"I Was Offered Assisted Dying Over Cancer Treatment": Broken Canadian Healthcare System Is Killing Patients

UPDATED: Saturday, June 8, 2024 03:23
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Tuesday, June 4, 2024 12:29 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Two years ago, over the Thanksgiving holiday, Allison Ducluzeau started to feel pain in her stomach. At first, she assumed she had eaten too much turkey, but the pain persisted. A couple of weeks later, she saw her family doctor who requested CT scans, although none were sorted. Soon after, as the agony worsened, her partner insisted she went to the emergency unit at their local hospital on Vancouver Island. Finally, doctors confirmed the couple’s worst fears: she was almost certainly suffering from advanced abdominal cancer.

Allison, then 56, later learned that she had stage 4 peritoneal carcinomatosis, an aggressive condition. By the time she saw a specialist early last year, he warned that she might only live a few months longer: chemotherapy tended to be ineffective for her cancer, buying a bit more time at best, and she was inoperable. Instead, she was told to go home, sort out her papers, and decide if she wanted medical assistance in dying.

Unsurprisingly, Allison was devastated. “I could barely breathe — I went in there hoping to come out with a treatment plan but was just told to get my will in order.” That night was the worst of her life as she broke the shattering news to her son and daughter at her home in Victoria. “I told them I might only live for another two months,” she recalled. “If I’d not had my children, I might have accepted MAID [medical assistance in dying] — but when I saw the effect on them, having just been through the deaths of my own parents, it made me dig really deep.”

So, determined to find help, she researched her condition, spoke to doctors as far away as Taiwan, flew to California for scans and eventually travelled to Baltimore for treatment. She had discovered that patients could be given debulking surgery to reduce their cancer, followed by targeted use of heated chemotherapy — yet back in Canada, she could not get even an initial telephone chat with a surgeon who performed such operations for two months. Aided by her tight circle of friends and relatives, she raised almost half the $200,000 cost for the operation by crowdfunding. By the time she managed to see an oncologist in her home province of British Columbia, she was already on the road to recovery.



Tuesday, June 4, 2024 4:48 AM


It sounds like Canada's system is falling like all helath care systems, the last one to fall might be the British or England 'NHS' it is the last structures the Empire is proud of.

I have seen people from the Canadian Wast Coast and East Coast talk about Canada online, some are maybe what you could class as Left some are 'Rightwing'-ish, some are Quebec but they all believe Canada is dying in some kind of weird ritual, everyone is saying it from history people to business people to science researcher, its not just the slight rise in temperature and badly managed land and forest fires, its not the lack of good leadership,not just a badly managed economy its a mix of everything like a perfectly brewing storm, something is very wrong since Trudeau got to power, Trudeau has this obsession of ignoring Canada needs or immediate troubles that Canada faces while obsessing over weird stuff like transgender rights or cosplaying as the world's multi-culture characters...and in Canada they might have seemed stable and progressive for a while but they are subjects, Queens and Kings as head of state and you don't have free speech

Trudeau is anti-human and anti-Canada, he called protesters every name calling them Hitlers, sexists, racists, I thought Canadians would throw him out but no he now kills off his own in a worship of death while opening his borders with a Mexico human trafficker drug runner deal and importing human trafficked and lots of troubled people, some mentally disturbed violent with poor Language skills low Education, Pakistan, Albania, Iran, Jamaica, Somalia, India, Haiti, Romania, Morocco, Nigeria, Venezuela, Bangladesh, Colombia, South Africa, Turkey, Laos, Caribbean, Iran, people moving from cultures of different values, higher crime thief regions or unstable war zones. Just as the White class the British WASPs or French-Canadian replaced the Native Americans of Canada, the rest of the world will now replace the WASPs or La Territoire de la Québécoise French-Canada will be culturally killed off replaced by the world, everything is becoming broken.


Tuesday, June 4, 2024 8:36 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Just as the White class the British WASPs or French-Canadian replaced the Native Americans of Canada, the rest of the world will now replace the WASPs or La Territoire de la Québécoise French-Canada will be culturally killed off replaced by the world, everything is becoming broken.

Jayneztown, you are insane. Also insane are healthcare providers telling patients to kill themselves because the providers are overworked and underpaid. Providers, you might want to think very slowly and carefully about what you are saying before you request that a patient kill themselves.


She does not share the ethical or religious concerns held by many opponents of euthanasia. Nor does she oppose Canada’s 2016 MAID reform; she agreed with her father five years later that it was an “appropriate” option for his intensifying pain after many years of prostate cancer.

But she has deep worries about assisted dying being offered by doctors in a health system that is floundering — especially with inadequate and overwhelmed oncology services when cancer patients comprise almost two-thirds of the soaring numbers of citizens opting for MAID. “We do not have a good standard of care here, especially for cancer — and that is why it is so dangerous to have MAID, especially when it can be used to take a bit of pressure off physicians and the government.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, June 4, 2024 9:05 AM


Holland is over

they are a failure a people who have given up, like Trudea is giving up on his Canadians

the place is gone, it was a giant anti-humabn Ponzi scheme
Canadians are in a similar place to the Dutch journey.

it is done, its over, they had a chance with the Farming Protests and Geert Wilders but its finished now

they had an old Empire that almost took the world but decayed long ago, its just a collection of people from all over the world who have no interest in the West Germanic Franc Weser–Rhine Saxon Boer Germano Low Franconian culture, they are almost a dead people
its Royal family hates what little is left of its own people, it is not a Free Speech Federal Democracy like the USA, it is a Unitary parliamentary monarchy.
the Dutch in the Netherlands will probably return to water, if we get a big storm or wave which breaks their barriers they will return to the sea, as climate change continues mayeb it will happen. The recent immigration won't maintain Holland now, its just a different banker scammers, merchants who take cuts from Oil and cheat the USA when it wastes blood and treasure trying to grab oil, collection of smutty drugged out drunken hustlers and sports ball idiots...what else to the sell they have Food, indoor robo chemical Farming, I would say US food is better but French food might be of better quality than American, they have some chemical industry guys who packed their bags, all of their industry, motors, electonics is Chinese or German or American or French or Japanese and they old successful Dutch left Europe and got on a boat and arrived in America a long time ago.

What's left the 'Universal Music' brand that a US compnay trying to avoid taxes and trying to copyright a bunch of crappy Eurovision vision songs? What else do they have 'Heineken', its awful perhaps this is what like watered piss mixed with alcohol tastes like? I'm not sure anyone would buy it if not for all the sportsball brainwashing advertising

name me one single contribution they have made to humanity the past decades and you are not allowed name someone working with an American group, from Holland Netherlands name a single Dutch book, a Dutch band a Dutch work of art a Dutch movie from the past 30 years.
btw You are not allowed name an American family with a Dutch great great grandparent or Dutch-American or Jew Anne Franke, you are not allowed actors like Rutger Hauer or Famke Janssen, they found their success in the USA, or Van Halen who quit Holland and became an American rocker or Vincent van Gough from the 1850s the original Dutch they died while ago.

They have already started to replace themselves with jihadi Arab immigrant drug dealers and Balkan prostitues so they might even start praying to some weird Molech or Baal thing soon.

Does Canada feel the British Empire has come to its end and the only route is a multi-culture babylon path that worships Death, does Canada want to follow the Dutch?


Tuesday, June 4, 2024 12:54 PM


It's all part of George Soros' plan to eliminate white people.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Tuesday, June 4, 2024 1:02 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Two years ago, over the Thanksgiving holiday, Allison Ducluzeau started to feel pain in her stomach. At first, she assumed she had eaten too much turkey, but the pain persisted. A couple of weeks later, she saw her family doctor who requested CT scans, although none were sorted. Soon after, as the agony worsened, her partner insisted she went to the emergency unit at their local hospital on Vancouver Island. Finally, doctors confirmed the couple’s worst fears: she was almost certainly suffering from advanced abdominal cancer.

Allison, then 56, later learned that she had stage 4 peritoneal carcinomatosis, an aggressive condition. By the time she saw a specialist early last year, he warned that she might only live a few months longer: chemotherapy tended to be ineffective for her cancer, buying a bit more time at best, and she was inoperable. Instead, she was told to go home, sort out her papers, and decide if she wanted medical assistance in dying.

Unsurprisingly, Allison was devastated. “I could barely breathe — I went in there hoping to come out with a treatment plan but was just told to get my will in order.” That night was the worst of her life as she broke the shattering news to her son and daughter at her home in Victoria. “I told them I might only live for another two months,” she recalled. “If I’d not had my children, I might have accepted MAID [medical assistance in dying] — but when I saw the effect on them, having just been through the deaths of my own parents, it made me dig really deep.”

So, determined to find help, she researched her condition, spoke to doctors as far away as Taiwan, flew to California for scans and eventually travelled to Baltimore for treatment. She had discovered that patients could be given debulking surgery to reduce their cancer, followed by targeted use of heated chemotherapy — yet back in Canada, she could not get even an initial telephone chat with a surgeon who performed such operations for two months. Aided by her tight circle of friends and relatives, she raised almost half the $200,000 cost for the operation by crowdfunding. By the time she managed to see an oncologist in her home province of British Columbia, she was already on the road to recovery.


Wow, tell her to get to Russia right away. Maybe they can help.




Tuesday, June 4, 2024 1:04 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Holland is over

they are a failure a people who have given up, like Trudea is giving up on his Canadians

the place is gone, it was a giant anti-humabn Ponzi scheme
Canadians are in a similar place to the Dutch journey.

it is done, its over, they had a chance with the Farming Protests and Geert Wilders but its finished now

they had an old Empire that almost took the world but decayed long ago, its just a collection of people from all over the world who have no interest in the West Germanic Franc Weser–Rhine Saxon Boer Germano Low Franconian culture, they are almost a dead people
its Royal family hates what little is left of its own people, it is not a Free Speech Federal Democracy like the USA, it is a Unitary parliamentary monarchy.
the Dutch in the Netherlands will probably return to water, if we get a big storm or wave which breaks their barriers they will return to the sea, as climate change continues mayeb it will happen. The recent immigration won't maintain Holland now, its just a different banker scammers, merchants who take cuts from Oil and cheat the USA when it wastes blood and treasure trying to grab oil, collection of smutty drugged out drunken hustlers and sports ball idiots...what else to the sell they have Food, indoor robo chemical Farming, I would say US food is better but French food might be of better quality than American, they have some chemical industry guys who packed their bags, all of their industry, motors, electonics is Chinese or German or American or French or Japanese and they old successful Dutch left Europe and got on a boat and arrived in America a long time ago.

What's left the 'Universal Music' brand that a US compnay trying to avoid taxes and trying to copyright a bunch of crappy Eurovision vision songs? What else do they have 'Heineken', its awful perhaps this is what like watered piss mixed with alcohol tastes like? I'm not sure anyone would buy it if not for all the sportsball brainwashing advertising

name me one single contribution they have made to humanity the past decades and you are not allowed name someone working with an American group, from Holland Netherlands name a single Dutch book, a Dutch band a Dutch work of art a Dutch movie from the past 30 years.
btw You are not allowed name an American family with a Dutch great great grandparent or Dutch-American or Jew Anne Franke, you are not allowed actors like Rutger Hauer or Famke Janssen, they found their success in the USA, or Van Halen who quit Holland and became an American rocker or Vincent van Gough from the 1850s the original Dutch they died while ago.

They have already started to replace themselves with jihadi Arab immigrant drug dealers and Balkan prostitues so they might even start praying to some weird Molech or Baal thing soon.

Does Canada feel the British Empire has come to its end and the only route is a multi-culture babylon path that worships Death, does Canada want to follow the Dutch?

Says the king of posting links. Except now, why is that?



Tuesday, June 4, 2024 1:08 PM



Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Holland is over

they are a failure a people who have given up, like Trudea is giving up on his Canadians

the place is gone, it was a giant anti-humabn Ponzi scheme
Canadians are in a similar place to the Dutch journey.

it is done, its over, they had a chance with the Farming Protests and Geert Wilders but its finished now

they had an old Empire that almost took the world but decayed long ago, its just a collection of people from all over the world who have no interest in the West Germanic Franc Weser–Rhine Saxon Boer Germano Low Franconian culture, they are almost a dead people
its Royal family hates what little is left of its own people, it is not a Free Speech Federal Democracy like the USA, it is a Unitary parliamentary monarchy.
the Dutch in the Netherlands will probably return to water, if we get a big storm or wave which breaks their barriers they will return to the sea, as climate change continues mayeb it will happen. The recent immigration won't maintain Holland now, its just a different banker scammers, merchants who take cuts from Oil and cheat the USA when it wastes blood and treasure trying to grab oil, collection of smutty drugged out drunken hustlers and sports ball idiots...what else to the sell they have Food, indoor robo chemical Farming, I would say US food is better but French food might be of better quality than American, they have some chemical industry guys who packed their bags, all of their industry, motors, electonics is Chinese or German or American or French or Japanese and they old successful Dutch left Europe and got on a boat and arrived in America a long time ago.

What's left the 'Universal Music' brand that a US compnay trying to avoid taxes and trying to copyright a bunch of crappy Eurovision vision songs? What else do they have 'Heineken', its awful perhaps this is what like watered piss mixed with alcohol tastes like? I'm not sure anyone would buy it if not for all the sportsball brainwashing advertising

name me one single contribution they have made to humanity the past decades and you are not allowed name someone working with an American group, from Holland Netherlands name a single Dutch book, a Dutch band a Dutch work of art a Dutch movie from the past 30 years.
btw You are not allowed name an American family with a Dutch great great grandparent or Dutch-American or Jew Anne Franke, you are not allowed actors like Rutger Hauer or Famke Janssen, they found their success in the USA, or Van Halen who quit Holland and became an American rocker or Vincent van Gough from the 1850s the original Dutch they died while ago.

They have already started to replace themselves with jihadi Arab immigrant drug dealers and Balkan prostitues so they might even start praying to some weird Molech or Baal thing soon.

Does Canada feel the British Empire has come to its end and the only route is a multi-culture babylon path that worships Death, does Canada want to follow the Dutch?

Says the king of posting links. Except now, why is that?


Because the media doesn't report the truth.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Tuesday, June 4, 2024 2:18 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


something is very wrong since Trudeau got to power, Trudeau has this obsession of ignoring Canada needs or immediate troubles that Canada faces while obsessing over weird stuff like transgender rights or cosplaying as the world's multi-culture characters...

And lets not forget Trudeau's vicious smash of the trucker's protest, where he confiscated their bank accounts and those of anyone who donated to them.

Trudeau is a walking joke, and his dad, Pierre Elliot, woild be spinning in his grave. He, and the rest of his Liberal party, are busy representing USA foreign policy interests in Ukraine and obsessing about transgender rights while hosting Nazis in Parliament.
On the other hand, the Conservative Party in Canada is anti- taxes, pro-big business, and anti- human.
Regular Canadians have nowhere to turn.

But it's not just Canada, and it has nothing to do with monarchies.

Look at the clowns currently squatting in European governments and EU halls of power.

The British political class has run out everyone who had a spark of care for Britain and its people! Nigel Farage and Jeremy Corbyn, specifically. They've had a series of jokers as PM from both the Conservative and Labour parties, starting with Tony (Bliar) Blair (who was all in on invading Iraq), and going on thru Gordon Brown, David Cameron, Theresa May (who deliberately bobbled Brexit at the behest of bankers and Eurocrats), BoJo the Clown (who got Brexit done but bobbled Covid and dove headfirst into the disaster that is Ukraine), Liz Truss (less than a year) and now Rishi Sunak. With general elections coming up, the Conservative party is so unpopular it's goin to lose, but the Labour candidate, Kier Starmer, is equally corrupt.

Looking at Europe, there's

Jens Stoltenberg (head of NATO) who has a keen interest in destroying Russia,

Urusla von der (Crazy) Leyen, who as titular head of Germany's Bundeswehr (Defense) ruined that before being appointed head of European Commission President,

"Jungle" Josep Borrell, the EU's top diplomat (Europe is a garden, the rest of the world is a jungle)

Annalena "360" Baerbock, Germany's Green Party Foreign Minister, who's so stupid she said that Putin must do a 360 degree turn (think about it)

"Spinless" Sholz, who always says he's not gonna do something before he does, and protested notba whit that Germany's pipeline was blown up

Emmanuel Macron, who lusts after being Emperor of Europe

And any number of interchangeable bimbos who're maneuvered into office, from

Georgia's Salome Zourabichvili, Georgia's President- ferevently pro EU, born and raised in France, who was a French citizen until 2018 and barely speaks the language ofvthe nation she supposedly leads

"Dancing queen" Finnish PM Sanna Marin

Estonia's Kaja Kallas, who says that pipsqueak Estonia is going to bring Russia to its knees (!)

And Moldova's Maia Sandu.

All easily -led standins who don't know anything.


How could the EU, Britain, and European nations have such an underwhelming crop of so called "leaders"?

Apparently, they're selected for being stupid, sent to the same Young Leaders school set up by Davos, told they're special, promoted up the ranks of their thoroughky corrupted parties, and stood up for election as "pro EU/ pro NATO" candidates.

Not something that happened in the past few years. It takes decades of NGO activity, heavy media influence (if not outright control), and lots and lots of $$ to fund EU bureacracies and "pro- EU" parties, with a couple of dashes of good old corruptio (Karamanlis and then Rallis, Greece) and intimidation and lawfare (Kurz, Austria; le Pen, France; Orban, Hunagry; Kobakhidze, Georgia)


Here is the state of "freedom of speech in Canada, per one man's opinion:


You’ll often hear Canadians talking about their fundamental right to free speech. But, as with many Canadian misconceptions, this is a case of them mistaking themselves for Americans.

Yes, “freedom of expression” is guaranteed by our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, but there’s a pretty big loophole nobody mentions. The preamble to the Charter explicitly mentions that this freedom is subject to “reasonable limits.”

There’s also the other part of the Charter where provincial governments can steamroll any freedom they want, provided they publicly announce that they’re doing so.

This is all very different from the US, where you just have the First Amendment.

But in Canada, it means that you can get fined or even go to jail based on something you say. Say something on Twitter that “wilfully promotes hatred” and you could go to jail for two years.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Tuesday, June 4, 2024 2:37 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

But aside from the keen LACK of interest by two of three of Canada's major parties (Liberal, Conservative) in making Canada's healthcare system work, if a yone is interested in reforming USA healthcare, specifically in the direction of Medicare for All, we should pay attention to Canada. Because they have the equivalent of Medicare for all.

Canada is held as an example of good affordable healthcare. They spend half of what we do per capita, but apparently that's too much for some.

So how is the system failing? Are costs going up? If so, is it bc of an aging population? Lack of competition causing inflated prices? Are government resources stretched bc OTHER costs are rising, or bc revenues are going down?

I know the Conservative Party has had a grotch against the Canadian healthcare system as long as I can remember. But what is going seems to be new.

Oh BTW JAYNZE, the British healthcare system is worse. They follow a differnt model, where government employs healthcare workers directly. But it, too, is suffering from lack of funding, just like their Post Office and schools.

I think it's bc the British economy is suffering, so revenues have been going down since Thatcher's time.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Tuesday, June 4, 2024 7:34 PM


Okay. The system here is bent in a lot of places and yes, I will admit broken in a lot of places.

But I can say that next week when I see a neurologist at a local hospital, I will not walk out of there with a bill. Nor will I be billed for the tests that I am sure are heading my way.


Tuesday, June 4, 2024 8:18 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Okay. The system here is bent in a lot of places and yes, I will admit broken in a lot of places.

But I can say that next week when I see a neurologist at a local hospital, I will not walk out of there with a bill. Nor will I be billed for the tests that I am sure are heading my way.

That's good. And it's been good for a long time. I have friends in Ontario who've been treated under the healthcare system. But the problem is, it's heading in the wrong direction. The standard of care has definitely eroded since my one friend was treated for lymphoma with a bone marrow transplant 35 years ago to now, where my other friend is having a hard time getting his prostate cancer attended to.

So, what's making it go off track? How can it be made sustainable so that you'll get timely, effective treatment ten or 15 years from now?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Tuesday, June 4, 2024 11:22 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Okay. The system here is bent in a lot of places and yes, I will admit broken in a lot of places.

But I can say that next week when I see a neurologist at a local hospital, I will not walk out of there with a bill. Nor will I be billed for the tests that I am sure are heading my way.

That's good. And it's been good for a long time. I have friends in Ontario who've been treated under the healthcare system. But the problem is, it's heading in the wrong direction. The standard of care has definitely eroded since my one friend was treated for lymphoma with a bone marrow transplant 35 years ago to now, where my other friend is having a hard time getting his prostate cancer attended to.

So, what's making it go off track? How can it be made sustainable so that you'll get timely, effective treatment ten or 15 years from now?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.

I know there has been erosion. My mum got good care during her two bouts with cancer and that was almost 20 years since she died. Though it's been 3 years since my brother was hit by a car and wound up in the hospital. I know he didn't have any complaints with treatment he received.

That is the question all levels of government across the country are asking and trying to answer. Here in BC, the province is working on making it easier for foreign trained doctors, nurses and other health professionals to be able to work here. Cutting out the red tape and the wait and not making it so hard for them to get work in their fields. Opening up more seats in the medical schools and nursing programs. Offering incentives to practice in remote communities in BC. Other provinces and territories are looking at the same types of things as well. We have too.


Saturday, June 8, 2024 12:38 AM


Obviously, USA should import Single Payer Health Care . . . Oh, Obamacare is already the Law of the land?

never mind.


Saturday, June 8, 2024 3:07 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Obviously, USA should import Single Payer Health Care . . . Oh, Obamacare is already the Law of the land?

never mind.

Because our system is so much better?

PS If you think Obamacare is the same as single payer you need a checkup from the neckup.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Saturday, June 8, 2024 3:14 AM


Our healthcare system is designed to make sure that every penny you have gets taken from you and isn't passed on to your children.

They don't succeed every time, but they win far more often than they lose. Give it another couple of generations and nobody will own anything anymore except for the few who own everything.

Good luck getting healthcare when that day we just stop pretending any of us owns anything comes. You'll only get it if it's cost effective, which will be weighted against how worthwhile you are to fix.

There's a good portion of the people living in this country who already know full well what that feels like. But one day that's going to be everybody.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Saturday, June 8, 2024 3:16 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Total health expenditure expected to climb to $8,563 per Canadian in 2022


Total health expenditure in 2022 is expected to rise by 0.8%, following high growth of 13.2% in 2020 and 7.6% in 2021. Prior to the pandemic, from 2015 to 2019, growth in health spending averaged 4% per year. It is anticipated that overall health expenditure will represent 12.2% of Canada’s gross domestic product (GDP) in 2022, following a high of 13.8% in 2020.



The following 3 health spending categories continued to account for the largest shares of health dollars (over half of total health spending) in 2022: Hospitals (24.34%), Physicians (13.60%) and Drugs (13.58%).

But that's only 54% of the total. What about the rest of the 46%?

Still looking into cost increases.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Saturday, June 8, 2024 3:23 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Our healthcare system is designed to make sure that every penny you have gets taken from you and isn't passed on to your children.

They don't succeed every time, but they win far more often than they lose. Give it another couple of generations and nobody will own anything anymore except for the few who own everything.

Good luck getting healthcare when that day we just stop pretending any of us owns anything comes. You'll only get it if it's cost effective, which will be weighted against how worthwhile you are to fix.

Er? Our whole system is designed that way, it seems. But you can always go to community college, or not buy that shit you don't need. But AFA healthcare is concerned, they have a big club to use on you: Pay or die.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.






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