Electoral College, ReSteal 2024 Edition

UPDATED: Wednesday, November 6, 2024 21:59
PAGE 1 of 1

Tuesday, March 5, 2024 2:30 PM


I've gone through this in 2020, 2016, and maybe 2012.

Some states have rendered themselves irrelevant regarding the Electoral College. CA, NY, IL, MA are never going to vote for GoP in 2024 unless ALL Vote Fraud and Election Fraud is eliminated in those states - a mountain too tall to climb.

So I'll try to identify which states are "safely" going to tally in the Libtard (Biden) column, and which are going to tally in the GoP (Trump) column, and which are too close to call.

And then I will look at how they performed during the Fake Election Steal 2020, according to Fake Totals.
Then I'll look at how many Fake, Fraudulent Votes were cast in those states which were flipped by Lord Darth Obiden. There have been numerous investigations, and films, which have detailed much of the fraudulent Votes, so there will be much data - and how the ACTUAL, HONEST Vote Totals for those states add up. And how that will be extrapolated for this round of Election Theft.
Then an estimation of how much additional Fake Ballots will be needed to steal the Election again this time.
Then evaluation of polling shifts in "swing" or "battleground" states.

This thread will ride the assumption that Trump will be the GoP Candidate, and that he lives until Election Day. Similar for Biden, but even if he dies and only his AI CGI continues on, it won't really matter much. The whole point of The Steal is to deny Trump of the Honest Electoral Totals.
This will also assume that the Election will again be stolen, but we can try to lay out how that picture will look. Even if Trump garners 150,000 honest Votes, Biden (or whatever other Libtard candidate) will still obtain 180,000 votes in their tally.
Of course, the big push for Election Steal 2020 was to corrupt the Fake Census, and boost fake populations for Libtard states while erasing populations in realistic states. So I will need to recalculate the Electoral Votes from the states.

The next post should be a recap of 2016 from the 2020 thread. Next a recap of 2020 results.
Then a summary of where things stand for 2024.

Some other threads which might be helpful:
Electoral College 2020
Biden* got 255,000 ‘excess’ votes in fraud-tainted swing states in 2020, study finds
How Many States Actually Have Rampant Election Fraud?
Countdown To Stealing The Election
Voter Fraud Proven
U.S. House Races 2024
The Thread of Court Cases Trump Is Winning

Some polling data to compare to:
House Elections 2020
Senate Race 2020

As an aside, I noticed that last election day was 59 pages of posts ago in RWED. The most recent 2 years of posts fill 40 pages. More than I expected.


Tuesday, March 5, 2024 2:31 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I should probably start with this useful data.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
In 2012 Obama beat Romney, with only 409,500 votes deciding the race. This means if the right 205,000 voters had changed, Romney would have won. With an estimated Voting Eligible Population of 222,474,000 this means that less than one one-thousandth of the Eligible Voters decided the race, or less than 0.1%. With total vote count of 129,237,000 the percentage was about 0.15% of those who voted.

In 2016, Trump beat Hilliary, with only 54,996 votes (in MI and PA) deciding the race. This means that if the right 27,498 voters had changed, Hilliary would have won. (5,352 in MI and 22,146 in PA).

Of course, no state has voted for Democrats in every elections since 1971, but Minnesota has done so for every election after 1972. Even when the most conservative President we've had in modern times was running, every other state voted for Reagan, but not MN. But they only had an 8 percent margin in 2012, meaning that if 4% of their voters had shifted, the state would have gone to Romney. In 2008 they had a margin of 10%.

Hilliary had a 1.51% margin in MN.

Let us review 2016.

Consider these groups of states.
Group 1. 102 Electors. 13 States.
These states have voted Republican in every election since 1979, and the closest margin in 2012 was SC with 10%. Most people can assume they will go to the GOP in 2016. This group had 91 Electors in 1980, but they have embraced progress and Free Enterprise and flourished, expanding their proportional population.

Group 2. 19 Electors.
These 2 have voted for GOP in each election since 1982 except for 1992. Both can be assumed to go for GOP in 2016, although GA had only an 8% margin in 2012. They had 16 Electors in 1980.

Group 3. 59 Electors.
These states have voted for GOP in almost all elections since 1979 except for the Perot years, 1992 & 1996. They also each have a margin in 2012 of 9% or more. They are likely to vote GOP in 2016.

Group 4. 26 Electors.
These 2 states have voted Right every election since 1979 except 2008. In 2012 IN voted R by a margin of 10%, and 2008 voted D by a margin of 1.0%. NC voted R in 2012 by a margin or 2% and in 2008 voted D by a margin of 0.32%. These would likely vote Republican if there was a decent candidate.

5. 29 Electors.
Florida has voted R since 1979 except 1996, 2008, and 2012. The margin in 2012 was 0.9%. This would easily go to Republican if a decent candidate was available. Florida had 17 Electors in 1980.

Groups 1-5 all voted for Trump. 235 Electors. 25 States.

6. 40 Electors.
CO*, VA, OH*.
These 3 States usually vote for the winner since 1979, and in 2012 voted Dem by a margin ranging between 3% and 5%. A decent candidate would put these back in the GOP column. Ohio has lost 28% of it's Elector count since 1980.

Group 6: OH maintained it's record of voting for every winner since 1963. The other 2 remained on the Dark Side. Trump 253 EV, 26 States. Hilliary 22 EV, 2 States.

Group 7. 57 Electors.
NM*, MN, WI, IA, NV*, PA.
Other than the Reagan/Bush41 years, these states have mostly voted for Dems since then, and in 2012 had margins of between 5% and 10% for Obama. These would likely vote Democrat if there was a decent candidate. This group had 63 Electors in 1980.

Group 7 split: WI, IA, PA went to Trump, the others remained on the Dark Side. Trump 289 EV, 29 States. Hilliary 43 EV, 5 States.

Group 8. 31 Electors.
These states have voted for Democrats since 1990, and had a large margin in 2012, with MI the tightest margin at 10%. These are likely to go to Democrats in 2016. This group had 35 Electors in 1980.

Group 8: MI voted Trump in 2016, the rest stayed on the Dark Side. Trump 305 EV, 30 States.

Group 9. 175 Electors. 12 States.
These states have voted for Democrats in every Presidential election since 1990. Unless the GOP puts up somebody similar to the most conservative of recent history - Reagan - these states are likely to stick with the Democrats. This makes them useless in terms of campaigning - no need to spend money or time in these states, other than to raise money to spend in other, competitive states. This group had 187 Electors in 1980, and other than CA and WA have lost 25 Electors as a group. Their liberalism has decimated their states, shunning prosperity, turning their back on progress, forcing populations to go elsewhere like conservative states, but they drag along their inept liberal thinking so they can destroy their new homes like they did the place they left.

Group 9 voted Hilliary in 2016.

States with an asterisk have voted for the winner in almost all elections since 1979. Only OH and NV have voted for the winner in every election since 1979, and OH since 1963.

OH and FL were the only asterisk States to vote for the winner.

Groups 1-6 would garner 275 Electors for the GOP, winning the Presidency. A reasonable expectation.

Regarding Electoral shift since 1980, the States with the largest percentage increase of Electors are NV 100%, AZ 83%, FL 71%, UT 50%, TX 46%, GA 33%, which are in groups 1-6 except NV.
The states with the largest percentage loss of Electors are NY 29%, OH 28%, PA 26%, IA 25%, MI 24%, IL 23%, which are in groups 6-9 and vote Democrat more often.

Trump in 2016: EV 304, 30 STATES.
Hilliary: EV 227, 20 States.
2 Electors from TX did not vote for Trump.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
So, how this data works moving forward in 2020:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
In 2012 Obama beat Romney, with only 409,500 votes deciding the race. This means if the right 205,000 voters had changed, Romney would have won. With an estimated Voting Eligible Population of 222,474,000 this means that less than one one-thousandth of the Eligible Voters decided the race, or less than 0.1%. With total vote count of 129,237,000 the percentage was about 0.15% of those who voted.

Of course, no state has voted for Democrats in every elections since 1971, but Minnesota has done so for every election after 1972. Even when the most conservative President we've had in modern times was running, every other state voted for Reagan, but not MN. But they only had an 8 percent margin in 2012, meaning that if 4% of their voters had shifted, the state would have gone to Romney. In 2008 they had a margin of 10%.

Consider these groups of states.
Group 1. 102 Electors.
These states have voted Republican in every election since 1979, and the closest margin in 2012 was SC with 10%. Most people can assume they will go to the GOP in 2016. This group had 91 Electors in 1980, but they have embraced progress and Free Enterprise and flourished, expanding their proportional population.

TX 9% in 2016

Group 2. 19 Electors.
These 2 have voted for GOP in each election since 1982 except for 1992. Both can be assumed to go for GOP in 2016, although GA had only an 8% margin in 2012. They had 16 Electors in 1980.

GA 5.1% in 2016

Group 3. 59 Electors.
These states have voted for GOP in almost all elections since 1979 except for the Perot years, 1992 & 1996. They also each have a margin in 2012 of 9% or more. They are likely to vote GOP in 2016.

Group 4. 26 Electors.
These 2 states have voted Right every election since 1979 except 2008. In 2012 IN voted R by a margin of 10%, and 2008 voted D by a margin of 1.0%. NC voted R in 2012 by a margin or 2% and in 2008 voted D by a margin of 0.32%. These would likely vote Republican if there was a decent candidate.

5. 29 Electors.
Florida has voted R since 1979 except 1996, 2008, and 2012. The margin in 2012 was 0.9%. This would easily go to Republican if a decent candidate was available. Florida had 17 Electors in 1980.

FL 1.2% in 2016

Groups 1-5: 235 Electors, 25 States.

I'll insert a Group 10 here - the States which went to Trump but trended Dem.

OH - 18 EV. 8.1% to Trump.
WI - 10 EV. 0.77%
IA - 6 EV. 9.4%
PA - 20 EV 0.71%
MI - 16 EV 0.22%

If Trump retains OH and IA, that adds up to 259 Electors.
Another 11 Electoral Votes wins him another 4 years.

6. 40 22 Electors.
CO*, VA, OH*.
These 3 States usually vote for the winner since 1979, and in 2012 voted Dem by a margin ranging between 3% and 5%. A decent candidate would put these back in the GOP column. Ohio has lost 28% of it's Elector count since 1980.

CO 4.9%, VA 5.3%

Group 7. 57 21 Electors.
NM*, MN, WI, IA, NV*, PA.
Other than the Reagan/Bush41 years, these states have mostly voted for Dems since then, and in 2012 had margins of between 5% and 10% for Obama. These would likely vote Democrat if there was a decent candidate. This group had 63 Electors in 1980.

NM 8.2%, MN 1.51%, NV 2.4%

Group 8. 31 15 Electors.
These states have voted for Democrats since 1990, and had a large margin in 2012, with MI the tightest margin at 10%. These are likely to go to Democrats in 2016. This group had 35 Electors in 1980.

OR 11%, NH 0.37%, ME 2.96%

Group 9. 175 Electors.
These states have voted for Democrats in every Presidential election since 1990. Unless the GOP puts up somebody similar to the most conservative of recent history - Reagan - these states are likely to stick with the Democrats. This makes them useless in terms of campaigning - no need to spend money or time in these states, other than to raise money to spend in other, competitive states. This group had 187 Electors in 1980, and other than CA and WA have lost 25 Electors as a group. Their liberalism has decimated their states, shunning prosperity, turning their back on progress, forcing populations to go elsewhere like conservative states, but they drag along their inept liberal thinking so they can destroy their new homes like they did the place they left.

States with an asterisk have voted for the winner in almost all elections since 1979. Only OH and NV have voted for the winner in every election since 1979, and OH since 1963.

Groups 1-6 would garner 275 Electors for the GOP, winning the Presidency. A reasonable expectation.

Regarding Electoral shift since 1980, the States with the largest percentage increase of Electors are NV 100%, AZ 83%, FL 71%, UT 50%, TX 46%, GA 33%, which are in groups 1-6 except NV.
The states with the largest percentage loss of Electors are NY 29%, OH 28%, PA 26%, IA 25%, MI 24%, IL 23%, which are in groups 6-9 and vote Democrat more often.


Tuesday, March 5, 2024 2:31 PM


So, how this data works moving forward in 2024:
The Pelosi/Biden Fake Census 2020 dropped TX seat gain to only 2, and FL to only 1, as well as 1 gained for MT, NC, CO. OR; and boosted CA and NY to losses of only 1 seat, as well as 1 seat losses for IL, MI, OH, PA, WV.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Of course, no state has voted for Democrats in every elections since 1971, but Minnesota has done so for every election after 1972. Even when the most conservative President we've had in modern times was running, every other state voted for Reagan, but not MN. But they only had an 8 percent margin in 2012, meaning that if 4% of their voters had shifted, the state would have gone to Romney. In 2008 they had a margin of 10%.

Consider these groups of states.
Group 1. 102 Electors.
These states have voted Republican in every election since 1979, and the closest margin in 2012 was SC with 10%. Most people can assume they will go to the GOP in 2016. This group had 91 Electors in 1980, but they have embraced progress and Free Enterprise and flourished, expanding their proportional population.

TX 9% in 2016

Group 2. 19 Electors.
These 2 have voted for GOP in each election since 1982 except for 1992. Both can be assumed to go for GOP in 2016, although GA had only an 8% margin in 2012. They had 16 Electors in 1980.

GA 5.1% in 2016

Group 3. 59 Electors.
These states have voted for GOP in almost all elections since 1979 except for the Perot years, 1992 & 1996. They also each have a margin in 2012 of 9% or more. They are likely to vote GOP in 2016.

Group 4. 26 Electors.
These 2 states have voted Right every election since 1979 except 2008. In 2012 IN voted R by a margin of 10%, and 2008 voted D by a margin of 1.0%. NC voted R in 2012 by a margin or 2% and in 2008 voted D by a margin of 0.32%. These would likely vote Republican if there was a decent candidate.

5. 29 Electors.
Florida has voted R since 1979 except 1996, 2008, and 2012. The margin in 2012 was 0.9%. This would easily go to Republican if a decent candidate was available. Florida had 17 Electors in 1980.

FL 1.2% in 2016

Groups 1-5: 235 Electors, 25 States.

I'll insert a Group 10 here - the States which went to Trump but trended Dem.

OH - 18 EV. 8.1% to Trump.
WI - 10 EV. 0.77%
IA - 6 EV. 9.4%
PA - 20 EV 0.71%
MI - 16 EV 0.22%

If Trump retains OH and IA, that adds up to 259 Electors.
Another 11 Electoral Votes wins him another 4 years.

6. 40 22 Electors.
CO*, VA, OH*.
These 3 States usually vote for the winner since 1979, and in 2012 voted Dem by a margin ranging between 3% and 5%. A decent candidate would put these back in the GOP column. Ohio has lost 28% of it's Elector count since 1980.

CO 4.9%, VA 5.3%

Group 7. 57 21 Electors.
NM*, MN, WI, IA, NV*, PA.
Other than the Reagan/Bush41 years, these states have mostly voted for Dems since then, and in 2012 had margins of between 5% and 10% for Obama. These would likely vote Democrat if there was a decent candidate. This group had 63 Electors in 1980.

NM 8.2%, MN 1.51%, NV 2.4%

Group 8. 31 15 Electors.
These states have voted for Democrats since 1990, and had a large margin in 2012, with MI the tightest margin at 10%. These are likely to go to Democrats in 2016. This group had 35 Electors in 1980.

OR 11%, NH 0.37%, ME 2.96%

Group 9. 175 Electors.
These states have voted for Democrats in every Presidential election since 1990. Unless the GOP puts up somebody similar to the most conservative of recent history - Reagan - these states are likely to stick with the Democrats. This makes them useless in terms of campaigning - no need to spend money or time in these states, other than to raise money to spend in other, competitive states. This group had 187 Electors in 1980, and other than CA and WA have lost 25 Electors as a group. Their liberalism has decimated their states, shunning prosperity, turning their back on progress, forcing populations to go elsewhere like conservative states, but they drag along their inept liberal thinking so they can destroy their new homes like they did the place they left.

States with an asterisk have voted for the winner in almost all elections since 1979. Only OH and NV have voted for the winner in every election since 1979, and OH since 1963.

Groups 1-6 would garner 275 Electors for the GOP, winning the Presidency. A reasonable expectation.

Regarding Electoral shift since 1980, the States with the largest percentage increase of Electors are NV 100%, AZ 83%, FL 71%, UT 50%, TX 46%, GA 33%, which are in groups 1-6 except NV.
The states with the largest percentage loss of Electors are NY 29%, OH 28%, PA 26%, IA 25%, MI 24%, IL 23%, which are in groups 6-9 and vote Democrat more often.

New Group 11. - States which the Election Steal shoved to the Biden column.
WI(10), MI(15), PA(19), GA(16), AZ(11), NV(6),

Group 1. 13 states, all for Trump. 103 Electors (-1 from NE). 103R, 1D.
Group 2. MT, for Trump. 4 Electors. 107R, 1D.
Group 3. 6 states, for Trump. 47 Electors. 154R, 1D.
Group 4. NC + IN, for Trump. 27 Electors. 181R, 1D.
Group 5. FL, for Trump. 30 Electors. 211R, 1D.

Group 6. 2 states (CO, VA). Likely Libtard unless honest voting. 23 Electors. 222D.
Group 7. 2 states (NM, MN), both Libtard. 15 Electors. 199D.
Group 8. 2 states (OR, NH), all Libtard. 12 Electors. 184D.
Group 9. 13 states, all Libtard. 172 Electors. 172D.

Group 10. OH + IA, for Trump. 23 Electors. 234R.
New group 11. 6 states. 77 Electors. States which the Election Fraud shoved to the Biden column.
ME is reportedly moving to the Trump camp, previously in Group 8. Trump would get 3 Electors, and likely 1 to Libtard.
NE also had 1 Elector stolen in 2020, so Trump can only bank 4, with 1 maybe still stolen for Biden.

234R. + 222D =456. + 77 G11 =533. + ME(4) and 1NE =538.

Alright, Groups 1-5 with 211 Electoral Votes seem pretty solidly Trump, although Libtards are trying to claim NC will vote for them.
Group 10 has OH and IA for 23 EV, so if they stay with Trump he is up to 234 EV.

Groups 7-9 with 199 Electoral votes seem pretty solidly Libtard.
ME is not included due to reports that it might swing to Trump - maybe 4 EV, or 3/1 split, but Libtards might not cheat enough to steal only 1 EV from Trump, so he will likely get at least 1.
Group 6 still has VA and CO for 23 EV. As long as their tradition of Election Fraud continues, they would stay Libtards, getting that total to 222 EV. Add likely 1 from NE and they have 223 EV.

So if Trump gets 36 more EV, he wins.
If Libtards can again steal at least 47 EV, America loses.

Group 11 with AZ(11), PA(19), MI(15), WI(10), GA(16), NV(6) totals 77 EV.
ME could add 1 to 4 to Trump.


Tuesday, March 5, 2024 2:31 PM


WI is unlikely to get an unfraudulent Election. RINOs of WI are led by Speaker Robin Vos, who is protecting Fraudster-in-Chief Megan Wolfe. So this is likely to stay in the Libtard column, for 233 EV total.

ME might be a tossup, but for now let's assume it stays Libtard. At least 236 EV total.

Let's look at the rest. How much Libtard Election Fraud is needed to Steal again?

PA (19)

GA (16)

MI (15)

AZ (11)

NV (6)


Thursday, May 16, 2024 8:37 PM


Sloppysecond's Libtards controlling Harris County finally get slapped down, invalidating 2022 election "results" due to fraud.

Orders new election be held.


Thursday, May 16, 2024 8:37 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
WI is unlikely to get an unfraudulent Election. RINOs of WI are led by Speaker Robin Vos, who is protecting Fraudster-in-Chief Megan Wolfe. So this is likely to stay in the Libtard column, for 233 EV total.

ME might be a tossup, but for now let's assume it stays Libtard. At least 236 EV total.

Let's look at the rest. How much Libtard Election Fraud is needed to Steal again?

PA (19)

GA (16)

MI (15)

AZ (11)

NV (6)

I heard Trump is polling up 12% in NV and AZ.


Thursday, May 16, 2024 8:59 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I heard Trump is polling up 12% in NV and AZ.

You can't cherry pick polls. If Trump's up 12% in NV and AZ on that poll, there's polls that Democrats put out that skew just as far out in Biden*'s favor.

Trump is up 6.2% in NV and 5.2% in AZ in the polling aggregate. He's also up 5.4% in NC and 4.8% in GA.

At this point, those four "swing states" are just about locked in barring some major winds of change.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Wednesday, May 22, 2024 9:33 AM


Red and Blue seem to be almost one and the same and no third party choice? during the 4 years very often Trump got nothing done, stabbed in the back.

Team Red says vote Molech...those blue voting Baal-Hammon are they bad guys
but then team Blue says vote Baal-Hammon...those types who vote Molech are bad

Because the Simpleston binary thinking is easier than spectroscopy, gray thinking, no other shades, its just black and white pieces no layers of sounds colors, no different groups and factions to watch.

is it Godless Satanic Masons as PirateNews said, that sounds a bit crazy... others lie about their religion to "protect it" from the goyim the kuffaar, the Kafir often translated as 'infidel'.

maybe it all really went to crap with JFK shot and Nixon removed

and perhaps what you see now is the controlled stage production, focus your energy on Kabuki Theater the Punch and Judy show but its all controlled

Just look at how the Uni-Party votes on issues and then you get clues it was stolen many, many decades ago


Wednesday, July 24, 2024 10:50 PM


In the last few hours, 270towin moved ME to the tossup column.
All 4 EVs, from 4 for Biden to 4 tossup.
I had heard ME was trending to Trump, but conjured it was 3 EVs, with 1 staying Libtard.

But for both Districts to switch to sense at once? That is impressive.

When this happened, their totals had 81 tossup. A few hours ago, it was 77 EV tossup. An earlier version I noticed was 61 tossup, missing GA.


Tuesday, July 30, 2024 8:54 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
In the last few hours, 270towin moved ME to the tossup column.
All 4 EVs, from 4 for Biden to 4 tossup.
I had heard ME was trending to Trump, but conjured it was 3 EVs, with 1 staying Libtard.

But for both Districts to switch to sense at once? That is impressive.

When this happened, their totals had 81 tossup. A few hours ago, it was 77 EV tossup. An earlier version I noticed was 61 tossup, missing GA.

I was referring to the chart map at
But there is another at


Wednesday, August 14, 2024 11:26 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
In the last few hours, 270towin moved ME to the tossup column.
All 4 EVs, from 4 for Biden to 4 tossup.
I had heard ME was trending to Trump, but conjured it was 3 EVs, with 1 staying Libtard.

But for both Districts to switch to sense at once? That is impressive.

When this happened, their totals had 81 tossup. A few hours ago, it was 77 EV tossup. An earlier version I noticed was 61 tossup, missing GA.

I was referring to the chart map at
But there is another at

I had thought I also posted to election atlas linky.


Wednesday, August 14, 2024 11:53 PM


Some folk are still claiming that WI will go to Trump in November.
But WI just had their primary on 13 August, and the results should prove this a fallacy. No matter how many votes for Trump are cast (again, a record number) the vote counters will ensure Biden has a higher count. Or Newsome, Witless, Oprah, whomever is on the ballot come Nov.
The corrupt Wisconsin Republican Party is working feverishly to make sure Trump does not win.

On Tuesday, there was a Republican Primary for the Senate race. Statewide totals were about 518,000 for this race.
So, a reasonable person could suss out that the Honest Votes would be similar for the "Yes" votes for the Constitutional Amendments to stop the Libtard Gov Evers from usurping the Power of The Purse from the Constitutionally specified Legislature, and dispersing the taxpayers candy to his crooked cronies all the time.
They totalled about 520,000 for one, and 522,000 for the other. That fairly accounts for the Honest Vote.

So, in a closed Primary election, where there are practically no Dems in contested races, how can they manage to generate over 700,000 "votes" to defeat these Amendments - and keep their Partytime Fund filled with taxpayer confiscated funds?
Well, this is why we needed to distribute the Unconstitutional Ballot Drop Boxes, yet again. But only in Milwaukee and Madison. So that any random passerby can drop in as many ballots as they so desire during the weeks of collection.
Are you them surprised that these 2 Counties account for all of the FAKE Vote margin in the Referendum? Some might claim these 2 counties did not account for the 180,000 vote margin - well, OK, so them Rock and Eay Claire Counties helped out, too.
The other 68 Counties collectively voted "Yes"

Anybody who wants to claim the exact same Election Steal won't happen in Nov is delusional.


Thursday, August 15, 2024 8:47 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Some folk are still claiming that WI will go to Trump in November.
But WI just had their primary on 13 August, and the results should prove this a fallacy. No matter how many votes for Trump are cast (again, a record number) the vote counters will ensure Biden has a higher count. Or Newsome, Witless, Oprah, whomever is on the ballot come Nov.
The corrupt Wisconsin Republican Party is working feverishly to make sure Trump does not win.

On Tuesday, there was a Republican Primary for the Senate race. Statewide totals were about 518,000 for this race.
So, a reasonable person could suss out that the Honest Votes would be similar for the "Yes" votes for the Constitutional Amendments to stop the Libtard Gov Evers from usurping the Power of The Purse from the Constitutionally specified Legislature, and dispersing the taxpayers candy to his crooked cronies all the time.
They totalled about 520,000 for one, and 522,000 for the other. That fairly accounts for the Honest Vote.

So, in a closed Primary election, where there are practically no Dems in contested races, how can they manage to generate over 700,000 "votes" to defeat these Amendments - and keep their Partytime Fund filled with taxpayer confiscated funds?
Well, this is why we needed to distribute the Unconstitutional Ballot Drop Boxes, yet again. But only in Milwaukee and Madison. So that any random passerby can drop in as many ballots as they so desire during the weeks of collection.
Are you them surprised that these 2 Counties account for all of the FAKE Vote margin in the Referendum? Some might claim these 2 counties did not account for the 180,000 vote margin - well, OK, so them Rock and Eay Claire Counties helped out, too.
The other 68 Counties collectively voted "Yes"

Anybody who wants to claim the exact same Election Steal won't happen in Nov is delusional.

Apparently that was 26% voter turnout - the largest in history for a WI Primary.
So that means 1.225M is 26%? Or about 4.9M would be 100%?


Saturday, August 31, 2024 4:49 PM


As part of the games, Democraps are demanding that Green Party or Jill Stein be removed from ballots.
But RFK must remain on the ballots.

MI Sec of State Electioneering official concurs.


Saturday, August 31, 2024 6:33 PM


Talk all the shit you want to but remember this. This time Biden is president until the next president takes office. When Trump loses, and he will lose, he will be without the power of the presidency from which to mount a coup. And he will not be immune in any way to what he instigates.

tick tock clown


Trump BLINDSIDED by Kamala LEGAL MOVE to END His Scheme


Friday, September 6, 2024 5:30 PM


Libtards are admitting they have no hope of flipping any of the state that Turmp won in 2020. So they are focusing on keeping the states that they stole then.

Jar Jar Kamala spent last weekend campaigning in New Hampshire.


Monday, October 7, 2024 10:31 PM


How Arizona’s 218,000 Voters Who Can’t Prove Citizenship Could Affect Election


Tuesday, October 15, 2024 10:07 PM


Heard report today that power rankings show that Electoral Votes have Kamala with 226 and Trump with 219.
The rest are tossups.

3 Weeks away.

I post this because I wonder, the eve of Election Tuesday, if Kamala will have at least 226 (or if that is patently optimistic).


Tuesday, October 15, 2024 10:36 PM



Originally posted by THG:
Talk all the shit you want to but remember this. This time Biden is president until the next president takes office. When Trump loses, and he will lose, he will be without the power of the presidency from which to mount a coup. And he will not be immune in any way to what he instigates.

tick tock clown


Trump BLINDSIDED by Kamala LEGAL MOVE to END His Scheme




Monday, October 21, 2024 8:40 PM


Reports are that 3 Libtard Democrap US Senators are using Trump in their campaign ads - in positive light, they worked with him (although they actually didn't).
Baldwin - WI
Casey - PA
Sherrod Brown - OH.

WI and PA are labelled swing states, all are jettisoning Kamala.


Monday, October 21, 2024 8:42 PM


Saw a new sign this weekend.

"I own my vote.
Democrats for Trump."

I don't recall ever seeing something like that before.


Monday, October 21, 2024 8:46 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Reports are that 3 Libtard Democrap US Senators are using Trump in their campaign ads - in positive light, they worked with him (although they actually didn't).
Baldwin - WI
Casey - PA
Sherrod Brown - OH.

WI and PA are labelled swing states, all are jettisoning Kamala.

Yeah. I posted about this in one of the other threads either early this morning or late last night.

Any Democrat House Rep or Senator with a tough fight coming up is trying to get even further away from Kamala than Kamala is trying to get away from Joe Biden*.

The polls, even though all the aggregates show Trump winning right now, are all lies. They don't reflect just how much of a blowout this is going to be. Trump is about to destroy Kamala in a way that most living Americans haven't witnessed. It's happened before in my lifetime, but most things political went way over my head when I was still in diapers.

Unless something insane happens in the next 2 weeks that changes everything, Trump wins every swing state and may even come close or win states that people weren't even considering flippable. But I can't even imagine the scenario that could change anything positively for Harris. At least no real world issue that matters to people. Anything positive as of October 21st would be far too little too late.

Bring at least one person with you when you vote, and tell everyone you talk to from now until the polls close on the 5th the same thing.

Being that you're a Wisconsin resident, your vote and the people you make sure go out and vote are far more important than anybody's votes in my circles outside of Popular Vote bragging rights. Despite the current conditions, it would still take a miracle for Trump to flip Illinois, and there's zero chance Indiana ever goes Harris. I hope you can manage to drag a person or two with you that have a proclivity to tell you that they're going to do something but usually don't end up doing it when the time comes. Those are the votes I'm hoping are coming out a lot harder than they usually do in 2024.

I've got a good feeling about it.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Monday, October 21, 2024 8:54 PM



Monday, October 21, 2024 8:59 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I added this to the bottom of my last post after you posted this link:


Bring at least one person with you when you vote, and tell everyone you talk to from now until the polls close on the 5th the same thing.

Being that you're a Wisconsin resident, your vote and the people you make sure go out and vote are far more important than anybody's votes in my circles outside of Popular Vote bragging rights. Despite the current conditions, it would still take a miracle for Trump to flip Illinois, and there's zero chance Indiana ever goes Harris. I hope you can manage to drag a person or two with you that have a proclivity to tell you that they're going to do something but usually don't end up doing it when the time comes. Those are the votes I'm hoping are coming out a lot harder than they usually do in 2024.

I've got a good feeling about it.

Since this was written specifically to you, I wanted to make sure you saw it.


Monday, October 21, 2024 9:32 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I added this to the bottom of my last post after you posted this link:

Bring at least one person with you when you vote, and tell everyone you talk to from now until the polls close on the 5th the same thing.

Being that you're a Wisconsin resident, your vote and the people you make sure go out and vote are far more important than anybody's votes in my circles outside of Popular Vote bragging rights. Despite the current conditions, it would still take a miracle for Trump to flip Illinois, and there's zero chance Indiana ever goes Harris. I hope you can manage to drag a person or two with you that have a proclivity to tell you that they're going to do something but usually don't end up doing it when the time comes. Those are the votes I'm hoping are coming out a lot harder than they usually do in 2024.

I've got a good feeling about it.

Since this was written specifically to you, I wanted to make sure you saw it.

The Republican Party of WI is too corrupt, and they have already ensured Trump will not take WI. I just hope they overlook Hovde in the process.
Even if every WI Citizen votes for Trump, Dems + GOP have more ballots than that to drop in the Illegal drop boxes, to defraud the election.
Early voting starts tomorrow in WI.


Monday, October 21, 2024 9:40 PM


If you really believe all of that is true, why bother paying attention to anything at all?


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Tuesday, October 22, 2024 3:10 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
If you really believe all of that is true, why bother paying attention to anything at all?


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

WI is only 1 state. America can still be saved if other states elect Trump.
We can still help if we can elect the Senator we should have had 12 years ago.

This year's cycle is corrupt from those elected in prior cycles. WI has had redistricting.
Corrupt Speaker of The Assembly Robin Vos is out. His local toadie John Macco is out. We need to carefully select and elect honest replacements so the corruption is not perpetuated.
This will allow future elections to return to honest voting.


Wednesday, October 23, 2024 10:02 PM


Today was the 2nd day of voting season, for the final round of states which do have early voting. 3 states do not have any early voting.

Libtard operatives are saying the quiet part out loud.
The election is already lost. At current trends, by the time Election Day rolls around, the honest vote will have too much of a lead for Dems to Steal again. I think Mark Halperin was one I heard about.

Not that I really believe them.
But maybe that is the signal code for them to all start dumping in the Fraud ballots right now, early.


Thursday, October 24, 2024 9:38 PM


It sounds like Kamala and other Libtards are in "flailing" mode now.

In WI, early voting started on Tuesday. So there were state-wide "server issues" and wait times were 2 1/2 hours for voters. Next day, more server issues, and wait times down to 90 minutes for voters.
I voted today, after the rush - no wait.

Maricopa Co has already announced that, after Republicans are done voting on Nov 5th, it will take them another 10-13 days to create enough Fake Ballots to finish counting the votes.
Meanwhile, the entire state of Florida will have complete results within hours.


Thursday, October 24, 2024 10:48 PM


My old man voted the day they opened the polls. Said he had to wait an hour to vote.

I laughed at that and told him that in all the times I've ever voted in my life combined I wasn't there an hour.

My protest vote this year is voting on Election Day.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Saturday, October 26, 2024 6:21 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
My old man voted the day they opened the polls. Said he had to wait an hour to vote.

I laughed at that and told him that in all the times I've ever voted in my life combined I wasn't there an hour.
My protest vote this year is voting on Election Day.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

Must be nice to live in a non-Libtard city.

We have, in the past, had to wait for hours in the freezing wind, rain, snow - only to not be allowed to vote.


Saturday, October 26, 2024 6:25 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Maricopa Co has already announced that, after Republicans are done voting on Nov 5th, it will take them another 10-13 days to create enough Fake Ballots to finish counting the votes.
Meanwhile, the entire state of Florida will have complete results within hours.

Michigan has also announced it will take them several days after Republicans are done voting before they can fabricate enough fraudulent ballots and finish their count.
Maybe they need to translate from the official language of Dearbornistan.


Thursday, October 31, 2024 8:37 PM


The other day, Election Atlas had GoP with 252 EV, and only WI, MI, PA, NC tossup. That site has been the only one lately which considers NC to not be going for Trump.


Thursday, October 31, 2024 8:38 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Maricopa Co has already announced that, after Republicans are done voting on Nov 5th, it will take them another 10-13 days to create enough Fake Ballots to finish counting the votes.
Meanwhile, the entire state of Florida will have complete results within hours.

Michigan has also announced it will take them several days after Republicans are done voting before they can fabricate enough fraudulent ballots and finish their count.
Maybe they need to translate from the official language of Dearbornistan.

Also, PA announced it will take them several days after Republicans have stopped voting on Election Day before they can complete their count.

NV judge has ruled that after honest votes are cast on Election Day, fraudulent votes will still be allowed to be counted for 4 days after Election Day, as long as there is no postmark on the envelope. Surely the Libtards of the Largest Union in the world, The American Postal Workers Union, could not possibly collude to defraud the election, right?


Thursday, October 31, 2024 8:47 PM


Kamala has been pulling ads from several states, knowing she cannot win them.

Including NC.


Monday, November 4, 2024 2:57 PM


Latest polls are claiming a dead heat in nationwide polling - meaning a tie in the popular vote. This would imply that all of the swing states would go to Trump, but the polls are claiming that all swing states are also tied.
That seems improbable.

I am hoping that America can still be saved, and the results known before midnight Tuesday.

The Wisconsin RINO Party has been working all year to rig the election and prevent Trump form winning WI. Unfortunately, a side effect of this process is that they will help the 3 Libtards on the ballot defeat Hovde for Senator. The polls are too close, and if correct then not enough honest votes will be present to overcome the fraud.

MI, PA, and Maricopa have already announced that they will need extra days or weeks (after 5 Nov) to steal the election in their states.

Nevada judge has already explained how they will be stealing the election there, up to Friday or Saturday.

No reasonable person seems to think NC is going to Kamala.
I have been assuming GA was going to Trump. Even with the Georgia Libtards stealing the weekend, in only Dem Counties, creating Extra Voting Days (without authorization from the Legislature), and allowing only thieving Observers (no honest, conservative, or Republican Observers were allowed), it is still possible GA goes to Trump.

So, if Trump flips VA and NM, he gets 269 Electoral Votes - a tie in the College. So he wins election in the House.
If he also flips ME, that is 2 EV.
Flipping NH gets another 4 EV.
Flipping Omaha gets 1 EV.

And then WI, MI, PA, AZ, NV can go pound sand.


Monday, November 4, 2024 4:52 PM


You guys crack me up.

Yes, we stole the 2020 election. It was easy. Why, because most of Trumps voters never made it past high school. And since you didn't figure out how we did it, we're going to do it again.


We're doing it here. Can you figure out how?


Tuesday, November 5, 2024 4:47 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Latest polls are claiming a dead heat in nationwide polling - meaning a tie in the popular vote. This would imply that all of the swing states would go to Trump, but the polls are claiming that all swing states are also tied.
That seems improbable.

I am hoping that America can still be saved, and the results known before midnight Tuesday.

The Wisconsin RINO Party has been working all year to rig the election and prevent Trump form winning WI. Unfortunately, a side effect of this process is that they will help the 3 Libtards on the ballot defeat Hovde for Senator. The polls are too close, and if correct then not enough honest votes will be present to overcome the fraud.

MI, PA, and Maricopa have already announced that they will need extra days or weeks (after 5 Nov) to steal the election in their states.

Nevada judge has already explained how they will be stealing the election there, up to Friday or Saturday.

No reasonable person seems to think NC is going to Kamala.
I have been assuming GA was going to Trump. Even with the Georgia Libtards stealing the weekend, in only Dem Counties, creating Extra Voting Days (without authorization from the Legislature), and allowing only thieving Observers (no honest, conservative, or Republican Observers were allowed), it is still possible GA goes to Trump.

So, if Trump flips VA and NM, he gets 269 Electoral Votes - a tie in the College. So he wins election in the House.
If he also flips ME, that is 2 EV.
Flipping NH gets another 4 EV.
Flipping Omaha gets 1 EV.

And then WI, MI, PA, AZ, NV can go pound sand.

I forgot to mention:
By Sunday night, 75 million ballots had already been cast - about half of the total from 2020.

NH is a single day election state, I think. So only voting happens today, no early voting.

If ME, NH flip, and VA and GA are for Trump, then we won't need to wait to find out if NM flips.


Tuesday, November 5, 2024 4:53 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

I think that you are technically incorrect.

Kamala will be the 47th President.
Even if Libtards fail to steal the election this week, they are still in control and I don't think they will pass up the opportunity to have the first female person President. Also, they could claim that there were 2 Dem Presidents between Trump's.
Trump would be 48th if he wins this month.

Hilliary might show up to announce that Brandon fell down the steps of the White House, from the 2nd floor residence, and died. Cankles standing at the top of the steps had nothing to do with it.
Or, Brandon could choose to live out the rest of his days continuing to sniff, fondle, molest, rape little girls, and just resign. Kamala would be #47, and Speaker Johnson would be next in line.


Tuesday, November 5, 2024 4:55 PM


I'm giving Georgia to Trump for sure. Virginia and New Hampshire are coin-flips to me.

What have you heard about Maine? You think there's honestly a chance for Trump to take Maine this time?


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Wednesday, November 6, 2024 8:45 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Latest polls are claiming a dead heat in nationwide polling - meaning a tie in the popular vote. This would imply that all of the swing states would go to Trump, but the polls are claiming that all swing states are also tied.
That seems improbable.

I am hoping that America can still be saved, and the results known before midnight Tuesday.

The Wisconsin RINO Party has been working all year to rig the election and prevent Trump form winning WI. Unfortunately, a side effect of this process is that they will help the 3 Libtards on the ballot defeat Hovde for Senator. The polls are too close, and if correct then not enough honest votes will be present to overcome the fraud.

MI, PA, and Maricopa have already announced that they will need extra days or weeks (after 5 Nov) to steal the election in their states.

Nevada judge has already explained how they will be stealing the election there, up to Friday or Saturday.

No reasonable person seems to think NC is going to Kamala.
I have been assuming GA was going to Trump. Even with the Georgia Libtards stealing the weekend, in only Dem Counties, creating Extra Voting Days (without authorization from the Legislature), and allowing only thieving Observers (no honest, conservative, or Republican Observers were allowed), it is still possible GA goes to Trump.

So, if Trump flips VA and NM, he gets 269 Electoral Votes - a tie in the College. So he wins election in the House.
If he also flips ME, that is 2 EV.
Flipping NH gets another 4 EV.
Flipping Omaha gets 1 EV.

And then WI, MI, PA, AZ, NV can go pound sand.

If ME, NH flip, and VA and GA are for Trump, then we won't need to wait to find out if NM flips.

I was incorrect here.

NH was called early, when it was still practically tied, and very little votes had been counted.
I was looking at ME because of it's lean towards flipping. I failed to notice it's new corrupt election system, which takes days to process - it might be same as AK. So it was never really viable for a quick solution, quick call of the election.

I had looked at MN as flippable, but discounted it. Turns out it was one of the most heavily shifting electorates towards Trump - something like 9%. And Walz lost his home district.

VA took a while to be called , but then they also rushed that when it was practically tied and less than half the vote counted.

NM also did not flip.

Somehow, PA was able to be called without waiting for the days PA claimed they would need.

Not sure of this moment, but during today NV, AZ, ME all were reporting about 60% of the vote was counted. I think all are still not called. Have not seen AK called yet, either.

VT was called with Zero percent of the vote counted, but apparently it had a massive shift towards Trump.

NE-2 looks weird. Kamala wins the EV again, but Republican incumbent wins the seat again. Vote totals are almost the same, but about 10,000 votes for Kamala must have moved to the GoP Congressman. Must be some local issue, I guess.

WI voted for Trump, but defeated Hovde. Baldwin got less than 50%. The extra votes for Baldwin appeared in Milwaukee, where there were voting irregularities on Election Day - apparently Milwaukee was allowd to have "special change in Election Rules only for Election Day" or somesuch.


Wednesday, November 6, 2024 9:57 PM


October 21st:


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
The polls, even though all the aggregates show Trump winning right now, are all lies. They don't reflect just how much of a blowout this is going to be. Trump is about to destroy Kamala in a way that most living Americans haven't witnessed. It's happened before in my lifetime, but most things political went way over my head when I was still in diapers.



Trump is fine.
He is also your current President.


Wednesday, November 6, 2024 9:59 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

WI voted for Trump, but defeated Hovde. Baldwin got less than 50%. The extra votes for Baldwin appeared in Milwaukee, where there were voting irregularities on Election Day - apparently Milwaukee was allowd to have "special change in Election Rules only for Election Day" or somesuch.

Hey. What did I tell you, Mr. Black Pill?

Too big to rig, baby. Too big to rig.

It was interesting watching Maine remain uncalled for as long as it did. I didn't even consider Maine being in play until you mentioned it a few days ago.

Take a look at the Harris win percentage in Democrat strongholds and compare them to the results of the 2020 election. Harris only won Illinois by 8 points. Joe Biden carried Illinois by 17 points in 2020. Hillary Clinton carried Illinois by just under 17 points in 2016.

It's going to be interesting to see how the mid-term and next election unfold. We might have just witnessed a whole lot of swing states become solid Republican while adding new swing states from the Democrat Party pool last night.


Trump is fine.
He is also your current President.






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