Jill Flipovich and other Media Scaremongers are the Reason People are Getting Killed in Driveways

UPDATED: Tuesday, July 9, 2024 19:03
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Thursday, April 20, 2023 10:12 AM


Opinion: The reason Americans are getting killed in driveways

No, Jill. It's not the guns.

It's YOU.

It was 2.5 years of people like you telling everyone else how to live in cages they called their houses while you and the rest of the elites partied up and didn't adhere to any of the guidelines you forced on the rest of us, followed by you cheerleading the effort of Democrats in power to release criminals right back on the street to loot, pillage, rape and murder again. All the while, the "news" flashes all of these stories in your face non-stop 24/7 and makes everybody even more paranoid and fearing for their lives.


You and everyone working for "news" outfits that decided 10 years ago that it was far more profitable to peddle in hate and fear for clickbait than it was to provide unbiased news and provide any positive influence on the world.

Get fucked, Jill.

Soon you'll be working at WalMart and won't be able to do any more harm to society when ChatGPT does your job far better than you were ever capable of, with the only accreditation you have being your non-sense bullshit degree from some uber-left wing school you only "qualified" to attend because your parents paid to get you in there.


Sunday, April 30, 2023 8:53 AM


reflecting an authoritatian slide, says Jill Filipovic

The Myth of the Broke Millennial


Tuesday, July 9, 2024 5:10 PM


How is Jill Flipovich still employed?

This time, telling the idiot readers of that her lack and the lack of her entire industry doing their jobs for the last 3.5 years is because the Administration wouldn't let them talk to Joe*.

If that's the case than THAT is the story you put on the front page of every newspaper every day until Biden* comes out of his cave and talks to somebody.

THAT is the biggest story in the world when it is happening.

The "leader of the free world" was either being directing his staff to turn away nearly all reporting for a full term, or the people surrounding him were preventing the US President from speaking with the media. And the media didn't report on it until just now.

You don't get to cover your own ass now by admitting to something that you were fully aware of but went along with for the last 4 years because it was convenient for the lies that you push every day.

You are a disgusting human being, Jill. It is a sad reflection on our society how much influence a sniveling little worm like you has over the feeble minded.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Tuesday, July 9, 2024 7:03 PM


The Wall Street Journal doesn't get a free pass either.

Why aren't any of these media people or corporations taking any responsibility for blatantly not doing their jobs. Unless their job is Propaganda, in which case, I guess carry on then. You've been doing a fine job.

I don't imagine anyone who was already calling you propagandists before Debate night are getting anymore airtime with you today than they were a month ago, which is to say absolutely none at all.

Your excuses aren't only pathetic. They're dangerous.

And we're tired of all of you up on your own pedestals telling us proles how to live when the entire lot of you make very poor role models.

The saddest thing about all of this is that nobody who deserves it is ever going to be held accountable for anything. They'll throw a sacrificial lamb or three under the bus to take the heat off of them until this dies down about a month from now and half the country forgets that Trump and Joe Biden* already had their first debate.

I'd say they'll just go right back to propagandizing when the heat dies down, but let's not kid ourselves... They haven't taken a single day off. They have no intention on making any changes and they're going to continue operating as the main thought control and manipulation centers in the country and of the entire world.

It's just frustrating that people aren't more upset about the lying that has been going on now that it's staring everyone right in the face. And even if they are a bit angry about it, they're likely angry about the wrong things.

Everybody should be asking themselves the question now: "If they lied to us about that, what else have they lied to us about?"

This should be a pivotal moment for society. But nobody is even focusing on the real story at all...

It's just going to get lost down the memory hole like everything else important does.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.






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