Random Thoughts on 'Religions' What is the Difference Between Mainstream Religions and Cults?

UPDATED: Thursday, August 15, 2024 08:28
VIEWED: 1340
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Friday, May 3, 2019 8:29 AM


You are with a group, but someone or some people are trying to cause spiritual problems or legal troubles?

I wonder how this works, socially, how it works in nations, spiritually, legally?

Let's say you open up a group, maybe shop or maybe its a hippie funky hall where people read poetry, dance and play some guitar and drum and read a song

It becomes party of a community

but legally
Do you have to let everyone in?

Even if they are trouble and looking to cause problems?

What if the Landlord believes islam is a cult or even Satanic? I do wonder sometimes if islam is a death cult, like Aum Shinrikyo, Jim Jones, some scammer Hindu India cult involved in criminality or the Koresh cult or the Order of the Solar Temple .... what makes a difference between 'cult' and mainstream.... is it only the number of followers?

Do you close the group like a yatch, golf club and call it members only


Friday, May 3, 2019 10:06 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
You are with a group, but someone or some people are trying to cause spiritual problems or legal troubles?

I wonder how this works, socially, how it works in nations, spiritually, legally?

Let's say you open up a group, maybe shop or maybe its a hippie funky hall where people read poetry, dance and play some guitar and drum and read a song

It becomes party of a community

but legally
Do you have to let everyone in?

Even if they are trouble and looking to cause problems?

What if the Landlord believes islam is a cult or even Satanic? I do wonder sometimes if islam is a death cult, like Aum Shinrikyo, Jim Jones, some scammer Hindu India cult involved in criminality or the Koresh cult or the Order of the Solar Temple .... what makes a difference between 'cult' and mainstream.... is it only the number of followers?

Do you close the group like a yatch, golf club and call it members only

This is delving to the root of a Nation's Constitution.

Is Freedom of Religion a Right, a Birthright, of this Nation? Is Religion prohibited, verboten, Outlawed, Illegal? Is only one Religion allowed by the Nation? Are all non-believers to be executed?

I am unsure if any 2 Nations will have the same answer to your questions. Maybe the closest similar answers will be from Canada/Australia/UK, or from specific Muslim Terrorist Nations.

I am under the assumption that USA was the first to specify, codify, guarantee, the Right of Freedom of Religion. In 1776. Not in the Original Constitution, but one of 5 Rights within the First Amendment to The Constitution.


Friday, May 3, 2019 10:14 AM


What if you more or less know, you feel like a certain group or faction is going to be a massive problem? You got guys like Aum Shinrikyo, if some Neo pagan guys started robbing and attacking people and praying to some Aztec pyramid god would it be a dangerous cult? The islamists are they a cult ... sometimes reading history the difference between religion and cult blurs, its a very fine line. Is most religion just a cult which became part of the mainstream and got political representation? Would some cults for example be incompatible with Democracy, Western Civilisation or the US Constitution?


Friday, May 3, 2019 10:17 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
What if you more or less know, you feel like a certain group or faction is going to be a massive problem? You got guys like Aum Shinrikyo, if some Neo pagan guys started robbing and attacking people and praying to some Aztec pyramid god would it be a dangerous cult? The islamists are they a cult ... sometimes reading history the difference between religion and cult blurs, its a very fine line. Is most religion just a cult which became part of the mainstream and got political representation? Would some cults for example be incompatible with Democracy, Western Civilisation or the US Constitution?

History is written by The Victors.

But how does the Nation's Constitution define Religion and Cult?


Friday, May 3, 2019 12:38 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

What is the difference?


Nothing except social acceptance.

Some of the previous "mainstream" religions the ones that required human sacrifice, and lots of it ... we would consider a cult, and a horrific one at that.

Religions, IMHO, encompass three things

A belief system. Now, what it a "belief"? It it what someone feels, to the very core of their being, is real, DESPITE lack of evidence or even evidence to the contrary. There are people who- to this day- believe that the earth is flat, just as there are people who - to this day - believe that Trump colluded* with Russia. A belief on specific topic which defies the evidence is called a "delusion". It takes more than an irrational "belief" to make a "religion" or a "cult".

A system of right and wrong. All religions have a system of "right and wrong" which attempts to control human behavior. These systems of "right and wrong" are - by definition - a BELIEF system because you can never prove your ethics. There is, in the grand scheme of nature, no "right" and "wrong" behavior. Many fish swim away from their young, female spiders eat their mates ... behavior is all about the survival of the species, but there are lots of ways for species to survive. But, a system of rights and wrongs, no matter how well thought-out, is not a "religion", it's a philosophy.

One more element must be added to make a "religion", and that is the belief in a "higher power" ... a power which goes beyond the natural world, and which can be appealed to and which will (sometimes) respond. "Please dear gods, bring us rain/ cure my child/ make them stop fighting". This "higher power" (these higher powers) were created by people when they were confronted by phenomena they didn't understand and couldn't control, and which were existentially important: lightning and thunder, sickness, drought, scarcity of game.

We have a handle on most of the existential events, and altho we can't control the weather or EMPS or supervolcanoes or earthquakes or epidemics we can understand them and at (at times) even predict them. The one existential thing we have yet to understand is mass human behavior.

Anyway, put those three things together, and you have a cult (if it's a small, not well-accepted belief system) or a religion (if many people accept its tennets).

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


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Putin’s Holy Man, the Russian Orthodox Patriarch, Pushed for the ‘Eradication’ of Ukraine


Thursday, October 19, 2023 8:45 AM


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Sometime ago a horror crime. At least 2 men in France?

The Europe land different to the Sandbox?

Almost 20 years ago in France a Girl, 23, stoned to death by a mob of criminal islamics in Marseilles for refusing the advances of a teenage boy

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Where are all the human rights organizations now?


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Latter-day Saint scholar Matthew Bowman about the ongoing debate about whether Joseph Smith practiced polygamy.

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Thursday, August 15, 2024 8:28 AM


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