Trump Presidency 2024 - predictions

UPDATED: Tuesday, October 8, 2024 19:13
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Thursday, July 18, 2024 2:29 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Time to move off of Joe, and the roiling inside the interagency and the DNC. Let's assume Trump survives and is elected President.

What then?

I read interesting discussion from Tree of Woe, via Simplicius the Thinker


I predict an American Eschaton: The end of America as we know it. It will be a Fourth Turning, but it will be a Fourth Turning that goes against us. The exact manner in which our eschaton will occur is much harder to predict. The end of America as we know it doesn’t necessarily mean nuclear apocalypse, government collapse, or secession. It could simply mean a transformation of America into something Unamerican. (The Russian Revolution of 1918 was the end of Russia as the Russian of the time knew it, for instance.)

Imagine, if you will, that the smartest members of the ruling class have concluded that Trump is very likely to win; imagine, further that they believe economic calamity is unavoidable or global war is inevitable or necessary. If so, then it would make sense to allow Trump to be elected and then “accelerate” progress towards these events. Why?

If there is an economic collapse under Trump’s administration (perhaps due to de-dollarization), he will be blamed in the same way that Herbert Hoover was blamed for the Great Depression; and just as Hoover’s economic policies were utterly discredited for generations, so too will Trump’s. Moreover, the resulting economic conditions might pave the way for a new Roosevelt on the Left with the usual socialist promises to make things better.

The future is uncertain. But yesterday’s assassination attempt should be a wake-up call for normies and muggles who continue to believe that “nothing ever happens.” Things are happening, and the worst is yet to come. Whether the future holds a national divorce, a civil war, an economic calamity, or a global war, I cannot say. Sadly, the one thing I least expect is peaceful transfer of power to the next President.

If there is one thing the puppeteers are skilled at (and VERY successful with!) it's turning a crisis to their advantage. Trump's election might seem a crisis to some, but to TPTB it is an OPPORTUNITY.

An opportunity to do what?

And, for the Trump team, how can they best plan for and mitigate an unleashed crisis? It is naive to think that the Trump team will be allowed to roll their reforms forward without reaction. Last term, it was endless hoaxes about Trump. I don't expect that will be the only play this time.


Thursday, July 18, 2024 8:11 PM


It's one of the reasons he chose Vance for VP.

Like I said before, I don't think he would have made that choice before Saturday.

There was also a leaked phone call between Trump and RFK, where Trump said he agreed with a lot of RFK's beliefs on Covid and that he wants RFK in charge of tackling that.

I want Kari Lake as his Press Secretary.

No dicking around this time. Purge all DEI hires and replace them with strong and competent people who actually give a shit about the country.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Friday, July 19, 2024 5:27 AM


He gets stabbed in the back AGAIN by his Neo-Con buddies
Bust and Boom and Bust and Boom again
I have not watched the big show, it is said he is picking more global Neocons ready to be stabbed in the back again.... but if true it is said None of Trump’s former cabinet were present at this speech...if you think about that it will be easy for the media to try dig political dirt on Trump, fund some ex-Admin with a grudge and a story.

So Let's assume its more of the alike and unchanging

For now going with more of the same,

Unless the near miss with a Bullet and Shooter changed his view on life
...or maybe his attitude will have changed

but let's go with what we already know

and assume he gets to October and November alive

People who support him, will worry again about Trump's false promises that he hasn't followed through on, however this time he might actually order arrests which will send the media crazy.

There will be a bunch of Pink Haired, gay islamo jihadi lesbian BLM weirdo Antifa types on the streets who screech and make noise and start throwing stuff as soon as they hear he might win they are out already.

Trump will say he Drains the Swamp but no it does not happen
'The Swamp' remains

Media madness. There will be back and forth between him and the tv media news, he is a loud mouth media personality, television producer, reality TV show host after all.
TDS will go crazy
they will have lost more of a grip on reality.
Some media will try say members of the Trump team are Nazi or KKK or national socialist or whatever.
Centrists like Tulsi, Ron Paul and Jim Webb pushed away by media and the two party system
RFK will be banned from most media

Some of the Pro-Trump People will worship him as their 'King' thinking of him like he's the next Jesus or Buddha 6th or 5th century BC time period or 6-5 BCE or Moses who some say is as far back as 12 or 13 BC maybe 13th century BCE...Trump will be followed like a Elvis Cult, there might even be a new Q-Anon type thing a cult of personality growing again.

There will be more Race Baiter Hoax stories, maybe not Joyless Reid but another person, Boys in ‘Make America Great Again’ Hats Mob Native American Man, Jussie Smollett Hate Crime Hoax, they will try and make him apologize for another even like NASCAR Noose, some ADL or Al Sharpton group

Donald Trump will pardon some 'Rappers' or hang out with a new Kayne type person to prove he is down with the Blacks again, Law Enforcement in some Conservative regions of the USA might improve
active separatist movements in North America increase, Secession as a topic increases in the United States

The relationship with Canada's Trudeau will be terrible, Justin Trudeau will hate Trump but Trudeau will also be hated at home, a bunch of new left some of the neo-leftwings of Europe will dislike Trump and make some sort of scowl grimace

A phone call or some type of meeting will happen with North Korea where they test less bombs or torpedo devices, North Korea will fire less missiles over Japan or fire less missiles in the direction of Hawaii but in the mean time the North Korea economy increase by selling manufactured shells to Putin while Russia gives them more space tech.

Trump will again successfully nominate federal judges or maybe associate justices, this will drive the Abortionists and Leftwings crazy, they will claim the Religious Right are taking over or Theocracy even if they do not have the vocabulary to define it

Cuckservatives....The Republican party will still be influenced by BigOil and now sponsored by BigPharma, there will be many Zionists even as Israel says its doing a counter attack after the event in October, as Israel continues to bomb Palestinian kids into blood and dust, the USA will block the UN from any 'War Crimes' charges against Israel, some type of bargain exchange will be done with mohammedans like Saudis no matter now many crimes they are involved with.

Trump will not start a new war, he might briefly increase bombing or attack on a region already at conflict where the USA is involved.

Allies Europe? Japan, the Japanese continue getting older even more elderly than Chinese, Italy tries to solve its broth rate issue. The larger EU, Germany, the illegal immigration to Sweden, British towns and cities, French towns and cities, a rise in crime, more bomb attacks etc
While places like France enter more chaos and collapse Trump will try take on the Mexican gangs, Muslim Immigration and before the event there might even be more 'Terrorism'.
He might call illhan omar disgusting or a fat woman disgusting again which will drive the Feminist mob or people on 'The View' crazy.

Donald Trump choices. He had picks that were controversial, he will do it again, pro globalists, Zionists, the pro-EU type the Neocons who stab him in the back.

Trump may try stop the 'War in Ukraine' meaning a deal with Putin, it does not matter how this is done with territory disarmed or a zone of demilitarization but with Trump allowing some of the Russian ethnic regions of Ukraine to shift into Russian control...which already happened under Biden...Trump allowing Russia to hold some of Ukraine will sending the war merchants minds crazy, globalists will accuse him of everything.

Russia's economy will continue in somewhat of a decline it has lots hundreds of thousands of men, people from Latin America, India, China, the Middle East will continue to trade with Russians so the larger companies selling materials, gasoline, other mineral resources will make money but the average Russian suffers thanks to their leader.

Ukraine is broken, I'm not sure if it ever can pay that money back, it has injured Russia and made the Russians look weaker but Ukraine has lots hundreds of thousands of men, it is already under the NATO and USA and EU sphere of influence what is left of Ukraine maybe comes more under the USA and EU and NATO influences.

The wave of illegal immigration will slow dropping to record low levels but it will not stop, the Congress and Senate will still bicker over funding, leaving a Wall somewhat finished but almost finished.

Chinese will advance in regions of tech and influence despite Trump trying to win a trade war against them, China will start advancing in things like Fusion in AI Robots, they will have some new thing on the Moon and people will be worried they can go to Mars and beyond, Trump will try get close to Elon Musk. Russia that relation is not going to be normalized it will not be the USA's friend like after 911 where there was a brief 'friendship' of sorts, that damage today is too far gone, people will continue to want to Sanction russian Gas, the Soyuz rocket, Russian ships etc. India will not be on the USA's side despite the USA efforts, India will continue being for itself a Hindu Nationalists place full of superstition and many cruel backward practice. Latin America and Africa and the Middle East will continue being a mess but Argentina is interesting, Trump may try to voice support for Jair Bolsonaro they had a similar riot at their Brazil Capitol and he ran off living in Florida for a while and resided in Kissimmee for a couple of months.

There will be a lot weird tech stuff in space, a guy with phone or telescope spotting another UFO and advance on space weapons, nobody admits it is a militarized realm but the United States Space Force (USSF) will continue to advance and lots and lots of money dumped into it, a lot of the reason to stay ahead of whatever the Chinese are testing.

Belarus...nobody has figured out what to do with them, maybe Trump has a way for them to have less Nukes but its another mess. Poland might contain them to the West, and Lithuania and Latvia to the North but its a big problem, there will continue to be tensions between what of Ukraine stands and the Belarus border, maybe even a few border events, the people in Belarus might try and rise and protest for democracy and Alexander Lukashenko the 'Last Dictator of Europe' may crush them.
Poland will go more Nationalist than it already is and more anti immigrant than it already is the Polish will spend a big chuck of their budget on military.

Trump might go after the pervert politics, the Transexual Hollyweird GayMafia the Homosexual agenda people changing the sex of kids putting them through mutilation
this could send a few weirdo transexual drag queen types crazy, he will make more comments on Hollywood culture.

Media might try dig up more stories 'Miss Universe' or some Epstein thing or he said she said...most of these stories will be lies, nothing but some rare stories might have something to them, Trump his not a perfect guy and he was sleaze at one time and a womanizer...the perverts of media will ingoring other perverts will keep digging and digging for Trump sleaze and maybe find something.

He will try build some type of new 'Mega Cities' as they try to do in Arabia and successfully do in Asia, the media will trash him on expenses and 'failures'
He will also annoy the Climate Activist Green Peace types, the era of Solar Panel and Wind Mill funding might be over.
Trump might support Nuclear Power but I'm not sure.

there is no fixing that place
Chicago will continue have record levels of crimes

Trump will try reduce Government Size and push 'Deregulation' it wont happen much, to try fix shipping he might increase attacks on a part of Yemen to try get trade moving again.

The world economy starts to fall somewhat or crash. An economy crashing, people in the USA are messed up from drugs crossing the USA-Mexico border, victims of human traffickers, the 35 Trillion there is no fixing that no matter who wins.
Trump has a lot of economic issues to try and fix.

For a while the French, the British, USA, India, Mexico, Peru, Germany, Brazil see a reduction of influence on the worldstage...Japan declines as it ages the fastest on Earth, Italy tries other ideas, a lot of places of previous growth or tiger economic regions continue a decline, Bulgaria, Thailand, Sweden, Indonesia, Hungary, Taiwan, Brunei, Malaysia, Solvakia all suffer
evenst happen which make them seem unstable
the USA suffers a while, reinvents itself and comes back

He pardons a few guys like Bannon, maybe even a Jan6 guy or a few Jan6 which will be hated by the media, both foreign and domestic media.

Possibly another Flu, a human virus or Pig flu or Bird flu, Chinese, Asia, Latin America or Middle East, most virus come from China, it won't be as bad as previous virus but Trump will push flu jabs again and suspension of travel because of warning of a virus, this will actually cause more chaos as Leftists and the MSM attempted to downplay Trump's moves no matter what he does, again Drug Companies make money.

The Israel Palestine thing is not going away, absolute hatred in the region, they are almost as bad as each other...that toxic politics has spread inside the USA itself, that is not going away.

Aussie and NZ possibly feel isolated as people around the world deal with their own issues.

Some part of Africa will go into religious hatred and tribalism and turn on itself with mass deaths.

There are old prim and proper Republicans who hate the Riot and the Capitol event and won't forgive behind the scenes no matter what...even if they prevent to matter how much they act and put on a lie face they will dislike Trump. There will still be a large bunch of UniParty Neocons and so called US Republicans but globalists, military industrial warmongers or old school prim and proper WASP internationalists trying label him as Betrayer of USA values, Disloyal to America's interests.

an economic downturn as globalists try to pull money from Trump.

maybe I'm wrong and he made a different speech last night
I think its going to be more of the same but maybe just maybe the near miss with a Bullet and Shooter changed his view on life and he will do it differently


Friday, July 19, 2024 6:38 AM


Ok I just seen a clip of the speech I might ctch it later...he seems different and I could be totally wrong on that above prediction, there seems to be an element of reflection, he's toned-down but still has fight, maybe its providence or he has contemplated it all or he has become spiritual.

a shooter misses, the Attempted assassination of Donald Trump

the attacker fired eight rounds with an AR-15–style rifle from the unsecured roof of a building, he was spotted earlier in the crowd and evaded police, he allowed to keep firing from a roof located around 400 feet 120 meters from the stage

Trump somehow survived and The event may have changed him


Friday, July 19, 2024 10:15 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

GOP Platform Jolts Latin America
Trump has generally shunned global engagement. But he and J.D. Vance have a lot of plans for the region. “Use the power of the U.S. military to go after these drug cartels”

By Catherine Osborn | July 19, 2024, 8:00 AM

Trump’s most frequently repeated plan for the region is to deport millions of undocumented Latin Americans from the United States. He has called for deportations of all undocumented U.S. residents, estimated in 2022 by the Department of Homeland Security as 11 million people; as of 2021, that population included roughly 4 million Mexicans, more than 2 million Central Americans, and more than half a million people each from the Caribbean and South America, according to Pew. Signs distributed at this week’s Republican National Convention said “Mass Deportation Now.”

There are major legal and technical roadblocks to carrying out this sort of operation, immigration experts say. For one, deportations generally necessitate court proceedings in an already overwhelmed immigration court system. They also require cooperation from origin countries. But Trump advisor Stephen Miller has said the former president would unleash “the vast arsenal of federal powers” to overcome normal legal principles such as due process.

Being on the receiving end of mass deportations could be highly destabilizing for labor markets in Latin American countries, worsening the conditions that prompted some people to emigrate in the first place. And lack of decent work could prompt more people to seek out organized criminal groups—which Trump has pledged to combat with military force.

While Trump was talked down during his first term from using military force both in Mexico and Venezuela by then-Defense Secretary Mark Esper, his selection of Vance as his running mate suggests that the second-term team assembled by Trump might provide less pushback. Vance called for the president to “use the power of the U.S. military to go after these drug cartels” in an interview with NBC News that sounded alarm in Mexico.

More at

I look forward to Trump invading Mexico and Venezuela as Bush invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. Each year, drugs kill more Trumptards than killed by Saddam Hussein's army and non-existent Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction program and killed by Osama bid Laden's 9/11 suicide plane pilots crashing into buildings. Go and invade Mexico, Trump. Nothing could go wrong when you are in the right!

Key Findings

Over 7,000 U.S. service members and over 8,000 contractors have died in the post-9/11 wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere.

Over 30,177 U.S. service members and veterans of the post-9/11 wars have died by suicide.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, July 19, 2024 2:14 PM


‘the end of American democracy as we know it’

some video predictions

and what the lunatic fringe said


some remarks by former special assistants to Trump


Saturday, July 20, 2024 4:53 AM



Sunday, July 21, 2024 6:38 PM


I just realized. Vance will be the first U.S. Marine to be Vice President. And with the oldest President in history.

In Clancy's novel Debt of Honor, Jack Ryan sorta bypassed the Veep route.


Tuesday, July 23, 2024 7:48 AM


time to de-classify all strange shootings?

Illustration of Attempted Assassination of President Trump Part 2

Azget Industries


Thursday, August 29, 2024 8:11 AM


Kamala Harris campaign ads aim to tie Donald Trump to Project 2025, despite denials


Monday, October 7, 2024 10:37 PM


He campaigns that he will end taxes on tips, social security, and overtime.

Overtime? Hot damn!


Tuesday, October 8, 2024 6:14 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
He campaigns that he will end taxes on tips, social security, and overtime.

Overtime? Hot damn!

At least one of those three would help me.

I don't get nothing out of a "free" $25,000 on a house purchase. They're never actually going to do that though, just like they didn't erase college debt when they knew they weren't going to be able to do that either.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Tuesday, October 8, 2024 6:36 PM


Is this the Putin thread?



Tuesday, October 8, 2024 7:13 PM




Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.






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