Biden will be replaced

UPDATED: Monday, July 22, 2024 23:26
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Wednesday, July 10, 2024 5:57 PM


The powers that be (the donors) will have Biden replaced, the major donors will not give the Dems another penny until Joe is shown the exit...if he can find it. The next few weeks is going to be fun to watch if you hate Biden.


Wednesday, July 10, 2024 7:10 PM


I don't hate Joe Biden*.

I hate that Joe Biden* is President. I hate the way the Democratic party has changed over decades and become what it is now. I hate how the Legacy Media doesn't work for the people and has become nothing more than propaganda for those in power. I hate the symbiotic relationship that has bloomed between the Legacy Media and the Establishment. I hate how nobody is outraged about any of this now that they made it perfectly clear that this is exactly what has been going on.

The worst part about it is that they've proven in the last 4 years that the US President doesn't really actually do anything. Or at the very least, having a person who is mentally and physically able to do anything is no longer a prerequisite for the job. Again... because there is nothing actually required from him.

Who is really running the country?

And I don't just mean since January of 2021.

Just because somebody sits in that office and has the mental faculties for the job, doesn't mean that they're not taking orders from somebody directly, or more likely being guided to make the right decisions through a sort of carrot vs. stick ritual... the type of mind game that only the truly rich and powerful ever get to play with each other.

Who knows? Now that they've had a meat puppet to work with for 4 years they might decide the idea of having an actual, intelligent human being with their own ego and agency just isn't a good fit for that position going forward.

Whatever happens now with Joe* doesn't really matter. Yes, the polling improved for Trump again after the debate, but not by as much as should have happened in a so-called civilized society. Trump should be up on Joe* by 20 points right now. His polling aggregate should look like his betting odds do.

Even if they keep Joe* in, it's going to be a close race. People who vote Democrat today have been whipped up into such a fear about what they claim Trump is doing (when it's them that are doing all of it right now).

They know full well they'll be voting for a vegetable in November, but they're going to do it anyhow. This is already a known fact.

But to swap out horses mid-race is adding a whole lot of unknown variables to the equation that I don't think a lot of the donor class is really going to want to get behind when it's all spelled out in detail to them.

Just on the surface, you have the fact that there are 50 different states with 50 different sets of laws regarding how elections take place. Even if you think you had all of your bases covered when making a major nearly unprecedented decision like this, you could be in violation of some long forgotten state law that ends up keeping the candidate off the ballot entirely. What if they got all read-up on the intricacies of state voting/election laws in the "7 battleground states", but in their hubris didn't look into Virginia or New Hampshire or Washington State? And what if one of these states ended up keeping any replacement Democrat off the ballot on some technicality of some antiquated law still on the books that nobody even remembered was there or took seriously if they did? That could be a catastrophic error in judgement in a state like Virginia where Trump has a very decent shot at an upset even though it barely gets any reporting.

I have to admit that I have no clue what they're up to right now. And I think that feeling of uncertainty stems from how uneven reporting has been over the spectrum during the last two weeks, and how a lot of media outfits just appeared to "break the 4th wall" and stop lying overnight while trying to assure their audience that they really didn't know how bad it was and it wasn't their fault.

And this could all be an elaborate act playing out before us too. Whoever is running things could be whispering different things into different ears at different networks right now.

All of this "chaos" could be completely manufactured.

Donald Trump thoroughly destroyed Joe Biden* at that debate, but nobody ever frames it that way. Nobody at any of these media agencies would ever say something positive about Trump. Instead, they made it all about Joe Biden*, even if the coverage was bad for him. 2 weeks of news reportage later and it's almost as if Trump wasn't even present at that debate, isn't it?

There's so much time now from the election that they could easily make people forget this happened and they could still run Joe* as long as they keep him from seeing daylight unless it's under extremely controlled situations. It's not as if they haven't already been doing that the last 4 years.

I think the unprecedented chaotic behavior of the media right now is just a smokescreen. They're figuring out what their next step is going to be and they don't want all of our prying eyes on them while they hatch a plan.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Thursday, July 11, 2024 12:05 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

There are those who are thinking ...

"Joe's a meat puppet. But he's OUR meat puppet".
Bc they believe TPTB, the powers behind the throne, are all wise and all caring and really only have humanity's interest at heart.

It will take a collapse of USA economy and many years of dire experience and inability to change policy despite desperate activism before those assumptions change.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Thursday, July 11, 2024 1:09 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
There are those who are thinking ...

"Joe's a meat puppet. But he's OUR meat puppet".
Bc they believe TPTB, the powers behind the throne, are all wise and all caring and really only have humanity's interest at heart.

That and/or they are very easily frightened people who usually do whatever it is they're told to do. The response to Covid (by the people, not the government) is a great illustration of that.


It will take a collapse of USA economy and many years of dire experience and inability to change policy despite desperate activism before those assumptions change.

Or they won't bother changing it then either.

I'm pretty sure the endgame for the true elite is severe population reduction. They can orchestrate that in most of the third world as they always do through war and genocide. Most of the Asian populations seem to at least be able to maintain the level they're currently at, even if some think their methods pretty barbaric. They have enough control that they could make reduction happen pretty easily if they wanted to. And if the world ever got that dark it wouldn't matter if there were "free" Asian countries. China would just take them all.

What they're doing to the American and European people is just a straight up relentless fear and despair campaign in perpetuity while also keeping the borders freely open and letting them all watch as their country and way of life gets overrun and their isn't a goddamned thing any of them can do about it. They've also been told all of their lives that they are bad people for even thinking that they liked their old way of life better and even got a not-insignificant portion of the citizenry to agree with all of this and further boost the sinister signal.

We're the easiest to control by technological means currently just because the infrastructure was already built and they've had a generation or two head start on a lot of other people around the world. (That will change and even out over time now that satellite and wi-fi have negated the need for costly and time consuming infrastructure upgrades). It started to pick up steam with the younger Gen-Xers as they were first exposed to high speed internet and it grew among Millennials, but the youngest Millennials and the Gen-Zer's who grew up with a smart phone for a pacifier are almost an entirely different breed of human being than those that came before them. And once you "weed out the religious seed" from most of them after a few generations of "entertainment", they're a lot easier to manipulate into replacing the idea of a God with the government itself. Most people find comfort in following anything, so if God isn't a part of their lives they'll find something to attach themselves to like a barnacle. Who better for most than the largest entity in the world who tells everybody what they want to hear and just prints money out of thin air to pay for it all?

Population levels among American citizens bear this out over time. They say that Millennials were the largest group of American citizens, surpassing even the Baby Boomers.

I don't believe they're telling the truth when they say that Millennial generation was bigger than the Boomers. We'd already let 30 Million "undocumented" people in the country well before Biden* was in office, at a time when anchor babies were a tragic loophole, and we count them on our census data even though they're not citizens. My guess is that among the decedents of the European settlers, there was already a STEEP dropoff in birth rates and the only reason they can say that about the Millennial generation now is by bumping their numbers with the tens of millions of illegal invaders that reside here, just in that age group.

Oh yeah... And all the while they've managed to keep the black population from growing through planned parenthood for 2 generations now. They used the black people as the crowbar to wedge decades worth of toxic policy in our government, but none of it was designed to actually benefit any black people beyond the most superficial levels. Illegal alien invaders are treated better than poor black Americans (or poor any Americans) are.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Thursday, July 11, 2024 8:01 PM




Joe Biden: "Ladies and Gentleman... President Putin."

At least he caught it though. His eyes got so wide as he rubbernecked his way back to the podium it looked like Jill put the shock collar on MAXIMUM when he, shockingly lucidly, corrected himself.

But not before the trained seals in the audience started clapping for "President Putin".

I'd argue that the real Gaffe here was the audience response.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Sunday, July 21, 2024 2:04 PM




Monday, July 22, 2024 3:57 AM


He looks old like Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush is visibly old and confused although younger in age than others and Bill Clinton

Will Joe Biden reach Carter's age? Carter is both the oldest currently living former U.S. president and the longest-lived president in U.S. history.

Biden's Final Flip-Flop
The president's decision to drop out after insisting he never would continued a pattern established by a long career of politically convenient reversals.


Monday, July 22, 2024 4:32 PM


Carter looks like he's in a massive amount of pain 24/7.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Monday, July 22, 2024 10:47 PM



Originally posted by whozit:

The powers that be (the donors) will have Biden replaced, the major donors will not give the Dems another penny until Joe is shown the exit...if he can find it. The next few weeks is going to be fun to watch if you hate Biden.

All credit goes to Whozit for making this prediction a long time before I did.

Sure, I joked about it before... and I knew that if there ever was a debate then the world would see what intelligent people already knew about Joe Biden*, but I really wasn't sure enough to make an outright claim in a thread about it until last weekend.

Even then, I wasn't convinced it would happen just because of what the Democrats are going to have to do now.

Kamala is a trainwreck, no matter how many GenZ TikToker's they pay to get on Twitter to try to rally support around her. And that DEI hire is a devistating backfire for them now because they're left with only 3 options.

1. Run the idiot, which is what everyone seems to be claiming will happen as of today at least.

2. Replace her with Michelle Obama, because she's the only minority woman in the country who has a chance against Donald Trump and it wouldn't piss off the pink haired weirdos on Twitter.

3. Say to hell with the potbelly goblin troll cat ladies on Twitter and run a white man like Gavin Newsom, or try a balance beam act of putting somebody like Whitmer in there after you just got a whole lot of loud and proud black women Democrat voters hopes up.

Democrat's don't have a bench. They're all awful. There's nobody to run for the Democrat party except for Michelle Obama if their intention is to win.

The only other opportunity I see for them is Joe Manchin, who has expressed interest in running. But I don't think there's a chance in hell that the DNC would allow that to happen because he doesn't mindlessly toe the line like a good little boy.

Kamala Harris will ONLY be a thing that happens if the Democrats want to intentionally lose to pin the blame for all their mistakes on Trump.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Monday, July 22, 2024 11:09 PM


I think it will be amusing to see 100 million Illegal Aliens voting for Biden, because that was the condition required for invasion.

Today the leader of the only Jewish state on the planet arrived in America. He was not met by Biden, not Commie-la, nor Blinken.


Monday, July 22, 2024 11:26 PM


Did anybody see the Obama statement about how to avoid Commie-la as candidate?

Not only does he clearly not believe in the virtues of democracy, but he also clearly abhors DEI so much that he does not want to run DEI up the flagpole of failure.






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