.

When I first signed up for this site, although I would never have called myself a Democrat, I was Left-of-Center as far as the mid-2000s went. Every other post I made was bashing GWB and the Republicans in power.

The Democrat Party is not at all what it used to be 20 years ago. They resemble the GWB Administration and have become the pro-war party and the pro-censorship party. They're not anti-establishment anymore. They ARE the Establishment. They own 90% of the media.


Though I do agree that JFK and RFK Senior must both be rolling in their graves at the state of politics in the US.

Man, I bet they are.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Saturday, March 23, 2024 8:05 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, I am coming from the left.

Yeah. I know. But I feel like you're from a different Left than what is front and center these days.

When I first signed up for this site, although I would never have called myself a Democrat, I was Left-of-Center as far as the mid-2000s went. Every other post I made was bashing GWB and the Republicans in power.

The Democrat Party is not at all what it used to be 20 years ago. They resemble the GWB Administration and have become the pro-war party and the pro-censorship party. They're not anti-establishment anymore. They ARE the Establishment. They own 90% of the media.


Though I do agree that JFK and RFK Senior must both be rolling in their graves at the state of politics in the US.

Man, I bet they are.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

I'm just an older left and being Canadian. It is a little different.

When political tests in the past have come on the OB, I clock in as an old school Democrat.

My understanding is RFK Jr.'s family don't like his views.


Saturday, March 23, 2024 10:35 PM


I'm curious what tests you took.

I just took this one:

I'm pretty damn centered. I do find it funny that they consider me to be just slightly Authoritarian and Left though.

I would have probably considered myself just as much on the equal and opposite side of near-center with Libertarian Right.

They've definitely put in some questions in these tests that wouldn't have been there 4 or 5 years ago. Maybe that explains the "economic scale", but I don't see how it explains the "social scale" aspect of where I landed. I would have figured that right there would have put me on the Right side of things today.

I am very much against corporations (specifically large multi-national corporations) and monopolies though, so that probably explains the economic scale falling on Authoritarian instead of Libertarian.

I think this all depends on the test (The questions, how the questions are worded, and how you're able to answer them). I could probably take some other test and be called a far Right Winger and then take another one that has me extremely Libertarian and on the left side of things.

Oh well...

I'd take what the media says about RFK and what his family thinks of him with a grain of salt. I know they didn't like his views on Covid specifically, and that alone right there has destroyed family relationships that I know of personally. We never actually know what goes on in family business.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Saturday, March 23, 2024 11:29 PM


I don't remember now. Too many years ago. I just did them to see what they would say.

That's true about family and behind closed doors. I heard about his riff with his family over Covid.

But with a number of diseases that were thought or were eradicated because of vaccines, I keep hoping for common sense.

Right now measles is making its way across the US and Canada because of low vaccine rates in other countries. Measles is nothing to play with.


Sunday, March 24, 2024 12:39 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

About halfway to the left margin economically and about a thurd of the way down the libertarian scale.

I hated the way the questions were worded. Many had some kind of contradiction built in.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Sunday, March 24, 2024 12:45 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:
I don't remember now. Too many years ago. I just did them to see what they would say.

That's true about family and behind closed doors. I heard about his riff with his family over Covid.

But with a number of diseases that were thought or were eradicated because of vaccines, I keep hoping for common sense.

Right now measles is making its way across the US and Canada because of low vaccine rates in other countries. Measles is nothing to play with.

I understand. But just remember that there is common sense middleground.

I'm not an anti-vaxxer, although I've been labeled here as one.

I was adamantly against an untested Covid mandated vaccine.

But if we start getting things like Measles and Polio again when those are two things that haven't even been around in my lifetime, that's going to be pretty damn foolish.

I've got my shots though, which were actual vaccines instead of whatever they shot us up with Covid, so I'm not worried. I'm not going to get Measles or Polio.

Our world governments did everyone a great disservice with Covid. Trust in our medical institutions is now at an all time low and isn't likely to be restored until an entire generation or two dies off after what they did.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Sunday, March 24, 2024 12:48 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
About halfway to the left margin economically and about a thurd of the way down the libertarian scale.

I hated the way the questions were worded. Many had some kind of contradiction built in.

Yeah. Me too. And I hate when they don't allow you a middle of the road "fence sitting" position and force you to either agree or disagree with something you don't either agree or disagree with and/or you have a 3-digit IQ and realize that there are a hell of a lot of other questions you want answered first about their question before you give an answer either way.

"Authoritarian Left"? That'll be the day.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Sunday, March 24, 2024 1:59 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by Brenda:
I don't remember now. Too many years ago. I just did them to see what they would say.

That's true about family and behind closed doors. I heard about his riff with his family over Covid.

But with a number of diseases that were thought or were eradicated because of vaccines, I keep hoping for common sense.

Right now measles is making its way across the US and Canada because of low vaccine rates in other countries. Measles is nothing to play with.

I understand. But just remember that there is common sense middleground.

I'm not an anti-vaxxer, although I've been labeled here as one.

I was adamantly against an untested Covid mandated vaccine.

But if we start getting things like Measles and Polio again when those are two things that haven't even been around in my lifetime, that's going to be pretty damn foolish.

I've got my shots though, which were actual vaccines instead of whatever they shot us up with Covid, so I'm not worried. I'm not going to get Measles or Polio.

Our world governments did everyone a great disservice with Covid. Trust in our medical institutions is now at an all time low and isn't likely to be restored until an entire generation or two dies off after what they did.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

I believe in middle ground. We have to have that to function as societies.

I was waiting for more data on the Covid vaccine because of drug interactions but I never heard anything and that worried me.

There are over 60 cases of measles spread around the US being brought in by travel. As I said vaccine levels are low even in Europe for those things. And around 50 in Canada. Mostly in the east and again linked to travel.

I've not heard of polio being around but that is another worry for sure.

My parents made sure my brother and I got all our childhood vaccines because they knew they were important.

Can't say I totally disagree with that. Trust in medicine is at an all time low.


Monday, March 25, 2024 11:53 AM


New York Magazine: What the Polls Say Today: RFK Jr. Now Hurting Biden, Helping Trump

They were always saying that Ed.

This is the problem with cherry picking polls instead of looking at the aggregate. (Which is exactly what you do in the article, by starting it off with two extremely biased Left-Wing polling firms, then going on to tell us what the RCP polling aggregate says today as well as what the state polls say today).

There is no such thing as a poll that is unbiased. So when you spend your days looking at only the polls that are telling you what you want to hear it hits you much harder when your cherry picked polls start telling you things you don't want to hear.

Trump has gained an additional 1 to 5 points over Joe Biden* in a 3-way race on the aggregate since the beginning and was never being hurt by RFK Jr. on the aggregate of polls. This Trump Bump in a 3-way race has more or less been mirrored on a state-by-state basis in the swing states since the beginning as well and is not a new phenomena.

So either you are lying about a change occurring here now for some reason, or you weren't looking at the polling aggregate in the beginning but switched over to it now.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Wednesday, March 27, 2024 11:59 AM


March 22nd, 2024:


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Well... Now it's official. I think RFK is working for Trump. I don't buy the "money" excuse for RFK picking her. He doesn't need the money since he knows deep down he's not a viable candidate in the first place.

With an ultra-progressive pick like Shanahan as his running mate, they're likely to siphon off a lot of voters from the Biden* campaign, including but not limited to the Anti-Israel crowd and college age voters.

If you don't hear her speaking much than I'm wrong about that. But if all of the sudden Shanahan becomes a household name in the next couple of months after an official announcement that she's RFK's pick, this is exactly what's happening.

Democrats ramp up attacks on RFK Jr.: ‘He should be ashamed of himself’


Democrats are stepping up their criticism of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. after he announced his pick of Nicole Shanahan for vice president Tuesday, arguing the duo will benefit former President Trump.

Kennedy’s allies say the selection of Shanahan, a philanthropist and patent attorney, will generate buzz for the campaign heading into the general election, while also allowing him to check a necessary box in several states that require an Independent to have a running mate to qualify for their ballots.

But many pro-President Biden figures in the party are criticizing Kennedy as a “spoiler” propelled by GOP funds and conspiracy theories, slamming his presidential campaign shortly after he unveiled his running mate in Oakland, Calif.

“I am personally offended and just disgusted by his campaign,” Rep. Robert Garcia (D-Calif.) said during a call hosted by the Democratic National Committee (DNC). “He should be ashamed of himself. He should stop running for president.”


“He’s a spoiler,” Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. Austin Davis said on the call. “He was drafted into this race by Donald Trump’s top supporters.”

“He has no realistic path to victory in Pennsylvania,” he added.

Funny how we both came to the same conclusion, huh?

This article is pure comedy. The meltdown has begun.

Now all they need to do is put Shanahan front and center and get her talking about her pro-life points and steal away a large portion of the college aged Leftists who hate Joe Biden* because they never got their free college and they're never going to be able to afford to move out of their parent's houses.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Monday, April 1, 2024 12:32 PM


CNN: RFK Jr.’s VP pick is a missile aimed at Biden


Some people, a little slow on the uptake perhaps, persist in the fantasy that Kennedy, as a vaccine critic and conspiracy promoter, would draw from Trump. In his choice of running mates, RFK Jr. has ended that debate.

Not very much is known about Shanahan, the woman Kennedy wants one heartbeat away from the presidency. She is a 38-year-old attorney and entrepreneur who grew up poor, raised by an immigrant single mom in California. She was formerly married to Google co-founder Sergey Brin and has used her wealth for a variety of philanthropic and political causes.

In the political world, she has, according to The New York Times, described herself as a “progressive through and through,” and has donated to Democrats like former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and California Rep. Ro Khanna. And Biden. So, yeah, I think we can conclude she has been on Team D.

A candidate born with perhaps the most famous name in Democratic history has chosen a running mate with a gold-plated Democratic donor history. Amazingly, according to the Times, as recently as one month ago, Kennedy had only spoken to Shanahan once. Perhaps that’s all the vetting Kennedy needed to choose someone to help him siphon off Democratic votes.

Common sense tells you RFK Jr. is likely to draw more votes from Biden than Trump. The name alone is a giveaway. Kennedy’s name couldn’t be more blue if it were Democrat McDonkeyface.



Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, April 4, 2024 3:06 PM


Some folks complain about 3rd party candidates, but there is at least one very good reason for them being involved.

Biden* and Trump are kinda old guys. Either might drop dead any day. If Biden does, nobody will know about it until the CGI and AI Chat Bot glitch up more than they have been lately.

If neither candidate gets 270 Votes in The Electoral College, POTUS is elected by The House of Representatives. The House has 50 votes, in delegations of 1 per state. about 20 states have delegations which are majority Libtard. More than 25 states have delegations which have majority Republican.
However, IIRC, they are restricted to voting only for persons who accrued at least one Electoral Vote. A recent election had Evan Mullins with about 4 EV. Tulsi Gabbard has garnered an EV at least once. Bernie Sanders has too.
So, if RFK Jr gets an EV, then a House choice between Trump, Biden, and RFK could leave RFK as the next POTUS.
The Senate elects the Veep, so the Veep might be Shanihan if Trump doesn't pick a decent VP.


Thursday, April 4, 2024 4:17 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Some folks complain about 3rd party candidates, but there is at least one very good reason for them being involved.

Biden* and Trump are kinda old guys. Either might drop dead any day. If Biden does, nobody will know about it until the CGI and AI Chat Bot glitch up more than they have been lately.

If neither candidate gets 270 Votes in The Electoral College, POTUS is elected by The House of Representatives. The House has 50 votes, in delegations of 1 per state. about 20 states have delegations which are majority Libtard. More than 25 states have delegations which have majority Republican.
However, IIRC, they are restricted to voting only for persons who accrued at least one Electoral Vote. A recent election had Evan Mullins with about 4 EV. Tulsi Gabbard has garnered an EV at least once. Bernie Sanders has too.
So, if RFK Jr gets an EV, then a House choice between Trump, Biden, and RFK could leave RFK as the next POTUS.
The Senate elects the Veep, so the Veep might be Shanihan if Trump doesn't pick a decent VP.

Though I can appreciate thinking in hypotheticals, there is zero chance that the Establishment would ever pick RFK for the President, regardless of how many EVs he gets. There is an absolute zero chance that RFK becomes President. His impact will ultimately be which candidate he takes more votes from.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Friday, April 5, 2024 2:49 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Some folks complain about 3rd party candidates, but there is at least one very good reason for them being involved.

Biden* and Trump are kinda old guys. Either might drop dead any day. If Biden does, nobody will know about it until the CGI and AI Chat Bot glitch up more than they have been lately.

If neither candidate gets 270 Votes in The Electoral College, POTUS is elected by The House of Representatives. The House has 50 votes, in delegations of 1 per state. about 20 states have delegations which are majority Libtard. More than 25 states have delegations which have majority Republican.
However, IIRC, they are restricted to voting only for persons who accrued at least one Electoral Vote. A recent election had Evan Mullins with about 4 EV. Tulsi Gabbard has garnered an EV at least once. Bernie Sanders has too.
So, if RFK Jr gets an EV, then a House choice between Trump, Biden, and RFK could leave RFK as the next POTUS.
The Senate elects the Veep, so the Veep might be Shanihan if Trump doesn't pick a decent VP.

RINOs - including in WI - have been working hard to remove Trump from the ballot - in every state.

Republicans did not have a huge majority in The House.
So they got rid of Santos, to be replaced by the Libtard he had defeated.
Then Johnson of OH resigned 21 Jan.
Higgins of NY resigned 2 Feb.
Ken Buck of CO resigned 22 March.
And Gallagher of WI is resigning, but not until 19 April to prevent any conservative from replacing him in this Congress.

So, as soon as MTG ousts Speaker Johnson, Hakeem Jeffries can be elected House Speaker, and he has already drafted the bill to declare Trump as Insurrectionist.
Senate will approve.
As soon as Congress officially declares Trump an Insurrectionist, he can be banned from every Ballot in the nation.

Gallagher claimed Trump was an Insurrectionist on Jan 6.
And has refused to fund the Border Wall.
And has delayed his resignation past 9 April to prevent any conservative from replacing him in this Congress, paving the road to reelect Lord Darth Obiden.


Tuesday, May 7, 2024 1:36 PM


RFK Jr. is only going to take votes from Biden* once these videos make the rounds...


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, August 6, 2024 7:23 PM



Robert F. Kennedy Jr
To the Mainstream Media

Every time you write "roadkill," I will mention dirty C.I.A. regime-change wars and our $35 trillion debt.

Every time you write "barbecued goat," I will invoke normalized government censorship, vanishing topsoil, threatened wilderness, the epidemics of addiction and loneliness, the deaths of despair, and the world’s largest chronic disease burden.

Every time you write "vaccine crank,” I will remind you of an industry with a well-documented track record of putting profits before people, an industry with unreliable regulatory oversight, an industry which is one of the most powerful entities in the world.

Every time you write “fringe,” I will remind you of my pledge to heal the divide and center us in our shared humanity.

Every time you write "brain worm," I will mention our blundering foreign policy, which has helped bring our precious earth to the brink of World War III.

Your opportunistic fidelity to a monstrous status quo has turned you into the Red Herring Machine. The Defamation Industrial Complex. The Abettor of the Social Lie.

We are a beautiful but polarized and ailing nation.

The more you smear me, the more I'll keep speaking.


Tuesday, August 6, 2024 7:51 PM


Good for him.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.






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