Britain Sucks

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Thursday, October 23, 2008 7:36 AM


And Ronald Reagans plan to reduce the homeless was to stop counting...

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Thursday, October 23, 2008 8:34 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by citizen:

Notice how it was EDS, an American Company, that lost it.

Moral of the story, if you want a job done right, don't give it to the Yanks.

Welcome to the global plantation, where only Big Brother can keep your Internal Passport ID safe from you.

Here's the factory that manufactured your problem:

EDS has looted the VA military pension system in USA, leaving no money for actual veterans.


EDS Selected as U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs VistA Contractor Services Vendor

HERNDON, Va. – EDS today announced it has been selected as a prime contractor for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) VistA Contractor Services (VCS) program. EDS is one of eight companies selected under a blanket purchasing agreement (BPA) worth approximately $1 billion, over a potential 10-year term, including options and award term periods.

EDS delivers a broad portfolio of information technology and business process outsourcing services to clients in the manufacturing, financial services, healthcare, communications, energy, transportation, and consumer and retail industries and to governments around the world.

EDS Stockholders Approve Merger With Hewlett-Packard Company

"I'm quitting my presidential campaign because CIA director George HW Bush will kill my family at my daughter's wedding."
Ross Perot, EDS founder, Reform Party presidential nominee 1992

CIA agent George HW Bush was photographed in from of the Dallas School Book Depository the day President John F Kennedy was assassinated. George W Bush released his CIA cousin John Hinkley Jr from the loonybin, after his arrest for shooting President Ronald Reagan.

Ross Perot made $2-billion off govt welfare, by selling IBM computers to run welfare data systems.


Monday, October 27, 2008 4:18 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Monday, October 27, 2008 4:32 PM



Originally posted by piratenews:
Fluoride Added To Children's Milk In Schools in UK

Thank God! I hope they get it in the water too. My children did not benefit from flouridated water because we lived there and I have been paying dentist bills ever since!

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original

Trolls Against McCain

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Mahatma Gandhi


Monday, October 27, 2008 4:54 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:

Thank God! I hope they get it in the water too. My children did not benefit from flouridated water because we lived there and I have been paying dentist bills ever since!
Trolls Against McCain

You are such a govt agent. Go take your meds!

Fluride increases the risk of flurosis, which makes dentists far more money since whitening teech damage by fluoride is more profitable than filling cavities.

Then there's the kidney and liver damage. And don't forget the bone cancer.

IQ dropping 20 points is just a bonus.

If fluoride was good enough for Nazi death camps and Soviet Gulags, then it's good enough for British goy.


Billions wiped off workers' pension schemes (snicker)

Falling share prices have wiped billions of pounds off the value of workers' pensions and could force some employees to delay retirement, research showed today.

The study, by employee benefits firm Aon Consulting, showed the value of defined contribution schemes offered by UK companies had dropped by nearly a third (28%) in the 12 months since last October, from £522bn to around £395bn.

The average pension pot a worker builds up in a defined contribution scheme is worth just over £25,000, which would currently buy a single man aged 65 an annual retirement income of around £1,960.

But if the value of each individual's pension fell by 28% it would buy him an annual income of just £1,400.

That puny pension scheme won't even pay the TV tax for retirees.


Monday, October 27, 2008 5:01 PM


So I guess your problem is the flouride you injest everyday huh?

loss of 20 points in IQ - doesn't bother me, I don't need an IQ of 180

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original

Trolls Against McCain

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Mahatma Gandhi


Monday, October 27, 2008 5:29 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Enjoy your thumbscans for speedwalking tickets.


Every police force in the UK is to be equipped with mobile fingerprint scanners - handheld devices that allow police to carry out identity checks on people in the street.

The new technology, which ultimately may be able to receive pictures of suspects, is likely to be in widespread use within 18 months. Tens of thousands of sets - as compact as BlackBerry smartphones - are expected to be distributed.

The police claim the scheme, called Project Midas, will transform the speed of criminal investigations. A similar, heavier machine has been tested during limited trials with motorway patrols.

To address fears about mass surveillance and random searches, the police insist fingerprints taken by the scanners will not be stored or added to databases.

The number of false arrests will skyrocket.


Banks and credit card companies are exploiting obscure legal powers to seize the homes of thousands of people who cannot pay their credit card bills.

In some cases, people owing as little as £1,000 have been served with charging orders – the legal instrument enabling a creditor to order the sale of a property.

The practice has emerged days after Yvette Cooper, chief secretary to the Treasury, called on banks to do more to allow people to keep their homes.

According to the Ministry of Justice, 97,026 charging orders were granted by courts in England and Wales last year, a tenfold increase since 2000.

They allow financial institutions to order the sale of a property to pay off unsecured debts on credit cards, personal loans, store cards and car finance. Some will have been used only to threaten the debtor, or to levy a surcharge on the mortgage to recoup the debts.

Nationwide, the building society, and Northern Rock, which was nationalised earlier this year, are among the most aggressive in using the court orders.

Mark Sands, head of insolvency at KPMG, the accountancy firm, said: “The power of a charging order can come as a horrible shock to someone. When they took out the loan or the credit card, they were almost certainly not told that their home was at risk if they failed to keep up with repayments.”

The rate at which the courts have granted charging orders has increased sharply in the past two months, according to Citizens Advice, National Debt-line and the Consumer Credit Counselling Service. Last week a homeowner posted a message on a website saying a credit card company had launched a charging order against him for a debt of £1,000.

From next year banks will be given further arbitrary powers because they will no longer need to secure a county court judgment against a defaulting debtor. They will be able to move directly to seek a charging order after two or three months of missed payments.

Vince Cable, the Liberal Democrat Treasury spokesman, said: “No one should be allowed to lose their home simply because of a credit card debt. More needs to be done by the government to ensure that lenders simply do not act overzealously, and only take possession of properties as a last resort. The fact that banks can now kick people out of their homes for not keeping up with their unsecured debts is very worrying.”

Alex McDermott, social policy officer at Citizens Advice, said the government had presided over a hidden scandal, because homes repossessed in this way did not appear in the official statistics issued by the Council for Mortgage Lenders.

The Consumer Credit Counselling Service said Northern Rock and Nationwide were particularly aggressive.

Northern Rock confirmed it used charging orders where customers had missed payments on unsecured loans, saying: “Any application for a charging order on an unsecured loan is in strict accordance with the Consumer Credit Act.”

Northern Rock and Nationwide declined to discuss how many homes they had forced to be sold.

Gotta love those jewish banksters. They hate it when you file bankruptcy, which flushes credit card debt and keeps their slimy hands off your home.


Saturday, November 1, 2008 6:55 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Menezes police 'were just having a laugh'

London Independent
30 October 2008

Armed police fired on Jean Charles de Menezes without shouting any warning, a witness told an inquest today.

A commuter said he first thought the gun-wielding plainclothes officers who ran on to a Tube train might be "a group of lads who were just having a laugh".

Ralph Livock said he had no idea that it was anything more serious until one of the armed men fired at Mr de Menezes at point blank range.

Mr Livock and his girlfriend Rachel Wilson were sitting in a Tube carriage opposite the 27-year-old Brazilian on the morning of 22 July 2005, the inquest heard.

The passenger recalled that their train was held up for longer than usual at Stockwell station in south London - and then four casually-dressed men armed with guns got on board.

Nicholas Hilliard QC, counsel to the inquest, asked him: "Did you have any idea who they were?"

Mr Livock said: "Absolutely not."

He went on: "One of my initial thoughts was it was all a game and they were a group of lads who were just having a laugh - a very bad taste laugh but just having a game on the Tube, because they were just dressed in jeans and t-shirts but with firearms."

Mr Hilliard went on to ask: "Had you heard anything said about police?"

Mr Livock replied: "No, certainly not.

"And I remember that specifically because one of the conversations that Rachel and I had afterwards was that we had no idea whether these were police, whether they were terrorists, whether they were somebody else. We just had no idea."

He added: "The thing that made me realise it wasn't a group of lads playing around or something else happening was when the first shot was fired."

Mr de Menezes was shot seven times in the head at point-blank range after being mistaken for failed suicide bomber Hussain Osman.

Mr Hilliard asked the witness: "Did you hear him saying anything to Mr de Menezes?"

Mr Livock said: "Absolutely not."

Mr Hilliard continued: "Did you hear Mr de Menezes say anything to him?"

The passenger replied: "No, absolutely not at all.

"If anything, Mr de Menezes looked as if he was - I hesitate to say confused, confused isn't really the right adjective.

"He looked as if he was expecting somebody to say something but he didn't look frightened.

"He looked as if he was waiting for somebody to tell him what was going on."

None of the passengers in the Tube train were called to give evidence at the Metropolitan Police's Health and Safety trial over the shooting last year.

This is the first time they have spoken in public about what they saw.

Firearms officers involved in the operation have told the inquest they shouted "armed police" at Mr de Menezes before shooting him.

But giving evidence today, Ms Wilson also insisted she did not hear this and had no idea who the men who killed the Brazilian were.

Mr Hilliard asked her: "Was anything said at any time during the incident to give you a clue as to who they were?"

She replied: "No, and I know this because similar to Ralph's statement, first I thought they were messing around.

Mr Hilliard went on: "Specifically, did you ever hear anybody shout 'armed police'?"

Ms Wilson answered: "If I had heard that, I would have thought they were police, so no."

Security video of this assassination:

This massacre happens 10 times every day in USA.


Sunday, November 2, 2008 10:49 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Foreign Gurka soldiers hired as killer British cops:


Monday, November 3, 2008 9:39 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!



Climate Change Bill makes chilling reading

Who says the Almighty has not got a sense of humour? Last Tuesday MPs spent yet another six hours discussing what is potentially the most expensive single piece of legislation ever put through Parliament.

The Climate Change Bill, which had its third reading, commits Britain (uniquely in the world) to an 80 per cent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 2050.

As MPs droned on about the need to fight global warming, Peter Lilley drew the Speaker's attention to the fact that, outside on the streets of Westminster, snow was falling. It was London's first October snowfall for 70 years, and similarly unseasonal snow was carpeting a wide swathe of Britain.

In all that six hours of debate, only two MPs questioned the need for such a Bill, which had swept through its second reading with only five opposed.

The sole MP who tried to raise the matter of the cost of the Bill - which could run to trillions of pounds if all its measures were implemented - was Mr Lilley. He was ruled out of order by the Speaker.

If the Bill's intent is taken seriously, the cost of cutting our CO2 emissions by 80 per cent would cripple our economy, closing down much of what remains of our industry and rendering most motorised transport impossible.

But the cloud cuckoo land that our politicians have floated off into no longer touches scientific or practical reality at any point.

What they should have been discussing was the near-certainty that, within a few years, thanks to the imminent shutdown of 40 per cent of our electricity generating capacity, Britain's lights will be going out.



Pub-goers to be tested for drugs

Pub-goers in Aberdeen are facing a drugs test before entering bars as part of a crackdown by Grampian Police.

Officers in the force will be the first in Scotland to use an Itemiser - a device which can detect traces of drugs from hand swabs in a matter of seconds.

The test is voluntary, but customers will be refused entry if they do not take part. They could be searched and even arrested if traces are found.

The device was trialled by the police force in the area earlier this year.

The Itemiser allows police officers or door staff to swab customers hands as they enter a pub or club. It can tell almost instantly if drugs are present - including cocaine, cannabis, heroin and ecstasy.

The device can show three possible results: green, amber or red.

Customers who get a green reading are allowed entry to the pub, those who get amber are given a drug information pack and those who get red could be searched by police.

If drugs are found on that person they could be arrested and a report could be sent to the procurator fiscal.

The Itemiser is already being used in pubs in England where concerns have been raised about the possibility of customers getting a positive reading simply by touching a surface where there are traces of drugs.



Brown's £17,000 tax raid on EVERY private pension... as value of cushy public sector schemes soars to £1trillion

Gordon Brown's tax raid on pension funds has snatched £17,000 from every worker's retirement pot, research says today.

Yet the value of public sector schemes - funded by taxpayers - has soared to an astonishing £1trillion.

Opposition MPs, business chiefs and campaigners demanded an investigation into the growing 'pensions apartheid'.

The number of members of private sector schemes has fallen from 6.1million in 1995 to 3.6million last year. At that rate, says the report, there will be no paying-in members of occupational schemes within 12 years.

The growing gulf between private and public sectors has become an increasing source of bitterness over recent years and this is particularly acute in the current economic crisis.

The average private sector worker retires with a pension pot worth £25,100 - enough to pay them about £1,700 a year. The average public sector worker will retire with a pot of £427,275 - worth £17,091 a year.

Private sector workers pay £14billion a year into their own retirement funds, but contribute around £21billion through their taxes for the pensions of retired public sector workers.


Friday, December 5, 2008 3:43 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


London Musicians Must Give Police Swathes Of Personal Information To Perform Live

Eight page form will detail names, aliases, private addresses, phone numbers of all musicians and ethnic background of the likely audience

Musicians and performers in London will soon be required by law to complete and hand over to police an eight page form detailing all their personal information and the ethnic background of their audience if they want to perform.

The information will be collected by venue owners and managers throughout the city, who will have to adhere to the process should they wish to promote live music.

Failure to comply with the information demanded on Form 696 could mean the loss of a licence or even a fine and imprisonment, reports the London Independent.

Police quietly introduced the legislation in 2006, and have recently defended it, saying they need the details in order to ensure safety and "identify troublemakers".

Groups of musicians and promoters have slammed the move, suggesting that it will harm the live music scene and encourages venues to effectively spy on patrons. Others have described the bureaucratic process as a form of racial discrimination. There are also fears that the legislation will be applied throughout the country if it is accepted in the capital.

The Musicians' Union is consulting lawyers over the invasion of privacy, while another group, UK Music is seeking a judicial review.

As with most recent legislative erosions of civil liberties, form 696 is a phenomenon of the culture of fear our governments have consistently fashioned and promoted over the past decade. In a post 9/11 / post 7/7 world, everyone is treated as a suspect until proven otherwise, especially if you have brown skin and a foreign sounding name.

Musicians and performers are no exception.

Take the case of The Clash tribute band member Mike Devine who was arrested at his office in Bristol and taken away for questioning after he sent an SMS text message containing lyrics from the song Tommy Gun to his lead singer who had forgotten the words.

The message read:


A terrorism analyst told reporters that the interception provided proof that Britain's spy teams at GCHQ were actively monitoring all vocal and textual mobile phone traffic.

That was 2004, now in 2008 the British Government has openly announced that it wants to make that very practice lawful.

In a similar incident, Harraj Mann was reported to the British airport police for listening to a Clash record in a taxi on the way to the airport. The weasel driver was so frightened by some of the lyrics that he took them as a rallying call for a terrorist attack.

Of course it is unlikely that the police or the government will raise an eyebrow to the mindless gibberish passing for lyrical content in the majority of musical performers' work.

Ask yourself, who is more likely to be classed as the "troublemaker"? Will it be the performers who sing endlessly about money, bling and easy girls or will it be those who wish to address real issues and make their audiences think about more than the pursuit of expensive baubles and trinkets?

Sign a petition to the Prime Minister Gordon Brown to get the Metropolitan Police to scrap the use of Form 696.

Facebook Group - Stand Up To Form 696

UK Conservative Jewish Minister Damian Green Arrested by Counter Terrorism Police for Leaking Docs Proved Tony Blair Secretly Allowed Amnesty for 1,000s of Illegal Aliens and Hired Them for Top Secret Govt Jobs


Friday, December 5, 2008 3:52 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Originally posted by piratenews:
Foreign Gurka soldiers hired as killer British cops:


All accounts I've heard of Gurkhas is that they are highly disciplined, effective troops. Do you have some reason to believe that these people can't be trained to serve in a police capacity?


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Friday, December 5, 2008 10:34 PM


I take it you've never tried to train ex-army pukes for security work...

Gurkas are excellent troops, but their reflexes and training are all *wrong* for police work, especially in england where it's function is somewhat more community based (as I am given to understand) than in the US.

And the better trained, and more experienced they are, the harder it is to retrain them, plus you'll be dealing with certain ingrained values and attitudes that absolutely complicate the process.

On our aptitude uptake interview, military experience is a -20
(police experience is -50)

So no, it's not a good idea.



Saturday, December 6, 2008 2:33 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Frem, I'll have to disagree with you.

I think you'll find that your average Gurkha is actually quite able to absorb new instruction and carry it out.

In any event, disqualifying a candidate because they served in the military is mistifying to me.

Any time you take a class of people, any class of people other than criminals, really, and say, "No, they can't/shouldn't do that kind of work" then you'll have my opposition. How about we see what these Nepalese military vets actually do before we bounce 'em based on preconceptions, eh?


Edited to add: I spent about 4 years in security work, and never had more trouble with the vets than I had with the civvies.

"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Saturday, December 6, 2008 8:04 AM


Oh we don't bounce em, but they do have to prove they can adapt to the work.

We've had far too many problems with pumped up "rocketjock" types who do fine in a military role, causing serious problems with the clients or their personnel, and the ex-police guys are more of a hassle cause they seem to have a hard time with the concept of the residents of a residential complex being the protectees and not perps.

It's none of your business WHY one of the residents needs something from his glovebox at 3am, if you saw him come out of his unit, unlock his car, and rummage in the glovebox, ya wave hello and keep going - you do NOT get in his face, his personal space and play twenty questions with him, leastways you don't if you work for me.

I fired his ass last night, so I am a bit touchy on the subject right now since my intuition told me not to hire him in the first place, but he was qualified for the job, soooo....


PS - "other than criminals"... umm, you do know that I *include* police, as a general rule, under that particular assessment, especially after yesterday, since not having the old city council members blocking it, we DID surprise drug test the local PD this morning, and more than half of them failed!

Dealing with that is gonna be anything but fun.


Saturday, December 6, 2008 8:20 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

You know,

For some reason, that reminds me of my time as a rover. You know what a rover is, Frem, but for everyone else, it's the guy who tours the facility. He also tends to be the one who relieves the people at the stationary posts when they need a break for lunch or whatnot.

Anyhow, I was doing my parking-lot patrol when a resident of the condo complex comes home. He finds that someone has parked in his spot, and he is HOT about it. I took note of his complaint, tagged the vehicle with a violation, and called the desk on the radio to check the license number. It wasn't recognized, so we requested a tow.

But the guy isn't happy with that. This happens to him all the time, he says. He's tired of it, he says. He's going to do something, he says.

So he goes into his trunk and gets out a can of spray paint. He makes like he wants to spray some graffitti onto the violator's car.

"I wouldn't do that, if I were you," I say to him.

"You gonna stop me," he asks angrily.

"No Sir," I say. "My job is to observe and report. I am specifically barred from interfering with you in any way. However, I will observe your actions and report them, which is bound to put you in a bad light when the police become involved."

He was hopping mad. And I mean, literally. I've rarely seen someone actually hopping mad before, but there he was. "You're taking their side," he yelled.

"I don't take sides, Sir," I explained to him. "I don't have anything against that gentleman who parked here, or you either. But he parked in the wrong spot, and so his car will be towed. And if you deface his car, well, things can happen from that, too. I take no personal interest in the matter, beyond recording my observations. I certainly see why you'd be mad, and might want to paint his car with that can... but in the long run, I don't think it'll be worth it."

I then sat there, my clipboard and pen ready, and waited impassively to see what would develop.

He put the can back in his trunk and waited for the tow truck.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Saturday, December 6, 2008 9:29 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by AnthonyT:

Originally posted by piratenews:
Foreign Gurka soldiers hired as killer British cops:


All accounts I've heard of Gurkhas is that they are highly disciplined, effective troops. Do you have some reason to believe that these people can't be trained to serve in a police capacity?

The purpose of importing foreign military troops is to oppress the sheeple, since there's a huge language/cultural barrier, plus they already hate your nation, or at least want to compete with it.

Same problem Iraqis and Afghanis have with US/UK troops who massacre them by the dozens in their own homes and wedding parties.

Don't you think it's odd that soldiers are NEVER required to speak the language of the nation they are invading?

Plus these gurkas add to the millions of illegal aliens invading UK right now, to create patsies for the next false-flag terror bombing to "justify" the next war in the middle east. Funny how the "dead Islamic terrorists on LSD" who allegedly massacred 200 sheeple in the Victim Disarament Zone in India last week had lived in London. Pay no attention to the Paki ISA/MI6/CIA commandos who did the real shooting. Enjoy your nuke war between Pak/India/Russia/China/US/UK.


Saturday, December 6, 2008 9:40 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Gurkhas are employed by the British government in their military. Rest assured that they have a working knowledge of English.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Saturday, December 6, 2008 9:42 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

"Don't you think it's odd that soldiers are NEVER required to speak the language of the nation they are invading?"


I don't consider this odd. While I think we go to war far too often, if we did go to war, I wouldn't think it efficient to put all my troops through 6 months of language training before they could be mobilized against my enemies.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Saturday, December 6, 2008 11:45 AM


Well done Anthony - see, that kinda professionalism is what I look for in my people, most of these "rocketjocks" would have wound up in a physical confrontation with the guy cause of ego issues, and that crap leads to voided contracts, hard feelings and liability lawsuits.

As you can imagine, none of these options are palatable to me, thus when we wind up with an applicant who has an obvious Cartman-Complex, out the door he goes, and 90% of those are ex cops or wannabes who didn't cut it at the academy, or ex military below E-6 in rank.

Thus, we scale a negative to the interview based on former experience with these problems, and if an applicant can show they're NOT like that, and meet all the other criteria, we'll give em a shot at a low risk position - I got one former E-3 out there I wouldn't give up for the world, and one kid who walked out on the police academy because he couldn't stand the corruption and hypocrisy, and he's all the more valuable as a supervisor cause he's got a knack for quick situation assessment.

Oh, and the local PD set their FOP rep on me two hours ago, who had the nerve to physically and legally threaten me in my office, which, factually is NOT considered a private venue as it's used for city business, and is thus "wired for sound" and has been since the weekend I engaged my own plans rather than the original ones.

I do expect trouble, and have discreetely contacted the Sheriffs dept and State Police over the matter - both of whom were hand-delivered a confidential copy of that recording.

Thankfully we don't have a local tac-team, and the idea of bothering me at home gives them the shivers thanks to Forquet, so if they try anything funny it'll be at the office or in my car.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Saturday, December 6, 2008 7:35 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

New target for the anti-terror spies: Village paperboys - for not having the correct paperwork

Illegal alien genocidal maniacs living in UK with immunity from deporation

GOOD NEWS FOR BRITISH PATRIOTS: Lawful Rebellion Conference in UK
24th January 2009 – Kings Hall, Stoke-On-Trent
11:00am – 5:30pm (Doors open at 10:00am)


Originally posted by AnthonyT:
"Don't you think it's odd that soldiers are NEVER required to speak the language of the nation they are invading?"


I don't consider this odd. While I think we go to war far too often, if we did go to war, I wouldn't think it efficient to put all my troops through 6 months of language training before they could be mobilized against my enemies.

It makes a soldier incompetent to judge a situation, regarding military intelligence and being a human being. The elite monsters who rule the planet want it that way, as mind control for their slaves. Only soldiers who will NEVER see combat, and who NEVER leave a military base, can justify not speaking the native language.

In Turkey, we were warned to never leave the base to go into town, since terrorists would surely kill us. In Germany I also didn't speak the language, though my wife did a little, since she had relatives there. In England it took me many years to speak the English language, and I never learned Celtic or Welsh. The natives always hated us being there, in all those nations. Perhaps because my job was aiming nukes at Western Europe, and nuking England in controlled demolitions?

Spain and England invaded over 550 Native American nations and genocided over 10-million "Indians" in USA, aided and abetted by a language barrier.

HINT: If a soldier is INVADING a nation, they are perping a warcrime. The only valid job for a soldier is defending their own nation from invasion. Which is why no soldiers are allowed to defend USA from invasion for the 50-million man army already invading USA, with 50-million OTW ASAP with King Obama Knight of the British Empire. Dick Cheney ordered US soldiers to stand down and shut up on 9/11/2001, while Jr Bush read a book about a goat alibi. But some US soldiers ignored their illegal orders as required by the UCMJ. Major Rick Gibney shot down Flight 93, before Operation Northwoods could decaptitate Congress in the Capitol building. The German Queen of England was controlling NORAD on 9/11, via her Canadian general. But Major Gibney's commanding general ignored the Candian general at Northcom. All soldiers and cops must learn this lesson.

When I was a soldier, I considered myself a human first, a citizen second, and a soldier third. This is the only sane way to survive without PTSD, but no guarantee since we were mind controlled by lies and "wargames" that turned out to be genocidal warcrimes (me bombing Libya cost US taxslaves $300-million Reparations in 2008). Many of our commanders rued the day we staged our successful mutiny during Gulf War #1. Many commanders were fired. The new wing commander waved at me whenever I saw him, and we had never met. Guess he knew who got him his job.

Read the Peter Principle by Dr Peter, that predicts promotion for suckers to the level of incompetence, making them miserable with their "success". The secret of hapiness is refusing that final promotion, and maxing at a level of competence. Hence my wife turning down a promotion from Dick Cheney to work personally for him at the Pentagon, but that was partly because we knew the rot was at the top.

As for US soldiers stationed in 160 nations, not winning a war in over 60 years, that strategy has now bankrupted USA, perhaps destroying it forever. Foreign troops are now stationed in USA, occupying abandoned military bases, ready for martial law takeover by the banksters of the Jew World Odor and their inbred Eurotrash monarchy. Game over?


Friday, December 26, 2008 5:30 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Thousands of foreign prisoners freed early – with compensation

Figures released by the Conservatives show that 2,196 foreign offenders have been invited to take part in the early release scheme, called End of Custody Licence, since its introduction 15 months ago in response to prison overcrowding.

As well as walking free having served less than half of their sentence, each released prisoner is entitled to around £7 a day in compensation to make up for missing out on the state-provided food and lodging they would have received had they remained in jail.

Offenders released on End of Custody Licence receive an initial discharge payment of £46, followed by the subsistence allowance of £47.12 a week, up to a cap of £168.24.

If all those eligible received the full allowance, the taxpayer would by now have paid out £369,455 in compensation to foreign prisoners who had been released early.

The disclosure, in a written Parliamentary answer from the Ministry of Justice, follows recent pledges by Gordon Brown that foreign nationals who commit crimes in Britain "will be deported" and "will pay the price".

Nick Herbert, the shadow justice secretary, said that for every three foreign prisoners the Home Office was now removing from the UK, two more were allowed to go free and six entered the prison system.

He added: "The Government want to create the impression that they're successfully deporting foreign national criminals, but the truth is that for every three prisoners they remove, two more are released onto the streets.

"Far from paying the price as Gordon Brown promised, foreign national offenders are being rewarded by serving less than half of their jail sentence and with taxpayers' cash in their back pockets."

There are now around a thousand more foreign prisoners in British jails than in 2006 when Charles Clarke was forced to resign as Home Secretary amid accusations that the Home Office had failed to deport overseas offenders.

The number of foreigners in prison currently stands at 11,168, up 11 per cent since Mr Clarke's departure, with offenders from Vietnam and Poland accounting for more than half of the increase. There are 460 Vietnamese in UK jails along with 452 Poles.

Such is the scale of offending by foreigners that there are now three jails reserved exclusively for prisoners from overseas.

The equivalent of one more prison is taken up by offenders who have served their sentence and are awaiting deportation, at an average annual cost of £40,000 each – a total of £22 million.

The UK Border Agency sent 5,000 foreign offenders back to their country of origin, exceeding last year's total of 4,200.

They included 50 killers and attempted killers, more than 200 sex offenders and more than 1,500 convicted of drug offences.

Never mind over 1-million illegal alien patsies for the next false-flag attack.


Saturday, December 27, 2008 11:37 AM


Personally, I just clicked through to this story. Now tell me this doesn't do it for anyone who was alive and awakened in the '80s


Sunday, December 28, 2008 10:49 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Personally, I just clicked through to this story. Now tell me this doesn't do it for anyone who was alive and awakened in the '80s

She's scarier looking than her old man, Sir Bob.


Big Brother CCTV to spy on pupils aged four - complete with CPS evidence kit

Shadow Children's Minister Tim Loughton is chairman of Classwatch (and in charge of paying himself with a massive tax increase).

The Big Brother-style surveillance is being marketed as a way to identify pupils disrupting lessons when teachers’ backs are turned.

Classwatch, the firm behind the system, says its devices can be set up to record everything that goes on in a classroom 24 hours a day and used to compile ‘evidence’ of wrongdoing.

The equipment is sold with Crown Prosecution Service-approved evidence bags to store material to be used in court cases.

The equipment, which includes ceiling-mounted microphones and cameras and a hard drive recorder housed in a secure cabinet, is operating in around 85 primary and secondary schools and colleges.

The systems cost around £3,000 to install in each classroom or can be leased for about £50 per classroom per month.

Classwatch director Andrew Jenkins said Classwatch had tried to guard against accusations of bringing Big Brother into schools.
‘The system can be turned on and turned off as they wish,’ he said. ‘It is a bit like a video at home. This is not Big Brother. The system is under the control of the teacher.’

Last night, Tory frontbencher Mr Loughton insisted there was no conflict between his political role and part-time job.

He said: ‘I am not the Shadow Minister for Schools, I am the Shadow Minister for Children. I don’t speak on school security.’

He declares his involvement with the firm on the MPs’ register of interests and added: ‘I have never sought to advocate this. I went through this very carefully before I got involved in it and it doesn’t conflict with anything I do.’

Prince Dog-Beater: Outrage as Edward repeatedly lashes out at gundogs with a 4ft stick


Sunday, December 28, 2008 12:38 PM



We don't want the convicts back either, Australia.

That's ok citz because as a convict desendant of James Ruse and 5 others and a rector called James Lyon, I don't want to go to England. There's too many social nanny type's there. The last time there was a bunch of socialists becoming fanatical in the same area resulted in someone called Stalin. I can imagine a Stalin thing happening again.

Number of British Military are moving to Australia's Defence Force because they have think that Britain is not going in a good direction.


Sunday, September 6, 2009 5:27 AM


Right-wing nationalists and anti-fascist protesters have clashed in the British city of Birmingham.

A group calling itself the English Defence League had met to rally against Islamic extremism. Their protest was met by a counter demonstration in the city centre and fighting soon broke out.

Riot squads moved in to quell the unrest. Police later said some 30 people were arrested for sporadic incidents of disorder.

Last month the city, one of the largest in the UK, also saw a similar march by the English Defence League, which turned ugly. About a third of Birmingham’s population stem from ethnic minorities.

Police said around 250 people had been involved in the trouble and many of those detained had been arrested on buses leaving the city centre.


Sunday, September 6, 2009 6:43 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Is this an example of a necropost? Given the entire thread was in 2008, I suspect so. Was illuminating, however, to read down a ways before I realized the date; man, Wulf, you sure do live in your own little world. Actually, I wouldn't wish you on the Brits, I have too much respect for them.

Sorry to contribute to this, I assume most will let it drop down the line...but I couldn't resist. Reading Wulf's adjective-strewn posts was too fascinating...for a bit.

Together we are greater than the sum of our parts


Sunday, September 6, 2009 11:42 AM



Is this an example of a necropost? Given the entire thread was in 2008, I suspect so. Was illuminating, however, to read down a ways before I realized the date; man, Wulf, you sure do live in your own little world. Actually, I wouldn't wish you on the Brits, I have too much respect for them.

Sorry to contribute to this, I assume most will let it drop down the line...but I couldn't resist. Reading Wulf's adjective-strewn posts was too fascinating...for a bit.


Yes, this is a great example. JT has been doing it for a little while, I'm not sure why. The best example recently was "Obama bows to Saudi king" which was an attempt to stir up old animocity, the typical use. The "planets" necropost seems harmless, but I lolcatz'd anywayz.

As for Wulf, you should find the one where he offers to take me in a manly fashion ;) But these necroposts will allow to see some real talent for venom, Auraptor, Citizen, Normally, they make Wulf look tame. I actually think that my invitation to RiveR to return is pretty mild, I mean, it's hard to think looking back that this crowd actually had a problem with her, other than, oh, by all means, read those ones (oooh. Damning to some people who are still around.)

Mike and Frem are pretty much rocks of stability around here, as is Chrisisall. I think Chris might have posted in anger at some point, it's sort of like a butterfly sneezing, you're amazed to see it, despite the lack of dramatic impact. He might have just posted in mild annoyance.

I would nominate Citizen for the most venom spewed for a long termer, someone still here did make a competing go for it about which I'm sure they're not proud. Oh, and Pirate News was always bonkers. Some people who disappeared might have come back with sock puppets. I have some suspicion about some users...


Sunday, April 24, 2022 6:02 AM


'Another Yorkshire gang attack on a lone man in Halifax - happening far too often and, as with child rape gangs, little is done to stop them'


Sunday, April 24, 2022 6:10 AM


the Royal World Temple is starting to collapse?


Saturday, July 30, 2022 9:28 AM



WATCH: Army Veteran Arrested by ‘Politicised Police’ for Posting LGBT Pride Flag Meme on Facebook

In scenes akin to those traditionally associated with authoritarian regimes, police in Britain were filmed arresting a military veteran for posting a meme critical of woke gender ideology on Facebook.

“Is this the Gestapo? What has gone wrong in our country?” the veteran questioned as he was being placed in handcuffs by three officers in broad daylight outside of his suburban home.


Wednesday, August 30, 2023 7:26 AM


Famed Notting Hill carnival terrorized by men with giant knives, 8 stabbings, 275 arrests


Wednesday, September 20, 2023 2:15 PM


the Jihad Mayor islamics vs Hindu

Sadiq Khan attacks Rishi Sunak for ‘delay and dither’ on climate at UN summit


Wednesday, March 6, 2024 11:08 AM


'It's Just A Matter Of Time' Before The Big Attack — End Of The Empire??

Sunak has to go but who from the Tories will tell him that?

Even Boris Johnson established his authority by getting rid of Conservative MPs who did not support his Brexit plans.


Monday, May 27, 2024 10:06 AM


British WWII Veterans: Unhappy With What’s Become of the Country They Fought For


Monday, June 3, 2024 7:03 AM



Monday, June 17, 2024 9:16 AM


Right-Wing Derangement Syndrome

the Brexit Divorce

Farage Parks Tanks on Labour’s Lawn: Makes Election Pitch for ‘The Little Guy’ Against the Globalists


Saturday, July 20, 2024 5:37 AM


What would Michael Savage say?

Disorder’: Police deployed after riots break out in Leeds, UK


Sunday, July 21, 2024 2:43 PM


UK TikToker gets arrested in her own home for ‘malicious communications’ against the LGBTQ community.

“You have sent a series of social media posts that are grossly offensive to people of protected characteristics…LGBTQ.”


Tuesday, July 23, 2024 10:57 AM



Saturday, July 27, 2024 4:14 AM


in Orwellian England there is still crime, moment masked knife machete gang tries to stab taxi passenger who also has a knife.

Shocking moment innocent taxi driver is dragged into terrifying street crime


Sunday, July 28, 2024 1:10 AM


cameras everywhere recorded the whole event

New Manchester Airport video shows chaotic scene before man 'kicked' in head by police officer

maybe backed up on odysee, bitchute, rumble as you-tube will censor?


Tuesday, August 6, 2024 3:40 AM


Rightwings and Soccer Hooligan 'Patriot' riot

in other places

There might be some Antifa White Leftwing among the group but it seems almost that British police are fleeing from gangs of migrants in the UK.






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