Who hates Israel?

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Wednesday, May 26, 2021 7:51 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Israel can't be trusted. It is doing its level-best to level Iran (sabotage, cyber warfare) without getting into an actual shooting war, which it would lose.

Did you know that in 1967 Israel killed 34 AMERICAN sailors, and wounded 174 more by repeatedly bombing and strafing an unarmed AMERICAN FLAGGED research ship?


The CIA Spyship USS Liberty.
Which Anti-semite LBJ sent into Israeli waters to spy on his enemy Israel?

OK, so your bias is just Pro-Iran? Or Pro-Islam? Or Pro-Arab?
That is why you hate Israel?


Wednesday, May 26, 2021 9:23 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
JULIE, on the off chance that you will actually read this and learn something, here is a brief history of the formation of Israel and a list of UN Resolutions violated by Israel. Have fun reading.


Following is a list of United Nations Security Council resolutions directly critical of Israel for violations of U.N. Security Council resolutions, the U.N. Charter, the Geneva Conventions, international terrorism, or other violations of international law.
The United Nations Security Council Chamber in New York

The United Nations Security Council Chamber in New York

Res. 57 (Sep. 18, 1948) – Expresses deep shock at the assassination of the U.N. Mediator in Palestine, Count Folke Bernadotte, by Zionist terrorists.

Res. 89 (Nov. 17, 1950) – Requests that attention be given to the expulsion of “thousands of Palestine Arabs” and calls upon concerned governments to take no further action “involving the transfer of persons across international frontiers or armistice lines”, and notes that Israel announced that it would withdraw to the armistice lines.

Res. 93 (May 18, 1951) – Finds that Israeli airstrikes on Syria on April 5, 1951 constitutes “a violation of the cease-fire”, and decides that Arab civilians expelled from the demilitarized zone by Israel should be allowed to return.

Res. 100 (Oct. 27, 1953) – Notes that Israel had said it would stop work it started in the demilitarized zone on September 2, 1953.

Res. 101 (Nov. 24, 1953) – Finds Israel’s attack on Qibya, Jordan on October 14-15, 1953 to be a violation of the cease-fire and “Expresses the strongest censure of that action”.

Res. 106 (Mar. 29, 1955) – Condemns Israel’s attack on Egyptian forces in the Gaza Strip on February 28, 1955.

Res. 111 (Jan. 19, 1956) – Condemns Israel’s attack on Syria on December 11, 1955 as “a flagrant violation of the cease-fire” and armistice agreement.

Res. 119 (Oct. 31, 1956) – Considers that “a grave situation has been created” by the attack against Egypt by the forces of Britain, France, and Israel.

Res. 171 (Apr. 9, 1962) – Reaffirms resolution 111 and determines that Israel’s attack on Syria on March 16-17, 1962 “constitutes a flagrant violation of that resolution”.

Res. 228 (Nov. 25, 1966) – “Deplores the loss of life and heavy damage to property resulting from the action” by Israel in the southern Hebron area on November 13, 1966, and “Censures Israel for this large-scale military action in violation of the United Nations Charter” and the armistice agreement between Israel and Jordan.

Res. 237 (Jun. 14, 1967) – Calls on Israel “to ensure the safety, welfare and security of the inhabitants where military operations have taken place” during the war launched by Israel on June 5, 1967 “and to facilitate the return of those inhabitants who have fled the areas since the outbreak of hostilities”.

Res. 242 (Nov. 22, 1967) – Emphasizes “the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war”, emphasizes that member states have a commitment to abide by the U.N. Charter, and calls for the “Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied” during the June 1967 war.

Res. 248 (Mar. 24, 1968) – Observes that the Israeli attack on Jordan “was of a large-scale and carefully planned nature”, “Deplores the loss of life and heavy damage to property”, “Condemns the military action launched by Israel in flagrant violation of the United Nations Charter and the cease-fire resolutions”, and “Calls upon Israel to desist from” further violations of resolution 237.

Res. 250 (Apr. 27, 1968) – Considers “that the holding of a military parade in Jerusalem will aggravate tensions in the area and have an adverse effect on a peaceful settlement of the problems in the area” and “Calls upon Israel to refrain from holding the military parade in Jerusalem which is contemplated” for May 2, 1968.

Res. 251 (May 2, 1968) – Recalls resolution 250 and “Deeply deplores the holding by Israel of the military parade in Jerusalem” on May 2, 1968 “in disregard of” resolution 250.

Res. 252 (May 21, 1968) – “Deplores the failure of Israel to comply with” General Assembly resolutions 2253 and 2254, considers Israel’s annexation of Jerusalem “invalid”, and calls upon Israel “to rescind all such measures already taken and to desist forthwith from taking any further action which tends to change the status of Jerusalem”.

Res. 256 (Aug. 16, 1968) – Recalls Israel’s “flagrant violation of the United Nations Charter” condemned in resolution 248, observes that further Israeli air attacks on Jordan “were of a large scale and carefully planned nature in violation of resolution 248”, “Deplores the loss of life and heavy damage to property”, and condemns Israel’s attacks.

Res. 259 (Sep. 27, 1968) – Expresses concern for “the safety, welfare and security” of the Palestinians “under military occupation by Israel”, deplores “the delay in the implementation of resolution 237 (1967) because of the conditions still being set by Israel for receiving a Special Representative of the Secretary-General”, and requests Israel to receive the Special Representative and facilitate his work.

Res. 262 (Dec. 31, 1968) – Observes “that the military action by the armed forces of Israel against the civil International Airport of Beirut was premeditated and of a large scale and carefully planned nature”, and condemns Israel for the attack.

Res.265 (Apr. 1, 1969) – Expresses “deep concern that the recent attacks on Jordanian villages and other populated areas were of a pre-planned nature, in violation of resolutions” 248 and 256, “Deplores the loss of civilian life and damage to property”, and “Condemns the recent premeditated air attacks launched by Israel on Jordanian villages and populated areas in flagrant violation of the United Nations Charter and the cease-fire resolutions”.

Res. 267 (Jul. 3, 1969) – Recalls resolution 252 and General Assembly resolutions 2253 and 2254, notes that “since the adoption of the above-mentioned resolutions Israel has taken further measures tending to change the status of the City of Jerusalem”, reaffirms “the established principle that acquisition of territory by military conquest is inadmissible”, “Deplores the failure of Israel to show any regard for the resolutions”, “Censures in the strongest terms all measures taken to change the status of the City of Jerusalem”, “Confirms that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel which purport to alter the status of Jerusalem, including expropriation of land and properties thereon, are invalid and cannot change that status”, and urgently calls on Israel to rescind the measures taken to annex Jerusalem.

Res. 270 (Aug. 26, 1969) – “Condemns the premeditated air attack by Israel on villages in southern Lebanon in violation of its obligations under the Charter and Security Council resolutions”.

Res. 271 (Sep. 15, 1969) – Expresses grief “at the extensive damage caused by arson to the Holy Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem” on August 21, 1969 “under the military occupation of Israel”, reaffirms “the established principle that acquisition of territory by military conquest is inadmissible”, “Determines that the execrable act of desecration and profanation of the Holy Al-Aqsa Mosque emphasizes the immediate necessity of Israel’s desisting from acting in violation” previous resolutions and rescinding measures to annex Jerusalem, calls on Israel “to observe the provisions of the Geneva Conventions and international law governing military occupation”, and condemns Israel’s failure to comply with previous resolutions.

Res. 279 (May 12, 1970) – “Demands the immediate withdrawal of all Israeli armed forces from Lebanese territory.”

Res. 280 (May 19, 1970) – Expresses conviction that “that the Israeli military attack against Lebanon was premeditated and of a large scale and carefully planned in nature”, recalls resolution 279 “demanding the immediate withdrawal of all Israeli armed forces from Lebanese territory”, deplores Israel’s violation of resolutions 262 and 270, “Condemns Israel for its premeditated military action in violation of its obligations under the Charter of the United Nations”, and “Deplores the loss of life and damage to property inflicted as a result” of Israeli violations of Security Council resolutions.

Res. 285 (Sep. 5, 1970) – “Demands the complete and immediate withdrawal of all Israeli armed forces from Lebanese territory.”

Res. 298 (Sep. 25, 1971) – Recalls resolutions 252 and 267 and General Assembly resolutions 2253 and 2254 concerning Israel’s measures to annex Jerusalem, reaffirms “the principle that acquisition of territory by military conquest is inadmissible”, notes “the non-compliance by Israel” of the recalled resolutions, deplores Israel’s failure to respect the resolutions, confirms that Israel’s actions “are totally invalid”, and urgently calls on Israel to rescind its measures and take “no further steps in the occupied section of Jerusalem” to change the status of the city.

Res. 313 (Feb. 28, 1972) – “Demands that Israel immediately desist and refrain from any ground and air military action against Lebanon and forthwith withdraw all its military forces from Lebanese territory.”

Res. 316 (Jun. 26, 1972) – Deplores “the tragic loss of life resulting from all acts of violence”, expresses grave concern “at Israel’s failure to comply with Security Council resolutions” 262, 270, 280, 285, and 313 “calling on Israel to desist forthwith from any violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Lebanon”, calls on Israel to abide by the resolutions, and condemns “the repeated attacks of Israeli forces on Lebanese territory and population in violation of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and Israel’s obligations thereunder”.

Res. 317 (Jul. 21, 1972) – Notes resolution 316, deplores the fact that Israel had not yet released “Syrian and Lebanese military and security personnel abducted by Israeli armed forces from Lebanese territory” on June 21, 1972, and calls on Israel to release the prisoners.

Res. 332 (Apr. 21, 1972) – “Condemns the repeated military attacks conducted by Israel against Lebanon and Israel’s violation of Lebanon’s territorial integrity and sovereignty” in violation of the U.N. Charter, the armistice agreement, and cease-fire resolutions.

Res. 337 (Aug. 15, 1973) – Notes “the violation of Lebanon’s sovereignty and territorial integrity” by Israel “and the hijacking, by the Israeli air force, of a Lebanese civilian airliner on lease to Iraqi Airways”, expresses grave concern “that such an act carried out by Israel, a Member of the United Nations, constitutes a serious interference with international civil aviation and a violation of the Charter of the United Nations”, recognizes “that such an act could jeopardize the lives and safety of passengers and crew and violates the provisions of international conventions safeguarding civil aviation”, condemns Israel “for violating Lebanon’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and for the forcible diversion and seizure by the Israeli air force of a Lebanese airliner from Lebanon’s air space”, and considers that Israel’s actions constitute a violation of the armistice agreement, cease-fire resolutions, the U.N. Charter, “the international conventions on civil aviation and the principles of international law and morality”.

Res. 347 (Apr. 24, 1974) – “Condemns Israel’s violation of Lebanon’s territorial integrity and sovereignty and calls once more on the Government of Israel to refrain from further military actions and threats against Lebanon”, and calls on Israel “to release and return to Lebanon the abducted Lebanese civilians”.

Res. 425 (Mar. 19, 1978) – “Calls for strict respect for the territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence of Lebanon within its internationally recognized boundaries”, and “Calls upon Israel immediately to cease its military action against Lebanese territorial integrity and withdraw forthwith its forces from all Lebanese territory”.

Res. 427 (May 3, 1978) – “Calls upon Israel to complete its withdrawal from all Lebanese territory without any further delay”.

Res. 446 (Mar. 22, 1979) – Affirms “once more that the Fourth Geneva Convention … is applicable to the Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967, including Jerusalem”, “Determines that the policy and practices of Israel in establishing settlements in the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967 have no legal validity and constitute a serious obstruction to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East”, “Strongly deplores the failure of Israel to abide by” resolutions 237, 252, and 298, and General Assembly resolutions 2253 and 2254, and calls on Israel “as the occupying Power” to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention, to “rescind its previous measures and to desist from any action which would result in changing the legal status and geographical nature and materially affecting the demographic composition of the Arab territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem, and, in particular, not to transfer parts of its own civilian population into the occupied Arab territories”.

Res. 450 (Jun. 14, 1979) – “Strongly deplores acts of violence against Lebanon that have led to the displacement of civilians, including Palestinians, and brought about destruction and loss of innocent lives”, and calls on Israel to cease actions against Lebanon, “in particular its incursions into Lebanon and the assistance it continues to lend to irresponsible armed groups”.

Res. 452 (Jul. 20, 1979) – Strongly deplores “the lack of co-operation of Israel” with the Security Council Commission “established under resolution 446 (1979) to examine the situation relating to settlements in the Arab territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem”, considers “that the policy of Israel in establishing settlements in the occupied Arab territories has no legal validity and constitutes a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention”, expresses deep concern at Israel’s policy of constructing settlements “in the occupied Arab territories, including Jerusalem, and its consequences for the local Arab and Palestinian population”, and calls on Israel to cease such activities.

Res. 465 (Mar. 1, 1980) – Strongly deplores Israel’s refusal to co-operate with the Security Council Commission, regrets Israel’s “formal rejection of” resolutions 446 and 452, deplores Israel’s decision “to officially support Israeli settlement” in the occupied territories, expresses deep concern over Israel’s settlement policy “and its consequences for the local Arab and Palestinian population”, “Strongly deplores the decision of Israel to prohibit the free travel” of the mayor of Hebron “to appear before the Security Council”, and “Determines that all measures taken by Israel to change the physical character, demographic composition, institutional structure or status of the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem, or any part thereof, have no legal validity and that Israel’s policy and practices of settling parts of its population and new immigrants in those territories constitute a flagrant violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention”.

Res. 467 (Apr. 24, 1980) – “Condemns all actions contrary to” resolutions 425, 426, 427, 434, 444, 450, and 459 “and, in particular, strongly deplores” any “violation of Lebanese sovereignty and territorial integrity” and “Israel’s military intervention into Lebanon”.

Res. 468 (May 8, 1980) – Expresses deep concern “at the expulsion by the Israeli military occupation authorities of the Mayors of Hebron and Halhoul and the Sharia Judge of Hebron” and “Calls upon the Government of Israel as occupying Power to rescind these illegal measures and facilitate the immediate return of the expelled Palestinian leaders so that they can resume the functions for which they were elected and appointed”.

Res. 469 (May 20, 1980) – Recalls the Fourth Geneva Convention “and in particular article 1, which reads ‘The High Contracting Parties undertake to respect and to ensure respect for the present Convention in all circumstances,’ and article 49, which reads ‘Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from the occupied territory to the territory of the occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive”, “Strongly deplores the failure of the Government of Israel to implement Security Council resolution 468”, “Calls again upon the Government of Israel, as occupying Power, to rescind the illegal measures taken by the Israeli military occupation authorities in expelling the Mayors of Hebron and Halhoul and the Sharis Judge of Hebron, and to facilitate the immediate return of the expelled Palestinian leaders, so that they can resume their functions for which they were elected and appointed”.

Res. 471 (Jun. 5, 1980) – Recalls “once again” the Fourth Geneva Convention, “and in particular article 27, which reads, ‘ Protected persons are entitled, in all circumstances, to respect for their persons… They shall at all times be humanely treated, and shall be protected especially against all acts of violence or threats thereof…’”, reaffirms the applicability of the Fourth Geneva Convention “to the Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967, including Jerusalem”, expresses deep concern “that the Jewish settlers in the occupied Arab territories are allowed to carry arms, thus enabling them to perpetrate crimes against the civilian Arab population”, “Condemns the assassination attempts against the Mayors of Nablus, Ramallah and Al Bireh and calls for the immediate apprehension and prosecution of the perpetrators of these crimes”, “Expresses deep concern that Israel, as the occupying Power, has failed to provide adequate protection to the civilian population in the occupied territories in conformity with the provisions of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War”, calls on Israel “to provide the victims with adequate compensation for the damage suffered as a result of these crimes”, “Calls again upon the government of Israel to respect and to comply with the provisions of” the Fourth Geneva Convention and “the relevant resolutions of the Security Council”, “Calls once again upon all States not to provide Israel with any assistance to be used specifically in connexion [sic] with settlements in the occupied territories”, “Reaffirms the overriding necessity to end the prolonged occupation of Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967, including Jerusalem”.

Res. 476 (Jun. 30, 1980) – Reaffirms that “the acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible”, deplores “the persistence of Israel, in changing the physical character, demographic composition, institutional structure and the status of the Holy City of Jerusalem”, expresses grave concern “over the legislative steps initiated in the Israeli Knesset with the aim of changing the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem”, reaffirms “the overriding necessity to end the prolonged occupation of Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967, including Jerusalem”, “Strongly deplores the continued refusal of Israel, the occupying Power, to comply with the relevant resolutions of the Security Council and the General Assembly”, “Reconfirms that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which purport to later the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem have no legal validity and constitute a flagrant violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention”, “Reiterates that all such measures … are null and void and must be rescinded in compliance with the relevant resolutions of the Security Council”, and “Urgently calls on Israel, the occupying Power, to abide by this and previous Security Council resolutions and to desist forthwith from persisting in the policy and measures affecting the character and status of the Holy city of Jerusalem”.

Res. 478 (Aug. 20, 1980) – Reaffirms “again that the acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible”, notes “that Israel has not complied with resolution 476”, “Censures in the strongest terms the enactment by Israel of the ‘basic law’ on Jerusalem and the refusal to comply with relevant Security Council resolutions”, “Affirms that the enactment of the ‘basic law’ by Israel constitutes a violation of international law”, “Determines that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which have altered or purport to alter the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, and in particular the recent ‘basic law’ on Jerusalem, are null and void and must be rescinded forthwith”.

Res. 484 (Dec. 19, 1980) – Expresses “grave concern at the expulsion by Israel of the Mayor of Hebron and the Mayor of Halhoul”, “Reaffirms the applicability of” the Fourth Geneva Convention “to all the Arab territories occupied by Israel in 1967”, “Calls upon Israel, the occupying Power, to adhere to the provisions of the Convention”, and “Declares it imperative that the Mayor of Hebron and the Mayor of Halhoul be enabled to return to their homes and resume their responsibilities”.

Res. 487 (Jun. 19, 1981) – Expresses full awareness “of the fact that Iraq has been a party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons since it came into force in 1970, that in accordance with that Treaty Iraq has accepted IAEA safeguards on all its nuclear activities, and that the Agency has testified that these safeguards have been satisfactorily applied to date”, notes “furthermore that Israel has not adhered to the non-proliferation Treaty”, expresses deep concern “about the danger to international peace and security created by the premeditated Israeli air attack on Iraqi nuclear installations on 7 June 1981, which could at any time explode the situation in the area, with grave consequences for the vital interests of all States”, “Strongly condemns the military attack by Israel in clear violation of the Charter of the United Nations and the norms of international conduct”, “Further considers that the said attack constitutes a serious threat to the entire IAEA safeguards regime which is the foundation of the non-proliferation Treaty”, “Fully recognizes the inalienable sovereign right of Iraq, and all other States, especially the developing countries, to establish programmes of technological and nuclear development to develop their economy and industry for peaceful purposes in accordance with their present and future needs and consistent with the internationally accepted objectives of preventing nuclear-weapons proliferation”, and “Calls upon Israel urgently to place its nuclear facilities under IAEA safeguards”.

Res. 497 (Dec. 17, 1981) – Reaffirms “that the acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible, in accordance with the United Nations Charter, the principles of international law, and relevant Security Council resolutions”, “Decides that the Israeli decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights is null and void and without international legal effect”, “Demands that Israel, the occupying Power, should rescind forthwith its decision”, and “Determines that all the provisions of the” Fourth Geneva Convention “continue to apply to the Syrian territory occupied by Israel since June 1967”.

Res. 501 (Feb. 25, 1982) – Reaffirms resolution 425 calling upon Israel to cease its military action against Lebanon.

Res. 509 ( Jun. 6, 1982) – “Demands that Israel withdraw all its military forces forthwith and unconditionally to the internationally recognized boundaries of Lebanon”.

Res. 515 (Jul. 29, 1982) – “Demands that the Government of Israel lift immediately the blockade of the city of Beirut in order to permit the dispatch of supplies to meet the urgent needs of the civilian population and allow the distribution of aid provided by United Nations agencies and by non-governmental organizations, particularly the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)”.

Res. 517 (Aug. 4, 1982) – Expresses deep shock and alarm “by the deplorable consequences of the Israeli invasion of Beirut on 3 August 1982”, “Confirms once again its demand for an immediate cease-fire and withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon”, and “Censures Israel for its failure to comply with” resolutions 508, 509, 512, 513, 515, and 516.

Res. 518 (Aug. 12, 1982) – “Demands that Israel and all parties to the conflict observe strictly the terms of Security Council resolutions relevant to the immediate cessation of all military activities within Lebanon and, particularly, in and around Beirut”, “Demands the immediate lifting of all restrictions on the city of Beirut in order to permit the free entry of supplies to meet the urgent needs of the civilian population in Beirut”.

Res. 520 (Sep. 17, 1982) – “Condemns the recent Israeli incursions into Beirut in violation of the cease-fire agreements and of Security Council resolutions”, and “Demands an immediate return to the positions occupied by Israel before” September 15, 1982 “as a first step towards the full implementation of Security Council resolutions”.

Res. 521 (Sep. 19, 1982) – “Condemns the criminal massacre of Palestinian civilians in Beirut” in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps.

Res. 573 (Oct. 4, 1985) – “Condemns vigorously the act of armed aggression perpetrated by Israel against Tunisian territory in flagrant violation of the Charter of the United Nations, international law and norms of conduct”.

Res. 592 (Dec. 8, 1986) – Reaffirms that the Fourth Geneva Convention “is applicable to the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967, including Jerusalem”, and “Strongly deplores the opening of fire by the Israeli army resulting in the death and the wounding of defenceless students”.

Res. 605 (Dec. 22, 1987) – “Strongly deplores those policies and practices of Israel, the occupying Power, which violate the human rights of the Palestinian people in the occupied territories, and in particular the opening of fire by the Israeli army, resulting in the killing and wounding of defenceless Palestinian civilians”, and reaffirms the applicability of the Fourth Geneva Convention “to the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967, including Jerusalem”.

Res. 607 (Jan. 5, 1988) – Expresses “grave concern over the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories”, notes “the decision of Israel, the occupying Power, to ‘continue the deportation’ of Palestinian civilians in the occupied territories”, “Reaffirms once again” the applicability of the Fourth Geneva Convention “to Palestinian and other Arab territories, occupied by Israel since 1967, including Jerusalem”, “Calls upon Israel to refrain from deporting any Palestinian civilians from the occupied territories”, and “Strongly requests Israel, the occupying Power, to abide by its obligations arising from the Convention”.

Res. 608 (Jan. 14, 1988) – Reaffirms resolution 607, expresses “deep regret that Israel, the occupying Power, has, in defiance of that resolution, deported Palestinian civilians”, and “Calls upon Israel to rescind the order to deport Palestinian civilians and to ensure the safe and immediate return to the occupied Palestinian territories of those already deported”.

Res. 611 (Apr. 25, 1988) – Notes “with concern that the aggression perpetrated” by Israelis on April 16, 1988 “in the locality of Sidi Bou Said”, Tunisia, “has caused loss of human life, particularly the assassination of Mr. Khalil El Wazir”, and “Condemns vigorously the aggression perpetrated … against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Tunisia in flagrant violation of the Charter of the United Nations, international law and norms of conduct”.

Res. 636 (Jul. 6, 1989) – Reaffirms resolutions 607 and 608, notes “that Israel, the occupying Power, has once again, in defiance of those resolutions, deported eight Palestinian civilians on 29 June 1989”, Expresses deep regret “the continuing deportation by Israel, the occupying Power, of Palestinian civilians”, “Calls upon Israel to ensure the safe and immediate return to the occupied Palestinian territories of those deported and to desist forthwith from deporting any other Palestinian civilians”, and “Reaffirms that” the Fourth Geneva Convention “is applicable to the Palestinian territories, occupied by Israel since 1967, including Jerusalem, and to other occupied Arab territories”.

Res. 641 (Aug. 30, 1989) – Reaffirms resolutions 607, 608, and 636, notes that Israel “has once again, in defiance of those resolutions, deported five Palestinian civilians on 27 August 1989”, and “Deplores the continuing deportation by Israel, the occupying Power, of Palestinian civilians”.

Res. 672 (Oct. 12, 1990) – “Expresses alarm at the violence which took place” on October 8, 1990, “at the Al Haram al Shareef and other Holy Places of Jerusalem resulting in over twenty Palestinian deaths and to the injury of more than one hundred and fifty people, including Palestinian civilians and innocent worshippers”, “Condemns especially the acts of violence committed by the Israeli forces resulting in injuries and loss of human life”, and “Requests, in connection with the decision of the Secretary-General to send a mission to the region, which the Council welcomes, that he submit a report to it before the end of October 1990 containing his findings and conclusions and that he use as appropriate all the resources of the United Nations in the region in carrying out the mission.”

Res. 673 (Oct. 24, 1990) – “Deplores the refusal of the Israeli Government to receive the mission of the Secretary-General to the region”, and “Urges the Israeli Government to reconsider its decision and insists that it comply fully with resolution 672 (1990) and to permit the mission of the Secretary-General to proceed in keeping with its purpose”.

Res. 681 (Dec. 20, 1990) – Reaffirms “the obligations of Member States under the United Nations Charter”, reaffirms “also the principle of the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war”, expresses alarm “by the decision of the Government of Israel to deport four Palestinians from the occupied territories in contravention of its obligations under the Fourth Geneva Convention” in contravention to resolutions 607, 608, 636, and 641, “Expresses its grave concern over the rejection by Israel of Security Council resolutions” 672 and 673, and “Deplores the decision by the Government of Israel, the occupying Power, to resume deportations of Palestinian civilians in the occupied territories”.

Res. 694 (May 24, 1991) – Reaffirms resolution 681 calling on Israel to respect the Fourth Geneva Convention, notes “with deep concern and consternation that Israel has, in violation of its obligations under the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, and acting in opposition to relevant Security Council resolutions, and to the detriment of efforts to achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East, deported four Palestinian civilians” on May 18, 1991, “Declares that the action of the Israeli authorities of deporting four Palestinians … is in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention …, which is applicable to all the Palestinian territories occupied by Israel since 1967, including Jerusalem”, and “Deplores this action and reiterates that Israel, the occupying Power, refrain from deporting any Palestinian civilian from the occupied territories and ensure the safe and immediate return of all those deported”.

Res. 726 (Jan. 6, 1992) – Recalls resolutions 607, 608, 636, 641, and 694 calling on Israel to respect the Fourth Geneva Convention, “Strongly condemns the decision of Israel, the occupying Power, to resume deportations of Palestinian civilians”, “Reaffirms the applicability of the Fourth Geneva Convention … to all the Palestinian territories occupied by Israel since 1967, including Jerusalem”, and “requests Israel, the occupying Power, to ensure the safe and immediate return to the occupied territories of all those deported”.

Res. 799 (Dec. 18, 1992) – Reaffirms resolutions 607, 608, 636, 641, 681, 694, and 726 calling on Israel to respect the Fourth Geneva Convention, notes “with deep concern that Israel, the occupying Power, in contravention of its obligations under the Fourth Geneva Convention …, deported to Lebanon” on December 17, 1992 “hundreds of Palestinian civilians from the territories occupied by Israel since 1967, including Jersualem”, “Strongly condemns the action taken by Israel, the occupying Power, to deport hundreds of Palestinian civilians, and expresses its firm opposition to any such deportation by Israel”, “Reaffirms the applicability of the Fourth Geneva Convention … to all the Palestinian territories occupied by Israel since 1967, including Jerusalem, and affirms that deportation of civilians constitutes a contravention of its obligations under the Convention”, and “Demands that Israel, the occupying Power, ensure the safe and immediate return to the occupied territories of all those deported”.

Res. 904 (Mar. 18, 1994) – Expresses shock at “the appalling massacre committed against Palestinian worshippers in the Mosque of Ibrahim in Hebron” on February 25, 1994 by Jewish settler Baruch Goldstein “during the holy month of Ramadan”, expresses grave concern with “the consequent Palestinian casualties in the occupied Palestinian territory as a result of the massacre, which underlines the need to provide protection and security for the Palestinian people”, notes “the condemnation of this massacre by the entire international community”, “Strongly condemns the massacre in Hebron and its aftermath which took the lives of more than fifty Palestinian civilians and injured several hundred others”, and “Calls upon Israel, the occupying Power, to continue to take and implement measures, including, inter alia, confiscation of arms, with the aim of preventing illegal acts of violence by Israeli settlers”.

Res. 1073 (Sep. 28, 1996) – Expresses “deep concern about the tragic events in Jerusalem and the areas of Nablus, Ramallah, Bethlehem and the Gaza Strip, which resulted in a high number of deaths and injuries among the Palestinian civilians, and concerned also about the clashes between the Israeli army and the Palestinian police and the casualties on both sides”, and “Calls for the safety and protection for Palestinian civilians to be ensured”.

Res. 1322 (Oct. 7, 2000) – Expresses deep concern “by the tragic events that have taken place” since September 28, 2000 “that have led to numerous deaths and injuries, mostly among Palestinians”, “Deplores the provocation carried out at Al-Haram Al-Sharif in Jerusalem” on September 28, 2000 “and the subsequent violence there and at other Holy Places, as well as in other areas throughout the territories occupied by Israel since 1967, resulting in over 80 Palestinian deaths and many other casualties”, “Condemns acts of violence, especially the excessive use of force against Palestinians, resulting in injury and loss of human life”, and “Calls upon Israel, the occupying Power, to abide scrupulously by its legal obligations and its responsibilities under the Fourth Geneva Convention”.

Res. 1402 (Mar. 30, 2002) – Expresses grave concern “at the further deterioration of the situation, including the recent suicide bombings in Israel and the military attack against the headquarters of the president of the Palestinian Authority”, “Calls upon both parties to move immediately to a meaningful cease-fire” and “calls for the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Palestinian cities, including Ramallah”.

Res. 1403 (Apr. 4, 2002) – Expresses grave concern “at the further deterioration of the situation on the ground” and “Demands the implementation of its resolution 1402 (2002) without delay”.

Res. 1405 (Apr. 19, 2002) – Expresses concern for “the dire humanitarian situation of the Palestinian civilian population, in particular reports from the Jenin refugee camp of an unknown number of deaths and destruction”, calls for “the lifting of restrictions imposed, in particular in Jenin, on the operations of humanitarian organizations, including the International Committee of the Red Cross and United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East”, and “Emphasizes the urgency of access of medical and humanitarian organizations to the Palestinian civilian population”.

Res. 1435 (Sep. 24, 2002) – Expresses grave concern “at the reoccupation of the headquarters of the President of the Palestinian Authority in the City of Ramallah that took place” on September 19, 2002, demands “its immediate end”, expresses alarm “at the reoccupation of Palestinian cities as well as the severe restrictions imposed on the freedom of movement of persons and goods, and gravely concerned at the humanitarian crisis being faced by the Palestinian people”, reiterates “the need for respect in all circumstances of international humanitarian law, including the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War”, “Demands that Israel immediately cease measures in and around Ramallah including the destruction of Palestinian civilian and security infrastructure”, and “Demands also the expeditious withdrawal of the Israeli occupying forces from Palestinian cities towards the return to the positions held prior to September 2000”.

Res. 1544 (May 19, 2004) – Reaffirms resolutions 242, 338, 446, 1322, 1397, 1402, 1405, 1435, and 1515, reiterates “the obligation of Israel, the occupying Power, to abide scrupulously by its legal obligations and responsibilities under the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War”, calls “on Israel to address its security needs within the boundaries of international law”, expresses “grave concern at the continued deterioration of the situation on the ground in the territory occupied by Israel since 1967”, condemns “the killing of Palestinian civilians that took place in the Rafah area”, expresses grave concern “by the recent demolition of homes committed by Israel, the occupying Power, in the Rafah refugee camp”, reaffirms “its support for the Road Map, endorsed in resolution 1515”, “Calls on Israel to respect its obligations under international humanitarian law, and insists, in particular, on its obligation not to undertake demolition of homes contrary to that law”, and “Calls on both parties to immediately implement their obligations under the Road Map”.

In all agreements, Israel has always specified a need for Security, the removal of armaments and military assault weapons being used to attack Israel.
Until 2000, Israel maintained a buffer zone of about 20-40 meters beyond the border wall along the Gaza/Egypt border. The Palestine terrorists continued to rain missiles upon Israel, sometimes launching from right next to the buffer zone, and crossing the zone to attack Israel. The terrorists continued to build houses in the buffer zone to launch attacks from and to hide behind, and IDF would continue to demolish them again. Terrorists would proclaim some houses as orphanages and install women and children in building about to be demolished.
In 2002 the patrol corridor was expanded to 90 meters and a larger wall was built, 1.6 kilometers long. The buffer zone beyond the wall was expanded.
May 12 and 13 Palestinian terrorists attacked IDF tanks in the buffer zone, in Gaza City and the Philadelphi Route Corridor near Rafah and the Egyptian border - killing 11 IDF soldiers. And then retreated to hide in and around Rafah, using women and children to shield from response.
Operation Rainbow was to widen the buffer zone, find and destroy terrorist smuggling tunnels, and targeting terrorists.
Many civilians were killed by Palestinian terrorist fire.
So the UNSC ignored the attacks of aggression by the Palestinian terrorists encroaching through the buffer zone, and continued to refuse to secure the border from attacks against Israel, but feigns outrage over Israel defending itself and trying to secure the border.
UNSC non-permanent members: Algeria, Benin, Angola, Phillipines, Pakistan, Brazil, Chile, Germany, Spain, Romania.

Res. 1701 (Aug. 11, 2006) – Expresses “its utmost concern at the continuing escalation of hostilities in Lebanon and in Israel” that “has already caused hundreds of deaths and injuries” and “extensive damage to civilian infrastructure and hundreds of thousands of internally displaced persons”, and “Calls for a full cessation of hostilities” including “the immediate cessation by Israel of all offensive military operations”.

In 2005 Hamas had announced a cease-fire until June 2005, but continued to launch rockets upon Israeli civilians during their stated cease-fire.
On 25 June 2006 Palestinian Hamas terrorists raid across Israel Border from Gaza, killing 2 and kidnapping 1, and then retreat again to hide behind women and children.
On 12 July Hezbollah terrorists perpetrate similar raid from Lebanon, attacking an Israeli Patrol on the Israeli side of the border, abducting 2 soldiers, killing 3 in Israel, another 5 attempted rescuers pursuing into Lebanon, and launching rockets into Israel (the bodies of the 2 kidnapped were traded 2 years later). And then again hiding behind women and children in Lebanon (which was harboring the terrorists)
On 11 August Israel responded with operation to encircle the terrorist Hezbollah forces hiding in southern Lebanon.
So, the UN Security Council somehow ignores the terrorist aggression and kidnapping and killing of Israelis on Israeli soil, but is then outraged when Israel wants it's citizens and soldiers back from the terrorists.
UNSC members: China, France, Russia, UK, USA(Bolton), Ghana, Congo, Tanzania, Qatar, Japan, Peru, Argentina, Denmark, Greece, Slovakia.

Res. 1860 (Jan. 8, 2009) – Expresses “grave concern at the escalation of violence and the deterioration of the situation, in particular the resulting heavy civilian casualties since the refusal to extend the period of calm”, expresses “grave concern also at the deepening humanitarian crisis in Gaza”, “calls for an immediate, durable and fully respected ceasefire, leading to the full withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza”, “Calls for the unimpeded provision and distribution throughout Gaza of humanitarian assistance, including of food, fuel and medical treatment”, and “Condemns all violence and hostilities directed against civilians and all acts of terrorism”.

eta: I've come to understand that Sigs seems incapable of learning anything, no matter how many factual truths are presented, so I have given up for the moment on cataloging all of these common sense and commonly accessible points.


Thursday, June 23, 2022 12:24 PM


I hear news that in Israel, Parliament is dissolving itself, and Netanyahu will be reelected.

Some amount of sanity returns to the world.


Thursday, June 23, 2022 3:49 PM


Maybe I know more about the Shithole Middle East than JEW-Staite-Fan

With Trump banned from facebook and twitter, Big Pharma censoring, now Kamala and her LGBT+ interweb offensive police squad...soon gone will be the days when you could talk of the USS Liberty

or did Maxwell and the Hollyweirdo pedo exposure change everything?


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
aka antisemites

Anti-Semite is a SHIT word for low IQ idiots, it is as meaningful as AfroEuroAsiatic, I like the people of Malta, if I speak against the action of an Arab, Maltese, Syrian, Egyptian, Saudi, Yemeni, Iranian or Gurage African peoples, Tigray Negroid who is massacring another innocent Black does that make one 'Anti-Semitic'... think before you answer, Semites can mean hundreds of different peoples, languages or ethnic groups, they are not just Jews or Israelis and many Jews for example Ashkenzai are not actually Semitic at all


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Do you like American Jews because they also hate Israel

Do you think disgusting pedophile types like Deshowitz and Epstein should be liked, it seems rather than hate israel these creeps have Mossad connections


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Are you merely Muslim, or do you have another directive to hate Jews?

I probably hate islam more than most heer and more I hate the twisted nature of the Jew faith, my comments should be well known by anyone posting here over the years with an IQ above room temperature
Both of these religiosity creeps torture animals, both support dual citizenry and open borders both of them mutilate the genitals of little kids...the radical israeli pervert is more sophisticated than your typically terroristic islam one.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Why do you not want them to defend themselves?

Any nation has the right to defend itself from an evil enemy attacking, I have always supported the right to defend itself, however cluster bombing a kid throwing a rock from 30,000 ft isn't really defense.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

sanity returns

You're trying to tell me that region of Earth is ...SANE !?

Are you a Jew or something, maybe just a evangelical retard?
I give little fucks about that region of Earth, sometimes I think if the Universe sent a Space Rock to turn the region into a giant fucking crater it might solve a lot of problems

Anyways I'm passive and peaceful so this isn't what I truly wish but I guess sometimes my darker side amuses itself and I might think it jokingly
What do I think?
A lot of American blood and US treasure has been wasted over that sandbox shithole

Am I angry? sure! I was born angry so I almost hate everyone equally
but islam I hate more, a fucking backward disgusting religion founded by a terrorist pedophile
that is not to say muslims are evil, some are victims of islam, some have qualities as individual people.


Monday, September 11, 2023 2:22 PM


Yiddish Ashkenzai Jews are non- Semitic, the Afro Tigray are Semites even though they are not Jews and Not Israeli, the Christians Crusaders of Malta that wanted to crush Jerusalem and make it Christian again are actually Semitics are and so are the Arab Palestian are cultures of Semites...maybe and Israel Hates itself more than others... attacking Arabs, Christians and Atheists?
Ashkenazi, Sephardi, and Mizrahi are somewhat related to each other by way of genetics and DNA but also separate, there is a reluctance to accept Negroid Jews, the Cochin Jews of India, and the Beta Israel

On positive I can say about the culture is they value reading and math education and writing, they are good at relocating and learning how to try to mix in and another positive is they are not mahommedans and followers of the pedophile terrorist killer Mahomet who founded islam

There were many proposals for a Jewish State, perhaps a remote island somewhere where the troublesome types they could not annoy anyone or push pornography, open borders or prostitution and drugs, an idea was at one time to set up and expand colonies that dotted Argentina, Freemasons and Mormons wanted to take them to America, building a Jew State within the USA some religion idea coming from those who linked to people who founded the Latter Day Saint movement, the British were going to put them on ships and dump them in Africa under a Uganda Program, there is still a Jewish Autonomous Oblast from USSR even inside Russian land today, near the North of China and not far from the north Korea border, part of a culture linked to the Trans-Siberian Railroad, there might have even be a Fugu Plan or Fugu Plot to put them on a remote island in Japan, Madagascar plan or Italian East Africa.

Of course within Jews there are radicals and criminals but maybe also within them are people who will tell you it was never their fault
Imagine for a second some troublesome loyd-nagging-loudy criminal type who misbehaves, they have been chucked out of dozens of stores, banned from a tavern, throwing out of shopping malls, the security catches them harassing and do blackmail stuff and weird sacrifice rituals and stealing stuff...
Hundreds of Nations Dozens of Kingdoms Hundreds of Countries kicked out these troublesome criminal types
but they will tell you it was NEVER their fault
and btw What chutzpah to say America should not pay for 'Greatest Ally' they will start kvetching over the slightest imagined offense, if something happens it is always the fault of the Goyim or Shiksa blame the 'Gentile' and when they get caught robbing caught red handed with thievery instead scream out in pain as you steal and accuse the other person of being Anti-Semite or trying to Holocaust all Jews as Egypt tried to kill Moses...always the victim and never their fault...also accuse others

in terms of guns, ships, aircraft, tanks and war

Israel won't be destroyed anytime soon, it wins most of its wars but it is not invincible, it might hold the line unless Putin starts giving Iran new missiles or atom bomb technology
within Israel itself the Arabs are having more babies and islamist jihadi ideas are Outbreeding the Jewish

Within Israel there are radicals who hate Israel and want to make it into an even more extreme Theocratic Ethno State...even though Jewish ethnicity and heritage is truly mixed over thousands of years and as a whole they may not even truly be a Semitic people anymore?


Monday, September 11, 2023 2:23 PM


The most Schizo government you can find with 'Noam', Religious Zionism party, the Likud Conservatism National liberalism Right-wing populism, Otzma Yehudit the extremist religious Zionist radical Kahanism movement, United Torah Judaism, Religious Zionism, the Shas doomsday cult with Religious conservatism Sephardi and Mizrahi interests Haredi interests

That Apartheid Knesset of Israel, organized by session, or by sexual perversions or by ethnicity and by position, 3 Homosexual Gay Soddomite Lesbian types, Arab MKs going into non participation at the lowest in two decades with 10 MKs, one Druze lawmaker, 29 Feminist women.

I will probably never visit the shithole Middle East although I hear from friends Israel leaves an impression on them, it is far better run than Arab states they say


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Some amount of sanity returns to the world.

'Radical jewish kids attacking christian tourists in occupied Palestine'


Wednesday, October 4, 2023 6:30 AM


'Greatest Ally'

Video of ultra-Orthodox Jews spitting by Christians in Jerusalem sparks outrage

Some of the biggest Zionists of them all were not Jews but non-Jew like Cheney or Little Bush

now in defense of these guys at least they have not gone full retard and started stoning people to death like the islamics do but sometimes religions can de-evolve when not kept in check

As I said when Israel is attacked it totally has the right to defend itself, an Arab terrorist attacking should be destroyed but
let's truly look at all of it
The politics of it, the draft dodgers, they pay no tax, and the reason why Israeli politics are getting so ethno religiously retarded.

in parts of New York you can also find these ego Christ Killer types who try force people out of their pure Jewishness neigborhoods in USA New York City, the type who are super rude / borderline assholes, their homes pose as Temples to Tax Dodge, Traffic Organs or Bitcoins selling Foreskins you name it, divert 100s of millions of dollars of taxpayer money to their religious schools, food services, medical help and social service...they want Tax Payer funded Police Security escorts to change their hearing aid battery or turn on and off light switches because they have something about 'electricty' on their religion holidays

open secret in NY that they racially and religiously profile streets and will only sell or rent to their own people.

but you Goyim dare question any of this out comes the 'Are You Denying the Holocausts of Semitics' ...oh how we suffer since Egypt!... and other Self-righteousness nonsense silly defame accusation and Straw-man argument, not a cult they are just 'Chosen People' they declare and they say just better than everyone else, they seem to have their own caste system within and might trash a Sephardic Jew Woman because she is not high enough on that religious ethno tribe ladder, if you're not exactly like them you're literally a piece of shit to them, soliders go out and stop bullets for these trouble makers, they are so crazy they don't have to serve in the IDF they move in and try and take more Arab villages and they Army has to spread out and defend their ass.


Monday, October 30, 2023 6:53 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Are you still shilling for Israel? Oy vey!

It makes me wonder whose passport you hold.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.



Monday, October 30, 2023 6:55 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
RAPPY, just OOC ... have you EVER heard Israel speak out against al Qaida? Nusra? ISIS?

Do you really think that Israel is representing "our" interests against radical Islam in the Mideast?

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.



Saturday, March 2, 2024 4:08 AM


Semitic has little meaning anymore other than AfroEuroAsiatic people

Christian Crusaders from Malta that killed Arab followers of mohammed and killed Jews, these Christians were Semitic

White Yiddish Jews are non-Semitic

Black Tigray Negroid a people currently getting massacred are Semitic, an ethnic group indigenous to East Africa

Africa’s tiger economy is shot

Pro-Palestine marches to continue after Sunak ‘extremists’ speech


Wednesday, July 24, 2024 7:01 AM


AOC Announces Plans to Boycott ‘War Criminal’ Netanyahu’s Speech Before Congress


Thursday, September 5, 2024 2:09 PM


Oy Vey!

BREAKING: Politicians who've accepted $100 million from AIPAC are hugely concerned Russia might try to rig the US elections x


Sunday, October 6, 2024 11:29 AM



Sunday, October 6, 2024 12:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Let's see...

Israel attacks the USS Liberty, an America flagged warship, strafing and striking the ship for HOURS using jets and torpedo boats, killing 34, wounding 137.

Most Jewish Israelis believe they have a GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO STEAL OTHER PEOPLE'S LAND.

Israel was founded on an original theft of Palestine by the British, who gave land (that didn't belong to them) to Jews.

It has been Israeli policy ever since to displace those original inhabitants, to deny them citizenship and strip them of rights, to occupy their land and rimg their Gazan "refugee camp" with walls and barbed wire and checkpoints, to control all the electricity, water, and goods flowing into the Gazan "refugee camp" (which by now is nothing more than an open-air prison) keeping its inhabitants/ prisoners in a state of economic and physical semistarvation.but

And to CONTINUE stealing land, from Palestinians in Gaza, from Palestinians on the West Bank, from Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt.

And now, to engage in acts of naked, massive genocide, bombing Gaza and killing 45,000 including hospitals, schools, tent cities, and aid stations; blocking medical aid, food, and water, starving the survivors and leaving the wounded children, women, and men, to die in agony.

Provoking a war with Iran by attacking Lebanon, hoping to draw the USA into their genocidal land grab.

Count me in.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Monday, October 14, 2024 12:44 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Netanyahu's Finance Minister Calls For Israel's Borders To Extend To Damascus
Sunday, Oct 13, 2024 - 08:05 AM

Via Middle East Eye

Hardline Israeli Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich has drawn criticism for calling for Israel to expand its borders to Damascus in a recent documentary.

In an interview for the documentary, In Israel: Ministers of Chaos, produced by European public service channel, Arte, Smotrich claimed that Israel would expand “little by little” and eventually encompass all Palestinian territories as well as Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia.
"It is written that the future of Jerusalem is to expand to Damascus," he said, citing the “greater Israel” ideology, which envisions the expansion of the state across the Middle East.

. . .

Smotrich previously cited the concept at a memorial service for a Likud activist in Paris. When speaking from a podium decorated with a map of Israel that included Jordan, he claimed that there was “no such thing” as the Palestinian people.

Aside from being the finance minister, Smotrich now holds significant powers over the occupied West Bank.

In August, Smotrich expressed support for blocking aid to Gaza, saying that: “Nobody will let us cause two million civilians to die of hunger even though it might be justified and moral until our hostages are returned.”

At the end of February, the minister said that the state of Israel should "wipe out" the Palestinian village of Huwwara, after it was subjected to a violent rampage by Israeli settlers


Israel really knows how to win friends and influence people, doesn't it?

Saudi Arabia would be more than happy to sit this Palestinian issue out. But put a target on their back ...

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger







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