Russia says 60 dead, 145 injured in concert hall raid; Islamic State group claims responsibility

UPDATED: Sunday, September 8, 2024 13:12
VIEWED: 1146
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Saturday, March 23, 2024 7:02 PM


Well... They're fucking dead then.

Muslim coward sub-human dogs attacking defenseless civilians who have their guard down while enjoying a concert again. Big tough guys.

It's time to turn Mecca into glass and burn every last Muslim dog to the ground.

Men, women and children.


Saturday, March 23, 2024 7:15 PM


I get the anger after an event but You don't kill old Men, women and children...its just something that is not done in war and violates convention and human norms

there are rumors even Canada had given Russians warnings about an attack about to happen

New Video Shows The Interrogation Of One Of The Terrorists Who Killed Over 100 In Moscow, Said He Did It For The Money (5k Dollars)

organized on 'Telegram' sites on social media it seems the headquarters are in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Telegram is registered as a company in the British Virgin Islands and as an LLC in the most populous city in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the capital of the Emirate of Dubai.

US Warned Russia of 'Imminent' Terrorist Attack, Urged American Citizens to Avoid 'Concert Gatherings' Weeks Before Moscow Concert Hall Attack


Sunday, March 24, 2024 12:42 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
I get the anger after an event but You don't kill old Men, women and children..

Yeah, that's what jihadists do.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Sunday, March 24, 2024 12:51 AM


The old men failed them and/or support them. The women failed them and/or support them.

The children will be them and/or breed more of them.

Islam is a plague on mankind and needs to be eradicated off the face of the earth.

Renounce Allah or suffer the consequences.

And this is not about "holy war". I'm as agnostic as they come and don't subscribe to any religion. This is simply a problem that will never go away on its own and needs to be dealt with before we all spend the rest of our lives paying for not taking the actions that need to be taken. They live among us now, and there is no longer a single place on the planet where that statement isn't pertinent.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Sunday, March 24, 2024 3:08 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SIX, this is stupid.

I've worked with or kmown plenty of Muslims who don't believe this kind of shit. In particular, I had a friend, a graduate student in biology who was nice as nice could be.
You're tarring everyone with what a few do. SECOND does that. Jihadists do that. Racists do that. Nazis do that.
Don't you do that too.

In this country, everyone is responsible for what they do. Not what someone else does.
Investigate the perpetrators and punish them.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Sunday, March 24, 2024 5:06 AM


War is not done anymore to cause total death and destruction, War is Not anymore pure blood and exterminating like it was done in Medieval times or WW1 or WW2, there are now international legal standards for humanitarian treatment in war.

Putin himself is part of the moron equation in all of this, he has praised islam, he has said moohammed or al Lah should not be offended and under his rule there has been a massive expansion of jihadist mosques...yes maybe some people want to just blast it all, send in your new high tech soldiers like a 'Halo' crusade scifi cartoon movie...but look at how much democracy the most powerful military the USA brought to Afghanistan despite having superior the end the Taliban just paid for it all with bodies and people and blood and waited the whole thing out

The best way I have seen islamics wrecked is for it to be constantly mocked, police pushing secularism, class it as a troublesome cult engage in an Atheist Anti-Religion position against the islamic and arresting jihads posting threats and limit their position and habitat and limit their building. Even Jimmy Carter stopped their immigration spread, he banned islamic movement a muslim ban after the Iranian hijack of embassy, Trump also limited movement from terror supporting nations. The idea of anyone can come to America especially changed after 911, limitation of movements and control of people and borders is a normal thing for a normal country, if you have no borders you have no naton no country, you need to do this especially when their values want to destroy your country. it is a battle on another level the old ghosts and new ghosts, bad idea and good idea in conflict a battle of levels existing with the minds...almost psychic or magic to a person who never seen it...perhaps unknown to people islam has been at war with all civilisations, it declared war on the USA before the USA was even born, it hides itself behind the 'religion' label but is a warfare social system that engages in constant information warfare and desire of conquest the zombified words of their bandit pedophile prophet in action... Civilisations with any islamics need to fight back on the level of the mind, watch them, police them, introduce them to comedy and mockery, make them listen to criticism hear it's critics Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Rushdie etc if a song mocks islam it is not racist it is only mocking a system, a type of StoneAge communist islamo-fascist system, allow speech and maybe even support the almost vulgar South Park toonists, as soon as islamics get in there is a tax paid to police them, even then they will try outbreed you or get some disgusting softter jihadi type into political office, there is a constant cost in Police and Monitoring of people who follow demonic elements of their so called religion.

That is not to say all muslims are terrorists or that all other countries will always be better than someone in an islamic place, the kgb have done terrible things, the cia torture rendition program. A 500-lb bomb blast they say they are laser guided bombs or smart bombs but they wipe out an area the size of a football field, they can cause severe damage, injury, destruction, or death within 20 meters of the blast, 21.87 yards or a 65.6 feet radius of death to take out two terrorist guys with an AK sitting on the donkey or camel but with other people nearby.

Putin already screwed up, it seems Western nations had shared data and were giving him warnings an islamic attack was coming, Putin will probably screw up against with incompetence and inhumanity like he has done in Ukraine and somehow rather than improve life for Russia he will spread more misery, fear and death.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I've worked with or kmown plenty of Muslims who don't believe this kind of shit. In particular, I had a friend, a graduate student in biology who was nice as nice could be.

I don't know if you can call this person 'Your Friend'

can you trust them?

Bring them out with a group and 'HAVE A DRINK' and talk religion, Moses, the Hindu, the Buddhists, the Jews, can you talk Jesus or Iran and Saudi and Mohammed, the Israeli military defeating Arabs in war, the Ayatollah of Iran, the Saudi Monarchy, the Arab slave treatment of women, the loss of Freedom as islam spreads in Turkey, Indonesian massacres of socialists, talk about Ramadan or going to the Mosque ?

if you can not do this, if they will not talk of their serial killer pervert uncle hidden buried in the basement perhaps they are not your friend

and if shit really hits the fan more BLM, Antifa mass unrest, the world about to collapse, perhaps given the choice your 'friend' would not have your back and betray you? or maybe it won't be them it will be his or her Uncle or the gangster niece or nephew...are they truly your friend?
Can you really trust them as 'A Friend'


Sunday, March 24, 2024 8:01 AM


both CNN Fox, Canada news CBC, the British news BBC, France24 and other Western and Asian news outlets say ISIS

some types of warnings were passed to Russians

while Putin looks stupid


Sunday, March 24, 2024 8:12 AM


More than 60 dead in Moscow attack, ISIS reportedly claims responsibility

China has broadcast eye witness statements, they didn't broadcast any conspiracy nonsense from Russian officials but they also had Putin's statement play

'Eyewitnesses describe shooting at Moscow concert hall'

Some India Hindu English speaking channels like Republic World entertain conspiracy, the tv host might be confusing Instagram with Telegram


Sunday, March 24, 2024 9:19 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

What points to ISIS?

Well, they said they did it. Or SOMEBODY said ISIS-K did it. ISIS-K is the ISIS offshoot of Khorasan, active in the region of south central Asia (in the 'stans)

At least one of the suspects is supposedly Tajik.

What points away from ISIS?

Previous terror attacks end with terrorists "martyring" themselves, i.e. in a shootout, blowing themselves up, or crashing a plane. They don't run away.

One of the suspects supposedly said his family was paid. So if true, it doesn't matter who the suspects were or where they came from, the real question (if this was "terror for hire") would be "Who paid them"?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Sunday, March 24, 2024 9:48 AM


Putin is once again exposed as a moron who has been sending Russia backwards, destroys Ukraine and has ignored warnings from people who wanted to save ordinary civilian Russians from terror attacks

Deadly attack on Moscow concert hall shakes Russian capital and sows doubts about security

Across Russia the mosques grow rapildy will it one day be called Mosque-Oh! or
Meczet-kva or Mæszid-ba´

Putin has invited them in and also told Russians you can not insult islam

Mass terror murder on a jihadi social media 'Telegram' site disgused as Western was million rubles in payment which is about 10k in Euro/Dollars on social media site 'Telegram' a lot of bad dark gun criminal stuff moves, the site Telegram is well known for Drug Smugglers, Human Traffickers, back in 2016, French anti-terrorism investigators asserted that the two ISIS-directed terrorists who murdered a priest in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray in Normandy, France, and videoed the murder, had communicated via Telegram and "used the app to coordinate their plans for the attack"...after Social media started to crackdown on Face book youtubers who were Trump fans a lot of Libertarian, National, QAnon, Trump fans moved to Telegram but it is infected with jihads, the 'Telegram' headquarters are in Dubai, United Arab Emirates ISIS's media wing subsequently posted a video on Telegram of the French Attacks, the Tajik names in current attacks are names like Mahamadrasul Zarabidinovich, Faizov Muuhammad, Moohammad-Sobir Zokirdzhonovich all these Araby ex-Soviet Tajik sounding state names.

all over sites like Bitchute, Rumble, Vidmax

Terrorist For Hire Barely Speaks Russian - Did It For Half A Million Rubles

ISIS Claims Responsibility

Moscow concert hall attack - Islamic State claims responsibility after gunmen in combat gear opened fire and reportedly set off explosives at Crocus City Hall

Also recently there were 2021 Kyrgyzstan–Tajikistan battle war events and 2022 Kyrgyzstan–Tajikistan clashes, ISIS and Afghan mujahids are reported to be inside Tajiki ranks

ISIS Releases Bodycam Footage Of The Attack On Moscow Concert Hall

What I assume are the Tajik jihadi islamist Arabs in the video alking through concert hall shouting in some weird Tajik Uzbekistani-Russo Arabic Low IQ Southwestern Iranian gangster Tajikistani language. The keep moaning and roaring out infidel cries about jihad and this demonic entity "al lah!". The terrorists start attacking and cutting up people as they are still alive and shot, stabbing and torturing them as they did in other attacks across Europe or in Florida, one terrorist walks up to a Russian man already shot but still alive, tortures him with a knife, tries to take off his head with a small knife or starts slashing at the Russian man's throat

'Kill them and have no mercy': ISIS release 90-seconds of horror in sick selfie film showing terror attack

Moscow: Video of the bloody attack was published by ISIS (video)

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

-K did it.

British video on this 'K' stuff

Moscow shooting Putin ‘using vloggers’ to push blame onto Ukraine for terrorist attack

a social media vid claims more have been caught

Terrorists and mercs aren't protected by the Normal convention or the laws of war.

Followers of the Mahomet madness

I don't really bother much with any of this 'K' the start you have islam, a religion founded by a camel jacker, a mad man and a pedophile...he terrorized Arabia and his name was moohammad, he prayed to a demon Moongod and that's about all you need to know...if you want to read more you can find translations of their shitty so called holy books yourself then do it! I will be happy to see you confirm or debunk this political religion stuff...
after the frist islam there will be a new tribe or new political movement or new breed of islam gangsters flavor pops up K, L , M, N, O.... Hezbollah, al-Qaeda, there will always be a new jihad Brigade etc islamist political Batillion so just call them mohammedans and it makes it more simple and class which caliphate, emirate, kingdom / country they are from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan ...the complex part in all this is larger powers have used islamics as pawns for example both sides using Chechens in Ukraine who then might siwtch sides kill Ukrainian one day get a bigger bitcoin type crypto payment kill Russians get another Merc payment and Chechnya mercenaries will go back to killing ukrainins as guns for hire...mercenary types are typically hated by most nations and shall not have the right to be a combatant or a prisoner of war, both Russia and the USA have supported islamics when it suited them which add to the political religious terror complexity.

Now way back when all this jihad islam crap kicked off and before just before the original terrorist prophet moohammad died, he was already at war with his own people killing his own family infighting with his own blood, a civil war within the family, there was already a murderous power struggle within the family...about who would get the Loot, who got to rape, who got to own slaves, etc they were already at war and killing each other
there are even accusations that one of the victims of his pedophiliia Aisha grew up and killed him, did something bad to a kebab
nobody really knows how he died some say a Jew did witchcraft and caused a fatal illness...blame the Jewish again!
some just say he could have drank bad water or got sick and dies of fatal ailment, many conflicting stories and reports. The Sunni or Saudi teror type seem to think Aisha ok but Shia or Shiit the Iran flavor already believe that Aisha betrayed the so called Prophet's family, However the book is a horror show of warfare and murder by a mad man who wanted to kill others and had a lust for murder.

that is not to say every muslim is a terrorist, some will have a quality or humanity despite having a terrible religion, there are odinary people in every war, Americans, Brirish, French in WW2, even in Nazi Germany an ordinary kid, not every Communist Soviet citizen under Stalin was evil, not every Japanese was a bad wicked person as cities got fire bombed and Nukes were dropped, in every setting of madness, blood and chaos there are ordinary people...however islam itself is garbage and evil.

The Iranians and Saudi are a sign of this massive infighting, killing each other, they wreck their heritage they erase and bury their own good history and destroying their own thousands of years of interesting pre-islamic heritage for this pedophile Moongod and bandit pedophile prophet but its a constant pattern Every few years maybe every 2 decades a 'New Islamism' pops up, call it whatever you want flavor Saudi, flavor Iran, flavor K, L , M, N, O , P eventually you will run out of letters

Mohammed was a slaver a bandit a mad man who preached racism, extermination and violence, Tabari 7:97 The morning after the murder of Ashraf, the Prophet declared, "Kill any Jew who falls under your power." Ashraf was a poet, killed by Muhammad's men because he insulted Islam.
And had it not been that your pedophile demon entity al lah had decreed exile for them, He would certainly have punished them in this world; and in the Hereafter, theirs shall be the torment of the Fire.
—?Quran 59: ...moslims think the pedo Moongod entity al Lah is actually 'God' or the same God of the Jewish and Christians
Hadith and Sira
Sahih Bukhari (52:177) - Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him."
Quran (47:3-4) - "Those who disbelieve follow falsehood, while those who believe follow the truth from their Lord... So, when you meet (fighting Jihad in the demon al lah's Cause), those who disbelieve smite at their necks till when you have killed and wounded many of them, then bind a bond firmly (on them, i.e. take them as captives)... If it had been the demonic al lah's Will, this al lah demon he Himself could certainly have punished them (without you). But (demon al lah lets you fight), in order to test you, some with others. But those who are killed in the Demonic Way of the Moongod al lah, He will never let their deeds be lost." Holy war is to be pursued against those who reject the demon Moongod al lah. The unbelievers are to be killed and wounded. Survivors are to be held captive for ransom. They say only reason the demon Moongod al lah doesn't do the dirty work himself is to to test the faithfulness of Muslims. Those who kill for the Arab Moongod pass the test.

After the Quran readings and texts there is debate which other books are acceptable, for example Iran might accept or reject some texts and Saudi might accept and reject other texts, Hadith & Sunnah sahih al bukhari and other writings, they are sometimes more extreme than the Quran. The Qur’an or Koran itself is a mixed up Schizo Bipolar book, the guy in it 'prophet Moohammad' or the guy who muslims believe a prophet was problem a psychopath and mentally unwell, it contains all kinds of contradictions, Moohammad himself was illiterate and violent, he did not read or write but possible had bandits capture educated literate people and forced them to write down his words, there are also rumors one of his wives might have wrote stuff down and she might have been Ex-Jewish or a Catholic but he did not write his own words, he alos was unsure if he was demonic possessed, vistied by Angels or Demons, the book contradicts itself and contains injunctions that call both for peace and for violence, attempts to change the schizo story are met with violence, you are not allowed question the book or question the words of the violent mad man moohammad

Robert B. Spencer, Michael Savage, Pamela Geller are pretty read up on the whole islamic thing, there are also sources for English speakers from ex-Muslims like Rushdie.

Shouting “Allahu Akbar!” Jubilant Muslim Group Brags, Releases Live Footage of ‘Bloody Attack’ on ‘Large Crowd of Christians,’ 133 Confirmed Dead in Islamic Terror Attack on Moscow


Sunday, March 24, 2024 11:33 AM


Putin vows to punish those behind Russia concert massacre

Burn them all alive and televise it for the world to watch.

And make make their deaths slow. Very, very, very slow.

Put them all in the prone position, and start with the toes. And have plenty of water on hand to put the fire out if it starts moving too fast. And only one dog at a time until they breath their last breath so the other dogs can live their last hours on earth listening to the terrified screams of the other mutts, wondering just how painful and prolonged their own deserved deaths will be.

If you have the nerve to do this, those cowardly motherfuckers will never try to pull shit like this again. In Russia, anyway. Maybe they'll try it in NYC next now that criminals run the city and the cops protect them.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Sunday, March 24, 2024 12:06 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Putin vows to punish those behind Russia concert massacre

Burn them all alive and televise it for the world to watch.

And make make their deaths slow. Very, very, very slow.

Put them all in the prone position, and start with the toes. And have plenty of water on hand to put the fire out if it starts moving too fast. And only one dog at a time until they breath their last breath so the other dogs can live their last hours on earth listening to the terrified screams of the other mutts, wondering just how painful and prolonged their own deserved deaths will be.

If you have the nerve to do this, those cowardly motherfuckers will never try to pull shit like this again. In Russia, anyway. Maybe they'll try it in NYC next now that criminals run the city and the cops protect them.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Since Putin blamed Ukraine then a random assortment of Ukrainian prisoners of war would be suitable human sacrifices. Why stop with just a dozen? Why not kill all Ukrainian POW's? Go a step further, why not nuke Ukraine? Makes as much sense as 6ix's proposal.

Analysis | Putin Blames Ukraine for ISIS Massacre in Moscow; Many Putinists Blame Israel

There is no doubt that the Russian regime will use the current opportunity to incite and launch a significant attack against Ukraine and its opponents at home. Even with no connection to Ukraine, America or Israel, the Russian regime, which is incapable of admitting mistakes and blunders, has to falsely accuse others and show its citizens that it is willing to take revenge

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, March 24, 2024 12:07 PM


This has nothing to do with Ukraine.

The Muslim dogs are well overdue for some harsh obedience training.

No carrot. All stick.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Sunday, March 24, 2024 1:02 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
This has nothing to do with Ukraine.

Wrong. Putin decided for a bunch of phony-baloney reasons to NOT respond to these terrorists until too late but to attack Ukraine. This is all about the ghosts from the dead Soviet Union haunting Putin's brain:

Putin fixates on imaginary foes while terrorists attack Moscow

There is some cruel irony in the fact that Russia, which has been the perpetrator of so many terror attacks in recent years from Syria to Ukraine, was itself struck by terrorists on Friday night. Heavily armed marauders attacked Crocus City Hall, a concert venue in Moscow, killing at least 133 people and injuring more than 100.

The Islamic State quickly claimed responsibility, and it soon emerged that U.S. intelligence had warned the Kremlin that Islamic State-Khorasan (ISIS-K), the ISIS affiliate based in Afghanistan, was planning an attack in Moscow. The U.S. Embassy in Moscow had even told Americans in the capital to avoid concert halls.

Yet Russian dictator Vladimir Putin — focused on imaginary threats from supposed Ukrainian Nazis rather than actual threats from Islamist terrorists — blithely dismissed the prescient U.S. messages. Providing insight into his twisted psyche, Putin earlier this week described the American notification as a “provocative” statement that resembled “outright blackmail and an intention to intimidate and destabilize our society.”

That Putin ignored the U.S. attempt to help — only to have his own security forces fail to prevent the Moscow attack — tells you all you need to know about the nature of his regime.
Putin is not interested in serving the Russian people or protecting them from actual threats, and his regime is more adept at repressing peaceful dissidents than violent terrorists.

Putin’s goal is to attain imperial glory for himself as a latter-day czar, no matter the cost to the long-suffering Russian people. Now, rather than going after his actual enemies, he may well try to find some way to pin the Moscow attack on Ukraine and the United States and use it to justify further assaults on innocent Ukrainians.

The Kremlin’s failure to stop an ISIS-K attack comes only a few months after the U.S. intelligence community had provided a similar warning of an ISIS-K attack to Iran — only to have the mullahs also turn a deaf ear to the words of the “Great Satan.” The Islamic State was able to carry out two bombings in Iran on Jan. 3, killing more than 95 people in the town of Kerman who had gathered to commemorate the death in a U.S. airstrike of Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani, himself one of the chief organizers of terrorism in the Middle East.

The Iranian regime, like the Russian one, has undoubtedly overdosed on its own propaganda about America as its enemy — and thus refused to lend credence to what this supposed enemy was telling them. It does not require a psychology degree to detect the projection: Neither Vladimir Putin nor Ayatollah Ali Khamenei could imagine informing Washington of a terrorist plot in the United States to save the lives of ordinary Americans, so these tyrants cannot imagine Washington trying to save Russian or Iranian lives. They must have imagined that the U.S. warnings were some kind of trap, because they could not conceive of Americans (whom they routinely accuse of convoluted plots against their regimes) being so guileless as to help their enemies.

After the earlier U.S. warning to Iran became public, some Americans, too, were critical of the Biden administration for notifying Tehran. After all, Iranian proxies have been attacking U.S. forces in the Middle East for years. Why not give them a taste of their own medicine? But that is not the way the U.S. intelligence community operates, and we should be glad of that, because Washington draws a distinction between combatants and non-combatants; U.S. enemies ignore such distinctions.

The U.S. intelligence community has a “duty to warn” the victims of impending terrorist attacks, and while such warnings have normally gone out to U.S. citizens and U.S. allies, it makes sense that the Biden administration also warned Moscow and Tehran. Terrorists should be considered under international law as “enemies of mankind,” and all states should have an obligation to hunt them down. Just because Russia and Iran are complicit in terrorism of their own doesn’t mean that America should be complicit in terrorism against Russian or Iranian civilians.

I have to admit that my initial concern, when I first heard about the terror attack in Moscow, was that Ukrainians might have been responsible. I am very glad they were not, because nothing would delegitimize the Ukrainian cause faster than complicity in terrorism. That had previously happened with Chechen militants who lost international support after staging mass-murder attacks in Russia in the early 2000s. (The Russian security services were also accused of carrying out their own bombings of Russian apartment buildings in 1999 and blaming the Chechens.)

But then it was always improbable that Ukrainians would be involved because Ukraine, like America, is a rule-of-law democracy that does its best to minimize the civilian toll from its military actions. The Ukrainians have targeted Russian infrastructure (such as oil refineries) that is being used to support the invasion of Ukraine, but they are not engaging in terror bombing of Russian cities. By contrast, that is precisely what Russia is doing to Ukrainian cities — as Russia has previously terror-bombed civilians in Chechnya and Syria.

Those earlier war crimes are now catching up with Russia, because they helped to convince Islamic State that Russia is its enemy every bit as much as America. As reported in Foreign Policy, in 2022, ISIS-K’s English language magazine proclaimed, “America has been a furious enemy of Islam throughout the last century, and Russia has proven no different.”

That the Islamic State still has the capacity to carry out such attacks — despite an anti-ISIS campaign launched a decade ago by an international coalition including the United States — carries a grim reminder about how hard it is to stamp out any terrorist organization. The United States and its partners, particularly the Iraqi Security Forces and the Syrian Democratic Forces, did manage to destroy the ISIS “caliphate” in Syria and Iraq, but Islamic State’s noxious ideology continues to inspire the fanatics of ISIS-K.

That is a warning that Israel should heed in its current campaign against Hamas: The Israel Defense Forces can break Hamas’s grip over the Gaza Strip, but they can’t eradicate Hamas’s ideology. Indeed, by inflicting so much suffering among Palestinians, the Israeli campaign may only inspire a new generation of militants.

The question now is whether it will be possible to assemble an effective international coalition to address the growing threat from ISIS-K. It would have to include some pretty strange bedfellows: the United States, Russia, Iran and the Taliban. The United States has actually undertaken limited cooperation with the Taliban against ISIS-K; some U.S. Special Operations troops in Afghanistan used to jokingly refer to themselves as the “Taliban Air Force” because they were employing U.S. airpower to support Taliban ground assaults on ISIS-K strongholds.

Based on recent history, however, it seems doubtful that there will be much cooperation between the United States and Russia or Iran, however helpful it would be to those countries. Both regimes are so focused on making America into an enemy to justify their own repressive rule that they cannot afford to be seen working with Washington. They would rather fight imaginary foes than actual terrorists.

The United States, for its part, would have to be careful about exposing intelligence “sources and methods” to such hostile governments. Because the “infidel” regimes are so divided, ISIS-K may find room to expand its international operations — including the chilling possibility that it could target the United States or its allies in the Middle East or Europe.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, March 24, 2024 1:50 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
This has nothing to do with Ukraine.


Nah. You're wrong.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Sunday, March 24, 2024 3:45 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

If it's true that some, or all, were paid, then it doesn't matter where they came from or who claims responsibility.


"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Sunday, March 24, 2024 6:11 PM


news agency in Amman, Jordan, and Dubai

'Recruited Via Telegram For Money': Moscow Terror Attack Suspect In Chilling Interrogation Video


Sunday, March 24, 2024 7:06 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
This has nothing to do with Ukraine.


Nah. You're wrong.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Putin blamed Ukraine without providing any evidence. But that is standard operating procedure for Putin: blame whoever is most convenient for him.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, March 24, 2024 7:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

1) No he did not.
2) However, the terrorists were caught close to the Ukraine border on a road that led to ... Ukraine. The fact that they were heading in that direction does imply that they expected at least not to be extradited to Russia, and at most that one or more people had planned an escape route for them.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Monday, March 25, 2024 1:07 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
1) No he did not.
2) However, the terrorists were caught close to the Ukraine border on a road that led to ... Ukraine. The fact that they were heading in that direction does imply that they expected at least not to be extradited to Russia, and at most that one or more people had planned an escape route for them.


Now they're fucked.

Now I'm thinking that Putin should cut out their eyeballs and their testicles and swap them on live television. Might be more shocking than burning them to death for several hours.

Then he can stitch them back up, get them on a helicopter and drop them from 20 feet above their shithole 3rd world country and let them be a living message of what's waiting for these Muslim dogs if they ever attack innocent unarmed civilians when their guard is down again.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Monday, March 25, 2024 4:11 AM


Well, well, well...

So far it would appear that Moscow is not going to disappoint.

They wired up one of their ballsacks to an 80 volt battery and let him foam at the mouth.

Then they cut off another one's ear and forced him to eat it.

I still like my ideas better, but I do have to applaud the initiative and the balls they had for doing something that nobody currently in the American government would have the balls to do.

Videos please, Putin.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Monday, March 25, 2024 9:08 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:


Originally posted by SECOND:
Putin blamed Ukraine without providing any evidence. But that is standard operating procedure for Putin: blame whoever is most convenient for him.

1) No he did not.
2) However, the terrorists were caught close to the Ukraine border on a road that led to ... Ukraine. The fact that they were heading in that direction does imply that they expected at least not to be extradited to Russia, and at most that one or more people had planned an escape route for them.

Signym, once again you flat-out lied, Putin is blaming Ukraine, but lying is a standard operating procedure for Russians. Why are Russians like that, for over a century? Truth takes precision, self-control, and time, while convenient lies are sloppy, effortless, and instantaneous. That's why Russians lie constantly about everything. It is so much easier.

As Russia Mourns Attack Victims, State Media Intensifies Blame of Ukraine
News outlets were trying to counter U.S. assessments that the deadly assault on the concert hall near Moscow was the work of an offshoot of the Islamic State.

By Ivan Nechepurenko | March 25, 2024, 7:06 a.m. ET

As Russians grieved Monday for victims of the bloody assault on a concert hall near Moscow that killed at least 137 people, President Vladimir V. Putin was scheduled to meet with government officials to discuss the tragedy, the worst such attack in the capital in two decades.

The government appears to be stepping up efforts to pin the blame on Ukraine. On Sunday, hours after a district court arraigned four men suspected of carrying out the Friday night attack, the main evening news shows on Russia’s main television channels featured reports suggesting that Ukraine was responsible.

The main message was that Western countries were pushing a theory that a branch of the Islamic State was behind the attack, which took place at Crocus City Hall on the outskirts of Moscow, to shift blame away from Ukraine.

“The United States and Europe understand that any connection between Ukraine and the attack against Crocus City Hall would be suicidal for Kyiv and the whole anti-Russian alliance,” said one anchor, Dmitri Melnikov, in a report on Vesti Nedeli, the flagship weekly news show on Rossiya-1, the main state-owned television network.

The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attack. The United States has said that the assault was the work of an ISIS offshoot, the Islamic State in Khorasan, and that there is no evidence implicating Ukraine. Ukraine has denied any involvement.

On Monday, mourners streamed to take flowers to spontaneous memorials across the country. Many Russians were also going to hospitals to donate blood, state news media reported.

Three shopping malls belonging to the company that owns the concert hall said that they would be closed indefinitely. Emergency workers continued to clear the debris inside the concert hall.

But the coverage by Russian state news outlets reflected how the Kremlin seemed determined to muster its resources against what it apparently sees as its main enemy: Ukraine, backed by a coalition of Western states.

Russian investigators have not disclosed any evidence suggesting that the four suspects, men from Tajikistan who were migrant workers in Russia, have a connection to Ukraine.

In the news reports, Russian state television presented the location of their arrest — the Bryansk region of Russia that borders Ukraine — as evidence of Ukrainian involvement. The reports also suggested that Kyiv could have hired them to mount the attack.

In a statement about the tragedy, President Vladimir V. Putin said that the suspects “were heading toward Ukraine” and that “according to preliminary information, a window was prepared for them on the Ukrainian side to cross the state border.”

Dmitri S. Peskov, the Kremlin’s spokesman, said on Monday that Mr. Putin would meet with Russian government officials and the heads of the Moscow region to discuss unspecified measures that needed to be taken after the attack.

Mr. Peskov said he would not comment on the course of the investigation.

“We urge you to rely on the information that comes from our law enforcement agencies,” Mr. Peskov said.

The four suspects, according to their brief appearances in court, were foreign migrant workers who spoke little or no Russian. In videos of their appearances, they looked severely beaten, and videos of their being tortured during interrogation circulated widely on social media. One of the suspects, Muhammadsobir Z. Fayzov, 19, was rolled into the courtroom in a wheelchair.

Their appearance has reignited calls to further regulate labor migration into Russia. And Mikhail Sheremet, a lawmaker, told the state agency RIA Novosti that he would push for the reintroduction of capital punishment in Russia.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, March 25, 2024 9:30 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


a statement about the tragedy, President Vladimir V. Putin said that the suspects “were heading toward Ukraine” and that “according to preliminary information, a window was prepared for them on the Ukrainian side to cross the state border.”

Oh, I see. You overextended your interpretation.

Putin is a lawyer. He parses his words carefully. He's not blaming Ukraine for the attack. He's saying that someone - not necessarily a government agency- was prepared to help them escape.

Thinks about it. The Russian Ukraine border is heavily guarded by both sides. Either someone had prepared a way for them to slip past the guards, or heading for Ukraine was a completely boneheaded move. They should have headed either back to the nearest 'stan, or to the Baltic states. Not to a wartime border.

Too many unanswered questions.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Monday, March 25, 2024 11:06 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

a statement about the tragedy, President Vladimir V. Putin said that the suspects “were heading toward Ukraine” and that “according to preliminary information, a window was prepared for them on the Ukrainian side to cross the state border.”

Oh, I see. You overextended your interpretation.

Putin is a lawyer. He parses his words carefully. He's not blaming Ukraine for the attack. He's saying that someone - not necessarily a government agency- was prepared to help them escape.

Thinks about it. The Russian Ukraine border is heavily guarded by both sides. Either someone had prepared a way for them to slip past the guards, or heading for Ukraine was a completely boneheaded move. They should have headed either back to the nearest 'stan, or to the Baltic states. Not to a wartime border.

Too many unanswered questions.

Signym, you lied again by excluding words spoken by Putin's mouthpieces in the media and by only including words spoken by Putin. Here is what Putin's media mouthpieces are communicating for Putin:

. . . the coverage by Russian state news outlets reflected how the Kremlin seemed determined to muster its resources against what it apparently sees as its main enemy: Ukraine, backed by a coalition of Western states.

Russian investigators have not disclosed any evidence suggesting that the four suspects, men from Tajikistan who were migrant workers in Russia, have a connection to Ukraine.

In the news reports, Russian state television presented the location of their arrest — the Bryansk region of Russia that borders Ukraine — as evidence of Ukrainian involvement. The reports also suggested that Kyiv could have hired them to mount the attack.

In a statement about the tragedy, President Vladimir V. Putin said that the suspects “were heading toward Ukraine” and that “according to preliminary information, a window was prepared for them on the Ukrainian side to cross the state border.”

Signym, when all Putin's words plus all his mouthpieces' words are included the fake story Putin is selling as if true becomes very clear: Kyiv killed Russians at the concert.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, March 25, 2024 11:35 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

a statement about the tragedy, President Vladimir V. Putin said that the suspects “were heading toward Ukraine” and that “according to preliminary information, a window was prepared for them on the Ukrainian side to cross the state border.”

Oh, I see. You overextended your interpretation.

Putin is a lawyer. He parses his words carefully. He's not blaming Ukraine for the attack. He's saying that someone - not necessarily a government agency- was prepared to help them escape.

Thinks about it. The Russian Ukraine border is heavily guarded by both sides. Either someone had prepared a way for them to slip past the guards, or heading for Ukraine was a completely boneheaded move. They should have headed either back to the nearest 'stan, or to the Baltic states. Not to a wartime border.

Too many unanswered questions.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM

You can't have a conversation with a Biden* Democrat about strong borders. They don't understand the concept.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Monday, March 25, 2024 1:20 PM


Back on topic, let's talk about how Russia handled the situation and why those coward dogs are never going to try this shit in Russia again.

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Well, well, well...

So far it would appear that Moscow is not going to disappoint.

They wired up one of their ballsacks to an 80 volt battery and let him foam at the mouth.

Then they cut off another one's ear and forced him to eat it.

I still like my ideas better, but I do have to applaud the initiative and the balls they had for doing something that nobody currently in the American government would have the balls to do.

Videos please, Putin.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Monday, March 25, 2024 1:33 PM


America Is Going to Be Targeted for a Massive Terrorist Attack...Will You Be Ready?

Of course it is.

We've been under attack for 3 years now already with a wide open border; the current Administration flying in illegal criminal invaders all over the country in tandem with Defund The Police putting law enforcement in a stranglehold, especially in Democrat run shithole big cities.

I wouldn't want to be living or working in one of those cities in current day.

If they get around to doing an attack before the election, the entire fucking US electoral map is going to turn Red overnight.

Leftists worldwide, but especially in America, have put us and everybody in the world in this position. The blame lies 100% squarely at their feet.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Monday, March 25, 2024 1:43 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
America Is Going to Be Targeted for a Massive Terrorist Attack...Will You Be Ready?

Of course it is.

We've been under attack for 3 years now already with a wide open border; the current Administration flying in illegal criminal invaders all over the country in tandem with Defund The Police putting law enforcement in a stranglehold, especially in Democrat run shithole big cities.

I wouldn't want to be living or working in one of those cities in current day.

If they get around to doing an attack before the election, the entire fucking US electoral map is going to turn Red overnight.

Leftists worldwide, but especially in America, have put us and everybody in the world in this position. The blame lies 100% squarely at their feet.

6ix, what will do if Trump loses in November?

(a) Realize you are a stupid asshole?

(b) Claim the election was stolen?

I predict you will select (b) but you are already (a) stupid asshole.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, March 25, 2024 1:46 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
America Is Going to Be Targeted for a Massive Terrorist Attack...Will You Be Ready?

Of course it is.

We've been under attack for 3 years now already with a wide open border; the current Administration flying in illegal criminal invaders all over the country in tandem with Defund The Police putting law enforcement in a stranglehold, especially in Democrat run shithole big cities.

I wouldn't want to be living or working in one of those cities in current day.

If they get around to doing an attack before the election, the entire fucking US electoral map is going to turn Red overnight.

Leftists worldwide, but especially in America, have put us and everybody in the world in this position. The blame lies 100% squarely at their feet.

6ix, what will do if Trump loses in November?

(a) Realize you are a stupid asshole?

(b) Claim the election was stolen?

I predict you will select (b) but you are already (a) stupid asshole.

You first...

Democrats doubting election results compliation

Hillary Clinton Voters Call To Overturn Results


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, March 26, 2024 7:27 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

As the world voices its compassion for the relatives of the dead and the hundreds recovering from their wounds, what does Vladimir Putin do? He seeks to involve Ukraine in the blame and then orders a massive missile strike on Kyiv. It is done deliberately to deflect any blame from himself. The Kremlin had been tipped off by Western intelligence to the possibility of an attack from an IS splinter organisation operating in the Khorasan region but ignored the warnings, calling it a provocation.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, March 26, 2024 7:31 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Russia’s Vengeful Turn

Putin rose to power on a promise to get tough on terrorists: The former KGB officer was a relative political unknown when he pledged in 1999 to “waste” Chechen separatists.

That threat followed a series of apartment bombings in Russia that claimed hundreds of lives and touched off weeks of nationwide panic. Putin would follow through on his threat with the invasion of breakaway Chechnya, a move that vaulted him to the position of Russia’s tough-guy-in-charge, an image that would help him secure undisputed power.

The second war in Chechnya was a brutal affair, and human-rights activists documented the appearance of so-called “filtration camps” where civilians were routinely subjected to humiliation, torture and sometimes extrajudicial execution. Russian troops repeated the practice in occupied parts of Ukraine.

The ugly conduct of Russian security forces in both Chechnya and Ukraine has often remained out of public view, at least when it came to the narrative promoted through official Russian media. But after Friday’s Crocus City attack, the brutality of Russian security services appeared on naked display.

Video footage and still images that have surfaced on Russian social media appear to show the violent interrogation of several of the men alleged to have taken part in the terror attack. One video appears to show one of the suspects, Saidakrami Rachabalizoda, being pushed face-down to the ground while having part of his ear severed by an interrogator. A pro-Kremlin Telegram channel published a still photograph that appeared to show the electrocution of another.

The response to this? Open gloating on the part of some prominent, Kremlin-connected figures.

Margarita Simonyan, the editor-in-chief of Russian state propaganda network RT, approvingly posted a video on the Russian social network VK that appeared to show a suspect in the Crocus City attack quaking while being questioned by interrogators. And in a separate post on X, Simonyan posted video of a handcuffed suspect being brought into court while bent over by security officials and a video of Rachabalizoda in court with a bandaged ear.

“I never expected this from myself, but when I see how they are brought into court bent over, and even this [severed] ear, I feel nothing but pleasure,” she wrote.

The Kremlin’s silence on the matter has been telling, with Peskov declining to comment when asked about the evidence of abuse of suspects. It sends a message to ordinary Russians – and the world – that Russian state security forces are capable of anything.

Dmitry Medvedev, Russia’s former president and placeholder for Putin during a four-year interregnum, was characteristically militant in his comments on the tragedy. “Everyone asks me, what is to be done?” Medvedev said, according to Russian state news agency TASS. “They were caught. Well done to everyone who caught them.

“Should they be killed?” Medvedev continued. “Definitely. And that will happen. But it is even more important to kill everyone involved. Everyone. Who paid, who sympathized, who helped. Kill them all.”

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, March 26, 2024 10:17 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Nobody seems to have noticed that Turkeye was involved.

Yanno, this "ISIS-K" stuff is weird.

It's listed as being based in z

Isn't the Taliban in control there? And doesn't seem strange that another Muslim group is seeking power in a nation where the nominal leaders themselves are still consolidating their own power? I would think that the Taliban would want to crush any offshoot as a potential threat

Secondly, this terror attack was done for money. One guy said the equivalent of $5000USD. Doesn't sound like a lot of $$ to us, but that is a princely sum in those parts. And then, since there were four, possibly six , multiply that princely sum into probably unachievable wealth (in rubles, nonetheless).

The money must have come from a wealthier nation, and one with access to rubles.

ISIS-K sounds like it's being sponsored by somebody else, certainly not Afghanistan.

For some reason, Turkeye and Erdogon come to mind. Erdogon has for years lusted after re-creating the Ottoman empire, which stretches across the 'stans. Turkic- speaking people stretch all the way into Xinjiang, China. Erdogon has been funding pro-Turkic groups for decades.

Attacking Russia? Well, he has bitten the hands that feed him,more than once

Since the training camp in Istanbul was rounded up right quick, it'll be interesting if Erdogon makes them avail to the Russians for questioning or if this was a "leave no loose strings behind" move.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Tuesday, March 26, 2024 10:29 AM



Originally posted by second:
Russia’s Vengeful Turn


Dmitry Medvedev, Russia’s former president and placeholder for Putin during a four-year interregnum, was characteristically militant in his comments on the tragedy. “Everyone asks me, what is to be done?” Medvedev said, according to Russian state news agency TASS. “They were caught. Well done to everyone who caught them.

“Should they be killed?” Medvedev continued. “Definitely. And that will happen. But it is even more important to kill everyone involved. Everyone. Who paid, who sympathized, who helped. Kill them all.”



Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, March 26, 2024 10:52 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:


Indeed. Pretty much universally, Trumptards are like that, 6ix, but then so are Russians who have taken up torturing prisoners and bringing back the death penalty:

Russia does not have the death penalty, but in a statement on state channel Rossiya-24, Vladimir Vasiliev, the head of the United Russia faction in the lower house of parliament, said fellow lawmakers might consider the issue of reviving it.

“Many questions are being asked now about the death penalty,” he said, according to state news agency RIA-Novosti. “This topic will certainly be deeply, professionally, and meaningfully addressed. And a decision will be made that will meet the moods and expectations of our society.”

The sentiments of wider society may be hard to gauge, but the mood of Russia’s political class is already clear. It is vengeful, and all options are on the table.

The second war in Chechnya was a brutal affair, and human-rights activists documented the appearance of so-called “filtration camps” where civilians were routinely subjected to humiliation, torture and sometimes extrajudicial execution. Russian troops repeated the practice in occupied parts of Ukraine.

The ugly conduct of Russian security forces in both Chechnya and Ukraine has often remained out of public view, at least when it came to the narrative promoted through official Russian media. But after Friday’s Crocus City attack, the brutality of Russian security services appeared on naked display.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, March 26, 2024 11:00 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:


Indeed. Pretty much universally, Trumptards are like that, 6ix, but then so are Russians who have taken up torturing prisoners and bringing back the death penalty:

Don't want to hear any of it from you.

If you walk into a room of unarmed civilians who have their guard down at a concert and start mowing them down, you're going to fucking die for it.

And you're going to be tortured before you die too.

And it's going to be shared online so other people can see what will happen to them if they do it.

End of story. Period.

Stop sympathizing with fucking terrorists. What is wrong with you?


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, March 26, 2024 11:33 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Don't want to hear any of it from you.

If you walk into a room of unarmed civilians who have their guard down at a concert and start mowing them down, you're going to fucking die for it.

And you're going to be tortured before you die too.

And it's going to be shared online so other people can see what will happen to them if they do it.

End of story. Period.

Stop sympathizing with fucking terrorists. What is wrong with you?

On September 11, 2001, I heard the same fantasies of torture, murder, and revenge from people who would be voting for Trump. In 2024, we know how much those dizzy fantasies cost the USA:

$2.313 trillion for Afghanistan War

$2.89 trillion for Iraq War

Russian fantasies of torture, murder, and revenge will cost the Russians similarly large amounts. It is a waste of money.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, March 26, 2024 11:40 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Don't want to hear any of it from you.

If you walk into a room of unarmed civilians who have their guard down at a concert and start mowing them down, you're going to fucking die for it.

And you're going to be tortured before you die too.

And it's going to be shared online so other people can see what will happen to them if they do it.

End of story. Period.

Stop sympathizing with fucking terrorists. What is wrong with you?

On September 11, 2001, I heard the same fantasies of torture, murder, and revenge from people who would be voting for Trump. In 2024, we know how much those dizzy fantasies cost the USA:

$2.313 trillion for Afghanistan War

$2.89 trillion for Iraq War

Russian fantasies of torture, murder, and revenge will cost the Russians similarly large amounts. It is a waste of money.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Nah. It's pretty simple and cheap.

Just wire up a guys ballsack to an 80 volt battery until he foams at the mouth, then cut off another guys ear and feed it to him.

They already did that.

I'm sure they didn't buy a new knife for the ear.

How much does a kilowatt hour of electricity cost in Russia today, and how much electricity does it take to zap a mass-murderer's nutsack until they foam at the mouth?

It's all probably been quite a bit cheaper than a Big Mac in Joe Biden*'s America.

The biggest expense they're going to have is giving them just enough food and water to live as long as possible while they continue torturing them before finally putting the dogs down.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, March 26, 2024 11:54 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Nah. It's pretty simple and cheap.

Just wire up a guys ballsack to an 80 volt battery until he foams at the mouth, then cut off another guys ear and feed it to him.

They already did that.

I'm sure they didn't buy a new knife for the ear.

How much does a kilowatt hour of electricity cost in Russia today, and how much electricity does it take to zap a mass-murderer's nutsack until they foam at the mouth?

It's all probably been quite a bit cheaper than a Big Mac in Joe Biden*'s America.

The biggest expense they're going to have is giving them just enough food and water to live as long as possible while they continue torturing them before finally putting the dogs down.

6ix, you cannot stop yourself from indulging in more of your torture, murder, and revenge fantasies. At Guantanamo Naval Base the Trumptards in the military made those fantasies a reality. It now costs $540 million per year to detain fewer than 40 prisoners at Guantanamo.

The Russians already have their equivalents to Gitmo, except in the frigid Arctic instead of the warm Caribbean tropic, but at much lower operating cost because their prisoners suddenly die for "unknown" reasons rather than old age.

What we know about Alexei Navalny's death in Arctic prison

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, March 26, 2024 12:08 PM



Originally posted by second:
6ix, you cannot stop yourself from indulging in more of your torture, murder, and revenge fantasies.

Not fantasy. Reality. They've already started on these guys, and they're far from finished.


It now costs $540 million per year to detain fewer than 40 prisoners at Guantanamo.

That's just pure American government waste. Besides labor costs, it's practically free to torture mass-murdering terrorist Muslim dogs.

$540 Million per year, huh?

Talk about "Hollywood Accounting".

You're lucky you live in Texas and not New York. New York is going to see a huge terrorist event soon.

They voted for it.

They probably never will again after it happens.

Here's hoping it's on Manhattan Island this time where all the affluent college "educated" white folks that spend their days telling everyone else how they should live are, and not in the middle of the city where the people who actually work for a living spend their days.

Tick Tock


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, March 26, 2024 1:54 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

You're lucky you live in Texas and not New York. New York is going to see a huge terrorist event soon.

They voted for it.

They probably never will again after it happens.

The Russians are convincing themselves that the US should be terrorized by Russia. It's almost Vengeance Time, Russian-style :

March 26, 2024

The head of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) has made the bizarre claim that the US, UK and Ukraine were involved in the terror attack on a Moscow concert hall that killed 139 people – as the Kremlin keeps pushing a false narrative trying to link its invasion of Ukraine to the shooting.

Alexander Bortnikov, the director of the FSB offered no evidence for his claim, with the US, France and number of other nations all saying that a branch of Isis were responsible for the attack. Isis-K itself has claimed the attack and released a graphic video of it.

“The USA, Britain and Ukraine are behind the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall,” Mr Bortnikov, a staunch ally of Vladimir Putin, was quoted as saying by TASS, the Russian state-owned news agency. “We believe the action was prepared both by the radical Islamists themselves and, of course, facilitated by Western special services”.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, March 26, 2024 4:43 PM


Stay on topic.

You've got a billion other Muh Russia! threads you can post your dumb shit in. I'm not bothering to even click on those anymore, so have at it.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, March 26, 2024 8:44 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Stay on topic.

You've got a billion other Muh Russia! threads you can post your dumb shit in. I'm not bothering to even click on those anymore, so have at it.

Russians have killed tens of millions of Russians. To Russia, lifeblood is as cheap as vodka. A concert hall with 137 dead Russians is no bigger tragedy than 137 broken cases full of 100-proof vodka. Such a waste of good alcohol! But dead Russians are a convenient excuse for Putin to blame it on the US and the EU and, eventually, an excuse to invade the rest of Europe once Russia finishes off Ukraine.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, March 26, 2024 9:21 PM


That's quite the imagination you've got there.

Maybe if Europe didn't allow all the Muslim dogs into their countries they'd have nothing to worry about then.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, March 26, 2024 10:55 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
That's quite the imagination you've got there.

Maybe if Europe didn't allow all the Muslim dogs into their countries they'd have nothing to worry about then.

That is a typical Trumptard response from you. After 9-11, all the Trumptards I knew (revealing their true allegiance in 2016) wanted to murder Muslims. That kind of stupidity cost the USA $trillions:

$2.313 trillion for Afghanistan War

$2.89 trillion for Iraq War

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, March 26, 2024 10:56 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said that the Crocus City Hall attackers originally fled toward Belarus not Ukraine, directly undermining the Kremlin narrative on Ukraine’s involvement, possibly to head off questions about why the attackers headed toward Belarus in the first place. During a visit to Belarus’ northwestern Ashmyany raion on March 26, Lukashenko reported that the Crocus City Hall attackers may have been planning to escape Russia’s Bryansk Oblast to Belarus, but that Belarus introduced a heightened security regime that forced the attackers to change course towards the Russia-Ukraine border.[1] Lukashenko stated that the attackers “couldn’t enter Belarus” and praised high levels of cooperation between Russian and Belarusian special services for leading to the attackers’ arrests. Lukashenko’s suggestion that the attackers were heading towards Belarus before Belarusian and Russian special services forced them to change direction flatly contradicts Russian President Vladimir Putin’s claims regarding the attackers’ planned escape. Putin addressed the Russian Federation on March 23 following the March 22 Crocus City Hall terror attack and claimed that the attackers had “contacts” who had prepared a “window” for their exfiltration across the border into Ukraine, a claim for which there is no evidence that has become central to the Kremlin’s baseless accusations that Ukraine was involved in or responsible for the attack.[2] Geolocated footage from March 23 shows Russian personnel capturing the four attackers in a forest area along the E101 highway about 20 kilometers southeast of Bryansk City, Bryansk Oblast.[3] The geolocated place of capture is about 95 kilometers from the Ukrainian border at the closest point, or 130 kilometers from where the E101 crosses into Ukraine. This point is notably about 124 kilometers from the Belarusian border, and about 25 kilometers away from the A-240 highway that runs to Gomel, Belarus. Lukashenko’s statement about the activation of Belarusian personnel suggests a scenario in which the attackers were initially traveling along the A-240 highway towards Belarus but saw roadblocks or other deterrents and shifted their course east through forest roads to the E101 route.

Lukashenko has very little evident incentive to lie about the facts of the attack in this way. The suggestion that the attackers were traveling towards Belarus, presumably to seek refuge there, could have damaging political consequences for Lukashenko and his regime as it would raise questions about why they thought they would be safer in Belarus and who they thought might receive them there. Lukashenko may therefore have desired to preempt discussions about the attackers’ hypothetical links to Belarus by saying that Belarusian forces were instrumental in leading to their arrests. While Lukashenko’s claim subverts the standing Kremlin narrative, it reduces his vulnerability to Kremlin efforts to use non-public information about the attackers’ original escape plans to pressure him in the future.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and other senior Kremlin officials appear to be struggling to maintain a consistent rhetorical line about the Crocus City Hall attack, indicating that the Kremlin has not fully figured out how to reconcile its information operations with the reality of its intelligence and law enforcement failure. Putin and other senior officials have not fully coalesced around the false narrative that Ukraine somehow conducted the March 22 attack on the Crocus concert venue for which the Islamic State has claimed responsibility. Putin directly suggested that the attackers were connected to Ukraine in his March 23 address following the attack.[4] Putin then addressed the board of the Russian General Prosecutor’s Office on March 26 and referenced the Crocus attack, calling for the Prosecutor General’s Office to establish all the facts of the case but not implicitly or explicitly blaming Ukraine for the attack.[5] Putin only mentioned the Ukrainian government once during an unrelated part of the address about returning Russia’s “lost” property abroad — a notable change from his March 25 address that claimed Ukraine was the ”customer” of the attack and his March 23 accusation that the attackers were fleeing to Ukraine.[6] Kremlin Spokesperson Dmitry Peskov similarly refused to state outright on March 26 that Ukraine orchestrated the Crocus attack in response to a press question on how Russia would respond if Russia ”confirms” Ukraine’s alleged involvement.[7] Putin’s oscillation between blaming Ukraine outright one day and then avoiding the issue the following day suggests that the Kremlin has not yet established a templated line on how to discuss the attack, likely partially as a result of the shock felt by the Russian elite in its aftermath.

Other senior Russian officials have doubled down on the Kremlin’s baseless narrative accusing Ukraine of conducting the attack, however, while conceding that Russian authorities currently lack critical information about the attack, seemingly contradicting their own statements and statements made by other Kremlin officials. Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) Head Alexander Bortnikov accused the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) of conducting the attack with involvement from the United States and UK in order to create panic in Russian society — a longstanding Kremlin narrative line attempting to portray the war in Ukraine as an existential war against the collective West — but then stated that Russia has not yet identified the person who ordered the attack.[8] Bortnikov also emphasized that Russian security services conducted every possible measure to prevent the attackers from crossing into Ukrainian territory, aligning with Putin’s March 23 address but contrasting with Lukashenko’s March 26 claims.[9] Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev answered a press question on March 26 about whether the Islamic State (IS) or Ukraine conducted the attack with “Ukraine, of course” then later doubled down on this narrative by claiming “many things point to Ukraine’s involvement” while appearing on Russian state television channel Rossiya-1 and suggested that Russian special services and law enforcement agencies will eventually reach this conclusion.[10]

Russian officials are proposing actionable but likely impractical solutions to the emotional outcries for retribution in response to the Crocus City Hall attack. A Just Russia Party Leader Sergei Mironov called for Russia to abolish the visa-free regime with Central Asian countries in order to regulate migration and counter terrorist attacks.[11] Russian State Duma Deputy from occupied Crimea Mikhail Sheremet and State Duma Deputy Chairperson and recent New People Party presidential candidate Vladislav Davankov also recently proposed harsher measures against migrants in response to the Crocus City Hall attack.[12] Russian ultranationalists have intensified calls for anti-migrant measures since the Crocus City Hall attack, although a prominent Kremlin-affiliated milblogger criticized Mironov’s proposal to introduce a visa regime with Central Asian countries and claimed that a visa regime would damage Russia’s relationship with Central Asian states and Russia’s “compatriots” living there.[13] Russian Liberal Democratic Party (LDPR) Head Leonid Slutsky called for Russia to lift the moratorium on the death penalty in response to the Crocus City Hall attack, and United Russia State Duma Deputy Alexander Spiridonov claimed that Russia should consider lifting the moratorium for charges of terrorism.[14] Mironov claimed that Russia could lift the moratorium on the death penalty through a federal referendum, while Russian State Duma Chairperson Vyacheslav Volodin claimed that the Russian Constitutional Court could lift the mortarium without a referendum.[15] The Russian Constitutional Court announced that it would not comment on issues about the death penalty because the issue may “become a subject of consideration.”[16] Kremlin Spokesperson Dmitry Peskov, conversely, claimed on March 25 that the Kremlin is not discussing lifting the moratorium on the death penalty, despite continued calls by various Russian political leaders.[17] Russian officials are likely struggling to establish a cogent response to domestic calls for retribution following the Crocus City Hall attack, causing various Russian political factions to attempt to address the situation along diverging avenues. Russia is unlikely to introduce a visa regime with Central Asian countries given that Russia continues to heavily rely on Central Asian migrants to offset domestic labor shortages and to target Central Asian migrants for crypto-mobilization efforts.[18] The Russian government is also unlikely to lift the moratorium on the death penalty, which it established in 1996, the same year it officially executed the last death sentence.[19]

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, March 27, 2024 12:03 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


SECOND: Signym, you lied again by excluding words spoken by Putin's mouthpieces in the media and by only including words spoken by Putin.

I excluded words NOT spoken by Putin because you posted "Putin blamed...". If you didn't mean Putin you should have said so.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Wednesday, March 27, 2024 1:14 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
That's quite the imagination you've got there.

Maybe if Europe didn't allow all the Muslim dogs into their countries they'd have nothing to worry about then.

That is a typical Trumptard response from you. After 9-11, all the Trumptards I knew (revealing their true allegiance in 2016) wanted to murder Muslims. That kind of stupidity cost the USA $trillions:

$2.313 trillion for Afghanistan War

$2.89 trillion for Iraq War

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Yup. That used to mean something.

We throw that away in a single year with nothing to show for it these days.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Wednesday, March 27, 2024 8:23 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Yup. That used to mean something.

We throw that away in a single year with nothing to show for it these days.

Trump added $8.4 trillion to the national debt and yet I didn't hear complaints from the stereotypical Trumptard about it.

At this moment, the Debt is $34.6 trillion. The Trump increase in debt of $8.4 trillion is a substantial amount of the total Debt. And Trump did it in only 4 years!
Bravo! Hurrah! He is truly the King of Debt!

Even more fascinating, Trump paid $750 in US income taxes in 2016, 2017

Funny how Trump can pay only $1,500 in taxes, but increase the National Debt by $8.4 trillion, and yet the stereotypical Trumptard doesn't see what is wrong with Trump.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, March 27, 2024 10:57 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Yup. That used to mean something.

We throw that away in a single year with nothing to show for it these days.

Trump added $8.4 trillion to the national debt and yet I didn't hear complaints from the stereotypical Trumptard about it.

Yeah. You keep "forgetting" how much of that was after Democrats worked with China to unleash Covid on America because there was zero chance they were going to win the 2020 election before they derailed literally every life in the entire world for years.

And now, ever since then, we just piss away trillions every year without thinking about it and the country is falling to shit anyhow.



Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, March 28, 2024 6:43 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


What points to ISIS?
Well, they said they did it. Or SOMEBODY said ISIS-K did it. ISIS-K is the ISIS offshoot of Khorasan, active in the region of south central Asia (in the 'stans)
At least one of the suspects is supposedly Tajik.

What points away from ISIS?
Previous terror attacks end with terrorists "martyring" themselves, i.e. in a shootout, blowing themselves up, or crashing a plane. They don't run away.

One of the suspects supposedly said his family was paid. So if true, it doesn't matter who the suspects were or where they came from, the real question (if this was "terror for hire") would be "Who paid them"?


If it's true that some, or all, were paid, then it doesn't matter where they came from or who claims responsibility.


So, just to follow up and contrast coverage...


Investigators establish link between Moscow terrorist attack suspects and Ukrainian nationalists

Large sums of money were transferred to the Crocus City Hall attackers from Ukraine, the Russian Investigative Committee has said

The suspects in last week’s Moscow terrorist attack were linked to Ukrainian nationalists, the Russian Investigative Committee stated on Thursday, citing preliminary findings. The perpetrators had received “significant sums of money” from Ukraine, the law enforcement agency said.

Investigators have obtained “substantiated evidence” that the suspected assailants received funding from Ukraine in the form of cryptocurrency, which was then used to prepare the terrorist attack, the statement read.

Law enforcement officers have also identified and detained another suspect who was allegedly involved in financing the attack, the Investigative Committee said, without identifying the individual.




People [who?] close to Vladimir Putin are skeptical that Ukraine was behind the attack on Crocus City Hall, according to Bloomberg. The news outlet's sources [Does anyone really think that sources close to the Kremlin would share with Bloomberg?] suggest [weasel word] that Kremlin officials were "shocked" by what they view as a lapse in the effectiveness of the Russian intelligence services. It's reported that nearly 140 people were killed and another 182 injured in the incident.


As I've posted elsewhere, it's doubtful that a movement in Afghanistan, a dirt-poor country governed by the Taliban which is still consolidating its power- would have either the support OR THE MONEY to fund this attack and train and pay the attackers. Clearly this was a "sponsored" event. My original thought was Turkeye as the sponsor. I still wouldn't be surprised if Turkish individuals were involved.

But the official Russian word says Ukrainian nationalists. With all the $$ sloshing around the inner circles in Ukraine, I wouldn't be surprised by that either.

IMHO ISIS-K itself acted as a "terror for hire" organization, seeking to boost its street cred and bank account by being involved and claiming responsibility, but not the main instigators, having neither the reach nor the $$.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM






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